Byetta Lawsuit

The use of the diabetes drug Byetta may increase the risk of developing chronic, asymptomatic pancreatitis, which could ultimately lead to a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer from Byetta.

BYETTA LAWSUIT STATUS: As a result of the drug maker’s failure to properly research the side effects of Byetta or provide adequate warnings about the impact of the medication on the pancreas, product liability lawyers are reviewing potential Byetta pancreatic cancer lawsuits on behalf of individuals nationwide.


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MANUFACTURERS: Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Bristol-Myers Squibb

OVERVIEW: Byetta (exenatide) is a type 2 diabetes drug which was approved by the FDA in April 2005 to help reduce blood sugar levels. Amid aggressive marketing and promotion, millions of prescriptions for the Byetta pen have been written.

The drug belongs to a class of drugs known as incretin mimetics, which mimic the action of endogenous incretin hormones like GIP and GLP-1, which are found in the gastrointestinal tract. Byetta lowers blood glucose levels by stimulating insulin secretion from pancreatic cells.

Shortly after the Byetta pen was introduced, reports of pancreatitis among users began to emerge. Although pancreatitis is a substantial risk factor for the subsequent development of pancreatic cancer, due to the chronic inflammation and increased cell turn over, Amylin Pharmaceuticals failed to warn users or the medical community about the importance of monitoring for the first signs of changes to the pancrease.

BYETTA PANCREATITIS SIDE EFFECTS:  In October 2007, the FDA issued an alert about reports of at least 30 users of Byetta diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. That warning was updated by the FDA in August 2008, after at least six additional cases of necrotizing pancreatitis or hemorrhagic pancreatitis were identified among Byetta users, including at least two deaths

Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which can cause symptoms like:

  • Severe upper abdominal pain which may radiate through the back
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • High or Low Blood Pressure
  • Elevated Heart or Respiratory Rates

If a user of the Byetta pen develops pancreatitis, it is important that the medication be stopped to avoid further risk of more serious injury. However, as a result of Amylin Pharmaceutical’s failure to warn about the risk of pancreatitis, many individuals continued to use the diabetes injection.

BYETTA PANCREATIC CANCER LAWSUITS:  A number of recent studies have suggested that there may be a link between Byetta and pancreatic cancer.

According to a study published in the medical journal Gastroenterology in February 2011, the development of pancreatic cancer among Byetta users was three times greater than among other diabetics.

In the February 2013 edition of JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers raised serious concerns about the Byetta pancreatic cancer risk, after a study found that individuals treated with Byetta were twice as likely to be hospitalized with pancreatitis, which could ultimately lead to pancreatic cancer.

Amylin Pharmaceutical’s failure to warn about the Byetta pancreas cancer risk has had devastating consequences for individuals throughout the United States, as it is the fourth most common cause of cancer related deaths in the United States.

Pancreatic cancer symptoms may include:

  • Upper abdomen pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Jaundice
  • Fatigue and weariness
  • Nausea and Vomiting

Contact a Byetta Lawyer About Pancreatic Cancer

Byetta pancreatic cancer lawyers are reviewing potential lawsuits for individuals throughout the United States as a result of Amylin Pharmaceutical’s failure to provide adequate warnings for users or the medical community. To review a potential claim for yourself, a friend or family member, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.

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  • CaseyDecember 17, 2020 at 12:02 am

    Byetta helped me loose 100 lbs My insurance didn't get renewed and I couldn't afford $900.00 month. When I got my insurance back the next year, they no longer had byetta Broke my heart. I had no problem with it. Thank you.

  • perryJuly 13, 2014 at 2:47 pm

    I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in 1988. After 7 years of treatment with oral meds and limited success I was prescribed Byetta in 2006. I was also being treated for serious pulminary problems and had been repeatedly CT scanned as well as MRIs with no evidence of cancer or tumors. In July of 2007, less than 9 months from my previous CT scan, a mass of 14.2 centimeters was discovered on my [Show More]I was diagnosed with Type II diabetes in 1988. After 7 years of treatment with oral meds and limited success I was prescribed Byetta in 2006. I was also being treated for serious pulminary problems and had been repeatedly CT scanned as well as MRIs with no evidence of cancer or tumors. In July of 2007, less than 9 months from my previous CT scan, a mass of 14.2 centimeters was discovered on my Thyroid gland. Subsequently, my Thyroid and parathyroid were surgically removed and 3 seperate radiation treatments over a 3 year period were conducted. I was forced to go on disability at age 55 and have suffered chronic fatigue and congestive heart failure as ongoing consequences of the use of this dangerous drug. I am currently insulin dependent. I have filed suit with another law firm and hoping that I will receive some sort of justice for the suffering I have endured.

  • CindiJune 22, 2014 at 2:04 am

    I took 5 shots of Byetta and had to stop. The abdomen pain and blotting were awful. I told my dr and she told me to stop taking immediately. It has been two days since the last shot and I have just as much pain as I did when I took the shots. I have been reading all of the posts here and am very worried that I may have damaged my pancreas or caused some other problem and will suffer with the[Show More]I took 5 shots of Byetta and had to stop. The abdomen pain and blotting were awful. I told my dr and she told me to stop taking immediately. It has been two days since the last shot and I have just as much pain as I did when I took the shots. I have been reading all of the posts here and am very worried that I may have damaged my pancreas or caused some other problem and will suffer with these issues forever. I pray that the pain stops soon. My thoughts and prayers go out to all the people that have suffered from this horrible drug. I wish I had never taken it.

  • TammieApril 7, 2013 at 3:14 am

    in about june of 2010 my husband was diagnoised with diabetes 2 he was not really that overwheight maybe 15 20 pds they showed me the diabetic way of eating carbs we followed the diet his meds consisit of lantus100/ml an byetta 10mcg injections everyday he would complain of pain an often stated win he took the byetta {that he thought sometimes it was making him sicker instead of better} he seemed[Show More]in about june of 2010 my husband was diagnoised with diabetes 2 he was not really that overwheight maybe 15 20 pds they showed me the diabetic way of eating carbs we followed the diet his meds consisit of lantus100/ml an byetta 10mcg injections everyday he would complain of pain an often stated win he took the byetta {that he thought sometimes it was making him sicker instead of better} he seemed to loose his weight little faster then we thought was normal an 8mo later exactly febr 13 2011 he noticed his eyes an skin lookin yellowish and felt weak an pain our home dr had us go to lincoln and be tested they said something was blocking the opening of pancreates we were told a stent was to be put in to open up panrease cause it was all backing up is why jaundas was present and they could look into more tests .On valentines day Febr 14 2011 we were told he had a 2 to 3inch dia tumor on pancrease that if main veins havent connect into it we would beable to remove it following aweek more of tests and waiting another week for test results we were then told it was to late the veins were feeding off tumor that he had pancreatic cancer in stage 4 that he had 6months to live he died aug202011 at age 49 this is the worst thing in the world to go through he got sicker weaker the last night with him i will never be able to erase the fear an pain an hurt we went throught together and sometimes the feeling of they just put him aside to die came over us on ways he was treated at times like he was just a person they know is going to die theres no cure so just do what ever to get him by i strongly feel the byetta was the reason an he asked me to try and find out what caused his cancer and possibley to let others know what to look for dont do the chemo if u are stage 4 pancreatic cancer the day u start that is the last day of your life it all goes down hill from that time on i want people to know this so they can live what time they may have enjoying life aliittle compared to living no life only in bed sick

  • MikeOctober 21, 2012 at 9:52 pm

    I have been sick ever since taking Byetta 5-6 years ago. I stopped the drug but the damage is done. In 5 years I have lost 110 pounds and I cannot stop it. Upper and lower GI on Monday. God I hope they fix this. Thanks Byetta makers.

  • kathyAugust 19, 2012 at 9:28 pm

    It is beyond my comprehension why anyone would stay on a drug they know is making them nauseous with vomiting, even if their dr. said to stay on it. I would only put up with this for maybe 4 or 5 days at the most.

  • BrittneyJune 18, 2012 at 11:27 pm

    My stepfather took Byett for about a week. He had heartburn really bad. Well that is how he described it. He also had the nausea but he died of heart attack shortly after it was prescribed. Do you think the Byetta caused his death?

  • marieApril 26, 2012 at 1:59 pm

    I took byetta and had kidney problems.I had to have one of my kidneys removed due to cancer.My other kidney is only working at 48 to 5o%.

