Xarelto Lawsuits

Xarelto, a relatively new blood thinner, has been linked to serious and sometimes deadly incidents of uncontrollable bleeding and was sold for years without an antidote to stop its blood thinning effects.

STATUS OF XARELTO BLEEDING LAWSUITS: Product liability lawyers are reviewing whether former users who have experienced hemorrhages, gastrointestinal bleeding, strokes or wrongful death may be entitled to financial compensation through Xarelto lawsuits. The manufacturers agreed to a $775 million settlement agreement to resolve about 25,000 cases in March 2019.

Cases are being pursued for individuals throughout the United States who have suffered:

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  • Gastrointestinal Bleeding
  • Hemorrhaging
  • Strokes
  • Wrongful Death


MANUFACTURERS: Johnson & Johnson and Bayer Healthcare.

OVERVIEW: Xarelto (rivaroxaban) is one of a new class of anticoagulants used to reduce the risk of blood clots and strokes, particularly among patients with atrial fibrillation or following hip or knee replacement surgery. It was developed and is distributed jointly by Johnson & Johnson’s Janssen Pharmaceuticals subsidiary and Bayer Healthcare.

Known as a “direct thrombin inhibitor,” Xarelto was designed to compete with Boehringer Ingelheim’s Pradaxa. Both drugs were released in an effort to replace the blood thinner warfarin, also known as Coumadin, which has dominated the atrial fibrillation blood thinner market for several decades.

The FDA first approved Xarelto in July 2011, to reduce the risk of blood clots, deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism following knee and hip surgery. In November 2011, it was approved as an anti-coagulant for individuals with non-valvular atrial fibrillation. In November 2012, approval was expanded to include patients with DVT and pulmonary embolism, as well as a long-term treatment to prevent recurrence.

Unlike warfarin, which has been the go-to anticoagulant treatment for decades, there was no approved reversal agent for Xarelto at the time it was introduced. As a result, doctors were left unable to control bleeding problems on Xarelto.

Since it was introduced, hundreds of adverse event reports have been submitted suggesting a link between Xarelto and bleeding injuries or death. According to allegations raised in lawsuits, the drug makers failed to adequately warn about the bleeding risk or lack of an effective Xarelto reversal agent.

A reversal agent for Xarelto was finally approved by the FDA in May 2018.

In late 2017, a Pennsylvania jury awarded a plaintiff nearly $28 million in what was considered a bellwether Xarelto trial. However, the verdict was overturned in January 2018 by a state judge who said there was insufficient evidence for the jury to have reached that verdict.

In March 2019, Bayer and Johnson & Johnson announced a settlement agreement to resolve about 25,000 bleeding injury lawsuits for an estimated $775 million.

XARELTO BLEEDING SIDE EFFECTS: Xarelto was promoted as superior to warfarin because it is easier to take and require less frequent monitoring to maintain the correct dosage.

While all anticoagulants carry a risk of bleeding, the blood thinning effects of warfarin can be reversed with a combination of vitamin K and plasma. When it was first approved, Xarelto had no such reversal agent, making it difficult for doctors to stop bleeding events before serious injury or death occur.

Some doctors have had partial success with prothrombin complex concentrates (PCCs), but the FDA has not approved an official reversal agent or strategy to stop life-threatening bleeding events. In September 2016, the FDA rejected a potential reversal agent for Xarelto and Eliquis, saying that it needed more information and data before it could grant approval. The agency finally approved the reversal agent, Andexxa, in May 2018, but then only for limited release.

In September 2013, the German newspaper Der Speigel reported that there had been nearly 1,000 adverse events involving Xarelto during the first eight months of 2013 alone, including 72 deaths.

In May 2014, the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) reported that doctors and patients were reporting adverse events linked to the use of Xarelto in increasing numbers. ISMP reported in QuarterWatch that there were 680 Xarelto adverse events reported in the U.S. in 2013.

The number of reports linked to Xarelto surpassed those linked to Pradaxa, which had once held the dubious distinction of being the drug with the most adverse event reports.

Furthermore, some evidence suggests that blood monitoring, which the manufacturers said was not needed, could actually reduce the risk of Xarelto bleeding injuries.

A study published in October 2014 published in the Journal of Cardiology found that monitoring levels of Xarelto in the blood of patients with atrial fibrillation helped doctors determine when the drug was at peak levels and how to better control it and prevent bleeding events, similar to warfarin.

In June 2016, the Institute for Safe Medication Practices reported that Xarelto was linked to more serious injuries than any other drug monitored. The blood thinner accounted for 10,674 reports of fatal, disabling, and serious injury in 2015, according to the report.

A study published in January 2017 found that Xarelto had the “least favorable” safety profile of any of the new-generation anticoagulants, due to its rates of gastrointestinal bleeding.

