Kugel Hernia Mesh Lawsuit Settlements Reported

At least five Kugel hernia mesh lawsuits have settled according to a report by Lawyers USA, including the case that was scheduled to be the first trial out of more that 2,000 product liability lawsuits pending against the manufacturers of the Kugel patch.

The Kugel litigation involves allegations that Davol, Inc., a subsidiary of C.R. Bard, Inc., manufactured and sold defective hernia patches that caused plaintiffs to suffer severe internal injuries and potentially life-threatening complications following hernia repair surgery.

Three separate Kugel hernia mesh recalls were issued between 2005 and 2007 for different sizes and models of the patch, due to problems with a plastic ring inside the patch which can break, resulting in injuries like bowel perforation, chronic intestinal fistula and additional surgery to remove the mesh. The litigation also involves non-recalled hernia patches that used a similar dual-mesh technology.

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In July 2009, Chief Judge Mary M. Lisi of the U.S. District Court for the District of Rhode Island, who is presiding over the Kugel mesh lawsuits that are consolidated as part of an MDL (or Multidistrict Litigation), indicated that the first of four “bellwether” Kugel hernia mesh trials would begin in March 2010. However, Lawyers USA reports that the case has settled for a confidential amount together with four other cases, including one lawsuit pending in state court.

Although all federal Kugel hernia patch suits have been consolidated in federal court for pretrial proceedings, they remain individual claims that are each to be judged on their own merits. Therefore, the remaining cases are continuing to proceed and Kugel mesh lawyers anticipate that additional settlements likely will be reached.


  • KarenApril 23, 2015 at 7:39 pm

    FOR RANDY I'm sorry to hear about this business......I've been in medicine for 30 years. First, whoever the doctors are...they are possibly afraid to be dragged into a lawsuit even though it has nothing to do with them. Randy, you need to find a physician who will help you and STOP trying to get help from the others. Not knowing docs in your area, I can't refer you to anyone but if you stick wi[Show More]FOR RANDY I'm sorry to hear about this business......I've been in medicine for 30 years. First, whoever the doctors are...they are possibly afraid to be dragged into a lawsuit even though it has nothing to do with them. Randy, you need to find a physician who will help you and STOP trying to get help from the others. Not knowing docs in your area, I can't refer you to anyone but if you stick with this you WILL find someone to help you.

  • GeraldineMarch 19, 2015 at 12:33 pm

    In 2011, i had hernia surgery (the dr. thought it was i),but turned out 3 Compacted) Itwas a very painful surgery,and was in the hospital over a week....I did not have any problems,but 4 years later,I developed 2 more hernias,and found a doctor that said he was 75% sure he could do it laproscopily.,and would probably be in hospital overnight....Since the laproscopic procedure did not work,he h[Show More]In 2011, i had hernia surgery (the dr. thought it was i),but turned out 3 Compacted) Itwas a very painful surgery,and was in the hospital over a week....I did not have any problems,but 4 years later,I developed 2 more hernias,and found a doctor that said he was 75% sure he could do it laproscopily.,and would probably be in hospital overnight....Since the laproscopic procedure did not work,he had to cut me again,in same place I had surgery before.,so I had 4 additional small cuts,with 2 drain tubes,which was VERY PAINFUL) The doctor used staples,which after a week home,I woke up to a lg soaking place on my mattress...The staples had come loose,and started draining...After panicking,the next day I went back to the doctor,and he used stitches.... A couple days later,the stitches came loose...I had to leave the wound open,and put dressing ,and bandadges every day....I had to have a nurse come 2-3 times a week..The doctor then decided a wound vac might help,so I was on wound vac nearly 3 months.It doesn't drain anymore,but I still have a nasty scar,that has not completely closed up,but leaves a large scar where my belly button used to be...I am on blood thinner,and I als have type 2 diabetes...(which I am aware it takes longer to heal.......I also have a large lump(size of a grapefruit)above the scar,whichpokes out,and I have to wear a binder most of the time.I do have some pain sometimes,but now my primary physician says my white blood count has jumped high,and after aCT scan,and nucleur CT scan ,and lots of blood work,they still cannot find the cause.....I also went to a specialist(blood doctor0and still no one knows ......I am so frustrated about all this,and most of it has been since my last hernia surgery(which was in september of 2014)I would like to know if there is anything I can do about this...I just want my LIFE back

  • tomJune 4, 2014 at 5:28 am

    I had 2 kugel mesh implants. They tell me the statue of limitations is over. I am looking for a lawyer who can help. Kugel new they were defective, never contacted me, or the doctor. Kugel should pay for the damages, also I don't have any insurance for 2 more operations. Please help

  • JohnMarch 21, 2014 at 9:28 pm

    February of 1986 .was taken to the hospital for gout .ending up with most of my stomach being caught up .covering my stomach up with a plastic mass .which looks like a big honey .looks like a big bubble on my stomach .can anything be done about it .

  • NikkieSeptember 5, 2013 at 9:34 pm

    I had the surgery with the recalled patch in early 2004, and it resulted in pain, many trips to the Gastro Dr, and a mass the size of a grapefruit. My lawyer was out of NC, but handed to a firm in Kasas City, MO. I don\'t trust them for anything! It\'s been 6 going on 7yrs since I signed the contract, and nothing! I did my research, and found that the settlements are finalized, but I haven\'t he[Show More]I had the surgery with the recalled patch in early 2004, and it resulted in pain, many trips to the Gastro Dr, and a mass the size of a grapefruit. My lawyer was out of NC, but handed to a firm in Kasas City, MO. I don\'t trust them for anything! It\'s been 6 going on 7yrs since I signed the contract, and nothing! I did my research, and found that the settlements are finalized, but I haven\'t heard from them! That was over a yr ago. I emailed my local attorney,and told him that I\'m about to have the firm in KC, MO investigated!

  • DukeshooterAugust 28, 2013 at 6:33 pm

    Get mesh removed at NO Insurance Surgery out of Vegas.....I just went last week....I feel better already...even though I\'m still recovering...Dr. Peterson will do the job right.....all other Dr.s wanted to give me shot\'s for the pain I was having.....Now the sharp pain is gone and it hasn\'t even been a week....the mesh was a mess and my body was rejecting it........and get this.....Dr said I ne[Show More]Get mesh removed at NO Insurance Surgery out of Vegas.....I just went last week....I feel better already...even though I\'m still recovering...Dr. Peterson will do the job right.....all other Dr.s wanted to give me shot\'s for the pain I was having.....Now the sharp pain is gone and it hasn\'t even been a week....the mesh was a mess and my body was rejecting it........and get this.....Dr said I never had a hernia. All this pain for months for nothing

  • NanaDeeJune 22, 2013 at 7:19 pm

    I had hernia repair surgery in 2006. The pain started about 5 - 6 months after. Went back to my surgeon, he said that I shouldn\'t be in any pain and scheduled a CT Scan - which found nothing. More years go by and the pain intensified, was told the pain was all In my head - yeah, right. I know my body better than that! Fast-forward to September 2010 - little bulge on my abdomen (on old surgery sca[Show More]I had hernia repair surgery in 2006. The pain started about 5 - 6 months after. Went back to my surgeon, he said that I shouldn\'t be in any pain and scheduled a CT Scan - which found nothing. More years go by and the pain intensified, was told the pain was all In my head - yeah, right. I know my body better than that! Fast-forward to September 2010 - little bulge on my abdomen (on old surgery scar). Go to General Physician - treats it w/multiple antibiotics which never worked. Bulge explodes with pus and blood. Told I have cellulitis - bull! Develop another bulge below original spot, go to different doctor, he lances it and extracts fluid, tells me it doesn\'t tract down very far. Wrong! Mesh has slipped and is coming through my skin. Diagnosed with two enterocutaneous fistulas and I have to wear a colostomy bag to contain the liquid waste. Now, after a year of having the mesh working its way out of my gut, it is finally all out, in one piece, no surgery required, it came out on its own. Have a lawsuit pending hoping to hear something from my attorneys soon.

