FDA Warns DePuy Over Hip Implant and Knee Replacement Product

Johnson & Johnson has again run afoul of federal regulators, this time with its medical device subsidiary, DePuy Orthopaedics. The company has been warned recently that it is illegally marketing a hip implant and knee joint replacement product. 

The FDA issued a warning letter to DePuy Orthopaedics, Inc. president David Floyd on August 19, which says that the marketing of the TruMatch Personalized Solutions System and the Corail Hip System are illegal. The Johnson & Johnson unit has 15 days to respond to the letter either by taking corrective action or giving a reason for why corrective action cannot be taken immediately. The company has also been ordered to halt marketing on both products, which the FDA considers to both be unapproved medical devices, until the situation is resolved.

TruMatch, a system that helps doctors shape knee replacement implants to better fit their patients, has not been approved for use in the U.S., according to the letter. The FDA claims DePuy never told them it intended to commercially distribute the product.

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The FDA also accuses DePuy of getting the Corail hip implant approved quickly by giving inaccurate information regarding its design and use. The Corail system was approved under the FDA’s controversial 510(k) premarket approval system; an expedited process that requires that the medical device be functionally equivalent to a device already on the market in order to fast-track its approval. However, according to the warning letter, DePuy’s brochure on the device lists a number of claims about the device’s capabilities and specifications that were never approved by federal regulators.

The warning letter comes as Johnson & Johnson is under close scrutiny over quality control issues with its McNeil Healthcare pharmaceuticals subsidiary, which has had to issue two massive drug recalls this year and has suspended production.

On April 30, a recall was announced for nearly 40 liquid children’s medications made by McNeil Consumer Healthcare, including infant Tylenol, Benadryl, and Motrin. The products were recalled due to particulate contamination and irregularities in potency. As a result of the problems, the FDA issued a warning letter about quality control issues at the Johnson & Johnson manufacturing plant in Ft. Washington, Pennsylvania.

In addition, the company has issued a series of Johnson and Johnson drug recalls for a variety of drugs due to chemical contamination from wood pallets that give the drug a musty smell and have caused a number of people to fall ill. The problem is due to contamination by trace amounts of a chemical called 2,4,6-tribromoanisole, or TBA, which seeped into bottles from wood pallets treated with pesticide. The contaminated drugs had a moldy smell and made some users sick.

The DePuy unit itself has also faced a number of recent questions about the quality of the some other hip replacement systems. A DePuy ASR hip recall was issued earlier this year due to the high failure rate of the metal-on-metal hip implants.

In recent months, a number of DePuy hip lawsuits over faulty ASR Cup implants have been filed. It is expected that the number of cases will continue to grow as Depuy hip implant lawyers continue to investigate and review potential cases for individuals who have experienced problems and complications after hip replacement surgery involving the ASR cup.


  • SUSANAugust 30, 2016 at 2:25 am

    Had Total hip Sept 2015, started having pain 6-7 mons, after surgery showing loosening of the stem. I have a ceramic head with corail stem from depuy.anyone else having issues.

  • KenSeptember 22, 2015 at 8:09 pm

    I too have had 4 surgeries on rt knee. J & J Depuy rotating platform. Worse experience of my life. Constant pain, cant sleep, cant work concentrate. It was the nickel in the knee and they do not require a simple allergy test before implanting these knees. I have been thru hell and back. Actually had a second opinion from another Doc who told me all my pain was in my head. About 2 weeks later was [Show More]I too have had 4 surgeries on rt knee. J & J Depuy rotating platform. Worse experience of my life. Constant pain, cant sleep, cant work concentrate. It was the nickel in the knee and they do not require a simple allergy test before implanting these knees. I have been thru hell and back. Actually had a second opinion from another Doc who told me all my pain was in my head. About 2 weeks later was told it was the nickel. About 16% of population is allergic to nickel. Shame on J and J for not requiring a allergy test before implanting. Any of you out here having similar problems pls check to see if you are allergic to any of the metals in the prosthesis. Life has been hell for all my family who has been trying to help and put up with me thru this horrible experience, NICKEL ALLERGIES can be the problem

  • SarahFebruary 9, 2015 at 11:35 pm

    My knee had been bone on bone for 10 years before I had my replacement with a DePuy knee. That was in Dec. 2010. The surgery went very well for me, and even though it was the most painful thing I ever experienced, after 30 days I was well on the upside. My doc told me to work hard on the physical therPy, because I would probably top out on range of motion at about five weeks. I worked it hard and [Show More]My knee had been bone on bone for 10 years before I had my replacement with a DePuy knee. That was in Dec. 2010. The surgery went very well for me, and even though it was the most painful thing I ever experienced, after 30 days I was well on the upside. My doc told me to work hard on the physical therPy, because I would probably top out on range of motion at about five weeks. I worked it hard and got to where I could do a half squat at 6 weeks. In the therapy pool I can nearly do a full squat. This knee replacement was a total success and the best thing I ever did for myself. Yes, I have aches and pains once in a while, but no big deal. I really felt I had to post this so everyone wouldn't thing these DePuy knees are all gloom and doom.

  • perryJuly 24, 2014 at 12:49 am

    had a depuy knee replacement put in my left knee in april 2009,,,,constant pain,giving out.swelling....and fluid on my knee...can stand the pain..contacted depuy and they said nothing they could do about it

  • BridgettJune 24, 2014 at 12:17 am

    I had my first depuy knee replacement in January 2010 .When I got up to walk the 1st day I could not move my leg. So I go home in a lot of pain on oxycontin not taking away the pain taking them every 30min. Can stand for no one to even touch my leg ,leg go numb I fall on it two day out of surgery now pain is even worst want to cut leg off above knee ,go back to My Dr. He check leg say you got to g[Show More]I had my first depuy knee replacement in January 2010 .When I got up to walk the 1st day I could not move my leg. So I go home in a lot of pain on oxycontin not taking away the pain taking them every 30min. Can stand for no one to even touch my leg ,leg go numb I fall on it two day out of surgery now pain is even worst want to cut leg off above knee ,go back to My Dr. He check leg say you got to go back to surgery, so I go and nothing they give me can take away the pain I am in crying all night asking nurses can place help me are call my Dr to up the dose on the morphine, he does pain don't go away. So I go back to surgery and Dr remove skin tissues and send me to a nursing home for six weeks for intense therapy,while in nursing home they neglected me on the first day I'm there and my leg swells up 3x it's sizes! So I get through that and get to go back home but still having a lot of pain.Continue to go to therapy and go back to see my Dr and he notice that I can't straight my leg very far without being in a lot of awful awful PAIN so guess what on June 16 ,2010 I'm going back to surgery for the Fourth Time. And this was just my left knee three of the surgery were total knee replacements. Now tell me this washing a horror story but I really had to go through this ,and I have to have surgery on my right knee in November of 2014 (scare very scared)!!..

  • LaDonnaMay 24, 2014 at 3:48 am

    I had a DePuy Consensus Knee System for the right knee in Nov. of 2012. I only had knee pain when I walked. After the tkr I have pain 24/7. The original surgeon says there is no problem!. The revision specialist says I have lateral movement. I can't have surgery again because of heart issues. The quality of life is horrible. I wish I had never had it done. I will choose the wheel chair befo[Show More]I had a DePuy Consensus Knee System for the right knee in Nov. of 2012. I only had knee pain when I walked. After the tkr I have pain 24/7. The original surgeon says there is no problem!. The revision specialist says I have lateral movement. I can't have surgery again because of heart issues. The quality of life is horrible. I wish I had never had it done. I will choose the wheel chair before I have the left knee done.

  • DebraNovember 26, 2013 at 11:26 pm

    I had a TKR in October, 2009 with a DePuy rotating platform. About 6 months ago, my knee started buckling out from under me with no warning and with intense pain, followed by an inability to put weight on the leg for a while. I finally saw my surgeon in Boston, and his response to my XRays was that he felt the cement was no longer adhering to the bone. He then sent me for blood work and a bone sc[Show More]I had a TKR in October, 2009 with a DePuy rotating platform. About 6 months ago, my knee started buckling out from under me with no warning and with intense pain, followed by an inability to put weight on the leg for a while. I finally saw my surgeon in Boston, and his response to my XRays was that he felt the cement was no longer adhering to the bone. He then sent me for blood work and a bone scan. Today I saw him for the results, and he essentially told me that there is no loosening of the device, according to the bone scan. I questioned his previous ominous interpretation of my X-rays two weeks ago, and his reply was that tests were inconclusive, including the very expensive bone scan. He said that he doesn't listen to the tests, he listens to the patient. Basically, he threw the ball at me. If I am not happy with my device, he will be happy to replace it with something else! Personally, I know there is a big problem with the DePuy rotating platform, because I am in a lot of pain, and knee replacements should not be giving out on people or causing swelling and intense itching in the calf muscle of the operative knee either. Sometimes I just plain hurt all over the knee. A bone scan or X-ray cannot possibly diagnose flaws in the plastic or metal components. I read that symptoms of issues with this device include the giving out of the knee cap, which is what I think happens when I have one of my excruciating episodes. Are there others of you out there getting the same noncommittal response from your surgeons? I know everyone is paranoid about lawsuits, but this is my life here. I am too young at 57 to be living a limited life already. If the device is faulty, let's own it and then fix it. I just want to be able to walk again without pain or instability.

  • BrendaOctober 1, 2013 at 3:07 am

    I had a left knee replacement on May 10th 2010. Dupuy knee. On May 10th 2011 my dr. went back in and did another replacement. Dupuy also. Did not help. Swelling never went away from the first one. Pain is unbearable. Knee also feels hot and painful to touch. The pain wakes me up continually all night long. My regular M.D. sent me to Mayo clinic. That dr. had no anwer and wasn't in the room 10 min.[Show More]I had a left knee replacement on May 10th 2010. Dupuy knee. On May 10th 2011 my dr. went back in and did another replacement. Dupuy also. Did not help. Swelling never went away from the first one. Pain is unbearable. Knee also feels hot and painful to touch. The pain wakes me up continually all night long. My regular M.D. sent me to Mayo clinic. That dr. had no anwer and wasn't in the room 10 min. I can't walk for more than a couple of minutes. Can't do stairs. I can't stand to cook and cleaning my house is next to impossible. I am on pain medications to this day. I also have my own wheel chair and I have to use it or a public scooter if I go anywhere. I am 58 now and this has ruined my life. I just want the pain to go away and want my life back. I was a stay at home mom, and raised 3 kids, so I don't qualify for disability. Just wish someone could help.

  • LorrieSeptember 21, 2013 at 2:16 am

    I had a tkr done on June 23,13. Dupuy sigma implant. The pain was not bad until 3 months later & until my knee started crunching, clicking & making noises & causing me great pain. my doctor finally did some tests and discovered my knee was full of scar tissue. I went in on Jan 24,13 and had that all cleaned out & my knee felt good for 3 months & the pain started again. I[Show More]I had a tkr done on June 23,13. Dupuy sigma implant. The pain was not bad until 3 months later & until my knee started crunching, clicking & making noises & causing me great pain. my doctor finally did some tests and discovered my knee was full of scar tissue. I went in on Jan 24,13 and had that all cleaned out & my knee felt good for 3 months & the pain started again. I went in for a MRI & now I have abnormal bone growth & the implant is loose in the femur bone. My Dr told me there was nothing more he could do & go to another Dr. Found one in a near by town and have a appointment the 1st of Oct. I had a partial in this knee in Dec 07\'. I am at witts end.

  • cathyAugust 28, 2013 at 6:50 am

    I have had two tkr the first one was in dec 2009 and that one is doing ok just a little stiff. The second one was done in oct 2010 on the rt knee. I have had horrible pain after the surgery for 1 year then it got a little better but the past year it has bothered me even worse cant sleep at night for pain cant walk for long periods. So I called and made appointment with my Dr. that did the surger[Show More]I have had two tkr the first one was in dec 2009 and that one is doing ok just a little stiff. The second one was done in oct 2010 on the rt knee. I have had horrible pain after the surgery for 1 year then it got a little better but the past year it has bothered me even worse cant sleep at night for pain cant walk for long periods. So I called and made appointment with my Dr. that did the surgery and he did x-rays on both knees the lf is ok but the right is loose on the bottom.Waiting on workmans comp to approve treatment so I can get something done. It has been 5 weeks now and nothing yet. I will be contacting the FDA about this one also.

  • RichardAugust 13, 2013 at 12:22 am

    I had recieved my Dupuy Sigma knee in July of 2012 and just finished my 12th month e-xray exam at the VA hospital in MPL. MN. and this is my second trip, i go at six months intervals, i am very happy with my full knee replacment and i have had no problums. I can bend my knee 115 degrees and i ride my bike almost every day weather permitting. I also have a stationary bike and i even climb trees. Af[Show More]I had recieved my Dupuy Sigma knee in July of 2012 and just finished my 12th month e-xray exam at the VA hospital in MPL. MN. and this is my second trip, i go at six months intervals, i am very happy with my full knee replacment and i have had no problums. I can bend my knee 115 degrees and i ride my bike almost every day weather permitting. I also have a stationary bike and i even climb trees. After reading some of the other comments this must be an unusal case. Ilive in Rochester, MN.

  • marjorieJune 11, 2013 at 6:53 pm

    I received a DePuy-PFC Sigma right knee replacement about 2 months ago. It's healing fine, with no pain at all when I walk. But when I walk there is a "clicking" sensation (no sound) of the knee moving which is driving me crazy. It feels like something is shifting out of place. Nothing has "locked" it returns back to repeat with the next step.Has anyone else experienced this? Xrays are fine. Dr. s[Show More]I received a DePuy-PFC Sigma right knee replacement about 2 months ago. It's healing fine, with no pain at all when I walk. But when I walk there is a "clicking" sensation (no sound) of the knee moving which is driving me crazy. It feels like something is shifting out of place. Nothing has "locked" it returns back to repeat with the next step.Has anyone else experienced this? Xrays are fine. Dr. said it will go away or in 1 year I'll be used to it. Not the answer I was looking for. At this point I would rather walk incorrectly just to avoid this uncomfortable and creepy feeling. I've called the company and am waiting for a response. With others being in so much pain, sorry if this seems like a small complaint. I feel for all of you.

  • BrianMay 31, 2013 at 6:45 am

    I had a dupuy knee replacement in November 2010. I've been having problems since implant. I had three independent medical opinions and all indicated I need revision surgery because knee was loosening. I had severe swelling, pain and problems walking. I've had revision surgery on November 13, 2012. I'm still having problems. Knee continues to buckle, swell and cause severe pain. My knee was just fi[Show More]I had a dupuy knee replacement in November 2010. I've been having problems since implant. I had three independent medical opinions and all indicated I need revision surgery because knee was loosening. I had severe swelling, pain and problems walking. I've had revision surgery on November 13, 2012. I'm still having problems. Knee continues to buckle, swell and cause severe pain. My knee was just fitted in a new knee brace on May 30, 2013. I'm back in physical therapy for knee again and I constantly tack pain medication just to walk.

  • LouiseMarch 24, 2013 at 2:37 am

    '@Joseph and Bob, I really feel for you and all that your going through. Please please file your concerns with the FDA. It took only 10 compliants to the FDA for the them to do a knee recall....see link to story at the bottom of post. All the best. This post is a reminder of the importance of filing a complaint with the FDA if you have been injurged or had complications from a medical implant,[Show More]'@Joseph and Bob, I really feel for you and all that your going through. Please please file your concerns with the FDA. It took only 10 compliants to the FDA for the them to do a knee recall....see link to story at the bottom of post. All the best. This post is a reminder of the importance of filing a complaint with the FDA if you have been injurged or had complications from a medical implant, regardless of the type or manufacturer. My October 14, 2012 post explains the process and provides the link to the FDA. Recently, FDA issued a Class I recall on the LPS Diaphyseal Sleeve used in the LPS knee system. Here is the link to the story listed on the FDA's website. http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/SafetyInfo...

  • BobMarch 1, 2013 at 6:16 am

    My story is the same, they look at an obviously f&*^ked up knee and say "It's fine, perfect! Now go away.". The ortho surgeons are complicit and the laws have to change. Lives are being destroyed 1 knee at a time while these c(*&k suyckerr rake in the huge fu*&king paychecks with virtually no recourse with the law, they get away with shoddy work, cheap crap products that could be s[Show More]My story is the same, they look at an obviously f&*^ked up knee and say "It's fine, perfect! Now go away.". The ortho surgeons are complicit and the laws have to change. Lives are being destroyed 1 knee at a time while these c(*&k suyckerr rake in the huge fu*&king paychecks with virtually no recourse with the law, they get away with shoddy work, cheap crap products that could be sold off a walmart shelf. They are destroying people, might as well just just start killing people but instead theya re putting 10's of thousands of people in suffering pain equal to a living hell. We have to stop them from getting away with this. Write your senators, write your congess, write your newspapers. This has got to stop!

  • JosephFebruary 25, 2013 at 4:58 pm

    On Feb 18 2008 ,I had DePuy Full Knee replacement. Its just over 5 years,and I still have swelling and pain.Biggest mistake i ever made.

  • LouiseJanuary 9, 2013 at 2:39 am

    Hello everybody it's been a while..... Here's whats been going on since my last post on Oct 7. My friend is healing fairly well from the TRK revision surgery in May 2012. He still has pain, but the pain with this new knee is way better compared to the other knee.....if that makes sense. I convinced him to start seeing a certified herbalist. This occurred after I started researching the benefits of[Show More]Hello everybody it's been a while..... Here's whats been going on since my last post on Oct 7. My friend is healing fairly well from the TRK revision surgery in May 2012. He still has pain, but the pain with this new knee is way better compared to the other knee.....if that makes sense. I convinced him to start seeing a certified herbalist. This occurred after I started researching the benefits of herbs. So far so good. He does castor oil/an herbal oil??? packs for 30 minutes every night, in addition to his exercises and stretching. He is also taking an herbal tincture (40 drops twice a day). He is noticing small improvements in range of motion and pain level. The purpose of the castor oil packs is to break down the scar tissue as a result of three surgery on the same knee. The tincture is for immflimation. We are hopeful. @Bayless I don't know of any lawsuits going on pertaining to the DePuy knee. We check the websites often. If you had a bad implant you should report it to the FDA.....see earlier post on October 14, 2012. Take care

  • J.F. BaylessJanuary 8, 2013 at 2:05 am

    I had left knee replacement in 2005. It has hurt from the beginning, but gets worse with each passing day. Knee locks up either in a straight position or in a bent position. Takes several minutes to get it to unlock. It is very painful. Also get horrible 'charley horses' in that knee at night. Painful to walk and if I have to walk very far, it is really painful. Doctor said it was in my head,[Show More]I had left knee replacement in 2005. It has hurt from the beginning, but gets worse with each passing day. Knee locks up either in a straight position or in a bent position. Takes several minutes to get it to unlock. It is very painful. Also get horrible 'charley horses' in that knee at night. Painful to walk and if I have to walk very far, it is really painful. Doctor said it was in my head, so I changed doctors. New ortho doctor said there definitely was a problem. I want to know if there are any 'class action suits' regarding knee replacements with this product? If so, have there been any settlements and how does one get involved?

  • SteveDecember 28, 2012 at 8:46 pm

    Try having 6 total knee replacements on same knee in 6 yrs. last one got infected and did wash out 3 weeks later. Find out on January 15 if they are going to amputate. All depuy knees. Yes I think they have a problem.

  • sherylDecember 27, 2012 at 3:41 am

    I have two depuy hip replacements. The first one being the corail pinnacle hip implant.I haad this done in 08/2011. I had two dislocations in 8 months time. The first one only a month after the surgery and then the other a few months later. I just recently had my family physician check my blood for metal poisoning and the test came back toxic levels. He sent me to see my orthopeadic surgeon and he[Show More]I have two depuy hip replacements. The first one being the corail pinnacle hip implant.I haad this done in 08/2011. I had two dislocations in 8 months time. The first one only a month after the surgery and then the other a few months later. I just recently had my family physician check my blood for metal poisoning and the test came back toxic levels. He sent me to see my orthopeadic surgeon and he wants me to have an mri and I have no insurance. I feel like I should have been informed of the possible side effects of these implants and I feel like depuy should have to pay for my medical tests and care. Very unhappy patient, Sheryl

  • DaleDecember 23, 2012 at 12:30 am

    I had the DePuy knee put in on 3-3-10. I worked hard to rehab and was doing okay, but kept getting infections. After about six months, I got real sore, and an infection set in, Now nearly three years later, I am still getting pus discharges and all of the doctors (and there have been many) say, " looks fine, no problems". Well, I can not walk much over 600 feet now, have lots of pain and keep gett[Show More]I had the DePuy knee put in on 3-3-10. I worked hard to rehab and was doing okay, but kept getting infections. After about six months, I got real sore, and an infection set in, Now nearly three years later, I am still getting pus discharges and all of the doctors (and there have been many) say, " looks fine, no problems". Well, I can not walk much over 600 feet now, have lots of pain and keep getting pus/infections in the knee. I worked in QC, and find this totally unacceptable. These companies need to get more than a slap on the wrist. They are still pumping in money while we suffer over their wrongdoing.

  • LouiseOctober 15, 2012 at 1:28 am

    My dearest friend had TKR with a DePuy Sigma Knee in 2007. He has swelling, pain, stiffness, warm to the touch, and SO MANY restless nights. Since 2007 he has had two additional surgeries. Earlier this spring/summer he underwent a total knee revision. It has not been easy. It really makes me sad to hear so many people are facing a very similiar situation. I think if more people reported their medi[Show More]My dearest friend had TKR with a DePuy Sigma Knee in 2007. He has swelling, pain, stiffness, warm to the touch, and SO MANY restless nights. Since 2007 he has had two additional surgeries. Earlier this spring/summer he underwent a total knee revision. It has not been easy. It really makes me sad to hear so many people are facing a very similiar situation. I think if more people reported their medical complaints to the FDA that would prompt the FDA to investigate consumer concerns more quickly. People who have been legitamately hurt by medical devices and drugs do have a voice. In my opinion if enough people let their voices and experiences be heard action make be taken. You can google search "fda medwatch" or click on the link below to the website. http://www.fda.gov/Safety/MedWatch/default.htm The instructions indicate that your privacy will be protected if you make the request. Spread the word and best of luck to everyone.

  • KaitleighOctober 6, 2012 at 1:42 pm

    My mom had three jnee replacements (one obviously a revision) with the DePuy modular knee system and has done poorly ever since. Her docs say they cant explain her pain, swelling and general feeling of fatigue. She lives in TN, so the time for legal action has long since passed. We are just looking for a way for her to feel better. All the docs want to do is hand out more drugs for pain, for s[Show More]My mom had three jnee replacements (one obviously a revision) with the DePuy modular knee system and has done poorly ever since. Her docs say they cant explain her pain, swelling and general feeling of fatigue. She lives in TN, so the time for legal action has long since passed. We are just looking for a way for her to feel better. All the docs want to do is hand out more drugs for pain, for sleep, for swelling, for depression . . . And you know the drill. She is elderly and tired of advocating for herself. I live in another state and cant be present to give her a s much help as she needs to get better.

  • JoannSeptember 20, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    I have been dealing with similar pain and disability problems since 2000. The first years were what I was told adjusting to implant. Well the swelling was ongoing the lack of flexion was daily. I had to give up a new business as it required my being on my feet 80% of the time and I was having to take pain meds to function daily. Now I just spent 3 more month with a group of lawyers who have agre[Show More]I have been dealing with similar pain and disability problems since 2000. The first years were what I was told adjusting to implant. Well the swelling was ongoing the lack of flexion was daily. I had to give up a new business as it required my being on my feet 80% of the time and I was having to take pain meds to function daily. Now I just spent 3 more month with a group of lawyers who have agreed my case has validity but are not going to go after J&J depuy on the knee issues. They only think theHip has $$$$. Well I would like each of them to spend over 12 yrs of their life struggling each days. I am 63, this started when I was 50. I guess the first yr was as good as its gets. Now I am not able to survive on my disability check, economy may loose my home and not one legal group interested in taking the big boys on. If all of us with these problem could connect and start writing to JOHNSON & JOHNSON ourselves & Warren Buffett who has invested interest in J&J, research many other connections including Bill Gates. Maybe we could get some action. I live in my bedroom now ,noway to work or get around since this LEFT knee locked and sent nerve pain shooting to my head and threw down the stairs causing me to incur more injuries and damage further deteriorating RIGHT hip & knee. I have investigated my options and I will have to get LKnee redone at $40,000 And then to live a quality of life I need to get Stem Cell treatments the will give me a chance to heal and not have to put anyother devices in my both other then the rereplacement. That will not be covered by insurance but J&J needed to give all of us enough financially to put our lives back on track. In fact I spoke to Stem Cell clinic in Ca and to have full treatment both r knee & hip with using my own fat and blood it will take $30,000 and only 4 to5 days and our own bodies heal with our own stem cells. I have spoken to people I know who have had it done and they even combined it with other treatment including oxygen chambers to help healing and other possible metal poisoning or blood disorders that metal may have caused. We have nothing to loose and maybe a written letter in US postage may be productive and the big talkers out there may be annoyed that they have been swamped with our stories and realize that the knees support the hips and they have to stop inflicting more pain on human being for their love of money. IT takes 5 times as much time to recover from knee replacement and 5 times the pain if they use these defective devices.Don't give up!

  • TONYASeptember 20, 2012 at 4:36 am

    Ive had total knee Replacment ,On my Left and Right Knee my right knee has only been here 2 yrs now my left was done in 2008 I have recently had a bone scan done i have the depuy products i urge you to ask doctors to do bone scan they say i have hardware loosing and need surgery but now im to young to fix the matter im 42 hello ooo what about the pain ???

  • MelissaSeptember 11, 2012 at 3:29 pm

    My husband had the Depuy knee put in May 2009, which was a replacement knee for one he had put in 1999, but had finally given out. Since day 1 with the Depuy knee he has had nothing but problems. That leg is always warmer than the other, constant pain and has been placed in pain management due to the issue, there is popping, grinding and crackles when he bends the knee back and forth as well as th[Show More]My husband had the Depuy knee put in May 2009, which was a replacement knee for one he had put in 1999, but had finally given out. Since day 1 with the Depuy knee he has had nothing but problems. That leg is always warmer than the other, constant pain and has been placed in pain management due to the issue, there is popping, grinding and crackles when he bends the knee back and forth as well as the knee locking into place when he sits for too long with his leg back. The doctors also take x-rays and they keep saying "It's fine. There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with it.", even though when you put your hand on his knee and he moves it, it makes you want to vomit the feeling and noise is so unbearable for me, let alone him.

  • ColleenAugust 8, 2012 at 12:59 pm

    I had a Depuy Corail Pinnacle hip replacement in January 2009 and have been in pain since. I have burning, weakness, and sometimes shooting pain through the thigh bone. At times I have resorted to using a cane to get through the day. I use Vicodin to control the pain. My life has not been the same since the surgery.I use to walk 1/2 hour twice a day and can no longer do that. I regret having the[Show More]I had a Depuy Corail Pinnacle hip replacement in January 2009 and have been in pain since. I have burning, weakness, and sometimes shooting pain through the thigh bone. At times I have resorted to using a cane to get through the day. I use Vicodin to control the pain. My life has not been the same since the surgery.I use to walk 1/2 hour twice a day and can no longer do that. I regret having the surgery done

  • ChrisAugust 2, 2012 at 12:58 pm

    I had the DePuy LCS Complete rotating knee replacement in 4/04. I have severe nerve entrapment as well as constant pain in the shins and tendons along side the knee. No swelling, just pain. If I had it to do over again, I would have waited longer for maybe a better product.