  • daleJanuary 11, 2012 at 6:48 pm


  • GwendolynNovember 29, 2011 at 5:19 am

    My mom participated in a study with Byetta. She began having stomach problems in which she began regurgitating fluids, foods. Initially, her doctor thought she had gall stones. Gall stone surgery was performed. She continued having problems. Her gall bladder was, then, removed. She continued experiencing the same problems. Her doctor performed a CAT scan and found cancer which was thought t[Show More]My mom participated in a study with Byetta. She began having stomach problems in which she began regurgitating fluids, foods. Initially, her doctor thought she had gall stones. Gall stone surgery was performed. She continued having problems. Her gall bladder was, then, removed. She continued experiencing the same problems. Her doctor performed a CAT scan and found cancer which was thought to be in her pancreas, according to the reading. Surgery was immediately scheduled. After the surgeon opened her, he found it to be duodenal cancer. After 1 1/2 years of fighting, she lost her battle to cancer. I'm trying to see of anyone else taking this medicine has experienced the same. She had no signs prior to taking this medicine.

  • BarryAugust 15, 2011 at 12:07 am

    I started taking Byetta around September 2005. By December 2005 I was hospitalized with my first acute pancreatitis attack, but it went undiagnosed and I was tested for heart problems. I had another severe attack in early August 2006, which this time was properly diagnosed and treated, After three days in the hospital, I was discharged, but I was hospitalized with an even more severe attack fiv[Show More]I started taking Byetta around September 2005. By December 2005 I was hospitalized with my first acute pancreatitis attack, but it went undiagnosed and I was tested for heart problems. I had another severe attack in early August 2006, which this time was properly diagnosed and treated, After three days in the hospital, I was discharged, but I was hospitalized with an even more severe attack five days later. My doctor told me a normal high for pancreatic enzymes is 60; my count was 4,500--my pancreas was being consumed by the enzymes. My doctor suspected some kind of connection to the Byetta and took me off of the drug immediately--this was in August 2006 before any FDA warning. My doctor reported my case as one of the original 30 incidents reported to the FDA. The bad news is it didn't stop there. I continued to suffer from chronic pancreatitis (I was not a drinker and had no history in my family). In September 2008 my gallbladder was removed due to complications related to the Byetta and subsequent pancreatitis. During scanning for the gallbladder surgery a tumor was found on my pancreas--caused by the scarring on my pancreas that resulted from the pancreatitis attacks. I had the Whipple surgery in November 2008 to remove the top half of my pancreas to eliminate the tumor that was not benign--but the cancer cells had not spread beyond. There was another surgery a year later, and I face yet another, All of this along with never-ending visits to doctors and CT scans and blood tests to keep vigil over the possibility that tumors will return. From the very beginning in 2005/06 when I had my first series of pancreatitis attacks, I have never doubted that everything was likned to the Byetta. To this day I suffer from pain, fatigue, and weakness. Byetta ruined my life and it makes me sick to think that Ely-Lillly gets away with justifying my pain and suffering as merely a risk-benefit factor--a factor that I wasn't even warned about in 2005-06. If you take this drug--STOP.

  • NikkiDAugust 6, 2011 at 6:22 pm

    My mother started taking byetta in 2007 and in 2008 she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The cancer had already spread to her liver and lungs and it was too late to save her. She died in 2010 because of this horrible shot.

  • SherrymJuly 25, 2011 at 4:23 pm

    I was prescribed Byetta back in 2009 to help lose weight each time I took the injection my stomach would swell really bad and severe stomach pains I would have to lay down for 3 hours each time after the injection. I stopped taking the Byetta after 4 months. I developed a hyatial hernia after taking the Byetta shots, not sure if Byetta is related to the hernia but the doctor that prescribed the[Show More]I was prescribed Byetta back in 2009 to help lose weight each time I took the injection my stomach would swell really bad and severe stomach pains I would have to lay down for 3 hours each time after the injection. I stopped taking the Byetta after 4 months. I developed a hyatial hernia after taking the Byetta shots, not sure if Byetta is related to the hernia but the doctor that prescribed the Byetta advised me you cannot take the shots if you have a hernia so apparently if not related it must make the condition worsen. My stomach has not been right since and I still have stomach swelling and pain to this day after I eat meals. I would advise anyone to not take this drug. After all the hela monster is a venomous lizard and only eats one time a year so imagine what the injections can do to your body.

  • edwin rJuly 20, 2011 at 12:04 am


  • NickieJune 25, 2011 at 9:41 am

    My dad had been on regular insulin for many years and kept his diabetes well controlled. His doctor switched him to Byetta last week, and he is now lying in ICU and has been declared brain dead. I don't really think I need to say anything else about this drug. Please, if you are already well controlled, don't switch medications.

  • GeneApril 3, 2011 at 4:46 pm

    Back in 2007 & 2008 I had three doctors that wanted to put me on Byetta. In 2008, I finally agreed to. After just the 4th shot, it create severe aabdominal pain for 7 hours. I casused me to have to urinate about every 15 minutes the entire night. For two days afterwards, I could not urinate. The third day, I went t the Mayo Clinic where it swas dicovered that my kidneys had shut down. I w[Show More]Back in 2007 & 2008 I had three doctors that wanted to put me on Byetta. In 2008, I finally agreed to. After just the 4th shot, it create severe aabdominal pain for 7 hours. I casused me to have to urinate about every 15 minutes the entire night. For two days afterwards, I could not urinate. The third day, I went t the Mayo Clinic where it swas dicovered that my kidneys had shut down. I was hospitalized for two weeks and on dialisis. Finially my kidneys started to function again.

  • RobertFebruary 26, 2011 at 6:52 pm

    Correction not 4 years of my life, but 40 years of driving truck.

  • RobertFebruary 26, 2011 at 6:50 pm

    I was prescribed Byetta in 2006, and did very well with my blood sugars, however, I had to take immodium 2 to 3 times per day for the diaherra. In March of 2009, I started to see things that were not there. I was a professional truck driver, and my wife was my co-driver. In February of 2009 I became very ill while driving, in Indiana, my wife had to take the wheel. By the time she got to Kentucky,[Show More]I was prescribed Byetta in 2006, and did very well with my blood sugars, however, I had to take immodium 2 to 3 times per day for the diaherra. In March of 2009, I started to see things that were not there. I was a professional truck driver, and my wife was my co-driver. In February of 2009 I became very ill while driving, in Indiana, my wife had to take the wheel. By the time she got to Kentucky, I was so sick, vomiting, nausea, dizziness, disorientation, I was so sick, I could not even put my shoes on, On March 24th 2009, I had taken my shot of Byetta, layed on the couch in my den, and when my wife found me, I was having a diabetic seizure; my blood sugar had gone up to almost 900 and I had to be hospitalized for 11 days. The first 4 days of my hospitaliztion, I was on life support and did not know whether I was dead or alive. The stopped giving me the Byetta in the ICU, bot my kidney, liver and other vital organs are totally out of whack. I also had a stroke while on Byetta, fell and broke 3 ribs/ suffered 2 compression fractures in my spinal cord. Needless to say, I am not able, and will never be able to work again. This has been a nightmare from hell. I know that Byetta was the culprit, and I hope they will take it off of the market before it kills anyone else. This Byetta scenario is about to cause me to lose my home and everything else that I worked so hard for for 4 years of my life. I am depressed, still sick to my stomach and the list goes on. STOP TAKING IT NOW!!!

  • nancyFebruary 11, 2011 at 10:04 pm

    I started Byetta 5 on Dec 13, 2010..that is almost 2 months now..I have severe pain in my upper abdomen and I am sick at my stomach all the time, can't sleep because of nausea, took Tums and they seemed to help for a couple of weeks but not now..I have a call in to my Dr. I want off this stuff, I had never had stomach problems in my life before this..but I have lost 15 lbs..who wouldn't???

  • kathyJanuary 31, 2011 at 12:17 am

    I started byetta 5 mg in july 2006. i was extremely nauseated with vomiting all the time, especially after the injections. my blood sugar would sometimes drop dangerously low. i had to stop taking the byetta due to these constant side effects. 6 weeks later, i had my first pancreatitis attack. these attacks continued over the years and became worse. on november 15, 2010 i had to have a whipple bec[Show More]I started byetta 5 mg in july 2006. i was extremely nauseated with vomiting all the time, especially after the injections. my blood sugar would sometimes drop dangerously low. i had to stop taking the byetta due to these constant side effects. 6 weeks later, i had my first pancreatitis attack. these attacks continued over the years and became worse. on november 15, 2010 i had to have a whipple because of the damage to my pancreas. i was also diagnosed with nash at that time. i am not a person who sues. but i did inquire about the class action lawsuit against byetta because of what happened to me. i was told i wasn't eligible because i wasn't on byetta when i had my first pancreatitis attack. please don't take this drug!

