Fresenius Dialysis Treatment Lawsuit

Fresenius Medical Care may have withheld important information about the potential side effects of NaturaLyte and GranuFlo acid concentrate drugs for dialysis treatment, which may have caused thousands of people to suffer:

  • Cardiac Arrest
  • Heart Attack
  • Sudden Death

STATUS OF FRESENIUS DIALYSIS LAWSUITS: These lawsuits are no longer being reviewed after Fresenius agreed to a $250 million settlement agreement to resolve the litigation.

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OVERVIEW: Granuflo dry acid concentrate and NaturaLyte liquid concentrate are used during dialysis treatment together with a bicarbonate buffer to help clean the blood for individuals suffering kidney or renal impairment.

These products are manufactured by Fresenius Medical Care, which operates thousands of dialysis clinics throughout the United States and also sells equipment and medications used at most other dialysis centers, including DaVita Dialysis Clinics, DCR, Renal Ventures and others.

Before 2012, individuals may have faced a serious risk of suffering a sudden heart attacks and cardiac arrest during dialysis treatment with Granuflo and NaturaLyte, due to Fresenius Medical Care’s failure to provide adequate warnings and instructions with their product.

Granuflo and NaturaLyte contain sodium acetate, which is converted into bicarbonate by the body during and shortly after dialysis treatment. However, the manufacturer failed to warn physicians that these products contain higher levels of acetate than most other dialysis treatment products, requiring physicians to carefully monitor and change bicarbonate buffers administered with Granuflo or NaturaLyte, to avoid a risk of cardiopulmonary arrest and sudden death from heart problems.

LAWSUITS OVER FRESENIUS DIALYSIS TREATMENTS: A number of families throughout the United States filed claims after their loved ones died or suffered a catastrophic heart injury during or within 48 hours after dialysis treatment.

According to allegations raised in Fresenius dialysis treatment lawsuits:

  • Fresenius Medical Care negligently manufactured and sold unreasonably defective products
  • Granuflo and NaturaLyte were insufficiently tested and unsafe as designed
  • Inadequate warnings and instructions were provided with Granuflo and NaturaLyte, which did not fully inform the medical community about the nature and extent of the risk of heart attack, cardiac arrest, sudden cardiac death and other health problems
  • Even after Fresenius Medical Care knew or should have known about the problems with Granuflo and NaturaLyte, they continued to sell the products and attempted to convert clinics to use of the products by offering pricing discounts and packaging Granuflo and NaturaLyte with other dialysis products
  • Fresenius Medical Care provided critical information about the risk of heart attacks and death from Granuflo and NaturaLyte to doctor’s at their own clinics before warning other dialysis centers that used their products
  • Information was withheld in an attempt to maintain Fresenius Medical Care’s market share and maximize profits, at the expense of the safety of dialysis patients receiving their products

FRESENIUS DIALYSIS TREATMENT PROBLEMS: According to an internal review of patients treated at Fresenius Medical Care clinics during 2010, there were at least 941 cases where patients suffered a sudden cardiopulmonary arrest at the dialysis center.

In November 2011, Fresenius Medical Care issued an internal memo to their own physicians warning about the potential concerns associated with Granuflo and NaturaLyte, and highlighting that bicarbonate buffers should be regularly monitored and adjusted to reduce the risk of heart attack, cardiac arrest and death. This same information was not provided to other clinics that used Granuflo and NaturaLyte.

In March 2012, after receiving an inquiry from the FDA about the internal memo, Fresenius Medical Care issued an alert to other dialysis clinics that may use their Granuflo or NatruaLyte products during hemodialysis treatment.

In May 2012, the FDA warned about the risk of hemodialysis dosing problems with NaturaLyte Liquid and Granuflo Acid Concentrate, indicating that these products can raise bicarbonate levels in patients going through dialysis treatments, causing a condition known as metabolic alkalosis, which can increase the risk of heart attack, cardiac arrest, stroke, low blood pressure and death.

In June 2012, it was reported that Fresenius dialysis problems have resulted in an FDA investigation, examining whether the manufacturer of Granuflo and NaturaLyte failed to adequately warn doctors that the products could cause heart attacks and other serious injuries during hemodialysis.

In February 2016, Fresenius proposed a $250 million settlement agreement that is expected to be accepted and funded by August 2016.

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  • DarleneOctober 6, 2022 at 12:04 pm

    My mother died in 2012 from a heart attack. She had an heart attack earlier in 2010-11 but it wasn't fatal. She said that the Medicine during her dialysis was making her miserable. We call the Lawyer in the Lawsuit but they gave us the run around, then told us we didn't qualify, which didn't make sense.

  • RobertaMay 18, 2022 at 8:27 am

    Praying we get the help we need .

  • RobertFebruary 23, 2022 at 10:48 pm

    My wife died shortly receiving dialysis in 2010. I joined class action lawsuit. When a settlement was reached. I was told my wife did not receive Granulo. This was not a problem prior to joining the class action lawsuit. They had all of her information. What it came down to was they used my wife as a statistic to win their case.

  • LeeNovember 14, 2020 at 1:57 pm

    I hired an attorney 2014 on the behalf of my mother, she suffered a heart attack and had ovarian cancer... I live in Mississippi, haven’t heard or received anything..can anyone confirm this lawsuit was settled, if so why wasn’t I notified the outcome.

  • RenaOctober 6, 2020 at 3:22 am

    Underhanded handeling of this gigantic lawsduit. People lost. Lawyers won. Period

  • BeckyJune 11, 2020 at 11:43 am

    My mom died shortly after given the medication while on dialysis. We live in Texas, but when I called the attorney my sister hired, he will not release any info to me as I am not the client. This sucks! My sister refuses to give me any information, so can anyone help me locate a case number or point me to someone who can help me. Greatly appreciated. Thanks

  • ShastaFebruary 20, 2020 at 2:47 pm

    My mother was given granu for years on dialysis and suffered a heart attack and a stroke on the machine. When the attorney came she did talk to him, that was years ago. Several patients was awarded in the case but we never heard anything from them. My mother passed away in 2017 and I talked to another attorney which told me it was to late to look into this again. So I didnt know which way to turn[Show More]My mother was given granu for years on dialysis and suffered a heart attack and a stroke on the machine. When the attorney came she did talk to him, that was years ago. Several patients was awarded in the case but we never heard anything from them. My mother passed away in 2017 and I talked to another attorney which told me it was to late to look into this again. So I didnt know which way to turn for help.

  • DorisFebruary 6, 2020 at 3:37 pm

    My father died from this poison in Greenville, Mississippi and an attorney visited my sister who lives in Greenville and got all the children's names and addresses! That was nearly 8 years ago and we have not heard one thing nor received any such related correspondence pertaining to lawsuit nor settle. Father's name was Ollie King, Sr.

  • KeithJanuary 22, 2020 at 12:56 am

    Was anybody’s claim denied? My attorney had me under the impression that I’d be a recipient of the lawsuit for 2 years; then I was hit with the denial.

  • Lil JayJanuary 17, 2020 at 10:39 pm

    Well let me start by saying that i've received my settlement. Now before i tell the amount? I'd like to just share my story. First, I pray that all of you are able to live your lives to fullest in honor of your/our lost loved ones. Now, my Dad was on the Dialysis machine when he went into cardiac arrest. He was actually on the phone talking to a family member. He complained of being cold and chest[Show More]Well let me start by saying that i've received my settlement. Now before i tell the amount? I'd like to just share my story. First, I pray that all of you are able to live your lives to fullest in honor of your/our lost loved ones. Now, my Dad was on the Dialysis machine when he went into cardiac arrest. He was actually on the phone talking to a family member. He complained of being cold and chest pain. Then his last words were "Can you tell her to come over here. Somethings wrong with this thing". He was used to getting cold because of the drop in BP. They medivac him to a trauma ctr where he was pronounced dead. That was 6/2011. Just before fathers day. He was 60 years old. His wife? Not my mom filed the suit. She was the EOE. So i didn't have a say. Well now the reason you've all been so patient and read my post. I received (Drum Roll) $408.33. (3 ways). Wife, Son, Daughter. I don't know if i was robbed by the wife? Or by the attorney? So i called the attorney. The same attorney who wouldn't speak with me regarding the case during the case actually took my call today. (PS I never signed ANYTHING!) EVER! But i still somehow agreed to this settlement. Well, she told me that even though my Dad was using the Granu his batch wasn't bad. But,,,,,because he did and was treated with it the lawsuit decided to have a heart and issue families some change. So, my dad was ill. He went to treatment. He fell more ill while being treated. He went into cardiac arrest. He died. And they gave me $408.33. And then the attorney told me that he didn't die as a result of the Granu. When you don't know? You don't know! I never expected this check? Didn't ask for this check. I was doing fine. Living life. Now i'm in my feelings. Hurt. I'd preferred they said "Hey, you don't have a case sorry" over this. So iv'e chosen to put the check inside his obituary along with other memories i have. I can't bring myself to cash it. But, then again? Maybe i will and buy the homeless some food. Pay for the person behind me groceries, gas or toll. Thanks letting me share. God Bless

  • JohnOctober 14, 2019 at 6:30 pm

    My mother died as a result of their mistake. We were apart of that first 2000 to be heard and there was a major communication issue related to this the cases. Last minute dead lines ,etc... I feel the entire case has been handled poorly for all of us. Traffic victims are handled better that these cases are and their doing this world wide. They are a large enough company to acknowledge their mista[Show More]My mother died as a result of their mistake. We were apart of that first 2000 to be heard and there was a major communication issue related to this the cases. Last minute dead lines ,etc... I feel the entire case has been handled poorly for all of us. Traffic victims are handled better that these cases are and their doing this world wide. They are a large enough company to acknowledge their mistake a respond appropriately to each victim. Something is being poorly done to represent our interest with this International company .

  • AngelaSeptember 21, 2019 at 11:20 pm

    Same here Geraldine! No check, no response, nothing?

  • GeraldineAugust 21, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    My mother passed away on November 17, 2008 , about 30 minutes after she had her dialysis done. My siblings and I have signed all type of paperwork. FedEx were bringing letters, in one letter it gave us a date, when to expect a.payment, that was back in 2015-16 I believe, we ain't seen nothing nor heard nothing from the attorney on the case. My sister and I have made numerous calls, the secretary [Show More]My mother passed away on November 17, 2008 , about 30 minutes after she had her dialysis done. My siblings and I have signed all type of paperwork. FedEx were bringing letters, in one letter it gave us a date, when to expect a.payment, that was back in 2015-16 I believe, we ain't seen nothing nor heard nothing from the attorney on the case. My sister and I have made numerous calls, the secretary , tells up to leave a message for the attorney handling the case, but we never hear back from anyone. What's going on with these cases.

  • GaleJuly 31, 2019 at 6:51 pm

    I found out about patients died from granuflo by researching by my self. I showed the article to staff at my davita but seems it's not important to them! I guess the old story "WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW WON'T HURT YOU"! It's sad that we dyaillis patient are not told about this, but it's both failure of the dyaillis clinic not informing us about this! I found out by myself? Why I just wanted to know if t[Show More]I found out about patients died from granuflo by researching by my self. I showed the article to staff at my davita but seems it's not important to them! I guess the old story "WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW WON'T HURT YOU"! It's sad that we dyaillis patient are not told about this, but it's both failure of the dyaillis clinic not informing us about this! I found out by myself? Why I just wanted to know if there was any deaths at davita clinic's! HOPE THEY GET A FEAR AMOUNT BUT, I KNOW THEY WON'T BECAUSE THERE NO ONE TO FIGHT FOR THE PATIENTS! By the time you get the settlement every person will ttake there fees and leave with about 1% of all money for you. Don't forget these lawyers are not your friend there part of the problem with your money settlement. That's why by the time you get your settlement it adds up to pennies on a every dollar for you. Is it worth it? All lawyers wants there part besides have anyone aseen a poor lawyer!

  • @@.-'¥^July 26, 2019 at 7:03 am

    Larry i think your case was moved from the MDL to (St. Louis) this was done years ago you would not be part of the settlement If this happened. You would have to find out what happened in St. Louis with your case. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that plaintiffs motion to remand this action [Doc. #19] is granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of the Court shall remand this action[Show More]Larry i think your case was moved from the MDL to (St. Louis) this was done years ago you would not be part of the settlement If this happened. You would have to find out what happened in St. Louis with your case. MEMORANDUM AND ORDER: IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that plaintiffs motion to remand this action [Doc. #19] is granted. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the Clerk of the Court shall remand this action to the Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri (City of St. Louis) from which it was removed. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that defendants motion to sever plaintiffs claims [Doc. #2] is denied. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that defendants motion to stay proceedings pending the decision of the JPML [Doc. #5] is denied. (copy of order sent to Twenty-Second Judicial Circuit Court of Missouri (City of St. Louis) Signed by District Judge Carol E. Jackson on 1/15/2014. (KMS) Party Names Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc., Defendant Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc., Defendant Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Defendant Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Defendant Fresenius USA Sales, Inc., Defendant Fresenius USA, Inc., Defendant the Estate of Dorothy Posey, Plaintiff the Estate of Linda Aday, Plaintiff Deanna Aday, Plaintiff Abelino Benavides, Plaintiff Makita Brown, Plaintiff George E. Collins, Plaintiff Mary Glenn, Plaintiff Edward Grenham, Plaintiff Roderick L. Jackson, Plaintiff Verna Lummus, Plaintiff Irene A. Tenaro, Plaintiff Geraldine Wiltz, Plaintiff Denise Courson Withers, Plaintiff and the Estate of Charles Wiltz, Sr., Plaintiff the Estate of Andrew Glenn, Plaintiff the Estate of Denise M. Collins, Plaintiff the Estate of Emmaline Geter Brown, Plaintiff the Estate of Henry Clay Jackson, Plaintiff the Estate of Lydia R. Benavides, Plaintiff the Estate of Ronald N. Tenaro, Plaintiff the Estate of Thelma M. Courson, Plaintiff case number (13-2462) - Aday et al v. Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc. et a

  • Larry DeanJuly 12, 2019 at 1:10 pm

    My mother was named as a victim to granuflo but i can't get any imformation on the settlement under Linda Carol Aday and my sister filed under Deanna Carol Aday

  • @-•_%June 12, 2019 at 5:51 am

    Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2024 Filed 06/10/19 Page 1 of 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS IN RE: FRESENIUS GRANUFLO/ ) NATURALYTE DIALYSATE ) MDL no. 13-2428-DPW PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION ) This document relates to: all settlement cases PLAINTIFFS’ SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE’S STATUS REPORT REGARDING CONCLUSION OF SETTLEMENT PROGRAM The Plaintiffs’ Settlement Committee, [Show More]Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2024 Filed 06/10/19 Page 1 of 3 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS IN RE: FRESENIUS GRANUFLO/ ) NATURALYTE DIALYSATE ) MDL no. 13-2428-DPW PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION ) This document relates to: all settlement cases PLAINTIFFS’ SETTLEMENT COMMITTEE’S STATUS REPORT REGARDING CONCLUSION OF SETTLEMENT PROGRAM The Plaintiffs’ Settlement Committee, with the knowledge and assent of the Settlement Special Master, Professor Eric Green, hereby advises the Court that it considers the GranuFlo- NaturaLyte Settlement Program to be concluded. In support of that conclusion, the Committee submits the following for the Court’s consideration: 1. As more fully described in Professor Green’s report to this Court dated May 31, 2018, the claims processing, claim evaluation and claim appeals process for the parties’ private settlement program concluded one year ago. 2. Shortly thereafter, notice of settlement award amounts issued to counsel for all eligible claimants, which was followed by initiation of the process to resolve medical liens for all eligible awards. Providio Medisolutions LLC (now known as Archer Systems LLC and hereafter referred to as “Providio/Archer”), administered the medical lien resolution program. 3. Starting in about the Fall of 2018 and continuing thereafter on a rolling basis, as medical liens were resolved, awards were distributed to claimants through their counsel of record by the Court-appointed Qualified Settlement Fund (QSF) Administrator, Providio/Archer. 1 Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2024 Filed 06/10/19 Page 2 of 3 4. On a regular basis, the undersigned notified counsel for Fresenius as to which cases received their award distribution, so that Fresenius could file Stipulations of Dismissal to terminate each respective case. 5. As of this submission, Providio/Archer has resolved all medical liens and distributed all settlement awards for eligible claimants, with one exception: a small number of awards (four at the time of this submission) have been held back where counsel for the claimants have asked Providio/Archer to hold the available settlement funds in escrow, typically to allow claimant counsel additional time to address other settlement-related processes for those claims (for example, probate approval or the creation of settlement trusts). Providio/Archer will release these funds immediately upon request by claimant counsel.1 6. Except for Providio/Archer’s very limited ongoing activity described in paragraph 5 above, the Plaintiffs’ Settlement Committee considers the GranuFlo-NaturaLyte Settlement Program to be concluded. 7. The Plaintiffs’ Settlement Committee will continue to cooperate with Fresenius counsel to ensure that all Stipulations of Dismissal for settlement cases are filed. 1 These cases are pending in Massachusetts state court. 2 Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2024 Filed 06/10/19 Page 3 of 3 Dated: June 10, 2019 Respectfully submitted,

  • JudyMay 25, 2019 at 5:20 am

    This case is over my family got our lil money back in February can't believe y'all still waiting. Good luck

  • DawnaMay 6, 2019 at 2:38 am

    It has been 7 years since my mother died in the parking lot, 10 min after her dialyses treatment. It has been since October 2016 that we have had any contact with attorney's about her case.

  • MindyMay 4, 2019 at 2:28 pm

    Cordelia I've been told since the end of October that they're working on putting settlement packets together and once that's done they'll issue checks. It really takes 6 months??? I've been lied to for years by this attorney, only to find out the truth through my own research. I'm over it!!

  • CordeliaApril 30, 2019 at 7:42 pm

    We keep hearing from attorney that granuflo case still is settled. They will contact us as soon as they reach some sort of agreement. It’s been 4years.

  • MaryFebruary 25, 2019 at 3:39 pm

    I would like to know if anyone that was in the Granuflo compensation fund and received a settlement, did you receive a letter stating that your loved ones prescription from Granuflo was a 39 ? I was supposed to received a settlement but instead I received a letter from Special Master Green saying my mother’s prescription for Granuflo was a 35 and not 39 so I would not do be able to be in Granuflo [Show More]I would like to know if anyone that was in the Granuflo compensation fund and received a settlement, did you receive a letter stating that your loved ones prescription from Granuflo was a 39 ? I was supposed to received a settlement but instead I received a letter from Special Master Green saying my mother’s prescription for Granuflo was a 35 and not 39 so I would not do be able to be in Granuflo compensation fund but only receive $1,5000.

  • ElleFebruary 22, 2019 at 5:51 pm

    Has anyone contacted another law firm to explore any wrongdoing in this MDL?

  • TevedousFebruary 19, 2019 at 9:29 pm

    How can I find out if my siblings filed for my mother?

  • PengFebruary 5, 2019 at 10:50 pm

    I just found out about this lawsuit recently. My dad was a dialysis patient for Fresenius, he passed away in 2015. Is it too late for me to do anything about this?

  • ElleJanuary 24, 2019 at 2:29 am

    I would very much appreciate any information or unveiling of information that u might come across. If I have anything that I discover I will also share. I would like to know the difference between what our lawyers did n what they did not apprise us of. Much luck

  • LaurieJanuary 23, 2019 at 8:24 pm

    It is over for me but never forgotten. This whole experience has showed me just what this judicial system thinks of victims. Big pharma will always win unless we find a way to stop it. I am starting with filing a grievance against my attorney at the state bar association.

  • AngelaJanuary 21, 2019 at 8:14 pm

    Are there other's still waiting for their embarrassing $1500 for the death of their loved one?

  • ElleJanuary 8, 2019 at 3:07 am

    Your fees seem quite high. U should check it further, and your agreement is with the firm, not just the attorney.

  • CrisDecember 31, 2018 at 3:52 am

    I just waiting for providio to release the hold.

  • JudyDecember 29, 2018 at 2:38 pm

    This has been a nightmare to say the least, I smell a mal practice suite, Misrepresentation, not answering calls, withholding information, and just flat-out lying. Attorney's helped themselves not the client.

  • GeorgeDecember 28, 2018 at 1:49 pm

    Got my check and now have to wait for Federal Reserve to release the funds. It has been 6 days so far and promise that it will be released 12/31. After liens, fees, etc. it is disgusting. Also if the check is made out to the estate you will need death certificate, a letter Probate with current date (within six months) and IRS ID# in order to open estate and deposit check. If just made out to s[Show More]Got my check and now have to wait for Federal Reserve to release the funds. It has been 6 days so far and promise that it will be released 12/31. After liens, fees, etc. it is disgusting. Also if the check is made out to the estate you will need death certificate, a letter Probate with current date (within six months) and IRS ID# in order to open estate and deposit check. If just made out to sole heir you can just deposit it. It has been a nightmare! Bernheim, Dolinsky & Kelly was my law firm and they were useless! I will never recommend them to anyone!

  • JesseDecember 28, 2018 at 6:58 am

    George, on or about December 24, 2018 my sister received a letter or email from our attorney giving the amount of the settlement awarded to our family. The awarded amount was: Settlement Amount $158,683.00 Case Expenses: Law Group Expenses $1334.00 Common Benefit Expenses 6347.00 Lien Resolu[Show More]George, on or about December 24, 2018 my sister received a letter or email from our attorney giving the amount of the settlement awarded to our family. The awarded amount was: Settlement Amount $158,683.00 Case Expenses: Law Group Expenses $1334.00 Common Benefit Expenses 6347.00 Lien Resolution Fee Holdback 200.00 Medicare/Medicaid PLRP Verification of Eligibility Fee 125.00 Qualified Settlement Fund Administration Fee 100.00 -Total Fees Above: $ 8106.00 Less Attorney's Fees 60,230.00 Lien Holdback (private attorney fees PLLC) 28,245.00 Estate expenses 500.00 Net Proceeds to Client $ 61,600 And this is to be divided among 12 siblings. It is quite disappointing to say the least. After all these years of waiting and after all our mother has suffered before she died this seems like a kick to the gut. Im starting to wonder if our attorney helped himself instead of us. By the way, we were informed some months ago by his office that he had gotten paid, left the case and moved on, like back in July or August! Imagine that.

  • PleaseDecember 25, 2018 at 4:24 pm

    I also received settlement letter in Oct but they keep saying they can't release check until they ser if any medical liens my mother wasn't in s home when she past or ever so how much longer nor has anyone else gotten a check or how long after they received their letter I'm with Barron and budd lawfirm

  • AnnDecember 19, 2018 at 11:34 pm

    Received settlement letter in October 2018. Lawyer medicare fees ect taken already. Six figure dwindled down to 5. Advised early to get probate lawyer where rest of money now sits in sn acct. Now he's filing for heirship. I have no siblings. I feel he has had 8 yrs to find this info.

  • ElleDecember 14, 2018 at 8:33 pm

    Yes the MDL fees are 11% .. paid 4% by each plaintiffs n 7% by law firms.. and then a Common benefit fee paid by all clients to their attorneys, the firms administration costs and finally the % of ur agreement 33-40%... certainly enough.. the MDL fees r paid to the steering committee firms. And it’s a lot

  • GeorgeDecember 11, 2018 at 5:18 pm

    YES absolutely to Ron!!! Being charged MDL Cost & Fees? Anyone else? What is the difference between Cost & Fees? Anyone? My attorney will not answer me.

  • ElleDecember 10, 2018 at 7:54 pm

    Yes I have made several comments regarding their low level energy.. has anyone received billing for MDL fees? And what did Joe post?

  • arthurDecember 9, 2018 at 12:42 pm

    es I received my check in October.......It was a decent amount...... I am glad it is over.

  • RonDecember 7, 2018 at 5:46 pm

    Does it seem that the law firm in this case just figured that since they could be assured of a lot of money just by accepting the offer by Fresenius and doing no more really then filing paperwork for the claimants and collecting 40-45% plus fees . That we all got pretty much screwed over and didn’t have anyone truly fighting for us and our loved ones ?

  • JoeDecember 6, 2018 at 7:40 am

    Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2001 Filed 12/04/18 Page 1 of 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS ______________________________ ) IN RE: FRESENIUS GRANUFLO/ ) NATURALYTE DIALYSATE PRODUCTS ) LIABILITY LITIGATION ) MDL No. 13-02428-DPW ) ___________________________[Show More]Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2001 Filed 12/04/18 Page 1 of 4 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT DISTRICT OF MASSACHUSETTS ______________________________ ) IN RE: FRESENIUS GRANUFLO/ ) NATURALYTE DIALYSATE PRODUCTS ) LIABILITY LITIGATION ) MDL No. 13-02428-DPW ) ______________________________) CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER 21 (DEEMING SETTLEMENT-RELATED STIPULATIONS OF DISMISSAL TO BE NOTICES OF APPEARANCE) December 4, 2018 Upon consideration of the parties’ joint motion for a settlement-related case management order (Document No. 2000), the Court finds as follows: The Plaintiffs’ Executive Committee (PEC) and Fresenius have moved this Court to enter a case management order to assist in the efficient resolution of those cases electing to participate in the global settlement program, in which the plaintiff counsel signing the settlement-related Stipulation of Dismissal never entered an appearance in the MDL. As explained by the parties, in connection with their election to opt in to the global settlement program, counsel for claimants executed signed Stipulations of Dismissal with Prejudice (“Stipulation”), which Fresenius has held in escrow, Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2001 Filed 12/04/18 Page 2 of 4 to be filed with this Court upon notification by the settlement Claims Administrator of the disposition of the settlement claim or the failure of an opt-in plaintiff to submit a claim for consideration under the global settlement program. Beginning in April 2018 and through October 2018, Fresenius has been notified of the resolution of claims and starting in about May 2018, began to file Stipulations. Additional claims will be distributed in the coming months, at which time those escrowed Stipulations will be ripe for filing. It has come to the attention of the parties and the Court that, in some instances, counsel signing such Stipulations never entered an appearance in the MDL. Based upon the representations set forth in the parties’ motion and for reasons discussed with the parties during the October 31, 2018 status conference, the Court agrees to the procedure proposed by the parties and finds that this procedure will most efficiently allow for the termination of cases when the time is ripe for doing so. The procedure will also provide a means by which the Court may exercise jurisdiction and authority over counsel signing the Stipulations, if such counsel’s participation may be required in connection with any issues concerning their settlement program cases. 2 Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2001 Filed 12/04/18 Page 3 of 4 Accordingly, it is hereby ORDERED That, for all settlement program cases, the filing of the Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice shall also constitute a Notice of Appearance for counsel for plaintiff signing the Stipulation where counsel does not already have an appearance on file. And it is further ORDERED that: 1. Plaintiff counsel’s appearance shall be effective as of the time the Stipulation was presented to the Plaintiffs’ Settlement Committee in connection with the settlement opt-in process; 2. The appearance shall run to the individual plaintiff’s counsel signing the Stipulation, whether or not counsel has since transitioned from the law firm of record for the settling plaintiff; and 3. The Clerk’s office shall deem as docketed a Notice of Appearance for the counsel signing the Stipulation in order to accept and enter onto the docket the Stipulation of Dismissal with Prejudice tendered by Fresenius and enter a final judgment in the case. All other appearances entered in the matter on behalf of the plaintiff shall remain effective absent a Notice of Withdrawal filed in accordance with L.R. 83.5.3 or with leave of court. 3 Case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Document 2001 Filed 12/04/18 Page 4 of 4 Nothing in this Order shall excuse counsel from the responsibility to keep current their contact information, including mailing address, firm name or affiliation, e-mail address and telephone number, to ensure proper notification of filings, proceedings and other Court events. /s/ Douglas P. Woodlock_________ DOUGLAS P. WOODLOCK UNITED STATES DISTRICT JUDGE 4

  • MindyDecember 6, 2018 at 1:07 am

    I yet to receive mine or any information that doesn't include the phrase "I'm sorry I wasn't working your case when that happened" or "we have no new updates at this time". I've contacted both Providio, who will not answer questions unless they're coming from the attorneys and CMS of course won't provide me with any information either since my father passed without a POA. My father would've spe[Show More]I yet to receive mine or any information that doesn't include the phrase "I'm sorry I wasn't working your case when that happened" or "we have no new updates at this time". I've contacted both Providio, who will not answer questions unless they're coming from the attorneys and CMS of course won't provide me with any information either since my father passed without a POA. My father would've spent every dime of his settlement holding these attorneys accountable for their action, or shall I say lack of, which is what I intend to do. They've done nothing but prey on us.

  • StephDecember 5, 2018 at 9:08 pm

    We haven’t received anything. Not even a letter to inform us of what is going on in over 2 years. Don’t even know which category our loved one qualified for. I don’t understand the reasoning for the lack of communication.

  • GeorgeDecember 4, 2018 at 6:37 pm

    Has anyone NOT gotten their settlements yet?

  • ErinNovember 25, 2018 at 6:34 pm

    My husband died a undignified death from negligence of Davita causing blood clot in fistula and delaying temporary catheter. It was a malfunction blew up like 2 water fountains of blood. The problem the sorry ass lobbyist in louisiana you can only sue up to 100 gran. Yep Louisiana is at the bottom of the list. Though My voice will be heard in Washington and Louisiana. Taking on justice solo for St[Show More]My husband died a undignified death from negligence of Davita causing blood clot in fistula and delaying temporary catheter. It was a malfunction blew up like 2 water fountains of blood. The problem the sorry ass lobbyist in louisiana you can only sue up to 100 gran. Yep Louisiana is at the bottom of the list. Though My voice will be heard in Washington and Louisiana. Taking on justice solo for Steven Kitts Lake Charles, LA

  • ElleNovember 24, 2018 at 2:31 am

    Question? Has anyone received billing for MDL fees? Is this a part of the fee structure? I thought the attorneys received a large fee settlement for their work from the overall settlement? Seems the billing includes quite a few items that are questionable

  • JeffNovember 24, 2018 at 12:05 am

    There is no justice. We have been at this for how long now? Five or so years, I've lost count. My attorney just sent a settlement statement. Our family was awarded a six figure and change settlement. Between the attorney group, and Medicare, we end up with three figures each. I can't believe this rip off. And there's still a wait for the check. Where is that??

  • ElleNovember 22, 2018 at 7:35 pm

    Some have no MDL fees!! Some have varying percentages? ??? My attorneys are part of the steering committee, which were party to designing the settlement agreement, and have received the percentage of the allotted court agreed fo MDL fee which is taken from the total amount of the settlement and now seems to also be added to our individual client attorney agreements in varying amounts which seem u[Show More]Some have no MDL fees!! Some have varying percentages? ??? My attorneys are part of the steering committee, which were party to designing the settlement agreement, and have received the percentage of the allotted court agreed fo MDL fee which is taken from the total amount of the settlement and now seems to also be added to our individual client attorney agreements in varying amounts which seem unsubstantiated. The only answer seems to inquire about it directly to each of our lawyers... anything more known or to add?

  • ElleNovember 21, 2018 at 6:54 pm

    Does everyone have MDL fees as part of you settlement? I have 3 legal forms listed, is this the same for all. And mine is in an estate, which I now have to proceed with settling, could have been advised early on. Anything else. I don’t know what to say George since everything is hushed we don’t have a clear diagram of how this works and I assualmost everyone’s first experience?!

  • GeorgeNovember 20, 2018 at 4:57 pm

    Now my attorney says my settlement was not in this "wave" from Providio. I can not take anymore of this BS!! The stress is too much! What is it going to take to end this horror?????

  • JoeNovember 6, 2018 at 8:21 am

    Wednesday, October 31, 2018 1997 minutes Hearing - Other Fri 4:01 PM Clerk's Notes for Status Hearing held before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: Court addresses cases involving former attorney Michael Hugo with counsel. Defendants to file motions to reopen and set aside stipulations of dismissals as appropriate in four cases (Dorn, Brooks, Weathers, Rardin). Further evaluation of Stipulations of Dism[Show More]Wednesday, October 31, 2018 1997 minutes Hearing - Other Fri 4:01 PM Clerk's Notes for Status Hearing held before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: Court addresses cases involving former attorney Michael Hugo with counsel. Defendants to file motions to reopen and set aside stipulations of dismissals as appropriate in four cases (Dorn, Brooks, Weathers, Rardin). Further evaluation of Stipulations of Dismissal, already on file and ones to be filed, conducted by defendants counsel and, as necessary, will undertake appropriate action to rectify any discrepancies. Court willing to accept Notices of Appearance nunc pro tunc to clarify the appropriate parties for executed Stipulations of Dismissal. Counsel provides updates on the status of case(s) in Mississippi, California and Louisiana. Court to sschedule conferences in two cases transferred into the MDL this year, 18cv11224 and 18cv12231 Defendants counsel to report back to the Court with possible conference dates by 11/9/2018.

  • GeorgeNovember 5, 2018 at 7:04 pm

    I have been told that the end is "imminent" by my attorney and should have everything done in 10 days. Check in hand I hope but the way things go I do not count on that. My Attorney will be getting much more than me. Strange I am the client and he gets more. It has been a learning experience and one I will never do again. Victims never get justice!

  • GeorgeNovember 1, 2018 at 5:46 pm

    Been told my settlement statement will be sent out soon and should have a check in about 10 days. I will believe it when I see it!!! Attorney got MUCH more than I did for sure. I am disgusted.

  • TomOctober 25, 2018 at 8:05 pm

    I received a settlement letter but I can’t even get in touch with my attorney office for any explanation of the breakdown. The medicare lien was a ridiculous amount, I’m not sure what that covered and there’s a 11% common assessment fee to the attorney that is just as astronomical. Out of the gross. We are ending up with 30% to be split 3 ways. Where is the justice? whole thing is a shame. Out of [Show More]I received a settlement letter but I can’t even get in touch with my attorney office for any explanation of the breakdown. The medicare lien was a ridiculous amount, I’m not sure what that covered and there’s a 11% common assessment fee to the attorney that is just as astronomical. Out of the gross. We are ending up with 30% to be split 3 ways. Where is the justice? whole thing is a shame. Out of a six figure payment we the family end up with a three figure settlement!! Why would a judge even allow this? The lawyers were obviously all out for themselves!!

  • PatOctober 25, 2018 at 4:51 pm

    Does anyone know if there was money left over in the settlement where there was $25,000,000 left over to reimburse the attorneys 7% . My attorney said they were paying out 7% of the (40%) they charged me. Did anyone’s attorneys not charge the 7%.

  • GeorgeOctober 25, 2018 at 3:28 pm

    No not yet. Waiting on how much the fees will be for Providio. Excrutiating process and I just want this over with. I am so done and disgusted.

  • LisaOctober 23, 2018 at 3:40 am

    Has everyone already recived their checks?

  • JoeOctober 23, 2018 at 1:24 am

    Sorry,I have not been on here in a while. If you want to sue your lawyer for legal malpractice unfortunately I don't have any direct numbers to give out. I am involved in my own lawsuit against my attorney. Unfortunately,I cannot go into details because I do not want to jeopardize my case. Your best bet however would be to put in Google search (I want to sue my lawyer) You will get a bunch of adv[Show More]Sorry,I have not been on here in a while. If you want to sue your lawyer for legal malpractice unfortunately I don't have any direct numbers to give out. I am involved in my own lawsuit against my attorney. Unfortunately,I cannot go into details because I do not want to jeopardize my case. Your best bet however would be to put in Google search (I want to sue my lawyer) You will get a bunch of advertisement about lawyers that practice in that field. Try calling one of those law firms. Trying to get a hold of epiq systems Is nearly impossible and even if you were able to get a hold of them trying to get any type of response from them is nearly impossible Epiq Systems believe any requests are frivolous. So in my opinion Epiq Systems may be part of the problem. They may need a lawsuit brought against them. As for the Davita lawsuit involving Granuflo. those cases look like they involved Learned Intermediary Doctrine. Which basically means Fresenius warned the doctors of the risks and they were supposed to pass that warning on to the patients which they never did. those people passed away after December 31, 2012. It is a small handful of people not the majority. So I see no malpractice Lawsuit against a lawyer for not explaining things to you about that. Anyway here's a small update not exactly sure what this is involving. Thursday, October 18, 2018 1994 notice Notice of Hearing Thu 4:04 PM NOTICE OF HEARING: Status Hearing regarding cases involving Attorney Michael Hugo is SCHEDULED for 10/31/2018 at 11:00 a.m. in Courtroom 1 before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. (Beatty, Barbara) I really have no idea what this hearing is involved in. Good luck and I hope the people that are Suing their lawyers Will be successful and win.

  • LaurieOctober 12, 2018 at 8:00 am

    Yes Angie seems like it. After the lien from Medicare, attorney fees, Providio fees, etc. I will be lucky to see 34 or 40% of my original settlement amount. Its over for me after 6 long years. This was a sham and travesty for sure.

  • AngieOctober 10, 2018 at 6:18 pm

    Received a settlement statement in the mail today along with a check. After about $80,000 in fees, the amount was a little more than$79,000. Seems that you can put a price on a life. This has been emotionally exhausting. I hope everyone sees results soon.

  • JudyOctober 8, 2018 at 12:35 am

    I don't think some realize Joe hasn't been on here since August . So your attorney is responsible to answer any and all questions

  • TonyaOctober 4, 2018 at 7:15 pm

    Joe just found out we r 1500$ family our mom died on machine from this waz proving fact I want to know how to file malpractice suit on the firm we had could u plzzzz help me thank sooo much

  • TonyaOctober 4, 2018 at 3:43 am

    My sister says she's do n all she can and no one wants to help her no call backs from attorney n month can n e one give us sum info on what she can do thanks

  • LaurieOctober 3, 2018 at 6:58 pm

    Samantha, If you have a phone number for that attorney you should call and if you leave a message tell that attorney you will report her to the State Bar Association if she does not return your call. Threaten if you have to! You deserve to have answers.

  • SamanthaOctober 3, 2018 at 2:22 pm

    Joe can u tell me why my lawyer dosent call me back her name is lauren burns i call her to see whats going on i get no response i need to know my payment amount she told me but i need to know if its true or not and when will it be sent

  • SamanthaOctober 2, 2018 at 11:45 pm

    Can anyone tell me anything my lawyer doesnt redpond to me i need to know when will i receive my payment my sister's and brothers payments does anyone know lauren burnes shes the Attorney i need her to get ahold of me plz

  • LaurieOctober 2, 2018 at 11:12 pm

    Still have not heard anything, Was told maybe November or December, Depends on Medicare lien so yeah Dawn might get 45% if anything. Or nothing. All this time and we end up paying attorneys and the state only. Nothing to show for our dead loved ones. TRAVESTY

  • TonyaOctober 2, 2018 at 5:22 pm

    my sister filed this suit and I'm lost on this does n e one know a # I can contact to find sumthing out plzzzz n e body my sister is tell n me and my siblings nothing at this time just keeps say n she hasn't heard from attorney does n e one know what we could do thanks very much

  • SamanthaOctober 2, 2018 at 1:44 pm

    My mom was killed by this medicine in 2010 ive been waiting since 2014 to see whats gonna happen i still haven't received my payment yet i have 2 brothers and 2 sisters were still grieving over our mother i just want justice they say its coming but when tho my lawyer is hard to get in contact with i call and leave message no response its really terrible

  • DawnOctober 2, 2018 at 3:54 am

    Ok, I received my settlement statement today.... Gross total award: $99,176.67. Now I knew when we signed with the attorneys, they made us aware of the 45% fees. However, it is broke into 3 sub deductions: I)Attorneys fees (anyone know what COMMON BENEFIT FEES & COSTS are?) II) Litigation fees... between these 2 it is over 50% deduction. Then, III) Medicare lien and Less Providio Lien Resolut[Show More]Ok, I received my settlement statement today.... Gross total award: $99,176.67. Now I knew when we signed with the attorneys, they made us aware of the 45% fees. However, it is broke into 3 sub deductions: I)Attorneys fees (anyone know what COMMON BENEFIT FEES & COSTS are?) II) Litigation fees... between these 2 it is over 50% deduction. Then, III) Medicare lien and Less Providio Lien Resolution & QSF Fee.... so, bottom line... we get approx 45%, then divide it by the 5 of us. Just another insult to add to list from the murder of my father.

  • AnthonyOctober 2, 2018 at 12:35 am

    Did anyone else receive a check. I can't wait to receive my check and put this whole thing behind me it's been a long unjust Road.

  • JaneSeptember 29, 2018 at 6:23 pm

    We got our granuflo check this past wednesday. It was a 6 figure check before lawyer probate and divided between 7 siblings. Went down to 4 figure check each. It's all over folks.

  • MarieSeptember 28, 2018 at 11:55 pm

    Laurie- I had a feeling that Medicare was going to come after the settlement which is barely anything to begin with. I have not set up my estate yet for my mother. Makes me wonder if it’s even worth it. I will h e to pay an attorney to just hand it over to Medicare. Per my lawyer he will not get paid if I do not set up the estate. He told me we would figure it out. I no longer live in the state [Show More]Laurie- I had a feeling that Medicare was going to come after the settlement which is barely anything to begin with. I have not set up my estate yet for my mother. Makes me wonder if it’s even worth it. I will h e to pay an attorney to just hand it over to Medicare. Per my lawyer he will not get paid if I do not set up the estate. He told me we would figure it out. I no longer live in the state my mom passed away in and I am on dialysis PD at home. Makes it hard to travel. My mom was also on medicare. I just don’t get why we didn’t receive the money for pain and suffering so they couldn’t take it from us? How does someone who isn’t alive receive money from someone causing them to die? Lawyers should have protected us better. Only person getting anything is the lawyers.

  • LaurieSeptember 27, 2018 at 9:22 am

    My settlement is pending due to a lien on it from the State of Massachusetts. They want 3 X's what my settlement is. Since my mother was on Medicare. With paying the attorney and all the other fees. I will end up with practically nothing. Got shafted from all directions now. There is no justice in all of this at all!

  • MarieSeptember 26, 2018 at 7:43 pm

    I feel like my attorney had 6 years to tell me that I needed to set up an estate to receive a settlement. What the heck does he get a third of the money for? He said he couldn’t have me do this until they knew if I got a settlement or not, but that was about at least a year ago they knew. I just can’t take anymore hiring lawyers and dealing with this stuff all the time. I feel so not represented,[Show More]I feel like my attorney had 6 years to tell me that I needed to set up an estate to receive a settlement. What the heck does he get a third of the money for? He said he couldn’t have me do this until they knew if I got a settlement or not, but that was about at least a year ago they knew. I just can’t take anymore hiring lawyers and dealing with this stuff all the time. I feel so not represented, when we should have been. My moms life was worth way, way more than what this is worth and the stress is just not worth it to me anymore. Maybe they can donate the money to research?

  • KenSeptember 26, 2018 at 2:45 pm

    This is the biggest unjust to all of us what a scam.

  • AmandaSeptember 25, 2018 at 3:22 am

    1st has anyone even received a payout yet. 2nd i never even recived a letter about my points. When i spoke to my attorney's paralegal. She told me the case amount we would receive and said looking like it would head into the beginning of 2019 before recive funds. This whole ordeal has just been a mess from the jump. I am so ready to get it over with and behind me.

  • TimSeptember 20, 2018 at 6:34 am

    Is there anyone on here that has not received there $1500 check ? I was told I would receive mine months ago. I never received anything. No letter or anything . Is there anyone else on here that did not receive the $1500 check. My lawyer told me over the phone that's what I was receiving. I never received anything . No letter stating that's what I was supposed to be receiving or anything from an[Show More]Is there anyone on here that has not received there $1500 check ? I was told I would receive mine months ago. I never received anything. No letter or anything . Is there anyone else on here that did not receive the $1500 check. My lawyer told me over the phone that's what I was receiving. I never received anything . No letter stating that's what I was supposed to be receiving or anything from any administrator or anyone, I am confused. I was wondering if anyone on here only got verification over the phone or emal and did not actually receive a certified letter.

  • LaurieSeptember 19, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    Marie - I had to do the same for my mother but my attorney told me this very early on in the process. She had nothing also so I never did. This will be paid out of my settlement of course. Kevin - if you read back there were statements made about interest on the settlement money. If there is interest it goes into a special fund. Cynthia - Base = $706.14 EIF = $699.18

  • MarieSeptember 19, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    After waiting 6 years for this to finally be over the lawyer calls me today and says I have to open and estate for my mother in which I do not live in that state. Why didn’t they tell us this 6 months ago? My mother had nothing at all, so we never did an estate. All I got was the debt that was left and the funeral to pay for. So be warned if you don’t have an estate you will need to get one ASAP. [Show More]After waiting 6 years for this to finally be over the lawyer calls me today and says I have to open and estate for my mother in which I do not live in that state. Why didn’t they tell us this 6 months ago? My mother had nothing at all, so we never did an estate. All I got was the debt that was left and the funeral to pay for. So be warned if you don’t have an estate you will need to get one ASAP. I am sure I am got to have to pay an attorney to do this also. Ugh

  • Marie SSeptember 17, 2018 at 4:28 pm

    Kevin, is that the interest that they have earned the settlement money that has been sitting there for a few years? Who gets that money? That is a lot of money. So many things not right about this whole thing. Big Pharma companies pay off people to get this low settlement. Yes they say we lost the first 2 cases but both patients had heart issues already and were non compliant. My mom had no heart [Show More]Kevin, is that the interest that they have earned the settlement money that has been sitting there for a few years? Who gets that money? That is a lot of money. So many things not right about this whole thing. Big Pharma companies pay off people to get this low settlement. Yes they say we lost the first 2 cases but both patients had heart issues already and were non compliant. My mom had no heart issues. Even had heart checked before we took her off the ventilator. Why didn’t these types of cases get a chance in court? They sold us out is why. I wouldn’t ever take any amount of money if I could just have my mom back. God bless all.

  • KevinSeptember 17, 2018 at 1:44 am

    250,000,000 x 0.03 = 7,500,000 Annual interest

  • CynthiaSeptember 16, 2018 at 5:03 pm

    Did your attorney tell you the dollar value for each point? If so, would you share that with us?

  • MindySeptember 15, 2018 at 12:40 am

    I'm curious if those of you who have received a projected amount and have been told that checks will be issued towards the end of the month, if your attorneys have mentioned or sent anything stating that you cannot go after them for legal malpractice or not. I mean legally can they withhold your check if you refuse to sign something like that? I honestly believe everyone who had HB&S representing [Show More]I'm curious if those of you who have received a projected amount and have been told that checks will be issued towards the end of the month, if your attorneys have mentioned or sent anything stating that you cannot go after them for legal malpractice or not. I mean legally can they withhold your check if you refuse to sign something like that? I honestly believe everyone who had HB&S representing them should consider it. Surely I'm not the only one they've failed to keep informed, terminated their Davita case without informing them of doing so and failed to even request records from medical institutions providing treatment. Also how many of you received your point letter 6 months AFTER it was sent to your attorney? They've completely taken away any chance I could've possibly had to appeal the points decision, considering that had to have been done within two weeks of receiving the letter. So to say that some of us were shafted in this whole ordeal is an understatement. I'm beyond disgusted with how this has turned out. A few thousand dollars will never make up for what they've all done.

  • KevinSeptember 14, 2018 at 9:02 pm

    Amen, I can finally put my brother to rest since 2010 when he died while receiving Granuflo dialysis. He was my only sibling and my only immediate family I had, both our parents are gone. I will never forgive this Company for killing my brother. I am so sorry to everyone here for all the HELL they put us through to get this slap in the face by this ROTTEN COMPANY!! Should have my check by the [Show More]Amen, I can finally put my brother to rest since 2010 when he died while receiving Granuflo dialysis. He was my only sibling and my only immediate family I had, both our parents are gone. I will never forgive this Company for killing my brother. I am so sorry to everyone here for all the HELL they put us through to get this slap in the face by this ROTTEN COMPANY!! Should have my check by the end of next week!! at this point I am just glad we are done. ALso would personally thank Joe (or what ever your name is for all the correct info) during this I was very greatful to have a parraleagal on my side and would give me at least an update month. And for all those people who doubted Joe you were wrong becuase he was pretty much spot on what my Law Firm was telling me. So on a final note good luck to all of you. Hope everyone can move on from this. And just remember and love our LOVED ONS!!

  • arthurSeptember 14, 2018 at 12:22 pm

    Hello, M First of all this lawsuit is settled and almost over. The point values given is probably all we will ever get again had it been handled better by those of us involved maybe that would have happened. We trusted some greedy attorneys thinking our best interest was in their heart well we see that was not true. Most times the claimants go forth to let others all over the world know what i[Show More]Hello, M First of all this lawsuit is settled and almost over. The point values given is probably all we will ever get again had it been handled better by those of us involved maybe that would have happened. We trusted some greedy attorneys thinking our best interest was in their heart well we see that was not true. Most times the claimants go forth to let others all over the world know what is being done and most times higher institutions will get involved. This case has only hit the once and it is like nothing is going on....... There are many people still think its fake and no one will ever get anything so that is our fault. We need to start accepting some of the blame. I think the person name "Joe"on this blog is about the only one really kept up with this case other than that we all just sat back and followed suit, so we just wait and see like I have been doing since 2011. My spouse died in 2009 at the Dialysis unit 2 hours after receiving treatment using granuflo.

  • ArthurSeptember 13, 2018 at 4:30 pm

    I spoke to the paralegal in my attorney's office and she said we should "hear" or " know" more about the time frame to receive funds. Again I feel we all have been shafted and should have done something about it months ago by going to media. Going to the media would have probable made the process go faster but we didn't so all we can do now is wait and see. I think its almost over we will see in[Show More]I spoke to the paralegal in my attorney's office and she said we should "hear" or " know" more about the time frame to receive funds. Again I feel we all have been shafted and should have done something about it months ago by going to media. Going to the media would have probable made the process go faster but we didn't so all we can do now is wait and see. I think its almost over we will see in the coming weeks.

  • GeorgeSeptember 13, 2018 at 3:53 pm

    This whole case has taken its toll on all involved and we will never have true justice for our loved ones. I pray this is over soon and that the power that be at Fresenius feel the judgement when the time comes. Our attorney's let us down and the court system. God bless the victims and their families.

  • MSeptember 11, 2018 at 8:45 pm

    It's a sad situation for everyone involved. I feel everyone's pain. I also lost my husband, he died way too young!! I hope there is something that can be done so the victims and their families can be compensated decently. Whether it be another Lawsuit or adjusting the one we are in now. If anyone gets any answers on that please let us know.

  • AnnSeptember 11, 2018 at 4:39 pm

    Talked to my att today was informed how much my case got and told money will be here by the end of the month.. Should have money within 6 weeks!!!!! Not what I wanted out of this tragedy but glad its almost over!! God bless!!!

  • arthurSeptember 11, 2018 at 12:33 pm

    I really think we need to move on this case has taken a toll on all of us but to keep going on and on about our loses is not helping us at all. If there is really a concern about how we are or were being treated as far as the monetary values we are suppose to receive, we should have all gotten together and protested to the media. Had that been done it may have been over sooner.

  • ElleSeptember 10, 2018 at 3:43 am

    FYI Kidney-care provider Fresenius reports higher margin By Michael Sandler | October 29, 2015 Germany-based kidney-care provider Fresenius Medical Care reported a slightly higher operating margin in its newest quarterly financial report released Thursday. The company's operating income margin was 14.5% for the three months ended Sept. 30, up from 14.3% over the previous year's quarter. Ove[Show More]FYI Kidney-care provider Fresenius reports higher margin By Michael Sandler | October 29, 2015 Germany-based kidney-care provider Fresenius Medical Care reported a slightly higher operating margin in its newest quarterly financial report released Thursday. The company's operating income margin was 14.5% for the three months ended Sept. 30, up from 14.3% over the previous year's quarter. Overall, Fresenius saw $614 million in operating income on $4.2 billion in revenue for the three months ended Sept. 30, compared to $590 million in operating income on $4.1 billion in revenue during the same time period a year ago. Looking back further, the company saw $1.7 billion in operating income on $12.4 billion in revenue for the nine months ended Sept. 30, compared to $1.6 billion in operating income on $11.5 billion during the same time period in 2014.

  • EmmaSeptember 9, 2018 at 7:59 pm

    It seems to me that the lawyers in these cases are the ones benefiting from all us loosing our mothers, fathers, husbands and other family members and the company is getting away with murder without any remorse what so ever, I am missing my mother everyday

  • SamanthaSeptember 8, 2018 at 3:57 pm

    My mom died from this granuflo natural lyte so what justice does she get i have been waiting since 2014 to find out what is going on with this case my lawyer never answers the phone or get back with me when i leave messages how is that professional

  • JudySeptember 7, 2018 at 12:19 am

    Yes their is a big difference in pay because the granuflo was more deadly are between the two. My attorney explain that in the beginning

  • TreneieceSeptember 5, 2018 at 8:23 pm

    Do you know if there is a difference in payout between granuflo and naturalyte cases?

  • ElleSeptember 5, 2018 at 3:22 am

    The company conducted a recall, which was actually a change in the label, not the removal of the product from the market. Kent Jarrell, a spokesman for the company, said the initial internal memo was actually incorrect and contradicted by further careful analysis. He said the warning language added to the GranuFlo label in 2012 was eventually removed. GranuFlo, and a related product called Natura[Show More]The company conducted a recall, which was actually a change in the label, not the removal of the product from the market. Kent Jarrell, a spokesman for the company, said the initial internal memo was actually incorrect and contradicted by further careful analysis. He said the warning language added to the GranuFlo label in 2012 was eventually removed. GranuFlo, and a related product called NaturaLyte, are used in dialysis machines to help cleanse patients’ blood. In the first case to go to trial, a jury in Massachusetts state court ruled that Fresenius was negligent, for not distributing the memo more widely, but that a patient’s death could not be attributed to GranuFlo, so no monetary damages were awarded, according to Mr. Jarrell and to Christopher Seeger, a lawyer who led the settlement negotiations for the plaintiffs. But if the initial concern was unwarranted and Fresenius won the first trial, why would it pay $250 million to settle? Mr. Jarrell suggested that a reason was to put the more than 10,000 lawsuits behind it The original NY Times, medical articles by Andrew Pollack.. Mr Pollacks daughter was a victim of the Parkland School shootings. He has organized to do something for the Parkland incident. Perhaps he might advise what direction we could investigate,although he was only reporting for this. Or the firm reprsenting the wrongful death suits may b helpful to some.

  • GeorgeSeptember 5, 2018 at 3:12 am

    Very well said Elle! From start to finish this has been a travesty to say the least. I pray that someday changes will be made in the system so that others will not have to suffer the indignity and lack of empathy this case has shown the victims and their families.

  • ElleSeptember 1, 2018 at 4:21 am

    Sam, There is more information that u should read about Our MDL. Bellwether Trials are meant to set benchmarks for each side. Our attorneys’ medical evidence was difficult for the jury to find for our side. I am sorry for your loss and everyone’s. This is my only MDL, I believed the attorneys words, they were comforting. My husband’s loss would not be for naught. My children would be able [Show More]Sam, There is more information that u should read about Our MDL. Bellwether Trials are meant to set benchmarks for each side. Our attorneys’ medical evidence was difficult for the jury to find for our side. I am sorry for your loss and everyone’s. This is my only MDL, I believed the attorneys words, they were comforting. My husband’s loss would not be for naught. My children would be able to live, attend school, have therapy, we could stay in our home. Profits from wrongful gain would be shared amongst the injured. Fresenius profited from not alerting clinics, their choice. The settlement is so tight because the Insurance Company is paying for most of the settlement. Fresenius has been sued by their Insurance Co for non Compliance factors within their contract. The Da Vita case has been won because there were obvious indications that patients were experiencing ill affects during and after treatment, and staff was not reporting such. The jury understood the Evidence was clear so that families were awarded huge individual settlements. Great for them and great for DaVita. It’s a warning for all, take care of those who need your expertise, as they are not versed and need your help. There was one trial and the plaintiffs did lose. One trial, equalling large cost for both sides. Potentially casting much doubt that another trial w a patient not quite as ill, May very well have proven what we all have experienced. Patients on dialysis have many reasons for needing treatment, product liability cases are about people dying from approved treatments or drugs. Plaintiff attorneys are meant to fight for their clients. They are not meant to have private meetings and agree to settlements, excluding very many people harmed by dubious behavior. How many patients have been dropped as you state because all has been tailored to fit the settlement. If it is all about these defendants saving money, making profits excessively, why would anyone question helping people harmed by their greed and wrongdoing. It has to stop somehow, and include our wretched legal system.

  • MindyAugust 31, 2018 at 5:10 am

    Sam your wife's attorney apparently did their due deligence handling her case. I was awarded 125 points only to find out that my attorney not only failed to keep me informed about this case as well as the Davita case, which I did not find out until earlier this year that they supposedly did not file a case, which in fact they did. The Davita case was filed August 27th, 2015 and then terminated Sep[Show More]Sam your wife's attorney apparently did their due deligence handling her case. I was awarded 125 points only to find out that my attorney not only failed to keep me informed about this case as well as the Davita case, which I did not find out until earlier this year that they supposedly did not file a case, which in fact they did. The Davita case was filed August 27th, 2015 and then terminated September 8th, 2015. Not only have they lied to me they admitted to not requesting records from the hospital my father was transported to an hour after leaving dialysis. My attorney was out to line their own pockets from the get go. I have been calling attorney after attorney to get someone to help me in going after my attorney for legal malpractice and Danita both. You can guess how that is going. These attorneys don't want to go after one of their own. Because my father didn't have a POA or anything allowing me access to his medical information I'm pretty much screwed trying to get the documents myself due to HIPPA laws. One attorney did mention possibly getting heirship of medical records only, but because statutes are running out in running out of time. I feel justice will never have beenserved. My children have had to grow up without their primary male role model and I my best friend. So many people will never have closure.

  • SamAugust 29, 2018 at 6:59 pm

    I think people are forgetting that Fresenius WON their case in trial... the 250 million is what Fresenius offered to pay in order for us to not risk losing again at trial and not getting anything.. it's not corruption, is not a scam, you want to blame anyone blame the jury!.. that's why families who thought they qualified at first didn't qualify at the end and the requirements got so tight because[Show More]I think people are forgetting that Fresenius WON their case in trial... the 250 million is what Fresenius offered to pay in order for us to not risk losing again at trial and not getting anything.. it's not corruption, is not a scam, you want to blame anyone blame the jury!.. that's why families who thought they qualified at first didn't qualify at the end and the requirements got so tight because it's so little money to spread around.. everyone had an option to opt out of the settlement.. I come here for updates about the case not to hear about "should have" would have" could have".. my wife got 275 points the most I hear you're able to get in at the point values are correct that's only a little over $190,000 before deductions.. is that fair? No! But it is what it is.

  • DawnAugust 29, 2018 at 4:04 pm

    First off... Special thank you to Joe (and a few others) who has been more informative, honestly than our attorneys combined. I have been following this blog since I found it a couple years ago. Most of us are in the 'same boat' with out any paddles here, but sharing genuine information is helpful. Laurie... I agree, as many of us do! This whole situation has been mishandled from the start, [Show More]First off... Special thank you to Joe (and a few others) who has been more informative, honestly than our attorneys combined. I have been following this blog since I found it a couple years ago. Most of us are in the 'same boat' with out any paddles here, but sharing genuine information is helpful. Laurie... I agree, as many of us do! This whole situation has been mishandled from the start, with major lack of communication between the individual attorneys and us, the plaintiffs. That seems to be a common thread here over the years, which is why this blog has been so much more informative (again, Thank you Joe for your diligence in information gathering). If there is some way to shout the injustice that was served, and the extremely poor handing of this situation, including the "cut offs" of those injured or killed, I am all in to help. Last year the firm I retained (Henry Spiegel Milling) split up, and it took me along time to make further contact with any representative. So again, I too have been able to learn and understand more of our situation/case from here. Regarding some above comments... Kim: I confirmed 2 year ago with my tax accountant, NO... this is one situation where we are NOT taxed! Marie: you should definitely NOT be paying any additional fees, and it should be documented in your initial retainer paperwork. However... if your fee was 40%, that is "good"... as mine and most are a 45% fee. One good thing is my attorney did set up an Estate account on our behalf in the beginning of the process, so any funds go there and will be divided between 5 of us. However I know each of my family members would give every little penny for just a moment back with our father/husband that was murdered 7/22/11 by this.

  • BettyAugust 29, 2018 at 3:54 pm

    Costs to look for are for filing your case, ordering medical records, if they set up an estate, and also basic printing/post

  • jimAugust 29, 2018 at 3:02 pm

    What you would need to do is file an objection with the court handling the class action lawsuit about the settlement and that you don't agree with it. You might also be able to opt out of the settlement as well. I would suggest finding a local class action attorney who knows the procedure and can file the objection because class actions are simply too complicated not to have an attorney handle on [Show More]What you would need to do is file an objection with the court handling the class action lawsuit about the settlement and that you don't agree with it. You might also be able to opt out of the settlement as well. I would suggest finding a local class action attorney who knows the procedure and can file the objection because class actions are simply too complicated not to have an attorney handle on your behalf. You can search for a class action attorney on in your area who can help you with your case.

  • ArthurAugust 28, 2018 at 4:56 pm

    When you hired your Attorneys, should of signed a retainer fee . Of either 33% or 40% if they go to court. It's a binding contract. And if you had either a will or trust your case shouldn't have gone to probate. It might be different in Massachusetts. The people who decided on your point system receive 4%. Shouldn't be too many more expense other than liens. That could be a deal breaker.

  • BettyAugust 28, 2018 at 1:40 pm

    Marie - check your retainer. Once signed by you, it is a legal binding document that has to be followed. Your attorneys probably put a paragraph or clause in there about expenses/costs on top of their 40% fee. They cannot ask you for anything not in your retainer.

  • LaurieAugust 28, 2018 at 9:49 am

    Lets face it we got the shaft! Yet no one is willing to make an effort to bring this atrocity to the attention of the powers that be. I have written to media and state bar association but one voice will not help. We need everyone to speak up.

  • MarieAugust 27, 2018 at 2:22 pm

    My attorney told me there will be additional fees associated with this case in additional to the 40% the attorney cost such as provceddi g fees, copy fees, etc and I should look at them getting 50% this is a whole bunch of crap and I’m told him that is not fair and I’m not standing for this they are already getting the majority of the settlement. Has anyone heard such BS?

  • JANEAugust 25, 2018 at 10:28 pm

    Our lawyer called said they wood have the checks sept 21. We have to get a probate lawyer to divide the money between sibling.

  • SamanthaAugust 25, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    When will i receive my money my case number is 12014cv13937 i lost my mom with this stuff

  • LaurieAugust 21, 2018 at 9:29 pm

    I believe you do not have to pay taxes from what I saw in previous posts.

  • AnthonyAugust 21, 2018 at 7:01 pm

    My lawyer told me the case was approved and the money will be sent to the lawyers in September and i get should get our checks in October

  • KimAugust 20, 2018 at 6:16 pm

    Does anyone know if you have to pay income tax on the money you receive?

  • GeorgeAugust 20, 2018 at 4:14 pm

    My attorney sent me the following: $706.14 base points and $699.18 EIF points. He did not mention if the settlement check would be sent out in October like he told be previously but I hope it will be. FYI my attorney had me probate my mothers estate very early on in this process so I am concerned that other attorneys did not do this for their clients. I would be very upset with that if I were [Show More]My attorney sent me the following: $706.14 base points and $699.18 EIF points. He did not mention if the settlement check would be sent out in October like he told be previously but I hope it will be. FYI my attorney had me probate my mothers estate very early on in this process so I am concerned that other attorneys did not do this for their clients. I would be very upset with that if I were all of you.

  • AngelaAugust 18, 2018 at 2:34 am

    It's been a long road for all of us & no amount of money will ever bring our loved one's back. We were all victims of big Pharma.....hopefully one day justice will be served & they will suffer our misery ten fold.

  • Me and myAugust 14, 2018 at 6:19 pm

    What will be the different in payouts between granuflo and natural lite

  • ElleAugust 14, 2018 at 1:08 am

    Follows is the verbiage from The Da Vita class action for wrongful death lawsuit which has initially been awarded $125 M each for 3 families. While I doubt that this will rest as is, the proof is undeniable that granuflo and naturalyte caused these ills as the following words will attest to. One of the steering committee Attorney’s stated that they could not prove the solutions to be responsible [Show More]Follows is the verbiage from The Da Vita class action for wrongful death lawsuit which has initially been awarded $125 M each for 3 families. While I doubt that this will rest as is, the proof is undeniable that granuflo and naturalyte caused these ills as the following words will attest to. One of the steering committee Attorney’s stated that they could not prove the solutions to be responsible and get a jury to understand, so they agreed to The settlement without additional bellwethers trials, after the first case was won For the defendants. Our lawyers didn’t try. “A wrongful death lawsuit brought by the families of three dialysis patients resulted in a $383.5 million verdict against DaVita, which provided dialysis treatments with GranuFlo, which allegedly caused the sudden cardiac arrest for each of the patients. The verdict was returned by a federal jury in Denver on Wednesday, determining that the company was responsible for the cardiac arrest deaths because staff members used the dialysate GranuFlo, and knew or should have known that it may increase the risk of heart problems. The lawsuits alleged that DaVita employees ignored a number of health signals, such as major blood changes, and reports of deaths and severe injuries within the medical community involving GranuFlo dialysis treatments. The verdict awarded the three families between $1.5 million and $5 million each for compensatory damages, and then added another $125 million in punitive damages for each family, which was meant to punish DaVita for recklessly endangering dialysis patients.” Please advise if ur take away from the above case assessment, ie., DaVita, is not clearly stated so that anyone with thinking ability would be able to see the facts and judge accordingly. Why did our MDL Attorney’s not negotiate, work harder for the 12000 cases they agreed to represent.

  • AnthonyAugust 13, 2018 at 2:54 pm

    If many people not satisfied with this case did anybody trying to reach news agencies or the Department of just happy to be alive after going into cardiac arrest three times 2 minutes after treatment

  • BettyAugust 13, 2018 at 2:33 pm

    My advice is to call your attorney. The first round of $1500 claims were paid already, but not all claims fell into that category because of state medicaid programs. Also, Fresenius and the attorneys don't see a cent of the interest from the settlement fund. Some of it will go to pay the claims administrator (hosting a website for over 7,000 claims and their uploaded medical records is expensive) [Show More]My advice is to call your attorney. The first round of $1500 claims were paid already, but not all claims fell into that category because of state medicaid programs. Also, Fresenius and the attorneys don't see a cent of the interest from the settlement fund. Some of it will go to pay the claims administrator (hosting a website for over 7,000 claims and their uploaded medical records is expensive) which will keep those costs down. Otherwise, interest often goes to a Client Protection fund that compensates people that lost money due to dishonest conduct by an attorney. Every state has one.

  • larryAugust 11, 2018 at 9:32 pm

    Concerning this suit- what my attorney has informed me is that the $1500 check payments were going out in different intervals!! She said they are on like the 3rd group of APA( or $1500) payouts!! She said only about 14% of the original almost 12,000 claims were in the top injury settlement!! Courts are only now doing Medicare and Medicaid lien checks, and knowing the government could be in Sept or[Show More]Concerning this suit- what my attorney has informed me is that the $1500 check payments were going out in different intervals!! She said they are on like the 3rd group of APA( or $1500) payouts!! She said only about 14% of the original almost 12,000 claims were in the top injury settlement!! Courts are only now doing Medicare and Medicaid lien checks, and knowing the government could be in Sept or Oct before they get through!! Then after lien check completes they will send attorneys spread sheets with their deductions!! Then attorney will deduct their fees(45% is what I hear), med records!! Then she will send clients a letter of their net awards!! But she said they must fille a notice in paper 3 times over a month make sure no other beneficiaries come forward!! Sounds like no $$$ til Jan or Feb 2019 to me???

  • jrAugust 11, 2018 at 5:34 pm

    talk to my attorney checks gets sent out Sept. 21

  • JoeAugust 10, 2018 at 11:54 pm

    Status report from Green. these are true numbers actually. "I am pleased to be able to report to the Courts that the exhaustive claims processing, evaluation, and appeals process is virtually complete. Based on data provided to me by the Claims Administrator and Liaison Counsel, a total of 7,541 claims were processed with 6,557 found to be eligible for compensation from the fund and 984 determ[Show More]Status report from Green. these are true numbers actually. "I am pleased to be able to report to the Courts that the exhaustive claims processing, evaluation, and appeals process is virtually complete. Based on data provided to me by the Claims Administrator and Liaison Counsel, a total of 7,541 claims were processed with 6,557 found to be eligible for compensation from the fund and 984 determined to be ineligible after all internal appeals and appeals to the Special Master. I believe six claimants have filed for further appeal to Judge Woodlock and one to Judge Kirpalani Of the more substantial claims (Granuflo and Naturalyte), 1,790 claims out of a total of 2,262 were found to be eligible. Of the APA claims, 4,767 out of 5,279 claims were found to be eligible.As Special Master, I reviewed 375 claims seeking an award from the Extraordinary Injury Fund and granted the claim in 227 cases. I also heard appeals from the Claims Administrator’s determination in 426 cases and granted the appeal in 103 of them."

  • jimAugust 10, 2018 at 10:42 am

    spoke to my attorney yesterday for first time in a year he said pay outs will most likely early part of next year but they are shooting for end of this year also each point is equal to 707.00 dollars due in part bad news they are negotiating the liens and fies that are against that money like medicaid and medicare courts and others things. also maybe necessary to open an estate with probate cou[Show More]spoke to my attorney yesterday for first time in a year he said pay outs will most likely early part of next year but they are shooting for end of this year also each point is equal to 707.00 dollars due in part bad news they are negotiating the liens and fies that are against that money like medicaid and medicare courts and others things. also maybe necessary to open an estate with probate court which can be expensive and take 2-6 months to obtain depending where you reside he said they really cant give a more accurate date until they receive the monies in there accounts

  • MarieAugust 9, 2018 at 6:34 pm

    I got my letter from the lawyer on my exact settlement amount. It states that payouts will be in October this year. Let’s see if it happens. Good luck.

  • ArthurAugust 8, 2018 at 9:54 pm

    It will be over soon $706 and change per point. Checks will be delivered either late September or early October. According to my Attorneys. The fees are crazy.

  • TexasAugust 8, 2018 at 8:54 pm

    Have Anyone heared that September will be the Payout month.

  • KenAugust 7, 2018 at 3:15 pm

    Something is just not wright with some of these blogs.I just talk to my Lawyer one of the big groups and I was told no payments until Oct. I was told that Administrator has not look over all of there cases. Also I ask about whats up on these blogs about payout they said no funds Have been sent out.

  • arthurAugust 6, 2018 at 8:37 pm

    I received my award letter today.....point value is 706.00

  • CYNDIEAugust 6, 2018 at 3:24 pm

    Does anyone know the final number of cases that were approved for payment. I questioned my attorney and " I don't know"

  • KimberlyAugust 6, 2018 at 12:24 pm

    I spoke with my attorney and was told I will receive a document to be signed, returned and then check for $1,500 will be mailed to me. Timeframe is end of August would get check. He told me 16,000 were in suit at beginning. Then 6,000 of which 4,000 were in the $1,500 category. The fact that we are out of the point category by a few hours is devastating. It is not just the timeframe change from [Show More]I spoke with my attorney and was told I will receive a document to be signed, returned and then check for $1,500 will be mailed to me. Timeframe is end of August would get check. He told me 16,000 were in suit at beginning. Then 6,000 of which 4,000 were in the $1,500 category. The fact that we are out of the point category by a few hours is devastating. It is not just the timeframe change from 48 to 24 hours after treatment. it's that the repeated treatments led up to her passing. None of this is fair to us. Money brings too much power and the fact that they leaned on the premise, what we do saves lives, is ridiculous.

  • rickyAugust 5, 2018 at 3:29 am

    Got verbal confirm from my attorney. I've been waiting- what 6 years or so on this case.I have 125 points.At bout $700 point totals to $87,000. Attorney gets 45% right off bat so down to $47,000. Take away medical records, medical liens, filing and recording probate estate fees, other misc fees totals $19,000, so after gross of 87,000 there was net of $28,000. To me that's ridiculous. Split amongs[Show More]Got verbal confirm from my attorney. I've been waiting- what 6 years or so on this case.I have 125 points.At bout $700 point totals to $87,000. Attorney gets 45% right off bat so down to $47,000. Take away medical records, medical liens, filing and recording probate estate fees, other misc fees totals $19,000, so after gross of 87,000 there was net of $28,000. To me that's ridiculous. Split amongst 3 others, we each get bout$7,000 each for my dad's death!! No justice at all for Fresenius killing him.Plus told don't look for the $$$$ til bout February or March 2019. Saw earlier post. Who indeed gets the interest on the $250 million just sitting there since Nov 2017?? Bet Fresenius, the lawyers, judges, and administrators are splitting this interest money??

  • arthurAugust 4, 2018 at 6:03 pm

    Hey Joe how long do you think it will take to receive letters from the claim administrator stating the point value of our claims. Then I wonder when will checks be mailed out.....I am hoping it does not take FEDEX years to arrive. Do you know how many people ended up in the group that died within 24 hours@

  • adamAugust 3, 2018 at 4:48 pm

    Yes, Just spoke with my attorney today.Says we have 150 point.$700 a point. That's bout the only good news. Said he won't get a sheet with net figures til end of Sept cause government doing Medicare and Medicaid lein checks and will take two months to finish. Then in Oct they have to post three Times in your local paper a notice to see if any additional beneficiaries come forward. She sais this wi[Show More]Yes, Just spoke with my attorney today.Says we have 150 point.$700 a point. That's bout the only good news. Said he won't get a sheet with net figures til end of Sept cause government doing Medicare and Medicaid lein checks and will take two months to finish. Then in Oct they have to post three Times in your local paper a notice to see if any additional beneficiaries come forward. She sais this will go on Oct and Nov. Then near end of Nov or Dec she will send final letters to clients to sign and send back to her. Then money will be sent after your local judges approve the final deal. So in other words in my case I am prob not looking to get my $$$$ til Jan or Feb 2019!! What a joke. What a scam. I won't someone to tell me who has been drawing interest in this $250 million dollars that's sitting in a bank somehere. Fresenius, the judges, lawyers, administrators??? Still sounds like something fishy going on to me. These people just keep going on and on and on texting this already frivolous lawsuit. It may never END. Every higher body involved in this lawsuit should be ashamed and embarrassed with the handling of this case. Would like to hear any other comments clients have received from their lawyers...

  • JoeAugust 3, 2018 at 8:08 am

    The $1500 payments are done in rounds. So one specific group of people could be part of the first round of payments. So it could be possible that some people did receive their payment for the $1500 but that does not mean all APA claim have been paid. Not sure how many are in round one of the $1500 paid out claims. In fact I don't even know if the first round have been disbursed yet. I know the 9 c[Show More]The $1500 payments are done in rounds. So one specific group of people could be part of the first round of payments. So it could be possible that some people did receive their payment for the $1500 but that does not mean all APA claim have been paid. Not sure how many are in round one of the $1500 paid out claims. In fact I don't even know if the first round have been disbursed yet. I know the 9 cases that were At issues The judge let those cases submit there claims late I believe The judge gave until July 3rd for their attorney to submit the claims to the claims administrator. Don't know how long it takes for the claims administrator to Review nine cases but I wouldn't think it would take long. Like I told everyone before there was one case after the administrator determined everyone's claim not including those nine. There was one case added to this MDL. It's unclear how they are going to handle that. It Definitely doesn't make much sense. Not Sure if that will have a impact on payout dates.

  • ArthurAugust 3, 2018 at 4:17 am

    The paralegal from my attorney's office called me today and informed me that the claim administrator has finished assigning point value to our case and we will receive a letter via fedex soon. This is the first time in 3 years that someone actually called me with information. I am really hoping this case is about to end.

  • LaurieAugust 2, 2018 at 3:26 pm

    From what I gather the $1500 checks were going out before any other payments. The bigger ( I have to laugh at this) settlements need to go through lien process and possible estate probate for some. Also with so many problems with this case (9 people not included) it keeps being pushed again and again. We are at the mercy of a corrupt judicial system I am afraid.

  • arthurJuly 30, 2018 at 4:46 am

    I read a comment that someone stated they recieved a check for 1500.00 Is that true if so where are all the other people checks. I can't see them sending only one person a check. I spoke to a paralegal in my attorney's office and informed me that most of the things being said online is false. your thoughts.

  • ElleJuly 28, 2018 at 4:23 am

    Sorry if I am redundant, things have seemed to be wrong in handling of our case. I think there was an agreement w DaVita to not sue In exchange for clinic medical records. Unfortunately l am not well versed in legal matters, nor have communications been great from law firm. My opt in letter estimated the approx number of cases that could b eligible, the approved numbers seem to match that. How [Show More]Sorry if I am redundant, things have seemed to be wrong in handling of our case. I think there was an agreement w DaVita to not sue In exchange for clinic medical records. Unfortunately l am not well versed in legal matters, nor have communications been great from law firm. My opt in letter estimated the approx number of cases that could b eligible, the approved numbers seem to match that. How did this happen. Health problems directly related to granuflo n naturalyte are available and the basis of this MDL, but new criteria applied. My husband would often remain after treatment as he was not able to walk and his pressure ws too low etc. He stayed in a hospital for weeks, and then released, had one treatment and passed arriving at home. I understood he was sick, but it seems after all of this it was directly because of granuflo. Our medical expertise could not get a jury understand what occurred w these solutions? Plaintiff lawyers gave up trial, as too difficult to have a jury understand the affects caused by the dehydration and lack of precise labeling for rehydration. The Dial case, was a terrible example due to other extreme health issues. Are not most plaintiffs in MDL’s sick. So any further trials, which were originally part of our case were left go. My attorneys said that opting in was the BEST choice which felt very menacing. They hv said recently that opted out cases were thrown out because they could not get the medical expertise required for trial. I don’t know details abt their cases. So the MDL has power, because we hd the medical expertise which we will all b paying for. The steering committee made choices for us that we had no say in, we have no rights. Fresenius knew the impact, withheld information. Malpractice, wrongful death, product liability all should have been part of this case. My law firm Is now onto others, including the NFL. The DaVita suit is for wrongful death that staff were responsible for not responding to physical ills.. I’ve re read the original premise and am confused by redefining this case and causation, which seems many cases have been eliminated and to accept the settlement originally promised. But even now, seems no one is responding and calling the law office, attorneys hv left, new people. I did finally have a conversation and some of the details I have mentioned. What will we have to sign to be released? Fresenius was not responsible and this is final?

  • richardJuly 25, 2018 at 6:56 am

    I believe this whole lawsuit was mishandled from the start, my mother was murdered by a product from fresenuis while she was at a fresenuis facility in bklyn NY, my attorneys that filed on her behalf, did not take this into account? If the Davita lawsuit is about suing the facility not the manufacturer or as they say "wrongful death" as opposed to product liability wouldn't a competent firm know[Show More]I believe this whole lawsuit was mishandled from the start, my mother was murdered by a product from fresenuis while she was at a fresenuis facility in bklyn NY, my attorneys that filed on her behalf, did not take this into account? If the Davita lawsuit is about suing the facility not the manufacturer or as they say "wrongful death" as opposed to product liability wouldn't a competent firm know the difference? I also believe that the judge on the woodlock case was bought, judges canons codes are the way to find out, if a judge accepts a pharmaceutical junket, lunches anything, is how you get them investigation should be done, i for one am taking steps by contacting journalist to see if they are interested, its a ling shot but something has to be done.

  • TonyaJuly 24, 2018 at 7:23 pm

    Oct 2018 r u kidding me this is never gonna end and when it does lawyers r the only one profit n how truly sad because the way everyone talks on here none of them r even do n their jobs and communication with us is part of their job all pure BS SORRY FOR EVERYONES LOSS hopefully this will b over soon and we can all move on GOD BLESS U ALL

  • LaurieJuly 24, 2018 at 10:27 am

    This is what my attorney sent to me in an email: Final point values expected imminently. Expected to be around 700/point. Disbursement hoped for after lien clearance October, 2018. Sick of this BS!!

  • AliciaJuly 24, 2018 at 10:14 am

    Hi, this question is for anyone that have received their money yet. Did your money come with your letter or did the letter come first and then the check?

  • ElizabethJuly 24, 2018 at 8:27 am

    I actually spoke with my attorney today and was informed that the base points have a value of $706 and the eif points are $699 per point. She also said that they should have an idea of when the monies are going to be dispersed in the next 2 weeks.

  • MargoJuly 22, 2018 at 4:35 am

    My husband died 4 hours after being on dialysis I have not been told anything from my lawyers Goldenberg Heller about any points they say they do not know anything yet but call them anytime. I think they need to keep us informed not the other way around. My husband can not be replaced but they do not care. If we can sue the lawyers for the lack of empathy and the mishandling of these cases count[Show More]My husband died 4 hours after being on dialysis I have not been told anything from my lawyers Goldenberg Heller about any points they say they do not know anything yet but call them anytime. I think they need to keep us informed not the other way around. My husband can not be replaced but they do not care. If we can sue the lawyers for the lack of empathy and the mishandling of these cases count me in. All they care about is the money they are going to make

  • larryJuly 21, 2018 at 10:38 pm

    Has anybody got any updates from their attorneys on the dialysis suit?? Don't understand why these attorneys continue to keep their clients in the dark?? A lot of clients have indicated it's like their attorneys get mad or upset, just when they call to try and get updates!! This whole lawsuit settlement has been handled unprofessionally by all involved( and that includes lawyers, judges, administr[Show More]Has anybody got any updates from their attorneys on the dialysis suit?? Don't understand why these attorneys continue to keep their clients in the dark?? A lot of clients have indicated it's like their attorneys get mad or upset, just when they call to try and get updates!! This whole lawsuit settlement has been handled unprofessionally by all involved( and that includes lawyers, judges, administrators,etc)!! Last I heard they were still hearing federal appeals, several sent back even after the appeal process supposedly ended!! Also have heard they still have to do medical lein checks, get probate estates open to receive funds, and of course to my knowledge, no attorney has received any paperwork on the major injury claims advising them of gross and net payouts!! I am telling you this process could go on til 2019!!! Joe, or anybody else, if you have updates, of if anybody in the top injury settlement, has heard anything recently from their attorney, can you please post us an update!!! Thank you!! What a nightmare this whole settlement has been!! There is no reason anyone's attorney should have shown them any disrespect at any time, while trying to get information on this case!!!

  • TonyaJuly 20, 2018 at 6:13 pm

    Does anyone know exactly when we get money my attorney is useless also no communication at all my mom died on machine jan 10th 2010 i think my sister jumped in this lawsuit 2014 not sure but its been a long time im sooo tired of this just want our share and 2 be done with this years ago now these attorneys think they can take advantage of the death if our loved ones and leave us in the cold and da[Show More]Does anyone know exactly when we get money my attorney is useless also no communication at all my mom died on machine jan 10th 2010 i think my sister jumped in this lawsuit 2014 not sure but its been a long time im sooo tired of this just want our share and 2 be done with this years ago now these attorneys think they can take advantage of the death if our loved ones and leave us in the cold and dark its all BS and maybe ur rite we should all ban 2 gether and make these attorneys pay for their negligence its sad really sad they act sooo concerned hooked u 2 their BS run then ran with our money and i dont think n e of us r greedy i think the attorneys r and inconsiderate and uncompassionate for all our loss not theirs ours god bless u all i hope this all goes well for everyone

  • ElleJuly 20, 2018 at 3:23 pm

    I believe my attorneys agreed it to sue DaVita in exchange for the medical records. Does anyone else recall such information? And that would be a problem for the law firm Particularly in light of this Da Vita settlement. I want to know if our legal representatives are required to advise you of all possible solutions or legal avenues to be considered.

  • MarieJuly 19, 2018 at 4:40 pm

    I forgot to mention something else that the paralegal said to me. She said that we sued the pharmaceutical company not the dialysis center and that is why the other people were awarded more money for the davita lawsuit. So why did they not sue the dialysis center on our behalf? Lots of questions that will never get answered.

  • MarieJuly 19, 2018 at 3:19 pm

    It has been seven years since my mom passed away. I’m starting to think this is a scam lawsuit. How does Davita lose To 3 people tons of money and all of our lawyers working together only get $250 million for how many people? I hate calling my lawyer’s office. They are so rude to us. They work for us they should not be rude to us. She told me she spoke to me in May and told me that the appeals we[Show More]It has been seven years since my mom passed away. I’m starting to think this is a scam lawsuit. How does Davita lose To 3 people tons of money and all of our lawyers working together only get $250 million for how many people? I hate calling my lawyer’s office. They are so rude to us. They work for us they should not be rude to us. She told me she spoke to me in May and told me that the appeals were going out. I felt like saying to her this is July almost August. Almost 3 months later. It’s not like I call them every day. I told her the previous attorney I spoke with told me it would be wrapped up by June 2018z She said he is no longer with the company. I’m not sure what that has to do with what he told me. I asked her if it would be 2019 when it finally gets settled and she said no it will be done by the end of the year. I don’t believe her. They just keep pushing it off. I just want it done and to forget about it. And for the person that said that we were being greedy, that was really rude. We lost love ones and many years they could have lived to enjoy life with us and my grandchildren. The measly amount of money we will be getting is nothing compared to losing a loved one. My mom was my best friend. A day does not go by that I do not think about her. I wish I would have gotten her out of that dialysis center. I had no clue they were going to kill her. I don’t care what anyone says her heart was 100% healthy. Even did a stress test in the hospital when she was comatose on the vent. Said if she wakes up her heart is perfectly fine. That’s what I do not understand about this lawsuit. Why did they take cases that had CHF and did not take care of them selves? I’m sure there are many people who passed away that did take care of themselves. That’s where I feel like the lawyers screwed us. They did not look out for our best interest by allowing Frensius to pick these cases. I feel like something is going to happen after this is all settled. I have a big lawyer that was part of the NFL lawsuit. Why didn’t they do something? It’s like they just wanted it to go away. That’s how big Pharma companies work. The little people get screwed. I would give up any amount of money to have my mother with me today. I have a big law firm representinnnme that was part of the NFL lawsuit. Why didn’t they do something? It’s like they just wanted it to go away. I am on dialysis now myself. I Refused to use this company. I am with Davita doing PD dialysis at home. I will not have that chemical put in my body. I don’t feel it is still safe for anyone. The FDA recalled it and all they did was re-label it and put it back out. That company is worth billions and can pay people off to make the lawsuit go away. I refused to use this company. I am with Davita doing PD dialysis at home. I will not have that chemical put in my body. I don’t feel it is still safe for anyone.. I do think that the people in this lawsuit should get together and sue the manufacturer of the product. The sad part is it’s probably past the time that we can sue. Maybe that’s why they prolong this so long. Just my opinion. Good luck to all and God bless.

  • JoeJuly 18, 2018 at 8:13 am

    No Sam that doesn't sound right to me. As far as I was informed potassium and bicarbonate are additional points. Base pay for use of Granuflo And a cardiac arrest within 24 hours is equal to 100 points. There were no definitive bicarbonate numbers or potassium numbers or levels that had to be met. You should have received something from the claims administrator.It could have came from your lawyers[Show More]No Sam that doesn't sound right to me. As far as I was informed potassium and bicarbonate are additional points. Base pay for use of Granuflo And a cardiac arrest within 24 hours is equal to 100 points. There were no definitive bicarbonate numbers or potassium numbers or levels that had to be met. You should have received something from the claims administrator.It could have came from your lawyers office but it should've had the claims administrator's address on it and it should be clearly stated who made the decision And why. I think you might've gotten scammed. If you're capable file a lawsuit against your lawyer. He has a moral obligation to keep you informed. If you ask for your file you are entitled to it. Especially considering you received no written document verifying you were moved from the Granuflo compensation fund to the $1500 APA fund. What is this lawyer thinking, you are just going to take his word on it without any proof. What a Scam lawyer you have,sue him. What did he say the bicarbonate and potassium levels were supposed to be to qualify ? As far as I know potassium of <4 and bicarbonate of >28 Will give you a total of 50 extra points. If you only had one you would get 25 points per potassium or bicarbonate. Don't worry about delaying payments. That probably won't happen. It sounds like you were treated unfairly or your lawyer is trying to pull a fast one on you. Whatever happens I hope for the best for you it's truly a shame a lawyer would do this to anyone.

  • SAMJuly 13, 2018 at 9:39 am

    I was hoping somebody could give me some input regarding the settlement. I am not trying to delay payment. I might have a case against my lawyer. To qualify for the settlement did you have to meet certain bicarbonate levels and certain potassium levels or were those just considered add on points Along with the timeframe when death occurred from a cardiac arrest. I am being told my case was moved b[Show More]I was hoping somebody could give me some input regarding the settlement. I am not trying to delay payment. I might have a case against my lawyer. To qualify for the settlement did you have to meet certain bicarbonate levels and certain potassium levels or were those just considered add on points Along with the timeframe when death occurred from a cardiac arrest. I am being told my case was moved by the claims administrator from the Granuflo Compensation fund to the APA $1500 fund because my mother did not meet certain bicarbonate levels and certain potassium levels. This was all told to me via phone call. I never received anything from the claims administrator or my lawyer in written form. I was told this information over the phone. I requested my case file over a month ago and he is not sending it. He will not respond to any emails or phone calls. I basically want to know if you had to meet Certain bicarbonate levels and certain potassium levels or were those just add on points Thus giving you a higher points score. Any help is much appreciated. I opted in back in September 2016 my form stated because of documented use of Granuflo and a demonstrated cardiac arrest within 24 hours we believe you are eligible to participate in the Granuflo Compensation fund. I don't think my lawyer submitted my claim. Like I said I am not trying to delay anyone's payment. I just want to know this information to see if I have a case against my lawyers for fraud or malpractice, Thank you.

  • IreneJuly 13, 2018 at 4:52 am

    I received an email from my attorney today after a long silence.... this is what the email said: Your APA award has been approved. The lien resolution company is currently searching/handling any medical liens claimed in the approved claims. Let me schedule a call with you next week to discuss the details. I have no clue what that means. Does anyone know what APA is? And....Just for The recor[Show More]I received an email from my attorney today after a long silence.... this is what the email said: Your APA award has been approved. The lien resolution company is currently searching/handling any medical liens claimed in the approved claims. Let me schedule a call with you next week to discuss the details. I have no clue what that means. Does anyone know what APA is? And....Just for The record, Elizabeth… I have been following this blog for a very long time and not spoken… I just have to say that I found your comments very disheartening… you my dear survived...Lucky you ....that would have been a blessing for me if my dear sweet husband… My soulmate would have survived… I do not consider myself a money hungry relative as you so rudely put it… My whole purpose in this whole thing is just to try to get some closure for losing my dear sweet husband who was only 56 years old… Any monies… If any… Because that is very questionable … I am going to gift to my son as his loss was as great ... He lost his father and best friend ... they were so close and his dads death as been very hard on him he was only 21 when he lost his dad… Who died on Father's Day …in 2011 … It's not about the money for me... what about you Elizabeth?

  • BillJuly 11, 2018 at 11:20 pm

    Our father has been gone for 7 years now over this recall. He had to sit and watch him die in the Er and had to tell them to stop trying to revive him. This lawsuit and the money isn't crap but we could of spent at least 5 more years with him. We got awarded only 125 points and we are hoping all you people that think its going to be a mere $700 a point is wrong. There was 6 of us kids one sister h[Show More]Our father has been gone for 7 years now over this recall. He had to sit and watch him die in the Er and had to tell them to stop trying to revive him. This lawsuit and the money isn't crap but we could of spent at least 5 more years with him. We got awarded only 125 points and we are hoping all you people that think its going to be a mere $700 a point is wrong. There was 6 of us kids one sister has died so we have been waiting on the outcome to get this over and behind us! Every time i look at this site i always think of my dad and I really would like this to end!

  • AngieeJuly 11, 2018 at 8:54 pm

    Maybe Elizabeth is right, maybe she isnt. One thing I do know is even though Fresenius took my dad's life, they didn't take his peace. He died a peaceful man & THAT'S what comforts me. Your comment was bitter & rude, evident that you lack that peace....Elizabeth has issues 275 points isn't going to fix

  • ArthurJuly 11, 2018 at 5:09 pm

    I think Elizabeth is full of BS. I am pretty sure the 275 she referring to is her weight. People just keep the faith. I am pretty sure it will be over soon.

  • JoeJuly 11, 2018 at 7:36 am

    I try to ignore people like Elizabeth of course everyone wants closure to this lawsuit. But there were 9 claims that were not Done correctly who's fault it was is unclear. Looks like the administrator made mistakes and so did the lawyer those cases should Be part of the settlement. Even if there is a delay in payouts for others. Elizabeth has a warped way of thinking Because she survived she think[Show More]I try to ignore people like Elizabeth of course everyone wants closure to this lawsuit. But there were 9 claims that were not Done correctly who's fault it was is unclear. Looks like the administrator made mistakes and so did the lawyer those cases should Be part of the settlement. Even if there is a delay in payouts for others. Elizabeth has a warped way of thinking Because she survived she thinks she is more entitled to the settlement than anyone else. including a 12-year-old child whose father died and he was the sole provider for the family. Why don't you tell that 12-year-old child at the time that funeral costs have already been paid for. So why should you try to get more money. Your father's life wasn't worth any more than what you are getting what a terrible thought process you have Elizabeth. I don't Think anyone is greedy they just want justice and righteously so. If Justice comes in the form of money then so be it.

  • ElleJuly 10, 2018 at 10:56 pm

    Elizabeth I take issue w ur insulting comments to patients and families of people you do not know. Do u assume that everyone who was not the patient has had a wonderful life since their loss. You should reconsider your comments, losing family members is an emotional disaster and while Time helps heal you are never the same. If victims know the cause, and those involved are profiting and not ad[Show More]Elizabeth I take issue w ur insulting comments to patients and families of people you do not know. Do u assume that everyone who was not the patient has had a wonderful life since their loss. You should reconsider your comments, losing family members is an emotional disaster and while Time helps heal you are never the same. If victims know the cause, and those involved are profiting and not admitting wrong doing, doesn’t seem right. And our own FDA pulled the product and still It is not resolved. We who are left need financial assistance to bridge the gap of material loss also or have you not had medical bills, loss of income, working well past retirement, losing your home and so on. Money is a band aid compared to what happened to ourselves and families. Please direct your comments to Fresenius And the attorneys, perhaps they will help those who have been hurt. And I hope you have a kinder thoughts and support others who have been injured.

  • LaurieJuly 10, 2018 at 4:33 pm

    First off Elizabeth I am so happy you are alive and have a point value of 275. Unfortunately my mother is not alive and I have a point value of 175. Which btw I will be donating whatever, if ever, the money from this lawsuit to the Kidney Foundation in my mothers name. Do not assume this is about greed, it is really not. It is about justice and what is right. Nothing is right about this lawsu[Show More]First off Elizabeth I am so happy you are alive and have a point value of 275. Unfortunately my mother is not alive and I have a point value of 175. Which btw I will be donating whatever, if ever, the money from this lawsuit to the Kidney Foundation in my mothers name. Do not assume this is about greed, it is really not. It is about justice and what is right. Nothing is right about this lawsuit from the very beginning and there are quite a few people here that truly believe that we got the shaft on this. Whether it was Fresenius, the courts or our own attorneys, we have been used and lied to. So please do not assume about anyone or anything here. We all have the same goal! JUSTICE!

  • JoeJuly 10, 2018 at 10:20 am

    Epiq Systems is most likely being paid off because the decisions they are making are malicious. They are not rational something is not right about any of this. Here's a quote from one of the lawyers to the claims administrator. Dear Claims Administrator: I wrote on April 12, 2018 requesting that you provide an explanation for your denial of --- & Associates Granuflo claims. To date I have not h[Show More]Epiq Systems is most likely being paid off because the decisions they are making are malicious. They are not rational something is not right about any of this. Here's a quote from one of the lawyers to the claims administrator. Dear Claims Administrator: I wrote on April 12, 2018 requesting that you provide an explanation for your denial of --- & Associates Granuflo claims. To date I have not heard a response. The claims of ----- ----- who suffered an attack APA attack at an FMC clinic was not on your list of APA claims. We DEMAND explanation as to why this claim was not included in the first round of payment and related to Providio as Denied. Mrs. ------- last prescription was Granuflo and her prescription records were apart of her file sent to Eqip. ------ -----, deceased, was a Granuflo claim, she had a Granuflo prescription at her last dialysis , her claim was denied .. Re -------was treated at the FMC clinic , and her FMC surveillance records were provided. ----had a Granuflo prescription, yet her claim was denied. We need more information as to how was these claims were classified and why. Response from the claims administrator . Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in this response. I had recollected that we did provide you a response last week, but it appears I was mistaken in that recollection. We have reviewed the records in our database and determined that medical and other records for the claims you referenced were not timely submitted via our Facilitator claim filing portal. As a result, they were not reviewed and are not eligible for payment under the terms of the settlement. Response from lawyer I wrote on April 12, 2018 requesting that you provide an explanation for your denial of -----& Associates Granuflo claims. To date I have not heard a response. The claims of Dorothy ---- , who suffered an attack APA attack at an FMC clinic was not on your list of APA claims. We DEMAND explanation as to why this claim was not included in the first round of payment and related to Providio as Denied. Mrs. ------- last prescription was Granuflo and her prescription records were apart of her file sent to Eqip. Mildred ----, deceased, was a Granuflo claim, she had a Granuflo prescription at her last dialysis , her claim was denied .. Re ------ ----was treated at the FMC clinic , and her FMC surveillance records were provided. ----had a Granuflo prescription, yet her claim was denied. We need more information as to how was these claims were classified and why they were not paid as APA. Please respond second request. This is Joe now. As you can see it's a big scam. The problem is the judge is not aware of all the claimants that had similar issues. I left out the last names of the clients just out of respect and I also left out the lawyers name.The settlement is over so there's not much anyone can do at this point. The settlement was not done the way it was supposed to be handled. There were valid claims that were denied. This is unacceptable. Everyone should've had the option to appeal if the claim was denied or move to a subpar category. That option was taken away for most. The reason for that is unclear. According to the opt-in later or form. If you received A unfavorable determination or denial you had a short period to appeal that decision. Most did not get that option and no explanation was ever given of why. You could try to Sue your lawyer for malpractice or fraud. As for the settlement I don't believe there's much that can be done. You have one option That is too sue your lawyer. Without the funds to do so ,it will be a hard Battle To undertake.

  • ElizabethJuly 10, 2018 at 5:01 am

    I think everyone needs to chill and just except whatever it is that they are getting...yes, i understand that some or most of you lost loved ones due to this and my condolences go out to all of you but protesting, and getting the media involved I think will only make things worse. I went into full cardiac arrest while in my dialysis chair and have received 275 points for my claim...for being a per[Show More]I think everyone needs to chill and just except whatever it is that they are getting...yes, i understand that some or most of you lost loved ones due to this and my condolences go out to all of you but protesting, and getting the media involved I think will only make things worse. I went into full cardiac arrest while in my dialysis chair and have received 275 points for my claim...for being a person that was actually affected first hand, not being related to the victim, it makes me rather frustrated to read almost all comments saying no amount of money can replace my father or mother or whoever, yet you are so upset of what you MIGHT get. Also, this probably happened around 2010ish so im sure funerals and what have you have already been paid for so what is it that you, not even being the actual victim, other than losing a loved one, believe that you are so entitled to? Life is not fair, unfortunate things happen all the time, yes, this could have been prevented but it is what it is. I would hate for this lawsuit to get even more prolonged simply because a bunch of money hungry relatives of victims feel they are entitled to who knows what and protest causing further delay to the actual victims like myself who are waiting patiently for a little relief.i apologize for offending anyone with this post but i have been following this blog for a while now and all i see is greed really.

  • KimJuly 9, 2018 at 5:35 am

    I have tried to get comments put on here before but I must have hit on some valid points that they did not want me to let others know about so I hope this will make it this time. I 100% agree that this lawsuit has been one big scam and that we the clients have gotten railroaded. We are getting hit once again with a loss for the 2nd time by these lousy people.I also agree that we need to start loo[Show More]I have tried to get comments put on here before but I must have hit on some valid points that they did not want me to let others know about so I hope this will make it this time. I 100% agree that this lawsuit has been one big scam and that we the clients have gotten railroaded. We are getting hit once again with a loss for the 2nd time by these lousy people.I also agree that we need to start looking into finding out more about what is going on because it stinks to high heaven that dirty politics are happening from top to bottom.

  • JayJuly 8, 2018 at 3:00 pm

    I lost my father do to this too I agree with you on this matter this case should be investigated we are the peoples we can make this happen we can all stand together it not hard because my lawyer tell me the same things if you don't opt in you will not get nothing that was a big lie I will love to here from y'all about this we can all get together in go to Washington D.C. on this someone there wil[Show More]I lost my father do to this too I agree with you on this matter this case should be investigated we are the peoples we can make this happen we can all stand together it not hard because my lawyer tell me the same things if you don't opt in you will not get nothing that was a big lie I will love to here from y'all about this we can all get together in go to Washington D.C. on this someone there will listening to us and someone there will help us let do this.

  • AnthonyJuly 7, 2018 at 11:18 pm

    I think we need to inform the media and bring attention to the handling of this case

  • ElleJuly 5, 2018 at 6:57 pm

    If there is a way to have control over our MDL and have representation that would involve the plaintiffs, I would like to seek help. I was advised that the plaintiffs that did not opt in have been dismissed, as they were not prepared with proper medical evidence. IDK? Anyone have more info. Again, the reason our reps agreed to the offer is the evidence that granuflo is responsible for the illne[Show More]If there is a way to have control over our MDL and have representation that would involve the plaintiffs, I would like to seek help. I was advised that the plaintiffs that did not opt in have been dismissed, as they were not prepared with proper medical evidence. IDK? Anyone have more info. Again, the reason our reps agreed to the offer is the evidence that granuflo is responsible for the illnesses could not be substantiated. Anyone know differently? Due to that result the trials were dropped, settlement offered and we know the rest. However, the Da Vita case seems to prove that there were big issues with the solution, administration, treatment and results, even though the case is wrongful death and not product liability, as is ours. I am upset as we were not advised, apprised of the value of possible alternative laws available. I think our case medical info was acquired w an agreement not to pursue Da Vita??? Anyone comments? We r going to be financially responsible to pay for this medical expertise, regardless. The statute for any other lawsuit has expired for me, but not for everyone. Anyone’s thoughts? I believe that this is it for most, but bizarre of these end games. Why can’t the settlement be put in an interest bearing account st this point if it is just not going to be resolved timely? Why are they still in control. Judge Woodlock needs to answer for this horror as well.

  • MaryJuly 5, 2018 at 2:03 pm

    My husband, 49 years old, of 31 years of marriage, father of one son, grandfather to 6 grandchildren, 3 of which he didn't get to meet, 20 year retired Navy Veteran, life is worth $725. We fell into the $1500 category, because he died 17 hours after that 24 hour deadline. I received the check Tuesday of this week.

  • LaurieJuly 5, 2018 at 9:58 am

    I am so disgusted also! If a group is getting together to fight this let me know! I will be with you. Not sure if any good will come of it but we can try. Something is not right here and I want answers!

  • larryJuly 4, 2018 at 3:15 pm

    You know , although I was hoping otherwise, I am beginning to agree with Joe that this whole Fresenius dialysis lawsuit is a big major scam!! They( and I am including the administrators, judges, lawyers,etc) just won't let this case end and be resolved!! Every time they promise the case will end and people will get paid- they come up with other cases or appeals out of nowhere, and continue to dela[Show More]You know , although I was hoping otherwise, I am beginning to agree with Joe that this whole Fresenius dialysis lawsuit is a big major scam!! They( and I am including the administrators, judges, lawyers,etc) just won't let this case end and be resolved!! Every time they promise the case will end and people will get paid- they come up with other cases or appeals out of nowhere, and continue to delay the settlement!! There is no excuse for this behavior!! And Joe also stated that pretty much the lawyers, rather than the administrators/ judges, made the choice what settlement group you were in!! I am so disgusted at this case and how it has been handled!! I am considering getting a group together to have this Fresenius dialysis lawsuit case investigated, to see if fraud, malpractice, and other laws have been broken in the settlement of this case!! Most attorneys continue to keep you in the dark on this case!! It may well be 2020 before anybody ever sees a penny of this money!! Totally, absolutely ridiculous!! What an unprofessional handling of this whole process!! Would love to hear from other litigants on their feelings about this case???

  • JoeJuly 3, 2018 at 4:26 am

    Its hard to say when everyone will recieve the money. They added a case to this MDL just Recently. . I don't know it's very strange I thought the settlement process was over how can they add a case tothe MDL if the settlement is Process is over. UNITED STATES JUDICIAL PANEL on MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION IN RE: FRESENIUS GRANUFLO/NATURALYTE DIALYSATE PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION TRANSFER ORDER MDL [Show More]Its hard to say when everyone will recieve the money. They added a case to this MDL just Recently. . I don't know it's very strange I thought the settlement process was over how can they add a case tothe MDL if the settlement is Process is over. UNITED STATES JUDICIAL PANEL on MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION IN RE: FRESENIUS GRANUFLO/NATURALYTE DIALYSATE PRODUCTS LIABILITY LITIGATION TRANSFER ORDER MDL No. 2428 Before the Panel: Plaintiffs in the action listed on Schedule A (Gallardo Hernandez) move under Panel Rule 7.1 to vacate our order that conditionally transferred Gallardo Hernandez to the District of Massachusetts for inclusion in MDL No. 2428. Defendants Dialysis Management Corp., Inc. d/b/a Corpus Christi Acutes (incorrectly named as Fresenius Medical Care – Hospital Program Hemodialysis Corpus Christi Acutes); Fresenius Vascular Care Corpus Christi MSO, LLC; Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc.; Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc.; and Fresenius USA, Inc. (collectively, Fresenius), as well as defendants Post Acute Specialty Hospital of Corpus Christi, LLC, and Unknown (PAMSH) Employee Defendant R.N. #1, oppose the motion. In support of their motion to vacate, plaintiffs, who are proceeding pro se, argue that transfer of Gallardo Hernandez is not warranted because it involves medical negligence claims against non- Fresenius defendants, and because plaintiffs allege that the NaturaLyte Liquid Acid Concentrate (NaturaLyte) used in decedent’s hemodialysis exhibited a defect not alleged in the actions pending in MDL No. 2428 (namely, bacterial contamination). These arguments are not persuasive. In addition to these unique claims, plaintiffs in Gallardo Hernandez allege that the same chemical composition defect of NaturaLyte at issue in the MDL resulted in the decedent’s suffering from metabolic alkalosis. Plaintiffs, like those in the MDL, allege that Fresenius failed to provide adequate warnings about the risks associated with NaturaLyte. Transfer under Section 1407 does not require a complete identity of common factual issues as a prerequisite to transfer when the actions arise from a common factual core. See In re 100% Grated Parmesan Cheese Mktg. & Sales Practices Litig., 201 F. Supp. 3d 1375, 1378 (J.P.M.L. 2016). Moreover, other actions transferred to the MDL have involved similar medical negligence claims against dialysis centers and medical providers.Plaintiffs also argue that their claims are distinct from those in the MDL because the incidents underlying their complaint occurred in 2015, and thus do not fall within the scope of settlements in the MDL. This MDL is not limited to actions alleging injury during a specific time period. That plaintiffs’ claims may not qualify for resolution pursuant to the global settlement being administered in the MDL does not bar transfer, particularly where the transferee court is actively adjudicating the claims of plaintiffs who have opted out of that settlement.Plaintiffs further contend that transfer is inappropriate because Gallardo Hernandez was improperly removed from Texas state court. The Panel, though, has held that jurisdictional issues generally do not present an impediment to transfer.1 See, e.g., In re Prudential Ins. Co. of Am. Sales Practices Litig., 170 F. Supp. 2d 1346, 1347-48 (J.P.M.L. 2001). Plaintiffs can present their remand arguments to the transferee judge. Finally, plaintiffs insist they would be prejudiced by transfer. We are sympathetic to plaintiffs’ concerns about delay and expense, but we are not persuaded that they justify exclusion of this action from the centralized proceedings. Transfer of an action is appropriate if it furthers the expeditious resolution of the litigation taken as a whole, even if some parties to the action might experience inconvenience or delay. See In re Watson Fentanyl Patch Prods. Liab. Litig., 883 F. Supp. 2d 1350, 1351-52 (J.P.M.L. 2012) (“[W]e look to the overall convenience of the parties and witnesses, not just those of a single plaintiff or defendant in isolation.”). After considering the argument of counsel, we find that Gallardo Hernandez involves common questions of fact with the actions previously transferred to MDL No. 2428, and that transfer under 28 U.S.C. § 1407 will serve the convenience of the parties and witnesses and promote the just and efficient conduct of the litigation. In our order centralizing this litigation, we held that the District of Massachusetts was an appropriate Section 1407 forum for actions sharing factual questions arising out of allegations that plaintiffs suffered injury or death caused by the use of GranuFlo Acid Concentrate or NaturaLyte during hemodialysis and that such use of these products may cause metabolic alkalosis in patients resulting in low blood pressure, hypokalemia, hypoxemia, hypercapnia, cardiac arrhythmia, or cardiopulmonary arrest. See In re Fresenius GranuFlo/NaturaLyte Dialysate Prods. Liab. Litig., 935 F. Supp. 2d 1362, 1362-63 (J.P.M.L. 2013). Gallardo Hernandez involves similar allegations that plaintiffs’ decedent suffered metabolic alkalosis as a result of the use of NaturaLyte during hemodialysis. This action thus involves factual questions relating to whether NaturaLyte was defectively designed or manufactured, whether Fresenius, the manufacturer of NaturaLyte, knew or should have known of its alleged propensity to cause injury, and whether Fresenius provided adequate instructions and warnings with this product.Panel Rule 2.1(d) expressly provides that the pendency of a conditional transfer order does not limit the pretrial jurisdiction of the court in which the subject action is pending. Between the date a remand motion is filed and the date that transfer of the action to the MDL is finalized, a court generally has adequate time to rule on a remand motion if it chooses to do so. Plaintiffs in Gallardo Hernandez have not yet filed a remand motion.IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED that the action listed on Schedule A is transferred to the District of Massachusetts and, with the consent of that court, assigned to the Honorable Douglas P. Woodlock for inclusion in the coordinated or consolidated pretrial proceedings occurring there in this docket. This lawsuit is a big scam,

  • AngieeJuly 2, 2018 at 9:00 pm

    Michele, I just read the same artical. I am completely floored. I cannot believe this. I feel these attorneys have not fought for our loved ones best interest. They have only considered theirs. I live in Arizona & my so called attorney is out in Texas. I regret not choosing local representation. It stopped being about our loved ones a long time ago. They made this about them & that is disgusting.[Show More]Michele, I just read the same artical. I am completely floored. I cannot believe this. I feel these attorneys have not fought for our loved ones best interest. They have only considered theirs. I live in Arizona & my so called attorney is out in Texas. I regret not choosing local representation. It stopped being about our loved ones a long time ago. They made this about them & that is disgusting. Hagens Berman is a nationwide law firm. They have an office local to me & I spoke with one of their attorneys. I explained my situation and he explained as best he could. He said they tried a Fresinius case in Massachusetts and they lost. He went on to say Fresenius has exceptional representation & Davita did not. That is most likely why our attorney's excepted the $250,000,000. He also said had i not opted in, they would have been more than willing to take my case, but since I did opt in, i basically no longer had a case. He didn't think my attorney just settled, he again, explained that Fresenius has an exceptional legal team & I could have very well ended up with nothing in the end. What I don't understand is how they found Davita responsible & awarded that amount of money when the product Davita used was a Fresenius produced product??? But Fresenius isn't liable?? If you haven't opted in to this settlement or you have questions, contact Hagens Berman. They were very pleasant.