  • angieJuly 7, 2012 at 2:16 am

    I had my right knee replaced in june 2011 2@ the age of 47 I have had pain and swelling from the first few weeks. WAlking hurts driving hurts standing I can feel swell and after blood test my doctor says I was too young

  • CecileJuly 3, 2012 at 3:13 am

    Can SOMEONE Help me! I had a Total Knee Replacement with a DePuy product on Feb. 9, 2009. I have been in constant, persistant severe pain ever since. I have considered the unthinkable - having the leg amputated above the knee. Have been to dozens of doctors/specialists. Always told that the xrays are fine! Have even researched on the internet: Can chronic, persistent long-term pain kill? Sh[Show More]Can SOMEONE Help me! I had a Total Knee Replacement with a DePuy product on Feb. 9, 2009. I have been in constant, persistant severe pain ever since. I have considered the unthinkable - having the leg amputated above the knee. Have been to dozens of doctors/specialists. Always told that the xrays are fine! Have even researched on the internet: Can chronic, persistent long-term pain kill? Short answer: Yes (many case studies). During this period of time, I have lost my business (of 28 years), have had to go on "disability" and now have suicidal thoughts as I cannot imagine living like this for much longer. Can't sit, stand or lie down. Can't bear to have clothes or bedsheets touch the knee.. Pain causes me to spiral down in late afternoon/evenings - have to clench a washcloth to keep from screaming in pain. Can't perform the most basic self-care tasks. I'm a Registered Nurse (or was) and I KNOW that this sort of suffering must become public knowledge. DePuy and those responsible for manufacturing this defective product must be held accountable. Anyone out there who can help? I don't know how much longer I can stick around!!!

  • jcJune 30, 2012 at 1:54 pm

    i had both knee replaced in june and oct of 2010 i never got over the pain from the sergury now i cant walk without help and wheelchair my doctor call yesterday and informed that i did not know what is wronf the x-ray and bone scaan look ok no loosness in the joints but i cant walk 20 feet i told him did not have this probken befor knee replacement his answer was get a second doctor that kno[Show More]i had both knee replaced in june and oct of 2010 i never got over the pain from the sergury now i cant walk without help and wheelchair my doctor call yesterday and informed that i did not know what is wronf the x-ray and bone scaan look ok no loosness in the joints but i cant walk 20 feet i told him did not have this probken befor knee replacement his answer was get a second doctor that knows about this thpe of problem or what you got is what you get---getting out of a chair is very painful and standing on my legs is the worse time i have

  • RonJune 18, 2012 at 4:22 am

    In May of '09 I had bilateral knee replacement with the Depuy rotating platform product. Like one complaint listed above, my doctor said my scarring problem came from doing so well in therapy. I quickly accomplished the necessary flexion and extension but he said with the flexion- the patella drops below the distal anterior surface of the prosthesis (which didn't look very smooth to me) and create[Show More]In May of '09 I had bilateral knee replacement with the Depuy rotating platform product. Like one complaint listed above, my doctor said my scarring problem came from doing so well in therapy. I quickly accomplished the necessary flexion and extension but he said with the flexion- the patella drops below the distal anterior surface of the prosthesis (which didn't look very smooth to me) and creates scar tissue in my new fake fossa. With that there is more scar tissue formed on the opposing quad tendon causing both scarred surfaces to cause some gnarly painful crunching, grinding, clunking then inflammatory fluid build-up. Is there anyone out there that can influence Depuy to either recall the product or at least help to get these repaired. I shouldn't have to pay for my upcoming bil. scopes to have these things cleaned out.. Help..

  • RichardMay 22, 2012 at 1:56 pm

    Had both knees replaced 1/03/11 at same time. Nothing but swelling and pain thereafter. Dr. said everything was fine, needed time to heal. Went to two different Doctors 8-9months after surgery, told by both Doctors, cement failed, needed to have both knees done over again. Had one replaced 1/11/12 & other replaced 4/412. Still in pain , however, a lot less than before. Saw second Surg[Show More]Had both knees replaced 1/03/11 at same time. Nothing but swelling and pain thereafter. Dr. said everything was fine, needed time to heal. Went to two different Doctors 8-9months after surgery, told by both Doctors, cement failed, needed to have both knees done over again. Had one replaced 1/11/12 & other replaced 4/412. Still in pain , however, a lot less than before. Saw second Surgen 5/21/12 for folloow up, told things look good, wait , give it more time to heal. Waiting!!!

  • allenMay 13, 2012 at 6:00 am

    getting ready to have both knees done. are there any good testimonies. also can i do any special therapy to alleviate the problems others are having???

  • BrowneyedgirlApril 22, 2012 at 10:08 pm

    All of these sound like my husbands story. He has had 5 TKR all depuy's. 4 on his right leg and one,on his left leg caused by all the stress from his right leg. His right leg has constant swelling, pain, buckling. He can't stand or sit for any length of time. He gets his relief from the recliner and ice. He walks with a cane and is on pain meds. His first TKR shredded. Although they didn't find[Show More]All of these sound like my husbands story. He has had 5 TKR all depuy's. 4 on his right leg and one,on his left leg caused by all the stress from his right leg. His right leg has constant swelling, pain, buckling. He can't stand or sit for any length of time. He gets his relief from the recliner and ice. He walks with a cane and is on pain meds. His first TKR shredded. Although they didn't find out until. They went in to replace it. So don't tell me they aren't defective. The surgeon didn't tell us it shredded he said he replaced it because it wasn't straight,another surgeon who knows my husband told him. He said he had never seen anything like it. They kept telling him nothing was wrong with his leg, just normal stuff...for over Eight months......I wish there was a lawsuit!!!!!!!

  • gloriabarrApril 20, 2012 at 12:49 pm

    I had the depuyknee by j&j .I end up with dropfoot,nerve damage,bloodclots in my legs &lungs one was stuck in my groin it went from a size2 to a10 before it was remove.I now have filter in me 4 life.ihad the rt tka knee which came apart and the screws came aloose.also i have to take medi.4the rest of my life.

  • DennisMarch 27, 2012 at 8:23 pm

    My right knee was replaced 11/02/09. I've has extended therapy and it was scoped one year later. I'm again sleeping with a pillow between my knees. I have trouble getting up and down and sitting for long periods. My knee is constantly warm and swollen. I have frequent shooting pain down my shin

  • MaryMarch 22, 2012 at 5:21 pm

    I had both my knees replaced in 2003, started having alot of pain within a few months of surgery. Went back to the Dr. several times and he said nothing wrong,told me to take something for the pain,that didn't do it. So I went to a different surgeon for a second opinion. He did one of those radio-active dye exrays and found the problem right away, cement had broken away completely . The other knee[Show More]I had both my knees replaced in 2003, started having alot of pain within a few months of surgery. Went back to the Dr. several times and he said nothing wrong,told me to take something for the pain,that didn't do it. So I went to a different surgeon for a second opinion. He did one of those radio-active dye exrays and found the problem right away, cement had broken away completely . The other knee I had replaced again in 2010 and that one the Dr. said didn't fit right ,had an overhang causing sever pain. Don't know why I can't get any help. They always say statue of limitations, but that shouldn't start till you know there is a problem confirmed by a Doctor. Do you agree?

  • KimMarch 20, 2012 at 3:36 pm

    Had a Dupuy LCS knee replacement in March of 2010 and my leg is sooooooo much worse. Second opinion doc figures the replacement will need to be replaced. Not sure what to do.

  • LindaMarch 7, 2012 at 7:55 am

    FULL left knee replacement~~~~DuPey..operation on October 25, 2012, pain, pain, pain all the time...sorry I ever did this. What is the problem? Did what they told me to do all the time to heal, no sucess.Exeercise, swelling, ice and heat, elivate the leg, soak in tub, hot water I feel like a fish...what will be done for us????

  • gloriabarrMarch 7, 2012 at 12:17 am

    comment by gloria i too had a depuyknee.i had surgery in nov-08 i had trrouble from the start my doctor look over me .he didnt know whats wrong or why i was in so much pain.say he will see me back in one year. i went to my hmo doctor told him i wasnt going back to that doctor.i had hardware failure. i had to have a revision.but before that i end up with pain in my lower back pain down my leg and [Show More]comment by gloria i too had a depuyknee.i had surgery in nov-08 i had trrouble from the start my doctor look over me .he didnt know whats wrong or why i was in so much pain.say he will see me back in one year. i went to my hmo doctor told him i wasnt going back to that doctor.i had hardware failure. i had to have a revision.but before that i end up with pain in my lower back pain down my leg and my greater toe and blood clots that went from a2 to ten almost die now i have a filter in me 4 life and on blood thinners 4 life yes the fda and j j need to do right by us.you know god dont like ulgness.

  • VickyFebruary 29, 2012 at 5:01 am

    I had a knee replacement on April 2011. I was looking so forward to be able to get around and not limp and be able to walk normal. I did everything I was told. I had 12 wks PT with the office of the Dr. that did my surgery because he felt they could do the best job. Many days I left there in tears because it pained so bad. I had swelling and was on steroids that were high dose and caused me mu[Show More]I had a knee replacement on April 2011. I was looking so forward to be able to get around and not limp and be able to walk normal. I did everything I was told. I had 12 wks PT with the office of the Dr. that did my surgery because he felt they could do the best job. Many days I left there in tears because it pained so bad. I had swelling and was on steroids that were high dose and caused me much side effects. Then after all that I followed all advice given and continued now 10 months later with swelling, pain and inabilility to return to my work as a nurse. I feel as though it is worse than it was before. It constantly causes me pain and grinds and sounds and feels like something isn't right in it. Dr. x-rayed it once after surgery, he says it may have scar tissue in it. Gave cortisone injection in it. I thought that was the point of a replacement and that should solve all these old problems but so far it seems much worse plus now I can'[t get down on it at all. I can not get down in a bathtub and get up. I had to have help getting up from a being on the sand on the beach. I will never be able to have normal activity. Prior to this I was more active than now even. There is no way I would have the other one done unless I just couldn't walk at all. It is a DePuy replacement as well. They do need to pay for all these defective parts. Now I have lost my insurance because of being on disability and can't even afford to go follow up with all the problems.

  • kevinFebruary 28, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    hello to my fellow knee replacement victims. i know how you all feel. i had a left partial knee replacement and since day one had nothing but troubles. i have 80% rom aalot of swelling and loss of feeling on top of knee and inner thigh.i was told surgery would take about 90 min but actually took 3 an a half hours what went wrong? i know see a new doctor who im confident in. xrays show the implant[Show More]hello to my fellow knee replacement victims. i know how you all feel. i had a left partial knee replacement and since day one had nothing but troubles. i have 80% rom aalot of swelling and loss of feeling on top of knee and inner thigh.i was told surgery would take about 90 min but actually took 3 an a half hours what went wrong? i know see a new doctor who im confident in. xrays show the implant that was out in is the wrong size. i have read that the implant manafacture had a recall that the implants were labeled wrong. since my surgery i have lost my muscle strength in my thigh and been going to theraphy 3x a week for 7 months and still no muscle strenght. now because of the misalignment of my leg i now need a full knee replacement 6 months after my partial knee. so i do know all the pain you people are havin good luck to you all!!!!!!!!!!

  • donaldFebruary 24, 2012 at 5:13 pm

    I had a total knee replacement in feb 2011 i have depuy lcs mobile bearing system after doing everything they ask from cold packs exercise an pt my knee hurts worst than before the surgery everytime you go back to the Dr all he wants to know if you are exercising this really is a bad place to be I work heavy construction an was told that this surgery was goin to make my life better instead my life[Show More]I had a total knee replacement in feb 2011 i have depuy lcs mobile bearing system after doing everything they ask from cold packs exercise an pt my knee hurts worst than before the surgery everytime you go back to the Dr all he wants to know if you are exercising this really is a bad place to be I work heavy construction an was told that this surgery was goin to make my life better instead my life is full of pain day in an day out someone neeeds to help all of us there has to be something wrong with these implants

  • MaryFebruary 13, 2012 at 8:41 pm

    I had a complete knee replacement done 7/21/10.Was doing good till about October then i started having trouble with it.Went back to my dr he said every thing looks fine so i wanted another oppion and called a dr in Atlanta.I went to see him and he said that the knee hadnt worked because of my weight and i would have to lose 100 pounds befor he could do another knee replacement.I didnt believe it w[Show More]I had a complete knee replacement done 7/21/10.Was doing good till about October then i started having trouble with it.Went back to my dr he said every thing looks fine so i wanted another oppion and called a dr in Atlanta.I went to see him and he said that the knee hadnt worked because of my weight and i would have to lose 100 pounds befor he could do another knee replacement.I didnt believe it was because of my weight because i had friends that had had theres done that weighted more than me.I deal with pain all the time.the feel of pins and needles sticking in my knee,numbness and popping and cracking of my knee when i get up.I cant move from a standing position when i get up for 2 or 3 minutes till my knee pops in place.I try not to take so many pain pills cause i dont want to get hooked on them so with the help of the Lord i deal with the pain.I wished i had never had this done i was so much better before this.I think the knee replacement is faulty but i dont know what to do .I had the johnson&johnson depuy knee replacement.I thought i would have a better quilty of life after the knee replacement but i cant hardly do any thing.Some one please help.

  • DodieJanuary 26, 2012 at 3:20 pm

    I had a depuy rotating platform knee implanted in Jan 09. Feb 09 it rotated 95 degrees and tore my MCL and Patella tendons. After weeks of therapy my patella tendon macerated, and the knee was still continuing to rotate. Two days after repair surgery my incision broke open and a staph infection was found. After 8 weeks of antibiotics my leg was swollen, still very painful and the doc refused to ad[Show More]I had a depuy rotating platform knee implanted in Jan 09. Feb 09 it rotated 95 degrees and tore my MCL and Patella tendons. After weeks of therapy my patella tendon macerated, and the knee was still continuing to rotate. Two days after repair surgery my incision broke open and a staph infection was found. After 8 weeks of antibiotics my leg was swollen, still very painful and the doc refused to admit that it may be infected. A second opinion wanted to amputate then I went to Mayo. They removed the knee, put in spacer and treated me with antibiotics. I was on life support for a week because I had MRSA and got ARDS. I was not expected to live. I know have a full leg fusion with a titanium rod from my knee to ankle. I will never be able to bend my leg again and I am in constant hip and back pain due to the rod. Why this product is still on the market is beyond my understanding!

  • ReginaJanuary 23, 2012 at 3:42 pm

    I had surgery 11-06 and have lived with the problems since. Now it's to the point where I can't sleep in bed some nights because it pulls apart a fraction and that makes it hurt. So go to my recliner with a small rolled pillow under the knee so it's not pulling apart, where I try to sleep. Every year I've been to doctor he takes a exray while I'm standing. I went again last year and told the[Show More]I had surgery 11-06 and have lived with the problems since. Now it's to the point where I can't sleep in bed some nights because it pulls apart a fraction and that makes it hurt. So go to my recliner with a small rolled pillow under the knee so it's not pulling apart, where I try to sleep. Every year I've been to doctor he takes a exray while I'm standing. I went again last year and told them no exray if standing. No one believes me but I can feel it come apart a tiny bit. I've been taking so much for the pain my stomach is now hurting. I have to sit in a chair (not booth) at rest. so my knee doesn't pull apart and hurt. Who can help us?

  • sheliaJanuary 13, 2012 at 8:01 pm

    this is just plain scary!!!! i had my left knee replaced with the depuy in nov 2008 and nothing but pain swelling and the knee being hot since. they did arthoscopy in may 2009 with no results and 6 months of therapy. nothing helps . the doctors tell me it is just scar tissue. never knew that could be so painful

  • CLARICEJanuary 13, 2012 at 5:22 pm

    i had right knee replacement in 2008- i am still not happy with the results! i am still in pain and have little ROM. the device is a Depuy LCS. I WAS IN ICU FOR 3 DAYS, HAD 2 U. Blood stayed 5 days, 4 mo pt. I understand there has been a recall bcause of incarrect size etching on the device. STILL LOOKING FOR ANSWERS.

  • JerryJanuary 6, 2012 at 7:23 pm

    Arizona lawyers don't have a clue and will not get envolved even when they are ont the list of recall knee products shame on them.

  • JerryJanuary 6, 2012 at 2:04 am

    I have all the same problems that many of you do. I would like to know if any of you have contacted a lawyer and if so have you been sucessful?

  • LauraJanuary 5, 2012 at 7:10 pm

    I too had a Johnson & Johnson De Puy Rt knee replacement. The surgery was done January 2008. Five days later and still in the hospital I had a severe hematoma. A code was called to my room. They thought I was going to have a heart attach. At the time I was only 41. Back in to surgery were I received 2 blood transfusions. Three wks later I left the hospital. Almost a year of pt and a knee manip[Show More]I too had a Johnson & Johnson De Puy Rt knee replacement. The surgery was done January 2008. Five days later and still in the hospital I had a severe hematoma. A code was called to my room. They thought I was going to have a heart attach. At the time I was only 41. Back in to surgery were I received 2 blood transfusions. Three wks later I left the hospital. Almost a year of pt and a knee manipulation I figure this is as good as it's going to get. I still get injections to the back of my knee but stopped seeing my ortho surgeon. He did nothing for me except take money. I feel bad about complaining, I'm still alive. BUT this knee gives me such problems. Clicking, not being able to bend it, the throbbing and pain. I have adjusted my life around what I can no longer do. The pain is constant, I have learned to live with it. Although at times it does remind me it's there! I thought I was the only one having a problem with this.

  • KathyDecember 31, 2011 at 5:02 pm

    My husband underwent a total knee transplant in June, 2011. He recieved the J7J Dupai Cobalt Knee replacement. Is this product included in the recall and can the cobalt hurt him. He has had repeated pain and I would like to know why.

  • JerryDecember 30, 2011 at 4:54 pm

    I had both knees replaed in October 12, 2009. I went through extensive therapy and the right knee would not respond to the degree that was desired by my therapy department. They said the knee neded to be scoped to see if there was scar tissue blocking the movement. I went to the doctor hat replaced the knees and when I was scheduled to have the proceedure, he would not touch the ight knee becaus[Show More]I had both knees replaed in October 12, 2009. I went through extensive therapy and the right knee would not respond to the degree that was desired by my therapy department. They said the knee neded to be scoped to see if there was scar tissue blocking the movement. I went to the doctor hat replaced the knees and when I was scheduled to have the proceedure, he would not touch the ight knee because it had a severe rash and decided to manipulate the knee instead. My knee is sore all the time and clicks and pops. I can not stand for a very long time and walking is out of the question if it is for a long distance. I sent my request to a lawyer because I saw a T.V.add concerning knee replacements by De Puy. He said that he could not find anyone in Arizona that was taking knee replacements cases. I don't know what to do next. Please someone help me. Jerry

  • BryanDecember 30, 2011 at 4:32 pm

    My father had knee replacement (DEPUY hardware). Are there any public forums out there besides this comment section to get in touch with others? I would like to get more information for him since the doctor is now saying there is an infection. How can a doctor tell their is an infection a few years after the procedure and says that the infection has caused a couple of screws to become loose? I don[Show More]My father had knee replacement (DEPUY hardware). Are there any public forums out there besides this comment section to get in touch with others? I would like to get more information for him since the doctor is now saying there is an infection. How can a doctor tell their is an infection a few years after the procedure and says that the infection has caused a couple of screws to become loose? I dont buy it

  • Lorene D.December 22, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    I had a total left knee replacement in June of 2008; it was a Du Puy Rotator platform-horrible experience. The Dr. had scheduled 2.5 hours for this surgery and it took over 8 hours. It has never been right, gross swelling, constant pain, knee has been drained to no avail. Probably the worst part of this new knee is the unpredictalbe "buckling" it just flat gives out-if I'm not holding on to someth[Show More]I had a total left knee replacement in June of 2008; it was a Du Puy Rotator platform-horrible experience. The Dr. had scheduled 2.5 hours for this surgery and it took over 8 hours. It has never been right, gross swelling, constant pain, knee has been drained to no avail. Probably the worst part of this new knee is the unpredictalbe "buckling" it just flat gives out-if I'm not holding on to something 3-5 times a week I go flying. My regular doctor at first said this was considered a "poor outcome" that was in late 2008. After that, with almost daily swimming to build strength, one of the few exercises I am able to do becuae of the pain; it is now called a "complete failure." The orthopedist said I may have to undergo another total knee replacement-fat chance guys! If this is the best available, I was actually better off before the surgery, the pain and swelling are both worse now, and it did not buckle before this.

  • DawnDecember 1, 2011 at 8:12 pm

    I had a tkr in 2008 and I knew in less than a week that something was not right. The implant felt like it was too big so I told my surgeon, his assistant, the physical therapist, etc. but they all said the same thing, "it's just swelling, it will go down eventually." It did not "go down" and I was in constant pain. The physical therapist would not listen to me when I tried to tell her that it's[Show More]I had a tkr in 2008 and I knew in less than a week that something was not right. The implant felt like it was too big so I told my surgeon, his assistant, the physical therapist, etc. but they all said the same thing, "it's just swelling, it will go down eventually." It did not "go down" and I was in constant pain. The physical therapist would not listen to me when I tried to tell her that it's not that I didn't want to do the exercises but that I couldn't do them because my knee was "stuck". She didn't seem to care and the torture she put me through was more than I could handle. Two days out of the hospital, she had me put my foot on top of the coffee table while she stood up, put both hands on my knee and pushed down as if she was trying to get her feet off the ground. I screamed and pushed her off of me and then my husband told her that I couldn't handle pain - he's lucky that I let him live after that. When she found out that I was going to have the manipulation, she said I should let her do it and it would save me a lot of money. She must have been crazy if she thought I would let her do that. She laughed at how much pain she caused one man but he wouldn't tell her so she just kept pushing him until he finally begged her to stop. I fired her and reported her to the state board of physical therapist. My doctor had two heart attacks - the first time he was out for about three weeks and the second he was out for about two months so I only saw his physician's assistant even though there was another surgeon in the practice. He lied to me over and over and so did his assistant which is why when my dr. was out, they wouldn't let me see the other dr. I saw five more surgeons and chose the one I thought would be the best and I'm glad I did. I was never able to straighten my leg after the first surgery and only had about a 78 degree flexion. After the revision I was able to completely straighten my leg and got my flexion to about 97 degrees and that's all I will ever have because the damage was so severe from the original surgery. As for suing the dr., the hospital, etc. I hope you live in state that does not limit the compensation you can collect or you will never find and an attorney to take your case. These cases are expensive to take to court and they pay out of their pocket for another dr. in the same field to testify, phone calls, paper work, legal assistant's, etc. Also, keep in mind that there is a statute of limitations which means you have to file a lawsuit within a certain amount of time and in my case, it is two years so there isn't anything I can do at this point to be compensated for all of the expenses I have had to pay out of my pocket not to mention all the pain and suffering I've been through and will go through the rest of my life. So check to see what laws are in your state and if you think you have a case, contact an attorney as soon as possible. I don't think any of us wants to bankrupt the surgeons, the hospitals or the company that makes these artificial joints but I do think we should be compensated for the hell we've been through. I also think that all should at least give us a sincere apology for what has happened to us, you might be amazed at how much we can forgive if you truly are sorry for the outcome of our surgeries.

  • JoyceDecember 1, 2011 at 5:30 am

    A dear friend had both hips replaced in 200& 2002.One of her legs turns out sideways,is two inches shorter than the other and she has been in a wheelchair ever since.We are unsure of the brand,but wondering if there's any chance that she can still take part in a class action after so long.

  • garyNovember 23, 2011 at 1:09 am

    I had a total knee replacement with the DePuy device and it lasted just under four years when the surface of the device failed and flakes of the replacement knee device were floating throughout my body endangering my replacement aorta heart valve replacement. The second knee replacement was or has never been as "comfortable" as the first replacement due to the caritlage build up from the first su[Show More]I had a total knee replacement with the DePuy device and it lasted just under four years when the surface of the device failed and flakes of the replacement knee device were floating throughout my body endangering my replacement aorta heart valve replacement. The second knee replacement was or has never been as "comfortable" as the first replacement due to the caritlage build up from the first surgery. Also, with the second device i've noted that it just gives out occasionally and I drop like a stone ! This second device has been in place since April 2002 but there has been almost constant pain, swelling and warmest in the "repaired " knee.

  • HicksNovember 5, 2011 at 12:36 am

    After reading everyone concerns regarding their experience from having knee replacement surgery, I felt obligated to share my story. Within a year I had 2 (TWO) knee replacement on the same knee in 2009. I have fallen, my knee locks up, and I walk with a limp. I have to use a cane and I am terrified of stairs. I am a former professional athlete and enjoyed working out. Now that I am disable, I [Show More]After reading everyone concerns regarding their experience from having knee replacement surgery, I felt obligated to share my story. Within a year I had 2 (TWO) knee replacement on the same knee in 2009. I have fallen, my knee locks up, and I walk with a limp. I have to use a cane and I am terrified of stairs. I am a former professional athlete and enjoyed working out. Now that I am disable, I cannot do all the things I enjoy and I feel depress and stress over the weight I have gained. I was told that I need another full knee replacement and I am scared as hell. DuPuy products has caused a lot of us dissatisfaction and now I am not sure what to do.

  • LisaNovember 2, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    I had my first knee replacement 3/2008. I began to have problems immediately. There was constant swelling, pain, shifting in the joint area, and loss of range of motion. I had to wait until I was eligible for disablity ibsurance to have it replaced again 5/ 2010. I still have the lose of range of motion due to arthrofibrosis. I now have a Stryker knee but I still have problems. I had a part[Show More]I had my first knee replacement 3/2008. I began to have problems immediately. There was constant swelling, pain, shifting in the joint area, and loss of range of motion. I had to wait until I was eligible for disablity ibsurance to have it replaced again 5/ 2010. I still have the lose of range of motion due to arthrofibrosis. I now have a Stryker knee but I still have problems. I had a partiial replacemnt of the top portion in 1/2011. I may have to have more surgery to remove the scar tissue in 2/2012. I am so disappointed with the quality of these knee implants and I cannot understand how the FDA has allowed these companies to continue to allow such inferior parts to be used on unsuspecting people. I know that there is always a risk when something like this is done, but I still find that our governement should be more attentive to what these companies are manufacturing. I wish that I had never had the surgery. I lost my job of 23 years $42,000 down to $21,000 per year. Ain't that a kick in the gut.