  • randyMay 2, 2013 at 6:57 am

    back in 2005 or 2006 - i had a hernia repair on the right side groin then last year i had it removed and replaced im still having problems with it its hard for me to do anything im working on to get my records my first surgery was at ingalls hosp in harvey ill the replacement was at carbondale hosp in southern ill i dont know what to do can u please help im sick and tired of being in pain none of [Show More]back in 2005 or 2006 - i had a hernia repair on the right side groin then last year i had it removed and replaced im still having problems with it its hard for me to do anything im working on to get my records my first surgery was at ingalls hosp in harvey ill the replacement was at carbondale hosp in southern ill i dont know what to do can u please help im sick and tired of being in pain none of the docters dont want to help me they always push me away please i would like to do something about this thank you u can call me at 1618-727-1062 or email me

  • FranFebruary 27, 2013 at 3:00 am

    I had hernia repair surgery in Oct 2010, afterwards I had a lot of pain in that area, everytime I went back to the surgeon he said that it was normal, or all in my head. In Feb, 2012 I had gastric bypass surgery. The surgeon ran into so much mesh wraped around my intestines and colon that he could not fix it. I had to be referred to someone with more experience with abdominal surgery. The new surg[Show More]I had hernia repair surgery in Oct 2010, afterwards I had a lot of pain in that area, everytime I went back to the surgeon he said that it was normal, or all in my head. In Feb, 2012 I had gastric bypass surgery. The surgeon ran into so much mesh wraped around my intestines and colon that he could not fix it. I had to be referred to someone with more experience with abdominal surgery. The new surgeion opened me up, after more drains and MRI's than I can count. There was such a mess inside me that I swelled to the point of not being able to close the incision. I became septic, and develepted a fistula. I could actually see my intestines. To make a very long story short, after over 60 days in the hospital, at least 8 surgeries, and my husband being told to start planning my funeral, I am finally better. I can never lift anything over 10 lbs for fear of another hernia. I have been off work for over a year, Our house is in danger of forclosure. I have hired an attorney, and my case has been filed. After reading the earlier posts, I am very discouraged. All I can say for sure is that I am thankful that I decided to have the gastric bypass surgery, I was told that if they had not found the problem during surgery, I would have died at home. Good luck to us all, I pray that we will all see financial relief in our lifetimes.

  • fredFebruary 13, 2013 at 9:11 pm

    just so much pain ,for to many years .i have had seven surgerys and im still in pain.

  • JackieFebruary 8, 2013 at 9:20 pm

    I had many hernia surgeries since 1995..The first time the Dr.didn't use Mesh but tried to fix the problem by tying it up around my muscles..That didn't last..I later had to have Mesh to repair the Hernia.That also failed after another surgery (Gallbladder) caused the Dr to make a small cut through the Mesh.( The last surgery,they removed my belly button or closed it off) .That just caused the Mes[Show More]I had many hernia surgeries since 1995..The first time the Dr.didn't use Mesh but tried to fix the problem by tying it up around my muscles..That didn't last..I later had to have Mesh to repair the Hernia.That also failed after another surgery (Gallbladder) caused the Dr to make a small cut through the Mesh.( The last surgery,they removed my belly button or closed it off) .That just caused the Mesh to weaken.In 2005,another surgery to repair the Hernia (now the size of a large baking potato and causing pain and issues with my bowels,.When the Dr opened me up,she discovered the Mesh was wrapped around my organs..After she removed the staples from surgery..I went home that evening and the incision had opened up..I went to the ER and they wouldn't treat me because I needed to see the Dr that did my surgery.The next day,I did see her,she packed it with gauze and left it open to heal on its own.I was not allowed out except to see her once a week for fear of a staph infection.This took several weeks to close.To this day,I still am numb and suffer with pain.Am I able to file under the Class A lawsuit?

  • derrickFebruary 2, 2013 at 6:38 pm

    very sad to hear but it alway true i had my hernia surgery in 2009 at first it was going good for a while until i started feeling numb all of the time in my thigh , sex forget it for now i try the pain is hard to take so i just dont ,everying day & night numbness some time both never a good day. if there a suit let me in this pain have to stop and no amount of money can replace what we lost --[Show More]very sad to hear but it alway true i had my hernia surgery in 2009 at first it was going good for a while until i started feeling numb all of the time in my thigh , sex forget it for now i try the pain is hard to take so i just dont ,everying day & night numbness some time both never a good day. if there a suit let me in this pain have to stop and no amount of money can replace what we lost -- no life thank you for reading derrick

  • annieJanuary 19, 2013 at 6:05 pm

    I had a abdominal hernia repair (the size of a volleyball) in 2006. In 2009 I decided to have a gastric by-pass (to stop my bad diabetes...it worked), when they got the scope inside they were stunned to find that my intestines and bowels had become stuck to the huge piece of mesh and the mesh had grown into all of this. They took pictures and told my husband they had never seen anything like this.[Show More]I had a abdominal hernia repair (the size of a volleyball) in 2006. In 2009 I decided to have a gastric by-pass (to stop my bad diabetes...it worked), when they got the scope inside they were stunned to find that my intestines and bowels had become stuck to the huge piece of mesh and the mesh had grown into all of this. They took pictures and told my husband they had never seen anything like this. The procedure normally just takes 2-3 hours....7 hours later. That is how long it took them to scrap loose enough bowels to just do the surgery. Now I know why I get so sick, nauseated, and faint suddenly when my waste is trying to move thru my intestines and bowels. I was told I don't have the "ring" type mesh and that is good but what about the manufacturers standing behind their product. It has glue on it so it will stay in place....did they consider wet tissue would start growing to it if it is stuck in place.....did they run experiments to see what growth affects it might have. Now, like thousands of others I also suffer the rest of my life. My surgeon told me since I have had MRSA (the worst staph known to man), that I could never be opened up all the way ever because if infection got into the mesh there is no way to rid the mesh of it and I would die. If I am ever in an accident with internal injuries, torn intestines, bowels if they tried to fix me to keep me alive I would have a colostomy bag, a bladder bag outside my body to hold my urine and that is just if I don't get an infection and die. Do you think I have a case or would a lawyer run from this? I can't imagine the medical cost if this kind of disaster happened. How would I live, pay for anything....I am just 48. There would be know way to work...no one would hire me. I am thinking ahead in case this would happen. Any advice would be appreciated.

  • SpencerJanuary 12, 2013 at 5:59 pm

    I had the small kugel mesh placed inside my abdomen in 2002. I have had pain ever since and I can't hold a job at this point. Since its the small oval mesh patch the lawyers don't give a damn about me. I go to the Emergency Room 2 times a year. My doctor has me on HydroMorphone and Lorazepam, to cover the pain. I just keep getting worse. I weighed 155 in 2002 at the age of 15. Now I am 26 and am 1[Show More]I had the small kugel mesh placed inside my abdomen in 2002. I have had pain ever since and I can't hold a job at this point. Since its the small oval mesh patch the lawyers don't give a damn about me. I go to the Emergency Room 2 times a year. My doctor has me on HydroMorphone and Lorazepam, to cover the pain. I just keep getting worse. I weighed 155 in 2002 at the age of 15. Now I am 26 and am 130 pounds. It is everyone of the Kugel Meshes from that time period, small to large. I feel like I am poisoned everyday of my life with this patch in me. I had 3 surgeons tell me they won't take it out.

  • patriciaDecember 4, 2012 at 1:15 am

    i feel all you going through alot with the mesh deal almost died very ill have been since this all started 2009 i cant believe the abuse ive gone through with the clinics and hosp. the pain and fevers is to much to bare cause the infection runs rampid .pray the good lord bringsjustice for us all my surgion lost HIS LICENSE3 months ago thats one good thing

  • CindyNovember 20, 2012 at 8:44 pm

    Maybe start a petition through Change.org. I am not sure who would have the knowledge to form the petition. There a 1,000s of victims with various bad outcomes from the mesh, but the petition would have to be informative, concise and have clear objectives.

  • NancyOctober 23, 2012 at 9:37 am

    Had colon cancer in 2001 and had to get a hernia repair in 2005. Had two Kugel meshs put inside of me and have had pain since. Doctor said it would be dangerous to be removed. So I've lived with the pain. Lawyers contacted me and told me I had a class action lawsuit. What is going on with all of us? Why is it taking so long? Called the lawyers today and they told me it goes to court in Feb. [Show More]Had colon cancer in 2001 and had to get a hernia repair in 2005. Had two Kugel meshs put inside of me and have had pain since. Doctor said it would be dangerous to be removed. So I've lived with the pain. Lawyers contacted me and told me I had a class action lawsuit. What is going on with all of us? Why is it taking so long? Called the lawyers today and they told me it goes to court in Feb. 2013, but he thought it would be settled before then. Has anyone else heard this? We need to all get together and do something about this. How can we contact each other. Maybe on Facebook?