  • kathyJanuary 18, 2011 at 12:23 am

    I had a whipple operation in 2005. They removed 2/3 of my pancreas. A copule of months later I developed Diabetes. I had been on Januvia and actos. In July, my doctor switched me to Byetta. I questioned the fact of the side effects damaging the pancreas. He felt that because most had been removed there would not be a problem. After 3 months of taking Byetta, I started to get pains like that of a p[Show More]I had a whipple operation in 2005. They removed 2/3 of my pancreas. A copule of months later I developed Diabetes. I had been on Januvia and actos. In July, my doctor switched me to Byetta. I questioned the fact of the side effects damaging the pancreas. He felt that because most had been removed there would not be a problem. After 3 months of taking Byetta, I started to get pains like that of a pancreas attack coming on. along with vomiting. The doctor had me stop the Byetta and switched me to Metformin. I just had blood work done and my Liver levels are 3 times what they were before. I have to have more bllood work tomorrow to hopefully rule out Autoimmune Hepititis.I do believe I should have never been put on Byetta. Depending on my results, I will be contacting an attorney.

  • LauraNovember 21, 2010 at 10:09 pm

    i have taken Byetta for 2 months now. since ive been bumped up to 10 ive been experiencing terrible gas and gas pains after i eat. i feel there may be a bowel obstruction since i can only "go" in the mornings now. about an hour after dinner i get terrible gas bubbles and they last around 8-9 hours.

  • VictoriaOctober 27, 2010 at 3:23 am

    I also have liver disease Nash. My blood pressure has gone very high and somedays it's so faint they can't get a reading. I have also started losing my hair and have frequent skin infections. They now are stating thyroid problems. Every week seems like another condition. I feel as if Its never ending. Recent gastricemptying, gallbladder screening, an was hospitalized last week. I just hope that [Show More]I also have liver disease Nash. My blood pressure has gone very high and somedays it's so faint they can't get a reading. I have also started losing my hair and have frequent skin infections. They now are stating thyroid problems. Every week seems like another condition. I feel as if Its never ending. Recent gastricemptying, gallbladder screening, an was hospitalized last week. I just hope that if anyone is thinking of taking this drug they think again. My most recent appt with the Dr the representative for byetta was there and I didn't think anything of it. Till now. God bless all who are suffering I hope we can all get through this.

  • VictoriaOctober 27, 2010 at 3:10 am

    Thank you to everyone who has shared their stories. I think now I know why I have been so sick. I have also been taking byetta since 2/2010 until a month ago. I was given this option as a "wonder drug". I was sold on how you would lose weight while repairing your pancreas. The first week I took this drug it made me very ill. Missed the full week of work due to nausea and vomitting. The DR explaine[Show More]Thank you to everyone who has shared their stories. I think now I know why I have been so sick. I have also been taking byetta since 2/2010 until a month ago. I was given this option as a "wonder drug". I was sold on how you would lose weight while repairing your pancreas. The first week I took this drug it made me very ill. Missed the full week of work due to nausea and vomitting. The DR explained. That the drug would take time to get use to. They even had me injecting it in my leg instead of my stomach which did help a little. I was doing real well apr-July. Losing about 25 lbs. I was working out and trying to do everything right. From one day to the next I started with chest pain and burning in feet and arms. Peripheal neuropathy was what I was told. EKG was fine. I then started vomitting at least 10x a week. Not sleeping from nausea, stomach pain and constant burning. Went to dr so many times and just got dismissed. P

  • TommyOctober 22, 2010 at 11:42 am

    I started taking the drug Byetta 10 mg in October of 2008. I stayed sick the entire time with stomach ache and nausea. Dr. said to take the 5 mg instead. Complained to the doctor that I had to wait until the meal was ready to be serviced to take the shot of Byetta or I would be nausea to the extreme that I couldn't eat at all. At restaurants I would have to take the shot in the car or bathroom[Show More]I started taking the drug Byetta 10 mg in October of 2008. I stayed sick the entire time with stomach ache and nausea. Dr. said to take the 5 mg instead. Complained to the doctor that I had to wait until the meal was ready to be serviced to take the shot of Byetta or I would be nausea to the extreme that I couldn't eat at all. At restaurants I would have to take the shot in the car or bathroom of the restaurant if there was a wait or this would happen again. Kept telling the doctor but he said the bad will in the long run outweigh the good side effects. September 1, 2010 I was rushed to the hospital for acute pancreatitis and kidney failure. The first 5 days I didn't know anything or where I even was. After 19 days in the hospital and pumped with numerous doses of antibotics and pain killers I am at home with a J tube 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I now need surgery for a cyst that is blocking the pancreas from doing its job. Seven more long days in the hospital and a week or two for recovering at home. My whole life has been turned around by this drug. I am at the point of losing my job because of no more sick time, vacation time, etc.... Yes I can get FMLA but that doesn't supply my family with the income and no job means Cobra insurance payments. L:ooking in the local paper today I see my doctor's name stating he received the fifth-highest amount in payments from drug company Lilly for speaking engagements and professional education programs representing and promoting Byetta. I am writing in hopes to spare someone else all the pain and mental fustration and financial burden this drug has done to me. 3 doctors have all said that the Byetta is the cause of this illness, Mentally I hope to overcome this and hope and pray that my body will, too.

  • GailOctober 17, 2010 at 5:18 am

    I urge everyone with liver disease(or Cirrhosis) related to byetta use to file a adverse reaction with the FDA you can do this on-line. They need all the complaints they can get in order to add liver damage to the warnings on Byetta. Byetta now includes warnings for pancreatic and Kidney damage

  • RichardOctober 6, 2010 at 9:30 pm

    I started Byetta a week ago and so far no side effects other than very mild diarrhea. My guess is that at least 3/4 of the complaints here are unrelated to Byetta. Nevertheless, there are a lot of genuine serious side effects. If you have serious side effects stop taking the drug immediately. That goes for any drug.

  • RandyJuly 25, 2010 at 2:16 am

    I have been on byetta now for about 2-3 mons. My endocrinologist put me on it, actually it was his nurse practionioner. I started to have severe stomach pain, I told my doctor's nurse at my next visit how sick I was and my stomach was on fire and how sick I was, she did not seem to care, she didn't tell me to stop taking it and didn't seem to care or listen. I am now in the hospital and they h[Show More]I have been on byetta now for about 2-3 mons. My endocrinologist put me on it, actually it was his nurse practionioner. I started to have severe stomach pain, I told my doctor's nurse at my next visit how sick I was and my stomach was on fire and how sick I was, she did not seem to care, she didn't tell me to stop taking it and didn't seem to care or listen. I am now in the hospital and they have done a endoscopy and a heart stress test and haven't mentioned anything about the pancreas which is exactly where my pain is. Should I contact a lawyer about this and sue? I am so sick! NEVER TAKE THIS MEDICATION!

  • DONNAJuly 21, 2010 at 2:20 pm

    Was taking Byetta 2 shots a day, pain/tenderness in my stomach, diarearra and or constipation,brusing at injection site, constant feeling of nausea. Swelling in legs and feet.

  • CathyJuly 15, 2010 at 2:13 am

    Update on Jim since April 18th, 2010. I've posted many comments on this website. Since November 1, 2009 until July 14, 2010, Jim has been hospitalized 143 days total. In and out of hospital and Long Term Health Care. As of today (7/14/10) he has two draining tubes. He barely has a pancreas due to Byetta! Byetta made his pancreas explode literally. We are 9 1/2 months in to Necrotized Pancre[Show More]Update on Jim since April 18th, 2010. I've posted many comments on this website. Since November 1, 2009 until July 14, 2010, Jim has been hospitalized 143 days total. In and out of hospital and Long Term Health Care. As of today (7/14/10) he has two draining tubes. He barely has a pancreas due to Byetta! Byetta made his pancreas explode literally. We are 9 1/2 months in to Necrotized Pancreatitis. He must use enzymes each time he puts any food into his mouth. He is insulin dependent from now on. He took byetta from February 2009 until November 1, 2009. We have joined the Class Action Lawsuit. Question to everyone out there....does anyone else have "Necrotizing Pancreatitis?" We are looking for a local support group or even a support group online for my husband.