  • GaryOctober 27, 2011 at 8:11 pm

    I had a total knee replacement(Depuy) in March of 2009 and still having problems with pain two years later. I just had a three phase bone scan done and revieled that the upper in inplant could be loose. My doctor said the glue may have not worked. Has anyone else had that problem. I like how these doctors will not comet themselves To reading the results with any comment. I mean there only being p[Show More]I had a total knee replacement(Depuy) in March of 2009 and still having problems with pain two years later. I just had a three phase bone scan done and revieled that the upper in inplant could be loose. My doctor said the glue may have not worked. Has anyone else had that problem. I like how these doctors will not comet themselves To reading the results with any comment. I mean there only being paid1500.00 to read it. Well hear we go again. I'm going to give it one more try to fix it. If I were not in so much pain I would not be doing this again. Wish me luck.

  • KateOctober 8, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    I had a total knee replacement in June 2008. The device was a DePuy RP-F . This knee implant is supposed to be superior due to the "high flexion" ability (The "F" of the RP-F). The pain never went away, only got worse. My doc kept telling me my X-Rays looked good. 1 month ago I moved to another state and saw a new ortho. He did xrays and bone scan and suspected it was loose at the femoral compo[Show More]I had a total knee replacement in June 2008. The device was a DePuy RP-F . This knee implant is supposed to be superior due to the "high flexion" ability (The "F" of the RP-F). The pain never went away, only got worse. My doc kept telling me my X-Rays looked good. 1 month ago I moved to another state and saw a new ortho. He did xrays and bone scan and suspected it was loose at the femoral component. He sent me to another ortho who specializes in revisions. He confirmed the diagnosis and I'm scheduled for revision surgery on December 5th. This should never have gone this long.

  • SueSeptember 25, 2011 at 8:19 pm

    I hate to complain but lately I am having pain again after 3 years with no pain after my surgery in may 2008. I was told I could ride again so I have been doing that. I don't seem to be able to do much of anything without a lot of pain in my knee. I too have a DePuy knee part.

  • CharlineSeptember 17, 2011 at 3:02 am

    I had a L knee replacement on 1/4/2006 I had just turn 41 a few month earlier. Hoping this new knee would allow me to do more with my kids. Boy was I wrong. Its a Johnson & Johnson Depuy I have had problems with this knee from almost day one. I even have gone as far as to ask my doctor to cut it off. All that got me was a trip to the shrink. The doc found out last year it has come loose insid[Show More]I had a L knee replacement on 1/4/2006 I had just turn 41 a few month earlier. Hoping this new knee would allow me to do more with my kids. Boy was I wrong. Its a Johnson & Johnson Depuy I have had problems with this knee from almost day one. I even have gone as far as to ask my doctor to cut it off. All that got me was a trip to the shrink. The doc found out last year it has come loose inside which make matter worst. I hate my leg and would rather not have it connceted to me any more. I wish someone would help me get rid of this knee hell I'll throw the foot in free.

  • lowellSeptember 10, 2011 at 4:21 pm

    On 10/13/11 I had a tkr done.At mt 6 week check-up I was still on a walker and had acute pain, gross swelling and stiffness. X-rays were taken an my Dr. examined me telling everything was OK.At my 2 month check same story,pain, stiffness,and swelling. Again I was x-rayed and examined-no peoblems found? On 1/3/11 I had a manipulation done unsuccessful. After the procedure my knee looked like a foot[Show More]On 10/13/11 I had a tkr done.At mt 6 week check-up I was still on a walker and had acute pain, gross swelling and stiffness. X-rays were taken an my Dr. examined me telling everything was OK.At my 2 month check same story,pain, stiffness,and swelling. Again I was x-rayed and examined-no peoblems found? On 1/3/11 I had a manipulation done unsuccessful. After the procedure my knee looked like a football I could not bend it at all and the pain was horrible. After surgery ans the manipulation and 24 p/t visitd my knee is still a mess I have very little flex and exten.On 4/20/11 I underwent a revision and a different type implant was used (DePuy). Here it is 6 months later and I syill have the pain, the stiffness and the swelling plus 12 more therepy visits. My Dr. dosen't have a clue as to what is wrong! I am getting depressed> Iam tired of the cane and the pain the pills and icepaks.I JUST WANT MY LIFE BACK! Who is to blame and who is to pay? Any attourneys out there want to tackle this one or at least advise me?

  • TheresaSeptember 7, 2011 at 3:30 pm

    My husband had his 1st knee replacement in Dec 07 (biomet vanguard) and 4 months out started having swelling and pain all the way down his leg - lots of tests, no infection, no rejection, but no answers either. In Nov 08 the dr. opened him back up for "observation" and made some slight adjustments to the knee cap - and closed him back up - and the pain was worse. In March 09 they did a total re[Show More]My husband had his 1st knee replacement in Dec 07 (biomet vanguard) and 4 months out started having swelling and pain all the way down his leg - lots of tests, no infection, no rejection, but no answers either. In Nov 08 the dr. opened him back up for "observation" and made some slight adjustments to the knee cap - and closed him back up - and the pain was worse. In March 09 they did a total revision (dupuy). Since then he's had constant swelling, pain, loosening of the prosthesis, etc. We've had 4 "second" opinions - but after 3 surgeries already no one will touch him. All 4 doctors say the knee seems "loose" and "not right", but will not say what is wrong specifically, and say that there is nothing more they can do to help him. He had to give up his business of 20 + years and is now on disability. He lives with a lot of pain every day. This has negatively impacted all areas of our lives, and I feel for all of you going through this too. Why are they allowed to continue using these devices when so many patients have such severe trouble???????

  • WandaSeptember 4, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    I had a right knee replacement in 01-08-09. I was having pain before and after surgey. It has been three years and I`m still in lot`s of pain and was just told that the replacement is loose and need a revision. In other words a new knee replacement.What the heck am I to do? The first procedure was so painful that I really am afraid to go ahead with the revision..I was told that the pain might be w[Show More]I had a right knee replacement in 01-08-09. I was having pain before and after surgey. It has been three years and I`m still in lot`s of pain and was just told that the replacement is loose and need a revision. In other words a new knee replacement.What the heck am I to do? The first procedure was so painful that I really am afraid to go ahead with the revision..I was told that the pain might be worse and no guarantees..

  • PatSeptember 2, 2011 at 6:06 am

    I had a DePuy knee replacement done Last Sept. In Feburary my doctor had fo totall reopen the knee. Said he took out scar tissure and also did a lateral release. It is now Sept.. and I am in severe pain walking or standing. DR states exrays look perfect. BUt I wonder why I have so much pain if it is"perfect". I had my right knee done in 1995 and it is still woriking perfect and nver had pain[Show More]I had a DePuy knee replacement done Last Sept. In Feburary my doctor had fo totall reopen the knee. Said he took out scar tissure and also did a lateral release. It is now Sept.. and I am in severe pain walking or standing. DR states exrays look perfect. BUt I wonder why I have so much pain if it is"perfect". I had my right knee done in 1995 and it is still woriking perfect and nver had pain after about 2 months. My PCP wants me to get a second opinion on this knee.

  • CorinneAugust 25, 2011 at 1:34 am

    I had a depuy knee replacement 7/2006. I have approx 50% flexibility, constant tightness and costant swelling over top of knee, predominentlyom the left side. I thought this was normal as my subsequent x-rays were said to be good. It always feels strange and weak at times. I did not know there were so many people experiencing problems. Though it was just part of having a replacement.

  • TerryAugust 17, 2011 at 4:00 am

    Had my Rt knee done over 12 yrs. ago (I was 47)...never a problem (probably NOT a DePuy knee). So when my ortho guy said it was time for me to get the Lt. knee done I said ok let's do it. In Dec. '10 I went in and got it done. Now I know I'm only 9 months out of surgery but still I have continuing pain (not debilitating as many of you describe but it is there), I have this huge "knot" just above[Show More]Had my Rt knee done over 12 yrs. ago (I was 47)...never a problem (probably NOT a DePuy knee). So when my ortho guy said it was time for me to get the Lt. knee done I said ok let's do it. In Dec. '10 I went in and got it done. Now I know I'm only 9 months out of surgery but still I have continuing pain (not debilitating as many of you describe but it is there), I have this huge "knot" just above the kneecap, and once in a while it feels like it's just not functioning properly (like partially buckling when I walk). Thankfully I have not fallen. I am a truck driver and the pain is all in the quad muscle whenever I get in/out of my truck and man...when I shift! Not to mention the stop and go traffic situations. I just had it drained a couple of weeks ago and am sched. for an "exploratory" scpe on the 30th (Aug.). Doc. also said he'll open up the top of the knee and take care of the knot he believes is scar tissue. He thinks this might solve the problem of my partially functioning quad muscle. Sure hope he's right... The continuing saga...... I guess I should have gone back tob the guy that did my Lt. knee. I probably wouldn't be writing this comment.

  • GeorgiaAugust 10, 2011 at 3:29 pm

    Where is the compassion for all these people suffering from the neglect of this company. They knew up front this knee replacement wasn't right and went ahead from greed to put it in these poor patients. Money takes over compassion from greedy companies and doctors. Lawyers aren't the answer, as they are greedy also. We need to get together and go to Washington and show support for each other.

  • donnaAugust 9, 2011 at 10:37 am

    My De Puy worked for 3 years great and then all Hell broke out. I have been trying to get the VA to acknowledge that there is a problem with the knee. It is so bad that the pain brings tears to my eyes..I am now on Morphine and that does not even touch the severity of the pain.. so..is DePuy knee recalled or not????

  • rogerJuly 30, 2011 at 9:27 pm

    I have had both knees replaced with the Depuy and now wished I would have never had it done the pain is worse now than before. i am getting ready to go back and have both replaced again because the orthopedic doctors say my body is trying to reject the implants plus they are loosening one knee has been done only 7 months ago and the second 2 years. Went to 2 different doctors and they told me the[Show More]I have had both knees replaced with the Depuy and now wished I would have never had it done the pain is worse now than before. i am getting ready to go back and have both replaced again because the orthopedic doctors say my body is trying to reject the implants plus they are loosening one knee has been done only 7 months ago and the second 2 years. Went to 2 different doctors and they told me the same thing.

  • LisaJuly 19, 2011 at 7:55 pm

    Have same complaints as everybody else had a Depuy knee replacement in 09/20/2010. Seems to me somethings wrong with the equipment.

  • LewisJuly 17, 2011 at 11:11 pm

    I had a Depuy knee implnted while stationed in Germany 9 Aug 2006. The surgeon did not implant the patella articulating surface. The femoral replacement was too large. In Jan 2009 I had to have surgery again. Continuous pain and swelling. The surgeon in Alaska discovered the oversized femoral implnat. The patella had to be rebuilt and the patella articulating surface impalnted. The orthopedic [Show More]I had a Depuy knee implnted while stationed in Germany 9 Aug 2006. The surgeon did not implant the patella articulating surface. The femoral replacement was too large. In Jan 2009 I had to have surgery again. Continuous pain and swelling. The surgeon in Alaska discovered the oversized femoral implnat. The patella had to be rebuilt and the patella articulating surface impalnted. The orthopedic surgeons were unable to remove the femoral implant with great risk of fracturing the femur and possibly ending up with prolonged recovery and possibly one leg shorter than the other. It was then that I was told I should not have been doing lower leg extensions with weights. Was never warned of this before. Knee remains painful to this date. Have had platelet problems and multiple white cell shifts since.

  • LindaJuly 16, 2011 at 6:45 pm

    I had total knee replacement in August 2008, and a Depuy left knee was inserted....it took months before I could walk on it at all, but now, 3 years later, I am still in constant pain from swelling, standing on it over 30-45 minutes causes it to feel very uncomfortable, and I have to sit down and rest it. I am totally dissatisfied with DePuy"s Total Knee Replacement !!!! One Dr. told me it was[Show More]I had total knee replacement in August 2008, and a Depuy left knee was inserted....it took months before I could walk on it at all, but now, 3 years later, I am still in constant pain from swelling, standing on it over 30-45 minutes causes it to feel very uncomfortable, and I have to sit down and rest it. I am totally dissatisfied with DePuy"s Total Knee Replacement !!!! One Dr. told me it was possible the fittings were not sized properly, causing it to be loosened, and constant popping sound as I walk. What are we suppose to do??? Continue to live with this misery???

  • BobJuly 9, 2011 at 6:17 pm

    20 years after arthroscopic on my left knee, I had a total knee replacement in March of 2007. Did all my therapies faithfully. Knee still was swollen, stiff and painful. My right knee was replaced, again with a DePuy component, June 2010 and the left knee was manipulated during the operation to try to alleviate scar tissue. Now I have pain in both knees,if I'm standing for 30 minutes or so. With m[Show More]20 years after arthroscopic on my left knee, I had a total knee replacement in March of 2007. Did all my therapies faithfully. Knee still was swollen, stiff and painful. My right knee was replaced, again with a DePuy component, June 2010 and the left knee was manipulated during the operation to try to alleviate scar tissue. Now I have pain in both knees,if I'm standing for 30 minutes or so. With my job, I'm on my feet 8 hours a day. plus the knees pop, are unsteady. Had a terrible time last winter walking in the snow or on ice. I used to do a lot of ice fishing, but now have a tough time lifting my feet. Saw a new doctor(the other retired). Was sent for a bone scan which showed "hot spots" on both knees. Planning to get the revision surgery on the left knee done July 18...My doctor wants to replace the plastic with metal components and lengthen the brace on the tibia. He did tell me there are no garuantees and that it is more painful a surgery than the first time: I'm definitely not looking forward to it. But if it means I can walk my dog, or ride a bike, or push my grandchildren in their strollers, I have to take the chance. So I'll get it done, take my pension, and retire earlier than I wanted to. I've put in 43 years already; but can't perform to my satisfaction.

  • MarilynJune 28, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    I had both knees totally replaced in May of 2006 -- did all the therapy but am in constant pain. I know something is wrong, however the Doctor insists the x-rays show my knees are fine -on my last visit to him in 2008, I noticed he now uses Strycker instead of DePuy -- I cannot stand in one place for any length of time and walking even around the block is very painful. I wonder why he switched[Show More]I had both knees totally replaced in May of 2006 -- did all the therapy but am in constant pain. I know something is wrong, however the Doctor insists the x-rays show my knees are fine -on my last visit to him in 2008, I noticed he now uses Strycker instead of DePuy -- I cannot stand in one place for any length of time and walking even around the block is very painful. I wonder why he switched products. I am worse off now than I was with my original knees.

  • JacquelineJune 27, 2011 at 3:05 am

    I had my left knee replaced with a Dupuy implant. I still have to hold on to something to get into a standing position. I cannot bend over or walk without pain,or walk up and down stairs without pain. I also have to use the over the the toilet seat potty chair.I had the surgery in April of 2010.My knee pops when I walk.

  • carolynJune 20, 2011 at 6:27 pm

    i'm another patient that have had a r-tkr done in June of 2010 it was also Depuy. after the surgery i did all the therpay that i was suppose to do ,the pain and swelling was still there. The pain was continuly about november the pain got lots worse,i couldn't stand or barely walk. went back to doctor and they did all kind of x-ray's and lab. After all the X-Rays the results was that the prosthesi[Show More]i'm another patient that have had a r-tkr done in June of 2010 it was also Depuy. after the surgery i did all the therpay that i was suppose to do ,the pain and swelling was still there. The pain was continuly about november the pain got lots worse,i couldn't stand or barely walk. went back to doctor and they did all kind of x-ray's and lab. After all the X-Rays the results was that the prosthesis has come a loose,this has been only about 6 mths after the surgery, so i had to have a revision done in May 2011 about 9 mths after the first sugery.I did get my prosthsis after surgery because i wanted to see it. If there any thing that can be done class action or individe would be great, i've in debt so bad from having these 2 surgery back to back like that... Help!!!!

  • KarylJune 20, 2011 at 4:01 pm

    I had a De Puy total knee done on 10/2009. I was given the all clear to return to work on 2/2010. My knee was still swelling, but my PT said it would do that for up to 6 months. My Dr. said the X-rays looked fine. I actually felt better than before. However, as of today, I still get swelling from above the knee to my ankle, the outside of it is a bit numb, it locks up, clicks, and hurts more than[Show More]I had a De Puy total knee done on 10/2009. I was given the all clear to return to work on 2/2010. My knee was still swelling, but my PT said it would do that for up to 6 months. My Dr. said the X-rays looked fine. I actually felt better than before. However, as of today, I still get swelling from above the knee to my ankle, the outside of it is a bit numb, it locks up, clicks, and hurts more than my arthritic knee did before. I cannot climb stairs and trying to step up on a curb is even difficult. It feels like it is going to give away. I can no longer see a Dr. as we have no insurance and it is completely unaffordable for me to go see anyone.

  • margaretJune 17, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    I had TKR on Feb. 1 2010. At first everything was fine. After going to the Dr. three times with pain and swelling, I was told it was particulates coming off the knee and my body was rejecting them. the only solution is more surgery!!!! After reading all the complaints, I had to comment. This is an outrage...... How do we all get this recalled??? Please help, I am back with temporary hadicapped par[Show More]I had TKR on Feb. 1 2010. At first everything was fine. After going to the Dr. three times with pain and swelling, I was told it was particulates coming off the knee and my body was rejecting them. the only solution is more surgery!!!! After reading all the complaints, I had to comment. This is an outrage...... How do we all get this recalled??? Please help, I am back with temporary hadicapped parking tag!!

  • robinJune 16, 2011 at 11:12 pm

    I had a left knee replacement in June of 2007...after complaining of knee pain to a local orthopedic dr he did a arthroscopic exam..He stated the the knee wa marked the wrong size....per an article I read on line Depuy was warned by FDA to get the joints sized correctly....I have had both and right knee replaced but no problems with the right..

  • SueJune 13, 2011 at 4:15 pm

    I had my knee done in 2008, never was the same after. Needed to have it redone a month later to readjust it and have tons of scar tissue which I was told is what is stopping me from having full range of motion. It still hurts when going up and down stairs and if I walk too long or stand too long. Knee looks swollen all the time and I have no feeling on the left side of my knee, it's completely n[Show More]I had my knee done in 2008, never was the same after. Needed to have it redone a month later to readjust it and have tons of scar tissue which I was told is what is stopping me from having full range of motion. It still hurts when going up and down stairs and if I walk too long or stand too long. Knee looks swollen all the time and I have no feeling on the left side of my knee, it's completely numb.

  • ArleneJune 13, 2011 at 12:03 am

    I had the DePuy tkr done in October 2010. My doctor says my x-ray looks good. I am having symptoms that feels like something heavy is weighing down on my knee. It hurts if I stand too long or sit too long. My other knee is bad too. I have surgery scheduled for this month! I am scared!

  • maxineJune 12, 2011 at 3:34 pm


  • StevenJune 11, 2011 at 6:15 pm

    I had Depuy total knee replacement done in August 2009 and I have been in almost constant pain ever since. My knee is still very swollen, it gives out on me, and there is so much pain that I'm still on pain medication that they keep increasing instead of solving the problem. Also I'm on anti-inflamatory medicine for the swelling. After almost two years I should not still be on medication for the[Show More]I had Depuy total knee replacement done in August 2009 and I have been in almost constant pain ever since. My knee is still very swollen, it gives out on me, and there is so much pain that I'm still on pain medication that they keep increasing instead of solving the problem. Also I'm on anti-inflamatory medicine for the swelling. After almost two years I should not still be on medication for the same problems I had before the surgery. I didn't think that I was suppose to be basically worse after going through this surgery.. I was hoping to be out of pain. My other knee is in need of replacement but I'm unable to have it done because the one that has the total knee will not support me. When you are unable to get up from a chair without help or go up and down stairs without alot of difficulty it makes one wonder what's going on. Especially when the knee that has been replaced gives me more pain than the other knee that needs replacement. I've tried to contact someone one about this but I don't seem to get anywhere on filing a claim or getting any help.

  • allenJune 7, 2011 at 3:09 am

    MY TKR IS A TOTAL NIGHTMARE SUGERY WAS DONE 2008 RIGHTKNEE SYMPTOMS AFTER SO CALL HEALED STILL SWOLLEN TWICE AS BIG THEN LEFT LEG KNEE CAP SEVERE CHRONIC PAIN I also developed restless leg syndrome the doctor who did sugery said this happen sometime after a tkr also severe leg spaamsI TAKE PAIN KILLERS EVERY DAY BECAUSE IM STILLWORKING LAWYERS HELP US IVE CONTACTEDSEVERAL LAWYERS ON THE WEB AND T[Show More]MY TKR IS A TOTAL NIGHTMARE SUGERY WAS DONE 2008 RIGHTKNEE SYMPTOMS AFTER SO CALL HEALED STILL SWOLLEN TWICE AS BIG THEN LEFT LEG KNEE CAP SEVERE CHRONIC PAIN I also developed restless leg syndrome the doctor who did sugery said this happen sometime after a tkr also severe leg spaamsI TAKE PAIN KILLERS EVERY DAY BECAUSE IM STILLWORKING LAWYERS HELP US IVE CONTACTEDSEVERAL LAWYERS ON THE WEB AND THEY SAY ihave acase but thier doing knee reclls but they say file acliam before time run out to be in any class actionsuit

  • MaryJune 4, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    had a knee replacemaint in jan.of 2010 . It hurts more now than it did before i had the surgery. It swells and gets stif. I still cant bend the knee.I still cant tie my shoe. cant cut my own nalls I have to get someone to do all of this for me . the Idea of this surgery was to have this fixed so I could take care of all of this on my own. My knee looks like a watermelon It holds so much water that[Show More]had a knee replacemaint in jan.of 2010 . It hurts more now than it did before i had the surgery. It swells and gets stif. I still cant bend the knee.I still cant tie my shoe. cant cut my own nalls I have to get someone to do all of this for me . the Idea of this surgery was to have this fixed so I could take care of all of this on my own. My knee looks like a watermelon It holds so much water that It would be nice if it would some how drain.

  • nicholasJune 3, 2011 at 5:42 pm

    i had a knee replacement in 2006 trhat had me off work for ovwer three months ; i started having pain with it about a year after the implant; i asked the surgeon about the pain , he said the knee was ratating when it shouldn't , when this happens i can't even think about straightning my knee or walking on it because of the pain;i have pain when i have weight on my knee; i am still working and hav[Show More]i had a knee replacement in 2006 trhat had me off work for ovwer three months ; i started having pain with it about a year after the implant; i asked the surgeon about the pain , he said the knee was ratating when it shouldn't , when this happens i can't even think about straightning my knee or walking on it because of the pain;i have pain when i have weight on my knee; i am still working and have been putting off any type of correction to my knee; i feel that i lost my last position in part because i had such a long recovery from the surgery; my surgery was done by a dr. in the st. louis area

  • JuliaMay 31, 2011 at 10:13 pm

    I had total knee replacement on Dec. 2009. Since that time, I have had pain 24/7 . I have to take pain medication everyday so that I can do any normal day to day activities. Climbing and decending stairs has thrown my back out because I cannot bend my knee. I cannot sleep well because after monthts of physical therapy, I still do not have full range of motion. THe knee feels hot to the touch and [Show More]I had total knee replacement on Dec. 2009. Since that time, I have had pain 24/7 . I have to take pain medication everyday so that I can do any normal day to day activities. Climbing and decending stairs has thrown my back out because I cannot bend my knee. I cannot sleep well because after monthts of physical therapy, I still do not have full range of motion. THe knee feels hot to the touch and trobs while not in motion. I cannot use my bike. I had to stop walking because of pain. THis is worrisome, because having had a heart attck, exercise is mandated so I do not incur other vascular problems. I truly wish I had not considered this surgery as I am miserable. I was not aware that I was allergic to A Advil which I took so that I could avoid Vicodin and broke out in a whole body rash. All due to the pain caused by this DePuy knee .

  • GeoffMay 30, 2011 at 5:40 am

    I had a total knee replacement (DePuy ) 15/9/09 . Total faith in the Surgeon (He has done over 2000 replacements ) Within a month of having it done I complained of discomfort and pain . I was told to give it more time and did I need a new prescripttion for more pain pills.During the next few months I kept complaining, had numerous xrays and visits. and more pills. During this time (up until Jan "1[Show More]I had a total knee replacement (DePuy ) 15/9/09 . Total faith in the Surgeon (He has done over 2000 replacements ) Within a month of having it done I complained of discomfort and pain . I was told to give it more time and did I need a new prescripttion for more pain pills.During the next few months I kept complaining, had numerous xrays and visits. and more pills. During this time (up until Jan "11 ) my partner had partials on both knees , by the same Surgeon, and so far successfully. I had a second opinion from another Surgeon , who said in his opinion there was 'luceny "around the prosthesis .He requested a Fluoroscopy xray and a ct scan. The new Surgeon did remedial surgery on March 18 2011 this one is much better. The original Surgeon saw me in hospital after the second replacement and said 'I hadn't done aything wrong, He hadn't done anything wrong, It was just unfortunate and bad luck/// Not much help or consolation for 18 months of pain and suffering .

  • DorisMay 24, 2011 at 2:35 pm

    I too had a Depuy Knee Implant in Dec.2009 and had nothing but trouble one month after surgery and had to have a revision in Dec.2010 due to loosening..Seems to me there are enough complaints that Depuy should have to do something about there knee implants like they did on the Hip.

  • MelodyMay 20, 2011 at 9:33 pm

    Well, looks like I am not the only one in pain!! I am now 52, I had my first tkr in 97 and it was the best thing that ever happened. it was a zimmer 11 years later started having pain in my patella and Dr scoped it and found patella was bad s well as head of tibia so he replaced the polyethylene parts on dec of 08. In feb 09 I began feeling bad and within hours was in the er by ambulance for the p[Show More]Well, looks like I am not the only one in pain!! I am now 52, I had my first tkr in 97 and it was the best thing that ever happened. it was a zimmer 11 years later started having pain in my patella and Dr scoped it and found patella was bad s well as head of tibia so he replaced the polyethylene parts on dec of 08. In feb 09 I began feeling bad and within hours was in the er by ambulance for the pain and was told I had over done things and was sent home 2 days later I was back in er with worsening of symptoms and fever had strep infection and went to or for clean out. Was on IV antibiotics at home when developed an immune response to IV antibx so picline removed and placed on oral antibiotics for 6 months. in July 2010 after still being unable to be pain free bone scan done and found that infection caused loosening of prothesis so in sept of 2010 had total knee revision with Depuy. Have had pain ever since!! Can't sleep, can't sit for very long can't stand for very long now having back pain pain pills don't work great and 2 xrays Dr says "looks great" well I can tell ya it may look great but it is NOT!!!!! I have said something wro9ng the first time they stood me up and walked me. my Dr knows me and knows I am a go getter well folks this go getter can't anymore! I have gone to pain center and first they say I have RSD one minute then say not sure the next. I may have rsd but I can tell ya there is something wrong with the prothesis!!! I AM NOT STUPID OR CRAZY!!! Tehn I just found out today by mere chance that the new implant is a dam DEPUY!!! Dr told me he replaced it with a zimmer. HE LIED!!! Which actually makes more sense. they are doing a bone scan next week and maybe we will get answers who knows. I had so much faith in my Dr he could have told me the world was gonna come to an end tomorrow and I would have believed him now I don't know what to believe!! I an so scared to have any more surgery!! One thig is for sure this RN will be doing her homework because someone is gonna fix this and if I find out anything that will help any of you here you can bet your sweet cheeks I will post it!! My life has been DESTROYED and someone is gonna make it right!!!! God bless you all and oh to Debra's post on Dec 2nd 2010 GF you don't have a clue what you are talking about. The prosthesis can cause pain without nerve damage or muscle weakness!! I have 100% extension and 100% flexion no nerve damage according to conduction studies and my knee hurts like &*^^%$& the prothesis can cause pain by moving around in the bone which bone pain is the worse. So please have a little empathy on those here who are already feeling like they are crazy becaise of some companies inconsiderate and ignorant concept that their product could not possibly be the problem bad!!