A report published in July 2017 by the Institute of Safe Medication Practices linked Xarelto and similar blood thinners to at least 3,000 reports of patient deaths submitted to the FDA in 2016.

As of February 2017, there were more than 15,000 Xarelto lawsuits consolidated before U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon in the Eastern District of Louisiana, and another 1,000 consolidated in state courts in Philadelphia.

FIND OUT IF YOU MAY QUALIFY FOR A XARELTO LAWSUIT: As a result of the drug makers’ failure to adequately warn about the risks associated with their medication, Xarelto injury lawyers are evaluating whether users may be entitled to compensation through a product liability lawsuit.

Cases allege that Johnson & Johnson and Bayer withheld important safety information about the bleeding risk and the lack of an effective reversal agent. In addition, claims indicate that risk of injury outweighs any potential benefit provided by Xarelto, making the drug unreasonably dangerous and defective as it was originally formulated.

To request a free consultation and claim evaluation to determine whether you, a friend or family member may be entitled to financial compensation through a lawsuit, submit information for review by an Xarelto injury lawyer.


  • MarkDecember 30, 2023 at 11:05 pm

    I had a total knee replacement in 2015. I was given shots in the stomach for the 2 to 3 days I was in the hospital. I was in a lot of pain, and was told that should not be the case. I was not able to get out of bed and do any physical therapy during that time, which i believe is not normal. the Dr. & staff made me feel as if I was exaggerating the amount of pain I was experiencing to get more pai[Show More]I had a total knee replacement in 2015. I was given shots in the stomach for the 2 to 3 days I was in the hospital. I was in a lot of pain, and was told that should not be the case. I was not able to get out of bed and do any physical therapy during that time, which i believe is not normal. the Dr. & staff made me feel as if I was exaggerating the amount of pain I was experiencing to get more pain medication. I was pretty P off with that accusation and they sent me home with no PT. They gave me a few pain meds and a bottle of Xarelto and released me. I wasnt home for much more than 30 hrs when a sense of doom came over me. I went to the ER and was diagnosed with pulmonary embolism . The xarelto did not work. The Dr and staff made an assumption about me rather than exploring the reason I was having more pain then I should have, which was a blood clot in my leg. A few days later a Dr that was treating me, in a different hospital ,told me I was a very lucky man. then to top that off I ended up with aseptic loosening and need a revision.

  • JulieMay 16, 2022 at 7:28 pm

    I was 31 years old on Xarelto. I bumped my head and it caused a blood clot in my brain that exploded. Xarelto is irreversible. My blood wouldn't clot. 1/3 of my brain had to be removed. During the cranioplasty I died for 3 minutes. I was an artist, an art teacher, a charity event organizer and mother of 2 young girls. The removal of my brain left me with tunnel vision, a debilitating memo[Show More]I was 31 years old on Xarelto. I bumped my head and it caused a blood clot in my brain that exploded. Xarelto is irreversible. My blood wouldn't clot. 1/3 of my brain had to be removed. During the cranioplasty I died for 3 minutes. I was an artist, an art teacher, a charity event organizer and mother of 2 young girls. The removal of my brain left me with tunnel vision, a debilitating memory, extremely limited use of my left hand and emotional trauma for me, my family and my community. My students made and sold bracelets to help with medical costs. Fellow artists, ,musicians and businesses had several fundraisers for my medical costs. They only raised a couple thousand dollars. I had to file bankruptcy to pay hospital bills. There isn't anything that can be done for my limitations. I get lost in places I've been going to my entire life. I have been deemed permanently disabled. My daughters were 6 and 9 years old. I can't take them to school, to the park,on vacation, to the doctor, grocery shopping, or any other essential places. We lost our freedom. I can't clap for them at school or sporting events due to my disabled hand. I forget important things and get lost in places I've been going to my entire life. I will never be able to teach again. When I was 12 I knew being an art teacher was my calling. I achieved that dream. Xarelto ended it. I awoke in a nightmare. My head is permanently disfigured. My voice is very different and very soft making it hard to hear. I get embarrassed everywhere I go because I can't do the simplest things like hold money to count it. I have to lay it on the counter and count it out like a young child while holding the line up. I use to do commissioned artwork. I no longer do any artwork because my vision is so bad. I use to do a lot of art workshops in my community. I don't have the skills for it anymore. I'm 40 years old and I have to live with my mom. I was completely independent when I was 18 years old. My 6 year old daughter had to tie my shoes. I'm very grateful to be alive. A lawyer offered me $4,00. What a joke!

  • JamesOctober 21, 2021 at 8:41 am

    I have been taking Xarelto for about 2 years. The VA gives it to me. Should I stop taking it?