  • ArlieJuly 11, 2010 at 8:16 pm

    I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes approximately 2 years ago as a result of elevated A1c, and other risk factors. Metformin was prescribed but my blood sugars continued to climb into the mid 200 range with A1c topping 10.6. My endocrinologist recommended participation in the newly formed clinical trial of Long Acting Release (LAR) Byetta (Exenatide),once weekly injections instead of twice d[Show More]I was diagnosed with Type II Diabetes approximately 2 years ago as a result of elevated A1c, and other risk factors. Metformin was prescribed but my blood sugars continued to climb into the mid 200 range with A1c topping 10.6. My endocrinologist recommended participation in the newly formed clinical trial of Long Acting Release (LAR) Byetta (Exenatide),once weekly injections instead of twice daily is being evaluated. I began the trial in late May 2010 and have terminated my participation beginning with the fifth week. I did so because of what I characterize as several significant adverse reactions. The first week trial resulted in significant GI manifestations, along with headache and general fatigue/malaise. The attending physician noted the symptoms and suggested they should improve with time, they didn't. The signs of more aggressive reactions began in week 3 when low back ache and greater fatigue set in. The cycle of diarrhea and constipation began to worsen. I began week 4 with significant swings in blood sugar readings. My appetite never changed while maintaining a regular diet. The intended benefit from LAR Byetta never became evident, nor did any lessening of negative reactions. I've terminated my participation in the clinical trial of LAR Byetta after the fifth injection. I might add that the injection site was normally very sore and swollen for 48 to 72 hours after administering. There isn't a method in place to determine whether or not I was in the placebo controlled group. However, given the reactions after beginning the trial it can be concluded mine was within the actually grug recipients. Given Byetta was previously FDA approved, I believed participation in the LAR clinical trial was a relatively low risk event with the potential for overall benefit. It appears my good intentions may have been wrong and I genuinely hope for no lasting impact because of my participation in this trial.

  • claraJuly 8, 2010 at 2:08 am

    why hasn't the FDA removed this drug from the market until more testing is done?? It's all about $$$$. My husband's dr. mentioned putting him on this drug but after reading this NO WAY. Thanks for all of your input.

  • MareeJune 30, 2010 at 2:32 am

    I have been taking Byetta for almost 4 years and thank God I have not had any serious side effects. I started with 5 mcg then moved to 10 mcg after a couple of months. Occasionally I have a little diarrhea and a little nausea, but neither last long. I also take metformin. I think Byetta along with diet and exercise has contributed to me maintaining my weight, which is what I wanted to do. My endoc[Show More]I have been taking Byetta for almost 4 years and thank God I have not had any serious side effects. I started with 5 mcg then moved to 10 mcg after a couple of months. Occasionally I have a little diarrhea and a little nausea, but neither last long. I also take metformin. I think Byetta along with diet and exercise has contributed to me maintaining my weight, which is what I wanted to do. My endocrinologist does my blood work every 4 months and he works with my primary care physician to monitor my progress. I feel extremely lucky (and blessed) after reading some of these comments.

  • trinaJune 25, 2010 at 3:12 am

    the one time i see this doctor he wants me on this shot it will help me lose weight and here i lost some now had cancer b 4 and unstable heart beat my suger goes from 26 to 400 so now that i read this I am not going to do that just take my pills its not good to take something u think is good when it does more harm to the body soon after ... thanks for putting this out trina

  • LisaJune 23, 2010 at 8:21 pm

    I have been on Byetta for 3 1/2 years, when i first started taking it there was nausia if i ate too much, i lost 30 pounds. Some diareha, however i was also taking metformin 2000 mg a day. I have had no problems my dr. keeps me up to date on all the new side affects and warnings. I get my blood work done every 3 months and my aic is 5.5. I take 10 mcg twice a day. Every now and then if i eat to [Show More]I have been on Byetta for 3 1/2 years, when i first started taking it there was nausia if i ate too much, i lost 30 pounds. Some diareha, however i was also taking metformin 2000 mg a day. I have had no problems my dr. keeps me up to date on all the new side affects and warnings. I get my blood work done every 3 months and my aic is 5.5. I take 10 mcg twice a day. Every now and then if i eat to much I get nausiaed and even throw up. I will continue taking byetta. Good Luck to everyone thinking about taking this drug.

  • TarahJune 22, 2010 at 3:04 pm

    I have experienced all these similar symptoms, rapid weight loss, headaches, nausea , acid reflux, depression, everything. All the doctors and lawyers could tell me is to prescribe me a different type of medication or more medication and the lawyers told me I could not be involved in the lawsuit unless I had kidney failure. Well , recently I found out that Byetta also causes female patients to d[Show More]I have experienced all these similar symptoms, rapid weight loss, headaches, nausea , acid reflux, depression, everything. All the doctors and lawyers could tell me is to prescribe me a different type of medication or more medication and the lawyers told me I could not be involved in the lawsuit unless I had kidney failure. Well , recently I found out that Byetta also causes female patients to develop ovarian cysts which I had not even 6 months after I quit taking this medication. I had to be operated on and have them removed. Now they have returned and I have them again. Apparantly I am not the only one. If anyone has more info on this subject I would appreciate it as I am worried I will not be able to have children now.

  • StaceyJune 15, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes approx. 4 years ago. At the time of diagnosis I was not overwieght and very active. After the doctor put me many different oral medications I was still having a very difficult time. My sugar was uncontrolled, I ALWAYS felt like I had the flu and had severe pain in the top of my stomach all of the time. My doctor decided after I gained nearly 40lbs that I could [Show More]I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes approx. 4 years ago. At the time of diagnosis I was not overwieght and very active. After the doctor put me many different oral medications I was still having a very difficult time. My sugar was uncontrolled, I ALWAYS felt like I had the flu and had severe pain in the top of my stomach all of the time. My doctor decided after I gained nearly 40lbs that I could not tolerate the metformin. I have been taking Actos for nearly two years and my doctor suggested I try Byetta. He thought it may help with weight gain and help keep my sugar levels stable. I have been taking 5mcg of Byetta for almost a year and a half. My blood work has been "normal" thus far and I haven't had the pains in my stomach. It was suggested that I bump up to 10mcg since I haven't lost much weight but I am thinking I will leave good enough alone. I am not too unhappy with the extra weight (I'm still pretty active). I have had less health "issues" in the last year and a half than I did prior to taking this drug. I notice a BIG difference if I miss a dose. My stomach pain immediately comes back. This may change, I hope it doesn't. I really feel for the individuals and families that experience more health issues that may be connected to taking any medication.

  • TerriMay 14, 2010 at 12:40 pm

    I've been on Byetta for about 2 years and so far, it's all good! I get a little nausia, but that helps me with over eating. I have found no other side effects and it does wonders in lowering my blood sugars. I stopped using it for a few months due to a change in my insurance coverage and the high cost and my AC1 shot up to 11 when my normal range is between 5.6 and 6.6. So I'm back on it and h[Show More]I've been on Byetta for about 2 years and so far, it's all good! I get a little nausia, but that helps me with over eating. I have found no other side effects and it does wonders in lowering my blood sugars. I stopped using it for a few months due to a change in my insurance coverage and the high cost and my AC1 shot up to 11 when my normal range is between 5.6 and 6.6. So I'm back on it and happy to be a little nausious again!

  • VickyApril 22, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    I am a type 2 Diabetic and was not on Byetta for very long (3 mo.) My doctor started me out on 5mg. once a day. And I did experience a little nausea but, my AC1 count was still high. So, my doctor upped my dosage to 10mg once a day. Immediately I experiened severe nausea, vomitting. I was not hungry due to the nausea and vomitting but I so despertly wanted to lose weight and so I hung in for anoth[Show More]I am a type 2 Diabetic and was not on Byetta for very long (3 mo.) My doctor started me out on 5mg. once a day. And I did experience a little nausea but, my AC1 count was still high. So, my doctor upped my dosage to 10mg once a day. Immediately I experiened severe nausea, vomitting. I was not hungry due to the nausea and vomitting but I so despertly wanted to lose weight and so I hung in for another month. Upon my visit to the doctor I told him that I just couldn't handle taking the 10mg and I would continue to take the 5mg shot daily. Then I started developing a twitch in one eye. Okay, stress, I thought. Then came the eye twitch and then it was "getting stuck". I know this sound weird but, it was almost like a "Charlie Horse" in my eye lid. Then the chest pains started which was right around the time that my brother passed away. I attributed this also to stress. Upon my last visit to the doctor, he took me off of Byetta as it was not "helping me" and put me on Insulin. Funny, it has been 3 weeks since I stopped taking Byetta and I no longer have eye seziures or chest "pressure" OR thank God, the vomitting! After reading all of the other comments, I can only express my sympathy/concern for the horreable medical conditions that this drug may have caused all of you. I will pray for you.