  • LuWalkerMay 18, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    I have to comment on May's comment dated May 12, 2011. I had a total knee replacement in Nov. 2008 and have not been able to been my knee either. Walking is very difficult as well as the other problems May talked about. I went to therapy for almost 6 months and it did not do any good. The doctor has told me over and over again, "it just takes time". How much time does it take?

  • FrancesMay 16, 2011 at 11:54 am

    I got a depuy knee in 2010 and i have been haveing problems from day one. my doctor said the knee is fine , but i have pain everyday.

  • MayMay 13, 2011 at 12:27 am

    I had my right knee done 7/23/2007. I have been in pain ever since. I seen the Dr. who did it three times and he says there is nothing wrong. I can tell you there is somehing wrong when then it hurts all the time. I have a hard time bending it. I have a hard time walking for a long time. When it comes to shaving my legs that is the worst and putting on socks and shoes. I'm just so darn tired of ha[Show More]I had my right knee done 7/23/2007. I have been in pain ever since. I seen the Dr. who did it three times and he says there is nothing wrong. I can tell you there is somehing wrong when then it hurts all the time. I have a hard time bending it. I have a hard time walking for a long time. When it comes to shaving my legs that is the worst and putting on socks and shoes. I'm just so darn tired of having my knee hurt when there is nothing wrong with the left.

  • georgeMay 12, 2011 at 2:55 am

    I had both knees replaced .right in12/05 and left in 5/06 now from the time I had them done the pain is more then before I had them done.X-rays all look fine all the time but still in pain .To young for S.S.I. got retired do to replacement.Know 5 years later my rehab.Dr.is sending me back to a dr.that only dose replcements.So its shack rattle and pain .I think 5+ years of pain pills is way to long[Show More]I had both knees replaced .right in12/05 and left in 5/06 now from the time I had them done the pain is more then before I had them done.X-rays all look fine all the time but still in pain .To young for S.S.I. got retired do to replacement.Know 5 years later my rehab.Dr.is sending me back to a dr.that only dose replcements.So its shack rattle and pain .I think 5+ years of pain pills is way to long.It was the dumbs thing I ever had done.Day I wish that they had justed cut the things off.Had 20+ years of knee pain but the last 5 have been hell.

  • JEANETTEMay 4, 2011 at 5:49 pm


  • LinMay 2, 2011 at 11:52 pm

    I had a Dupuy (Sigma Rotating Platform) in Dec, 2009. I did very well in my rehab. Maybe too well. The dr. explained that problems usually occur in pts who make very good progress in those first 2 months. (Yet the PT just kept criticizing me: work harder or you may never walk!!!) At my 2-month post op appt, the surgeon said I had patella clunk syndrome, in which my knee would click on the way to a[Show More]I had a Dupuy (Sigma Rotating Platform) in Dec, 2009. I did very well in my rehab. Maybe too well. The dr. explained that problems usually occur in pts who make very good progress in those first 2 months. (Yet the PT just kept criticizing me: work harder or you may never walk!!!) At my 2-month post op appt, the surgeon said I had patella clunk syndrome, in which my knee would click on the way to and from full extension of my leg. When I went back for my 1-yr post op, he said he'd changed his mind, that it wasn't patella clunk, but a misfitting artificial knee!!!! He got the model out to show me. He said the bottom didn't fit into the top exactly; therefore there was looseness and I would have to have a revision - or half a revision surgery! I've been told the rehab is even WORSE for a partial revision. I was telling all this to a lawyer friend; he says I might have a good case against the hospital who bought the artificial joint, the doc who didn't make sure there was an exact fit, and the manufacturer for possible mis-packaging!!! Now I have to get all my medical records, x-rays, and doctor's notes. I do not want to go back to the same surgeon, even though he's head of the knee replacement surgery in my area! I have searched online for months for a dr. who specializes in revision surgery of TKR. Does anyone know of such a doctor? I want someone who pretty much does nothing BUT fix bad knee surgeries. If you can suggest someone, I'd fly to Australia if I had to to go to him! ALso, if anyone else is interested in pursuing a law suit, let me know. Maybe a class action? Or would it be better for each of us to sue individually? The thing is, I have to have my other knee done, also, and I'd like to have them both done at once. I also worry a little about the statute of limitations on a case like this. Anyone know about that? Thanks for any help you can offer!

  • DaleMay 2, 2011 at 10:25 pm

    I had the DePuy Knee replacement 6-9-2010 and I've was told by Kaiser Permanente IT NEEDS TO BE REPLACE its Very Lose and today I use a wheel chair unable to walk I've been in pain for more than 5 years both knees are gone and the HIP Gone from walking bad.

  • travisMay 2, 2011 at 5:32 pm

    on 09/15/2010 my grandmother had left knee surgery involving depuy johnson and johnson knee implant i have seen the commercials involving device recalls and failure if anyone knows anything about this matter please feel free to respond

  • CharlesApril 30, 2011 at 7:44 pm

    I had a dupuy knee replacement in 1997 it came loose and had a revision in 2001 on My 9 I have to have the last on replaced I am at the very least upset and stressed to the max. At times the pain is so strong I can barely stand it I'm tired of taking pain pills to control the nagging pain I have had for the last 2 years. This has been going on for at least 2 years

  • jerriApril 26, 2011 at 6:16 pm

    I had a RIGHT Knee replacement in Sept 2007 this was supposed to be my 6th and final surgery, I was 47 at the time and I had to wait 5 years to get it because they said I was too young.So it seems I'm like the rest of you as soon as you'r released from therapy that's when the nightmare began, swollen all the time popping and cracking,most of the time it seems like it's going to give out I'm sure [Show More]I had a RIGHT Knee replacement in Sept 2007 this was supposed to be my 6th and final surgery, I was 47 at the time and I had to wait 5 years to get it because they said I was too young.So it seems I'm like the rest of you as soon as you'r released from therapy that's when the nightmare began, swollen all the time popping and cracking,most of the time it seems like it's going to give out I'm sure it's not maybe but when. Can't walk, drive, or sit for more than 30mins to 1hr and I can't just get up and walk like I should, but it takes a while. Now it's so swollen that it looks like I ahve 2 knee caps, sleeping with a pillow between my legs dose'nt help,can't sleep in any position comfortably, even with taking 2 sleeping pills. And now myRIGHT hip is starting to hurt when I try to even walk around the block to try and get some exercise,and that's a small 200 x 300 square block.And I guess because of the way I'm now walking my back has begun to hurt and my LEFT knee which has already had 3 surgeries has started to hurt and swell and pop and crack and grind. I'm out of work no money and no Ins so I just keep suffering.

  • DonnaApril 26, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    i had 2 scopes and they also tryed to do what they call the oats prosedier before they did my left knee parcial replacement in 2004 first couple months i thought it was going to be ok but then the pain returned and poping in my knee returned so i keep returning and telling the doctor something wasnt right i was sent to so many phyipy places i think i should oun them thats all they wanted to do phy[Show More]i had 2 scopes and they also tryed to do what they call the oats prosedier before they did my left knee parcial replacement in 2004 first couple months i thought it was going to be ok but then the pain returned and poping in my knee returned so i keep returning and telling the doctor something wasnt right i was sent to so many phyipy places i think i should oun them thats all they wanted to do phyipy . Then one afternoon i was laying across my bed watching tv and went to get up an my knee had locked an i couldnt bend it and the pain was realy bad went to the er next morning cause sometimes it would do this but go back in place but this time it didnt so er doc sent me back to my doc the took ex rays and said surgury in a couple months , will in a couple day one moning went to get out of bed an relized the knee cap had moved over to the inter side of the knee i tryed to call the doc to let them know got a run a round cause the wasnt understanding what i was telling them so i went to another knee specist he said surgey had to be done asap so we set it up i go in to get it done the doctor went to cut the knee open to remove the bad parts and the knee cap its self shot across the roon the doctor replaced it and told me he had never seen anything like it the knee cap shooting across the room where it had came apart and that was in 2007 only 3 yr with the parcial knee replacement

  • SpenceApril 22, 2011 at 11:11 pm

    I had my right knee replaced in March 2009 w/ a DePuy Rotating Platform device. My surgeon was able to get my fix the leg shortness & 20 degree toe in, caused by my severe bowed out / arthritic condition. I can empathize with the many posting pain & suffering but I have only praise for my outcome. I was in so much less pain post-op as compared to before. My most positive discovery came dur[Show More]I had my right knee replaced in March 2009 w/ a DePuy Rotating Platform device. My surgeon was able to get my fix the leg shortness & 20 degree toe in, caused by my severe bowed out / arthritic condition. I can empathize with the many posting pain & suffering but I have only praise for my outcome. I was in so much less pain post-op as compared to before. My most positive discovery came during rehab, trying to learn to walk without limping. The PT tried everything but I couldn't break the habit. She suggested I try a shoe called MBT (now cheaper copies are available from Sketchers & advertised by celebrities) because the rounded bottom would force me to walk heal-to-toe. When I was back to work in my dress shoes, I experienced some of the knee complaints listed in the many blogs & I was back to limping. Now the only time I don't wear MBT's is when I golf. I know that this is not a cure-all for surgical complications but despite the crap from people about my weird shoes, I say try them & hope you do as well as me.

  • JudithApril 20, 2011 at 4:20 pm

    i had knee replacement surgery with a DePuy prosthesis in May of 2009, followed by 14 weeks of therapy. My toes became paralyzed after the surgery, I can bend the knee only slightly past a right angle, so, it is very difficult and risky to use stairs, to get into and out of cars, and to walk, as, I trip, and, am somewhat slightly dragging the leg. I had to retire because of the outcome. Another[Show More]i had knee replacement surgery with a DePuy prosthesis in May of 2009, followed by 14 weeks of therapy. My toes became paralyzed after the surgery, I can bend the knee only slightly past a right angle, so, it is very difficult and risky to use stairs, to get into and out of cars, and to walk, as, I trip, and, am somewhat slightly dragging the leg. I had to retire because of the outcome. Another surgeon just told me he thinks my body is trying to reject the prosthesis. I researched the surgery and prostheses intensively before going into it, but, I was better off before. Knee feels like a thousand pins sticking in it, and is warm, but, no infection has been found.

  • GraceApril 14, 2011 at 1:02 pm

    Dec. 2006, I had a right total knee replacement. Had to have a manipulation done 3weeks later, My knee continually hurt but did get around a little better the first year. But the past 18 to 24 months I have excessive pain in this knee, it swells a lot, continually stiffens up and lately giving out when I go to stand on it. My doctor uses Dupuy knee replacements by Johnson & Johnson. I have be[Show More]Dec. 2006, I had a right total knee replacement. Had to have a manipulation done 3weeks later, My knee continually hurt but did get around a little better the first year. But the past 18 to 24 months I have excessive pain in this knee, it swells a lot, continually stiffens up and lately giving out when I go to stand on it. My doctor uses Dupuy knee replacements by Johnson & Johnson. I have been really frustrated because the things I had hoped to do as I got older are almost impossible now with all the knee pain.

  • TerryApril 11, 2011 at 11:15 pm

    I had a right knee replacement in nov. 2005, and have had problems such as swelling, shooting pain, locking up randomly, and puffyness, and just recently on 4/10/2011 i woke up at 3am. fever in the knee swelling and unbarrarable pain!!! no abuse just used it as a regularly every day walking knee im really worried!!! had to be taken to the emergency room could not walk.....

  • NickApril 11, 2011 at 6:31 pm

    I had a total right knee replacement in April of '09. It felt better before the operation than it has since. Before i had it done, we asked the doctor to put me on a machine to manipulate the knee and keep it bending which he said they didn't do any more. Two months later, I had to go in and pay for a manipulation. I have pain from my hip to my toes and 2 of my toes are numb all the time. My [Show More]I had a total right knee replacement in April of '09. It felt better before the operation than it has since. Before i had it done, we asked the doctor to put me on a machine to manipulate the knee and keep it bending which he said they didn't do any more. Two months later, I had to go in and pay for a manipulation. I have pain from my hip to my toes and 2 of my toes are numb all the time. My knee is always swollen and my ankle is always swollen. I can't walk for more than 30 minutes at a time or the swelling gets real bad. I am 50 years old and have no life at all because of this. I need help!!! I know the doctor used a Johnson & Johnson replacement that grows into the bone with no screws or glue to attach it to the bone. I have no insurance any more and can't do anything about this. I live in pain 24/7 and at times wish I could have my leg just cut off.

  • CherylApril 5, 2011 at 1:45 am

    I had a total right knee replacement in May 2010. I was 49 years old when I received the Dupuy Johnson & Johnson knee. At this early age I was hoping to gain some mobility & quality of life, as I have played many sports my whole life and due to osteoarthritis I had to quit everything and could not even walk without my knee popping out of joint. I had minimal pain prior to surgery, now [Show More]I had a total right knee replacement in May 2010. I was 49 years old when I received the Dupuy Johnson & Johnson knee. At this early age I was hoping to gain some mobility & quality of life, as I have played many sports my whole life and due to osteoarthritis I had to quit everything and could not even walk without my knee popping out of joint. I had minimal pain prior to surgery, now I have pain 24/7. I had a total leg cavity bleed post surgery, which slowed my movement. Then I had months of physio and post op pai n that was unbearable to thet of going to pain clinics. The movement of the joint has never been right, and the pain has not subsided and my knee clunks so bad my husband won't walk beside me.. I have pain in shin area,painful to touch, my knee is hot to touch and carries fluid at all times, mobility has not been any gain in fact worse. My surgeon can't figure out what is wrong with it and is booking me for an exploratory surgery. After reading many of these blogs I have come to realize what the problem is..............I have felt that there is something wrong from day 1 and I beleive it is a defective joint. After reading the experience and many similarities that others have gone through I think there is more problems with these joints than they want to admit.

  • JohnApril 4, 2011 at 9:53 pm

    Right knee TKR Oct 2007 Dupuy Rotating Platform Left knee TKR Jan 2009 Dupy Rotating Platform Excellent results. I snow ski, waterski, hike, bike, fly HG and PG's, and can stand for long periods of time. Best decision I ever made was to go to an Ortho that knows his knees. My implant parts all fit and his expertise I feel is a major reason that I am once again very active at the age of 59. My[Show More]Right knee TKR Oct 2007 Dupuy Rotating Platform Left knee TKR Jan 2009 Dupy Rotating Platform Excellent results. I snow ski, waterski, hike, bike, fly HG and PG's, and can stand for long periods of time. Best decision I ever made was to go to an Ortho that knows his knees. My implant parts all fit and his expertise I feel is a major reason that I am once again very active at the age of 59. My heart goes out to those that were not as fortunate as I. I know the pain and loss of quality of life as a result of a bad job or implant. I hope that those that were not as fortunate as I get relief.

  • perryApril 3, 2011 at 6:21 pm

    I had my knee replaced in april 2009 have had fluid on it,drained several times.complained to my dr and he said im a baby and cant take a little pain.while walking my knee gives out with no warning.I'm 51 .how many people have to write on thus site before something is done to help us.

  • MicheleApril 3, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    I had a partial knee replacement Dec.2009. I have not been right since that awful procedure. The hospital stay of 5 days was traumatic and brutal. I actually endured medievil pain on the knee machine as it was never fitted to my leg length. It ripped and pulled torturously for 2 days and nights until the therapist noticed the problem. I cried for 2 days straight and pleaded for help. I knew somet[Show More]I had a partial knee replacement Dec.2009. I have not been right since that awful procedure. The hospital stay of 5 days was traumatic and brutal. I actually endured medievil pain on the knee machine as it was never fitted to my leg length. It ripped and pulled torturously for 2 days and nights until the therapist noticed the problem. I cried for 2 days straight and pleaded for help. I knew something was wrong but no one responded. I still wonder if damage could have been caused by that machine. I have continuous fluid buildup all around the knee and cap and bursae. Something tweaked in there last week and it hasn't been the same since. It moves OK but there's a lot I feel I can't do.

  • barbaraApril 1, 2011 at 8:22 pm

    I wish there was a way we could get thngs fixed I had total knee replacement in august of 2009 I'm lucky to be able to bear weight on it for 1/2 hour. I cant go for walks no more ridiing bikes is out. They just done a knee scope on the smae knee in march 2011 said they removed scar tissue but I'm still having sever pain troubles bending it it locks pops and just makes life almost unbearable. I wis[Show More]I wish there was a way we could get thngs fixed I had total knee replacement in august of 2009 I'm lucky to be able to bear weight on it for 1/2 hour. I cant go for walks no more ridiing bikes is out. They just done a knee scope on the smae knee in march 2011 said they removed scar tissue but I'm still having sever pain troubles bending it it locks pops and just makes life almost unbearable. I wish someone would help us I haven't seen many good stories on this replacement mine is the depuy sigma.

  • georgiaMarch 31, 2011 at 9:56 pm

    Isn't anyone reading all these complaints? We are all in misery and nobody out there to help. The only way you could understand is to have this pain on a daily basis. It is more than we can tolerate and don't know who to get in touch with for help. If anyone out there can advise us, Please do so. There has to be someone who can make De puy take responsibility for their malfunctioning applian[Show More]Isn't anyone reading all these complaints? We are all in misery and nobody out there to help. The only way you could understand is to have this pain on a daily basis. It is more than we can tolerate and don't know who to get in touch with for help. If anyone out there can advise us, Please do so. There has to be someone who can make De puy take responsibility for their malfunctioning appliances. They knew when they put these on the market they were malfunctioning. My knee was done 5 years ago and is total pain day and night....

  • CarmenMarch 31, 2011 at 9:55 pm

    Now I don't feel like I'm crazy anymore. I've had both knees replaced, two years apart. The first one is fine, but the second one, a year later, is still very painful. It is especially painful on stairs and if I have to walk for more than a half hour. It wakes me up at night just as if it has never been replaced. Been back the to doc, and the x-rays show that everything is fine, but I know th[Show More]Now I don't feel like I'm crazy anymore. I've had both knees replaced, two years apart. The first one is fine, but the second one, a year later, is still very painful. It is especially painful on stairs and if I have to walk for more than a half hour. It wakes me up at night just as if it has never been replaced. Been back the to doc, and the x-rays show that everything is fine, but I know there's something wrong.

  • joMarch 31, 2011 at 12:23 am

    had my Dupuy knee replacement repaced 3 weeks ago. The device had never adhered to the bone and I was in constant pain and had very limited movement. Dr stated I would have to have the surgery or run the risk of more damage. If I had known how much pain I would be in after the durgery I would have taken my chances. At least I could walk enough to work and could sleep . Someone needs to be hel[Show More]had my Dupuy knee replacement repaced 3 weeks ago. The device had never adhered to the bone and I was in constant pain and had very limited movement. Dr stated I would have to have the surgery or run the risk of more damage. If I had known how much pain I would be in after the durgery I would have taken my chances. At least I could walk enough to work and could sleep . Someone needs to be held accountable for all the pain these defected devices are causing. My physical trainer stated he could not be sure I would be anybetter off after the surgery than before.

  • JodieMarch 31, 2011 at 12:07 am

    I had my left knee total replacement (Depuy) in Feb 2009, am scheduled now for end of April 2011, for repair or another total replacement. I may have to have the rods drilled into my bones. This is not right, why are we patients paying for extra Physical Therapy, and defective parts. Is there a legal recourse for all of us who have replacements that did not live up to their expectations, or adver[Show More]I had my left knee total replacement (Depuy) in Feb 2009, am scheduled now for end of April 2011, for repair or another total replacement. I may have to have the rods drilled into my bones. This is not right, why are we patients paying for extra Physical Therapy, and defective parts. Is there a legal recourse for all of us who have replacements that did not live up to their expectations, or advertisement for a more productive life. My life is not productive at all, I can stand or walk only for 10 minutes at a time, and the pain is terrible, not much sleep due to the pain.

  • JoycelyhMarch 31, 2011 at 12:03 am

    Had a total knee replacement on both knees. Have been in serious pain going back and forth to the surgeon. Can not stand or walk a distance and the surgeon saids everything looks great on the xrays which were taken March 29, 2011. Had the surgery on July 29, 2008. I go toi the YMCA weekly for exercise to try and great some relief but nothing has changed. Something is wrong with the implant by[Show More]Had a total knee replacement on both knees. Have been in serious pain going back and forth to the surgeon. Can not stand or walk a distance and the surgeon saids everything looks great on the xrays which were taken March 29, 2011. Had the surgery on July 29, 2008. I go toi the YMCA weekly for exercise to try and great some relief but nothing has changed. Something is wrong with the implant by Depuy.

  • AnnMarch 28, 2011 at 9:03 pm

    Great Scott! why did I not see all these comments BEFOREI had a right TKR done May 2010. Following hospital discharge and after the required PT of 1 month I was offered and agreed to another 30 days and then continued 3 months of water therapy - so I've felt that I have done my part to recover. The pain, heat, and swelling has not gone down to this day. I was an avid walker - FORGET THAT NOW!. Sta[Show More]Great Scott! why did I not see all these comments BEFOREI had a right TKR done May 2010. Following hospital discharge and after the required PT of 1 month I was offered and agreed to another 30 days and then continued 3 months of water therapy - so I've felt that I have done my part to recover. The pain, heat, and swelling has not gone down to this day. I was an avid walker - FORGET THAT NOW!. Standing for more than 45 minutes leaves me in a way almost unbearable to walk - driving in a Stop & Go situation leaves me being a hazard on the road as my leg and foot start to go numb. Sleeping is still terrible - waking throughout the night to reposition the leg. The surgeon says nothing is wrong??????????? What a terrible mess. My body DOES NOT WANT OR LIKE THIS. At least no infection thus far, thank God.

  • KarlaMarch 28, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    I've had both knees replaced twice w/two revisions. My Dupuy knee replacement parts came unattached from my bones. Now I have rods drilled into my bones to hold the new replacements in place.

  • marvaMarch 26, 2011 at 10:15 pm

    I have a knee replacement in 2006 the pain is unbearable es[ecialy at night. I have had manipulations and have been on so many meds most of them recalls too. I have RSD a nerve disorder and have had spinal blocks and still suffers. The left knee noe is in so much pain too. Riding in a car for more than three hour is almost impossible. Why will someine not help us with this problem. We are no[Show More]I have a knee replacement in 2006 the pain is unbearable es[ecialy at night. I have had manipulations and have been on so many meds most of them recalls too. I have RSD a nerve disorder and have had spinal blocks and still suffers. The left knee noe is in so much pain too. Riding in a car for more than three hour is almost impossible. Why will someine not help us with this problem. We are not crazy we are in pain.

  • REGINAMarch 26, 2011 at 9:22 pm


  • BobMarch 26, 2011 at 2:41 am

    i had total knee replacement on Oct 12 2009 and as of this date 03-25-2011 I still have pain,popping and once in awhile my knee feels like it wants to lock up,I have to kinda work out the stiffness till it feels like it's not going to pop.There is also a grading sensation. I have seen another Dr. since this operation and this dr sent me to do blood work and get a bone scan to rule out an infecti[Show More]i had total knee replacement on Oct 12 2009 and as of this date 03-25-2011 I still have pain,popping and once in awhile my knee feels like it wants to lock up,I have to kinda work out the stiffness till it feels like it's not going to pop.There is also a grading sensation. I have seen another Dr. since this operation and this dr sent me to do blood work and get a bone scan to rule out an infection results are at this time no infection but YES! loose implant. Now i have an appointment to see a specialist for a revision. I'm not ready for a round 2 Too Painfuf!!!! Is there any help out there?? Yes THIS TOO IS A DEPUY REPLACEMENT And the first dr said in a years time you won't reliaze you had a total knee replacement and each time i went for a follow up I would mention my pains, and popping. I was told well ur metal and plastic it is going to pop but the pain will go away. YEAH RIGHT!!!!

  • koleenMarch 21, 2011 at 8:15 pm


  • JoyceMarch 16, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    Had a total right knee replacement in 2003 (Dupay) and are having constnt pain, walking. standing,going up and down steps and cannot do any bending. It was okay for a year or two, then started the pain etc, Had the knee re-xrayed and all looked good according to the surgeon. Even got a second opnion and the x-ray showed the replacement was okay. But. something is causing the pain and is just not [Show More]Had a total right knee replacement in 2003 (Dupay) and are having constnt pain, walking. standing,going up and down steps and cannot do any bending. It was okay for a year or two, then started the pain etc, Had the knee re-xrayed and all looked good according to the surgeon. Even got a second opnion and the x-ray showed the replacement was okay. But. something is causing the pain and is just not showing up on the x-rays. Not sure what to do but would do anything to not have pain for even a short time to get some relief. Wonder if it shifted or something.

  • PhilipMarch 16, 2011 at 1:26 pm

    Had three complete transplants. Still having problems

  • RebeccaMarch 16, 2011 at 5:21 am

    In 2005 and 2008 i had a partial right and full left depuy knee replacement done and it still gives me a lot of pain when trying to walk even a short distance both knees swells often so as far as any walking standing sitting bicyling it`s just not comfortable at all for me and getting in and out of bed and car i never got to a complete bending even after rehah.

  • DAWNMarch 15, 2011 at 2:10 pm


  • PatriciaMarch 12, 2011 at 6:15 pm

    My mother had both total knee replacements done with Depuy L in Sept 2003, R in May 2004. After she had the R knee done the L knee started Hyperextending backwards. She was only able to walk for approximately 8 months before she ended up back in a wheel chair. She always said the R knee was stronger than the L. In December 2010 she started complaining of pain the knee was swollen and red, she ende[Show More]My mother had both total knee replacements done with Depuy L in Sept 2003, R in May 2004. After she had the R knee done the L knee started Hyperextending backwards. She was only able to walk for approximately 8 months before she ended up back in a wheel chair. She always said the R knee was stronger than the L. In December 2010 she started complaining of pain the knee was swollen and red, she ended up having a severe staff infection in the R knee after surviving the surgical removal of the implant the infection still took her from us with in 2 weeks. She always had swelling and complained of discomfort in her knees and legs.