  • ArleneSeptember 8, 2021 at 11:39 pm

    I was put on this medication couple of years ago. Within 3 months me being on the xarelto I started hemorrhaging. I was always in and out the hospital because of bleeding. I had to have a hysterectomy and had 4 blood transfusions because of this medication.

  • DonielleJanuary 22, 2021 at 12:25 am

    Yes I am 46 years old right now I got sick with a blood clotting disorder at 28 it is called a factor 5 Laden's disease it causes you to grow blood clots in your major organs well I was having problems with the Coumadin so they came out with this new drug Xarelto and my doctor thought wow let's try this you don't have to get a blood test or anything to you know keep it up on it or whatever just ta[Show More]Yes I am 46 years old right now I got sick with a blood clotting disorder at 28 it is called a factor 5 Laden's disease it causes you to grow blood clots in your major organs well I was having problems with the Coumadin so they came out with this new drug Xarelto and my doctor thought wow let's try this you don't have to get a blood test or anything to you know keep it up on it or whatever just take it everyday you don't have to worry about the blood test well I wasn't feeling very good on it I kept telling my doctor that I didn't feel right at him feel right and he said and she said that I would be fine and just give it time so I did I kept not feeling so great and things were weird like my body felt weird and then they kept me on his relato and then I ended up having a CVA stroke and like August of 2014 and then it did quite a bit of damage in my brain not so much as you know the the lymph you know left side I have problems with the nerves it's very painful my face troops and this all happened when I was 40 you know at 40 years old you shouldn't have a stroke when otherwise you're healthy and messed me up pretty good in my brain I have a hard time you know collecting words sometimes I don't remember as much as I used to I was very good in history and things like that and I had a photographic memory I no longer have that I don't remember the things I used to then I had a second one in December that one was pretty bad my children had to see it my son was you know like nine:00 and he watched me you know screamed to call 911 as my face was drooping and you know it was it would be funny to a 9-year-old that didn't understand but scary at the same sense because what was happening to his mom well after I had the first stroke the doctor said I was to be taken off his roto and put on coumadin for life no matter what but then when I went back to my small town Bradford Pennsylvania the doctor that I had in smithport Pennsylvania told me that I would be fine on the Xarelto why they were piggybacking me you know to get me back on the Coumadin well she I ended up why ended up moving to Cleveland cuz I was having so many problems and they have better hospitals better doctors and I had my like I said my second stroke in December and that was pretty bad like I said not to much in the paralyzing department except for some you know drooping on the face and like I said I have some nerve problems you know like I said my memory is bad and I kind of messed me up real bad in my head I don't write like I used to I can't read like I used to a lot of things I don't do anymore because of that stroke I used to you know be able to quiz my kids on history and things like that and I can no longer do that I used to be very smart when it came to things like that now I feel very stupid I know I'm not but I feel that way it makes me feel old and handicapped and makes me feel weird and I hate the fact that I don't remember like I used to or I'm not the same person I used to be and like I said this all happened when I was 40 these were things that I should have never ever encountered at 40 maybe 80 but not 40 you know I had kids that seen this I mean it's ridiculous that they have drugs like the second hurt people so bad I mean I'm sure mine's probably not as bad as everybody else's and that and I don't want anybody to feel that I think that or anything and it makes me sad that I'm not the only person and that I'm also lucky and other aspects and that kind of makes me sad too thank you for listening Donielle

  • AnnetteSeptember 23, 2020 at 12:31 pm

    Just last year I was diagnosed with a blood clot but they didn't know exactly where the blood clot was so they prescribed me this medicine Xarelto I took the medicine that's what was prescribed the next morning at 7:25 I woke up my fiance and told him I need his oxygen tank and then in meanwhile call the ambulance cuz I ain't going to make it landing up at hamont at hospital in Erie PA the blood c[Show More]Just last year I was diagnosed with a blood clot but they didn't know exactly where the blood clot was so they prescribed me this medicine Xarelto I took the medicine that's what was prescribed the next morning at 7:25 I woke up my fiance and told him I need his oxygen tank and then in meanwhile call the ambulance cuz I ain't going to make it landing up at hamont at hospital in Erie PA the blood clot exploded it bursted in my spleen I died six times on operating table now I got a wall of a hernia and nobody's doing anything about it not even attorneys accepting my case I only got into June the 20th of next year to file this lawsuit