  • LEWISSeptember 5, 2012 at 5:44 pm


  • GeorgiaJune 1, 2012 at 9:47 pm

    am another victim of Kugel mesh. and yes years of pain and misery 2003 hernia patch installed. 1 yr later I started getting real sick in bed weeks at a time, vomitting, can't move just sick, and this went on and on for the next yrs. until may 2010 i finally got so sick that after 1wk of vomit and smelling so bad, like bowe. i went in er had emerency surgury had part of my intestine removed and al[Show More]am another victim of Kugel mesh. and yes years of pain and misery 2003 hernia patch installed. 1 yr later I started getting real sick in bed weeks at a time, vomitting, can't move just sick, and this went on and on for the next yrs. until may 2010 i finally got so sick that after 1wk of vomit and smelling so bad, like bowe. i went in er had emerency surgury had part of my intestine removed and almost died, in hospital for 12 days. in this journey i've lost 2 jobs and all my bills turned off. it's been a nightmare. anyway. i finally did get better return back to work, I have to am a single mom with no help at all. ended up with another hernia and had surgery just in dec 12. the Dr. was really good. he has the nurses call to make sure everything is good still. but Now am waiting for this lawsuit. it's all about were still talking, if they are so guilty of this product then why can't they just pay us off, get it over with, with this economy they just wait, maybe they should put themselves in our shoes it's not a pretty picture.I still have problems. I want to live and enjoy my life not suffer anymore, physically or mentally. thanks for your time

  • CindyMay 16, 2012 at 11:24 pm

    Everyone that is sharing the pain & suffering here due to this mesh that has ruined our lives family lives with burdens of seeing & hearing us suffering . I have 3 peices of mesh inside me had complete resection after doctor went in to see what was happening to me why so much pain & bowel problems,almost died ended with MRSA also .The courts & attorneys handling the cases are the o[Show More]Everyone that is sharing the pain & suffering here due to this mesh that has ruined our lives family lives with burdens of seeing & hearing us suffering . I have 3 peices of mesh inside me had complete resection after doctor went in to see what was happening to me why so much pain & bowel problems,almost died ended with MRSA also .The courts & attorneys handling the cases are the ones filling pockets with monies set aside , I seen where one was offered 2,500 one was offered 1,200 that dont cover even 1 test or test needed be done what do they think we are here , Does anyone know a way we may stand together & force them to take the people to stand together get them stopped make them help us get help . I know all I do anymore is cry , cant do what I used to get cranky & hurt family of what ya say not meaning too but it happens , I was told cant remove it it is gonna kill you eventually I feel as if it is getting close Bp uncontrolabe ,bowel,kidney ,baldder problems stomach bloated looks like a large arrow from all the surgeries , does anyone know how to start a email letter singing it stand us all together get media involved something Help us someone

  • BrianApril 18, 2012 at 6:41 pm

    I had two large meshes installed years ago. Now they cause alot of pain. I need to have them removed or fixed. I have an attorney already,but what is the average payout for these law suits? I'll settle for sure but I'm curious about the number.

  • donnaDecember 28, 2011 at 2:14 am

    my brother had the same things happen to him, he has a lawyer on his case, today he got an offer in the mail, hold ur breath, they offered him 2500.00 said nothing about paying his medical bills, of over 70,000 nothing for the 30 days he spent in the hospital, after they took it out, and nothing for the future hernias he has to have fixed, which he now has three big hernias just bulging out of h[Show More]my brother had the same things happen to him, he has a lawyer on his case, today he got an offer in the mail, hold ur breath, they offered him 2500.00 said nothing about paying his medical bills, of over 70,000 nothing for the 30 days he spent in the hospital, after they took it out, and nothing for the future hernias he has to have fixed, which he now has three big hernias just bulging out of his stomach,.. justice will not be severed here, to the patients, they are going to keep these settlements so low, and stretch them out for so long that most of the patients die off, it is a sad very sad, world we live in, they will protect their own, and to hell with the people they hurt, on another note, i believe they have the cure for cancer to, but its a billion dollar industry, do you think they are going to give that money up,

  • MatthewDecember 8, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    Got settlement info today! Don't smile so fast tho my mother had that stuff in her for 3 years and when they went back in to take it out they couldn't get it all so everyyear she loses more of her stomach almost died from infection multiple time it's so bad to the point her dr. Won't even look at here in the face but what does she get 1200 bucks!! 1200 bucks for losing 3 years off her life and los[Show More]Got settlement info today! Don't smile so fast tho my mother had that stuff in her for 3 years and when they went back in to take it out they couldn't get it all so everyyear she loses more of her stomach almost died from infection multiple time it's so bad to the point her dr. Won't even look at here in the face but what does she get 1200 bucks!! 1200 bucks for losing 3 years off her life and losing all her woman parts! What a smack in the face!!

  • m . atriaNovember 24, 2011 at 4:08 am

    I am having problems after my hernia op. i am not sure which brand of Mesh i have? i do know i have to deffinitelt replace it. what can i do?? do i have a case??

  • ChristineOctober 14, 2011 at 3:05 pm

    Well I spoke with my attorney Monday , yes the cases are settled but.................My Lawyers firm is waiting for a s pecial Master to over each case by itself in that firm alone was a 165 plus mine she said nothing would be dispursed until at least 6 months. I hope this finds everyone well, and I wish the best for everyone due to my surgery and have another surgery again for Nov 18th I have ha[Show More]Well I spoke with my attorney Monday , yes the cases are settled but.................My Lawyers firm is waiting for a s pecial Master to over each case by itself in that firm alone was a 165 plus mine she said nothing would be dispursed until at least 6 months. I hope this finds everyone well, and I wish the best for everyone due to my surgery and have another surgery again for Nov 18th I have had no income andSSI Disabilty is a joke they take there good oldtime, Iam in Foreclosure, Ihave lived in my home for 15 years and Never thought something like this would happen, and NO ONE will help I have tryed everything, funds are gone, our I hear we dont fit in that budget. Again I wish everyone well and thee best. Christine

  • donnaOctober 13, 2011 at 11:54 am

    my life has been destroyed i could sit in a corner and feel sory for myself and sry all day but i refuse to go there i had a large pice of krugel mesh placeed in my stomach i had had two previous surgerys one 18 inches of my stomach died and i woke up in the hospital 30 days almost latter with a colostomy bag thank god they were able to reconect my bowels and remove the bag i then herniadet my sto[Show More]my life has been destroyed i could sit in a corner and feel sory for myself and sry all day but i refuse to go there i had a large pice of krugel mesh placeed in my stomach i had had two previous surgerys one 18 inches of my stomach died and i woke up in the hospital 30 days almost latter with a colostomy bag thank god they were able to reconect my bowels and remove the bag i then herniadet my stomach i could see three large lumps about tge size of tennis balls in my stomach then my gastoligist sent me to a surgen where i was told my stamach had herriated and that i would have to be sliced from top to bottom to repair the herni this was my third slice and each time i was hospitalized this surgon placed this mesh in overnigh surgery 24 hours there was no way i could take care of myself i told him something wasnt right and he asked if id had adominal surgery before i was to week to even respond you would have thought he would of reaad my medical history or at least see the scare running down my entire stomach i hate hospitals but i begged this doctor to let me stay he told me to go home there were to many germs in the hospital and made me go home to week to dress i was just going to ware my buttless gown home and had to allmost fight to were it home and the pain so great i coould not explain i llitterly could not get dresses about a monyh after this ihqd had several post opp apointments and during this time sdevral months or weeks hard to remember you could see an l shaped bluging in my stomach i went back to the surgen and he rose his voice when i first went in and he pretty much yelled his surgries never went wrong sent me for xrays or mri i dont remember and at my followup appointment wher he told me the mesh was comming loose but that it would bt dangerous to try and remove it but i could get a second appiniionand shrtly after ii recived the gasoligist stating because of personalith conflik that i had 30 days to find a new doctor i was in so much pain doctores thought i was just seekin drugs i suffer from a laundry list of other medical problems ihave be told i have white cote syedrome symdrom and or post tramic no one would help me i resorted to taking a friend with me to doctor appointmens i would tell them somthing wasnt right i felt like somthing was wrong yhat i felt like i was dteing during this time i had to strain when i went to the restroom which can not be removed brcaue of varid medical probles i am on blood thinres and my retum bleeds and the paic of not brin ablr to stop dependingn on the day sometimes my rectom feess like a head of culofllor and hurts so badd i hve to sidts bath or lay in bed on my belly i went to a new gastrlogist that exsamned me and her report stated i had no hernia although i had to wear materiyn clothse my family doctor went as far as to ask me when i was due finialy a friend s daughter worked at a hosspiyal and tlod a doctor of my delimia a mri was ordered and they discovered my intire stomach had herniated a very larg piece of the mesh in the patoligy reprt stated the size of a graitfruitconsisting of mesh and infection something went wrong and was in a coma that was so disturbing and real that i could pass a poligraft test my family suffered agin not knowing if i would live or die teh surgan tried to reconect my syomach mucels that held for a while his cut to do the percedure looks like an upside down and i dont have a belly button i am almost poiyive that i have reheriated and am trrified to even mak an appoinment to see at the hospital the surgan said that he had to leave about six inches because it was so intwisted and that he had had nicked my colon several times during the proceedure but was able to repair them the at my post op he had ordered n mri but couldnt find it since i had had the procedure i asked if the mesh he had to leave in might be the source of the pain and he insisted it was all rmoved yet my family was told differently after the surgery i have terrible like charlie horses that are so intense they litterly paralize me and scare me to deayh i caint stand to look at my body no belly button and scares like the bride of frankinstine it destroys your womanhood to look in the mirror and be ashamed there are so many things i can no longer do becaue of the lack of the mucels and lets not forget the recoperation ohhhhhhhhhh how horribel by the fhird surgery i had my husband install a bar i could grip tp help get out of bed as he had to help kift my legs for me ti lay down and the thers tge bills even if your insured your still strapped with bill after bill the pain and life changes worry and fear we have all expereance or are still experiancing and the tormole emoyional financial strain our entire families endured during our surgeries