  • haroldMarch 12, 2011 at 3:57 pm

    i had my surgery 13th jan 2007 i've had nothing but pain and weakness in my legs i use a walker to get around afther [2] trips back to the doctor that did the surgery which was wasted trips i went to another doctor to see if he would redo the surgery he said he couldn't because of ins. reason now [4] years later i'm still on a walker and i can't stand long because of the weakness in my knees and l[Show More]i had my surgery 13th jan 2007 i've had nothing but pain and weakness in my legs i use a walker to get around afther [2] trips back to the doctor that did the surgery which was wasted trips i went to another doctor to see if he would redo the surgery he said he couldn't because of ins. reason now [4] years later i'm still on a walker and i can't stand long because of the weakness in my knees and legs . i have been through physcial theary [5] times i live alone and i am 79 years of age .they use all dupry on total kneen replacement i have all of the medical records on this surgery all 295 pages which cost me$85.00 for the last [18] mo's ive also have neuropthy in my feet and hands .please help me

  • HAROLDMarch 12, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    i had total knee replacment on 12th jan 2007 it was causing so much pain that i made [2] triips back to columbia, mo where i had it done they xray and said every thing was ok when you have pain like i have he said i would be walking as good as new in [9] mo's well it has been [4] years and i can't get around without my walker. so iwent andtalked to another doctor in cape gireardeau, mo about redoi[Show More]i had total knee replacment on 12th jan 2007 it was causing so much pain that i made [2] triips back to columbia, mo where i had it done they xray and said every thing was ok when you have pain like i have he said i would be walking as good as new in [9] mo's well it has been [4] years and i can't get around without my walker. so iwent andtalked to another doctor in cape gireardeau, mo about redoing the surgery he wouldn't because of conflicate beyween doctors,so now i have trouble with my legs bowing out on me they never stop aching there should be a law so doctors can't get away with this my inplant is dupry made in warsaw, indianna the only peace i get is by taking a sleepin pill .what do yo suggest?

  • KathyMarch 9, 2011 at 5:10 am

    I had knee replacement July 2009,my knee pops every time I walk and recently knee kind of feels like it is going to pop out , i can be laying with my legs straight and go to bend knee and turn over and knee locks up and i can"t bend it the replacement knee is always swollen and larger than my other knee and leg goes numb. I could go on and on about the problems I have but i will cut it short, but[Show More]I had knee replacement July 2009,my knee pops every time I walk and recently knee kind of feels like it is going to pop out , i can be laying with my legs straight and go to bend knee and turn over and knee locks up and i can"t bend it the replacement knee is always swollen and larger than my other knee and leg goes numb. I could go on and on about the problems I have but i will cut it short, but one more thing it is really ashame at the money these people make and we have to suffer looks like we should be well compensated for the pain we go through when this operating was suppose to make us better and now I have worse pain than i did before the replacement

  • PamMarch 8, 2011 at 9:59 pm

    I had my left knee replaced in July of 2008 with a DePuy product and have had nothing but stiffness, pain and swelling since then. I have spent hundreds of dollar in PT, have had a knee manilpulation under anesthesia and was prescribed an anti inflammatory cream at my last orthopod visit. I go to the gym everyday just to try and keep it loose. In the last 6 months the knee will not support my w[Show More]I had my left knee replaced in July of 2008 with a DePuy product and have had nothing but stiffness, pain and swelling since then. I have spent hundreds of dollar in PT, have had a knee manilpulation under anesthesia and was prescribed an anti inflammatory cream at my last orthopod visit. I go to the gym everyday just to try and keep it loose. In the last 6 months the knee will not support my weight (130 ibs) upon standing. I have to gradually put weight on the leg before I can begin walking and then I limp. The knee problem has affected my lower back and my right foot as well. I was taking Darvocet for the pain but that has since been recalled. I will now be using Vicodin. I want to find out the statues of the recalls and if there is any hope to this nighmare?

  • GeorgiaMarch 5, 2011 at 1:31 am

    Comment by Georgia on 4 January 2011: I had my left knee replaced in July of 2006 with the Johnson and Johnson Depuy replacement. I’ve had constant pain and swelling from day one. It never lets up. It swells clear into the hip and down to the ankle. I’ve had different doctors to examine it and they say it looks like it is in there good. What they don’t understand is that the pain is more than I c[Show More]Comment by Georgia on 4 January 2011: I had my left knee replaced in July of 2006 with the Johnson and Johnson Depuy replacement. I’ve had constant pain and swelling from day one. It never lets up. It swells clear into the hip and down to the ankle. I’ve had different doctors to examine it and they say it looks like it is in there good. What they don’t understand is that the pain is more than I can stand. I went to Mayo clinic in Nov. of last year and the doctor in the orthapedic department said the knee over rotates. I went to my local doctor and she sent me to a neuroligist who said I shouldn’t have it replaced. His opinion was that the replacment wouldn ‘t help me out and might make it worse. I have even considered amputation, anything to rid me of the pain. If there is anyone with suggestions of how to makeJohnson/Johnson Depuy stand up and tke the blame for all of our suffering. Please let me know. It is sad to think we live in a world of crooks who can make lots of money from the suffering of their clients. If the surgeons knew of this, why did they go ahead and use this appliance?

  • PatMarch 3, 2011 at 11:50 pm

    I have read all of your comments, and wish to express my sympathy to all. I too had a DePuy TNR in May of 2005. I had 2 manipulations and over 9 months of physical therapy. To this day I have constant pain, swelling, heat, sweating. My replacement was do to a MVA, so there was considerable trauma before the surgery, causing the surgeons to perform a more challenging replacement. In which my s[Show More]I have read all of your comments, and wish to express my sympathy to all. I too had a DePuy TNR in May of 2005. I had 2 manipulations and over 9 months of physical therapy. To this day I have constant pain, swelling, heat, sweating. My replacement was do to a MVA, so there was considerable trauma before the surgery, causing the surgeons to perform a more challenging replacement. In which my surgeon attributes as to why I have so much pain. He also stated that I was his second "failure", and that I should have it replaced. I declined because I could not stand the thought of going through the long drawn out procedure again. Well my quality of life is on the decline, I have problems with my whole right side of my body. I am in and out of physical therapy on a regular basis, because I refuse to get on the pain med roller coaster, I once was on. I am glad I found this site! I will definitely file a complaint with the FDA! Friends, stay informed, listen to your body, seek expert professional help, and never give up! Take Care!

  • JanieMarch 3, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    In 08/22/00 I had a Depuy knee replacement. I went to pt. and one on the screws came loose. The Dr. Told me not to go back. I have been having lot of pain with the knee.

  • maxineMarch 3, 2011 at 12:05 am

    Everyone should make a complaint with F.D.A Medcheck. There only two complaints in there. Maybe we can get some kind of help through them. FDA has a form on line to fill out. Good Luck

  • AnnMarch 2, 2011 at 4:32 pm

    I have read many comments and everyone is saying the same thing. When are they going to admit that the knee implant is also defective? What is our recourse? Should we have another surgery? Are there other companies out there that provide knee implants? Maybe they should have told us, by the way with the knee implant we put in you you will experience constant pain the rest of your life. I just want[Show More]I have read many comments and everyone is saying the same thing. When are they going to admit that the knee implant is also defective? What is our recourse? Should we have another surgery? Are there other companies out there that provide knee implants? Maybe they should have told us, by the way with the knee implant we put in you you will experience constant pain the rest of your life. I just want to know what to do, besides taking prescription pain medication. Any advice.?????????????????????

  • EddyMarch 1, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    Had bilateral knee replacement with Depuy knees about 5 years ago. I have been in constant pain since the replacement. Absolutely, no relieve. As a result of the replacement whish resulted in poor gait. I'm now a candidate for hip replacement and back surgery.

  • FredMarch 1, 2011 at 12:38 am

    In the last three years I have had both knees replaced , one of them two times my problem is I pain in both knee caps in geting up from seting position , going up and down steps , and both knees pop when I walk My DR. will not tell me a thing ,but to keep coming back to him . I notice that oyher people are haveing the same problem . My question is : What are we soposed to do?THANKS FOR ANNY INFORM[Show More]In the last three years I have had both knees replaced , one of them two times my problem is I pain in both knee caps in geting up from seting position , going up and down steps , and both knees pop when I walk My DR. will not tell me a thing ,but to keep coming back to him . I notice that oyher people are haveing the same problem . My question is : What are we soposed to do?THANKS FOR ANNY INFORMATION YOU CAN GIVE ME

  • maxineFebruary 26, 2011 at 9:32 pm

    Somebody needs to hear our cry for help. I had my dePuy put in 07/2007. The pain and hardship it has caused for me , nobody should have to go through this. I can"t get off my couch or toliet. My knee just won"t bend. What is the answer?

  • shirleyFebruary 26, 2011 at 3:51 am

    Had knee replacment done in 6 /10 /09. Have more pain then I did before surgery. It clicks alot, numb on outer side of knee. When pressing across the knee cap very tender to touch. Dr stated every thing is in place. But what is going on under the repacement?

  • RosemarieFebruary 23, 2011 at 9:39 pm

    I am a 50yr old female who has suffered from RA since age 13. I have lived with chronic pain my entire life. When I turned 50 I began having severe pain in my left knee so finally at age 57 when I could no longer walk I elected to have the joint replaced. The joing used at that time due to the operative reports I have obtained was a Smith & Nephew. The original surgery was done in March of 200[Show More]I am a 50yr old female who has suffered from RA since age 13. I have lived with chronic pain my entire life. When I turned 50 I began having severe pain in my left knee so finally at age 57 when I could no longer walk I elected to have the joint replaced. The joing used at that time due to the operative reports I have obtained was a Smith & Nephew. The original surgery was done in March of 2003 and in July of 2008 it had to be redone because of loosing of the joint. The pain at that time was worse than before. Since the 2nd surgeon did such a good job with that knee one yr. later I scheduled to have the left knee done also because of debilitating pain. That surgery was performed on 2/22/10. Here it is just a little over 1 yr later and I have severe pain in that knee when I sit for any period of time, when I try to climb stairs, when I stand in once place too long, or take long walks. I had to quit my exercise routine because of the pain. On Monday of this wk. I consulted my 3rd orthopedic surgeon who injected me with lidocaine & cortisone to see if that would help any. I am at my wits end. I take a lot of medication for my RA such as methotrexate, remicade infusions, medrol 2x day, voltaren and still have pain. I do not want to have to result to narcotic pain killers for relief. I want answers as to why I seem to have problem after problem with joint replacements.

  • JennyFebruary 22, 2011 at 8:54 pm

    Had a TKR on my right knee 06/03/2010 due to a work related injury.manipulation 08/06/2010,due to only a 90ROM,was told by Doctor it was from scar tissue,that the J&J Depuy knee he used had been around for over 20 yrs.9 Mos. later the still buckles,I cannot stand for 30 Mins.cannot walk for 1 Hr.cannot can in one place for 5 Mins.without the knee freezing up,I have to stand there and wait un[Show More]Had a TKR on my right knee 06/03/2010 due to a work related injury.manipulation 08/06/2010,due to only a 90ROM,was told by Doctor it was from scar tissue,that the J&J Depuy knee he used had been around for over 20 yrs.9 Mos. later the still buckles,I cannot stand for 30 Mins.cannot walk for 1 Hr.cannot can in one place for 5 Mins.without the knee freezing up,I have to stand there and wait until the sharp pain easy up some in order to move at all.When I take a shower and the water hits the knee I cannot move for a while,alto the Doctor said I should try some water activities.I have had 6 Mos.of PT and 3 Mos. of work harden program that No-one should ever have too be thru,this program should be unlawful.I went thru all this PT and Work Hardening progam and still have about a 11/2 inch limp to the Right.9 Mos.later the PT is just starting to press on my Hip to help line it up but unsuccessfully this has not helped My whole body is becoming to be effected by all the Limping and the Knee Pain.I have finally gotton the second opinion he ordered blood work I guess for Infection and a Bone Scan.I see him in a couple of days for the follow up.I still stay postition but still expect to hear the same,well the X-Rays all look good.I have experienced about 99% of all the same problems as you guys have the Doctor looks at you as if you are lying and none of those problems can exist,for this is only his Second case of complaints in 10 years.I asked if the knee could be too big ( for it sure looks as if it may)or could it be the Knee itself,same old answers.I thought if maybe it was not a Workman Com ( on job injury) would I be treated any better but after reading 30 pages of the same problems as I have ,I guess we all are just wanting Our Life back or a life without unbearable pain.I also have a 5 year Granddaughter who does not understand WHY her Grandmother cannot hold her,get down in the floor and play with her and why she has too sit most of the time.It is hard for me too accept.I did see where 1 of the J&J Depuy Knee replacement devises was RECALLED but have not seen this in TV since to get the Model #. Reading the notes on how long these problems have been going on THAT THE FDA SHOULD HAVE BEEN INVOLVED along time ago so these problems would have been solved for Lord only knows I did not get much info from my Doctor and still cannot,I have heard all the reasons maybe the screws are too. tight,if I go back in and loosen them up,I might get them to loose and I will have to go back in and tighten them back up causing more SCAR tissue,Maybe I can go in and put in a Spacer that would help.Most of the pain is from the Scar tissue.Most of all I usually get treated or looked at as if I have all this pain and issues in my head.Good Luck,guys.

  • MaryFebruary 22, 2011 at 1:11 am

    My knee was replaced on April, 2005. I went back to work 4 months later and been having trouble all this time. When I went for my last recheck, I could barely have the doctor touch it because it was still so sensitive. I have had nothing but trouble with this knee, and I sure hope I don't need the other one replaced, because I doubt I'll have it done.

  • KarylFebruary 22, 2011 at 12:20 am

    I had my right knee replaced March 09. Today I went to the doctor still complaining of burning sensation and tender spots on the knee. It is stiff all the time and my leg hurts down the shin. It pops and feels like it sticks sometimes on the inside section of the knee causing a lot of pain. I found out today that I had a depuy replacement. I am being sent back for PT. I feel like Troy,sometime[Show More]I had my right knee replaced March 09. Today I went to the doctor still complaining of burning sensation and tender spots on the knee. It is stiff all the time and my leg hurts down the shin. It pops and feels like it sticks sometimes on the inside section of the knee causing a lot of pain. I found out today that I had a depuy replacement. I am being sent back for PT. I feel like Troy,sometimes I just wish they would cut off my leg.

  • TroyFebruary 19, 2011 at 5:22 am

    I had my TKR on 3/29/06 its a dupuy, I had nothing but problems with it since I had it put in, it pops locks up hurts all the time, its loud when I'm walking, can't stand more then 10 minutes, can't walk with out a special brace & cane.been on vicodin & morphene ever since, it sucks, I'm only 35yrs old, when I got a second opion they say I'm to young to go threw another one, but tell me th[Show More]I had my TKR on 3/29/06 its a dupuy, I had nothing but problems with it since I had it put in, it pops locks up hurts all the time, its loud when I'm walking, can't stand more then 10 minutes, can't walk with out a special brace & cane.been on vicodin & morphene ever since, it sucks, I'm only 35yrs old, when I got a second opion they say I'm to young to go threw another one, but tell me they can fuse it or amputation, with the pain I have, I wish they would cut it off.Dr just told me to go to Advance Pain Management, whitch I have had Nerve blocks, there a joke.

  • EviFebruary 18, 2011 at 11:16 pm

    i had my r knee replaced on Nov 22nd 2010.. My knee is locking if I stand for longer than 10 minutes,Popping noise,Some swelling,Certain spots that are very tender to touch. I`m still doing PT for my knee..don`t know if that will do any good ... My knee is also a Depuy replacement....

  • jeanetteFebruary 17, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    I had my left knee replaced in 2005 and my right knee done in 2007 both are DuPuy. My life has not been the same ever since I did both knees. I suffer with pain, swelling knees and burning sensation to both. If I'm on my feet for more then 10-15 minutes my knees start to swell up (more on my left one).I cannot kneel it hurts to bend for more then a few seconds. When I did my left one I had no clue[Show More]I had my left knee replaced in 2005 and my right knee done in 2007 both are DuPuy. My life has not been the same ever since I did both knees. I suffer with pain, swelling knees and burning sensation to both. If I'm on my feet for more then 10-15 minutes my knees start to swell up (more on my left one).I cannot kneel it hurts to bend for more then a few seconds. When I did my left one I had no clue how I was going to react of having this done. I went thru depression could not sleep cried constantly. My doctor put my on antidepressants (have remained on them ever since). I feel like my life has been taken away from me. Know one knows until they go thru such a surgery. If it wasn't for my family I don't know what I would do. I went in to see my doctor the first of this month (Feb. 4th 2011). He x-ray both knees my left knee is worse then my right one. My doctor asked me if I would consider going back in and having it redone. The way I feel right now I told him no at this time.I don't know if I could do it all over again especially going thru more pain and theraphy. I used to be active in the church at this time I cannot assist with any activities due to not being able to stand for a certain amount of time even if I sit for a time my knees are still painful. Please someone look into the DePuy brand there is something definetly wrong.

  • CathyFebruary 16, 2011 at 6:56 pm

    I had a total knee replacement in April 2008. The knee always looked swollen. It felt ok for the first couple of months. I had pain and swelling but everyone advised me this was normal. I told them in therapy that it hurt when I would do a certain exercise of going forward on a rolling chair. They said this was normal. Since then, I have had an MRI, was sent to a neurologist and had several [Show More]I had a total knee replacement in April 2008. The knee always looked swollen. It felt ok for the first couple of months. I had pain and swelling but everyone advised me this was normal. I told them in therapy that it hurt when I would do a certain exercise of going forward on a rolling chair. They said this was normal. Since then, I have had an MRI, was sent to a neurologist and had several X-rays and blood tests to rule out an infection. I also have a $7500 deductible due to the fact I already had tihis condition when I changed insurance when my Cobra ran out. I have a hard time sleeping due to the pain. My hip and ankle hurt on the right side due to the way I walk. I walk with a cane because sometimes my knee gives out or I just can not bend my knee. The knee constantly pops at night and when going from a sitting to a standing position. I have a handicap bar in the tub and by the toilet to get my self up but even this is painful. I am going for another surgery for the right knee due to it loosening. I have had three medical opinions and they all say I need the surgery. My docter said he will save the replacement parts after surgery in case we need them. The expense and pain, I ask myself is it all worth it? I hope we can have someone help all of us. I never knew that there were so many people with the same problem.

  • JuliaFebruary 16, 2011 at 4:58 pm

    I wear a compression high thigh everyday, I went in and my doctor took a x-ray and I have swelling for no reason and it's painful..I had my replacement Jan.2010.and it is horrible. I have a DePuy..Now I hear they are recalling some of them. I feel I'm in a Fog all the time too. Julia

  • SusanFebruary 16, 2011 at 4:08 pm

    I feel like I'm reading my own story here, under different names. DePuy tkr in 10/07 has never been right. 2nd tkr, in the other leg in 10/09 works like a dream, never a smidge of trouble with it. The bad knee is responsible, according to my surgeon, for several falls and finally to a fall that ended up causing a broken ankle. Now I am waiting for that to heal so that I can have the revision s[Show More]I feel like I'm reading my own story here, under different names. DePuy tkr in 10/07 has never been right. 2nd tkr, in the other leg in 10/09 works like a dream, never a smidge of trouble with it. The bad knee is responsible, according to my surgeon, for several falls and finally to a fall that ended up causing a broken ankle. Now I am waiting for that to heal so that I can have the revision surgery on my knee. I know it takes a while for these issues to be addressed by the FDA, but seriously, it's been too long already. What can we do?

  • mikeFebruary 16, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    56 yrs old worked out most of my life 6'3'' 220, i had total knee (DePuy) left side 11/08. was told i'll be good as new. i gave it time, worked out, re-habed etc etc but kept going to the dr. complaining of the pain. had it drained and shot up. kept going to the dr. and got to the point that i told him there are days i wished i was dead the pain was so bad. he just pretended like he didn't hear th[Show More]56 yrs old worked out most of my life 6'3'' 220, i had total knee (DePuy) left side 11/08. was told i'll be good as new. i gave it time, worked out, re-habed etc etc but kept going to the dr. complaining of the pain. had it drained and shot up. kept going to the dr. and got to the point that i told him there are days i wished i was dead the pain was so bad. he just pretended like he didn't hear that . finally this past year i went to the cleve clinic and they told me the wrong size knee was put in and am sked. for a new one this april. i did not tell the local ortho. that i saw a second dr. when i got shot up again for the pain in order to manage on vacation. my ortho told me that the pain in my left knee might be something i would have to deal w/ the rest of my life. no way that would happen. so hopefulll cleve clinc this april will help me

  • GeraldineFebruary 15, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    My Depuy knee hurts to the touch, won't bend right, gives out sometimes, and swells constantly, and has reduced my quality of life.

  • DebraFebruary 15, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    My husband had a knee replacement on Dec 29 2009 and the knee was never right. It stayed swollen and he was in constant pain. He dealt with this for about 10 months. His doctor finally said we need to do another knee replacement. A different doctor but in same practice stated after the surgery that the problem was that the cement used to bond the knee together did not hold so the replacement w[Show More]My husband had a knee replacement on Dec 29 2009 and the knee was never right. It stayed swollen and he was in constant pain. He dealt with this for about 10 months. His doctor finally said we need to do another knee replacement. A different doctor but in same practice stated after the surgery that the problem was that the cement used to bond the knee together did not hold so the replacement was loose. He kept a low grade infection in the knee the whole time. I feel the company needs to compensate my husband for all of the pain. Please help

  • BobbyFebruary 10, 2011 at 9:52 pm

    I can't believe that there are this many folks who have the same problem...AFAILED DEPUY KNEE IMPLANT....how many failed knees does it take to cause a class action lawsuit???? I had a Depuy knee put in 01/08 & taken out in 01/11!!!!! Of course, I'm still w/o a new knee because of infection in the knee joint!!! Can ANYONE help????!!!

  • RobertFebruary 10, 2011 at 5:35 pm

    I had my left knee replaced on July 25th of 2007 from the very start i had problems with pain swelling , and cellulitis in my leg from day one then in Nov of 2007 had to have the ploy cartiledge replaced the doctor said wrong one was used and there was to much space between so after having that done i still had the same problem where my problem was before the operation seems to be gone but the o[Show More]I had my left knee replaced on July 25th of 2007 from the very start i had problems with pain swelling , and cellulitis in my leg from day one then in Nov of 2007 had to have the ploy cartiledge replaced the doctor said wrong one was used and there was to much space between so after having that done i still had the same problem where my problem was before the operation seems to be gone but the outer part of the knee has been and still is the problem and i have never been able to walk down steps without just taking them one at a time and i must step down with my left leg on each step. when i try to bring my knee to the inside my knee buckles in and i can not control it if i would try to walk down stairs like a normal person i know i would fll. I have fallen once already and was very lucky i was not hurt. Now i need to have my Right knee worked on but i am afraid to have anything done for fear of the same thing will happen to it BY THE WAY IT WAY MY LEFT KNEE WAS REPLACED BY A DEPUY FIXED BEARING BY JHONSON AND JHONSON does anyone know of a Lawyer that is handleing any cases of this type if so i would like the information please PS i also cannot walk more than maybe a hundred yards or sit to long without alot of pain or swelling in the leg Thanks for reading and i hope we all can get some help

  • DAVIDFebruary 8, 2011 at 10:04 pm


  • CindyFebruary 8, 2011 at 7:50 pm

    Hi Fellow DePuy knee sufferers, I had my left knee replaced 11/06. As most of you, it was and still is a nightmare. I feel partially disabled as I can't bend it over 60%, walking is very hard expeciall up and down stairs. I can't sit on anything low becuase I can't get up. I am only 51 and feel like I'm 100. I can't sit on the floor with my grandkids to play and the new thing with them is let's p[Show More]Hi Fellow DePuy knee sufferers, I had my left knee replaced 11/06. As most of you, it was and still is a nightmare. I feel partially disabled as I can't bend it over 60%, walking is very hard expeciall up and down stairs. I can't sit on anything low becuase I can't get up. I am only 51 and feel like I'm 100. I can't sit on the floor with my grandkids to play and the new thing with them is let's pull grandma off the couch because I can't get up myself. If there is a lawsuite out these for these knee's I hope to find out about it. Maybe we need to go to the FDA and see what they say. This DePuy knee is recalled over in EUROPE. I feel all your pain and God Bless you all.

  • BarabaraFebruary 8, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    I do not know if I have the Corail Hip Implant oe not. You requie that my entire name be used and you also say that the last name will be removed before posting. What happened? My last name is shown on this and my first comment.

  • BarabaraFebruary 8, 2011 at 7:30 pm

    I had a knee replacement in 2008, I was told it was DePuy. I still cannot go up and down stairs as I should be able to - I have to use my left foot first and then bring my right foot up second (every step). My left knee is still swollen and stiff. it is sore and painful around the whole left knee, While I am standing up, the knee sometimes, not always, sips up and then back. I have fallen s[Show More]I had a knee replacement in 2008, I was told it was DePuy. I still cannot go up and down stairs as I should be able to - I have to use my left foot first and then bring my right foot up second (every step). My left knee is still swollen and stiff. it is sore and painful around the whole left knee, While I am standing up, the knee sometimes, not always, sips up and then back. I have fallen several times, but I can't get up because I can't bend the knee so that I can lift myself up. I had the right hip replaced and still cannot left up either leg to be able to cut my toenails, I now have to pay to have them cut. no rcan I tie my shoes. I can lift up both legs to put on low shoes, but boots and higher shoes I need help. I've had two years of physical therapy and I am still in pain in and around my left knee. Thanks for your time.

  • AnnFebruary 7, 2011 at 6:28 pm

    Is there a recall on the Depuy total knee replacement or not? I have tried several lawyers. There are alot of questions out there, but I don't see any answers? If there is a problem shouldn't we know or even let future patients know what is going on???????????????????????????

  • LarryFebruary 7, 2011 at 6:00 pm

    I had a knee replacement on 06/2008. It was a dupey of course and my problem was pain. I kept telling my surgeon on each visit what I was experiencing, but he would only say how long it would take to heal. I returned to work in 06/2009, for the first time, but wouldn't last an hour before my knee would swell and the pain was unbearable. This past june of 2010. I had a total knee replacement don[Show More]I had a knee replacement on 06/2008. It was a dupey of course and my problem was pain. I kept telling my surgeon on each visit what I was experiencing, but he would only say how long it would take to heal. I returned to work in 06/2009, for the first time, but wouldn't last an hour before my knee would swell and the pain was unbearable. This past june of 2010. I had a total knee replacement done again, but at another hospital and of course another type of knee. I still don't feel like I am 100%, but I feel much better than I did. If anyone would find out about any lawsuits for the pain and suffering we all have endurerd, let me know.

  • MariaFebruary 7, 2011 at 4:08 pm

    My husband had a Depuy knee replacement on 8/3/09. He ran into many problems including, blisters, gangrene and MRSA and subsequently had to have the device removed. He had another doctor inmplant a different knee replacement device. He has had no ill effects from the second appliance.