  • CathyApril 18, 2010 at 2:52 pm

    I've posted three pervious comments (2/27/10- Jim). This is the latest on Jim. As of April 2, 2010, Jim had major surgery. He has a 7inch incision where the doctors had to go in and scoop out part of the dead pancreas. The head and tail end of the pancreas is still functioning. He has five drain tubes. We are day 89 out of 176 (since 11/1/09) of being in a hospital and/or Long Term Health Fa[Show More]I've posted three pervious comments (2/27/10- Jim). This is the latest on Jim. As of April 2, 2010, Jim had major surgery. He has a 7inch incision where the doctors had to go in and scoop out part of the dead pancreas. The head and tail end of the pancreas is still functioning. He has five drain tubes. We are day 89 out of 176 (since 11/1/09) of being in a hospital and/or Long Term Health Facility. He is currently in Long Term care since 4/13/10 while his open wound heals. I will say since his surgery on 4/2, he is now able to eat solid food and is holding it down. He has gone months without eating only taking in "clear liquids." He has had a feeding tube inserted three times that bypasses the stomach and part of intestines so the pancreas doesn't have to work. That didn't help. Hopefully, we are on the upswing of recovery. He has endured over six months of constant pain and hospitalizaton. The doctors keep telling us..Jim shouldn't be alive. Truely a miracle that he has made it this far! Don't use Byetta...

  • MichelleApril 12, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    Byetta seemed to be doing great,now last night and this morning I have had some serious stomach pain,burping and then feeling like I have to burp and can't.My heart feeling different and my husband had told some guys at work how well we were doing and one of the guys came in just this morning with news about the Byetta shot.So I looked it up because all of a sudden I'm having problems.My doctor to[Show More]Byetta seemed to be doing great,now last night and this morning I have had some serious stomach pain,burping and then feeling like I have to burp and can't.My heart feeling different and my husband had told some guys at work how well we were doing and one of the guys came in just this morning with news about the Byetta shot.So I looked it up because all of a sudden I'm having problems.My doctor told me several times the only side effect was loosing weight and I thought well, thats the best side effect I ever heard of.I stopped the shot! I'ts not worth the rest of my health.

  • FranApril 11, 2010 at 4:52 pm

    I was prescribed Byetta several years ago not for diabetes but for insulin resistance. I felt well at first and lost about twenty pounds. Then I started to develop eye problems including double vision and eye spasms with generalized weakening of muscles. Does that ring a bell with anyone out there. I had no vision problems before I used Byetta..

  • StephenApril 7, 2010 at 1:09 pm

    I started on the Byetta back in November 09 and I have never been sick but as of today I have been in the Hosp. 5 times the last time I was in was in March. Each and every time it was foir the same reason they said it was my kidney so now I have kidney damage and this last time the doctors told me to stop taking the Byetta Pen. I am more pissed off that these doctors do not read up before they t[Show More]I started on the Byetta back in November 09 and I have never been sick but as of today I have been in the Hosp. 5 times the last time I was in was in March. Each and every time it was foir the same reason they said it was my kidney so now I have kidney damage and this last time the doctors told me to stop taking the Byetta Pen. I am more pissed off that these doctors do not read up before they tell someone to take it.,

  • MavisApril 4, 2010 at 6:08 am

    Hello, My mom dies suddenly after having only two injections. She complained of dizziness, nausea and of feeling really bad from the injections. She had just found out that she was diabetic and had only received two days of the shots. She had been on Lasix for over 3 decades and was swollen. I will always believe that this drug lead to her sudden death. Although this medication maybe helpful in th[Show More]Hello, My mom dies suddenly after having only two injections. She complained of dizziness, nausea and of feeling really bad from the injections. She had just found out that she was diabetic and had only received two days of the shots. She had been on Lasix for over 3 decades and was swollen. I will always believe that this drug lead to her sudden death. Although this medication maybe helpful in the treatment of Type LL Diabetes I believe that I would consider another opinion. I miss my moom and blame the doctor and myself for reassuring her that she would have to adjust to the medication and that what she was feeling would soon go away. Instead, she went away.

  • MargieMarch 11, 2010 at 7:07 pm

    I too took Byetta for a while as a Type II Diabetic. That is untill I found out it might be the cause of my stomach aches. The Dr. did some blood work and called me on a Sunday and told me to get off the Byetta right away and meet her at the Emerg. Room at the local hospital. She said my pancreatic enzymes were out of control and I should be hospitalized! I stopped the byetta and later tests said [Show More]I too took Byetta for a while as a Type II Diabetic. That is untill I found out it might be the cause of my stomach aches. The Dr. did some blood work and called me on a Sunday and told me to get off the Byetta right away and meet her at the Emerg. Room at the local hospital. She said my pancreatic enzymes were out of control and I should be hospitalized! I stopped the byetta and later tests said pancreas was ok. This past week I had a surgery to repair hernia and tear in my stomach muscles, incidental finding by my surgeon that my liver looked horrible so he took two biopsies. Pathology results was non alcoholic Cirrhosis of the Liver! Isn't that great, age 52, not a drinker and Cirrhosis of the Liver to deal with. Heading to the Gastroentolgy Dept to see a HEPATOLOGIST in SF in the next few weeks...could this be connected? I am betting on it! By the way, the every 6 month complete blood work i take never showed any problems with my liver! Would not of know this if I had not needed the surgery for the hernia...we consider ourselves very lucky to have found this!

  • SteveMarch 11, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    Comment by Tamara on 8 March 2010: These excessive diarrhea, and G.I. conditions and are not side effects from diabetes! No - I got them from Metformin! Still do occasionally. The first three months on Metformin were terrible. Metformin + excersize + diet could not get my A1C below 7. I have been on Byetta 10mcg since Feb 2007 - no real problems except occasional nausia - but my A1C is consista[Show More]Comment by Tamara on 8 March 2010: These excessive diarrhea, and G.I. conditions and are not side effects from diabetes! No - I got them from Metformin! Still do occasionally. The first three months on Metformin were terrible. Metformin + excersize + diet could not get my A1C below 7. I have been on Byetta 10mcg since Feb 2007 - no real problems except occasional nausia - but my A1C is consistantly in the high 5's! For me its no contest - Byetta is great.

  • TamaraMarch 9, 2010 at 3:00 am

    '@Steve who posted FEB 20, 2010: These excessive diarrhea, and G.I. conditions and are not side effects from diabetes!

  • MontyMarch 9, 2010 at 2:00 am

    I started using Byetta March 2009. My dr said it would help me loose some weight that would assist with my diabetes. Upon taking it I noticed I began going to the bathroom excessively which was told to me by the dr. I started with the 5mg pen and by the second pen refill I was unable to keep food in due to the diarrhea. I told my dr. in June , but unlike many of your stories my dr. didn't stop it[Show More]I started using Byetta March 2009. My dr said it would help me loose some weight that would assist with my diabetes. Upon taking it I noticed I began going to the bathroom excessively which was told to me by the dr. I started with the 5mg pen and by the second pen refill I was unable to keep food in due to the diarrhea. I told my dr. in June , but unlike many of your stories my dr. didn't stop it he upped the dosage to 10mcg. I began having severe rectum pain from excessive diarrhea and went to walk-in end result I had severe stomach pain, several test. colonoscopy, endoscopy, and now they say I have Chron's disease. Just spent 4 days in the hopital due to severe inflammation of my colon. The pain was unbearable. All this began when I started taking Byetta which does cause damage to the G.I. tract. Bottm Line...This is not just a coincidence. It can't be look at all of these stories from different people across the country this drug is bad for the G.I. Tract System and causes irreversible damage.