  • elleJuly 2, 2018 at 4:09 pm

    here are some statements from our MDL regarding who manufacturers or was responsible. There s one line that indicates that perhaps all was not pursued entirely. Also, there maybe time for some plaintiffs to seek further legal advice regarding the wrongful death statute. Upon further exploration, it appears that there were several plaintiffs that did not opt-in and sought other avenues. The cour[Show More]here are some statements from our MDL regarding who manufacturers or was responsible. There s one line that indicates that perhaps all was not pursued entirely. Also, there maybe time for some plaintiffs to seek further legal advice regarding the wrongful death statute. Upon further exploration, it appears that there were several plaintiffs that did not opt-in and sought other avenues. The court’s analysis starts off with citations to the lead cases in ten states (plaintiffs’ home states plus Colorado) supporting that strict liability and breach of implied warranty claims are not available against healthcare providers. Id. at *11- 14. In response to that overwhelming body of law, plaintiffs attempted to fit the clinic under each state’s definition of manufacturer. The court disagreed: Davita is not a manufacturer of solutions for hemodialysis. Doctors prescribe hemodialysis, and Davita administers the treatment. The only action that Davita takes that could possibly be construed as “manufacturing” is the addition of water to achieve the correct concentration of hemodialysis solution. Plaintiffs are free to allege that Davita acted negligently in its creation of the solution or monitoring of patient blood pH, but they cannot pretend that by adding water to a product manufactured by someone else (a step that is necessary to use the product for its intended purpose) Davita thereby became a manufacturer of the product or that Davita should be held strictly liable for defects in that product. Id. at *15-16. In addition to plaintiffs’ lack of case law to support their position, they also offered no facts to suggest that by adding water to the dialysate powder, a new product was created or that the product was “chemically altered” in a way that allegedly caused plaintiffs’ injuries. Id. at *16. If they had would that have made a difference? We don’t think so, but since they didn’t go there, neither will we. The bottom line for this case — re-hydrating a powder is simply part of the process of administering it and the clinic’s role was that of a healthcare provider – nothing more. PLAINTIFFS ARE FREE TO ALLEGE THAT DAVITA ACTED NEGLIGENTLY IN ITS CREATION OF THE SOLUTION OR MONITORING OF PATIENT BLOOD PH, BUT THEY CANNOT PRETEND THAT BY ADDING WATER TO A PRODUCT MANUFACTURED BY SOMEONE ELSE (A STEP THAT IS NECESSARY TO USE THE PRODUCT FOR ITS INTENDED PURPOSE) IN ADDITION TO PLAINTIFFS’ LACK OF CASE LAW TO SUPPORT THEIR POSITION, THEY ALSO OFFERED NO FACTS TO SUGGEST THAT BY ADDING WATER TO THE DIALYSATE POWDER, A NEW PRODUCT WAS CREATED OR THAT THE PRODUCT WAS “CHEMICALLY ALTERED” IN A WAY THAT ALLEGEDLY CAUSED PLAINTIFFS’ INJURIES. ID. AT *16. IF THEY HAD WOULD THAT HAVE MADE A DIFFERENCE? WE DON’T THINK SO, BUT SINCE THEY DIDN’T GO THERE, NEITHER WILL WE above sentences may be interpreted that our attorneys did not pursue what is stated here in the conclusion, leaving us without this very important defense. Is It too little too late for all of us? you can reference this information on DrugWatch

  • ArthurJuly 2, 2018 at 2:17 pm

    Michele and Larry it's not Havens Berman. Do a little homework and follow up. The name is Hagens Berman out of Seattle and San Diego. I do believe in Elle belief that Granuflo is not the culprit. It's in the way they extract the waste. It can cause a Cardiac Arrest. So you may have another lawsuit in your hands. Not a product liability.

  • larryJuly 1, 2018 at 10:32 pm

    Right Elle, the Davita lawsuit was filed several years ago too, prob bout the time the Fresenius suit was filed!! Now why does a federal jury in Massachusetts rule in favor of $16 billion dollar a year Fresenius in 2017, and a year later , a federal jury rules in favor of plaintiffs and rules against $2 billion dollar a year Davita!! $383.5 million dollars awarded to three clients!! With hundreds[Show More]Right Elle, the Davita lawsuit was filed several years ago too, prob bout the time the Fresenius suit was filed!! Now why does a federal jury in Massachusetts rule in favor of $16 billion dollar a year Fresenius in 2017, and a year later , a federal jury rules in favor of plaintiffs and rules against $2 billion dollar a year Davita!! $383.5 million dollars awarded to three clients!! With hundreds more ready to file vs Davita!! Now Davita does say the court ruling was unjust and naturally they're going so appeal, so who knows,the $$$ awarded could def come down!! But here's the deal- it's the same Granuflo that both companies used- that were proven to cause the cardiac arrests of thousands of patients!! So here we are- supposedly near the end?? of our small settlement with Fresenius- and then - boom- you hear about the $383.5 settlement on the Davita case!! Great timing- makes you sick at your stomach!! So I'm curious to know how other litigants feel on this news?? Fair- unfair?? Justice- no justice?? Of course I've said all along- no price is worth the death of a loved one!!! But it really makes you wonder how Fresenius beat the system- on their court case?? Why did these two federal juries rule in opposite ways??? Did Fresenius get away with murder?? Manslaughter?? I really hope the Colorado plaintiffs get their millions- but I've said all along- for any family members who lost a loved one due to Granuflo- they should have each received $1,000,000( one million dollars)!!! What about it Joe, or anybody else???

  • ElleJune 30, 2018 at 7:21 pm

    Quite an extraordinary difference between these lawsuits. I spoke to my lawyers firm and asked what they knew abt this Da Vita case and they said “nothing “ they just found out... my view is that as attorney - client we should all hv been advised of the possibilities and the law. Certainly anyone who ws treated showed signs of failing. Our case ws originally based on fresenius not coming forwar[Show More]Quite an extraordinary difference between these lawsuits. I spoke to my lawyers firm and asked what they knew abt this Da Vita case and they said “nothing “ they just found out... my view is that as attorney - client we should all hv been advised of the possibilities and the law. Certainly anyone who ws treated showed signs of failing. Our case ws originally based on fresenius not coming forward with the 941 deaths and medical issues, basically not releasing the information. As everyone in the case had experienced medical issues that were the original lead in for the start of this case, how did we get so far removed. I also referred to the case that was lost by the plaintiffs, and was advised that the outcome proved that the solution was good. But it was not in the amounts administered. Otherwise our family members would be alive. So they hid the evidence, changed the parimeters of the case, chose to not include people, and agreed to a pittance, instead of the original gold coins they dangled. I have had little communication throughout. To finish, I feel that the attorneys and fresenius are the winners and we have lost. The other case, so far, proves that the solution caused great damage to people, and that the clinics have been deemed responsible for ignoring symptoms of their patients

  • larryJune 30, 2018 at 5:24 am

    Gee, I guess the Granuflo used by Davita Healthcare must have been more potent and dangerous than the Granuflo used by Fresenius Healthcare!! Lets see,jury awards $383.5 million to three plaintiffs in Colorado!! And in Massachusetts last year jury finds in favor of Fresenius(Why??) in their two cases, but Fresenius still agrees to a $250 million dollar settlement, that prob 5,000-6,000 plaintiffs [Show More]Gee, I guess the Granuflo used by Davita Healthcare must have been more potent and dangerous than the Granuflo used by Fresenius Healthcare!! Lets see,jury awards $383.5 million to three plaintiffs in Colorado!! And in Massachusetts last year jury finds in favor of Fresenius(Why??) in their two cases, but Fresenius still agrees to a $250 million dollar settlement, that prob 5,000-6,000 plaintiffs will get a portion, along with attorneys getting a 40%-50% piece of the action??? I smell a rat somewhere!! Its the same freaking Granuflo that was pretty much proven dangerous and caused hundreds and thousands of deaths to our loved ones!! Yet Davita pays a huge price and Fresenius gets a minor slap on the wrist!! I'm telling you this- there's something wrong with this picture!! I wish there was someone or some agency the Fresenius clients could turn to in order to have this lawsuit and it's outcome investigated!! I always thought it was unusual and weird when Fresenius won those first cases!! Gee- wonder if there was any funny business among the jurors!! Sounds like there wasn't much doubt with the Davita case jury!! Would love to hear some comments from some folks on this matter??? Joe,perhaps???

  • larryJune 30, 2018 at 1:12 am

    Well, it is Friday night and I am posting this latest news, which I just found out about this afternoon from another poster!! By the way, Michele, thanks for your post making others aware of the court case in Denver Colorado vs Davita concerning the granuflo product!! You know I never knew there was another case pending!! And I hate to ruin anybodys Friday with this upsetting news- but here it is![Show More]Well, it is Friday night and I am posting this latest news, which I just found out about this afternoon from another poster!! By the way, Michele, thanks for your post making others aware of the court case in Denver Colorado vs Davita concerning the granuflo product!! You know I never knew there was another case pending!! And I hate to ruin anybodys Friday with this upsetting news- but here it is!! I might add that this is the most upset I have been in going through this several years of ups and downs, mostly downs, on this case!! News goes like this- A jury in Denver, Colorado awarded three plaintiffs (case White et al v Davita Healthcare Partners Inc, U S District Court, District of Colorado - No 15-cv-02106) a total of $383.5 million dollars!! This included comp amounts of $2 million,$1.5 million, and $5 million to the three plaintiffs, plus a staggering $125 million of punitive damages to each plaintiff, for the loss of their loved one!! Davita, as you may expect, claimed the jury awards were unjust, and will appeal, of course!! This verdict makes me feel sick, especially since Fresenius was slapped on the wrist, for a $250 million settlement, prob 40%-50% of which the attorneys will get!! And I think of all the plaintiffs who lost a loved one and get a $1500.00 amount!! What a travesty and a failure of the justice system??? Now these three plaintiff's in Denver prob never will get this whole $383.5 million but I bet they will receive in the millions of dollars!! As I have stated in previous posts, if you lost a loved one due to the carelessness and negligence of Fresenius Healthcare, every plaintiff should have been awarded a million dollars each!! No if's, buts, ands!! The jury screwed up in the first two Fresenius lawsuits, but the Colorado jury got it right!! Makes you wonder about the jury selection on the Massachusetts case!! Bottom line is this- the lawyers accepting this $250 million settlement from Fresenius should be embarrassed and ashamed for letting their plaintiffs down!! NO EXCUSE for this unprofessional handling of this lawsuit!! So there it is- just wish we had been in the DaVita case- I'm sure many more plaintiffs will get nice settlements- but with appeals it will take more time- and you just never know!! But one thing I do know- Fresenius plaintiffs got the ROYAL SHAFT????

  • larryJune 30, 2018 at 12:41 am

    Wanted say thanks again to Joe for all his help and info on this site!! Thanks for explaining to me about this Epiq company!! A lot of the things you explain I would have never known!! You have answered a ton of ???'s for a lot of people that couldn't get the answers from their lawyers, while continue to keep many of their clients in the dark til the very end of this case!!

  • larryJune 29, 2018 at 8:59 pm

    Joe, I would be curious to see your reaction and views on Micheles post- concerning the Havens Berman/Davita/ Colorado $383.5 million dollar granuflo settlement?? Never even knew this court case was going on!! If it's legit and true, we Fresenius plaintiff's got the ROYAL SHAFT???? Was anyone else who posts on this site aware of this other suit?? I am shocked, stunned, and amazed!!

  • MicheleJune 29, 2018 at 3:06 pm

    I just read an article online about granuflo. Havens Berman announces a monumental $383.5 million jury verdict against dialysis provider Davita in wrongful death lawsuit. The jury verdicts were returned June 27,2018 in the district of Colorado. Each of the three parties was awarded $125 million in punitive damages from the jury, with compensatory damages ranging from $1.5 million to $5 million. An[Show More]I just read an article online about granuflo. Havens Berman announces a monumental $383.5 million jury verdict against dialysis provider Davita in wrongful death lawsuit. The jury verdicts were returned June 27,2018 in the district of Colorado. Each of the three parties was awarded $125 million in punitive damages from the jury, with compensatory damages ranging from $1.5 million to $5 million. And we all have to split $250 million. That just does not seem right. And how much longer do we have to wait to see any of this money? When this is ridiculous. When my husband died I lost my house and my car and I'm disabled and I have nothing I've been without a vehicle for over 5 years and we're still having to wait for this money to be handed out this is crazy.

  • RSJune 28, 2018 at 7:13 pm

    Joe when do you think this will be over with?

  • JoeJune 28, 2018 at 12:27 pm

    It's not so much that they are Extending it. The lawyer in question really did nothing wrong.What happened is Epiq Systems Was supposed to have all lawyers on a email list. So when there were updates all lawyers were supposed to get them via email. The one lawyer in question for some unknown reason was dropped from the mailing list. So the first opt-in form that everyone signed was not the only fo[Show More]It's not so much that they are Extending it. The lawyer in question really did nothing wrong.What happened is Epiq Systems Was supposed to have all lawyers on a email list. So when there were updates all lawyers were supposed to get them via email. The one lawyer in question for some unknown reason was dropped from the mailing list. So the first opt-in form that everyone signed was not the only form to opt in to the settlement there was also another form that the lawyers had to submit. The lawyer in question did not get the information because he was dropped from the list. It was not his fault it was basically Epiqs fault. They basically blamed it on a data error which is a bunch of crap. The truth is the lawyers are the ones that determine what category each person would fall into. all lawyers then had to submit supporting documents for whatever category each person was put into. Then the claims administrator would verified the documents. So it was never the claims administrator's decision on what category each person fell into. It was always the lawyers decision. I suspect many lawyers put their clients in the wrong category Because either they did not have supporting documents or had incorrect supporting documents. Anyway the lawyer in question never submitted any other documents other than the very first one everybody received. Because he was not on the mailing list He did not receive the second form that needed to be sent in. That's the gist of it. For those that say why is it taking so long that's basically the reason. You can see it's unfair but if you were one of those nine would it still be unfair. I doubt it. The settlement obviously has not been done correctly. most people were led to believe that it was always the administrators determination. that was never the case. Of course he did make the final decision but if your claim was submitted into the $1500 category that's where it stayed it would not and could not have been Moved. So if your lawyer made a mistake or made a determination that you were in a lower category then you got screwed and ended up with $1500. It's a big scam. Unfortunately nobody's getting very much even if you fell into Category one maybe between 60 to $80,000 before the 40% for lawyer fees.

  • JoeJune 28, 2018 at 8:08 am

    "According to the IRS, any lawsuit settlement proceeds that a court awards for physical illness or injury are non-taxable. This includes wrongful death settlements, since the damages are imposed due to a court's finding that a third party is responsible for the physical illness or injury that resulted in death."

  • lJune 28, 2018 at 12:26 am

    Joe, thanks for posting!! Why does this judge continue to delay the settlement of this case, because of an incompetent attorneys failure to comply with the rules!! This attorney was warned to have his paperwork in, and even given an extension, to have it in by end of May!! Incompotent attorney misses deadline again so judge gives another extension for this incompetent attorney to file paperwork by[Show More]Joe, thanks for posting!! Why does this judge continue to delay the settlement of this case, because of an incompetent attorneys failure to comply with the rules!! This attorney was warned to have his paperwork in, and even given an extension, to have it in by end of May!! Incompotent attorney misses deadline again so judge gives another extension for this incompetent attorney to file paperwork by June 25th??? Are you kidding me?? Why?? They just continue to refuse to get this dialysis lawsuit ended!! Delays, extensions, and what ever other excuses excuses they can find to delay this settlement!! By the way I checked with our states Attorney Generals office!! Even though internet research showed state was going to file suit against Fresenius, two different employees could not find where they have any pending claims or actions against Fresenius???

  • LaurieJune 27, 2018 at 2:31 pm

    From what I understand only punitive damages are taxable but I could be wrong about that. If anyone has heard anything please post. There has been silence for quite sometime and if we dont communicate they WIN!!!

  • JoeJune 27, 2018 at 5:23 am

    Tuesday, June 26, 2018 31 notice Notice - Other Tue 4:27 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER Pursuant to the Plaintiff Settlement Committees Response to Plaintiffs Appeals of the Settlement Special Masters Report filed on 6/25/2018, this Court hereby ORDERS the following: 1) Attorney Lee is permitted to submit to the claims administrator (Epiq) his settlement claims for the nine cases at issue wi[Show More]Tuesday, June 26, 2018 31 notice Notice - Other Tue 4:27 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER Pursuant to the Plaintiff Settlement Committees Response to Plaintiffs Appeals of the Settlement Special Masters Report filed on 6/25/2018, this Court hereby ORDERS the following: 1) Attorney Lee is permitted to submit to the claims administrator (Epiq) his settlement claims for the nine cases at issue without condition within five (5) business days of the entry of this Order; and, 2) Oversight of these nine claims is REMANDED back to the Settlement Special Master, as may be necessary to effectuate the prompt and efficient processing and resolution of these claims, in accordance with the Claims Submission and Appeal Protocol previously established. (adminn, )

  • ThomasJune 20, 2018 at 1:01 am

    Atorney paralegal refused to give out any info except to say letters are going out in the mail next week

  • TonyaJune 19, 2018 at 10:24 pm

    Joe, how can we get in touch with a lawyer from MDL?

  • ShirleyJune 18, 2018 at 11:51 pm

    Not only does attorney fees come out of the total $, but let's not forget that IRS will want a cut. Like 25%? My dad's life will have been worth a mere pittance after all the cuts are taken. In my heart, my dad's life was priceless.

  • larryJune 18, 2018 at 9:13 pm

    Amanda, you might want to recheck on your settlement amount!! Several people have posted their attack rents estimated that you could get approx $700 a point!! If that is true, according to my math, that would be a gross of $87,500!! Now that's just what I've heard!! Still haven't been explained much bout the lien process- except told if your loved one passed away same day as cardiac arrest, should[Show More]Amanda, you might want to recheck on your settlement amount!! Several people have posted their attack rents estimated that you could get approx $700 a point!! If that is true, according to my math, that would be a gross of $87,500!! Now that's just what I've heard!! Still haven't been explained much bout the lien process- except told if your loved one passed away same day as cardiac arrest, shouldn't be a big lien deduction!! Then attorney gets either 40% or 45%!! Been told both percentages!! To me one of the most frustrating parts of this case, other than the delays, of course, is the way these attorneys have kept their clients in the dark about almost everything( point totals, point explanation, lien explanation, lawyer's %%%,reason for delays)!! The whole process has been screwed up from the start!! Every time you think it's finally going to end- more delays!! And now I'm hearing a probate has to be set UP to receive your funds, which will cost several more weeks delays!! Every attorney should have sent their clients a letter, explaining all these important details!! Attorneys should never leave their client's in the dark on any case- but that's what most of them have done on this case!!! WHY?????

  • AnnJune 18, 2018 at 8:41 pm

    The 120 is before fees me n my brother will split the rest.. Probly will receive about 35 thousand... They killed my mom... And we get 35 thousand.. I don't get it.. Thousands of people died and suffered from this.. How is this justification for what they have done!!!!! Moms dads.. I herd a 9 year old boy died from this.. Horrible terrible gross injustice!!!!! I'm disgusted!!!!

  • GraceJune 18, 2018 at 5:36 pm

    I have never seen so much lying in all days of my life. I spoke to my lawyer and they said don't pay any attention to comments made online. So that tells me that they are saying on one knows anything but the attorneys and they are saying nothing.

  • ThomasJune 18, 2018 at 2:18 am

    $120,000 would not be that bad but after the lawyer cut it will be more like $70,000 or so.

  • AmandaJune 17, 2018 at 10:37 pm

    So finally after begging I get amount of points but still no letter sent. After being told was in extrodnary case part got a whole 125 points. So will be lucky to end up with 5000 after lens and fees. They sure stuck it to everyone in this law suite.

  • larryJune 17, 2018 at 7:04 pm

    Yes, the administrator/ judge gave this incompetent attorney until May 29th as an absolutely final day to file his appeal- and have his paperwork filed!! No further delays, they said!!! Yet, then you hear courts have extended this deadline for the imcompetent lawyer to file his appeals and paperwork by June 25th??? Why ?? What next- incompetent attorney misses this deadline again- and courts give [Show More]Yes, the administrator/ judge gave this incompetent attorney until May 29th as an absolutely final day to file his appeal- and have his paperwork filed!! No further delays, they said!!! Yet, then you hear courts have extended this deadline for the imcompetent lawyer to file his appeals and paperwork by June 25th??? Why ?? What next- incompetent attorney misses this deadline again- and courts give him a July 31 deadline!! This whole court case has been about incompetence- on just about anybody and everybody involved!! The MD L lawyers accepted a slap on the wrist settlement from a multi billion dollar company- and it's been a nightmare- downhill, all the was since!! Now the courts continue to make clients/ litigants suffer by extending further delays in settling this long drawn out case!! Shame on this incompetent display!!!

  • LaurieJune 16, 2018 at 12:14 pm

    Ann, Did you get 175 points or higher and is that before or after the lawyer takes his percentage? If its before then its just not enough for losing our loves ones and even if its after its still NOT ENOUGH! This is the biggest heartache I have had since losing my mother. We have been used and abused by this corrupt system!

  • DeniceJune 15, 2018 at 10:53 pm

    Ann, did your attorney tell you the point value of your case, Also is that $120,000.00 before or after the attorney fees, Thanks.

  • LaurieJune 15, 2018 at 5:23 pm

    Ann, Believe me I know how you feel! I lost my mother, who's name was Ann by the way. She died on the way to the hospital which was only 1/2 mile away from dialysis unit. Im angry, frustrated, disgusted, so many words! If there was a way to make them realize what they have done but lets face facts, they do not care. Its just another tort case thats it. As long as our attorney's get their 40[Show More]Ann, Believe me I know how you feel! I lost my mother, who's name was Ann by the way. She died on the way to the hospital which was only 1/2 mile away from dialysis unit. Im angry, frustrated, disgusted, so many words! If there was a way to make them realize what they have done but lets face facts, they do not care. Its just another tort case thats it. As long as our attorney's get their 40% (no matter what) who cares? NO ONE CARES! No media has reported on this case since it started. I even tried to contact The Wall Street Journal reported that initial reported on this case. Guess what? No response. So there you go. No one cares. I pray God will judge them all when the time comes.

  • annJune 14, 2018 at 11:16 pm

    so our lawyer said we should see payout in about 2 months.. he also said our offer should be around 120thousand.. u killed my mom she died 3 weeks before i got married!!! she missed her grandchildren!! and your telling me her life that was wrongly taken by u is only worth 120 thousand dollars?!?! i would work everyday the rest of my life to pay 120 thousand dollars to have her life back!!! what is[Show More]so our lawyer said we should see payout in about 2 months.. he also said our offer should be around 120thousand.. u killed my mom she died 3 weeks before i got married!!! she missed her grandchildren!! and your telling me her life that was wrongly taken by u is only worth 120 thousand dollars?!?! i would work everyday the rest of my life to pay 120 thousand dollars to have her life back!!! what is your life worth mr ceo ?!?! what is your life worth judge lawyer??? i bet u would want your child to receive way more money then that if you where wrongly killed!!!!!! im so mad and upset im seriously thinking of calling the news!!!!!! #beyondwords

  • LaurieJune 14, 2018 at 8:51 pm

    Larry, We all feel the same way trust me but what can we do? Should we all ban together and protest this? Writing to congressmen, senators does no good. The media could care less. Our attorneys will come out on top but we will not and those few that didnt get their clients paperwork in should be in contempt of court and fined! It should not have held up the rest of these victims and their fa[Show More]Larry, We all feel the same way trust me but what can we do? Should we all ban together and protest this? Writing to congressmen, senators does no good. The media could care less. Our attorneys will come out on top but we will not and those few that didnt get their clients paperwork in should be in contempt of court and fined! It should not have held up the rest of these victims and their families settlements! WHAT CAN WE DO? Please someone tell me!

  • larryJune 14, 2018 at 1:18 am

    Well, here we go again!! Judge and courts are stalling and delaying resolution of this case for another month, because of the incompetence of some attorney!! Because this attorney didn't get proper info to courts( he's only had years to do so) we, the clients, whose attorneys did get the needed info to courts on time, suffer again!! Its like these administrators, judges, attorneys, etc, just simpl[Show More]Well, here we go again!! Judge and courts are stalling and delaying resolution of this case for another month, because of the incompetence of some attorney!! Because this attorney didn't get proper info to courts( he's only had years to do so) we, the clients, whose attorneys did get the needed info to courts on time, suffer again!! Its like these administrators, judges, attorneys, etc, just simply want to drag this ridiculous case on and on and on!! Several clients have never got any letters or calls from attorneys since the original opt in- opt out letters!! If you didn't contact them - you got nothing- and usually got nothing, even when you did contact them!! This whole legal process has been a farce!! Thousands of people lost loved ones due to the incompetence and neglect of a billion dollar company- and then to add insult to injury, salt into the wound of losing your loved one, the administrators, judges, lawyers, etc, drag this case on for years and years and years, and just won't let it end!! It wouldn't surprise me if some people don't have their funds from this case until 2019!! And then, you will prob get less than 50% of your settlement funds!! Fresenius got a slap on the wrist with a Beasley $250 million dollar settlement!! And, yet, the deceased victims families have to put up with years of setbacks and delays of getting some small scale of justice!! What a travesty!! Each family should have been paid a million dollars from Fresenius for causing their loved ones unnecessary unnecessary deaths!!

  • LaurieJune 13, 2018 at 11:47 pm

    I was told the end of Summer is when we should hear about the settlement money

  • AnthonyJune 12, 2018 at 5:34 pm

    I received a letter from my lawyer saying my case is at the Lien Administrator once they clear it my lawyer will be getting a check and my lawyer will send me a check

  • TonyaJune 12, 2018 at 5:12 pm

    Does anyone think we will be paid by July 15 th there r 5 siblings in this one case we all signed paperwork they r talking with my sister us other 4 r get n no info how does that work do we split our total or what plzz sum1 let me know thanks

  • ???June 12, 2018 at 11:58 am

    Golomb&Honik Is doing the same thing. Unfortunately the judge will never be notified of this.

  • JoeJune 12, 2018 at 6:22 am

    I told everyone there are some crooked ass lawyers out there. Some did not inform there clients of the determination by the claims administrator they also gave the claimants no option to appeal. Which is fraudulent. Some did not even submit the supporting documents that they said they did submit. The judge is now aware of the nine cases. Little does he know there are more than those nine. I recomm[Show More]I told everyone there are some crooked ass lawyers out there. Some did not inform there clients of the determination by the claims administrator they also gave the claimants no option to appeal. Which is fraudulent. Some did not even submit the supporting documents that they said they did submit. The judge is now aware of the nine cases. Little does he know there are more than those nine. I recommend calling another law firm. Or try to get in touch with the lead lawyers for this MDL. Here's part of the Judges order that just came out June 11, 2018 Upon review of the Report of the Special Master docketed [Dkt. No. 1991] in this proceeding and in order to bring the claims processing effort to a timely conclusion, it is hereby ORDERED that on or before June 25, 2018: Plaintiffs’ counsel in each of the nine cases referenced in the heading above, Herbert Lee, Jr., shall submit under Oath: 1. A report separately docketed in each such case regarding the Plaintiffs’ intentions with respect to appeal of the settlement determination and the ground(s) justifying any further action, if such further action is sought, and 2. A separate affirmation from Attorney Lee separately docketed in each such case that he has informed each of the Plaintiffs of the circumstances recited in Paragraphs 4 and 6 of the Report of the Special Master and has provided each such client with a copy of that Report and this Order, together with a copy of the submissions Ordered to be made under Oath by this Order. Failure to comply with this Procedural Order in a timely fashion will result in (a) the dismissal of each of the above-referenced cases in which there is failure to comply; (b) the entry of a show cause order why Attorney Lee should not be held in contempt of court.

  • GeorgeJune 11, 2018 at 6:20 pm

    This whole case has been a sham and a shame! If we all do not stick to gether and make a public outcry for justice then its all on us! I say we contact local news, senators, congressmen, etc and make our voices heard if not for ourselves then for our loved ones who have suffered by the hands of this billion dollar company and the corrupt lawyers and courts that let them get away with it! One dr[Show More]This whole case has been a sham and a shame! If we all do not stick to gether and make a public outcry for justice then its all on us! I say we contact local news, senators, congressmen, etc and make our voices heard if not for ourselves then for our loved ones who have suffered by the hands of this billion dollar company and the corrupt lawyers and courts that let them get away with it! One drop is all it takes to start an ocean!

  • TonyaJune 9, 2018 at 6:28 pm

    my mom died on the machine was dead 25 minutes and they brought her back brain dead to save their asses she had no recessatation it's been since Jan 10th 2010 and still haven't finished mourning because of this case she was our rock and our family has fell apart since then and now I'm hearing attorneys who don't even consult with us our getting more out of this than us how sad is that I hope every[Show More]my mom died on the machine was dead 25 minutes and they brought her back brain dead to save their asses she had no recessatation it's been since Jan 10th 2010 and still haven't finished mourning because of this case she was our rock and our family has fell apart since then and now I'm hearing attorneys who don't even consult with us our getting more out of this than us how sad is that I hope everyone gets what their hoping I really do if not let's not stand by and let attorneys reap benefits from our loved ones death !!!!!

  • GeorgeJune 8, 2018 at 4:52 pm

    My attorney explained it like this: I’m going to try and answer your question regarding the fee as directly as I can. Yes, there is an 11% deduction for “common benefit fee/expenses”. That is broken down to 7% toward fees and 4% toward expenses, per the courts order. Our firm deducts the 7% from our 40% attorney fee. So we as a firm pay the 7%, not you as the client. Per your retainer agreem[Show More]My attorney explained it like this: I’m going to try and answer your question regarding the fee as directly as I can. Yes, there is an 11% deduction for “common benefit fee/expenses”. That is broken down to 7% toward fees and 4% toward expenses, per the courts order. Our firm deducts the 7% from our 40% attorney fee. So we as a firm pay the 7%, not you as the client. Per your retainer agreement, you are not responsible for an attorney fee greater than 40%. The other 4% for expenses is deducted from your settlement. As stated in the retainer agreement, you are responsible for expenses and that is why the 4% for expenses is deducted from you. Certainly we cannot answer for what other firms are doing.

  • SonyaJune 8, 2018 at 11:49 am

    Joe after reading your comment,I need any additional information you can give concerning Lawyer Hebert Lee Jr.he represented my mother and my father is one of the nine names listed as claim being denied,because of a late filing.

  • ConfusedJune 7, 2018 at 10:01 pm

    Hello all. I was informed my appeal was denied even though it was proven granuflo was taken. The death occurred after the required hours, so it didn't meet the criteria. (Which is so unfare) Please post if anyone is taking further action & any helpful details. This isn't right. My family is so hurt. Please keep posting & share, because we may be approaching a statue of limitations. (I'm not sure) [Show More]Hello all. I was informed my appeal was denied even though it was proven granuflo was taken. The death occurred after the required hours, so it didn't meet the criteria. (Which is so unfare) Please post if anyone is taking further action & any helpful details. This isn't right. My family is so hurt. Please keep posting & share, because we may be approaching a statue of limitations. (I'm not sure) Is anyone pursuing this further? My family needs help. PLEASE

  • larryJune 7, 2018 at 4:09 pm

    Joe or whomever- Does your last post mean this settlement process has ended- and now funds will be paid?? Also according to one of your posts, Joe , I know 11% or $27.5 million sub common benefit fund was gonna go to attorneys!! But now I see $16.7 million common benefit funds are going to attorneys!!Does this mean the attorneys are getting $44.2 million out of the$250 million plus another 45% of [Show More]Joe or whomever- Does your last post mean this settlement process has ended- and now funds will be paid?? Also according to one of your posts, Joe , I know 11% or $27.5 million sub common benefit fund was gonna go to attorneys!! But now I see $16.7 million common benefit funds are going to attorneys!!Does this mean the attorneys are getting $44.2 million out of the$250 million plus another 45% of the claimants settlement dollar amounts?? This doesn't seem right- or fair!! Please explain- if you can!! Thanks!!

  • BettyJune 6, 2018 at 5:06 pm

    For ACTUAL numbers please read this quote: "Of the more substantial claims (Granuflo and Naturalyte), 1,790 claims out of a total of 2,262 were found to be eligible. Of the APA claims, 4,767 out of 5,279 claims were found to be eligible." I'm sorry for anyone who thought that the only cases eligible were those pending in the MDL (only about 3000). Again, this is why it's important to check anythin[Show More]For ACTUAL numbers please read this quote: "Of the more substantial claims (Granuflo and Naturalyte), 1,790 claims out of a total of 2,262 were found to be eligible. Of the APA claims, 4,767 out of 5,279 claims were found to be eligible." I'm sorry for anyone who thought that the only cases eligible were those pending in the MDL (only about 3000). Again, this is why it's important to check anything you read on here with your lawyer.

  • JoeJune 6, 2018 at 10:46 am

    I am only posting this to help others. Everyone should have received something from their lawyer. Pursuant to the Orders in the above-entitled matters appointing me as Special Master to resolve disputes relating to the final terms of the Master Settlement Agreement and facilitate the implementation of the Agreement, including distribution of the settlement funds to the individual claimants who me[Show More]I am only posting this to help others. Everyone should have received something from their lawyer. Pursuant to the Orders in the above-entitled matters appointing me as Special Master to resolve disputes relating to the final terms of the Master Settlement Agreement and facilitate the implementation of the Agreement, including distribution of the settlement funds to the individual claimants who meet eligibility criteria, I am making this status report to the Courts. 1. I am pleased to be able to report to the Courts that the exhaustive claims processing, evaluation, and appeals process is virtually complete. Based on data provided to me by the Claims Administrator and Liaison Counsel, a total of 7,541 claims were processed with 6,557 found to be eligible for compensation from the fund and 984 determined to be ineligible after all internal appeals and appeals to the Special Master. I believe six claimants have filed for further appeal to Judge Woodlock and one to Judge Kirpalani. 2. Of the more substantial claims (Granuflo and Naturalyte), 1,790 claims out of a total of 2,262 were found to be eligible. Of the APA claims, 4,767 out of 5,279 claims were found to be eligible. 3. As Special Master, I reviewed 375 claims seeking an award from the Extraordinary Injury Fund and granted the claim in 227 cases. I also heard appeals from the Claims Administrator’s determination in 426 cases and granted the appeal in 103 of them. 4. Claims represented by two law firms presented special problems. Both failed to comply with the claims procedures and, as a result, claims represented by each firm were denied by the Claims Administrator. Both sought leave of the Special Master for extraordinary relief to be permitted to file late. I requested affidavits from each firm explaining in detail what had happened and the reasons for their requests. In both cases, these affidavits demonstrated that no valid excuse for noncompliance had been presented. I determined that in these circumstances, and in light of the fact that permitting the filing of claims at this late date could delay and impact the thousands of other eligible claimants and their counsel who complied with the claims procedure and are awaiting payment (which requires the resolution of all claims), that the requests for leave to file late should be denied. I informed each law firm of this determination but also informed them that out of concern for the potential harm that denying these claims could cause innocent and potentially deserving claimants, who, but for the law firm’s actions, otherwise might have been entitled to seek compensation from the fund, I would grant the request to file late on the condition that:a) counsel clearly inform each of the affected clients, orally and in writing, of the facts and circumstances of noncompliance with the claims procedures, counsel’s request for leave to file these claims late, and my decision (by providing a copy of my response to their request); b) counsel file proper, completed claims with the Claims Administrator by no later than May 29, 2018; c) counsel and claimant agree to waive all appeals and deficiency notice periods (including Provisional Denial) of the settlement process; and d) counsel agree to waive all attorneys fees connected to the representation of these clients. 5. One of the law firms responded very professionally, promptly agreed to these conditions, and filed the 34 affected APA claims by the deadline. Those claims have now been processed and are included in the numbers reported above. 6. The other law firm has not responded to me except by way of email asking for me to call him. (I understand there was another call from this law firm to Liaison Counsel.) My return call to the law firm was not answered, nor were my voicemail and follow-up email to counsel. No claims were submitted by the deadline. Accordingly, pursuant to my determination, the nine Granuflo/Naturalyte claims represented by this firm are denied. The nine cases at issue are in the MDL. All claimants are represented Herbert Lee, Jr. They are:a) Dorothy Hill b) Mildred Green Smith c) Rejohnna Risby Brown d) Olivia Porter Mitchell e) Horace Lee f) Mildred Adams g) Lucille Baldwin Neal h) Eli Jones i) Veaster Monroe June 5,2018

  • JudyJune 3, 2018 at 6:56 pm

    Wow Joe I'm sorry to hear that and your right This seems like a scam! Laywer get paid way more than the victim and misleading information! They should be sued

  • AmandaJune 3, 2018 at 4:27 pm

    I'm not sure what is going on at this point but from what my lawyer said friday was that the cases that were being appealed was for ones that were in the 1500 dollar claim who believed they qualified for me. This ha's all just been one big mess afret another. Ready for it all just to be over with.

  • larryJune 3, 2018 at 2:47 pm

    Wowwww!! It seems like Joe, who has given out some helpful posts in the suit, is bailing out at the end!! Also he is insinuating the lawyers, judges, administrator, and Fresenius are conspiring to screw over the plaintiffs!! I couldn't believe some of his last posts!! I don't think just because you haven't received a letter necessarily means you have been left out in the suit- but you most def won[Show More]Wowwww!! It seems like Joe, who has given out some helpful posts in the suit, is bailing out at the end!! Also he is insinuating the lawyers, judges, administrator, and Fresenius are conspiring to screw over the plaintiffs!! I couldn't believe some of his last posts!! I don't think just because you haven't received a letter necessarily means you have been left out in the suit- but you most def won't have a chance to appeal!! Everyone by now should have talked to their appointed attorneys to see if they are included in the settlement , as well as knowing which category they're in!! If there were only six appeals, surely this case should be resolved very soon!! Its been going on too long- too many twists and turns- usually for the worst!!

  • JoeMay 31, 2018 at 5:08 am

    I won't be posting after this here is the common benefit award order. Good luck to all, in this scam of a so called lawsuit. I will not be posting anymore but I have not received a point value or a award letter And I don't expect I will. Good luck (Start of order) After a duly noticed hearing on January 30, 2018 and careful consideration of the submissions in connection with the petition by the P[Show More]I won't be posting after this here is the common benefit award order. Good luck to all, in this scam of a so called lawsuit. I will not be posting anymore but I have not received a point value or a award letter And I don't expect I will. Good luck (Start of order) After a duly noticed hearing on January 30, 2018 and careful consideration of the submissions in connection with the petition by the Plaintiff Leadership of the coordinated MDL and Massachusetts state court proceedings for the award and allocation of common benefit fees [Dkt. No. 1982], to which no opposition was presented — despite an extended period within which to do so — I find as follows: Given the status of the litigation, with the global settlement consummated and fully funded, all but a modest set aside of common benefit expenses reimbursed pursuant to my Order [Dkt. No. 1978] of November 2, 2017, settlement claims being processed, dismissals being entered for all but a handful of the cases that did not opt in to the settlement, and the entry of CMO 18 [Dkt. No. 1926] (limiting the need for and role of the PEC going forward), the time is ripe to address the award and allocation of common benefit fees.I have reviewed the Plaintiff Leadership’s moving papers and submissions with respect to the petition, including the Affidavit of the Court-appointed accountant (Phillip A. Garrett, C.P.A.) and Plaintiff Leadership’s unanimous recommended allocation of any awarded common benefit fees. I accept the representations in the moving papers and further find that: 1. The Plaintiffs’ Leadership has well and properly performed its duties in managing, litigating and bringing to a fair resolution this complex state-federal coordinated litigation. 2. The nature and volume of work and total hours applied towards the common benefit of all plaintiffs appears reasonable and in compliance with CMO 14 (Revised) [Dkt. No. 928]. 3. The allocation of percentages of the overall available common benefit fees to each of the common benefit law firms also appears reasonable, and I find no basis to decline to defer and otherwise be guided by the recommendations of the Plaintiffs’ Leadership, especially given: (a) the unanimous agreement and recommendation of the Common Benefit Fee Committee; (b) the overwhelming support by the common benefit law firms, as represented in the Plaintiff . Leadership’s moving papers; and (c) the lack of any opposition to the petition by any party. ACCORDINGLY, I hereby ALLOW the Plaintiff Leadership’s petition [Dkt. No. 1982].Pursuant to my ALLOWANCE of Plaintiff Leadership’s petition, it is ORDERED that: 1. The entirety of the funds remaining available from the settlement for common benefit time ($15,870,491.01) shall be awarded as common benefit fees. 2. The allocation of common benefit fees shall be made in the percentages recommended in the fourth column of Exhibit 1 [Dkt. No. 1893-1] to the Plaintiff Leadership’s moving papers. 3. Pursuant to my Order dated October 22, 2016 [Dkt. No. 1788], Providio MediSolutions, LLC (“Providio”), having been appointed the Qualified Settlement Fund Administrator and been ordered among other things (a) to create and oversee the GranuFlo/NaturaLyte Qualified Settlement Fund (the “QSF”); (b) to create a sub account within the QSF for GranuFlo/NaturaLyte Common Benefit Fund (the “Common Benefit Sub Account”), into which $27,500,000.00 of the QSF total funds (11% of the $250 Million gross settlement, the court-allowed common benefit assessment as set forth in CMO No. 14) (Revised) [Dkt. No. 928]); and (c) to distribute common benefit funds only in accordance with orders of court, Providio is authorized to distribute the common benefit fees awarded by this Order, subject to Section B.4 infra. 4. Providio shall not distribute the common benefit fees until after it has mailed or wired the settlement awards to all claimants’ counsel

  • JoeMay 31, 2018 at 3:05 am

    Here's the problem ,if appeals have basically gone before the judge Or have So-called ended. The likelihood is whoever has not been notified is not in the settlement. It's a corrupt system.It doesn't look like the administrator is the one actually making the determination it looks like Fresenius is the one determining who is in and who is out. I believe a lot of people have been Miss led by thei[Show More]Here's the problem ,if appeals have basically gone before the judge Or have So-called ended. The likelihood is whoever has not been notified is not in the settlement. It's a corrupt system.It doesn't look like the administrator is the one actually making the determination it looks like Fresenius is the one determining who is in and who is out. I believe a lot of people have been Miss led by their lawyers . I believe those people should file lawsuits against the law firms for malpractice. They gave deceptive information to some. Making people believe they qualified for a certain level or category in reality they never submitted the paperwork or submitted the paperwork and told people they qualified for category one then actually put them in category three before the administrator could ever make that determination.. But if Appeals have gone before the judge. It only makes sense that if you did not get some type of letter you did not have a option to appeal Which means you are not part of the settlement.. By the way lawyers Will receive the Award a amount for all claims per law firm before the Lawyers are paid their compensation. So what the points are going to actually be it's completely up to your lawyer. It's a big scam and the judges is part of it, It appears He is playing stupid like he doesn't understand the process. He states this is an organic matter that I am not Familiar with MDL No. 13-02428-DPW CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER NO. 20 PROCEDURAL ORDER FOR APPEALS OF THE SETTLEMENT AWARD DETERMINATIONS The Court has been notified that the time for filing Appeals of Settlement Award Determinations by Professor Eric Greene expired as of May 21, 2018. To date the Court is in receipt of six (6) appeals filed on behalf of the plaintiffs in the above-entitled cases. Accordingly, in order to process these appeals in an orderly and efficient manner, the Court hereby issues the following Procedural Order: 1) James Gotz, Esq., on behalf of the Plaintiffs’ Settlement Committee (PEC) shall file a response to each of the Appeals no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, May 25, 2018. 2) Any of the individual plaintiffs listed above may file a reply to Mr. Gotz’ submission no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 1, 2018. All submissions shall be filed on the individual case dockets and not on the main MDL docket.

  • ArthurMay 30, 2018 at 7:01 pm

    I think the most you will get after years of waiting. An i mean the most extraordinary cases is about a 100,000$ after lawyers fees. These cases enrich the lawyers not us.

  • AmandaMay 28, 2018 at 4:33 pm

    Joe, so what where the appeals for? And did u ever get a letter regarding amount of points because I have yet to receive anything.

  • KenyatteMay 26, 2018 at 9:30 pm

    What is going on with the Naturalyte claims? The lawyer for my mother said that her claim was accepted in this category, along with additional compensation from extraordinary funds? What does this mean as far as a dollar amount?

  • larryMay 25, 2018 at 5:24 pm

    In followup to earlier post can Joe or anyone start at the 250 million dollar starting level, make deductions like the 5 million $1500 claims, and the 11% approx 27.5 litigating attorney fees, etc and tell US an approximate figure of how much money would be split amongst the major injury category???? Joe or anyone have any ideas on this?? Thanks!!

  • larryMay 25, 2018 at 12:17 am

    This post is being sent to ask Joe, or whomever can answer these ????'s as best they can!! 1. Please explain, starting with 0 points, how this point system works, I'm hearing so much for granuflo exposure, so much cardiac arrest and or death within 24 hours,so much for bicarbonate and potassium levels at last treatment!! Can someone please explain point system, number by number?? Also from what I'[Show More]This post is being sent to ask Joe, or whomever can answer these ????'s as best they can!! 1. Please explain, starting with 0 points, how this point system works, I'm hearing so much for granuflo exposure, so much cardiac arrest and or death within 24 hours,so much for bicarbonate and potassium levels at last treatment!! Can someone please explain point system, number by number?? Also from what I've been told by most so called experts 90% of the top injury claims are going to be 100-150 points and rest 150-200 points!! Now don't start blasting me cause several of you say you have been told you have 200-275 points!! Now calling anyone a liar- just trying to get clarification on this!!Also have been told very few appeals so this shouldn't take long!! Also hear attorneys are going get 45% instead of 40%??? Can anyone explain the Medicare lien process accurately?? I also have been told out of the original 12,000 or so suit claims, only bout 12% will be in major injury group!! And finally, anyone have any idea after the 27.5 million to litigating attys, 5 million for $1500 settlements,and any other deductions, approx how much will be left to the major category group!! Realize legal fees, med records, and some Medicare liens will come out final payout!! And again I'm just trying to get clarification on these ????'s!! Not calling anyone a liar or insinuating any body posting false info!! Just looking for the truth, if you know answers to these ???'s!! Joe, maybe?? Thanks for your help!!

  • JoeMay 24, 2018 at 1:03 pm

    So there were six appeals. There is no ruling yet. But no more appeals can be submitted. They all were for denied Claims Determined by the claims administrator and Mr. Greene They are before the judge now. It looks like June 1 is when the Appealed cases have to put there response in to The court on what Mr. Gotz Submitted as in if it looks accurate and if there's anything else they have that was n[Show More]So there were six appeals. There is no ruling yet. But no more appeals can be submitted. They all were for denied Claims Determined by the claims administrator and Mr. Greene They are before the judge now. It looks like June 1 is when the Appealed cases have to put there response in to The court on what Mr. Gotz Submitted as in if it looks accurate and if there's anything else they have that was not submitted by Mr. Gotz. These are all federal cases as far as I know.

  • AmandaMay 24, 2018 at 4:52 am

    Well I'm still with no letter. No information and just sitting here stuck kinda wished they would have just released everything at one time so those without point's wouldn't be sitting here stressing.

  • KevinMay 23, 2018 at 2:18 am

    Joe, Just to inform you my lawyer also has informed me that the rough number for the point value is 700.00 and that this is a very rough number and will change a little as there is only a few claims left in the appeal process. Now I dont care what you are reading, I am telling you the truth, and I have no reason to lie. And for Reese I believe what she is saying only because that is what my lawy[Show More]Joe, Just to inform you my lawyer also has informed me that the rough number for the point value is 700.00 and that this is a very rough number and will change a little as there is only a few claims left in the appeal process. Now I dont care what you are reading, I am telling you the truth, and I have no reason to lie. And for Reese I believe what she is saying only because that is what my lawyer as told me now twice in the last two conversations. Again I have no reason to lie. So if anyone says that the point value per dollar is roughly 700.00 per point that is what the lawyers are telling people. Now stop making people think that they are not telling the truth. Also that there is only a couple more claims left in the appeal process. Good luck everyone.

  • ShanMay 22, 2018 at 8:49 pm

    No we only received the 1st letter, still waiting for the 2nd with point values and a amount. I certainly hope it is Not $700 per point. I'm hoping its at least $1000 per point because I asked my attorney before from what I read online and even though he couldn't confirm or deny $1000 per point he did hint that it sounds possible" and its a good estimate to use until we get the actual value,.. I w[Show More]No we only received the 1st letter, still waiting for the 2nd with point values and a amount. I certainly hope it is Not $700 per point. I'm hoping its at least $1000 per point because I asked my attorney before from what I read online and even though he couldn't confirm or deny $1000 per point he did hint that it sounds possible" and its a good estimate to use until we get the actual value,.. I would rather $5000+ per point but that's not looking favorable,.. Wouldn't it be something if it's $1500 per point since that is what they are giving the claims that didn't "qualify,.... "a point".. All is speculation when it comes to point values. Really hope we get our official letters soon.

  • JoeMay 22, 2018 at 8:38 pm

    Appeals for federal cases were completed yesterday to judge Woodlock . So all federal appeals are over. Not sure if everyone had to receive a point value or not To be part of the settlement. That is something you need to call and ask your attorney. My understanding is no. But you really should call your attorney and find out your specific case information. Just got notified today that appeals are [Show More]Appeals for federal cases were completed yesterday to judge Woodlock . So all federal appeals are over. Not sure if everyone had to receive a point value or not To be part of the settlement. That is something you need to call and ask your attorney. My understanding is no. But you really should call your attorney and find out your specific case information. Just got notified today that appeals are done at least for the federal cases.

  • KimMay 22, 2018 at 12:13 pm

    Got my letter saying my family gets a whole $1500. That's because our mother passed outside the time limit by a few hours. So frustrating. Take care everyone.

  • JoeMay 22, 2018 at 10:35 am

    Reese, i have always tried to give accurate information. At times I have to admit it may not always have been 100% correct but most of the time some aspect of it fell in line with what the lawyers were telling there clients. So you tell me what you think this means (i posted below.) Maybe I have a different understanding of it then you do. (Start of quote) "I think your Honor is aware of this. Th[Show More]Reese, i have always tried to give accurate information. At times I have to admit it may not always have been 100% correct but most of the time some aspect of it fell in line with what the lawyers were telling there clients. So you tell me what you think this means (i posted below.) Maybe I have a different understanding of it then you do. (Start of quote) "I think your Honor is aware of this. There is what I will call a de minimis payment that a lot of people will be receiving and a more substantial payment that is available for it looks like about 25 percent of the claimants.As to the more substantial award, settlement is such that until the last claim is processed and all of its appeals are exhausted none of those folks get paid, because it will only be at that point that we can calculate the dollar value of a settlement award point. So, until those appeals are exhausted with your Honor, with Judge Kirpalani, we will not be in a position to pay any of those more substantial cases.(End of quote.) (Just so everybody is aware there are two different lawsuits one is in federal court . With Judge Woodlock . The other is in state court with Judge Kirpalani not sure if the spelling is Correct but that's the way it is spelled in the transcript,so that's the way I am spelling it.) So how can your lawyer give even a Approximate value. It Doesn't seem possible Unless all the people that have received point values are the de minimis claims . It Basically says until the last claim is processed and all appeals are exhausted then and only then will any one know the value of there points "because it will only be at that point that we can calculate the dollar value of a settlement award point". Of course thats in reference to the more substantial claims .So you tell me Reese,am i missing something in this court Transcript? If so please tell me what it is? It is A little confusing at times. If you see it differently then me please tell me were i am Wrong in my assumption of the process. I appreciate all information. I may say something is untrue unless proven otherwise. I see no proof that the point value maybe worth around $700 per point. Like i said if you see it differently please tell me were you see that. I don't think what your lawyer is telling you is realistic.There would be too big of a variation in award amount. This is how it works.(Start of quote) "They approve the claim in full, they reject the claim in full, or they approve an award of something less than what the claimant was hoping to get. If it is rejected or if it's something less than what the claimant was hoping to get,the determination goes up to Professor Greene. Professor Greene is made aware of, "This is what the Claims Administrator found," and Professor Greene's job really at that appellate stage is, is the Claims Administrator right or wrong about that. That's really the nature of the appeal."( End of quote) So you see Reese, only The claims administrator and Professor Green know how many claims are being appealed. So there would be no way they would know approximately the value per point until all appeals are done . Thats why It says appeals if any will go before the Honorable Judge Woodlock at the end of May. Thats because Both the claims administrator and Professor Green would have had to of gotten it wrong then and only then can it go before the Judge for Appeal. So a Estimated Dollar amount per point doesn't seem realistic at this point. I am sure they are getting pretty close but all claims have not been processed yet. Appeals can take months to complete they believe around second Quarter of 2018 Which we are in right now. I don't see any definitive timeline of when it will be over. It Probably all depends on when the last claim is processed and all Appeals have been exhausted. Who Know When that will be. What does Mr Gotz mean by more Substantial claims what is he Referring to? We know the $1500 claims are not appealable. So if all the more substantial claims Have to wait until the appeals Are exhausted . That can only mean from my understanding there are two types of pay outs in the top category the more substantial ones have to wait until The very last claim is processed and all the appeals have been exhausted for the de minimis cases. I don't know My opt-in form Had no reference to any point value. It stated to be clear we will not know your award amount until all claims have been processed and all Appeals if any have been resolved. Thats the same thing they are telling the Federal judge at the Court hearing. Just to make it clear there are two different lawsuits one in state court one in federal court. There are two different appeal dates to two different judges. Yes , When it goes to the claims administrator the process is the same for both federal and state cases. However dates are not the same as in appeal dates that go Before the judges. So all Appeals between state and federal have to be resolved before anyone will receive a dollar amount for their point value. That may be why it is getting so confusing some people are getting information about the state cases and then others are getting information about the federal cases.

  • ElleMay 19, 2018 at 8:53 pm

    Well it is simply defined that it is 100 for time of passing if within 4 Hrs n 75 for granuflo equals 175. If Passing ezceeds 4 Hrs the pts adjust . 25pts for each solution results x 2 if u hv both results then u will receive additional points again if u hv both and the max appears to b 275 if u hv all. since we r not advised we’re still in the dark. Great comm..,, after all they r meant To b o[Show More]Well it is simply defined that it is 100 for time of passing if within 4 Hrs n 75 for granuflo equals 175. If Passing ezceeds 4 Hrs the pts adjust . 25pts for each solution results x 2 if u hv both results then u will receive additional points again if u hv both and the max appears to b 275 if u hv all. since we r not advised we’re still in the dark. Great comm..,, after all they r meant To b our attorneys and communicate w us

  • KevinMay 18, 2018 at 7:07 pm

    Arthur would love to explain in detail how I received my 200 points. But they will not allow me to inform you and any else on here. All I am saying is you need to stop calling everyone on here liars, because I have and I see other people on here have no reason to lie. So from here on out please do not refer me or anyone else on here that we are all LIARS I AM NOT!! i just received another email[Show More]Arthur would love to explain in detail how I received my 200 points. But they will not allow me to inform you and any else on here. All I am saying is you need to stop calling everyone on here liars, because I have and I see other people on here have no reason to lie. So from here on out please do not refer me or anyone else on here that we are all LIARS I AM NOT!! i just received another email from my lawyer and she explained that there were only a couple more appeals left and they are right now preparing a letter to inform all of us how it will all take place from here on out. That letter should be going out any day. So hopefully we are looking to ending this night mare. I wish everyone good luck going forward.

  • LaurieMay 18, 2018 at 5:08 pm

    Arthur, As I said earlier in this blog....I received a letter on February 21 from my lawyer via email attachment. The letter was from the Claims Adjuster dated January 5th. It said I was approved for 175 points. Have not seen anything regarding point values. I would NOT LIE about something like this. Stop saying people are lying. Its not bad enough that we are all getting the shaft on this [Show More]Arthur, As I said earlier in this blog....I received a letter on February 21 from my lawyer via email attachment. The letter was from the Claims Adjuster dated January 5th. It said I was approved for 175 points. Have not seen anything regarding point values. I would NOT LIE about something like this. Stop saying people are lying. Its not bad enough that we are all getting the shaft on this horrific lawsuit, you have to put salt in the wound on top it it! I am disgusted with every aspect of this issue and can not wait until this is all over.

  • ArthurMay 16, 2018 at 11:51 pm

    Well Kevin nobody on this blog has said how they received their points. Just that they received it. There are a couple of ways to receive their 200, 225, and 275. Like I said earlier posts. It's easier to receive 100,125, and 175 points. That's what makes leary when I hear people here that say they received 200,225, or 275 points.

  • ReeseMay 16, 2018 at 10:20 pm

    My lawyer has always been. Very engaged with me during this whole process. I have no reason to lie. I received my points back in November and my lawyer emailed me on May 8th or 7th and said the point value is 700.00$ My lawyer also said it could go up a little more or a little less, depending on the last several appeals outcome. Now when Joe says people are lying about what they got, makes no sen[Show More]My lawyer has always been. Very engaged with me during this whole process. I have no reason to lie. I received my points back in November and my lawyer emailed me on May 8th or 7th and said the point value is 700.00$ My lawyer also said it could go up a little more or a little less, depending on the last several appeals outcome. Now when Joe says people are lying about what they got, makes no sense. Why??? We all want a good outcome, so why would we intentionally post misleading information? Just like my lawyer told me, that there was about 1500 granuflo claims left out of 2000 and that some more will probably be cut. So there is nothing definite until all appeals are exhausted. I am disappointed in the monetary amount that our lawyers settled for and the time it took to even get here. But it is almost over and i really do wish the best for all of us.

  • KevinMay 16, 2018 at 12:25 pm

    Arthur, What is your problem, calling everyone liars?? I know for a fact 100% sure I recieved 2(two) letters one from my attorney and one from the Administrator!! explaining to me in full how I or my brothers estate recieved 200(two hundred) points. I dont care what other people say BUT STOP CALLING PEOPLE LIARS!! I have no reason to lie. Also I might add is that I received these letter back i[Show More]Arthur, What is your problem, calling everyone liars?? I know for a fact 100% sure I recieved 2(two) letters one from my attorney and one from the Administrator!! explaining to me in full how I or my brothers estate recieved 200(two hundred) points. I dont care what other people say BUT STOP CALLING PEOPLE LIARS!! I have no reason to lie. Also I might add is that I received these letter back in November of 2017. I really wish they would allow me to put a copy of what I am saying. All I know is that this is where I stand in this disgusting Law Suit against these horrible and slimmy under mineing A__HOLEs. Just got and email from my attorney stating that this is a rough estimate of the value of the points which is $700.00(seven hundred). Now go up and act like an adut if you are one and stop the name calling PLEASE!!

  • JoeMay 16, 2018 at 7:51 am

    I have no idea why people are not telling the truth on here. There were 12,000 total cases 7500 opted in. Out of those 7500 that opted in 25% are substantial claims. The lawyers don't even know how many of them are valid. So when they say 25% they don't mean 25% of the 7500 that opted in ,they mean 25 % of valid claims. One can only guess what the actual numbers are going to be.. Even if the tot[Show More]I have no idea why people are not telling the truth on here. There were 12,000 total cases 7500 opted in. Out of those 7500 that opted in 25% are substantial claims. The lawyers don't even know how many of them are valid. So when they say 25% they don't mean 25% of the 7500 that opted in ,they mean 25 % of valid claims. One can only guess what the actual numbers are going to be.. Even if the total number stayed at 7500 substantial claim numbers would be 1850. Honestly though those numbers are going to be greatly diminished ,it's just a known fact. Here's one of the reasons for that. Just to be clear, every case in the country had a opportunity to opt into the settlement program if they would qualify or not, of course, is a case-specific analysis. But no one was intentionally prohibited from opting into the settlement program.. So 7500 Will not be the end result for total valid claims. Valid claims are simply unknown at this point. $1500 claims are not guaranteed. All claims have not received a point value.The Process is going to take longer than people think. Everything Is being done on a rolling basis that includes appeals. However appeals to Mr Green Will be on A rolling basis. The appeals that are going before the Judge are done in groups. First group will be at the end of May. There may be more groups but those dates have not been set. They first would have to have receive there points and appealed to Mr. Green first . Appeals are going to take months to be completed so anyone that says they received a letter telling them there points are worth $700 per point Is not telling the truth . Don't expect to Know anything by the end of May most likely not going to happen . I know some were Told payouts Will probably start in July, I am not so sure of that. Another Uncertainty is when they are referring to substantial cases. What are they In reference to. is it all Granuflo claims of just the highest payouts, in the Granuflo Compensation fund,the 275 point value cases. Because is states, As to the more substantial award, It then states Settlement is such That until the last claim is processed And all of the appeals Are exhausted,None of those People get paid. We know some people have received point values. So we know those claims have been processed. It's really Unclear what they are referring to when they say substantial claims. If you think about it a point value of 275 would have no option to appeal. Because you are already receiving the highest point possible,it can go no higher than that so there would be nothing to appeal. . That part is just my thought on it about substantial claims. It might explain why nobody has posted a point value of 275. Nobody has received one. But they will After all other claims have been processed. That could be why there are a few that have not received any point value as of yet. This is how the process works it goes to the Claims administrator, the claim Is Approved in full, denied in full Or given a value that is lesser than what was expected. So it's uncertain what they are referring to when they say substantial claims.

  • KaralynMay 15, 2018 at 8:05 pm

    I received 200 points and my attorney told me that there's no appeals for points or money.

  • DeniceMay 15, 2018 at 5:34 pm

    Reese, did you receive an official letter or an email from your attorney in regards to each point being valued at $700.00? Has anyone else received a letter in regards to the our point values?

  • ArthurMay 15, 2018 at 3:43 am

    '@ Exhausted I don't believe you received 225 points, you might as well say you have 275 points. Many people here are talking out of their rear ends. I don't get it why lie. You are just misledding people. People just tell the truth.

  • exhaustedMay 11, 2018 at 4:59 pm

    If payment is 20,000 for the point value system of say 300 persons that is 500,000---where is the balance of the money going. My had was awarded 225 points

  • ???May 11, 2018 at 9:12 am

    As to the more substantial award, settlement is such that until the last claim is processed and all of its appeals are exhausted none of those folks get paid, because it will only be at that point that we can calculate the dollar value of a settlement award point. So, until those appeals are exhausted with your Honor, with Judge Kirpalani, we will not be in a position to pay any of the more substa[Show More]As to the more substantial award, settlement is such that until the last claim is processed and all of its appeals are exhausted none of those folks get paid, because it will only be at that point that we can calculate the dollar value of a settlement award point. So, until those appeals are exhausted with your Honor, with Judge Kirpalani, we will not be in a position to pay any of the more substantial cases. THE COURT: But all of the so-called de minimis payments will be made to -- MR. GOTZ: Rolling basis, and they are not affected by the process I've just described. 25 THE COURT: All right. Well, I guess we will see

  • terriMay 10, 2018 at 8:54 pm

    hello i received a letter from my lawyer and administrator i received 200 points but i am think i will receive about twenty thousands after all fees lawyers a percent to the insurance and my estate lawyer which was 700.00 they told me i needed he been dead twelve years what a shame this turn out to be lawyers get more then the people who hired them

  • KevinMay 10, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    Joe and everyone else that reads this page, I have received my letter from the Claims Administrator, back in November of last year and my letter informing me of the amount my case is in January. I have also received a very rough estimate of the value of my points that my case has. I HAVE NO REASO TO LIE AND MAKE ANY FALSE INFORMATION!! I really find you making these claims that no one can be [Show More]Joe and everyone else that reads this page, I have received my letter from the Claims Administrator, back in November of last year and my letter informing me of the amount my case is in January. I have also received a very rough estimate of the value of my points that my case has. I HAVE NO REASO TO LIE AND MAKE ANY FALSE INFORMATION!! I really find you making these claims that no one can be where my case is. Again no reason to lie. I wish everyone that this horrible night mare will be over soon.

  • JoeMay 10, 2018 at 12:51 am

    No Amanda I have not received anything. I don't believe the majority of people on here. The information is just coming from their lawyer over the phone but They received nothing official from the claims administrator. Then other people are posting their estimated Point value from Their lawyer that they received years ago. I do believe Arthur and a few others actually have received letters from th[Show More]No Amanda I have not received anything. I don't believe the majority of people on here. The information is just coming from their lawyer over the phone but They received nothing official from the claims administrator. Then other people are posting their estimated Point value from Their lawyer that they received years ago. I do believe Arthur and a few others actually have received letters from the claims administrator. I received a email from my lawyer can't remember The exact date but i think it was February or March it stated he thought between 60 and 90 days but it could take all the way up until May 31, 2018. You will receive something soon. We all will,take what most people are saying on here with a grain of salt. Don't put too much faith in what they are saying. Granted some are giving accurate and correct information but others are not they are just guesstimating or saying what they believe. You will receive a letter shortly give it a few more weeks.

  • RayneMay 9, 2018 at 11:08 pm

    Joe My moms case has 125 points.. im a single mom waitress.. Please tell me we are not getting 20 grand.. I did the number crunching you had posted the other day and the figure was large!! Its been 9 years I want closure Please tell me I'm not holding false hope.. Lawyers tell me nothing.. I've done the numbers so many times with different results... Ive gotten 3.3 mill per 334 tho per 190 tho pe[Show More]Joe My moms case has 125 points.. im a single mom waitress.. Please tell me we are not getting 20 grand.. I did the number crunching you had posted the other day and the figure was large!! Its been 9 years I want closure Please tell me I'm not holding false hope.. Lawyers tell me nothing.. I've done the numbers so many times with different results... Ive gotten 3.3 mill per 334 tho per 190 tho per... What is your guess? I know it could be off but u have been my info source.. What does your mind think????

  • LaurieMay 9, 2018 at 8:44 pm

    Patti, My letter came from my attorney in an email about a month after he received it with my point value. They sent it to me after I asked them what was the status. I would press your attorney for more information. Call them as soon as possible and demand answers.

  • ArthurMay 9, 2018 at 6:40 pm

    To Patti: If you flow my last few blogs I stated that I had received my letter around March 8 or so of this year. My letter from the Administrator came out around Jan 5, 2018. Both letters came together from my Attorney and the Administrator. The letter from the Administrator came from Portland, Oregon. My Attorney sent me both letters and that I had no chance for appeal. My Father was 86 when h[Show More]To Patti: If you flow my last few blogs I stated that I had received my letter around March 8 or so of this year. My letter from the Administrator came out around Jan 5, 2018. Both letters came together from my Attorney and the Administrator. The letter from the Administrator came from Portland, Oregon. My Attorney sent me both letters and that I had no chance for appeal. My Father was 86 when he passed 6 hrs after treatment for an additional 25 points. No points for lab work. This is why I get skeptical when people say they received 200 point. I am figuring we will know point value either in June or July.

  • ReeseMay 9, 2018 at 6:27 pm

    700 $ for point value is what my sent me yesterday 5-8-18

  • JoeMay 9, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    Betty I am getting my information from United States judicial panel on multi district litigation. Where are you getting your information from. The numbers you are giving out our Quite a few months old. Also where are you getting Those deductions from?They're not coming from the letter when you opted in.I know that, All deductions will have to come from a court Ordered auditor. Thats stated in your[Show More]Betty I am getting my information from United States judicial panel on multi district litigation. Where are you getting your information from. The numbers you are giving out our Quite a few months old. Also where are you getting Those deductions from?They're not coming from the letter when you opted in.I know that, All deductions will have to come from a court Ordered auditor. Thats stated in your opt-in form.I see nothing stating the claims Administrator getting a cut . I know they are not doing it for free but the amount or how they will receive payment is not in the opt in Letter. Common benefit expenses are 2% of the settlement which equals $5 million. Attorney fees for the leadership lawyers Is receiving 7% $17.5 million. Lawyers that were on the steering committee and helped with litigation and help to write up the settlement agreement will also be receiving 2% $5 million. That is it they are not allowed to Deduct any more funds from the settlement unless approved by the auditor. The settlement has been funded and is over so they Received a total of $27.5 million. The interest will not go to any of the lawyers or the claims administrator. There is no interest acquired while the settlement is in the qualified settlement fund. The bank is just holding the money it's like A savings account but not actually,the money is just held there the bank can charge no fees. and no interest is acquired. They won't know the total numbers of claims until all have been reviewed. I know some people believe they have all already been reviewed. That is not the case when the reviews are finished then All law firm's will receive notice of claims review being completed. That hasn't happened as of yet. I am sure it is very close though.

  • AmandaMay 9, 2018 at 5:23 am

    Joe, have you revived your ppints yet? I'm just curious as I still haven't received anything from the attorney or the claims administration

  • JoeMay 9, 2018 at 3:07 am

    Wow Ron!! You are one lucky guy. Your case goes from being ineligible at the start of this settlement to now being put into the Granuflo Compensation fund.Not only that now you are getting 25 more points even though no exact time of death is known. Didn't your wife die at home sometime during the night or early morning why you both were sleeping? Wasn't that according to the Paramedics Or doctors[Show More]Wow Ron!! You are one lucky guy. Your case goes from being ineligible at the start of this settlement to now being put into the Granuflo Compensation fund.Not only that now you are getting 25 more points even though no exact time of death is known. Didn't your wife die at home sometime during the night or early morning why you both were sleeping? Wasn't that according to the Paramedics Or doctors determination of time of death. WOw Ron, i would start playing the lottery if i were you. I mean Some people have not even gotten a determination of anything and you already are appealing your point value and won the Appeal. Your like a Superhero you can do almost anything. Your new name should be the amazing Ron.

  • PattiMay 8, 2018 at 10:31 pm

    I have just a couple of questions. (1) When did everyone begin receiving these letters with these Point values? (2) Did these letters come directly to you, or did they come from your attorney? (3) if it came directly to you, can you let me know like who it came from? My mother's case was one of the first ones in the death category. She actually passed away while on dialysis in 2010. Our attorne[Show More]I have just a couple of questions. (1) When did everyone begin receiving these letters with these Point values? (2) Did these letters come directly to you, or did they come from your attorney? (3) if it came directly to you, can you let me know like who it came from? My mother's case was one of the first ones in the death category. She actually passed away while on dialysis in 2010. Our attorney gets extremely standoffish when my dad tries to ask any questions. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • RonMay 7, 2018 at 5:31 pm

    I just got off the phone to my attorney and found out my appeal for the extra 25 points was successful I now have 25 points . my attorney also stTed their Speculation was that a point would be approimately $700 but nothing is official in that regard . So 125 X $700 is $87,500 minus 40 % leaves about $52,500 . Again this is only my attorneys guesstimate .

  • ShanMay 7, 2018 at 3:27 pm

    '@ Arthur I don't know what is to be gained by lying about anything on here. I assume we are all in the same place in life trying to to gather and share information about the case. We received our letter in March also, the very end of March actually. It said 200 points with a 2nd letter to soon follow determining the point value. What about that makes it so unbelievable to you? We didn't get a che[Show More]'@ Arthur I don't know what is to be gained by lying about anything on here. I assume we are all in the same place in life trying to to gather and share information about the case. We received our letter in March also, the very end of March actually. It said 200 points with a 2nd letter to soon follow determining the point value. What about that makes it so unbelievable to you? We didn't get a check or an apology for killing our loved one just a letter about the points approved for. The only thing I'm trying to figure out is what is 200 points worth and if anyone got the 2nd letter.

  • BettyMay 4, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    Ron - If there is interest, it is usually used to pay or partially pay for the claims administrator. Hosting a website for uploading and review documents for over 7000 claims isnt cheap! (whoever said there are only 3100 claims is wrong, there were more than that just in the $1500 category - you might want to check with your lawyer) Other times interest will go to the Client Protection Fund for th[Show More]Ron - If there is interest, it is usually used to pay or partially pay for the claims administrator. Hosting a website for uploading and review documents for over 7000 claims isnt cheap! (whoever said there are only 3100 claims is wrong, there were more than that just in the $1500 category - you might want to check with your lawyer) Other times interest will go to the Client Protection Fund for that MDL's state. Each state has one, and the money is used to pay people who are hurt by dishonest lawyers (that are usually disbarred). Your lawyer doesnt get the interest, fresennius doesnt either. Besides common benefit, lawyers don't get money until your case gets money for this type of case if they are doing contingency.

  • LaurieMay 3, 2018 at 5:23 pm

    Just an FYI fact for all.....The presiding judge on this case, Judge Douglas P. Woodlock had a call of impeachment on another case back in April 5, 2012 for and I quote, "most insidious example of betrayal of the public trust." Google it and you will see the document. Kind of makes you wonder.

  • RonMay 3, 2018 at 3:42 pm

    I talked to my law firm yesterday . The only news they had was to affirm that some of the $1500 payments were coming in. I had appealed for an additional 25 points over the 100 I was assigned because my wife’s time of death per the paramedics was 15 minutes past the deadline. Since the report stated that rigor mortis was present my argument was that it obviously moved time of death back a couple[Show More]I talked to my law firm yesterday . The only news they had was to affirm that some of the $1500 payments were coming in. I had appealed for an additional 25 points over the 100 I was assigned because my wife’s time of death per the paramedics was 15 minutes past the deadline. Since the report stated that rigor mortis was present my argument was that it obviously moved time of death back a couple of hours for that to occur. I haven’t heard a decision on this yet. My other question to my legal rep was that this fund $250 million is drawing interest somewhere while we await dispersal ...who gets that interest ? Finally when I asked if they see any finish line on this there was no definitive answer . I did ask if settlement awards would have to be probated and was told they were looking into that aspect . We live in a community property state so there was no probate after my wife’s passing , hope that still applies there are no minor children involved .

  • LaurieMay 3, 2018 at 10:32 am

    Carolyn, I would do the same! Its disgraceful and disgusting how this is working out for people! Im sickened by the whole process after we have lost so many loved ones to this company! God will judge them all in the end! My Mom has been gone for 13 years now.

  • arthurMay 3, 2018 at 12:31 am

    Grace and Shan I am a little skeptical when I read that people are saying that they received 200 points. How did you receive 200 points. And one of you is quoted as saying you received back in November. Another red flag. I received my letter in the early part of March dated January 5, 2018. One from the Administrator the other from my Attorney. Specifying how i obtain the points. It's a little [Show More]Grace and Shan I am a little skeptical when I read that people are saying that they received 200 points. How did you receive 200 points. And one of you is quoted as saying you received back in November. Another red flag. I received my letter in the early part of March dated January 5, 2018. One from the Administrator the other from my Attorney. Specifying how i obtain the points. It's a little harder to achieve 200-275 points. 100,125, 175 points are more believable to obtain. I don't want to here my Attorney told me so, that's plain and simple hogwash. Too many people on this blog aren't telling the truth.

  • JoeMay 2, 2018 at 7:57 pm

    I wouldn't believe everything that is posted in the comment section on here. There's different information coming from Different people that is contradictory. Here is just a couple examples. It is done.But not all people have received a letter or a point value from the claims administrator. I was told it could take all the way up until The end of May. Then you see people posting there are 2000 in[Show More]I wouldn't believe everything that is posted in the comment section on here. There's different information coming from Different people that is contradictory. Here is just a couple examples. It is done.But not all people have received a letter or a point value from the claims administrator. I was told it could take all the way up until The end of May. Then you see people posting there are 2000 in the Granuflo Compensation fund. How would one lawyer know the total amount of claims before any other law firm ? I see the point values go from 100 up to 275 but i have yet to see anyone post a point value of 275 Are those the last ones to get there value? Most of what people are posting on here is just guessing it is not factual information. I do believe people have received point Values. But when you opted-in it stated in your letter. "We believe 1000 or more will not be able to prove they used Granuflo or Naturalyte During their last dialysis Before the alleged injury and,thus, Will not be Eligible to participate." so when people state they doubt there will be 1500 that are not eligible that is incorrect. I understand that is that person's perspective on it. But the facts are there will be more Than 1000 that will not be eligible. So my point is don't believe everything you read on here it just isn't 100% accurate. I know most people know that already. My comments aren't directed toward anyone person. I am just trying to help people understand And not to believe everything they are reading on here.A lot of It is not accurate. Bits and pieces of it are accurate but things are being left out. People are just getting bits and pieces from their lawyers they're not getting the full facts. Here's another quote from the opt in letter. Category 2 Naturalyte Compensation fund "The allocation plan Also provides a very narrow exception To allow for Compensation to patients who were treated with Naturalyte, Under very specific Conditions. Because few cases are expected to qualify Under these Limited conditions The fund Is limited to $5 million.The Compensation for these claimants will follow the same baseline and add-on formula as the Granuflo fund Claimants,Except that the compensation Will be capped at 50% Of what the applicable Granuflo Award would have been." Here is why I posted that . Because few cases are expected to qualify they are only entitled to 50% of what the Granuflo award would've been. So if the Granuflo Award was only $43,000 and Naturalyte claims Are only entitled to 50% of that then that would leave Naturalyte cases with only $21,500 then minus lawyer fees 40% That would Leave the people in the Naturalyte fund With approximately $12,900 before liens are taken out. That just doesn't seem realistic. Also it states they believe few will qualify for the Naturalyte compensation fund and If the payouts for Naturalyte are $21,500 that would leave a case load of 232 claims. That's not considered a few thats considered many. Definition of a few is more than one but not many. Even if the 2000 claims were right. that would still leave a caseload of 91 for the Naturalyte claims still not considered to be a few. Also I understand point Values are being given out And that maybe the way they decided to do it but it does not state that it would be done that way. "We cannot tell you how much exactly you in particular Would receive. The final award is based on How many eligible Claimants there are, And the total funds will be Divided among The total group According to a formula." This website Won't let me post A direct web address. But I can tell you how to get the total caseload Put in Google ,(pending MDLs judicial panel on multi district litigation) It will be the first one in Google results. Then when you open it,click MDLs by MDL Numbers. Then Go up to your web browser and click find on page (in your browser toolbar) Put in the find on page search 2428 then click search. It will bring you right to the case there is a case load of 3168 as of April 16, 2018. Here is my point if people are stating there are 2000 cases in the Granuflo Compensation fund that means there would only be 1,168 in the alternative payment fund. So that 2000 number is not accurate. As for the $43,000 that could be more realistic the only issue with that is every single person out of the 3168 would have to be in the Granuflo Compensation fund. We know that is not the case.Even then it would be more around $68,000 if everyone received the same point value. My guess is that over 50% are $1500 claims and over 1000 are going to be found In eligible or have already been Dismissed leaving a few hundred left. You Also have to remember that Appealed cases are still part of the caseload (pending cases) until the final determination has been made by the Court of Appeals. For People that think I am posting under different names you are wrong, I have no reason to do that.

  • CarolynMay 1, 2018 at 2:36 pm

    Well, got the letter from the lawyer stating I was in the $1500 group. They state it will actually be $750 because of their share. That's 50 percent, not the 40 as previously stated. Then they inform me I need to probate the Estate. What estate? My husband died leaving nothing but medical bills, which have all be paid. The cost for probate is around $700. WTF!! I'll probably just let it g[Show More]Well, got the letter from the lawyer stating I was in the $1500 group. They state it will actually be $750 because of their share. That's 50 percent, not the 40 as previously stated. Then they inform me I need to probate the Estate. What estate? My husband died leaving nothing but medical bills, which have all be paid. The cost for probate is around $700. WTF!! I'll probably just let it go just to foil those greedy asshats. Unless I sign of, lawyers get nothing.

  • ShanMay 1, 2018 at 1:43 pm

    Thank you Betty. I really appreciate your detailed response. Grace, we have been getting the same run around. We were awarded 200 points also just a few months ago. I supposed no one have received point values yet.

  • MARIBELApril 30, 2018 at 9:02 pm

    My mother died of Granuflo Dialysis . I have sent all the papers and documents to one Law Office . Now the Esp. from that Firm left and took everything with. Can i use your

  • GraceApril 30, 2018 at 6:20 pm

    This case has been going on now for more than five years and every attorney gives a different story I don't what to believe....I received a letter in November awarding me 200pts....Since then things changes from month to month....first the lawyer said in March it I don't know......All can say we have to wait and see there nothing anyone can do but speculate.

  • BettyApril 30, 2018 at 5:54 pm

    Ann - I believe your estimate of 200 mil total is probably pretty accurate. Dividing it by 500 is not correct. There over 2000 claims submitted for the GranuFlo category. I bet some were dismissed, but most attorneys only submitted cases they thought could fit the category, so I doubt as many as 1500 cases were denied. Shan - No, that is not the amount each will receive. From that amount, medicare[Show More]Ann - I believe your estimate of 200 mil total is probably pretty accurate. Dividing it by 500 is not correct. There over 2000 claims submitted for the GranuFlo category. I bet some were dismissed, but most attorneys only submitted cases they thought could fit the category, so I doubt as many as 1500 cases were denied. Shan - No, that is not the amount each will receive. From that amount, medicare, medicaid, and private insurance will try to get back the money they spent on your loved one's medical care. These are called liens, and the federal government allows them to do it for any personal injury case. They hired a company that will try to get the liens down as low as they can. They were able to get liens down to $0 for almost all of the $1500 claims, but that might not happen for the bigger claims. From there, you should check the retainer you signed with the law firms. Since law firms worked on contingency for most cases, they have not been paid for the years of work they did on your case yet. Most firms will take the costs for your case (filing fee, estate, medical records) and will also take an attorneys fee, which is usually 33 - 40%. Check the retainer. Also remember that the 200 mil won't be divded equally. Some cases got 100 points but some got as many as 275 points.

  • PatricisApril 30, 2018 at 5:19 pm

    Ann Your formula is incorrect. The $1500 people will be coming from Naturlyte $5,000,000.00 Each person in Granuflo category gets points (example 175 points). Then each point will be assigned a dollar amount. You don’t just divide total amount in category 1 Granuflo by the number of people.

  • ShanApril 30, 2018 at 2:58 pm

    Ann I certainly hope it is $393,500+ because this has been a nightmare. Say it is that amount (give or take) will any other fees be taken out of that amount (the attorney fees, etc) or is this the final amount that will be given to the claimants?

  • thomasApril 27, 2018 at 6:55 pm

    phone calls to my lawyer are a joke. paralegal offering no information but I know how you feel, we will be sending out a letter very soon we have no other information for you. no need to call us again you will receive a letter in the mail as soon as we know anything new. same response for months. as far as payouts. My hypothesis is after lawyer fees the average sum received will be around $45,0[Show More]phone calls to my lawyer are a joke. paralegal offering no information but I know how you feel, we will be sending out a letter very soon we have no other information for you. no need to call us again you will receive a letter in the mail as soon as we know anything new. same response for months. as far as payouts. My hypothesis is after lawyer fees the average sum received will be around $45,000 depending on points some will be a little less and some a little more.

  • AnnApril 26, 2018 at 8:45 pm

    So.. With everyone recieving points I've seen a few with 175 that is what my case received.. My calculations are as follows.. 250 mill.. take 30 mil for court n lawy things... Take 5 mil for gran cat.. Take 10 mil for ext. Fund.. Lets say 5500 get 1500 thats 8,250,000 all that together is 53,250,000 subtracted from the 250 equals 196,750,000... Divide that by 500 for the gran cat is 393,500 is thi[Show More]So.. With everyone recieving points I've seen a few with 175 that is what my case received.. My calculations are as follows.. 250 mill.. take 30 mil for court n lawy things... Take 5 mil for gran cat.. Take 10 mil for ext. Fund.. Lets say 5500 get 1500 thats 8,250,000 all that together is 53,250,000 subtracted from the 250 equals 196,750,000... Divide that by 500 for the gran cat is 393,500 is this right? Anyone... Joe.... I'm just trying to get a guesstimate of what we will receive... Thanks

  • DebraApril 26, 2018 at 4:57 pm

    I just heard that they are still waiting on the final point value to be determined. After settlement amounts are known, each case will complete the lien process. $1,500 payouts are being done now. Clients that have fully qualifying GranuFlo and NaturaLyte claims are not being cleared for payment until after the lien resolution process which takes 90 - 120 days. They said that the next correspon[Show More]I just heard that they are still waiting on the final point value to be determined. After settlement amounts are known, each case will complete the lien process. $1,500 payouts are being done now. Clients that have fully qualifying GranuFlo and NaturaLyte claims are not being cleared for payment until after the lien resolution process which takes 90 - 120 days. They said that the next correspondence I will receive should be indication of the gross settlement amount.. So we wait and wait. I am tired of waiting. My husband died 9 years ago in June.

  • AmandaApril 26, 2018 at 4:53 am

    I keep getting the same run around from my lawyer the past few months. They act if they have no idea about the claims administration already releasing points. Every time I ask it i's well no news is good news. That the longer it take the administrator the higher your point value is. I sure hope for that to be accurate. Honestly tho this has become such a mess with deadlines being pushed and pushed[Show More]I keep getting the same run around from my lawyer the past few months. They act if they have no idea about the claims administration already releasing points. Every time I ask it i's well no news is good news. That the longer it take the administrator the higher your point value is. I sure hope for that to be accurate. Honestly tho this has become such a mess with deadlines being pushed and pushed. She did say however that those with the 1500 payouts would be expecting there's pretty soon because there's nothing to review.

  • thomasApril 25, 2018 at 12:16 am

    I was straight bamboozle the 3kt in my mothers dalysus bath has no shipping record theres no wat u can provide proof of the 3kt even the doctor cant show proof of what they gave my mother my appeal was denied now i have to file criminal charges of involuntary manslaughter against the docs. My attorney held these records from me for 3 years

  • starts with a "J"April 24, 2018 at 1:59 pm

    Thomas I believe your guy's name starts with a "J" . He is proflific writer on here and has written volumes about this case.

  • ConfusedApril 21, 2018 at 9:01 pm

    Has anyone with a pending appeal heard anything from their lawyer? Any appeal updates?

  • LaurieApril 20, 2018 at 1:33 pm

    As usual I have been given the run around by the ABA (American Bar Association) regarding the hurtful e-mail I got from my Attorney's office. Typical to say the least. I will keep trying. In the mean time this case has gone on long enough for all involved! Its disgusting how all the victims have been treated by not just a billion dollar company but by court system and our own attorneys! I ev[Show More]As usual I have been given the run around by the ABA (American Bar Association) regarding the hurtful e-mail I got from my Attorney's office. Typical to say the least. I will keep trying. In the mean time this case has gone on long enough for all involved! Its disgusting how all the victims have been treated by not just a billion dollar company but by court system and our own attorneys! I even contacted my state senator and congressman. Guess what I got an email that only spoke of their accomplishments....God help us all! I am beyond disgusted with everything.

  • ArthurApril 19, 2018 at 5:27 pm

    I was told the $1,500 checks minus fees are being delivered this week and next week. The settlement checks should be sent out in mid-July. May is the month of appeals from the people who didn't make the settlement. So hopefully it will be over soon.

  • thomasApril 17, 2018 at 7:15 pm

    so many mind games on here with many of the post done by the same person under many different names this person really likes using names that start with a d maybe most the post on this site are done by him. A very sick twisted person trolls here. Its is all but impossible to figure out who is legit and who is fake with any confidence. advice is not to believe anything on here 100%

  • LaurieApril 17, 2018 at 5:53 pm

    I have kept all emails and paperwork since day one. The attorney is aware that I will keep this email and that I would not accept her apology. I really dont want to have to get another lawyer to see if I can get compensated on this since this case has taken a toll on me as it is. Trust me this isnt over not by a long shot and when the time is right there will be consequences to her actions. I [Show More]I have kept all emails and paperwork since day one. The attorney is aware that I will keep this email and that I would not accept her apology. I really dont want to have to get another lawyer to see if I can get compensated on this since this case has taken a toll on me as it is. Trust me this isnt over not by a long shot and when the time is right there will be consequences to her actions. I have already contacted the ABA to see what they say about this. Hate to think what else she has said about me and other clients behind our backs!

  • joeApril 17, 2018 at 5:36 am

    I feel sorry for the people that had there cases Dismissed. I don't understand how those claims could have Actually even made it to the Claims administrator. Most claims don't look like they even met the criteria. Are you sure your dismissal notices came from the claims administrator. To me it looks like they were dismissed before they ever made it to the administrator. You are just being noti[Show More]I feel sorry for the people that had there cases Dismissed. I don't understand how those claims could have Actually even made it to the Claims administrator. Most claims don't look like they even met the criteria. Are you sure your dismissal notices came from the claims administrator. To me it looks like they were dismissed before they ever made it to the administrator. You are just being notified of it now though. It clearly states you must have proof of the use of Granuflo And a cardiac arrest within 24 hours. Some are leaving out in there post, if Granuflo was actually used. Not that you think it was used,but that it actually was used. Some are Also not Stating if the cardiac arrest took place within 24 hours after use of Granuflo. Like my case states, Based on our review of your medical file with documenting use of Granuflo, with a demonstrated cardiac arrest within 24 hours. There should be no miss understanding of what that means. I mean it is pretty straightforward. I am a little confused on who Actually dismissed the cases and when they were actually dismissed. Thanks Denice for posting that you Recently received your point value. Some people are saying it is done If you recently received your point value it cannot be done. People have to realize there are different categories but they are not different settlements all categories must be resolved as in all claims Must be reviewed for all categories then it will be done. I haven't received anything yet One way or the other ,so we shall see.

  • JoeApril 17, 2018 at 1:03 am

    For Naturalyte The compensation for these claims will follow the same baseline and add on formula for Granuflo but Will be capped at 50% Of what the applicable Granuflo Award would have been. So as you can see Naturalyte Follows the same formula as Granuflo But the Point value award would Only be up to 50% of what Granufo point value would have been.What i am trying to say is the point value woul[Show More]For Naturalyte The compensation for these claims will follow the same baseline and add on formula for Granuflo but Will be capped at 50% Of what the applicable Granuflo Award would have been. So as you can see Naturalyte Follows the same formula as Granuflo But the Point value award would Only be up to 50% of what Granufo point value would have been.What i am trying to say is the point value would be the same as The Granuflo point system but the award amount could only go as high as 50% of what you would have received in the Granuflo compensation fund. So if each person got a point value of 100 and lets say that equals $166,000 for Granuflo then Naturalyte claim with the same point value would only receive $83,000 at the most and that would come from the Naturalyte compensation fund, a $5 Million fund. Those are only examples i have no idea what the true award amount will be per point value . Arthur where are you seeing death head to occur to qualify? In my case death did occur but I don't see it stating that it had to. in fact for the extraordinary injury fund. It states this is a $10 million fund (Pay attention to what I put in quotes) "set aside for Those claimant who qualify under the Naturalyte or Granuflo Compensation fund" But also present unique and uncommon facts Concerning their injury. Which may include Patients who suffer a cardiac arrest but do not pass in a sudden or near sudden manner and go onto receive medical care and experience pain and suffering for an extended period of time . Professor Green will be making the determination's on Which cases qualify for this fund. This is were appeals are going to fall into play if there are any. Epiq Systems is NOT making the determination on extraordinary injury fund claims Professor Green is making the determination and he is the claims Administrator for Epiq Systems. So those cases will take a longer period of time for review and Professor Greens determination. This is where his decision comes in to play . Most points values NOt not associated with the extraordinary injury fund Those Are a simple point based value system. There is really no determination that needs to be made You either took Granuflo and died Within 24 hours And you're Potassium bicarbonate level and time of death before the 24 hour deadline would give you add on points. As long as you have doctors testimony stating that more than likely Granuflo was the Cause of death. Then you are in the settlement Epiq Systems only has to look at the formula and determine your point value there is nothing more to it. However the extraordinary Injury fund Needs Professor Green to make a decision and determination. It's not as simple as just Epiq Systems looking at a list of points and then adding them to your claim for whatever you qualify for. So here's my point you must first qualify for the Naturalyte or Granuflo compensation fund that includes surviving a cardiac arrest after the use of the drug. However to get up to 2x the amount of what you would have in either the Naturalyte or Granuflo compensation fund. For The Granuflo compensation fund you only had to take Granuflo and had to have A cardiac arrest within 24 hrs . Now for the extraordinary injury fund you had to have a cardiac arrest within 24 hours. You did not have to die but you had to also receive medical treatment and you had to have Pain and suffering for a extended period of time. So for the Granuflo compensation fund you did not have to die. You just had to meet all the criteria for that category . Probably wont ne very many cases that survived and meet all criteria. i hope there are a lot that did survive but Unfortunately with how few cases there are,it doesn't seam likely.

  • KristineApril 14, 2018 at 3:14 pm

    I have been following this site since the beginning but have never posted. I found the information posted here very helpful but have just been informed by my lawyer that my case was denied due to failure to prove that granuflo was used. I was led to believe that I had a strong case. My case is being appealed. My husband had a cardiac arrest on Feb 11, 2010 and passed away within 24 hrs after his d[Show More]I have been following this site since the beginning but have never posted. I found the information posted here very helpful but have just been informed by my lawyer that my case was denied due to failure to prove that granuflo was used. I was led to believe that I had a strong case. My case is being appealed. My husband had a cardiac arrest on Feb 11, 2010 and passed away within 24 hrs after his dialysis treatment. The dialysis center which was part of a health system network had an exclusive contract with Fresenius for granuflo and NaturaLyte at that time. Apparently that wasn’t good enough because my husbands record doesn’t indicate what was used. So much time has passed that no one can recall what was used. To top it off, DaVita has taken over this dialysis center in 2014 so they are not helpful. How have others been able to prove without question that granuflo was used? I do not hold out any hope that my appeal will go anywhere. This is so disheartening

  • DeniceApril 13, 2018 at 7:35 pm

    Laurie your attorney was very rude and unprofessional, you are not crazy, all of the attorneys just want another paycheck and they are clueless about the pain that we have all went through on this case. I hope that you were able to keep that email, I would use it to seek damages for emotional stress against the law firm. The fact that she apologized does not compensate for the stress it shows that[Show More]Laurie your attorney was very rude and unprofessional, you are not crazy, all of the attorneys just want another paycheck and they are clueless about the pain that we have all went through on this case. I hope that you were able to keep that email, I would use it to seek damages for emotional stress against the law firm. The fact that she apologized does not compensate for the stress it shows that she caused stress to you, please consult with an attorney about this matter.

  • DeniceApril 13, 2018 at 7:19 pm

    Hi Authur, I think there could be more than one Denice on here, Naturalyte was never in the medical files for my loved one case, and that's not my post, thanks.

  • ShanApril 13, 2018 at 6:41 pm

    Has anyone received their second letter stating what the point values are?

  • ArthurApril 13, 2018 at 5:30 pm

    Laurie, my letter was also dated Jan. 5 from Portland, Oregon. As I previously have posted. 175 points is what one of my friends has received as well. Death within 4 hours of treatment. I didn't receive my letter till the early part of March. That's only because I called to see if they had received a letter from the administrator. 175 points is more belIeveable then let's say 209 points It's j[Show More]Laurie, my letter was also dated Jan. 5 from Portland, Oregon. As I previously have posted. 175 points is what one of my friends has received as well. Death within 4 hours of treatment. I didn't receive my letter till the early part of March. That's only because I called to see if they had received a letter from the administrator. 175 points is more belIeveable then let's say 209 points It's just more attainable. I don't think many people are going to achieve between 200-275 points unless the lab points come in

  • RobertApril 12, 2018 at 4:42 pm

    I lost my wife July of 2012 due to cardiac arrest she was only 28 yrs old. I got a letter denying her case. She had two cardiac events. The first one was on July 3 2012 after dialysis. Her heart stopped for 20 mins and she was brain dead. She was put on life support because I believe in God and I know he can do anything and I wasnt going to give up but she never came back but while she was on life[Show More]I lost my wife July of 2012 due to cardiac arrest she was only 28 yrs old. I got a letter denying her case. She had two cardiac events. The first one was on July 3 2012 after dialysis. Her heart stopped for 20 mins and she was brain dead. She was put on life support because I believe in God and I know he can do anything and I wasnt going to give up but she never came back but while she was on life support the hospital was giving her dialysis. On July 27 she had another cardiac event while on life support. So our case was denied because her second cardiac arrest at the hospital they said caused her death and the hospital didn't use Granuflo but the center she went to did which caused her first cardiac arrest and from that she went brain dead and on life support. I dont understand and they said that there's nothing I can do.

  • LaurieApril 11, 2018 at 3:22 pm

    I wanted to know why my letter was dated January 5 but didnt get a copy until February 21 and when I asked I was sent an email "by mistake" that was sent from my attorneys legal assistant to him stating "she has gone down crazy lane"! Of course I replied to that with "how unprofessional of her" and got a call from the Attorney apologizing, she did not mean to send that to me and do not take it pe[Show More]I wanted to know why my letter was dated January 5 but didnt get a copy until February 21 and when I asked I was sent an email "by mistake" that was sent from my attorneys legal assistant to him stating "she has gone down crazy lane"! Of course I replied to that with "how unprofessional of her" and got a call from the Attorney apologizing, she did not mean to send that to me and do not take it personally but I do not accept that apology! How much more has she said about me or other clients is my question? I am definately and rightfully upset!

  • LaurieApril 11, 2018 at 3:16 pm

    I pray it is too. Got my letter in January for 175 points.

  • ArthurApril 10, 2018 at 7:05 pm

    Denice in the past you posted that you were in the Naturalyte category. How do you end up with 200 points. That is a totally different category then Granuflo category. In your letter it tells how you received 200 points. In a earlier post I had explained how the points are given Here is your old post. Denise October 31, 2017 at 9:02 am Reply I received a letter from my attorney on 10/26/17. My d[Show More]Denice in the past you posted that you were in the Naturalyte category. How do you end up with 200 points. That is a totally different category then Granuflo category. In your letter it tells how you received 200 points. In a earlier post I had explained how the points are given Here is your old post. Denise October 31, 2017 at 9:02 am Reply I received a letter from my attorney on 10/26/17. My deceased loved one is in the NaturaLyte category. “A claims package is submitted to the settlement administrator for your case and includes all the documentation to show that your case meets the settlement criteria.” That’s just a snippet of the letter. I will be notified “when the settlement administrator has completed their review and makes their determination for your case.” That being typed, we shall see what happens. Howeve, my lawyer also stated in my letter that the process will be ongoing throughout 2017

  • DeniceApril 10, 2018 at 4:45 am

    Recently received a letter stating that our family is eligible for 200 points. Hoping this will finally be over by June.

  • DebbraApril 3, 2018 at 5:35 pm

    More and more and more delays.......

  • JoeApril 2, 2018 at 8:29 am

    Sorry, that last post did not make a whole lot of sense. All I was trying to say was, if you had Proof of the use of Granuflo and a documented cardiac arrest within 24 hours. I don't see how they could exclude you if your claim was submitted to the claims Administrator. You would be entitled to at least the minimum or base award . So I wouldn't worry right now even if you did not receive a point v[Show More]Sorry, that last post did not make a whole lot of sense. All I was trying to say was, if you had Proof of the use of Granuflo and a documented cardiac arrest within 24 hours. I don't see how they could exclude you if your claim was submitted to the claims Administrator. You would be entitled to at least the minimum or base award . So I wouldn't worry right now even if you did not receive a point value yet. It's possible the lead lawyers do have all point values but have not Released them to all law firm's yet. I was trying to explain the appeals may not be for the opt-in claims As of right now. There are other appeals that aren't part of the opt-in claims. So when Arthur said his lawyer said they are waiting on appeals they may not be referring to the administrators Determination on claims. Those Appeals will come if there are any but they don't have them as of now. They can only have them when everyone receives some type of official letter with the determination by the claims Administrator. Yes It is over. The settlement has been funded. If your claim or case was dismissed before it ever made it to the claims administrator those are some of the people that are appealing right now. Some of those appeals have been terminated and some have already been ruled on. I don't know how many appeals are left if any. If you read that status conference reference to the settlement. It states Basically the judge just wanted a update On the settlement process. Meaning he probably wanted to know how many so far have been approved. Also the expected appeal date if there are any appeals . I don't know exactly what was said at the status conference but I do know the lawyer said at the end of May they should have the appeals if there are any. Those will go before Judge Woodlock When they have a total number if any. So the way I see it is if you don't have some type of determination or official letter from the claims Administrator by The beginning to middle of May. The likelihood is that you are not part of the settlement. You should receive some type of official determination before that. They're not just going to leave your case in limbo and not Notify you of anything. That wouldn't be morally or ethically right.Sorry, that last post did not make a whole lot of sense. All I was trying to say was, if you had Proof of the use of Granuflo and a documented cardiac arrest within 24 hours. I don't see how they could exclude you if your claim was submitted to the claims Administrator. You would be entitled to at least the minimum or base award . So I wouldn't worry right now even if you did not receive a point value yet. It's possible the lead lawyers do have all point values but have not Released them to all law firm's yet. I was trying to explain the appeals may not be for the opt-in claims As of right now. There are other appeals that aren't part of the opt-in claims. So when Arthur says his lawyer said they are waiting on appeals they may not be referring to the administrators Determination on claims. Those Appeals will come if there are any but they don't have them as of now. They can only have them when everyone receives some type of official letter with the determination by the claims Administrator. Yes It is over. The settlement has been funded. If your claim or case was dismissed before it ever made it to the claims administrator those are some of the people that are appealing right now. Some of those appeals have been terminated and some have already been ruled on. I don't know how many appeals are left if any. If you read that status conference reference to the settlement. It states Basically the judge just wanted a update On the settlement process. Meaning he probably wanted to know how many so far have been approved. Also the expected appeal date if there are any appeals . I don't know exactly what was said at the status conference but I do know the lawyer said at the end of May they should have the appeals if there are any. Those will go before Judge Woodlock When they have a total number if any. So the way I see it is if you don't have some type of determination or official letter from the claims Administrator by The beginning to middle of May. The likelihood is that you are not part of the settlement. You should receive some type of official determination before that. They're not just going to leave your case in limbo and not Notify you of anything. That wouldn't be morally or ethically right.

  • JoeApril 1, 2018 at 11:49 am

    I wouldn't worry if you haven't received a point value yet. I know some have received their value but not all have. It could be possible the lead lawyers do have All the values but have not released them yet. If you qualified for the plan of allocation (settlement) The likelihood is you will receive something as long as you have documented use of Granuflo and A cardiac arrest within 24 hours after[Show More]I wouldn't worry if you haven't received a point value yet. I know some have received their value but not all have. It could be possible the lead lawyers do have All the values but have not released them yet. If you qualified for the plan of allocation (settlement) The likelihood is you will receive something as long as you have documented use of Granuflo and A cardiac arrest within 24 hours after use . The only way you would not receive a point value Is if they thought you took Granuflo and you really didn't. If that was the case they never Would have submitted your claim to the claims administrator. That would be considered a meritless claim. It would have been dismissed way before it ever Made it to the claims administrator. I don't Know Why people are talking about dismissed cases as in appeals they are making people believe that they already no Appeals if any for opt-in cases that were Dismissed they don't no all appeals for people that opted in if for some rare reason they found a persons case to be in eligible after opting in would be very Unlikely he we. Everyone will get either a point value or a notice of dismissal or a in eligible notice . . Those appeals wont go before Woodlock until the end of May and they don't even know if there will be any Appeals that were excepted into the plan of allocation (Settlement). However there are some appeals that are happening right now due to Statute of limitation there maybe other Reasons for the appeals. I don't know what they are though. I know there are 84 cases Appealing. But what I see for those cases is that they have been terminated. I also know there were approximately 10 cases that they were arguing that just because There bicarbonate level was 28 or less should have the Option to have a jury decide the outcome of there case and should not have been dismissed. However from my understanding those were opt-out cases that had documentation of Naturalyte use. I believe the judge dismissed those cases based on the Dial trial outcome. The lawyers are appealing the ruling. The Dial case is also being appealed .So when Lawyers are telling people they are waiting on appeals. I don't believe they are referring to the appeals from opt-in claims those aren't known as of yet. There maybe none. There won't be hundreds of those, or there may not be any but if there were any at the most there would probably be only a few. Those won't take years to be done they will be done in a timely and quick manner. If there are any at all. People don't understand There are more appeals then people are aware of. They have nothing to do with opt in claims. Did you ever wonder why their were only 2 Bell-weather Trials when there was supposed to be at least 8 . I don't have exact details but it looks like our lawyers were trying to just dismiss one of the bell-weather cases. Out of the total eight and the judge ended up dismissing all of them. So right now they are appealing. That decisions. I don't know on what grounds or anything about it.I just know it is in the Court of Appeals. However These are not opt in cases. They are not referring to opt in cases. Most to all are based on opt out cases.

  • AmandaMarch 29, 2018 at 5:44 am

    Larry me and joe, had told people several times there wasnt as many people left in the top settlement claim as everyone had thought. My lawyer said out his 650 something only 5 was approved. The reason for this was back last year I think not exactly sure on the dates but from what my lawyer told me was the cases he thought he had in the bag turned out to not even have a case at all because they ti[Show More]Larry me and joe, had told people several times there wasnt as many people left in the top settlement claim as everyone had thought. My lawyer said out his 650 something only 5 was approved. The reason for this was back last year I think not exactly sure on the dates but from what my lawyer told me was the cases he thought he had in the bag turned out to not even have a case at all because they tightened the criteria. You had to meet that to be qualified and even if u missed it by 1 min there was no case and your levels had to be a certain amount. So that's when big wigs said OK well since we changed the criteria so late in the case they offered the 1500 basically to say sorry but not really sorry. As of today I still haven't received aby thing don't know how many points we was awarded or nothing. Praying for the best outcome.

  • RamonaMarch 27, 2018 at 7:46 am

    Well. This is only my 2nd post on this blog, but it will be my last as my case was dismissed. My mother passed ten years ago in june, she went in the hospital on a friday and was dead by wednesday. She had congestive heart failure and had been retaining too much fluid,and could not breathe, she had gone thru this before and no problems they got the fluods off and gave her meds and she went home, [Show More]Well. This is only my 2nd post on this blog, but it will be my last as my case was dismissed. My mother passed ten years ago in june, she went in the hospital on a friday and was dead by wednesday. She had congestive heart failure and had been retaining too much fluid,and could not breathe, she had gone thru this before and no problems they got the fluods off and gave her meds and she went home, never had kidney dialysis before this time . We saw her saturdayTook her food she was fine,that night they gave her naturalyte to prepare her for dialysis, she on sunday was a different person, hallunicating crazy acting, we went home that night she had cardiac arrest. No more mom, they reciusitated her, and called us to say things were not good.she was basically gone.we took her off the machine on wednesday.our lawyer told us we had a good case, so we waited patientely, my brother passed away after 6 years ,waiting, im glad he didnt have to know the sorry outcome of this ripoff so called lawsuit. It would have broke his heart to hear in my dismissal letter that my mother died from the less toxic naturalyte, toxic it says but less toxic, ha what a joke.i pray someone on this blog gets something great outta this because unfortunately, in my opinion the lawyers are the only ones who won. God bless you all

  • ConfusedMarch 26, 2018 at 11:47 pm

    Wow Larry!! This is terrible news!!!! However, I appreciate you sharing. I really "hope" our lawyers don't let this happen to everyone. This is really unfair to everyone!!! Sounds like this was all for nothing. Our loved ones get little to no justice!! Where can we all go from here????

  • larryMarch 22, 2018 at 11:48 pm

    Well, hate to be the breaker of bad news, but according to my attorney, with whom I spoke with last week, he said only about 32 out of his 250 clients will be in the top injury group!! This is not a good percentage!! He claims most Fresenius clinics were not using the Granu- Flo liquid!! This means approx 218 of his clients will only receive the minimum of $1500.00!! What a bummer??? This case has[Show More]Well, hate to be the breaker of bad news, but according to my attorney, with whom I spoke with last week, he said only about 32 out of his 250 clients will be in the top injury group!! This is not a good percentage!! He claims most Fresenius clinics were not using the Granu- Flo liquid!! This means approx 218 of his clients will only receive the minimum of $1500.00!! What a bummer??? This case has gone from a great case to win justice for people who lost loved ones to a total nightmare!! So why did all these patients mysteriously drop dead with cardiac arrest after dialysis treatments?? People have waited 7-8 years for this case to be resolved truthfully and fairly and most of them have heard their case was dismissed or they are getting $1500 after their loved ones were basically killed by Fresenius??? What a travesty of justice!! Joe, maybe you can explain how this went from a can't lose case to a total bust?? Would love to hear your thoughts on the terrible way this case has been handled!!