  • MR.T.L.C.September 29, 2011 at 8:20 am

    I Am Just Wondering Out There Do You Wifes & Mothers Know This./ That the Husbands are in on the Patch Lawsuits Right Along With You But its Got to Be The Husbands Not Boy/Friends. You Talk to Your Lawyer Who is Representing You In On The Patch Lawsuits Cases Word Is I Know From Being In On The Patch Lawsuit Cases Why./ IT Seems That Your Wife NOT (Girl/Friend) Don"t Want To Have (Sex) With[Show More]I Am Just Wondering Out There Do You Wifes & Mothers Know This./ That the Husbands are in on the Patch Lawsuits Right Along With You But its Got to Be The Husbands Not Boy/Friends. You Talk to Your Lawyer Who is Representing You In On The Patch Lawsuits Cases Word Is I Know From Being In On The Patch Lawsuit Cases Why./ IT Seems That Your Wife NOT (Girl/Friend) Don"t Want To Have (Sex) With You No More Meaning This Pertains To Both Man And Woman Or (Husband & Wife.. ) I Was Told This By My Wife Lawyer./ That The Patch Lawsuit Pertains To Me Because IT Causes Her to have pain to Where She Don"t Want To Have (Sex) From Her Husband In the Bedroom No More./ This Is So (TRUE./ ) Why Ask My Wife Why... The Wife Complains That Putting Weight On Her Belly Puts Her In A Lot Of Pain This Is So TRUE. I Know I was There Every Time Sex Took Place The Complaining Started About Putting Weight on Her Hurts Her So Very Much... So If You The WIFE Of The Husbands Ask Your Lawyer or Lawyers .Is My Husband In On The Patch Lawsuit You Should Get A Big YES It Pertains to Them The Husbands tooo ok. I"m done Typing Out - Side Proof Reading My Little Note To The Wife Of All The Husbands In On The Patch Lawsuits....Thank You: From - MR.T.L.C. - Parkersburg - W.Va. - - 09/29/2011 - - 3:43/AM - EST - - U.S.A.

  • NormaAugust 19, 2011 at 10:17 am

    My comment is in the form of a question, is it too late to get in on this class action suit? I had my surgery in 2000 and in 2004 I had to have another surgery because the CONE had moved and / or was incorrectly placed ( as told to my daughter-in-law by my surgeon). I suffered for four years with it getting progressively worse until I was so sick that death would have been a relief. I have not ha[Show More]My comment is in the form of a question, is it too late to get in on this class action suit? I had my surgery in 2000 and in 2004 I had to have another surgery because the CONE had moved and / or was incorrectly placed ( as told to my daughter-in-law by my surgeon). I suffered for four years with it getting progressively worse until I was so sick that death would have been a relief. I have not had a steady job since 2004 because of a stroke, that I had 3 months after the second repair. To make matters worse I have another hernia "brewing" and not looking forward to another surgery. It isn't so bad yet but I know it will be. Is there still time for help?

  • RayAugust 16, 2011 at 4:28 pm

    My story is just like everyone else. I almost died from gangrene and from surgeries with this mesh and the surgeon said back then it was not the recalled mesh and now I find out through my Lawyer it was recalled mesh. Also caused me to have 5 surgeries and the last one was done Dec 2010 and all that mesh was removed so I am finally rid of it and doing much better., now to say that this idiot D[Show More]My story is just like everyone else. I almost died from gangrene and from surgeries with this mesh and the surgeon said back then it was not the recalled mesh and now I find out through my Lawyer it was recalled mesh. Also caused me to have 5 surgeries and the last one was done Dec 2010 and all that mesh was removed so I am finally rid of it and doing much better., now to say that this idiot Dr that put that recalled mesh in and told me he did not and I suffered and suffered and he does not have a responsibility in all that? I do not believe it. He continued to fix these recurrent incisional hernias by put mesh over mesh with the bad mesh in there. I knew lots of people had the same issues but I did not realize it was so bad. My lawyer has a surgeon willing to testify about the mesh and he already had a patient that got a settlement in a case he was part of so there is still hope but does anyone know how much of a settlement these people are getting?

  • DeborahJune 30, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    I understand totally how everyone feels. I had hernia surgery and this lawsuit has been going on since December 07. It will be 4 years in Dec. I think they are hoping we die before they attempt to settle. I deal with the pain, because I thought that was part of having the hernia repaired. Then to find out it's because the patch is defective is something else. They may be talking settlement,[Show More]I understand totally how everyone feels. I had hernia surgery and this lawsuit has been going on since December 07. It will be 4 years in Dec. I think they are hoping we die before they attempt to settle. I deal with the pain, because I thought that was part of having the hernia repaired. Then to find out it's because the patch is defective is something else. They may be talking settlement, but they are not covering the things that the suit stipulated, like on going medical. They are not even going to pay to have it removed. The courts hold us accountable for our mistakes, but I guess businesses are held to the same standards. Has anyone looked at the company online, they boast of income at the 1/2 million dollar mark every 6 months.Some of us will probably be with our father in heaven before this settles, and if not, we won't have enough to correct the wrong that the patch did

  • MariaJune 20, 2011 at 12:21 am

    Like many, I began with two Bard Kugel Mesh patches.One small one large. after 6mos.(required) had to go back to surgery, at which time another large mesh patch was inserted with (i now know) little attempt to remove the prior failures. Each time I developed infections, wounds had to be opened and drained for weeks. With no muscles holding in stomach I was required to bind myself to keep gut in. [Show More]Like many, I began with two Bard Kugel Mesh patches.One small one large. after 6mos.(required) had to go back to surgery, at which time another large mesh patch was inserted with (i now know) little attempt to remove the prior failures. Each time I developed infections, wounds had to be opened and drained for weeks. With no muscles holding in stomach I was required to bind myself to keep gut in. I had open wound care for two years and trips with fevers of up to 107 from constant infections. Finally went to USF Surgeons in Tampa, Fl. Another major surgery ensued. This time they removed all the residual mesh all over my body, used my outside Obliques to bind stomach and even though I had to overcome cellulites I was fixed at last. Well, as well as I could, still missing a naval and other parts. Stress on abs eventually caused spinal factors and several ruptured disks. Still dealling with pain after losing right hip too. Signed up with attorneys 4/2008. Never get anywhere except some voice soothing. Nothing on paper. I know I have a clear case. Have all the Kugel patches recalled, but yet nothing else. I can only find that the time allowed is years from discovery?? What does that mean. Most read reports are vague. This Bard Kugel Mesh claim is a deal with the devil, I think! Perhaps we should share the attorney groups supposedly representing some of us, and compare notes.Hey? Thanks for reading

  • YvonneJune 8, 2011 at 8:55 pm

    Hello fellow suffers, I've read all the comments to this Mesh Mess. I had my 3 hernia's repair with the patch, in March of 2005. When Dr went in he stated he had to connect the dots, I have a 3 inch wide 12 inches long, mesh in, my bowels went into shock with the operation hade to stay a week, I went back for my 6 week check up and he was concern with my stomach looking like it had fluid in it.[Show More]Hello fellow suffers, I've read all the comments to this Mesh Mess. I had my 3 hernia's repair with the patch, in March of 2005. When Dr went in he stated he had to connect the dots, I have a 3 inch wide 12 inches long, mesh in, my bowels went into shock with the operation hade to stay a week, I went back for my 6 week check up and he was concern with my stomach looking like it had fluid in it. Here come out the 6 inch needle!! He went in and NOTHING came out. I shared this with another Dr. who stated that his action was somthing that could have beenvery harmful to me. As time has gone on my stomach as gotten larger till now I look like am 12 month pregant. I've gone to Dr.'s that state it would be more of a risk to correct,( open up a can of WORMS!!) I have a auto-immune issue that I had before this, where my body fights foreign objects. I was deeply concern about the repair. Dr stated it was more of a risk to not to do something. I have a deep TRUST issues, now this who do you trust?? It's hard on my back, (had 2 surgrie) on it, that put me into retirment. I trouble breathing, it's like my insides have no room. So reading these others, I'm scared to what to do, I feel that my inside are fused to organs.