  • AnnetteSeptember 13, 2020 at 4:13 pm

    I was given Xarelto because I was diagnosed with a blood clot somewhere in my stomach they couldn't find it they did it all the testing and couldn't find the blood clot so the doctor ordered the medicine I took it the first day on June 20th 2019 like I was told to take it two days later I wasn't feeling good I told my fiance to give me his oxygen and in the meantime call the ambulance cuz I ain't[Show More]I was given Xarelto because I was diagnosed with a blood clot somewhere in my stomach they couldn't find it they did it all the testing and couldn't find the blood clot so the doctor ordered the medicine I took it the first day on June 20th 2019 like I was told to take it two days later I wasn't feeling good I told my fiance to give me his oxygen and in the meantime call the ambulance cuz I ain't going to make it and I died in the ambulance then I died six times in the surgery to stop the bleeding I have blood transfusion I was in a medical coma for a month now all my inside of my stomach my testines my tissues my liver my kidneys are failing now I have a wall of a hernia I can't sleep I'm constantly in pain I can feel my food all in my stomach all my drinks in my stomach and no attorney is up in my case I've been looking for a turning for a year on this

  • ScottSeptember 11, 2020 at 2:38 pm

    I was prescribed Xarelto after being diagnosed with blood clots in my legs. I was on the drug for about four weeks when I noticed blood in my stool. I began to feel weak and fatigued. My blood pressure dropped to 99 over 55. This is when I went to the emergency room and was admitted into the hospital where I received blood transfusions, 5 units of blood.

  • MeganAugust 14, 2020 at 5:23 am

    I lost my mamaw due to this horrible drug in 2018. I heard they just settled the case for $775 million for 25,000 ppl!! Seriously people no amount of money can bring my grandmother back I really want Justic and want this drug to stop being prescribed to people when it just makes their situation worse. I pray for every one of you I am so sorry you have to go through this horrible situation.

  • Willie EvelynApril 29, 2020 at 9:23 pm

    I was instructed too continue take Xarelto drug during a heart ablation surgery, I was very leering, told by cardiologist that it was recommended I continue, I totally bled out, almost lost liife in hospital St Thomas, Nashville, Tennessee. for months with large wound in wound care facilities, rehabs out of home 4 months, home in critical condition. Medical bills exceeded one and half million dol[Show More]I was instructed too continue take Xarelto drug during a heart ablation surgery, I was very leering, told by cardiologist that it was recommended I continue, I totally bled out, almost lost liife in hospital St Thomas, Nashville, Tennessee. for months with large wound in wound care facilities, rehabs out of home 4 months, home in critical condition. Medical bills exceeded one and half million dollars. I have medical records showing the horror of what I experienced. Please help me.

  • DevJanuary 29, 2020 at 4:48 pm

    Hello, I am a 23 year old female who recently found out I have DVT in my left calf leading up to pulmonary embolism in left side. The doctors where very surprised to have to prescribe blood thinners to somebody my age but continued to prescribe me Xarelto for the next 3 months 2 times daily, starting at a higher dose for the first 3 weeks then will go down as I go. After doing research on the drug[Show More]Hello, I am a 23 year old female who recently found out I have DVT in my left calf leading up to pulmonary embolism in left side. The doctors where very surprised to have to prescribe blood thinners to somebody my age but continued to prescribe me Xarelto for the next 3 months 2 times daily, starting at a higher dose for the first 3 weeks then will go down as I go. After doing research on the drug and coming across this page I am extremely scared starting this medication. It seems as tho I’m reading all bad and I’m worried my life is more at stake by taking this medication. Is there anybody who has taken it short term and not been at extreme risk for bleeding and stroke ????? This is supposed to help dissolve my clots and instead I’m scared it will kill me..... Any info helps please I just want to be fully informed as I start this

  • AngieJanuary 8, 2020 at 6:03 pm

    Brian tell your comment to my dad who passed away from this rat poison.

  • WendyDecember 31, 2019 at 7:24 pm

    Wow reading these very sad stories sorry for all the victims & will keep all in my prayers! I was rushed to hospital because I couldn't breath & lungs filled up with fluid. Blood work showed my hebaglobin was 3.6 which should be 15 or above. Was in ICU for 2 weeks in mean time they did emergency Hysterectomy( without my consent) 18 blood transfusion to be told I now have A FIB I lived in hell 3 y[Show More]Wow reading these very sad stories sorry for all the victims & will keep all in my prayers! I was rushed to hospital because I couldn't breath & lungs filled up with fluid. Blood work showed my hebaglobin was 3.6 which should be 15 or above. Was in ICU for 2 weeks in mean time they did emergency Hysterectomy( without my consent) 18 blood transfusion to be told I now have A FIB I lived in hell 3 yrs with this most days couldn't get out bed. I've since had afib surgery year ago & feel great now I take elaquise blood thinner 2 times day! Theses drug companies are being held liable but no money amount could give me bk the 7 yrs of hell I went thru.. God bless all!