  • DebraMarch 21, 2018 at 4:06 pm

    I was told yesterday by paralegal they likely won't know anything about cases cleared for settlement until closer to the end of April. That is when they will begin receiving information and not all cases will be cleared at the same time. They will get reports on a rolling basis. As soon as they know something they will contact me. All I know is I have been approved for 100 points.

  • JoeMarch 21, 2018 at 12:46 am

    Terrible news Thomas, I don’t think I can be of much help. The problem is the timeframe is pretty long. You stated they had a shipment a year before your mothers dialysis then another shipment a year after. Are you sure Granuflo was used? You do realize Fresenius Manufactures more than just Granuflo and Naturalyte they also use and Manufacture Citrasate DRY – Dry Acid Concentrate . You could ca[Show More]Terrible news Thomas, I don’t think I can be of much help. The problem is the timeframe is pretty long. You stated they had a shipment a year before your mothers dialysis then another shipment a year after. Are you sure Granuflo was used? You do realize Fresenius Manufactures more than just Granuflo and Naturalyte they also use and Manufacture Citrasate DRY – Dry Acid Concentrate . You could call and see if they had a shipment of Citrasate Around the time of your mothers treatment. You have to understand the doctor does not give a direct prescription for Granuflo It’s a general order whatever they have or are using at the time is used for the dialysis. If you really believe Granuflo was used You may have an opportunity to appeal. But you have to have some kind of merit to your appeal. I would call your lawyer and see what the options are.

  • ThomasMarch 18, 2018 at 12:36 pm

    Hello everyone its me the guy joe mention about with the 39 biocarbnate level joe if they diqualifed me wat is a 3kt and a 2kt they are both granuflo products. Any way people its real i was rulied disqualified because of a vanish shipping record. Apparently they recive 3kt a year prior and a year's after bit not the time of her death even though its proof that the facilty only receive fresenius pr[Show More]Hello everyone its me the guy joe mention about with the 39 biocarbnate level joe if they diqualifed me wat is a 3kt and a 2kt they are both granuflo products. Any way people its real i was rulied disqualified because of a vanish shipping record. Apparently they recive 3kt a year prior and a year's after bit not the time of her death even though its proof that the facilty only receive fresenius products and the product was delivered but not that 3kt for a whole year they only receive a 2 kt and the sad thing is the nurse told me last week on the day of my mother's death she use a 3kt that come from fresenius and the only prouducts they use are fresenius products so i can to this blog today with advise joe. Or any one can u please email me at chloekarizmaking@gmail .i need help in finding shipment records that i never new didn't exist

  • ArthurMarch 15, 2018 at 6:21 pm

    Monique, pretty much in a nutshell this is how the points are giving. 100 is your base points, 75 if you died with 4 hours of treatment, 25 if in between 4hours-12hours, 0 in between 12-24 hours. Your lab works under 2 categories 25 if your level is under 4 in potassium levels and 25 if you are over 28 in the bicarbonates level, if you reach both levels I believe it's an additional 50 for a total [Show More]Monique, pretty much in a nutshell this is how the points are giving. 100 is your base points, 75 if you died with 4 hours of treatment, 25 if in between 4hours-12hours, 0 in between 12-24 hours. Your lab works under 2 categories 25 if your level is under 4 in potassium levels and 25 if you are over 28 in the bicarbonates level, if you reach both levels I believe it's an additional 50 for a total 100. Max points is 275. My letter came from Portland, Oregon. You stated your Mom passed at the clinic but was put on life support and died about a week later. I am not sure how that meets the criteria of passing within 24 hours. You should still have received 2 letters one from the administrator and one from your Attorney. I would look into it if I was you.

  • G2March 14, 2018 at 7:03 am

    I think when the lawyer said it’s done they meant for the person or case that received the point value their claim is done. They didn’t mean all claims were done. I don’t know for sure but they may have done the claims for state cases first. Only the people that receive the point values knows if they had a state case or if it was a Federal case. Also for the appeals I was told that was for categ[Show More]I think when the lawyer said it’s done they meant for the person or case that received the point value their claim is done. They didn’t mean all claims were done. I don’t know for sure but they may have done the claims for state cases first. Only the people that receive the point values knows if they had a state case or if it was a Federal case. Also for the appeals I was told that was for category determination not point values. You can’t appeal a point value with out a dollar amount known. That’s how it was explain to me. I don’t know if it’s true or not. I was also told appeals would be very few if any. Again I don’t know if that is true or not. I didn’t receive a point value yet either. I had documented proof of a cardiac arrest within 24hrs and documented proof of Granuflo use the day of dialysis. The date also Falls in line with the Parameters of 2002 - 2012 it occurred in 2009. All documents were submitted to the Claims administrator There is no way all claims have been reviewed and it is done. I would have received some type of letter one way or another. I called my lawyer and he said for his law firm point values are still coming in. He said he thinks at the maximum 60 days but he expects more in line with 30 days they all should be done. Who nose if he is telling me the truth or not,we will see.

  • AngieMarch 14, 2018 at 3:16 am

    I've posted on here a couple of times. I too, hadn't heard anything up until last week when I decided to call the attorney's office. I was told there are roughly 7,500 plaintiffs left in the lawsuit. Out of the about 7,500, roughly 5,500 are being sent checks for a flat amount of $1500. He said those who were receiving the $1500 would be the first ones paid out sometime in the next 60 days. I[Show More]I've posted on here a couple of times. I too, hadn't heard anything up until last week when I decided to call the attorney's office. I was told there are roughly 7,500 plaintiffs left in the lawsuit. Out of the about 7,500, roughly 5,500 are being sent checks for a flat amount of $1500. He said those who were receiving the $1500 would be the first ones paid out sometime in the next 60 days. I inquired into the point value I was given a couple of years ago and asked if it was accurate or just a guesstimate....he said it was an estimate, but accurate and might even go up. I also asked when I could expect to see something in writing, he said within 60 days. I stopped believing them along time ago...At this point it's whatever. I am in my journey of healing and after almost 6 years, am learning how to live without my dad.

  • AmandaMarch 14, 2018 at 2:31 am

    Well spoke to my attorney today and we'll still at knowing nothing and said they didn't epext to receive any updates any time soon. So basically nice way of saying don't call.. which I guess they do get aggravated but so do we. No letter from claims administration so guess waiting on that..

  • MoniqueMarch 13, 2018 at 7:59 pm

    Arthur.... I don't know how much I'm receiving. I was told my point value by my paralegal. I called and asked for an update on my case and she told me, that my case was approved for granuflo and my point value is 200. She stated, all they are waiting on is payment. How long that will take??? Don't know. What's not adding up??? I'm only stating what I was told. Im waiting just like everyone else.

  • KimMarch 13, 2018 at 2:23 pm

    I have not received any letter from anyone. I'm assuming I'm still part of the settlement because I haven't been told otherwise. I called my lawyers office last week for a status report and received a voicemail back from the paralegal saying "no, we have not heard back yet so we're still waiting to hear back from the settlement committee for the claims administrator. As soon as we do I'll give [Show More]I have not received any letter from anyone. I'm assuming I'm still part of the settlement because I haven't been told otherwise. I called my lawyers office last week for a status report and received a voicemail back from the paralegal saying "no, we have not heard back yet so we're still waiting to hear back from the settlement committee for the claims administrator. As soon as we do I'll give you a call but check back maybe in 30 days to see if we have any new information."

  • olia909March 13, 2018 at 11:56 am

    what's going on with this? everything was supposed to be taken care of by the first quarter of 2018. it's almost so confused and frustrated

  • ReidMarch 13, 2018 at 2:46 am

    I is a first post on this as my sister died from the settlement. I was told by my lawyer in New York that they are still waiting on my sister claim. Is this true? Are they lying to me. I am going to see by April. Did everyone already got their claims. Thank you for your help

  • ArthurMarch 12, 2018 at 9:55 pm

    Monique just curious how do you know how much you are receiving. Nobody knows that but technically you should of received a letter stating your points. Such as time of death, cause of death and lab works. It's not adding up.

  • larryMarch 12, 2018 at 9:23 pm

    Are there still many, or any people who are involved in this lawsuit, that have not received a letter from their attorney-and,or from the administrator?? I was told everyone still involved would receive notice by the end of Feb!! Thanks to Joe for his updates!! And yes, I have to agree with the person who asked if anybody, and if so whomever, has been receiving interest on this money that Freseni[Show More]Are there still many, or any people who are involved in this lawsuit, that have not received a letter from their attorney-and,or from the administrator?? I was told everyone still involved would receive notice by the end of Feb!! Thanks to Joe for his updates!! And yes, I have to agree with the person who asked if anybody, and if so whomever, has been receiving interest on this money that Fresenius alledgedly paid in Nov 2017!! That means the money has been sitting somewhere, over 3 months???

  • JoeMarch 12, 2018 at 4:32 pm

    Arthur, I don’t think you understand it completely. The 15 day appeal process is Mark from the day you get your point value letter. So the people that got Their point value letters would have 15 days from the date they received theirs. People are receiving letters periodically some received them January some received there is February and some will be receiving their’s in March and April 15 days W[Show More]Arthur, I don’t think you understand it completely. The 15 day appeal process is Mark from the day you get your point value letter. So the people that got Their point value letters would have 15 days from the date they received theirs. People are receiving letters periodically some received them January some received there is February and some will be receiving their’s in March and April 15 days Will apply to the date you received your letter. I mean I don’t know what your letter says but your lawyer cannot skip your option to appeal that would be illegal. Let’s say someone got there. Letter January 1 they would have until the 16th to appeal And if you got yours March 8 you would have until the 23rd. I mean I did not ask my lawyer but maybe it is only for a selected few that believe they should be in the extraordinary injury fund and we’re not moved. Maybe you have to have documentation that is questionable. Meaning it is possible it could be moved if they clean the administrator verify that. So I don’t know maybe you’re right maybe not all cases can be Appealed. But I doubt very seriously it would be for the people that did not make it in to the settlement or after the claims administrator look it over determined it was not valid. There would be nothing to appeal there you either have the documentation or you do not. If I asked my lawyer he would tell me if all cases have been reviewed. He said they are coming in daily why would he say that if it was not true. He would just tell me I’m sorry but it doesn’t look like you’ve made it into the settlement. He wouldn’t give me a line about claims are still being reviewed. There would be no reason for that.

  • ArthurMarch 10, 2018 at 1:17 am

    My letter was sent to my Attorney on January 5, 2018. I just now received my letter from my Attorneys on March 8, 2018. If I hadn't had called to see about my letter I wouldn't have gotten it yesterday. It was just sent regular mail not FedEx like my friend. And yes there is a 15 day appeals process which is already over. But what my firm had said the people who didn't get accepted in the settleme[Show More]My letter was sent to my Attorney on January 5, 2018. I just now received my letter from my Attorneys on March 8, 2018. If I hadn't had called to see about my letter I wouldn't have gotten it yesterday. It was just sent regular mail not FedEx like my friend. And yes there is a 15 day appeals process which is already over. But what my firm had said the people who didn't get accepted in the settlement process have unti Mayl to be heard by the Judge. Monies should be distributed by June or July.

  • larryMarch 9, 2018 at 8:44 pm

    I still have not heard anything from anybody(attorney or administrator) on this suit either!! The last recording on my attorneys phone messages is dated Nov 29,2017. He stated they should be through will all claims within 90 days, which would have been at end of Feb!! He has posted no new messages so I assume more delays again. Now I am hearing on this site that appeals on cases will go til end of[Show More]I still have not heard anything from anybody(attorney or administrator) on this suit either!! The last recording on my attorneys phone messages is dated Nov 29,2017. He stated they should be through will all claims within 90 days, which would have been at end of Feb!! He has posted no new messages so I assume more delays again. Now I am hearing on this site that appeals on cases will go til end of May!! This is so ridiculous!! Every time you think the end of this case is near, more delays occur!! I am strongly starting to believe this lawsuit will go into 2019!! What a joke!! Everyone involved in this whole mess of a case causing these delays should be ashamed of the way it has been handled!! Fresenius should have had to pay a million dollars to each family that lost a love one due to their negligence!! You can bet they will continue to find reasons for delays to finalize this case!! It should have been resolved by the end of 2017!! Too much talk- and not enough action!!!!

  • MoniqueMarch 9, 2018 at 7:34 pm

    Hello all.... I have been reading you all posts for a while. We all are going through a tough time due to the circumstances we all are in. I lost my mom March 24, 2009. She flat lined at the dialysis clinic. By the time they could have resuscitate her, she was already brain dead. We took her off the ventilator April 1, 2009. That tore my brother and I apart. My mind wasn't right at that time of my[Show More]Hello all.... I have been reading you all posts for a while. We all are going through a tough time due to the circumstances we all are in. I lost my mom March 24, 2009. She flat lined at the dialysis clinic. By the time they could have resuscitate her, she was already brain dead. We took her off the ventilator April 1, 2009. That tore my brother and I apart. My mind wasn't right at that time of my mothers death, so I didn't pursue to go after the clinic then. I wish I would have then. We may have been way compensated way more than we are now. But that still wouldn't have brought my mother back. Do they need to pay, yes? But it is what it is now. I have been calling my lawyer office every week to check my status. I was told that, everything is done and I was approved for the granuflo and my point value is 200. Is that enough to compensate my brother and I, no. They say, all they are waiting on for me is payment. I'm so ready to get this over with and go about my life. My mother life was way more important than any amount of money, but they should have paid us way more than what we are getting. Good luck to us all!!

  • DebbieMarch 9, 2018 at 6:59 pm

    I went back to the beginning of this forum. it started in May 2015 so this May it will be 3 years in addition to when we first filed which was 2011- 2012? So that’s 7 years. I just want to know if the “fund” has been collecting interest all this time. That’s a lot of money in interest to whoever is collecting on it.

  • AmandaMarch 9, 2018 at 3:59 am

    Joe, yes I still haven't received anything regarding the amount of points we received on my mom's case. We actually hadn't spoken to our lawyer since the last time. So don't know where we stand at this point. Hopefully soon we will know something

  • JoeMarch 7, 2018 at 7:20 am

    Arthur, I also talk to my lawyer I talked to him last week.He told me about the appeals and I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, so I asked him am I still in the settlement. I don’t understand what you are talking about appeals for , He told me I just wanted you to be aware of it because there is only a 15 day timeline to appeal. Then he explained to me Basically the appeals are for category [Show More]Arthur, I also talk to my lawyer I talked to him last week.He told me about the appeals and I wasn’t sure what he was talking about, so I asked him am I still in the settlement. I don’t understand what you are talking about appeals for , He told me I just wanted you to be aware of it because there is only a 15 day timeline to appeal. Then he explained to me Basically the appeals are for category placement. The appeals are not for the points you are given. I thought about it and it makes Sense. Discovery has been closed for years now. What your lawyer has for medical records is it. He Submitted all document he had. No more can be submitted. So how could you appeal the point value with no more medical records submitted to the administrator. We no that is not possible. Now here is what I mean by category placement. We know you have to first qualify for the Granuflo compilation fund. Then Master Green moves you claim to the extraordinary injury fund if eligible. That is were the appeals fall in to play. Say Green does not move you claim to the extraordinary injury fund and you believe you qualify for that category. Let’s say you survived the cardiac arrest and had pain and suffering and have documentation of that. Say doctors notes therapy Rehab and so forth. Then The determination will be made to move you to the extraordinary injury fund. But let’s say you are missing some of that documentation but you had pain and suffering But we’re not moved to the extraordinary injury fund that’s where the appeal falls into play. You can appeal the category placement. Then it will go before Judge Woodlock For determination of your Appeal. Same Thing for the the kidney transplant list. But most likely those are cut and dry they were either on A transplant list or they were not. So I doubt there will be very many if any from claims that were on the transplant list. Also If the person was on dialysis for acute and not chronic reasons like Kidney failure and the administrator believe it was chronic not acute and does not move the claim to the extraordinary injury fund that would also be grounds for appeal. You can see those are all valid appeals if they happen. Most of the time the administrator makes the right determination. According to my lawyer appeals will be submitted at the end of May Appeals are not taking place as of now. To prove this I will post what came from the court documents at the status conference before Judge Woodlock “Gotz provides court with an update on the settlement claims process and appeals. If necessary, appeals will be submitted to Judge Woodlock at the end of May.” As you can see the appeals will be submitted to Judge Woodlock at the end of May. I was also told point values are still coming in. So as of now not all claims have Received point values. I don’t know What claims are still being reviewed But there are claims that are still under review.

  • JudyMarch 5, 2018 at 7:09 pm

    Can someone explain what are you appealing? Is it you didn't qualify after your attorney sent in your claims for? I'm confused to what is being appealed.This is one stall after another.

  • ArthurMarch 5, 2018 at 4:36 pm

    On the 1st of March I called my lawyers about the results of the process to see if I have been approved for the settlement. She said I had she told me my points and that the Attorneys were holding back on the notifications letters. She said that the Judge had granted 2 or 3 months for the people who were dismissed in this point process to appeal there cade. I hope you all know that the Attorneys [Show More]On the 1st of March I called my lawyers about the results of the process to see if I have been approved for the settlement. She said I had she told me my points and that the Attorneys were holding back on the notifications letters. She said that the Judge had granted 2 or 3 months for the people who were dismissed in this point process to appeal there cade. I hope you all know that the Attorneys ahead of time determine what your point system should be and that the processor agrees with them. So technically they don't want you to appeal the points that are offered to you. My dad's lab work was under 28 and over 4 for the extra criteria. But he did pass in between 4hrs to 8hrs. Since I haven't received my letter I can't appeal a damn thing. Go figure.

  • AmandaMarch 5, 2018 at 5:20 am

    Has anyone received word as to when the dead line is for the claims administer. Or is it one? Joe would you happen to know If they have to be done by a certain time or is it one of those they will be done when they get done type of ordeal.

  • ConfusedMarch 4, 2018 at 7:35 pm

    Thanks again for everyone posting. I'm one of the parties waiting on an appeal. I read via a online post that the appeals are going back to the Judge for review in May (the date this was decided was 2/1/18). My lawyer says they are just waiting for the judges decision, but the lawyer never gave me a time line. So for those waiting on an appeal my understanding is that it goes back in the hands o[Show More]Thanks again for everyone posting. I'm one of the parties waiting on an appeal. I read via a online post that the appeals are going back to the Judge for review in May (the date this was decided was 2/1/18). My lawyer says they are just waiting for the judges decision, but the lawyer never gave me a time line. So for those waiting on an appeal my understanding is that it goes back in the hands of the Judge. So hopefully, there may be "special considerations" for those not yet approved. I really hope we can have some final answers by May. Best of luck to all of us!!!!

  • JoeMarch 2, 2018 at 4:31 pm

    Not sure what you mean Arthur they are holding the point value letters until all the appeals are done. That’s not what my lawyer told me he stated once he receives the point values he sends them out. However he did state point values are coming in daily. I’m not sure what you mean when you say they are Holding the letters until all appeal process are done. You can’t appeal anything without knowing[Show More]Not sure what you mean Arthur they are holding the point value letters until all the appeals are done. That’s not what my lawyer told me he stated once he receives the point values he sends them out. However he did state point values are coming in daily. I’m not sure what you mean when you say they are Holding the letters until all appeal process are done. You can’t appeal anything without knowing what category you were put into. Are you referring to the cases that are appealing,that were dismissed sometime ago and are now appealing. You could not appeal category placement if you are in the settlement without a letter stating what category you are in and what your point value is. You have me confused something doesn’t sound right.

  • JoeMarch 2, 2018 at 3:43 pm

    Point values are basically coming in daily to the law firm‘s. It’s still on going with the claims administrator . But within the next 60 days everything should be completed everyone should know their point value and award amount within 60 days or before This information came from my .lawyer Just talk to him yesterday evening. So not all people have received a point value yet but within the next 60[Show More]Point values are basically coming in daily to the law firm‘s. It’s still on going with the claims administrator . But within the next 60 days everything should be completed everyone should know their point value and award amount within 60 days or before This information came from my .lawyer Just talk to him yesterday evening. So not all people have received a point value yet but within the next 60 days or before you will definitely know something.

  • ChrisMarch 2, 2018 at 3:28 am

    The letter you are addressing is this a letter with the conversion of points to a dollar amount? Did they indicate if the review of liens has been completed? Perhaps this is being addressed at the same time, while they are waiting for the appeal period to expire. Just wondering if you got any additional info. Thank you for your information.

  • JoeMarch 2, 2018 at 1:38 am

    Appeals have to be in by the end of May . The appeals are not for the point values only for the category placement. The point values are final. There is no appealing that, however your point value will increase if you are moved to the extraordinary injury fund. There are some cases that are still being reviewed. Many have already been reviewed but there are some that are still going through the pr[Show More]Appeals have to be in by the end of May . The appeals are not for the point values only for the category placement. The point values are final. There is no appealing that, however your point value will increase if you are moved to the extraordinary injury fund. There are some cases that are still being reviewed. Many have already been reviewed but there are some that are still going through the process. My guess is there is something questionable in there file And the administrator has to take a closer look at it. As for the point values People that have received letters with point values could probably explain the point value System. A lot of the lawyers are waiting to send award amount letters Rather than just a point value. It’s really up to your law firm If they want to send you a point value or wait until the award amount is known. There is no guarantee there will be any appeals. Here is a quote from the status conference. “James Gotz provides court with an update on the settlement claims process and appeals. If necessary, appeals will be submitted to Judge Woodlock at the end of May. “ So there it is,I don’t think all cases have been reviewed at this point I believe a majority of them have been but not all.

  • KimMarch 1, 2018 at 10:39 pm

    Arthur - what do you mean by "they are just holding the letters until all the appeal processes are done"? How do we know if we want to appeal or not if we don't receive the letter? Or are you talking about the letters that state the award amounts? I haven't received a letter yet amount the number of points, Have they already mailed all of those letters?

  • DanielMarch 1, 2018 at 8:08 pm

    I would like to know who the administrator is and how they determine who gets it and who doesn't and how the appeal works I've been waiting five years I think it's a crock of s*** and nobody's going to get any money but attorneys they're the only ones that get paid why does an administrator decide who gets the money I already opted in I think it's a bunch of crap thank you

  • ArthurMarch 1, 2018 at 2:25 pm

    I know that if you died within 4hrs of treatment receives 75 points. I am not sure what the next cutoff of time is. Either 4-8 or 4-12. What is the points for the next level 50 or 25. Anyone know. I called today they are just holding the letters until all the appeal processes are done.

  • SusieFebruary 21, 2018 at 9:19 pm

    So.. My mom has been gone 9 years because of this terrible drug.. We still have not received any letters or points.. She died hooked up to the machine I was 7 months pregnant 3 weeks before my wedding.. I'm a single mom.. any money from the joke of a lawsuit would change my life!! But this going on and on this date that date has me so upset then the lawyers will be getting more money then us and t[Show More]So.. My mom has been gone 9 years because of this terrible drug.. We still have not received any letters or points.. She died hooked up to the machine I was 7 months pregnant 3 weeks before my wedding.. I'm a single mom.. any money from the joke of a lawsuit would change my life!! But this going on and on this date that date has me so upset then the lawyers will be getting more money then us and they didn't loose anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a light at the end of the tunnel!?!?!? I feel like contacting the news about this!!!!!!!

  • MarieFebruary 21, 2018 at 6:48 pm

    Joe, You get 100 base points and then you get 25 points added if it is less than 4 hrs the cardiac arrest. Then you get 25 if the level in the blood was a certain number and then 25 for a couple other categories. I don’t have it in front of me. Can’t remember other reasons you got points added. So you can appeal for example the time of incident if you felt it was less than 4 hrs or if you have p[Show More]Joe, You get 100 base points and then you get 25 points added if it is less than 4 hrs the cardiac arrest. Then you get 25 if the level in the blood was a certain number and then 25 for a couple other categories. I don’t have it in front of me. Can’t remember other reasons you got points added. So you can appeal for example the time of incident if you felt it was less than 4 hrs or if you have proof of levels in the blood being higher. I though my moms was within 5 hours but I had the wrong times. She missed it by like 15 minutes. They gave me until Jan 31 to appeal. My turned out to be accurate so I didn’t appeal anything and I accepted the point value given to my moms case. Not sure what each 25 points will equal to in dollar amount. I am sure it depends on amounts of people still in the settlement. I saw someone else got the full 200. My mom did not due to time and her level of bicarbonate. She got 150 points. Just glad to know it is almost over and they admit her level was high so it caused the cardiac arrest. Just wish I could have my mom back.

  • JoeFebruary 21, 2018 at 2:56 pm

    Judge Woodlock ordered the administrator to reimburse plaintiff law firms $11,553,709 for capital contributions and held expenses $25,799 For common benefit invoices. $50,000 For future common benefit Expenses. Just some of where the moneys going as you can see it says reimbursement that means they’re just getting repaid for what they have already put into the lawsuit. The 40% from each individua[Show More]Judge Woodlock ordered the administrator to reimburse plaintiff law firms $11,553,709 for capital contributions and held expenses $25,799 For common benefit invoices. $50,000 For future common benefit Expenses. Just some of where the moneys going as you can see it says reimbursement that means they’re just getting repaid for what they have already put into the lawsuit. The 40% from each individual case will be there profit.

  • ChrisFebruary 20, 2018 at 10:08 pm

    Joe, I thought about my reply and wanted to thank you for your input on this cite.We are all heartbroken over our loss. I hope everyone receives the letter from the claim administrator, is the result of this suit help me feel better? NO! I am taking a pro active stance. I am currently researching how regulations FDA, medical protecalls intersect . Fresenius is contracted with the federal goverme[Show More]Joe, I thought about my reply and wanted to thank you for your input on this cite.We are all heartbroken over our loss. I hope everyone receives the letter from the claim administrator, is the result of this suit help me feel better? NO! I am taking a pro active stance. I am currently researching how regulations FDA, medical protecalls intersect . Fresenius is contracted with the federal goverment to provide kidney treatment to Medicare patients. The Federal goverment as you Notice did not get involved in suing Fresenius on behalf of the public.yet awarding mega million dollar contracts. On another subject, the monies set aside for attorneys ordered by court are for the attorneys who actually were leads and did the litigation. We individually are still required to pay our attorney the agreed to % out of our award. Understand that our individual attorneys gathered documents,paid filing fees,paid for clerical staff. The lead attorneys litigated,did the pretrial research etc. Our attorneys accessed our case and handed of to litigators.They also when needed follow up on evidentiary request for litigation team.My background is in the legal profession and I know they did work for the % you agreed to.Those litigators had to pay for the experts, transportation for experts ect. You can not imagine all related cost.I have no axe to grind on this point. Wishing everyone well.

  • ChrisFebruary 20, 2018 at 9:33 pm

    Dear Joe, I also received a letter from the administrator stating my claim was approved. The appeal related to the number of points was 12 days from the date of receipt of the notification.The bases for the appeal I’d related to each level of points. 1) granuflo used 2)chemical numebers 3)death or injury, then any evaluation of extraordinary circumstances. This catagory is for persons who were on [Show More]Dear Joe, I also received a letter from the administrator stating my claim was approved. The appeal related to the number of points was 12 days from the date of receipt of the notification.The bases for the appeal I’d related to each level of points. 1) granuflo used 2)chemical numebers 3)death or injury, then any evaluation of extraordinary circumstances. This catagory is for persons who were on the kidney transplant list,died way latter, or suffered in the hospital as a result of the treatment. There would be very few in that category. That is the area that is subjective,because this catagory would not necessarily have passed within the time set forth, or did not die at all. They would have to have the chemical levels,plus received granuflo, suffered an injury within the time frame BUT may not have passed on immediately.The point value is not the purpose of appeal, it’s the number of points allocated. Hope this helps.

  • JoeFebruary 20, 2018 at 6:26 am

    Thank you Debra and Marie and Dora. It helps me understand a little better. I guess what my lawyer Meant when he said cases are still under review is that some cases are still under review. He obviously didn’t mean all cases. The people that did receive a point value, it must be a relieved to know you are definitely part of the settlement. That has to be a big relief and you know more than likely [Show More]Thank you Debra and Marie and Dora. It helps me understand a little better. I guess what my lawyer Meant when he said cases are still under review is that some cases are still under review. He obviously didn’t mean all cases. The people that did receive a point value, it must be a relieved to know you are definitely part of the settlement. That has to be a big relief and you know more than likely the drug was the cause of your loved ones death. Marie, maybe you can help me. i don't understand how you can appeal just a point value? I know you are not appealing. I don’t really understand how you could make a determination on just a point value without knowing what the point value is going to be worth. I mean if the point value you received was only worth $10,000 You would probably appeal that point value and if it was $1 million you probably wouldn’t Appeal that at least that’s my guess. What my question is how can you Appeal just a point value without knowing what the points are worth or what the award amount will be. Don’t you have to wait until the award amount is given before you can appeal. I never heard of appealing a point value with no award amount known.I hope you understand the question and any response would be appreciated Even if it’s just your opinion. I do believe you’re right somebody has to be the first to get there award points. Very possible you are one of the first along with a few others. Its not That people do not believe the people that have shared Their information. Try to put yourself in other people’s position if you were told cases are still being reviewed but you see a few people stating they received a point value that came from the claims administrator. You would probably question it. Its not that I do not believe you,but I see conflicting information from the past. If you look back I am the one that stated you should be receiving a letter shortly Before anybody ever received a letter. Sometimes it’s just hard to remember what is Going on in this case. I am happy for the people that have received points remember though Points really have no value until all points are given out to all Claimants That qualify. At least that’s my understanding Who knows if I am right or wrong.

  • larryFebruary 20, 2018 at 5:38 am

    I have a ???? for Joe or whomever can answer it for me. I have seen at least 3 posts on this site where they state attorneys handling this lawsuit will be getting 27.5 million dollars, or 11% of the 250 million. Can someone tell me what this if for?? I understood it to be the lawyers would get 40% of the 250 million, or 100 million of the settlement amount, leaving 150 million to be divided amongs[Show More]I have a ???? for Joe or whomever can answer it for me. I have seen at least 3 posts on this site where they state attorneys handling this lawsuit will be getting 27.5 million dollars, or 11% of the 250 million. Can someone tell me what this if for?? I understood it to be the lawyers would get 40% of the 250 million, or 100 million of the settlement amount, leaving 150 million to be divided amongst the plaintiffs. Now are you telling me the lawyers are getting 100 million, plus another 27.5 million of these settlement funds!! If so, WHY???? I really appreciate peoples posts on this site but the case has been a big joke. Everytime you see a silver lining to the end of this lawsuit it extends another 3-6 months for something else. I believe the initial date a lawyer was consulted by me was 2011!! Folks, thats 7 years ago??? The case has always changed course, usually for the worst!! I am gonna say it one more- Fresenius, a multi billion dollar company, used dangerous and deadly products in their dialysis patients, which caused the deaths of prob thousands of these patients. They should have been held accountable for a lot of the deaths associated with these deadly products. The way this court has allowed Fresenius to take the easy way out is ridiculous!! Apparently none of the people that accepted this settlement lost a loved one due to the Fresenius deadly cover-ups and lies!!

  • MarieFebruary 17, 2018 at 3:21 am

    Joe, my letter came from the claims adjuster and didn’t give me till January 31 to appeal the point value I was given. I actually did not agree with the point value that I was given so I called my lawyer but he explained to me why I got the value that I did. After that I understood it and we did not appeal and I excepted with the attorneys verbally the offer. The letter basically stated if you d[Show More]Joe, my letter came from the claims adjuster and didn’t give me till January 31 to appeal the point value I was given. I actually did not agree with the point value that I was given so I called my lawyer but he explained to me why I got the value that I did. After that I understood it and we did not appeal and I excepted with the attorneys verbally the offer. The letter basically stated if you did not appeal by January 31 then that meant you accepted the points you were given. Maybe I am one of the first people to get the letter. I just received it within the past 30 days. If this site would let me take a picture of it I would. The total point value is 200 points. I did not get the full 200 points. My mom got 100 points +50 points. She actually had her cardiac arrest 4 hours and 15 minutes after dialysis. It had to be under 4 hrs to get 25 more points. I was not aware that her dialysis had stopped at 1:50 PM that day. Her typical dialysys always lasted till 4 PM. She was in a rehab facility though so it probably got bumped up. She was only in the rehab facility because she kept having confusion issues when she was only 65 years old. We now know that the high bicarbonate levels were causing them.I got the call at 6:30 PM. So I assume the arrest happened at 6pm Because they found her down after 15 minutes and coded her before calling me. I am not sure why it is so difficult for people to believe that some of us actually have received letters. I was told as they complete a file they send out the letters. So I’m sure others will be receiving their’s as they are finished . Again my attorney feels that everything will be done by June of this year. I have no reason to make this up. Only trying to share the truth and what my situation is.

  • AmandaFebruary 16, 2018 at 9:19 am

    It's been a headache that's for sure but maybe soon it will all be over. Things come up I get it. And people that were denied are upset because for years thinking they had a rock solid case to be told well now you don't the criteria changed and you no longer Meet it. So here's a little hush money be happy with it is all you are going to get so hell yes people are mad and frustrated. Some didn't ev[Show More]It's been a headache that's for sure but maybe soon it will all be over. Things come up I get it. And people that were denied are upset because for years thinking they had a rock solid case to be told well now you don't the criteria changed and you no longer Meet it. So here's a little hush money be happy with it is all you are going to get so hell yes people are mad and frustrated. Some didn't even qualify for anything. Joe pretty much everything you have said my lawyer said too

  • doraFebruary 15, 2018 at 11:25 pm

    I received a Claim determination letter dated 2/5/2018 from the Claims Administrator. It states the claim is APPROVED and total points are 200...whatever all that means. The paralegal said they don't know the cash value to the points yet and not when they will.

  • MarieFebruary 15, 2018 at 8:11 pm

    In regards to the common benefit Joe mentioned and the article below I guess attorneys and administrators will get paid too, $27.5M has been deducted from the $250M. Attorney Fee Trends in Multi-District Litigation: What is “Common?” Joe does this mean that we don’t have to pay the attorneys the 40% or are they double dipping since they are getting theirs upfront 5/19/2015 Note: This article [Show More]In regards to the common benefit Joe mentioned and the article below I guess attorneys and administrators will get paid too, $27.5M has been deducted from the $250M. Attorney Fee Trends in Multi-District Litigation: What is “Common?” Joe does this mean that we don’t have to pay the attorneys the 40% or are they double dipping since they are getting theirs upfront 5/19/2015 Note: This article appears in the May 2015 edition of Barnes & Thornburg LLP's Commercial Litigation Update e-newsletter. Common benefit funds are generally financed by requiring defendants to hold back a portion of the damage or settlement award recovered by plaintiffs. See Phipps Group v. Downing, et al., No. 14-786, 2014 WL 7477017 (2014). Plaintiffs’ attorneys who provided a common benefit to plaintiffs may then request an allocation from the fund for their fees.

  • DebraFebruary 15, 2018 at 8:05 pm

    Joe my letter showing awarded points was from Claims Administration - Granuflo/ Naturalyte Claim Program out of Oregon. It showed that I was approved for 100 points (the base). My husband died 6/2009 of cardiac arrest just under the 24 hour threshold. No $ amount set until all are reviewed, appeal and checked for liens. I was told we would not know anymore until April. Thanks for explaining all[Show More]Joe my letter showing awarded points was from Claims Administration - Granuflo/ Naturalyte Claim Program out of Oregon. It showed that I was approved for 100 points (the base). My husband died 6/2009 of cardiac arrest just under the 24 hour threshold. No $ amount set until all are reviewed, appeal and checked for liens. I was told we would not know anymore until April. Thanks for explaining all this in the above post.

  • JoeFebruary 15, 2018 at 4:05 pm

    September 2017 you must have meant 2016 September 2017 is only like 5 months ago. There are people on here that have been in this lawsuit for years and years. Here is the thing and this is not a Estimate or a guess it is the fax . Your case must consist of a Cardiac arrest occurring between the dates of April 1, 2002 and December 31, 2012. anyones time of death or cardiac arrest after 2012 will n[Show More]September 2017 you must have meant 2016 September 2017 is only like 5 months ago. There are people on here that have been in this lawsuit for years and years. Here is the thing and this is not a Estimate or a guess it is the fax . Your case must consist of a Cardiac arrest occurring between the dates of April 1, 2002 and December 31, 2012. anyones time of death or cardiac arrest after 2012 will not Qualify. Those are Factual dates not a guess. Heart attack or stroke Do not qualify It had to Have been a cardiac arrest. A person’s heart must have stopped and not from a Heart attack. Along with the cardiac arrest It must have happened within 24 hours of the last use of Granuflo. It is not what I think it is the plan of allocation those are the facts. I don’t know why some people seem to be ignoring that. I have posted it multiple times. As for the people that got estimated award amount or even Estimated point values. I don’t understand that. The letter should have had the plan of allocation. Conditions for participation, Including A limited time to appeal Epiq’s Determination to The judge Douglas P. Woodlock.. Information about signing a release form.Which has the effect of ending the lawsuit Against Fresenius. It should also have Your Claim. Stating documented medical Records for use of Granuflo or Naturalyte and documented cardiac arrest within 24 hours if Granuflo or 12 if Naturalyte. There should be no estimate of award amount or Estimated point values. There should also be deductions from the gross settlement award which will include your law firms compensation amount From the gross settlement award. It also stated over 1000 or more will not be able to prove Granuflo or Naturalyte were used And will not be eligible to participate. I wonder how people are stating they received a point value recently from third-party claims administrator witch is Epiq’s. Master Green is not the administrator he was just the One that approved the allocation plan . Anyway how could someone get a point value when the settlement Memorandum and order was just given February 1, 2018. Not saying I don’t believe it, but it doesn’t make sense. The people that stated around May 2018 sounds More realistic. When i talked to my lawyer last week he said claims are still under review. I mean i don't know it could be Possible some people got a point value. I have been trying to tell people there are not as many claims as once thought. I don’t know how Else to explain it. I mean he main MDL 1:13-md-02428 total parties are 444. .We are all part of that MDL. Of course we all have a different case number but we all are part of the main MDL. All lawsuits are consolidated into MDL case Number 1:13-md-02428. I mean I can’t explain it any better than that there are 444 parties that includes lawyers. I haven’t counted all lawyers but i do know there are quite A few for both sides. The settlement amount for some will be life-changing and others will be very disappointed. Everyone has this stated in there opt-in settlement form somewhere But I don’t see it mentioned anywhere by anyone. “By opting- in You will be legally bound By the determination Of eligibility By the claims administrator As well as the amount of compensation if eligible”. So how could Lawyers give estimated award amount that baffles me . How many of those people that got a estimate award amount Think that their case could possibly be determined to be not eligible by the claims administrator. Probably nobody thinks that that receive the estimate award amount. Everyone that got that estimate of award amounts believe they are guaranteed something. They seem to think it just depends on how many people are in the settlement and unfortunately that is not the case there could be no Estimate of award amounts until the cleans administrator Has made his determination. Nobody is guaranteed anything. I don't even know where these point values are coming from. I mean I Believe there is some Kind of value that will be given out But in the plan of allocation I received back in 2016 it just stated it will be based on a formula. It doesn’t state what that formula is. The memorandum and order makes it official the settlement will now be funded. I know most of us knew this already from what our lawyers have told us but the judge has just ordered it so it is now official the award is being funded meaning the settlement is being funded paid or Released should I say. And the lawyers are getting their compensation $27.5 million 11% There may be exact dates in the memorandum I am not sure have not read it.

  • JoeFebruary 15, 2018 at 12:02 pm

    So a hearing was held January 30, 2018 i should have posted that before I posted the memorandum order. Not sure how people are getting point values already but I guess it could be possible, I don’t really know. Anyway It looks like the appeals process if there are any appeals would be the end of May. So we all know there is a short period to appeal.I forget what my lawyer told me maybe 12 days or[Show More]So a hearing was held January 30, 2018 i should have posted that before I posted the memorandum order. Not sure how people are getting point values already but I guess it could be possible, I don’t really know. Anyway It looks like the appeals process if there are any appeals would be the end of May. So we all know there is a short period to appeal.I forget what my lawyer told me maybe 12 days or something. So we all should know by May 15 or somewhere around that date.Everyone should know the amount they are going to receive . We should all know around the same time due to the appeals process. May 15 is not official it’s just an estimate but for sure we Will know by the end of May. Tuesday, January 30, 2018 1989 minutesMotion Hearing Order on Motion for ReconsiderationWed 2:57 PM Clerk Noted for Status Hearing held before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. Stay remains in place until Court issues Memorandum and Order on the pending Motions for Summary Judgment, James Gotz provides court with an update on the settlement claims process and appeals. If necessary, appeals will be submitted to Judge Woodlock at the end of May. Defendants will withdraw their Bill of Costs in the Dial case 14cv11101 . Plaintiffs Motion for Rule 60 Relief from Order of Dismissal1888 is Withdrawn as MOOT. Parties to file an Assented to Motion to Dismiss product liability counts vs Fresenius in the Garcia case 17cv12105 , and thereafter, the case will be ripe for remand to state court in New Mexico. No opposition having been heard, the Court will issue an Order on the Plaintiff Leaderships Petition for Award and Allocation of Common Benefit Fees1982 . No further hearing necessary to be set at this time. (Court Reporter: Brenda Hancock at (Beatty, Barbara)

  • AnthonyFebruary 14, 2018 at 9:55 pm

    I went into cardiac arrest while still in the chair woke up today's later in the blessed that I survive the ordeal. But like I have been saying from the beginning we was sold out from day one. Who you go to court with 10.000 plus cases and lose you trying to tell me not one of those cases fit the criteria to win. Think about that. So no one should be surprised with the antics of this c[Show More]I went into cardiac arrest while still in the chair woke up today's later in the blessed that I survive the ordeal. But like I have been saying from the beginning we was sold out from day one. Who you go to court with 10.000 plus cases and lose you trying to tell me not one of those cases fit the criteria to win. Think about that. So no one should be surprised with the antics of this case. I be happy when this is over so I can move on. I won't be surprised if this case goes on until next year. What a legal sham

  • larryFebruary 14, 2018 at 5:43 pm

    Also I dont understand Dons post. You mean to tell me his lawyer is charging him an hourly fee in addition to receiving a 40% lawsuit fee. So for what reason would he add more fees onto this legal service?? Medical records possibly but to me most of his actions on this case should have been satisfied with his 40% legal fees paid by this settlement!! Anyone care to comment on this post????

  • larryFebruary 14, 2018 at 5:36 pm

    Joe, I really appreciate all your posts on the kidney dialysis lawsuit updates. However, I believe folks on this site would appreciate it if you explain your posts. Your last post only gave a brief court doc but you need to explain what this is and what it means to us non legal people. Thanks for your help. Noticed not many people posting at all on this site anymore?????????

  • larryFebruary 13, 2018 at 4:12 pm

    You know I keep seeing all these different posts on this site. Different people are being told different things by different lawyers. Totally ridiculous!! And I am not talking about the people and comments that are posted. I am talking about this system and process in this suit. Everyone still involved in this lawsuit needs to be advised on the current status of where this suit stands. We need to [Show More]You know I keep seeing all these different posts on this site. Different people are being told different things by different lawyers. Totally ridiculous!! And I am not talking about the people and comments that are posted. I am talking about this system and process in this suit. Everyone still involved in this lawsuit needs to be advised on the current status of where this suit stands. We need to hear from the administrator or someone handling the matter, since most lawyers seem to be in the dark on the matter. This 5-6 year court case has been a big nightmare for a lot of people involved. First you lose a loved one suddenly because they have been killed by the carelessness and malicious actions of a multi billion dollar company. Then you go through hell waiting 5-6 years for an MDL lawsuit to be settled. It is high time this case and matter be settled once and for all!!!

  • ConfusedFebruary 13, 2018 at 6:04 am

    Thank you everyone for contributing here. This site helps!!!! I'm totally confused. Signed a document to opt -in during 2016. Was told by the paralegal to wait for forms to sign & agree with the dollar amounts from the administrator. Was told in 2017 the forms would arrive in 2018. Then told in January 2018 my case was denied, however the lawyer would be appealing, because they still believe they[Show More]Thank you everyone for contributing here. This site helps!!!! I'm totally confused. Signed a document to opt -in during 2016. Was told by the paralegal to wait for forms to sign & agree with the dollar amounts from the administrator. Was told in 2017 the forms would arrive in 2018. Then told in January 2018 my case was denied, however the lawyer would be appealing, because they still believe they have a case. Haven't gotten anything from them in writing since 2016. I'm really confused with this entire situation. I thought the administrator wouldn't deny anyone. This has been painful enough & now a huge slap, kick and punch to the face. God help us all!!!

  • MelanyFebruary 13, 2018 at 6:02 am

    Joe, what does your comment mean?

  • DebbbaFebruary 13, 2018 at 1:18 am

    Joe, what does this memorandum mean?

  • TerrisaFebruary 12, 2018 at 11:33 pm

    Joe , what does that mean about the order regarding award and common benfit fees?

  • KevinFebruary 12, 2018 at 10:11 pm

    Candies, I hope that was a typo of the year you submitted paperwork of September 2017, that means you have only been involved for 6 months ??? And Joe when you post something has you did on February 01 what does that mean??? I only wish this would come to an end soon for all of us, I submitted paperwork in August of 2011. I have been given my category and my point value, and no other informatio[Show More]Candies, I hope that was a typo of the year you submitted paperwork of September 2017, that means you have only been involved for 6 months ??? And Joe when you post something has you did on February 01 what does that mean??? I only wish this would come to an end soon for all of us, I submitted paperwork in August of 2011. I have been given my category and my point value, and no other information from my lawyers except soon!! I want closure so bad. This has been the worst drawn out process I have ever seen. Fresenius has given the 250,000,000 already that’s in escrow and for the lawyers they are not getting on more then their 40% so know one is benefiting frpm not closing this up. I wish everyone good luck and I am deeply sorry for those families that have been denied anything from this due to all the restrictions that came up.

  • DebraFebruary 12, 2018 at 9:39 pm

    I was told there was appx 7500 submissions. They all go thur review, appeal and check for liens first before we get a $ amount per point. They told me we will not know a value per point until closer to April.

  • DebraFebruary 12, 2018 at 9:17 pm

    Joe what does that mean?

  • JoeFebruary 12, 2018 at 3:59 pm

    Thursday, February 01, 2018 1988 4 pgs order Order Thu 4:27 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: MEMORANDUM AND ORDER REGARDING AWARD AND ALLOCATION OF COMMON BENEFIT FEES re [ECF #1982-1985]. (Beatty, Barbara)

  • cyndieFebruary 12, 2018 at 1:11 am

    I am so disappointed in the litigation process of the case. I have an attorney on the steering committee and have not spoke to an attorney in years-I am constantly sent to a paralegal. I sent in all paperwork originally and thought this process would proceed in a timely manner. The process is at a snails pace to give Fresnius a chance to collect increased profit from interest. It seems no one know[Show More]I am so disappointed in the litigation process of the case. I have an attorney on the steering committee and have not spoke to an attorney in years-I am constantly sent to a paralegal. I sent in all paperwork originally and thought this process would proceed in a timely manner. The process is at a snails pace to give Fresnius a chance to collect increased profit from interest. It seems no one knows anything ----what kind of legal process is this?????? It is Feb 10--dads papers were submitted in Sept of 2017---there is something wrong

  • ElleFebruary 10, 2018 at 6:40 am

    It seems that the less we were advised the less work and information was given. The first letter gave range of monies based on expected cases initially. Category 1 I believe ws $87000 before shared costs and attorney fees. If u read all the posts, changes were directed at eliminating cases no longer qualified or changing criteria determining parimeters. As eligibility changed so followed elig[Show More]It seems that the less we were advised the less work and information was given. The first letter gave range of monies based on expected cases initially. Category 1 I believe ws $87000 before shared costs and attorney fees. If u read all the posts, changes were directed at eliminating cases no longer qualified or changing criteria determining parimeters. As eligibility changed so followed eligibility of cases and suddenly those originally qualified, no longer were eligible. I was told I was a base case, but no definition or advisory further. I read the motions from joe abt cases n the pattern seemingly was to dismiss.. My attorneys r on the “steering committee” and yet there are no definitive numbers yet, the examiner ihas not completed work. Once again I certainly complain that little to no consultation has been made available before or during this work “on my behalf” . As suspected the cases are now less. Sadly though, I feel the monies might still not be far off from the estimates in the first letter. Any questions I hv asked have met with push back, no loner any hand holding, or guidance. More often, “this is it,” and nothing further. And "this is it" will be a very costly attitude for us. ths categoeies exist, there r points not bsed on time and blood work rwsults, the medical info submittwd on ur behalf n then confirmed by the examiner, u will have a small window to contest if u wish, and then off to lien check. and at some point, the number of eligible cases will b known to the steering commitee, we will receive something, but will we ever know the final totality of this case?

  • AmandaFebruary 10, 2018 at 5:50 am

    It seems here lately everyone is getting conflicting numbers and truth is no one knows really. I don't believe there are 2000 but he'll who knows anymore. Just stating once agian what my lawyer said. That is was only hundreds and then in the post dated from the 31 of December as someine stated above showed the amounts by state and was no where near a thousand. But they are going to do whatever th[Show More]It seems here lately everyone is getting conflicting numbers and truth is no one knows really. I don't believe there are 2000 but he'll who knows anymore. Just stating once agian what my lawyer said. That is was only hundreds and then in the post dated from the 31 of December as someine stated above showed the amounts by state and was no where near a thousand. But they are going to do whatever they can to pro long this and for them to keep as much money as possible. I'm seriously just to the point I'm over it they don't honestly care about any of us or any of our loved ones that passed.

  • DonFebruary 9, 2018 at 7:58 am

    Probate lawyer charging 400/hr been on case for years!! Asked to see how much spent he said hell get back with me! And its not coming out that 40% lawyer fee

  • MarieFebruary 9, 2018 at 2:08 am

    Can someone pls provide the accurate claimants in category 1, I talked to my attorney today and was told there were 2000 claimants submitted in Category 1 - Granuflo and 50% to 75% were approved, 500 claimants in Category 2- Naturalyte, and 5,000 in Category 3 APA- $150, totsl of 7500 claimants, but I’m hearing rather reading numbers in the hundreds for Category 1, which is correct what can I find[Show More]Can someone pls provide the accurate claimants in category 1, I talked to my attorney today and was told there were 2000 claimants submitted in Category 1 - Granuflo and 50% to 75% were approved, 500 claimants in Category 2- Naturalyte, and 5,000 in Category 3 APA- $150, totsl of 7500 claimants, but I’m hearing rather reading numbers in the hundreds for Category 1, which is correct what can I find factual info why are there such s big difference in numbers.

  • larryFebruary 7, 2018 at 8:08 pm

    You know I kind of agree with Elle. This whole dialysis lawsuit has been screwed up from the beginning. The lawyers told you it was a sure fire case that should be won. It started out as NaturaLyte and Granuflo were the poisons used in dialysis, then NaturaLyte got dropped all together. Started at 10,000-12,000 cases, then thousands of these got dismissed because the time frame of your loved ones [Show More]You know I kind of agree with Elle. This whole dialysis lawsuit has been screwed up from the beginning. The lawyers told you it was a sure fire case that should be won. It started out as NaturaLyte and Granuflo were the poisons used in dialysis, then NaturaLyte got dropped all together. Started at 10,000-12,000 cases, then thousands of these got dismissed because the time frame of your loved ones cardiac arrest kept changing( I hear now death must of occured within 24 hours)!! This whole 5-6 year court case has been a nightmare. Bottom line is this company caused several deaths and injuries to a lot of innocent people and their families and a lot of affected people will not ever get anything. But, yes, the lawyers will see their40%-50%!!! Prob have already got their money. No amount of money will ever replace the loss of a loved one but all this case has done is add insult to injury, salt in the wound. Like Elle says, something needs to be done about these court cases in the future to insure there is justice and right done for all victims!!!

  • elleFebruary 7, 2018 at 5:16 pm

    our judicial system needs to reform MDL's. they r a best contrived avenues for enoromous amounts of money, not paid out to the individual dmaged plaintiffs. this MDL started w abt 12000 after bei g drawn in by promises of compensation to families of lost or ill plaintiffs. often the same legal firms r appointed to steer the enormous tasks of co figuring settlements, setting criteria and meeting[Show More]our judicial system needs to reform MDL's. they r a best contrived avenues for enoromous amounts of money, not paid out to the individual dmaged plaintiffs. this MDL started w abt 12000 after bei g drawn in by promises of compensation to families of lost or ill plaintiffs. often the same legal firms r appointed to steer the enormous tasks of co figuring settlements, setting criteria and meeting w defendants, all for the plaintiffs represented! lets see how many cases survive and if an MDL was really the correct and best choice, bsed on ALL the legal fees paid to firms vs the consideration of the damages for the plaintiffs. and consider the representation by ur legal representatives that have little communication or interaction w those they r meant to represent as reported in these posts. how many years, how much interaction? how much renumeration, consideration for ur loss? so why an MDL?

  • SueFebruary 7, 2018 at 5:14 pm

    I've been reading these posts for awhile simply because they always contain far more info than what we get from our attorney. Then when we finally do get info, it's so "outdated" from what you all have been saying in your posts here or the info doesn't even mention anything that you've been discussing. So, I'm wondering...does anyone else have the Sill Law Firm representing them on this matter? If[Show More]I've been reading these posts for awhile simply because they always contain far more info than what we get from our attorney. Then when we finally do get info, it's so "outdated" from what you all have been saying in your posts here or the info doesn't even mention anything that you've been discussing. So, I'm wondering...does anyone else have the Sill Law Firm representing them on this matter? If so, would you please tell me if you've been getting any info from them or the same info others have been posting here?

  • larryFebruary 1, 2018 at 11:36 pm

    I would like everone on this site who still has a case pending or have not heard anything or received a letter, to go back and look at the old post on this site. The date was Dec 1,2017, post name or person was ???? so they gave no name!! Had info that looked like Joe might have posted( not saying he did or saying it was him) but had like court room info!! It had less than 500 cases in the main ca[Show More]I would like everone on this site who still has a case pending or have not heard anything or received a letter, to go back and look at the old post on this site. The date was Dec 1,2017, post name or person was ???? so they gave no name!! Had info that looked like Joe might have posted( not saying he did or saying it was him) but had like court room info!! It had less than 500 cases in the main category with a state by state breakdown, number wise!! If this ???? info was correct over half of the main category clients were in the states os Mississippi and California!! Is it true or correct?? I sure do not know!! And why sign your post ????. Thought it would be intetesting for anyone still in the dark about this suit to look at and review!! Just go back to the older posts to Dec 1, 2017!!

  • MarieFebruary 1, 2018 at 6:41 pm

    The letter I received was from the claims adjuster. My lawyer also attached a letter to it. It is not a guesstimate of my point value. I have no reason to lie about it. Maybe I was one of the first to receive a letter. I just received it like a week ago. I even spoke to the attorney directly after receiving the letter. The base you can receive is 100 points. Then the add-ons can go up to 200 point[Show More]The letter I received was from the claims adjuster. My lawyer also attached a letter to it. It is not a guesstimate of my point value. I have no reason to lie about it. Maybe I was one of the first to receive a letter. I just received it like a week ago. I even spoke to the attorney directly after receiving the letter. The base you can receive is 100 points. Then the add-ons can go up to 200 points. The lawyer told me we will know the value sometime within the next two months. He also felt that it will be closed and paid out by June this year. I even asked could I possibly going to next year and he said he did not think so. That they have dragged it out long enough. I never received in the beginning an estimate from my lawyer on points. I did receive an estimate on the amount of money it to be over a year ago depending on the amount of claims. But that was from the lawyer and they were guessing. I feel like that amount has changed now because a lot of people were dismissed. Please if anyone else has received their letters please let us know. I will keep everyone posted on what I receive. Stop fighting. It is silly. Our families are all victims of the same company. God Bless.

  • JoeFebruary 1, 2018 at 11:34 am

    No I don’t think everyone is lying I think however some maybe giving the point value they got in 2016 And never actually really received a letter with A point value recently. So I am not implying any one specific person ,it’s just a thought. I do believe some people really did get point values sent to them recently. You seem to be missing something there were very few people that received the poi[Show More]No I don’t think everyone is lying I think however some maybe giving the point value they got in 2016 And never actually really received a letter with A point value recently. So I am not implying any one specific person ,it’s just a thought. I do believe some people really did get point values sent to them recently. You seem to be missing something there were very few people that received the point values Recently.I don’t think there were even 10 people. So how can there be 2000 people or 2500 don’t you think more than 10 people would post that they received their point value If There were that many Claims that were approved for Settlement? Thomas you just like to Word things so it makes people believe what I am saying is untrue. I was one of the first ones to get a opt in letter it came maybe May or June 2016 how could my lawyer have a estimate on number of claims when I received my opt in letter there were few to None that had yet to return the form . You seem to think your letter is the only accurate one i am not so sure about that. There’s a reason why some people got estimated amounts and other people did not I don’t know the reason for it but there is a reason. You are also putting too much value in the estimate of cases as you stated they were simply a general idea, they could be completely wrong That’s why they are called estimates and you are right Fresenius has not released how many people Were excepted into The settlement. Debbie you seem excited about ypur possibility of getting $52,500 if even that if your numbers are right.Are you calling me a liar ?? And for Thomas you are a fat troll. You don’t even know if the numbers you’ve given out are correct you have no proof you don’t seem To be educated it’s just an estimate so they would get your dumbass to Upton .I have proof you are just talking nonsense. Some people got point Values Nobody was told how many people are in the settlement you are making people believe they are getting nothing Or very little you should be ashamed of yourself.You don’t know anything I Have a feeling you’re going to be quite upset at the outcome of your review By the administrator. . Start of clip:”The Opposition filed by the law firm of Hagens, Berman, Sobol, Shapiro LLP (Doc. #1804) applies to all cases filed by the law firms in this MDL (249 individual cases). Of those cases, Hagens Berman has already opted in 115 cases to the global settlement presumably based on a review of the merits of the cases and belying the contention that they have not had ample opportunity to obtain information necessary for a critical review of specific causation. Similarly, the Sill Law Group, having also filed an Opposition to the Motion (Doc. #1801), has already opted in 104 cases to the global settlement program. “END

  • AmandaFebruary 1, 2018 at 7:23 am

    Thomas, I myself was told by my lawyer that there was more like hundred's instead of a thousand that actually made it into the category one. The criteria was just so hard to qualify for. a lot of cases was dismissed even after the lawyer told them they qualified. They changed the criteria several times. The 1500 dollars come in as an added bonus because they didn't meet the criteria and was fresin[Show More]Thomas, I myself was told by my lawyer that there was more like hundred's instead of a thousand that actually made it into the category one. The criteria was just so hard to qualify for. a lot of cases was dismissed even after the lawyer told them they qualified. They changed the criteria several times. The 1500 dollars come in as an added bonus because they didn't meet the criteria and was fresinus way of saying sorry not to sorry u took it in the past but you just don't have enough evidence proving it was in anyway related to your event. Out of all the cases my lawyer and his partnering firms only had 6 that qualified and luckily I made that cut. I still haven't received any point value from the claims administration

  • thomasJanuary 31, 2018 at 7:43 pm

    Joe I see its not a game with you,but that you actually believe what you are saying .I do not think you are interpreting these court orders correctly. I do not have the training and i do not believe you do either. You are confused. It good you are sharing these court orders and have your opinion of what they mean that is fine, but you think you have to hurt people when they dont go along with eve[Show More]Joe I see its not a game with you,but that you actually believe what you are saying .I do not think you are interpreting these court orders correctly. I do not have the training and i do not believe you do either. You are confused. It good you are sharing these court orders and have your opinion of what they mean that is fine, but you think you have to hurt people when they dont go along with everything you say. I knew better than to try to clue you in,but i tried anyways. you have said i am mentally ill, that i need to get back on my medication, You call me Tommy. well trying to help you did not end well. I am not going to feed you anymore, I will never post again why waste my time and happiness. I will set back and watch the joey show go ahead say anything you want, but I will not respond. I have a busy happy life to get back to.

  • ThomasJanuary 30, 2018 at 5:04 pm

    Joe why cant you understand what is wrong with you. no information was given as facts by the lawyer. why do you want people to think there are less than 200 cases left in cat one. Please stop attacking people. I was just trying to help you understand. I think maybe you are a troll trying to mislead people because you are a very unhappy person your fun and games will be over soon enough and you wil[Show More]Joe why cant you understand what is wrong with you. no information was given as facts by the lawyer. why do you want people to think there are less than 200 cases left in cat one. Please stop attacking people. I was just trying to help you understand. I think maybe you are a troll trying to mislead people because you are a very unhappy person your fun and games will be over soon enough and you will be seen for what you really are but by that time no one will care and this forum will be finished. what will you do than go be a troll on yahoo for hours everyday spilling hatred everywhere? you have hurt a lot of people on here for sharing their info on here please stop it. What is wrong with you?

  • DebbieJanuary 30, 2018 at 4:59 pm

    What are you saying Joe? What does that mean? What are the 249 and 219 numbers supposed to represent? Because I got that letter from my lawyer too a long time ago with the estimations. Maybe they were estimations but what those people are saying is not a lie. Maybe things have changed drastically since then. What do you think? Do you think that there are 500 or 900 or 2000 cases that are involved?[Show More]What are you saying Joe? What does that mean? What are the 249 and 219 numbers supposed to represent? Because I got that letter from my lawyer too a long time ago with the estimations. Maybe they were estimations but what those people are saying is not a lie. Maybe things have changed drastically since then. What do you think? Do you think that there are 500 or 900 or 2000 cases that are involved? Out of the 12,000 cases that applied how many do you think are in the 1500 dollar category?

  • JoeJanuary 30, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    I remember you Tracy, don’t worry.I No it gets stressful when you hear people saying they got their point values. But not everyone has received a point Value. Just give it some more time you’ll hear something. I don’t think most people received anything yet.

  • JoeJanuary 30, 2018 at 4:32 am

    You know Thomas in a weird kind of way I feel kind of bad for you. I mean I know you lost your mother and I understand that. But the lawyer is not giving you accurate information. For one he better hope to God the claims administrator Agrees with the point value your lawyer gave you. And what about the people that decided not to opt in based on the estimated award amount you think they can sue you[Show More]You know Thomas in a weird kind of way I feel kind of bad for you. I mean I know you lost your mother and I understand that. But the lawyer is not giving you accurate information. For one he better hope to God the claims administrator Agrees with the point value your lawyer gave you. And what about the people that decided not to opt in based on the estimated award amount you think they can sue your law firm now for malpractice they gave numbers out that are not accurate at all. No law firm that was good would ever give out a point value or a estimated Award amount Before the Final process even began . Look what happened in this case thousands of people started out in the beginning but then a lonepine order was implemented. And other case management orders and it went from thousands down to hundreds. I mean your law firm is manipulating you you are falling for it. I mean I truly feel sorry for you. Why don’t you call your lawyer and tell him according to court documents, tell your lawer to look for this docket “DEFENDANT FRESENIUS’ OMNIBUS REPLY IN SUPPORT OF MOTION FOR ENTRY OF LONE PINE CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER “ Doc # 1804 and #1801 Ask him why in this opposition to the motion does it state there are 249 individual cases and 219 have opted in.See what his response to that is. Come on Thomas I know you’re not a stupid person you can figure this out. Stop acting like people are out to get you. I told you what to do. And that will prove what I have been telling you all along. He will ask you where you got that information from. Tell him you got it off of he can’t tell you it’s a lie then.

  • TracyJanuary 30, 2018 at 12:33 am

    Attention Joe: Hello my name is Tracy and I was wondering if you could shed some light on my case. I havent heard anything since I received the opt in letter way back. Any info that you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

  • JoeJanuary 25, 2018 at 2:21 pm

    Larry that’s terrible, I know very little about the drug Citrasate. I know it has a slower buffer rate meaning the acid concentrate is at a lower level. Usually people that are on anticoagulants such as heparin in high doses are more likely to receive Citrasate. I am sorry to Hear what happened I can’t even imagine the disappointment you must have for your law firm. One would have thought they [Show More]Larry that’s terrible, I know very little about the drug Citrasate. I know it has a slower buffer rate meaning the acid concentrate is at a lower level. Usually people that are on anticoagulants such as heparin in high doses are more likely to receive Citrasate. I am sorry to Hear what happened I can’t even imagine the disappointment you must have for your law firm. One would have thought they would have told you that a long time ago. Just for other people know when you opted in There should have been some reference to documented use of Granuflo and also documented cardiac arrest within 24 hours. I can’t say everyone’s opt-in Letter will have that but the majority will. So if you don’t see any references to those 2 Documents that should raise a red flag.

  • MarieJanuary 25, 2018 at 2:23 am

    Hello. I got my letter from my lawyer and the claims adjuster. My mom got 150 points. She missed the 4 hour I injustice by about 15 minutes. I spoke with my lawyer and he seemed happy with the results. He said we should know what the value the points will be worth in about a month or so. E felt like there was around 2,000 people still being evaluated but he said some people’s are still be excluded[Show More]Hello. I got my letter from my lawyer and the claims adjuster. My mom got 150 points. She missed the 4 hour I injustice by about 15 minutes. I spoke with my lawyer and he seemed happy with the results. He said we should know what the value the points will be worth in about a month or so. E felt like there was around 2,000 people still being evaluated but he said some people’s are still be excluded by the adjuster. He also feels the case should be finalized and paid out by June 2018 at the latest. I am more pleased just to know the answers I was looking for that her levels were high when she went on the machine and that caused the cardiac arrest. I wish so much my mom was with me. I have to go on dialysis at anytime now. My kidneys are failing. At 17%. Hopefully they know to watch the levels more closely now. Thank you Joe for all your info and thank you to everyone else who has shared their info.

  • reeseJanuary 24, 2018 at 7:42 pm

    my Lawyer always stated that the claims administrator makes the final determination. So when they gave me how many points i had in 2016, it was their own assessment. it was never 100 % guaranteed. so when i received my letter from the claims administrator, it just confirmed what my lawyers thought. 2000 people submitted for full pay, it does not mean they all will. only my 2 cents.

  • reeseJanuary 24, 2018 at 7:24 pm

    Joe for you to say that there is no way the lawyers would have sent out how many points people have back in 2016 is just incorrect. like i said before, i received my letter with point values back in 2016. the same letter that waki received is what i received as well as the range. why would we lie. if the information is not accurate, then blame the lawyers not us. My lawyer did tell me they finis[Show More]Joe for you to say that there is no way the lawyers would have sent out how many points people have back in 2016 is just incorrect. like i said before, i received my letter with point values back in 2016. the same letter that waki received is what i received as well as the range. why would we lie. if the information is not accurate, then blame the lawyers not us. My lawyer did tell me they finished determining all the cases and that we should know dollar value this quarter. we will see soon

  • ThomasJanuary 24, 2018 at 7:21 pm

    Joe I cant take it any more but to try to clue you in. I received the same basic letter. It was just a what if letter not facts just to give an idea of various possible payouts so you would have some kind of ball park idea of what you are opting into just ball park stuff. The lawyers look over your case to give an unofficial guess to how many points you may receive in their opinion only. just bes[Show More]Joe I cant take it any more but to try to clue you in. I received the same basic letter. It was just a what if letter not facts just to give an idea of various possible payouts so you would have some kind of ball park idea of what you are opting into just ball park stuff. The lawyers look over your case to give an unofficial guess to how many points you may receive in their opinion only. just best case worse case stuff. Maybe if your lawyer would have sent you a letter like this you would understand better. Yes it is all just guessing at this point but to keep suggesting their are less than two hundred cases to divide the money does not seem likely but would be great for those that are still in with a very big payout for them a life changing amount. It is only my guess but I would think their are at least a couple thousand cases left. My guess when its all done and said it will be enough to buy a new truck or some remodel of the house but thats about all the impact to ones life to be expected. If more great but no way is it going to be hundreds of thousands of dollars. The letter from 2016 was just a range of numbers given as example of their best guess please Joe just let it go. Thank you Waki for posting please dont feel afraid to post again.

  • LarryJanuary 24, 2018 at 3:52 pm

    I was informed that my mom's case was denied because she used a dialysis product called Citrasate. I was wondering was this really the case because she actually died within minutes of her dialysis treatment...I was wondering if this was the actual product used at the Dialysis center....

  • JoeJanuary 24, 2018 at 3:25 pm

    Do you really think there are that many people in this settlement? I know at one time there may have been. I understand there are a lot of pending cases in the court dockets but I couldn’t tell you how accurate that information actually is. Here’s something to think about after the bellwether trial Fresenius put A motion in for 10 more cases to be dismissed due to the outcome of the bellwether tr[Show More]Do you really think there are that many people in this settlement? I know at one time there may have been. I understand there are a lot of pending cases in the court dockets but I couldn’t tell you how accurate that information actually is. Here’s something to think about after the bellwether trial Fresenius put A motion in for 10 more cases to be dismissed due to the outcome of the bellwether trial. Don’t you think if there were at the minimum 2500 cases they would be dismissing more than 10 cases? Another thing those numbers were given to you in 2016 I can’t believe a law firm would give total numbers not knowing how many cases are going to be dismissed. They could not have known because cases were still being dismissed and remanded. Well after 2016. Another thing to think about There were 2 different people That posted on here And said their lawyer told them there were only a few hundred left. Those people seem like they were honest and I don’t believe there lawyers would tell them false information. There would be no reason for them to do that. Now on the other hand your lawyer seems to be a little shady to me. How could he give you A range of award amount when it’s stated no compensation amount can be given out to you at this time until all claims have been reviewed by the claims administrator. If you have a valid case there’s no way you would get a point value back in 2016 And you definitely would not get information about ranges involving award amounts. So you either are not really in the settlement or your lawyer has been giving you false information and if that is the case I would recommend you sue him for malpractice. Just for you know I am telling you the truth about the cases here is a clip from a motion filed in this MDL Here is the clip ;“This point is underscored by the fact that nearly 1,300 cases have been dismissed by stipulation in this MDL and related jurisdictions since the parties reached a settlement in principle in February 2016.” E nd So that’s what stated so you see where even after the settlement was Offered We’re still 1300 cases that were dismissed so that would change The amount of claims you posted dramatically it would go from 2500 from your minimum amount down to 1200. So the numbers you are giving out are just not accurate. You also said if you do the math the amount that you posted is correct. The only way the amount is correct is if the numbers you are giving out are correct and it doesn’t look like they are. Also your formula is wrong you are dividing total cases .Into the total settlement amount. That would mean point values have no value everyone would receive the same amount no matter what their point value was. I still can’t give you a total number I really don’t know. After reading your post one more time it looks like you are just guessing about how many claims they’re actually are. It doesn’t look like your lawyer ever actually told you. Because you stated. He did not tell you how many cases there were and it didn’t stated in the letter. Thank you for posting that though.

  • WakiJanuary 20, 2018 at 6:24 am

    I received my letter today. Jan. 18th. I’m not sure what everyone is saying is accurate. I know the letter I got says the cut off time for is 12 hours for additional points allowed. I am in the granuflo claim category according to my letter. My father died on the machine. So he was 4 hours or less. I received a letter back in September 2016 stating the highest point count is 275. My point count wa[Show More]I received my letter today. Jan. 18th. I’m not sure what everyone is saying is accurate. I know the letter I got says the cut off time for is 12 hours for additional points allowed. I am in the granuflo claim category according to my letter. My father died on the machine. So he was 4 hours or less. I received a letter back in September 2016 stating the highest point count is 275. My point count was 175. 100 for the base points and 75 for the additional. I wish I could post a picture of the letter. But I am in the granuflo claim payout. It says if you have pdsb>28 “and” pdsk<4 you will receive 100 points additionally. Both you have to have both. In my case I would have 275 if my father had a combination of the two mentioned. But he only fell within the time of death range mentioned above. Under 4 hours and I got 75 points for that. The estimated payouts I received from my attorney back in 2016 was $87,200 if there were only 2500 approved granuflo claims. 3000 = 72,666; 3500 = 62,285; 4000 = 54,500; and 4500 = 48,444. I was told my father was in the highest category base on his medical records which they use to determine the category rankings. And lastly, the total amount being divided is $218 million. Not 220 million. If you do the math, you will see the estimates reflect that. I do not know the final number of qualified claims. My letter didn’t state it and my attorney did not know according to the letter I received. But this is just an idea of what the pay outs will be. I have followed this thread for over a year. It has been very informative. Thanks everyone!

  • RuthJanuary 18, 2018 at 1:12 am

    Hi Everyone! Has anyone heard anything else or new? Where is Joe?I come to get more info than my attorney gives me. So I appreciate everyone who sheds light on OUR situation!! Happy New Year to ALL

  • JoeJanuary 11, 2018 at 3:46 pm

    Arthur, I don’t believe Debra said she received a letter I believe she said she talk to her lawyer. So that is probably what her lawyer told her over the phone or through email. From what my lawyer told me is that he will receive the point amount and then after that The money will be sent out to the people that qualified. So from my understanding the lawyers will have your points before any money [Show More]Arthur, I don’t believe Debra said she received a letter I believe she said she talk to her lawyer. So that is probably what her lawyer told her over the phone or through email. From what my lawyer told me is that he will receive the point amount and then after that The money will be sent out to the people that qualified. So from my understanding the lawyers will have your points before any money is Ever sent out. I don’t believe they are sending out the points for every claim just various people you could probably call your law firm and see if they have a point Amount for you yet. I know they will not have a settlement amount for you as of right now but they may have a point Amount if the administrator has already gone over your case.

  • JoeJanuary 11, 2018 at 3:03 pm

    I wouldn’t worry about it Arthur. The court emphatically held that “Medicare liens do not apply to actions under the Wrongful Death Act.” ... The need to satisfy the Medicare lien out of the settlement proceeds will arise if a survival act claim is brought or if the wrongful death act at issue allows for recovery of the decedent's medical expenses. Put in your browser (wrongful death act) You Wi[Show More]I wouldn’t worry about it Arthur. The court emphatically held that “Medicare liens do not apply to actions under the Wrongful Death Act.” ... The need to satisfy the Medicare lien out of the settlement proceeds will arise if a survival act claim is brought or if the wrongful death act at issue allows for recovery of the decedent's medical expenses. Put in your browser (wrongful death act) You Will get more information on it. I don’t quite understand what the lien process Consists of in this wrongful death settlement. Only thing I can think of is the settlement agreement had a stipulation for repayment. Or the liens are only for Survival act for the people that did not pass away. They may have to put that Paragraph in for everyone just because of the survival act. For the people That did not pass away .You really should ask your lawyer. Just call him and say you have a question about the liens and the wrongful death act. He could probably give you a better definition or Exclamation. This is what I do know because you or a family member are filing the lawsuit On behalf of your father’s estate, the settlement was not part of his estate at the time you or a Family member filed the lawsuit thus Your father’s insurance cannot Seek repayment from somebody that is dead.As for other liens the same rules apply. Now however if the lien is for you or a Family member such as back child support bankruptcy back taxes and so forth they would have had to have filed a claim against your settlement. In most cases you would have been notified.

  • ArthurJanuary 10, 2018 at 5:05 pm

    Since we are in the liens subject from prior comments. I was told by my lawyers that a private independent company was doing the lien surchases. I have a couple questions to go with this subject. Wouldn't a person know by either letters or collection notices that you or your siblings receive letters trying to collect a past debt. Now I always get confused with medical or Medicare insurance. I kno[Show More]Since we are in the liens subject from prior comments. I was told by my lawyers that a private independent company was doing the lien surchases. I have a couple questions to go with this subject. Wouldn't a person know by either letters or collection notices that you or your siblings receive letters trying to collect a past debt. Now I always get confused with medical or Medicare insurance. I know one of them is public assistance for those who can't afford regular insurance. My Father had insurance through his Union Retirement Pension He had 80/20 insurance. The 20% was through Secured Horizon which was deducted through either his pension check or social security check. So to my understanding Secured Horizon picks up everything his 80% didn't cover. So anybody who deals in medical insurance am I safe to saying my Father should not have any liens. Is that correct? My firm couldn't answer that question They told me to wait for the independent lien company response. That's is what the big delay is for. Still haven't heard anything yet. I am leary when people are stating that they received a letter already. I was told by either March or April.

  • JoeJanuary 9, 2018 at 1:54 pm

    Thanks Debra, you mean they are going to divide your points by the total points in the Granuflo fund then divide that by 220 million. This is just a example So if there are 40,000 points total for everyone you have 100 points. So they would Divide that 100 point by 40,000 Leaving you with 400 base points. Then that 400 base point would be divided by 220 million? I am just going to ignore you Tom[Show More]Thanks Debra, you mean they are going to divide your points by the total points in the Granuflo fund then divide that by 220 million. This is just a example So if there are 40,000 points total for everyone you have 100 points. So they would Divide that 100 point by 40,000 Leaving you with 400 base points. Then that 400 base point would be divided by 220 million? I am just going to ignore you Tommy.

  • terriJanuary 8, 2018 at 8:59 pm

    Thank you Debra finally some said what my attorney told me basic 100 points and then there are add ons So people please sit back i work for health insurance and they are going to try to get some monies back and you have private and state medical insurance please just wait my husband died in 2006 it has been a long wait for me to have this story ended. Thank you all

  • thomasJanuary 8, 2018 at 4:00 pm

    I feel Joe you are clueless to this all,but at least you have stopped attacking people for a day or so. I could spend days trying to help you understand but i doubt it would turn out well. Time will tell and soon this will be over.

  • DebraJanuary 8, 2018 at 3:51 pm

    I finally got information from my lawyer. I was approved for the base points of 100. No add on. Add on would have been for blood counts prior to dialysis and then time of death. 4 hrs or less and then 4 -12 hours. My husband died just under the 24 hr period. They said "The final point value will be calculated by dividing the cash dollar value of the Granu Flo Case Compensation Fund by the sum[Show More]I finally got information from my lawyer. I was approved for the base points of 100. No add on. Add on would have been for blood counts prior to dialysis and then time of death. 4 hrs or less and then 4 -12 hours. My husband died just under the 24 hr period. They said "The final point value will be calculated by dividing the cash dollar value of the Granu Flo Case Compensation Fund by the sum of the Total Points for all GranuFlo cases qualifying for compensation. After the final point value has been calculated, you will receive a Notice of Monetary Award." My lawyer said that all have to go thru the lien process and if a lien is found that process could take 90-120 days on average to settle. Hopefully I should not have any. My husband died in 2009 and I am ready for this to all be over so I can move on.

  • JoeJanuary 5, 2018 at 4:13 pm

    No I think you’re right about the 200. I looked at Fresenius fourth-quarter earnings and what it said was they expected about 1% not to opt in to the settlement. So when looking over court documents there are a total of two cases only that have trial dates. There are however 11 more trying to fight summary judgment and get trial dates. I don’t know what happened with those cases as of now. But [Show More]No I think you’re right about the 200. I looked at Fresenius fourth-quarter earnings and what it said was they expected about 1% not to opt in to the settlement. So when looking over court documents there are a total of two cases only that have trial dates. There are however 11 more trying to fight summary judgment and get trial dates. I don’t know what happened with those cases as of now. But 1% of 200 is 2 . Unfortunately there are going to be a lot of disappointed people. I have no idea who they will be but unfortunately not all people on here are going to be part of the settlement. Lien payments have been sealed So I don’t even know if they have been completed. Also the lead lawyers on December 12,2017 asked for Allocation of Award and Common Benefit fees. Basically meaning The lawyers want their money to be released and the settlement award to be released. I have no idea why this is taking so long. The lawyers know but I believe they’re going to be so many disappointed people they are not telling anyone because they do not want it to be leaked out. I believe some people are going to get a lot and then others will get very little if anything at all. So that’s the way it is believe it or not. When you receive your amount there will be a confidential clause so no one will be telling anyone what they receive . Even the smaller amount will have a confidentiality clause. So everyone that did not receive a letter yet just wait no matter what the outcome you will receive some type of letter. I still have not received anything yet relating to the amount I will be receiving. No point value, no money value. One thing People have to remember just because someone opted in there is no guarantee your claim will be valid this includes the $1500 cases. So there may be 3324 pending actions but that doesn’t have anything to do with what the end result Will be. Angie, I just get frustrated because it may not be you but the lawyer should not tell you you have 175 points because that lead you to believe something that may not be true. I believe your father probably Passed away very peacefully. Once A cardiac arrest takes place it is very quick a lot of times it happens when the person is sleeping or resting. I can’t see for sure your father situation but Most likely it was very quick. A cardiac arrest is different then a heart attack. The heart just completely stopes in a cardiac arrest. So there should be no pain and he should not have suffered very much. I guess there are probably different situations though of course I am not a doctor but my belief is it was sudden and I don’t believe he suffered very much. Once your heart stops you are clinically dead they can revive your heart with CPR and shock but once your heart stopped you are gone. So I doubt even if he was not asleep I doubt there was very much pain. Once your heart stops you are basically dead amediately. Thats what happen to most of our loved ones. One minute they were alive and then a few minutes later they were dead what a terrible scenario.

  • DebbraJanuary 5, 2018 at 1:24 am

    Starting year 6 and praying for this to end. I just need some peace.

  • AngieJanuary 4, 2018 at 4:54 am

    No, I posted that Joe. I, like a lot of people on here, am just sharing information that was shared with me by my attorney. The attorney was the one who gave me that point value. At this point, I don't believe anything, anyone tells me. I am just waiting it out. What I wanted out of this lawsuit, I will never get. I wanted to know if my dad suffered or if he went in his sleep peacefully...he[Show More]No, I posted that Joe. I, like a lot of people on here, am just sharing information that was shared with me by my attorney. The attorney was the one who gave me that point value. At this point, I don't believe anything, anyone tells me. I am just waiting it out. What I wanted out of this lawsuit, I will never get. I wanted to know if my dad suffered or if he went in his sleep peacefully...he passed while on the dialysis chair. I will never know...if there is a monetary settlement, it will never even come close to replacing what we lost. On 01/02/2013, we laid my dad to rest. I should have just left it alone then.....

  • AmandaJanuary 4, 2018 at 2:46 am

    Thanks Joe I just wanted to make sure that what I was thinking was right. Don't know all the lawyer lingo. I just get confused all these people saying they revived letters and point values when my lawyer said they're was no way of knowing until every single claim in category 1 had been gone through so that they would make sure they had enough to dispense. I am with you in wanting this all to be ov[Show More]Thanks Joe I just wanted to make sure that what I was thinking was right. Don't know all the lawyer lingo. I just get confused all these people saying they revived letters and point values when my lawyer said they're was no way of knowing until every single claim in category 1 had been gone through so that they would make sure they had enough to dispense. I am with you in wanting this all to be over with.. I'm sure that we are closer than before but still they always find a reason to push something back.. thx for your help..

  • JoeJanuary 3, 2018 at 2:27 pm

    Remember this posted over a year ago. We all know it couldn’t have been true Arthur called her out and told her the cut off was 24 hours and she never posted anything after that. I think reese is the same person just using a different name . Angie September 29, 2016 at 4:57 amReply Arthur, according to the paper work I received from the attorney and per the conversation I had with him last week, m[Show More]Remember this posted over a year ago. We all know it couldn’t have been true Arthur called her out and told her the cut off was 24 hours and she never posted anything after that. I think reese is the same person just using a different name . Angie September 29, 2016 at 4:57 amReply Arthur, according to the paper work I received from the attorney and per the conversation I had with him last week, my dad’s case is sitting at 175 points…that is equal to $175,000. He said that amount goes up in value daily based on the fact that not everyone is meeting the criteria and they are being eliminated. He said at the time of our conversation he could not give me an accurate number as to how many people met the criteria because they were still working on it. I was told mid to end October everything would be completed and checks would start going out sometime in November. I opted in because this has been ongoing for 4 years and every time I have to deal with the attorneys and questions it just digs deeper into my wounds. I’m trying to heal and I want this over with How in the world could someone have a point value determined back in September 2016 almost a year and a half ago.We all know the administrator just started reviewing cases Maybe a month or so ago. I think this is the same person it’s probably JohnB

  • JoeJanuary 3, 2018 at 9:53 am

    reese You know you are making that Sh*t up. I am all for you getting a good pay out. What do you mean there are 2000 Claims submitted for the full payout? I question this because according to court documents as of September 2017 there were 3324 pending cases. If you are stating there were 2000 that were submitted For full payout There would be more in category one Then in category three the $1500 [Show More]reese You know you are making that Sh*t up. I am all for you getting a good pay out. What do you mean there are 2000 Claims submitted for the full payout? I question this because according to court documents as of September 2017 there were 3324 pending cases. If you are stating there were 2000 that were submitted For full payout There would be more in category one Then in category three the $1500 category. If What You are saying Is accurate. There would be 1324 left for All other categories. Meaning there would be more in category #1 then there would be in category #3 . When talking to my lawyer he stated over half of all claims are $1500 (APA) claims. So no matter what the total number is more than half would be $1500 claims. With the numbers you are giving out there would be more in the Granuflo compensation fund then in the alternative fund (APA $1500) . In November over 1000 opt out cases were dismissed. Even then there would be more in category #1 (Full pay out) than in Category #3 alternative payment fund. Also Some people on here were stating they received a letter when opting in stating they had 175 points. I question this because Almost all opt in letters stated. We cannot determine your point value at this time until all qualifying claims Have been determined by the claims administrator. I Received my opt in letter back around July or August 2016 stating.We cannot tell your award amount until all wards have been Determined. If the points you are telling people are true, that means everyone that is receiving the base or Minimum payment would all be receiving 175 points And everyone that was receiving the base or minimum payment would be receiving letters. You are full of it reese if thats who you realy are. Don't believe this person he is lying. Why would they only give you a point value and Not tell you what the points are worth you are full of it. A point value means nothing without knowing how much each point is worth. You are a Internet troll. You come on here under different names to annoy people and make them believe things that aren’t true.

  • JoeJanuary 3, 2018 at 7:26 am

    Amanda,I can tell you the basics. You already know what the notice of appearance was for. The case Management order No. 17 Was a Lone pine order For all cases. Not just yours Everyone’s case has that order. It means all cases needed proof that Granuflo/Naturalyte was used and A doctors testimony stating that More than likely the drug was the cause of death or injury within the 24 hours timeline[Show More]Amanda,I can tell you the basics. You already know what the notice of appearance was for. The case Management order No. 17 Was a Lone pine order For all cases. Not just yours Everyone’s case has that order. It means all cases needed proof that Granuflo/Naturalyte was used and A doctors testimony stating that More than likely the drug was the cause of death or injury within the 24 hours timeline. I know there are 2 Case management order’s number 17. It May have just been a Mistake everyone’s case has 2 lone pine orders No 17. One right after the other. I Believe it was just a mistake Because they are both the same exact thing.. Moving on, the order establishing a qualified settlement fund is when the settlement is funded it will go into Like a savings account that no one has access to. It is just to hold the funds until the Administrator has given award amount values to everyone that is part of the Settlement And the liens have been paid. Then the money will be released. I don’t mean funded I mean released meaning the money Can be sent out to each individual Claims that qualified. So As you probably know we are now waiting for the claims administrator to make his determination On award amounts And for the liens to be paid. Then the checks will be released.I thought it would have been done already at least according to my lawyer but it looks like it is taking longer than expected.Some people have been stating in March 2018, so it’s only a few months away. So Amanda I cannot go over every single order but yours is basically like every other valid claim. All the other stuff like orders and hearings is stuff that got us to this point. We are all in the same position as you are. We are all just waiting to hear something.

  • MaryJanuary 3, 2018 at 5:33 am

    I have been reading these posts for the past 18 months and have never really replied or posted anything prior to now. However, I may say that I have been included in the Granuflo cases per my attorney but have not received any letters or notices for the past 9 months and my attorneys just keep telling me to hang on and no news is good news. Husband died in dialysis, proved to be on granuflo for s[Show More]I have been reading these posts for the past 18 months and have never really replied or posted anything prior to now. However, I may say that I have been included in the Granuflo cases per my attorney but have not received any letters or notices for the past 9 months and my attorneys just keep telling me to hang on and no news is good news. Husband died in dialysis, proved to be on granuflo for several months prior to 9/2011. Right now I have no idea what is going on other than what you all have posted. Especially You Joe. I respect your knowledge and look forward to reading what you have to say as I always have.

  • AmandaJanuary 2, 2018 at 11:28 pm

    I haven't received anything from my attorney or the claims administration. But my lawyer did say that that it was hundreds not thousands in the main settlment. And other lawyers have said the same so not sure about certain information

  • SharonDecember 31, 2017 at 3:54 pm

    Has anyone else received a letter from their attorney and/or the claims administrator ? The last time I corresponded with my attorney was Dec. 1st. It just helps the stress to hear that other people are receiving letters. Not knowing is stressful. Joe thank you for the info. Happy New Year everyone !!

  • AmandaDecember 30, 2017 at 5:13 am

    I don't know anymore.. the last thing she told me was that our case was not part of the 1500 settlement. And would receive extra amount due to the amount of bicorbanate level because it was through the roof and definitely should have been noticed. She had the event within 8 hrs of dialysis. not sure if it made a difference or not but she had just had her routine heart exam, echo and cath ran to ma[Show More]I don't know anymore.. the last thing she told me was that our case was not part of the 1500 settlement. And would receive extra amount due to the amount of bicorbanate level because it was through the roof and definitely should have been noticed. She had the event within 8 hrs of dialysis. not sure if it made a difference or not but she had just had her routine heart exam, echo and cath ran to make sure there was no issues with her artiries or anything wrong with her heart. All that came back completely clear. WHAT IS THE CATEGORY 3.. and what does the extrodnary relif fund mean on the orginal letter. honestly just hope all of this will end soon..

  • AmandaDecember 30, 2017 at 4:49 am

    Yes Joe that would be my case, but I don't understand all that lol.. can you explain it to me a little more if you don't mind. I know there had to be an appearance because of some records that apperntly come up missing then the Dr himself gave them to my lawyer.

  • DebbieDecember 29, 2017 at 5:57 pm

    Thank you for that info joe. When you say the base pay what was that amount? Do they have the base pay figured out yet?

  • reeseDecember 29, 2017 at 4:40 pm

    There were 2000 claims submitted for the full pay out. which means that they can make a claim for more than 1500.00. I received my letter back in November from my lawyer with letter from claim administrator. Stating points.(175) base 100 add on 75. the max points someone can get is 225 or 275. i forget. However i am in category one with no EIF(Extraordinary injury fund) this was approved by the [Show More]There were 2000 claims submitted for the full pay out. which means that they can make a claim for more than 1500.00. I received my letter back in November from my lawyer with letter from claim administrator. Stating points.(175) base 100 add on 75. the max points someone can get is 225 or 275. i forget. However i am in category one with no EIF(Extraordinary injury fund) this was approved by the administrator. i dont know value of points yet. Hope this helpful. Happy New Year

  • JoeDecember 28, 2017 at 5:19 pm

    Plaintiff Amanda Edwards Edwards v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.. et al Massachusetts District Court Judge: Douglas P Woodlock Case #: Nature of Suit 367 Torts - Personal Injury - Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury/Product Liability Cause 28:1332 Diversity-Wrongful Death Case Filed: Mar 16, 2014 Docket Parties (10) Opinions (1) Docket last updated: 12 hours ago Wednesday, May [Show More]Plaintiff Amanda Edwards Edwards v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.. et al Massachusetts District Court Judge: Douglas P Woodlock Case #: Nature of Suit 367 Torts - Personal Injury - Health Care/Pharmaceutical Personal Injury/Product Liability Cause 28:1332 Diversity-Wrongful Death Case Filed: Mar 16, 2014 Docket Parties (10) Opinions (1) Docket last updated: 12 hours ago Wednesday, May 10, 2017 44 notice Notice of Appearance Wed 4:43 PM NOTICE of Appearance by Bobby J Bell, Jr on behalf of Amanda Edwards (Bell, Bobby) Thursday, March 09, 2017 43 order Memorandum & Order Thu 5:51 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: MEMORANDUM REGARDING CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER NO. 17 (LONE PINE ORDER. Issued in all Associated Cases.(Beatty, Barbara) Thursday, January 26, 2017 42 order Order Thu 12:26 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: CASE MANAGEMENT ORDER NO. 17 (LONE PINE ORDER). Issued in All Associated Cases. (Beatty, Barbara) Saturday, October 22, 2016 41 order Order on Motion for Miscellaneous Relief Sat 5:16 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER entered in case 1:12-cv-12022-DPW; granting (1780) Motion to establish Qualified Settlement Fund in case 1:13-md-02428-DPW Associated Cases: 1:13-md-02428-DPW et al.(Woodlock, Douglas) Friday, December 04, 2015 40 3 pgs order Memorandum & Order Fri 11:50 AM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: MEMORANDUM AND ORDER entered. Associated Cases: 1:13-md-02428-DPW et al. (Colman, Claire) Att: 1 Exhibit A, Att: 2 Exhibit B Here’s the thing you have a notice of appearance not exactly sure the reason for that. I do know however most category #1 Claims that are actually in category #1 The last docket activity is Thursday March 9, 2017 That is something you will need to talk with your lawyer about and ask him why there is a notice of appearance on May 10, 2017. For your case Not exactly sure if this is your case so I left the case number out.

  • JoeDecember 28, 2017 at 10:45 am

    Sorry i think i said you need 275 point to Qualify for Category #1. I meant to say 225 points not 275 The 225 will qualify you for at least the base or minimum payment in the Granuflo Compensation fund category #1 From my Understanding.

  • AnthonyDecember 28, 2017 at 3:58 am

    We are turning on each other Remember it's almost over. We have lost so much already. We lost, less leave with friends and a few $$$.

  • JoeDecember 27, 2017 at 5:08 pm

    This stuff on here is getting monotonous. People still talking about being in the settlement stating their loved one died within the 24 to 48 hour timeline this is getting ridiculous. Anyone who has been keeping an eye on this lawsuit knows 24 hours is the cut off point anything after that Will not be in category #1.Its Possible they could qualify For category # 3. $1500 As for JohnB Telling peopl[Show More]This stuff on here is getting monotonous. People still talking about being in the settlement stating their loved one died within the 24 to 48 hour timeline this is getting ridiculous. Anyone who has been keeping an eye on this lawsuit knows 24 hours is the cut off point anything after that Will not be in category #1.Its Possible they could qualify For category # 3. $1500 As for JohnB Telling people all claims are going to be reviewed by the claims administrator they may be reviewed. But once you are put into category #3 Or should I say once you submit a claim for category #3 you cannot Submit a claim for category #1 or 2 . Let me make this simple If you received a letter and opted in and the letter stated you’re in the alternative payment fund your case will not be reviewed it may be looked over just to make sure you have the supporting documents but you will not be moved from category #3 to Category #1 or 2 it will not happen. The Claims administrator is only reviewing cases for category #1 and Category #2 and category # 4. Don't let this Thomas guy and JohnB Tell you differently they are both idiots and trying to mislead people. They don’t know what they’re talking about. You should not listen to them or you will be greatly disappointed. Here are the facts if you filed a lawsuit against this company and your loved one did not pass away Or was not iinjured December 2012 or before and did Not have a cardiac arrest after the last treatment with the use of Granuflo you will not be in the Granuflo Compensation fund which is Category #1 . I will repeat this if you or you loved one did not have a Cardiac arrest between the dates of April 1, 2002 to December 31, 2012 and did not use Granuflo At the last treatment you will NOT be in the Granuflo compensation fund Category #1 there are no exceptions. The claims administrator is not a judge he cannot Dismiss your case. He is simply giving a point value to your case. He has no authority to Dismiss your case Also once a claim has been submitted to the Granuflo or Naturalyte Compensation fund it cannot be moved to the Alternative payment fund (APA). Also if you are truthfully in the Granuflo Compensation fund (Category #1 ) you will be Entitled to at least a base or minimum payment. You will not Receive less than the base or minimum payment and it can only go up from The base or minimum payout, so anyone that says they are receiving letters, with Values that are very low are not in the Granuflo compensation fund. They are ether in the APA or the Naturalyte Compensation fund. Look i don't no how many case are in Category #1 There has been talk on here of a few hundred or so. I don’t know if Those numbers are accurate or not. I don’t know why someone’s lawyer would tell them that if it isn’t true. I agree with it but I don’t know for sure. From my understanding you needed 275 points to make it into the Granuflo Compensation fund. anything less would put you in the APA fund. Category #3 $1500 So there are going to be a lot of people Tht are going to be very disappointed because ether they read the opt-in letter And interpreted it incorrectly or The lawyers played with words to lead people to believe something that wasn't true. Do you understand what I am saying if you are truly in the Granuflo compensation fund. The claims administrator does not determine different amounts for each individual case. What happens is , You are put into the Granuflo Compensation fund And if you have no add-ons you are in the group one that had the cardiac arrest within 24 hours after the use of Granuflo Between those dates I posted above. There Will be people that will receive the minimum or base pay only. Then there will be people that have add-ons Depending on the amount of time that passed after the last use of Granuflo.Those people will receive The base pay or minimum payment and also one add on Within the time of death there will be 4 Different amounts depending on when the time of death occurred as in timewise I believe it’s 0-4 Hr then 4 to 8 then 8 to 12 then 12 to 24. The lower you are in that list the higher the add on amount will be. Same thing with the bicarbonate level 24 to 26 Will be the base And no add-on will be given as the numbers go hire the higher the amount you will receive. So what people are saying on here Can confuse people like I said my understanding is they are going to send letters out in batches depending on how many if any add-ons you have . So I don’t understand how people are getting different letters with different point values if you are in category one And have no add-ons all point values will be the same.One would Not receive a higher point value than Another they would all be the same. Now if you have all add-ons with the shortest time of death or injury after the use of Granuflo and the bicarbonate level is quite high Your payouts are going to be quite high,but not very many people will qualify for all add-on At the highest payout amounts. Some people will have one add-on with time of death or injury 0 to 4 hours and they will receive a higher amount than someone that had a time of death or injury 4 to 8 hours. But there will probably be a group of those people not just 1 or 2 people. Anyway you get the point.

  • Connie A.December 26, 2017 at 3:53 pm

    Hello Everyone. I have been reading your post for a while now and most of what I have read has been great information. But what I am concerned with is who has received a letter and what's the addresses name on the letter. Whom will it come from.. My mother died within the 24-48 time period and it has been a very emotional holiday for me this year, but with prayer it will get better. I am from Mis[Show More]Hello Everyone. I have been reading your post for a while now and most of what I have read has been great information. But what I am concerned with is who has received a letter and what's the addresses name on the letter. Whom will it come from.. My mother died within the 24-48 time period and it has been a very emotional holiday for me this year, but with prayer it will get better. I am from Mississippi and just wondering. My attorney says the longer it takes for the letter to come the better. I wish everyone well and happy holidays.

  • JohnBDecember 24, 2017 at 4:06 pm

    You Joe are a bold face liar and ppl will will discover your true person behind your lies and false information you give the blog.

  • JudyDecember 23, 2017 at 1:01 pm

    Thank you again Joe for all you information Please ignore the negative comment coming from a obvious miserable person I look forward to hearing from you

  • AmandaDecember 23, 2017 at 3:34 am

    They removed half of my comment I guess. Cause I sent the name and it's not on there so it's OK. #Edwards

  • AmandaDecember 22, 2017 at 6:37 am

    Joe was wondering if you could help me fin out any information pertaining to my case we havent even been able to get my lawyer on the phone since last time I posted and received nothing at all in the mail. Of course I know they are busy but a letter a phone call something would be nice.

  • JoeDecember 21, 2017 at 7:59 am

    JohnB You dumb kid, the first name of the person that filed the lawsuit for your family is DELORES. I have no idea why this Website Let’s people like you post on Here. You are a stupid child with no discipline given to you by your mother or father. I don’t respond to children I am trying to post information for grown adults. Not for undisciplined children like yourself. You are A Uneducated child.[Show More]JohnB You dumb kid, the first name of the person that filed the lawsuit for your family is DELORES. I have no idea why this Website Let’s people like you post on Here. You are a stupid child with no discipline given to you by your mother or father. I don’t respond to children I am trying to post information for grown adults. Not for undisciplined children like yourself. You are A Uneducated child. So I will not respond anymore to you and no you dumb kid. I do not work for Fresenius. People can feel sorry for those that did not make it into a higher category but it’s people like JohnB Sister or aunt or whoever that filed that makes this case and settlement so drawn out. His mother’s case is not valid. It’s a meritless case but Someone in his family continues to try to get money even though there are no grounds for it. If everyone with meritless cases were included in the settlement people with true cases would get nothing or very little. If you meet the criteria you are in if you don’t you can fight and argue for years. The end result usually is not favorable. Also JohnB You have no idea what any proposed orders mean your a Uneducated child. You used your father’s or grandfathers name and picture on a different website. If that picture was truly you then you are a uneducated Adult man. I never implied you were a woman What I should have said was the person that filed the case for the estate of Tawana Was a woman by the name of DELORES . Then maybe you would have understood it better to repeat I said The person that filed your case was a woman. Now unless a man has the name of DELORES It’s a woman.

  • SusieDecember 21, 2017 at 2:58 am

    Spoke with my lawyer today!! Was told I am def in granuflo cat and pay out should be within the next 3 r 4 months!!! Hope this helps good luck to all and merry Christmas!!!

  • toviseDecember 21, 2017 at 12:42 am

    , I think it's so disrespectful to curse at Joe or anyone else in this group if you don't like his information don't f****** read it keep on moving and deal with your own information that you're getting from your lawyer as far as putting people down or trying to be combative it's useless it's a waste of time and its offensive an annoying..... Joe you've been giving me the best information I can ev[Show More], I think it's so disrespectful to curse at Joe or anyone else in this group if you don't like his information don't f****** read it keep on moving and deal with your own information that you're getting from your lawyer as far as putting people down or trying to be combative it's useless it's a waste of time and its offensive an annoying..... Joe you've been giving me the best information I can ever get and I thank you anyone who disagrees with him just stop reading what he's writing and worry about your lawyer your suit and get your information from your lawyer... with that being said my lawyer said I had a point value of 175 out of 275 not sure what that means but Joe if you have any information let me know please thank you.... on that note happy holidays

  • johnBDecember 17, 2017 at 3:13 am

    Joe. Joe . Joe you are something else in the spectrum of human kind. Your post of 8 Dec has now convinced me beyond a doubt that you dont know what the f**K you are talking about here. Your claims about my lawsuit are totally false. You have no idea what you are talking about. I am here to help ppl on this blog understand what you, Joe, really do ... what do you really do.. you dispense infor[Show More]Joe. Joe . Joe you are something else in the spectrum of human kind. Your post of 8 Dec has now convinced me beyond a doubt that you dont know what the f**K you are talking about here. Your claims about my lawsuit are totally false. You have no idea what you are talking about. I am here to help ppl on this blog understand what you, Joe, really do ... what do you really do.. you dispense information,, some so legal that you do even know what. Where do you get all this stuff you put on this blog. Joe do you work for ? Joe are you incarcerated? You have soo much time to spend on lawsuit. I know you are not an attorney, nor do you have an legal experience or knowledge... most of what you place on here is aviable on the internet . SO Joe are you working for Fresenius still? I dont really mean to slam you but you do piss me off with fake information about my lawsuit. I honestly think I am a woman. LOL you have had problems with women before ???? Anyway JOE good luck and leave these good ppl alone ,, its almost over and will be after the claims administrator finishes his/her job.

  • JoeDecember 15, 2017 at 12:36 pm

    Susie i don't see you in the summary judgment. I don’t have any specifics on your case. That’s probably good means you are probably still part of the settlement . Just give it more time .You will receive a letter eventually,no Worries. Everyone has to remember,once its in the Administrators hands the lawyer s have no idea what point value you will be given. They do know the Formula, but have no [Show More]Susie i don't see you in the summary judgment. I don’t have any specifics on your case. That’s probably good means you are probably still part of the settlement . Just give it more time .You will receive a letter eventually,no Worries. Everyone has to remember,once its in the Administrators hands the lawyer s have no idea what point value you will be given. They do know the Formula, but have no idea if tne Administrator will agree with what they submitted. That is probably Why most of the lawyers Are not saying anything or giving Very limited information out. The best thing to do is to look at your opt-in letter. If it states they have document use of Granuflo and Documented cardiac arrest within 24 hours. You will be in Category #1 . The thing is how many people actually got a letter like that, when they opted-in. I haven’t received anything from the administrator Concerning point value or category placement. So everyone just has to be patient. We have all waited years and years a few more months if even that shouldn't be that bad. My lawyer did send me a letter telling me he submitted my documents to The claims administrator for the Granuflo Compensation fund I was told the documents were submitted late September. That is the last letter i received and that letter came a few weeks ago.

  • SusieDecember 14, 2017 at 1:37 am

    Joe did you happen to see a Deborah Landry or Deborah Tucker??? Only ask because my brother and I have recieved no info or letters... Last herd they sent papers to administrator.... Any info would help thanks...

  • terruDecember 14, 2017 at 12:13 am

    Joe what did you mean in your text pn Dec 12 2017 thank you

  • SharonDecember 13, 2017 at 9:33 pm

    Joe, what does that mean ? For those of us who may not understand the legal terms. 😁

  • JoeDecember 13, 2017 at 4:33 pm

    Tuesday, December 12, 2017 1985 misc Proposed Documents Submitted to the Court Tue 4:24 PM Proposed Document(s) submitted by Plaintiffs' Executive Committee. Document received: Proposed Order re: Plaintiff Leadership's Petition for Award and Allocation of Common Benefit Fees. (Gotz, James)

  • LarryDecember 12, 2017 at 9:06 pm

    Spoke to my attorney last Friday. Letters are being sent out to various clients now letting them know if their claim has been dismissed or if they are in the lower amount category. She acted like the later you get your letter you better chance you are in the Granuflo category with the higher payout. She said the letter will come from the administrator and not the lawyer. But the letter will tell y[Show More]Spoke to my attorney last Friday. Letters are being sent out to various clients now letting them know if their claim has been dismissed or if they are in the lower amount category. She acted like the later you get your letter you better chance you are in the Granuflo category with the higher payout. She said the letter will come from the administrator and not the lawyer. But the letter will tell you what category you are in. Did not mention the lien process or time funds would actually be paid,other than stating prob a 60 to 90 day period,Feb or March. Sound like a ton of cases have been dismissed unfortunately.She said best chance to collect in top category would be time frame in which the cardiac arrest occurred and if your loved one was exposed to Granuflo at the last treatment before the cardiac arrest. Seems like she knew what she was talking about. I also have appreciated Joes info on this site.I personally hate to see any one left out of this settlement because I know what a hard time loving a loved one means. Saw one posting where only like 460 or so clients are in the top category and over half of them were in the states of Mississippi and California,more in Mississippi,then any other state. Dont know if that chart was accurate or not but if so,Fresenius is really screwing over a lot of clients. And it has taken about 5 extra long years,which has seemed about 20 years going through this process. Just wanted to let people know what I have heard. Is is 100% accurate!! WHO KNOWS??????

  • MindyDecember 12, 2017 at 8:55 pm

    I'm curious how many of you have used Hagens & Berman for help with this? Are you getting any of your questions answered by them? Are they answering any of your calls? I'm beyond frustrated with these so called attorneys. The ONLY time I get a call back is after I've placed multiple calls in to them, days apart from each other and I've left messages basically telling them how disappointed I am wit[Show More]I'm curious how many of you have used Hagens & Berman for help with this? Are you getting any of your questions answered by them? Are they answering any of your calls? I'm beyond frustrated with these so called attorneys. The ONLY time I get a call back is after I've placed multiple calls in to them, days apart from each other and I've left messages basically telling them how disappointed I am with how they've represented me. I'm not asking for much, just communication once every month or two so I know where we are at. If nothing has changed then tell me that. Don't answer my questions with a bunch of ummm's and I don't knows, it's very unprofessional. Also, who should I contact about going after Davila? I was under the understanding that they were going after them as well as Fresenius only to find out years later they weren't going after Davita. Davila needs to be held accountable as much as Fresenius. They should have never let my father go home, they should've sent him straight to the hospital. Maybe then he would've had a fighting chance.

  • DebraDecember 12, 2017 at 2:17 pm

    I am still waiting on letter from administrator. I hate this waiting.

  • AmandaDecember 9, 2017 at 5:54 am

    The truth of the matter is they can push and extend out and are going to as much as possible. I just think a lot of people will be disappointed when it's all said and done. We've all been told so many lies and each one of us told different information. Joe hado been pretty valuable to this forum. His information for the most part has lined up with what my attorney has said. We are only human we al[Show More]The truth of the matter is they can push and extend out and are going to as much as possible. I just think a lot of people will be disappointed when it's all said and done. We've all been told so many lies and each one of us told different information. Joe hado been pretty valuable to this forum. His information for the most part has lined up with what my attorney has said. We are only human we all get things wrong from time to time and he is going based off what information he is given by his lawyer and other documents. Maybe soon all this will be over and we can continue on. The holidays aproaching I am sure we are all grieving the loss of our loved ones and tensions are high. My children were robbed from knowing my mother and that kills me but I can sleep at night knowing that at least they acknowledged they messed up. Hope everyone has a very merry Christmas

  • AnthonyDecember 8, 2017 at 8:02 pm

    I know we all are frustrated but we can't turn on each other. Remember we was sold out from day one from everybody.its almost over so let's keep each other in our prays.