  • cathyJune 2, 2011 at 11:00 pm

    i think they are waiting for us all to die off and this to fade into the background. we have lost everything, i am dependent upon other people and feel like a total waste of space,my health on a scale of 1-10 is about a 2. it is depressing and makes you wonder what is your purpose in life at this point. everything has been taken away and yet, the courts are dragging there feet. do they not realize[Show More]i think they are waiting for us all to die off and this to fade into the background. we have lost everything, i am dependent upon other people and feel like a total waste of space,my health on a scale of 1-10 is about a 2. it is depressing and makes you wonder what is your purpose in life at this point. everything has been taken away and yet, the courts are dragging there feet. do they not realize, we have lost income we have lost quality of life and self-respect. funny how we were hurt and suffered so badly and it happened very quickly to us by companies that manufacture and sell things in the blink of an eye, but yet when it comes to paying for their mistakes they want to fight us and say they did nothing wrong. why not just admit they made mistakes, every one makes mistakes, suck it up and pay what you owe and let us have some quality of life before we die or have to continue living miserable and unhappy. what do we leave to our children and familes????do you we leave them the chore of having to pursue the legal actions that should be over already,how many of us will die, not knowing what happened with the case?? we have already put our familes in a hard spot having to care for us having to know we are the reason they are in debt or the reason they lost everything. this is stupid and ignorant. isn't there a time line for these things? we need to move forward with this and get it over. I think the court should say hey this has drug on long enough and lets focus on getting through this and giving these people what they deserve. it is some shit that they meet like once a month to discuss the cases and that is it, we get maybe 12 meetings a year on this and nothing is being resolved.

  • KeithMarch 20, 2011 at 10:13 pm

    Had colon resectioning in 2006. Several months later had to get incisional hernia fixed. Used bard-kugel mesh. Had problems right away. Leaking peritoneal fluid which required multiple aspirations of 20-40 cc's of fluid every few days for a month. Dr. Decided to put in drain, developed severe infection that almost killed me. A bulge appeared on my abdomen. Suffered for years with stabbing pain [Show More]Had colon resectioning in 2006. Several months later had to get incisional hernia fixed. Used bard-kugel mesh. Had problems right away. Leaking peritoneal fluid which required multiple aspirations of 20-40 cc's of fluid every few days for a month. Dr. Decided to put in drain, developed severe infection that almost killed me. A bulge appeared on my abdomen. Suffered for years with stabbing pain and a deformed looking abdomen. Doctors ignored my questions & never acted concerned. 4 weeks ago the mesh's plastic broke through the muscle and was pushing a few inches outward from beneath the skin. Had to have emergency surgery, but dr only removed it partially. Just found out it was one of the kugel meshes, but no one ever told me or mentioned it. I ordered copies of my operative report and discovered it myself. Turns out I have to have another surgery as the plastic is still pushing against my stomach wall. Suffered from pain, deformity, and various other issues. Contacted my lawyer in Houston & he will handle my case. If you are in Texas, call Howard nations and tell him your story. He handles medical product liability cases and is world renowned. Good luck to all of you.

  • rogerFebruary 28, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    hi i to wish that i can find any thing about my law suit its6 years ago ,call my lawyer hard to get a hold thyem ,cant sleep luckly ican eat ,but i to look like iam 9 month pergant,hurts all the tjme any hears any thing please post it thank you

  • sandraFebruary 8, 2011 at 6:27 am

    i had a hernia repaires about 7 yrs ago.now i have 3 super large ones i haven worked for 7 mo.i csnt sleep im so depressed i cry all the time most of the time i cant drive all i want to do is sleep i get embarraced people stare at me i look 12 months pregnet my whole life has chsnged no one knows how i feel inside,,im the one who always happy and ready to do things since this issue im not the sam[Show More]i had a hernia repaires about 7 yrs ago.now i have 3 super large ones i haven worked for 7 mo.i csnt sleep im so depressed i cry all the time most of the time i cant drive all i want to do is sleep i get embarraced people stare at me i look 12 months pregnet my whole life has chsnged no one knows how i feel inside,,im the one who always happy and ready to do things since this issue im not the same i vert independent now i have to relie on people csnt even put on my socks snd shoes some one help me i feel i st the end dont know what to do any answers out there

  • CaroleFebruary 2, 2011 at 7:41 pm

    I have been searching the internet for anything I can find on Kugel Mesh - I've read with pain all of the comments - we all have similar stories - hernia surgeries - unbelievable pain - extended abdomens - vomitting bile - surgeries to remove the defective mesh - open abscesses - wound vacs - ongoing pain, infections, and unbelievable consequences - I had six hernia surgeries three of which Kugel[Show More]I have been searching the internet for anything I can find on Kugel Mesh - I've read with pain all of the comments - we all have similar stories - hernia surgeries - unbelievable pain - extended abdomens - vomitting bile - surgeries to remove the defective mesh - open abscesses - wound vacs - ongoing pain, infections, and unbelievable consequences - I had six hernia surgeries three of which Kugel Mesh was used - I started suffering pain in my leg, developed a limp and in May, 2010 I became violently ill vomitting bile, I had an emergency 6 hour surgery, the surgeon removed all of the mesh, detangeling it from my organs and from around my pelvis and leg. I was left wih none of my own stomach tissue. One month later I developed an abscess - had a scond emergency surgery and carried a wound vac for 3 months - I am going into the eighth month and it is still draining. I cannont walk, even with physical therapy, the mesh damaged the nerves in my leg and I am in constant pain, at times excruciating pain! My next move is to see a nerve specialist. Unbelievably, during all this, I have been diagnosed with Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma!!! I find the coincidence to be very suspect! Although my internet research has failed me and my excellent surgeon, competent attorney, dermatologist, oncologist and my cancer research center, all say there is no connection between the defective Kugel Mesh and the breakdown of my immune system, I would bet my life, which isn't for long, that there is a connection and I can't find anyone that will even discuss it with me. Kugel Mesh has completely ruined my life! It is immoral and illegal that anyone has had to suffer the consequences of the lawlessness of the development and manufacture of harmfull and potentially deadly medical devices! I will probably never see a compensatory or punitive judgment from Bard/Davol/Kugel - I've asked my daughter to keep the fight alive ..... what a hell of a way to die!!!!

  • mikeJanuary 24, 2011 at 2:54 pm

    I donated a kidney and have had 3 hernia surgeries since. I have got to go have another one and already have two patches in me. I was told by the last doctor that there was nothin else he could do. So now what do I do? Every lawyer I spoke with never calls back. I have had enouh, someone needs to return my calls

  • JohnJanuary 21, 2011 at 9:19 pm

    I have the wrap around, nausea, throwing up green , no appetite, nowhere to go to, bile coming up. wish someone would pick me up The Bard company made 8 x 8 prolene mesh. You have no idea what I am going though it has destroyed my whole psychological being for 5 year s since the hernia surgery. I can't keep working. I have tried to get surgery many times. After reading the last post I am goi[Show More]I have the wrap around, nausea, throwing up green , no appetite, nowhere to go to, bile coming up. wish someone would pick me up The Bard company made 8 x 8 prolene mesh. You have no idea what I am going though it has destroyed my whole psychological being for 5 year s since the hernia surgery. I can't keep working. I have tried to get surgery many times. After reading the last post I am going to try even harder. The surgery was Feb 22, , 2008.