  • JimmyDecember 20, 2019 at 5:11 pm

    Healthy and fit 52 year old... DVT discovered in my right lower leg after ankle and calf swelling after jogging. They predcribed Xarelto... For awhile it just made me feel awkward and fuzzy and I definitely could not drink alcohol because it would intensify that fuzzy feeling. I scraped my shin shortly after beginning Xarelto and it failed to heal quickly and It became infected. I began to expe[Show More]Healthy and fit 52 year old... DVT discovered in my right lower leg after ankle and calf swelling after jogging. They predcribed Xarelto... For awhile it just made me feel awkward and fuzzy and I definitely could not drink alcohol because it would intensify that fuzzy feeling. I scraped my shin shortly after beginning Xarelto and it failed to heal quickly and It became infected. I began to experience itchy forearms after about 6 months and then at about 8 months it intensified into intense shoulder, bicep, forearm and hand pain. I have had two blood vessels in my eyes burst since I started taking it as well. I had a flare up of OA in the last joint in my fingers near my finger nails and in my thumb/ hand joint. I have never had any signs of arthritis, gout in my hands prior to taking Xarelto. I discontinued it 10 days ago and the extreme pain in my shoulders has dissipated... yet I still have some lingering forearm itching and tingling and heavy feeling hands and finger joint pain in my middle finger... similar to carpal tunnel at this point. I hope as time continues that my nerves and joints return to normal. I just wonder and strongly feel as if it exacerbates existing conditions that were low level or undetected prior to taking Xarelto. In addition, since I used to take Motrin for other aches and pains from exercising, etc... did the Motrin mask these other conditions for years and then since I couldn't take it with the Xarelto they revealed. Don't really know... but seeing what others are posting here and online...it seems as though the side effects are greater than the studies revealed or reported by J&J

  • BrianJune 18, 2018 at 6:58 pm

    For anyone that doubts that Xarelto is not dangerous has not watched a family member disappear from a human to a zombified victim of the muderous crap xarelto. The ER doctors predicted almost to the day when my mom would die abd how mad they were that they could do nothing. J & J doesn’t give a damn about patients. Money, money, money is all the J & J Nazis care about. Obviously money has been pa[Show More]For anyone that doubts that Xarelto is not dangerous has not watched a family member disappear from a human to a zombified victim of the muderous crap xarelto. The ER doctors predicted almost to the day when my mom would die abd how mad they were that they could do nothing. J & J doesn’t give a damn about patients. Money, money, money is all the J & J Nazis care about. Obviously money has been paid because a lot of things don’t make sense. Two tiered Justice is certainly alive. I just want 5 minutes with J & Js CEO for purely discussion purposes. Killers, murderers and thieves and we are letting them get away with it. Keep your fingers in the Xarelto dyke boys. It’s going to bust wide open!!!!!

  • NancyAugust 18, 2017 at 1:17 pm

    My mother had to have a small hole repaired in her heart. Before hand her doctor prescribed Xarelto. We were told this was a none life threatening procedure. The procedure did not go well and resulted in internal bleeding. After she went home, she was told she needed to continue Xarelto. Within hours she was back in the hospital. Within less than two weeks my mother was dead due to internal [Show More]My mother had to have a small hole repaired in her heart. Before hand her doctor prescribed Xarelto. We were told this was a none life threatening procedure. The procedure did not go well and resulted in internal bleeding. After she went home, she was told she needed to continue Xarelto. Within hours she was back in the hospital. Within less than two weeks my mother was dead due to internal gastro-intestinal tearing and bleeding resulting in sepsis. I agree this drug is meant to kill seniors. I am shocked and finding it hard to believe the judges are going against lawsuit victims. What a pathetic joke. If my mother had never taken Xarelto I believe she would still be alive today.

  • DEANAAugust 8, 2017 at 1:02 am

    I Started taking Xeralto in 2013 for a dvt behind my knee & I have a very high d-dimer which makes me predestined for blood clots. According to my Dr. It is In my genetics. Since I started taking Xeralto I have had a blood transfusion & I am having yet another 1000 ml iron infusion due to anemia. They had to increase the dosage from 500 ml to 1000 because it wasn't lasting very long. This is goin[Show More]I Started taking Xeralto in 2013 for a dvt behind my knee & I have a very high d-dimer which makes me predestined for blood clots. According to my Dr. It is In my genetics. Since I started taking Xeralto I have had a blood transfusion & I am having yet another 1000 ml iron infusion due to anemia. They had to increase the dosage from 500 ml to 1000 because it wasn't lasting very long. This is going to be an on going issue so I can expect to spend thousands in medical expenses.