  • JoeDecember 8, 2017 at 5:35 pm

    Thank you for helping me with those two. I am just trying to help people I wasn’t going to post anymore but I saw some information concerning a Protective order involving the liens.So I thought I would share that. The dates I gave out before We’re given to me by my lawyer but as we all know there can always be extensions and the dates can change. I don’t think he ever meant for those dates to be[Show More]Thank you for helping me with those two. I am just trying to help people I wasn’t going to post anymore but I saw some information concerning a Protective order involving the liens.So I thought I would share that. The dates I gave out before We’re given to me by my lawyer but as we all know there can always be extensions and the dates can change. I don’t think he ever meant for those dates to be set in stone. As for JohnB I know his case is part of the 11 or so trying to fight summary judgment. So he shouldn’t even be worrying about how many people and what the dates are going to be. He is not part of the settlement anymore. The reason I know this is because he gave his case information out on another website a while ago. So when looking over the summary judgment I see his case in there. I wasn’t looking for his case I just happened to see it. i mean there are only 11 cases so its not hard to miss. So I know he is part of the 11 fighting for a court date and not to have his case thrown out On summary judgment. So it goes to show you some people on here are just here to harass people they are not even part of the settlement anymore. Also I was never thrown off any website. I have no idea why he keeps saying that. It’s like he’s crazy, He is not even the one in the lawsuit because it’s a woman’s name he may be a family member which is fine but don’t act like you are talking to your lawyer. When the Information you are getting is coming off of this blog not from your Sister or sister-in-law’s Or aunts lawyer.

  • MarieDecember 7, 2017 at 1:35 am

    Spoke with my attorney and he said that we are just waiting on the claims adjuster. I asked him if my case could be canceled or decrease down to the $1500. He said there was no way that was going to happen. They felt my case was strong. He also said he didn’t expect payment at least until March. But they didn’t have any date because as the adjuster makes the decisions. They send out the letters [Show More]Spoke with my attorney and he said that we are just waiting on the claims adjuster. I asked him if my case could be canceled or decrease down to the $1500. He said there was no way that was going to happen. They felt my case was strong. He also said he didn’t expect payment at least until March. But they didn’t have any date because as the adjuster makes the decisions. They send out the letters according to the date that they look at your case. So people will be receiving letters at different times. Joe ignore the haters. I appreciate all the info you have given. Not sure why people need to be so mean. We are all going through the same thing. Merry Christmas to all and God Bless.

  • KDecember 6, 2017 at 8:33 pm

    Hi Latoya! that's what I heard as well, but my dad got a call from our lawyer and they said something about the lien process being pushed back? I'm not super familiar with law lingo though so I'm not really sure what that means. The lawyer said payout would be pushed to March of 2018 at the latest. Has anyone else heard anything like that?

  • PatriciaDecember 6, 2017 at 7:56 pm

    I got a letter from my attorney(I am in Granuflo)and my husband died in dialysis . I also got in that letter from Adminstrator stating how many points I have. She said once they know how many people are in that category I would get a dollar amount for each point. Every case has to go thru the Lein process too. She couldn’t tell me a time or date when settlement funds would go out... Also has[Show More]I got a letter from my attorney(I am in Granuflo)and my husband died in dialysis . I also got in that letter from Adminstrator stating how many points I have. She said once they know how many people are in that category I would get a dollar amount for each point. Every case has to go thru the Lein process too. She couldn’t tell me a time or date when settlement funds would go out... Also has anyone been told a date for the funds to go out? And does anyone really have an idea of how many might be in the category one. I really hope it is not until March. Also does anyone know how long Probate takes. I went thry probate when my husband died so I think I will only need that paperwork... I think Joe has only given great information...

  • LatoyaDecember 6, 2017 at 4:07 pm

    Hi everyone, I have been following this post for a while and I just wanted to know if Patricia was the only one that received a letter from her attorney that said the case amount and about points and when the payout would be received. The reason I am asking is because when I spoke with my attorney I was told that I would receive a letter from them with the letter from the administrator in it with [Show More]Hi everyone, I have been following this post for a while and I just wanted to know if Patricia was the only one that received a letter from her attorney that said the case amount and about points and when the payout would be received. The reason I am asking is because when I spoke with my attorney I was told that I would receive a letter from them with the letter from the administrator in it with the amount I was getting around the 15th of this month. I was also told that payout amount would be some time the end of this month into next month, just like Joe said. So I am just trying to get more information.

  • JohnBDecember 6, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    I see through him also. Fake information. The third party administrator WILL determine who what when in this case now so wait. Joe is just a teaser with his fake information. Hey joe thought you were gone??? This is second time joe gets into a blog. The first time he and his buddy Mike were kicked out for insulting ppl calling them names. Go away joe

  • JohnBDecember 6, 2017 at 2:29 pm

    I have always seen through JOE. People on here think he is great source info when in fact he is just a good story teller. He spends all his time trying to impress people with his fake info. It’s up to the third party administrator who when and. How much. So wait and see. So simple!!!!

  • RobertDecember 5, 2017 at 4:47 pm

    I never said anyone would receive a check on November 1. I said The lawyers should have the amounts by the end of November and some have received a letter I didn’t say every single person would . I never gave the date of November 1 you are making that up . I feel sorry for you, and you are somewhat annoying. If you read all my posts If you read all my posts you will see that I said it could [Show More]I never said anyone would receive a check on November 1. I said The lawyers should have the amounts by the end of November and some have received a letter I didn’t say every single person would . I never gave the date of November 1 you are making that up . I feel sorry for you, and you are somewhat annoying. If you read all my posts If you read all my posts you will see that I said it could take until 2018 but I doubt it will. What is it your lawyer talking to you we seem to have no information. I know all the state cases are now in the federal MDL and have been for sometime now as tagalongs. I also know if you have a day After March 9, 2017, as a notice of appearance. Those cases are most likely going to be dismissed or offered a very low settlement probably moved to the alternative payment fund. Now Why don’t you tell me what you know. I bet you have nothing to say because you know nothing.

  • JoeDecember 5, 2017 at 4:32 pm

    Some people have received letters in November. Don’t you read the post. Are you still sticking with the story that the 97% has not been met? There you go again maybe what the problem is your case is one of them that is going to be moved to the alternative payment fund. Maybe that’s why your lawyer is not telling you the truth and he is going to make you wait for the letter. Telling you your case h[Show More]Some people have received letters in November. Don’t you read the post. Are you still sticking with the story that the 97% has not been met? There you go again maybe what the problem is your case is one of them that is going to be moved to the alternative payment fund. Maybe that’s why your lawyer is not telling you the truth and he is going to make you wait for the letter. Telling you your case has been moved to the alternative payment fund or your case has been dismissed. I will post on here with information whenever I please. You can’t stop me. Take your anti-depressants and relax for a while, you’re losing it man.

  • ThomasDecember 4, 2017 at 5:18 pm

    Joe here you go again. Whats up with your November 1st post of dates to receive money. You should stop with your mind games trying to hurt people. I see through you. I hope others can see also.

  • ????December 1, 2017 at 10:34 pm

    JOE IS BACK lol

  • lindaDecember 1, 2017 at 5:35 pm

    I spoke to lawyer today and letters are being sent out that If your case is not Granuflo your case will be dismissed and will receive letters of dismissal in a few days. Otherwise will receive letter with amt of payments around middle of February and receive your payment around March, 2018. From here I'll just wait to see what happens next. It was also said there will be many and many that will no[Show More]I spoke to lawyer today and letters are being sent out that If your case is not Granuflo your case will be dismissed and will receive letters of dismissal in a few days. Otherwise will receive letter with amt of payments around middle of February and receive your payment around March, 2018. From here I'll just wait to see what happens next. It was also said there will be many and many that will not receive anything, only a few will qualify. At this point I have embraced myself for the worst because even with Granuflo it will be hard to receive any monies. Wishing you ALL well. Many of us will be in shock and hurt, but let us all keep striving for better.

  • ????December 1, 2017 at 5:01 pm

    I don’t believe it. There are not 7555 I know that for a fact FIRST CIRCUIT Total Tr'd 2-ALM; 6-ALN; 4-ALS; 1-AZ; 31-CAC; 2-CAE; 16-CAN; 10-CAS; 1-FLN; 5-FLS; 1-GAM; 7-GAN; 1-GAS; 5-ILN; 3-ILS; 2-IAS; 2-KYE; 12-KYW; 18-LAE; 6-LAM; 4-LAW; 1-ME; 2-MN; 80-MSN; 125-MSS; 8-MOE; 1-MOW; 9-NJ; 18-NYE; 2-NYN; 2-NCE; 1-OHN; 2-OHS; 1-OKN; 12-OKW; 2-PAE; 3-PAM; 13-PR; 4-SC; 5-TNE; 1-TNW; 1-TXN; 9-TXS; 2-TX[Show More]I don’t believe it. There are not 7555 I know that for a fact FIRST CIRCUIT Total Tr'd 2-ALM; 6-ALN; 4-ALS; 1-AZ; 31-CAC; 2-CAE; 16-CAN; 10-CAS; 1-FLN; 5-FLS; 1-GAM; 7-GAN; 1-GAS; 5-ILN; 3-ILS; 2-IAS; 2-KYE; 12-KYW; 18-LAE; 6-LAM; 4-LAW; 1-ME; 2-MN; 80-MSN; 125-MSS; 8-MOE; 1-MOW; 9-NJ; 18-NYE; 2-NYN; 2-NCE; 1-OHN; 2-OHS; 1-OKN; 12-OKW; 2-PAE; 3-PAM; 13-PR; 4-SC; 5-TNE; 1-TNW; 1-TXN; 9-TXS; 2-TXW; 1-VAW; 1-WAW; 13-WVS.........=458 Protective order for lien amount payouts. Thursday, November 16, 2017 1979 6 pgs orderOrder on Motion for Protective Order Thu 4:08 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: QUALIFIED PROTECTIVE ORDER entered, granting1977 PEC Motion for Qualified Protective Order Concerning Production of Certain Information Maintained by Government Third Party Payors for Global Settlement Lien Resolution Administration. (Beatty, Barbara) There are also 11 cases That did not opt in and they are fighting summary judgment. The bicarbonate level was 26 Or less which is considered normal and no cut back of the drug would have been recommended or done.The judge stated he does not know how he could determine anything other than summary judgment but he will look over the cases. If those 11 are dismissed on summary judgment remaining cases that did not opt in And actually got trial dates are only 2 yes two only.

  • RonDecember 1, 2017 at 4:15 pm

    Other than the lawyers percentage , what are the possible liens against the award ? I still hVe not received any info on points or categories other than my lawyer telling me that they had submitted my claim for the full amount because they finally got my wife’s records from Fresenius that had mysteriously disappeared .

  • AmandaDecember 1, 2017 at 5:30 am

    This is so aggravating but guess we will see what the outcome is in the end cause my lawyer told me that the criteria was so hard to reach that only hundreds qualified not thousands

  • DebbieNovember 30, 2017 at 5:58 pm

    Yes you are right Patricia that’s what my attorney said also, There can’t be any dollar amounts awarded yet because they still have the lien process to go through after the claims administrator is done, and that takes approximately 3 months so he said next year sometime maybe starting in March.

  • PatriciaNovember 29, 2017 at 9:11 pm

    I got letter from my attorney and a copy of award letter from Adminstrator. It does not give amount as it only gives you award points and once all claims are reviewed an amount will be sent with dollar value for each Point. Also has to go thru Lein process. Attorney said there were 7,555 cases but didn’t know how many in each category yet. Why are people saying they got a DOLLAR amount !!![Show More]I got letter from my attorney and a copy of award letter from Adminstrator. It does not give amount as it only gives you award points and once all claims are reviewed an amount will be sent with dollar value for each Point. Also has to go thru Lein process. Attorney said there were 7,555 cases but didn’t know how many in each category yet. Why are people saying they got a DOLLAR amount !!!!! That has not been figured yet.

  • terriNovember 27, 2017 at 11:27 pm

    i received a letter and they are going thru each case for medical liens they will finalize settlement by the end of march 2018

  • toviseNovember 27, 2017 at 7:32 pm

    Got a letter from my lawyer stating they sent my information to the Claims Administrator I'm not sure they're sending letters out about amounts alphabetical order last name wish I knew more

  • ????November 27, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    Linda, it is not uncommon for both letters to be in the same envelope your lawyer will be notified first then he will either send you a copy of your award amount or the original letter from the administrator.He will also send a letter from him or his law firm. Are you sure the letter is coming from Fresenius Is there a letterhead on it? is there any reference to Fresenius Granuflo/Naturalyte wit[Show More]Linda, it is not uncommon for both letters to be in the same envelope your lawyer will be notified first then he will either send you a copy of your award amount or the original letter from the administrator.He will also send a letter from him or his law firm. Are you sure the letter is coming from Fresenius Is there a letterhead on it? is there any reference to Fresenius Granuflo/Naturalyte with in the letter. Does it state a category. That you fell into. Something sounds very strange about that letter are you sure you were not in some other class action lawsuit and you may have not known it. Is it coming from your lawyer that you know is working on your case for Fresenius Granuflo/Naturalyte. It would have to be some reference to that somewhere on the letter. Are you sure you were not in a class-action lawsuit for some kind of vacuum cleaner And you are mistakenly thinking it is for the Fresenius Granuflo/Naturalyte Lawsuit. I doubt very seriously The Claims administrator will give you his phone number to be contacted. All Appeals have to go through your lawyer so there would be no reason for the claims administrator to be giving his contact information out to you. Unless the lawyer gave you his copy and that is why you have the administrator’s contact info on it.

  • LindaNovember 26, 2017 at 4:54 pm

    Sharon my letter was in regard to settlement amount approved by the Administrator. The letter had the amount and I was told they will get back with me about payout date. That is why I am asking if anyone else got letter from Administrator. I need to verify barcode and the address. My letter was sent in with letter from lawyer. I was under the impression that I should receive a letter separately fr[Show More]Sharon my letter was in regard to settlement amount approved by the Administrator. The letter had the amount and I was told they will get back with me about payout date. That is why I am asking if anyone else got letter from Administrator. I need to verify barcode and the address. My letter was sent in with letter from lawyer. I was under the impression that I should receive a letter separately from the administrator .

  • AmandaNovember 25, 2017 at 5:53 am

    So has anyone received any new information?

  • SharonNovember 22, 2017 at 9:28 pm

    Linda, you said you got a letter from your attorney and the administrator. What was the letter about ? Was the letter the settlement amount ? Did you figure out the barcode problem ? Thank you for your time. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

  • CarolynNovember 17, 2017 at 4:43 am

    Ms. Torrianna, Branch like most lawyers , are greedy b@astards. The bottom line is a we mean to them. We are sheeple. But. Again.. my goal wasn't the monetary. It was to make my darling Bill's death not .. noted. He was in and out of hospitals more times than be accounted for. They gave him 6 months and he lived for four years. I relish each day we had.. but in truthfulness.. resent them as w[Show More]Ms. Torrianna, Branch like most lawyers , are greedy b@astards. The bottom line is a we mean to them. We are sheeple. But. Again.. my goal wasn't the monetary. It was to make my darling Bill's death not .. noted. He was in and out of hospitals more times than be accounted for. They gave him 6 months and he lived for four years. I relish each day we had.. but in truthfulness.. resent them as well. He suffered more than enjoyed his last days. In and out of the hospital. On the vent 3 times before he went septic and I had to pull the plug. While he's on the vent.. still under going dialysis and spasming when the say he can't feel pan?? Having to see this most amazing man suffer because they posoned him? Gee.. may I have issues years after he died? And Joe. While you aren't posting I know you follow. Sir.. I like to have a cup of coffee with you

  • DebbieNovember 16, 2017 at 7:54 pm

    Correction**** about the blood work values. My attorney got the amount of granuflo my father received from the medical records, so yes you are right about that one JohnB and I will hurry and correct my post when I’m wrong about anything. I always have done that. Just trying to be helpful to everyone. This has gone on so long sometimes I forget what he told me IT WAS SUCH A LONG TIME AGO....

  • ArthurNovember 16, 2017 at 7:04 pm

    Debbie it doesn't necessarily mean it has to be on Death Certificate. The EMT's report counts as well. Because they witness it first hand by being there and by trying to revive them. They know all the syptoms and the difference of a Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest.

  • LindaNovember 16, 2017 at 4:27 pm

    Amanda I have been trying to post with info, but for some reason I am no allowed to. That tells me a lot about this lawsuit and this forum. Hope things go well for all of you.

  • RonNovember 14, 2017 at 6:20 pm

    Just spoke to my lawyers office , they said they just sent all cases to claim administrator last Friday as that was the deadline for submissions . Could not even guess how long it will be for cases to be reviewed and categorized and approved -. The wait goes on .....

  • LindaNovember 14, 2017 at 5:22 pm

    If anyone get letter from Administrator, scan the barcode and see what website you are directed to. I cannot get in touch with administrator on my letter. When I send email I am told to ask my lawyer. I thought I would get separate letter, but the letter from Administrator and from lawyer were in same envelope. When I scanned the bar code I was directed to website of a vacuum settlement from last[Show More]If anyone get letter from Administrator, scan the barcode and see what website you are directed to. I cannot get in touch with administrator on my letter. When I send email I am told to ask my lawyer. I thought I would get separate letter, but the letter from Administrator and from lawyer were in same envelope. When I scanned the bar code I was directed to website of a vacuum settlement from last year. What do you make of this. Was it a mistake?

  • DebbieNovember 14, 2017 at 4:48 pm

    Look mr. Jon B. I distinctly remember my attorney stating that my father died of a cardiac arrest, which is with the death certificate states, which is why he qualified. He did tell me they are going by when he passed which has to be within a certain proximity of time of his treatment. He distinctly told me it has to be a CARDIAC ARREST not a HEART ATTACK to qualify. I know the difference bet[Show More]Look mr. Jon B. I distinctly remember my attorney stating that my father died of a cardiac arrest, which is with the death certificate states, which is why he qualified. He did tell me they are going by when he passed which has to be within a certain proximity of time of his treatment. He distinctly told me it has to be a CARDIAC ARREST not a HEART ATTACK to qualify. I know the difference between the two because he distinctly explained it to me! He also stated they are going by the blood work values AFTER the dialysis treatment to determine how much Granuflo was in his system. P.S. Please check your spelling and grammar before you post.

  • DebbieNovember 14, 2017 at 4:38 pm

    Look Mr. JohnB I distinctly remember my attorney stating that my father died of a cardiac arrest (which is what the death certificate states) which is why he qualified. He DID tell me they are going by when he passed which has to be in within a certain proximity of time of his treatment. He distinctly told me it HAS TO BE A CARDIAC ARREST NOT A HEART ATTACK to qualify. I know the difference betwee[Show More]Look Mr. JohnB I distinctly remember my attorney stating that my father died of a cardiac arrest (which is what the death certificate states) which is why he qualified. He DID tell me they are going by when he passed which has to be in within a certain proximity of time of his treatment. He distinctly told me it HAS TO BE A CARDIAC ARREST NOT A HEART ATTACK to qualify. I know the difference between the two because he distinctly explained it to me! He also stated they are going by the blood work values AFTER the dialysis treatment to determine how much was in his system. That is how they determined how much Granuflo he received. P.S. please check your spelling and grammar before you post.

  • johnBNovember 10, 2017 at 11:21 pm

    Dear Debbie I direct this to you only. I the case of a death occuring during diaylsis.. is blood work done after the patient died? I dont think so. I know so. I dont mean to insult you, but if you read carefully what I posted earlier you would have come to a different conculsion about blood work up before and AFTER. The after doesnt exist my dear when ppl die on the table or chair during the dialy[Show More]Dear Debbie I direct this to you only. I the case of a death occuring during diaylsis.. is blood work done after the patient died? I dont think so. I know so. I dont mean to insult you, but if you read carefully what I posted earlier you would have come to a different conculsion about blood work up before and AFTER. The after doesnt exist my dear when ppl die on the table or chair during the dialysis. They have to die from an electrical cardiac arrest (very special type which is use to qualify ) not a heart attach but an electrical cardiac arrest to qualify for consideration in this settlement. And this has to be documented clearly in the medical records or from a death certificate. Suggestion to you Debbie, read carefully the posts on here before commenting on what you obviously dont have knowledge about nor does your lawyer who advised you.

  • TorriannaNovember 10, 2017 at 7:02 pm

    Yes ma'am Mrs. Carloyn I was just outdone when I received that letter. Then to call and someone acts like I'm bothering them after all these years. After they had just told me weeks before to get a probate lawyer and blah, blah, blah with a separate account and make sure he owes no debt. The only explanation I could get in short was; your father lived too long after his heart attack. My father was[Show More]Yes ma'am Mrs. Carloyn I was just outdone when I received that letter. Then to call and someone acts like I'm bothering them after all these years. After they had just told me weeks before to get a probate lawyer and blah, blah, blah with a separate account and make sure he owes no debt. The only explanation I could get in short was; your father lived too long after his heart attack. My father was a very strong man. Still had his body builder physic well into his late 40's. Then to be murdered by meds that were supposed to help. I agree, Mrs. Carloyn, it's that or nothing. Unless the individual expired within 24 hours of their treatment, they'll be rejected...smh

  • TorriannaNovember 10, 2017 at 6:28 pm

    First I wanna thank, Joe! you were more helpful during this painful process than the lawyers. You are a blessing and appreciated. My lawyer told us since my dad passed 48 hours after his treatment he didn't qualify fully. I'm Like, "so since my father is strong, he wasn't murdered? His death certificate clearly states he was poisoned.Then was basically told to take this little bit and seek local, [Show More]First I wanna thank, Joe! you were more helpful during this painful process than the lawyers. You are a blessing and appreciated. My lawyer told us since my dad passed 48 hours after his treatment he didn't qualify fully. I'm Like, "so since my father is strong, he wasn't murdered? His death certificate clearly states he was poisoned.Then was basically told to take this little bit and seek local, legal action. Mind you, we may have to pay fees out of the pennies their nice enough to pass off for my father's murder. And I will seek local legal action. Just feels like they always let big pharma get away with murder. Best of luck to you all!

  • SusieNovember 9, 2017 at 8:45 pm

    I've been reading these comments for 2 days trying to figure out what's going on.. I assume my case is cat 1 my mom passed while in the chair.. I've received nothing about 1500 nor has my lawyer said we have been dismissed or need any further information.... We where informed that it has been triggered and we are waiting on paper work as to what amount we will receive... we are in louisiana .. I k[Show More]I've been reading these comments for 2 days trying to figure out what's going on.. I assume my case is cat 1 my mom passed while in the chair.. I've received nothing about 1500 nor has my lawyer said we have been dismissed or need any further information.... We where informed that it has been triggered and we are waiting on paper work as to what amount we will receive... we are in louisiana .. I know for a fact she was given this medicine!!! She has been gone 9 years.. Oh the life she has missed out on.. I pray this comes to a close this year.. I pray for all involved and loved ones lost!!!! Thank you all for this info!!

  • AmandaNovember 7, 2017 at 5:33 am

    Linda, not sure why they couldn't tell your what settlement you fell under. I've known for quite some time. I do know that in regards to the nuralyte cases where even harder to prove than the granufloor and the criteria was much more stricter. As we're granuloma had 24 hr window the nuralyte was 12 if i am correct. And as of the other my lawyer didn't give exaCT numbers went from thousanda down t[Show More]Linda, not sure why they couldn't tell your what settlement you fell under. I've known for quite some time. I do know that in regards to the nuralyte cases where even harder to prove than the granufloor and the criteria was much more stricter. As we're granuloma had 24 hr window the nuralyte was 12 if i am correct. And as of the other my lawyer didn't give exaCT numbers went from thousanda down to hundreds. but a lot of the cases got put into the 1500 claim because there just wasn't enough proof that it caused the persons event. The 1500 is basically saying ok you took granuflo, here's 1500 sorry not sorry. As of the other comment about the amount unless you fell into that category of the 1500 payment I'm not sure how they can give u an amount already because they have to review each patients files and some of those medical records are thousands of pages.

  • DebbieNovember 6, 2017 at 6:54 pm

    JohnB my attorney told my a long time ago about the numbers reflecting the blood work values before the treatment and after the treatment so that’s nothing new. And please everyone keep posting good or bad. It’s comforting to see I’m not the only one going through this. I’m not sure why people would stop posting it’s not over yet.

  • LindaNovember 6, 2017 at 6:23 pm

    Hi, Linda, guess I'll say I'm Linda #2 I'm kinda excited that you got letter at this time, I'm sure you was just as excited to open it. Don't look like I can get responses or nothing at this point from my lawyer, ain't saying much except everything in the Judge and lawyers hands and I will receive a letter soon. I'm very excited to see what the amount is due to we was all informed that we wouldn'[Show More]Hi, Linda, guess I'll say I'm Linda #2 I'm kinda excited that you got letter at this time, I'm sure you was just as excited to open it. Don't look like I can get responses or nothing at this point from my lawyer, ain't saying much except everything in the Judge and lawyers hands and I will receive a letter soon. I'm very excited to see what the amount is due to we was all informed that we wouldn't be getting much. If i'm allowed to ask was it enough to say it wasn't enough but satisfactory. I'm just anxious to know about figures. Did the letter state on or about when you'd receive it? Thanks in advance. Have a Blessed Day

  • ElleNovember 4, 2017 at 2:19 am

    Recently spoke w attorneys para n they r working at least on our medical records to submit. Advised that I am in cat 1, however, had not as yet checked on whether it was granuflo or naturalyte. I would have thought that had already been known but cardiac arrest would be the first criteria, I am thinking. Really upset that the solution has not yet been determined. Had a rather large estimate of [Show More]Recently spoke w attorneys para n they r working at least on our medical records to submit. Advised that I am in cat 1, however, had not as yet checked on whether it was granuflo or naturalyte. I would have thought that had already been known but cardiac arrest would be the first criteria, I am thinking. Really upset that the solution has not yet been determined. Had a rather large estimate of the number of total qualifying cases to date. And that the 97% was not complete but is confident that it would b or close enough. Also the Lein issue to b sorted out. I believe each firm has a path based on their work load. I was advised w the amount of work remaining it would not be all settled this year but into 2018. I been fairly overwhelmed by all of this as most have. I have accepted the little I can do about it. I don’t even know if the medical records they have are accurate. Or what other information would be beneficial in determining what is to be considered for my family. Little contact, maybe 3 phone calls in 3 years, one question, no meetings, 2 letters. They must have an enormous amount of In house work to warrant their fees. I wouldn’t know I talk with a non lawyer and get little information. So we wait for them to decide what anyone is entitled to without proof or discussion to each plaintiff. Quite the position to be in. These are pros at Mass Tort cases and I would say it is a formula and we r part of it. Scripted It has been a comfort to be able to visit this blog. Thanks everyone and I hope for all.

  • LindaNovember 4, 2017 at 12:45 am

    I received letter from lawyer along with letter, supposedly, frim administrator. It gave an amount, which is not much. When I got in touch with administrator to ask questions, which the letter states if I have "any" question, they stated that I need to get in touch with lawyer and ask. They would not answer any question, but ask me to get in touch with my lawyer. With the last question, my lawyer[Show More]I received letter from lawyer along with letter, supposedly, frim administrator. It gave an amount, which is not much. When I got in touch with administrator to ask questions, which the letter states if I have "any" question, they stated that I need to get in touch with lawyer and ask. They would not answer any question, but ask me to get in touch with my lawyer. With the last question, my lawyer emailed me and ask that I get in touch with them about any questions. That lead me to believe they are working hand in hand or it was their administrator and not the settlement administrator. Am I the only one here that got a letter from settlement administrator?

  • LindaNovember 3, 2017 at 3:56 pm

    Before everyone stop posting, can someone plz tell me the different in granuflo and naturalyte cases. I just hate that I'm just knowing about this site, as I found out about this site, the most important peoples decides to quit supplying information. I guess after this I want be posting anymore either' It was nice reading all the responses from each of you, believe it or not, you all shares a mome[Show More]Before everyone stop posting, can someone plz tell me the different in granuflo and naturalyte cases. I just hate that I'm just knowing about this site, as I found out about this site, the most important peoples decides to quit supplying information. I guess after this I want be posting anymore either' It was nice reading all the responses from each of you, believe it or not, you all shares a moment in my heart. Thank God for each of you.

  • johnBNovember 3, 2017 at 1:12 pm

    These are very bold and possibily misleading dates. This settlement is NOW in the hands of a third-party administrator who will now resolve the claims upon this settlement. He will determine who qualifies, and for those who qualify what they receive in proceeds. He will use certain criteria in his judgement to make his decisions. I have followed this settlement and also received a letter from my[Show More]These are very bold and possibily misleading dates. This settlement is NOW in the hands of a third-party administrator who will now resolve the claims upon this settlement. He will determine who qualifies, and for those who qualify what they receive in proceeds. He will use certain criteria in his judgement to make his decisions. I have followed this settlement and also received a letter from my attorney firm. It leads me to believe there have been some changes made involving the criteria for determinining elegilibility. The most significant one: lab values prior the last dialysis prior to the cardiac event had to have noted certain levels of a certain electrolytes in the blood. (this is a quote from my letter from my attorney firm) Best of luck to all. It has been a long,slow process and most of us were patient and listened in silence to other contributors of this blog. Again best of luck to all in this lawsuit. I plan to continue efforts to call attention to members of congress concerning this lawsuit and this company, most hated company that did so much harm and was effectively given a slap on the hand for harming and killing ppl. I will not be posting further...

  • DonishaNovember 3, 2017 at 3:57 am

    I spoke with my lawyer today and was told that they are fighting to have my case reviewed again because it has come about that my loved one who passed away during their last dialysis session was using naturalyte and not granuflo although they both were shipped to the place she where was a patient but during her last treatment there was only granuflo being shipped in. Has anyone else run into a sit[Show More]I spoke with my lawyer today and was told that they are fighting to have my case reviewed again because it has come about that my loved one who passed away during their last dialysis session was using naturalyte and not granuflo although they both were shipped to the place she where was a patient but during her last treatment there was only granuflo being shipped in. Has anyone else run into a situation like this? I was told that if things went well I would probably receive no more than 30k if it goes bad I will be asked to take the 1500 payment

  • RamoniaNovember 2, 2017 at 9:41 pm

    Thanks how for your information. It has helped a lot

  • DebbieNovember 2, 2017 at 6:45 pm

    Thank you Arthur! that gives me a little more info. I also realize it's just an estimation but your answer has given me some insight.

  • LaurieNovember 2, 2017 at 5:43 pm

    Hi Debbie I have posted what my attorney has sent me in emails and was only criticized for it. That is why I will no longer post anything. I hope and pray all involved in this horrendous suit find peace and can move on from all of this. It has taken a toll on all here from what I have seen. My mother is long past but I was not giving up until the very end for some kind of justice in all this. [Show More]Hi Debbie I have posted what my attorney has sent me in emails and was only criticized for it. That is why I will no longer post anything. I hope and pray all involved in this horrendous suit find peace and can move on from all of this. It has taken a toll on all here from what I have seen. My mother is long past but I was not giving up until the very end for some kind of justice in all this. The people at Fresenius will have to live with themselves. Only God can judge them now.

  • DebbieNovember 2, 2017 at 5:08 pm

    When I look back at all the negative things people have posted on here in the past it doesn’t bother me and it shouldn’t bother joe. Anyone can say anything on this forum so for all you know it could be someone’s kid that’s just bored. They can even shoot out numbers just to get a rise out of all of you but the only thing I pay attention to is when people start saying the same things from what inf[Show More]When I look back at all the negative things people have posted on here in the past it doesn’t bother me and it shouldn’t bother joe. Anyone can say anything on this forum so for all you know it could be someone’s kid that’s just bored. They can even shoot out numbers just to get a rise out of all of you but the only thing I pay attention to is when people start saying the same things from what info their attorney gives them and post It. Then we know all the attorneys are starting to be on the same page with each other and the information forthcoming SHOULD BE accurate. Does this make sense?

  • ArthurNovember 2, 2017 at 4:12 pm

    Debbie a rough figure would be about $200,000. Minus your lawyer fees between 33%-40% . I asked my Accountant and he said it wasn't taxable. I would still ask your tax person about that before you touch your money. The only intangibles I don't know and it would be the point system or add-ons. But pretty much that's it.

  • lindaNovember 2, 2017 at 2:48 pm

    Thanks Joe for all you did and all you will do as you advance in this life. I just knew about this cite a month or so ago. I enjoyed your post and was very impressed with your post. I understand how you feel, when you do all you can and people still bad mouth or criticize you that's a hurting feeling. Just know that God got you Joe, keep your hand in the master's hand and surely you will receive y[Show More]Thanks Joe for all you did and all you will do as you advance in this life. I just knew about this cite a month or so ago. I enjoyed your post and was very impressed with your post. I understand how you feel, when you do all you can and people still bad mouth or criticize you that's a hurting feeling. Just know that God got you Joe, keep your hand in the master's hand and surely you will receive your starring crown. Again, I thank you and appreciate all you've done the little while I've been here. On the other hand you can always e-mail me any information you have concerning this manner, my ears are always open and i'm a really good listener and would feel really special to hear from you. May you be covered by grace and mercy all your days. Linda

  • DebbieNovember 2, 2017 at 5:03 am

    Can someone answer this question for me because my attorney has never talked dollar amounts and he still hasn't mentioned it. But just for speculation purposes, if say 1,000 people end up in category 1. After the 1,500 claims get paid, and the attorneys take their 11 percent fee for their court costs and fees, what would be the estimated approximate amount that will be split by those 1,000 peo[Show More]Can someone answer this question for me because my attorney has never talked dollar amounts and he still hasn't mentioned it. But just for speculation purposes, if say 1,000 people end up in category 1. After the 1,500 claims get paid, and the attorneys take their 11 percent fee for their court costs and fees, what would be the estimated approximate amount that will be split by those 1,000 people. I was Just curious as to the estimated amount before the the attorneys take their 40 percent fee. It's all just speculation until we actually hear from our attorneys, but I was just wondering if someone could give me an estimate. And will we have to pay tax on that? Is it considered extra income that we claim that will get taxed? Thomas, Arthur, Joe? Can anyone give an estimation? We don't have to worry about inaccuracies because we are just estimating right now. I just wanted someone to do the math for me.

  • PatNovember 2, 2017 at 12:46 am

    Thank you Joe Your posting and comments were the only real information I have really had over the past year. I thank you dearly.

  • AnnNovember 1, 2017 at 11:35 pm

    Joe, I have followed all of your information through out this whole process. THANK YOU for all your information regardless of what others said. May the Lord Bless you for all your efforts. The information you have been providing has been the most accurate then anyone else. Every time I would call my lawyer, she would say the similar things you had already posted. Be Blessed.

  • LaurieNovember 1, 2017 at 4:45 pm

    Thank you Thomas.

  • JoeNovember 1, 2017 at 3:54 pm

    Just received information from my lawyer It was similar information as Denise received . However i am in Granuflo. Amounts will be known buy November 30. Payouts will be received End of December When I say pay out dates,that means when you will receive Your compensation money. Appeals will take place Within 15 days after November 30. So payout dates will not change. Well God bless everyone. [Show More]Just received information from my lawyer It was similar information as Denise received . However i am in Granuflo. Amounts will be known buy November 30. Payouts will be received End of December When I say pay out dates,that means when you will receive Your compensation money. Appeals will take place Within 15 days after November 30. So payout dates will not change. Well God bless everyone. There will be no more info from me to post. So that will be it for me. Good luck to everyone and I hope the best for all of you. I know, Some did not get long with me. But my intention was always to help and I hope there were a few people that I was able to help. Everyone will be receiving that information I posted soon. Probably within the next couple weeks.

  • JoeNovember 1, 2017 at 10:19 am

    Look Thomas, I hope you are in category #1 I have no animosity toward you as a person. I understand your dilemma you are probably worried about your case. You see everyone posting dates and the amount of claims, that Some people have been told . You probably wonder why your lawyer is giving you different information. Who knows maybe your case is more complex. Maybe your case will be moved to Ca[Show More]Look Thomas, I hope you are in category #1 I have no animosity toward you as a person. I understand your dilemma you are probably worried about your case. You see everyone posting dates and the amount of claims, that Some people have been told . You probably wonder why your lawyer is giving you different information. Who knows maybe your case is more complex. Maybe your case will be moved to Category 4 the extraordinary injury fund and it is taking more time than some other basic claims., who knows.

  • JoeOctober 31, 2017 at 11:36 pm

    One more thing Thomas, You say you do not know what category you are in? Did you not receive a opt-in letter That stated what category your lawyer believed you are in? I know that It still needs to be looked over by The claims administrator. It should be clearly stated they believe you are in categories one Two or whatever of course the names are used not Categories.That’s why when you say nobody[Show More]One more thing Thomas, You say you do not know what category you are in? Did you not receive a opt-in letter That stated what category your lawyer believed you are in? I know that It still needs to be looked over by The claims administrator. It should be clearly stated they believe you are in categories one Two or whatever of course the names are used not Categories.That’s why when you say nobody knows what category they are in it doesn’t make sense. Maybe you didn’t receive a letter like everyone else has. Stating what category they believe you fall under.

  • JoeOctober 31, 2017 at 11:09 pm

    No Thomas wrong again.I never said,I did not opt in look back at my post. Someone asked me if I opted in and my answer was given. So you are twisting things around. I never said there were 200 claims. I agree with it but I never said there was.I did say their may be less Then 200 and their maybe less. For one You come on here and say People are messing with peoples minds And not telling the truth.[Show More]No Thomas wrong again.I never said,I did not opt in look back at my post. Someone asked me if I opted in and my answer was given. So you are twisting things around. I never said there were 200 claims. I agree with it but I never said there was.I did say their may be less Then 200 and their maybe less. For one You come on here and say People are messing with peoples minds And not telling the truth. You think all these people are collaborating against you and they are giving these dates and amount of people to mess with your mind. That sounds wacky. The information May not be exactly accurate but do you really think people are on here to mess with peoples heads? That is Irrational thinking. I can’t be 100% on the dates that have been given out or the amount of people. But what you posted is completely wrong you said they don’t even know what category anyone is in yet. As you see somebody just received a letter stating they have met all criteria for the Naturalyte claim. if they did not know what category,how could they send a claim for Naturalyte If nobody knows what category they are in. How could Their lawyer send a letter to them About submitting a claim to the Naturalyte fund. You said nobody knows what category they are in at least according to your lawyer.. At one point there were 2 People posting under the name Thomas one fell under the $1500 category the other was in category #1 which one of the Thomases are you? Look this lawsuit is going to play out the way it’s going to play out you cannot blame anyone person for the amount of compensation you receive. If it is less or more than 200 It is just the way it’s going to go. You can’t blame anyone for saying there are only 200 claims. If it’s true then fine if it is not that’s the way it goes.Everything I read on here I take with a grain of salt. I believe somethings and other things I am not too sure about. The only completely accurate information we’re going to get will be from your lawyer. Never know settlement could have already been funded which I think it may have been but the lawyers are not telling anyone yet because they need time. Liens need to be payed Lawyers need to get their 11% that’s for the whole settlement not per lawyer. They have to figure out their cut 40% There are some other things they need to do also. So for all I know it may have been funded already. Keep in mind I said may have. Sure I get pissed off when people post in accurate information. It has nothing to do if the information falls in line with what I say. If it’s not accurate it’s not accurate. There is nothing more to it. I go on pacer I get information from that website I can’t get everything about this case there is limited information I can Obtain so I know for a fact some of the stuff that is posted on here is not accurate at least from other people. I am not saying all people but some people..

  • DeniseOctober 31, 2017 at 1:02 pm

    I received a letter from my attorney on 10/26/17. My deceased loved one is in the NaturaLyte category. “A claims package is submitted to the settlement administrator for your case and includes all the documentation to show that your case meets the settlement criteria.” That’s just a snippet of the letter. I will be notified “when the settlement administrator has completed their review and makes th[Show More]I received a letter from my attorney on 10/26/17. My deceased loved one is in the NaturaLyte category. “A claims package is submitted to the settlement administrator for your case and includes all the documentation to show that your case meets the settlement criteria.” That’s just a snippet of the letter. I will be notified “when the settlement administrator has completed their review and makes their determination for your case.” That being typed, we shall see what happens. Howeve, my lawyer also stated in my letter that the process will be ongoing throughout 2017. :-(

  • JoeOctober 31, 2017 at 12:32 pm

    Amanda,I am not doubting you, I am just saying. I have not heard anything official from my Lawyer. As you said,It’s not official. Your lawyer just told you there were six from your state. Thomas messed with my head for a few minutes. I came back to reality. I now know he was full of it. I realize there’s not going to be very many people in categorie # 1. I know it’s going to be based on a point [Show More]Amanda,I am not doubting you, I am just saying. I have not heard anything official from my Lawyer. As you said,It’s not official. Your lawyer just told you there were six from your state. Thomas messed with my head for a few minutes. I came back to reality. I now know he was full of it. I realize there’s not going to be very many people in categorie # 1. I know it’s going to be based on a point based system. I just did not want to post anything about the amount of people left because nothing is official and I do not want to post In accurate numbers. That’s all, I have not got any specific dates. I have not talk to my lawyer in a While. Remember I told people a long time ago The timeframe.At least the months. it’s playing out exactly like I said it would. Or should I say exactly how my lawyer said it would. I think you also said 2018. I think it is going to be at the end of 2017, like I said before. They are just about ready to pay out the liens. The lawyers are asking for their 11% . I don't know where these different dates are coming from. This settlement has already been funded. How could they be asking for Lien Resolution Administration by Plaintiffs' Executive Committee. If the Settlement has not been funded yet. How could the lawyers be asking for Their 11% if the settlement has not been funded yet. Only my Opinion but makes sense doesn’t it .

  • JoeOctober 31, 2017 at 5:45 am

    Not Exactly sure what this means. i think because it has medical information Involved They are asking for a protective order for the lien payouts. After that we should know the amount. They probably have the liens all figured out but before the liens are actually paid they want this protective motion for order to be approved by the judge. Monday, October 30, 2017 1977 motion Protective Order [Show More]Not Exactly sure what this means. i think because it has medical information Involved They are asking for a protective order for the lien payouts. After that we should know the amount. They probably have the liens all figured out but before the liens are actually paid they want this protective motion for order to be approved by the judge. Monday, October 30, 2017 1977 motion Protective Order Mon 7:59 AM MOTION for Protective Order Concerning Production of Certain Information Maintained by Government Third-Party Payors for Global Settlement Lien Resolution Administration by Plaintiffs' Executive Committee.(Gotz, James)

  • thomasOctober 30, 2017 at 6:58 pm

    Joe you are so very hateful and twisted out of shape if anyone dare say something different than what you say. I will not dare share anything again. Is it so very important to you too share that there are less than 200 category one cases left. Time will tell how many there truly are. I would be careful of speculating less than 200 category one cases are left because that would be very big money an[Show More]Joe you are so very hateful and twisted out of shape if anyone dare say something different than what you say. I will not dare share anything again. Is it so very important to you too share that there are less than 200 category one cases left. Time will tell how many there truly are. I would be careful of speculating less than 200 category one cases are left because that would be very big money and be very disappointing to those in category one when they receive a fraction of that. As far as anyone knows I am still in category one but nothing is known for sure. Joe you have stated before you did not opt in. I think I am on to something and thats why you got so twisted. I do feel someone maybe playing games with multiple names on here. Why Joe would this make you so defensive? Joe it seems you are being controlling. Why because you are not in this case anymore? you want to hurt those that are with talk of less than 200 in category one so that when numbers are released they receive 1/10 of what they thought they would receive from info on here. This is my last post I have no desire to get stressed from some twisted post from you.

  • JoeOctober 30, 2017 at 9:42 am

    Here is what I do know over 50% are $1500 claims. My lawyer has not submitted any Naturalyte claims to the claims administrator. I believe what Thomas is saying is bogus. So if not even one Naturalyte claim has been Submitted by my lawyer I doubt any other lawyers have submitted very many Naturalyte claims either. We all know the Naturalyte Compensation fund is a $5 million fund. And they are goi[Show More]Here is what I do know over 50% are $1500 claims. My lawyer has not submitted any Naturalyte claims to the claims administrator. I believe what Thomas is saying is bogus. So if not even one Naturalyte claim has been Submitted by my lawyer I doubt any other lawyers have submitted very many Naturalyte claims either. We all know the Naturalyte Compensation fund is a $5 million fund. And they are going to only receive 50% of what they would have if they qualified for the Granuflo compensation fund. I believe Thomas is full of it. Or he is in the $1500 category. Or maybe he is JohnB .I have nothing official on the 200 or so cases but I believe that is accurate it maybe even less. I believe Tommy Is not who he says he is. Nobody worry about posting how many claims there are. I Believe it is accurate but you will not get in trouble for posting it is considered hearsay nothing more than that. Tommy you know nothing more then what we all knew when this settlement was first reached your trying to tell us your lawyer knows Nothing more then when the settlement was reached ? You’re getting that March date from people that have posted that already. I’ll be straight up with you.I don’t believe you.

  • AmandaOctober 28, 2017 at 7:58 pm

    Joe pretty much from what I can tell my lawyer and your lawyer are on same page. Now lol. Like I said my lawyer said couldn't give me the exact amount of people still remaining but all the clients they represented only 6 made the final cut. They said this is one of the most trying cases they have ever had just because the criteria was so hard to prove. The 1500 just saying OK u didn't meet other c[Show More]Joe pretty much from what I can tell my lawyer and your lawyer are on same page. Now lol. Like I said my lawyer said couldn't give me the exact amount of people still remaining but all the clients they represented only 6 made the final cut. They said this is one of the most trying cases they have ever had just because the criteria was so hard to prove. The 1500 just saying OK u didn't meet other criteria other than u had granuflo at some point. I think all of our lawyers are really ready to be done with all of it. Of course my attorney couldn't give name's but there was a 6 yr old who died 45 mins after the 24 hr deadline who will only receive the 1500. That's why it went from several thousands down to hundreds. Yes 1500 is a spit in the face but it's also some closure knowing they atleast had to pay something. I wish everyone the best in the outcome of all this but my lawyer did say that the benifits that remained would not be split equal that they will hAve a certian scale system they use to determine how much everyone gets.

  • JoeOctober 26, 2017 at 2:13 pm

    All this information is just speculation. We will have to wait until we get official letters. None of what is being said on here really matters. The only thing that’s going to really matter is the true facts. Nobody seems to have that information or if they do it’s intermingled with all the other information, so who’s to know what to believe. I am just going to wait until I get the official letter[Show More]All this information is just speculation. We will have to wait until we get official letters. None of what is being said on here really matters. The only thing that’s going to really matter is the true facts. Nobody seems to have that information or if they do it’s intermingled with all the other information, so who’s to know what to believe. I am just going to wait until I get the official letter. That’s what I recommend for everyone on here. Just wait, everyone will get some type of letter eventually. I have no idea what to believe anymore they’re so much conflicting information starts to make me think my lawyer isn’t telling me the truth. Thats not a good thing.

  • JoeOctober 26, 2017 at 12:36 pm

    Thomas this lawsuit was Redacted a long time ago. Redacted means censored for legal reasons. So be careful what you believe from your lawyers. If you truly believe that the lawyers don’t know how many cases per category at this late stage of litigation, that is up to you they do have a approximate number but are not allowed to give that information out. There maybe a few more added for settlement [Show More]Thomas this lawsuit was Redacted a long time ago. Redacted means censored for legal reasons. So be careful what you believe from your lawyers. If you truly believe that the lawyers don’t know how many cases per category at this late stage of litigation, that is up to you they do have a approximate number but are not allowed to give that information out. There maybe a few more added for settlement only because pending cases are still open. Thousands of opt out cases are Going to be dismissed on summary judgment. I don’t doubt that 97% has not been met I never stated it was. Think about what your lawyers are telling you. I am pretty sure you told them what you saw online and then they gave you the info you posted on here. Not sure how much of it is truly accurate in fact I don’t know how much of what any of The lawyers are saying is accurate including my own lawyer. I imagine the November 26 date is somewhat accurate though. Too many people are getting the same date except for you and a few Other people. I Never got a November 26 date Just a general time frame. So I don’t know we will see what happens. The only reason I said that information looked accurate was because the date looked accurate to me.

  • thomasOctober 26, 2017 at 6:52 am

    It would be nice for those that will end in cat one if there are only a few hundred as all those remaining in cat one would receive upwards of $500,000 each. I dont believe there are only a few hundred to split about $200,000,000 how does your lawyer know this Debbie? My lawyer told me not to believe this, that basically there are twisted people on the internet that like to mess with peoples mind[Show More]It would be nice for those that will end in cat one if there are only a few hundred as all those remaining in cat one would receive upwards of $500,000 each. I dont believe there are only a few hundred to split about $200,000,000 how does your lawyer know this Debbie? My lawyer told me not to believe this, that basically there are twisted people on the internet that like to mess with peoples minds. I feel some of the posters on here are the same person posting under different names. I hope I am wrong but it just smells foul to me.

  • DebbieOctober 26, 2017 at 4:51 am

    Ok. We will see at the end of all this What happens. I shouldnt have said anything and I spoke too soon but that's exactly what he said. He said Hundreds and definitely did not say thousands. Hopefully he's wrong but he's been straight with me from the start.

  • DebbieOctober 25, 2017 at 1:56 pm

    Laurie I’m not saying you aren’t as smart as your attorney that came out wrong. I just like the comments she made regarding this case. You have said a lot of meaningful things in the past and I appreciate that. I also appreciate ANYTHING that anyone posts good or bad. It helps us all.

  • LindaOctober 25, 2017 at 12:41 pm

    I think that if lawyers are getting 11% of the settlement plus charging us a percentage of what we are getting, which is not much, we should all write to the administrator to find out why. This is double dipping and in my opinion, unethical. Not that it means much anymore in this day and time.

  • JoeOctober 25, 2017 at 9:29 am

    The information you posted looks pretty accurate to me. I do know that the $1500 claims will be paid from the Granuflo compensation fund it has already been accounted for. I am sure you probably knew that. That’s why the settlement could be as low as $215 million depending on how many people are in the $1500 category. As for the appeals there is a three month window to appeal but the likelihood o[Show More]The information you posted looks pretty accurate to me. I do know that the $1500 claims will be paid from the Granuflo compensation fund it has already been accounted for. I am sure you probably knew that. That’s why the settlement could be as low as $215 million depending on how many people are in the $1500 category. As for the appeals there is a three month window to appeal but the likelihood of winning a appeal is very unlikely. You will receive A settlement offer or letter Before any appeals could ever move forward. What are you going to appeal if you don’t know the amount of the settlement you were offered. From my understanding most people if not all in the Granuflo compensation fund will find the Settlement to be copacetic. As for the 2018 dates. I don’t ever remember saying You would receive your award amount in 2017 i do however remember saying .Compensation letters should start being mailed it 2017. Also some $1500 claims may Receive their compensation in 2017 and I am sure some letters will be received by people in category #1 in 2017. People have to realize once the settlement is funded. The collaboration Of lawyers working together for one cause is over. The settlement and when you will receive the funds is now between you and your lawyer. All funding will be put into a qualified settlement fund any interest accumulated in that fund will be disbursed evenly among all claims in The qualified settlement fund. There is no release date that I know of for the qualified settlement fund. There may be a set payout date That the judge ordered but I haven’t seen it. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist however. Most lawyers will release the funds in a timely manner but there may be a few that keep it in that fund longer than one would expect or anticipate. Unfortunately the 11% will not cover lawyer fees it will only cover lawyer costs. As in what They contributed to the case basically they’re just getting Reimbursement for money they have already spent.

  • ThomasOctober 25, 2017 at 12:10 am

    talked to lawyer today and parel legals from to different law firms. 97% was not reached but defendant is willing to go with the settlement it is not a done deal yet still some papers to be signed. Lawyer says should be no problems with signing. They said this talk of cat 1 being reduced to only hundreds is BS as know one knows the numbers yet as nothing has been released yet lawyer said beware of[Show More]talked to lawyer today and parel legals from to different law firms. 97% was not reached but defendant is willing to go with the settlement it is not a done deal yet still some papers to be signed. Lawyer says should be no problems with signing. They said this talk of cat 1 being reduced to only hundreds is BS as know one knows the numbers yet as nothing has been released yet lawyer said beware of people on internet that are just messing with peoples minds. Time frame of payout would be the march date spoken on here at the earliest maybe later. The lawyer also said basically I would be contacted as soon as any new info is known. also at this time they know nothing for sure of who is in what cat.

  • FredOctober 24, 2017 at 10:45 pm

    Thank God for Jesus!

  • ShanOctober 24, 2017 at 6:18 pm

    Even if the lawsuit funds aren't distributed until 2018, would we at least know the tier & amount we can for sure expect in 2017?

  • DebbieOctober 24, 2017 at 5:15 pm

    After reading all of your posts today I could just sit back and smile and relax to know that my attorney was telling me the facts earlier this year when he said the payouts would be sometime next year and about the liens that could be placed on the settlement checks. i was trying to explain that process to all of you. And that it could be a lengthy one to get a number of things that still need to[Show More]After reading all of your posts today I could just sit back and smile and relax to know that my attorney was telling me the facts earlier this year when he said the payouts would be sometime next year and about the liens that could be placed on the settlement checks. i was trying to explain that process to all of you. And that it could be a lengthy one to get a number of things that still need to be accomplished before the disbursements. Amanda you are absolutely right when you said your attorney said the actual cases that will qualify for the settlement are just a few hundred. other than the ones getting the $1500. And Debra you are absolutely right when your attorney told you about the liens. It’s hard to decipher the facts when everyone’s attorney seemed to be telling everyone different things. Maybe their info was a little outdated, but it looks like now they all are on the same page.

  • JamesOctober 23, 2017 at 9:38 pm

    Joe, the 11% that the lawyers are asking for, does this mean that we shouldn't have to pay then the 30, 33, or 40% that they are charging us

  • MelanyOctober 22, 2017 at 11:05 pm

    Rena, I didn't have any heart problems or issues. now I have to see a cardiologist twice a year. This started after the episode in dialysis

  • lindaOctober 20, 2017 at 8:48 pm

    My lawyer also states cases are in the hands of the right peoples that will be making the decisions on our cases and she informed me that MAYBE two or three weeks I shoud get a letter directly from the attorney but not their office but from attorney stating documents and HOPEFULLY the amount I should receive. She did not say they would state my amount but that should be the next letter I should be[Show More]My lawyer also states cases are in the hands of the right peoples that will be making the decisions on our cases and she informed me that MAYBE two or three weeks I shoud get a letter directly from the attorney but not their office but from attorney stating documents and HOPEFULLY the amount I should receive. She did not say they would state my amount but that should be the next letter I should be receiving. I definitely hope so, This has been a long journey. Whatever the amount is I want complain, I've learned to be thankful. I will forever hate until this day my husband ever taken this medication and I know for sure my husband was better off before he started this dialysis treatment. I watch him as he was leaving me, I would often tell him his body was failing him every since he started on the treatment, but he was hoping it was helping him instead. "MAY GOD BLESS EACH OF YOU"

  • ArthurOctober 20, 2017 at 5:55 pm

    This is the latest info that I have . The 97% has been met. Funding of the settlement is the 26th of November or approx. date. Then they will an appeals process not sure of that date. Money won't be dispersed until March or April. They have to figure out the liens and how many cases are still pending and what category they will be in. Then they will figure out the money part for each case. So that[Show More]This is the latest info that I have . The 97% has been met. Funding of the settlement is the 26th of November or approx. date. Then they will an appeals process not sure of that date. Money won't be dispersed until March or April. They have to figure out the liens and how many cases are still pending and what category they will be in. Then they will figure out the money part for each case. So that will take 3-4 months to figure. I can't figure out why this is taking so long, they've had our paper work for years they should all be figured out by now. Somebody is making interest in this money.

  • JoeOctober 20, 2017 at 1:17 pm

    Well the lawyers are asking for their $27,500,000 that would be 11% I told everyone a long time ago. So I guess you should minus that amount from the total settlement. It’s called the common benefit hold back. This lawsuit is done at least for the people that have opted in. Not sure if it’s going to even take until December but we will see.There is no reason for the lawyers to Pay anyone early all[Show More]Well the lawyers are asking for their $27,500,000 that would be 11% I told everyone a long time ago. So I guess you should minus that amount from the total settlement. It’s called the common benefit hold back. This lawsuit is done at least for the people that have opted in. Not sure if it’s going to even take until December but we will see.There is no reason for the lawyers to Pay anyone early all the money is sitting in the Granuflo qualified settlement fund.Anyway here’s the motion the lawyers submitted So they can get their money. Isn’t it bold of them to ask for their money Before any of us get ours. Not sure about The lawyers that told people within the last week or so they are just submitting documents now or a week or so ago. There is a Lot of activity but most of it has to do with opt out cases. Monday, October 16, 2017 MOTION for Order to Reimburse from the Granuflo Common Benefit Account of Capital Assessment Contributions and Held Expenses by Plaintiffs' Executive Committee.(Gotz, James)

  • AnthonyOctober 19, 2017 at 11:17 pm

    I wish everyone the best I hope when you get your check you can move on. I know we lost from day one but we must put this UNFAIR experience behind us and remember our love one's. Me myself I'm happy to be here i had 2 Hart attacks in dialysis and 1 at the hospital. I can keep raising my 8 year old daughter. I love all your. God bless

  • DebraOctober 19, 2017 at 8:53 pm

    I asked my lawyer to verify the trigger and payments. This is what he emailed back to me. "As of October 12, 2017 the settlement officially triggered. Payments will not start in November and we do not yet have an estimated distribution timeline, but I anticipate that will happen in 2018. Perhaps you are referencing the settlement “funding” on November 28, 2017. This is not the same as a distribut[Show More]I asked my lawyer to verify the trigger and payments. This is what he emailed back to me. "As of October 12, 2017 the settlement officially triggered. Payments will not start in November and we do not yet have an estimated distribution timeline, but I anticipate that will happen in 2018. Perhaps you are referencing the settlement “funding” on November 28, 2017. This is not the same as a distribution to the client. This means that the settlement funds will be transferred from Fresenius and held in an account until lien research can be completed on each claim. A third-party company (Providio) completes lien research for all cases and once the cases are cleared, then the funds are distributed to our firm to distribute to the client. This process takes varied amounts of time for each claimant because some clients will have liens that need to be resolved before payments are made. Please let me know if you have any further questions."

  • AmandaOctober 19, 2017 at 6:13 pm

    I spoke with my attorney again this morning. The information she gave me was that out of all the cases that did actually qualify for mass settlment was down to the hundreds. Also that those that would receive the 1500 award those cases would not have to be reviewed. But those amounts whatever they add up to will be taken out of the overall set amount. Still no definitive time line of when payouts [Show More]I spoke with my attorney again this morning. The information she gave me was that out of all the cases that did actually qualify for mass settlment was down to the hundreds. Also that those that would receive the 1500 award those cases would not have to be reviewed. But those amounts whatever they add up to will be taken out of the overall set amount. Still no definitive time line of when payouts will begin but said the 1500 dollar cases would probably receive payout first. And between the first part of 2018 till this time next year would be her guess. Out of 250 something cases the firm had only 6 qualified because the criteria being so strict. She did also say that the portal should close on the 11 of novemeber. Joe is this accurate?

  • DebbieOctober 18, 2017 at 4:03 pm

    I agree with all of you. This is off the subject but Did you all see the special on 60 minutes Sunday night regarding the opiate epidemic crisis? They had Someone who worked for the FDA on. He was the whistleblower, and he said the drug companies were flooding the market with these painkiller drugs with the FDAs approval and that’s why we now have the opiate addiction crisis on our hands now. T[Show More]I agree with all of you. This is off the subject but Did you all see the special on 60 minutes Sunday night regarding the opiate epidemic crisis? They had Someone who worked for the FDA on. He was the whistleblower, and he said the drug companies were flooding the market with these painkiller drugs with the FDAs approval and that’s why we now have the opiate addiction crisis on our hands now. This is very serious. It’s killing people and we have millions of people who are now addicted to these painkillers. It sounds like the big pharmaceutical companies and the FDA were in on it together and now we have a mess on our hands. Very sad. It’s all about money. Who can we trust anymore? In our situation the use of this drug that was administered was causing cardiac arrests and killed our loved ones. This is also very sad. I wish I had my dad back.

  • RenaOctober 18, 2017 at 6:43 am

    So basically if a person has pre existing illnesses, which is obvious or their kidneys wouldnt be failing,shouldnt drs be trained on how much of this poison people could take , and shouldnt people with heart problems never be given this crap, why are drs not getting any blame here also.Fresenius,Crooked Lawyers, and negligant uncaring doctors are all to blame and i pray for their souls.oh,i have [Show More]So basically if a person has pre existing illnesses, which is obvious or their kidneys wouldnt be failing,shouldnt drs be trained on how much of this poison people could take , and shouldnt people with heart problems never be given this crap, why are drs not getting any blame here also.Fresenius,Crooked Lawyers, and negligant uncaring doctors are all to blame and i pray for their souls.oh,i have been following this blog, but never shared because i get upset,and i know people on here are as mad as i am,but we cannot change things now, just please let it go away soon.

  • PatOctober 17, 2017 at 5:27 pm

    Fresenius will fund the settlement on November 28. My lawyer has submitted my case to claims administration process. The Nsettlement was triggered last week.

  • JoeOctober 17, 2017 at 2:19 am

    Look I have no idea what anyone settlement is going to be,including my own. Nobody knows what cases are going to end up getting $1500 except for the people that have already been notified. I just Said that because you said I was lashing out and that i was a unhappy person. There was no reason to say that about me. I tried to excplain what i meant in that last post to you.

  • MarieOctober 16, 2017 at 9:40 pm

    Anthony, I totally agree with you that everybody needs to stop fighting. Seems like the lawyers tell everybody something different. Sometimes if you talk to the paralegal they have no clue. I truly believe also that the lawyers don’t give us the full story. I also agree with you that out of 10,000 people there had to been people that fit the criteria to sue the company. I know my mother had a card[Show More]Anthony, I totally agree with you that everybody needs to stop fighting. Seems like the lawyers tell everybody something different. Sometimes if you talk to the paralegal they have no clue. I truly believe also that the lawyers don’t give us the full story. I also agree with you that out of 10,000 people there had to been people that fit the criteria to sue the company. I know my mother had a cardiac arrest an hour after dialysis. She was blue when they found her but they brought her back. She had her heart checked at the hospital while she was on the ventilator. Cardiac doctor said her heart was totally healthy. If she woke up she would be fine. But unfortunately she had too much brain damage to wake up. I think we were definitely sold out. I’m not sure why they only got to try the cases that they chose. Why didn’t they get to finish the cases that the lawyers chairs. The only cases they tried were people that had other health issues besides kidney failure. It all seems rigged to me. These big pharmaceutical companies have so much money they can pay off anyone. We were doomed from the start. I don’t really consider it a victory getting a settlement. They are just paying us off to get rid of us. It is not a true win. Could never be a true win, unless I could have my mother back. That was why I wanted it to go to court and them to lose. Basically we are being paid off to keep quiet. I refuse to use their Dialysis Center. Unfortunately though they supply everyone with their products. So within the year I will probably be on Dialysis at home. I am scared I will have a cardiac arrest. Praying for all of us to find peace. Just get along. We all share the same similar events and goals.

  • ArthurOctober 16, 2017 at 9:20 pm

    I agree with Anthony, something very wrong here. I feel their must be some collusion in these cases. Our Attorneys gave up too early. Back in February of 2016 when they agreed on this settlement my Attorneys in so many words told me that it wasn't a very winnable case. Hard to prove case of Granuflo and Naturalyte caused these deaths. Pretty much Dialysis is a death sentence. Most have that and ot[Show More]I agree with Anthony, something very wrong here. I feel their must be some collusion in these cases. Our Attorneys gave up too early. Back in February of 2016 when they agreed on this settlement my Attorneys in so many words told me that it wasn't a very winnable case. Hard to prove case of Granuflo and Naturalyte caused these deaths. Pretty much Dialysis is a death sentence. Most have that and other diseases going on. Patients are in bad shape before they start. It's kinda strange that the Head Doctor at Fresnius stepped down Nov. 2011 during the time of the recall. He knew something was wrong but he didn't notify anybody about it. So go figure.

  • JoeOctober 16, 2017 at 6:17 am

    Melany. I do understand,it seems your Windfall was life Itself. The money large or small you get from this settlement will just be a bonus. Remember every day is a gift. Whatever the amount is going to be we will just have to except that there is nothing anyone is going to be able to do about it. Just remember I don’t have any amounts for any One specific case or claim. I do know however there wil[Show More]Melany. I do understand,it seems your Windfall was life Itself. The money large or small you get from this settlement will just be a bonus. Remember every day is a gift. Whatever the amount is going to be we will just have to except that there is nothing anyone is going to be able to do about it. Just remember I don’t have any amounts for any One specific case or claim. I do know however there will be some people that get far more than others.

  • AnthonyOctober 15, 2017 at 6:58 pm

    Stop fighting with each other we were sold out by everyone from day one the lawyers and fresenius was working together. How you go to court with 10.000 cases and lose. You telling me none of those cases fit the Criteria to win the suit. See how we were sold out and the lawyers want 40%

  • LaurieOctober 14, 2017 at 1:30 pm

    Your right Debbie I am not smart to post what my lawyer sent me in an email or told me over the phone. Will not happen again. If my information is incorrect or misleading I apologize to all here. As Joe said if I am not careful I will be one of the ones getting $1500 since I do not recognize nonsense when I hear it. I meant no harm to anyone and certainly did not deserve the response I got fr[Show More]Your right Debbie I am not smart to post what my lawyer sent me in an email or told me over the phone. Will not happen again. If my information is incorrect or misleading I apologize to all here. As Joe said if I am not careful I will be one of the ones getting $1500 since I do not recognize nonsense when I hear it. I meant no harm to anyone and certainly did not deserve the response I got from Joe but I am a big girl and will smile and move on. Good luck to all and God bless.

  • SharonOctober 13, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    I just sent my attorney an email asking for an update. He said "Settlement triggered yesterday. We can now moved forward."

  • DebbieOctober 13, 2017 at 8:16 am

    I actually just read Laurie's post again about what her attorney wrote her and I think it sounds like she is misinterpreting when her attorney said the "portal is not opened yet" with "the settlement has not been triggered yet" which is what my attorney told me. Could that be what happened? I don't think she is intentionally trying to mislead people, but you can see how those two phrases can[Show More]I actually just read Laurie's post again about what her attorney wrote her and I think it sounds like she is misinterpreting when her attorney said the "portal is not opened yet" with "the settlement has not been triggered yet" which is what my attorney told me. Could that be what happened? I don't think she is intentionally trying to mislead people, but you can see how those two phrases can sound like the same thing when your not familiar with these terms, although she is supposedly repeating what her attorney wrote her and that attorney SHOULD know the difference. When I said Laurie was one smart cookie, I meant her lawyer, in the fact that I am in agreement when she said about how these big companies should not get away with the damage that's been done and the procedures they are going to follow up on, so we'll see what happens with that. And aren't you guys all in agreement with me, (-and I think Joe said it too), when our attorneys told us some law firms didn't submit the claims properly and that's one of the reasons this is taking so long? I don't want to sound cruel but What kind of lawyers are they that they dont know how to submit paperwork properly on something so crucial? I am in disbelief that actually happened, so I'm gonna say it one more time, I call bs on that one.

  • AmandaOctober 13, 2017 at 3:48 am

    Well today marks 6 yrs I picked my mom up from dialysis took her grocery shopping and left to tend to my babies. All seemed well had one of the best days with my mom. Shortly after I received a call saying my mother had been transporated by ambulance and during that ride was shocked 15 times trying to revive her. They got her to the hospital and put her on machines. Packed her in ice to keep her [Show More]Well today marks 6 yrs I picked my mom up from dialysis took her grocery shopping and left to tend to my babies. All seemed well had one of the best days with my mom. Shortly after I received a call saying my mother had been transporated by ambulance and during that ride was shocked 15 times trying to revive her. They got her to the hospital and put her on machines. Packed her in ice to keep her from convulsing. That phone call forever stays implanted in my mind how is it possible? she was just fine we just talked she was eating fish sticks we had bought earlier that day now she's dying. Fast foward a year later starting this process trying to recover medical records from dialysis that claim she was never a patient. So glad my mom's Dr was a great man he released everything and every document. I know Dr's aren't supposed to develop a relationship with their patients but I can honestly say this man cared. He even showed up to my mother's funeral. Still to this day ask about my mother and offers any help he can. Sorry needed to vent it's been a long day and the night just getting started. The tears,anger,hurt,sadness and all the emotions are all brought back up

  • MelanyOctober 13, 2017 at 2:58 am

    Joe, my lawyer has also been very evasive. She said this whole suit has been unusual from the start, and she also told me not to expect a windfall. All I know is, I wish I had the life back that I had before January of 2011. I had the sudden death episode while I was on dialysis. I was in the hospital for a month, trying to relearn how to walk and use the right side of my body. It's been a long, r[Show More]Joe, my lawyer has also been very evasive. She said this whole suit has been unusual from the start, and she also told me not to expect a windfall. All I know is, I wish I had the life back that I had before January of 2011. I had the sudden death episode while I was on dialysis. I was in the hospital for a month, trying to relearn how to walk and use the right side of my body. It's been a long, rocky road, praise God I'm still alive, but I'll be glad when the worrying is over with.

  • JoeeOctober 12, 2017 at 8:49 am

    Marie, You could be right. I don’t know,they may have extended the submission time for forms to the Claims administrator. I haven’t heard anything about that. All I know is what my Lawyer told me I can’t remember the date he told me but this is what he said. “The claims submission process will most likely end In September. There will be a period of time that the Claims administrator will be revi[Show More]Marie, You could be right. I don’t know,they may have extended the submission time for forms to the Claims administrator. I haven’t heard anything about that. All I know is what my Lawyer told me I can’t remember the date he told me but this is what he said. “The claims submission process will most likely end In September. There will be a period of time that the Claims administrator will be reviewing cases. We believe this will occur in October and end sometime around November Or very early December. You will receive a determination letter with the amount of the award shortly after, likely December we will keep you updated, thank you for your patience.”

  • JoeOctober 12, 2017 at 4:45 am

    Laurie,I have no idea what your issue with me is. For one I did not start this comment section on this website, so don’t say I own it. I don’t think it was ever meant to be any type of blog,but I don’t know that for sure. It was simply a comment section for people to post on thats what i Believe. I have nothing to do with it. I did not start it. I also will have nothing to do with when it ends. [Show More]Laurie,I have no idea what your issue with me is. For one I did not start this comment section on this website, so don’t say I own it. I don’t think it was ever meant to be any type of blog,but I don’t know that for sure. It was simply a comment section for people to post on thats what i Believe. I have nothing to do with it. I did not start it. I also will have nothing to do with when it ends. I am simply a person like you posting information I find out or have. There is no reason to get pissed off at me. If you Have regrets on something you posted on here It’s not my fault. Look if I disagree with what someone says or with what a lawyer said to you. I am going to post it and you are not going to stop me. It’s not directed at anyone person,if anything its directed towards the lawyer that gave you that information. I have no idea what lawyers are telling the truth and what lawyers are not. All I know is what I have posted ends up happening. . All I was saying was there have been many people on here telling everyone the lawyers are submitting documents to the claims Administrator now. Your lawyer told you the portal is not even open yet. Don’t you find that a little questionable? What I posted wasn’t directed at you specifically it was more towards the lawyers. What I was trying to say was a lot of lawyers have said the portal has been open to submit documents now. How can your lawyer say it’s not even possible yet ,when other lawyers have already submitted The documents to the claims administrator. At least that’s what people are saying on here. This is not my blog. If you Even want to call it a blog,it’s more like a comment section. I may post the most on here. I just happen to Be able to see the court documents and I am posting what they say. Don’t say I lash out. What I don’t like it when people give false information or information that is known to be untrue. How can your lawyer tell you the portal has not been opened yet,when you know for a fact It has been open for a while. That’s not lashing out that’s just telling the truth.People have been posting for quite a few weeks that their lawyers have told them they are submitting their papers now to the claims administrator. Then you come on and tell everyone your lawyer is telling you the portal is not even open yet . Then when I question it you lash out and tell me how rotten I am . That is so far from the truth it’s pathetic. Lash out at your lawyer not me. I’m sick Of you telling me how I lash out I am questioning what you are saying because it doesn’t fall in line with what everyone else is saying. You are The one that is lashing out. When people disagree with you. Every-time i post something you don't like about your post you write a rude comment about me. You post I am a unhappy person. You are so wrong.I am actually a happy person and enjoy life to the fullest. You are just giving wrong information that is inaccurate. I am sure other people realize it to. Before you accuse me take a look at yourself. Look what some of these lawyers have done. Making people wait years and years and then telling them they are only receiving $1500. So yes I am blunt and to the point. The reason behind it Is because as you can see. A lot of lawyers are miss leading people. Making people believe things that are not factual. How would you feel if you waited five or six years thinking you were in category #1 Then you find out you are only going to receive $1500 Have some common sense.You have to believe what your lawyer tells you but you also have to question it. If it doesn’t sound reasonable or if it doesn’t add up with what everyone else is saying. Just for you know it wasn’t just one law firm there are more $1500 cases that will be receiving letters in the near future. If you’re not careful you will be one of those people.Its just a heads up. I used the word BS Because lawyers at telling people that other lawyers did not fill out the paperwork correctly or there are issues with it. Now doesn’t that sound like Nonsense. What law firm or lawyer Doesn’t know how to fill out a claim in a MDL? If that was truly the case that lawyer or law firm should not be practicing law. Laurie It’s pretty amazing how you post mean things about me, but try to make it sound nice How astonishing.

  • ReeseOctober 12, 2017 at 2:36 am

    I was told this by my attorney. I think that datte is when it starts, but it will probably continue through 2018. Keep in mind things can always change. My lawyer have been upfront with me from day one. Also, Joe has been giving the same info that my lawyer's have and then some. According to my attorney the judge has given a dead line of 11-10-17 for all claims to be submitted to the claim admini[Show More]I was told this by my attorney. I think that datte is when it starts, but it will probably continue through 2018. Keep in mind things can always change. My lawyer have been upfront with me from day one. Also, Joe has been giving the same info that my lawyer's have and then some. According to my attorney the judge has given a dead line of 11-10-17 for all claims to be submitted to the claim administrator. He has also instructed the claim administrator not to accept any more claims after that date. The settlement should trigger by 10'-12-17. So basically like Joe said some tine ago, claims submission should be done by November. In addition , since they started submitting claims, back in August, they have already been reviewed or processed. So by the time those remaining claims are submitted most of them should be done by then. That part is my own assessment. Remember things can chsnge and I could be wrong. But this is what i was told and this is what Joe has been stating the whole time. Thanks again Joe, you kept a lot of us encouraged. Good luck to all.

  • JudyOctober 11, 2017 at 7:55 pm

    FYI my attorney told our family 2018 no sooner that's all he has ever stated.

  • DebbieOctober 11, 2017 at 7:20 pm

    P.S. we all know that Joe has it all going on here. He seems to have a lot of info which is great, but Laurie you sound like one smart cookie to me! I appreciate anything that anyone posts even the ever so controversial JohnB! He just tries to be an aggravating nuisance to ruffle our feathers, can’t you tell?

  • DebbieOctober 11, 2017 at 7:11 pm

    This is what I think about the lawyers not submitting the claims correctly. That is almost impossible. When you, any of you people out there, let alone a lawyer, are dealing with large sums of money, don’t you check and recheck to make sure your forms are filled out correctly before submitting them? You know what I do? I even will put a call into the other party on the receiving end if I’m not[Show More]This is what I think about the lawyers not submitting the claims correctly. That is almost impossible. When you, any of you people out there, let alone a lawyer, are dealing with large sums of money, don’t you check and recheck to make sure your forms are filled out correctly before submitting them? You know what I do? I even will put a call into the other party on the receiving end if I’m not sure of something to make sure I did it right and I have them go over it with me before I send it in. In this day and age with lawyers who have legal secretaries or paralegals working for them, that is so hard to believe they weren’t submitted properly. If that’s the case, I’m going to law school. I’m not saying Laurie’s lawyer didn’t tell her that because I think that’s what my lawyer told me too. That the other lawyers sending in forms incorrectly was the holdup. I call bs on that one too. I also know that sometimes cases that are lingering will settle at the end of the year for some reason, so look for either the very end of this year or like my lawyer said in 2018, hopefully the first quarter.

  • lindaOctober 11, 2017 at 3:54 am

    reese where did th information com from that th funding date is 11-28-17. I'm only asking because my lawyer stated it will be the first part of 2018. I could have heard wrong, but this is what i understood him to say. Joe have you heard lately when that date is?? Thanks in advance

  • LaurieOctober 10, 2017 at 10:38 pm

    I am so sorry I posted that information. I regretted it the minute I did it. Do not know why Joe you have to say those things but if you disagree with what I posted I am again sorry. I should have known better. This is your forum, as I can well see. If anyone disagrees or posts something you dont like you lash out. Very sad that you feel you have to do that. You could find better ways of sa[Show More]I am so sorry I posted that information. I regretted it the minute I did it. Do not know why Joe you have to say those things but if you disagree with what I posted I am again sorry. I should have known better. This is your forum, as I can well see. If anyone disagrees or posts something you dont like you lash out. Very sad that you feel you have to do that. You could find better ways of saying things instead of calling "BS" and being sarcastic with "I hope that helped." That is not helpful. I think your a very unhappy person and this is your only outlet. God bless all involved with this case, we are all going to need it.

  • MarieOctober 10, 2017 at 6:27 pm

    I spoke to my lawyer Monday. They stated that they are just now getting the paperwork submitted to the claims department. He said that there was a hold up due to the $1500 settlement being paid. He could be telling me a story though. They could be one of the law firms that had errors and had to correct them. They actually called to ask me if my mom was on the transplant list or not was the initial[Show More]I spoke to my lawyer Monday. They stated that they are just now getting the paperwork submitted to the claims department. He said that there was a hold up due to the $1500 settlement being paid. He could be telling me a story though. They could be one of the law firms that had errors and had to correct them. They actually called to ask me if my mom was on the transplant list or not was the initial reason for his call. My mom was not yet on the transplant list, but was working on it. She had to have dental work done before she could be listed. I assume if you are on the transplant list you get more points which equals more money. And he said payout will be sometime in 2018. Just telling you what I was told.

  • reeseOctober 10, 2017 at 4:08 pm

    Joe you were correct all along. Funding date 11-28-17. I appreciate you!!

  • JoeOctober 10, 2017 at 9:15 am

    Category 2 receive only 50% of what you would have received in Category one category two is for Naturalyte cases only. If They say you’re in category two good luck getting anything from this lawsuit. I hope that helped.

  • JoeOctober 10, 2017 at 8:29 am

    Thank you for that information in what your lawyer stated. I have a little bit of a issue with it however.If you look back at the posts there are multiple people that told everyone their lawyer stated that they are able to submit documents now to the claims administrator it wasn’t just me that stated that There have been multiple people that have stated that. My lawyer told me claim submission to [Show More]Thank you for that information in what your lawyer stated. I have a little bit of a issue with it however.If you look back at the posts there are multiple people that told everyone their lawyer stated that they are able to submit documents now to the claims administrator it wasn’t just me that stated that There have been multiple people that have stated that. My lawyer told me claim submission to the claims administrator. Will stop end of September. Your lawyer is telling you the portal has not even been opened yet, that concerns me. How can all these other people say Their lawyers told them they were able to submit. Information to the claims administrator but your lawyer is telling you the portal have not even been opened yet. I could see if it was just one person saying they were able to submit documents to the claims administrator but there has been multiple people that stated that there lawyer told them That. I would email my lawyer if I were you and tell her how come there are a lot of people saying their lawyer has told them that they can’ submit the documents now to the claims administrator but you are telling me the portal has not even been opened yet I don’t understand that. I am a little confused can you please help me understand it a little better. Look the fact is you are not going to change anything at this point but it would be nice to get accurate information from your lawyer. It seems like they are being a little deceptive toward you. I know for a fact and so do a lot of other people so-called portal have been open for a long time now in fact from what I was told it has been closed End of September. I am not trying to disrespect you I am just trying to help you I hope you understand that.You know sometimes in these lawsuits the lawyer will say well we tried but we were unable to submit your documents to the claims Administrator it takes the blame off of them . You obviously had problems with what she was telling you or you would not of posted what she said on here. I also call bullshit on all the other lawyers telling people the claims were not filled out correctly. These lawyers have gone to law school and your trying to tell me they can’t fill out a claim submission for a MDL. That’s not reasonable reasoning I call bullshit on that. What law firm is going to work for free to fix other lawyers Mistakes it’s unrealistic think about it.

  • WaltOctober 9, 2017 at 10:08 pm

    Apparently it seem to me, not all "opted-in" cases will be evaluated by the claims administrator, Mr. Green. Branch Law firm, last week, sent a letter of denial to my neighbor, who lost her husband during dialysis of cardiac arrest at Davita in 2009. The death certificate stated so. Branch accepted the case. She had opted-in. The letter stated that the product was not used at that facility contra[Show More]Apparently it seem to me, not all "opted-in" cases will be evaluated by the claims administrator, Mr. Green. Branch Law firm, last week, sent a letter of denial to my neighbor, who lost her husband during dialysis of cardiac arrest at Davita in 2009. The death certificate stated so. Branch accepted the case. She had opted-in. The letter stated that the product was not used at that facility contrary to what she was told. They could have told her years ago she was not eligible. I am normally a very optimistic person and this take a lot of nerves for me to write this. My 39 year old daughter with 3 minor kids also died after having dialysis hours pass the 12 and 24 hours(she died 32 to 40 hrs after dialysis) time frame already predetermined before the MDL even started. she died sometime during the night but was found the next morning, documented on the death certificate as natural causes. She did not start having strokes(3) and a final heart attack until she was faced with using this stuff. I was told by Branch personnel that they would submit the records but has already determined the outcome of $1500.00 before 40% and expenses (no choice). "we have made that decision, not the claim administrator" I was told before all of this opt-in mess a year ago or so, that I will have to opt-in so they can get "their money". I was initially denied as a client in 2012 by Cory, Watson and Crowder personnel "that since she did not die within 24 hours of Dialysis they would not take the case. Someone had already set the time frame criteria even back then. I saw on the web that they were taking cases that stated within 48 hours and contacted Branch. My daughter last hemodialysis was at Fresenius. They told them it was Naturalyte. Fresenius clinic personnel told me years ago it was Granuflo. I can't prove it. There are only 6 eligible cases in Alabama. I wonder why? People are still dying after dialysis here. I have contacted the Attorney General Office when Luther Strange was AG. Did not contact my Alabama Senators, they seem to me to be for big business. Emailed Senator Elizabeth Warren, who serves on the Consumer Protection Committee in Congress. Contacted the attorney of record who seem to be just the between man. Contacted Judge Woodlock clerk office and was told that "it between the lawyers". This kind of thing should be apart of "criminal justice reform". Someone should go to jail. I have concluded that this was a setup deal from the beginning. This allows lawyers to be bought off, in my opinion, from weak cases chosen and cases not properly vetted by law firms. If law makers (lawyers) reform this practice, would that be like the "fox guarding the hen house". This is my first and only post to a blog. There is a disclaimer on television and radio commercials for lawyers in Alabama that reads "No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers". Thank you all for the information y'all have posted and for allowing me to vent to help me find closure in the death of my daughter. May we continue to pray for all who has suffered thru this tragedy of losing our love ones.

  • CarolynOctober 9, 2017 at 4:52 pm

    Torrianna, I too have Branch and I received the same letter. With them, it appears to sign off for the alternative or nothing. And I am will to bet we get nothing with the alternative. But, as I've stated before. The only reason I got embroiled in the mess is to make sure my darling Bill didn't die in vain. At least his name is known and his death helped others.

  • JudyOctober 9, 2017 at 4:40 pm

    Thank you so much Laurie it help me a great deal. Keep posting all information is good to hear at this point

  • LaurieOctober 9, 2017 at 2:47 pm

    This is part of an e-mail I received from my attorney..... I know this route is exhausting and draining………believe me, I know!!! For you though (and all the other victims involved) the emotional toll is far greater, and I hope you know we recognize that. Do I believe that the billionaire corporations are held to a lower standard? Yes! This is what happens when you have loads of money at any level[Show More]This is part of an e-mail I received from my attorney..... I know this route is exhausting and draining………believe me, I know!!! For you though (and all the other victims involved) the emotional toll is far greater, and I hope you know we recognize that. Do I believe that the billionaire corporations are held to a lower standard? Yes! This is what happens when you have loads of money at any level in life. You are able to get away with things us lesser people would never be able to get away with. But that’s where we come in. We’ll try like hell to insure the billionaires are held accountable. It’s generally a two-punch process. The initial bad press costs them money in the way of stocks and stationary distribution of a once lucrative product. Then the settlement payout is a direct hit to the purse. The payout won’t change—it will stay at $250 million regardless of the amount of claimants that fall within the settlement parameters. So regardless of who is counted in and who is counted out—it costs Fresenius the same money. There have been a lot of dismissals. Those dismissals are all cases that chose not to opt-in to the settlement for a variety of reasons. The cases simply cannot meet the legal requirements to proceed on their own. There are legitimate reasons some of these cases should not be included in the settlement. There are some cases where it is not so cut and dry. Either way, it is difficult for those involved to see past their grief and look at the logical reasoning. It is completely understandable. Your case is not one of those cases that shouldn’t have been involved. We feel your mother was a victim of a defective product and will be including her case in the settlement process, when that begins—which I think will be very soon. There is movement toward an official announcement being made soon. I will let you know as soon as that happens. There are a lot of cases out there and some firms are unable to give 100% to their clients. We are not one of those firms. We strive to give great service to every client we have, and I wholeheartedly mean that. It doesn’t mean that the client will get the result they want. Unfortunately giving 100% means you either prove or disprove a case. Not all of our cases will be or should be included in the settlement process. I also spoke with her on the phone also and her timing for this she says maybe the end of the year (she hopes) or early 2018 which some on here have stated. She can not say at this point since the portal is not "officially" open until they make an official announcement. Once it is open they will begin the process and that will take some time. If the number of cases goes down then the settlements will be quicker, there is no telling at this point. Not sure if this information helps or hurts but I thought my sharing it with all of you could in someway be beneficial. For Joe and all the others I have truly appreciated your help and information.

  • JoeOctober 9, 2017 at 12:37 pm

    Remember always listen to your lawyer. I can give you court information but your lawyer may have More relevant Information for your specific case.

  • JoeOctober 9, 2017 at 8:21 am

    So everybody should already know what the summary judgments are for. I already posted that information earlier. Some plaintiffs asked for a extension to file a reply opposing the summary judgment. The judge denied the extension. He is scheduling a hearing on the summary judgment motion for November 21, 2017. Most likely he will order the summary judgments if he was not going to order the summary [Show More]So everybody should already know what the summary judgments are for. I already posted that information earlier. Some plaintiffs asked for a extension to file a reply opposing the summary judgment. The judge denied the extension. He is scheduling a hearing on the summary judgment motion for November 21, 2017. Most likely he will order the summary judgments if he was not going to order the summary judgments on all these cases he would not have denied the plaintiffs opposition for motion to extend time to reply. He would have just ordered it and he did not. He actually Denied it. So it looks like the summary judgment motions are going to be ordered but not definite until after the hearing On November 21, 2017. Then we will know for sure. Once it is ordered that should be the end. They should officially approve the settlement . Because if the summary judgment is ordered that will trigger the 97% that Needed to be met to trigger The settlement. Everything is falling right in line from what my lawyer said like I said before he told me we should know by the end of November. claims submission ended Late September. Friday, October 06, 2017 1944 order Order ~Util - Set Hearings Fri 2:47 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER denying1938Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time. Responses/oppositions to the motions for summary judgment shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on 10/16/2017. Any reply briefs by the Defendants' shall be filed no later than 5:00 p.m. on 10/26/2017. The Hearing on the Motions for Summary Judgment is hereby RESCHEDULED from 10/25/2017 to 11/21/2017 at 10:00 a.m. (Beatty,

  • AmandaOctober 9, 2017 at 2:47 am

    It's so aggravating to say at the least. Ithe honestly just feels as if they push and push hoping everyone will just give up

  • LindaOctober 8, 2017 at 9:14 pm

    Joe, I just want to know, if i'm allowed to ask, what does it mean about catagory 1 and catogory 2? Anyone that knows can answer the question please.

  • DebbraOctober 7, 2017 at 4:04 pm

    Joe I am not one of the Deb’s that said anything about you. So there are no hard feelings from this girl.

  • PatOctober 6, 2017 at 8:08 pm

    Thank you so much for your information. You have been very helpful as it is so hard to get any information at all.

  • JoeOctober 6, 2017 at 2:30 pm

    There was a status conference on September 30, 2017. I don’t have any details It was sealed.

  • JoeOctober 6, 2017 at 2:10 pm

    Not sure if i understand what happened with your case. Did you opt-in? Did your opt-in letter state they thought your case would be put into Category #1 ?was Granuflo used or was it Naturalyte.? You’re not giving enough information to understand what the reasoning is behind that alternative payment agreement. What was the date of the last treatment? It sounds like you were expecting a larger sett[Show More]Not sure if i understand what happened with your case. Did you opt-in? Did your opt-in letter state they thought your case would be put into Category #1 ?was Granuflo used or was it Naturalyte.? You’re not giving enough information to understand what the reasoning is behind that alternative payment agreement. What was the date of the last treatment? It sounds like you were expecting a larger settlement and it looks like You were not offered what you were Expecting. We need more information To know exactly what happened with your case. A couple things you have to understand there are a large number of Naturalyte cases But A very Nero Window of Criteria That has to be meet. Meaning most people that filed a case and their loved one took Naturalyte will only be receiving $1500. Sorry to hear That terrible news about your case, sorry I don’t understand the details of if you could explain it a little bit more. Maybe we could understand it a little better. We all have to remember.There’s no guarantee on what the claims administrator has decided it could be far more or far less than what we are expecting Or hoping for. Wednesday, October 04, 2017 1943 notice Notice - Other Wed 2:45 PM OPPOSITION to1938 MOTION for Extension of Time to 12/14/17 to File Response/Reply to FMCNA's Motion for Summary Judgment, filed by FMCNA. (Gioia, AnaMaria) Fresenius Is opposing The extension motion. Let’s see what the judge ends up Doing.

  • JoeOctober 6, 2017 at 1:54 pm

    No Blanchard it is not all about the money. I know you’re not very intelligent but you have three or four states that have their attorney general involved with their state cases.If there were criminal charges that could be brought up they would have. If it was that simple to do then why haven’t you done it. Blame everyone else for not trying or not being able to do it what about you why didn’t you[Show More]No Blanchard it is not all about the money. I know you’re not very intelligent but you have three or four states that have their attorney general involved with their state cases.If there were criminal charges that could be brought up they would have. If it was that simple to do then why haven’t you done it. Blame everyone else for not trying or not being able to do it what about you why didn’t you do it. You are a complete moron and if anybody is greedy it’s you. You are not posting on here because you want to help anyone you just want to see what everyone else is getting. You want to cause Problems. I got news for you Blanchard yours is one of the cases That is going to get dismissed. If your lawyer hasn’t told you already he will shortly. The order has not been released yet.

  • TorriannaOctober 5, 2017 at 2:37 am

    I got a letter today asking me to take an APA amount, basically 1500, not even that after fees. From what I gather.. Bullcrap. My father's death certificate clearly says he was poisoned, he died less that 18hrs after his visit while admitted in the hospital. So because of wording we get slapped in the face? I'm kinda confused, they say it's very unlikely but still a chance.

  • MindyOctober 4, 2017 at 11:53 am

    It really upsets me that because we decided to sue these money hungry vultures for not pulling this product to begin with that we're being told that we are all out for the money. I believe 100% that these people need to pay for what they've done. You know as well as I know that when it comes to big corporations the only way to stick it to them is by digging into their pockets and making them pay [Show More]It really upsets me that because we decided to sue these money hungry vultures for not pulling this product to begin with that we're being told that we are all out for the money. I believe 100% that these people need to pay for what they've done. You know as well as I know that when it comes to big corporations the only way to stick it to them is by digging into their pockets and making them pay because after all that is what started all of this to begin with, THEIR LOVE FOR MONEY. If they had even an ounce of integrity they would've pulled the product long before multiple lives were lost. Maybe I sound bitter but let me tell you something, my father was the baby and I was his only child. My children and I lost our best friend, our mentor and the only man that ever mattered to us, we literally lost our lives. My father was my grandmothers caregiver. When he passed away who do you think stepped up in his place to make sure she was fed, bathed and cared for daily?!? My children and I didn't even question giving up our stable home and our freedoms to care for my grandmother. I was working a full time job, caring for my 3 kids AND caring for my grandmother day/night. The only break we got from being a caretaker was while we were at work or school. Do you have any idea what it's like to live a lie day in and day out? A lie that tears you apart emotionally inside and out? My children and I were living a lie for nearly a year. My grandmother had Alzheimer's/Dementia and her other children felt it was best to lie to her about my father's passing. I'd come home daily to her asking when my dad was going to be home and I would lie to her every day making up excuses as to why he wasn't there. When I couldn't take lying to her anymore and when I finally told her the truth it didn't matter because day after day it was the same questions over and over and I'd give her the same responses. My grandmother was living the day she found out her son had died, over and over again. It was heartbreaking and was becoming too much to bear so I went back to lying. I eventually began believing my own lies and it destroyed me mentally. I honestly believed that as soon as the doctored cleared him to come home, he walk back through that door. I lost my mind and it almost cost me my family. So John, maybe in your eyes you see us as money hungry vultures and honestly I'll tell you that your opinion doesn't mean crap to me. You've not been in our shoes, you have no idea what Fresenius has done to destroy us. Am I bitter? You're damn right I am!! Will money change any of this but in my mind, if we take from them what they value most then maybe they'll feel just an ounce of the pain they've caused us.

  • KevinOctober 1, 2017 at 2:48 pm

    JohnB, how dare you make any kind of judgement regarding myself on why I am here and that all I care about is the money! And yes I have contacted every politician I can in my area district and so on, I so really would love to meet you in person to f-in punch you in the face, that is how mad you make me. I lost my only brother that being my only sibling at the age of 47. I was 46, we were the o[Show More]JohnB, how dare you make any kind of judgement regarding myself on why I am here and that all I care about is the money! And yes I have contacted every politician I can in my area district and so on, I so really would love to meet you in person to f-in punch you in the face, that is how mad you make me. I lost my only brother that being my only sibling at the age of 47. I was 46, we were the only siblings each had and we were very close growing up, and I lost him while he was receiving his dialysis in the chair going into cardiac arrest and then put on a vent and making me make the call to say pull the plug, on a side note we had lost our father at the age of 14 and 15, and our mother on New Years Eve 2008, so that left me with no family and for you to say I am here for the money is f-ing bullshit (so for the language I am so MAD right now) So don't you ever again come on here and tell me that I am on here just for the MONEY and I don't care about the future of Fresenius!! I will work until my last day on earth make this company pay for which they did to me and me only, because there is no one else. SO SHUT THE F-ING UP and do not insult me again like that. Or I will put that on my plate to find you and make you pay for being on here for the "MONEY" instead just to hearse us on here. I doubt this will get to the blog, but I can only hope. DAMN I AM SO ANGRY RIGHT NOW!!!!!

  • JoeSeptember 30, 2017 at 1:00 pm

    Debbra don’t stop posting. It was a mistake I made. It was nothing you did. You were just repeating what your lawyer told you and that’s good, how were you to know it was old. I wouldn’t stop posting on here.All the information we can get is good. We can see what the lawyers are telling people. Then if somebody knows differently than what The lawyer told that person somebody can posted and tell th[Show More]Debbra don’t stop posting. It was a mistake I made. It was nothing you did. You were just repeating what your lawyer told you and that’s good, how were you to know it was old. I wouldn’t stop posting on here.All the information we can get is good. We can see what the lawyers are telling people. Then if somebody knows differently than what The lawyer told that person somebody can posted and tell them. There’s nothing wrong with giving information that you’ve gotten from your lawyer even if it’s not up to date. We can at least see what these crazy lawyers are telling some of their clients it’s good to post. I wouldn’t stop if I were you What you post is quite helpful, Believe it or not it is. I for one appreciate it.

  • AnthonySeptember 30, 2017 at 4:09 am

    I had three heart attacks in one day well I was on dialysis I'm happy to be alive I just want to put this past me. we were sold out from day one buy everybody involved God bless those who survive and the loved ones of those people who lost someone

  • DebbraSeptember 29, 2017 at 12:45 pm

    I am Debbra with two b's and not any of the others I will no longer ask or post to keep down the confusion but while I'm here...JohnB shut up and leave Joe alone you are a nuisance. Thank you Joe for you help.

  • JoeSeptember 29, 2017 at 5:20 am

    Same crap as before Opposing the Summary judgment motion. Now who knows how long this is going to take this is nothing to do with Opting in or out. But the settlement will not be finalized from my understanding until they have all cases either dismissed or settled or get a court date. I have no idea about the dates they have obviously changed or will. 2017 is no longer feasible it’s not going to h[Show More]Same crap as before Opposing the Summary judgment motion. Now who knows how long this is going to take this is nothing to do with Opting in or out. But the settlement will not be finalized from my understanding until they have all cases either dismissed or settled or get a court date. I have no idea about the dates they have obviously changed or will. 2017 is no longer feasible it’s not going to happen because of the opposition to the summary judgment. So who knows now. Wednesday, September 27, 2017 1938 notice Notice - Other Thu 1:22 PM MOTION for Extension of Time to 12/14/17 to File Response/Reply to FMCNA's Motion for Summary Judgment, filed by: Mervyn Boyd 13-cv-11717; Charles Cameron 13-cv-12446; Daniel Carter 13-cv-12459; Joyce Marie Clark 13-cv-12460; Kathy Dennis 13-cv-12467; Gloria Cothern Dunaway 13-cv-11714; Janice McGhee 13-cv-13172; Michael McNulty 13-cv-12403; Kimberly Ross 13-cv-12478; Sophia Walker 13-cv-12487; and Beulah Williams 13-cv-12486. (Gioia, AnaMaria) Thursday, September 28, 2017 1939 order Order Thu 3:59 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ELECTRONIC ORDER entered. PROCEDURAL ORDER: On September 27, 2017, Dowdy Cockerham & Watt filed a Motion for Extension of Time seeking an extension of the October 16th deadline to file oppositions to the pending motions for summary judgment. In order for the Court to address the issue in a timely manner, any opposition to this Motion shall be filed no later than October 4, 2017. In addition, Attorney James Gotz shall file an affidavit in response to the paragraphs of the Motion addressing the actions of the PEC, no later than October 4, 2017. (Gioia, AnaMaria)

  • JoeSeptember 29, 2017 at 2:48 am

    I see so there are multiple Debra,Debbie, Deborah i must have gotten confused. One Debra changed her name to Debbie then there is a Deborah that is Similar to the rest of the names. So it’s hard to remember which one posting what. If Someone post something with the same name how do I know which one it is? How Would anyone Know? There may be more than one Debbie on Here also. I don’t know now. Yo[Show More]I see so there are multiple Debra,Debbie, Deborah i must have gotten confused. One Debra changed her name to Debbie then there is a Deborah that is Similar to the rest of the names. So it’s hard to remember which one posting what. If Someone post something with the same name how do I know which one it is? How Would anyone Know? There may be more than one Debbie on Here also. I don’t know now. You can see where the confusion comes from. So relax you can see How it can get confusing. It’s like if there was two Joes a Joseph and a couple Joeys On here I bet you would get confused also.

  • DebbieSeptember 28, 2017 at 9:17 pm

    I also am Debbie that posted about the liens. Maybe I shouldn't have posted that on here because I could confuse everyone. Regarding the Debra that you are speaking of maybe just maybe that is what the paralegal told her and we know it is outdated information. I don't talk to paralegals either, but I think attorneys let them handle things if they think they are capable of relaying the info. My[Show More]I also am Debbie that posted about the liens. Maybe I shouldn't have posted that on here because I could confuse everyone. Regarding the Debra that you are speaking of maybe just maybe that is what the paralegal told her and we know it is outdated information. I don't talk to paralegals either, but I think attorneys let them handle things if they think they are capable of relaying the info. My attorney did tell me the same thing that the settlement has not been triggered yet although it's supposed to be soon. I'm sure we will all find out when it's been triggered either from our attorneys or from Joe. And then after that It's all based on when the claims administrator makes his final decisions when everybody gets to know what category they're in, with the add on points etc. and he said to me flat out with a distinct big "NO" that nothing will be completed in 2017.

  • DebraSeptember 28, 2017 at 8:21 pm

    Joe I am not the Debbie, Deborah or Debra who has been saying stuff on here so don't confuse me with the others. What I posted is the actual wording on the email sent me this week. I have never mentioned numbers before because my lawyer never has said anything about the numbers. I think I might have posted 3 times on here. Again please don't confuse me with the others. I always look forward [Show More]Joe I am not the Debbie, Deborah or Debra who has been saying stuff on here so don't confuse me with the others. What I posted is the actual wording on the email sent me this week. I have never mentioned numbers before because my lawyer never has said anything about the numbers. I think I might have posted 3 times on here. Again please don't confuse me with the others. I always look forward to hearing what you have to say. Thanks

  • DebbieSeptember 28, 2017 at 6:49 pm

    Joe, I certainly hope that was not directed towards me. Once again, I am Debbie and not Debra. Debra does have old information for sure but maybe that's what her attorney told her. That post was from DEBRA not me. My information is accurate. Recently, I was told some estimated numbers from my attorney like how many people opted in, about how many cases were dismissed, about how many people are [Show More]Joe, I certainly hope that was not directed towards me. Once again, I am Debbie and not Debra. Debra does have old information for sure but maybe that's what her attorney told her. That post was from DEBRA not me. My information is accurate. Recently, I was told some estimated numbers from my attorney like how many people opted in, about how many cases were dismissed, about how many people are falling in category one, but I would never post the latest numbers he gave me Just in case it's inaccurate. You are confusing me with Debra.

  • JudySeptember 28, 2017 at 6:33 pm

    Joe you are correct I remember that information she put on here months ago and like you mentioned some of the information is old or don't add up, our attorney info pretty much match yours that's why I believe what you post on here. I wish Jon b would get lost negative moron. Thanks for sharing.

  • JoeSeptember 28, 2017 at 10:18 am

    I don’t know how many cases there are left but I doubt there Are 8000. Even if there were 8000 you know for a fact they all do not fall into category 1. Something you have to remember. This is not going to be divided up equally. If that was the case how would They pay out the people that had add-ons. We will just have to wait and see. It’s better to be optimistic then pessimistic. I hope the best [Show More]I don’t know how many cases there are left but I doubt there Are 8000. Even if there were 8000 you know for a fact they all do not fall into category 1. Something you have to remember. This is not going to be divided up equally. If that was the case how would They pay out the people that had add-ons. We will just have to wait and see. It’s better to be optimistic then pessimistic. I hope the best outcome for us all. I truly don’t know how many cases there will be And what the determination by the Claims administrator Will be. I don’t know how much to expect but it may not be what people are hoping for.

  • MarieSeptember 28, 2017 at 1:56 am

    John, I do care about this still causing cardiac arrests. My family has pkd kidney disease, which has been passed down to most of us. I am at 17% kidney function and soon will be on dialysis myself. My mom had the cardiac arrest 5 years ago only 1 hr after dialysis. So I am very scared and anxious to go on dialysis. I am going to try to do PD dialysis at home. No one seems to listen to us. Our la[Show More]John, I do care about this still causing cardiac arrests. My family has pkd kidney disease, which has been passed down to most of us. I am at 17% kidney function and soon will be on dialysis myself. My mom had the cardiac arrest 5 years ago only 1 hr after dialysis. So I am very scared and anxious to go on dialysis. I am going to try to do PD dialysis at home. No one seems to listen to us. Our lawyers couldn't even make them pay a reasonable amount for this happening. They even recalled the granuflo and just relabeled it with no changes. How do you fight a huge company like this? They even supply the home dialysis supplies to people. Maybe after all this is settled, we can go to the news and our state representatives. Anyone else have any ideas how to prevent more lives from being lost from this company? Thank you Joe for all your info!!

  • JoeSeptember 27, 2017 at 10:20 pm

    There were actually about 7700 that Opted in. Many have been dismissed. The information your paralegal gave you is old. Paralegals never know as much as the lawyers do..They are subsidiary to a lawyer they No far less than what The lawyer oh’s. It makes no difference to them if the information they give out it’s accurate or not. That is why I refuse to talk to the paralegal in fact my lawyer would[Show More]There were actually about 7700 that Opted in. Many have been dismissed. The information your paralegal gave you is old. Paralegals never know as much as the lawyers do..They are subsidiary to a lawyer they No far less than what The lawyer oh’s. It makes no difference to them if the information they give out it’s accurate or not. That is why I refuse to talk to the paralegal in fact my lawyer would never let the paralegal talk to me. Let me ask you something Debbie why are you the only one that are throwing out numbers did the paralegal really tell you that. Something doesn’t add up. When I talk to my lawyer he said there were far less than Was once thought. When I look at the Court dockets there are only 3324 pending actions so how can you tell me there are 8000 case that Opted in. If that was the case there would be 8000 pending actions in the court system and there are not. Debbie you are probably a good person and Mean well but from now on I am just going to have to ignore what you post it is not factual and is miss leading to many people. Just to remind you that you came on about a month ago And told everybody there were 4000 cases. No more cases could have opted in at that time so how can you now say there are 8000 cases now ? You are misleading people on here. I don’t know if it is being done on purpose or if you are just going online and looking up old information and telling people you are getting it from your paralegal or what. Why don’t you call the paralegal and ask him how can there only be 3324 pending actions in court and you are telling me there are 8000 people that opted in.See what his answer to that is. People can look back about a month ago where you stated they were 4000 cases now you are telling everybody they’re 8000. What you are saying does not add up. One month its 4000 A month or month and a half later there are 8000 those those are your own words. So how can you expect people to believe what you say.

  • DebraSeptember 26, 2017 at 6:24 pm

    This is from my paralegal yesterday. "The settlement still has not been triggered. We have not heard back from the claims administrator on the qualification status. I anticipate that process will take several months since there are approximately 8,000 claims which opted-in to the settlement which will require review. Once we have more information on the qualification status I will let you know as [Show More]This is from my paralegal yesterday. "The settlement still has not been triggered. We have not heard back from the claims administrator on the qualification status. I anticipate that process will take several months since there are approximately 8,000 claims which opted-in to the settlement which will require review. Once we have more information on the qualification status I will let you know as soon as possible."

  • DebbieSeptember 26, 2017 at 4:40 pm

    Yes JohnB what constitutes your reasoning of Joe being a fraud? He is merely posting what information he finds on the court case website. Why is that fraudulent? Is he an imposter trying to portray he is someone else? Is he a Russian spy trying to wreak havoc? I'm confused by the fraud accusation. The numbers he throws out there are just his opinion or maybe he heard it from his attorney. The trut[Show More]Yes JohnB what constitutes your reasoning of Joe being a fraud? He is merely posting what information he finds on the court case website. Why is that fraudulent? Is he an imposter trying to portray he is someone else? Is he a Russian spy trying to wreak havoc? I'm confused by the fraud accusation. The numbers he throws out there are just his opinion or maybe he heard it from his attorney. The truth is, we don't know anything until the claims administrator has completed everything. But obviously people are asking about the numbers. And in answer to people just worrying about the money what else do we have left? This is a small compensation for what we lost, so even though it sounds like it's about the money right now, how do you know that people aren't going to take action after this lawsuit is finished? According to my attorney it's not the granuflo that was the problem it was the amount that was being used or the improper formula that was used. So now what do we have left? In the beginning I was very concerned about Granuflo still being used on people and asked my attorney about it, but to be honest with you it was so long ago, I can't remember what he said that's how long we've been playing around with this. So try not to be so critical unless you can "backup" your fraud accusations. As far as I'm concerned, Joe is only trying to help the best way that he can.

  • JoeSeptember 26, 2017 at 5:47 am

    You have to realize Naturalyte Is different than Granuflo they are both manufactured by the same company and are used for the same thing but Granuflo it’s concentrated not in a liquid form Naturalyte Is in a liquid form and comes in 55 gallon drum’s.“I believe that Naturalyte should never have been included in a Class 1 recall, which warns of serious adverse health consequences or death. It would[Show More]You have to realize Naturalyte Is different than Granuflo they are both manufactured by the same company and are used for the same thing but Granuflo it’s concentrated not in a liquid form Naturalyte Is in a liquid form and comes in 55 gallon drum’s.“I believe that Naturalyte should never have been included in a Class 1 recall, which warns of serious adverse health consequences or death. It would have greatly helped everyone understand the situation if Naturalyte had been explained separately. Naturalyte has the same chemical composition that is used by virtually all dialysis concentrate manufacturers and includes some risk factors for errors. GranuFlo, however, has a unique chemical composition that includes the use of sodium diacetate, which can double those errors, as well as increase the risk of potential harm to patients. The use of GranuFlo and other concentrates in the same clinic also greatly increases the risk of errors by clinical, technical, medical, and information technology staff.“ JohnB All you do is come on here and get information and then if it is not to your liking you try to disrespect me. You post nothing. All you do is gather information and then complain about there not being any up-to-date information. You are a complete moron. Why are you so concerned about everyone else? You just want to see what everybody else is getting,You’re crazy Look Blanchard. I post information on here for everyone if you don’t like what I post Or think it is incorrect don’t come on here. You have nothing to share except complaints about what is posted by me. If you were in category one would you still be complaining I doubt it. Repeat one thing I said that was not true. You cannot because everything I have posted is factual there are a few things that are just my opinion. The majority of what I post is factual. You moron I never give advice to anyone I just explain what is happening in this case and what my lawyer has stated to me. I do not tell anyone to make any decision on what I post. I would never do that. You Ungrateful jerk.

  • TerrySeptember 26, 2017 at 4:57 am

    Moderator, please block JohnB and any users using his ip address. He is disruptive to the conversation here and is a nuisance to the readers. I for one am here for information and have gotten Great value from the posts of one person in particular: Joe. Again, please remove and block any future posts from JohnB and others using his iPhone address.