  • jimmyFebruary 3, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    i had the first replanement 9/9/08. i had constince pain all the time .the doctor said 'GIVE IT TIME' nothing worked.14 months i had my 2nd surgery.he said it was loose , so i went throught teribble pain again. worst than the first.i sak my doctor why? he never gave me a straight answer.then i heard about depuy replacement knee haveing problems.i hope something can be done about this, only people [Show More]i had the first replanement 9/9/08. i had constince pain all the time .the doctor said 'GIVE IT TIME' nothing worked.14 months i had my 2nd surgery.he said it was loose , so i went throught teribble pain again. worst than the first.i sak my doctor why? he never gave me a straight answer.then i heard about depuy replacement knee haveing problems.i hope something can be done about this, only people who have has this problem can understand what we have been throught

  • ThaneFebruary 2, 2011 at 12:40 am

    Left knee was replaced in Oct 09, never was quite right. Right knee was replaced in Feb 10. Lots of therapy on both but continued pain, locking, popping and grinding. Doc went back in through orthscopic and removed lots of scar tissue. Still had same problems. Was refered to a specialist. He also went in orthoscopicly and removed even more scar tissue from underneath the knee cap. Said it was cal[Show More]Left knee was replaced in Oct 09, never was quite right. Right knee was replaced in Feb 10. Lots of therapy on both but continued pain, locking, popping and grinding. Doc went back in through orthscopic and removed lots of scar tissue. Still had same problems. Was refered to a specialist. He also went in orthoscopicly and removed even more scar tissue from underneath the knee cap. Said it was called a "Clunking Disorder". But, problems continued. Xrays showed that the apperatus was seperating from the bone. So 3 weeks ago we went back in and pulled out the depuys knee and replaced it with what the Dr calls a Lambrogini. Seems to be doing pretty good but, the left knee still hurts sometimes even more than the most recent surgery. So the Dr. says he is going to do the same for the left knee. So that will be a double replacement all within 1 1/2 years!!! Wish I had never done it.

  • DebbieFebruary 1, 2011 at 9:34 pm

    I have had 2 TKR -R 2004 and the L 2005 with the Depuy devices. I have had constant pain ever since. The r knee has good range of motion and like everyone else looks good on the x-rays and bone scans but it feels like a war is going on around my knee. My CRP was so elevated they sent me to an oncologist for further testing. After seeing many specialist 1 Ortho did admit it sounded like I was aller[Show More]I have had 2 TKR -R 2004 and the L 2005 with the Depuy devices. I have had constant pain ever since. The r knee has good range of motion and like everyone else looks good on the x-rays and bone scans but it feels like a war is going on around my knee. My CRP was so elevated they sent me to an oncologist for further testing. After seeing many specialist 1 Ortho did admit it sounded like I was allergic to the materials in the implants and I was tested by an allergy Dr who confirmed I have several metal allergies. My L knee has what they call Patella Clunk. I am disabled now. I am very limited and I have give up on Drs......

  • LisaFebruary 1, 2011 at 10:31 am

    I have had a total of nine knee replacements and knee recisions since 2003 thru 2009. The type of knee replacements were Dupuy and Johnson Knee Replacements. On my left knee I had three knee surgeries. The first was arthroscopic knee surgery, the second knee replaxement was Dupuy it was too tight. Dupuy replacement on my left knee did not fit correctly. The third surgery on my left knee fina[Show More]I have had a total of nine knee replacements and knee recisions since 2003 thru 2009. The type of knee replacements were Dupuy and Johnson Knee Replacements. On my left knee I had three knee surgeries. The first was arthroscopic knee surgery, the second knee replaxement was Dupuy it was too tight. Dupuy replacement on my left knee did not fit correctly. The third surgery on my left knee finally fit. However I have taken alot of therapy. I still can not stand over 10 munutes, without sitting dpwn. This third knee replacement was also a Dupuy, Still I can not walk without a walker and can not dress myself without help. My left Depuy knee swells and pops and buckles sometimes. I have fell several times on my left knee. My right knee is the worst one. My right knee replacement is a Dupuy Knee Replacement, In my right knee I have had eight right knee replacements and revisions, I have had two MRSA infections and staff infections. The first surgery was arthroscopic, the second was total knee repalcement, the third one was loosening of Dupuy knee replacement, Revision of right knee again, Next surgery was Total Knee Replacement of the Dypuy Knee, Next Dislocation of Dupuy Knee Replacement, Next Dr. Olson in BG KY, strenghtens righy knee out and manually pops my Dupuy back in place. Next another right Dupuy Knee Replacement, I then had to stay one month at the Greenview Hospital in BG KY, for MRSA in my Dupuy Right Knee Replacement. Then Dr. Olson had to put a antibiotic spacer in my right Dupuy Knee. My doctor I feel tried his best, but I believe the size used Dupuy Knee Replacement was too small for my leg. Then the antibiotic spacer did not help my MRSA infection. Then DR. Olson did another Dupuy and another Johnson Knee Replacement on my Total right Knee Replacement. Now my Dupuy Right Knee is again Dislocated along with my Patella Tendon is dislocated. Now I am only forty seven years old my employer refuses to let me have a sit down job or a stool. I have my Bachelors Drgree in Social Work from Western KY Unversity and have worked two jobs for several years as well as go to WKU. Now I can not work and have persistant right knee Pain. The knee replacement used was Dupuy, I have all my medical records. In addition I have seen two other doctors in Nashville TN. They said the joint was loosening and poping as well as bulking but they said there is nothing they can do. I am totally disgusted with how I have been treated some of my doctors. I am also disgusted with why does Dupuy and Johnson Johnson let this happen to people. I am also unhappy with the lack of understanding, professionalism the FDA has shown towards Dupuy and JJ Company. Now on a daily basis I have to have help putting on my shoes, going up steps, as well as doing laundry which is downstairs. In addition I can't mop, sweep or lift. Due to a faulty Total Knee Replacement by Dupuy and JJ Company, My knees is always hot around the knee. My right knee will not straighten out. My right has loosened. Also my knee pops and I can not stand over 10 to 17 minutes. My right knee buckles, I have had so many falls the insurance has at times not even wanted to pay. Also I can not sleep good at all at night. MY right and left knee swells, get hot and hurt all night when it is cold or rainy. I would not recommend any Dupuy knee Replacement or Johnson and Johnson Knee Replacement. I have trouble going to doctor appoinments. My knees hurt when I do drive. Dupuy needs to be held responsible as well as the FDA, Since I had this many surgeries I am afraid to get another surgery due to having a MRSA infection, Dupuy should compensiate all the patients who encountered this type of recalls and revisions. I have sufered finacially with all the hospital bills, doctor bills, as well as the daily pain and suffering of stiffness, swelling, nerves in knee and around knee hurt constantly. Also the joints ache, buckling, redness, and the knees grinding together and loosening as while as popping of the Dupuy Knees. I am going to call the FDA tomorrow about this, there are too many people who have suffered.

  • MariaJanuary 31, 2011 at 5:49 am

    I had a TKR July 2010 almost from the very beginning I told my doc that something was wrong with the knee. It didnt feel right. It sweats, swells and it hurts all the time. sleeping is difficult, finally after getting no relief from my doc I went for a 2nd opinion and was told that my surgery was a failute and would have to be done again and this time since the tissue around the knee was compromis[Show More]I had a TKR July 2010 almost from the very beginning I told my doc that something was wrong with the knee. It didnt feel right. It sweats, swells and it hurts all the time. sleeping is difficult, finally after getting no relief from my doc I went for a 2nd opinion and was told that my surgery was a failute and would have to be done again and this time since the tissue around the knee was compromised I would have to have allograft *tissue from a cadaver) to help this knee stay in place, I have been robbed someone needs to pay I am 45yo and I have a 4yo.and cant even take my lil girl to the park so unfair

  • ScottJanuary 29, 2011 at 11:28 pm

    I have had the same resaults as the comments above. Two jobs lost, a marriage gone and looking at another knee replacement. .

  • LesiaJanuary 28, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    I had a total knee replacement on my right knee & have had problems with it ever since. The knee only bends to a 45 degree angle, I can't kneel on the ground, and it swells (the knee) and the ankle swell continuously. There is sometimes a burning sensation in the knee and when I asked the doctor about it he said that it was just a pulled muscle (this doctor didn't do the surgery - the one that[Show More]I had a total knee replacement on my right knee & have had problems with it ever since. The knee only bends to a 45 degree angle, I can't kneel on the ground, and it swells (the knee) and the ankle swell continuously. There is sometimes a burning sensation in the knee and when I asked the doctor about it he said that it was just a pulled muscle (this doctor didn't do the surgery - the one that did is no longer associated with the clinic I go to) I think that almost everyone here has heard - "looks ok" on an xray - you can never see pain on an xray. I've been in constant pain and just want to know how to alleviate it

  • MaureenJanuary 27, 2011 at 11:14 pm

    In July 2008 I had both knees replaced with Johnson & Johnson Depuy Rotating Platform Knees. I have had severe pain since day one. Pain seems to be getting worse. I have gone to four different surgeons. All of them have said everything looks good. The pain is constant. I have had three sympathetic nerve blocks. No relief at all. Pain medication never gave me any relief. I am 51 years old. I c[Show More]In July 2008 I had both knees replaced with Johnson & Johnson Depuy Rotating Platform Knees. I have had severe pain since day one. Pain seems to be getting worse. I have gone to four different surgeons. All of them have said everything looks good. The pain is constant. I have had three sympathetic nerve blocks. No relief at all. Pain medication never gave me any relief. I am 51 years old. I can't believe this is going to be my life.

  • PaulJanuary 27, 2011 at 9:34 pm

    July 2006, Right TKA with rotational platform. From the beginiing I had abnormal sweliing (I am 6'1 1/2", 205 - so weight was not the culprit.) When I had swelling, I would call for an appointment and have it drained and shot with steroid. This lasted for 3 months. then 6 weeks at a time at first. Then it started not working. I was given 10/325 of Vicodin q 4 hours. Along with the draining and ste[Show More]July 2006, Right TKA with rotational platform. From the beginiing I had abnormal sweliing (I am 6'1 1/2", 205 - so weight was not the culprit.) When I had swelling, I would call for an appointment and have it drained and shot with steroid. This lasted for 3 months. then 6 weeks at a time at first. Then it started not working. I was given 10/325 of Vicodin q 4 hours. Along with the draining and steroid and Vicodin, I barely managed. I couldn't get much past 90 degrees and people always stepped on my feet while I was sitting because I couldn't bend them out of the way. Doctor said he didn't know why but said one of the reasons was that because I was relatively young (mid 50's) I had higher expectations. Hell, all I wanted to do was walk without the feeling of b.b.'s in my knee joint. He said that of those that he had put the rotational platform in, the four having problems were all "younger" and all had used the rotational plateform. MD's choice on that but he put those in his "younger" patients.. I walked out of his office one day when he told me I was using too much of his valued staff's time (this becuase I came in to have knee drainings and shots amd he left me sitting there forty five minutes). He had said he wasn't going to do more of these after his daughter graduated from high school. Said the pay wasn't high enough for the effort. Great. I had a bad knee operation by a guy who didn't like doing them yet did five of them every Monday. I didn't go back. My Primary MD did the drainings and steroid shots until I could get on the schedule with a new MD who seems to specialize in fixing the other guy's screwups. In November 2010 I had a Rt Total Knee Revision. Better, but still recovering. At Ten weekds, recovery has gone much better with this new MD. Swelling mostly gone and PT going well. Personally, I believe that J&J DePuy rotational platform is a piece of crap and should be withdrawn. As an engineer I looked at it and there is no way that implanted it can bend without slipping and creating a gap that when your knee stops flexing, it slams back into place causing pain and swelling. It would take a true artist to be able to make it work and most of these MDs don't have the skill to do it. I kept the pieces they took out of me (he left he bottom platform). I hope there's a recalll so that I can sue the hell out of these bastards! Good luck to you all. Be proactive in your care and don't let them put you on pain meds to take care of a physical problem.

  • RebeccaJanuary 27, 2011 at 8:55 pm

    Well I submitted a report to the FDA website we'll see if anything comes of it

  • sandyJanuary 27, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    I am 43 had a total knee replacement in 10/08 and I am having all the problems I am reading about.I am a single mom can not work have no insurace and stay in the house crying all the time from all the pain I am in.Called dr yesterday and found out mine is the j&j depuy .I feel it would be less painful just to cut it off.I do not sleep I scream all night long because of all the pain if i am up [Show More]I am 43 had a total knee replacement in 10/08 and I am having all the problems I am reading about.I am a single mom can not work have no insurace and stay in the house crying all the time from all the pain I am in.Called dr yesterday and found out mine is the j&j depuy .I feel it would be less painful just to cut it off.I do not sleep I scream all night long because of all the pain if i am up any tim at all it feels like someone is slashing my whole leg with a knife and it gives out and i fall alot.I have no life just cry all the time do not no what to do

  • B. J.January 27, 2011 at 5:50 pm

    Right knee replacement 4/15/08. Problems ever since. Pain, knee feels like it's comeing out of joint, poping sound and a strange sensation around the knee cap. It feels unstable most of the time and I have pain often. This is my third knee replacement, so I know when something is wrong. I have given this plenty of time to heal. X-rays shows nothing wrong. Doctor says everthing looks normal..[Show More]Right knee replacement 4/15/08. Problems ever since. Pain, knee feels like it's comeing out of joint, poping sound and a strange sensation around the knee cap. It feels unstable most of the time and I have pain often. This is my third knee replacement, so I know when something is wrong. I have given this plenty of time to heal. X-rays shows nothing wrong. Doctor says everthing looks normal......?????

  • caseyJanuary 26, 2011 at 11:25 pm

    Dec. 2008, I had a depuy knee replacement. Two years later, my knee is detached from the tibia and femur and I need a knee reivision. Has anyone else had a problem with a depuy knee?

  • SteveJanuary 26, 2011 at 12:30 am

    In December 2006, I had both knees replaced with Depuy Rotating Platform knees. To this day both knees continue to hurt. I sleep with a pillow between my knees because of the pain. If I stand for a period of time, I can hardly walk because of the stiffness and pain. Sitting for a period of time, I experience great pain getting up out of any chair. If I get on the floor with my grandson, I have to [Show More]In December 2006, I had both knees replaced with Depuy Rotating Platform knees. To this day both knees continue to hurt. I sleep with a pillow between my knees because of the pain. If I stand for a period of time, I can hardly walk because of the stiffness and pain. Sitting for a period of time, I experience great pain getting up out of any chair. If I get on the floor with my grandson, I have to be close to something so I can pull myself up. I've had x-rays and got the same answer from my surgeon, everything looks good. I ask one day after an x-ray and was told everything looked good " why do my knees always hurt" reply was " I don't know" I have had it with the constant pain.

  • DorothyJanuary 25, 2011 at 10:28 pm

    I had my right one replaced in 3/2004 and my left in 6/2004. I developed a loosening of the joint 2 weeksafter surgery, was told I was crazy. I had it revised in 3/2005.that became infected, I have been on antibiotics for five years, hoping to have a new knee in june. I have surgery sechedule in feb to clean out the knee to make sure infection is gone. I have had 7 surgeries since this infection [Show More]I had my right one replaced in 3/2004 and my left in 6/2004. I developed a loosening of the joint 2 weeksafter surgery, was told I was crazy. I had it revised in 3/2005.that became infected, I have been on antibiotics for five years, hoping to have a new knee in june. I have surgery sechedule in feb to clean out the knee to make sure infection is gone. I have had 7 surgeries since this infection came after the revision. I think people need to be very careful in who theyn arel letting them do their surgery and find out the type of knee since this is no magical cure.

  • CaroleJanuary 25, 2011 at 2:06 am

    It does't mater what model of DePuy you have they all hurt and you have to live with the pain all your life and that is not fairI had mine puty in july 2007

  • CaroleJanuary 25, 2011 at 2:02 am

    I had my knee replaced on july of 2008 and have had pain after 3 months and I have been on pain pills ever since now they have raised the does and my knee is even swellon and I can't even ride a bike

  • BonnieJanuary 24, 2011 at 8:36 pm

    Please let me know if anyone if aware of any class action suits filed with the FDA regarding Dupay knee replacements? I can relate to most all of the stories on this page. I had a total right knee replacement performed in Glendale, AZ and not long after with constant pain had to have a revision. I have still never been pain free!

  • BonnieJanuary 24, 2011 at 8:32 pm

    I can relate to probably 85% of these unfortunate issues everyone is having with the Dupay total knee replacements. I had a total right knee replacement in Jan 2004 had constant pain for almost two years and ended up having a revision in May 06 as they said the component in the tibia did not attach to my knee. I also have pain and swelling to this day Any law suits been filed with the FDA to da[Show More]I can relate to probably 85% of these unfortunate issues everyone is having with the Dupay total knee replacements. I had a total right knee replacement in Jan 2004 had constant pain for almost two years and ended up having a revision in May 06 as they said the component in the tibia did not attach to my knee. I also have pain and swelling to this day Any law suits been filed with the FDA to date? Please provide any information anyone has on this? Will be much appreciated. I am now extremely worried about the most recent hip replacement recall with Dupay!!!

  • BerniceJanuary 21, 2011 at 11:48 am

    I had a dupry knee replacement on Feb. 28 2007 it never heal i had lots of pain it came a loose. I lost my job and insurance and had to wait 3 years to have a new one put in. it was a nightmare. I had it removed and a new put in November 9, 2010. I suffered for 3 and a half years with swollen knee and pain. It was hard for me to do everyday chores.

  • CharlesJanuary 20, 2011 at 8:04 pm

    Had both knees replaced March 16 2009. I have had perfect results. I walk 6 to 8 miles 6 days a week with NO PAIN. In the winter months I walk on treadmill 12 deg pitch & 4.3 MPH for one hour. I thank god every day for my TKA'S.

  • JoanJanuary 19, 2011 at 9:22 pm

    Rebecca: I too had full knee replacement in May 2010. It is a De Puy device and I am in pain and have swelling. The surgeon took an xray and he said everything looks good. He sent me to another doctor and he took an xray and had it read by a radiologist and the results came back that the knee is exactly as it should be. Why the pain no one can explain. I do not know where to turn next but, R[Show More]Rebecca: I too had full knee replacement in May 2010. It is a De Puy device and I am in pain and have swelling. The surgeon took an xray and he said everything looks good. He sent me to another doctor and he took an xray and had it read by a radiologist and the results came back that the knee is exactly as it should be. Why the pain no one can explain. I do not know where to turn next but, Rebecca if you go to the FDA and need help with anything that needs to be done I will try and help you as am sure a lot of the people on here will try. Someone needs to explain why we are in so much pain and yet everything looks fine. I really appreciate your effort in this continuing problem.

  • CharlesJanuary 19, 2011 at 6:35 pm

    I received my Dupry rotating platform knee in 10/2006, and I have had nothing but issues with it. Can't stand for more than a half hour without pain and throbbing in the knee. Can't sit for long periods, as when I stand up the pain in the knee is so bad I can't walk till it settles down. Knee will lock up if I bent it, creaks, grinds, and pops sometimes. Surgeon has examined it many times, always [Show More]I received my Dupry rotating platform knee in 10/2006, and I have had nothing but issues with it. Can't stand for more than a half hour without pain and throbbing in the knee. Can't sit for long periods, as when I stand up the pain in the knee is so bad I can't walk till it settles down. Knee will lock up if I bent it, creaks, grinds, and pops sometimes. Surgeon has examined it many times, always said it looks fine. No infection yet, except for the one right after the implant in the hospital. If these were supposed to fix us, they need to go back to the drawing board. Last visit to the surgeon, he told me other patients were having issues with the same implant, so he was going to stop using them. Told me my only option was revision surgery and a different style of implant. Thank god I only had one knee done, but the other knee is really bad now too. Something is not right with these things, but I don't know how to proceed, or who I need to talk to.

  • MaiahJanuary 18, 2011 at 6:26 am

    In 2003 I had Depuy bilateral (both) partial knee replacements, a revision to the right knee in 2004 (apparatus tore), and a total in 2007, again because the apparatus tore. December 2010 I had a total knee replacement on my left knee because the apparatus tore. If the partials are so problematic then why are they being performed? The prosthesis tearing three times has to be unusual. Each time[Show More]In 2003 I had Depuy bilateral (both) partial knee replacements, a revision to the right knee in 2004 (apparatus tore), and a total in 2007, again because the apparatus tore. December 2010 I had a total knee replacement on my left knee because the apparatus tore. If the partials are so problematic then why are they being performed? The prosthesis tearing three times has to be unusual. Each time the doctor had a different idea as to why it tore and the last time I was told they tend to fail. The right total knee (done in 2007) still becomes swollen (all the way to the ankle) if I am on my feet for too long. The knee also does not have complete rotation. I was given a nerve block to block the pain during my most recent surgery in December 2011. Four weeks later I still have some numbness in the bottom of my left foot. I saw the doctor a few days ago and he says it should go away. We all go into this to gain or save our mobility but unfortunately it does not always turnout the way we expect.

  • pamelaJanuary 17, 2011 at 6:27 pm

    In 2002 I had bi-lateral knee replacement. I have had almost constant swelling in both knees but one knee has consistantly more and more pain and it give out from under me often. I have to walk down steps one by one.

  • LeonaJanuary 17, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    I had Right Total knee done on June 21,2010 and the pain and swelling has not stopped. I wake up to the pain and go to bed with pain. I have gone to the surgeon who performed the procedure and every thing looks good on X-Ray but the pain continues, I am unable to walk or stand any length of time. I must take medication to help.

  • AnnJanuary 15, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    I too have had knee implants. First was my right knee, then my left knee. My left knee has been fine, but my right knee is not. I have had 9 surgeries. After the 1st knee I got an infection, then they took that one out, put a temporary one in, then the next one. Then another infection, take that one out, put a temporary one in, then the next one. Then when I thought everything was alright my leg s[Show More]I too have had knee implants. First was my right knee, then my left knee. My left knee has been fine, but my right knee is not. I have had 9 surgeries. After the 1st knee I got an infection, then they took that one out, put a temporary one in, then the next one. Then another infection, take that one out, put a temporary one in, then the next one. Then when I thought everything was alright my leg started to give me trouble, pain from my knee to my ankle, I might add at this point that I have titanium rods that go from the knee into the thigh and down to the ankle. They replaced that knee because the parts became loose. Then they put a new one in. Now with this new one it to has become really loose, I am in constant pain. I don't know what to do, I cann't stand for more than 10 to 15 minutes at a time, I can not bend my knee but for 10 to 20 degrees. I cann't sit at church in a pew because my knee won't bend I have to stick it out into the asile, when I sit my leg sticks out, when people walk by me they look at me because I don't bend my leg, they don't know that it won't bend. My rhumatoligist thinks I should cut the bottom of my leg at the knee because I am in pain. I take high doses of pain medication. Before my knee transplants I was in a wheel chair, but during that time my husband was alive. My husband has pass away and I am on my own. I have seen that doctor and he said that the parts are loose again they dig in the bone when I stand. When I stand still for 10 or more minutes, when I lift my leg up the pain is awfull, so I try not to stand still. When I sleep and turn over the pain in the knee wakes me up. I like it when my cat sleeps with me he likes to sleep between my legs, so then I cann't roll over, so maybe those of you out there if you don't have a cat, maybe a pillow between your legs. When I grocery shop there is always the carts to ride in. So this is the second set that has come loose. I don't know what to do anymore, if anyone has any suggestions, please let me know. I am getting desperate. Do I have another surgery, do I cut my leg off at the knee or the wheel chair again, but that could also be a problem, because the leg won't bend at the knee, it would have to stick out.

  • JimJanuary 13, 2011 at 10:27 pm

    12/27/2004 I had a partial Depuy prosthesis in the left knee i had nothing but pain after approx. 6 weeks . After many doctover visit and medication for pain it was removed in may of 2005 I was advised that the unit had failed and a full prosthesis was put in still no relief prom pain In Aug 2005 the lower unit came lose and was replaced In Jan 2007 the whole unit was replace the above were all De[Show More]12/27/2004 I had a partial Depuy prosthesis in the left knee i had nothing but pain after approx. 6 weeks . After many doctover visit and medication for pain it was removed in may of 2005 I was advised that the unit had failed and a full prosthesis was put in still no relief prom pain In Aug 2005 the lower unit came lose and was replaced In Jan 2007 the whole unit was replace the above were all Depuy prosthesis the one that is in my leg is unknown as of this date i still have pain and need medication I also had to get a lockdown brace and need a cain.

  • RebeccaJanuary 13, 2011 at 4:33 am

    I'm sorry everyone here is suffering but I'm glad to know about you I have thought I was the only one and I've been x-rayed and told it looks fine so many times I've doubted my own sanity, reading all the stories is like listening to a tape of myself over and over again maybe we should send a link to this page to the FDA there has to be a way to get someone to listen to us all our cases are too si[Show More]I'm sorry everyone here is suffering but I'm glad to know about you I have thought I was the only one and I've been x-rayed and told it looks fine so many times I've doubted my own sanity, reading all the stories is like listening to a tape of myself over and over again maybe we should send a link to this page to the FDA there has to be a way to get someone to listen to us all our cases are too similar to be coincidence I will try to figure out how to do that I'm not a wiz at computers but I'll try

  • charlesJanuary 12, 2011 at 10:53 pm

    I had a total left knee replacement on Oct. 20th, 2009 using a Johnson & Johnson "Compression Knee Prosthesis. I was swollen and black and blue from my toes to above my waist. I had constant pain and complained to Doctor until April 2010, when after xrays revealed femur prosthesis had come loose. I under went revision surgery on 1 June, 2010 to replace femur piece with a cemented piece. [Show More]I had a total left knee replacement on Oct. 20th, 2009 using a Johnson & Johnson "Compression Knee Prosthesis. I was swollen and black and blue from my toes to above my waist. I had constant pain and complained to Doctor until April 2010, when after xrays revealed femur prosthesis had come loose. I under went revision surgery on 1 June, 2010 to replace femur piece with a cemented piece. Tibia and pateller prosthesis were left alone. Seven months later I am still in severe pain. I can't sleep and the knee pops in and out with every step. The Doctor took away vicodane after three months so now I never get a good full nights sleep. My Doctor says the x-rays are perfect and that I need to be patient, he says it may take two years or more to start feeling better. How do we get the FDA to take notice of Johnson $ Johnson Depuy knees. I don't think anyone who has had one is satisfied.

  • MARYJanuary 10, 2011 at 4:23 am

    I had a depuy knee replacement July 29th 2010.About 2 months ago my knee started poping and cracking when i would get up,it started getting stiff and sore,felt like pins sticking in it,my foot would go numb on that leg and more pain now than before i had it done.My doctor took xrays said it looked fine but wanted me to go to another dr for a second oppinion.I think hes trying to brush me off.I sti[Show More]I had a depuy knee replacement July 29th 2010.About 2 months ago my knee started poping and cracking when i would get up,it started getting stiff and sore,felt like pins sticking in it,my foot would go numb on that leg and more pain now than before i had it done.My doctor took xrays said it looked fine but wanted me to go to another dr for a second oppinion.I think hes trying to brush me off.I still have alot of trouble walking i thought after 6 months i would have a better quality of life but i dont i was better off befor the surgery.Iv read so many complaints about the depuy knee complaints similar to mine i feel like i have a defective knee replacement.I have made a complaint with the FDA.