  • AngelinaJune 29, 2017 at 2:16 am

    If you are taking xarelto, you might as well put a gun to your head and play Russian roulette. I was put on this drug and told I would have to take it the rest of my life. After 2 weeks on this drug I had symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. After 4 weeks on this drug I could not walk or stand straight without tremendous pain in my joints and muscles. I went to the hematologist and told him this[Show More]If you are taking xarelto, you might as well put a gun to your head and play Russian roulette. I was put on this drug and told I would have to take it the rest of my life. After 2 weeks on this drug I had symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. After 4 weeks on this drug I could not walk or stand straight without tremendous pain in my joints and muscles. I went to the hematologist and told him this drug was making me feel lousy. He said this drug in no way caused those symptoms. He said I was just getting older. WHAT! I suffered tremendously while on this drug. Within a couple of more months I had a minor stroke. All the while the hematologist refuted xarelto had that side effect. I read on the internet about this drug and most side effects were considered rare. I was a totally change person. I could not move without pain and the constant pain meant I was not sleeping or eating very much. I thought I'd rather be dead than live this way. Finally, after weeks of searching websites I found one that was a blog for people on xarelto who were suffering with rheumatoid arthritis symptoms and were immobilized with pain. There were hundreds of people who were told the same thing by their doctor as I was......"this drug does not cause that side effect". I wrote on the blog and said I was getting off this xarelto and just take a baby aspirin. Within one week my pain was 50% gone and within 2 weeks the pain in my joints and muscles were 100% gone. That was 2 years ago. I have been on a baby aspirin and doing well. The doctor said he wouldn't keep me as a patient unless I took the xarelto. I told him " I predict this drug will be pulled from the market in a few years". Well, they haven't pulled it off, but there are so many lawsuits against them I think they will be forced to take it off. Not enough people have died yet to pull it! Sad commentary. These doctors are in bed with these drugs companies. So now we have the MEDICAL MAFIA AND THE PHARMACEUTICAL MAFIA TO DEAL WITH........take responsibility for your own treatment choices. Research all you can. Don't be sheepeople. Trust your instincts about what your body and intuition are telling you. Get help from friends if you can't do the Reseach yourself. AND DON'T BE AFRAID TO TELL THE DOCTOR "NO". IF HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE YOUR DOCTOR ANYMORE THEM TELL HIM TO KISS YOUR ASS AND WALK OUT THE OFFICE. HE IS NOT DESERVING OF YOUR RESPECT OR BUSINESS.

  • JohnJune 2, 2017 at 11:57 am

    09/2016 had a PE left lung. Was put on Xarelto. Last month suffered a stroke with a brain bleed. Still in hospital. Did Xarelto play a role

  • CarlMay 24, 2017 at 9:46 pm

    Had a bleeding incident with Xarelto in 2016. As a result I was advised to no longer take blood thinners. This puts me at risk since I have a clotting problem.

  • JessiMay 3, 2017 at 6:19 am

    My dad was prescribed Xarelto following liver transplant surgery. Several weeks following his release from the hospital I noticed that he was becoming progressively weaker/mentally confused. He told me that according to his doctors, all the follow up tests indicated that all was as it should be. He said that it was normal to experience such weakness after a major surgical procedure. Eventually I m[Show More]My dad was prescribed Xarelto following liver transplant surgery. Several weeks following his release from the hospital I noticed that he was becoming progressively weaker/mentally confused. He told me that according to his doctors, all the follow up tests indicated that all was as it should be. He said that it was normal to experience such weakness after a major surgical procedure. Eventually I managed to bring him to the hospital, and it turned out that his symptoms were the result of some sort of vascular trauma - a 'subdural hematoma' under his skull to be precise. A broken blood vessel in his head was causing swelling under his skull, and the resulting pressure on his brain was causing his entire body to malfunction. As my dad had not experienced any sort of head trauma, I asked the doctor what might have caused such a thing. He said that it was likely the result of the blood thinning medication my dad was taking, as this sort of bleeding seemed to be a relatively common side-effect and that 'things like this just happen sometimes'. He also said that my dad was 'lucky' I managed to bring him in, as he probably would not have lasted another 24 hours otherwise.

  • BrianFebruary 14, 2017 at 11:19 pm

    It seems that Aaron has planted a story about snakeskin Xarelto. I don't believe a word you say or write. In Las Veas the used to be called schills. They suckedred players onto high dollar machines that appeared to pay off. In reality the casinos paid them Your "story" STINKS, is fabricated and you and your buddies at Bayer who are killers. How much did they PAY DOCTORS who are just as guilty. Doe[Show More]It seems that Aaron has planted a story about snakeskin Xarelto. I don't believe a word you say or write. In Las Veas the used to be called schills. They suckedred players onto high dollar machines that appeared to pay off. In reality the casinos paid them Your "story" STINKS, is fabricated and you and your buddies at Bayer who are killers. How much did they PAY DOCTORS who are just as guilty. Does Bayer CEO have that trash bath tub gin prescribed for it's family? Hell No. Anyone who touts the benefits of this dung is a liar. KILLERS, KILLERS. THE FDA IS GETTING SOMETHING OUT OF IT. Lawsuit mention is funny, why would you bring it up Aaron? Hmm sounds like nothing but forked tongue. The truth will come out and you will pay for your fabricared lies, you are a criminal imposter, watch out, the Kharma bus is in your sights!