  • JanetJanuary 10, 2011 at 1:47 pm

    My mom had a hernia removed in 2005 then come to find out the mesh was a recall her doctor kept putting the surgery off to remove it and then he no longer took her insurance, she lived with infections for 5 years and the nurse practioner she was going to just kept her on antibiotics, well in November of 2010 she developed a really bad infection and with God's power he developed a tiny pin hole in[Show More]My mom had a hernia removed in 2005 then come to find out the mesh was a recall her doctor kept putting the surgery off to remove it and then he no longer took her insurance, she lived with infections for 5 years and the nurse practioner she was going to just kept her on antibiotics, well in November of 2010 she developed a really bad infection and with God's power he developed a tiny pin hole in the scar for the infection to drain, the family was really concerned so we found her a doctor and he removed the mesh and behide it inside was so much infection that he left the incision open to drain, know she is having a change the dressing out everyday with so much pain, it has been 2 weeks since the surgery and she is doing ok, but I do recommend if you or someone you know has a recall mesh don't wait to get it out do it now or it could kill you, my mom was really sick and probably close to death. so do the surgery it is worth the pain to get better.

  • SteveJanuary 5, 2011 at 3:37 pm

    It would be nice if there were a page on Facebook, where those interested in these cases could go and talk to one another. I hate being in the dark about the Kugel Patch cases. My Attorney tells me very little. What I do find out is mostly thru Motley Rice LLC, and Projo.com.

  • tonyaJanuary 5, 2011 at 12:27 pm

    My father had a hernia surgery Jan 10,2006 he went home only to have to go right back to the hospital. By the time he got back to the hospital he was throwing his own bile up, the nurse gave him a trash can and told him to throw up in the trash can because she was tired of cleaniing his throw up off of the floor. They let him sit in that hospital for 2 days before they called his doctor in. They [Show More]My father had a hernia surgery Jan 10,2006 he went home only to have to go right back to the hospital. By the time he got back to the hospital he was throwing his own bile up, the nurse gave him a trash can and told him to throw up in the trash can because she was tired of cleaniing his throw up off of the floor. They let him sit in that hospital for 2 days before they called his doctor in. They done surgery 2 doctor said his intestine went trouugh the mesh,but every thing should be ok, Needless to say 1day later they put him under again surgery 3 because something wasnt right. But right before they wheeled him out of his room. He looked at my mom and told her to tell the kids he loved us because he didnt think he would make it through another surgery. 9 days at that hospital and my dad never came home. He was 68 and i tried to file a lawsuit and the attorney I talked to sent me a letter that said He was senior citizen age so their was nothing that could be done.we did get in on the class action lawsuit but only because of the recall over tv. He was a healthy loving man and i love him and miss him so much. I was born on his birthday. whoever reads my story thanks for listening. Ive wanted to tell my story for a long time.

  • sherryDecember 13, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    I had a small hernia repair with a kugel patch,of course I was un aware of any problem with them. In the spring of 2010 the hernia returned alomg with some discomfort. I saw my doctor and was refered to a surgon. He scheduled a august surgery. He found that at the hernia site I had material that had grown into my colon.. The surgon suggested a few extra days in the hospital. Ok no big deal. [Show More]I had a small hernia repair with a kugel patch,of course I was un aware of any problem with them. In the spring of 2010 the hernia returned alomg with some discomfort. I saw my doctor and was refered to a surgon. He scheduled a august surgery. He found that at the hernia site I had material that had grown into my colon.. The surgon suggested a few extra days in the hospital. Ok no big deal. The next day I didn't feel so good. Started throwing up. By the next day I had an NG tube inserted through my nose down to my stomach. Things did not improve. By the fourth day it was odvious that more surgery was indicated. The surgon was surprised by what he found. I haad other places that had been grown into and blocked. I ended up in the hospital for 28 days with an open wound that had to heal from the inside out. I also had a temperary colonostomy. After my release I I was on a wound vac for months. I never felt quite right again after that.. surgery was scheduled for december 10th to repair the tempary ostomy. Just a few days in the hospital right! Again more material was removed. The next day I developed septic shock and was transfered to ICU. I was then put into a medical comma. While in the comma I under went another series of surgeries. My daughter thinks as many as 15. My daughter (a nurse) knew how sick I was. My children came from as far away as louiseanna, (Ilive in upstate New York) to set what they thought was a death watch. This is how my family spent Christmas and New Years. Needless to say mu recovery was remarkable and very slow. During the comma my heart went into v-fib and I had to be shocked back. I also suffered a stroke and needed 1 more surgery for a fistula before I could go home. I spent 133 days in the hospital that time. Again I went home with a wound vec. I now have a perminant iliostomy, walk with a cane and am dependant on several medications. I am mad enough to chew nails and spit rust. My health is now so fragial that I had to take an early retirement. A retirement I ment to spend caving and mountian climbing. I will now spend reading and sewing. Not quite a fair swap. I am now involved in a law suit. However I feel that the systyem is very slow. I makes me grind my teeth every time I hear that Kugel is appealing! What are they appealing? They know they are guilty. I would seem that setteling would in the long run save them money. I can't even imagian what they are paying their lawyers per hour.

  • JeffDecember 6, 2010 at 5:01 pm

    My wife had 3 hernia surgeries, the last one was to replace the kugel patch. She passed away in 2008 at the age of 32 with fatal bowel problems. Have a law firm representing her case but have not heard if they are making any progress.

  • josephNovember 16, 2010 at 3:43 am


  • AnthonOctober 26, 2010 at 12:55 pm

    I had the fist Kugel mesh place in me for a inguinal Hernia and had caused nerve Damage that I can't even work anymore because I can't sit,stand or walk for more then 20 min a day 24/7 seven day's a week 365 day's a year it has even effected my sex life since 2000 I prey the pain would stop and it doesn't

  • MARYOctober 26, 2010 at 2:13 am

    hekp me in jesus name any surgeon i have 2 recalled meshes im 48 and my quality of life has been taken im going to die before i receive any funds i am unable to earn monies

  • J FussellAugust 31, 2010 at 4:31 am

    I have read all of the comments posted on this page, they are all horror stories caused by this company, this is mine, I have only one wish out of all of this, my mother would have lived. She died on June 6th , 2005 from her patch, I watched her fight to live for almost 45 days while fecees leak from the incision from a failed repair using cadaver skin. I hope one day soon all of this will end I h[Show More]I have read all of the comments posted on this page, they are all horror stories caused by this company, this is mine, I have only one wish out of all of this, my mother would have lived. She died on June 6th , 2005 from her patch, I watched her fight to live for almost 45 days while fecees leak from the incision from a failed repair using cadaver skin. I hope one day soon all of this will end I had my first child 3 years after my mom died, my son will never know her, he reminds me of her and it is all I have, All I remember is watching her die, I wish it would stop, one day they will pay, my mom always said it will come when you least expect it. I hope shes right.

  • jerryAugust 27, 2010 at 9:40 pm

    i have had a hernia patch put in four times and it still is giving me many problems.My lawyer is trying to get my suit settled.Although the courts are slow.they give us some time a long drug out excuse.throwing everything back on the courts.They are not hurting we are.when i drive down the road i have to stop and let my tailgate down and lay flat so the hernia can go back in .i can sit in my recli[Show More]i have had a hernia patch put in four times and it still is giving me many problems.My lawyer is trying to get my suit settled.Although the courts are slow.they give us some time a long drug out excuse.throwing everything back on the courts.They are not hurting we are.when i drive down the road i have to stop and let my tailgate down and lay flat so the hernia can go back in .i can sit in my recliner chair and turn the wrong way and i have to lay in the floor so the hernia can go back in.this goes on and on just about every day.maybe the judges will get a hernia and a patch like we have so they can go through what we have gone through.Have someone to cut you open and let you heal from the inside out.Let you insides bulge out all the time and you can see what it feels like.

  • WALTAugust 26, 2010 at 7:09 pm

    ihad my kugel patch removed in october three years ago in lincoln nebraska

  • tomAugust 25, 2010 at 11:29 pm

    just had some nerves cut in my groin for pain,,, working so far my life was saved

  • maryAugust 11, 2010 at 8:02 pm

    Does anyone know how long this case is going to take? I can't get straight answers from anyone and the Rhode Island court website offers no help. No one even bothered to explain the whole process to me. I just had another surgery in June, this had ruined our financial status, we have lost almost everything. Does anyone think it will be anytime soon for settlement? I hope it happens in my lifetime,[Show More]Does anyone know how long this case is going to take? I can't get straight answers from anyone and the Rhode Island court website offers no help. No one even bothered to explain the whole process to me. I just had another surgery in June, this had ruined our financial status, we have lost almost everything. Does anyone think it will be anytime soon for settlement? I hope it happens in my lifetime, after all I am the one going through hell.