  • melissaJanuary 9, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    I had a total knee replacement in March of '10.I did all of the rehab. that is required. I returned to work [ I'm an O.R.nurse] after 8 weeks. My knee has gotten progressively worse. It locks,grinds,and pops. I also have areas of constant pain on the medial side as well as the tibial area. I finally went to the surgeon this week. He patted me on the shoulder and said that the X-rays look fine. He [Show More]I had a total knee replacement in March of '10.I did all of the rehab. that is required. I returned to work [ I'm an O.R.nurse] after 8 weeks. My knee has gotten progressively worse. It locks,grinds,and pops. I also have areas of constant pain on the medial side as well as the tibial area. I finally went to the surgeon this week. He patted me on the shoulder and said that the X-rays look fine. He also said that he expects it to improve over the next 6 months. I showed the X-rays to the surgeons that I work with,they also say that the X-ray look good but it sure doesn't feel right. Mobility is a problem and stairs are impossible! I need a replacement on the other knee but it hurts less than the replaced knee. When I do get it replaced it will not be with a Depuy rotating platform or any Depuy product. As my job reguires standing and walking for 8 hours a day plus call I am really suffering and can not take pain meds. because of my job. I feel worse than I did before surgery.

  • DebbieJanuary 7, 2011 at 8:49 pm

    I had a tkr in 4/08 and now after all this time I am having blood in my knee. It swells and then I can't bare any weight on it for hours. Has anyone else had this problem? The dr. is testing my blood and the blood drawn from the knee but we can't find a solution yet. This has been going on for two months.

  • TerriJanuary 5, 2011 at 7:58 pm

    Pain and swelling increased and loosing range of motion. Had knee replaced last feb and having a new one this feb. Sure did not anticipate this.

  • DianaJanuary 5, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    I have double total knee replacement in both legs. My right leg healed ok, but the left one has caused pain since surgery. I had surgery Dec 4, 2009 Depuy knee replacements. They gave me a card to carry with me. If I had to do it over, I would not have had the surgery. In Sept the Dr. had to go back in on my left and removed a lot of scar tissue. I really regret having the knee replaements. Bu[Show More]I have double total knee replacement in both legs. My right leg healed ok, but the left one has caused pain since surgery. I had surgery Dec 4, 2009 Depuy knee replacements. They gave me a card to carry with me. If I had to do it over, I would not have had the surgery. In Sept the Dr. had to go back in on my left and removed a lot of scar tissue. I really regret having the knee replaements. But once it is done, yur stuck to live with it.

  • GeeorgiaJanuary 4, 2011 at 9:34 pm

    I had my left knee replaced in July of 2006 with the Johnson and Johnson Depuy replacement. I've had constant pain and swelling from day one. It never lets up. It swells clear into the hip and down to the ankle. I've had different doctors to examine it and they say it looks like it is in there good. What they don't understand is that the pain is more than I can stand. I went to Mayo clinic i[Show More]I had my left knee replaced in July of 2006 with the Johnson and Johnson Depuy replacement. I've had constant pain and swelling from day one. It never lets up. It swells clear into the hip and down to the ankle. I've had different doctors to examine it and they say it looks like it is in there good. What they don't understand is that the pain is more than I can stand. I went to Mayo clinic in Nov. of last year and the doctor inthe orthapedic department said the knee over rotates. I went to my local doctor and she sent me to a neuroligist who said shouldn't have it replaced. His opinion was that the replacment wouldn 't help me out and might make it worse. I have even considered amputation, anything to rd me of the pain.

  • BillyJanuary 3, 2011 at 10:05 pm

    I had my left knee replaced in 12/3/2007.I started have pain in the knee in June 2010.I was lucky it just started to give me pain.from i see.I can not kneel unless i have a knee pads with plastic and 1" form pad and only for a short time. So now what did we do?

  • CharlesJanuary 2, 2011 at 5:29 am


  • kandiDecember 30, 2010 at 2:57 pm

    I had a total knee replacement in September of 09 and since then I have not been able to bend my knee it swells, hurts all the time i fall alot now and it dont even look right, from the first day of my surgery i told the doctor something was not right with my knee and all could say was that i never had a total replacement before that it was normal, ive had x-rays and he said it looks good, but i k[Show More]I had a total knee replacement in September of 09 and since then I have not been able to bend my knee it swells, hurts all the time i fall alot now and it dont even look right, from the first day of my surgery i told the doctor something was not right with my knee and all could say was that i never had a total replacement before that it was normal, ive had x-rays and he said it looks good, but i know my body and i have had 5 other surgerys on this knee with a partial replacement done and i have never experienced the problems that i have now. My leg gives out, it pops and cracks, and i can acutally move my knee from side to side, I had the depuy replacement done and i truely beleive something is wrong with the replacement itself.

  • M.JacksonDecember 29, 2010 at 5:36 pm

    My father is suffern frm a bad hip n 2 bad knees, can som1 please email me the steps 2 tke 2 file suit n gr8 prsnal 2 talk with on hndlen this issue and matter.

  • CHRISTINEDecember 29, 2010 at 4:40 pm


  • JoniDecember 29, 2010 at 1:58 am

    I had a partial knee replacement done on the medial portion of my right knee in 2008 without success. It was a Depuy. 7 months later I had to have a full knee replacement, by another doctor, on the same knee. It has not been without pain this entire time. I cannot bend it 90 degrees. I am totally limited to what I can do. I was 45 when I had the first knee replacement. I am so depressed! [Show More]I had a partial knee replacement done on the medial portion of my right knee in 2008 without success. It was a Depuy. 7 months later I had to have a full knee replacement, by another doctor, on the same knee. It has not been without pain this entire time. I cannot bend it 90 degrees. I am totally limited to what I can do. I was 45 when I had the first knee replacement. I am so depressed! This is not how it is supposed to be:( Shame on Depuy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • TamaraDecember 28, 2010 at 5:17 am

    Unlike the rest of the people here I have had the same problems. I really thought it was just me. I had my left knee replaced in 2006, upon my release from the hospital my knee was swollen, red and leaking. Two day's later my in home nurse was calling the DR. after i went to the rest room and my knee bent and a stream of liquid flew from my knee in a stream like a water pistol for 20 minutes, I ha[Show More]Unlike the rest of the people here I have had the same problems. I really thought it was just me. I had my left knee replaced in 2006, upon my release from the hospital my knee was swollen, red and leaking. Two day's later my in home nurse was calling the DR. after i went to the rest room and my knee bent and a stream of liquid flew from my knee in a stream like a water pistol for 20 minutes, I had to hold a bucket under my knee for it to drain. It took me two days to get back into my Dr. for him to schedule me for emergency surgery to remove my knee,disinfect and replace my knee. I was diagnoised with MRSA and sent out of the hospital directly to an infectious control Dr. whom told my husband and myself there was very little hope for me. They then placed a stent in my arm going directly into my heart where i had to administer an IV of Vanacamicin 4 times a day for 6 months, and a pill for the rest of my life. I was unable to do the PT and was told by my DR. that my knee froze up and would never bend all the way. He tried manulation but it didn't work. In 2008 I was told by the same Dr. that I had to have the right knee done, but I would not have the same problems as the left because they would take extra percautions for infections. I am able to bend the right knee but not without pain. I am not able to get up and down from a low place without help, I still have to use a toiltet seat extender so that I can get up and down by myself. I live with constant pain, swelling and tenderness every day and night. If I had read these post before surgery I never would have allowed it to be done. I wonder if the guy that posted that his knee had been put in upside down finally found the Dr. that knows what he is doing. I can't imagine that every Dr. has put our knees in upside down, but I guess it could be possible if they were all trained from the instructions from the knee company. If someone finds out what the problem is please post it here.

  • TerryDecember 27, 2010 at 6:11 pm

    DePuy bilateral tka in May '05. Almost to the day, after compalining to my Dr. of pain, heat and swelling, I visited the ER. Follow-up revealed that the implant was loose and required a revision.. The revision to my right knee was performed Aug. '10. Revision of my left knee was done Dec. 10. At my 2 week follow-up, the PA inidcated that both original protheses were removed quite easily due to the[Show More]DePuy bilateral tka in May '05. Almost to the day, after compalining to my Dr. of pain, heat and swelling, I visited the ER. Follow-up revealed that the implant was loose and required a revision.. The revision to my right knee was performed Aug. '10. Revision of my left knee was done Dec. 10. At my 2 week follow-up, the PA inidcated that both original protheses were removed quite easily due to the failure of the adhesive to adhere to the implant. My question is... has anyone else heard these comments and, if so, has there been any recourse or action taken?

  • SaraDecember 24, 2010 at 11:38 pm

    I had a Depuy knee put in at 35, within a year the plastic piece broke down, and needed to be replaced, then less then 6 months later the whole implant came loose, and I had another total knee replacement done. Had all the same issues as all of you, there should be no statue of limitations on these products, they are meant last 20 years, but we dont even get a year out of them. Has anyone else suf[Show More]I had a Depuy knee put in at 35, within a year the plastic piece broke down, and needed to be replaced, then less then 6 months later the whole implant came loose, and I had another total knee replacement done. Had all the same issues as all of you, there should be no statue of limitations on these products, they are meant last 20 years, but we dont even get a year out of them. Has anyone else suffered from autoamunie isses after the break down of the knee implant? when fluid was first sucked out fro my knee it was full of plastic particles, ever since then Ive had weird awful rashes ect...... wondering if anyone else has had these same issues, there is no amount of money worht the pain and agony Ive gone through. Im 45 now and have a different implant, and the know is still solid full of fluid, I wish I could tell you a different implant was the solution, but now Ive got a ZIM. and its no better.

  • LaurieDecember 22, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    Does anyone know if the knee implant has been recalled? It has in the UK? I've had problems with mine since the surgery 3 years ago. Pain, swelling, fluid has been removed, can't bend all the way,etc. I plan to file a lawsuit. Anyone know of a class action suit?

  • VirgilDecember 21, 2010 at 2:15 am

    I had a partial replacement of my left knee on 1-12-2005 by Kolzcun and Kulzcun...A Depuy device was used...IT FAILED within I'll say 6 weeks. I could feel it shifting around...my Doctor did not believe me. I had the knee drained maybe 3 times in as many months. Finally a nuclear bone scan was done in July of 2005...the results were telling....both the top and bottom inserts were loose...I have co[Show More]I had a partial replacement of my left knee on 1-12-2005 by Kolzcun and Kulzcun...A Depuy device was used...IT FAILED within I'll say 6 weeks. I could feel it shifting around...my Doctor did not believe me. I had the knee drained maybe 3 times in as many months. Finally a nuclear bone scan was done in July of 2005...the results were telling....both the top and bottom inserts were loose...I have copies of the results. On August 16-2005 the Depuy joint was removed and an Oxford style joint was used. I was not allowed to have the Depuy joint even though I asked for it. The Oxford is still functional as of today.

  • RonDecember 20, 2010 at 2:56 am

    Sounds liike the vast majority of the concerns on this site would be more related to poor procedure than a defective prostheses. I had a total replacement in left knee in March 2006. Was literally crippled for 12 months. Went to another Ortho group. Two doctors checked me over and said they could fix the problem. Best surgery anyone could have had. They told me when I woke up that when they[Show More]Sounds liike the vast majority of the concerns on this site would be more related to poor procedure than a defective prostheses. I had a total replacement in left knee in March 2006. Was literally crippled for 12 months. Went to another Ortho group. Two doctors checked me over and said they could fix the problem. Best surgery anyone could have had. They told me when I woke up that when they opened my knee they saw that the initial knee had been put in crooked (something I actually had thought all along). The day after this surgery I was up and down the hospital stairs. They sent me home a day early, and the last three plus years have been fabulous. Swimming, walking, biking, serious hiking in the High Sierras, up and down five flights of stairs in my office building quite regularly, and so on. All on a DePuy prosthesis. Guy in my office used the same ortho group and got the same results as I. I would do it over again in an instant and in fact will probably need my right one done in a few years if I intend to continue my active life style.

  • cherylDecember 19, 2010 at 10:16 am

    I am a 59 year old women that co-owns a greenhosue and nursery. I had my first Depuy knee replacement September 2008 and it hurt from day 2 in the hospital. The pain was so bad that they checked with an ultra sound for a blood clot. Nothing so they did nothing further. Finally the surgeon Xrayed it in NOVEMBER and told me that I must have torn a ligament and the spacer had slipped and was sid[Show More]I am a 59 year old women that co-owns a greenhosue and nursery. I had my first Depuy knee replacement September 2008 and it hurt from day 2 in the hospital. The pain was so bad that they checked with an ultra sound for a blood clot. Nothing so they did nothing further. Finally the surgeon Xrayed it in NOVEMBER and told me that I must have torn a ligament and the spacer had slipped and was sideways. Even I could have told him that by looking at the Xrays! I could not take off work to have a revision until July 2009. It was so painful and I had to wear a brace and lots of pain pills while waiting for July to arrive. In July I had the right knee revised replacing the top half. Then in September of 2009 I had my left knee replaced with another Dupuy unit. NO ONE mentioned that there was a possible defect in these units to me. While in surgery they had to minipulate the right knee. The left knee is now loose (Dr. says too much give) and the knee cap is tilted. That is why I cannot step up with that knee, nothing to support the knee joint. As of December, 2010 my right knee locks and is painful especially getting up from a chair or sitting in a car traveling and my left knee cannot stay in a bent position for a long period or it spasms and it is very painful. I go up and down stairs on step at a time like I am 80. I have a new Dr. at the Mayo clinic and he is doing a bilateral scope surgery to remove scar tissue from the right and left knee in a couple weeks. We will see how that improves the function of each knee. The left knee may have to have a revision or total knee replacement again later if the unit becomes looser or I cannot function at this level of usage. I understand the fear of having multilple surgeries on the same knee. People don't realize the pain that you endure and having it done 3 times already I can't hardly imagine a 4th time. I have not had infections, THAT IS MY WORST FEAR! I am so limited as to what I can do, some times I wish that I would have never had them replaced in the first place. Hard to do steps (one at a time) , no kneeling, squatting is out of the question, hard to walk in snow or on the beach, cannot play on the floor with the grandchildren as I cannot get up. My arms and shoulder are always sore from lifting m self off the toilet, a chair or out of the car. I am sick of pain pills and what I feel like on them and my stomach hates them too. It is not fair that if these are defective that the surgeons continue to use the Dupuy units. What is wrong with this world? I hope someone stops them before more people are damaged for life.

  • dustin44December 18, 2010 at 1:42 pm

    My wife has bad knees. She's been taking the Dr Powers Joint Support + Vitamin B12 for 45 days. She said that she could tell a difference after about three weeks, the pain seemed to be less. The tablets are easy for her to swallow and she has trouble swallowing a number of pills.

  • JudithDecember 14, 2010 at 3:54 am

    I had total knee replacement in June/09 an immediately had infection in it. Was in unbelievable pain for a long time but eventually started walking on that leg and the pain eased. However, now a year and a half later iit is still as swollen as in pre-surgery days and is so stiff that it won't bend past ninety degrees. If I move it the wrong way in my sleep I again experience pain on the inside[Show More]I had total knee replacement in June/09 an immediately had infection in it. Was in unbelievable pain for a long time but eventually started walking on that leg and the pain eased. However, now a year and a half later iit is still as swollen as in pre-surgery days and is so stiff that it won't bend past ninety degrees. If I move it the wrong way in my sleep I again experience pain on the inside of the knee. I would have to think long and hard before ever allowing anyone to do another knee surgery on me.

  • EllieDecember 12, 2010 at 8:43 pm

    It makes me very sad to see so many of us in pain long afer our knee replacements. I had a total Rt. knee in 08'. Just like many of you, I have pain, numerous falls and my knee will "lock up" and I will get excruciating pain...and I am told the same thing; "the x-rays look good." I have no doubt that my problems are a faulty implant. I can no longer work and the quality of my health and life [Show More]It makes me very sad to see so many of us in pain long afer our knee replacements. I had a total Rt. knee in 08'. Just like many of you, I have pain, numerous falls and my knee will "lock up" and I will get excruciating pain...and I am told the same thing; "the x-rays look good." I have no doubt that my problems are a faulty implant. I can no longer work and the quality of my health and life has certainly taken a nose-dive. I would like to know what the outcomes are for surgical knee replacemnts in general vs. the DePuy implant!! It certainly seems that MANY people are having problems. I would like to respond to Linda who's uncle went to a Wound Ctr.. Did they check his CRP level?? It is a simple blood test that let's them know if there is infection present? There are also standard scans that should have been done to be sure there was no infection. This is basic standards of care to rule out infection if a patient continues to complain of pain post-op.

  • wandaDecember 11, 2010 at 6:19 am

    well my DR tolled me their are no recalls on my knees and stop reading this stuff on the web but why i dont belive him is to maney haveing problems we nead a letter sent to the president and all of us singe it im tired of this pain dr wants to give me anouther shot and i had fluied billed up whitch destroys the bone and causes the knee replacment to lossing also theeirs stuff about metlie posining[Show More]well my DR tolled me their are no recalls on my knees and stop reading this stuff on the web but why i dont belive him is to maney haveing problems we nead a letter sent to the president and all of us singe it im tired of this pain dr wants to give me anouther shot and i had fluied billed up whitch destroys the bone and causes the knee replacment to lossing also theeirs stuff about metlie posining and being alergice to the replacment but dr got mad at me for evening asking about a recall money its a lot of money i dont have some day maby we will get HEALP GOD BLESS WANDA

  • ChristineDecember 9, 2010 at 5:38 pm

    My husband had a total knee replacement in Jan 2010. It is a DePuy knee. My husband has been in so much pain since he had the surgery. He has swelling, pain, pops at time, gets painfully stiff if he sits or stands to long. He goes to bed with the terrible pain and he wakes up with the pain. He says all time that this was the biggest mistake he ever made, and wishes he would have never had the s[Show More]My husband had a total knee replacement in Jan 2010. It is a DePuy knee. My husband has been in so much pain since he had the surgery. He has swelling, pain, pops at time, gets painfully stiff if he sits or stands to long. He goes to bed with the terrible pain and he wakes up with the pain. He says all time that this was the biggest mistake he ever made, and wishes he would have never had the surgery. My husband has a very high pain tolerance and he still lives on medication, i am concerned what the medication will also do to his organs. He gets so disgusted at times. He is still working (construction) but we don't how much longer. We have gone to several different doctors and they all tell him that he needs more time to heel. They say the x-rays look good. We feel there has to be something that can be done. My husband use to be a guy that was always joking around and loved to have a good time. Now I see pain and disgust on his face more than I see happiness. My husband doesn't complain much about it, but I can see it in his face and hear it in his breathing as he is walking. This is so terrible is there anyone that have any suggestion or advice.

  • EddyDecember 9, 2010 at 5:04 pm

    I empathise with all of you above. I had both knees replacedwith DePuy product in July of 2005. After 4 days stay in the hospital, I was discharged home only to be taken in an ambulance the following day back to the hospital because I had a higher than usual temperature. I was admitted for additional 5 days stay because of infection. Both my knees feels like tons of brick are tied to them. Very st[Show More]I empathise with all of you above. I had both knees replacedwith DePuy product in July of 2005. After 4 days stay in the hospital, I was discharged home only to be taken in an ambulance the following day back to the hospital because I had a higher than usual temperature. I was admitted for additional 5 days stay because of infection. Both my knees feels like tons of brick are tied to them. Very stiff. I can forcast rain from days out because of the incresed level of pain on my knees. Sometimes, the pain after the surgery is worst than the pain before I had the surgery. After multiple complaints to my dr. and several x-rays later, he sent me to another dr. within the same practice for a second opinion. Ofcourse, he told me that everthing looks good. I am knock kneed on one and bowed on the other. One of my knees appears to be higher than the other. Both my knees make popping sound and buckles always and I am susceptible to falls. The pains are increasingly worse and keeps me awake at night.

  • LaurieDecember 9, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    I'm glad to know I'm not the only one having problems with the DePuy knee replacement. It's been three years now, and I've continuous swelling, inability to fully flex the knee, have had fluid drawn several times, and now am having more pain than before. Does anyone know if there's a class action suit, and, if so, who is handling it. Or, is anyone suing on their own.

  • BarbDecember 8, 2010 at 6:31 pm

    I have had both my knees replaced. Only one of them is depuy. I have had trouble with it since day one. Now my dr tells me if I don't get it fixed I will end up in a wheel chair.

  • LindaDecember 8, 2010 at 12:26 am

    I am here checking on recalls and lawsuits for my uncle who had knee replacement surgery over 2 years ago and after 16 months of constant pain, swelling, drainage and the dr telling him "it looked good" and then accused him of seeking pain meds, he went to the wound center with an oozing swollen knee and THEY called the surgeon and said the joint was so infected it needed immediate removal, THAN t[Show More]I am here checking on recalls and lawsuits for my uncle who had knee replacement surgery over 2 years ago and after 16 months of constant pain, swelling, drainage and the dr telling him "it looked good" and then accused him of seeking pain meds, he went to the wound center with an oozing swollen knee and THEY called the surgeon and said the joint was so infected it needed immediate removal, THAN the dr and surgeon agreed to help him. He had the replacement removed and an antibiotic spacer put in for 4 months, and had to be on IV antibiotics with a shunt in his arm for about 6 weeks, the wound center said he could have lost his leg. He had the knee joint replaced in early spring 2010 and it is now again swelling and he is once again in pain. They want to replace his other knee do to loss of use from favoring the "bad" knee, but after this, he is hoping someone will have information on any lawsuit against the manufacturer of these products.

  • joahnieDecember 7, 2010 at 2:05 pm

    i've also had a t.k.r. april,2010.have had noth'in but problems with it,constant pain,giving out,have fallen a few times,& doc only x-rays says it's fine & sendsa me on my way.....he has put me on methadone,10mgs,every 6 hrs.does nothing for the pain & cannot get him to see that it does'nt work,so now he says i need 2 strengthen my quads & the pain will go away...18 sessions of p.t[Show More]i've also had a t.k.r. april,2010.have had noth'in but problems with it,constant pain,giving out,have fallen a few times,& doc only x-rays says it's fine & sendsa me on my way.....he has put me on methadone,10mgs,every 6 hrs.does nothing for the pain & cannot get him to see that it does'nt work,so now he says i need 2 strengthen my quads & the pain will go away...18 sessions of p.t....have always done over & beyond exercising i had 2 do....was walk'in at 4 wks. out...i'm 44,doc says my age is an advantage,i don'ty see how...it seems my knee felt better b-4 the surgery....does any-1 have any suggestions on what i could do in re:for the pain....also it is work related & i have a case pending????any suggestions would b greatly apprieciated.....thnks

  • larryDecember 7, 2010 at 12:44 am


  • larryDecember 7, 2010 at 12:39 am

    had knee replacement june 9 09 and had nothing but trouble. can't bend my knee, stays swallen all the time. cracks pops and grinding. have a hard time to sleep with it and hard to get up and down with my knee. suppose to get the other one done no way. This knee replacement hurts my hips like i had hip surgury. need help. I have a lot of problem just walking on it.

  • PAMDecember 3, 2010 at 1:48 am


  • BabetteDecember 2, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Had two knee replacement surgeries (for left and right knee) in May, and in December of 2009 with the DePuy knee replacement products. Even after a year and a half of physical therapy, have still not had enough improvement balance wise, cannot walk for long periods of time, and has had pain in the right knee for over a month. I am definately in worse shape now than I was before the surgeries. At[Show More]Had two knee replacement surgeries (for left and right knee) in May, and in December of 2009 with the DePuy knee replacement products. Even after a year and a half of physical therapy, have still not had enough improvement balance wise, cannot walk for long periods of time, and has had pain in the right knee for over a month. I am definately in worse shape now than I was before the surgeries. At current condition (with no current progress) I may never be able to work again, and I'm only 45 years old!! Any help regarding a recall or in lawsuit information involving DePuy knee replacements would be appreciated. Thanks!!!!

  • DebraDecember 2, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    There are no recall on any hardware for the knee. And the hardware does not cause the pain. The pain comes from nerve damage and mucsle weakkness..

  • wandaDecember 2, 2010 at 4:54 am

    well to all 0f you who are having problems with your knee replacments theirs a statutes of limitations to file a law sute aginst the maker of your knee replacments .diferent frome state to state so first go to dr than finde out if you have a recalled knee than go from thair see what the statutes of limitations is in your state look into the law im going to dr tomarrow and im asking but dont know [Show More]well to all 0f you who are having problems with your knee replacments theirs a statutes of limitations to file a law sute aginst the maker of your knee replacments .diferent frome state to state so first go to dr than finde out if you have a recalled knee than go from thair see what the statutes of limitations is in your state look into the law im going to dr tomarrow and im asking but dont know if thay will tell me the truth its like we have no rights and have to suffer and thay get away with it no one cares aney more about my suffering i juist have to get on with living as best as i can with God healp and i will make it some day to a better place no more suffering GOD BLESS YOU ALL WANDA

  • DebraDecember 1, 2010 at 8:13 pm

    I had my left knee done in april 2009. I did pretty good. Alot of pain, but that is from weak muscle's and nerve damage. The knee itself cannot hurt, it is metal. On labor day weekend the pain was so bad I could not walk, then came the fever and chills. All this happened within a few hours. I was septic when they got me to the hospital. The ct scan showed the knee was ok, I had MRSA in the [Show More]I had my left knee done in april 2009. I did pretty good. Alot of pain, but that is from weak muscle's and nerve damage. The knee itself cannot hurt, it is metal. On labor day weekend the pain was so bad I could not walk, then came the fever and chills. All this happened within a few hours. I was septic when they got me to the hospital. The ct scan showed the knee was ok, I had MRSA in the blood and bones. Took me to OR to drain the fluid from the knee, the knee was shot. Apparently the mrsa had hibernated in the knee from the time it was put in. My dr. closed it up, and had to wait for permission to take it out. Next day back to or to take it out and a spacer was put in. I went without a knee for 7 weeks. After I finally got out of the hospital I was on 4 months of home Iv antibiotics. At the end of October 09 my new knee was put in. The left foot has been numb ever since. But this knee pops out of place and you cannot stand or walk. We have finally got and x-ray that shows the middle part, the plastic that rotates and bends, is what is popping out of place. So we are now at our last resort. A hinged locked knee.. I am so afraid. I do not know what to do. This is a malfunction of the depuy knee no doubt.

  • BillNovember 30, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    I had a Depuy bilateral knee replacement in Jan. 08 . I had pain in the right knee for 6 months and had to have the knee replaced in Jan. 09. I have since had 3 more operation on the right knee just this year. I still have problems with the left knee with stiffness and hurting after standing for a long time. I am now able to do my job of 18 years and waiting for my SS disability. I feel all my pr[Show More]I had a Depuy bilateral knee replacement in Jan. 08 . I had pain in the right knee for 6 months and had to have the knee replaced in Jan. 09. I have since had 3 more operation on the right knee just this year. I still have problems with the left knee with stiffness and hurting after standing for a long time. I am now able to do my job of 18 years and waiting for my SS disability. I feel all my prolems are from the Depuy knee replacements.I don't know if I can go thru another knee replacement with 3 already this year alone.

  • DonnaNovember 30, 2010 at 1:44 pm

    I had a DePuy knee replacement done on april 12 2004 since then i have pain i cant go up and down steps like anyone else i have to still go up and down one foot at a time has constant sweeling since i had it done i mean swelled up no bend at all walk stiff legged evey time since it was done dr. said looks good looks good i went to another orthopedic dr. he said he could put another one in but not [Show More]I had a DePuy knee replacement done on april 12 2004 since then i have pain i cant go up and down steps like anyone else i have to still go up and down one foot at a time has constant sweeling since i had it done i mean swelled up no bend at all walk stiff legged evey time since it was done dr. said looks good looks good i went to another orthopedic dr. he said he could put another one in but not guarenteed it will bend ant more then now the operation to do this is longer and more painfull i cant live like this all my life i am 65yrs old also cracks sometimes i wish i new what to do.