  • ShawJanuary 13, 2017 at 6:16 pm

    Following routine right hip replacment surgery late Sept. 2012, I was prescribed and began to take xarelto before leaving the hospital. Before I was released from the hospital, I clearly remember being asked if I would prefer to take a pill or have daily shots in my stomach to protect from blood clots. Who wants shots in the their stomach, so I opted for the pill. There was no warning or discu[Show More]Following routine right hip replacment surgery late Sept. 2012, I was prescribed and began to take xarelto before leaving the hospital. Before I was released from the hospital, I clearly remember being asked if I would prefer to take a pill or have daily shots in my stomach to protect from blood clots. Who wants shots in the their stomach, so I opted for the pill. There was no warning or discussion regarding the possibility of severe bleeding or that there was no antidote to reverse the effects of the medication. The following morning I woke with what appeared to be severe bruising on my back, butt and right leg. Later I learned that the bruising was pooled blood. Fortunately, my follow up nurse came to my home for routine blood work and immediately knew something was wrong. She expidited my lab work and contacted my doctor and told me not to take anymore Xarelto. Shortly thereafter I received a call from my doctor with instructions to immediately go back to the hospital and that he would notify emergency that I am coming. My blood work that morning indicated that my hemoglobin was at 7.8, my normal results were usually well above 15. I was admitted to the hospital and given two units of blood. I spent the better part of the next 3 days in the hospital with the worst headache ever and drenching sweats requiring constant gown and bedding changes. The good news, I have since recovered and consider myself extremely lucky after reviewing the many other victims with serious bleed events.

  • BrianNovember 14, 2016 at 10:06 pm

    My mother was on Coumadin for years, I used to take her to the clinic to be checked. At least we knew where she was even though it involved the extra step. Then along comes Xarelto, the new silver bullet. The FDA does not use prior standards to ensure drug safety like the department once did. Could there be indiscretion with the FDA and Bayer? From the start, my mother experienced all of the side[Show More]My mother was on Coumadin for years, I used to take her to the clinic to be checked. At least we knew where she was even though it involved the extra step. Then along comes Xarelto, the new silver bullet. The FDA does not use prior standards to ensure drug safety like the department once did. Could there be indiscretion with the FDA and Bayer? From the start, my mother experienced all of the side effects listed above. It was very frustrating with this poison to see her try and manage the side effects along with other health issues. Each week we methodically put her daily medicines in the proper order. Then the night of her stroke I saw the fear in her eye's and the look on her face when the ER Neurologist said She would have been safe if on Coumadin but the chances of her having any chance of recovery where none existent. Bayer has made more money off of this poison than nearly any other drug. The FDA did no follow up for monitoring and countless serious injuries have been a direct result. I was told perhaps there could be minimal recovery but within 100 days she would be on palliative care. His prediction was ten days off, The worst day of my life was the 90th day post stroke.She was dying and in intensive care. I had to be the one to make the decision to stop life support. I feel horrible that I had to end her life but she suffered and it was inevitable. Funny how one of the big personality promoters is now dead. Drug commercials should not be allowed to be advertised. Western medicines are all poison, The FDA under the Obama administration cut their standards. It did not matter that we were extremely careful in EVERYTHING, It;s so wonder that Aaron who sounds like a Bayer employee making a false statement is so concerned about protecting this product. You didn't lose a loved one, I doubt that you even understand the emotions since you are so self assured. I guess being perfect and promoting a chemical of death is no concern to you. I don't care what any proponent of this trash medicine is. My family lived it and will not forget what Bayer did.

  • AaronMarch 31, 2016 at 7:40 pm

    While I am sorry that anyone has a side effect to any medication, it is not the fault of the government or the Affordable Care Act! I am currently taking this drug for a Pulmonary Embolism caused by taking a prescription cough syrup that caused Phlebitis to occur in my right calf. The blood clot broke free from that and traveled to my lung causing the PE. It was a painful and scary time and I am n[Show More]While I am sorry that anyone has a side effect to any medication, it is not the fault of the government or the Affordable Care Act! I am currently taking this drug for a Pulmonary Embolism caused by taking a prescription cough syrup that caused Phlebitis to occur in my right calf. The blood clot broke free from that and traveled to my lung causing the PE. It was a painful and scary time and I am now taking Xarelto as I didn't want to stay in the hospital and continue being poked for continual blood tests, which are required while on Warfarin and others. I have had no side effects and have common sense to know that I need to be careful as I am on a BLOOD THINNER! I understand that there have been some serious issues/side effects from this medication but people not taking proper precautions and cutting themselves, while I understand that this can be inadvertently, proper caution should be exercised. Lawsuits filed for lack of common sense is why medical care and prescriptions are skyrocketing!