  • JoeSeptember 26, 2017 at 4:51 am

    Terri Naturalyte Compensation fund should be listed in your Opt-in letter. I can give you a brief summary of category 2. Pay out. The Naturalyte Compensation fund Provide a very Narrow Exception To allow for compensation to Patients who were treated with Naturalyte It would have to have been very specific conditions that took place. Because few cases are expected to qualify for the Naturalyte [Show More]Terri Naturalyte Compensation fund should be listed in your Opt-in letter. I can give you a brief summary of category 2. Pay out. The Naturalyte Compensation fund Provide a very Narrow Exception To allow for compensation to Patients who were treated with Naturalyte It would have to have been very specific conditions that took place. Because few cases are expected to qualify for the Naturalyte Compensation fund . The fund is limited to $5 million. The Claimants Will have to provide the same criteria as for in the Granuflo compensation fund. Except the cardiac arrest must have occurred within 12 hours of their last dialysis treatment In addition these claimants Must provide Predialysis lab work that was of a certain level and also The bicarbonate Prescription was also of a certain level.In affect the Naturalyte Exposure was more like a Granuflo Exposure. The Naturalyte Follow the same base and add-on formula as The Granuflo Compensation fund however the Naturalyte will be capped at 50% of what applicable Granuflo award would have been. There you go Terri, here are some motions filed In court recently. Friday, September 15, 2017 1935 respm Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1Fri 1:36 PM Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re1933 MOTION for Summary Judgment FMCNA's Motion for Summary Judgment on the Claims of Opt-Out Cases Involving Non-Arrhythmia Events or Injuries not Proximate in Time to the Last Dialysis Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in Support of FMCNA's Motion for Summary Judgment on the Claims of Opt-Out Cases Involving Non-Arrhythmia Events or Injuries Not Proximate in Time to the Last Dialysis filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.,, Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc..(Bennett, James) Modified to add defendants on 9/15/2017 (Beatty, Barbara) This motion basically means they want the cases that Did not opt in and Did not have a cardiac arrest to be dismissed. If the cardiac arrest did not occur within 24 hours after treatment. Applies to both Granuflo/Naturalyte This has 56 pages Don’t know how many people per page. Friday, September 08, 2017 1925 respm Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1Fri 2:57 PM Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re1923 MOTION for Summary Judgment FMCNA's Motion for Summary Judgment on the Claims of Opt-Out Plaintiffs that are Barred by the Learned Intermediary Doctrine Statement of Undisputed Material Facts in Support of FMCNA's Motion for Summary Judgment on the Claims of Opt-Out Plaintiffs that are Barred by the Learned Intermediary Doctrine filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.,, Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA Sales, Inc..(Bennett, James) With this motion basically means is Fresenius Was not responsible for warning the patient of the risk or side effects After the warning letter Were sent out basically it was the doctor’s responsibility to For warn The patients of the risk or side effects of the drug. This applies to both Granuflo/Naturalyte . This motion is 33 pages don’t know how many people per page. Monday, August 28, 2017 44 notice Notice - Other Mon 12:51 PM Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re 1913 MOTION for Summary Judgment On the Claims of Opt-Out Cases Lacking Evidence of Elevated Serum Bicarbonate Levels filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.,, Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc., Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc..(Gioia, AnaMaria) This order is Basically exactly what it says it is there’s nothing more to it than what it says. There are 52 attachments to this attachment equals one page I don’t know how many people per page. Wednesday, August 23, 2017 53 notice Notice - Other Wed 11:16 AM Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re MOTION for Summary Judgment On The Claims of Opt-Out Plaintiffs Involving Naturalyte filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.,, Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc., Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc..(Gioia, AnaMaria) This applies to all Naturalyte cases that did not opt-in there are 60 pages I don’t know how many people per page. :

  • SHharonSeptember 26, 2017 at 3:31 am

    I spoke to my attorne'ss paralegal last week, and she said tbat the hold up was some attorneys had filed incomplete paperwork and that was the hold up. She said it is down from about 1700 to between 100 to 300 that have been corrected. Hopefully soon we will here something.

  • terriSeptember 23, 2017 at 1:44 am

    Joe i enjoy reading your messages i am puzzled i am in the and if the Naturalyte have put aside 5 million for those people and you only get half what granuflo wouldn't that amount have to be use all for Naturalyte case i am so confused i got papers from my attroney when we had to decide if you wanted to go in or not he said you could get between 70,000 to 100.00 without there percent out it would [Show More]Joe i enjoy reading your messages i am puzzled i am in the and if the Naturalyte have put aside 5 million for those people and you only get half what granuflo wouldn't that amount have to be use all for Naturalyte case i am so confused i got papers from my attroney when we had to decide if you wanted to go in or not he said you could get between 70,000 to 100.00 without there percent out it would be nice to know the truth how do you find this information my husband died in 2005 one hour after his visit and i guess i was lucky all his records was there but i did get them before the lawsuit i thank you for being a voice and again thank you

  • johnBSeptember 23, 2017 at 12:05 am

    This is freedom we all enjoy on here to share information not to knock ppl for what they believe. It is my right to call out to Joe what I think about him and his information. He is a fraud and has that history tag from a previous blog. I am here like many of you to find information. But all I find in joe , comments is old and outdated information. Listen to your lawyer, he/she knows best what i[Show More]This is freedom we all enjoy on here to share information not to knock ppl for what they believe. It is my right to call out to Joe what I think about him and his information. He is a fraud and has that history tag from a previous blog. I am here like many of you to find information. But all I find in joe , comments is old and outdated information. Listen to your lawyer, he/she knows best what is the status of this lawsuit and when and how much money you will get. I get the impression all of you are soley interested in money and that is what drives this blog. Many ppl died because of the dam company, but will anyone here try to do something to avoid this from happening in the future. Have any of you call your congressmen representation and asked for an investigation into this matter. NO all you are interested in is the money and following an idiot like Joe who really doesnt know any more that can be found from the internet sources and your lawyers. It is shameful and disgraceful how often money is mentioned on this blog. People unite and take action with you congressman and representations to punish the company and run them out of business.

  • DebbieSeptember 21, 2017 at 9:11 pm

    Joe is good for the updates. I am good for the timeline in that my attorney told me a long time ago payouts will be not until 2018 and hopefully the first quarter. First quarter meaning January-February-or March 2018. I don't have any other information but that. I don't want to call him right now because that's the last thing he told me and he probably doesn't have any more info for me and now yo[Show More]Joe is good for the updates. I am good for the timeline in that my attorney told me a long time ago payouts will be not until 2018 and hopefully the first quarter. First quarter meaning January-February-or March 2018. I don't have any other information but that. I don't want to call him right now because that's the last thing he told me and he probably doesn't have any more info for me and now your attorneys are telling you the same thing so that's a good sign. Hopefully about 3 more months folks!

  • AmandaSeptember 21, 2017 at 5:39 pm

    Thank you Joe for coming back..please don't leave again. Without the information that you give then there is no information. My lawyer is one them that just waits till everything is over and leaves no updates. So I do appreciate any information that you share. So I'm assuming the time frame is still on for the first of 2018? Are do you think we will start seeing pay outs before then.

  • AngieSeptember 21, 2017 at 5:26 pm

    I come here for updates...My attorneys suck at communication. Happy you are back Joe.

  • KevinSeptember 21, 2017 at 2:50 pm

    Also, sorry forgot to add this to my last comment! To who ever thinks Joe is wrong, lying, exaggerating, ect....... This site is not a site to try to call anyone out. We are all here for the same reason, to find any info we can not get one way or other. Joe has been the most helpful out of anyone. And if you don't like what he is saying then you leave stop make statements about other people ab[Show More]Also, sorry forgot to add this to my last comment! To who ever thinks Joe is wrong, lying, exaggerating, ect....... This site is not a site to try to call anyone out. We are all here for the same reason, to find any info we can not get one way or other. Joe has been the most helpful out of anyone. And if you don't like what he is saying then you leave stop make statements about other people about what they post if you can not back up your mouth. Finally if you have any correct info not made up to make yourself look better then some others LEAVE!! and let us have this site to discuss what info we find out either reading, investigating, our lawyers or where ever how ever. STOP NOW we have all been through hell and back with this law suit from day one we don't your BS about other bloggers. I hope all gets posted it needs to be said, also the mediator needs to block any IP addresses from people who are on here just to try to call out any other people.

  • KevinSeptember 21, 2017 at 2:32 pm

    I just spoke with my lawyer, he informed me that they have reached the 97%,but they are dismissing a lot of case due to numerous reasons, Some attorneys have some clean up work on a few cases and then it will be triggered to be released. From my attorneys office all their cases have been uploaded and just waiting for the word to send up the info to the adjusters to determine how much clients get [Show More]I just spoke with my lawyer, he informed me that they have reached the 97%,but they are dismissing a lot of case due to numerous reasons, Some attorneys have some clean up work on a few cases and then it will be triggered to be released. From my attorneys office all their cases have been uploaded and just waiting for the word to send up the info to the adjusters to determine how much clients get for who is still on board. Now have no idea of that number. This clean up that needs to be done should happen with in the next couple weeks. They have no idea how long that process will take. Final the pay outs will be early some time 2018.

  • SHharonSeptember 21, 2017 at 11:04 am

    I spoke to my attorne'ss paralegal last week, and she said tbat the hold up was some attorneys had filed incomplete paperwork and that was the hold up. She said it is down from about 1700 to between 100 to 300 that have been corrected. Hopefully soon we will here something.

  • DebbieSeptember 20, 2017 at 11:51 pm

    I' am Debbie and not any other person, JohnB there is no reason to get so vile with your comments. I can't understand why you speak of Joe so horribly. That's not nice. I know I sound bitter but I don't have any direct anger toward anyone on this website. Please try and post something on this forum informative to all of us.

  • JoeSeptember 20, 2017 at 9:57 pm

    No Debbra unfortunately I do not know how many cases are left. But there are going to be far less than what was anticipated early on in the settlement. The opt out cases that they are dismissing are still considered pending cases until they are dismissed. So if there were 3300 pending cases And more than half Are dismissed on summary judgment That would leave 1320 Pending cases. My believe is ou[Show More]No Debbra unfortunately I do not know how many cases are left. But there are going to be far less than what was anticipated early on in the settlement. The opt out cases that they are dismissing are still considered pending cases until they are dismissed. So if there were 3300 pending cases And more than half Are dismissed on summary judgment That would leave 1320 Pending cases. My believe is out of that 1320 approximately 60 to 70% are $1500 cases. Look at the context of the settlement letter first of all they are deleting all Naturalyte cases that did not opt in and according to the settlement letter We received when opting in. There will be few Naturalyte cases that qualify And the Naturalyte fund alone is $5 million. My understanding of few Is more than one but not many. So even if there are 10 Cases Claims in the Naturalyte Category which is the $5 million fund each person would receive $500,000 and as you see in that fund they pay only 50% of what they would have received if in the Granuflo compensation fund. Think of a few like this,she has a few friends. The way I see that is she has three or four friends. So my belief is the payout for the Granuflo claims is going to be quite large, Just my opinion but I bet I am right.

  • JudySeptember 20, 2017 at 8:33 pm

    Thank you Joe for posting information again! We need you this more than you know, don't pay the jack asses any attention. A clown need attention

  • DebbraSeptember 20, 2017 at 6:55 pm

    Joe do you know how many cases are left?

  • JoeSeptember 20, 2017 at 3:39 pm

    Me not posting had nothing to do with any one person here this is a open form for everyone to post on.I hope no one stops Sharing informtion. Update on the case,They are deleting all Naturalyte cases that did not opt in based on the Dial Trial outcome. They are also deleting all opt out Cases Involving Non-Arrhythmia Events or Injuries not Proximate in Time to the Last Dialysis Treatment. The[Show More]Me not posting had nothing to do with any one person here this is a open form for everyone to post on.I hope no one stops Sharing informtion. Update on the case,They are deleting all Naturalyte cases that did not opt in based on the Dial Trial outcome. They are also deleting all opt out Cases Involving Non-Arrhythmia Events or Injuries not Proximate in Time to the Last Dialysis Treatment. There are 32 pages involving the Naturalyte cases that are being dismissed I don't know how many people per page but I know it is not just one case per page. There are also 26 pages for the not Proximate in Time to the Last Dialysis treatment cases both Will be summary judgment orders. They are also asking for summary judgment on the opt out cases that were filed after the warning label and or letters were sent out. I believe there are 19 pages for those cases So for the people getting $1500 it may have seemed unfair at the time,but you probably made the right decision by opting in. It looks like The majority of people that did not opt in will be getting their cases dismissed. However I don't see very many Granuflo opt-out cases being dismissed. The summary judgment motions are being filed under seal meaning the order or the cases involved will not be made public. JohnB is a deceptive person. This website did not block me nor did any other website block me. Irvin Jackson is the web Monitor of this blog you moron JohnB . He has more information about this case then you would ever know. I don’t post in accurate information you dumba** .I truly wish they would block you your are a Liar you stated you were getting $600,000 before on a different website from this MDL lawsuitI. I try to ignore you. You are so ignorant though it is hard to do. I truly wish they would block you. You do nothing but antagonize people on here Or at least me. Many people asked me to come back on so I have. The information I give is correct. The information you give is not correct. Go back to your psychiatric ward crazy man. You keep talking your crap about me and I will not come back that is a guarantee. You post under multiple names so half the people posting I believe are you. You are a deceptive person. Talk crap about me one more time you will not have any more information about this case and nor will anyone else on here at least not from me. That is a guarantee and a promise. I recommend the people on here recommend That JohnB ip Address be black so we cannot come on under different names and I can continue to post the information I received for everyone.

  • DebbieSeptember 20, 2017 at 3:14 pm

    I am merely posting what my attorney told me there is no reason to think that I would be offending anyone or doubting what they say. Joe was taking everything personal like I was doubting what he said. Nothing should be taken personal on this website we're all here to help each other. He didn't even have to answer me but he felt compelled to always make a comment with what I had to say. At fi[Show More]I am merely posting what my attorney told me there is no reason to think that I would be offending anyone or doubting what they say. Joe was taking everything personal like I was doubting what he said. Nothing should be taken personal on this website we're all here to help each other. He didn't even have to answer me but he felt compelled to always make a comment with what I had to say. At first I thought he was a lawyer because he had access to all the information from the pacer website which I can't get on, but with his misspelled words I don't think he is. I'm not criticizing him but he seemed to have a hothead.

  • johnBSeptember 20, 2017 at 12:47 am

    Sorry, Joe has a record of misleading ppl and being hateful and ignorant about the subject matter. Good to be rid of this blow hard know it all know nothing.

  • ArthurSeptember 19, 2017 at 10:26 pm

    Joe has gotten pissed off before and he's comeback as well. I've been on this blog and Nephrology News since day 1. I've talked to my Attorneys and they had said it would be any day now. My Attorneys aren't in no steering committee, giving out BS info like Debra, Debbie or whatever name she goes by. They just happened to be the lead Attorneys in these cases.

  • TorriannaSeptember 19, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    No, he's gone, Joe. I was wondering the same thing. Like, this late into everything. I do truly appreciate you helping me understand this. I would be lost if not coming here looking for your comments. Please don't stop till this is over. I'm with Branch and they seemed annoyed the few times I call.

  • CynthiaSeptember 18, 2017 at 8:04 pm

    Debbie, You are probably one of the reasons Joe stopped posting. Mission accomplished!

  • johnBSeptember 18, 2017 at 3:14 pm

    I believe "Joe" was kicked off this blog like he was the Nephrology blog for disabeying the rules.

  • LindaSeptember 15, 2017 at 8:00 pm

    How do we know that the medical records are correct? I requested medical records from Fresenius, which are stored in a facility in Stone Mountain. It took months to receive them. Instead of them being sent to me , they were sent to the facility that my father had treaments then sent to me with a little note stating that the records take time. I never received all of his records. For all I know the[Show More]How do we know that the medical records are correct? I requested medical records from Fresenius, which are stored in a facility in Stone Mountain. It took months to receive them. Instead of them being sent to me , they were sent to the facility that my father had treaments then sent to me with a little note stating that the records take time. I never received all of his records. For all I know they could have taken some out explaining the date. That could be why everyone is told $1500.00.

  • JohnSeptember 15, 2017 at 4:52 pm

    The government and these corporations are one and the same. The government allows the foods that they know are not healthy to be put into grocery stores in which they then are sold to consumers and these foods causes these diseases which the pharmaceuticals gets big bucks and then you end up paying in the long run. Then they make billions of dollars in the courts to say that it was your fault al[Show More]The government and these corporations are one and the same. The government allows the foods that they know are not healthy to be put into grocery stores in which they then are sold to consumers and these foods causes these diseases which the pharmaceuticals gets big bucks and then you end up paying in the long run. Then they make billions of dollars in the courts to say that it was your fault all along and then the tab is picked up by the taxpayers. You see how this works.

  • BetsySeptember 14, 2017 at 4:31 pm

    I just came across this site. My husband passed away Oct 11, 2011. He was in skilled nursing and passed away sometime after 11pm on the 10th until 5:30am when pronounced dead. There was not an accurate time of passing. Because of his religion, no autopsy was performed. I signed a paper saying I could accept $1500 or I could receive nothing. This whole thing is horrible. I lost my husband. At this[Show More]I just came across this site. My husband passed away Oct 11, 2011. He was in skilled nursing and passed away sometime after 11pm on the 10th until 5:30am when pronounced dead. There was not an accurate time of passing. Because of his religion, no autopsy was performed. I signed a paper saying I could accept $1500 or I could receive nothing. This whole thing is horrible. I lost my husband. At this point, it has carried on for so long and I feel like I'm being told his life didn't matter. Just wanted to vent.

  • ElleSeptember 14, 2017 at 3:29 am

    I hv not been on site for quite awhile and terrible that the plaintiffs r suffering more because of dragging this out more m more. There s a pattern to mass tort law suits that follow form, sad to say. Attorneys advertise for clients., sign many up, intending to hv many clients and more revenue. Repeat Performers, tell u that u will b compensated for the loss to ur family. The reason in this [Show More]I hv not been on site for quite awhile and terrible that the plaintiffs r suffering more because of dragging this out more m more. There s a pattern to mass tort law suits that follow form, sad to say. Attorneys advertise for clients., sign many up, intending to hv many clients and more revenue. Repeat Performers, tell u that u will b compensated for the loss to ur family. The reason in this case was that they knew there were issues affecting patients and that the company knew but it was hidden from the public n therefore they were at fault due to not disclosing the connection to granuflo causing aging, stoke and heart issues n potentially death. Memo circulated internally. For those of us who lost people, homes, income, life, this proposed settlement which has been forced upon us, we r meant to b okay, returned to whole. The attorneys hv not budged on their fees nor will fresenius hv to admit wrongdoing. And I know that my family will ever b the same, especially after this absurd handling of our lives, all involved. Do u all know that the judges can only respond to the decisions passed On to them. The lawyers steer these lawsuits in the direction they want to go, from the beginning. It may not be contrived but it has been certainly not our decision or input. Mislead, misdirected, and misinformed. So Joe has removed himself, perhaps his work here is over.

  • ImaSeptember 14, 2017 at 3:06 am

    ... come back Joe... yours were the only comments that I read… From a silent listener

  • AngieSeptember 13, 2017 at 10:12 pm

    Damn, you guys pissed Joe off

  • CynthiaSeptember 13, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    Joe, please don't stop posting your findings. You have been such a great help to all of us with your valuable information. I miss you already. I look forward to hearing from you again.

  • RuthSeptember 13, 2017 at 2:28 am

    What happened to Joe? I feel like he was giving us valuable information that we needed. I really don't know what's going on but we're all looking for closure. Lawyers tell you nothing so i come here for my information.

  • DebbieSeptember 12, 2017 at 4:41 pm

    Yes I guess I am bitter. My father died. We have to split the settlement equally between myself and my other five siblings and who knows in the end what if my father ends up in that $1500 category. Please keep this blog open. If anyone has something to say, post it. It helps to know that I'm not alone in this fiasco. Even if you want to give us your updates from your attorneys or share your exp[Show More]Yes I guess I am bitter. My father died. We have to split the settlement equally between myself and my other five siblings and who knows in the end what if my father ends up in that $1500 category. Please keep this blog open. If anyone has something to say, post it. It helps to know that I'm not alone in this fiasco. Even if you want to give us your updates from your attorneys or share your experiences regarding this lawsuit let us all know. It helps to make the time go by faster. When joe posted all that stuff from the court case I don't know what the heck any of that meant anyway. I would have liked if everything was explained in detail Instead of all that legal jargon just like when you go to your doctor and they explain every surgery or procedure in detail so you understand what's going to happen, but maybe that's all Joe was able to do. Please everyone keep up your posts and we can try and help each other with info we receive. Just like when I told everyone about the liens that could be placed on their settlement check. I got that information from my attorney and I thought I would share it with everyone. it doesn't necessarily mean that you would have a lien on your settlement, but that's what I was told from my attorney. I thought that information would be helpful to everyone.

  • KimSeptember 10, 2017 at 10:18 pm

    Joe, This is the first time i have ever posted and the reason I am now is because I saw your post about not being on here anymore. I really hope you will reconsider your decision. The information you have supplied people with is invaluable. Please do not leave this forum you are the only way i also get information about this nerve wracking lawsuit. I and alot of others really appreciate the updat[Show More]Joe, This is the first time i have ever posted and the reason I am now is because I saw your post about not being on here anymore. I really hope you will reconsider your decision. The information you have supplied people with is invaluable. Please do not leave this forum you are the only way i also get information about this nerve wracking lawsuit. I and alot of others really appreciate the updates and hope that you will change your mind on not posting here anymore.

  • johnSeptember 10, 2017 at 1:03 pm

    i would be inclined myself to opt out , i am tired of waiting . i believe that i am going to press the issue with my D.A. to persue murder charges/

  • terrenceSeptember 9, 2017 at 7:09 pm

    My father n law passed away FIRST time going to dialysis.Wasn't there 30 mins and had a heart attack he wasn't even sick had a birthday party planned for him after he left dialysis he didn't even make it imagine having to call all his love ones and explain to them what happened .On top of all that the dialysis center lied in their paper work saying he died at the hospital he died at the center we[Show More]My father n law passed away FIRST time going to dialysis.Wasn't there 30 mins and had a heart attack he wasn't even sick had a birthday party planned for him after he left dialysis he didn't even make it imagine having to call all his love ones and explain to them what happened .On top of all that the dialysis center lied in their paper work saying he died at the hospital he died at the center we live 5 blocks from the center we beat the paramedics their and my wife is a nurse she checked his pulse didn't have one my attorney found that out plus no one at the center tried CPR UNTIL PARAMEDICS ARRIVED

  • belindaSeptember 8, 2017 at 9:58 pm

    My husband died in2012. I filed with alawyer in 2013. my lawyer told money would come in dec or jan. how do I find out money I will get.My husband was on this for 34 months.

  • JudySeptember 6, 2017 at 7:27 pm

    Joe I hope you continue to post as I need this reliable information and it's always facts. To it for us plz and thank you

  • CarolynSeptember 5, 2017 at 9:09 pm

    Joe, Please keep posting. Don't let a few bitter people drive you away. Many of us truly appreciate your efforts and information. But if you do go, thank you so very much

  • KenSeptember 5, 2017 at 7:12 pm

    My Mother all most pass 6 times in the chair at Dialysis center they sent her to the hospital each time She was brought back to life.But she was like a stroke victim.the last time this happened they sent her home 2 days later she pass.and they tell me that you can only get $1500 and she got both Granuflo and Naturalyte she never recover.I feal that i been sold out for what has happened to my moth[Show More]My Mother all most pass 6 times in the chair at Dialysis center they sent her to the hospital each time She was brought back to life.But she was like a stroke victim.the last time this happened they sent her home 2 days later she pass.and they tell me that you can only get $1500 and she got both Granuflo and Naturalyte she never recover.I feal that i been sold out for what has happened to my mother she went throught hell for some year

  • CynthiaSeptember 5, 2017 at 4:47 pm

    Debbie, please stop. You're just confusing everyone.

  • JeanieSeptember 5, 2017 at 1:33 pm

    Got a letter from my lawyer stating that he would go ahead with the claims submission to grandaflo compensation fund in the next 14 days!

  • ivySeptember 2, 2017 at 12:53 pm

    I am heartbroken over the court decision to force so many cases to opt in and they will receive so little compensation for the death of a love one. The court system/lawyers does not seem to have the families best interest only the companies payment for there fees and services. Far to many people have lost love ones and now for me 5 years later I just want to move on with fresenuis excepting respo[Show More]I am heartbroken over the court decision to force so many cases to opt in and they will receive so little compensation for the death of a love one. The court system/lawyers does not seem to have the families best interest only the companies payment for there fees and services. Far to many people have lost love ones and now for me 5 years later I just want to move on with fresenuis excepting responsiblity for the many death and end these cases. the $1500 offered will not pay for a vault/funeral expenses for my love one.they owe each family to at least the amount to cover funeral expenses for love ones and funerals startat $5000 and up.

  • DebbieSeptember 1, 2017 at 5:43 pm

    I am not doubting or disbelieving anything you say. What your attorney told you is basically what my attorney told me earlier this year. I am just astounded at how long this has taken since the checks were supposed to be in our hands last year at this time, if you recall what our attorneys told us. So I'm just saying nothing surprises me after all this time if this gets extended longer than Novemb[Show More]I am not doubting or disbelieving anything you say. What your attorney told you is basically what my attorney told me earlier this year. I am just astounded at how long this has taken since the checks were supposed to be in our hands last year at this time, if you recall what our attorneys told us. So I'm just saying nothing surprises me after all this time if this gets extended longer than November. Something always seems to come up for further delays. And again, I'm very pissed at what this has settled for. 250 million is chicken feed for the loss of our loved ones, When the blood thinner lawsuits settled for 650 million and I'll never get my father back. That settlement is nothing when Fresenius is worth billions. No amount of money is worth a loss of a life that was preventable.

  • JoeSeptember 1, 2017 at 6:39 am

    You are correct the settlement has not been funded yet. It will be though not sure if they have met the 97% but they are going to fund it for the people that have opted in. One way or another it will be funded. The months I gave everyone are correct. Your lawyers just have not told you yet, They will shortly though. As for the extraordinary injury fund. That can only be determined by the claims[Show More]You are correct the settlement has not been funded yet. It will be though not sure if they have met the 97% but they are going to fund it for the people that have opted in. One way or another it will be funded. The months I gave everyone are correct. Your lawyers just have not told you yet, They will shortly though. As for the extraordinary injury fund. That can only be determined by the claims administrator. There are very few people that will be in that category. I wouldn't expect it, but if it happens in your case you are one of the few. You have to understand everybody wants to be moved to that category but very few actually will be. I am done posting on here there is a hearing on this case coming up shortly and everyone will know more then . I have helped out as much as I can. So good luck to everyone and I hope the best for all.

  • StanAugust 31, 2017 at 9:01 am

    "More than 4,000 lawsuits were included in the MDL, and as of August 2017, more than 3,300 were still pending in the District of Massachusetts" Quite a few of The cases are alternative payment fund.

  • CathyAugust 30, 2017 at 10:40 pm

    My husband had a heart attack during dialysis. His session started at around 615 am and they called me to go back to the dialtsis center about 700 am that it dis not look good. Three flat lines bit he survived. As a result he ended up with a defibulator with. Pacemaker. Would this be considered the extra ordinary injury fund?

  • CarolynAugust 30, 2017 at 7:14 pm

    Jus got off the phone with my attorney. She told me that the defense has not released the funds for payment and until they do, there will be no submission for claims. Once the funds are released and claims are submitted for review, then they will assign the points and categories.

  • JoeAugust 30, 2017 at 6:59 am

    Debbie I am not trying to argue with you. I think however you are not listening to what I am saying. I gave the months of when things are supposed to occur. It's like you still refuse to believe me. I don't know what to tell you. Believe whatever you want ,I am done. I am not here to convince you of anything. I am just giving you the fax you can choose to believe them or not. It makes no differenc[Show More]Debbie I am not trying to argue with you. I think however you are not listening to what I am saying. I gave the months of when things are supposed to occur. It's like you still refuse to believe me. I don't know what to tell you. Believe whatever you want ,I am done. I am not here to convince you of anything. I am just giving you the fax you can choose to believe them or not. It makes no difference to me. Ask your lawyer if claims submission to the claims administrator will end on or before September I bet he tells you most likely. Also ask him if the compensation amount will be likely known by November I bet he also tells you Probably. I don't know what you don't understand about that. I told you a short time after November letters will be sent out stating your compensation amount. If your lawyer doesn't have that information then he is truly not on the steering committee. That's all I can tell you Debbie,Believe it if you want. If not then believe whatever you want to. I told you before there is no guarantee the checks will be disbursed to all claimants in 2017 it may take up to the early part of 2018 but for some reason you don't seem to hear that part. Look anything could happen there are no guarantees but that is the timeframe as of now. I am almost positive they are correct.

  • DebbieAugust 29, 2017 at 7:52 pm

    I talked to my attorney again today just to confirm the timetable. After the claims administrator has made the determination of all the claims in November and the categories every case will be put in, my attorney will then be sending out a letter of notification to me what category my fathers case will be put in and what was awarded. The check will follow in another mailing after all the checks a[Show More]I talked to my attorney again today just to confirm the timetable. After the claims administrator has made the determination of all the claims in November and the categories every case will be put in, my attorney will then be sending out a letter of notification to me what category my fathers case will be put in and what was awarded. The check will follow in another mailing after all the checks and balances have been done in 2018.

  • JoeAugust 29, 2017 at 2:30 pm

    I don't know exactly what you are asking. The discovery process has been over for a long time now. Not sure why they would be asking for rehabilitation documents. The only reason they would want that information is if your father did not pass away and was a survivor of this deadly drug. If he was a survivor, they may want the rehabilitation documents to submit to the claims administrator. They may[Show More]I don't know exactly what you are asking. The discovery process has been over for a long time now. Not sure why they would be asking for rehabilitation documents. The only reason they would want that information is if your father did not pass away and was a survivor of this deadly drug. If he was a survivor, they may want the rehabilitation documents to submit to the claims administrator. They may think he qualifies to be moved to category #4. The extraordinary injury fund. If your father passed away within 24 hours after the use of Granuflo there would be no reason at this point to want or need rehabilitation documents. It sounds like he was a survivor so he miight be moved to the extraordinary injury fund and he could receive up to 2 times more of the total amount he would have received if in category one. It would most likely be the only reason they would be asking for rehabilitation documents.

  • JoeAugust 29, 2017 at 12:37 pm

    Monday, August 28, 2017 Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re1913MOTION for Summary Judgment On the Claims of Opt-Out Cases Lacking Evidence of Elevated Serum Bicarbonate Levels filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.,, Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc., Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc..(Bennett, James)

  • JoeAugust 29, 2017 at 12:29 pm

    On the post on what my lawyer said I did not mean to say commence I meant to say end. So the claims administrator will make a determination on each case by November. A short time after letters should be sent out with the amount of your claim. The lawyer will have this information before it is sent out to you.

  • DebbieAugust 28, 2017 at 11:10 pm

    But it seems like people are getting conflicting timelines from their attorneys. Way back sometime this year he said to me absolutely no disbursement will be in 2017, so does that mean because he's on the steering committee he might know a little bit more from behind the scenes? Maybe... I'm just trying to help people that are getting conflicting stories. I check this website every day and the[Show More]But it seems like people are getting conflicting timelines from their attorneys. Way back sometime this year he said to me absolutely no disbursement will be in 2017, so does that mean because he's on the steering committee he might know a little bit more from behind the scenes? Maybe... I'm just trying to help people that are getting conflicting stories. I check this website every day and the majority of the postings iare just you and me Joe, so let's just try to get along. I just wish someone else had more information for us. Anything posted by anyone is considered helpful.

  • ArthurAugust 28, 2017 at 6:12 pm

    Torrianna here is one way of doing it. Look at your complaint letter or lawsuit. It should have a case number or docket. If it doesn't have it call your lawyer aND ask for it. You maybe in State or Federal Court. Call them which ever you pertain to. Ask them if your case is still pending. Unless you have access to Pacer you can go that way enter your docket or case number.

  • TorriannaAugust 28, 2017 at 12:56 pm

    Anytime I've contrasted my lawyers at the Branch firm, I don't get stright answers. (July 2017)Last request was for documents from the rehabilitation center my dad was last at. Thank to all, for posting. It helps me to understand what's going on. Joe how are you finding this info, I'd like to search my father's info. Thanks in advance.

  • JoeAugust 25, 2017 at 5:53 pm

    Look Debbie I am just irritated with the whole thing. The truth is everyone keeps getting different timelines. I wanted to give exact dates or at least exact month. Look I know people appreciate what you are telling them. I do also,let's just wait and see when the money will come. At least we know it is coming. Look at some of the other cases that have been dismissed or only offered $1500 that is [Show More]Look Debbie I am just irritated with the whole thing. The truth is everyone keeps getting different timelines. I wanted to give exact dates or at least exact month. Look I know people appreciate what you are telling them. I do also,let's just wait and see when the money will come. At least we know it is coming. Look at some of the other cases that have been dismissed or only offered $1500 that is truly terrible we should feel blessed that did not happen to us. If you are right about 2018 I don't think any of us should worry about that it looks like sometime in November we will at least know how much we will be receiving thats all that really matters to me. Let's not worry about a couple months different that really isn't going to make a difference to anyone. I wouldn't think. Have a good day Debbie.

  • JoeAugust 25, 2017 at 5:31 pm

    Were do you see me saying anything about 2018 what is it Debbie do you want someone to say oh yes you are right praise Debbie. All I keep hearing from you it's about 2018 nonstop . Let it go you cant stop. I said many times it may starred in 2017 but that does not mean everyone will receive a check in 2017. Your 2018 is getting redundant look at your past posts and let's see how many times you hav[Show More]Were do you see me saying anything about 2018 what is it Debbie do you want someone to say oh yes you are right praise Debbie. All I keep hearing from you it's about 2018 nonstop . Let it go you cant stop. I said many times it may starred in 2017 but that does not mean everyone will receive a check in 2017. Your 2018 is getting redundant look at your past posts and let's see how many times you have brought up 2018. So what if you are right. You never said anything about compensation letters or when the claims administrator would stop reviewing cases you just keep saying 2018 over and over again. So what I'm sure everyone gets your point. Still not sure if you are 100% accurate though my lawyer did not say anything about 2018. How do you know the letters won't have the checks in them.

  • DebbieAugust 25, 2017 at 3:42 pm

    Like my attorney said plan on sometime in 2018. You can see all the extensions and delays are bringing us closer to 2018. They haven't even Triggered the settlement yet although we keep hearing it's anytime now. Then after that, they have to go through each claim. So what's the difference, it's a year ago that we were supposed to have our disbursement. Joe, Thanks for the updates explaining[Show More]Like my attorney said plan on sometime in 2018. You can see all the extensions and delays are bringing us closer to 2018. They haven't even Triggered the settlement yet although we keep hearing it's anytime now. Then after that, they have to go through each claim. So what's the difference, it's a year ago that we were supposed to have our disbursement. Joe, Thanks for the updates explaining what those legal terms mean. It helps when you explain it for us non-lawyers and It saves me from calling my attorney for updates. Everyone involved in this lawsuit should be commended for their commitment, patience and understanding of this very lengthy lawsuit.

  • JoeAugust 25, 2017 at 3:40 am

    From my lawyer there has been a significant decrease in Claims. Document submission to the claims administrator will end late September. Review of the claims should commence November or before. Award amount should be known via letters a short time after. What I am saying now, did not come from my lawyer what I said above did come from my lawyer though but it does not look like anybody is going t[Show More]From my lawyer there has been a significant decrease in Claims. Document submission to the claims administrator will end late September. Review of the claims should commence November or before. Award amount should be known via letters a short time after. What I am saying now, did not come from my lawyer what I said above did come from my lawyer though but it does not look like anybody is going to know the amount of claims per category it looks like you will receive a Award letter before you ever will know the amount of claims Per category.

  • JoeAugust 24, 2017 at 11:51 am

    "FMCH expect, and have advised the courts that they expect, the settlement to be consummated. However, in the Middlesex County coordinated proceeding, many counsel for many plaintiffs have moved to withdraw from representing their clients and the court has granted extensions of time to allow plaintiffs to obtain new counsel or proceed pro se. In addition, difficulties and delays have occurred in t[Show More]"FMCH expect, and have advised the courts that they expect, the settlement to be consummated. However, in the Middlesex County coordinated proceeding, many counsel for many plaintiffs have moved to withdraw from representing their clients and the court has granted extensions of time to allow plaintiffs to obtain new counsel or proceed pro se. In addition, difficulties and delays have occurred in the plaintiff committee's assembling and verifying individual participation elections. The plaintiff committee and FMCH have therefore agreed, with court approval, that consummation will occur promptly upon sufficient verification of fulfillment of the participation threshold, providing only that consummation must occur by February 28, 2018" Don't misunderstand that it must be consummation by February 28, 2018 that does not mean it will take that long it hasn't been officially approved and that is the reason. Arthur after looking over your post a little deeper i found a little information out. Because you opted-in to The settlement you are part of the MDL 1:13-md-02428 but your case Falls into a different District jurisdiction yours is a state case not a federal case. They are not the same cases. "On April 5, 2013, the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation ordered that the numerous lawsuits pending in various federal courts alleging wrongful death and personal injury claims against FMCH and certain of its affiliates relating to FMCH's acid concentrate products NaturaLyte® and GranuFlo® be transferred and consolidated for pretrial management purposes into a consolidated multidistrict litigation in the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts. In Re: Fresenius GranuFlo/NaturaLyte Dialysate Products Liability Litigation, Case No. 2013-md-02428. The Massachusetts state courts and the St. Louis City (Missouri) court subsequently established similar consolidated litigation for their cases. In Re: Consolidated Fresenius Cases, Case No. MICV 2013-03400-O (Massachusetts Superior Court, Middlesex County). Although similar cases were filed in other state courts, the Massachusetts federal and state courts and the St. Louis court were responsible, together, for more than 95% of all cases."

  • JoeAugust 24, 2017 at 7:31 am

    Wednesday, August 23, 2017 1908 respm Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 Wed 10:37 AM Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re1906 MOTION for Summary Judgment On The Claims of Opt-Out Plaintiffs Involving Naturalyte filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.,, Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc., Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc.[Show More]Wednesday, August 23, 2017 1908 respm Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 Wed 10:37 AM Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re1906 MOTION for Summary Judgment On The Claims of Opt-Out Plaintiffs Involving Naturalyte filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc.,, Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc., Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc..(Bennett, James)

  • JoeAugust 24, 2017 at 12:48 am

    Yeah I don't know Arthur I mean it's your case so you know more than I Ever wood about it. I wouldn't worry about anything you are obviously still in the lawsuit.It just seems strange when I look at both lawsuits both judges we're proceeding over the case. At least at one time . Maybe that is because it was in the process of being transferred.I don't know.We are just going to have to wait and see[Show More]Yeah I don't know Arthur I mean it's your case so you know more than I Ever wood about it. I wouldn't worry about anything you are obviously still in the lawsuit.It just seems strange when I look at both lawsuits both judges we're proceeding over the case. At least at one time . Maybe that is because it was in the process of being transferred.I don't know.We are just going to have to wait and see what happens as you know and I know it is getting close though. My lawyer is working directly with your lawyer so a lot of the information you get from your lawyer is very similar to what I get from mine. They work together because my lawyer is on the steering committee he works directly with your lawyer.

  • JoeAugust 23, 2017 at 10:05 am

    The portal was open a long time ago. That is how they've gotten the medical records needed and shipping information . It's called Fresenius factory warehouse database. I am not saying not to believe your lawyers but they can tell people anything and if nobody has the resources to check on it, you don't know if it's true or not. Here are Some of the shipping Records from the portal. Just so you k[Show More]The portal was open a long time ago. That is how they've gotten the medical records needed and shipping information . It's called Fresenius factory warehouse database. I am not saying not to believe your lawyers but they can tell people anything and if nobody has the resources to check on it, you don't know if it's true or not. Here are Some of the shipping Records from the portal. Just so you know I am telling you the truth.These are all public Records. Sold to Facility Name ------REGIONAL DIAYL Product Name DISC. NATURALYTE #----- 3K-2.5CA W/DEX (3K, 2.5Ca, 0.75Mg) Disc.NATURALYTE #--- W/ DEXTROSE 55 GAL (1K, 2.25Ca, 0.75Mg) Disc.NATURALYTE # --- W/ DEXTROSE 55 GAL (2K, 2Ca, 0.75Mg) DISC. NATURALYTE #--- 3K-2.5CA W/DEX (3K, 2.5Ca, 0.75Mg) Disc.NATURALYTE #--- W/ DEXTROSE 55 GAL (1K, 2.25Ca, 0.75Mg) Disc.NATURALYTE #--- W/ DEXTROSE 55 GAL (2K, 2Ca, 0.75Mg) DISC. NATURALYTE #---- 3K-2.5CA W/DEX (3K, 2.5Ca, 0.75Mg) Disc.NATURALYTE #----- W/ DEXTROSE 55 GAL (1K, 2.25Ca, 0.75Mg) Disc.NATURALYTE #--- W/ DEXTROSE 55 GAL (2K, 2Ca, 0.75Mg) DISC. NATURALYTE #----- 3K-2.5CA W/DEX (3K, 2.5Ca, 0.75Mg) Disc.NATURALYTE #---- W/ DEXTROSE 55 GAL (1K, 2.25Ca, 0.75Mg) I left out The faculty's full name and the product number. You get the point though. I also have a lot of the medical record for a lot of the claims but I will not post those under any circumstance. By the way I left out the shipping dates also. Look you need to believe your lawyers they are telling you the truth but some of the information is just a little outdated.

  • ZanetaAugust 23, 2017 at 1:09 am

    I am no longer with this company but my self and six employees of this company are seeking counsel for workplace discrimination etc... Does anyone have any attorney information so that we contact them for representation. These people are not right! Thanks

  • ArthurAugust 22, 2017 at 7:33 pm

    Joe from what I was told many moons ago the both the State and the Federal are both part in the 2428 MDL. MICV-2013-03400-O is a generic case number. Many cases are attributed to this case. That's why I had to call my lawyers to get my docket or case number. MICV-2014-01054 is my docket or case number. Which is in.Superior Court Middlesex. I brought this up to my Attorneys like 3 years ago. Debbi[Show More]Joe from what I was told many moons ago the both the State and the Federal are both part in the 2428 MDL. MICV-2013-03400-O is a generic case number. Many cases are attributed to this case. That's why I had to call my lawyers to get my docket or case number. MICV-2014-01054 is my docket or case number. Which is in.Superior Court Middlesex. I brought this up to my Attorneys like 3 years ago. Debbie likes to post some erronious info. From what I had heard some lawyers did turn in the proper paperwork in these cases, that's why we have this delay.

  • VAugust 22, 2017 at 6:13 pm

    My first time posting. Today I called our lawyers to get a status update. Remember things are a whole year behind. From the date of our opt-in form its taken a year to get this far. Now things are finally starting to move along. As most of you know everything is being submitted to the claims administrator. Our lawyer stated our fathers case would not be reviewed until all the claimants in the $150[Show More]My first time posting. Today I called our lawyers to get a status update. Remember things are a whole year behind. From the date of our opt-in form its taken a year to get this far. Now things are finally starting to move along. As most of you know everything is being submitted to the claims administrator. Our lawyer stated our fathers case would not be reviewed until all the claimants in the $1500 category were processed. So yet again here we are waiting. He did not give a specific window about disbursement. Joe things we heard from our lawyer is adding up with your time line. We know its been a long process . Don't worry everyone we will get through this.

  • JoeAugust 22, 2017 at 1:08 pm

    I forgot to add the federal MDL (Fed. Question) has legal jurisdiction over the consolidated state cases in Middlesex County Massachusetts.

  • JoeAugust 22, 2017 at 8:55 am

    So here's the deal with the other judge. There are two cases in Massachusetts one is a MDL case the other one is a Consolidated state case The state judge is Maynard M. Kirpalani (In re Consolidated Fresenius Cases, No. MICV2013-03400-O) The Judge in the MDL Cases is Douglas P Woodlock (In Re: Fresenius Granuflo/Naturalyte Dialysate Products Liability Litigation cases 1:13-md-02428) The settle[Show More]So here's the deal with the other judge. There are two cases in Massachusetts one is a MDL case the other one is a Consolidated state case The state judge is Maynard M. Kirpalani (In re Consolidated Fresenius Cases, No. MICV2013-03400-O) The Judge in the MDL Cases is Douglas P Woodlock (In Re: Fresenius Granuflo/Naturalyte Dialysate Products Liability Litigation cases 1:13-md-02428) The settlement was for all pending cases.So anything that applies in the MDL applies to the state cases. The first trial that was lost had both judges proceeding over those case however it was truly a state case. I believe that's why there was so much confusion about the first trial being a bellwether trial or not. Some cases may not show up in the search engine that does not mean they do not exist it just means They have not been transferred. Both cases are in Massachusetts how can you transfer A state case to the same state it makes no sense. So they didn't do that. They just left the consolidated cases in Middlesex County Massachusetts. But whatever applies in the MDL settlement also applies to the Middlesex County Massachusetts cases. Most of the cases in Middlesex County Massachusetts are considered tagalong's. Think of a tag along like this you're little brother or sister came with you uninvitedly but what ever happens why there are with you is your responsibility even though you did not ask them to come and they were uninvited. You still have to look out for them and are responsible for them. So whatever happens in the main MDL also happens to the cases in the Middlesex County Massachusetts cases. I hope everyone can understand the Way I explained it.

  • TERRENCEAugust 21, 2017 at 10:21 pm

    My lawyer told me the same as Amanda lawyer told her he said i should be getting a letter at the end of Sept.with a offer i can only believe what he tells me

  • DebbieAugust 21, 2017 at 8:30 pm

    Yes. I'm not looking for any glory but that's what my attorney said. That the process of going through every claim and evaluating them is going to be a lengthy one. Not just a 30 day process or anything like that. He said sometime in 2018.

  • AmandaAugust 21, 2017 at 5:05 am

    When I spoke with my attorney last week she said that they should be opening a poral for all of the patient's records to be reviewed so that they could figure out how much each person should receive aND once that it completed they will start sending out compensation. But that this could still be a lengthy process because each case has to be gone over to determine the value and nothing will be dist[Show More]When I spoke with my attorney last week she said that they should be opening a poral for all of the patient's records to be reviewed so that they could figure out how much each person should receive aND once that it completed they will start sending out compensation. But that this could still be a lengthy process because each case has to be gone over to determine the value and nothing will be distributed until each case is evaluated. We're one step closer but may not see payouts until later part of the year going into first of next yeat from what she said.

  • JohnBAugust 19, 2017 at 9:49 pm

    What is latestest on lawsuits?

  • CarolynAugust 17, 2017 at 10:06 pm

    Yes Joe,. I Am the one that filed the lawsuit. But my husband died in Florida, I filed in California and my attorneys are Branch Lawfirm out of Texas . So lol... No idea. And again Joe... Ty for your information

  • RonAugust 17, 2017 at 8:18 pm

    I tried the Bing search and came up with nothing . Called my attorneys and they said they are in process of submitting claims to administrator still , and that they are waiting for settlement to be triggered . I don't know if I am still in this or not .

  • ArthurAugust 17, 2017 at 4:30 pm

    Here is another way to see if your case is still pending. Look at your complaint letter or your lawsuit on first page should be either your docket number or case number. Call either the Federal or State Court in Massachusetts. I am assuming most cases are filed there. On your letter it will state either Federal or State. Call either one give them your docket number or case number and just ask them[Show More]Here is another way to see if your case is still pending. Look at your complaint letter or your lawsuit on first page should be either your docket number or case number. Call either the Federal or State Court in Massachusetts. I am assuming most cases are filed there. On your letter it will state either Federal or State. Call either one give them your docket number or case number and just ask them if your case is still pending g. That's it, it will save you a lot grief.

  • JoeAugust 17, 2017 at 3:56 pm

    Also Carolyn some tag along's are also not in the search results not sure the reason but maybe it's because they have a Different judge listed.

  • JoeAugust 17, 2017 at 3:48 pm

    Carolyn that is very strange are you the one that had filed the lawsuit? Or was it a family member or a relative That was the one who filed. There are some states that had all cases remanded to their home state I believe California and Mississippi and maybe Louisiana but I am not 100% on that. I don't know if those are the correct States. It would not come up if you were one of those people in on[Show More]Carolyn that is very strange are you the one that had filed the lawsuit? Or was it a family member or a relative That was the one who filed. There are some states that had all cases remanded to their home state I believe California and Mississippi and maybe Louisiana but I am not 100% on that. I don't know if those are the correct States. It would not come up if you were one of those people in one of those states . I am not sure which states but the Attorney General is lead counsel for some of those states the attorney general for each individual state.

  • TerryAugust 17, 2017 at 6:27 am

    THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH JOE! I can say for myself that Your posts on this board has saved my sanity, please keep giving us the valuable information that you always do. Just the small jewels you hand us through your posts have been so important. Point in fact, i have searched and searched for any filing in the case of my wife's death as a result of dialysis drugs, but i never used bing until you gav[Show More]THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH JOE! I can say for myself that Your posts on this board has saved my sanity, please keep giving us the valuable information that you always do. Just the small jewels you hand us through your posts have been so important. Point in fact, i have searched and searched for any filing in the case of my wife's death as a result of dialysis drugs, but i never used bing until you gave that advise. And voila! Everything I've wanted to see is there. Joe, no matter who is attempting to re-post or make themselves look superior, we know that you are giving us useful information and you could've kept it to yourself. Thank you and know that your words are appreciated, by so many of us. GOD BLESS YOU

  • JoeAugust 17, 2017 at 2:35 am

    Sorry,I should not have gotten so defensive. Its just i have been in this lawsuit for a very long time. Just like a lot of us. I have been in touch with my lawyer a lot. I sometimes cannot get information from him. He was part of litigation at the Dial trial ,he was not the lead lawyer however. So I decided to go on the court system and look at the docket activity myself. That is the only reaso[Show More]Sorry,I should not have gotten so defensive. Its just i have been in this lawsuit for a very long time. Just like a lot of us. I have been in touch with my lawyer a lot. I sometimes cannot get information from him. He was part of litigation at the Dial trial ,he was not the lead lawyer however. So I decided to go on the court system and look at the docket activity myself. That is the only reason I copy and paste a few things. This website will not let me send a link or copy the whole page. I can only do clips or try to put it in my own words. I do understand the docket activity but trying to explain it to other people on this blog is difficult. So we all need closure and when the time gets close to closure they're always are uncertainties. Will the payout be satisfactory, am I still in this lawsuit,I didn't opt-in what happened with my case, why was i only offered $1500 , did my love have add-ons, how many people per category. So i am in the same position as a lot of people. So sorry if i sounded like a jerk. I really want to try and help not sound like a jerk or a know it all. There is a lot i don't no and wish i did.

  • BadAugust 17, 2017 at 1:19 am

    Did the bing search found my case was in Massachusetts district court under Judge Woodcock. I was able to use PACER search engine to see entire docket from 1st filing by attorney thru latest action which was a notice of appearance by attorney on May 11th 2017. Was also able to see monetary demand submitted by attorney at the beginning of the process which was Oct 2014. What it will end up as on[Show More]Did the bing search found my case was in Massachusetts district court under Judge Woodcock. I was able to use PACER search engine to see entire docket from 1st filing by attorney thru latest action which was a notice of appearance by attorney on May 11th 2017. Was also able to see monetary demand submitted by attorney at the beginning of the process which was Oct 2014. What it will end up as only heaven knows. Recieved letter from attorney staying he would be submitting supporting documents to claims administrator about 1 week ago.

  • DebraAugust 16, 2017 at 8:58 pm

    I asked about claim vs case and this is what she told me. We sometimes use the terms ‘claim’ and ‘case’ interchangeably. Your case was filed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. However, once the settlement has been officially triggered the case will get dismissed, as you have signed a release and other settlement documents which permit the dismissal of the case in court to accept the terms o[Show More]I asked about claim vs case and this is what she told me. We sometimes use the terms ‘claim’ and ‘case’ interchangeably. Your case was filed in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. However, once the settlement has been officially triggered the case will get dismissed, as you have signed a release and other settlement documents which permit the dismissal of the case in court to accept the terms of the settlement agreement. In terms of the settlement we submit a “claim” to determine eligibility to the claims administrator. Your claim has been submitted to the claims administrator to determine eligibility in the settlement program. We have submitted the claim as a GranuFlo Qualifying Claim (highest recovery category). It is currently pending review. I hope I have answered your questions. Please let me know if you have any further inquiries. My paralegal and attorney always return my emails and calls. Emails are answered the same day.

  • LaurieAugust 16, 2017 at 8:40 pm

    Its unfortunate that Joe wishes to lash out or bully myself and others here when we are all just trying to figure out what is going on. I only wish all of us here will receive what is due for our loved ones and the ones that have passed from this world. As I stated, Joe, I appreciated the information you gave but it can be very confusing to people. If you took that personally then I am sorry. [Show More]Its unfortunate that Joe wishes to lash out or bully myself and others here when we are all just trying to figure out what is going on. I only wish all of us here will receive what is due for our loved ones and the ones that have passed from this world. As I stated, Joe, I appreciated the information you gave but it can be very confusing to people. If you took that personally then I am sorry. I am a daughter who lost her mother, that is who I am, nothing more and nothing less. I wish all health, love and happiness and an end to all of the BS! This will be my past post here.

  • DebbieAugust 16, 2017 at 7:25 pm

    I know. I shouldn't have said anything negative in anyway to you or about you Joe because you take it so personal. I did get all the information from my attorney that's no lie, and I'm just trying to educate people on things I think they should be aware of. The only other thing I can think of is that he is giving me a far out date like 2018 so when and if we do get our checks and it's befor[Show More]I know. I shouldn't have said anything negative in anyway to you or about you Joe because you take it so personal. I did get all the information from my attorney that's no lie, and I'm just trying to educate people on things I think they should be aware of. The only other thing I can think of is that he is giving me a far out date like 2018 so when and if we do get our checks and it's before 2018 he will look like a hero. I am not trying to looking for glory. I am just trying to help people and make them aware of things. These people seem to be afraid of their attorneys. And I'm sorry if I sound negative. I just think this is a low settlement and the 40% the attorneys get bugs me also. Just venting that's all. I know a lot of the things you do are copying and pasting. I get it, but at the end of that copying pasting you should explain what it means in layman's terms like I told you before. I consider myself pretty literate when it comes to deciphering what something means, however, I'm sure that everyone else is wondering what The copy and paste court case means too. I am not repeating what you say either but after you say something or anybody on this site says something, I check with my attorney and I post what he tells me, I'm not trying to repeat what you or anyone says. Maybe we should look at it like if my attorney does tell me the same as what the other peoples attorneys are saying maybe we could be getting the truth. Do you understand what I'm saying?

  • ArthurAugust 16, 2017 at 7:09 pm

    The bing search engine didn't work for me either. But other names I put in their I found out their cases were dismissed a while back. Also I found out that my case is in State Court not in.Federal. I guess another reason is because I don't have Judge Woodlock, I have Judge Kirpalani. I also was told disbursement would go out starting in October. On my complaint letter I am missing the docket num[Show More]The bing search engine didn't work for me either. But other names I put in their I found out their cases were dismissed a while back. Also I found out that my case is in State Court not in.Federal. I guess another reason is because I don't have Judge Woodlock, I have Judge Kirpalani. I also was told disbursement would go out starting in October. On my complaint letter I am missing the docket number. So I need to get a hold of my Attorneys. Not fun.

  • StanAugust 16, 2017 at 2:53 am

    I called my lawyer and asked why he never gets back to me. The paralegal said he is extremely busy I have no idea what he's busy with!! I said I know other people are able to get a hold of their lawyer and talk with them he said they probably don't have very many cases. I wonder what he means? He did say that they are submitting cases to Dr. Green or something like that. He told me if anything imp[Show More]I called my lawyer and asked why he never gets back to me. The paralegal said he is extremely busy I have no idea what he's busy with!! I said I know other people are able to get a hold of their lawyer and talk with them he said they probably don't have very many cases. I wonder what he means? He did say that they are submitting cases to Dr. Green or something like that. He told me if anything important comes the lawyer will call me but they really don't have any new information to give to me right now.

  • JoeAugust 15, 2017 at 10:58 pm

    Almost everything I post on here I try to tell people if it is not official. The court document our official though. I try to help people on here. I am not looking for glory from anyone.I just know A lot of people are not able to get information from their lawyer.So I try to post what is happening in court System with this case so at least they have some understanding of what is going on. I only r[Show More]Almost everything I post on here I try to tell people if it is not official. The court document our official though. I try to help people on here. I am not looking for glory from anyone.I just know A lot of people are not able to get information from their lawyer.So I try to post what is happening in court System with this case so at least they have some understanding of what is going on. I only respond with a negative post if someone else post something negative about me. My goal here is to help people. I think you Debbie and a few other people are on here for a different reasons and not to help people. You want to glorify yourself. That is not what I am about and it never will be. I want to help people if I can. I am in the same position as everyone else. I lost a love one just like everyone did. I am not on here to try to be better than anyone. I am just trying to give information that people may or may not have.

  • JoeAugust 15, 2017 at 10:38 pm

    Debbie The only person that ever brings up copy and paste is Starfinder ,WJ Blanchard.I think you may be posting under a different name. I have had many people thank me for the information I have given. I have not seen one person thank you for anything you have posted. The information you give out always comes after somebody else says it first. I told you my lawyer was on the steering committee. T[Show More]Debbie The only person that ever brings up copy and paste is Starfinder ,WJ Blanchard.I think you may be posting under a different name. I have had many people thank me for the information I have given. I have not seen one person thank you for anything you have posted. The information you give out always comes after somebody else says it first. I told you my lawyer was on the steering committee. Then you come on here and say your lawyer is on the steering committee. Why did you wait to say that until after I did. Why do you also keep saying 2018 it may or may not be correct but not everybody got 2018 for payouts to begin. So where is your proof. True I do copy and paste some things but they are court orders. Do you know what a court order is? Sure some of it is just my opinion but a lot of it is coming from the court system itself on this case. Some of the information I post does come from my lawyer. I told everyone before they should know numbers sometime this summer and then all of a sudden people find out documents are able to be submitted. I told everyone they said they would know numbers sometime into the summer and that document still needed to be submitted to the claims administrator. That information came directly from my lawyer .Then people come on here and say their lawyer tells them they can submit documents to the claims administrator. So before it ever happened I told people about it. It also came directly from my lawyer .Are you get Debbie was repeat what I have already posted. My lawyer told me payouts should start in the fall. I'm sure that doesn't mean everyone will get a payout in the fall but that's when they will begin. So I am sick of your nonsense Debbie write something that nobody knows yet don't just look back at people's posts and then repeat what they say and act like your lawyer told you that because it is not true in my opinion.

  • StanAugust 15, 2017 at 10:03 pm

    I am confident in what Joe says. It's unfortunate if some people cannot understand him. It can get a little confusing at times though but I am happy to have information that I am unable to get from my lawyer. It is very helpful and greatly appreciated. Thank you Joe!!

  • KenAugust 15, 2017 at 6:24 pm

    My Mother was getting Granuflo and naturalyte so a long time .she almost die in the chair many times The last time she pass two days later.they tell me i will only get $1500 yet from all the near deaths with her she was just like a stoke victim for all this and only $1500

  • DebbieAugust 15, 2017 at 5:29 pm

    I didn't mean to criticize you Joe. This whole thing has been exasperating. You are just reporting the facts of this case as its posted on the website. That's more info than any of us have been able to muster up but I don't understand what you are posting either as I don't have a legal background and haven't had any legal cases to use an attorney for, and don't understand all that legal jargon.[Show More]I didn't mean to criticize you Joe. This whole thing has been exasperating. You are just reporting the facts of this case as its posted on the website. That's more info than any of us have been able to muster up but I don't understand what you are posting either as I don't have a legal background and haven't had any legal cases to use an attorney for, and don't understand all that legal jargon. When I do call my attorney though he does call me back the next day and answers any questions I have, so I'm just trying to help these other people out there who are getting ignored by theirs. That's terrible their attorneys don't get back to them. Whether it's good news or bad news those attorneys are still going to get paid. The only other thing that bothers me also is how little this lawsuit potentially is settling for as the blood thinner law suit paid out 650 million to their claimants. Big difference. I don't get it. I understand that the Granuflo itself was not ithe problem but the way it was used on my dad is what killed him, and he is gone now isn't coming back and same with all of your loved ones. What a shame. I guess I use this website as a sounding board.. I miss him terribly. I would love for others to join in on this website. I'm sure any input is good or even just to share your experiences with this process since its been going on is helpful. Sounds like a lot of you have some lame attorneys. If they can't call you back at least they should have their secretaries call you back with some info.

  • CarolynAugust 15, 2017 at 5:24 pm

    Joe, Entered both my name and my late husbands name on Bing. Nothing. Guess this means am SOL

  • JoeAugust 15, 2017 at 4:49 am

    Laurie The information you get is always old news why would you post information a month after I post the exact same thing. Your information actually is confusing and not completely accurate. I appreciate it though.The information about submitting papers I gave that information a month before you ever said anything about it. You are off on the timeline. How can your lawyer give you dates when the[Show More]Laurie The information you get is always old news why would you post information a month after I post the exact same thing. Your information actually is confusing and not completely accurate. I appreciate it though.The information about submitting papers I gave that information a month before you ever said anything about it. You are off on the timeline. How can your lawyer give you dates when the claims administrator hasn't even process the claims? How does your lawyer know it's going to take until 2018? That's ridiculous nobody knows. Unless he or she is A psychic and looking into a crystal ball and telling you what they see. So stop giving information you are not sure of. I told everyone like a month ago we should know numbers sometime into the summer and payouts should start sometime in the fall. I also said documents still needed to be submitted. I don't know whats confusing about that. I never gave exact dates my lawyer would never give exact dates out. No lawyer knows the exact dates. All your lawyer did was give the information I already told everyone a month ago. You gave some crazy unverified dates. So that's old info. i gave some info but i would not give exact dates out because no one knows. It all depends on how fast the claims administrator can processes each and every claim also some law firms take longer than others to submit the documents to the claims administrator. The lawyers know they can submit documents now. i told people that about a month ago. I Just gave general timelines not dates. If you want to know if you are still in this lawsuit. Put your (last name .v Fresenius) in the Bing search engine. Don't Put it in Google. Because Google will give you to many results and the majority will have nothing to do with your case. So I recommend Using Bing. In Bing in the first one or two results it will be your case. You will at least know if you are still in this lawsuit or if your case has been dismissed. Laurie people are not getting any information from there lawyers. They don't call them or email them back. How can they ask there lawyer when there lawyer does not respond? I told everyone a long time ago to verify things with there lawyers first. Not to just take my word on it. But if the lawyer wont respond to them what do you think they should do then? You sound suspicious to me Laurie. I'm not sure you are who you say you are. It really makes no difference to me Who you are though. I know what I tell people is accurate. If you cannot understand the court documents that I put on here and you don't ask what they mean so I can help you understand them. Then I cant help you. The information I gave comes from the court orders memorandums testimonies and so forth. So if you do not understand then that is the judges falt. I understand then perfectly. Laurie if you read back you can see I posted way before you ever did about the document submission. I suggest if you do not believe me or you do not understand what I post ignore my posts and you will have no problems. Laurie why do you say this settlement is so small? You have no idea how many claims there will be in category #1 so how can you say this settlement is so small there may only be a couple hundred in category # 1 you have no clue. Unfortunately the people in category #3 Will only receive $1500 and that does seem unfair and small. They did not have proof of some kind that was needed. There are more people that did not opt in than was expected. They expected 10% not to Opt-in and it went way over that. I am not sure if this lawsuit is going to be triggered but they are going to except the people that have opted in. There are going to be a lot of trials. So before you say it's unfair wait for the full number count to come out. You never know some of the people that are going to trial may win. Most people that are going to receive trial date haven't gotten them yet they are not scheduled yet. Although some people that had their case remanded. And we're no longer part of this MDL have gotten court dates for trial. So what you are saying is not factual it is what you believe not facts. I am suspicious of who you are.

  • WakiAugust 15, 2017 at 12:41 am

    Has anyone consulted legal funding for their settlements? And what is the interest? My attorney told me it will be another month or two before the distribution of funds. (Seigal and Weiss)

  • DebbieAugust 14, 2017 at 10:10 pm

    Yes I agree with Laurie I appreciate what is being posted by Joe but it is too hard to understand it's like a copy and paste type thing. I appreciate your input though Joe. When I have called my lawyer in the past he has always gotten back to me. Pester your lawyers if you have to. Remember they are working for YOU. You have the right to ask them questions and they have the duty to get back to [Show More]Yes I agree with Laurie I appreciate what is being posted by Joe but it is too hard to understand it's like a copy and paste type thing. I appreciate your input though Joe. When I have called my lawyer in the past he has always gotten back to me. Pester your lawyers if you have to. Remember they are working for YOU. You have the right to ask them questions and they have the duty to get back to you in a timely manner. Ignoring your phone calls? I wouldn't stand for that! Otherwise, you can tell them you would like to switch attorneys and believe me you will get a phone call back within hours if they are a legitimate attorney. Remember, they are taking 40% of your settlement, so they owe you phone calls and emails and letters to keep you abreast of what's going on. You shouldn't have to rely solely on this website to get your info. That's just not right. And I do appreciate this website. I can tell you that the disbursements if there are any will be by the end of the year or in 2018. I know that for sure. My attorney said 2018 but we'll see.

  • KevinAugust 14, 2017 at 9:49 pm

    My brother died in the dialysis chair back in Jan of 2010, I have been hanging on since I started this stupid painful journey,(wish I never have) I would not be in the middle of the sh_t. But sucked in now. All I want is just one answer and that is just what if anything I am going to get. My Lawyers keep telling me oh you have all the correct checked boxes for a settlement. OK what is it?? I[Show More]My brother died in the dialysis chair back in Jan of 2010, I have been hanging on since I started this stupid painful journey,(wish I never have) I would not be in the middle of the sh_t. But sucked in now. All I want is just one answer and that is just what if anything I am going to get. My Lawyers keep telling me oh you have all the correct checked boxes for a settlement. OK what is it?? I don't even care anymore if and when you send a check. I just want to end this a close this horrible part of my life and move on. He was my only sibling and was only 47. JUST PLEASE END THIS MADDNESS ALREADY SO WE CAN LET OUR FAMILY REST IN PEACE NOW. PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!!!!

  • AngieAugust 14, 2017 at 9:43 pm

    Thank you Joe....that was beautiful.

  • PeachesAugust 14, 2017 at 2:23 pm

    I just want to give my condolences to everyone who has lost someone. For a while and currently I depend on Joe for updated info on this lawsuit.I lost my mom. I'm in category 1 my lawyer is also vague with info and him and his secretary try to minimize my situation the truth is I'm so tired. My sister and I are so tired I hope and pray this night mare ends soon

  • LaurieAugust 13, 2017 at 1:07 pm

    Angela my attorney will not contact me unless I e-mail her and she responses in about a week. She is as frustrated with this whole thing as I am. She is beginning to submit now for the settlement. If you read back I posted what she told me. She believes they will move forward with the settlement but how long that will take is beyond me at this point. Joe while I appreciate all the informatio[Show More]Angela my attorney will not contact me unless I e-mail her and she responses in about a week. She is as frustrated with this whole thing as I am. She is beginning to submit now for the settlement. If you read back I posted what she told me. She believes they will move forward with the settlement but how long that will take is beyond me at this point. Joe while I appreciate all the information that you post here, it has become more confusing for people as I see it. Contact your attorneys and keep pestering them for answers. If they have the answers they will and should give it if not....its just a waiting game. DO NOT GIVE UP! I know its a small settlement offer compared to what we all should get but its the principle of the thing now! Its a small step but its still at step. We have to keep moving forward and hope and pray that some good will come of all this BS that we are getting. I pray for all of us and hope we are coming to and end to this legal BS.

  • RickAugust 12, 2017 at 6:50 pm

    Angela, I'm in the same boat haven't heard anything from my lawyers since the beginning of the year when thy wanted me to opt in..

  • JudyAugust 11, 2017 at 5:06 pm

    '@ Angela, not at all my attorney always get back to me be it email, phone call or mail not sure why your attorney is ignoring you

  • AmandaAugust 11, 2017 at 4:12 pm

    Yes Angela my attorney refuses to call me back so all the information I have found out is what's on here.

  • AngelaAugust 10, 2017 at 11:02 pm

    My attorney's refuse to answer any of my calls~emails, is anyone else experiencing this with their attorney's? My last contact with them was when they told me to opt in or obtain a new litigator for my case aproximately a year ago. I guess they realized they won't be cashing in on my case! I have not recieved any letters or information as to where my case stands. Just curious to know if other's [Show More]My attorney's refuse to answer any of my calls~emails, is anyone else experiencing this with their attorney's? My last contact with them was when they told me to opt in or obtain a new litigator for my case aproximately a year ago. I guess they realized they won't be cashing in on my case! I have not recieved any letters or information as to where my case stands. Just curious to know if other's are getting the silent treatment as well?

  • JoeAugust 10, 2017 at 2:55 pm

    Yes Angie happy birthday to your father. I hope they will let me put this link through it is from YouTube and it is wonderful it has nothing to do with this case however.

  • StinkyAugust 10, 2017 at 6:33 am

    Just got this information. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings (FMCH) may elect to void the settlement if the 97% threshold is not achieved or if plain- tiffs’ non-participation falls into suspect patterns. For cases not participating in the settlement and not dismissed under Lone Pine orders, active litigation may resume in the discre- tion of their respective courts. The deadline for plaintiffs to e[Show More]Just got this information. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings (FMCH) may elect to void the settlement if the 97% threshold is not achieved or if plain- tiffs’ non-participation falls into suspect patterns. For cases not participating in the settlement and not dismissed under Lone Pine orders, active litigation may resume in the discre- tion of their respective courts. The deadline for plaintiffs to elect participation in the settlement has passed, although the plaintiff committee and FMCH continue to entertain late requests for good cause by individual participants. Based on participation elections already received and Lone Pine orders already issued, the plaintiff committee and FMCH expect, and have advised the courts that they expect, the settlement to be consummated. However, because of difficulties and delays in assembling and verifying individual participation elections and in the courts’ processing of individual Lone Pine dismissals for the required number of cases, the committee and FMCH have agreed that consummation will occur promptly upon suffi- cient verification of fulfillment of the participation threshold, providing only that consummation will not be required before June 1, 2017 and must occur by February 28, 2018. Court approval of the schedule revision is expected. FMCH believes that a significant number of cases, in vari- ous jurisdictions, will not participate in the settlement and will require some level of additional litigation activity in their respective trial courts to resolve. Appeals by plaintiffs are pending in the two bellwether cases (Ogburn and Dial) that have been tried, in both of which jury verdicts were entered in FMCH’s favor. FMCH’s affected insurers have agreed to fund US$220 million of the settlement fund if the settlement is not voided, with a reservation of rights regarding certain coverage issues from freestyles quarterly earnings (by freestyle directly)

  • JoeAugust 10, 2017 at 3:29 am

    Remember this order I posted months ago there was never any extension after the order I posted. So I believe they know already and it has been funded. Now the claims administrator is making his point value for the cases. It will not take until 2018 I know some people said it's been extended back then but I don't think that was ever true There would've had to of been a court order by the judge for[Show More]Remember this order I posted months ago there was never any extension after the order I posted. So I believe they know already and it has been funded. Now the claims administrator is making his point value for the cases. It will not take until 2018 I know some people said it's been extended back then but I don't think that was ever true There would've had to of been a court order by the judge for a extension and there never was. Extension of Settlement Program’s Opt-In and Voiding Deadlines1813 ALLOWED and adopted as follows: January 13, 2017 – Date by which plaintiffs may opt in to the settlement program; January 18, 2017 – Date by which all opt in data and documents will be supplied to Fresenius; May 10, 2017 – Date by which Fresenius may elect to void pursuant to the terms of the MSA; and, May 17, 2017 – Date by which Fresenius shall fund the settlement if not voided.

  • DebraAugust 9, 2017 at 6:43 pm

    My attorney submitted mine yesterday. They just needed to verify if my husband was ever on a kidney transplant list before they submitted it. She said that they will hopefully know more about his qualification status in a few months.

  • nancyAugust 9, 2017 at 5:11 pm

    I guess my atty has lost her voice and fingers dropped off sd I have heard nothing

  • JoeAugust 9, 2017 at 9:55 am

    Lola, thank you for that information. I believe you are correct. I just have not heard anything official. I know they had until July 28, 2017 for 3 cases to opt-in or comply with the Lonepine order . I think most people suspected it had been approved. You're the only one that had their lawyer verify that. Like I said I have not heard anything official but I take your word for it. Even if for some[Show More]Lola, thank you for that information. I believe you are correct. I just have not heard anything official. I know they had until July 28, 2017 for 3 cases to opt-in or comply with the Lonepine order . I think most people suspected it had been approved. You're the only one that had their lawyer verify that. Like I said I have not heard anything official but I take your word for it. Even if for some reason it was not approved or triggered they are still going to except the people that did opt-in there would be no document submission to the claims administrator if it was not approved or they did not except the people that opted in for settlement. Whatever the case may be the settlement was not voided.

  • AngieAugust 9, 2017 at 12:05 am

    Happy Birthday to my dad...he would have been 73 today. All I really ever wanted to know is if he suffered. No amount of money will tell me what I want to know.

  • DebbieAugust 8, 2017 at 6:05 pm

    Just talked to my attorney Monday and he said they don't know what category anyone will fall into until they get all the claims evaluated by the claims examiner. They do have the go ahead to start submitting the claims and will have the final assignment of your point value by the end of the year with disbursements being next year. He actually called me this time!

  • JoeAugust 8, 2017 at 12:54 pm

    These issues have been resolved but I wanted to show everyone why this settlement was taking so long. This was a Motion for extension from the plaintiffs of course again not the full motion this was a couple months ago. 1."Most patients for whom electronic medical record information was unavailable treated at clinics acquired by Fresenius and had alleged dates of injury that[Show More]These issues have been resolved but I wanted to show everyone why this settlement was taking so long. This was a Motion for extension from the plaintiffs of course again not the full motion this was a couple months ago. 1."Most patients for whom electronic medical record information was unavailable treated at clinics acquired by Fresenius and had alleged dates of injury that pre-dated either the acquisition or the conversion of those clinics to Fresenius’ electronic data system." 2."Though the decedent’s treating clinic is presently a Fresenius clinic, it was acquired by Fresenius in 2012, two years after the decedent’s death. Because the decedent was not an active patient at the clinic when Fresenius acquired it, the decedent’s medical records remained with the prior owner. Fresenius reported to the PEC that it has no records for this decedent on September 12, 2016. It is unclear why Plaintiff continues to believe that Fresenius possesses relevant records, but in any event, he waited until March 17, 2017 to ask Fresenius about its response to his May 26, 2016 settlement-related request." 3."Plaintiff asserts that Fresenius failed to produce necessary medical record information for decedent Despite Plaintiff’s allegation to the contrary, this decedent’s treating clinic, Renal Center is not affiliated with Fresenius. Accordingly, Fresenius does not possess any of this decedent’s medical records. In the Motion to Extend, Plaintiff refers to a purportedly deficient production of medical records that she claims was made to her by Fresenius. In fact, these records were not produced by Fresenius but rather by the Plaintiff to Fresenius. Notably, notwithstanding the fact that Plaintiff believed the treating clinic in this case to be an affiliate of Fresenius, Plaintiff did not submit a settlement-related request for medical record information to Fresenius. Rather, as the Motion to Extend indicates, Plaintiff’s last request for medical records was made directly to the treating clinic – again, a non-Fresenius facility – nearly four years ago." 4."As to decedents , Plaintiffs explicitly assert that the decedents’ non-Fresenius treating clinics have failed to produce medical records, despite Plaintiffs’ purportedly diligent efforts to obtain them. Clearly, given that the treating clinics at issue in these cases are unaffiliated with Fresenius, Fresenius does not have access to any of the relevant medical records. Regardless, Plaintiffs cannot credibly claim that they acted diligently in attempting to acquire the decedent’s medical records, given that (1) as to, the Motion to Extend indicates that Plaintiffs last requested medical records from the treating clinics approximately two years ago, and (2) as to all three decedents, the Motion to Extend – filed April 3, 2017 – marks the first time that Plaintiffs alerted either Fresenius or the PEC of their challenges in obtaining the medical record information necessary to assess their cases for settlement eligibility."

  • AnthonyAugust 8, 2017 at 8:44 am

    I told you in the beginning we was robbed when they went to trial and lost out of 12,000 cases you telling me they couldn't find one to fit the criteria to win I was at dialysis I a Cardiac Arrest Woke up 2 days later in the lucky to be alive. We were sold out I just want to move on

  • ArthurAugust 7, 2017 at 4:39 pm

    Laurie even if they walk away the cases don't disappear. They will still have to try all these cases one by one. Unless the Judge dismisses all of them which I doubt. Supposedly the first trial cost about 600k between both parties. That's why the settlement came about. Back to the drawing board for Fresenius if they walk away.

  • LaurieAugust 7, 2017 at 12:01 pm

    This is what my lawyer sent me today.....Good morning Laurie. Sorry for the confusion—yes, the settlement was “accepted” but if the 97% requirement is not met, Fresenius can choose to walk away. That’s the decision we are awaiting. If the numbers are close enough, I think Fresenius will choose to move forward with the settlement process. I am forever the optimist. I have nothing left to say a[Show More]This is what my lawyer sent me today.....Good morning Laurie. Sorry for the confusion—yes, the settlement was “accepted” but if the 97% requirement is not met, Fresenius can choose to walk away. That’s the decision we are awaiting. If the numbers are close enough, I think Fresenius will choose to move forward with the settlement process. I am forever the optimist. I have nothing left to say about any of this because I can not waste my time and energy on this obsurd, ridiculous process anymore. Its physically and mentally debilitating for me and just a major slap in the face to the victims who are still alive. God will judge them all in the end and I pray he is more just they they were to us!

  • JoeAugust 7, 2017 at 8:47 am

    Pre-existing conditions have already been addressed. A Daubert hearing on pre-existing conditions already took place. The judge basically determined pre-existing conditions still qualify. If your case has not already been dismissed it won't be. The judge is the only one that can dismiss anyone's case. The claims administrator has nothing to do with any type of trial. He definitely is not a judge [Show More]Pre-existing conditions have already been addressed. A Daubert hearing on pre-existing conditions already took place. The judge basically determined pre-existing conditions still qualify. If your case has not already been dismissed it won't be. The judge is the only one that can dismiss anyone's case. The claims administrator has nothing to do with any type of trial. He definitely is not a judge or any part of a Jury. He simply determines the point value of your case. The claims administrator could determine your case has zero points but that is very unlikely. If you had zero points your case would have already been dismissed. The litigations that have been taking please resolve around the alternative payment fund category #3 and the opt-out cases.Most of it had to do with product identification probably some other issues also. Category one was a in-depth process they needed proof before you could be put into category one. They would not have just speculated and put you into category one without proof to back it up. If you are going to trial pre-existing conditions will definitely play a role in the outcome of your case. That will be determined by a judge or jury though.

  • LolaAugust 5, 2017 at 11:38 pm

    My attorney said 97% has been reached and the settlement is going forward. Claims are expected to be submitted until late September but various deadlines may be extended. Payments are not expected to be available for some time.

  • CarolynAugust 5, 2017 at 5:07 pm

    And please realize that it's my own personal feeling. Truly not directed towards anyone else. They need to pay for the loss of our loved ones and we could all use a bit of help to ease our hearts and struggle in life.

  • JoeAugust 5, 2017 at 1:25 pm

    I only posted part of those orders because I thought it was good information. The orders are quite a few months old. I wouldn't read into them to deeply. The opt-in document that you signed is still valid they cannot change it. If they did you would have to re-sign a new opt-in form. So the 24 hour cardiac arrest after use is still valid and the cardiac event the judge was talking about refers t[Show More]I only posted part of those orders because I thought it was good information. The orders are quite a few months old. I wouldn't read into them to deeply. The opt-in document that you signed is still valid they cannot change it. If they did you would have to re-sign a new opt-in form. So the 24 hour cardiac arrest after use is still valid and the cardiac event the judge was talking about refers to a cardiac arrest that is what he is referring to. It had to be a cardiac arrest not a heart attack or some other type of cardiac event. There maybe other information The plaintiffs lawyers needed like product identification and that other stuff I posted before. Category one plaintiffs lawyers already have all that information, and documents that were needed. Some of the claims that fell into the $1500 category still needed product identification and some other information when the lone Pine order dates were given out.That all has been resolved now. At this point. They either got it or their cases have been dismissed. Some people were filing and stating that their loved one had a cardiac arrest after the use of the drug but the truth was they never use the drug or had no proof of it. Or the timeline didn't add up or some other inconsistencies. Like the judge said in the order there are many Meritless cases in this MDL. The lone Pine order was basically for the people that did not have the documentation needed and still wanted to file a claim or receive a trial date because they did not opt in. Don't get me wrong I believe there are some cases that were and are valid but were dismissed anyway.

  • CarolynAugust 4, 2017 at 5:06 pm

    And what if your loved one was hooked up to life support for a week and then I had to pull the plug? And God bless anyone who's had to make that decision. It's.. horrible. And yes. I opted in and totally expect nothing. But again.. I only got involved in this soap opera to make sure my darling Bill's suffering was for naught. His name will be remembered and this is my point. No amount of mo[Show More]And what if your loved one was hooked up to life support for a week and then I had to pull the plug? And God bless anyone who's had to make that decision. It's.. horrible. And yes. I opted in and totally expect nothing. But again.. I only got involved in this soap opera to make sure my darling Bill's suffering was for naught. His name will be remembered and this is my point. No amount of money will every do justice for howhe suffered. And if by some miracle something is granted. I'm locking it into trust funds for the grands. Personally,. I would feel dirty to reap a profit over the loss of my loved one. But that's me. Fresenius and granuflo and big pharma needs to bleed the way we have. But this settlement offer is a joke. They need to pay the 250 million to each and every one who suffered a loss. The settlement they offered? They have collected that much and more in interest from the bank. It's not costing them a dime. Greedy. $&'"&6$- $_$56"**:&. Bastards

  • AmandaAugust 3, 2017 at 10:58 pm

    I thought that death within 24 hrs and cardiac event was one of the criteria to qualify for the case 1 settlement.. JOE do you know any info on this

  • LaurieAugust 3, 2017 at 9:57 am

    SO it sounds like if the patient died, there is no way to determine if the patient died from the fatal overdose of solution or by pre-existing conditions. Which means, to me anyway, that those cases will not be in the settlement. Unless they have concrete proof of the levels in their system prior to death. So those families of the deceased patient are out of luck getting justice. That seems to[Show More]SO it sounds like if the patient died, there is no way to determine if the patient died from the fatal overdose of solution or by pre-existing conditions. Which means, to me anyway, that those cases will not be in the settlement. Unless they have concrete proof of the levels in their system prior to death. So those families of the deceased patient are out of luck getting justice. That seems to be the case here. That is why I have given up on this case.

  • JoeAugust 3, 2017 at 1:07 am

    They would not have a case Census and trial scheduling if the settlement has not been triggered. So the motion is not for any other extension. Its Only for The plaintiffs lawyers to agree to the defendants case census and the trial schedule for the people that did not opt in and if their case has not been dismissed. The litigation part is over there will be no more summary judgment no more Lonepin[Show More]They would not have a case Census and trial scheduling if the settlement has not been triggered. So the motion is not for any other extension. Its Only for The plaintiffs lawyers to agree to the defendants case census and the trial schedule for the people that did not opt in and if their case has not been dismissed. The litigation part is over there will be no more summary judgment no more Lonepine dismissals. The litigation part of this lawsuit is over. They were not asking for a extension to the litigation. They were just asking for a extension for the plaintiffs to respond to the case Census and trial scheduling from Fresenius. These are minor things and should be resolved shortly if not already. I think a lot of people are misunderstanding what this extension was for. They were not extending anything except for the approval by the plaintiffs lawyers of the Case Census and the trial scheduling for the opt out plaintiffs That survived dismissal. They cannot trigger the settlement until all cases one way or the other have been resolved either they opted-in or they are getting a trial date. If a few cases did not get the trial date like they were supposed to the settlement will not be triggered until A trial date is given to them. After that happens and the plaintiffs lawyers sign off on it the settlement will be triggered officially.

  • DebbieAugust 2, 2017 at 6:43 pm

    Laurie you are absolutely right. Fresenius is a billion dollar company and that much money gives you power and that much power gives you more avenues and opens more doors for Fresenius than we little people could ever imagine. So Big money=Big power. I'm sure They could stall this as long as they want. I wonder if they are burning up the money with attorney fees too. Some of those big law firms [Show More]Laurie you are absolutely right. Fresenius is a billion dollar company and that much money gives you power and that much power gives you more avenues and opens more doors for Fresenius than we little people could ever imagine. So Big money=Big power. I'm sure They could stall this as long as they want. I wonder if they are burning up the money with attorney fees too. Some of those big law firms charge up to $600 per hour or more.

  • DebraAugust 2, 2017 at 4:28 pm

    My attorney just shared with me that the settlement has not officially been triggered. But they were given access to the portal to begin submitting claims. She is submitting claims as we spoke.

  • JoeAugust 2, 2017 at 4:50 am

    These are clips from the lone Pine order. Public record,it gives some numbers out. They may have changed to a certain extent, that is unknown however. Clips from the order below. This order is old but at least to give you a idea of how many cases total there will be. Order clips: "This point is underscored by the fact that nearly 1,300 cases have been dismissed by stipulation in thi[Show More]These are clips from the lone Pine order. Public record,it gives some numbers out. They may have changed to a certain extent, that is unknown however. Clips from the order below. This order is old but at least to give you a idea of how many cases total there will be. Order clips: "This point is underscored by the fact that nearly 1,300 cases have been dismissed by stipulation in this MDL and related jurisdictions since the parties reached a settlement in principle in February 2016" "The Opposition filed by the law firm of Hagens, Berman, Sobol, Shapiro LLP (Doc. #1804) applies to all cases filed by the law firm in this MDL (249 individual cases). Of those cases, Hagens Berman has already opted in 115 cases to the global settlement presumably based on a review of the merits of the cases and belying the contention that they have not had ample opportunity to obtain information necessary for a critical review of specific causation. Similarly, the Sill Law Group, having also filed an Opposition to the Motion (Doc. #1801), has already opted in 104 cases to the global settlement program." "Plaintiffs also suggest that it is premature to consider how cases that have opted out of the global settlement program should be handled until “after we know if the pending settlement is triggered” because, “[i]f the settlement gets funded, the volume of unsettled cases is likely to be only 10% or less of the initial multidistrict case load” and such volume will be manageable without the proposed Lone Pine Order. See Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro Opp., Dkt. No. 1804, at 5. Ten percent of the multidistrict case load would still amount to over 400 cases, a number of cases that could in and of itself require a Lone Pine order to effectively manage."

  • JoeAugust 2, 2017 at 3:55 am

    Here is a clip from the lone Pine order. It is public record but I not to post the whole order it is way too large. "Against such a backdrop, this litigation presents precisely the type of situation where the court’s inherent case management authority should be exercised. This MDL has been pending for years; general discovery – including the production of tens of millions of pages of doc[Show More]Here is a clip from the lone Pine order. It is public record but I not to post the whole order it is way too large. "Against such a backdrop, this litigation presents precisely the type of situation where the court’s inherent case management authority should be exercised. This MDL has been pending for years; general discovery – including the production of tens of millions of pages of documents, numerous general liability expert reports, and approximately 85 depositions – has long-since concluded; and case-specific discovery has been conducted on twenty cases selected for the bellwether pool. Moreover, after conducting case-specific discovery, the PEC dismissed 8 out of 10 Fresenius selections and the first bellwether trial in the related state court litigation – a plaintiff selection and presumably one they viewed to be a relatively strong case – resulted in a defense verdict for lack of specific causation. This set of circumstances strongly suggests that (1) a substantial number of meritless cases remain pending in this MDL and (2) it is only by looking to specific causation that one can identify which cases fall into that category. For this reason, Plaintiffs’ alternative proposal that the court should merely require them to demonstrate product identification is wholly inadequate. Plaintiffs contend that it is unnecessary and inappropriate to require them to provide expert reports on specific causation because they “allege concrete injury – typically, death because of a fatal cardiac event – against the sole manufacturer of only two products.” Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro Opp., Doc. # 1804, at 4. Plaintiffs’ argument ignores some critical facts: out of the wide array of so-called “fatal cardiac events” alleged, at this stage of the case plaintiffs must acknowledge that only specific types of cardiac injuries could arguably support their premised theory of liability. Further, GranuFlo® or NaturaLyte® can only be considered a potential cause of such injury if it occurs within a narrow window of time following dialysis treatment."

  • JoeAugust 2, 2017 at 2:32 am

    So I went over the opposition to the lone Pine order. This is what I found out they expected 10% not to opt in which in their words Will be 400 cases. So that means there are 4000 cases expected in the settlement. I looked over pending actions and there are 4360 pending actions. So my understanding would be that total settlement cases are 4360. I have no idea out of those 4360 how many are in each[Show More]So I went over the opposition to the lone Pine order. This is what I found out they expected 10% not to opt in which in their words Will be 400 cases. So that means there are 4000 cases expected in the settlement. I looked over pending actions and there are 4360 pending actions. So my understanding would be that total settlement cases are 4360. I have no idea out of those 4360 how many are in each category. I can't guarantee those numbers but I am pretty sure they are correct. Like I said I do not know cases per category . I have no idea about that yet. So Debbie looks like you may have been correct, but those cases are not all in category one from my understanding.

  • LaurieAugust 2, 2017 at 12:31 am

    Its become a farce now. It will never end as long as Fresenius has the money and the high powered lawyers to keep postponing and extending. Might as well just give up and move on because we little people do not have the power. Its all big business and the almighty dollar. My mother is gone so it will not have any effect for her. I just want justice which will never come as you can see. I wil[Show More]Its become a farce now. It will never end as long as Fresenius has the money and the high powered lawyers to keep postponing and extending. Might as well just give up and move on because we little people do not have the power. Its all big business and the almighty dollar. My mother is gone so it will not have any effect for her. I just want justice which will never come as you can see. I will just write this off and move on. Fresenius has won people lets face it. Wish all health, happiness and luck.

  • DebbieAugust 1, 2017 at 7:20 pm

    Wow does this mean its extended again after July 31st. Does this surprise anyone? This was supposed to be all settled last summer now it's a year later. Good thing we didn't hold our breath. My best friends father just bled to death from a fall he took while he was on the blood thinner xarelto. A severe brain bleed. Xarelto is known to cause brain bleeds and there is no antidote for it. she's so[Show More]Wow does this mean its extended again after July 31st. Does this surprise anyone? This was supposed to be all settled last summer now it's a year later. Good thing we didn't hold our breath. My best friends father just bled to death from a fall he took while he was on the blood thinner xarelto. A severe brain bleed. Xarelto is known to cause brain bleeds and there is no antidote for it. she's so upset so I told her to immediately contact a lawyer. She will probably end up with much more than we did and my father died too.

  • JudyAugust 1, 2017 at 5:24 pm

    How do you know 97% have been reached this time?

  • JudyAugust 1, 2017 at 4:49 pm

    Then the forms finally get to the claims administration? Do anybody know for sure?

  • JoeAugust 1, 2017 at 11:38 am

    So they responded to the Motion. The case Census and Discovery/and trail schedule. It looks like there are a few issues. I believe it has to do with the service Certificate of Service pursuant to LR 5.2 but not 100% positive about that. Monday, July 31, 2017 1900 respm Response to Motion Mon 5:58 PM RESPONSE to Motion re1899 MOTION for Extension of Time to July 31, 2017 to to file a Response[Show More]So they responded to the Motion. The case Census and Discovery/and trail schedule. It looks like there are a few issues. I believe it has to do with the service Certificate of Service pursuant to LR 5.2 but not 100% positive about that. Monday, July 31, 2017 1900 respm Response to Motion Mon 5:58 PM RESPONSE to Motion re1899 MOTION for Extension of Time to July 31, 2017 to to file a Response to FMCNA's Census Report and Proposed Discovery/Trial Schedule for Surviving Cases Opting Out of Global Settlement filed by Lola Marie Hearn, Anticipated Personal Representative of the Estate of Lola Mae McBride, Max Riben. (Booker, Molly) Those few people are either not in the Census or are not part of the trial schedule.not positive about that but that is my guess.

  • LolaJuly 31, 2017 at 5:21 pm

    97% has been reached

  • CarolynJuly 31, 2017 at 4:31 pm

    Well, it's July 31. When have they extended it to this time? The Twelfth of Never is my guess.

  • JoeJuly 28, 2017 at 11:11 pm

    mona, no your lawyer could not offer you a pay out that would be illegal.

  • monaJuly 27, 2017 at 6:45 pm

    Joe; Is it possible that the lawyer would pffer you a payout.

  • CynthiaJuly 27, 2017 at 3:56 pm

    Thank you Joe for your valuable information. Please keep updating us on the progress of this lawsuit.

  • JoeJuly 26, 2017 at 4:54 am

    For the people that have gotten point values.Does Your opt-in paperwork definitively state you are in category one? Or does it just give you a point values and you are assuming that's what category you are in? I know some of the people that are in category three receive a point value. No one in category one could receive a point value until the claims administrator has determined add-ons and so fo[Show More]For the people that have gotten point values.Does Your opt-in paperwork definitively state you are in category one? Or does it just give you a point values and you are assuming that's what category you are in? I know some of the people that are in category three receive a point value. No one in category one could receive a point value until the claims administrator has determined add-ons and so forth. I think you have mistakenly assumed you are in category one. You better read over your paperwork word by word.

  • ReneeJuly 26, 2017 at 4:44 am

    This whole thing is BS!!! How long has it been going on? I really don't know the purpose of it being prolonged so long. The company know it's at fault. The insurance company chose to cover them. So they need to pay simple. Weather they have to pay $1500 to whatever. It shouldn't take this long for anything. I lost my Mom back in 2012. I need for them to pay someone and admit to killing my Mom! She[Show More]This whole thing is BS!!! How long has it been going on? I really don't know the purpose of it being prolonged so long. The company know it's at fault. The insurance company chose to cover them. So they need to pay simple. Weather they have to pay $1500 to whatever. It shouldn't take this long for anything. I lost my Mom back in 2012. I need for them to pay someone and admit to killing my Mom! She was fine until she started treatment. She passed on Dialysis brought her back only for her to take her final breathe moments later. It's time for us all to start healing... I hate we are all being tormented by this. And pray that it all over soon.

  • JoeJuly 26, 2017 at 3:54 am

    1899 motion Extension of Time Mon 7:08 PM MOTION for Extension of Time to July 31, 2017 to to file a Response to FMCNA's Census Report and Proposed Discovery/Trial Schedule for Surviving Cases Opting Out of Global Settlement by Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP.(Booker, Molly) My last post did not completely go through so here is the order again.

  • JoeJuly 26, 2017 at 3:11 am

    Tom Just for you know there are a limited number of people who received a opt-in letter with point values. The majority of people were given letters that states we cannot determine The amount of your compensation until all qualifying claims have been determined by the claims administrator. This is not a class action lawsuit it is an aggregated settlement MDL. If it was a class-action your point va[Show More]Tom Just for you know there are a limited number of people who received a opt-in letter with point values. The majority of people were given letters that states we cannot determine The amount of your compensation until all qualifying claims have been determined by the claims administrator. This is not a class action lawsuit it is an aggregated settlement MDL. If it was a class-action your point value could have already been determined. This is an aggregated settlement in a multi district litigation. Being so no point value can be determined. Not until the claims administrator has made his decision on each individual claim. It is not going to be simply divided evenly among all qualifying claimants. Each Claim will be looked at individually by the claims administrator there will however be a base pay or minimum compensation for each claim in category one. How would your lawyer know how many people opted in when you received the opt-in letter? They had no idea how many people were going to opt in, when the letters were sent out. How can they give you a settlement letter with a point value when they clearly don't know how many people we're going to excepted the offer. They still don't know that. It looks like what your lawyer may be doing is adding up total claims and dividing them among the total settlement amount but that does not break them up into categories it's just rhe total claims per all categories. As of yesterday July 24 Fresenius just submitted the case census which is a list of all claims for all categories. The plaintiffs lawyers want a extension. Until July 31 which is about a week, The plaintiffs lawyers will go over it and verify it is correct. So how in the world would your lawyer know how many cases per category when Fresenius just found that information out as of July 24, 2017. Something you are saying doesn't add up. Look over your opt-in paperwork again read the whole packet you are missing something somewhere. If the amount turns out to be less than what your lawyer stated, you could sue him for fraud. He gave you in accurate information to make a decision on if you were going to opt-in or out. If you opt into a lawsuit with a certain amount of claims that could be incorrect that could have change your whole outlook on if you were going to except the settlement offer or not. No lawyer would do that. I am sick of people stating they have a point value and that is impossible unless your lawyer is the claims administrator and you just received your opt- in letter today. We know that's not possible. I believe you did receive a letter with a point value. I don't know how they possibly could have determined that.

  • AmandaJuly 25, 2017 at 11:18 pm

    Ugh this is a complete mess!!! Be so glad when it all over. I went over and over my paperwork and all it says is we fell in category 1 nothing about any point systems

  • MicheleJuly 25, 2017 at 5:54 pm

    My paperwork doesn't say anything about a point system or category. I asked my attorney about it and he doesn't know anything about a point system or category. I just want this thing over with. I lost my car and house when my second husband died.

  • ArthurJuly 25, 2017 at 4:47 pm

    Tom we went over this letter since last August speaking about different payouts depending on how many people are left. My letter doesn't specify the point system as to how many I have. Donisha I would probably look into obtaining a new liar I mean a new lawyer. That's ridiculous.

  • JoeJuly 25, 2017 at 8:22 am

    Monday, July 24, 2017 1899 motion Extension of Time Mon 7:08 PM MOTION for Extension of Time to July 31, 2017 to by Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP.(Booker, Molly)

  • TomJuly 24, 2017 at 11:39 pm

    Its like this. Everyone in cat 1 will receive a new full size truck. What remains to be seen is what trim level your new truck will be and when you will receive it. Please no you will not receive a settlement of a truck given to you from the defendant. Just explaining how much this will effect our lives in easy to understand terms.

  • DonishaJuly 24, 2017 at 8:54 pm

    So hi this is my first time writing but iv been watching for a long long time... So I've been following a lot of info everyone has been sharing...... I finally spoke to my lawyer's assistant today and the things she said were so rushed and just not a lot of help really so if anyone has an opinion on what I should do that would be great. B.t.w the convoy went as so She basically said they got pape[Show More]So hi this is my first time writing but iv been watching for a long long time... So I've been following a lot of info everyone has been sharing...... I finally spoke to my lawyer's assistant today and the things she said were so rushed and just not a lot of help really so if anyone has an opinion on what I should do that would be great. B.t.w the convoy went as so She basically said they got paperwork over the weekend to get claims ready to submit to Green and his staff. They have thousands on thousands of cases 10-20,000 and that it will be a year to 16 months before anything is paid out. My understanding was that there is no where near that many cases

  • TomJuly 24, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    Joe somehow you missed some really basic stuff. It seems you did not receive a letter that others did when opting in. The letter stated how many points you have (175 in my case) and different payout amounts for different amounts of people in category one. I do not have the paper in front of me but something like this the average payout of 4,000 people would pay x amount. 3,500 3,000 down to 2,500[Show More]Joe somehow you missed some really basic stuff. It seems you did not receive a letter that others did when opting in. The letter stated how many points you have (175 in my case) and different payout amounts for different amounts of people in category one. I do not have the paper in front of me but something like this the average payout of 4,000 people would pay x amount. 3,500 3,000 down to 2,500 lawyer at that time expected 3,000. I think the payout for 2,500 was $89,000 on average. after lawyers cut I figured my mother to receive around $50,000 maybe a little more if lucky. This is my first post I just could not take it anymore Joe.

  • JoeJuly 23, 2017 at 11:27 am

    Anthony, what category does your paperwork state you are in? I didn't think people received points before The case has gone before the claims administrator. I don't know maybe that's the point value your lawyer just thinks you have. I have heard a few people say they have a certain point value that are on here, so I don't know. Maybe your case is in the Naturalyte compensation fund not the Gran[Show More]Anthony, what category does your paperwork state you are in? I didn't think people received points before The case has gone before the claims administrator. I don't know maybe that's the point value your lawyer just thinks you have. I have heard a few people say they have a certain point value that are on here, so I don't know. Maybe your case is in the Naturalyte compensation fund not the Granuflo compensation fund. There are far less people in the Naturalyte compensation fund, than in the Granuflo compensation fund. Maybe because there are so few people in that category they can approximately determine your point value in advance. In your paperwork it should state what category your claim falls under. You think you could tell us so we can better understand where you are getting the points from. I think your in the Naturalyte compensation fund,Not sure though.

  • JohnBJuly 22, 2017 at 4:48 pm

    You Joe are throwing ppl off track. Just stop giving conflicting information about this lawsuit. You know perfectly well you dont know what is happening behind close and protect information. Let this lawsuit run its course. There is nothing you think you know that can help anymore. Joe you are a fake. You and mike totally destroyed the Nephrology brog by your acts. Let this blog alone for ppl t[Show More]You Joe are throwing ppl off track. Just stop giving conflicting information about this lawsuit. You know perfectly well you dont know what is happening behind close and protect information. Let this lawsuit run its course. There is nothing you think you know that can help anymore. Joe you are a fake. You and mike totally destroyed the Nephrology brog by your acts. Let this blog alone for ppl to exchange info. You cant contribute further. And stop being so defensive when ppl challenge you about your information. Take a seat and watch what ppl say. You waist a lot of time correcting and justifying yourself. If you tell the truth you dont need to justify yourself or degrade ppl on here who have an opinion.

  • larryJuly 22, 2017 at 3:50 am

    Yes, a big thanks to Joe!! His information has been very helpful- more so than my attorneys and prob every one elses attorneys too!! It's high time this case s resolved!! No one will ever get the amount of what they deserve- for all our losses of our beautiful, special loved ones!!!

  • AmandaJuly 21, 2017 at 7:52 pm

    Thank you Joe I did find it so I am in the first category. The points system thing does anyone know what that actual point system is? And how do u find out how many points u have?

  • ArthurJuly 21, 2017 at 4:28 pm

    Anthony on May 17 of this year Angie wrote that her case has 175 points in money translates to $175.000. Who told you this your Lawyer or are you Angie as weii. I think there is too much BS going around here. The cases haven't gone to the claims administrator yet so how do you about the points. Don't tell me your Attorney told you so.

  • JoeJuly 21, 2017 at 2:16 pm

    Here is what they are going to be looking for to determine the amount of compensation you will receive. (1) the acetate value or acid concentrate identifier, as well as the magnesium and calcium components of the acid concentrate reflected in the decedent’s last hemodialysis standing order prior to the alleged date of injury (2) the bicarbonate prescription reflected i[Show More]Here is what they are going to be looking for to determine the amount of compensation you will receive. (1) the acetate value or acid concentrate identifier, as well as the magnesium and calcium components of the acid concentrate reflected in the decedent’s last hemodialysis standing order prior to the alleged date of injury (2) the bicarbonate prescription reflected in the decedent’s last hemodialysis standing order prior to the alleged date of injury, (3) the decedent’s last pre-dialysis serum bicarbonate and serum potassium lab values prior to the alleged date of injury, and (4) the date and starting and ending times of the decedent’s last in-center hemodialysis treatment on or prior to the alleged date of injury.

  • JoeJuly 21, 2017 at 1:37 pm

    So anyway I was able to get the summary judgment order there are no total number of people that have opted-in in this order. Just so you know before reading it. It's public Record. This is not the full order but just the basic facts and probably helpful to some people it explains a lot.I did not want to post the whole order its too long. In August 2016, Fresenius and Plaintiffs’ Leadership en[Show More]So anyway I was able to get the summary judgment order there are no total number of people that have opted-in in this order. Just so you know before reading it. It's public Record. This is not the full order but just the basic facts and probably helpful to some people it explains a lot.I did not want to post the whole order its too long. In August 2016, Fresenius and Plaintiffs’ Leadership entered into a private settlement agreement related to all cases filed in this Court and other jurisdictions relating to Fresenius’ acid concentrates GranuFlo® and NaturaLyte®. Pursuant to a settlement process agreed-upon by the parties, each plaintiff would timely proceed to: (1) opt in to the global settlement; (2) file a stipulation of dismissal of his/her case with prejudice; or (3) decline either to participate in the settlement or stipulate to dismissal with prejudice and proceed with litigation (“Opt-Out Plaintiff”). On January 26, 2017, after hearing, this Court issued Case Management Order No. 17, which required each Opt-Out Plaintiff to produce by March 29, 2017 at 5:00 p.m. (EST), an affidavit or declaration of counsel identifying data supporting his/her claim that GranuFlo® or NaturaLyte® was used during the corresponding patient’s last dialysis treatment prior to alleged injury (“Product Identification Affidavit”), and an affidavit or declaration from a physician or other medical expert opining to a reasonable degree of medical certainty that GranuFlo® or NaturaLyte® caused, or was a substantial contributing factor in causing, the patient’s injury. The Case Management Order made it clear that failure to comply could result in this Court’s dismissal with prejudice. Doc. 1825 at 7. Further punctuating this point, on March 9, 2017, the Court issued a Memorandum Regarding Case Management Order No. 17 in which it stated there should be no misunderstanding that the failure to comply with the case management order was sufficient grounds for dismissal with prejudice.

  • JoeJuly 21, 2017 at 9:38 am

    I should never have said there are nowhere near 4000 cases. At one time,I imagine there were 4000 cases. But I don't think there are any longer. I took a guess on how many cases but that's probably incorrect who knows.

  • AnthonyJuly 21, 2017 at 7:34 am

    I was told there is a point system of 225 points. The points you have will put in a category. I have 175 points.what category that put me in

  • AmandaJuly 21, 2017 at 1:57 am

    Thank you Joe I have had one those lawyers who doesn't return calls and really has keep us out of the loop in all of it saying nothing much had changed. I appreciate you trying to help me as for the other hateful person I just didn't know what they were talking about. I will look on my paper work and try to figure it out. Ty.. so much JOE!!!!!

  • JoeJuly 21, 2017 at 1:17 am

    I told everyone my lawyer truly is on the steering committee. I am not making that up,it's the truth. That's probably why he knew the information before other lawyers.

  • JoeJuly 21, 2017 at 1:00 am

    See those dates i told everyone were correct. Like i said sometime into the summer and disbursements Will start sometime in the fall. I told everyone The documents still needed to be submitted to the claims administrator. At least now somebody's lawyer verified that information. They worded it a little different but its what i told everyone weeks ago. Thanks for that info Debra.

  • DebraJuly 20, 2017 at 3:01 pm

    This is what my attorney said yesterday. "The good news is that at the end of this month we will be allowed to go ahead and begin submitting claims for review to the claims administrator. What we have been told is that the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee and Defense Counsel know that the settlement will be triggered – it is just a matter of when, so that is why they will allow us to go ahead and s[Show More]This is what my attorney said yesterday. "The good news is that at the end of this month we will be allowed to go ahead and begin submitting claims for review to the claims administrator. What we have been told is that the Plaintiff’s Steering Committee and Defense Counsel know that the settlement will be triggered – it is just a matter of when, so that is why they will allow us to go ahead and start submitting claims. We won’t know any final numbers until after the claim submission phase is completed. The claim submission process should last a couple of months. We are eager to start submitting claims and all of our clients’ records have been prepped and the files are ready to go as soon as we are allowed access to submit them. The ball is moving, but just very slowly."

  • JoeJuly 20, 2017 at 12:45 am

    Amanda Look at your paper work its under. YOUR CLAIM : It will not tell you the category Number just the definition of what category your lawyer thinks you are in there will be no dollar amount you will have to look at each category and that will tell you the total funds per category. It will not tell you what you are receiving individually as in dollar amount. Hope you can find it. Remember just[Show More]Amanda Look at your paper work its under. YOUR CLAIM : It will not tell you the category Number just the definition of what category your lawyer thinks you are in there will be no dollar amount you will have to look at each category and that will tell you the total funds per category. It will not tell you what you are receiving individually as in dollar amount. Hope you can find it. Remember just because it says that's what category your lawyer believe you are in. It is not final until the claims administrator reviews your paperwork, case and makes his final determination.

  • EllenJuly 20, 2017 at 12:43 am

    Please don't let this fellow poison this blog also... people here want to share and learn what they can from others w similar experience. It's been a difficult ordeal for all and those who have provided verifiable details r treasured

  • EllenJuly 20, 2017 at 12:26 am

    he American Kidney Fund is a leading United States non-profit working on behalf of the 31 million Americans with Chronic Kidney Disease, especially Dialysis patients. However, an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office into how the fund allocates its annual over $212.6 million contributions is gaining a lot of interest by Dialysis patients and others in the Chronic Kidney Disease Community ali[Show More]he American Kidney Fund is a leading United States non-profit working on behalf of the 31 million Americans with Chronic Kidney Disease, especially Dialysis patients. However, an investigation by the U.S. Attorney’s Office into how the fund allocates its annual over $212.6 million contributions is gaining a lot of interest by Dialysis patients and others in the Chronic Kidney Disease Community alike. To add to the intrigue, the largest Dialysis organizations in the United States - DaVita Inc. and Fresenius Medical Care - have also been named in the

  • TinaJuly 19, 2017 at 9:37 pm

    Can, someone please answer some questions for me I been told bunch of different stories on this case????