  • CathyFebruary 28, 2010 at 12:45 am

    Last posting for us (January 1, 2010) Jim has been in out of hospital since November 1, 2009. We are up to 60 days out of 109 days of being in hospital. Jim has a very large cyst that has formed around his pancreas. Doctors drained five 1 liter bottles of fluid from his abdominal cavity due to the cyst leaking. Now he has a tube connected to the cyst to the outside of his body so the cyst can[Show More]Last posting for us (January 1, 2010) Jim has been in out of hospital since November 1, 2009. We are up to 60 days out of 109 days of being in hospital. Jim has a very large cyst that has formed around his pancreas. Doctors drained five 1 liter bottles of fluid from his abdominal cavity due to the cyst leaking. Now he has a tube connected to the cyst to the outside of his body so the cyst can drain. He will have an Endoscopic Procedure in a few days. Maybe a stent will be put in. Surgery will happen soon. His pancreas has necrotized. Byetta has fried his pancreas. Please do NOT take this drug... This is the sole culprit of my husbands illness. He is now depended on insulin. It's been a long grueling four months and we aren't out of the woods yet. I'll keep updating.

  • steveFebruary 20, 2010 at 8:38 am

    sounds like a bunch of people trying to get free money most of the problems that people have listed seem to be related more to what diabetes and high blood sugar leaves and being obsessed can cause law suit are the reason this country is falling apart

  • mdebernardiFebruary 4, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    My father started taking BYETTA about 2 years ago. He has not lost any wieght, in fact he gained about 25 lbs since taking this drug. He has also developed anemia, AFTER having an endoscopy and colonoscopy; we still have no answers. NOW, the doctor is questioning BYETTA.......lets hope its not too late.

  • BeckyJanuary 22, 2010 at 6:44 pm

    My mother took Byetta for about 2 or 3 yrs. She started having the stomach problems, etc. tired all the time. Pain in her abdomin going through to her back. she would get nausiated and throw up sometimes. She went to several doctors they ran colonoscopy, endoscopy, blood work etc. "found nothing" she was constipated, dark stools, doctors though it was her gall bladder and on Febuary 16th of[Show More]My mother took Byetta for about 2 or 3 yrs. She started having the stomach problems, etc. tired all the time. Pain in her abdomin going through to her back. she would get nausiated and throw up sometimes. She went to several doctors they ran colonoscopy, endoscopy, blood work etc. "found nothing" she was constipated, dark stools, doctors though it was her gall bladder and on Febuary 16th of 2009 she was dx with Pancreatic Cancer. She passed away on August 27th, 2009. STAY AWAY FROM THIS DRUG!!! My mother never had any problems until she started taking Byetta.

  • claudiaJanuary 21, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    I have been on Byetta since Sept of 09. I had increased nasal congestion and severe cough. I began having welts on my stomach that itched and were hard. I discontinued the injections last week and my nose and severe cough are about gone. Welts have not returned. My endo is out on permenent sick leave. They are looking to replace him. The air base does not prescribe this drug. Byetta's need[Show More]I have been on Byetta since Sept of 09. I had increased nasal congestion and severe cough. I began having welts on my stomach that itched and were hard. I discontinued the injections last week and my nose and severe cough are about gone. Welts have not returned. My endo is out on permenent sick leave. They are looking to replace him. The air base does not prescribe this drug. Byetta's needles many times hurt when injecting and are crooked. I also have pain between my shoulder blades now and wonder if this is a result of the Byetta or something else.

  • MarkJanuary 18, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    I took 5 mg for 1 month and then went to 10 mg. I began having upper rt quadrant pain and extreme acid reflux. I toughed it out for three months and then told my dr about my problems. He took me off the Byetta immediately. Since then, I have had recurrent loose stools, and pain. Have had colonoscopy, endoscopy and other tests. Had my gall bladder removed on 12/24/09. I still have pain and loose st[Show More]I took 5 mg for 1 month and then went to 10 mg. I began having upper rt quadrant pain and extreme acid reflux. I toughed it out for three months and then told my dr about my problems. He took me off the Byetta immediately. Since then, I have had recurrent loose stools, and pain. Have had colonoscopy, endoscopy and other tests. Had my gall bladder removed on 12/24/09. I still have pain and loose stools. I would not recommend this drug to anyone.

  • StellaJanuary 14, 2010 at 7:24 pm

    I started taking the Byetta shots in early 2007. It was controlling my blood sugar levels very well. I did experience severe abdominal pain and nausea but felt it was something I had to put up with. 0n October 31of 2007 I was giving myself and shot and felt and severe pain in my lower abdominal at the injection sight. I remove the needle, changed to a new needle and gave myself another injection. [Show More]I started taking the Byetta shots in early 2007. It was controlling my blood sugar levels very well. I did experience severe abdominal pain and nausea but felt it was something I had to put up with. 0n October 31of 2007 I was giving myself and shot and felt and severe pain in my lower abdominal at the injection sight. I remove the needle, changed to a new needle and gave myself another injection. That was on a Monday. By Tuesday I was not feeling so good and the injection sight looked a little red. I went to My doctor on Wednesday and showed him the sight. By Thursday I was in the hospital fighting for my life. My kidneys were shutting down. I was diagnosis with systemic. I wonder??? I am now on Januvia. I received my blood work back last week and have protein in my urine. The Doctor said it is from the diabetes. I still have pain in my left side and lower back.

  • JessicaJanuary 7, 2010 at 8:17 pm

    I was put on Lantus in June 2009, and started taking Byetta in July 2009. Right away I lost a few pounds and felt okay on the medicine. I was soon switched from the 5mcg to 10mcg and that is when I started feeling sick all the time. I stopped taking the Lantus and Byetta in September which I stopped myself do to constant low blood sugars--ended up in the ER because I couldn't even get my sugars[Show More]I was put on Lantus in June 2009, and started taking Byetta in July 2009. Right away I lost a few pounds and felt okay on the medicine. I was soon switched from the 5mcg to 10mcg and that is when I started feeling sick all the time. I stopped taking the Lantus and Byetta in September which I stopped myself do to constant low blood sugars--ended up in the ER because I couldn't even get my sugars above 56. In October my doctor decided to take me off Lantus but keep me on Byetta...which made me sick so again I stopped taking it and then in November he asked me agan to take it, this time in the beginning of December I began to have severe upper abdominal pain that would go into my back. I stopped taking the Byetta again and will not go back on it after hearing all the stories that are so similar to mine. Also during the entire time since I first began Byetta I have had heart palpatations---my heart will skip a beat and it takes me a few minutes to deal with takes my breath away and freaks me out. I advise anyone to discuss what you have read with your doctor before beginning Byetta.

  • SherryJanuary 7, 2010 at 4:37 am

    I started taking Byetta about 9 months ago...Lost 20 pounds and had no side effects the first three months. Then out of nowhere, I started throwing up. What was weird was that I had no nausea or indication that I was going to be sick. I never felt bad before or after vomiting. I continued taking the Byetta because I just didn't realize it was the culprit. About 2 months ago, it finally occurred to[Show More]I started taking Byetta about 9 months ago...Lost 20 pounds and had no side effects the first three months. Then out of nowhere, I started throwing up. What was weird was that I had no nausea or indication that I was going to be sick. I never felt bad before or after vomiting. I continued taking the Byetta because I just didn't realize it was the culprit. About 2 months ago, it finally occurred to me that the Byetta might be the cause, so I stopped taking it, and sure enough, I haven't had any more vomiting. I also haven't had any of these other symptoms people are talking about but now I'm terrified about delayed side effects. Will be going to the dr. really soon to get my levels checked. I am praying for all those going thru such a hard time.

  • AnnaJanuary 2, 2010 at 1:40 am

    I have taken Byetta for several months, got a refill recently, but I wILL NOT be using it. I have severe headaches, weird appetite changes, higher blood pressure levels and nausea. The headaches and nausea are so bad, I cannot function and have to go to bed. my doctor finally prescribed medication for the nausea, but it puts me to SLEEP, so I cannot take it and work daily. I did not know this[Show More]I have taken Byetta for several months, got a refill recently, but I wILL NOT be using it. I have severe headaches, weird appetite changes, higher blood pressure levels and nausea. The headaches and nausea are so bad, I cannot function and have to go to bed. my doctor finally prescribed medication for the nausea, but it puts me to SLEEP, so I cannot take it and work daily. I did not know this drug was so harmful and did not know of the lawsuit. I am so sorry for all the people that have become so ill. I knew my appetite fluctuates very often, but had not clue it was the Byetta. I have never felt so sick. Thanks to everyone that posted a remark here, I will NOT be using my new pen. It is not worth the risk of waiting for more side effects.

  • CathyJanuary 1, 2010 at 4:56 pm

    I posted a comment on 12/29/09. It's now 1/1/10. We were informed by our new Primary Doctor on 12/31/09 to get to the emergency room asap. After reading my husbands CT scan on 12/31, Jim now has Necrotizing Pancreatitis....we are back in the hospital under going more tests!