  • BrianAugust 17, 2015 at 1:57 am

    This medication is nothing more than the Federal Government and the mighty Pharmacuetical companies to kill seniors. It toook the FDA to allow it to the market. It just struck my 82 year old mother. Now I have basically a vegetable to contend with. Your Doctor is not always right. Question everything. Warfain was the astandard for years until Obmacare. Now Medicare and insurance did not want to pa[Show More]This medication is nothing more than the Federal Government and the mighty Pharmacuetical companies to kill seniors. It toook the FDA to allow it to the market. It just struck my 82 year old mother. Now I have basically a vegetable to contend with. Your Doctor is not always right. Question everything. Warfain was the astandard for years until Obmacare. Now Medicare and insurance did not want to pay for PT/INR clinics. Don't let "Modern Medicine" committ GENOCIDE on those who fought and died for America and now are being tossed into the trash!

  • GretaOctober 18, 2014 at 3:38 pm

    I have been taking xarelto for about a year. Large areas of my feet are filling with blood,and my doctor gives me no explanation. I am currently taking 7 1/2 mg per day.

  • eleanorOctober 12, 2014 at 3:21 pm

    I had a real bad bleed in and around my toung I bit my toung on accident and it bleed so bad it turnd my toung black.i went to the emergency room.and they try to stop the bleeding.wich we could not stop it for several hours.man was I scared.

  • JosephOctober 3, 2014 at 1:13 am

    I have been taking this medication for over a year . I sit down to eat or feel something strange on my leg and find I am bleeding all over and I have no idea how or why . I keep my fingernails filed low as they grow very fast and I have cut myself scratching and then again I am bleeding all over the place . One night I took a shower and looked down and all I saw was blood . I had somehow hit a blo[Show More]I have been taking this medication for over a year . I sit down to eat or feel something strange on my leg and find I am bleeding all over and I have no idea how or why . I keep my fingernails filed low as they grow very fast and I have cut myself scratching and then again I am bleeding all over the place . One night I took a shower and looked down and all I saw was blood . I had somehow hit a blood vessel with a fingernail on my scrotum . I called my partner for help It took half a towel soaked in blood I used up three or more septic pencils and that hurt like hell . My doctor told me I had to be very careful when bathing and pay attention or it could happen again . All these drugs and drug reps are making fortunes on peoples illness and think that it's ok to continue . between drugs and s.s.i. I get 12 k a year because a doctor never picked up on a problem that could have stopped all this madness but by the time I found out it was to late to file suit . You just can't win

  • WilliamSeptember 9, 2014 at 7:15 pm

    I went for a ablation surgery on june26th at Saint Barnabis Hospital in Livingston NJ,The probes were inserted to Map out the Electrical Part of the Heart to correct Afib.I had awaken from sedation and feeling if Elephants sitting on my Chest,I was given Morpnine for the pain.Not knowing what happening during the start of the surgery, The Doctor came in and informed me they had to insert a Pigtai[Show More]I went for a ablation surgery on june26th at Saint Barnabis Hospital in Livingston NJ,The probes were inserted to Map out the Electrical Part of the Heart to correct Afib.I had awaken from sedation and feeling if Elephants sitting on my Chest,I was given Morpnine for the pain.Not knowing what happening during the start of the surgery, The Doctor came in and informed me they had to insert a Pigtail,A drain that would drain blood that enter my Heart cavity,I believe 100CC was drained from my Chest and was told my pressure drop down to 50.The Doctor said to me, he blamed himself and the blood thinner for this filling up of blood in my heart cavity,I had taken Xarelto prior to the surgery,I called the Young lady who set up the surgery date and ask her if I should stop the Xarelto before the surgery and she ask the doctor and he said stay on it,I was asking because the doctor told to even watch when I shave that I don't cut myself,Because of the blood thinner,So I thought going into surgery maybe I shouldn't be taking a blood thinner in case of bleeding during surgery,So I stayed on it.I was told they couldn't go on to map out the heart for the afib surgery,The doctor wants me to do the surgery in 2 months ,He wanted to give my heart to heal for 2 months,I was also told that blood thinner was givin while I was on the operating table,What kind of Blood thinner I couldn't tell you.I never really had a fear of surgery,After this,I don't know if I can do this afib surgery ever for emontional and physically reason,My health has been the same since them,Shortness of breath and tireness.Because of this,I was lucky that the doctors assistant acted quickly to insert the drain.My interest commented,That you can't get any closer to death than that.The Surgeon ,I think regrets using XARELTO,He said he was beating himself over this,I just feel beat up!

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