  • ArthurJuly 19, 2017 at 7:29 pm

    People this is getting redundant. Nobody knows how many people are in criteria #1. I don't suspect their are many. Nobody knows how much they are receiving, depends on how many are left. Criteria #1 died of Cardiac Arrest within 24 hours of treatment #2 Had use of Granuflo 3# Blood work from your treatment of dialysis they are looking for levels of how much bicarbonate of Granuflo was used. Th[Show More]People this is getting redundant. Nobody knows how many people are in criteria #1. I don't suspect their are many. Nobody knows how much they are receiving, depends on how many are left. Criteria #1 died of Cardiac Arrest within 24 hours of treatment #2 Had use of Granuflo 3# Blood work from your treatment of dialysis they are looking for levels of how much bicarbonate of Granuflo was used. The higher the better. Their is a time line like let's say 2002 or 3 till 2012. It can go further than that if you have had a stroke or a cardiac arrest and still lived but later died after 2012. Very few are in the category. This is not rocket science. The only reason why they came an agreement is because the first case cost in excess of 600k in lawyer fees for both sides. Do the math. It's cheaper to do the settlement. People just keep asking the same questions over and over again.

  • JoeJuly 19, 2017 at 3:22 am

    The liens are for Medical liens/Reimbursement claims only. So hospitals would not be filing a lien against you.Your Insurance would already have paid. They can only get Reimbursement (lien) for the day of treatment when the incident occurred. So you are not talking A whole lot of money per lien. Also it does not state every one will have liens. It States medical liens if any. Look in your opt in p[Show More]The liens are for Medical liens/Reimbursement claims only. So hospitals would not be filing a lien against you.Your Insurance would already have paid. They can only get Reimbursement (lien) for the day of treatment when the incident occurred. So you are not talking A whole lot of money per lien. Also it does not state every one will have liens. It States medical liens if any. Look in your opt in paperwork Page 5 number 5 it explains it better.

  • AmandaJuly 18, 2017 at 10:07 pm

    Joe how do you know which category you fall in I know that we didn't qualify for the 1500 because we were part of mass settlement or whatever I don't really understand all of it

  • AvisJuly 18, 2017 at 9:45 pm

    What are the supposedly payouts for category 1 qualifiers?

  • JoeJuly 17, 2017 at 11:50 pm

    I never threatened anybody JohnB (aka) WJ ,starfinder. People on here no I never did that.You just kept telling me I was wrong, it turns out I was correct about everything. I never threatened anyone I would never do that. That is more your style. I posted your case because you were a jerk and it's public information and you continuously say nobody's getting anything. I know you are getting $15[Show More]I never threatened anybody JohnB (aka) WJ ,starfinder. People on here no I never did that.You just kept telling me I was wrong, it turns out I was correct about everything. I never threatened anyone I would never do that. That is more your style. I posted your case because you were a jerk and it's public information and you continuously say nobody's getting anything. I know you are getting $1500 for category three. I had nothing to do with that that's how your case went. You are bitter because of that but dont take that out on me. You are a nasty person. Those numbers I gave I told everyone were not official. WJ you are just bittter because you are not in category one and you hope nobody gets anything or there are so many cases that the payouts are very little. Thats not going to be the case and you are pissed off about it. Look I feel sorry for everybody that didn't qualify but that wasn't my decision I had nothing to do with move your anger somewhere else JohnB. To ether your lawyer or Fresenius. You might want to look at your case you have a notice of appearance, of course your lawyer is going on your butt half but you might want to find out what that's about. Why are you so worried about people that are in category one? Arthur Is right there are people on here trying to throw people off track and you are one of them JohnB,WJ ,or Starfinder. Yeah I know who you are .

  • ArthurJuly 17, 2017 at 9:27 pm

    JohnB you have Joe confused for Mikey, I believe he may have been thrown out Of Nephrology News. Joe has been inspiration toward all of us at Nephrology News and here.

  • MelanyJuly 17, 2017 at 8:47 pm

    My lawyer gets 40 percent and then there's whatever taken out for Medicare, insurance, hospital, and moderator. She told me not to expect any kind of windfall.

  • AmandaJuly 15, 2017 at 6:09 pm

    My lawyer finally talked to me yay but what she explained to me was that out of all the cases they had that they thought was a foe sure thing fresinius then come back and said the criteria was more in depth then she had seen in any other case. Out of all the ones she had over 4000 and something in state of Alabama only 6 was accepted for the mass settlement there was a few that was awarded a 1500.[Show More]My lawyer finally talked to me yay but what she explained to me was that out of all the cases they had that they thought was a foe sure thing fresinius then come back and said the criteria was more in depth then she had seen in any other case. Out of all the ones she had over 4000 and something in state of Alabama only 6 was accepted for the mass settlement there was a few that was awarded a 1500. It's just really been a mess dealing with all this. Even told me that unless was a cardiac event there wouldn't be a settlement and it had to happen within a 24 he period not one min over from leaving dialysis.

  • JohnBJuly 15, 2017 at 5:29 pm

    Where in the world all these "unofficial" numbers are coming from? Just wait and see what falls out after the courts, the Judge, and the drug company finish their business. Did anyone really think we were going to get a fair deal from this malarkey!

  • JohnBJuly 15, 2017 at 5:21 pm

    So Aurther you remember"Joe" from the Nephrology News blog. Funny, he almost single-handedly destroyed the blog by threatening ppl who didnt believe him. He wished ppl would die. He did act like a know it all, but in the end he didnt even know how to spell. He was a cut and paste guy who would find info from other sites and paste them on the blog. He is a truely remarkable guy who loves to co[Show More]So Aurther you remember"Joe" from the Nephrology News blog. Funny, he almost single-handedly destroyed the blog by threatening ppl who didnt believe him. He wished ppl would die. He did act like a know it all, but in the end he didnt even know how to spell. He was a cut and paste guy who would find info from other sites and paste them on the blog. He is a truely remarkable guy who loves to command ppl's attention. He was thrown off the blog for his behavior. But now look who is back. Desperate ppl will believe in the devil, sorry folks I do wish for a successful outcome for all who are involve with this monster drug company as I am also.

  • JoeJuly 14, 2017 at 10:30 pm

    Carolyn If your case was not dismissed you are in good shape. You're one of the surviving cases. I don't no the medical issues you husband had but if you survived the summary judgment order don't give up hope. You made it this far for a reason. Most of category three people that did not opt in were offered A little bit more than the $1500 to dismiss there cases. Your case would have been in catego[Show More]Carolyn If your case was not dismissed you are in good shape. You're one of the surviving cases. I don't no the medical issues you husband had but if you survived the summary judgment order don't give up hope. You made it this far for a reason. Most of category three people that did not opt in were offered A little bit more than the $1500 to dismiss there cases. Your case would have been in category one and that settlement amount is undetermined per case at this time. So a offer for settlement may not have been offered yet to you. After you get your court date and the payouts are disbursed, you may get a settlement offer. I am not 100% but depending on how many cases that are going to trial there may be a second settlement offered for those people that are given trial dates. N ot positive about that but there is a high probability That it will occur. It's good to get information from someone that did not opt-in and their case has not been dismissed because their lawyer is non-bias on the settlement,so thank you for that information. One more thing I never said the settlement was approved but it is very likely it will be. It's not official so lawyers cannot say. But if you are asking for a scheduling order and a case censes The only reason to ask for that is because there are no more issues at hand. It's going to be close but it's going to be approved. What I also find interesting is how everyone is falling for this nonsense they don't know how many cases there are per category. That Is a bunch of nonsense. When this settlement agreement was written up they had a set number. It cannot go over that number but it can go below that number. No lawyer would settle for $250 million for 12,000 cases unless almost all of them were getting small Settlement amounts. You're not going to pay wrongful death cases only $62,000 Think about it. I am not asking people to believe everything i post but just have common sense. Predictions are always good but facts are even better.

  • AlexandriaJuly 14, 2017 at 6:52 pm

    My lawyer gets 40% I thought that was too much, to be honest. My lawyer won't tell me how much they are actually getting from the $5 million or $17.5 million. I don't like to push for info half the time. My papa died while hooked up to the dialysis machine, (Cardiac Arrest) in one of their facilities. They didn't knew how long he was sitting there died, he walk in and never walked back out. I'm st[Show More]My lawyer gets 40% I thought that was too much, to be honest. My lawyer won't tell me how much they are actually getting from the $5 million or $17.5 million. I don't like to push for info half the time. My papa died while hooked up to the dialysis machine, (Cardiac Arrest) in one of their facilities. They didn't knew how long he was sitting there died, he walk in and never walked back out. I'm still trying to figure out what Category my case falls under. With all the qualification and such, I just don't know, lawyer don't know either. Just have to wait for Master Green or whomever and pray there is no set back. I still think, I'm getting rob.

  • JoeJuly 13, 2017 at 2:44 pm

    Remember dismissed cases are also considered in reaching the 97%. We know 8000+2000 only equals 10,000 but some cases have been dismissed voluntarily. My guess is a little under 2000. Like I said those numbers are not official. But if anyone can come up with any better numbers put them out. I think we all would appreciate it .

  • JoeJuly 13, 2017 at 2:08 pm

    Arthur, I know what you are saying. But don't let anyone get to you. You know there are not 4000 cases in category one that's monotonous. I don't know why People say that. Then they say they got that information from their lawyer. Either that person is not truly in this lawsuit or has in accurate information. Then when I say my lawyer is on the steering committee they come on here and say their la[Show More]Arthur, I know what you are saying. But don't let anyone get to you. You know there are not 4000 cases in category one that's monotonous. I don't know why People say that. Then they say they got that information from their lawyer. Either that person is not truly in this lawsuit or has in accurate information. Then when I say my lawyer is on the steering committee they come on here and say their lawyer is also on the steering committee. Something definitely is suspicious about that. You want some numbers Arthur I will give you some numbers. This is not official. I have been going over the settlement numbers and no matter what way you add them up there is $15 million unaccounted for. So if you divide fifteen million dollars by category three $1500 you come up with a total of 10,000 cases. According to almost everyone's lawyers there is a total of approximately 12,000 cases 8000 have opted in supposedly. They only need 11,640 to reach the 97% with the judges summary judgments and lone Pine order dismissal's which equals out to approximately 2000 they have met the 97% .( not official ) I am going by 12,000 cases. I believe there are a little over 12,000 cases though. I think there are a few hundred more than 12,000 anyway. That leaves a few hundred in category one at the most.

  • JoeJuly 13, 2017 at 11:15 am

    Look at your opt-in paperwork its under Deductions from the gross settlement award. 1. Common benefit fund 2% $5 million 2.Common court fund 7% up to $17.5 million. Those amounts will come out of the gross award. You will have to ask your lawyer how much they are receiving from those funds if any.

  • CarolynJuly 12, 2017 at 7:11 pm

    So I called my lawyer for an update. She informed me that while they are very close, it is not a done deal. She went on to inform my that upon the settlement, then they will go through the medical records to determine who get what. May people will be dropped if they don't fit the qualifications set forth by the court. My husband had dialysis and said he wasn't right. We go to the hospital and [Show More]So I called my lawyer for an update. She informed me that while they are very close, it is not a done deal. She went on to inform my that upon the settlement, then they will go through the medical records to determine who get what. May people will be dropped if they don't fit the qualifications set forth by the court. My husband had dialysis and said he wasn't right. We go to the hospital and they put him on the ventalator. 3rd time that happened right after dialysis. He was hooked up on life support for 3 days and then went septic. I lost him then. I am sure my claim will be denied. I expected this from the very beginning. But I didn't sign I'm to this long drawn out clusterf*ck for the money. I did this for my darling Bill and to make sure him death wasn't purposeless. I did this in order that others won't have to go through the horrors that big pharma put him through. I did this in his memory and so others won't have the save awful experiences

  • LaurieJuly 12, 2017 at 1:14 pm

    I know how people are feeling right now, its ridiculous to say the least. My attorney even said this is an unprecedented the amount of time that has been spent on this tort case. The courts can and will use everything in their power to be sure that there is every option used before proceeding on with disbursements. Joe has been trying to give us information and it is truly appreciated so lets j[Show More]I know how people are feeling right now, its ridiculous to say the least. My attorney even said this is an unprecedented the amount of time that has been spent on this tort case. The courts can and will use everything in their power to be sure that there is every option used before proceeding on with disbursements. Joe has been trying to give us information and it is truly appreciated so lets just try and be patient and pray and hope this will end very soon for all the survivors and loved ones who have passed. Judge Woodlock is only following the law. Just keep praying for an end to all this.

  • DebbieJuly 11, 2017 at 8:00 pm

    Yes Arthur and I am Debbie. Stop making assumptions. I believe some of you are confused about the liens that could be placed on your settlement. I am just repeating what my attorney told me. There can be a lien placed on your settlement if: Number 1. The hospital bill from where your loved one passed away still has money owed to them directly relating to the dates they were in for this inciden[Show More]Yes Arthur and I am Debbie. Stop making assumptions. I believe some of you are confused about the liens that could be placed on your settlement. I am just repeating what my attorney told me. There can be a lien placed on your settlement if: Number 1. The hospital bill from where your loved one passed away still has money owed to them directly relating to the dates they were in for this incident. Number 2. Medicaid or Medicare or your loved ones health insurance company is still owed money directly related to this incident. Number 3. The Internal Revenue Service has a right to place a lien on your settlement if your loved one owed them money at the time of death that they haven't collected. I wonder if there is a statute of limitations though, for these entities to collect being that this has taken so long.

  • JoeJuly 11, 2017 at 7:59 pm

    So here is the summary judgment case that they were going to have a hearing on. Here is the order that came through yesterday. Monday, July 10, 2017 81 misc Statement of counsel Mon 5:41 PM STATEMENT OF COUNSEL of Sylvester Burkes re 77 Order on Motion for Extension of Time,,,,,,,, Motion Hearing,,,,,,,, Set Hearings,,,,,,, re Issues to be Appealed in the Dial Case by Sylvester Burkes. (Carey[Show More]So here is the summary judgment case that they were going to have a hearing on. Here is the order that came through yesterday. Monday, July 10, 2017 81 misc Statement of counsel Mon 5:41 PM STATEMENT OF COUNSEL of Sylvester Burkes re 77 Order on Motion for Extension of Time,,,,,,,, Motion Hearing,,,,,,,, Set Hearings,,,,,,, re Issues to be Appealed in the Dial Case by Sylvester Burkes. (Carey, Robert) Not sure about this summary judgment situation it's a little confusing looks like the plantiffs lawyer wrote that up. Anyway things should start moving along pretty quickly now. I have no idea why there are so many commas in that court docket maybe someone's a little pissed off who knows.

  • JoeJuly 11, 2017 at 7:32 pm

    You do understand what that recommendation means. If not I will explain it quickly. They want to get scheduling court dates for the opt out cases that survived the lone Pine order and dismissal. They also want a case censes,meaning they want the numbers of the cases that are settling total numbers now. They took care of everything they needed to. So the end is very close. Remember this is just a r[Show More]You do understand what that recommendation means. If not I will explain it quickly. They want to get scheduling court dates for the opt out cases that survived the lone Pine order and dismissal. They also want a case censes,meaning they want the numbers of the cases that are settling total numbers now. They took care of everything they needed to. So the end is very close. Remember this is just a recommendation it has not been ordered yet.The recommendation is coming from a lawyer from the Fresenius side. The summary judgment that was scheduled for a hearing on 8/30 looks like that case is being sent to appeals court to wait on the outcome of the dial case.

  • JoeJuly 11, 2017 at 7:29 pm

    Debbie each individual lawyer or law firm is getting 40% per-settlement that's true. But there is a additional fund that The lead lawyers are also getting. Plus depending how deeply your lawyer was involved in the case,besides the lead lawyer fund they will also be receiving a percentage of the total settlement amount plus the 40% for each individual case they win or settle on. Anyway something so[Show More]Debbie each individual lawyer or law firm is getting 40% per-settlement that's true. But there is a additional fund that The lead lawyers are also getting. Plus depending how deeply your lawyer was involved in the case,besides the lead lawyer fund they will also be receiving a percentage of the total settlement amount plus the 40% for each individual case they win or settle on. Anyway something sounds a little suspicious in what you are saying. Maybe you just don't know , not sure but I will still give helpful information for the people that need it. I

  • DebraJuly 11, 2017 at 6:51 pm

    I am not the other two names mentioned. My lawyer is getting 40%.

  • DebbraJuly 11, 2017 at 4:35 pm

    Arthur, I. Am Debbra and not any of the others. Stop making assumptions.

  • guessedagainJuly 11, 2017 at 4:25 pm

    I hope so Joe. This is taking forever. Thanks again for the info.

  • JoeJuly 11, 2017 at 6:55 am

    So here we go, I can't predict how many people or even if The settlement has been triggered. We should know something very shortly. Monday, July 10, 2017 1898 misc Recommendations for Scheduling Order Mon 5:24 PM Recommendations for Scheduling Order for Surviving Cases Opting Out of Global Settlement and Census Report . (Durant, Maria)

  • ArthurJuly 10, 2017 at 11:15 pm

    I have come to the conclusion that Debbie, Debra, and Debbra are one in the same. Just like at Nephrology News, many bloggers using different aliases. To kinda throw people off the course. The only thing that I believe in is what my paralegal read me a while back before the May 10 deadline. If and when Fresenius decides to accept the settlement with the 97% opting in they 35 days to distribute th[Show More]I have come to the conclusion that Debbie, Debra, and Debbra are one in the same. Just like at Nephrology News, many bloggers using different aliases. To kinda throw people off the course. The only thing that I believe in is what my paralegal read me a while back before the May 10 deadline. If and when Fresenius decides to accept the settlement with the 97% opting in they 35 days to distribute the funds. If you don't believe ask the spokesman for Fresenius. I checked with my Attorneys today I am lien free. You can't always believe what you hear on any of these blogs. Just saying.

  • DebbieJuly 10, 2017 at 8:22 pm

    Yes my lawyer's firm is one of the lead counsels in this lawsuit and he said disbursements will be in 2018. He is taking 40% of the settlement. Am I getting ripped off? I asked everyone some time ago what percentages you all have to pay to your lawyers, mine is 40 percent and I was wondering about all of yours because it's usually 33 percent.

  • JudyJuly 10, 2017 at 7:06 pm

    Thanks so much Joe for the information that you supply this site with, I don't say much but I have been following you a very long time and so far so good.

  • monaJuly 10, 2017 at 4:44 pm

    Thanks for info Joe.I will follow and pray

  • JoeJuly 10, 2017 at 4:20 am

    Friday, July 07, 2017 1897 misc Affidavit Fri 2:24 PM AFFIDAVIT of James D. Gotz, Esq. re1880 Affidavit Supplemental Affidavit in Response to Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion to Extend Time to Comply with the Entry of Lone Pine CMO and Motion for Leave to File a Motion to Compel by Plaintiffs' Executive Committee. (Gotz, James)

  • JoeJuly 10, 2017 at 4:12 am

    1896 misc Proposed Documents Submitted to the Court Fri 2:21 PM Proposed Document(s) submitted by Plaintiffs' Executive Committee. Document received: Proposed Order on PEC's Motion to Revise CMO 1 re: Post-Lone Pine Leadership Responsibilities Related [+]. (Gotz, James)

  • JoeJuly 8, 2017 at 1:15 am

    No Debbie, that is not what my lawyer said. All I said was if it does take until the first quarter of 2018. I am not going to worry about it. I was just wondering how much is your lawyer getting out of this settlement? Most of the lead counsel lawyers told their clients if they were part of the lead lawyer fund. I was just wondering if your lawyer was part of the lead lawyer fund? If so how much [Show More]No Debbie, that is not what my lawyer said. All I said was if it does take until the first quarter of 2018. I am not going to worry about it. I was just wondering how much is your lawyer getting out of this settlement? Most of the lead counsel lawyers told their clients if they were part of the lead lawyer fund. I was just wondering if your lawyer was part of the lead lawyer fund? If so how much is he receiving I want to see if it falls in line with what my lawyer is receiving. I want to make sure he is not ripping me off.

  • AneJuly 7, 2017 at 5:47 pm

    Does anyone know if they reached the 97 percent opt in.... all was told was we didn't met the first time because if clerical errors and out of all the cases he had in Alabama only 6 were approved for the settlement. What was the actual criteria that had to be met to qualify.

  • DebbieJuly 7, 2017 at 3:59 am

    I don't want to sound like a know it all but remember I told all of you a couple weeks ago my attorney told me the disbursements won't be until 2018 and it looks like even with Joe's predictions from his attorney that's around when it will be. I just don't know if it'll be in the first quarter or the second quarter of 2018.

  • TorriannaJuly 6, 2017 at 12:05 am

    Thanks, Joe! I will check back here the end of August, to look for your update.

  • DebbieJuly 5, 2017 at 5:37 am

    Joe what I was saying is that hospitals, doctors and hospitals can put a lien on the settlement meaning if they were owed money by the deceased and the Internal Revenue Service always gets their money meaning not that you have to pay taxes to the IRS on the settlement but if the deceased owed money from back taxes to the internal revenue service they will put a lien on your settlement.

  • JoeJuly 4, 2017 at 3:15 am

    Mona I never said the checks would be here or mailed in September. If you remember I said they should know how many people per category. Into the summer. And disbursements won't start until sometime in the fall and fall starts September 22. I would not worry about it even if it is The first quarter of 2018 at least we know there coming. The payouts may start in the fall of 2017 if everything goes [Show More]Mona I never said the checks would be here or mailed in September. If you remember I said they should know how many people per category. Into the summer. And disbursements won't start until sometime in the fall and fall starts September 22. I would not worry about it even if it is The first quarter of 2018 at least we know there coming. The payouts may start in the fall of 2017 if everything goes as planned. Each case is different. Remember each lawyer is giving info on your individual case or claim. So one person may get different info than another person. Remember i said disbursements should start in the fall that does not mean everyone will receive a check in the fall some may take as long as 2018. Just thought I would try to clarify that a little. Remember it's all up to the claims administrator special master Green. I have no idea what he's going to determine on each individual case. Like Debra stated just because you opted-in to the settlement does not mean you are guaranteed a settlement.

  • JohnBJuly 3, 2017 at 12:54 am

    Joe, thank you for your information.

  • MindyJuly 2, 2017 at 7:28 pm

    This is the response I received from my attorney via voicemail on June 26th. I did leave out personal info but copied the rest of the voicemail transcript directly from my phone. “Yes this message is for Mindy. We've not been told what percentage Fresenius has we've been told that that they do believe they'll be able to make the 97% of the new deadline that was set for um June 30 we hope that th[Show More]This is the response I received from my attorney via voicemail on June 26th. I did leave out personal info but copied the rest of the voicemail transcript directly from my phone. “Yes this message is for Mindy. We've not been told what percentage Fresenius has we've been told that that they do believe they'll be able to make the 97% of the new deadline that was set for um June 30 we hope that there will no longer be any more deadlines but we won't know until Friday um and we hope to be able to reach out and explain what's going to go on and how the process will work on the first part of next month if you have additional questions feel free to give me a call." I really hope we can soon put all of this behind us and move forward. Like many of you have said and I also have said before, no amount of money will change what has happened to our loved ones. I know that if my father were here many of the choices that have been made would've been different. The past 7 years I've spent grieving and seeking justice has been damaging to my own health and I really question whether or not had I have let it go would I be happier or would I still have so much hate for this company for taking my best friend, father, grandfather away from me and my children. I really pray that for my own sanity this will not carry over into the next year.

  • JoeJuly 1, 2017 at 9:20 am

    I remember somebody asked about obtaining there loved ones medical records from their lawyer. As long as you are that executor of the estate you have a right to obtain those records from your lawyer HITECH Act’s.Also typically any Adult member of the Family like a husband or wife or sibling."For those family members, relatives, and others who had access to the health information of the deceased [Show More]I remember somebody asked about obtaining there loved ones medical records from their lawyer. As long as you are that executor of the estate you have a right to obtain those records from your lawyer HITECH Act’s.Also typically any Adult member of the Family like a husband or wife or sibling."For those family members, relatives, and others who had access to the health information of the deceased prior to death, but had not qualified as a “personal representative” of the decedent under HIPAA Privacy Rule 164.502(g)(4) the final Privacy Rule allows covered entities to disclose a decedent’s protected health information to family members and others who were involved in the care or payment for care of the descendent prior to death" As far as I know when you filed this lawsuit you became executor of the estate you probably signed some paperwork from your lawyer but you may not remember even if you are not executor of the estate you still have a right to get those medical records from your lawyer. Your lawyer knows the law. He shouldn't be asking you why you want them . Just tell your lawyer you have a right to those files and you want them.

  • monaJune 30, 2017 at 7:20 pm

    Thankyou Joe!Your infromation has helped me a lot because I don"t have a cruel on what"s going on. Sept checks or before sounds good to me.

  • jessieJune 30, 2017 at 2:50 pm

    I recieved an update from my lawyer they said everything Joe have told everyone we will probably recieved money around the first or second quarter in 2018

  • JoeJune 30, 2017 at 11:42 am

    Carolyn,thank you that was funny about your dogs name . I appreciate everyone that gives information on here it is very helpful to all of us.

  • JoeJune 30, 2017 at 11:38 am

    Laurie,thank you for your information also.

  • JoeJune 30, 2017 at 11:27 am

    Debbie,I don't think the liens are going to take very much time those are done on a case by case basis by a third-party company called Providio . So one person may have liens and Another person may not. Of course that's not free and the amount they charge will come out of each person's individual settlement. Along with each individual lien amount for your individual case. Even if the disbursemen[Show More]Debbie,I don't think the liens are going to take very much time those are done on a case by case basis by a third-party company called Providio . So one person may have liens and Another person may not. Of course that's not free and the amount they charge will come out of each person's individual settlement. Along with each individual lien amount for your individual case. Even if the disbursements aren't until 2018 I'm not going to worry about it that's only a few months difference. Wrongful death cases are nontaxable meaning you do not have to pay the IRS for a wrongful death settlement.So you will not have to pay taxes on your settlement amount.

  • DEBRAJune 29, 2017 at 2:28 pm

    I asked my attorney about the numbers and this is what they told me: At this time I don’t have a final number of cases which are still involved in the litigation. The two dismissals filed by defense counsel which cumulatively included the names of approximately 2,000 plaintiffs. Additionally, a large number of cases were dismissed prior to defense filing their dismissals – I don’t have a count on[Show More]I asked my attorney about the numbers and this is what they told me: At this time I don’t have a final number of cases which are still involved in the litigation. The two dismissals filed by defense counsel which cumulatively included the names of approximately 2,000 plaintiffs. Additionally, a large number of cases were dismissed prior to defense filing their dismissals – I don’t have a count on that though. What will also be taken into consideration is whether or not the remaining cases will submit a claims packet once the settlement has triggered and whether or not those cases will actually qualify for settlement. There are still a few variables in play, so I unfortunately cannot provide you with a final number, but I hope I have at least adequately addressed your question.

  • JohnBJune 29, 2017 at 1:56 am

    On 6th June Elle wrote a comment which I believe a lot of people missed or didnt understand. I think it summarizes the situation we are all in today. Well put Elle well said. We have a few folks who like to repeat law and site motions and all the leagalize people like Joe love to use, but when it comes down to explaining what has happened to us in term of this lawsuit, no one better explains it th[Show More]On 6th June Elle wrote a comment which I believe a lot of people missed or didnt understand. I think it summarizes the situation we are all in today. Well put Elle well said. We have a few folks who like to repeat law and site motions and all the leagalize people like Joe love to use, but when it comes down to explaining what has happened to us in term of this lawsuit, no one better explains it then Elle. Read her comments. You will find the history of how we are being taken for a ride by a bunch of clever lawyers and this monster drug firm. Beware dont trust your lawyer, not even if he/she is your best friend. I firmly believe in Justice and it will take place in time.

  • LaurieJune 28, 2017 at 10:48 pm

    Listen everyone, Joe is giving us information and we should be grateful for that. Let us stand together and not lash out or make accusations against anyone. Lets just hope and pray for the people who are still on dialysis that this will be resolved for their benefit. Like I said, my mother died going from a Fresenius dialysis unit to the hospital and the hospital was less than 5 minutes away. [Show More]Listen everyone, Joe is giving us information and we should be grateful for that. Let us stand together and not lash out or make accusations against anyone. Lets just hope and pray for the people who are still on dialysis that this will be resolved for their benefit. Like I said, my mother died going from a Fresenius dialysis unit to the hospital and the hospital was less than 5 minutes away. She can not speak but I can on her behalf and thats what I hope to accomplish here so these billion dollar companies will think before they make mistakes of this magnitude again. We have to hold them accountable! Again thank you Joe for all you do.

  • LaurieJune 28, 2017 at 10:41 pm

    No Arthur I am not an attorney but have been through alot with this case and one other before. My mother was a dialysis patient with Fresenius and she died going from the dialysis center to the hospital which was less than 5 minutes away! My attorney is good but have to be pushed sometimes for information. Honestly, I dont think they know anymore than any of us do but I read everything and ques[Show More]No Arthur I am not an attorney but have been through alot with this case and one other before. My mother was a dialysis patient with Fresenius and she died going from the dialysis center to the hospital which was less than 5 minutes away! My attorney is good but have to be pushed sometimes for information. Honestly, I dont think they know anymore than any of us do but I read everything and question everything! Lets face facts, the court system has let us all down and its all about the multi-billion dollar companies! I would be very surprised if we even get anything at this point. My mother is gone but the others who are still suffering are the ones I pray for in all this.

  • DebbieJune 28, 2017 at 7:33 pm

    Right Joe right around August 30th hopefully. But then the attorneys have to notify the creditors of the deceased if there are any, that the person who is deceased and they can place a lien on the disbursement if there is money owed. Usually this means IRS, hospitals and insurance companies that are still owed money, and it is about 120 days they have in which to come forward with their claim, s[Show More]Right Joe right around August 30th hopefully. But then the attorneys have to notify the creditors of the deceased if there are any, that the person who is deceased and they can place a lien on the disbursement if there is money owed. Usually this means IRS, hospitals and insurance companies that are still owed money, and it is about 120 days they have in which to come forward with their claim, so I'm saying look right after the first of the year for the disbursements. But it happens before, Great!!

  • CarolynJune 28, 2017 at 7:05 pm

    Joe, I wish to thank you for all of your time and information on this bollocks of a case. I consider you and your resources peerless. Spent years going through sites with no valuable and information until I blundered across this site. You are my go to guy for information. So Sir. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts and information. The critics... Can suck eggs. Btw.[Show More]Joe, I wish to thank you for all of your time and information on this bollocks of a case. I consider you and your resources peerless. Spent years going through sites with no valuable and information until I blundered across this site. You are my go to guy for information. So Sir. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your efforts and information. The critics... Can suck eggs. Btw... My dog's name is Eggs

  • ArthueJune 28, 2017 at 4:52 pm

    Joe, the 200 cases aren't what's left. Those are the cases my firm has been approved to go to the processor. But I believe only 50 are from my firm the others are from other firms who worked in conjunction with my firm so that they would be approved. Not one case was sent back. That's why we are having these delays because firms weren't filling out the proper paperwork.

  • JoeJune 28, 2017 at 3:57 am

    I told people a long time ago what the dates were they have never changed. These people left now are the stragglers.There are not 200 cases left there are 5 cases left. Thats funny Arthur,"you make the most sense out of everyone including Joe."My information is always accurate though. Most of the time I can back it up with Proof. The way I see it is all information is good information even if it i[Show More]I told people a long time ago what the dates were they have never changed. These people left now are the stragglers.There are not 200 cases left there are 5 cases left. Thats funny Arthur,"you make the most sense out of everyone including Joe."My information is always accurate though. Most of the time I can back it up with Proof. The way I see it is all information is good information even if it is not completely accurate. I still stand by the timeline I stated after seeing what took place at the hearing. Like I told you before you can believe me or not it makes no difference to me. The information I give is almost always accurate.

  • JohnBJune 27, 2017 at 3:30 pm

    What happen in Judge Woodlock's court yesterday. He has a meeting with Fresenius et al. at 10AM.

  • ArthurJune 27, 2017 at 1:39 pm

    Laurie are you an Attorney? You sound like one. You mentioned that you have had clients who had tried to receive a third party loan against their claim. You make the most sense of anyone here including Joe. I have one question for you. I received a letter from my Attorneys giving me an update and they still say there are 12,000 claiments which I know have dwindled down to a mere few. Mainly the [Show More]Laurie are you an Attorney? You sound like one. You mentioned that you have had clients who had tried to receive a third party loan against their claim. You make the most sense of anyone here including Joe. I have one question for you. I received a letter from my Attorneys giving me an update and they still say there are 12,000 claiments which I know have dwindled down to a mere few. Mainly the 24 hours of dying after the treatments and the proof of cardiac arrest had to take place and the levels of Granuflo in your system as well. How many claimants are still left? According to my Attorneys they have 200 but they have also joined with other firms to reach the level. And they said that none of their cases were sent back. They are the lead Attorneys in this case. Also back in the first part of may they read me a letter stating that once Fresenius approves the agreement they have 35 days to distribute the checks. Who knows if that's going to happen.

  • JoeJune 27, 2017 at 7:14 am

    Look people, I don't try to give false information out. I don't believe any lawyer knows anymore than any other lawyer. But I do know my lawyer did say after May 31st and into the summer and it looks like the last hearing to resolve everything is on August 30 that falls right in line with what my lawyer said "into the summer" and disbursements won't start until the fall. Look I am not trying to be[Show More]Look people, I don't try to give false information out. I don't believe any lawyer knows anymore than any other lawyer. But I do know my lawyer did say after May 31st and into the summer and it looks like the last hearing to resolve everything is on August 30 that falls right in line with what my lawyer said "into the summer" and disbursements won't start until the fall. Look I am not trying to be better than anyone. I am just telling the facts and those are the facts. You can believe them or not it makes no difference to me.

  • JoeJune 27, 2017 at 5:42 am

    The fact is no lawyer know when this is going to end and or when the payouts are going be disbursed. I am not trying to imply I know more than anyone else.I am just getting information from the court docket and trying to explain what they mean. The truth is no matter if your lawyer is one of the lead lawyers or on the steering Committee or even if you got them off of the television at this point [Show More]The fact is no lawyer know when this is going to end and or when the payouts are going be disbursed. I am not trying to imply I know more than anyone else.I am just getting information from the court docket and trying to explain what they mean. The truth is no matter if your lawyer is one of the lead lawyers or on the steering Committee or even if you got them off of the television at this point none of them know anymore than the other. I believe It is nearing the end though. Recent court procedures below. Docket last updated: 67 minutes ago Monday, June 26, 2017 1895 minutes Motion Hearing ~Util - Set Hearings Order on Motion for Extension of Time Mon 3:49 PM Clerk's Notes for Motion Hearing held before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: Hagens Berman to identify the legal issues in the Dial appeal by 7/10/2017. Hearing on Motion for Summary Judgment62 in 14cv10712 (Burkes) scheduled for 8/30/2017 at 2:30 p.m. Defendants to file a list of opt out cases that are subject to remand and a schedule for remaining discovery that would be necessary in the opt out cases by 7/10/2017; plaintiff to respond by 7/24/2017. Court DENIES without prejudice1889 PEC's Motion to Revise CMO1 re Post Lone Pine Leadership, subject to renewal providing proposed language and/or modification of the CMO1. If motion is resubmitted, Court will address at the 8/30/2017 hearing. Counsel for Beverly Hansberry unavailable today to discuss35 Motion to Withdraw as Counsel. Court will conduct phone conference tomorrow to discuss the motion by phone. Court GRANTS75 Assented to Motion for Relief from Judgment in 13cv11144 (Patton). Court addresses the duplicative actions, 13cv10596 and 13cv11996 (Dennison), and Orders Hagens Berman to file its position on the duplicative actions no later than 7/10/2017. Court ORDERS the PEC to file a supplemental affidavit addressing the three additional plaintiffs (Roy, Weaver, Steinkircher) and the chronology of the extensions given for plaintiffs to opt in to the settlement. Court GRANTS1856 Plaintiffs' Consolidated Motion to Extend Time to Comply with the Entry of Lone Pine Order, to the extent that plaintiffs shall determine no later than 7/28/2017, whether to opt in to the settlement or comply with the Lone Pine Order. (Court Reporter: Brenda Hancock at Associated Cases: 1:13-md-02428-DPW, 1:13-cv-10596-DPW, 1:13-cv-11996-DPW, 1:14-cv-10712-DPW, 1:14-cv-12871-DPW(Beatty, Barbara)

  • TheresaJune 27, 2017 at 12:18 am

    I ask my attorney for my decease files and I was asked ,what for. What should I do?

  • LaurieJune 23, 2017 at 7:45 pm

    This is what my attorneys told me yesterday... Yes—there are a lot of misconceptions out there. I don’t think it’s anyone’s intention to mislead someone else. I feel the science behind this suit is very difficult to grasp and people think they understand what’s going on, when they don’t, and put information out there that other people base their beliefs off of. It’s a never ending battle! I [Show More]This is what my attorneys told me yesterday... Yes—there are a lot of misconceptions out there. I don’t think it’s anyone’s intention to mislead someone else. I feel the science behind this suit is very difficult to grasp and people think they understand what’s going on, when they don’t, and put information out there that other people base their beliefs off of. It’s a never ending battle! I can assure you that NO ONE has received disbursements in these cases. Fresenius will not fund the settlement until there is an agreement met on the percentage of opt-ins. That’s across the board—Massachusetts and Mississippi. If someone received money—they did it from a third party loan company that liens their case. We have had a few clients that have tried to do that, but we highly recommend against it because those companies will rob you blind! I don’t think the summer will slow the progression of this suit down. Everyone is very antsy to get this moving forward to the claims process. We’re hopeful that an agreement will be reached by the end of July and the claims process will begin shortly thereafter, but I have certainly been wrong before! Every time I think we’re at that last extension—boom, another one is granted! It’s very frustrating. It seems like things are lining up for a decision to be made soon though. I’m going to stay on the positive side (only cause I like it better there!—LOL). Please feel free to check in any time. I know this is taking WAY longer than you (or us) would like!!

  • DebbieJune 22, 2017 at 3:53 pm

    Just talked to my attorney who is also on the steering committee also and he has confirmed absolutely no disbursements are going out this year, so plan on 2018 folks! The Timetable, they hope, will be in July of this year to trigger the settlement. They are STILL trying to achieve the 97 percent opt-in. That could be extended again. Then the claims administrator will go through each file indivi[Show More]Just talked to my attorney who is also on the steering committee also and he has confirmed absolutely no disbursements are going out this year, so plan on 2018 folks! The Timetable, they hope, will be in July of this year to trigger the settlement. They are STILL trying to achieve the 97 percent opt-in. That could be extended again. Then the claims administrator will go through each file individually and will decide if your case qualifies for the lawsuit (although they have a pretty good idea who would qualify at this point). Then, if your case does qualify, many other steps are taken from that point. Too many to go into detail. Also, They have the right to challenge your case if they choose. Like I said before, disbursements, if your case qualifies, will be in 2018. Let us know if your attorneys have said anything different. Tell them to be perfectly honest with you instead of an educated guess. Also, Out of the 12,000 that filed, there may be 3,000-5,000 that actually will qualify.

  • JoeJune 22, 2017 at 5:57 am

    The notice of motion for summary judgment. Is a notice stating they filed a motion for summary judgment. It's simply a fact of law. Most likely those cases are the ones that have not opted-in and basically there is no need for them to go to trial, because the judgment would most likely be for the defendants or person filing for the summary judgment. I don't know if you can understand that. Here is[Show More]The notice of motion for summary judgment. Is a notice stating they filed a motion for summary judgment. It's simply a fact of law. Most likely those cases are the ones that have not opted-in and basically there is no need for them to go to trial, because the judgment would most likely be for the defendants or person filing for the summary judgment. I don't know if you can understand that. Here is a definition of motion for summary judgment. "A motion for summary judgment(sometimes called an “MSJ”) is a request for the court to rule that the other party has no case, because there are no facts at issue. The party making the motion is claiming that either the case should not go before a jury at all, or a jury could only rule in favor of the moving party." As for the person stating someone in Mississippi already received one disbursement check. Don't give me that crap. This is not a structured settlement. There are no disbursements of multiple pay outs you get one check and that's it, this is not a structured settlement.

  • DebbieJune 22, 2017 at 4:35 am

    You are right JohnB. Joe, seems to know a lot about this case and Is reporting on this case when there is new information posted, and I, until this day have no idea what any of it means. What is posted is in legal termination citing dates and times that I just dont understand. Perhaps Joe can post what he found regarding the case like he does, and then after that put an explanation of what it [Show More]You are right JohnB. Joe, seems to know a lot about this case and Is reporting on this case when there is new information posted, and I, until this day have no idea what any of it means. What is posted is in legal termination citing dates and times that I just dont understand. Perhaps Joe can post what he found regarding the case like he does, and then after that put an explanation of what it all means in laymens terms so we can all understand what has taken place. That would be very helpful. I haven't had much luck when I go online and try to find anything out about this case and My lawyer just said the case is still lingering waiting for the 97 percent to trigger the settlement which seems like it's going to take forever with all the extensions. I went on law 360 and you have to register for it and be in the legal field to get any information.

  • AlexandriaJune 22, 2017 at 1:49 am

    Everyone seem to get different info. My lawyer sent an update letter stating, 12,000 cases filed in GranuFlo litigation. Of those 8,000 opt in, most of the remainders have been dismissed or in the process of being dismissed. A small number of cases, fewer than 200 have chose to opt out of settlement and go to court. I read that the settlement can be triggered when roughly 360 cases are counted for[Show More]Everyone seem to get different info. My lawyer sent an update letter stating, 12,000 cases filed in GranuFlo litigation. Of those 8,000 opt in, most of the remainders have been dismissed or in the process of being dismissed. A small number of cases, fewer than 200 have chose to opt out of settlement and go to court. I read that the settlement can be triggered when roughly 360 cases are counted for. In the MDL, the judge dismissed almost all cases that did not opt in and did not submit to the Lone Pine expert report and proof of product identification. There are small set of cases not yet dismissed that the courts are reviewing due to pending motions or other issues, hopefully those will be resolved this month. In Mass. state court, the Lone Pine dismissals have not yet been entered. Approximately, 1,000 cases will be docketed as dismissed w/ prejudice in the coming weeks. Hopefully, with the dismissals of duplicate cases (two law firms unknownly representing the same clients), and the cases with incomplete paperwork. GranuFlo leadership will be able to trigger the settlement in short order. The dismissals should enter on the Mass state and MDL dockets around the first week of July. There is still uncertainty on timing because the curing of the deficient class in the hands of other plaintiffs and their attorneys. On the settlement triggers, Fresenius will provide the settlement funds to the administrator within 35 days. However, some law firms will still need to upload documents evidencing settlement eligibility, resolve medical liens, and prepare disbursement before any settlement funds can be distributed. This will take some time. At this juncture, we estimate that we will distribute the settlement funds in the first or second quarter of 2018. Sorry long comment. I think some of this was already stated by people on here. This is what my "update," letter stated. Every law firm is different and will give different info. I hope this helps. Be blessed.

  • LaurieJune 21, 2017 at 8:07 pm

    I have not heard a word from my attorneys on any of this! No one is keeping us updated but Joe! Maybe he should get a share in our disbursements if we ever get them! This has been so long now and I believe most of us have had it with the courts and the attorneys! Someone somewhere needs to inform us all on WHAT IS GOING ON! Chelsea, We have not seen disbursements here in Massachusetts.

  • ChelseaJune 21, 2017 at 5:26 pm

    My loved ones wife lives in Mississippi and she has already gotten one disbursement. Anyone else?

  • JohnBJune 21, 2017 at 1:31 pm

    Notice means notice of intent to "file a motion(s) before the Judge to rule on a list of Plantiffs for potential summary judgement motions on remaining cases" Not sure this makes much sense and really ask more questions than is helpful. How many cases, what about those cases that are not dismissed, when is the time table for this motion(s), what is relevance to the disposition of MDL 2428 our laws[Show More]Notice means notice of intent to "file a motion(s) before the Judge to rule on a list of Plantiffs for potential summary judgement motions on remaining cases" Not sure this makes much sense and really ask more questions than is helpful. How many cases, what about those cases that are not dismissed, when is the time table for this motion(s), what is relevance to the disposition of MDL 2428 our lawsuit. We need facts about the lawsuit,,, like what is the present status. We are being lead on by all this leagalize bs and we are no further along to resolution than last month, last year.

  • JoeJune 21, 2017 at 4:18 am

    Troy, something is not adding up. Are you saying you had the cardiac arrest between the dates of April 1,2002 and December 31,2012 and within 24hr of your last treatment with Granuflo ? I don't no but i think Naturalyte may have been used for you treatment. The criteria is different for Naturalyte that criteria is the same as Granuflo but this must have happened cardiac arrest must have accrued [Show More]Troy, something is not adding up. Are you saying you had the cardiac arrest between the dates of April 1,2002 and December 31,2012 and within 24hr of your last treatment with Granuflo ? I don't no but i think Naturalyte may have been used for you treatment. The criteria is different for Naturalyte that criteria is the same as Granuflo but this must have happened cardiac arrest must have accrued within 12 hours of your last treatment with Naturalyte, also your predialysis bloodwork would have had to been of a certain level and The bicarbonate prescription also had to be of a certain level so it was more like a Granuflo exposure. That is the criteria for a settlement for Naturalyte.

  • gladiaJune 21, 2017 at 3:10 am

    oops i'm sorry i put the wrong name in the name box. i posted that comment that said joe posted on june 19th!

  • DebraJune 20, 2017 at 7:35 pm

    Joe you mentioned a list. Do we know how many cases are making up the 97% yet? No word since I was told that the settlement trigger remains open-ended at this time.

  • TroyJune 20, 2017 at 6:21 pm

    Joe IDid Meet 24 Criteria. Then Lawyer Tried to give me An Piece of paper with no letterhead on it at all.All I Wanted is enough to get an house an car to travel back and forth to Dialysis.Know me and family may have to move because of fire damage to our home.I guess I didn't play the lawyers way so be it.Looking for new lawyer.

  • JudyJune 20, 2017 at 3:44 pm

    Joe thank you for all of the information that you post, it's so helpful and brings clarity to some things

  • JoeJune 20, 2017 at 10:26 am

    Monday, June 19, 2017 1893 notice Notice - Other Mon 4:45 PM NOTICE by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Fresenius Medical Care North America, Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc. Defendants' List of Potential Summary Judgment Motions for Remaining Cases(Durant, Maria)

  • joeJune 20, 2017 at 1:25 am

    joe honestly i'm not 100% sure which is why i was wondering if anyone got the same update because people since the beginning has had conflicting info. just got an update from my lawyer saying 35 days til we go to the process toward the claims administrator. has anyone to your knowledge gotten this info also?

  • DebbieJune 19, 2017 at 3:16 pm

    Troy I feel so bad for you. It seems you had a dishonest lawyer that took advantage of you, the kind that give other lawyers a bad name. Hopefully you will get justice with a new lawyer. Don't give up and keep pursuing your case until you reach the settlement you deserve, even if you have to have a patient advocate to help you. Good Luck and God Bless You.

  • TerrisaJune 16, 2017 at 6:54 pm

    I've heard so many different comments regarding the Granuflo case and the settlement; It seems that all of the attorneys are telling their clients something different. I'm at the point that I don't know who to believe. I'm not going to assume anything about this case and post it on here. We all are looking for facts. If you have any facts at all please let others know.

  • JoeJune 16, 2017 at 10:25 am

    Some people are saying 35 days. Not sure what that means, 35 days from what date. There is still court activity. I know at least until July 6 cases are still open. Thursday, June 15, 2017 1891 order Order Thu 2:53 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ELECTRONIC PROCEDURAL ORDER - In light of the Defendant FMCNA's Second Omnibus Motion (ECF# 1890) to Dismiss following the failure of the plaintiffs in th[Show More]Some people are saying 35 days. Not sure what that means, 35 days from what date. There is still court activity. I know at least until July 6 cases are still open. Thursday, June 15, 2017 1891 order Order Thu 2:53 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ELECTRONIC PROCEDURAL ORDER - In light of the Defendant FMCNA's Second Omnibus Motion (ECF# 1890) to Dismiss following the failure of the plaintiffs in the 33 cases identified therein to properly comply with Case Management Order No.17 (ECF# 1825), the Clerk is directed to enter a Judgment of Dismissal with Prejudice on July 6, 2017, in each such case in the absence of further order of this court for good cause shown. (Gioia, AnaMaria)

  • JoeJune 16, 2017 at 10:02 am

    Troy , before you could have been put in category 4 you first would have been put in category 1 then the claims administrator would have moved your claim to category 4. Somehow you did not qualify for category one therefore you could not be moved to category 4. I have been looking over the hearing documents and at The hearing, Fresenius had doctors and scientific proof. Stating after 4 hours the [Show More]Troy , before you could have been put in category 4 you first would have been put in category 1 then the claims administrator would have moved your claim to category 4. Somehow you did not qualify for category one therefore you could not be moved to category 4. I have been looking over the hearing documents and at The hearing, Fresenius had doctors and scientific proof. Stating after 4 hours the drug is out of the body's system. Are lawyers said that is not true,everyones metabolic rate is different and in one person the drug may metabolize differently due to weight,size,liver function,Etc. Both sides agreed that after 24 hours no matter how your body metabolized the drug,it would be out of the body within 24 hours. So that's how you get the 24 hour timeframe for the settlement guidelines. That's why the closer to death after use the higher the add on amount.

  • MicheleJune 15, 2017 at 6:22 pm

    This is an email I got from my attorney this morning. The march to 97% continues. Just this morning the judge entered an order dismissing a bunch of cases for individuals who had multiple filed cases.

  • TroyJune 15, 2017 at 5:12 pm

    Thanks Joe For The Information About The 1-4Critterias .IHave AnPaper With Only 3. With an paper marked confidential on It.So If You Don't Read The Other 7pages which explains everything you would not know about the 4th.So IFired Him anConflict of interest.He Tried to look out For Himself,wife.MarchThe15recievedAnTextFromHim .Talk16th He Said point blank IHave to give an affidavit for new lawyer o[Show More]Thanks Joe For The Information About The 1-4Critterias .IHave AnPaper With Only 3. With an paper marked confidential on It.So If You Don't Read The Other 7pages which explains everything you would not know about the 4th.So IFired Him anConflict of interest.He Tried to look out For Himself,wife.MarchThe15recievedAnTextFromHim .Talk16th He Said point blank IHave to give an affidavit for new lawyer on case and The Judge says you have to opt in or dismiss your case.While on speaker phone we all heard that.My Sister Said Put It In Writing he said ohh not in office at the time.He never gave It to me at all another lie.Do The Math People 250 Million Out Of The People who have opt in.They 4th criteria For People who have lived through Stroke,Coma,Any Health Problems.Like Me plus Brain Surgery.know have congestive heart failure.FromThis Produce and still have to go to Dialysis.You have to have an perfect bill of health to be put on transplant list.Thanks to them IDont have perfect health..I will tell you the truth look out for your best interest

  • DebbieJune 15, 2017 at 1:54 pm

    Can you all ask your attorneys why they came up with such a low settlement for the loss of our loved ones from Fresenius that has made billions of dollars over the years from billing Medicaid, Medicare and all the other insurance companies for dialysis treatments? Fresenius alone makes a profit of ($1,000,000,000) One Billion dollars a year. All true. Look it up.

  • gladiaJune 14, 2017 at 8:54 pm

    that's what i'm assuming. i just called for an ''update'' and that's what the paralegal told me. i'm just wondering if anyone else was told this. i've seen a few people get conflicting information from their lawyers before so i wasn't sure if anyone else got the same information

  • JudyJune 13, 2017 at 8:12 pm

    Gladia, so I assume they almost at the 97% , we know the claims administration is the next process.

  • gladiaJune 13, 2017 at 5:10 pm

    i talked to my lawyer and he said that we going toward the claims administrator process. he said it should take 35 days to get everything set up with him/her. has anyone else got this info?

  • DebbieJune 9, 2017 at 3:43 pm

    That's exactly what I am saying. Why would our lawyers agree to such a low settlement of $250 mil when The Pradaxa lawsuit just settled for $600 mil and we lost our loved ones too? They should be fighting on our behalf to come up with a decent settlement amount that's not insulting. Nobody should have to go through what my father endured with their haphazardly administration of that drug that kill[Show More]That's exactly what I am saying. Why would our lawyers agree to such a low settlement of $250 mil when The Pradaxa lawsuit just settled for $600 mil and we lost our loved ones too? They should be fighting on our behalf to come up with a decent settlement amount that's not insulting. Nobody should have to go through what my father endured with their haphazardly administration of that drug that killed him. Something stinks here.

  • JohnBJune 9, 2017 at 2:10 pm

    There is no reason to halt the bellwether trials as previously stated. I beleive that they will continue and that they are not part of an aweful settlement agreeded upon by those who representative in the MDL 2428. Ask why the lawyer group agreeded to this settlement without consulting us?

  • JoeJune 9, 2017 at 1:10 am

    Elle,some of the cases that have not opted in are being remanded to state court for trails. Believe me there are cases that are going to trial they may not have gotten the date yet for trial but they they will be gone. I know the people that complied with the loan pine order. Were offered A stipulation of dismissal. If they denied that offer the likelihood is they will be going to court. I am sure[Show More]Elle,some of the cases that have not opted in are being remanded to state court for trails. Believe me there are cases that are going to trial they may not have gotten the date yet for trial but they they will be gone. I know the people that complied with the loan pine order. Were offered A stipulation of dismissal. If they denied that offer the likelihood is they will be going to court. I am sure on here there are A few people going to court but are simply not talking about it. If you believe out of all cases that did not opt in none of them are going to trial that's simply not true.

  • ElleJune 8, 2017 at 12:56 pm

    Joe... any information on how many cases from Mississippi? Why would any cases be returned to the state, at this time? How can they withdraw from the MDL?

  • ArthueJune 7, 2017 at 10:24 pm

    Fellow plaintiffs on this blog. This article I am about to mention concerns us all. It was written in May of 2012 concerning the use of Granuflo at Fresenius and Davita Clinics. is the website. The title is Fresenius--Granuflo--were patients harmed? It pretty much hits our plight and what we are all going through. Also there are about 15 comments given by the nursing staff at Fresn[Show More]Fellow plaintiffs on this blog. This article I am about to mention concerns us all. It was written in May of 2012 concerning the use of Granuflo at Fresenius and Davita Clinics. is the website. The title is Fresenius--Granuflo--were patients harmed? It pretty much hits our plight and what we are all going through. Also there are about 15 comments given by the nursing staff at Fresnius during when all this fiasco was going on. I think it sheds more light on our situation. Please read.

  • JoeJune 7, 2017 at 5:41 am

    I understand that Mississippi was supposedly remanded back to state court. But when looking at the main docket the Attorney General Of The State Of Mississippi is still a party in this lawsuit.

  • ElleJune 7, 2017 at 2:42 am

    Some of us know more than others abt how these cases work. So why is this defendant allowed to make the first level of criteria.. i.e., who has been damaged and how damaged? 2. Based on the memo stating that there was definitely a problem w granuflo shpd in concentrated form to be cost effective. 3. Apparently 941 deaths occurred after this change. 4. Knowledge of the situation. 4. No chang[Show More]Some of us know more than others abt how these cases work. So why is this defendant allowed to make the first level of criteria.. i.e., who has been damaged and how damaged? 2. Based on the memo stating that there was definitely a problem w granuflo shpd in concentrated form to be cost effective. 3. Apparently 941 deaths occurred after this change. 4. Knowledge of the situation. 4. No change in distribution. 5. Medical information n awareness by medical staff fully disclosed to public. 6. More people affected by stroke, afib, cardiac arrest. 7. Clinics not acknowledging Zoe changing administration of solution. 8. Continued health problems, most likely due to already existing physically conditions. 9. No change at clinical level, no change to patient care. 10. Lawyers advertising information for clients. So when did the lawyers find this out..?? They spend lots on advertising to swell their client base so they r more powerful. Repeat MDL law firms represent 12000 cases, and have meetings w defendants, not made public to the clients represented by plaintiff attorneys. These plaintiff representative law firms agree to the terms set forth by the defendants. They then know how much their fees will be and how they will weed out the superficial claims they invited in. They have gone about weeding and dismissing the very same cases that made them strong from the start and gave them the negotiating power from which they accepted this unacceptable agreement... and they objection to anything that is in favor Of the defendants .. the defendants have been and continue to be in control... what are the rights of the Plaintiffs that we don't seem to be knowledgeable or informed about. Many people have suffered but few will be made whole again due to a very powerful adversary. I realize this is philosophical , however, are we lambs not to have any legal voice within our justice system. Is anyone truly representing us ?

  • monaJune 6, 2017 at 5:52 pm

    Joe; How sure are you that checks will be mailed after Septemember 22.

  • AlexandriaJune 6, 2017 at 5:13 pm

    Thanks, for the response, Joe. I Opt in when they first sent the Opt in letters out. I remember reading on the Nephrology website, where one person would call you an idiot for Optting in. I honestly where scared that I was doing the wrong thing, tell this day, I still have doubt. Joe, I would read your comments on Nephrology website and I don't think you ever called people idiots for Optting in. Y[Show More]Thanks, for the response, Joe. I Opt in when they first sent the Opt in letters out. I remember reading on the Nephrology website, where one person would call you an idiot for Optting in. I honestly where scared that I was doing the wrong thing, tell this day, I still have doubt. Joe, I would read your comments on Nephrology website and I don't think you ever called people idiots for Optting in. You let people make their own decisions, so I trust that you believe your Lawyers and they tell you what you need to know. On the other hand, my Lawyer, would be mad if they knew I was on here asking question. They told me to Opt in, this is it. The one thing I know, no amount of money would bring my Papa back. I can't wait tell this is over. I know you mention your Lawyers, believing the settlement would be reach. My Lawyer feels the same way however, I feel this lawsuit will go on for another 2 years, I hope I'm wrong but, who knows. Anyway, thanks Joe, be blessed.

  • JoeJune 6, 2017 at 2:31 pm

    OLIVE , I am pretty sure my lawyers believe the settlement is going to be reached as in the 97% he said we are very close now. If he did not think the call meant was going to be approved he would've said it doesn't look good. He did not say that so I believe it's going to be approved they have big corporations that are involved in this MDL settlement one is Blue Cross Blue Shield the other one is [Show More]OLIVE , I am pretty sure my lawyers believe the settlement is going to be reached as in the 97% he said we are very close now. If he did not think the call meant was going to be approved he would've said it doesn't look good. He did not say that so I believe it's going to be approved they have big corporations that are involved in this MDL settlement one is Blue Cross Blue Shield the other one is Mississippi the state of. They would lose more going to trail on those two cases alone.

  • EllenJune 6, 2017 at 2:16 pm

    MDL cases are an avenue for plaintiffs lawyers to expand the criteria for inclusion of any case at start. It seems that the time spent once the is filed is to rid the MDL of cases that r questionable n week out plaintiffs that may not have meet the guidelines originally. Reducing the cases down to a. Umber that may not have warranted an MDL originally. Is it possible that it would b handled diff[Show More]MDL cases are an avenue for plaintiffs lawyers to expand the criteria for inclusion of any case at start. It seems that the time spent once the is filed is to rid the MDL of cases that r questionable n week out plaintiffs that may not have meet the guidelines originally. Reducing the cases down to a. Umber that may not have warranted an MDL originally. Is it possible that it would b handled differently from the start. How many cases warrant MDL representation. Should cases be considered individually at start instead of everyone being filed n then dismissed by large law firms. Who is responsible for this approach?

  • DebbieJune 6, 2017 at 1:38 pm

    I do have a heart, but this has become a major thorn in our sides. Like I said, due to all the stipulations and what Debra said above, this case, my attorney said, will probably settle the end of this year or next year. But my attorney said that is if Fresenius decides to move forward in settling. As you can see, we have all seen, these dates keep getting extended when the 97 percent was supp[Show More]I do have a heart, but this has become a major thorn in our sides. Like I said, due to all the stipulations and what Debra said above, this case, my attorney said, will probably settle the end of this year or next year. But my attorney said that is if Fresenius decides to move forward in settling. As you can see, we have all seen, these dates keep getting extended when the 97 percent was supposed to be achieved last summer. This is true about if Fresenius decides to accept, they will then have to access each individual case to assign them points. That's a process. And thats the first process of many. So we are really looking at next year for the disbursements if any. It's already well into June so that's just another 6 months. My attorney also said this wait is ridiculous he's never seen anything like it. I talk to him once a month.

  • LaurieJune 6, 2017 at 11:25 am

    This is what my lawyer told me on May17th... I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you, but there was another extension in the Fresenius cases. There are so many possible dismissals in front of the Judge and he is granting hearings on most of them so it is taking him a long time to get through the case load. He requested an additional month, but honestly, I think it may take a bit longer. We[Show More]This is what my lawyer told me on May17th... I’m sure it will come as no surprise to you, but there was another extension in the Fresenius cases. There are so many possible dismissals in front of the Judge and he is granting hearings on most of them so it is taking him a long time to get through the case load. He requested an additional month, but honestly, I think it may take a bit longer. We are hoping to have some sort of resolution by the end of June. Fingers crossed! And I truly appreciate your patience and kind words. This litigation has been going on for so long that I can certainly understand how some people are losing their patience.

  • JoeJune 6, 2017 at 9:15 am

    Debra,what your lawyer told you is completely true.There was a motion for summary judgment by Fresenius on a certain number of cases Here is Fresenius Motion to the stay Thursday, June 01, 2017 69 respm Response to Motion Thu 5:06 PM RESPONSE to Motion re67 MOTION to Stay Trial Pending Resolution of the Appeal in the Related Dial Case filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc., Frese[Show More]Debra,what your lawyer told you is completely true.There was a motion for summary judgment by Fresenius on a certain number of cases Here is Fresenius Motion to the stay Thursday, June 01, 2017 69 respm Response to Motion Thu 5:06 PM RESPONSE to Motion re67 MOTION to Stay Trial Pending Resolution of the Appeal in the Related Dial Case filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc., Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc Here is the judges orders to the motion to stay. Friday, June 02, 2017 71 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time to File Response/Reply Fri 4:34 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER granting68 Plaintiff's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Defendant's Motion for Summary Judgment. Plaintiff shall file such opposition no later than June 23, 2017. (Beatty, Barbara) 70 order Order on Motion to Stay Fri 4:30 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER denying67 Plaintiff's Motion to Stay Trial Pending Resolution of the Appeal in the Related Dial Case.

  • JoeJune 6, 2017 at 5:39 am

    Alexandria , When I say they know what they are going to do already ,I mean approve or deny the settlement in general. You are correct if and when the settlement is approved supporting documents Will have to be submitted to the claims administrator for claims verification. That is what i was told by my lawyer. I believe the claims administrator has already given a point value to each Claim in ca[Show More]Alexandria , When I say they know what they are going to do already ,I mean approve or deny the settlement in general. You are correct if and when the settlement is approved supporting documents Will have to be submitted to the claims administrator for claims verification. That is what i was told by my lawyer. I believe the claims administrator has already given a point value to each Claim in category 1. However supporting documents will need to be sent in to make sure that the documents support his decision . They have not told any lawyers what point value they have because it is not official and it very well could change if the supporting documents are incorrect or inaccurate. My lawyer gave a very broad timeline, after May 31 and into the summer before anyone would know anything about how many people per category. Some people were wondering about the bellwether trials. There was a settlement so unless the settlement is voided there will be no more bellwether trials. All cases that still exist Will be remanded back to the State court that they filed in. There were 2 so called bellwether trials one was in state court and 1 was for the people that did not opt-in the first one in state court was not really lost the jury found Fresenius guilty of improper labeling but were found not guilty for the Drug causing the death of the patient so no punitive damages were awarded. As you probably know The Second only official bellwether trial was for the people that did not opt-in those people we're on Naturalyte not Granuflo and that trial was lost. The verdict is being appealed though so that could be what they are waiting for before they approve the settlement.

  • AnthonyJune 6, 2017 at 12:13 am

    People take the money or opt-in.the some money we can get today will be the same if we wait 2 years from now.we lost from day one!! can't you see that. Out of 10.000 ceases you telling me they couldnt find one case that fit the criteria to win. Instead they went to court with a case that couldn't you see we was sold out.

  • DebraJune 5, 2017 at 4:22 pm

    This is the reply I got back from my attorney: "The settlement trigger remains open-ended at this time until Plaintiffs can cure deficiencies with opt-in documents (none from our firm) and clear up remaining issues with cases that involving plaintiffs that filed cases with multiple firms (dual representation cases). These issues will need to be resolved so that the Plaintiffs’ can reach the requir[Show More]This is the reply I got back from my attorney: "The settlement trigger remains open-ended at this time until Plaintiffs can cure deficiencies with opt-in documents (none from our firm) and clear up remaining issues with cases that involving plaintiffs that filed cases with multiple firms (dual representation cases). These issues will need to be resolved so that the Plaintiffs’ can reach the required 97% opt-in rate. Defense will likely not trigger the settlement until these two issues are fully resolved. We will do our best to keep you informed of the progress. Thank you." Looks like this is going to take forever. Why would people file with multiple attoneys?

  • ElleJune 4, 2017 at 3:02 pm

    Debbie, I think u have to have a heart to care and be kind. Those two things are not part of this process

  • MAGNOLIAJune 4, 2017 at 3:12 am


  • OLIVEJune 4, 2017 at 2:33 am

    joe since your lawyers are on the steering committee do they have any real belief that fresenius is going to actually just so confused at this point

  • orionJune 2, 2017 at 7:46 pm

    We have been mislead into this MDL2428 by a cleaver method know to lawyers and practiced by big DRUG. Floks dont hold your hopes high any more. This is a standard practice by MDL and big drug companies. No compensation for your losses. Sorry

  • AlexandriaJune 2, 2017 at 6:21 pm

    So Joe when you say, "they have decided what they are going to do." Does that mean for the people that have Opt in? Because I figure that the Opt in info should have made to the "Settlement Special Master," who would then look through each individual Opt in case and asign points to each case that meet whatever qualifications. Put each case in whatever Catogery they fall in or throw them out. I mig[Show More]So Joe when you say, "they have decided what they are going to do." Does that mean for the people that have Opt in? Because I figure that the Opt in info should have made to the "Settlement Special Master," who would then look through each individual Opt in case and asign points to each case that meet whatever qualifications. Put each case in whatever Catogery they fall in or throw them out. I might be getting ahead of myself, just wondering what they are doing now. I use to read the info on Nephrology website however, once all the childish name calling began, I wanted no part of that.

  • DebbraJune 2, 2017 at 3:02 pm

    These extensions are pure torture. Please show us a little kindness and end our suffering. This just exacerbates our grief....please, please, please...end this.

  • JoeJune 1, 2017 at 8:32 pm

    My lawyer is on the steering committee.So all information comes to him first. Like I told everyone after May 31st or into the summer. Those are the accurate dates. Here is A definition of steering committee. steer·ing com·mit·tee ˈsti(ə)riNG kəˌmidē/ noun a committee that decides on the priorities or order of business of an organization and manages the general course of its operations. I h[Show More]My lawyer is on the steering committee.So all information comes to him first. Like I told everyone after May 31st or into the summer. Those are the accurate dates. Here is A definition of steering committee. steer·ing com·mit·tee ˈsti(ə)riNG kəˌmidē/ noun a committee that decides on the priorities or order of business of an organization and manages the general course of its operations. I have the list of MDL cases pending from 2015 and there is absolutely no more Activity in any of the cases. I have not went through all cases but I went through the majority of them and there is no more activity meaning They have decided what they're going to do.

  • DebbieJune 1, 2017 at 2:43 pm

    So my attorneys are probably right when they said disbursements will be made next year. We can Expect that July Deadline to be extended also. My attorney figures it willl settle by the end of this year and disbursements will be made next year. Anyone hear anything different from their attorneys?

  • Jay'sJune 1, 2017 at 1:32 pm

    Its a shame that they as the attorney. Keep prolonging my attorney and most of the ones are represented are not even part off the MDL it appeared in any court preceding in this case I think that we should all right and protest to world newsi u mean its thousands of us for. The rest of the month we all should right the judge and the supreme court and the fda it may be crazy even mail Donald trump[Show More]Its a shame that they as the attorney. Keep prolonging my attorney and most of the ones are represented are not even part off the MDL it appeared in any court preceding in this case I think that we should all right and protest to world newsi u mean its thousands of us for. The rest of the month we all should right the judge and the supreme court and the fda it may be crazy even mail Donald trump him self CNN fox remember its thousands so guaranteed to get this over the reason they keep stalling because its out the Media eye we as a group contact the social network and it get expose then they will resolve this me personally I'm tyed of the wait by July this company will have made a few billion by far so for our attorneys to let this keep going on is a insuilt to our love ones I have no respect for my attorney or t lead ones I bet that most of the people on this site do not have a attorney that is on the front line with this how many of us love ones dyed at there facility in there chair that have a lawyer that are part of the lead council handling this case some body or all of us we need closure

  • MarieJune 1, 2017 at 12:36 pm

    Ridiculous. How long does it take? Who gets the interest off the money that is supposedly in an account sitting? I am so ready for this to be over with. Bad enough we are getting screwed over, why can't they just finish the act in a manor. People work like snails anymore everywhere. There is no hurry to finish anything the world ever.

  • ElleJune 1, 2017 at 1:29 am

    I am amazed that the Dial case has been appealed... no wonder it has been pushed back again..

  • CarolynJune 1, 2017 at 12:06 am

    This is such bullsh*t. We will be dead from old age before this is done.

  • AlexandriaMay 31, 2017 at 5:43 pm

    I wonder if they continue to push the date back, just to walk away in the end. Also, I wonder if they are pushing the date back, to let more people Opt in. It seem like the more people Opt in, the less money to go around.

  • JudyMay 31, 2017 at 11:00 am

    Talk to our attorney yesterday, now it's extended to mid July

  • JudyMay 31, 2017 at 10:55 am

    Carolyn yes it's yet another push back date, mid July!

  • DebbieMay 30, 2017 at 6:04 pm

    Has anyone figured out why we were only offered $250 million when the Pradaxa (blood thinner) lawsuit was settled for $600 million just recently and we have the same amount of people that have died or their lhealth destroyed because of Granuflo? Why did the Pradaxa case have warranted so much more money than ours? Someone google it and tell me what you think. That's a Huge monetary difference i[Show More]Has anyone figured out why we were only offered $250 million when the Pradaxa (blood thinner) lawsuit was settled for $600 million just recently and we have the same amount of people that have died or their lhealth destroyed because of Granuflo? Why did the Pradaxa case have warranted so much more money than ours? Someone google it and tell me what you think. That's a Huge monetary difference in their settlement versus ours.

  • CarolynMay 30, 2017 at 4:21 pm

    Has anyone heard if they are going to extend this again?

  • JoeMay 30, 2017 at 8:57 am

    The Dial verdict is being appealed. Here's the public record. Dial v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, et al Filed: March 21, 2017 as 17-1259 Plaintiff - Appellant: FLORELLA DIAL Defendant - Appellee: FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE HOLDINGS, INC., d/b/a Fresenius Medical Care North America, FRESENIUS USA, INC., FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTURING, INC. and others Court: First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, Firs[Show More]The Dial verdict is being appealed. Here's the public record. Dial v. Fresenius Medical Care Holding, et al Filed: March 21, 2017 as 17-1259 Plaintiff - Appellant: FLORELLA DIAL Defendant - Appellee: FRESENIUS MEDICAL CARE HOLDINGS, INC., d/b/a Fresenius Medical Care North America, FRESENIUS USA, INC., FRESENIUS USA MANUFACTURING, INC. and others Court: First Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals, First Circuit Type: Other Statutes › Torts

  • AnthonyMay 30, 2017 at 12:52 am

    I am a victim as all of your and your loved ones. we lost even before we started. I know it hurts for the money that they offering but but some money is better than no money. hey we gave it a good fight now it's time to move on with the money we will receive

  • ElleMay 27, 2017 at 1:56 am

    If anyone has opted in there is no choice available any longer. Unfortunately it is in the defendants court where it seems to hv been since the beginning. Acoording to the MDL form each side as meant to hv equal bellwether trials to make determination fair n representative of each side however, that has not occurred. For some reason a settlement was immediately offered n accepted by plaintiffs [Show More]If anyone has opted in there is no choice available any longer. Unfortunately it is in the defendants court where it seems to hv been since the beginning. Acoording to the MDL form each side as meant to hv equal bellwether trials to make determination fair n representative of each side however, that has not occurred. For some reason a settlement was immediately offered n accepted by plaintiffs attorneys. In these cases attoryspeak for their clients n do not engage in open Conversation w clients so that a clear full disclose of complete details r made available to individual plaintiffs. Therefore, given these details what exactly can u add to this at this late date.

  • DeebbraMay 27, 2017 at 12:54 am

    Let us all remember our loved ones this weekend and pray for peace in hearts.

  • AnthonyMay 25, 2017 at 5:14 pm

    We need to take the offer because the system was against us from day one.they will prolong the same money for years.we lost so let's move on.

  • ArthurMay 24, 2017 at 12:50 pm

    Angie, you know the criteria was changed from 48 hours to 24 hours following the treatments of dialysis. Anyone passing away after 24 hours is being dismissed from criteria 1. But I would like to find out more about the point systems in this settlement. One more point I would like to make is that Fresenius did not warn the Davita patients who were using the Granuflo product of the FDA recall. Fre[Show More]Angie, you know the criteria was changed from 48 hours to 24 hours following the treatments of dialysis. Anyone passing away after 24 hours is being dismissed from criteria 1. But I would like to find out more about the point systems in this settlement. One more point I would like to make is that Fresenius did not warn the Davita patients who were using the Granuflo product of the FDA recall. Fresenius employees were told to use Granuflo until the new shipment of Rockwell's Citrapure arrives. Experts have stated that using Granuflo is somewhat taking a huge risk. This was stated in May of 2012 by employees of Fresenius.

  • ellenMay 23, 2017 at 2:26 am

    Marie, this has been a hellish time for all of us, and more so if dialysis is your future. my family member did alright for awhile until suddenly in the beginning of 2008 things changed. Big Pharma makes lots and controls more. Suddenly our own FDA does not protect the innocents. I would think that those that are no longer part of this MDL would be making other aware of the dangers. Peritoneal[Show More]Marie, this has been a hellish time for all of us, and more so if dialysis is your future. my family member did alright for awhile until suddenly in the beginning of 2008 things changed. Big Pharma makes lots and controls more. Suddenly our own FDA does not protect the innocents. I would think that those that are no longer part of this MDL would be making other aware of the dangers. Peritoneal seems more gentle on the body, best to seek a transplant asap. Good luck to you.

  • AngieMay 22, 2017 at 6:43 pm

    Hi Arthur, I cant remember what number value each has, but they gave automatic points to start off with, points for proving the use of Granuflo and points for my dad passing away within 48 hours of dialysis treatment. In my dad's case, he went into cardiac arrest while on the dialysis machine at Fresenius. I will look at my paperwork when I get home and have better info for you. She had said $1[Show More]Hi Arthur, I cant remember what number value each has, but they gave automatic points to start off with, points for proving the use of Granuflo and points for my dad passing away within 48 hours of dialysis treatment. In my dad's case, he went into cardiac arrest while on the dialysis machine at Fresenius. I will look at my paperwork when I get home and have better info for you. She had said $175,000 before attorney's fees. Yes I was told the same thing about the disbursement of funds, but who knows. They have held us hostage for a long time already.

  • MarieMay 20, 2017 at 12:53 pm

    I feel so bad for the people who didn't opt in. Not that I feel good for those of us that did. But I'm still not sure why only one case went to trial and then the lawyers dropped your lawsuit when you didn't Opt in. The case they took to trial was not a fair case. It was definitely impartial in their favor. So many other cases would have proven their guilt. Seems like all the lawyers and the co[Show More]I feel so bad for the people who didn't opt in. Not that I feel good for those of us that did. But I'm still not sure why only one case went to trial and then the lawyers dropped your lawsuit when you didn't Opt in. The case they took to trial was not a fair case. It was definitely impartial in their favor. So many other cases would have proven their guilt. Seems like all the lawyers and the company are in on this scam. They all just want to settle this and move on. I am going to be on dialysis within the next year. My Family has PKD. So we eventually end up on it. I will freeze in hell before I allow this product to be put into my body. I am a medical professional and I have seen what it does to you. I am going to do peritoneal dialysis. I am just not sure how this is aloud to just be swept under the rug. The problem isn't fixed or even changed. People will still suffer from this company. I guess they figure more people live then die, but is that a way to run a company? Makes me so angry. God bless all.

  • JoeMay 19, 2017 at 11:21 pm

    I don't know some people are saying they have 175 points and then other people are saying they got a letter that states the payouts will be between $47,000 and $83,000 or something like that. I myself did not receive any type of amount or even points. All my letter said was basically the compensation Will be done on a points based system and they cannot determine my amount until all claims have be[Show More]I don't know some people are saying they have 175 points and then other people are saying they got a letter that states the payouts will be between $47,000 and $83,000 or something like that. I myself did not receive any type of amount or even points. All my letter said was basically the compensation Will be done on a points based system and they cannot determine my amount until all claims have been made and determined by the claims administrator. So I don't understand how people are getting letters even before the claims are finalized from the claims administrator. It Can't be correct.something sounds a little suspicious to me.

  • ArthurMay 18, 2017 at 4:52 pm

    Angier how does your case accumulate 175 points. Is it by dying in a certain hour after treatment? Or by how long the plaintiff was on Dialysis or is it the blood works from Dialysis treatments. And is the $175k before or after your Attorneys fees. Just curious. I was told that if everything was met on May 31 they would disperse funds after 35 days. Who knows if that's going to happen. Fresenius[Show More]Angier how does your case accumulate 175 points. Is it by dying in a certain hour after treatment? Or by how long the plaintiff was on Dialysis or is it the blood works from Dialysis treatments. And is the $175k before or after your Attorneys fees. Just curious. I was told that if everything was met on May 31 they would disperse funds after 35 days. Who knows if that's going to happen. Fresenius could hold us hostage for a long time.

  • JoeMay 18, 2017 at 5:41 am

    Sorry The summary judgment Doc it was made in error not my fault. 1885 miscNotice of correction to docket made by Court staffWed 10:18 AM Notice of correction to docket made by Court staff. Correction: 1182, 1883, and 1884 were erroneously filed in the main MDL case. Please see individual docket #14-cv-10712-DPW Burkes v. Fresenius. Counsel is reminded not to file motions pertaining to individua[Show More]Sorry The summary judgment Doc it was made in error not my fault. 1885 miscNotice of correction to docket made by Court staffWed 10:18 AM Notice of correction to docket made by Court staff. Correction: 1182, 1883, and 1884 were erroneously filed in the main MDL case. Please see individual docket #14-cv-10712-DPW Burkes v. Fresenius. Counsel is reminded not to file motions pertaining to individual cases in the main MDL docket. (Gioia, AnaMaria)

  • JoeMay 18, 2017 at 3:15 am

    I don't know how many people, but there are 20 pages I imagine a few hundred per page. Tuesday, May 16, 2017 1884 respm Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 Tue 5:02 PM Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re1882 MOTION for Summary Judgment on the Claims of Sylvester Burkes filed by Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc., Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., [Show More]I don't know how many people, but there are 20 pages I imagine a few hundred per page. Tuesday, May 16, 2017 1884 respm Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 Tue 5:02 PM Statement of Material Facts L.R. 56.1 re1882 MOTION for Summary Judgment on the Claims of Sylvester Burkes filed by Fresenius Medical Care North America, Inc., Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc..(Bennett, James) Google definition of summary judgment "In law, a summary judgment (also judgment as a matter of law) is a judgment entered by a court for one party and against another party summarily, i.e., without a full trial. Such a judgment may be issued on the merits of an entire case, or on discrete issues in that case."

  • JoeMay 18, 2017 at 3:06 am

    Elle, Yeah dismissed cases with prejudice will be included in the 97% threshold. I have no idea how many people were dismissed but there are quite a few. This is not official but I believe there are thousands of Dismissed cases

  • AngieMay 17, 2017 at 8:37 pm

    I called my lawyer's office for an update. I was told they have extended the deadline to May 31st and if the 97% isn't reached, they will extend it again until it is. She said they are close to the 97% and she believes they will have payout information by mid June. I asked about the people who didn't opt in....She told me that they were offered a small settlement, if they choose not to take it,[Show More]I called my lawyer's office for an update. I was told they have extended the deadline to May 31st and if the 97% isn't reached, they will extend it again until it is. She said they are close to the 97% and she believes they will have payout information by mid June. I asked about the people who didn't opt in....She told me that they were offered a small settlement, if they choose not to take it, they were informed they will have to find someone else to represent them in court and their cases would be dropped by their current lawyers. I know they are basing their payouts on a point system. It's been so long since I read that paperwork, but I know offhand, I was told my father's case was at 175 points which I was roughly $175,000. I was also told that amount would go up as they expected people to be disqualified from the lawsuit. No amount of money will EVER replace my dad...can't put a dollar amount on a life. But if I were, yes I agree, the amount is ridiculous and it's an insult. BUT, he had other health issues which they could easily argue was the cause of his death. For those reasons, I opted in. This had lasted long enough. I filed in 2013 and every time I have to deal with this, it brings the pain back. I want it over with. My condolences to all who have suffered and Good Luck to those who are choosing to ride it out.

  • RayMay 17, 2017 at 12:52 pm

    If you did not opt in the judge is dismissing your case the lawyer is dropping your case and you are no longer part of this lawsuit BS I got the letter we was use to get a settlement and now we are being pushed aside with no further recourse unless you can afford to hire another attorney this is BS my sister died three hours past day or Detlo three hours past The deadline need I say more

  • ElleMay 17, 2017 at 1:19 am

    Joe, I did not realize that the 97% included dismissed cases as I thought they were part of not opting in and therefore also the lone Pine cases. Do u know how many were in the lone pine cases? Is that info available?

  • JoeMay 16, 2017 at 2:43 am

    Rick I was just telling people what my lawyer said the comment about how many people in each category at the end was just my opinion. As for opting in or out . At this point I believe it would be very hard to reverse your decision I don't think the judge would allow it. I believe the way they are trying to get the 97% is o By dismissing cases now . Everybody does realize the 97% doesn't mean 97[Show More]Rick I was just telling people what my lawyer said the comment about how many people in each category at the end was just my opinion. As for opting in or out . At this point I believe it would be very hard to reverse your decision I don't think the judge would allow it. I believe the way they are trying to get the 97% is o By dismissing cases now . Everybody does realize the 97% doesn't mean 97% have to Opt-in it includes cases that have been dismissed. I didn't ask my lawyer anything about the people that have not opted-in. But Eventually I am sure your lawyer will contact you if your Case has not been dismissed i'm sure you will get a court date eventually.

  • DeniceMay 16, 2017 at 1:14 am

    I believe that Fresenius will not follow through unless the 97% is met, if it is reached by the May 31 deadline, there is going to be other delays for the next decade. The attorneys and Frensinius have been toying with our emotions every since those Bastards decided to settle out of court. I HATE THEM!!!!! Because if they really wanted to settle​ with those who were willing to settle; it would ha[Show More]I believe that Fresenius will not follow through unless the 97% is met, if it is reached by the May 31 deadline, there is going to be other delays for the next decade. The attorneys and Frensinius have been toying with our emotions every since those Bastards decided to settle out of court. I HATE THEM!!!!! Because if they really wanted to settle​ with those who were willing to settle; it would have been done weeks ago! I will be shocked if these jerks follow through with this settlement within the next 4 years. It's not going to happen. Please don't set your hearts on this settlement, if they were going to do it...They would not be asking for the 97% instead they would be busy with the claims administrator...

  • MarieMay 15, 2017 at 3:09 pm

    Ron thanks for the info. I totally agree on them extending it. This is just gotten ridiculous. I don't think I will be alive to see if end. Maybe my kids will get the benefit of it ending. I feel like they are playing with us now. You commuted to settlin and now they are stalling. They need to take the cases to trial where people didn't have heart problems and see if they win those. My Moms cardia[Show More]Ron thanks for the info. I totally agree on them extending it. This is just gotten ridiculous. I don't think I will be alive to see if end. Maybe my kids will get the benefit of it ending. I feel like they are playing with us now. You commuted to settlin and now they are stalling. They need to take the cases to trial where people didn't have heart problems and see if they win those. My Moms cardiac arrest is the perfect case. Her heart was checked before and after the even. Totally healthy heart. Grandiflu had caused her to die. Makes me so angry.

  • RickMay 14, 2017 at 3:14 pm

    Joe are you saying we should opt in to get paid or if we opt out we don't get paid

  • DebraMay 11, 2017 at 8:38 pm

    What happened to the May 10th deadline? Are there any look-ee-loos out there that would like to provide any input? does anyone know anything? Does anyone have information from their lawyers? Are there a lot of people that dropped out of this forum because they opted out? Anyone's Comments would really be appreciated as I look at this site every day. There were so many people commenting at the [Show More]What happened to the May 10th deadline? Are there any look-ee-loos out there that would like to provide any input? does anyone know anything? Does anyone have information from their lawyers? Are there a lot of people that dropped out of this forum because they opted out? Anyone's Comments would really be appreciated as I look at this site every day. There were so many people commenting at the beginning of this forum and any communication from all those old postings from all those people seem to have fallen off.....

  • RonMay 11, 2017 at 5:11 pm

    I talked to my law office this morning and she said it has been extended until May 31. Unbelievable that after five years they would need two more weeks .

  • RonMay 11, 2017 at 12:38 pm

    Does anybody have any info on yesterday's actions by Fresenius ?

  • DeniceMay 11, 2017 at 9:09 am

    The paralegal stated that we would all receive letters soon but he wouldn't disclose to me what the letters what state. He also said that the May 10 date was still valid.

  • JoeMay 11, 2017 at 4:01 am

    I forgot to add disbursement of the checks should start after September 22, 2017

  • JoeMay 11, 2017 at 3:35 am

    They extended the date to May 31 they are trying to get the 97% According to my lawyer they are very close to the 97% and he believes that will be reached. He stated the soonest they will know how many people per category will be after May 31 and into the summer. After the settlement is approved supporting documents will have to be sent to the claims administrator.My understanding of that is The[Show More]They extended the date to May 31 they are trying to get the 97% According to my lawyer they are very close to the 97% and he believes that will be reached. He stated the soonest they will know how many people per category will be after May 31 and into the summer. After the settlement is approved supporting documents will have to be sent to the claims administrator.My understanding of that is The claims administrator has already made his determination of what category you will be in and the strength of your case now he needs the supporting documents to finalize his determination. As for the people being told numbers. I don't no how any lawyer has that information. If the settlement has not even been approved yet how is any lawyer going to no how many people per category there are and the lawyer that are giving numbers to people, what is that all a-bought the only person that knows that or will know that is the claims administrator.

  • frankMay 10, 2017 at 3:56 am

    The pushed it back may 31

  • WilliamMay 9, 2017 at 5:03 pm

    It is amazing how Fresenius will probably get away with these deaths because most of the lawyers and judges are bought and paid for in the United States. It is sad but true. I went to court against Fresenius in 2015 with a civil trial and it turned into a criminal trial in Wake County, North Carolina. I was detained with a court order by Judge Donald Stevens, the Superior Court Judge. Freseniu[Show More]It is amazing how Fresenius will probably get away with these deaths because most of the lawyers and judges are bought and paid for in the United States. It is sad but true. I went to court against Fresenius in 2015 with a civil trial and it turned into a criminal trial in Wake County, North Carolina. I was detained with a court order by Judge Donald Stevens, the Superior Court Judge. Fresenius was represented by Womble Carlyle with the lawyer Charles R. Holden and Amy C. Folk. Amy is no longer with the firm. The plaintiff's did not show up for court non of the times. Judge Collins and Judge Jolly all were a part of this cover up. Judge Jolly asked if it was okay if the plaintiffs did not show up. I said, if they where on the document they suppose to be here. They asked me if I had anything to say, I saw I will say it when I see the plaintiffs. Now, you ask yourself, how did the plaintiffs for Fresenius win the case if they didn't show up to testify on their behalf. You see the judge no the lawyers where there when these things happened at the clinic. So, how did they get away with this injustice. These lawyers and judges are all bought and paid for my big corporations and the government. They labeled me the Whistleblower for this whole case. No one really knows who was the whistleblower. How did the FDA get their information concerning the letter that was supposed to be in the hands of a Medical Director only. What are they hiding and why are they allowing it to go on for so long. I made bicarbonate and acetate and many other drugs for Fresenius for over 12 years and I never had anyone to die from it. So, why am I not in the Lone Pine Order. You see these lawyers and judges do not understand how the system works with the drugs. Fresenius and many other companies are coming up with new ways to enhance dialysis treatments. The whole system is set up to make profits off of these people and in the eyes of the government and the corporation it is just business as usual. How much money does Fresenius give to the politicians and judges each time during the election season for them to get re-elected. Do you think that they will mess with their political and financial careers. I don't think so. The FDA approved this drug in the early 2000s and so who where the trial patients when this drug first came out. Humans are not lab rats so who where the test subjects for them to approve granuflo and naturalyte. Apparently, it must have been the patients that where on dialysis. You see after working in the dialysis industry for over 25 years there was a lot to be learned about the human body and how it is created by God. You ask yourself, why are so many people taking dialysis in the first place. Fresenius made every effort to destroy my reputation with their lies. The even hired private investigators to follow me which in court they said did not occur. They even had 2 men follow me to the library and one of them kept saying things that they murdered people. The government of North Carolina and Fresenius detained me in July 2015 with a court order without the judges signature to give me a mental evaluation and they then gave me a public defender who really was a puppet for the corporation. The lead public defender for Wake County tried to become a judge but unfortunately he did not win but the other public defender which is now Judge Collins took the place of former Judge Abe Jones. Now, Abe Jones is a practicing lawyer. Abe Jones ran in 2016 for Supreme Court Justice but unfortunately he did not win. Now, the sad thing about these people who are lawyers and judges are registered Democrats. It is time for people to wake up and realize that it is sad that we are just property to this people in the judicial system. I know many people including many of my family and friends that have unfortunately lost their lives to the mistakes of medication errors and nurses and doctors that didn't have a clue of what was going on in the clinic that they oversaw. It is very important that the States hold Fresenius accountable for the lives of these innocent people. I know exactly what happened to this people because I was there when it happened. They black balled me from getting a job in medicine and this was told to me by the Public Defender himself in November 2015. I went to the PA in 2011 to inform her that I noticed a change in cardiovascular issues with the patients that I was and that it was increasing and getting out of hand. In March 2012 I was taken from my responsibilities of doing appoints for the patients. The state Audit was done on October 10, 2012 a few weeks before they terminated my employment. The said that I quit but we all know the truth and that is why they did not show up for court and tried to intimidate me from testifying in the court in Mass. Fresenius, the only did that I have to say is this. God is a powerful God and if you do not take accountability for what you have done not only to me and my name but to the countless families that have been destroyed then I pray that God have mercy on your souls. You have made billions of dollars off of these sick people. Memorial Day is soon approaching and how do you (Fresenius) want to be remembered. Do you want to be remembered as murderers or do you want to be remembered as a company that was trying to find a better way to treat your patients and made a mistake. You do know that GOD Almighty knows that truth. I need for you all to watch the movies The Pelican Brief (1993) and Concussion - Official Trailer (2015) - Will Smith. I pray that this does turn into a movie.

  • JoeMay 9, 2017 at 2:15 pm

    Received some information from my lawyer looks like they extended itlllto try to get the 97%. He thinks we will meet the 97% andThe settlement will be triggered.After that there will be a short Time to send supporting documents to the claimant administrator. We believe distribution will start in the fall. We still do not have a total number per category until May 31 or into the summer

  • JoeMay 9, 2017 at 4:44 am

    The public order I posted was for the 17 people that could not get the documentation They needed from Fresenius The judge extended the time for those people to submit a spreadsheet with the date and times of when they tried to get the information needed from Fresenius. There are three cases out of the 17 that want to opt-in to the settlement,late. The approval or denial for the settlement is sti[Show More]The public order I posted was for the 17 people that could not get the documentation They needed from Fresenius The judge extended the time for those people to submit a spreadsheet with the date and times of when they tried to get the information needed from Fresenius. There are three cases out of the 17 that want to opt-in to the settlement,late. The approval or denial for the settlement is still set for May 10 no word one way or the other on what they have decided yet.

  • ArthurMay 9, 2017 at 3:16 am

    Debbra, no it isn't.

  • JoeMay 9, 2017 at 2:51 am

    1869 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Thu 2:19 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER granting1868 Plaintiffs' Motion for Three Day Extension of Time to File Joint Submission Regarding Records Requests and Production Spreadsheet, with the exception of the three additions to Exhibit A 15cv11269 15cv11301 13cv12307 as to which the plaintiffs must show good cause for their belated inclusion.[Show More]1869 order Order on Motion for Extension of Time Thu 2:19 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ORDER granting1868 Plaintiffs' Motion for Three Day Extension of Time to File Joint Submission Regarding Records Requests and Production Spreadsheet, with the exception of the three additions to Exhibit A 15cv11269 15cv11301 13cv12307 as to which the plaintiffs must show good cause for their belated inclusion. (Beatty, Barbara)

  • ArthurMay 9, 2017 at 1:54 am

    Debbra, no it isn't.

  • DebbraMay 8, 2017 at 6:22 pm

    Is the May10th deadline date a reality?

  • CarolynMay 7, 2017 at 3:55 am

    The only reason I became embroiled in this lawsuit is because of the horrors my late husband went thru during dialysis. He had repeated episodes of congestive heart failure. Was on the vent 3 times until he finally went septic and I had to pull the plug. The horrors he went through can never be conveyed. And each of these episodes were after a dialysis treatment with granuflo. I know nothing [Show More]The only reason I became embroiled in this lawsuit is because of the horrors my late husband went thru during dialysis. He had repeated episodes of congestive heart failure. Was on the vent 3 times until he finally went septic and I had to pull the plug. The horrors he went through can never be conveyed. And each of these episodes were after a dialysis treatment with granuflo. I know nothing will ever come of this. But damn it. He didn't deserve to suffer the way he did. And at least this case made a point to big pharma.

  • DebbieMay 4, 2017 at 12:53 am

    When I signed the papers with the lawyer it stated on the paperwork that their fee is 40 percent and I thought that Was ridiculous. How about all your lawyers what are they charging?

  • ArthurMay 4, 2017 at 12:00 am

    Marie it's in your settlement letter you received in August. I think you mean Cardiac Arrest not Heart Attack. Then you wouldn't be in this case.

  • MarieMay 3, 2017 at 1:20 pm

    My mom definitely died from a heart attack due to her maetabilic levels being too high. Worst part of all of this is that I am at he kidney function of 19% and headed to be on dialysis. We were born with Polycystic kidney disease and my family. I am going to try everything in my power to do peritoneal dialysis and not go to this place. In the first case they took to trial the patient currently ha[Show More]My mom definitely died from a heart attack due to her maetabilic levels being too high. Worst part of all of this is that I am at he kidney function of 19% and headed to be on dialysis. We were born with Polycystic kidney disease and my family. I am going to try everything in my power to do peritoneal dialysis and not go to this place. In the first case they took to trial the patient currently had other underlying issues that could have attributed to the heart attack. My mother had her heart checked several times before the incident and after when she was in a coma. All times her heart was 100% healthy. That is how you can tell if the dialysis caused the heart attack and not the plumbing or the heart. But of course her case is not one that was chosen to be taken to trial. I agree with everyone else it has been five years and I just want it over. Where is everybody getting that the lawyer takes 40%? My lawyer takes 33% .

  • AngelaMay 1, 2017 at 4:16 pm

    My family had not been under the same roof in over 15 years. When it finally happened, my brother was so sickly looking (grey) I couldn't bear to do any family photo's. He died a month later. I will live the rest of my life regretting that decision because now I will never have that chance again! It's been 5 years now & I just want this to be over, the strength to move on & get this all behind[Show More]My family had not been under the same roof in over 15 years. When it finally happened, my brother was so sickly looking (grey) I couldn't bear to do any family photo's. He died a month later. I will live the rest of my life regretting that decision because now I will never have that chance again! It's been 5 years now & I just want this to be over, the strength to move on & get this all behind us!

  • DebraApril 27, 2017 at 6:49 pm

    I think people have had plenty of time on this. I started this process with lawyers back in 2012. Five years seem like enough time to get this settled. If they are talking about other people opting in now it could take another five years or longer. That is just not right.

  • JoeApril 27, 2017 at 7:54 am

    I understand this website position on copyright infringement. Like I said before I am not a lawyer just someone trying to give information about this case. I never Even thought about Cappy right infringement. I guess that's why this website has a moderator. I will no longer post articles directly from other websites but I think it will be OK if I Write my own opinion about a article or Basic in[Show More]I understand this website position on copyright infringement. Like I said before I am not a lawyer just someone trying to give information about this case. I never Even thought about Cappy right infringement. I guess that's why this website has a moderator. I will no longer post articles directly from other websites but I think it will be OK if I Write my own opinion about a article or Basic information about a article for informational purposes. As long as it is not the full article.

  • JoeApril 26, 2017 at 11:11 pm

    Email I received from Hi Joe, Just to clarify why certain posts were deleted; we won't publish full articles from other sources, even in our comments, to avoid running afoul of copyright and fair use laws. We also generally take out links and personal contact information due to spam problems and other issues that may arise. Hope that clears things up and you are more than welco[Show More]Email I received from Hi Joe, Just to clarify why certain posts were deleted; we won't publish full articles from other sources, even in our comments, to avoid running afoul of copyright and fair use laws. We also generally take out links and personal contact information due to spam problems and other issues that may arise. Hope that clears things up and you are more than welcome to summarize that information and share it with the community in the comments. Thanks, I will have to only post what actually happened at the hearing and my opinion that should comply with their copyright issue. Date and time of hearing April 19, 2017, 3:18 PM 17 plaintiffs in the Granuflo and Naturalyte MDL,fight over document production that was needed according to the lone Pine order they received.The lawyers for the 17 plaintiffs,State they could not obtain the information needed from Fresenius to comply with the LonePine order. Fresenius wants The cases dismissed for failure to prosecute, The Judge asks the plaintiff for a spreadsheet documenting this information that could not be obtained dates and times in the form of a spreadsheet. Judge Woodlock said,“I just want to know when these various things were done,” Fresenius Has not formally approved the Global settlement. Fresenius States there could be talks about letting people opt in that are late comers to the settlement.

  • ArthurApril 26, 2017 at 5:37 pm

    Well Debbie I have one of the head Attorneys in these cases. A lot of those cases were bogus claims. If you don't believe me ask Joe or Mikey.

  • JoeApril 26, 2017 at 6:32 am

    1864 misc Transcript Tue 2:37 PM Transcript of Motion Hearing held on April 19, 2017, before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Brenda Hancock at Redaction Request due 5/16/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadli[Show More]1864 misc Transcript Tue 2:37 PM Transcript of Motion Hearing held on April 19, 2017, before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Brenda Hancock at Redaction Request due 5/16/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 5/26/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 7/24/2017. (Scalfani, Deborah)

  • DebbieApril 26, 2017 at 1:13 am

    I don't think your figures are accurate Arthur. My lawyer said the very most that someone will get in the class 1 category is 47,000 and your lawyer will get 40 percent of that amount, which means you will net out at 28,200. That's if Fresenius accepts and if they do, we are looking at sometime next year for payment. Check with your lawyers and see if they come up with the same amount and let us [Show More]I don't think your figures are accurate Arthur. My lawyer said the very most that someone will get in the class 1 category is 47,000 and your lawyer will get 40 percent of that amount, which means you will net out at 28,200. That's if Fresenius accepts and if they do, we are looking at sometime next year for payment. Check with your lawyers and see if they come up with the same amount and let us know. Pradaxa settled on 650 million for their claims! We got screwed. My father had a cardiac arrest and died while getting dialysis. I didn't even get to say goodbye to him.

  • guessedagainApril 24, 2017 at 2:47 pm

    Ready for this to be over. My dad has been dead nearly 5 years. Fresenius needs to be held accountable for this. Prayers for everyone to get some peace of mind out of this.

  • TerryApril 22, 2017 at 1:54 pm

    Hello ALL, I am one of the lookieloos that watch this discussion regularly. Thank you all for the GREAT information. I did opt in early because i have an attorney that keeps in contact when the different steps in the process have occured and i am comfortable with what i hear from them. But i dont comment in the discussion because i have no independent information, many more of us a watch and liste[Show More]Hello ALL, I am one of the lookieloos that watch this discussion regularly. Thank you all for the GREAT information. I did opt in early because i have an attorney that keeps in contact when the different steps in the process have occured and i am comfortable with what i hear from them. But i dont comment in the discussion because i have no independent information, many more of us a watch and listening, PLEASE keep passing on what ever you can to help all us , thank you all! GOD BLESS

  • DebbieApril 22, 2017 at 12:52 pm

    So how did our lawsuit get allotted very little (250 million) when Fresenius is a billion dollar company compared to Pradaxa the blood thinner getting 650 million allotted in their lawsuit when we lost our loved ones just like they did. Our settlement sounds very low compared to theirs. They didnt even have as many deaths as we did in ours. I believe the article says there were 4000 claims in th[Show More]So how did our lawsuit get allotted very little (250 million) when Fresenius is a billion dollar company compared to Pradaxa the blood thinner getting 650 million allotted in their lawsuit when we lost our loved ones just like they did. Our settlement sounds very low compared to theirs. They didnt even have as many deaths as we did in ours. I believe the article says there were 4000 claims in their lawsuit but some were injuries. It doesn't seem fair to us again when this drug did cause the death of our loved ones. Google Pradaxa Lawsuit.

  • LisaApril 22, 2017 at 12:09 am

    For the people that opted in but,may not have the information they needed because somewhere along the line the lawyer lost the paperwork showing where my mom died,how and when it happened, do we still qualify?

  • ArthurApril 19, 2017 at 5:54 pm

    Debbie I don't think we have 4,000 claimants left. Maybe 1,000 in the category 1. The rest in the $1,500 category.

  • DebbieApril 19, 2017 at 3:36 am

    May of 2014, Boehringer Ingelheim agreed to pay $650 million to settle these lawsuits. This Pradaxa settlement resolved most of the 4,000 cases in state and federal courts. That amounted to an average Pradaxa settlement of $162,500 for each claimant. Oh heck why didn't we get to split $650 million for the loss of our loved ones. Why has the Pradaxa Settlement allotted $650 million instead of $25[Show More]May of 2014, Boehringer Ingelheim agreed to pay $650 million to settle these lawsuits. This Pradaxa settlement resolved most of the 4,000 cases in state and federal courts. That amounted to an average Pradaxa settlement of $162,500 for each claimant. Oh heck why didn't we get to split $650 million for the loss of our loved ones. Why has the Pradaxa Settlement allotted $650 million instead of $250 million like ours.

  • oliveApril 16, 2017 at 4:42 am

    arthur i'm not sure what category our case fits in depending on my fathers blood work but they proved he used granuflo and that he died from cardiac arrest within only a few hours of using the affected product. my lawyers seem hopeful about our case getting in a high category

  • JoeApril 15, 2017 at 8:15 am

    Don't be concerned about the name Omnibus Motion. What it basically means is they combined A majority of the cases that did not reply to the lonePine order that were required to do so. There were 631 cases that did not reply or send the documentation required in, basically the causation and doctors opinion. So all those cases were dismissed with prejudice meaning they cannot file A lawsuit against[Show More]Don't be concerned about the name Omnibus Motion. What it basically means is they combined A majority of the cases that did not reply to the lonePine order that were required to do so. There were 631 cases that did not reply or send the documentation required in, basically the causation and doctors opinion. So all those cases were dismissed with prejudice meaning they cannot file A lawsuit against Fresenius on the same grounds.Those cases are done, over with they will receive nothing.Unfortunately for those people it is the end of the lawsuit. There may be more dismissals coming associated with the lone Pine order. On the other hand it will help for the Settlement approval for the people that have opted in. In Fresenius 2017 expected financial earnings , It states for the lawsuit settlement 97% have to participate that did not mean 97% had to Opt-in ,it includes cases that have been dismissed voluntarily or involuntarily with prejudice. Here is a quote from Fresenius. "FMCH expects that, in combination with elections to participate and notices of dismissal already sub- mitted, the Lone Pine procedure will result in confirmation of the settlement."

  • DebbieApril 14, 2017 at 4:06 am

    So what does that mean Joe?

  • ThomasApril 14, 2017 at 12:10 am

    ARE these z631 cases are those that opt out or all cas ess

  • MindyApril 13, 2017 at 8:50 pm

    Joe what does that mean exactly? - Referring to your last comment

  • JoeApril 13, 2017 at 7:10 am

    Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1863 notice Notice - Other Wed 3:31 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ELECTRONIC PROCEDURAL ORDER - In light of the Defendant's Omnibus Motion (ECF#1862) to Dismiss following the failure of the plaintiffs in the 631 cases identified therein to properly comply with Case Management Order No.17 (ECF#1825), the Clerk is directed to enter a Judgment of Dismissal with Prejudice on[Show More]Wednesday, April 12, 2017 1863 notice Notice - Other Wed 3:31 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: ELECTRONIC PROCEDURAL ORDER - In light of the Defendant's Omnibus Motion (ECF#1862) to Dismiss following the failure of the plaintiffs in the 631 cases identified therein to properly comply with Case Management Order No.17 (ECF#1825), the Clerk is directed to enter a Judgment of Dismissal with Prejudice on May 3, 2017, in each such case in the absence of further order of this court for good cause shown. (Gioia, AnaMaria)

  • JoeApril 12, 2017 at 4:38 am

    Here's a better understanding of what a motion to compel is or means. The final step is relentless follow-through. Naturally, the plaintiffs most likely to attempt to evade the Lone Pine process are the ones whose claims would be dismissed if they complied. That is, a determined illegitimate plaintiff may look for ways to avoid being thrown out of the lawsuit. A common tactic is for the plaintiff[Show More]Here's a better understanding of what a motion to compel is or means. The final step is relentless follow-through. Naturally, the plaintiffs most likely to attempt to evade the Lone Pine process are the ones whose claims would be dismissed if they complied. That is, a determined illegitimate plaintiff may look for ways to avoid being thrown out of the lawsuit. A common tactic is for the plaintiff to complain that he or she cannot comply because the defendants are withholding “crucial” information. Defense counsel must be prepared to respond, to force the plaintiffs to comply, and to seek dismissal of those who do not. Courts understandably give plaintiffs the benefit of every doubt before dismissing their cases for failure to comply with a Rule 16 order. It may be necessary, therefore, to file repeated motions to compel before a judge will conclude that the non-compliant plaintiffs’ cases should be dismissed. In order to obtain dismissal for non-compliance, a defendant must be prepared to build a solid record. Motion practice can be expensive, but the motion practice necessary to enforce a Lone Pine order is normally less expensive than: (a)conducting medical and expert discovery on dozens or hundreds or even Thousand of plaintiffs, or (b) paying uninjured plaintiffs through a global settlement.

  • ArthurApril 11, 2017 at 7:24 pm

    Susan there is about 3 or 4 categories or criteria that they use. If you died within 24hrs. Of treatment, if you were using Granuflu, your blood works at treatment and last but not least if you died bt cardiac arrest not heart attack. Then they put you either in category 1 or whatever you belong to. The money will be divided in a point system of sorts. I am guessing there maybe less then 1000 cl[Show More]Susan there is about 3 or 4 categories or criteria that they use. If you died within 24hrs. Of treatment, if you were using Granuflu, your blood works at treatment and last but not least if you died bt cardiac arrest not heart attack. Then they put you either in category 1 or whatever you belong to. The money will be divided in a point system of sorts. I am guessing there maybe less then 1000 claims in category. The bulk of the money will be split in category. I am guessing between 210k-220k. Your attorney gets a 40% of your money.

  • ChrisApril 10, 2017 at 7:05 am

    I still don't understand why my family was denied from this class action. My father had a heart attack and died the very next morning after dialysis. His Dr. had just told us that he was "cautiously optimistic" with how my Dad was progressing but he would not be able to have anything upset the treatment. Cardiac arrest ended all hope. When he got home from DaVita, we had to call an ambulance wit[Show More]I still don't understand why my family was denied from this class action. My father had a heart attack and died the very next morning after dialysis. His Dr. had just told us that he was "cautiously optimistic" with how my Dad was progressing but he would not be able to have anything upset the treatment. Cardiac arrest ended all hope. When he got home from DaVita, we had to call an ambulance within an hour. It's not about the money but the fact my best friend was taken out of the fight by an attempted cover up. I'd be ok with knowing the person who made the call of not disclosing the truth is being prosecuted. My father lost a fight for which he should never have been involved.

  • SharonApril 9, 2017 at 2:53 pm

    My mother had Dialysis treatment on a Friday and on Sunday at Church she had Cardiac Arrest, my lawyer said that the clinic she went to was one of the clinic that gave the bad product had she had the Attack on Saturday not on Sun we would qualify for more, how can you say that it wasn't the full reason, because she didn't have it on Saturday....... when my mother is buried now .....So why are they[Show More]My mother had Dialysis treatment on a Friday and on Sunday at Church she had Cardiac Arrest, my lawyer said that the clinic she went to was one of the clinic that gave the bad product had she had the Attack on Saturday not on Sun we would qualify for more, how can you say that it wasn't the full reason, because she didn't have it on Saturday....... when my mother is buried now .....So why are they trying to get me to sign off on taking $1500 and that's for me and my 3 siblings. After having me to do most of the foot work myself? I cant and will'nt take that for my mother life! No amount is enough, but they really must be crazy!!