  • jimDecember 31, 2009 at 6:42 pm

    I have been using Byetta for the past three + years and have had NO adverse effects. My glucose levels were high, my A1C was above 7.5 and I weighed 313 lbs. I am 6'5" tall and 'carried the wieght well.' I have lost more than 30 pounds and aside from the occassional loose bowel movement in the middle of the night have no problems. My doc monitors my kdiney function etc thru quarterly +/- blood [Show More]I have been using Byetta for the past three + years and have had NO adverse effects. My glucose levels were high, my A1C was above 7.5 and I weighed 313 lbs. I am 6'5" tall and 'carried the wieght well.' I have lost more than 30 pounds and aside from the occassional loose bowel movement in the middle of the night have no problems. My doc monitors my kdiney function etc thru quarterly +/- blood checks. I also take Actos and Metformin.

  • CathyDecember 29, 2009 at 6:59 pm

    My husband was taking Byetta for about a year (Aug.08-Nov.09) On November 1, 2009 he went in to the hospital. On November 3, 2009 he was in ICU up until November 19, 2009. Nineteen days in hospital! Acute Pancreatitis! He had to have dialysis twice, needed four units of blood, liver issues, lung issues. We didn't know if he was going to live! He has had Diabetes II for about 6 years. Dr. w[Show More]My husband was taking Byetta for about a year (Aug.08-Nov.09) On November 1, 2009 he went in to the hospital. On November 3, 2009 he was in ICU up until November 19, 2009. Nineteen days in hospital! Acute Pancreatitis! He had to have dialysis twice, needed four units of blood, liver issues, lung issues. We didn't know if he was going to live! He has had Diabetes II for about 6 years. Dr. wanted him to try Byetta! I will say that all the hospital doctors contribute alcohol as one of the culprits. But, my husband has been drinking alcohol for about forty years in moderation. He is 56 now. By the way, he is still recovering from Acute Pancreatitis! He has missed eight weeks of work!! Now we are dealing with Ulcerative Colitis...

  • VivianDecember 17, 2009 at 11:26 pm

    I was given Byetta in 2006 and stopped taking it in early 2008. In the beginning I had mild nausea, burning a the injection site and lost 50 pounds within that time. I was taken off of Byetta due to severe low blood sugar levels (31) luckily I was not hopitalized. It has been over an since I was taken of the Byetta and have had No problems with my kidneys, blood pressure, heart, heart burn, and a[Show More]I was given Byetta in 2006 and stopped taking it in early 2008. In the beginning I had mild nausea, burning a the injection site and lost 50 pounds within that time. I was taken off of Byetta due to severe low blood sugar levels (31) luckily I was not hopitalized. It has been over an since I was taken of the Byetta and have had No problems with my kidneys, blood pressure, heart, heart burn, and any other condition or diagnosis I have read about. Oh, I was taken off the insulin completely when taking Byetta. So I was taking Byetta and Metformin. It would be interesting to find out how many people on this site were on both insulin and Byetta, Byetta and any type of glucose lowering pills or just Byetta? I can only hope the creator keeps me healthy and safe from these severe side effects!!!!

  • MariaDecember 15, 2009 at 10:04 am

    I was given Levaquin samples for an upper respiratory infection and took it for two days, I developed what appeared to be a kidney infection with severe vomiting immediately and weird neurological problems (left facial twitching and drooling) that the doctor could not diagnose which lasted for almost a year. The second time I was given Levaquin for an upper respiratory infection II began experienc[Show More]I was given Levaquin samples for an upper respiratory infection and took it for two days, I developed what appeared to be a kidney infection with severe vomiting immediately and weird neurological problems (left facial twitching and drooling) that the doctor could not diagnose which lasted for almost a year. The second time I was given Levaquin for an upper respiratory infection II began experiencing severe bladder pain within hours. The prescribing doctor acted surprised, my new doctor was not and told me that it can cause kidney problems especially in diabetics. I'm and insuling dependant diabetic and my endocrinologist gave me Byetta. One shot and 24 hours later of the worst nasea and vomiting l ever had my doctor had the nerve to ask me to take another dose. It is contraindicated to use Byetta if you are taking insulin and I had asked about that. He wanted me to try it for weight loss. I changed that doctor too.

  • DianeDecember 13, 2009 at 3:59 am

    I started using Byetta prescribed by my doctor. She said it had helped her other patients loss weight. My insulin level she said was high. I began taking it on Dec. 2, 2009. I am a healthy person who has food sensitivities and a sensitivity to gluten. I have stopped using Byetta as a result of reading about these other cases. I was told by my doctor that Byetta would "heal my pancrease and liver" [Show More]I started using Byetta prescribed by my doctor. She said it had helped her other patients loss weight. My insulin level she said was high. I began taking it on Dec. 2, 2009. I am a healthy person who has food sensitivities and a sensitivity to gluten. I have stopped using Byetta as a result of reading about these other cases. I was told by my doctor that Byetta would "heal my pancrease and liver" It burns when I inject it. The first time my left side hurt for hours. I did have diarrea the third day during the night for eight hours. My blood sugar seems to drop suddenly. I now realize that these and worse problems can come from using this drug. Interesting that it is still being used and the doctor did not mention the possible dangers like death.

  • ChrisDecember 7, 2009 at 9:34 pm

    Please, if there are ANY positive stories out there about Byetta, let us know. I just started it at 5mcg. Am supposed to switch over to 10mcg after this first vial of 5mcg. I am extremely overweight and a type II Diabetic on Metformin. I suffer from extreme bouts of hunger and the Byetta has helped me so much...taken away the awful hunger pangs, reduced my appetite,. I've lost a few pounds, and I [Show More]Please, if there are ANY positive stories out there about Byetta, let us know. I just started it at 5mcg. Am supposed to switch over to 10mcg after this first vial of 5mcg. I am extremely overweight and a type II Diabetic on Metformin. I suffer from extreme bouts of hunger and the Byetta has helped me so much...taken away the awful hunger pangs, reduced my appetite,. I've lost a few pounds, and I have much much more energy and pep than I've had in years. Some mild headache occasionally, and some mild nausea that goes away after a few hours, nothing really bad. I am utterly terrified by the stories I see here. However, I do feel that a good number of the complaints could possibly be medical problems unrelated to the Byetta, and some clearly caused by such things as "drinking vinegar for the heartburn." That alone would give me heartburn. However, the stories about hospitalization I DO believe, and am very concerned about. I certainly cannot afford to miss a bunch of work due to side effects. So, anyone with a positive story, please post it.

  • cherylDecember 6, 2009 at 9:43 pm

    i started byetta about 3 years ago great drug controlled craving andI lost 30 pounds in november 2008 I was diagnosed with anemia took iron for a year and no change I have just had to receive 6 pints of blood in thelast two weeks has anyone else had an anemia problem I am scared to take it now

  • LeslieDecember 3, 2009 at 9:46 pm

    i have type 2 diabetes for about 10 years. i started byetta 3 years ago. i have lost 40 pounds since last christmas. i do not believe i lost the weight from just using byetta. i walked 1 to 1,5 hours a day and changed my diet. i eat less starches. my blood sugars are ok. i have not noticed any stomach pains or any other side effects from using the byetta.