  • elaineAugust 3, 2010 at 4:10 am

    i filed suit also and havent heard any thing from the attorneys. would like to hear if they settled or not?

  • AdamsJuly 29, 2010 at 9:21 pm

    I spoke to my lawyer today and they stated that no cases have been settled as of today, and that the first case is to be heard next week, I think they are just stringing me along, its been over five years since this mesh problem and over four since i filed suit, I wish we would just be told the truth

  • DoreenJune 15, 2010 at 9:33 pm

    First I had colon resection surgery in Feb. 2001. Then emergency surgery for incisional hernia in Oct. 2001 in which they used Compasix Kugal type mesh. Another trip to the ER & emergency surgery for blockage due to adhesions April 2002. Two months later, had what they were calling an abdominal fistula and had surgery to remove the infection and infected mesh. Unbeknownst to me, they left that[Show More]First I had colon resection surgery in Feb. 2001. Then emergency surgery for incisional hernia in Oct. 2001 in which they used Compasix Kugal type mesh. Another trip to the ER & emergency surgery for blockage due to adhesions April 2002. Two months later, had what they were calling an abdominal fistula and had surgery to remove the infection and infected mesh. Unbeknownst to me, they left that wound open to heal from inside out. It took over 4 months for it to close completely. I now have an additional hernia which has become quite large. I have lots of pain at various times. My bowels are messed up and I suffer from daily gas. Very embarassing for a woman! I am at risk for any further abdominal surgery as my abdominal wall is extremely weak due to the surgeries. I also am at risk for a colonoscopy because if that instrument gets stuck in the hernia, then it means emergency surgery and possibility that I would not survive. I know there are lawsuits pending for the Kugal type mesh. Oh yeah. I was also forced to take an early retirement from my job because the doctors would not allow me to return to work. I'm a senior citizen on a fixed income. I'm on disability, but it doesn't pay for everything. I struggle every day with bills, not enough money for food every day, and constant pain. I'm hoping there is a lawyer out there that can help me and advise me in the right direction. I sure hope the Compasix mesh that was used to repair my hernai and then removed has the right product number for a laysuit.

  • GeorgeJune 13, 2010 at 12:38 pm

    i had the kugel infection trap placed in me almost 5 years ago. Up until then i suffered with multiple hernias, no insurance, and no money extended my pain for several years. But all that was to end, when i couldn't bare the pain. BY the way I am a Cowboy, its my life, i went into surgery and came out in worse shape than when i went in. the sharpe stabbing pain is more than one who sits in the[Show More]i had the kugel infection trap placed in me almost 5 years ago. Up until then i suffered with multiple hernias, no insurance, and no money extended my pain for several years. But all that was to end, when i couldn't bare the pain. BY the way I am a Cowboy, its my life, i went into surgery and came out in worse shape than when i went in. the sharpe stabbing pain is more than one who sits in the saddle can bare. Before the window screen with an o-ring sewn in the middle was placed in me, I was healthy and in good (great) shape for a man my age. Now I experience periods of 104+ fevers., sinus infections, strange bowel movements and boils, and you all know about the boils. A simple chigger bite turns into a majjor sterilization project. Sometimes bigger than silver dollars and as many as 20 at a time. i have run through and become immune to almost every cillon on the market. i am just tired of being sick and tired, i hope each and every one of us live too see the next sunrise and that barddoval sees the next sunset on their backsides with empty wallets.. well thanks for listening.....george-OKLHOMA

  • HeidiJune 11, 2010 at 1:16 pm

    Has anyone had any experience with a kugel mesh lawsuit advance loan? I know they are avaliable but just wondered if they are legitimate or not?

  • suzetteJune 4, 2010 at 2:12 am

    i had a large kugel mesh patch put in my stomach about six years ago for a hernia repair, not long after that i had pain and could not have bowel movements so i started deficating through my mouth, yes i know this sounds terrible and it was!!! i vomited for days and was rushed to the doctor and they said i had a severe bowel blockage they put me in the hospital and di two emergency surgeries in on[Show More]i had a large kugel mesh patch put in my stomach about six years ago for a hernia repair, not long after that i had pain and could not have bowel movements so i started deficating through my mouth, yes i know this sounds terrible and it was!!! i vomited for days and was rushed to the doctor and they said i had a severe bowel blockage they put me in the hospital and di two emergency surgeries in one week i almost died!!i was dehydrated and the surgeon had to remove the mesh and resection my bowel i still have problems with my bowels.when i heard about the recall i contacted an attorney they said i had a good case but i have been waiting five long years for any type of settlement, i know there are a lot of cases but this is ridiculous to make all of us wait like this!!!! finally the other day my attourney told me they are taking a lot of bad cases and giving them to the defense council for settlements i hope it comes soon they said they are trying to get some of the bad cases out of the way. i wish all of you the best of luck i wish we could all push this faster thanks sue

  • heidiJune 2, 2010 at 1:28 pm

    my first surgery was in oct.2007 because various visits to the dr. claiming things just werent right, could hardly walk, couldnt use restroom without assistance, couldnt bend at the waist, severe pain constatly, missed 4 months of work, dr. wasnt concerned at all! A nurse friend of mine stated this is not normal, traveled out of town to another dr. CAT scan showed mesh had come dissconnected and w[Show More]my first surgery was in oct.2007 because various visits to the dr. claiming things just werent right, could hardly walk, couldnt use restroom without assistance, couldnt bend at the waist, severe pain constatly, missed 4 months of work, dr. wasnt concerned at all! A nurse friend of mine stated this is not normal, traveled out of town to another dr. CAT scan showed mesh had come dissconnected and was wrapped around intestons. That kugel mesh was replaced with another brand, doing better now, but still have stomach issues to live with for rest of my life. My lawyer keeps giving me the run around, come on folks, its been three years. I think there is alot of information we are not getting.

  • markApril 29, 2010 at 11:58 am

    I had my surgery in 05 at a veterans hospital in texas they put two of the recalled patches in me so i have two seperate pains on each side of my groin each patch causes different pains in my body i have indured a lot of day to day pains since about 5 months after the surgery and i did go to doctors and they just told me that it is the way it is and nothing i can do about it i am not one for compa[Show More]I had my surgery in 05 at a veterans hospital in texas they put two of the recalled patches in me so i have two seperate pains on each side of my groin each patch causes different pains in my body i have indured a lot of day to day pains since about 5 months after the surgery and i did go to doctors and they just told me that it is the way it is and nothing i can do about it i am not one for compalining it took me 12 years to get the surgery for the hernias that i had in the first place but you know when something is not right inside your own body im not looking for alot of money i need these taken out i hope they settle soon so i can move on and get rid of the pain sure i can live with the pain but it seems like a time bomb inside of me it hurts and when is it going to hurt me worse if it hasnt allready!

  • maryApril 22, 2010 at 3:18 pm

    I had the patch puty in an had pain every single day for the duration. every time i went to the Dr. they said in was all in my head. one Dr. told me i was to fat.i had multiple infection and throwing rotted my teeth. i finally had it taken out because the pain was just to bad. it was waded up in a ball floating around in my ado man.the surgeon who did the operation told me the the previous surgeon[Show More]I had the patch puty in an had pain every single day for the duration. every time i went to the Dr. they said in was all in my head. one Dr. told me i was to fat.i had multiple infection and throwing rotted my teeth. i finally had it taken out because the pain was just to bad. it was waded up in a ball floating around in my ado man.the surgeon who did the operation told me the the previous surgeon did not even sew the mussels back what rotton work but paid a fortune for crappy job and years of pain.

  • JennyApril 17, 2010 at 9:02 pm

    Has anyone heard any news on recent case settlements for the kugel mesh?

  • edwardApril 12, 2010 at 6:01 am

    after 3 years of torture and multiple doctors sayin that an operation to remove the 9.7x7.7 mesh would definitely kill me ,a surgeon got me an appointment with a surgeon in halifax ;N S;canada.he took all out clips etc and replaced it with a mesh made of colligen (layers of labratory grown tissue)of which my flesh is suppose to reject and replace.i.m in lots of pain but still alive so far!

  • steveMarch 16, 2010 at 10:38 pm

    well michael theyer still a mo. behined on the updates.at this rate if we all go to trial i will be long ghon.my grand kids can go to court for me.