  • JoeApril 9, 2017 at 10:10 am

    This information comes from Fresenius Financial outlook for 2017 you can get this information online Iit's some information regarding the settlement,below. This is nothing official Agreement in principle for settlement of potentially all cases. The agreement in principle called for FMCH to pay US$250 million into a settlement fund in exchange for releases of all or substantially all of the plai[Show More]This information comes from Fresenius Financial outlook for 2017 you can get this information online Iit's some information regarding the settlement,below. This is nothing official Agreement in principle for settlement of potentially all cases. The agreement in principle called for FMCH to pay US$250 million into a settlement fund in exchange for releases of all or substantially all of the plaintiffs’ claims, subject to FMCH’s right to void the settlement under certain conditions, includ- ing if more than 3% of all plaintiffs rejected the settlement or the distribution of rejecters met certain criteria. As subse- quently agreed between FMCH and the plaintiff committee, and ordered by the courts, plaintiffs may enforce the settlement and compel payment by FMCH if the total of cases electing to participate in the settlement or dismissed by the courts with prejudice, voluntarily or involuntarily, comes to comprise 97% of all cases. The courts are entering “Lone Pine” orders requiring plaintiffs, on pain of dismissal, who have not elected to participate in the settlement to submit speci c justi- cation satisfactory to the courts for their complaints, including attorney veri cation of certain material factual rep- resentations and expert medical opinions relating to causation. FMCH may elect to void the settlement as of May 10, 2017 if the 97% threshold has not been achieved or if plaintiffs’ non- participation falls into suspect patterns. Incidental change to this date is likely. Trials in cases not participating in the set- tlement may resume as scheduled in the discretion of their respective courts. FMCH expects that, in combination with elections to participate and notices of dismissal already sub- mitted, the Lone Pine procedure will result in con rmation of the settlement. FMCH’s affected insurers have agreed to fund US$220 million of the settlement fund if the settlement is not voided, with a reservation of rights regarding certain coverage issues between and among FMCH and its insurers. FMCH has accrued a net expense of US$60 million for consummation of the settlement, including legal fees and other anticipated costs. Subsequent to the agreement in principle, FMCH’s insurers in the AIG group initiated an action for declaratory judg- ment in New York state court advancing various arguments for reducing the amount of their coverage obligations. FMCH led an action in Massachusetts state court seeking to com- pel the AIG group carriers to honor their obligations.

  • JoeApril 9, 2017 at 1:14 am

    Friday, April 07, 2017 1859 respm Opposition to Motion Fri 3:57 PM Opposition re1856 MOTION for Extension of Time to Comply with the Entry of Lone Pine Case Management Order and Motion for Leave to File A Motion to Compel filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Fresenius Medical Care North America, Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc[Show More]Friday, April 07, 2017 1859 respm Opposition to Motion Fri 3:57 PM Opposition re1856 MOTION for Extension of Time to Comply with the Entry of Lone Pine Case Management Order and Motion for Leave to File A Motion to Compel filed by Fresenius Medical Care Holdings, Inc. d/b/a Fresenius Medical Care North America, Fresenius USA Manufacturing, Inc., Fresenius USA Marketing, Inc., Fresenius USA, Inc.. (Durant, Maria)

  • SusanApril 8, 2017 at 11:07 pm

    So my mother passed away while still hooked up to the machine would I be in category 1? I don't understand how they plan on dispersing the money.. Someone please explain...

  • SandyApril 8, 2017 at 11:10 am

    How does one opt-in to this settlement? My parent collapsed after a treatment and died approximately 48 hours later.

  • LisaApril 8, 2017 at 12:05 am

    What does this mean Joe?

  • DebraApril 7, 2017 at 7:49 pm

    My lawyer is taking 40% also. They had a status conference yesterday morning. Defense counsel is preparing a motion to dismiss all of the cases which opted-out of the settlement that have not met necessary requirements to continue their claims. They said they likely won't have any new information until around May 10th deadline. I'm not sure how many people opted in. Some people may not qualif[Show More]My lawyer is taking 40% also. They had a status conference yesterday morning. Defense counsel is preparing a motion to dismiss all of the cases which opted-out of the settlement that have not met necessary requirements to continue their claims. They said they likely won't have any new information until around May 10th deadline. I'm not sure how many people opted in. Some people may not qualify who opted in. So unsure of the numbers.

  • JoeApril 7, 2017 at 8:31 am

    Monday, April 03, 2017 1858 notice Notice Setting or Resetting Hearing on Motion Thu 4:52 PM NOTICE OF HEARING: Hearing on Motion1856 for Extension of Time to Comply with the Entry of Lone Pine Case Management Order and Motion for Leave to File A Motion to Compel scheduled for 4/11/2017 at 11:00 a.m. in Courtroom 1 before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. (Beatty, Barbara)

  • DebbieApril 7, 2017 at 4:47 am

    I just realized that out of the 10 people posting comments on this site there is another Debra, so I will refer to myself as Debbie from here on out. My attorney said there is a whole process they have to go through if Fresenius decides to accept or not, which is why if they accept, the disbursements won't be sent out till next year. And I still don't understand how the lawyers get 40% out of[Show More]I just realized that out of the 10 people posting comments on this site there is another Debra, so I will refer to myself as Debbie from here on out. My attorney said there is a whole process they have to go through if Fresenius decides to accept or not, which is why if they accept, the disbursements won't be sent out till next year. And I still don't understand how the lawyers get 40% out of the settlement it's usually one third. Out of the 10 or so people on this site (although there are 12,000 claims) are your lawyers also taking 40%? And I still can't believe there is just a handful of people posting here out of 12,000 claims.

  • JoeApril 6, 2017 at 12:26 am

    May 10, 2017 – Date by which Fresenius may elect to void pursuant to the terms of the MSA; and, May 17, 2017 – Date by which Fresenius shall fund the settlement if not voided. Those are the dates ordered by the court. Who knows if they will ask for a extension. Also they establish a qualify settlement who knows how long the attorneys are going to keep the money in that fund. Here is the[Show More]May 10, 2017 – Date by which Fresenius may elect to void pursuant to the terms of the MSA; and, May 17, 2017 – Date by which Fresenius shall fund the settlement if not voided. Those are the dates ordered by the court. Who knows if they will ask for a extension. Also they establish a qualify settlement who knows how long the attorneys are going to keep the money in that fund. Here is the definition of a qualified settlement fund. A Qualified Settlement Fund, or QSF, is a fund, account, or trust under applicable state law created to hold settlement proceeds. The QSF is a useful settlement tool that can help ensure that proper client counseling can occur before or during—and even after—settlement.

  • AnthonyApril 5, 2017 at 4:41 pm

    I just want this case settled

  • ArthurApril 5, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    Debra I am pretty sure out of those 4,000 cases that qualify they aren't in category 1. Many people filed who really didn't have a case. It was reported that over 2400 wrongful deaths were filed on this publication. Out of those 2400 how many died within 24 hours and of Cardiac Arrest and that were using Granuflo. I am guessing less then a thousand qualify for category 1. As far as payment who kno[Show More]Debra I am pretty sure out of those 4,000 cases that qualify they aren't in category 1. Many people filed who really didn't have a case. It was reported that over 2400 wrongful deaths were filed on this publication. Out of those 2400 how many died within 24 hours and of Cardiac Arrest and that were using Granuflo. I am guessing less then a thousand qualify for category 1. As far as payment who knows. Fresenius still has to approve it.

  • DebraApril 4, 2017 at 2:52 pm

    They now have until May 10 to decide if they would like to move forward with the settlement. My lawyer said they are almost positive that they will settle with the ones who opted in.

  • ArthurApril 4, 2017 at 2:31 pm

    Olive deadline is May,10 or sooner. Or maybe not at all. Let's see what happens.

  • DebraApril 4, 2017 at 1:50 pm

    I just talked to my attorney and he said Fresenius has until this year sometime to accept but there won't be any money disbursed until sometime in 2018 which is almost a whole year later than what was originally projected. And out of the 12,000 claims he only thinks about 4,000 people will actually qualify. This is the longest lawsuit ever considering when it all started.

  • oliveApril 2, 2017 at 4:49 am

    has anyone heard if fresenius is going to accept the settlement or not for the ones who opted in?

  • AnnApril 1, 2017 at 7:15 pm

    Could Anyone Recommend a good attorney. I just got a official notice today that my attorney dropped my case. My attorney send me only a letter 2 weeks ago saying I had only a week to appear in court. I still want to pursue my case but I only have a limited time now. Thanks, Ann

  • JoeMarch 30, 2017 at 2:55 am

    Not true Kevin. Thursday, March 23, 2017 1845 motion Substitute Attorney Thu 6:29 PM MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Roberto Alicea, Guy Benoit, Michael Buckley, Aidelina Camacho, Minnie Chesney, Willa Craig, Rosemary Davis, David Dixon, Barbara Ellison, Yolanda Endres, Randy Evans, Teresa Evans, Tonya Peyatte Ferguson, Cherry Gallon, Charlotte Guffey, Maria Guzman, Denise Hampton, Deloris Ja[Show More]Not true Kevin. Thursday, March 23, 2017 1845 motion Substitute Attorney Thu 6:29 PM MOTION to Substitute Attorney by Roberto Alicea, Guy Benoit, Michael Buckley, Aidelina Camacho, Minnie Chesney, Willa Craig, Rosemary Davis, David Dixon, Barbara Ellison, Yolanda Endres, Randy Evans, Teresa Evans, Tonya Peyatte Ferguson, Cherry Gallon, Charlotte Guffey, Maria Guzman, Denise Hampton, Deloris Jackson, Valerie Jones, Nicola Jordan, Keisha Joseph, Brandon Keffer, Julianne Knapp, Pamela Manning, Dorothy Mason, Doris McCullom, David Mineo, Fannie Mitchell, Kathy Munsey, Tina Nunn, Juanita Olivas, Madison M. Peyatte, Jr., Gregory Pierce, Dona Ronzone, Norma Jean Smallwood, Debbie Sprouse, Rosa Vasquez, Consuella Williams, Lashane Williams, Trina Williams, Christina Wilmer.(Wilson, Joshua)

  • MarieMarch 30, 2017 at 1:25 am

    Kevin, how did you get this info that the judge won't allow any other trials?

  • mikeyMarch 29, 2017 at 9:29 pm

    We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by Nephrology News. Find out more. Lol when they try to hide the truth

  • KevinMarch 29, 2017 at 1:29 pm

    The judge is not going to allow this case to go on to any other trials, it will make it final in the next couple weeks. And those who opt out are going to get nothing and will not be able to go to any other lawyer and try to sue again, once this is done it is done. So the money will be split on qualifying people and who have the check boxes check the boxes checked the more money you will receive[Show More]The judge is not going to allow this case to go on to any other trials, it will make it final in the next couple weeks. And those who opt out are going to get nothing and will not be able to go to any other lawyer and try to sue again, once this is done it is done. So the money will be split on qualifying people and who have the check boxes check the boxes checked the more money you will receive.

  • RonMarch 27, 2017 at 11:54 pm

    I just read that the blog on Nephrology News has been shut down . What's up with that ? Is there any other site that up to date information is given besides this one ? Are there addional Lone Pine Bellweather trials being held ?

  • thomasMarch 23, 2017 at 9:21 am

    So if it's 7700 ppl how many qualif for add ons

  • TroyMarch 22, 2017 at 3:27 pm

    NO Joe I Only have 10Paper period NO file. I was told to OPT IN OR Judge will DISMISSED I Had brain surgery, stroke,coma,congestive heart failure plus dialysis.

  • JoeMarch 21, 2017 at 1:35 pm

    Troy did you receive a lone Pine order stating you needed causation and expert testimony. It seems like what you wrote implies that you did get a lone Pine order. You must send in your doctors expert testimony from whoever you can get it from any doctor you have went to it doesn't just have to be your kidney doctor any doctor can write this for you it can be very basic. Send in your lab work al[Show More]Troy did you receive a lone Pine order stating you needed causation and expert testimony. It seems like what you wrote implies that you did get a lone Pine order. You must send in your doctors expert testimony from whoever you can get it from any doctor you have went to it doesn't just have to be your kidney doctor any doctor can write this for you it can be very basic. Send in your lab work also as far as I know March 29 is the deadline. If you do not send something in your case will be dismissed. You better get a move on fax it to them or in the letter you received there should be a email address. You do not have much time left are your cases going to be dismissed.

  • JoeMarch 21, 2017 at 1:28 pm

    The company is gratified by the outcome in Dial. The verdict in this case, by itself, does not directly impact the previously-announced comprehensive settlement of the Acid Concentrate litigation,” said Kent Jarrell, spokesman for Fresenius Medical Care. “The Dial family plaintiffs elected not to participate in the comprehensive settlement and are now barred from doing so. Under current agreements[Show More]The company is gratified by the outcome in Dial. The verdict in this case, by itself, does not directly impact the previously-announced comprehensive settlement of the Acid Concentrate litigation,” said Kent Jarrell, spokesman for Fresenius Medical Care. “The Dial family plaintiffs elected not to participate in the comprehensive settlement and are now barred from doing so. Under current agreements and court orders, FMCNA is required to confirm or void the $250 million comprehensive settlement on May 10, 2017. No decision has been made whether to confirm or void the comprehensive settlement. The date for confirmation is subject to change.

  • JoeMarch 21, 2017 at 9:51 am

    I have tried to post details of the verdict from 360 law but this Website Will not let me post it. I have tried multiple times

  • JoeMarch 21, 2017 at 9:45 am

    It's possible if we win a majority of the bellwether trials they may offer another settlement to the people that have not opted in.It has happened in other MDL's. I do not know if it will happen in this MDL. My opinion is they are going to approve this settled. They will get rid of over 7700 cases.That is just my opinion.

  • TroyMarch 18, 2017 at 6:07 pm


  • debraMarch 16, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    So Joe, what happens to those that opted in if Granuflo and Naturalyte should win 5 bellwethers? Do they accept ours and then make another deal with those that opted out?

  • MarieMarch 16, 2017 at 6:45 pm

    Joe you should be a paralegal. Because mine doesn't explain anything to me. He did not tell me that we got to pick five cases. He said they got to pick the cases and they are only going to pick ones that they are going to win. He said that's why the lawyers told us to opt in. I opted in too. I felt like I trusted my lawyer and went with what he told me to do. If I had the whole facts of how this[Show More]Joe you should be a paralegal. Because mine doesn't explain anything to me. He did not tell me that we got to pick five cases. He said they got to pick the cases and they are only going to pick ones that they are going to win. He said that's why the lawyers told us to opt in. I opted in too. I felt like I trusted my lawyer and went with what he told me to do. If I had the whole facts of how this worked, I'm not sure I would have opted in. I definitely feel like the lawyers have not given full disclosure. Joe you have explained way more than they have ever told me. Thank you so much for that.

  • RickMarch 16, 2017 at 3:24 pm

    Joe, once again thanks for the information,..and yes I also think we win those cases...

  • JoeMarch 16, 2017 at 8:51 am

    Here's a definition of what a bellwether trial is In the law of torts bellwether trial is a test case intended to try a widely contested issue.[1] Bellwether trials are an increasingly common phenomenon in U.S. legal practice.[2] Bellwether trials are especially common in Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) practice, where many cases have been consolidated for purposes of discovery and pretrial matte[Show More]Here's a definition of what a bellwether trial is In the law of torts bellwether trial is a test case intended to try a widely contested issue.[1] Bellwether trials are an increasingly common phenomenon in U.S. legal practice.[2] Bellwether trials are especially common in Multidistrict Litigation (MDL) practice, where many cases have been consolidated for purposes of discovery and pretrial matters. In these MDL cases, it is not practical to prepare every case for trial. Several matters are, therefore, selected as bellwether cases and prepared for trial. They are then settled or tried and the results are used to shape the process for addressing the remaining cases.[3] A bellwether trial is designed to achieve value ascertainment function for settlement purposes or to answer troubling causation or liability issues common to a universe of claimants.[4] For the tried cases to achieve these purposes, it must be representative of all cases.

  • JoeMarch 16, 2017 at 8:27 am

    Everyone needs to relax there were a total of 2 trials both were lost. However the first trial was a state trial you can call it a bellwether trial or whatever you want to call it. The first trial that was held in state court does not pertain to this federal MDL. They are Two different trials..A Bellwether trial is a test trial the outcome is not binding and will have no effect on anyone's case. T[Show More]Everyone needs to relax there were a total of 2 trials both were lost. However the first trial was a state trial you can call it a bellwether trial or whatever you want to call it. The first trial that was held in state court does not pertain to this federal MDL. They are Two different trials..A Bellwether trial is a test trial the outcome is not binding and will have no effect on anyone's case. There are a total of 10 bellwether trials for Granuflo and Naturalyte. Because the first trial was held in state court that does not apply to this federal MDL so what that means is there was actually only one bellwether trial lost in this Federal MDL there are 9 more to go..five of the bellwether cases are picked by the defendants and five are picked by the plaintiffs.. The defendant are going to pick weak cases I believe the Dial case that was lost was actually picked by the defendants one of their five that they got to pick thats why The case did not look good and was lost. The paralegal should have explained that to you I guess In a way he did he said the company got to pick the case he probably meant Fresenius got to pick the case one of there 5 out of the 10 total. If we would have won this one it would've been a game changer but it was not expected to be won in my opinion.Let's wait and see what happens when we, the plaintiffs go to trial on the cases we picked for the bellwether trial.I bet they will be much stronger and we will win a majority of them.all of are five I believe will be won. Remember whatever happens in these bellwether trials doesn't affect anyone's case at this point. These judgments that are made win or lose makes no difference none of the verdicts are binding. There are over 4000 cases that have not opted in these are test trials to see how the real trails may turn out. If Fresenius loses the majority they may come up with a large settlement they don't have to have 4000 trails. Ask Google what a bellwether Trail is It will give you a complete definition.

  • MarieMarch 15, 2017 at 2:36 am

    So I spoke to the paralegal this week and asked the question of why we weren't told the cases were going to continue even when we opted in? He said because we lost the first two cases that were Bewellther trials and that the lawyers recommended we opt in because they thought we were going to lose. I asked him why the cases were chosen where people already had an existing heart issues? He stated b[Show More]So I spoke to the paralegal this week and asked the question of why we weren't told the cases were going to continue even when we opted in? He said because we lost the first two cases that were Bewellther trials and that the lawyers recommended we opt in because they thought we were going to lose. I asked him why the cases were chosen where people already had an existing heart issues? He stated because the company picled the cases they wanted to go to trial with. My mother had no heart problems whatsoever and died from a metabolic heart attack. He said they would never pick her case to take to trial in court because the Company knows they would lose those cases. Her heart was healthy per testing even after she had the cardiac arrest. Seems all a fixed system if you ask me. We never had a chance to begin with.

  • DEBRAMarch 14, 2017 at 2:31 pm

    Dail case was a loss. Read top news about it. They get nothing.

  • SilviaMarch 13, 2017 at 9:34 pm

    Our dad died after going into cardiac arrest after 3 dialysis treatments, lawyers say clinic didnt use Fresenius and wanted to dismiss our case, makes me think another company or clinic may be at fault. Anyone else have a situation like this? Thanks

  • frankMarch 9, 2017 at 2:00 am

    My mom was only on dualistic 19 days went there 3car each time she was rushed to the hospital last time she passed right in there table

  • AngelaMarch 8, 2017 at 8:03 pm

    Well said Mary G!!

  • toviseMarch 8, 2017 at 2:26 pm

    First my lawyer told me not to settle that we had a great case then my lawyer said they were hiring a doctor that cost $600 an hour now my lawyer is telling me to try to get into the settlement because the doctor wants 5 years of medical group cool reports try it to my father's death which might be really hard to get before March 29th I'm so confused I don't know whether to join the settlement or [Show More]First my lawyer told me not to settle that we had a great case then my lawyer said they were hiring a doctor that cost $600 an hour now my lawyer is telling me to try to get into the settlement because the doctor wants 5 years of medical group cool reports try it to my father's death which might be really hard to get before March 29th I'm so confused I don't know whether to join the settlement or what but my lawyer is now causing me to join the settlement I really don't want to any thoughts

  • Mary GMarch 8, 2017 at 1:42 am

    How funny I found this site. I opted in as well, I have the same concerns about the attorneys. I wanted to get out about 6 months ago because I didn't feel right. But I know I signed the papers. My mother to passed, even as a nurse I didn't see this coming. She took her last breath while finishing up dialysis. I had to mourn her death twice. I thought she passed because she was weak from her Lupus[Show More]How funny I found this site. I opted in as well, I have the same concerns about the attorneys. I wanted to get out about 6 months ago because I didn't feel right. But I know I signed the papers. My mother to passed, even as a nurse I didn't see this coming. She took her last breath while finishing up dialysis. I had to mourn her death twice. I thought she passed because she was weak from her Lupus and could not tolerate the treatments. Then come to find out 5 years later it was the granuflo that killed her. If the lawyers lied and involves greed, they can have it. Just want peace.

  • RickMarch 7, 2017 at 7:12 pm

    Thanks Joe for the info, and Marie has a point why speculate on one patient...

  • MarieMarch 6, 2017 at 5:42 pm

    I'm not sure why in these cases they keep picking patients that did have existing heart issues. My mother had zero heart problems. In fact after she had the heart attack she was found down too long and had brain damage. The cardiology did a heart test and said her heart was 100% healthy and if she would wake up that it would be perfectly fine. Why not use a case such as hers? She had her heart ch[Show More]I'm not sure why in these cases they keep picking patients that did have existing heart issues. My mother had zero heart problems. In fact after she had the heart attack she was found down too long and had brain damage. The cardiology did a heart test and said her heart was 100% healthy and if she would wake up that it would be perfectly fine. Why not use a case such as hers? She had her heart checked many times in their records showing this that she had no issues with her heart. It was definitely caused by granuflo. It was 2 hrs after Dialysis the heart attack happened.

  • DebraMarch 4, 2017 at 5:22 am

    Joe - Rick wants to know if all of us are out of luck and if there is a chance for any of us. You seem to know what's going on. What do you think?

  • SharonMarch 3, 2017 at 5:15 pm

    It was my understanding that 97% had to oped in for them to start the payout process. Was that a misunderstanding on my part ? What % did oped in ? What happens now ? They shouldn't be allowed to keep dragging this out like that.

  • JoeMarch 3, 2017 at 6:58 am

    Full article of what happened 9on February 27,2017 Fresenius Dialyysis Drug Didn’t Kill Patient, Jury Told By Brian Amaral Law360, Boston (February 27, 2017, 8:21 PM EST) -- A man whose next of kin are suing Fresenius Medical Care didn’t actually die from taking the company’s dialysis drugs, but instead a heart attack that followed years of stunningly high blood pressure and other medical proble[Show More]Full article of what happened 9on February 27,2017 Fresenius Dialyysis Drug Didn’t Kill Patient, Jury Told By Brian Amaral Law360, Boston (February 27, 2017, 8:21 PM EST) -- A man whose next of kin are suing Fresenius Medical Care didn’t actually die from taking the company’s dialysis drugs, but instead a heart attack that followed years of stunningly high blood pressure and other medical problems killed him, an expert for the company testified Monday. Dr. Peter McCullough, testifying for Fresenius in the third week of a bellwether trial for people who opted out of a $250 million settlement, said that the dialysis company’s drug Naturalyte was not the cause of North Carolina resident Carley Dial’s death in February 2012, as Dial’s family contends. “My opinion is that Mr. Dial died of a fatal heart attack,” McCullough, a cardiologist who has focused his career on studying the interplay between the heart and kidneys, said on direct examination by Roger Denning of Fish & Richardson PC. Dial’s own expert said that Dial died of cardiac arrest, a separate condition. Dr. Steven Borkan, testifying for the plaintiff, said that because of high levels of bicarbonate in Dial’s system, his system became dangerously alkalotic, which, combined with crashing potassium levels, caused an electric problem with his heartbeat. His next of kin say that Fresenius failed to train and warn a network of doctors about the proper uses of Naturalyte. Two different chemicals, bicarbonate and acetate, worked to regulate the amount of acid in a diabetes patient’s system, doing the work that the failing kidneys couldn’t do. It was unclear from Fresenius’ label or its training how those two worked, leading to chemical overloads and heart arrhythmias, the Dials say. But McCullough said that years of Dial’s medical records showed that the more likely cause of Dial’s death was a heart attack, or blockage of flow of blood in the heart. Dial’s cause of death is a cornerstone of the case, and will likely be a pressing question for a jury in any of the opt-outs from Fresenius’ settlement; patients who have kidney disease are at a greater risk of other health problems, McCullough explained. Dial was obese and had high blood pressure that didn’t respond to medication, McCullough said. His father died of a heart attack and his mother had an angioplasty, a procedure to open heart arteries, McCullough said, a strong family history. He even had to be hospitalized for high blood pressure in 2001, McCullough noted, a rarity for someone in their 40s. During another hospital visit in 2008, Dial had a heart scan, McCullough said. Tests revealed that he had critical blockages in his heart, developing over decades, McCullough said. Doctors recommended that Dial have a heart catheterization, but he declined to do so, McCullough said. “It’s very cohesive,” McCullough said. “All these things we’ve been talking about make medical sense.” Fresenius is represented by James Bennett and Megan S. Heinsz of Dowd Bennett LLP, William Kettlewell, Sara Silva and Maria Durant of Collora LLP and Juanita Brooks and Roger Denning of Fish & Richardson PC. Dial's estate is represented by Robert Carey and Molly Booker of Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, Craig Valentine of Norton Frickey LP and Stuart Paynter of the Paynter Law Firm PLLC.

  • JoeMarch 3, 2017 at 6:49 am

    Debra,stop speculating on things. I never said that people that are going to trial will win millions. The cases have to be won at trial and even then nobody knows what the jury will give if the trials are won. These cases are going to trial or are part of the MDL bellwether are very complex who knows with the Jury is going to decide.The people that have happened in May or may not have done the [Show More]Debra,stop speculating on things. I never said that people that are going to trial will win millions. The cases have to be won at trial and even then nobody knows what the jury will give if the trials are won. These cases are going to trial or are part of the MDL bellwether are very complex who knows with the Jury is going to decide.The people that have happened in May or may not have done the right thing. What if it goes to trial and we lose, thin white case over and you would receive nothing.

  • JoeMarch 3, 2017 at 5:34 am

    Rick, here is a total of 10 bellwether trails that are supposedly to take place for the Fresenius,cases because there was a settlement and they did not reach the 97% they are proceeding with the bellwether trails. Basically these trials are for the people that did not opt in .The settlement was excepted by both sides but it was A aggregated settlement meeting almost all people had to participate [Show More]Rick, here is a total of 10 bellwether trails that are supposedly to take place for the Fresenius,cases because there was a settlement and they did not reach the 97% they are proceeding with the bellwether trails. Basically these trials are for the people that did not opt in .The settlement was excepted by both sides but it was A aggregated settlement meeting almost all people had to participate as in all plaintiffs . They agreed that if 97% participate and Opt-in The settlement would be triggered. That did not happen. So according to the settlement agreement Fresenius, has the option to actually settle with the people that have opted in even though it isn't the 97% .They also have the option to walk away from the settlement all together. Because the threshold was not met. If they choose to walk away that does not mean the lawsuit is over. All cases or most cases will be disbursed back into the MDL and proceedings will continue like they did before the settlement offer. You will be in the same position you were before the settlement understanding is they are going to settle with the people that have Opted-in that is not official however.Fresenius, has not made it clear to anyone what they are going to choose to do.There Are some cases that fall into the lone Pine order category . These cases will need to show more causation and expert testimony those cases will be reminded to State court or be put back into the cases that are being tried in the bellwether trials right now . The problem for these people is, it is going to be very hard for them to get the causation and expert testimony..

  • MarieMarch 3, 2017 at 3:35 am

    I thought the lawyers were supposed to be on our side. They are being paid by us. Or at least are getting a third of our settlement . I was also told by my paralegal that Medicare could put a lien on the money and take it when we do get the settlement. So if you end up with say $20,000 they might end up taking it from you anyway. I just wish lawyers would be honest to us all. So sad. We lost our [Show More]I thought the lawyers were supposed to be on our side. They are being paid by us. Or at least are getting a third of our settlement . I was also told by my paralegal that Medicare could put a lien on the money and take it when we do get the settlement. So if you end up with say $20,000 they might end up taking it from you anyway. I just wish lawyers would be honest to us all. So sad. We lost our love ones and no one seems to care.

  • RickFebruary 28, 2017 at 8:55 pm

    What does this mean for us Joe? Are we out of luck..or is there still a chance for us..

  • PHILFebruary 28, 2017 at 6:57 pm

    Is the $250,000,000. had been settle to people filed the LAWSUIT or still pending? Me I still waiting for the $ from the Company.

  • TerryFebruary 28, 2017 at 4:08 pm

    Debra you are so right, they didn't want to do any work, it seems to me they just wanted to file and wait and see what they could get.

  • JoeFebruary 28, 2017 at 11:13 am

    Fresenius Dialysis Drug Didn’t Kill Patient, Jury Told By Brian Amaral Law360, Boston (February 27, 2017, 8:21 PM EST) -- A man whose next of kin are suing Fresenius Medical Care didn’t actually die from taking the company’s dialysis drugs, but instead a heart attack that followed years of stunningly high blood pressure and other medical problems killed him, an expert for the company testified Mo[Show More]Fresenius Dialysis Drug Didn’t Kill Patient, Jury Told By Brian Amaral Law360, Boston (February 27, 2017, 8:21 PM EST) -- A man whose next of kin are suing Fresenius Medical Care didn’t actually die from taking the company’s dialysis drugs, but instead a heart attack that followed years of stunningly high blood pressure and other medical problems killed him, an expert for the company testified Monday. Dr. Peter McCullough, testifying for Fresenius in the third week of a bellwether trial for people who opted out of a $250 million settlement, said that the dialysis company’s drug Naturalyte was not the cause of North Carolina resident Carley...

  • DebraFebruary 25, 2017 at 1:29 pm

    So What you wrote above means that person and that trial with those attorneys trying that particular case means that person In their individual case will get probably millions (that's just one case!) and we that opted in end up with maybe 12,000. This is not fair! I was persuaded to opt in because they made it sound that was the way to go. If they would have said to me "listen let's go to trial [Show More]So What you wrote above means that person and that trial with those attorneys trying that particular case means that person In their individual case will get probably millions (that's just one case!) and we that opted in end up with maybe 12,000. This is not fair! I was persuaded to opt in because they made it sound that was the way to go. If they would have said to me "listen let's go to trial and we will win because we can prove it was GranuFlo, I would've opted out! They didn't present it that way. They just didn't want to try the case. They get free money for just filing the lawsuit this is not fair!

  • MarieFebruary 25, 2017 at 1:30 am

    I still don't understand why it was legal for them to lie to us and tell us that we had lost the case and that we should except the settlement. After I didn't sign right away they even called to talk me into signing them. They should've explained this fully before our lawyers talked us into signing papers. For some reason they have kept us in the dark. Are they getting something from the dialysis[Show More]I still don't understand why it was legal for them to lie to us and tell us that we had lost the case and that we should except the settlement. After I didn't sign right away they even called to talk me into signing them. They should've explained this fully before our lawyers talked us into signing papers. For some reason they have kept us in the dark. Are they getting something from the dialysis company? They are supposed to be protecting us, not them.

  • KimFebruary 24, 2017 at 2:15 pm

    Can we find out how long after his last dialysis treatment he went into cardiac arrest?

  • JoeFebruary 23, 2017 at 10:41 am

    Chemical Overload Killed Fresenius Patient, Jury Told By Brian Amaral Law360, Boston (February 21, 2017, 6:08 PM EST) -- A North Carolina man died from an excess of chemical ingredients in the Fresenius drug NaturaLyte, an expert witness testified Tuesday in a bellwether trial over the medication. Dr. Steven Borkan, testifying on direct examination for the plaintiff, said Carley Dial showed conc[Show More]Chemical Overload Killed Fresenius Patient, Jury Told By Brian Amaral Law360, Boston (February 21, 2017, 6:08 PM EST) -- A North Carolina man died from an excess of chemical ingredients in the Fresenius drug NaturaLyte, an expert witness testified Tuesday in a bellwether trial over the medication. Dr. Steven Borkan, testifying on direct examination for the plaintiff, said Carley Dial showed concerning levels of bicarbonate — which treats diabetes patients who are on dialysis — before he was treated yet again with NaturaLyte, on a dialysis machine with bicarbonate levels at the highest settings. He died in February 2012, the result of crashing potassium levels and an off-kilter blood pH level, causing his system to become dangerously alkalotic and shorting out his heart, Borkan said. “I believe Mr. Dial unfortunately died of a sudden cardiac arrest that more likely than not was due to excess delivery of bicarbonate,” Borkan told the jury. Bicarbonate is added to dialysis patients' blood to help them regulate acid in their systems, doing a job that, because of diabetes, the unhealthy kidneys cannot do. Borkan, testifying in the third week of the first bellwether trial for holdouts after Fresenius Medical Care’s $250 million settlement of a multidistrict litigation, said he was surprised to learn that Dial’s doctors at a Fresenius clinic in North Carolina continued to give him the highest amount of ingredients possible even after he showed high levels of bicarbonate in his system, as well as reduced potassium. “I would have expected his dialysis prescription to deliver less bicarbonate,” said Borkan, a kidney specialist in Boston. “And I would have been very concerned about his falling potassium.” Dial’s next of kin say in their lawsuit that Fresenius failed to train and warn doctors about the risks and proper uses of NaturaLyte. The drug’s label was a confounding mess, Dial’s next of kin say, listing ingredients that weren’t actually in NaturaLyte. The suit claims that Fresenius didn’t clearly inform and train doctors about how one ingredient, acetate, worked to magnify the effect of the other ingredient, bicarbonate. Borkan pointed to the extra bicarbonate from acetate as the cause of Dial’s condition. Essentially, an overload of NaturaLyte overcorrected the attempts to regulate acid in the blood through dialysis, according to Dial's suit. Fresenius’ attorneys have argued that Dial didn’t die of a cardiac arrest but instead died of a heart attack, a distinct killer. While cardiac arrest is likened to an electrical problem in the heart’s beat, a heart attack is often described as a plumbing problem, where an artery clogs and blocks the flow of blood. But Borkan, in his differential diagnosis, rejected that hypothesis, saying that all signs pointed to cardiac arrest. For example, seven or eight years of heart monitoring were stable for Dial, Borkan said. And while Dial’s doctors once suggested that he get his heart checked for artery health, Dial instead opted to self-regulate, without issues, Borkan said. Indeed, Dial was a model patient, who followed instructions to a T and drove himself to the clinic until his very last appointment, Borkan said. If the chest pains that Dial felt in the lead-up to his death were indeed the sign of a heart attack, rather than acid reflux, he’d have died much more quickly, Borkan said. During a brief cross-examination by Fresenius attorney Roger Denning of Fish & Richardson PC, Borkan acknowledged that he’d never been the medical director for a dialysis clinic, he'd never done any published paper on blood bicarbonate levels, nor was he a doctor who specialized in heart medicine. But Borkan stuck with his assessment that Dial’s doctors failed to recognize that acetate was contributing to the levels of bicarbonate in Dial’s system — despite not having seen the testimony of the doctor who treated Dial. “I only had to look at his prescription,” Borkan said. Fresenius is represented by James Bennett and Megan S. Heinsz of Dowd Bennett LLP; William Kettlewell, Sara Silva and Maria Durant of Collora LLP; and Juanita Brooks and Roger Denning of Fish & Richardson PC. Dial's estate is represented by Robert Carey and Molly Booker of Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, Craig Valentine of Norton Frickey LP and Stuart Paynter of the Paynter Law

  • JoeFebruary 23, 2017 at 7:04 am

    I know it may seem like I know a lot. All the stuff I am posting you can get online. It may be difficult but it can be done. A lot of people seem desperate. Let's see how this turns out, it may not turn out the way people are predicting. Let's wait and see what happens. This Dial v. Fresenius Case is a bigger deal than people realize.

  • StephanieFebruary 22, 2017 at 11:39 pm

    I think that's a very good idea Angela. I looked at your link. It couldn't find the petition. Arthur- If it was that easy, more than half of us wouldn't be in the predicament that we're in now. What lawyer out here is willing to sue another lawyer for malpractice and misrepresentation? Really?!? Find one and we'll ALL have a class action. By the way, no pun intended. #FACTS

  • ArthurFebruary 22, 2017 at 2:11 pm

    I really don't think you need to do all that. Just sue them for legal malpractice or for misrepresentation. Either way you got them. Hopefully this Dial case comes out promising for everyone involved.

  • AngelaFebruary 20, 2017 at 9:12 pm

    Joe, you seem to know more about this case & have been more informational than our own attorney's. I'm asking on behalf of all involved if you would represent us in a petition? I too feel like I was duped by my attorney's & told to take the opt in or nothing! We need to do something about this and not allow them to get away with what all involved have done to our family [Show More]Joe, you seem to know more about this case & have been more informational than our own attorney's. I'm asking on behalf of all involved if you would represent us in a petition? I too feel like I was duped by my attorney's & told to take the opt in or nothing! We need to do something about this and not allow them to get away with what all involved have done to our family member's. Please!

  • MaryFebruary 19, 2017 at 12:26 am

    Joe, I learned more from you than I have from anyone including my attorney's. Thank you for posting. Husband died in 2011 while in dialysis.

  • frankFebruary 17, 2017 at 11:06 pm

    How much will each category recive Joe do u no

  • JoeFebruary 16, 2017 at 11:24 pm

    Debra,your lawyer seems to be pretty honest my lawyer is also honest with me.trail is for Naturalyte but Granuflo and Naturalyte are the same lawsuit so it will affect everyone that did not opt in. My loved one also died within 24 hours and within the dates stated. The date your lawyer told you is somewhat correct it can be confusing so I am sure the way he saw it is the way he told it to you. Wh[Show More]Debra,your lawyer seems to be pretty honest my lawyer is also honest with me.trail is for Naturalyte but Granuflo and Naturalyte are the same lawsuit so it will affect everyone that did not opt in. My loved one also died within 24 hours and within the dates stated. The date your lawyer told you is somewhat correct it can be confusing so I am sure the way he saw it is the way he told it to you. Which is basically correct The opt-in date date is over no one can opt in at this point as far as I know. Now they have to determine if they are going to fund the settlement where are the people that have opted in. Here are some court documents, you will better understand it after looking these documents or orders over. These are court document. Extension of Settlement Program’s Opt-In and Voiding Deadlines1813 ALLOWED and adopted as follows: January 13, 2017 – Date by which plaintiffs may opt in to the settlement program; January 18, 2017 – Date by which all opt in data and documents will be supplied to Fresenius; May 10, 2017 – Date by which Fresenius may elect to void pursuant to the terms of the MSA; and, May 17, 2017 – Date by which Fresenius shall fund the settlement if not voided.

  • JoeFebruary 16, 2017 at 9:27 am

    Law360, Boston (February 8, 2017, 10:36 PM EST) -- Fresenius Medical Care failed to train doctors or warn the public about the risks of its dialysis drug Naturalyte, leading to the death of a North Carolina diabetic, his relatives told a Massachusetts federal jury Wednesday in opening statements at the first bellwether trial for litigants who declined to take part in a $250 million case settlement[Show More]Law360, Boston (February 8, 2017, 10:36 PM EST) -- Fresenius Medical Care failed to train doctors or warn the public about the risks of its dialysis drug Naturalyte, leading to the death of a North Carolina diabetic, his relatives told a Massachusetts federal jury Wednesday in opening statements at the first bellwether trial for litigants who declined to take part in a $250 million case settlement. Attorneys for the estate of Carley Dial said that Fresenius knew for years that the dialysis drug could pose risks but did nothing to properly train doctors about it. Dial’s physicians, meanwhile, failed to act on dangerous blood test results while he was being treated with Naturalyte at a Fresenius clinic in North Carolina, causing him to suffer cardiac arrest, Robert Carey of Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP said. “We’re suing them because they did not provide adequate instructions,” Carey told the jury in Boston, where the 12,000-member multidistrict litigation is being hashed out. “There were known, persistent problems about how this product worked. It became a running joke at the company. We’ll present corporate documents that show that.” Fresenius reached a $250 million settlement in the MDL last February. Company lawyers have previously said that 97 percent of plaintiffs need to opt in to the case for the settlement to take effect. Dial is one of the holdouts, and the first to go to trial. His estate’s attorney said that Fresenius, its clinics and the doctors that used Naturalyte didn’t understand some of the finer points of the drug or how it interacted with a dialysis patient’s body. Diabetes patients’ kidneys can’t properly filter acid, causing buildups. In dialysis, patients sit in a chair for four hours as their blood is pumped into a machine and cleaned, while chemicals with ingredients called bicarbonates are added to do the job the kidneys can’t do. In addition to the bicarbonates, Naturalyte also has acetates, which, when they’re put in the human body, also raise bicarbonate levels, Carey said. But Fresenius, a company that runs clinics, sells the drug and makes the dialysis machines, didn’t adequately explain the interplay between bicarbonates and acetates, leaving doctors to botch addition and subtraction when they came up with dosing, Carey argued. “That confusion existed at the highest levels of the company,” Carey said. “The very top people on safety were confused about this concept and how to handle it.” While raising bicarbonate levels is good, it can also be dangerous at certain levels, particularly if patients already have low potassium levels. The body, with the abundance of bicarbonates, starts turning potassium into acid to balance it out, bringing potassium to dangerously low levels. The result, for Dial, was a condition called metabolic alkalization, and then cardiac arrhythmia, or an irregular heartbeat, that led to his death in February 2012, Carey said. Dial was on the highest possible amount of Naturalyte, Carey said, measured at 28 units in his blood. That increased his risk of death eightfold, Carey said. But his doctors chalked up the 28-unit measurement to a testing error, and didn’t reduce the dosage. Dial had five more treatments at the highest setting before he died, Carey said. That was in part due to the fact that Naturalyte’s label was a confusing “disaster,” and because Fresenius failed to train the doctors, Carey said. Referring to the instructions for use of the drug, Carey said, “It’s virtually impossible to figure out what they mean.” But an attorney for Fresenius contended that Dial’s lawyers were painting a distorted picture not just of Naturalyte, but of Dial’s own health. Fresenius has sold 300 million gallons of the drug since 1981, James Bennett of Dowd Bennett LLP said. ”Naturalyte is safe and effective,” Bennett said. Naturalyte’s competitors, Bennett said, contain the same amount of acetates. The company also adequately trained its network of clinics and doctors about the drug, Bennett argued. Bennett contended that Dial didn’t die because of cardiac arrhythmia but of a heart attack that was completely unrelated to his dialysis treatments. Dial had several underlying conditions that could contribute to a heart attack, including high blood pressure, obesity, chest pains that went untreated and coronary artery disease, Bennett said. In 2008, Dial’s doctors recommended that he get catheterization to deal with his heart issues, Bennett said. But he didn’t. Dial's wife has acknowledged that he didn’t like going to the doctor, or doctors in general, Bennett said. All along while he was being treated at the Fresenius clinic, workers checked his potassium levels and his heart, Bennett said. His heartbeat always was at a regular rate, suggesting that a cardiac arrhythmia is not what killed him — a heart attack was, Bennett said. Although Dial denied having chest pains, that likely wasn’t true, Bennett argued. According to the American Heart Association, a heart attack occurs when an artery in the heart is blocked, cutting off blood. Cardiac arrest is an “electrical malfunction” that causes an irregular heartbeat, called cardiac arrhythmia. Although a heart attack can cause cardiac arrest, they’re distinct conditions. “We’re going to prove to you that the death of Mr. Dial had nothing to do with dialysis,” Bennett told the jurors. Fresenius is represented by James Bennett and Megan S. Heinsz of Dowd Bennett LLP, William Kettlewell, Sara Silva and Maria Durant of Collora LLP and Juanita Brooks and Roger Denning of Fish & Richardson. Dial's estate is represented by Robert Carey and Molly Booker of Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP, Craig Valentine of Norton Frickey LP and Stuart Paynter of the Paynter Law Firm PLLC. The case is Dial v. Fresenius Medical Care Holdings Inc. et al., case number 1:14-cv-11101, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts.

  • JoeFebruary 16, 2017 at 9:11 am

    You people need to understand a trial is not a bellwether trail. If the lawyer stated the first trial was lost But left out the word bellwether trail. Then unfortunate he or she did not lie to you because there was a trail that was lost but it was not a bellwether trail.

  • JoeFebruary 16, 2017 at 2:18 am

    Read the article this is the first bellwether trail even stated it in the article. From 360law. Dated February 10, 2017 . So I don't know why people keep telling me the first bellwether trail already took place that is not true, it is taking place right now. Law360, Boston (February 10, 2017, 7:27 PM EST) -- An attorney for a diabetes patient's next of kin who blame Fresenius Medical Care for h[Show More]Read the article this is the first bellwether trail even stated it in the article. From 360law. Dated February 10, 2017 . So I don't know why people keep telling me the first bellwether trail already took place that is not true, it is taking place right now. Law360, Boston (February 10, 2017, 7:27 PM EST) -- An attorney for a diabetes patient's next of kin who blame Fresenius Medical Care for his 2012 death questioned the man's doctor Friday about the label of dialysis drug NaturaLyte, suggesting that the company mislabeled it, didn't give the doctor enough training on how to use it and didn’t warn anyone about possible deadly confusion. The estate of North Carolina resident Carley Dial, in its questions to Dr. William Buchanan, sought to portray the dialysis drug’s label as contradictory and incorrect on some of the basics, like how much acid-fighting power it had. Fresenius, which runs clinics, sells the drug and makes dialysis machines, didn’t teach doctors like Buchanan how to use the drug safely, Dial’s family says in the first bellwether for people who have opted out of a $250 million settlement. Among the problems on the label, Dial says, is an ingredient list that’s incorrect. “Wouldn’t it help you if that label were accurate?” Robert Carey of Hagens Berman Sobol Shapiro LLP asked Buchanan, medical director at the Fresenius clinic where Dial was a patient. “That jug is nothing but acetic acid — wouldn’t that be the accurate representation?” “That would be more specific,” Buchanan said. The trial, which entered its second day Friday, includes some fundamental disputes, like how Dial died. Dial’s next of kin say he died of a cardiac arrhythmia caused by an overload of NaturaLyte. Fresenius argues that Dial’s death was due to a heart attack that had nothing to do with his dialysis treatment. But much of Friday’s testimony was ripped straight from the pages of a chemistry textbook, going over in great detail the difference between bicarbonates and acetates and they way they interact. Both are important parts of treating diabetes patients, whose kidneys can’t properly regulate the amount of acid in their systems. Bicarbonates help balance it out, and acetates can amplify the effect, turning into more bicarbonates in the body. According to Dial’s estate, even Fresenius was confused about how acetates worked to battle acid and how much medicine was being pumped into patients’ bodies. Dial’s family argues that the company magnified the problem with a label that was, in some respects, flat-out incorrect: Labels affixed to jugs of the liquid listed acetate as an ingredient, even though there was no actual acetate in the jugs — it was just acetic acid, or vinegar. Instead, acetate came later in the process as part of a chemical reaction. Buchanan testified that he understood exactly what the label meant and that what ultimately mattered was the end result. But, Carey suggested, his testimony could be shaped by his lucrative partnership with Fresenius — and the fact that the CEO of the company was in the courtroom. “Is it more difficult for you to criticize Fresenius when the highest level executive is here?” Carey said. “If I felt they dropped the ball, I’d say they dropped the ball,” Buchanan responded. Buchanan said when questioned by Fresenius’ attorney that the company has always been punctilious in its training of doctors, even on the question of bicarbonates versus acetates. “I thought Fresenius was very responsible,” Buchanan said when questioned by James Bennett of Dowd Bennett LLP. “They provided us with instruction, we had emails — every meeting, this was brought up.” Fresenius also circulated studies, some of which showed the dangers of having too much bicarbonates. At a medical meeting in Atlanta, the topic was widely discussed, Buchanan testified. But fundamentally, Buchanan said his medical school education, or even high school chemistry, could explain the basics of the Krebs cycle. “Did you need Fresenius to tell you acetate converted into bicarbonate?” Bennett asked. “No,” Buchanan said.

  • JoeFebruary 16, 2017 at 1:08 am

    Frank, show me the Proof or the article. People say they have seen something that stated the First bellwether trial already happened but they never show me proof. I will post something that states right in the article that this is the first bellwether trial 360 law. Please don't show me some random case.that you think is the bellwether trial case.

  • ArthurFebruary 15, 2017 at 8:45 pm

    Yup, Marie. I will be looking into the legal ramifications of my Attorneys actions. I think we were being duped. Let's see how the Dial trial comes out. Praying for the best outcome possible.

  • DebraFebruary 15, 2017 at 8:09 pm

    Joe I also opted in. They can prove my husband was given the Granuflo and died within 24 hours of cardic arrest. My attorney said that the current trial has to do with NaturaLyte cases which opted out of the settlement. Those that opted in the Defense has been granted additional time to trigger the settlement which now they have til 5/10/17 to decide if they want to move forward with the settle[Show More]Joe I also opted in. They can prove my husband was given the Granuflo and died within 24 hours of cardic arrest. My attorney said that the current trial has to do with NaturaLyte cases which opted out of the settlement. Those that opted in the Defense has been granted additional time to trigger the settlement which now they have til 5/10/17 to decide if they want to move forward with the settlement since they did not get the 97%. They said that the settlement process is very complex. I just want to get this whole ordeal over with.

  • MarieFebruary 15, 2017 at 3:11 pm

    So your telling me that the lawyers lied to us about losing the first 2 trials? Isn't that illegal? We have been scammed into opting in. Do we have any legal rights to go after the attorneys who lied to us?

  • TammyFebruary 15, 2017 at 3:22 am

    so you're saying the people that opted in are screwed ! they put it ro me that if I didn't opt in I could be charged for the cout fees up to that point !

  • frankFebruary 14, 2017 at 3:46 am

    Joe its on record about last years beweilther trail. I read it on 360 law i saw the scale on the amount of granuflo that was use its. Was a man joe if thats the case arent the attorneys in voliation of mis leading information that is a lawsuit against them call it false the surpreme court will strip there license to practice joe. Ima call the judge sec to verify

  • JoeFebruary 14, 2017 at 2:42 am

    No I opted in, let me explain the reason behind that. After talking to my lawyer he explained to me that they could prove that Granuflo was taken in court and could probably prove inproper labeling what they were unsure of is if they could prove Granuflo actually caused the death. There lies the reason for my opt-in . I thought at the time and I still think now how is one going to prove that [Show More]No I opted in, let me explain the reason behind that. After talking to my lawyer he explained to me that they could prove that Granuflo was taken in court and could probably prove inproper labeling what they were unsure of is if they could prove Granuflo actually caused the death. There lies the reason for my opt-in . I thought at the time and I still think now how is one going to prove that Granuflo actually caused the death. So I opted in. My lawyer did tell me at the time he thought there may be 10,000 cases I guess I didn't believe that when he told me but it looks like it was pretty much true there are 12,000 total cases but around 7700 Have opted in. I still do not know how many are in each category. I do hope for the people that have not opted in that the trail does go their way. I am posting this information to be helpful, because I know the lawyers are not telling People very much..

  • JohnFebruary 12, 2017 at 5:41 pm

    When will people from mississippi here anything about their lawsuits I never recieved a letter to opt in or opt out what could that mean lawyer always say I will receive a letter in mail but never recieved that letter and its been a year now

  • JoeFebruary 10, 2017 at 7:12 am

    Not sure if everyone understands what this trail is all about. This is the first bellweather trial for those of you that were told the First bellweather trail was lost we're lied to buy your attorneys. The people that should be the most interested in this case are the people that did not opt in. This is what you have been waiting for.

  • JoeFebruary 10, 2017 at 7:01 am

    February 10, 2017 Day 2 of trail . 9:00 AM Senior Judge Douglas P. Woodlock - Courtroom 1 - 3rd Floor CV-14:11101 Dial v. Fresenius Medical Care Jury Trial - Day Two (Barnes, Booker, )

  • DebraFebruary 10, 2017 at 5:11 am

    Joe did you say you opted in or are one of the lucky ones that opted out?

  • JoeFebruary 9, 2017 at 10:58 am

    Boston (February 8, 2017, 10:36 PM EST) -- Fresenius Medical Care failed to train doctors or warn the public about the risks of its dialysis drug Naturalyte, leading to the death of a North Carolina diabetic, his relatives told a Massachusetts federal jury Wednesday in opening statements at the first bellwether trial for litigants who declined to take part in a $250 million case settlement. Attor[Show More]Boston (February 8, 2017, 10:36 PM EST) -- Fresenius Medical Care failed to train doctors or warn the public about the risks of its dialysis drug Naturalyte, leading to the death of a North Carolina diabetic, his relatives told a Massachusetts federal jury Wednesday in opening statements at the first bellwether trial for litigants who declined to take part in a $250 million case settlement. Attorneys for the estate of Carley Dial said that Fresenius knew for years that the dialysis drug could pose risks but did nothing to properly train doctors about it....

  • JoeFebruary 8, 2017 at 10:54 am

    Debra, if you are talking about the settlement level 1 and 2? For level 1 Granuflo not NaturaLyte would have to have been administered. Level 1 is the Granuflo compensation fund $215 million to $220 million. Level 2 A $5 million fund for people that took NaturaLyte only maximum payout 50% of what you would have received if you had qualified for level 1.

  • JoeFebruary 8, 2017 at 3:22 am

    Well it looks like the bellwether trial has begun February 6 like I had stated earlier. I thought they changed it but it looks like they have not the trail is underway. Someone on a different blog mentioned the weather trial starting February 6 and it is underway, thanks Mike.

  • DebraFebruary 7, 2017 at 4:13 am

    Joe What's the difference between a level one and level two?

  • CallaFebruary 6, 2017 at 9:50 pm

    I received a letter for entry of Lone Pine Order citing retain new counsel or dismiss the case.

  • NicoleFebruary 6, 2017 at 3:22 pm

    Hello--Reading everyone's comments and it's very informative. Please don't stop the flow of info. My father suffered a heart attack right on the dialysis was heartbreaking. We were told we are level 2 but I think it should be 1. I hope this all works out so that everyone is fairly compensated for their loved ones pain and their loss and suffering.

  • ThomasFebruary 1, 2017 at 8:49 am

    I think we need to petition the government its alot going on with fhe medical care the media will tear them apart someone start a online petition to Congress they will acknowledge it but we all got to go out and have people sign to prosecute or push the situation we are the victims not the lawyers I need my closure they killed my mother and I wont rest until justice be served im tyed of waiting [Show More]I think we need to petition the government its alot going on with fhe medical care the media will tear them apart someone start a online petition to Congress they will acknowledge it but we all got to go out and have people sign to prosecute or push the situation we are the victims not the lawyers I need my closure they killed my mother and I wont rest until justice be served im tyed of waiting for them to end this in may if they decide to void im goin to disregard my attorney throw him under the bus and take my case to cnn captail hill and evry local news staion in my city and world news even if I have to go to the estreem with the news reporters by threat by harassment I will go to jail repeadtly for our cause I have nothing to lose each city have a news reporter that do trouble shooter wen u pickett contact them share ur medical reports hand out copies to patient. Enterung these facility share ur reports to they staff pay homeless to pickett petition the stae senator mail the judge certified letters flood him file isufecent council petition the supreme court petition us attorney petition trump attack with meda coverage

  • JoeJanuary 31, 2017 at 8:38 am

    1. Granuflo compensation fund must have suffered a cardiac arrest between April 1, 2002 to December 31, 2012 within 24 hours of there last dialysis. 2. NaturaLyte Compensation fund very few people are expected to qualify so this fund is limited to $5 million pre-dialysis blood laboratory work has to be of a certain level also their bicarbonate prescription and to also be of a certain levelso i[Show More]1. Granuflo compensation fund must have suffered a cardiac arrest between April 1, 2002 to December 31, 2012 within 24 hours of there last dialysis. 2. NaturaLyte Compensation fund very few people are expected to qualify so this fund is limited to $5 million pre-dialysis blood laboratory work has to be of a certain level also their bicarbonate prescription and to also be of a certain levelso it was more like a Granuflo exposure. Compensation will be capped at 50% of what the Granuflo compensation fund would have been. 3. Alternative payment phone for people that do not qualify for category one or two But can show proof of product identification and use Will be entitled to $1500 before certain deductions. 4. Extraordinary injury fund this is a 10 million Dollar fund did not die in a sudden manner and continue to receive medical care and have pain and suffering and for those that have used Granuflo or a acute condition and not end-stage retinal failure.

  • MarieJanuary 31, 2017 at 1:19 am

    Spoke to the paralegal today at the lawyers office and they stated that Medicare could put a lien on the little bit of money we do get. Has anyone else heard this? I explained to him that if we have to pay the hospital bill back to Medicare that means we will not get anything. He said that could be possible. This whole thing seems like a scam to me. I feel so under represented. They don't even [Show More]Spoke to the paralegal today at the lawyers office and they stated that Medicare could put a lien on the little bit of money we do get. Has anyone else heard this? I explained to him that if we have to pay the hospital bill back to Medicare that means we will not get anything. He said that could be possible. This whole thing seems like a scam to me. I feel so under represented. They don't even send us updates. I always have to call to get one. I am beyond frustrated and saddened by the whole thing. Sounds like it's going to take them forever to go through anyone that I opted in their cases to decide how much money you're going to get. This could drag on for years. I feel like they lied to us because they told me they were already doing that before . Not sure what we can do to get to the truth.

  • MauriceJanuary 30, 2017 at 10:16 am

    Listen these lawyer that client hired for there love one aren't the lawyer that going to court there is a head lawyer who they dispose to report to in these case so they don't care about loves one they only follow what the committee said they won't to less work and get paid settle aurge these cases saying well the court said you have to take 1500 APA judge dudnt say that so keep fighting if you no[Show More]Listen these lawyer that client hired for there love one aren't the lawyer that going to court there is a head lawyer who they dispose to report to in these case so they don't care about loves one they only follow what the committee said they won't to less work and get paid settle aurge these cases saying well the court said you have to take 1500 APA judge dudnt say that so keep fighting if you no that you suffer harm or death in this case on the chemical was use it a jury discretion to determined if these company were in violated not lawyer it a scam keep pursue the fact they died from harm of this product period.

  • DebraJanuary 29, 2017 at 1:14 pm

    The are only a handful of people that are posting things on this site. How do we get the other 12,000 people to get involved on this website? How do we get it out to them we want to hear their thoughts? I stumbled on this site by googling GRANUFLO LAWSUIT and then starting seeing the comments. Its very lonely out there with just about 10 people doing all the postings.

  • DebraJanuary 29, 2017 at 2:04 am

    Joe probably knows

  • NormaJanuary 26, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    Hi my husband died in 2011 after a dialysis treatment. He went into a coma and died after 21 days. What are the 3 categories or levels of monetary dispursement for this monstrous case ? I'm willing to talk by phone

  • ThomasJanuary 25, 2017 at 9:36 pm

    That number cant be tru 7700 people dont. Receive the same some people have add ons do you have that scale that show the base amount

  • ArthurJanuary 25, 2017 at 5:36 pm

    For you Sleuth Detectives I have a little investigating work that would settle once and for all if the first bellwether case ever went to trial. Linda F. Teague, 48, Hopkinsville Kentucky died on Jan. 14 2011 of natural causes at that time. Nothing related to Dialysis as of yet. If we were to contact any of her immediate family to see if the case was started or not. My Attorneys have told me that [Show More]For you Sleuth Detectives I have a little investigating work that would settle once and for all if the first bellwether case ever went to trial. Linda F. Teague, 48, Hopkinsville Kentucky died on Jan. 14 2011 of natural causes at that time. Nothing related to Dialysis as of yet. If we were to contact any of her immediate family to see if the case was started or not. My Attorneys have told me that the legal fees for the first trial was 600K. That is why they reached a settlement with Fresenius. To cut down on future legal fees. So once and for all we can put this behind us. Whether the case took place or not. Either that or our Attorneys are in collusion with Fresenius. If we can prove that then we have another lawsuit in our hands. Secondly, when I first retained my Attorneys in 2012 the fee was set at 33% or 40% if we went to trial. The reason the Attorneys are asking for a 40% fee in this settlement is because they want to make up 600K in lawyer fees. That's why it's important to find out if the first case ever took place.

  • JoeJanuary 25, 2017 at 10:59 am

    Sorry, I cannot answer those questions for anyone I don't know the answers. One thing to remember I have no idea how many people are in category one there are 7700 that qualify but I don't believe those are all category one. Also it will not be disbursed Even across-the-board some people in category one will get more than others,depending on the add-ons and the strength of their case. This just [Show More]Sorry, I cannot answer those questions for anyone I don't know the answers. One thing to remember I have no idea how many people are in category one there are 7700 that qualify but I don't believe those are all category one. Also it will not be disbursed Even across-the-board some people in category one will get more than others,depending on the add-ons and the strength of their case. This just came through yesterday so I don't know if it's going to matter 1823 misc Transcript Tue 11:05 AM Transcript of Pretrial Conference held on January 19, 2017, before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Brenda Hancock at Redaction Request due 2/14/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 2/24/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 4/24/2017. Associated Cases: 1:13-md-02428-DPW, 1:14-cv-11101-DPW(Scalfani, Deborah)

  • ThomasJanuary 24, 2017 at 12:31 pm

    Joe if they got 12k that claim how many qualify out the 7700 all of them qualify or thats just the number who agree. I no 7700 people dont qualify for granuflo Out of 12k I belive only 3000 qualify this is a twisted case we all been abuse im telling u we need to partition trump he will help us especially against this german company like he said nobody getting away he is real big on healthcare [Show More]Joe if they got 12k that claim how many qualify out the 7700 all of them qualify or thats just the number who agree. I no 7700 people dont qualify for granuflo Out of 12k I belive only 3000 qualify this is a twisted case we all been abuse im telling u we need to partition trump he will help us especially against this german company like he said nobody getting away he is real big on healthcare if dont no one say nothing we will be ate alive if they was to offer me 1500 I will gather so many people to hold pickett signs i will have so many homeless passing out my love ones medicail reports to every body entering there facilities it over 12k of us these lawyers are over paid to not care for people just money funny I showed one of these lead attorneys some facts that dude never spoke back

  • DebraJanuary 24, 2017 at 3:12 am

    Joe, So in other words $217,000,000÷7700 cases equals approximately $28,000 less 40% in attorney fees Will net out to be $17,000. It doesn't seem worth it to me for the death of your loved one due to a chemical that Fresenius KNEW was killing people. Is it too late to opt out? And are the figures correct because that's chicken feed compare to what Fresenius is worth and with what they charge [Show More]Joe, So in other words $217,000,000÷7700 cases equals approximately $28,000 less 40% in attorney fees Will net out to be $17,000. It doesn't seem worth it to me for the death of your loved one due to a chemical that Fresenius KNEW was killing people. Is it too late to opt out? And are the figures correct because that's chicken feed compare to what Fresenius is worth and with what they charge the insurance companies for a dialysis treatment only to be using a product that killed our loved one. And we will never that person back. What pisses me off is they knew that it was causing heart attacks and cardiac arrests and they still didn't take it off the market. How would they like it if that was used on their mother, father, sister or brother? It makes me sick. Joe can you post your email so we can discuss this further?

  • DebraJanuary 20, 2017 at 5:50 pm

    Also my lawyer told me that after that 17 million from the 250 million is deducted for "lawyer fees, case fees and court costs" the amount that we are supposed to get will then be reduced by another 40 percent to cover our own attorney fees that we hired for this case. Does that sound right?

  • DebraJanuary 20, 2017 at 7:46 am

    I wish I would have known that. I would have never opted in. So Fresenius WILL pay the ones that opted in. It will be in their best interest financially. With it being spread out over everyone it is a very little settlement after all fees are paid. So That means whoever opted out will get much more In the future than the ones that opted in right now. Aw shit I'm bummed.

  • TROYJanuary 20, 2017 at 3:21 am


  • JoeJanuary 19, 2017 at 11:06 pm

    Debra,if they void the settlement that does not mean the lawsuit is over they may get sued for three times what they are settling for. So I am not sure what you do not understand.. If they pay but don't just walk away they get rid of over 7700 cases ,you understand now?

  • ArthurJanuary 19, 2017 at 8:38 pm

    Let's say it does go to court and for some ungodly reason one of the Fresenius Claimants is awarded millions of dollars. That would open the flood gates to much more monry. Instead of $250 million maybe it would be $5 Billion settlememt. If you were Fresenius would you take that chance?

  • DebraJanuary 19, 2017 at 8:08 am

    Joe - you seem to know a lot about this case. If they don't get the 97 percent opt in why would Fresenius decide to pay the cases that have opted in instead of just voiding the case? What advantage is it for them if they pay the opt ins? Wouldn't it be financially in their best interest to just void the case? Then they don't have to pay anything. It all doesn't make sense to me.

  • leashaJanuary 13, 2017 at 12:25 am

    my name is leasha and i lost my mom she had two cardiac arrest, it looks like we are all in agreement, we dont want to opt in to this discrace of a settlement we need to get eachothers info and continue on and get these people they are not taking our family members lives seriously, knowingly giviing people a drug that can kill is sick, all for money' anyone with any info on what we should and can [Show More]my name is leasha and i lost my mom she had two cardiac arrest, it looks like we are all in agreement, we dont want to opt in to this discrace of a settlement we need to get eachothers info and continue on and get these people they are not taking our family members lives seriously, knowingly giviing people a drug that can kill is sick, all for money' anyone with any info on what we should and can do please get in toch with me. thanks.

  • JoeJanuary 12, 2017 at 10:38 pm

    Debra, The payout date you stated is correct. As for voiding the settlement they can do so only if The 97% has not been met. If the 97% is not met they have a option to pay the people that have opted in or to just walk away. If they just walk away that means they are voiding the settlement. That does not mean the lawsuit is voided just the settlement. If the settlement is voided you should no[Show More]Debra, The payout date you stated is correct. As for voiding the settlement they can do so only if The 97% has not been met. If the 97% is not met they have a option to pay the people that have opted in or to just walk away. If they just walk away that means they are voiding the settlement. That does not mean the lawsuit is voided just the settlement. If the settlement is voided you should not have to do anything the case you first filed with your attorney is still valid, so you will be in the same position you were in before the settlement offer.

  • MarkJanuary 12, 2017 at 2:38 pm

    Joe how do you know what category you are in, and if you did opt-in can you still be in other categories other than category 1?

  • DebraJanuary 12, 2017 at 3:36 am

    Joe, So in other words, those that have opted in will not receive anything until after May 17th and the settlement can be voided altogether anyway after waiting all this time? For those that opted in, if the case is voided, can we refile?

  • TROYJanuary 10, 2017 at 11:03 pm


  • MarieJanuary 6, 2017 at 3:03 pm

    Thank you so much for the info Joe. My lawyer doesn't seem to tell me anything. I do know that I did receive papers that stated that I am a level one. Not sure what that even means at this point but I guess we will wait and see. Keep us posted please. God bless all of us .

  • ThomasJanuary 4, 2017 at 4:02 pm

    I no one thing for sure it dont matter one day it will be over and they make that call if the settle my case they will have my word to shut up if they don't ima dedicated the rest of my life to show the world what happen to us and im going to make it my business to make world news to the point I go to jail for tresspasing I would not care about money or any thing of that nature they shit me once [Show More]I no one thing for sure it dont matter one day it will be over and they make that call if the settle my case they will have my word to shut up if they don't ima dedicated the rest of my life to show the world what happen to us and im going to make it my business to make world news to the point I go to jail for tresspasing I would not care about money or any thing of that nature they shit me once by wat happen if they think I will let them do it twice please im ready for war and a media frenize level the news run the world and wat happen is big news the united states will have to step in these are medicare medicade patient that the us pay to get trated so u better no one thing the lawyers are not in charge Of my stuff if they ignore wat happen I promise I will be the example for us all if the shit us now today I wait until the end at the end of the day im 100% sure of my paperwork rather its in may or not it will be on them how the approach me im ready to hammer they ass so if its a rep looking mess around and pull out and pull a fast one they will be ruin remeber it over 12000 of us do u no how much power we actually got if we form pickett4 all oved the country including capital hill in front of all major news sations we go at every body us govt an all for allowing the billion dollar company to hurt us for a tax cut its so many ways to skin a cat let the real shit began it either they pay or its war

  • JoeJanuary 4, 2017 at 5:58 am

    I am the one who posted that stuff on the other website. It's All true it came from court motions and for the lone Pine order I believe mostly it will benefit people that have not opted-in.I have seen people on here stating they have proof but they are still getting put into category three $1500 if this is true all you have to do is have your lawyer show the proof you say you have to the[Show More]I am the one who posted that stuff on the other website. It's All true it came from court motions and for the lone Pine order I believe mostly it will benefit people that have not opted-in.I have seen people on here stating they have proof but they are still getting put into category three $1500 if this is true all you have to do is have your lawyer show the proof you say you have to the judge and he will give a trial date to you. Call your lawyer first to Verify. As for those numbers 7700 those Numbers are From a hearing they had before the judge ordered the Lone pine. The transcript is not available right now it's restricted. I was able to get my hands on a portion of it. As for the bellwether trial that date is no longer valid this regard January 6, 2017. At the hearing it was still a valid date,but because of the extension to January 18 for the opt-in that date has been voided. Here is the order restricting access to The hearing transcript,you can purchase the transcript on or after 3/22/2017 Order number 1814 misc Transcript Thu 1:17 PM Transcript of Motion Hearing held on December 14, 2016, before Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. The Transcript may be purchased through the Court Reporter, viewed at the public terminal, or viewed through PACER after it is released. Court Reporter Name and Contact Information: Brenda Hancock at Redaction Request due 1/12/2017. Redacted Transcript Deadline set for 1/23/2017. Release of Transcript Restriction set for 3/22/2017. Associated Cases: 1:13-md-02428-DPW, 1:14-cv-11101-DPW So there it is, Everything I am telling everyone is all true. I have no reason to make things up. I am not gaining anything by telling you this information .The lawers keep lying to everyone telling them they don't know anything yet,Witch is a bunch of crap. Look always verify everything with your lawyer although they are not always truthful at this point you have no one else to turn to . One more thing the opt-in date was only extended 2 weeks but no one will know if the 97% was met or if the settlement is going to be paid out to the people that did opt in or if it is going to be voided altogether.The date that information Will be known is May 10,2017 or after. Funding payouts if The settlement is not voided should begin on or a short time after May 17,2017

  • JoeJanuary 4, 2017 at 12:55 am

    1816 order Order on Motion for Order Fri 4:05 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: Defendant FMCNA's motion for entry of Lone Pine Case Management Order1797 ALLOWED in principle requiring submissions under oath on or before March 29, 2017 by plaintiff's counsel, who must attest to use of defendant's product prior to the patient's alleged injury, and by a qualified medical expert, who most explain any op[Show More]1816 order Order on Motion for Order Fri 4:05 PM Judge Douglas P. Woodlock: Defendant FMCNA's motion for entry of Lone Pine Case Management Order1797 ALLOWED in principle requiring submissions under oath on or before March 29, 2017 by plaintiff's counsel, who must attest to use of defendant's product prior to the patient's alleged injury, and by a qualified medical expert, who most explain any opinion testimony regarding specific causation of plaintiff's alleged injury by defendant's product. A more detailed Case Management Order will issue following the holidays, outlining the specific obligations of plaintiff's counsel and the medical expert(s) in this regard.

  • JoeJanuary 4, 2017 at 12:34 am

    If your case gets dismissed it will probably be done with prejudice meaning you can never no another lawsuit against this company. Dismissed different than voided if voided your case still remains they are not voiding your case they are Voiding the settlement because they have not reached the 97% if that happens nobody knows yet. Your case will remain in the court them until a bellwether tria[Show More]If your case gets dismissed it will probably be done with prejudice meaning you can never no another lawsuit against this company. Dismissed different than voided if voided your case still remains they are not voiding your case they are Voiding the settlement because they have not reached the 97% if that happens nobody knows yet. Your case will remain in the court them until a bellwether trial date is set. Or they come back with a different settlement offer. But The likelihood is for the people that have opted in they are going to pay those people.Those cases will be gone forever never to be able to file another case against this i'm pretty again on the same grounds. They really are screwing everyone nobody would've opted in if they knew there was a total of 12,000 cases 7700 have already opted in I have no idea how many fall into category one but it definitely isn't going to only be a few hundred in my opinion , So again the company screwed everyone except for those that have not opted-in. They will have to show more causation or proof and they will end up getting a trial date if more proof can be shown.

  • JoeJanuary 4, 2017 at 12:15 am

    The bellwether trial date is no longer valid January 6, 2017 will not be the bellwether trial date. It was going to be but they extended the opt-in date and so that date is no longer valid for the bellwether trial so disregard it .For the people asking more people can opt in if they did not realize they had a case plain and simple no. They still need approximately 3000 to opt in to meet the 97% [Show More]The bellwether trial date is no longer valid January 6, 2017 will not be the bellwether trial date. It was going to be but they extended the opt-in date and so that date is no longer valid for the bellwether trial so disregard it .For the people asking more people can opt in if they did not realize they had a case plain and simple no. They still need approximately 3000 to opt in to meet the 97% but as you know from the opt-in docket it was stated they have the option to pay out the people that have Opted-in or just walk away. I don't know what they are going to choose to do. My belief is they are going to choose to pay the people that have opted-in.I don't know how many people are in category one but it doesn't look good payouts most likely will not be what you are expecting much less. If I did not already out in knowing the numbers now I never would have opted in. Everyone can make their own decision but I would not opt-in if I have not done so already.

  • JoeJanuary 3, 2017 at 11:41 pm

    I am positive I am right with those numbers. I know it's something people did not want to hear. Those numbers were given at a hearing for a long pine order they are correct. Here is A clip from Here is a clip that someone wrote. (Posted below) there are 7700 people so far the article is dated December 14, 2016 .she's quoting the numbers from the manuscript from the lone Pine hearing. Dialysis Ju[Show More]I am positive I am right with those numbers. I know it's something people did not want to hear. Those numbers were given at a hearing for a long pine order they are correct. Here is A clip from Here is a clip that someone wrote. (Posted below) there are 7700 people so far the article is dated December 14, 2016 .she's quoting the numbers from the manuscript from the lone Pine hearing. Dialysis Judge calls for more information from those suing Fresenius People who want their day in court over alleged injuries caused by Fresenius Medical Care’s dialysis drugs must first provide more information about their claims including expert certifications, said senior U.S. District Judge Douglas P. Woodlock. Woodlock pulled the so-called Lone Pine order to weed out meritless claims and to encourage a settlement with the stronger cases that remain. About 12,000 cases are pending in the multidistrict litigation (MDL) against Fresenius. The lawsuits claim that Fresenius’ dialysis concentrates GranuFlo and NaturaLyte caused toxic levels of bicarbonate in the blood of dialysis patients, which caused patients to suffer heart attacks and sudden cardiac arrest. They also allege that Fresenius did not adequately warn patients or health care providers of the risks associated with the dialysis concentrates. Fresenius offered a $250 million settlement provided 97 percent of plaintiffs opt in. So far, only 7,700 plaintiffs have opted in, and more than 1,000 claims have been dismissed. Woodlock believes the Lone Pine order would prompt some hedging plaintiffs to accept the terms of the settlement. The plaintiff’s executive committee agreed with the Lone Pine approach, but some attorneys representing clients said the order had no precedent in the First Circuit and should be rejected. Woodlock didn’t back down, saying that some lawyers arguing against the Lone Pine order didn’t know enough about their cases to move forward.

  • MarieJanuary 3, 2017 at 10:17 pm

    So they have yet extended the Opt in date another 20 days? It has already been six months. It is also been four years since my mother passed away. Now you're saying it's also going to be May, if they decide to pay out. I have never seen anything drag out so long in my life. Anyone know who gets the interest on all the money that is just sitting there? This whole lawsuit has just not been fair t[Show More]So they have yet extended the Opt in date another 20 days? It has already been six months. It is also been four years since my mother passed away. Now you're saying it's also going to be May, if they decide to pay out. I have never seen anything drag out so long in my life. Anyone know who gets the interest on all the money that is just sitting there? This whole lawsuit has just not been fair to anyone. Except the rich drug company and lawyers of course. Makes me sad that we are all so helpless and have no way to effect the outcome.

  • DebraJanuary 3, 2017 at 3:48 am

    And if you did opt in do you get paid out in February 2017? Also if the case gets dismissed and everyone has to refile, can someone join in on the lawsuit that would qualify but didn't know about the lawsuit in the first place?

  • DebraJanuary 3, 2017 at 3:38 am

    If you opted in and they don't get the 97 percent what happens in the bellwether trial or what happens to the people that opted in?

  • BillJanuary 3, 2017 at 12:03 am

    Defendants' Joint Motion for Further Extension of Settlement Program's Opt-In and Voiding Deadlines1813 ALLOWED and adopted as follows: January 13, 2017 - Date by which plaintiffs may opt in to the settlement program; January 18, 2017 - Date by which all opt in data and documents will be supplied to Fresenius; May 10, 2017 - Date by which Fresenius may elect to void pursuant to the terms of the MS[Show More]Defendants' Joint Motion for Further Extension of Settlement Program's Opt-In and Voiding Deadlines1813 ALLOWED and adopted as follows: January 13, 2017 - Date by which plaintiffs may opt in to the settlement program; January 18, 2017 - Date by which all opt in data and documents will be supplied to Fresenius; May 10, 2017 - Date by which Fresenius may elect to void pursuant to the terms of the MSA; and, May 17, 2017 - Date by which Fresenius shall fund the settlement if not voided This is what someone else put on another website I don't know how true it is but it looks truer to me. This person was also saying there is some kind of thing called lone Pine or something like that and you are going to have to prove the drug caused the person to death or injury . I think that's crazy wouldn't you win at trial if you could prove the drug causes the death or injury to someone?

  • Rene'January 2, 2017 at 8:45 pm

    Joe, are you sure you have the correct information? The only bellwether trails I show in February 2017 are for the drug Xarelto. The initial two cases are currently scheduled for February 6, 2017 and March 13, 2017, the third case is scheduled to be heard on April 24th of 2017, and the final is scheduled for May 30, 2017. The cases involved in the MDL now number approximately 2,200, and similarl[Show More]Joe, are you sure you have the correct information? The only bellwether trails I show in February 2017 are for the drug Xarelto. The initial two cases are currently scheduled for February 6, 2017 and March 13, 2017, the third case is scheduled to be heard on April 24th of 2017, and the final is scheduled for May 30, 2017. The cases involved in the MDL now number approximately 2,200, and similarly allege that blood thinning drug Xarelto can cause dangerous uncontrollable bleeding episodes in patients taking it.

  • ThomasJanuary 2, 2017 at 2:36 am

    Trump will get them u no we just sitting here letting them manipulated our case to there advantage we have no say so I no minr is a bsll buster im ready to organize and world wide pickett im ready to dur my own fighting im ready to stand on capitol hill its 12000 of ud plus I no if we all gather in front if thr white house ot the justice department something will happen now if u dont. Qualify[Show More]Trump will get them u no we just sitting here letting them manipulated our case to there advantage we have no say so I no minr is a bsll buster im ready to organize and world wide pickett im ready to dur my own fighting im ready to stand on capitol hill its 12000 of ud plus I no if we all gather in front if thr white house ot the justice department something will happen now if u dont. Qualify the fight is over just being honest any thing thst dont meet the criteria

  • MindyDecember 31, 2016 at 5:30 am

    No amount of money is going to change what has happened. I myself am ready to have all of this over with. Each letter and phone call I receive puts me back into depression which is becoming harder to pull myself out of. I'm ready to move forward and begin living life again without being being so full of anger and hate towards those who took away what's always been most important to me.

  • RickDecember 30, 2016 at 8:57 pm

    Hey Angela, f*** Trump...

  • AngelaDecember 29, 2016 at 7:19 pm

    Can anyone tell me where your getting your information from, seeing I don't hear anything from my attorney's? I was forced to take the deal after I was told they would drop my case! I too believe we are not being told everything & are being taken advantage of! We need to get this case to our new president elect Trump & get what we deserve!

  • ArthurDecember 29, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    Pat in my case on the lawsuit I am the legal representative. My siblings had to sign as well. In my case I receive the money and then I would have to share with my siblings.

  • JovanDecember 29, 2016 at 5:26 pm

    I really need some help because my lawyer took all my mom information over 2years ago i sent in her autopsy and everything that was needed and now he tells me that her davatia dialysis center was not using Granuflo but it seems like that would have been one of the first things you would have checked on but now when it is time to opt in/out now you call and say we don't have a case and this was Feb[Show More]I really need some help because my lawyer took all my mom information over 2years ago i sent in her autopsy and everything that was needed and now he tells me that her davatia dialysis center was not using Granuflo but it seems like that would have been one of the first things you would have checked on but now when it is time to opt in/out now you call and say we don't have a case and this was February of 2012 if anyone have any suggestions please let me know and thank you

  • NikeDecember 29, 2016 at 2:54 pm

    We are now being threatened by the lawyers. We were basically told to opt in or they would file a suit against us. If we didn't qualify that means we lost our case right? Your agreement with us was a percentage of the winnings but we loss. They are working very hard at weeding the numbers down. This is the only way the select few that qualify can receive something worth signing for. Don't o[Show More]We are now being threatened by the lawyers. We were basically told to opt in or they would file a suit against us. If we didn't qualify that means we lost our case right? Your agreement with us was a percentage of the winnings but we loss. They are working very hard at weeding the numbers down. This is the only way the select few that qualify can receive something worth signing for. Don't opt in people, let them keep the $1500 or give it to the selected few who deserves it. Our love ones don't matter because they didn't die within the timeline.

  • PatDecember 28, 2016 at 8:31 pm

    Can anyone please tell me more about this case. My sister filed a case without my siblings and knowing. Our names were put on the suit without our knowledge. She's not telling us anything . We found out by mistake. Our mom past away in 2003 . She was on dialysis for 16 years. My siblings and I don't know if she has opt us in or not. We don't even know who the lawyers are. She won't tell us anyth[Show More]Can anyone please tell me more about this case. My sister filed a case without my siblings and knowing. Our names were put on the suit without our knowledge. She's not telling us anything . We found out by mistake. Our mom past away in 2003 . She was on dialysis for 16 years. My siblings and I don't know if she has opt us in or not. We don't even know who the lawyers are. She won't tell us anything. can someone please tell us who can we contact about this. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.

  • JudyDecember 26, 2016 at 9:15 pm

    Hello I have been reading these comments for months this is how I get my information. I don't know what to think about this case. My mother died in 2009 while in the dialysis chair and our lives haven't been the same. Thanks for posting information it's helpful

  • JoeDecember 22, 2016 at 1:33 pm

    The first bellwether trial is set for February 6, 2017 I made A mistake on that other post and put 2016 by mistake it's actually February 6, 2017 if they do not reach the 97%

  • JoeDecember 22, 2016 at 11:29 am

    Everyone that is not Opting-in its working don't change your mind now keep it up do not opt-in the first bellwether trial is set for February 6,2016 do not believe anything you lawyers tell you. I just read the full order judge Woodlock is pissed criticized Lawers Hagens and Berman basically saying You work for the plaintiffs not the other way around.Hagens and Berman have 250 Cases and 70 of t[Show More]Everyone that is not Opting-in its working don't change your mind now keep it up do not opt-in the first bellwether trial is set for February 6,2016 do not believe anything you lawyers tell you. I just read the full order judge Woodlock is pissed criticized Lawers Hagens and Berman basically saying You work for the plaintiffs not the other way around.Hagens and Berman have 250 Cases and 70 of them have not opted in all cases total 12,000 cases only 7700 have opted in. Keep it up and you will get your bellwether trials Good job people. Woodlock also said the lawyers are looking at it like an asset they can manipulate to benefit themselves.I swear that's what he said. Hagens and Berman Are going to be the trial lawyers for the first bellweather trial if they happen.I don't know if that's a good thing the judge is already pissed off at them. Woodlock would not allow more discovery Hagens and Berman asked he said no, you should have Everything you need in the discovery process already,he will not allow any more.

  • ArthurDecember 22, 2016 at 2:54 am

    Guess what folks we have another extension coming up. Thanks to Julie Ferraro of Kreindler & Kreindler. When will it all end. It was a motion on December 20, 2016. The Judge still needs to approve it. When will it all end? Don't the Attorneys understand that by doing all these extensions it won't change the outcome. They are trying to force the 97% Opt-in rate, not going happen.

  • TroyDecember 20, 2016 at 4:59 am


  • thomadDecember 16, 2016 at 10:59 am

    Hello every one its another year without our love ones and ima be glad when its over my love one has been gone some yrs now and im tyed of this shit if they dont act right ima show everyone how to get them back when I say we goin to get them we are I want everyone that love ones that passed within 24hrs to always watch this blog cause when they try and walk away they will wish they never would [Show More]Hello every one its another year without our love ones and ima be glad when its over my love one has been gone some yrs now and im tyed of this shit if they dont act right ima show everyone how to get them back when I say we goin to get them we are I want everyone that love ones that passed within 24hrs to always watch this blog cause when they try and walk away they will wish they never would this is a promise to all the victims just wait and see wat I help open the door no attorney can be more powerful than we are so at this point when they pay one family that opt in the owe all families that dyed within 24hrs and use meds the only reason we as a team havent demand justice we got lawyers that dont even call shots wejust anumber if its not a ffamily lawyer then he or she or both is a pawn in a bubble gum jar just like its in the courts it could be in the media us as whole even those unless u get qualify the qualify victims u guys have the real power to shift the mometuim yes u agree and u cnat talk bout just agree that u meet is a statement in case they try to limbo youll so really they lawyers are done it on this company to handle ther part me if its fair ill take it if its not I wii sacrifice my life to fight justice for all and my self remeber its 12000xs our familes that can speak the sme tune and the fda said so one thing I can say is our new president will dig into them thats his fortay cleaning up the swamp so if it is a kick back he got to shut it down especially when it cost 90000 a year or better gross all that annually and may be responsible for killing 12000 I dont think mr trump will take that to kindly remeber they are outer country bizness men that he say he is aginst this stuff no we should look into trying to reach out to his cabnet thats goin to over the obama care demise we as a groupgot t to go straight politcal if the the lawyers cant help

  • DebbieDecember 15, 2016 at 10:34 pm

    How do we find out how many people actually qualified for the lawsuit. I was told about 12,000 applied and only one third of the cases actually will qualify.

  • jessieDecember 15, 2016 at 6:53 pm

    I talk with my lawyer today all paper will be summitted January 1 2017 payment will be made in middle of 2017

  • RobertDecember 14, 2016 at 11:09 pm

    I wonder what the percentage of people that opt in are right now? Also, I wonder how many claims are they down too? It seems like they will keep going this direction until they get the 97 percent that they are looking for and want stop until they get it.

  • RobertDecember 14, 2016 at 8:56 pm

    Keith so who right about the Feb payout date? I see a comment where they saying they were told the summer time now. wow

  • KeithDecember 14, 2016 at 12:09 pm

    The date was changed to attempt to get the 97% opt in. Those that do not opt in will not be part of the February 2017 settlement.

  • VickiDecember 13, 2016 at 8:33 pm

    I was informed by my attorney that it would summer time before any payoff is done

  • ThomasDecember 13, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    Good morning everyone I pray that we all be as one u no I feel the pain of every one here its not fair and one day this night mare will be over

  • MarieDecember 12, 2016 at 4:42 pm

    They did move the opt in date to Dec 31 per my lawyer. I had to call to get that info. So who knows how long it will take to pay out. They keep bumping the date. The lawyer said this should be the last and final date. Hard to believe since they have bumped it now for 6 months. Who gets the interest on the money just sitting there in the bank? The whole situation is just not fair to anyone.

  • DebraDecember 9, 2016 at 4:15 pm

    I got a letter from attorney this month saying it was extended to 12/31/16. If they accept the number who opt in they would start payout in Feb. They can not tell you the exact settlement until they know how many will share the payout. That is all I have been told recently.

  • RobertDecember 9, 2016 at 1:23 am

    Did the moved the date to 31 Dec 16 now for the pay out of the settlements?

  • ThomasDecember 6, 2016 at 4:46 am

    Mr troy fresenuis is the mother company ti da vita they provide granuflo priducts to davita Fresenius controll all the dyalisis solutions to davita snd fresenius no lye mr troy the gave dsvits all there oroducts my

  • MikeDecember 5, 2016 at 10:41 pm

    Hey Thomas I'm sorry to hear that. if anyone would like to add a loved one to the "Victims of Fresenius" Poster please inbox me on Facebook under Mikey Allen ...poster will be promoted Via Facebook advertising

  • MikeDecember 5, 2016 at 10:34 pm

    Alanna is a Fresenius spy! Do not join the Facebook group..matter of fact she stole my "Victims of fresenius" Name ... I'm doing a poster called the "Victims of Fresenius" that I announced 1week ago

  • SharonDecember 4, 2016 at 2:54 am

    If you opt in is there anyway to opt out. I didn't know.

  • TROYDecember 4, 2016 at 1:50 am


  • AlannaDecember 3, 2016 at 1:25 am

    We've created a closed Facebook Group for all of the victims of the Fresenius like my mother and I. We lost my father in 2012 as a direct result of Fresenius Granuflo. Please go to Facebook, search for the group FRESENIUS GRANUFLO VICTIMS and request to be added to the group.

  • DebbieDecember 1, 2016 at 10:39 pm

    I refused to opt in, as I was shown nothing, no schedule, anything. There was some vague language about amounts, but basically they asked me to sign away all of my rights without giving me a definite amount. My husband died as a Direct result of Granuflo. I am not going away.

  • thomasDecember 1, 2016 at 7:15 pm

    Mike it is no way i could of opt out i search every where for attorney i eben talk to my stste sentor my case is betey bizarre it clearly shows the are at fault all the way to the point of the medicail examiner the emt could not stop the blood from runnig profusuely out her mouth and nose all this happen after she had a heart attack on the chair deliberately snatch off the machine to try and cpr h[Show More]Mike it is no way i could of opt out i search every where for attorney i eben talk to my stste sentor my case is betey bizarre it clearly shows the are at fault all the way to the point of the medicail examiner the emt could not stop the blood from runnig profusuely out her mouth and nose all this happen after she had a heart attack on the chair deliberately snatch off the machine to try and cpr her but as the pulled her they left her attach to the machine were a stint broke and double peareced her heart to cause the blood after the heart attack so mike im i screwed me and my family are poor people living in poverty.

  • ThomasDecember 1, 2016 at 2:33 pm

    Lord please help us our love ones didnt have a chance yes god our people were sick but they didn't deserve to dye this way my mother was innocent she did not deserve to pass this way her the pain she indure the blood the sudden heart attack the mistreated nurses that could not help the blood running out her mouth and nose the hea5 attack these family god need help please help us all

  • MikeNovember 30, 2016 at 4:44 pm

    If you opt in then you are gonna get screwed! The truth is if you wait another year or 2 to settle this case you will get a 7 Fig payout. I Am A REAL Insider

  • MarieNovember 30, 2016 at 3:21 am

    According to my paperwork each area that you meet you get points and the number of years of life left for the person you lost you get points. My mom passed away, so that is more points. The higher points you get the more of the settlement you will get. Sounds awful to put our loved ones life in a point system. Please keep us all posted on any news you get from your lawyers. It is hard to receive a[Show More]According to my paperwork each area that you meet you get points and the number of years of life left for the person you lost you get points. My mom passed away, so that is more points. The higher points you get the more of the settlement you will get. Sounds awful to put our loved ones life in a point system. Please keep us all posted on any news you get from your lawyers. It is hard to receive any from mine.

  • ThomasNovember 29, 2016 at 2:51 am

    Mike wats goin ti happen to those that opt in thst meet criteria do they get paid the ba5de amount state it git to be base at 88k bein everyone out

  • NicoleNovember 28, 2016 at 7:43 pm

    I just read an update from oct.22, 2016 on the pacemonitor website stating that a Motion was submitted to establish Qualified Settlement .This is the only place I can get info on my case involving my dad who passed away in 2012. Our attorney had a receptionist call and ask if we had any evidence connecting granuflo to my dads health problems. I kid you not. After sending all (and I mean ALL) me[Show More]I just read an update from oct.22, 2016 on the pacemonitor website stating that a Motion was submitted to establish Qualified Settlement .This is the only place I can get info on my case involving my dad who passed away in 2012. Our attorney had a receptionist call and ask if we had any evidence connecting granuflo to my dads health problems. I kid you not. After sending all (and I mean ALL) medical records from his time with DAVITA to our attorneys they are asking us days before the oct 31st deadline if we had the "smoking gun". I was under the impression that this was their job and if we didn't have the proper evidence to tie the company to his many heart problems after dyalasis they would not have taken the case. Does anyone have and actual document from the judge or some kind of legitimate information regarding the true status. I mean where is the 250 million if not with the clients and victims. No it was never about money until the company made it that way. We will never see true justice nor will they pay an amount worthy of the suffering still continuing to this day. I a sorry for babbling but this entire sh** show is ridiculous and disgusting. I miss my dad. Nobody should get away with murder or robbery. That is what this all breaks down to.

  • AnthonyNovember 28, 2016 at 4:48 am

    What is the point system about

  • robertNovember 23, 2016 at 7:28 pm

    Marie, what kinda point system were they talking about? My brother qualified for about four of those criteria areas from what I was told.

  • MikeyNovember 23, 2016 at 3:36 pm

    DO NOT OPT IN!!!!!!

  • RobertNovember 23, 2016 at 1:03 am

    Marie, Thanks for your reply back. I will let my sister in law know. She was told she was suppose to received one of those letters on the 14 Nov 16 and she never received here letter yet. I think that's not a enough for losing a love one. My Big brother lost his life from using this.

  • GailNovember 22, 2016 at 8:47 am

    I just received a certified letter again offering me to opt in again. This lets me know that they're not getting the numbers. Keep up the good work guys. Let's continue to fight. They are using scare tactics to change our minds. I would love to speak with someone personally. Remember, there is no statue of limitations because the case has been filed. Yes, we were lied to about not being a class A [Show More]I just received a certified letter again offering me to opt in again. This lets me know that they're not getting the numbers. Keep up the good work guys. Let's continue to fight. They are using scare tactics to change our minds. I would love to speak with someone personally. Remember, there is no statue of limitations because the case has been filed. Yes, we were lied to about not being a class A lawsuit. They want us to settle so we can lose our voice.

  • MarieNovember 22, 2016 at 1:16 am

    Robert...I was offered a settlement range. It could be anywhere from 40k-80k depending on how many people opt in. Plus there is a point system that adds money to your amount if your loved one meets that criteria also.

  • HelenNovember 21, 2016 at 8:57 am

    i am writing regarding the status of the granuflo lawsuit. It seems that all of the large Mass Tort suits head in this direction. The lawyers from both sides meet and work out an agreement and then return to their clients stating that the offer or settlement has been reached. They do not respond to their clients asking for their decision. When we sign the paperwork, somewhere it must say that [Show More]i am writing regarding the status of the granuflo lawsuit. It seems that all of the large Mass Tort suits head in this direction. The lawyers from both sides meet and work out an agreement and then return to their clients stating that the offer or settlement has been reached. They do not respond to their clients asking for their decision. When we sign the paperwork, somewhere it must say that we no longer have rights. I was told that my family's case would be tried on an individual basis as was everyone entering the suit. However, it seems that many people sign up and go along with the TV ads offering justice, only to be turned away. Instead as suspected here, the attorneys make more than the people that have been harmed and they work very hard at shoving the results of the arbitration down your throat. And they specialize in these mass tort cases, it is a formula that works for them over and over. The courts and judges and attorneys are all aware of how it goes and the same law firms repeat their performance, the judge appoints them, approves of their decisions and really has no input of the results. It is all the law firms. It is a truly terrible system. The big Pharma companies know the risks of trying these medicines out on people and profit tremendously, pay low low amounts to people who have suffered and or died. Where is our justice system, where is our morality? Look at any of the mass tort cases and see the same formula, repeat law firms, repeat decisions. We have to speak up. I have been searching or members of this case and have not found anything. Why does the paperwork insist that no responsibility will be acknowledged by the company???? Are you crazy, it is a formula for mass annihilation.

  • MicheleNovember 17, 2016 at 3:50 pm

    I was told by my attorney that the opt in date was pushed back yet again to December 31, 2016.

  • RobertNovember 17, 2016 at 1:43 am

    Has any one received any settlement offers as far as the people that meant the eligibility requirements

  • MikeNovember 16, 2016 at 1:03 am

    Pacer is a great site if you down wanna spend a lot of money...right now you can get a 14 free trial and look up the entire docket

  • MikeNovember 16, 2016 at 1:02 am

    They didn't reach the 97 percent but the cases that opted in will get paid The remaining cases will remain in limbo until you get a lawyer willing to take the case

  • MikeNovember 16, 2016 at 1:00 am

    The Fund was approved by judge woodlock last week and the people that opted in will get the chump change

  • MikeNovember 16, 2016 at 12:59 am

    Boycott the KILLERS at Fresenius They paid off the US gov Via kickbacks so they won't stand trial for MURDER

  • MikeNovember 16, 2016 at 12:57 am

    The judges are paid off but they don't have the guts to just throw the cases out so they devised a plan to have the cases sit in limbo and make people either opt in or drop the case

  • TROYNovember 15, 2016 at 1:42 pm


  • Boogie blade-sonNovember 15, 2016 at 3:48 am

    Opt out everybody stand together

  • TracyNovember 4, 2016 at 8:20 pm

    Hey mikey from the nephrology blog is the best!!!

  • RickyNovember 3, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    Hi everyone... has anybody heard from their lawyers since the opt out, I haven't heard anything since I told her that I was opting out..just wondering...keep fighting for our love ones

  • MikeyNovember 2, 2016 at 6:46 am

    If you opted out Have your lawyer request a transfer back to the District from which if came from If the lawyer say's no and drops the case then you are going to have to file "Pro Se" There is a $400 dollar filing fee

  • TROYNovember 2, 2016 at 5:32 am


  • MargoOctober 31, 2016 at 10:23 pm

    I will fight with you! I never returned any paperwork to opt in. The offers are insulting. How do we get released from the MDL?

  • RicquanOctober 31, 2016 at 6:32 pm

    What law firm did go under? Was it Cory Walton? Cause if so they got us all..

  • GeorgeOctober 31, 2016 at 3:02 pm

    People we all needs stand up for our love ones ok am not backing down at all ok this dam company knew what it was doing ok we all have weak ass lawyers ok they not fighting for us at all ok they don't give a dam bout us or our love ones we lost ok it's not enough money in this world to bring my mom back ok it wasn't never about the money ok but it became about the money when them sob offer the $1.[Show More]People we all needs stand up for our love ones ok am not backing down at all ok this dam company knew what it was doing ok we all have weak ass lawyers ok they not fighting for us at all ok they don't give a dam bout us or our love ones we lost ok it's not enough money in this world to bring my mom back ok it wasn't never about the money ok but it became about the money when them sob offer the $1.500 so now no matter what bridge I have to cross to get they attition I am if it mean going to DC we need do something asap I sent the judge a certified letter asking him stop this company but no response yet ok but as long I got breath I will fight this to the end ok we can't trust lawyers ok so we need to go do what we need to do before this door closes ok people they want a fight let's give them a fight till we all are satisfied ok let's put that medicine in they love ones & let's see how long they live afther treatment ok

  • DaroldOctober 30, 2016 at 3:32 pm

    Suffered an heart attack, I had triple bypass surgery, Health problems, Lost both of my legs & still dealing with health issues...

  • AnnaOctober 29, 2016 at 5:00 am

    My mother who was only 43 had two heart attacks the last one resulting in her death. several times after dialysis she would have hallucinations. she even hallucinated a baseball player in the kitchen. she had heart damage from this drug and was unable to be put on a transplant list because of this. I watched her suffer for years. This offer of 1500 is beyond insulting. My lawyer said this doesn't [Show More]My mother who was only 43 had two heart attacks the last one resulting in her death. several times after dialysis she would have hallucinations. she even hallucinated a baseball player in the kitchen. she had heart damage from this drug and was unable to be put on a transplant list because of this. I watched her suffer for years. This offer of 1500 is beyond insulting. My lawyer said this doesn't qualify. i don't understand why he is pressuring me to accept the offer. I AM OPTING OUT!!!!!!

  • TeresaOctober 28, 2016 at 5:33 pm

    I have got in contact with Inside Edition and I think they may do a story with it! Hopefully everything ends well and justice will be served. Contact me for we can get this case solved

  • ReneOctober 28, 2016 at 12:21 am

    Has anyone seen the article were the Attorney General Andy Beshear of Kentucky on 9/01/16 filed a Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit accusing a Fresenius Medical Company of medicaid fraud for allegedly promoting a kidney dialysis product it knew was harmful to patients. Beshear says the company put patients at risk with use of its GranuFlo product. He says the company concealed the product’s risks of causing [Show More]Has anyone seen the article were the Attorney General Andy Beshear of Kentucky on 9/01/16 filed a Medicaid Fraud Lawsuit accusing a Fresenius Medical Company of medicaid fraud for allegedly promoting a kidney dialysis product it knew was harmful to patients. Beshear says the company put patients at risk with use of its GranuFlo product. He says the company concealed the product’s risks of causing heart attacks, strokes or arrhythmia. And my attorney said we did not meet the criteria as a result of stroke as the cause of death instead of cardiac arrest even though my family member died in 48 hours after the treatment. But they still offered us the $1,500......This is wrong on so many levels...Read this article..

  • LoreinOctober 27, 2016 at 4:56 pm

    Thomas: My lawyer told me that I ONLY qualified for the alternative fund (1,500)! My Mom''s blood levels didn't meet the criteria. I proved my lawyer wrong by getting medical records that Fresenius nor my lawyer had in their possession! Yes, I went to the hospital and it showed my Mom's bicarbonate level different from what Fresenius reported to my lawyer. So now my Mom qualifys for Naturalyte. Oh[Show More]Thomas: My lawyer told me that I ONLY qualified for the alternative fund (1,500)! My Mom''s blood levels didn't meet the criteria. I proved my lawyer wrong by getting medical records that Fresenius nor my lawyer had in their possession! Yes, I went to the hospital and it showed my Mom's bicarbonate level different from what Fresenius reported to my lawyer. So now my Mom qualifys for Naturalyte. Oh, but now the lawyer need something else or I'm back to the alternative fund! I know one thing, there is a lawyer that will take on more cases than a few if we ALL stick together and expose the unethical behavior of the attorneys that left us hanging with nothing! We're better in numbers! Someone gave the suggestion of starting a FB page! I will start that and post information as to the letters that I'm sending. I live in D.C. where I can try to get government officials to listen and HELP! I will create a page on FB by tomorrow! Peace and Blessings!!!

  • JohnellOctober 27, 2016 at 12:54 pm

    I am with you lorein. And we can start a f.b. page too. We have to stop talking..and start pushing back. 2342059553. I'm not signing no papers from them. Call me, and let's

  • BettyOctober 27, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    I'm with everybody. Mine Warrior is bullying me telling me to act before Monday take the 1500 are we getting nothing. We qualified 5 years ago now we don't qualify. They say you don't qualify but will give you $1,500 why give me $1,500 if I don't qualify then. Something is not right the website clearly states 48 hours and the website still says 48 hours but now they're trying to change it to 12. W[Show More]I'm with everybody. Mine Warrior is bullying me telling me to act before Monday take the 1500 are we getting nothing. We qualified 5 years ago now we don't qualify. They say you don't qualify but will give you $1,500 why give me $1,500 if I don't qualify then. Something is not right the website clearly states 48 hours and the website still says 48 hours but now they're trying to change it to 12. What do we do about this?

  • ValerieOctober 26, 2016 at 11:50 pm

    Hello everyone I am new to the blog and my mother was on dialysis and she passed a day after Christmas in the hospital and they sent me the same offer and I OPT OUT NO NO I was not going to accept that. I called my attorney and got no answer so the same envelope they sent me to opt in I sent them a letter stating why I was not opting in and how I felt about the case.They were unfair and misleading[Show More]Hello everyone I am new to the blog and my mother was on dialysis and she passed a day after Christmas in the hospital and they sent me the same offer and I OPT OUT NO NO I was not going to accept that. I called my attorney and got no answer so the same envelope they sent me to opt in I sent them a letter stating why I was not opting in and how I felt about the case.They were unfair and misleading!Yes we need to take action and all of us stand together and get justice for our love ones at all cost!We will not let them win! So Lorein count me in! Listen friends we got to stick together in unity.

  • RickyOctober 26, 2016 at 6:24 pm

    I too received my package thy also want to give me $1500 my mom passed away 2009 30mins after dialysis..I guess thy think $1500 is good..I wasn't born yesterday dumbasses...

  • ReneOctober 26, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    Count me in on the opt-out with an attorney that will take on these Granuflo cases. We were given a letter urging us to accept $1,500 after it was determined that the Granuflo drug was administered to our loved one who died 48 hours later. So count me in Lorein!

  • GeorgeOctober 26, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    We all need do something ok weather ur love one pass away 24 hr or 72 hr they not God they can't put a time on when u die or not ok only God is the one & only one can make that call people ok this company medication kill our love ones ok our love ones can't speak for them self's ok so let's speak for them ok a doctor a lawyer or this dam company can say when u die my lawyer at first they tell me I[Show More]We all need do something ok weather ur love one pass away 24 hr or 72 hr they not God they can't put a time on when u die or not ok only God is the one & only one can make that call people ok this company medication kill our love ones ok our love ones can't speak for them self's ok so let's speak for them ok a doctor a lawyer or this dam company can say when u die my lawyer at first they tell me I don't have a case but I receive a op in offer $1.500 now y offer that if I didn't have a case cous they are selling us out plus I receive my letter on 10/29/16 but they wanted it back in they office by 10/25/16 I live in West Virginia no way in hell I could mail that back in time so I fax it so they was surprised I fax it back op out on they buts but also I told them I was going contact Dateline news they hung up on me so yes let's take this all way to Washington DC if God is for us who can b against us people let's go court

  • GeorgeOctober 26, 2016 at 2:36 am

    Am with u let's do this we need put a stop to this lets all stand together on this people

  • ThomasOctober 26, 2016 at 1:33 am

    This is crazy if u dont qualify under ther criteria how are u goin to prove ur case please tell me how can any lawyer prove the case if u already been eliminated by the criteria and scientific study its impossible to fight if u dont meet thre cretiria and the company will dimiss those cases thers no proof and wen the discovery is done again they dont care if those opt out its proof that ur law[Show More]This is crazy if u dont qualify under ther criteria how are u goin to prove ur case please tell me how can any lawyer prove the case if u already been eliminated by the criteria and scientific study its impossible to fight if u dont meet thre cretiria and the company will dimiss those cases thers no proof and wen the discovery is done again they dont care if those opt out its proof that ur lawyer dont have a case

  • LoreinOctober 25, 2016 at 4:47 pm

    ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! I am in the process of contacting the media, the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Attorney General and I'm working on a lawyer that will take OUR (opt-out) cases since it is past the statute of limitations. I need a head count of people who are in with me on this. Serious inquires ONLY please. My contact information will be forthcoming to those that will stand wit[Show More]ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION! I am in the process of contacting the media, the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Attorney General and I'm working on a lawyer that will take OUR (opt-out) cases since it is past the statute of limitations. I need a head count of people who are in with me on this. Serious inquires ONLY please. My contact information will be forthcoming to those that will stand with me in this tumultuous fight for our loved ones! I've even created the name that we can UNITE under! Signed, My MOM is gone but NEVER forgotten!!!!

  • BookerOctober 25, 2016 at 3:31 pm

    Everybody OPT OUT

  • TroyOctober 22, 2016 at 6:49 am


  • velmaOctober 22, 2016 at 5:42 am

    same they sent me a letter back in August 2016 now they sent a certified letter October 21 2016 sign it because my case were dismissed why sign it my husband went to dialysis that Saturday he die that Sunday Everytime he go he will be sick for a day or two passes out both his legs were taken off he stay in the hospital most of the time my husband were a very sick man I really missed him so dearly [Show More]same they sent me a letter back in August 2016 now they sent a certified letter October 21 2016 sign it because my case were dismissed why sign it my husband went to dialysis that Saturday he die that Sunday Everytime he go he will be sick for a day or two passes out both his legs were taken off he stay in the hospital most of the time my husband were a very sick man I really missed him so dearly How can they tell you he didn't anything in system like that these lawyer tried to get riches for their self l am not sign no paper for dismissed the case I really need help on this case what lawyer will take the case need input please

  • markOctober 21, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    My lawyer explained to me that the 1500.00 was a nuisance fee. Can you believe that a nuisance fee. I received the same letter. We need to get the media involved in this. But we all have to stick together. I will be glad to participate in media coverage, but like i said its gonna take ALL us participating in this effort.

  • AnitaOctober 21, 2016 at 3:59 am

    I wonder how many more of us.please let's use this for our networking device. If a lawyer do not want our case we will defend our own case no one can speak for our loveones like us . Share any numbers emails any lawyer . We all use the same lawyer I bet they want that I will never give up . Do not take that money Opt out or just ignore. We together can make them pay.

  • AnitaOctober 21, 2016 at 3:46 am

    We all need to start a network were we can contact the group so we can move in numbers concerning this very serious matter. My father past in 2014 This is pretty obvious that we have a legitimate claim so it's important that we all stick together and not take the $1,500.

  • BookerOctober 20, 2016 at 9:21 pm

    Opt OUT

  • jessieOctober 20, 2016 at 4:01 pm

    You r right if we dont get any money then the lawyers want get paid therefore they will go back to court cause they have invested to much money

  • BobbiOctober 19, 2016 at 9:27 pm

    I agree, we must all opt out, not fair and want justice for all. My mom pass within 48 hours of receiving both the Granuflo and Naturalyte.

  • RachidaOctober 19, 2016 at 2:35 pm

    My mother suffered from chest pain hard of breathing Vomiting blood with in 24 hours of the dialysis treatment . My lawyer proved that the center used the chemicals in my mother 's Machine , My mother passed away after 5 months of being in the ICU . And we are only qualified for 1500 ? . That is a insult to my family. I rather take nothing .

  • BookerOctober 19, 2016 at 2:15 am

    Please opt out everybody stand together and keep fighting lets go to court .Fight for the people who lost there life. These people were fathers, mothers,husband,wives,sister,bother,uncles ,aunts who lost there lifes.Opt OUT.