  • FrancesNovember 30, 2010 at 2:52 am

    I had a DePuy knee replacement done in July, 2004. Since then I have been in constant severe pain. I cant go up and especially down stairs, cannot bear weight on it and have constant swelling. I have been told I need a new one but at 71 years of age I dont know if I can do this again without reassurance that it will get better. I have been told by other orthopedic surgeons that is the only way to[Show More]I had a DePuy knee replacement done in July, 2004. Since then I have been in constant severe pain. I cant go up and especially down stairs, cannot bear weight on it and have constant swelling. I have been told I need a new one but at 71 years of age I dont know if I can do this again without reassurance that it will get better. I have been told by other orthopedic surgeons that is the only way to get rid of pain. I need some help or answers to this problem. I am a nurse and have to work to pay my mortgage. HELP !!!

  • LoreNovember 30, 2010 at 12:11 am

    I had a depuy knee replacement in May of 2008, went to therapy for five months, had a manipulation after 4 months of therapy. Went back to work in pain after five months of therapy! My knee feels worse now than before I had it replaced, I complain to doctors and they say it looks good in the exray? My whole left side aches and is sensitive from this knee replacement. At times I cannot even [Show More]I had a depuy knee replacement in May of 2008, went to therapy for five months, had a manipulation after 4 months of therapy. Went back to work in pain after five months of therapy! My knee feels worse now than before I had it replaced, I complain to doctors and they say it looks good in the exray? My whole left side aches and is sensitive from this knee replacement. At times I cannot even stand to have a blanket or sheet on my leg. Cannot stand to touch it or lay on my left side? Finally went to work part-time because that is all I could get hired for! No company will hire me for the kind of work that I have done for thirty years because I cannot squat or kneel or be on my feet for any length of time. I take very minimal pain medication so am basically in pain all the time, even when I am trying to sleep! I broke my left ankle in Oct. of 09 because I lost control going down a flight of five steps and tried to stop myself from falling twisted and broke ankle which is also always in pain even now over a year after the break. So I work at a job for half of the hours I used to work at less than half the pay I used to make.

  • MargaretNovember 27, 2010 at 2:45 am

    My story of pain and suffering is not that different than the ones I have read with both horror, empathy and compassion. I had a right TKA in June 2005. The DePuy platform prothesis was used, as I wanted to be able to dance again w/o pain. From the moment the surgery was over, I was in deep trouble. The leg was grossly swollen just above the knee all the way down to the toes of my feet. The kn[Show More]My story of pain and suffering is not that different than the ones I have read with both horror, empathy and compassion. I had a right TKA in June 2005. The DePuy platform prothesis was used, as I wanted to be able to dance again w/o pain. From the moment the surgery was over, I was in deep trouble. The leg was grossly swollen just above the knee all the way down to the toes of my feet. The knee and the area around it was also hyperpigmented. The CDC Hospitalist Doctor thought I might have an infection, as part of the knee was particularly reddened and hot. I also had fever for days. The operating physician denied any recognition of infection, but decided to give me antibotics anyway (just to be on the safe side). Long story, short. . .I was in the hospital 15 days because of the infection, 8-10 months before the swelling/pain began to abate, and 12-16 mths before they admitted the prothesis was defective and had not knitted to the bone. All the PT int he world would not have made that knee better. It is a crime!! In March of 07 I had a complete revision using a knee that was smaller and fit my body type better. I worked very hard to get good extension and flexion back so that I could sit on a public toilet and get up without being in a lot of pain. To this day, my new knee behaves just like a rusty car. You have to warm it up and work it out before it will support you without pain. Lord help us all. I still have pain upon climbing stairs and bending down. The medical community should take some responsibility for all of this pain and suffering that we have endured. Lives have been changed forever!!!!

  • JimmyNovember 25, 2010 at 3:54 pm

    I had a total knee replacemnt with the Dupuy mode in Sept. 09. The knee continued to swell and I had to have fluid drained every week. In June 10, I had a redo. It is still swelling and the pain is getting worse.

  • CarrieNovember 25, 2010 at 1:20 am

    My boyfriend had 2 Dupey knee replacements about 3 years ago and can't even stand the pain. he is on heavy pain meds 30 mg oxycodone 12 a day. He falls down regularly. The doctor told him he was too rough on them and they need to be replaced again. I saw the xrays and the implant is at about a 15- 20 degree angle against his bone. This didn't sound right to me so I went online and found this page,[Show More]My boyfriend had 2 Dupey knee replacements about 3 years ago and can't even stand the pain. he is on heavy pain meds 30 mg oxycodone 12 a day. He falls down regularly. The doctor told him he was too rough on them and they need to be replaced again. I saw the xrays and the implant is at about a 15- 20 degree angle against his bone. This didn't sound right to me so I went online and found this page, but now what ?

  • JamieNovember 24, 2010 at 4:34 pm

    I have a right and left patell-femoral replacement...both in 2007....since then I have had four revisions....all bearing related....the bearing snapped on twice on the right...and twice on the left (the last one three weeks ago....so major surgery again!).....so six knee surgeries in four years....now the bearings are glued directly to the bone....it is better....but painful.....I would like to kn[Show More]I have a right and left patell-femoral replacement...both in 2007....since then I have had four revisions....all bearing related....the bearing snapped on twice on the right...and twice on the left (the last one three weeks ago....so major surgery again!).....so six knee surgeries in four years....now the bearings are glued directly to the bone....it is better....but painful.....I would like to know if there are any recalls as well.

  • barbaraNovember 23, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    i had a knee replacement in august of 2009. Since i had this replacement the pain has been 10 times worese. I have troubles walkink standing. I wake up in the middle of the night with my knee locking and popping. I feel like i am being beat by a sledge hammer. If I knew then what I know now I would have never done this. I really would like to know what else to do. Ive done therapy since the day i [Show More]i had a knee replacement in august of 2009. Since i had this replacement the pain has been 10 times worese. I have troubles walkink standing. I wake up in the middle of the night with my knee locking and popping. I feel like i am being beat by a sledge hammer. If I knew then what I know now I would have never done this. I really would like to know what else to do. Ive done therapy since the day i had this knee replcament. I cant play with my grandkids anymore or go for walks I have to have someone help me with my house work because i cant stay on my leg long enough to do my work. I havent been able to work. I just want to know what I can do to improve my life and stop the pain and suffering.

  • KenNovember 23, 2010 at 2:33 pm

    I got a total joint replacement on 10-16-07. It is a DePuy product. It took several months to feel close to right and over a year before pain subsided. I hear the clicking as I walk so I am constantly aware of it. I do have 80% range of motion so I'm thankful for that.

  • DavidNovember 23, 2010 at 3:10 am

    I had both knees replaced with DuPuy. Until reading this article I thought the pain and swelling were just normal things that I would have to live with. The right knee pops every time I bend it and is very painful if I try to ride a bike. I don't have to go back to the doctor to know there is something terribly wrong with these knees.It seems to me that we all need to sue Johnson and Johnson for o[Show More]I had both knees replaced with DuPuy. Until reading this article I thought the pain and swelling were just normal things that I would have to live with. The right knee pops every time I bend it and is very painful if I try to ride a bike. I don't have to go back to the doctor to know there is something terribly wrong with these knees.It seems to me that we all need to sue Johnson and Johnson for our pain and suffering . I would like to have these knees replaced with ones that function without pain. Any lawyers out there that wants to take on this task?

  • RichardNovember 20, 2010 at 12:27 pm

    I had my left knee replaced in October 2006. Pain and constant swelling followed. Drained twice, mostly blood. Had it redone in July 2007, again with DuPey. It still gives me some pain and stiffness. It was never reveled to me what was found. The doctor said he could not find the cause, but I never believed him. Sometimes the pain is very intense.

  • SheilaNovember 19, 2010 at 5:48 pm

    I had bilateral knee replace.'ments August 27, 2004 and kept having problems. The worst besides the pain for which I take Celebrex is that my knees sometimes r one and sometimes the l one very nearly go out from under me. So far, I've bn able not to fall, but I fear I will, I just don't know when. I also have numbness in my l knee and thigh area. Also tingling sensation with a weird kind of pa[Show More]I had bilateral knee replace.'ments August 27, 2004 and kept having problems. The worst besides the pain for which I take Celebrex is that my knees sometimes r one and sometimes the l one very nearly go out from under me. So far, I've bn able not to fall, but I fear I will, I just don't know when. I also have numbness in my l knee and thigh area. Also tingling sensation with a weird kind of pain. I exercise for it when it happens and do foot pumps. I always try to be brave and sometimes it seems I end up stupid instead. Until I came across this web site, I thought it was, "normal," for all these problems. I have 2 Johnson & Johnson Dupuy knee implants. After I went to the doctor that did the surgery, I didn't go back because I had already had a lot of PT and thought the only thing left was pain pills. (which I don't take) My left knee is and always has bn problematic. It froze on me and I had to go to the ER and they shot it full of everything in the book and manapulated it till it worked again. It still, "locks'" up frequently, causing me to walk funny. I just wanted to add my problems so others know they're not the only people who suffer silently. Thank you.

  • SusanNovember 19, 2010 at 4:55 am

    I had a double knee replacement - DuPuy-on 2-27-08. I had the full round of physical therapy, even spent 10 days in a rehab facility. I was able to do all required of me. I have never been without pain. At my year exam, the doctor x-rayed them and said they were perfect. They swell at times, and my family doctor has seen this. They are also hot at times. I do not have the same ability I ha[Show More]I had a double knee replacement - DuPuy-on 2-27-08. I had the full round of physical therapy, even spent 10 days in a rehab facility. I was able to do all required of me. I have never been without pain. At my year exam, the doctor x-rayed them and said they were perfect. They swell at times, and my family doctor has seen this. They are also hot at times. I do not have the same ability I had prior to the surgery, though the terrible pain of bone on bone is not there. I am not happy at all about the outcome. I went to two surgeons before the procedure and the was led to believe that things would be normal. I do not walk with a normal gate, cannot walk fast, or spend a great deal of time standing. There is pain if I even attempt to get on a knee, which I did in a plumbing emergency. The pain was almosts unbearable. I don't know what the future will bring, but I have doubts about my ability to walk as time goes by.

  • BarbaraNovember 18, 2010 at 7:06 pm

    I had DePuy total knee in June 2008. Never worked right and had a total revision in December 2008 because my knee kept buckling causing me to trip all the time. Lots of swelling that just wouldn't go away. Doctor advised a part in the implant had failed, had to be a defect what else could cause a failure in less than 6 months. New knee still swells but at least it doesn't buckle anymore. I am[Show More]I had DePuy total knee in June 2008. Never worked right and had a total revision in December 2008 because my knee kept buckling causing me to trip all the time. Lots of swelling that just wouldn't go away. Doctor advised a part in the implant had failed, had to be a defect what else could cause a failure in less than 6 months. New knee still swells but at least it doesn't buckle anymore. I am so disgusted that DePuy gets away with faulty products and we the patients just have to pay the price.

  • AndyNovember 17, 2010 at 12:18 am

    I had my first knee replacment done January 09, from the start I felt it was not feeling right. Pain and swelling from the knee down. I also had numbnes in my foot. After complianing to my doctor many times, in November of 09 a bone scan was done and the lower portion was loose. In March of 2010 the lower half was done again and after PT I have the same problem. I wish I never had this done. I kno[Show More]I had my first knee replacment done January 09, from the start I felt it was not feeling right. Pain and swelling from the knee down. I also had numbnes in my foot. After complianing to my doctor many times, in November of 09 a bone scan was done and the lower portion was loose. In March of 2010 the lower half was done again and after PT I have the same problem. I wish I never had this done. I know that the I have the Depuy hardware. I am afraid to go back to the same doctor, even know he has an excellent reputation. I just want to be able to walk normal. This is effecting my job and I am not sure how much longer I can keep working.

  • MariaNovember 15, 2010 at 5:28 pm

    My husband had total knee replacement Oct 13, 2009. My husband was doing pretty good but around February 2010 he started complaining that he felt as if the knee was moving, swelling, pain. Not only that right after surgery he had a superficial infection, he has had liquid extracted about 3 times in 1 year and still the Doctor says he does not know whats going on. His knee is deformed and cants [Show More]My husband had total knee replacement Oct 13, 2009. My husband was doing pretty good but around February 2010 he started complaining that he felt as if the knee was moving, swelling, pain. Not only that right after surgery he had a superficial infection, he has had liquid extracted about 3 times in 1 year and still the Doctor says he does not know whats going on. His knee is deformed and cants barely walk, my husband is a young man not old no reason why his knee should be like this. Recently I started researching on the net and found out of all the problems Johnson & Johnson has been having and defective parts not authorized to sell. Doctors know that this is going on and are not telling their patients.

  • JuneNovember 15, 2010 at 2:49 am

    I had my right knee replaced in Jan 2009. I have excellent range of motion and extension. However I get a feeling of locking if I stand for longer than 10 minutes,Popping noise,Some swelling,Certain spots that are very tender to touch. I too have a dupuy knee. Has anyone heard of any recall on the knees as of yet?

  • RobinNovember 13, 2010 at 12:57 am

    In July 2008 I had my right knee toally replaced with the depuy metal and I have had my knee popping out I have wittinesses to this and the doctors that I have gone to had said that there was nothing wrong the xrays came back normal. I have been in constant pain with it. the doctor thinks that I may have an infection in my knee.

  • wandaNovember 10, 2010 at 4:36 am

    I HAD A REVISION KNEE REPLACMENT IN 12/ 6/ 06 And I am having pain and trouble walking also had orthoscopic than a shot still having problems and my knee is by DEPUY im seeing if its recalled also had one on outher leg put in on 6 /28/ 2002 zimmer trouble swelling pain fluied . WHY DOSENT SOMONE HAVE TO TELL US BY LAW OF THE RECALL IT AFECTS US TO WE ARE THE ONES WHO SUFFER ANOUTHER SURGERY AND T[Show More]I HAD A REVISION KNEE REPLACMENT IN 12/ 6/ 06 And I am having pain and trouble walking also had orthoscopic than a shot still having problems and my knee is by DEPUY im seeing if its recalled also had one on outher leg put in on 6 /28/ 2002 zimmer trouble swelling pain fluied . WHY DOSENT SOMONE HAVE TO TELL US BY LAW OF THE RECALL IT AFECTS US TO WE ARE THE ONES WHO SUFFER ANOUTHER SURGERY AND THE PAIN OF THERAPY ITS NOT RIGHT THAY GET ON TV AND TELL OF EGGS PENUTBUTTER TYNALL THATS JUIST A FEW WELL WHY NOT KNEE AND HEIP RECALLS I HAVE SUFFERED SO MUTCH ITS NOT RIGHT THANKS GOD BLESS YOU ALL WANDA

  • MaryNovember 8, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    I had my right knee replaced with a DePuy prosthesis in 10/09 and the left replaced in 2/10. I had the right one manipulated twice and the left one once followed by over 20 more therapy sessions. To this day, I still cannot climb or descend the stairs normally as I cannot bend that far. Pain on getting up and down from a chair is often unbearable. Could it be DePuy also has put out some faulty[Show More]I had my right knee replaced with a DePuy prosthesis in 10/09 and the left replaced in 2/10. I had the right one manipulated twice and the left one once followed by over 20 more therapy sessions. To this day, I still cannot climb or descend the stairs normally as I cannot bend that far. Pain on getting up and down from a chair is often unbearable. Could it be DePuy also has put out some faulty knee prostheses?

  • susanNovember 8, 2010 at 4:34 pm

    i have had more pain after the knee replacement then before i hate it ! i cant bend my leg can't ride a stationary bike in therpy and it hurts if on it at long periods of time need walkker if go on vacations i was in hospital not long a go and it hurt so bad i had to have morfin to walk i couldn,t even bend my leg ! i,d like it out! ! i will go to another doctor soon!

  • PaulNovember 8, 2010 at 3:26 am

    I had a total knee and 10 months later had a revision, because it was unstable and the pain was horrible. The knee is now stable, no infection, but the pain is horrible and it’s still puffs up also. It keeps me up all night and still a year later I am having to use pain pills. The second surgery I went to a different Dr that I fully trust, but he is baffled on why the pain would be present. I th[Show More]I had a total knee and 10 months later had a revision, because it was unstable and the pain was horrible. The knee is now stable, no infection, but the pain is horrible and it’s still puffs up also. It keeps me up all night and still a year later I am having to use pain pills. The second surgery I went to a different Dr that I fully trust, but he is baffled on why the pain would be present. I think it is a failure on Depuy's part.

  • maxineNovember 7, 2010 at 12:17 am

    I had a DePuy knee replacement in July 07. I went through water therepy excercise every thing. The surgury was very painful. My knee will only bend 25%. I have to have help getting off of low places. I can"t climb because my knee won:t bend. The surgury was very tramatic for me thats why I don"t want another one.

  • DorisNovember 6, 2010 at 3:01 pm

    I too had a Dupuy Knee Implant. In Dec 2008 and never was pain free and got a second opinion and he said it was hardware failure and had to have a revision within a year of the first surgery.Something needs to be done about these Implants.

  • robertNovember 3, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    had hip surgery in 2008 but was in loads of pain went back to surgeon had more tests was in constant pain had screws removed but still in pain sowent back to surgeon and in 2010 april i had hip replacement but still in some pain plus got to have knee opp some time this has cost me a good three years of work dont know when its going to end

  • HAROLDNovember 3, 2010 at 2:01 pm

    i had both knees replaced with depuy knee parts on 11 jan. 2007 they stay frozen and stiff and i have to use a lift chair to get up and down when sitting i have cover my kneess i have made three trips back to have them checked all they do is xray and say the are fine but i know there is nothing fine about the mess. i was told when they replaced my knees [both at the same time] that i would use a [Show More]i had both knees replaced with depuy knee parts on 11 jan. 2007 they stay frozen and stiff and i have to use a lift chair to get up and down when sitting i have cover my kneess i have made three trips back to have them checked all they do is xray and say the are fine but i know there is nothing fine about the mess. i was told when they replaced my knees [both at the same time] that i would use a walker for [5] months then a cane for [4] months then i i could walk as good as new but today [4]years after my surgery i am still using a walker my knees will not hold me up i try walking to keep my muscles loose but it is very painful i pray someone can help me i am a building contractor an i have lost [3] years of work

  • RonaldNovember 2, 2010 at 2:35 pm

    I'm another sorry dePuy infected knee recipient. Daily and nightly pain persists and now I'm on antibiotics for life. The polyethylene member moves about irregularly, inconsistently, painfully and will eventually cause me some severe accident by locking up at an inopportune occasion. It does this now with audibly loud popping noises when it frees itself. I haven't fallen yet but it's only a matter[Show More]I'm another sorry dePuy infected knee recipient. Daily and nightly pain persists and now I'm on antibiotics for life. The polyethylene member moves about irregularly, inconsistently, painfully and will eventually cause me some severe accident by locking up at an inopportune occasion. It does this now with audibly loud popping noises when it frees itself. I haven't fallen yet but it's only a matter of when, not if. I have notified my surgeon of my dissatisfaction, persistent pain, and my belief that when he debrided my infected knee he possibly installed the wrong size polyethylene component. Just how this could happen when I felt my surgeon to be a competent, conscientious man I couldn't figure until last night when my wife printed out some information that some dePuy polyethylene components were mismarked according to size. Pain compells me to contact my surgeon's office today to seek clarity (lot #s, ID #s, type of fix he did; specifically)as to whether he was aware of these issues. I expect no cooperation I am very sorry for all of you fellow knee replacement sufferers and I hope that somebody will soon stop J&J from inflicting this misery on future knee pain relief seekers. My life has gone from hopefully healthy again to handicapped. Somehow, I just don't feel this is my fault, but up until now, I'm the only one bearing the burden of their prosthesis failure. In pain, I remain, angry, but not hopeless. I think I'll call the FDA right now and keep complaining until somebody listens and does something.

  • RachelNovember 1, 2010 at 10:12 pm

    In February 06 I had a knee replacement with a DePuy knee and from day one the knee was a problem. It stayed swollen, hot and could not touch it because it was painful. Had test to check for infection and there was none. I was on pain medicine for months. Had it manipulated in May 06 to try to make it work better but that did not help. Have tried every exercise machine that could be recommended bu[Show More]In February 06 I had a knee replacement with a DePuy knee and from day one the knee was a problem. It stayed swollen, hot and could not touch it because it was painful. Had test to check for infection and there was none. I was on pain medicine for months. Had it manipulated in May 06 to try to make it work better but that did not help. Have tried every exercise machine that could be recommended but nothing helped the knee. Had arthroscopy surgery on 4/22/08 to try to get some relief from pain and to try to see what was causing the pain but this did not help any either. Had 3 embolism as a result of this surgery and about died. Had to be on high doses of blood thinner for many months. Finally after four year of pain and suffering and not being able to work I had to have the knee replaced again. With so much scar tissue from the previous surgeries my knee is still huge but the pain is finally gone once the DePuy knee was removed. I have paid for all of this out of my pocket not having insurance and not being able to get any because of this now preexisting condition.

  • DarleneOctober 27, 2010 at 5:33 am

    Since I had my 3rd knee replacement in May 2009, I have nothing but continuous pain. Pain in my shin bone.knee cap. Feels as if it is loose like the 2 previous did.

  • LoisOctober 25, 2010 at 10:50 pm

    In Nov 07 I had both knees replaced. Everything was fine for 2 months. The day they discharged me from care, my right knee started hurting, pain and swelling. After two months of more therapy, they decide that the right knee prosthetic is infected. I had it removed and was on IV antibiotics for 2 months before I could have a new knee put in. Now, I still have pain in that leg. I can't lay on[Show More]In Nov 07 I had both knees replaced. Everything was fine for 2 months. The day they discharged me from care, my right knee started hurting, pain and swelling. After two months of more therapy, they decide that the right knee prosthetic is infected. I had it removed and was on IV antibiotics for 2 months before I could have a new knee put in. Now, I still have pain in that leg. I can't lay on my right side to sleep because it hurts too bad and there is pain all up and down my shin bone.

  • DaveOctober 25, 2010 at 6:53 pm

    right knee replacement april 2008....constant pain. Knee cap slides out after extended stationary positions....as in driving or sitting. Any squating motion produces audible popping, cracking and grinding. At 54 may have to retire from fire department before my target date. As with those who wrote above, first couple of months were good then steady decline.

  • DebraOctober 21, 2010 at 7:56 pm

    I had double knee replacement on 6/23/09, the right knee seems to be ok, left knee still makes me walk like Frankenstein been to the doctor, they say 3 weeks of therapy again, problem is with the knee being the way it is has caused problem just below hip, hurts to ride sitting for more than 1/2 hour. Sleeping is hard makes both sides hurt to sleep on side, even with pillow between knees. Once in[Show More]I had double knee replacement on 6/23/09, the right knee seems to be ok, left knee still makes me walk like Frankenstein been to the doctor, they say 3 weeks of therapy again, problem is with the knee being the way it is has caused problem just below hip, hurts to ride sitting for more than 1/2 hour. Sleeping is hard makes both sides hurt to sleep on side, even with pillow between knees. Once in a while its like it gives and I've almost fallen. I'm 51 walk like I'm 100. Very active, work, but since this operation its not as easy to perform task like I use to, the reason I did this was to be able to have a fuller life and to be able to take care of my son who is severly handicap. It makes me mad not being able to do what I want.

  • GlennOctober 19, 2010 at 11:24 pm

    I had both my knees replaced in 6/18/06 since then I've had pain in both knees on and off and if I stand for a long period of time I can hardly move. I thought this was something I just had to deal with, these were both Dupuy rotor platform knees buy Johnson and Johnson.

  • SHANNONOctober 16, 2010 at 11:14 pm

    My husband had a Dupuy Knee Replacement in Dec. '09 and for 1 month almost to the date the knee did "ok". But in Jan '10 he acquired an infection and for months infectious disease doc's tried treating the knee to no avail. Needless to say, on Sept. 30, 2010 his infected knee was totally removed and until the infection is cleared my husband will go without a knee. This is no "coincidence" somethi[Show More]My husband had a Dupuy Knee Replacement in Dec. '09 and for 1 month almost to the date the knee did "ok". But in Jan '10 he acquired an infection and for months infectious disease doc's tried treating the knee to no avail. Needless to say, on Sept. 30, 2010 his infected knee was totally removed and until the infection is cleared my husband will go without a knee. This is no "coincidence" something is wrong and not right!

  • RichardOctober 14, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    In Feb. 2010 I had right knee replaced 5 yrs after had left one replaced by the same surgeon. Have pain since it was done. Had x-rayed by surgeon, saw another doctor 4 months later who x-rayed, had surgeon x-ray again this week, "Looks good" was respomnses. therapy was prescribed again by second doctor. Leg gives out and pain experienced frequently. Pain is aggravated by driving and walking for mo[Show More]In Feb. 2010 I had right knee replaced 5 yrs after had left one replaced by the same surgeon. Have pain since it was done. Had x-rayed by surgeon, saw another doctor 4 months later who x-rayed, had surgeon x-ray again this week, "Looks good" was respomnses. therapy was prescribed again by second doctor. Leg gives out and pain experienced frequently. Pain is aggravated by driving and walking for more than 30-40 minutes. The knee may"look good" in x-ray but it doesn't even feel right to touch the surface by hand.Should I pursue other tests i.e. MRI to look for device problem. I don't know how to find out if the part is defective.

  • scottOctober 9, 2010 at 1:08 am

    had knee replaced march 09, with dupey,never right constant pain swelling.knee drained numerous times,many studies to find problem,now facing another replacemant 18 ,months after 1st.supposed problem body rejecting new knee causing loosing !

  • CaroleOctober 4, 2010 at 5:19 pm

    I had both knee's replaed 6/05 using the Dupey replacements...one knee has never been as good as the other...continued problems with it bending like he other one...had a 2nd opinon done in Boston and they said it was OK...the difference is still there after all this time...what if any recalls are happening with the Dupey knee replacements?

  • larryOctober 2, 2010 at 12:02 am

    I just had a knee replacement with the dupey knee. I just worried if I got a bad knee what would the side effect be.

  • JoleenAugust 25, 2010 at 2:58 pm

    It is essential that the FDA regulators get this right: effective medical devices are essential, but those that are inappropriate for the purpose or are ineffective distort the market preventing real innovation. Patients are unjustifiably in peril when they require an implanted medical device. Even approved devices carry no warranty. After 2/2008 Supreme Court decision Riegel v. Medtronic, pat[Show More]It is essential that the FDA regulators get this right: effective medical devices are essential, but those that are inappropriate for the purpose or are ineffective distort the market preventing real innovation. Patients are unjustifiably in peril when they require an implanted medical device. Even approved devices carry no warranty. After 2/2008 Supreme Court decision Riegel v. Medtronic, patients/citizens/taxpayers have no right to bring manufacturers to state court if a device fails. FDA charter does not allow Consumer Representatives and Patient Advocates to vote.

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