  • steveMarch 16, 2010 at 12:28 am

    if we dont have enouph to deal with,now they say thers counterfit mesh patches out ther.do you think they could posably be as rotten as what we have in us now.as far as this law suit goes somthing smells when it gets this quiet!!!!

  • MichaelMarch 7, 2010 at 12:52 pm

    Ok, here is another post critizing the Rhode Island Federal District coourt, if any body things that the RID is negligible on thier updating posting of Kugel, whuch by the way Judge Lisi says her court could handle this, and disregarding her orders for keeping people updated, maybe she should look at the way the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania is handling the Avandia cases which started one[Show More]Ok, here is another post critizing the Rhode Island Federal District coourt, if any body things that the RID is negligible on thier updating posting of Kugel, whuch by the way Judge Lisi says her court could handle this, and disregarding her orders for keeping people updated, maybe she should look at the way the Eastern District Court of Pennsylvania is handling the Avandia cases which started one year after the Kugel Mesh case. They, the Eastern Penn District court has a much better handle on thier websites then does the RID, maybe she can take a lesson from that court, hmm LIBS in RID maybe or maybe plain just dont care. I thinkk everyone involved with Kugel, patient wise should petition our lawyers and the court to do better on updating the RID, let them know that we are tired of the slowness of the court, I know I AM.

  • MichaelMarch 4, 2010 at 2:49 am

    Does anyone want to discuss the kugel mesh lawsuit. Is it some lawyer to lawyer secret shhhhhhhhhh

  • MichaelFebruary 25, 2010 at 3:41 pm

    Would any and I mean any lawyer be willing to put there money where there mouth is and be truthful about the court litigation on Kugel Mesh mine certainly doesnt. GThey are all BS artists. Im disgusted with the treatment. Yep Id say lawyers are all sharks.

  • cherylJanuary 16, 2010 at 6:28 am

    my husband had 10 hernia surgeries. the last one was done at UC Davis in Sacramento in 07. When this was done they had to remove everything from the previous surgeries and use something called Aladerm (spelling??). It was a very difficult surgery. He had to have a wound vac and heal from the inside out. There was a large hole in his stomach for several weeks. This last one started from a sma[Show More]my husband had 10 hernia surgeries. the last one was done at UC Davis in Sacramento in 07. When this was done they had to remove everything from the previous surgeries and use something called Aladerm (spelling??). It was a very difficult surgery. He had to have a wound vac and heal from the inside out. There was a large hole in his stomach for several weeks. This last one started from a small stitch coming through his scar from the previous surgery and it was draining some blood. Everything has been good since then with no reoccurance. How would you know if they put one of the faulty mesh in there. I remember one of the surgeries they had to section part of his bowel because the mesh adhered to it!

  • BarbJanuary 12, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    I had a hernia repair surgery done in 2001. In Dec 2006 I had to have emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction (caused from the hernia repair). In May 2009 from a small bump stuff started oozing from my belly. Went to the drs, he said he has seen this several times. Waited for 3 months for it to stop oozing, but surgeon decided to operate to take out the infected mesh. Sept 2009 had part of [Show More]I had a hernia repair surgery done in 2001. In Dec 2006 I had to have emergency surgery for a bowel obstruction (caused from the hernia repair). In May 2009 from a small bump stuff started oozing from my belly. Went to the drs, he said he has seen this several times. Waited for 3 months for it to stop oozing, but surgeon decided to operate to take out the infected mesh. Sept 2009 had part of the mesh removed leaving me with a open wound to heal from the inside out (what a mess!). In Nov 2009 after that open wound healed my belly button started oozing. Went back to surgeon. In Dec 2009 I had yet another surgery to removed the remaining mesh. Now all of the mesh is out and I am healing. Surgeon said another surgery will be needed to repair the hernia when it pops again (just dont know how long this will be). I am unsure if I should contact a lawyer about this or not. Any advice?

  • JohnJanuary 9, 2010 at 10:31 am

    I am writing the FDA for a FOI request of any settlement or hearing of any kind concerning my case. I am also contacting the DHHS as well as DAB for any record and dates of these hearings. I am concerned that this case is appearing by your verbal response of my Attorney to be one sided and not in the favor of me or any other of us affected by the mal-manufactured product of this Kugel hernia mesh [Show More]I am writing the FDA for a FOI request of any settlement or hearing of any kind concerning my case. I am also contacting the DHHS as well as DAB for any record and dates of these hearings. I am concerned that this case is appearing by your verbal response of my Attorney to be one sided and not in the favor of me or any other of us affected by the mal-manufactured product of this Kugel hernia mesh patch. I am aware of the legislature and standards of accreditation of the performance of these products that undergo serious inspection before reaching the patient. If this case were reviewed we could prove the harmful wrongdoing of allowing this product to reach inside a patient and take their life such as it has mine. Fortunately, I have survived and can physically reveal this to the courts and am eager to show the type of butchering I received as a result of this. I am also eager to show how this has diminished my health and caused to further diminish my appearance, affecting me and my family physically, mentally, with a full impact to the future of my life. I am wandering if approaching the Courts to change the legislation of the statutes and laws of manufactured medical devices would be the best approach to attach to this settlement. If it were added into the legislature that consumers sign a waiver it would protect the future events of lawsuits of this nature and raise the standards to better manufacture products of an unsafe or harmful nature. Please consider the facts that I have shared as far as records to indicate annual reports of money set aside by our government during the year of 2007 for injury and others of this nature due to the mal-manufactured medical device: the Bard-Kugel Hernia Mesh Patch as well. The Courts have expanded the cases and if there is a court hearing where a settlement is discussed I should be made aware of that, I have the right to know and to be present. Freedom of Information Act. I will file an appeal and I will file this on the Federal level and get the ball rolling with enough heads stirred. If this needs to go public I will contact media and get the ball headed in the right direction the favor of those of us harmed by this awful product.

  • MaryOctober 5, 2009 at 3:52 am

    Where did you get your patch removed? I have been to several doctors. Noone is willing to take it out. Says it would be to dangerous. I fear everyday of the result in leaving it in. I had the defected one put in. Alot of problems with that one and a different hospital put another one in over it.

  • sherySeptember 24, 2009 at 7:48 pm

    My body rejected the mesh that the doctor repaired my hernia with the first time. I would keep a bacteria infection and the doctors would keep giving me antibodics and would never find the problems. I found me a good doctor and I thank God for him. He repaired it again and now i feel better. This went on for a few years so i thank God that i didnt die and I will tell whoever i can that he had his[Show More]My body rejected the mesh that the doctor repaired my hernia with the first time. I would keep a bacteria infection and the doctors would keep giving me antibodics and would never find the problems. I found me a good doctor and I thank God for him. He repaired it again and now i feel better. This went on for a few years so i thank God that i didnt die and I will tell whoever i can that he had his hand on my life.

  • steveSeptember 24, 2009 at 2:26 pm

    i had my first sergerie with mesh in 2000, i have had four more abdominol hernia sergeries sins then.one sergerie was an emergence and i was very close to deth.after another sergerie i had an open wound in my side that draind for 18 months.the worst of it is i have herniated again and dont want to go throu sergery again.i have pains all over my bowels dont work right,this mesh has made my life a k[Show More]i had my first sergerie with mesh in 2000, i have had four more abdominol hernia sergeries sins then.one sergerie was an emergence and i was very close to deth.after another sergerie i had an open wound in my side that draind for 18 months.the worst of it is i have herniated again and dont want to go throu sergery again.i have pains all over my bowels dont work right,this mesh has made my life a knightmare.

  • paulaSeptember 22, 2009 at 6:09 pm

    my heart goes ouy to every one.my mom went through this with me by her side.they oww us money cant replace our losses and fear .

  • paulaSeptember 22, 2009 at 5:59 pm

    I emailed some one might have been you my mom had a colaapysurgury that caused a hernia it would not heal they said her body was rejecting it.she had numarus surgurys every time they cut more an more dead skin an tissue when she died she didnt even have a belly button. was it you I emailed or could you help mr.I was an adopted at at birth.Iwas an only child.my dad was already dead.so it left me wi[Show More]I emailed some one might have been you my mom had a colaapysurgury that caused a hernia it would not heal they said her body was rejecting it.she had numarus surgurys every time they cut more an more dead skin an tissue when she died she didnt even have a belly button. was it you I emailed or could you help mr.I was an adopted at at birth.Iwas an only child.my dad was already dead.so it left me with single mom with 2 small children she had morgaged our 2 homes and the insurance had lapsed.it made us homelless .

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