  • JennaOctober 18, 2016 at 7:12 pm

    My mother died about two hours after leaving. We were told the settlement is anywhere between $10k $80k. I think the settlement is too low considering the number of deaths. It is an insult to the legacy of your loved ones. The average person can survive on dialysis for several years. Is having those years worth $1500 or even $80k witch is about the max they will pay out. The defense attorneys are [Show More]My mother died about two hours after leaving. We were told the settlement is anywhere between $10k $80k. I think the settlement is too low considering the number of deaths. It is an insult to the legacy of your loved ones. The average person can survive on dialysis for several years. Is having those years worth $1500 or even $80k witch is about the max they will pay out. The defense attorneys are bullies trying to get people to settle so they can get paid and move on. I don't think they have the 97% they need. I don't think they are close or they wouldn't keep extending and sending threading letters. Let this sink in: Fresnius earned 16 Billion dollars last year alone. The average cost of dialysis treatment is $90k per year. This is big business and these guys don't want anyone cashing on their payday. If they payout big people will question the safety and realiabilty of their product. Your defense does not want to invest any more resources. This is worth fighting for. You were deprived of the opportunity to plan for your loved ones death. They were deprived of the plans they had made to make the most of the days they had left. My mother had many plans, she was sick but she was not dying, she was living!!! I will not Op in, I will not allow them to cheapen her legacy!

  • DebraOctober 17, 2016 at 8:54 pm

    My lawyer said that they currently have no info as to what will happen with cases that have chosen to opt-out. Based on info provided to them it seems that the Defense counsel will likely push forward with the settlement whether the 97% opt-in rate has been met or not. As of this point they are operating under the assumption that the settlement is moving forward. My husband died in 2009 and his c[Show More]My lawyer said that they currently have no info as to what will happen with cases that have chosen to opt-out. Based on info provided to them it seems that the Defense counsel will likely push forward with the settlement whether the 97% opt-in rate has been met or not. As of this point they are operating under the assumption that the settlement is moving forward. My husband died in 2009 and his case qualified on all requirements. Sorry that so many of you are having trouble with your attorneys.

  • WILIAMOctober 16, 2016 at 6:02 am

    7800 el camino real 3112 GOD is watching yall. YOU will BE feelng him soon do the right thing. GOD BLESS

  • GailOctober 15, 2016 at 10:07 am

    They are not suppose to take fees or expenses from the $1500. Still opt out. $1500 is an insult. If you opt in, you can't contribute to this discussion, so be careful.

  • GailOctober 15, 2016 at 9:40 am

    Please opt out, there's no stature of limitations since the case has been filed. Just because our Attys caved don't mean we have to. We need a doctor to stand with us and find an Atty afterwards.

  • thomasOctober 14, 2016 at 10:38 pm

    This is so confusing why are all these people bein offerd 1500 did any body qualify for this C'mon. Its like playing the lottery how f o the expect for familes to agree to this im sorry for youll love ones my attorney has not told me much but i qualify for the granuflo recive papers about my mother's benfits and who she may owe bankruptcy stuff like that if any body that qualified no any thing pl[Show More]This is so confusing why are all these people bein offerd 1500 did any body qualify for this C'mon. Its like playing the lottery how f o the expect for familes to agree to this im sorry for youll love ones my attorney has not told me much but i qualify for the granuflo recive papers about my mother's benfits and who she may owe bankruptcy stuff like that if any body that qualified no any thing please share something

  • JudyOctober 14, 2016 at 8:59 pm

    I just received paperwork today saying my lawyers have determined my case is not eligible to participate in the settlement. They want me to sign papers to consent to dismiss my case with prejudice and return them by Oct. 24. I can accept that they find my case not eligible, but I am reluctant to sign papers saying I agree to not pursue this ever again. Not knowing what may still happen with this [Show More]I just received paperwork today saying my lawyers have determined my case is not eligible to participate in the settlement. They want me to sign papers to consent to dismiss my case with prejudice and return them by Oct. 24. I can accept that they find my case not eligible, but I am reluctant to sign papers saying I agree to not pursue this ever again. Not knowing what may still happen with this settlement I do not want to opt out entirely until it is definitely over. Does anyone know if I can just not return the paperwork? I don't want to get into trouble. Thanks!

  • ArthurOctober 14, 2016 at 5:59 pm

    Rachel out of those 668 cases how many met the criteria for the settlement and how many of those opted-in. What part of the Country are your lawyers located in? That seems like a lot of cases. My Attorneyson had under 300 and only 45 met the criteria for the settlement.

  • RachelOctober 14, 2016 at 2:56 am

    My father passed away the day he got treatment with this DEADLY solution. I got papers to the settlement for $1500 only. I talked to another lawyer and he said they have to tell you where YOU FIT in the settlement and if they don't then you only get the $1500 since you signed for it and thats all. My lawyer has 668 cases so I guess they get 40% of the $1500 so they get...... 668 x $600 = $400,800[Show More]My father passed away the day he got treatment with this DEADLY solution. I got papers to the settlement for $1500 only. I talked to another lawyer and he said they have to tell you where YOU FIT in the settlement and if they don't then you only get the $1500 since you signed for it and thats all. My lawyer has 668 cases so I guess they get 40% of the $1500 so they get...... 668 x $600 = $400,800... SO ONLY the LAWYERS WIN ALL THE CASH. THE FAMILY GETS $900 THATS IT THE IS NOT JUSTICE FOR OUR LOVED ONES. IF THERE IS A LAWYER THAT CARES PLEASE CALL ME WE need a miracle JESUS HELP US!!!

  • GuestOctober 14, 2016 at 1:47 am

    I got my papers last week. They show a range of what the settlement will be depending on how many people opt in. The deadline is Oct 31. According to my lawyer we lost the case and the settlement is suggested to take or risk getting nothing.

  • BettyOctober 13, 2016 at 11:41 pm

    What is going on with this case? First a lawyer says we have to have paperwork stating she had dialysis 48 hours before she died. Now that we got the paperwork for 48 hours all of a sudden they changed it to 12 hours. We have been in this lawsuit for 5 years. 250 million dollars where did it go? We got papers from our lawyer saying get proof of dialysis 12 hours before she died are we get $1,500 I[Show More]What is going on with this case? First a lawyer says we have to have paperwork stating she had dialysis 48 hours before she died. Now that we got the paperwork for 48 hours all of a sudden they changed it to 12 hours. We have been in this lawsuit for 5 years. 250 million dollars where did it go? We got papers from our lawyer saying get proof of dialysis 12 hours before she died are we get $1,500 I would rather take 0. We need to do something about this case. Has anybody heard anything new about this case?

  • robertOctober 13, 2016 at 10:03 pm

    They are doing the same thing to me saying I too am only getting 1.500.00 it's bullshit my girlfriend of over 13 year's passed away hours after her treatment and they said she didn't go that day when I know she did. This whole process is bullshit.

  • BrendaOctober 13, 2016 at 1:17 am

    Got my paper work today they offer me $1,500.00 and here is no way in H--- that I'am going to sign those papers my dad die in treatment my dads life is worth more than that.When they gave him dialysis it was on the recall list and they gave it to him anyway. If you guys get a different lawyer ease post it

  • guestOctober 12, 2016 at 8:35 pm

    This is the man everyone needs to ask quetions to he has the man who okays the settlement he has the last word I urge everyone to blow him up this is very fishy litigation. Speacail Master Eric D. Green 617-556-0800. ericdgreen@resolutionsllc

  • anonymousOctober 12, 2016 at 7:43 pm

    I'm really confused at how they came up with the figure of 1500....out of 250,000,000....My mother passed away within hours of getting her treatment...she didn't even make it out. Is anyone getting a larger sum...and I wonder how many families are involved...I have never seen anything like this and why is it taking so long....?

  • RachelOctober 12, 2016 at 7:17 pm

    The lawyer is not tell me where my case fits in and claims they don't have the paperwork. I don't believe it I think they want me to sign for the 1500 only. If I opt out we have to get knew lawyers can anyone help???

  • patRickOctober 12, 2016 at 6:31 am

    My dad died within 48 hrs.this website says the window for granulite is 48 hours bt the attorney who's working with whatever the company that's handling the case told me the window to qualify for the settlement was just 24 hrs or at the clinic. and she also told me to settle for the 1500 i really don't trust this situation. fyi if you opt in and they change anything and decide to grant bigger sett[Show More]My dad died within 48 hrs.this website says the window for granulite is 48 hours bt the attorney who's working with whatever the company that's handling the case told me the window to qualify for the settlement was just 24 hrs or at the clinic. and she also told me to settle for the 1500 i really don't trust this situation. fyi if you opt in and they change anything and decide to grant bigger settlements you wont be eligible bc the case will be closed. WHATS 1500 COMPARED TO MURDER OF OUR LOVED ONES PEOPLE PLS DONT GIVE THEM THE SATISFACTION ID RATHER NOW SEE THE 1500 AND WALK WITH MY HEAD HIGH BC THIS IS OBVIOUSLY BS AND ITS NOT FAR

  • LoreinOctober 11, 2016 at 10:53 pm

    I agree with you George in that we should contact as many officials that can assist those of us that have been misled into thinking that there would be JUSTICE for our DECEASED loved ones. All of a sudden the numbers (blood levels) aren't in line with the criteria. Before I opt in and slow them to pay me 600.00 after attorney's fees; I'll walk away with NOTHING! 600.00 is ZERO to me. Oh and to thi[Show More]I agree with you George in that we should contact as many officials that can assist those of us that have been misled into thinking that there would be JUSTICE for our DECEASED loved ones. All of a sudden the numbers (blood levels) aren't in line with the criteria. Before I opt in and slow them to pay me 600.00 after attorney's fees; I'll walk away with NOTHING! 600.00 is ZERO to me. Oh and to think that the ones that survived (no offense) get more money than the decease is absurd!

  • ShaneOctober 11, 2016 at 6:31 pm

    My Father died because of this. I have to send the paperwork. I have till Oct 30, 2016. They told me they don't all the medical records for my Dad?? What does that mean?? If I opt out we have to get new lawyers. Does anyone know of lawyers that are doing that?? Can anyone help us??

  • GeorgeOctober 11, 2016 at 1:44 pm

    I was told I had a settlement coming then I receive a letter from attorneys saying it's not a case I think the attorneys is being bought so I sent a certified letter to the judge asking not let this company get by with this we all need contact dateline news & the justice department before October 31 asap

  • ThomasOctober 11, 2016 at 1:55 am

    Its sad alot of people not qualify wats to come of thosr that do qualify since 95% dont qualify

  • thomasOctober 8, 2016 at 2:57 pm

    As I read its not that many people that qualify for the granuflo most of these comments are saying they get 1500 for not qualify so wat are they offer those that qualify

  • LORRANCEOctober 8, 2016 at 1:24 am

    Mike I'm with you did you just not turn in the paperwork, How did you opt out??

  • thomasOctober 7, 2016 at 9:50 pm

    Mike who ur attorney cause from wat I hear if u opt out ull have to find a new attorney

  • ThomasOctober 7, 2016 at 9:42 pm

    If u opt outof and the attorneys withdrawfrom your case what do u do because it not another .attorney will never take a case that happen5 years ago its a limitation on ur case and it has expired I had no choice I look and search for another lawyer no one wants this case if u didnt qualify for grauflo then I would of opt out 1500 is insane

  • feliciaOctober 7, 2016 at 6:27 pm

    I never sent the ppwrk back which claimed i was in the highest percentile for payment. Then the paralegal just called saying she made a mistake on my ppwrk and that I would only get the $1500. They claim that my mother's levels did not meet the criteria by 1 or 2 points. I call bullshit. They are trying to convince me that I should just take the settlement. I absolutely refuse to accept that and a[Show More]I never sent the ppwrk back which claimed i was in the highest percentile for payment. Then the paralegal just called saying she made a mistake on my ppwrk and that I would only get the $1500. They claim that my mother's levels did not meet the criteria by 1 or 2 points. I call bullshit. They are trying to convince me that I should just take the settlement. I absolutely refuse to accept that and allow them to get away with murder. The fact that they would try to intimidate me bothers me the most. I have chosen to opt out and I suggest you all do the same. I would rather go to court and walk away with nothing than accept $1500. LET'S STICK TOGETHER! OPT OUT PEOPLE.

  • MikeOctober 7, 2016 at 2:05 pm

    YOU ARE ARE An IDIOT IF YOU OPT IN. I turned down the offer and my case has been transferred back and set for trial 1st week of 2017 You people are brain washed and lost stop trusting these bullshit lawyers and read between the lines

  • BookerOctober 6, 2016 at 10:45 pm

    Acie i feel the pain there doing the same thing to our family offering 1,500 for murdering my dad .we will OpT OuT. My dad died while getting treatment and they killed him.they have to be crazy as hell if they think anyone would except 1,500

  • AcieOctober 3, 2016 at 6:36 pm

    Again I rush to the hospital, but this time she is gone; how could it happen, what went wrong? My dear mother lays there dead, tears drop from my eyes and on to her bed...3/2012 I just don't understand, I wipe the tears from my eyes, with the back of my hand. Family all around, but no comfort does it give, I need to hear her speak, to know my mother lives. I cry freely, I don't even know others ar[Show More]Again I rush to the hospital, but this time she is gone; how could it happen, what went wrong? My dear mother lays there dead, tears drop from my eyes and on to her bed...3/2012 I just don't understand, I wipe the tears from my eyes, with the back of my hand. Family all around, but no comfort does it give, I need to hear her speak, to know my mother lives. I cry freely, I don't even know others are there, I gently touch her face, softly stroke her hair. Oh God it's killing me, so I rush out of her room, down the hall a set of stairs, out of the door and into the air. So many years has passed, you would think that things were better...but when you get letters taking any hope of real closer. What do you do? T.V. lawyers, snake oil salesmen! So foolishly you respond, and find yourself and family on that ride only a lawyer can take you on. I know in my heart that this is a wrongful death, plain and simple. Correspondence go back and forth for years. Now here we are being asked to accept 1500 dollars, as a (so called) fair settlement. A company worth billions, sees my mothers life worth 1500, and that's not for sure; that could change also. The thing that really gets to me, is they knew in 08 or 09 they had a killer drug on their hands, and ignored it. Many people could still be alive, if they just pulled the drugs. I have a lot more to say, but let me take it slow. I will not opt in.....PEACE!!!!!

  • TamikaOctober 3, 2016 at 5:31 am

    I first want to say I feel all of you and I'm sorry for your losses. My father passed away January 23, 2012, 10 minutes after leaving dialysis. When I called all his doctors to get copies of his records for personal medical history, they handed them over more then willingly.....except his nephrologist. Even with proper documentation and signing of release forms 4 times, they never released them an[Show More]I first want to say I feel all of you and I'm sorry for your losses. My father passed away January 23, 2012, 10 minutes after leaving dialysis. When I called all his doctors to get copies of his records for personal medical history, they handed them over more then willingly.....except his nephrologist. Even with proper documentation and signing of release forms 4 times, they never released them and now I understand why. I was 25 when I lost my dad. Not by any means a normal age to lose your father. I naively thought this would avenge my father'said death in my head. There is no justice!

  • RonaldOctober 1, 2016 at 10:25 pm

    My mother was in Vident Hospital for 1year 2011 to 2012 she had at least 20 heart attacks each one after a dialysis treatment she would go from intensive care to a regular room just to be put back in intensive care after a dialysis treatment with Granuflow till they moved her from NC to Washington Adventist Hospital in Maryland where the same thing happened so they moved her to a hospice a she di[Show More]My mother was in Vident Hospital for 1year 2011 to 2012 she had at least 20 heart attacks each one after a dialysis treatment she would go from intensive care to a regular room just to be put back in intensive care after a dialysis treatment with Granuflow till they moved her from NC to Washington Adventist Hospital in Maryland where the same thing happened so they moved her to a hospice a she died a month later since 2012 my lawyer The Sill Law Group has been telling me we have a case now all of a sudden now they reached a settlement I don't qualify and that I should dismiss my case I watched my mother suffer for a year on machines now I should just give up Nah someone's going to pay for all the pain she went through and I had three law firms!

  • ThomasOctober 1, 2016 at 9:41 am

    I no alot of you'll parents were on dyalisix for months years my mother was on dyalisi less than 20 days from 09.27 10 to 10.15 10 within that time she visit ther clinc 3x each time Loshe had 3 cardiac aresst 3rd oneheart ttack leading to her passing in the chair my mother never had a chance to start her treat ment from the first visit they were giving her over the amount of granuflo instead [Show More]I no alot of you'll parents were on dyalisix for months years my mother was on dyalisi less than 20 days from 09.27 10 to 10.15 10 within that time she visit ther clinc 3x each time Loshe had 3 cardiac aresst 3rd oneheart ttack leading to her passing in the chair my mother never had a chance to start her treat ment from the first visit they were giving her over the amount of granuflo instead of it bein 24 she was upgraded to 39 standard is 24 so from her first vist she was given the ddeadly drug tell me is ther any justice my mother was young 45 she didnt have a chance yes the should pay all of us my case is really a high profile case that will break the company in half my laayer is a paper boy in this bigger than life company not only did she have a heart attack by this bein her 3rd time goin in cardac arrest they snatch her off the machine still hooked up bllod started comeing out her mouth and nose she had began bledding from the cpr blood was running profusely out her nose and mouth when the emr arrived rhey had to use the pump to restrain the blood rhat was flowing like a faucet of running water

  • thomadOctober 1, 2016 at 9:40 am

    I no alot of you'll parents were on dyalisix for months years my mother was on dyalisi less than 20 days from 09.27 10 to 10.15 10 within that time she visit ther clinc 3x each time Loshe had 3 cardiac aresst 3rd oneheart ttack leading to her passing in the chair my mother never had a chance to start her treat ment from the first visit they were giving her over the amount of granuflo instead [Show More]I no alot of you'll parents were on dyalisix for months years my mother was on dyalisi less than 20 days from 09.27 10 to 10.15 10 within that time she visit ther clinc 3x each time Loshe had 3 cardiac aresst 3rd oneheart ttack leading to her passing in the chair my mother never had a chance to start her treat ment from the first visit they were giving her over the amount of granuflo instead of it bein 24 she was upgraded to 39 standard is 24 so from her first vist she was given the ddeadly drug tell me is ther any justice my mother was young 45 she didnt have a chance yes the should pay all of us my case is really a high profile case that will break the company in half my laayer is a paper boy in this bigger than life company not only did she have a heart attack by this bein her 3rd time goin in cardac arrest they snatch her off the machine still hooked up bllod started comeing out her mouth and nose she had began bledding from the cpr blood was running profusely out her nose and mouth when the emr arrived rhey had to use the pump to restrain the blood rhat was flowing like a faucet of running water

  • thomasOctober 1, 2016 at 1:49 am

    I no alot of you'll parents were on dyalisix for months years my mother was on dyalisi less than 20 days from 09.27 10 to 10.15 10 within that time she visit ther clinc 3x each time Loshe had 3 cardiac aresst 3rd oneheart ttack leading to her passing in the chair my mother never had a chance to start her treat ment from the first visit they were giving her over the amount of granuflo instead [Show More]I no alot of you'll parents were on dyalisix for months years my mother was on dyalisi less than 20 days from 09.27 10 to 10.15 10 within that time she visit ther clinc 3x each time Loshe had 3 cardiac aresst 3rd oneheart ttack leading to her passing in the chair my mother never had a chance to start her treat ment from the first visit they were giving her over the amount of granuflo instead of it bein 24 she was upgraded to 39 standard is 24 so from her first vist she was given the ddeadly drug tell me is ther any justice my mother was young 45 she didnt have a chance yes the should pay all of us my case is really a high profile case that will break the company in half my laayer is a paper boy in this bigger than life company

  • ThomasSeptember 30, 2016 at 9:04 am

    Mz angie I also have add on points im not sure how many I strongly feel that we been rip off

  • ArthurSeptember 29, 2016 at 8:10 pm

    Thanks for the info Angie. I never had anyone explain it like that. I received my packet in mid-august with the possible 3 ways to get paid or the fourth being the $1,500. I have heard of the point system but not quite that many points. I'd rather have a firm amount before I opt-in. So as of right now I am just staying put. I am not part of the MDL but I am being added. On my lawsuit I have a dif[Show More]Thanks for the info Angie. I never had anyone explain it like that. I received my packet in mid-august with the possible 3 ways to get paid or the fourth being the $1,500. I have heard of the point system but not quite that many points. I'd rather have a firm amount before I opt-in. So as of right now I am just staying put. I am not part of the MDL but I am being added. On my lawsuit I have a different Judge.

  • AngieSeptember 29, 2016 at 8:57 am

    Arthur, according to the paper work I received from the attorney and per the conversation I had with him last week, my dad's case is sitting at 175 points...that is equal to $175,000. He said that amount goes up in value daily based on the fact that not everyone is meeting the criteria and they are being eliminated. He said at the time of our conversation he could not give me an accurate number [Show More]Arthur, according to the paper work I received from the attorney and per the conversation I had with him last week, my dad's case is sitting at 175 points...that is equal to $175,000. He said that amount goes up in value daily based on the fact that not everyone is meeting the criteria and they are being eliminated. He said at the time of our conversation he could not give me an accurate number as to how many people met the criteria because they were still working on it. I was told mid to end October everything would be completed and checks would start going out sometime in November. I opted in because this has been ongoing for 4 years and every time I have to deal with the attorneys and questions it just digs deeper into my wounds. I'm trying to heal and I want this over with

  • LeoSeptember 28, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    It has been extended to the end of October also the website is called pacer it only gives the actual cases it does not give the claims that you have to figure out for yourself but if there are 375 cases then you can obviously figure out how many claims approximately there are. What it looks like to me is the judge gave authority to the lawyers to determine what category you are in but in the end [Show More]It has been extended to the end of October also the website is called pacer it only gives the actual cases it does not give the claims that you have to figure out for yourself but if there are 375 cases then you can obviously figure out how many claims approximately there are. What it looks like to me is the judge gave authority to the lawyers to determine what category you are in but in the end it will go to an administrator and he will determine what category and the amount of compensation each person will receive that qualifies .The reason I believe the judge gave the lawyers authority to put people in the category they think you qualify for because The caseload would be too great for one person to do thison his own.this is just the way I am thinking it doesn't make it right.

  • ramSeptember 28, 2016 at 10:30 pm

    Still no packet or letter?Is anyone else still waiting

  • ESeptember 28, 2016 at 9:39 pm

    Relax Debra,I am not saying you do not qualify. The lawyers know approximately how many cases there are go to Be aware that it's not a free service it will cost you money and they ask for personal information. The lawyers know how many cases There are,don't be silly. Some of the DaVita centers are not releasing the medical records or stating they can[Show More]Relax Debra,I am not saying you do not qualify. The lawyers know approximately how many cases there are go to Be aware that it's not a free service it will cost you money and they ask for personal information. The lawyers know how many cases There are,don't be silly. Some of the DaVita centers are not releasing the medical records or stating they cannot find them you may very well be one of those people that's why it has been extended to October

  • DebraSeptember 28, 2016 at 3:58 pm

    Leo or e - what federal website are you looking at? My husbands death and circumstances all fit the criteria. My lawyer said it was extended to the end of October and payment would not be made til maybe December. Still don't know an amount.

  • LeoSeptember 28, 2016 at 9:01 am

    According to a federal website 375 cases but 6000 claims. Unfortunately claims are different then cases most of the people that are getting $1500 don't actually have cases they just have claims, it is very unfortunate ..

  • eSeptember 28, 2016 at 6:06 am

    Not sure how accurate this is but I heard there were around 375 true cases.People are talking about 4000 cases 10,000 cases there's a difference between cases and claims.people that fall into category 1 and or 2 ,4 have cases unfortunately the people that fall into category three only have a claim $1500 somewhere they don't meet the criteria Either they did not have a cardiac arrest within 24 hou[Show More]Not sure how accurate this is but I heard there were around 375 true cases.People are talking about 4000 cases 10,000 cases there's a difference between cases and claims.people that fall into category 1 and or 2 ,4 have cases unfortunately the people that fall into category three only have a claim $1500 somewhere they don't meet the criteria Either they did not have a cardiac arrest within 24 hours or Granuflo was not used or the dates do not fall into line. I am sorry for those people but what can I do, it is very unfortunate. I am not even sure if that 375 is accurate somebody won on a federal website and looked up the MDL case and 375 were the total cases as of 09/09/ 2016 like a said there's no way to confirm that but that's what I have heard. Not all cases are going to except the settlement so it may be less than that .

  • ArthurSeptember 28, 2016 at 4:04 am

    Angie what kind of checks, is it the $1500.00 or larger amounts like the 3 tier amounts of $44k to $88k. Just curious. I had read that if you opt-in you would get paid sometime early part of next year.

  • BookerSeptember 28, 2016 at 1:42 am

    Mr.thomas, my dad died on the machine also he was getting treatment and die right at the time of treatmen.and $1500 is all they r trying to give us .its true its not a lie $1500.

  • BookerSeptember 28, 2016 at 1:36 am

    There saying people who had granuflo in there system get more in u had naturlyte in your system and your love one died in 24 hours of treatment only get 1,500. My dad was a provide they killed him .How will $1,500 provide for a wife and 4 kids .it shouldnt matter if he was granuflo r naturlyte that killed my dad it shoukd be the same pay for both drugs that killed our love one.

  • BookerSeptember 28, 2016 at 1:31 am

    Mr.thomas the amount there offer some of us is $1,500. Yea thats it they already no the amout . Please opt out everybody.

  • feliciaSeptember 27, 2016 at 8:52 pm

    Opt out! These lawyers are getting paid regardless. The settlement is a slap in the face to the victims. 12,000 claimants says a lot for this lawsuit. I'll take my chances in court before I accept this. My mother went into cardiac arrest while at dialysis. She died right after. They don't care about us they just want to get paid!

  • AngieSeptember 27, 2016 at 6:04 am

    So after reading all these comments, I called the attorneys office and had them clarify a few things. I received a packet at the end of July and I sent it back first week of September. I was told the deadline was extended, but they should have numbers figured by mid October and checks going out by November. We lost our dad in December of 2012. He was on the dialysis machine at a Fresenius clin[Show More]So after reading all these comments, I called the attorneys office and had them clarify a few things. I received a packet at the end of July and I sent it back first week of September. I was told the deadline was extended, but they should have numbers figured by mid October and checks going out by November. We lost our dad in December of 2012. He was on the dialysis machine at a Fresenius clinic when he went into cardiac arrest. He lasted almost 4 years on Dialysis. I retained an attorney to find out what happened to him. Yes he was sick, but he was doing well on dialysis. My issue was, with all these medical professionals surrounding him, why did he sit for 5 minutes when they were supposed to be doing vitals in 3-4 minute intervals? Maybe he could have been revived if they would have found him in time. They said they thought he was sleeping. Even though sleeping wasn't allowed. At the end of all this, he is gone and he is never coming back....I never expected anything monetarily from this....I just wanted someone to be able to tell me he didn't suffer when he passed on...No amount of money will ever bring him back or make this right

  • JenSeptember 24, 2016 at 8:44 pm

    How many cases are there?

  • CallaSeptember 24, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    All of our loves died/ suffered because of the Granuflo, a lethal dialysis solution. This lethal drug had a negative impact that resulted in unnecessary suffering and or death for all of our loved ones, who were simply trying to live! The manufacture have made millions of dollars off of each one of them and they knew that this was a deadly solution. They received no warnings and they were allowe[Show More]All of our loves died/ suffered because of the Granuflo, a lethal dialysis solution. This lethal drug had a negative impact that resulted in unnecessary suffering and or death for all of our loved ones, who were simply trying to live! The manufacture have made millions of dollars off of each one of them and they knew that this was a deadly solution. They received no warnings and they were allowed to use this lethal solution without WARNING, know it was deadly! Where is the transparency, accountability from our legal representatives and manufacture! Who can determine how much suffering each of our loved ones had to endure while on the dialysis machine using the lethal solution, Granuflo!! How can they DICTATE and tell us who qualify when they, the attorneys! have no idea how much our loved ones SUFFERED at the hands on the GRANUFLO, the lethal solution!!

  • ThomasSeptember 24, 2016 at 4:31 am

    I had no choice but to opt in to the granuflo my attorney advise me to or if I opt out the will withdraw from my case and strongly adviss me the cost time and trying to find another attorney thats almost impossible they way this cretieria set up u would have had to pass at the facility it clearly state within 24 hrs thats almost no one so many families been tricked buy attorneys this is so bad li[Show More]I had no choice but to opt in to the granuflo my attorney advise me to or if I opt out the will withdraw from my case and strongly adviss me the cost time and trying to find another attorney thats almost impossible they way this cretieria set up u would have had to pass at the facility it clearly state within 24 hrs thats almost no one so many families been tricked buy attorneys this is so bad like a minnie war 12000 people with majority of them passed away after the 24hrs mr booker so if ever is natural lyte wouldn't that 97% be eazy to get especially if the only concider the ones opt in remember my attorney basically quit if I opt out im sure the bade pay for granuflo is 88 k

  • thomasSeptember 24, 2016 at 4:14 am

    Mr booker im sorry for everyone loss im edge for the granuflo if thats the case if you are edgibke for the granuflo then the number of people edgible is small for the granuflo claim mymother passed away on the machine during treatment with this product plus she was only on dyalisis 9 days

  • LivSeptember 24, 2016 at 2:35 am

    U can not put a price on someone life and to give them sunflower seed and that not much. Why would a lawyer accept that can of money with a lot clients unless he is money hungry and he get sunflower seed or getting paid under the table. I will be praying for the attorney and the clients that they get MORE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$[Show More]U can not put a price on someone life and to give them sunflower seed and that not much. Why would a lawyer accept that can of money with a lot clients unless he is money hungry and he get sunflower seed or getting paid under the table. I will be praying for the attorney and the clients that they get MORE$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ IN JESUS NAME

  • BookerSeptember 23, 2016 at 3:45 am

    Yes they r all working together. So Opt out

  • BookerSeptember 23, 2016 at 3:43 am


  • BookerSeptember 23, 2016 at 3:41 am

    Mr.thomas those numbers r very much true . They r offering 1500 to alot of people .and wheen the lawyer is done taking his cut out of 1500 u might get $650 r less .this is the true fact for alot of people .they r telling alot of people they use naturlyte not granuflo .so dnt tell me its not true i spoke with a lawyer on this .and hell no the lawyers dnt want to fight no more cause if they got mor[Show More]Mr.thomas those numbers r very much true . They r offering 1500 to alot of people .and wheen the lawyer is done taking his cut out of 1500 u might get $650 r less .this is the true fact for alot of people .they r telling alot of people they use naturlyte not granuflo .so dnt tell me its not true i spoke with a lawyer on this .and hell no the lawyers dnt want to fight no more cause if they got more than one case they will still get a bigger cut then some one who has one case. These r the facts and its true .so i am advising us all to OPT OUT. I am

  • ArthurSeptember 22, 2016 at 7:03 pm

    Mr. Thomas every state has a statue of limitations on medical malpractice lawsuits. I received my package in the middle of August. But for myself I will not opt-in. I'll take my chances in court. I hope everyone the best.

  • KarenSeptember 21, 2016 at 9:51 pm

    Who gets the interest off the money they are earning while they keep putting off the settlement deadlines? My mom died November 2012 from cardiac arrest 2 hrs after dialysis. Rosa what was the reason for the denial? Your moms case sounds similar to my moms case. I still have not received anything. They told me I will get it sometime this week a packet. God bless all of us. Very sad these huge com[Show More]Who gets the interest off the money they are earning while they keep putting off the settlement deadlines? My mom died November 2012 from cardiac arrest 2 hrs after dialysis. Rosa what was the reason for the denial? Your moms case sounds similar to my moms case. I still have not received anything. They told me I will get it sometime this week a packet. God bless all of us. Very sad these huge companies can get away with this kind of stuff. The McDonald's coffee burned lady received more than we will for the lives of our family members.

  • ROSASeptember 21, 2016 at 2:33 am


  • DebraSeptember 20, 2016 at 1:35 pm

    My lawyer informed me that the opt in deadline was extended to Oct 31. They will not know if % was met until December. The next phase of settlement will be claim submission to prove settlement qualifications. It is still going to be a long process it sounds like.

  • AngelaSeptember 20, 2016 at 5:55 am

    I just miss my dad...this mess is a reminder of what we lost.

  • thomasSeptember 18, 2016 at 1:47 pm

    Mr Booker sorry to inform u those numberare not true if u got your papers youll see what the number are and what it say thosd that qualify for granuflo if u meet the criteria and add ons as well as i read this blog most of the people dont qualify so the number of qualify people will be sosmall than expect my mothdr been gone for six years now its not no amount of money that can bring her back [Show More]Mr Booker sorry to inform u those numberare not true if u got your papers youll see what the number are and what it say thosd that qualify for granuflo if u meet the criteria and add ons as well as i read this blog most of the people dont qualify so the number of qualify people will be sosmall than expect my mothdr been gone for six years now its not no amount of money that can bring her back ima put it in gods hands on what happen i opt in had no choice this case is .over unless that company take the settle ment back no lawyers will take on this case another five years or maybe three at the least the limitation has already expire so ima say may god be with us and those that didnt qualify pray and appeal so to thaf i strongly feel that the people that make it will be giving a fare amount settlement me personally fell blessed to have been apart of thiz suit in my state if u are over 25 yrs old u cant file a mpratice suit

  • BookerSeptember 16, 2016 at 3:43 am

    If u all opt in u will only get about $650 dollars

  • BookerSeptember 16, 2016 at 3:41 am

    Opt out it is all games to the lawyers

  • thomasSeptember 15, 2016 at 9:58 pm

    Hello first I want ro say is im so sorey for those that didnt qualify as I read this blog one thing I see is a lot of you didnt qualify so that means the 97% may be met my attorney explain to me plan and aimple he rocommed I opt in to the granu an I c I dont he will with draw from my case my mothers case is like a story book the neglegence on they part was so serious not only did she have a h[Show More]Hello first I want ro say is im so sorey for those that didnt qualify as I read this blog one thing I see is a lot of you didnt qualify so that means the 97% may be met my attorney explain to me plan and aimple he rocommed I opt in to the granu an I c I dont he will with draw from my case my mothers case is like a story book the neglegence on they part was so serious not only did she have a heart attack during treatment the nurse mishandled her body and she was bleeding out the mouth and nose profusely to were the emt had to use a vacuum to clean up the blood that was profusely running out her mouth and nose so its sad for me to as well this company is really powerful the goverment need this company for the people thats takeing or goin to take in the near future its political bigger than any cooperate attoeney medicade medicare are the only ones that can stop them stop rhem go hire a medicaid attorney or the attorney general in ur state

  • KarenSeptember 15, 2016 at 8:36 pm

    Still no letter fr M lawyers. Is the cut off extended to October 15 now to opt in? My lawyer tells me nothing. I only get to talk to a paralegal who is useless and keeps saying I will get something in the mail around sept 15th. Nothing still has come on the mail. So frustrated. Why won't they just tell me on the phone?

  • LaShaunSeptember 15, 2016 at 7:37 am

    I'm so confused my mom passed away Feb2,2008 24hrs after taking dialysis in the hospital. This opt in/opt out crap is so misleading and all I wanted was for someone to own up to the poison that was administered in her body and this settlement is a slap in the face I've being going thru this since 2012 with this case and to opt in and except this insult to be split between my sister & brother is [Show More]I'm so confused my mom passed away Feb2,2008 24hrs after taking dialysis in the hospital. This opt in/opt out crap is so misleading and all I wanted was for someone to own up to the poison that was administered in her body and this settlement is a slap in the face I've being going thru this since 2012 with this case and to opt in and except this insult to be split between my sister & brother is just like reliving that day all over again. This money want bring her back but to be insulted is total disrespect!!!!!

  • LeashaSeptember 15, 2016 at 1:26 am

    how can you tell someone they are not eligable for this lawsuit when they died becouse of this drug but not by there dates, and the amount they are offering is a joke, they try to round everyone up and low ball them it wrongwe are not hard of for money we mlost loved ones and they were aware of what they were doing'''

  • BookerSeptember 15, 2016 at 12:28 am

    Please do not opt in

  • jessieSeptember 14, 2016 at 5:26 pm

    I got my letter in august tell me i did not quailfy today i got a call tell me i qualified for the 1500 i am going to opt in because i think they will not get the 97% so when it go back to court i will seek some new lawyer to take my case

  • TraeSeptember 14, 2016 at 7:12 am

    If anyone knows how to or wants to start a petition, I would be more than happy to sign. This injustice needs to be presented to the news and a higher power.

  • michaelSeptember 13, 2016 at 8:37 pm

    It's not going too do no good too opt out .they all working together

  • MikeySeptember 13, 2016 at 12:04 am

    Opt out and stick it to them at trial! The clinical trials for granuflo = Smoking Gun!!

  • michaelSeptember 12, 2016 at 10:11 pm

    We had a lawyer that had our mother paperwork and told me and sisters and brothers we had a case now he saying we don't have anything after 3 years u telling me we don't have a case something wrong why wait until u got the settlement and we don't have a case the lawyers is trying to take what belongs too us for them self I'm not going for that it's just a shame u can't trust your lawyers if it was[Show More]We had a lawyer that had our mother paperwork and told me and sisters and brothers we had a case now he saying we don't have anything after 3 years u telling me we don't have a case something wrong why wait until u got the settlement and we don't have a case the lawyers is trying to take what belongs too us for them self I'm not going for that it's just a shame u can't trust your lawyers if it was one of there patents they wouldn't do that we not going to accept no 1500.00 I'm sorry is there's any attorneys u can trust

  • jonSeptember 11, 2016 at 8:46 pm

    My wife died 7 Jan 2013 just 7 days after deadline. Bummer, I will not opt-ine either.

  • AnitaSeptember 9, 2016 at 6:08 pm

    I received my letter about 3 weeks ago and as it read those that opt in will get something. I know that no amount of money will bring my mom back. But as long as they give something that is better than nothing. I agree that we are getting ripped off, but what if the 97% does not opt in and then nothing is given. So you all think about it. Something or Nothing. You know how companies and lawyers wo[Show More]I received my letter about 3 weeks ago and as it read those that opt in will get something. I know that no amount of money will bring my mom back. But as long as they give something that is better than nothing. I agree that we are getting ripped off, but what if the 97% does not opt in and then nothing is given. So you all think about it. Something or Nothing. You know how companies and lawyers work together.

  • BookerSeptember 8, 2016 at 3:14 am

    Where is this 1500 coming from .but if this is ture i will opt out i will not go for 1500 .that is a low low amount .

  • RSeptember 7, 2016 at 8:49 pm

    Our father died in 2012. We qualify in general for granuflo use and death w/I 24 hours and the base is 40k gross. If they get rid of the 1500 wrongful death cases who settle then are disqualified it may go as high as 66k gross if we aren't disqualified. The whole business is shady. At most we could see a 30k net before any med liens. After everything maybe 20k net for a wrongful death. Th[Show More]Our father died in 2012. We qualify in general for granuflo use and death w/I 24 hours and the base is 40k gross. If they get rid of the 1500 wrongful death cases who settle then are disqualified it may go as high as 66k gross if we aren't disqualified. The whole business is shady. At most we could see a 30k net before any med liens. After everything maybe 20k net for a wrongful death. This cost us more than ten times that amount and people have to be screwed over who don't deserve it for that to happen. I told my lawyer no. They are sending papers for me to dismiss my case... This whole deal is bad. Like selling your soul for cheap.

  • Heart BrokenSeptember 7, 2016 at 8:12 pm

    It's sad that so many of us have lost loved ones due to this company. I agree that no amout of money will bring them back, but asking us to opt in/out for a measly $250mil is preposterous. My mother l

  • LindaSeptember 5, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    Jeni, my family received the same letter. They think that $1500 will lure 97% of us to sign the release all claims form. They said that my dad didn't meet the criteria because he died 39 hours after treatment. Our love ones must have died within 24 hours to meet the criteria. That's ludicrous. I've emailed the Supreme Court and a major news station. If we sign that form, we sign away all rig[Show More]Jeni, my family received the same letter. They think that $1500 will lure 97% of us to sign the release all claims form. They said that my dad didn't meet the criteria because he died 39 hours after treatment. Our love ones must have died within 24 hours to meet the criteria. That's ludicrous. I've emailed the Supreme Court and a major news station. If we sign that form, we sign away all rights. If they are forced to make restitution down the line, it will not include those that sign. Contact every higher authority you can think of about this matter. They will not get away with murder. Together, with God, we'll make sure of that.

  • CSeptember 4, 2016 at 10:44 pm

    I will not accept the 1500.00 offer.

  • MikeySeptember 3, 2016 at 10:48 pm

    The only way to stop this injustice is to contact the media! Cnn/msnbc Call,text or facebook them and raise hell

  • ShanSeptember 3, 2016 at 3:59 am

    Hey, I'm sorry to say, but just in case you all didn't know, this case has already gone to trial and we lost. The company has already won and refuses to admit fault for killing our love ones. They are basically saying "we didn't do anything, we are legally not responsible, but here is something so we don't look like an a** h*** to the public. They don't have to do anything and they won't i[Show More]Hey, I'm sorry to say, but just in case you all didn't know, this case has already gone to trial and we lost. The company has already won and refuses to admit fault for killing our love ones. They are basically saying "we didn't do anything, we are legally not responsible, but here is something so we don't look like an a** h*** to the public. They don't have to do anything and they won't if 97+% of us don't opt in. We are already screwed.. We lost our mothers, father's, etc, and still can't get a fair settlement from the company that killed them. The only way to stick it to them is if we stick together and opt in. Let me tell you why,.. if you opt out and say only 88% of ppl opt in, its over. The 88% gets nothing and neither do you. The company basically trashes the agreement and can say "we tried, but they didn't want it",.. We will also be responsible for the hefty attorney fees for all the work they have done thus far.. can you afford $10K, $20K+ or risk being sued?.. Not to mention the cost associated with opening an entirely new case individually against granuflo, waiting another 5+ years for trials etc,.. that's even more thousands $$$$ out of pocket. I really hate we have found ourselves in this position, And God knows No Amount of money will bring my mother back or rectify her death.. but this company owes something! An apology I will never get,.. answers I will never get... But closure will come the day this case is finally closed and some sort of financial help is awarded. I really pray that you all opt in so this nightmare will be over. The company wins again if we don't. Please, please, please Opt In.

  • MicheleSeptember 2, 2016 at 11:37 pm

    My husband died January 2012, and after his death I lost everything. I can't work due to health problems so I need this case settled. I keep getting the run around from my attorney. I still don't have the opt in papers. I was told I will get them soon that was two weeks ago.

  • BookerSeptember 2, 2016 at 8:28 pm

    Nobody no the amount but i believe it is low. I see and understand y the football player is not standing .there is no Justus. They killed so many people and they r getting off so easly.wake up they killed alot of many family have been affected. My mom loved my dad so much.they should be held accountable. I knew when they got one judge for all these case i knew we would all get[Show More]Nobody no the amount but i believe it is low. I see and understand y the football player is not standing .there is no Justus. They killed so many people and they r getting off so easly.wake up they killed alot of many family have been affected. My mom loved my dad so much.they should be held accountable. I knew when they got one judge for all these case i knew we would all get fucked.and the judge just kept moving the case back and back .its alost 2017 and nobody has gotten a dime.just crazy .we can never get our love ones back .our people was poison with this .

  • CarlaSeptember 2, 2016 at 6:45 pm

    Offered 1500, because my mom died in 2014, any offering of money is guilt to me, she was on dialysis since 2009 , with countless hospital stay ect.. I beg my mom to get on dialysis, and yes this drug finally killed her 24 hours. after her last trip, it was a constant fight - fuck their criteria- any admission I want them destroyed opt out not even sending the paper back ,1500 is a crime in itse[Show More]Offered 1500, because my mom died in 2014, any offering of money is guilt to me, she was on dialysis since 2009 , with countless hospital stay ect.. I beg my mom to get on dialysis, and yes this drug finally killed her 24 hours. after her last trip, it was a constant fight - fuck their criteria- any admission I want them destroyed opt out not even sending the paper back ,1500 is a crime in itself let the lawsuit keep coming - 16 billion??? Anyone know of great malpractice lawyer in the Boston area??

  • JeniSeptember 2, 2016 at 12:34 pm

    The attorney that included me in their class action suit for my father contacted me a week ago by phone telling me that the people that had Granuflo are getting most of the money and that initially Fresenius wasn't going to pay for people that had NaturaLyte. The attorneys aides exact words were that they "pushed back" and got me $1500.00. Because it was decided that NaturaLyte was "as aggregious"[Show More]The attorney that included me in their class action suit for my father contacted me a week ago by phone telling me that the people that had Granuflo are getting most of the money and that initially Fresenius wasn't going to pay for people that had NaturaLyte. The attorneys aides exact words were that they "pushed back" and got me $1500.00. Because it was decided that NaturaLyte was "as aggregious" as Granuflo. Seriously?? Death is death. I questioned further and asked that the attorney himself call me. I received an "opt-in" email that I wasn't able to open due to a untimely hospitalization. I came back to work today and the email is mysteriously gone. No longer there. Not in the spam file, not in the previously deleted file, not anywhere. Just gone. I have no idea why. I'm assuming they unsent it it because I never opened it in one weeks time. I asked MY attorney about this lawsuit and if it sounded right that I'm only going to get $1500.00. He said to ask them for a copy of the settlement agreement that will expound on whether or not Granuflo people get more than Naturalyte and why. Trust me...when they open at 9am on the west coast, that's my first call. I think they are just trying to get me to take such a small amount so they can keep more for themselves. Not happening! I left work to take care of my parents full-time the last 8 years of their lives and in debt to the tune of $20,000. I work full time for a home care agency taking care of the elderly and not some loafer looking for a handout. I need a fresh start financially. Let's all stand up and make them pay for killing our loved ones. I'm sorry for your losses...all of you. God bless you all.

  • GloriaSeptember 2, 2016 at 3:16 am

    I think they are giving everyone who accepts a standard amount of $1,500.00. You risk getting $ 0.00 if you don't agree. This is Drug manufacturers and lawyers benefitting at our expense.

  • DebbieSeptember 1, 2016 at 5:19 pm

    I so agree with Robin! I received a letter from the Law offices that were representing me, ( my husband's death), dated August 17th stating they would not be representing me due to not enough information on my husband....Why did they wait almost a year to decide this!?? Now, no attorney will look at this case due to the time line involved!!!....I even have 2 empty re-called granuflo jugs that cam[Show More]I so agree with Robin! I received a letter from the Law offices that were representing me, ( my husband's death), dated August 17th stating they would not be representing me due to not enough information on my husband....Why did they wait almost a year to decide this!?? Now, no attorney will look at this case due to the time line involved!!!....I even have 2 empty re-called granuflo jugs that came from the dumpster behind the Dialysis Clinic, and the Clinic did not know of the Recall until I talked with them before my husband's passing....It is just so amazing how lawyers line their pockets with others heartbreaks.

  • TracySeptember 1, 2016 at 2:42 am

    Hello everyone.I received my packet last week stating that I qualify for tier one. I have until Sept16 to opt-in

  • greiving faily memberSeptember 1, 2016 at 1:14 am


  • BookerAugust 31, 2016 at 7:19 pm

    My lawyer is trying to say we dnt get any money frim granuflo its the naturlyte that was us with my dad treatments and we have to go back to court on that issue . Our lawyers are big liers.

  • MevansAugust 31, 2016 at 12:42 pm

    My stepmother asked my brother and I if we wanted to be a part of the lawsuit. We stated yes. My father also passed away within hours of being treated. When I received a copy of the settlement I was flabbergasted. The offer was for those in the top tier to receive approximately $87,500. When speaking with this attorney I got the impression that they were a rip off. And for those of you who receive[Show More]My stepmother asked my brother and I if we wanted to be a part of the lawsuit. We stated yes. My father also passed away within hours of being treated. When I received a copy of the settlement I was flabbergasted. The offer was for those in the top tier to receive approximately $87,500. When speaking with this attorney I got the impression that they were a rip off. And for those of you who received the paperwork and you read it, the attorneys are going to get paid not only from the settlement however, the lawyers will also receive 40% as a retainer fee. My stepmother is 75 years old, she signed to opt-in and after meeting with an attorney outside of the case, the attorney was livid. I am praying that they will not receive the 97% because this is a multi-billion-dollar company that killed so many of our loved ones.

  • TracyAugust 31, 2016 at 5:31 am

    Hello everyone. I did recieve my packet last week stating that I do qualify for tier one. I have until Sept 15, 2016 to opt in.

  • BookerAugust 31, 2016 at 1:49 am

    These people know they killed people but they got billions so this why they doing what they are doing looks like they paid the judge can a comoany kill so many peoole and they keep pushing this back and back .what are the lawyers doing.

  • BookerAugust 31, 2016 at 1:40 am

    I dnt no what there doing but the lawyers are full of shit

  • RochelleAugust 30, 2016 at 8:34 pm

    My husbands lawyer now says they added a criteria that something in his dad's records has to have the wording cardiac arrest in it. It's crazy, lawyer said all the criteria was met except that so their getting more records, my father-in-law died within 2 and half hours after dialysis.

  • vickiAugust 30, 2016 at 5:20 am

    My mom died on the table at 58 years of age April 2011 still waiting haven't heard anything except being told to settle out of court...and lawyer is taking 40 % does anyone know amounts or dates..We still owe the funeral home even if that gets paid will be ok nothing will ever bring her back or replace her....just a shame we have to fight five years now to pay for funeral expenses. When they kille[Show More]My mom died on the table at 58 years of age April 2011 still waiting haven't heard anything except being told to settle out of court...and lawyer is taking 40 % does anyone know amounts or dates..We still owe the funeral home even if that gets paid will be ok nothing will ever bring her back or replace her....just a shame we have to fight five years now to pay for funeral expenses. When they killed my mom.

  • DebraAugust 29, 2016 at 8:22 pm

    Sorry so many of you are having trouble with your lawyers. Mine have been great and keeps me informed. There is two products and there has to be proof that one of them was used. Each has different qualifiers. I did not have to get any medical records and send. I gave lawyers info and they got it all taken care of. The cut off date is 9/15/16. Not sure how it is going to turn out but my husb[Show More]Sorry so many of you are having trouble with your lawyers. Mine have been great and keeps me informed. There is two products and there has to be proof that one of them was used. Each has different qualifiers. I did not have to get any medical records and send. I gave lawyers info and they got it all taken care of. The cut off date is 9/15/16. Not sure how it is going to turn out but my husband does qualify. Granuflo was used and he died less than 24hrs after treatment from cardiac arrest. Pray that you all get answers soon. Deb

  • DimondAugust 29, 2016 at 7:22 pm

    I just don't know why the criteria keeps changing. My mother passed due to cardiac arrhythmia which if the homework was properly it can lead to sudden death in which it did. Come on now from 2003 to 2010 and I know she was receiving this drug. They must be out of their greedy rapid axx minds to think that I'm going to give up. By the way opt in date changed until Oct 2016 says my attorney. I guess[Show More]I just don't know why the criteria keeps changing. My mother passed due to cardiac arrhythmia which if the homework was properly it can lead to sudden death in which it did. Come on now from 2003 to 2010 and I know she was receiving this drug. They must be out of their greedy rapid axx minds to think that I'm going to give up. By the way opt in date changed until Oct 2016 says my attorney. I guess they're coming up with more ways to shut us out. We have to do something bc it's not right! It was our loved ones that were lost not theirs. SMH!!!

  • deniseAugust 29, 2016 at 4:26 pm

    lawyer said i only get &1500 because my mother died one one hour afther the 24 hour limit set by the courts this is not justice

  • TerryAugust 28, 2016 at 4:33 am

    The justice department or some one should look into this, 250 millions for so many deaths just doesn't seem right.

  • SunshineAugust 27, 2016 at 7:03 pm

    I spoke to my attorney last week and he tried to lie and say that the judge has not chosen a partucular qualifying injury and that arythmia could be the qualifying standard for being included in the lawsuit. I informed him that I knew the qualifications already. I am so over these slick arttorneys doing everything that they can to withold information, I do not trust them at all. The attorney did s[Show More]I spoke to my attorney last week and he tried to lie and say that the judge has not chosen a partucular qualifying injury and that arythmia could be the qualifying standard for being included in the lawsuit. I informed him that I knew the qualifications already. I am so over these slick arttorneys doing everything that they can to withold information, I do not trust them at all. The attorney did state that the paperwork was for opting in or out would reach everyone within the next 3-4 weeks.

  • EdtrinaAugust 27, 2016 at 5:47 pm

    So far all this case has caused is more debt/stress and less knowledge/information I'm completely lost sent medical records which were not free I havent heard anything!!!!..

  • sheliaAugust 26, 2016 at 4:51 pm

    there is a lot on this info by going to granuflo update nephrology seeing comments on letters received already.

  • DanAugust 25, 2016 at 6:43 am

    Wow, It hurts me to see so many families lose love ones receiving treatment that's suppose to help, not kill. Now that a mediocre settlement has been reached they handpicked who's in and who's out. They contact people saying you have a case. Just to tell them they don't meet the criteria for settlement. It wasn't a criteria when people love ones died. So what makes a $250 million settlement worth [Show More]Wow, It hurts me to see so many families lose love ones receiving treatment that's suppose to help, not kill. Now that a mediocre settlement has been reached they handpicked who's in and who's out. They contact people saying you have a case. Just to tell them they don't meet the criteria for settlement. It wasn't a criteria when people love ones died. So what makes a $250 million settlement worth disrespecting your Integrity fighting for a Wrongful Death case. Asking people to dismiss a case, Never to be able to bring lawsuit again. This has to be Misrepresntation and Intimidating all in one because they get paid you don't. This is pure Injustice

  • KarenAugust 24, 2016 at 3:33 pm

    I just spoke with my attorney and they stated we won't get our info if we are included or not until around Sept 15. Then we will receive a packet. Just keeps getting pushed back every month. Very frustrating and sad for all of us involved.

  • FranAugust 23, 2016 at 7:54 pm

    Still waiting for papers . Does anyone know any details for these settlements? Feeling confused#frustrated !!!!

  • JoshAugust 23, 2016 at 1:21 am

    It behooves these lawyers to get as many settlements as possible, why? the more they settle, the more $$$ they make. many of the folks who are "kicked out", keep in mind, you don't have to pay your lawyers a dime, and they don;t make anything from you if you're one of the kicked out folks. Waste of time, and man hours, so like I said, it behooves them to settle as many as they can. The lawyers wo[Show More]It behooves these lawyers to get as many settlements as possible, why? the more they settle, the more $$$ they make. many of the folks who are "kicked out", keep in mind, you don't have to pay your lawyers a dime, and they don;t make anything from you if you're one of the kicked out folks. Waste of time, and man hours, so like I said, it behooves them to settle as many as they can. The lawyers won't like not making money on many of these cases.

  • christinaAugust 22, 2016 at 2:48 pm

    i feel im being misrepresentated

  • RochelleAugust 22, 2016 at 2:20 am

    Has anyone heard of this new criteria? My father in law went into cardiac arrest about 2 hrs after having dialysis in July 2010 and could not be revived. My husbands attorney is saying that somewhere in all the reports from that day it needs to say "cardiac arrest"on something, doesn't matter what as long as it's on any paperwork from that day. He's saying that's a new criteria that was added a co[Show More]Has anyone heard of this new criteria? My father in law went into cardiac arrest about 2 hrs after having dialysis in July 2010 and could not be revived. My husbands attorney is saying that somewhere in all the reports from that day it needs to say "cardiac arrest"on something, doesn't matter what as long as it's on any paperwork from that day. He's saying that's a new criteria that was added a couple weeks ago, we can't find any information on this. His death certificate states that he died from a heart attack. Would the emt's report have cardiac arrest on it? We're just trying to figure this out. His attorneys are requesting more paperwork. Thanks in advance if anyone has any info to shed light on this.

  • RobinAugust 20, 2016 at 5:51 pm

    If an individual had contributed to the death of so many people they would never see the light of day again. But you grease a few legal palms from a trillion dollar company and BINGO! We all get screw over.

  • RobinAugust 20, 2016 at 3:36 pm

    People don't opt in. This would just be helping the legal community to sell us out! Don't sign that letter to let that drug company off the hook. That is a German own company that grossed over 16.7 Billion dollars a year in 2015 alone. They have used our loved ones like laboratory rats to experiment on. The settlement amount will just merely cover those attorney legal fees across the country. T[Show More]People don't opt in. This would just be helping the legal community to sell us out! Don't sign that letter to let that drug company off the hook. That is a German own company that grossed over 16.7 Billion dollars a year in 2015 alone. They have used our loved ones like laboratory rats to experiment on. The settlement amount will just merely cover those attorney legal fees across the country. Their just selling us out! Don't let them get away with this.

  • MikeAugust 19, 2016 at 7:33 pm

    So true robin!

  • TracyAugust 19, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    I just called my attorney and was told that they just recieved paper work to send out to claimants. So hopefully i will recieve my packet or letter letting me know if my case qualifies or not.I will post and let yall know the outcome.

  • RobinAugust 19, 2016 at 2:53 pm

    We are assuming this letter was sent in error because your firm had our mothers case for over 3 years. We kept in constant contact with you as you filed this and that. All the while you never indicated that our mothers case was nothing but valid. But now since a settlement has been reached you are cutting our family off from closure. This is why distrust is rampant in the minds of people towa[Show More]We are assuming this letter was sent in error because your firm had our mothers case for over 3 years. We kept in constant contact with you as you filed this and that. All the while you never indicated that our mothers case was nothing but valid. But now since a settlement has been reached you are cutting our family off from closure. This is why distrust is rampant in the minds of people towards the legal community. This company made a mistake that cost our mother her life. We came to the legal community to make it right but instead this same community uses their clients loss, pain and suffering to line their greedy pockets the same way that the drug company did. There needs to be a class action against the way we are being misrepresented by the legal community because your mistakes aren't mistakes they are deliberate! Driven by greed just like the pharmaceutical companies. Therefore we will not sign that letter you sent us, we will not give you the easy way out. Our mother died apparently so you and that drug company can be that much richer. So enjoy the fruits of your labor because there is a special place in the bowels of HELL, already filled to capacity with the likes of such in your profession, yet making room for more. Have a great descent!

  • CkAugust 18, 2016 at 8:53 pm

    I am also concerned. I have received no information sine I filed short form complaint, my husband died within hours of treatment and meets all criteria that some of you commented on. Hope I recieve a letter soon so I can put this behind me. Please keep posting any info you recieve.i will attempt to contact the liaison attorney listed on the complaint for my state. Good luck to you all.

  • jessieAugust 18, 2016 at 7:56 pm

    Do anyone know what going to happen if some one do not take the opt in will the case still be heard?

  • floridaAugust 18, 2016 at 6:25 pm

    i got a letter from my lawyer saying they could not find that they used that product. and asked me to opt off on the company. I said no and I mean no. Never because if you could not find that they used this product, why not tell me that in 2012 when I got a lawyer or 2013 it would not have taken this long to find that out. Why wait until a settlement is made and then u come up with we didn't f[Show More]i got a letter from my lawyer saying they could not find that they used that product. and asked me to opt off on the company. I said no and I mean no. Never because if you could not find that they used this product, why not tell me that in 2012 when I got a lawyer or 2013 it would not have taken this long to find that out. Why wait until a settlement is made and then u come up with we didn't find the product was used its 2016 now after a settlement is made and u ask me to opt out. Well I told them no,she tell me well u have that right. About a week later my lawyer call asking me to close my case and I said no , I told him I will close that door with,but never the medical company. He tells me all he have to do is go to the judge and ask for something and it will go away in 30 days so I told him to do what he got to do . Because I am not going to close my case with the medical company. Why would he have to got to the judge if I didn't have a case,and why will MY LAWYER want me to sign off on the medical company. Its looks like to me he jump ship got off my boat and aboard the medical ship that all I am saying. Never will I sign off on that

  • KAugust 17, 2016 at 8:31 pm

    Does anyone know how much each family is expected to get? $250mil just doesn't seem adequate enough for how many families have sued.

  • DebraAugust 17, 2016 at 1:37 pm

    Got my package yesterday by FedEx

  • CarolynAugust 17, 2016 at 11:44 am

    I finally received my letter today stating to either opt in or opt Sept lawyer is advising all his clients to opt in because going to trial will not guarantee you will be awarded.... It appears payments will be between $45-85 thousand...... So basically they are trying to say this is as good as it!

  • jessieAugust 16, 2016 at 2:28 pm

    Got my letter on friday. Not gualifief my brother died in 2013 lawyer said patient must have died between 2002 and dec 31 2012. I did not close my case .because i think thhey will not get 97% to opt in if you close your case you cant sues granuflo any more

  • SergAugust 16, 2016 at 3:11 am

    High 6 Figures?

  • LindaAugust 15, 2016 at 6:39 pm

    I'm waiting on a letter too. Does anyone know if the letter coming through mail or fed ex?

  • jessieAugust 13, 2016 at 6:22 pm

    My attorney said letters r mailed this wk aug 13

  • TerrenceAugust 12, 2016 at 8:19 pm

    got my opt in package today

  • judyAugust 12, 2016 at 6:56 pm

    my mother died in 2009 on the machine, 250 million is a insult I want justice for her our family has not and will not be the same! She was unknowly being poison. This company was greedy,selfish and no respect for human life are the famlies left to grief

  • LaurieAugust 10, 2016 at 8:14 pm

    My mother died within minutes of receiving her dialysis treatment. From the dialysis unit to the hospital by ambulance is less than a mile away and she died on the way. My lawyers have not contacted me either nor given me any form to opt out! The 250 million is an insult to all of us including the dearly departed who suffered the most!! That company should be ashamed for making a profit off th[Show More]My mother died within minutes of receiving her dialysis treatment. From the dialysis unit to the hospital by ambulance is less than a mile away and she died on the way. My lawyers have not contacted me either nor given me any form to opt out! The 250 million is an insult to all of us including the dearly departed who suffered the most!! That company should be ashamed for making a profit off the dead and dying!!! God is watching you all!!! If you wont be judged here you will be later!!!

  • LORRANCEAugust 10, 2016 at 3:23 am


  • WilliamAugust 9, 2016 at 12:56 pm

    Why we dont all get together and put them on the world news if every body complain then its something that got to be done i think they paying the goverment off its to top secret. This case is worth millions to those that meet the cretira we need to file a petition to the us judges they got to be aware of this poision they gave to our love ones it was a scentific study done on our love ones that. T[Show More]Why we dont all get together and put them on the world news if every body complain then its something that got to be done i think they paying the goverment off its to top secret. This case is worth millions to those that meet the cretira we need to file a petition to the us judges they got to be aware of this poision they gave to our love ones it was a scentific study done on our love ones that. The voverment got a cut back from have any one relly look into this company tax bracket the lead in the top 5 in paying taxes for cooperate biz. We got to speak up as a unit if not it will be brush under the table these monster must be accountable for taking our love one my mother was on xyalisis 13 days she had received 7 treatments the 3xs she went to davita she had a heart attack 3rd leading to her death the other treatments she had all came from the local hosptail that recive her after bein sent back for cardic aresst from davita. The memo state the amount of granuflo is not to proceed over 2r they up graded my mothers to 39 on her first visit. SHE BECAME UNRESPOSIVE SAME THING 2ND VIS BOTH TIMES SHE WAS RUSHED BACK TO THE ER HER 3RD VISIT SAME RESULTS. INSTEAD OF 24 UNITS THEY GIVE HER 39 UNITS THIS TIME SHE GO in cardiac arrest have a massive heart attack right on the chair when i got to the clinic the nurses didnt have a clue they just new it was her tird time goin in a aklosis stage in 3 weeks and this time the lady passed away on the chair when i came to recover my moms body the tubes were still in her mouth and the emt refuse to take her body the medicail examiner even state that he was baffeld on how her body was and emt leaving her now if u think im not wanting justice im fight to i die even if i have to pickett protest against their clinic

  • MarciaAugust 9, 2016 at 10:28 am

    My husband had a massive heart attack in dialysis on his 3rd visit. He was revived twice and spent the next 2 years in a nursing home because he could not walk again. I brought him home for the next 2 years, He past away in 2015 after a very horrific 4years caused by this drug. I call my lawyer about every 3 to 4 months for updates and was last told the letter would be sent out in September instea[Show More]My husband had a massive heart attack in dialysis on his 3rd visit. He was revived twice and spent the next 2 years in a nursing home because he could not walk again. I brought him home for the next 2 years, He past away in 2015 after a very horrific 4years caused by this drug. I call my lawyer about every 3 to 4 months for updates and was last told the letter would be sent out in September instead of July. Never get much real updates and wonder if they will change the date again. When I asked how long after letters are signed I was told it will be awhile for checks not sure if that means weeks, months or years. This is all very sad that they are taking so long

  • ShanAugust 8, 2016 at 6:02 pm

    Hello, No update yet on our case. No offers or anything. Still waiting. Hopefully by mid/end of this month.

  • MindyAugust 8, 2016 at 3:12 pm

    My father woke up on 11/30/2010, went to dialysis they were having issues keeping his BP under control and instead of sending him to a hospital they sent him home. He met my uncle at their usual spot for breakfast l. My uncle said that when my father walked through the door he looked at him with a huge smile on his face like he had some genius plan for the two of them that day, his eyes rolled bac[Show More]My father woke up on 11/30/2010, went to dialysis they were having issues keeping his BP under control and instead of sending him to a hospital they sent him home. He met my uncle at their usual spot for breakfast l. My uncle said that when my father walked through the door he looked at him with a huge smile on his face like he had some genius plan for the two of them that day, his eyes rolled back and he went down to the floor. They called 911 and it took several minutes for them to get to him. Mind you the fire station was literally right across the street. They revived my dad there at the restaurant, lost him 3 more times on the way to the hospital and then revived him again this time placing him on life support. When I arrived an hour after I was informed that I should allow them to cool his body temp to possibly preserve brain function so o agreed to it. My father spent 6 days on life support showing no sign of improvement. The doctors kept telling me I'd need to make a decision to keep him on or let him go. He was an organ donor so I really feel that played a role in their anticipation of removing him from the support. Only after I made them do multiple test to sloeive to me his brain has no function did I decide to let him go. Being his only child the decisions were left upon me. I wouldn't wish for any child to have to go through what I did. I had just spoken with my father a couple days before excited about the deals I spoke with my father daily and most days I'd wake up or come home from work to find him napping in my recliner or on my sofa. My children lost their male role model and I my best friend all within a matter of hours after he was doing something that should've kept him around longer for all of us. I agree with those of you who say the settlement is not enough. For the company themselves to only be out $60million out of their own pockets is ridiculous. People have lost their lives and families have lost their support systems.

  • jayAugust 4, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    This whole litigation has been nothing but bs

  • DebiAugust 4, 2016 at 7:03 pm

    My case is prob one of the oddest my father had a stroke within 24 hrs of treatment. Suffered and the entire time he was trying to recoup from the stroke he was being pumped full of Granuflo 3x a week. He never missed any treatment during the recouperation from the stroke. They said he needed the treatments and he couldn't miss them so the entire time the company was hidding the memo and the knowl[Show More]My case is prob one of the oddest my father had a stroke within 24 hrs of treatment. Suffered and the entire time he was trying to recoup from the stroke he was being pumped full of Granuflo 3x a week. He never missed any treatment during the recouperation from the stroke. They said he needed the treatments and he couldn't miss them so the entire time the company was hidding the memo and the knowledge of their product my father us still trying to recoup but being pumped full of this stuff , then after his ravished heart and body couldn't take anymore of this Granuflo he had a heart related episode again 24 hours after treatment and ended up on life support again receiving dialysis treatment while on life support because we still didn't know about the product. Finally we made the decision to remove him from life support and he passed. Now if that isn't suffering I don't know what is

  • AnitaAugust 4, 2016 at 4:09 pm

    My mother died in 2012 from Cardiac Arrest after receiving dialysis using NaturaLyte. Since they changed the death from 48 hrs to 24 hrs (after dialysis), my mother's claim is not eligible. Money was never the point....the point is, someone being held accountable for my mother's death. $1500 is not being held accountable.

  • AAugust 3, 2016 at 9:14 pm

    I just received a letter from my attorney saying that my mother's claim (she passed away 2012 of a cardiac arrest after receiving dialysis using NaturaLyte) does not meet the qualifications. She died 48 hours after treatment. The 24 hour term is going to knock a lot of people out of the lawsuit. This is wrong on so many levels.

  • DebAugust 3, 2016 at 8:48 pm

    I think it is taking longer due to getting records that lawyer have requested. My husband got off treatment and exactly 24hr the hospital had him in. They were trying to get the ambulance records to show it was less than 24 hrs. when I called 911. They already have proof that the chemical was used on him. I have a lawyer in my state and have had no problem getting information. My husband died[Show More]I think it is taking longer due to getting records that lawyer have requested. My husband got off treatment and exactly 24hr the hospital had him in. They were trying to get the ambulance records to show it was less than 24 hrs. when I called 911. They already have proof that the chemical was used on him. I have a lawyer in my state and have had no problem getting information. My husband died in 2009.

  • DebiAugust 2, 2016 at 9:48 pm

    Wow Chelsea you are very lucky to have some closure in this I thought of getting a attorney in my state, wandering if I still can or is the statue up for that? Also does anyone know why it's now September we are waiting till?

  • orJuly 30, 2016 at 4:41 am

    I used an attorney in my state as well, because my mother-n-law was also a patient at this fresenius clinic and she passed away,having heart attacks after the other on the dialysis machine until it took her out and this lawsuit we haven't heard anything or even been contacted about this case for real ? or a joke

  • sJuly 27, 2016 at 11:01 pm

    This case is a joke. My mom's attorney isn't offering any information other than she should hear something in September. She is now making herself sick blaming herself for my dad's death. How can you ruin countless lives and pay them off with peanuts. It's just extremely sad.

  • CHELSEAJuly 27, 2016 at 4:31 pm

    I found a lawyer in my state. I didn't go through the class action attorney's found on television. I received a letter back in February 2016 about the opt in and out date that was supposed to be in July. I then received a letter in July 2016 stating that I will get $600,000. I had to go to court 2 weeks ago from today's date to sign paperwork and after all my mom's medical bills and Medicare has b[Show More]I found a lawyer in my state. I didn't go through the class action attorney's found on television. I received a letter back in February 2016 about the opt in and out date that was supposed to be in July. I then received a letter in July 2016 stating that I will get $600,000. I had to go to court 2 weeks ago from today's date to sign paperwork and after all my mom's medical bills and Medicare has been paid I was left with $200,000. Justt to give you all some hope all bills your love ones had has to be paid first plus the attorney fees, and any siblings that is still living that get 20% as well. We still have until September I think around the 15th to opt-in or opt-out of the settlement offer and my attorney said I should have my check by the beginning of October. I told my attorney I thought it was weird that no one else on this Blog has got any settlement offers and he stated when you find attorneys off of Television they go through Millions (figure of speech) of clients just to get to your one case. I hope and pray we all find closure sooner than we think I also hope and pray they raise the amount because 250 million is just not enough for medicine killing our loved ones. Has anyone else received a settlement offer or am I alone????

  • JoshJuly 27, 2016 at 2:13 am

    I'm totally confused by this whole process. First, they kicked me out claiming "we dont have enough proof about your mom and when she took it..blah blah blah". Then, i get a letter about 6-9 months later, stating that the judges extended the parameters of the case and necessary info/etc, and that we could qualify for a settlement, and to go forward with them. I did, and now they're claiming we cou[Show More]I'm totally confused by this whole process. First, they kicked me out claiming "we dont have enough proof about your mom and when she took it..blah blah blah". Then, i get a letter about 6-9 months later, stating that the judges extended the parameters of the case and necessary info/etc, and that we could qualify for a settlement, and to go forward with them. I did, and now they're claiming we could still get booted/denied from this whole thing, which has been a huge f&^%$ waste of time IMO. What was the point of sending me the new info and asking me to reapply if they were going to kick folks out for not having the proper info?

  • SueJuly 25, 2016 at 4:08 pm

    reply to I understanding that you received a letter from your attorney...that you needed to sign because....your case did NOT meet the criteria to be included in the settlement?

  • J.July 19, 2016 at 11:32 pm

    My Father died 2009 while on dialysis at fresenius and it time us all to get payed it seems like all the Attorneys done got together and on their sides so we all going have to come together and get this done it been to long. May God bless all.

  • KimJuly 19, 2016 at 11:43 am

    My attorney said I could not hope to win on that stance "years patient suffered." It is based on three factors: 1. Use of Granuflo, 2. Died within 24 hours. 3. Died from cardiac arrest. My mom passed away in her sleep 30 to 44 hours after last treatment from cardiac arrest. She suffered years from having too much bicarbonate in her system. You cannot tell me that it doesn't continue to affect you [Show More]My attorney said I could not hope to win on that stance "years patient suffered." It is based on three factors: 1. Use of Granuflo, 2. Died within 24 hours. 3. Died from cardiac arrest. My mom passed away in her sleep 30 to 44 hours after last treatment from cardiac arrest. She suffered years from having too much bicarbonate in her system. You cannot tell me that it doesn't continue to affect you after 24 hours. I was made to sign a form stating I'm done with case. That was so heartbreaking. This whole situation sucks.

  • EdtrinaJuly 17, 2016 at 6:54 pm

    I'm lost cause I haven't recieved a letter are anything so I have talked to my lawyer and he's still waiting for updates I think it's not right for people to tag along through this process and might not even get anything I would love to know what is going on with my case I haven't been notified on anything I'm ready to move and get on with my life but because of this process I'm at a complete stan[Show More]I'm lost cause I haven't recieved a letter are anything so I have talked to my lawyer and he's still waiting for updates I think it's not right for people to tag along through this process and might not even get anything I would love to know what is going on with my case I haven't been notified on anything I'm ready to move and get on with my life but because of this process I'm at a complete stand still.... I want justice for my mom she developed congested heart faliure from diaylsis later found out she had cancer couldn't get the strong dose of chemo because her heart was too weak my mom fought a good fight but she passed in May of 2014 I need answers!!!!!

  • tessaJuly 14, 2016 at 9:39 pm

    So can someone still do the lawsuit if davita patient passed Feb 2014 from cardiac arrest at davita long before statue of limitations?

  • MaryJuly 14, 2016 at 2:29 pm

    I am new to your posts. I want to thank everyone for sharing your stories and comments. Husband died while on dialysis of cardiac arrest in 2011. He had two other heart attacks which ended up in surgery during 2008 to 2011. Prior to 2008 drs always said he had a strong heart. He had been on dialysis since 2006. All during that time, he was on this deadly combination of Fresenius products until it[Show More]I am new to your posts. I want to thank everyone for sharing your stories and comments. Husband died while on dialysis of cardiac arrest in 2011. He had two other heart attacks which ended up in surgery during 2008 to 2011. Prior to 2008 drs always said he had a strong heart. He had been on dialysis since 2006. All during that time, he was on this deadly combination of Fresenius products until it finally killed him. None of the Nephrologists knew of this product and what it could do until 2012 as we all know. I was not aware we now have to wait until September now. Yes, lets keep each other informed please. God Bless all of you

  • TracyJuly 13, 2016 at 5:48 am

    Thanks Arthur. My attorney isnt saying too much. They dont have too much longer to keep us in the dark on this issue.

  • CookieJuly 12, 2016 at 7:42 pm

    Has everyone been told it will be September before we know anything

  • ArthurJuly 11, 2016 at 6:28 pm

    Carla they are probably worth more than that. I think the 16.7 Billion is what they grossed last year. They are the largest Dialysis company in the world. Second is Davita . When all this was going on in 2012 Fresenius didn't mention to Davita about the problems they were having or about FDA Class 1 Recall. Davita was using Fresenius products of Granuflo and Electrolyte. If you google Son Contends[Show More]Carla they are probably worth more than that. I think the 16.7 Billion is what they grossed last year. They are the largest Dialysis company in the world. Second is Davita . When all this was going on in 2012 Fresenius didn't mention to Davita about the problems they were having or about FDA Class 1 Recall. Davita was using Fresenius products of Granuflo and Electrolyte. If you google Son Contends Medication Killed Father, it's a newspaper story written about My Father's death with Fresenius Medical Care. It's a good story written 2 years ago. My Attorneys weren't pleased with the story, because they are trying to keep it out of the media mainstream.

  • CarlaJuly 11, 2016 at 12:37 am

    16.7 billion is what that company worth 250M fir thousands of plaintiffs is a joke, every time, I think they had something to do with my mother's sudden death - become riddled with anger, so was NoT ready to die she was fighting for her life while stroking my whole family has been rip apart , it has been devastating- I want to see them pay - if I'm one of 97% I will opt "out" this a joke , we are[Show More]16.7 billion is what that company worth 250M fir thousands of plaintiffs is a joke, every time, I think they had something to do with my mother's sudden death - become riddled with anger, so was NoT ready to die she was fighting for her life while stroking my whole family has been rip apart , it has been devastating- I want to see them pay - if I'm one of 97% I will opt "out" this a joke , we are. Talking bout human lives tears in Boston

  • CarlaJuly 11, 2016 at 12:36 am

    16.7 billion is what that company worth 250M fir thousands of plaintiffs is a joke, every time, I think they had something to do with my mother's sudden death - become riddled with anger, so was NoT ready to die she was fighting for her life while stroking my whole family has been rip apart , it has been devastating- I want to see them pay - if I'm one of 97% I will opt "out" this a joke , we are[Show More]16.7 billion is what that company worth 250M fir thousands of plaintiffs is a joke, every time, I think they had something to do with my mother's sudden death - become riddled with anger, so was NoT ready to die she was fighting for her life while stroking my whole family has been rip apart , it has been devastating- I want to see them pay - if I'm one of 97% I will opt "out" this a joke , we are. Talking bout human lives tears in Boston

  • PaulineJuly 9, 2016 at 5:13 am

    My last correspondence 2/25/2016 and I have not heard anything. I lost .my husband 2010. I'm waiting patiently I am so glad I spent time trying to find this site. I have been feeling alone

  • ArthurJuly 6, 2016 at 6:58 pm

    Tracy it's been extended till September 15 of 2016. Until then we won't know much. Once the 3 criterias are met. You are put on a list and I think a final review board and then you should get your settlement letter to opt in or out.

  • TracyJuly 6, 2016 at 2:35 am

    Hello. Has anybody talked with thier attorney? This blog is too quiet. Let's make some noise snd share what we know with each other. This is July and things are suspose to be coming to an end right?

  • TaeJuly 5, 2016 at 10:00 pm

    I do not understand why the attorneys are not giving us all the necessary information. Our father passed back in 2009. And we are still waiting for information. What are the new guidelines for the case now?.. What has changed since the beginning of this mdl?.

  • StandeJune 29, 2016 at 3:20 pm

    ' can file as a sibling as executor or administrator entitlement, I have. There is my natural surviving brother and step father (spouse) married to my mother when her death occurred. And I filed the suit, I am her eldest son. So yes a natural or "blood" sibling may file but all living direct descendants will be included in any award and it will be distributed according to state probate l[Show More]' can file as a sibling as executor or administrator entitlement, I have. There is my natural surviving brother and step father (spouse) married to my mother when her death occurred. And I filed the suit, I am her eldest son. So yes a natural or "blood" sibling may file but all living direct descendants will be included in any award and it will be distributed according to state probate laws unless break down of payout was otherwise privately agreed upon by surviving members differently before final decision.

  • TracyJune 22, 2016 at 9:15 am

    Colton, yes I did. He told me that they was behind. He said that they are waiting on some type of papers.We still have til july to agree and he doesn't see how that's going to be possible considering they havent submitted any papers. He did tell me that cases was being dismissed for different reasons.

  • DebJune 21, 2016 at 3:34 pm

    just got word from my attorney, opt in has been extended to 9-15.

  • ColtenJune 17, 2016 at 7:36 pm

    Tracy were you able to reach your attorney today? I am curious as well since i have not recieved another letter yet,

  • TracyJune 17, 2016 at 2:45 am

    What did your letter say? I havent heard anything from my attorney. Im calling him Friday.

  • ShanJune 14, 2016 at 9:28 pm

    Still waiting on this end. Got a letter in the mail but no form to opt in or out,. Just waiting. Hopefully July

  • IshaJune 11, 2016 at 7:01 pm

    My prayers are with every family that loss a family member due to the complications of dialysis. I don't think that it is fair how they are doing this settlement. What they fail to realize dialysis takes a toll on the body. My mother did not have any heart condition before she was put on dialysis. Soon as she started dialysis my family could see a decline in her health. Every month or two months s[Show More]My prayers are with every family that loss a family member due to the complications of dialysis. I don't think that it is fair how they are doing this settlement. What they fail to realize dialysis takes a toll on the body. My mother did not have any heart condition before she was put on dialysis. Soon as she started dialysis my family could see a decline in her health. Every month or two months she would be admitted to the hospital after dialysis due to a stroke or her potassium was to low. It was always something. I wish everyone the best.

  • jayJune 10, 2016 at 8:47 pm

    What do you mean by very concern

  • stanleyJune 9, 2016 at 8:32 pm

    very concern

  • jayJune 8, 2016 at 7:22 pm

    No you can't

  • jayJune 8, 2016 at 6:20 pm

    No the husband of the injured party is the only one that has the right to file next in line would be the children of the injured party and the monies would be split evenly between the children but if husband is still living nothing the children can do.

  • TeeJune 6, 2016 at 11:12 pm

    Can one sibling file a claim without including all the siblings and husband?

  • KimJune 2, 2016 at 7:57 pm

    It went from 48 hours to 24 hours because it was proven by scientists that your levels went back to normal after 24 hours. I disagree. My mom was bombarded treatment after treatment and in the end her organs could not take it anymore. Very much one-sided here if you know what I mean.

  • JayJune 2, 2016 at 3:40 pm

    My lawyer said they were going threw cases to see what cases fit the qualifying criteria for settlement.They said that many of there clients would not fit the criteria for a settlement offer and at that piont they would dismiss the case and they could continue the lawsuit with another lawyer or yourself.hopefully we qualify..

  • DebJune 2, 2016 at 3:06 pm

    My attorney said had to show 1) cardiac arrest, 2) within 24hrs and 3)proof of use of the product. My husband was exactly 24 hrs. so they are getting ambulance records. They said that we should know by mid June and decisions made by July 15th.

  • WilliamJune 2, 2016 at 11:38 am

    My mother had 3 dc ifferent heart attacks on 3 seperate dates last ome resulted in death with the tubes still in her mouth sad thing about it she was inly on dyalisis 19 days and did a tital of 9 treat mrnts 6 that were done at the regional hosptsil and three at davita were the uo graded her dosage from standard to 39 each time she was on dsvits machene she be came unresponsive 3rd one was th o s[Show More]My mother had 3 dc ifferent heart attacks on 3 seperate dates last ome resulted in death with the tubes still in her mouth sad thing about it she was inly on dyalisis 19 days and did a tital of 9 treat mrnts 6 that were done at the regional hosptsil and three at davita were the uo graded her dosage from standard to 39 each time she was on dsvits machene she be came unresponsive 3rd one was th o strong and my moms heart coukd not takr it

  • TracyJune 1, 2016 at 4:04 am

    Has anybody heard from thier attorney? It's June and we have til July to sign the papers, right? If so what did he or she say?

  • NiecyMay 28, 2016 at 7:49 pm

    Why is there a 24 hour time frame? Initially we were told 48 hours after treatment (dialysis).

  • CassandraMay 24, 2016 at 5:54 pm

    I am sure they are going to take your case under consideration "R", but I disagree that you should get more than people who have lost loved ones, including me. I lost my dad. He was barely over 50. I guarantee he would take your place anyday to see his grand kids ( 2 whom he had never got to meet). Now my mom struggles to pay her bills without my dads disability checks. I have empathy for you, [Show More]I am sure they are going to take your case under consideration "R", but I disagree that you should get more than people who have lost loved ones, including me. I lost my dad. He was barely over 50. I guarantee he would take your place anyday to see his grand kids ( 2 whom he had never got to meet). Now my mom struggles to pay her bills without my dads disability checks. I have empathy for you, as I watched my dad have issues for years on dialysis. I wish you well.

  • RMay 20, 2016 at 12:41 pm

    My second clinic treatment was 12/24/11. The medicine that was suspose to help me ended up stopping my heart. I was 25 at the time. It was 2 weeks ti the day after my birth day. To everyone who lost a family member due to this chemical i am sorry for your lost. I dont think 250m is enough to comp. gor the lost that we all share. When i say this i dont mean to offend anyone but they need to pay mo[Show More]My second clinic treatment was 12/24/11. The medicine that was suspose to help me ended up stopping my heart. I was 25 at the time. It was 2 weeks ti the day after my birth day. To everyone who lost a family member due to this chemical i am sorry for your lost. I dont think 250m is enough to comp. gor the lost that we all share. When i say this i dont mean to offend anyone but they need to pay more to ppl who survived this. I was 25 now i am 30 and have a 1 1/2 yo son and a wife to take care of. I deal with constant chest pain and now suffer with ptsd. I am currently still on dialysis and in constant fear that something like will happen to me again. I dont kno what to do i just want to provide for my family incase GOD fobid that something would happen to me.

  • KimMay 18, 2016 at 8:24 pm

    I cannot believe that my case was dismissed because it came down to 30 to 44 hours NOT the 24 they are allowing after dialysis. I hate to say this but if we did not push our mom to get out of bed that morning it would have been a lot less than 24 hours after. The letter of the freakin law. sucks so bad.

  • DebbieMay 16, 2016 at 10:51 pm

    As far as age goes, my mom Died in 2011 within an hr after treatment. She was 83 & being poisoned in dialysis for yrs. She suffered terribly. Spoke to our attorney recently, & nothing was ever mentioned about the age factor. What an INSULT to even consider excluding anyone due to age! What…does that mean they didnt SUFFER? In reality, as we age our lives become MORE precious as the yrs wind down.[Show More]As far as age goes, my mom Died in 2011 within an hr after treatment. She was 83 & being poisoned in dialysis for yrs. She suffered terribly. Spoke to our attorney recently, & nothing was ever mentioned about the age factor. What an INSULT to even consider excluding anyone due to age! What…does that mean they didnt SUFFER? In reality, as we age our lives become MORE precious as the yrs wind down. Then you really must live each day to its fullest!! Lincoln said "In the end its not the yrs in your life that count, its the life in your yrs." Fresenius stole LIFE from us…thats how i see it. (the amt they offer is an insult also) Good luck & God Bless All☀

  • BirdieMay 16, 2016 at 7:51 pm

    No amount of money would ever justify these brutal MURDERS and the life long harm passed on to the dialysis patients (victims) who are still alive. My mother passed away in 2009. Even though, it hardly matters, I was in my mid twenties when she passed. However, my baby sister was only five years old. Words cannot begin to express the heartbreak that I felt for her. My own personal grief didn't co[Show More]No amount of money would ever justify these brutal MURDERS and the life long harm passed on to the dialysis patients (victims) who are still alive. My mother passed away in 2009. Even though, it hardly matters, I was in my mid twenties when she passed. However, my baby sister was only five years old. Words cannot begin to express the heartbreak that I felt for her. My own personal grief didn't compare to the grief that I felt for my baby sis! At one point I thought that I'd die from it! Our mom ended up passing in the hospital. She dialyized and that caused cardic arrest. I had her resuscitated and we continued with dialysis. She coded again!!! We dif Mr know that the dialysis treatment was causing the cardiac arrest!!! Many times I blamed myself for her death, especially when I made the choice to take her off of life support. These MURDERS should damn well be ashamed of themselves!!! I thank my FATHER in heaven that I decided that I would be ok with whatever verdict came to pass. HE is my justifier and HIS wrath will be un-escapeable from those that will reap it! I had to move on for my sister and for my own sanity. May FATHER bless all that lost loved ones and may he bless those that are still living with the irreversible damage done.

  • WidowMay 13, 2016 at 5:25 pm

    They took my husband from me and my children father and our lives has been downhill every since. I awoke one morning with no clue that I would end my day a single widowed mother and no amount of money will bring me or my children peace my now 12 year old has to grow up without his father. Our only daughter will never experience her father walking her down the aisle. So settling for less is not som[Show More]They took my husband from me and my children father and our lives has been downhill every since. I awoke one morning with no clue that I would end my day a single widowed mother and no amount of money will bring me or my children peace my now 12 year old has to grow up without his father. Our only daughter will never experience her father walking her down the aisle. So settling for less is not something I'm willing to do because my husbands life was priceless to me no amount will fill our void but I will not allow them to penny pinch us

  • KimMay 13, 2016 at 12:48 pm

    Arthur, my mom was 79. My lawyer did not mention age as why we are not eligible. Only that it was over 24 hours since treatment that she passed. I cannot agree with this at all. My mother was not feeling well, dizzy and didn't want to eat. This is pretty typical of how she is after dialysis so we weren't too worried. IF we had known of the bicarbonate issue, we WOULD have taken her to get checked [Show More]Arthur, my mom was 79. My lawyer did not mention age as why we are not eligible. Only that it was over 24 hours since treatment that she passed. I cannot agree with this at all. My mother was not feeling well, dizzy and didn't want to eat. This is pretty typical of how she is after dialysis so we weren't too worried. IF we had known of the bicarbonate issue, we WOULD have taken her to get checked out. How guilty do you think we feel?! The amount of the settlement, only getting one bellwether listed to, just doesn't seem right. Not fair to the common man.

  • TracyMay 12, 2016 at 9:07 pm

    Hello everyone. To my knowledge they are now trying to exclude a lot of plantiffs(our attorney). They are telling a lot of people that they no longer qualify for the settlement because of different reasons..So that 10,000+ that thought they had a case, now is being told that they have no case!! Wow! To wait this long and now this. So your case will be worth more than $25,000 if they keep throwing [Show More]Hello everyone. To my knowledge they are now trying to exclude a lot of plantiffs(our attorney). They are telling a lot of people that they no longer qualify for the settlement because of different reasons..So that 10,000+ that thought they had a case, now is being told that they have no case!! Wow! To wait this long and now this. So your case will be worth more than $25,000 if they keep throwing people out of the settlement.

  • ArthurMay 11, 2016 at 3:22 pm

    I am curious with all these criteria's they are using to eliminate cases from 12,000 to how many at the end? What number are they trying to reach to make it more attainable for the plaintiffs to come to a more amicable agreement. There is one question My Attorney's have yet to answer if their is an age requirement in all this . If the people are over 70-80 will they be taken out of the equation. I[Show More]I am curious with all these criteria's they are using to eliminate cases from 12,000 to how many at the end? What number are they trying to reach to make it more attainable for the plaintiffs to come to a more amicable agreement. There is one question My Attorney's have yet to answer if their is an age requirement in all this . If the people are over 70-80 will they be taken out of the equation. If anyone has heard about this or if it's an issue please comment. Many of you who have commented the deaths have occurred in the 50's to 60's range. I know My Attorney are pushing for us to accept the offer, like if they don't want to try anymore. Seems odd.

  • KimMay 10, 2016 at 3:26 pm

    Wss told im out of the suit because one of the criteria is it had to be within 24 hours from time taken off machine. All the info says 48 hours, but a scientific study was done showing after 24 hours you are back to normal levels. My mom died 30 to 44 hours after treatment. If we had taken her to hospital, if we had,known that her symptoms were more serious had we been warned, maybe we would be on[Show More]Wss told im out of the suit because one of the criteria is it had to be within 24 hours from time taken off machine. All the info says 48 hours, but a scientific study was done showing after 24 hours you are back to normal levels. My mom died 30 to 44 hours after treatment. If we had taken her to hospital, if we had,known that her symptoms were more serious had we been warned, maybe we would be on the injury side of this mdl, not the dead side. This whole thing is not right. Who is getting paid off?!

  • CrystalMay 4, 2016 at 9:42 pm

    My mother died at the age of 49! $250,000,000 is nothing when you have to divide it amongst at least 12,000 people. My mother was our world. These killers should be offering at least $250,000,000,000,000

  • CassandraMay 3, 2016 at 8:45 pm

    My dad died at age 52. He was too young to die. Because of this crap. He never got to meet some of his grandbabies because of Fresenius 250 million is not enough. This is BS. These are lives they took. Not pieces of paper.

  • ZanityMay 2, 2016 at 4:07 pm

    I lost my grandfather in 2005 from this drug. He raised me as if I was his own. I was a high school student who had never lose anyone close to me before. This was a very traumatic experience for me, it still hurts as though it happened just a day ago. 11 years later and I can finally get some type of closure. No there is no amount of money that bring him back, however I can use the money to do thi[Show More]I lost my grandfather in 2005 from this drug. He raised me as if I was his own. I was a high school student who had never lose anyone close to me before. This was a very traumatic experience for me, it still hurts as though it happened just a day ago. 11 years later and I can finally get some type of closure. No there is no amount of money that bring him back, however I can use the money to do things such as purchase him a tombstone. We are all hurting whether its $1 or $100,000 it is still a dollar more than what we currently have. There's no need to lose to a love one and some money.

  • ConnieApril 30, 2016 at 2:21 pm

    Accept the settlement, it's really no use in going after more money, God will be the one to lay judgement on them. We live in terrible times where people and companies with money can get away with this on earth but not on judgement day. My father was killed by their Granuflo. I will always have an ache in my heart and mistrust, but God will help me through this.

  • ArthurApril 29, 2016 at 7:41 pm

    Frank one case don't make the deal. They just continue with the MDL . If one the cases gets big money, that's what they are trying to avoid. Johnson & Johnson has to pay over 5 Billion in the Talcum Powder lawsuit. So if you want to jump ship you might as well.

  • frankApril 29, 2016 at 6:14 am

    No amount of $$ is going to bring our loved ones back. The amount has been stated $250M and of that $220M will be divided. Every case is separate. If 97% does not agree than the chance of receiving nothing is real. We are all angry which i agree to but again this is a legal process and the settlement amount has been set. Again if 97% does not agree you are looking at receiving nothing especially s[Show More]No amount of $$ is going to bring our loved ones back. The amount has been stated $250M and of that $220M will be divided. Every case is separate. If 97% does not agree than the chance of receiving nothing is real. We are all angry which i agree to but again this is a legal process and the settlement amount has been set. Again if 97% does not agree you are looking at receiving nothing especially since the first case presented was awarded nothing. There are too many people involved to think about one's self and not others. A lot of individuals on here have families to take care of and bills to pay as this has been in litigation for over 3 years.

  • JessicaApril 25, 2016 at 8:03 pm

    My attorney stated that the settlement will be based on the years the patient suffered and how long the product has been used. my mom passed in 2010 and my offer is 500,000.00 after lawyers fees!! If I opt out this case will prolong another 5+ years!! No two people will get the same amount....Continue to pray and hope that justice is served.

  • YvonneApril 24, 2016 at 10:28 pm

    My mother passed December 2,2011. I have read that a lot of you say let's not take the settlement. Why not? Our loved, ones are gone. If they continue on with these trials, no telling how long it will be before we hear anythiing.Take a moment and think, no amount of money will ever replace what we have lost. Let's not get to greedy . They must might shut the whole thing down. Who knows! Ijs

  • JohnApril 23, 2016 at 11:39 am

    Anyone who would even think about taking this settlement is not thinking clearly !!! I think that everyone should go to their nearest federal Marshall's office and file charges against them . How long do y'all think they would try to settle this matter with some correct numbers . That's what this is about so they don't go to prison!!!

  • BillyApril 23, 2016 at 12:22 am

    My dad died within 15 minutes of this treatment. April 13 2011. He always told me they were doing more harm than good. Several times before passing he was life lined to hospital due to treatments on previous days. He suffered for a long time.

  • gwynnApril 22, 2016 at 1:51 pm

    frensisus won the wrongful death but there is to much leading to their failue to warn.if planiffs win the second case they will have to pay out way more .really this why they wana settle an stp the second case.come on yall our love one life is worth more than $250million.dnt take the settlement lets take our mon passed rite there on the table during a treatment...they say heart failue.[Show More]frensisus won the wrongful death but there is to much leading to their failue to warn.if planiffs win the second case they will have to pay out way more .really this why they wana settle an stp the second case.come on yall our love one life is worth more than $250million.dnt take the settlement lets take our mon passed rite there on the table during a treatment...they say heart failue.i say dangerous drugs...god bless u all an good luck.

  • JohnMarch 27, 2016 at 3:37 am

    I think they should be charged with homicide . I also believe that offering 25,000 to the survivor's is a slap in the face , anyone who takes it is a fool !!!!!!!

  • CindyMarch 25, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    Yes we all have to share that Low Ball amount in different ways .... We need to stand together and say NO DEAL !!!!!

  • pamelaMarch 24, 2016 at 12:57 pm

    My mom lost her life in 2009 do anyone know any updates and will all of us Will be sharing the money is that true

  • MargueriteMarch 18, 2016 at 12:07 am

    I am a Dialysis patient for one and one half years now. I dialyze at Fresenius of Coram NY. I started here in oct 2015. Since that date, I have been sent to the hospital with massive headaches 3 times. Also, I am suddenly developing rhemutoid arthritis in my hands and other joints, very painful. In the last 3 weeks, in the last hour of dialysis, (I only do two and a half hours) I am getting p[Show More]I am a Dialysis patient for one and one half years now. I dialyze at Fresenius of Coram NY. I started here in oct 2015. Since that date, I have been sent to the hospital with massive headaches 3 times. Also, I am suddenly developing rhemutoid arthritis in my hands and other joints, very painful. In the last 3 weeks, in the last hour of dialysis, (I only do two and a half hours) I am getting pains in the center of my chest. I getting very afraid I may develop a heart attack. After having read all of your posts and now I'm really scared. I'm asking for the names of the chemistry used tomorrow and I think I need to move to another unit. Thank you everyone for this information and I'm so sorry for your losses of your loved ones. Your posts may save other lives and may have saved mine.

  • TrinaMarch 16, 2016 at 11:03 pm

    I agree with Ck, 250k is not enough to share with 19,000 families. Theirs no price you can put on our love ones life. Not to mention they LAWYERS DON'T even know who has lawsuits or not but they knew when we hired them. They think this is a game but God is in control. This just adds on to the stress we're already dealing with. If everyone don't agree then what? We get nothing at all our it will b[Show More]I agree with Ck, 250k is not enough to share with 19,000 families. Theirs no price you can put on our love ones life. Not to mention they LAWYERS DON'T even know who has lawsuits or not but they knew when we hired them. They think this is a game but God is in control. This just adds on to the stress we're already dealing with. If everyone don't agree then what? We get nothing at all our it will be dragged out for a few more years. Unbelievable!!!

  • terriMarch 14, 2016 at 10:46 pm

    My husband was one of the unlucky people he passed a way 45 minutes sfter his session I am in the csse mdl you will be lucky with a couple thousand dollars. 97 percent have to agree if you don't you sre rolling dice the stst case was lost will see I pray for all the familes

  • EricaMarch 13, 2016 at 5:02 am

    I cnt see how all of the ppl going to share $250 million.i mean hw much $ .every body get out of that for their pain an suffering?i lost my mom to these 2006,its really a joke to this all our loves ones death worth?

  • EricaMarch 13, 2016 at 4:45 am

    they offered a settlement for $250million.97%of planiffs gota agree to the settlement by july2016

  • DebbieFebruary 29, 2016 at 8:01 pm

    My heart aches for all of us who have been victimized by Fresenius. Thier neglegence & greed have damaged our lives beyond repair. I still grieve for my mom who died during treatment in 2011 & will never stop. She was in dialysis for 4-5 yrs & i will never forget how she suffered & realize only now that the meds meant to CLEAN her blood was actually POISONING it!! Wish we knew then what we know n[Show More]My heart aches for all of us who have been victimized by Fresenius. Thier neglegence & greed have damaged our lives beyond repair. I still grieve for my mom who died during treatment in 2011 & will never stop. She was in dialysis for 4-5 yrs & i will never forget how she suffered & realize only now that the meds meant to CLEAN her blood was actually POISONING it!! Wish we knew then what we know now, i know her last yrs would have been more full of life! No $$ can compensate for her suffering & ours but hopefully that degenerate company will have to pay more than a months profits for all our ruined lives. God Bless ❤

  • LydellFebruary 26, 2016 at 3:15 am

    My mother the matriarch of our family was given this treatment for the first time 03-09-2012 she had 4 massive heart attacks with in 4 hours of the treatment, she was a young 60 years old... we lost our families leader mother, sister, grand mother, aunt and cousin to so many. At 44 i was pushed into the being the head of a large family my siblings and I still have not recovered jobs were lost, hou[Show More]My mother the matriarch of our family was given this treatment for the first time 03-09-2012 she had 4 massive heart attacks with in 4 hours of the treatment, she was a young 60 years old... we lost our families leader mother, sister, grand mother, aunt and cousin to so many. At 44 i was pushed into the being the head of a large family my siblings and I still have not recovered jobs were lost, houses, and lives destroyed... Because there was no warnings i watched my mother slowly die and fall asleep too never wake up... And what so sad its coming up on her four year death anniversity and this Jones family still hasn't woke up and neither has the Granuflo company

  • LydellFebruary 26, 2016 at 3:14 am

    My mother the matriarch of our family was given this treatment for the first time 03-09-2012 she had 4 massive heart attacks with in 4 hours of the treatment, she was a young 60 years old... we lost our families leader mother, sister, grand mother, aunt and cousin to so many. At 44 i was pushed into the being the head of a large family my siblings and I still have not recovered jobs were lost, hou[Show More]My mother the matriarch of our family was given this treatment for the first time 03-09-2012 she had 4 massive heart attacks with in 4 hours of the treatment, she was a young 60 years old... we lost our families leader mother, sister, grand mother, aunt and cousin to so many. At 44 i was pushed into the being the head of a large family my siblings and I still have not recovered jobs were lost, houses, and lives destroyed... Because there was no warnings i watched my mother slowly die and fall asleep too never wake up... And what so sad its coming up on her four year death anniversity and this Jones family still hasn't woke up and neither has the Granuflo company

  • ArthurFebruary 23, 2016 at 1:57 am

    Where did CK get that $250,000,000 figure? I heard that the first case didn't go that well. Hoping the second case goes better. I did hear that Fresenius should of given ample warning about what was going on with the Granuflo & Electrolyte treatments.

  • CKFebruary 18, 2016 at 11:57 pm

    $250,000,000 is not enough for Killing our relatives. This is crap.

  • DebiFebruary 16, 2016 at 1:12 am

    My father had a stroke because of this product and because Randy did not warn us of this product we continue to keep him on dialysis when trying to recuperate from the stroke all the while his fighting was in vain The product that gave him the stroke was been continuously pumped into his system as he was trying to recuperate from the stroke because he needed dialysis HAD they warned us that this[Show More]My father had a stroke because of this product and because Randy did not warn us of this product we continue to keep him on dialysis when trying to recuperate from the stroke all the while his fighting was in vain The product that gave him the stroke was been continuously pumped into his system as he was trying to recuperate from the stroke because he needed dialysis HAD they warned us that this product was bad we would've taken him off the product and let him recuperate from the stroke on his own because we didn't have the option to do that my father died I won't go away granuflo

  • NitaFebruary 1, 2016 at 1:40 pm

    My God all these so lay on my heart. My sisters and I lost our 51 year mommie 2/09; eleven days after her birthday. She transition while doing dialysis! No amount of money can bring her back. I agree each year pass and no compensation is really cold feelings on their end. My attorney said even Judge not pushing. I want closure of this case with company paying all of us (including you) what we dese[Show More]My God all these so lay on my heart. My sisters and I lost our 51 year mommie 2/09; eleven days after her birthday. She transition while doing dialysis! No amount of money can bring her back. I agree each year pass and no compensation is really cold feelings on their end. My attorney said even Judge not pushing. I want closure of this case with company paying all of us (including you) what we deserve! Stay Bless

  • MicheleJanuary 27, 2016 at 3:23 pm

    I lost my husband January 12, 2012 not even 24 hours after one of his treatments. I've sent several emails to my attorney for an update and I still haven't heard from him. I've lost my car and my house.

  • ronJanuary 18, 2016 at 5:29 am

    my father had a fatal heart attack 2 hours after his 2nd dialysis treatment. this happened in march 2009. it tore our family apart which is still true today. I agree that nobody is talking about this lawsuit. if the numbers are true and there are over 6000 complaints then something needs to be done and this company needs to stand up and take responsibility for a product that killed people.

  • ShaquitaJanuary 14, 2016 at 3:25 pm

    It is now the year of 2016 and there hasn't been any compensation yet. My mother passed away July 2012 and I still don't have answers.. Justice shall be served although no money could amount to my moms life. My mom was the bread winner and when she passed we lost our house, my dad lost his mind and myself being a teenager had to taken on a major duty all at once. My attorney will not offer us [Show More]It is now the year of 2016 and there hasn't been any compensation yet. My mother passed away July 2012 and I still don't have answers.. Justice shall be served although no money could amount to my moms life. My mom was the bread winner and when she passed we lost our house, my dad lost his mind and myself being a teenager had to taken on a major duty all at once. My attorney will not offer us a cash advance and it seems as if no one knows anything.. I hate to hear about you alls loses but everyone posting has lost someone so dear and can relate to one another's response. Has anyone's attorney given them updated information about this class action?

  • EdtrinaDecember 31, 2015 at 2:22 am

    My Mom suffered from this medication she developed congestive heart failure she was all I had I was all she had she passed away May 7 2014 this medication caused her to be in and out of the hospital with breathing problems we are unaware of medication that's being pumped into us we can only trust in our doctors and the diagnosis and medication giving to us my mom was a very sweet lady!!!!!!...I mi[Show More]My Mom suffered from this medication she developed congestive heart failure she was all I had I was all she had she passed away May 7 2014 this medication caused her to be in and out of the hospital with breathing problems we are unaware of medication that's being pumped into us we can only trust in our doctors and the diagnosis and medication giving to us my mom was a very sweet lady!!!!!!...I miss her so much no money can bring her back but I hope and pray that they are held responsible for this deadly drug!!!!

  • SharonDecember 10, 2015 at 3:14 pm

    Hello family. After reading all of these comments my heart aches and I feel the pain ALL over again!!! I am an ONLY child and lost my Mother 3 years ago. The pain lingers daily. I LOVE her to LIFE EVERYDAY. My prayer is that there will be justice for us ALL & some what of closure. I saw my Mom minutes before she went into cardiac arrest while receiving treatment. I'll NEVER forget that sad summer [Show More]Hello family. After reading all of these comments my heart aches and I feel the pain ALL over again!!! I am an ONLY child and lost my Mother 3 years ago. The pain lingers daily. I LOVE her to LIFE EVERYDAY. My prayer is that there will be justice for us ALL & some what of closure. I saw my Mom minutes before she went into cardiac arrest while receiving treatment. I'll NEVER forget that sad summer day in 2012 for as long as I live!!!!!!

  • toviseNovember 21, 2015 at 7:44 pm

    They took my dad from us. He was was all we had left after our mom passed 6 years earlier.... He was doing OK until he had his heart attack on the dialysis machine.... It still hurts....and its so hard without siblings suffer as well....

  • ConnieNovember 18, 2015 at 3:52 am

    My father also passed away after 4 days of his first and only dialysis treatment. Anyone who has lost a loved one the pain never leaves. this leaves a lingering guilt and feeling of mistrust towards the medical system. It leaves you frozen in disbelief and feeling you should have looked at what dialysis items the nurses were using. I will always feel mental anguish. It was like i watched my[Show More]My father also passed away after 4 days of his first and only dialysis treatment. Anyone who has lost a loved one the pain never leaves. this leaves a lingering guilt and feeling of mistrust towards the medical system. It leaves you frozen in disbelief and feeling you should have looked at what dialysis items the nurses were using. I will always feel mental anguish. It was like i watched my father have a lethal injection on death row for a crime he never committed. He was a kind, trusting and good elderly man and he did not deserve this and neither did I. I am an only child and will always hold this ache in my heart for my father dying in this terrible manner. I have a lawyer.

  • ArthurNovember 10, 2015 at 12:47 am

    I feel for everyones loss in the a forementioned comments. I too lost someone dear to me My Father. He was on Dialysis for 3 years . He was regressing physically everyday . His Doctor told me he would have more vigor. Instead he passed on the same day of a treatment. I hope something good comes out of these class action suits.

  • cindyOctober 22, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    John, I lost my husband, my whole world was destroyed and the lives of my children from these murders.. This has went on for far too long as of now the first bellwether trials begin on Jan 11,2016 & again in February. I myself feel this has went on for far too long and they need to take responsibility for their actions, they took from us and it's time they pay for all the lives they have destroyed[Show More]John, I lost my husband, my whole world was destroyed and the lives of my children from these murders.. This has went on for far too long as of now the first bellwether trials begin on Jan 11,2016 & again in February. I myself feel this has went on for far too long and they need to take responsibility for their actions, they took from us and it's time they pay for all the lives they have destroyed !!!

  • JohnAugust 12, 2015 at 7:25 am

    Why can we not find any updated information on this Class A lawsuit? It's now August 2015, and the most recent updates on the case are from December 2014, and even they don't reveal much information. Am curious when this case might go to some kind of trial, and what outcomes victims can (hopefully) expect, and when might they receive some kind of compensation?

  • SabinaJune 10, 2015 at 10:58 pm

    This medication took my only child. He was 22 years old and was a genius. He had a bright future, and this company took that from him. I'm disabled and my son was my primary care taker. This company not only killed him, they destroyed my life too. My son had gone through chemo and beat the Cancer, but these criminals killed him. They also took my reason to live

  • StephenMay 2, 2015 at 9:30 pm

    I think these people are murders for profit, they should be held accountable they're no different than the cartels...I personally am on dialysis and had my doctor tell me he would give a negative review to the board if I wanted to get a transplant,what gives him the right to play god with my life,because I'm not living to his so called standers,or maybe there's just no money in the ready[Show More]I think these people are murders for profit, they should be held accountable they're no different than the cartels...I personally am on dialysis and had my doctor tell me he would give a negative review to the board if I wanted to get a transplant,what gives him the right to play god with my life,because I'm not living to his so called standers,or maybe there's just no money in the ready to get unchained from this machine. I don't live for dialysis I use dialisys to live.

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