  • CassandraDecember 1, 2009 at 9:39 pm

    started taking byetta lost 5 pounds a month and lower blood sugar but noticed mild to severe stomach pain then in 2 month gladder failed had to have pancitis ducts cleaned and check then glad bladder removed never had a problem in my life with my glad bladder, spend 30 days in hospitals has been a horror show for last 30 days now i need oxygen around the clock and sleep machine because my breathi[Show More]started taking byetta lost 5 pounds a month and lower blood sugar but noticed mild to severe stomach pain then in 2 month gladder failed had to have pancitis ducts cleaned and check then glad bladder removed never had a problem in my life with my glad bladder, spend 30 days in hospitals has been a horror show for last 30 days now i need oxygen around the clock and sleep machine because my breathing is so bad, constant urine flow little or no control over it just been a night mare for last 30 days

  • eugeneNovember 18, 2009 at 2:42 am

    I started on byetta in june/ first my blood glycose went down,and i lost about 6 lbs.i was thrilled,i talked to the drug co.about expiration dates on the pen,was told to throw away any pens over 30 days old.on the next refill there appeared dates of expiration into 2010.with new refills my blood reading went higher and higher.stayed with byetta till nov./09 and told my dr.i was getting off [Show More]I started on byetta in june/ first my blood glycose went down,and i lost about 6 lbs.i was thrilled,i talked to the drug co.about expiration dates on the pen,was told to throw away any pens over 30 days old.on the next refill there appeared dates of expiration into 2010.with new refills my blood reading went higher and higher.stayed with byetta till nov./09 and told my dr.i was getting off byetta,he put me on lantus,and even that does not seem to work,iplan on going to a kidney find out whats happening.hope its not too late

  • ElaineNovember 15, 2009 at 4:10 pm

    My mother has been on Byetta for quite some time. When recently linked her illness to the medication without even researching the drug. Her habits changed drastically. She was and still remains tired all the time. She continues to experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, kidney problems, acid reflux, extremely heavy breathing, internal bleeding (her blood counts are extremely low), abdominal pai[Show More]My mother has been on Byetta for quite some time. When recently linked her illness to the medication without even researching the drug. Her habits changed drastically. She was and still remains tired all the time. She continues to experience diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, kidney problems, acid reflux, extremely heavy breathing, internal bleeding (her blood counts are extremely low), abdominal pain, hypoglycemic (faints regularly). The killer part is that her doctor kept her on the medication for at least a year all the while knowing good and well what was happening to this elderly lady.

  • R. CunninghamNovember 11, 2009 at 4:01 pm

    I started using Byetta in 1995. Loved and tolerated very well for type 2 Diabetes. 3yrs. ago I was scheduled for LapBand surgery. My liver enzymes were very abnormal so they took me off Lipitor, I had the surgery and they did a liver biopsy. They sent the biopsy to the local lab and it came back "fatty liver". My enzymes were still elevated so my Gastro Dr. sent it to UCSF liver clinic. My biopsy [Show More]I started using Byetta in 1995. Loved and tolerated very well for type 2 Diabetes. 3yrs. ago I was scheduled for LapBand surgery. My liver enzymes were very abnormal so they took me off Lipitor, I had the surgery and they did a liver biopsy. They sent the biopsy to the local lab and it came back "fatty liver". My enzymes were still elevated so my Gastro Dr. sent it to UCSF liver clinic. My biopsy showed stage 1 Primary Bililary Chirosis. I am now on Actigol and my liver functions are normal. I will however need to be on the medication for the rest of my life. I am now 69ys old and hope and prayt the disease out lives me as I am not a candidate for a liver transplant if my disease were to progress.

  • KenNovember 2, 2009 at 9:19 pm

    I was given Byetta to take about three years ago for my type two sugar problems. My sugar levels were ok for a time and I never lost weight. To make a long story short, Since taking this junk, I have Neuroendocrine Cancer, three very bad cases of Pancreatitius. My serotonin levels are throught the roof. They had to remove 60% of my pacreaus, all of my spleen, and a chuck off my liver. Laid up for [Show More]I was given Byetta to take about three years ago for my type two sugar problems. My sugar levels were ok for a time and I never lost weight. To make a long story short, Since taking this junk, I have Neuroendocrine Cancer, three very bad cases of Pancreatitius. My serotonin levels are throught the roof. They had to remove 60% of my pacreaus, all of my spleen, and a chuck off my liver. Laid up for months. My sugar is out of control and have all sorts of "fun" eating. You can bet I stopped taking Byetta.

  • sharonOctober 29, 2009 at 5:29 pm

    I started byetta in 2006 and never had any problems with it and lost around 30 pounds. in the spring 2009 I told my dr that my stomach are hurt a lot and asked if I should go off the byette. she said to stick with it longer. said I would know when It was too bad, when I started throwing up. so I trusted her and stayed on it. over the summer I had other issues and didn't get my blood tested when [Show More]I started byetta in 2006 and never had any problems with it and lost around 30 pounds. in the spring 2009 I told my dr that my stomach are hurt a lot and asked if I should go off the byette. she said to stick with it longer. said I would know when It was too bad, when I started throwing up. so I trusted her and stayed on it. over the summer I had other issues and didn't get my blood tested when I should have. last month I had a flue shot and 4 days later got a bad cold. was throwing up a couple days a wk. finally got my blood work done and my liver enzymes are up. saw my dr last night and she took me right off the byetta. what upsets me is why she didn't do this last spring. I had the signs of problems. the red flag was there but she didn't see it. I trusted her opinion. so now I pray that I don't have any long term problems from this like a lot of these people have had. I have to get my blood tested again in 2 weeks and I pray things are normal. I lost both parents on dialysis. I thought I was doing the right thing using byetta. its hard to work or function with the feeling that you want to throw up all the time. I hope this goes away. I don't want to eat.

  • JohnOctober 29, 2009 at 2:31 pm

    I have been on Byetta for about 2 1/2 years now. I have lost 90 pounds while on Byetta. However, it takes me about 2 hours in the morning, after taking my Byetta, to start feeling OK. In addition, since taking Byetta I have developed a gluten intolerance (celiac).

  • BethOctober 20, 2009 at 2:13 pm

    I used Byetta for about two months. Initially it worked well and I ate less and lost weight. Soon, I had a terrible burning pain in my stomach and was always feeling sick and in pain so I was forced to stop this medictaion. As a result I have had an endoscopy, colonoscopy and upper GI. I have now been diagnosed with gastroparisis (paralysis of the stomach) which means my stomach does not empty[Show More]I used Byetta for about two months. Initially it worked well and I ate less and lost weight. Soon, I had a terrible burning pain in my stomach and was always feeling sick and in pain so I was forced to stop this medictaion. As a result I have had an endoscopy, colonoscopy and upper GI. I have now been diagnosed with gastroparisis (paralysis of the stomach) which means my stomach does not empty properly. This is a direct resultof using this medication and now I have to add a medictation for that condition. Don't use this drug. It will harm you.

  • RaineyOctober 14, 2009 at 8:27 pm

    My husband took byetta for almost a year. He had the stomach pains and didn't eat well. He was on it for about a year. He had sever back and stomach pains for months and when he finally went to the Dr he had pancreatic cancer. He lived in pain for more then a year afterward. After all I've read about the byetta in the following months it would not surprise me one bit to know that that was th[Show More]My husband took byetta for almost a year. He had the stomach pains and didn't eat well. He was on it for about a year. He had sever back and stomach pains for months and when he finally went to the Dr he had pancreatic cancer. He lived in pain for more then a year afterward. After all I've read about the byetta in the following months it would not surprise me one bit to know that that was the cause of it. He passed away Nov 18, 2008.

  • RichardOctober 2, 2009 at 5:09 am

    My wife began taking Byetta about 2 years ago because her blood glucose level was not stable with insulin alone. It helped with the glucose levels for a while but her levels started to drop dramatically after a while. On August 30, 2009 she was admitted to ICU with severe abdominal pain, all of her LFTs, creatinine, BUN etc were off the charts. She was diagnosed with acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis[Show More]My wife began taking Byetta about 2 years ago because her blood glucose level was not stable with insulin alone. It helped with the glucose levels for a while but her levels started to drop dramatically after a while. On August 30, 2009 she was admitted to ICU with severe abdominal pain, all of her LFTs, creatinine, BUN etc were off the charts. She was diagnosed with acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. All of her organ systems began to fail. They tried dialysis. IV hydration, and eventually a ventilator since her lungs were failing as well. She died on September 6th, 2009. The COD was Acute Respiratory Distress caused by Acute Hemmorhagic Pacreatitis. All the Drs felt it was due to her use of Byetta. Anyone who is currently using this drug should be made aware of the extremely dangerous side effects this drug can cause and weigh the risk of taking it VERY cautiously.

  • lindaAugust 12, 2009 at 11:15 pm

    i also have just been released from the hospital after being on byetta for about a year. the 5mg dose was ok at first, so i moved to the 10mg. the side effects were awful but the weight loss was great so i stuck it out...after a few months the 10mg became unbearable, so the doctor put me back on 5mg.. this worked for a couple of months, then yuch... sick again... but i hung on... 60 pounds weight[Show More]i also have just been released from the hospital after being on byetta for about a year. the 5mg dose was ok at first, so i moved to the 10mg. the side effects were awful but the weight loss was great so i stuck it out...after a few months the 10mg became unbearable, so the doctor put me back on 5mg.. this worked for a couple of months, then yuch... sick again... but i hung on... 60 pounds weight loss was fantastic.. in july i stopped urinating and on the 3rd day was told i was in kidney failure. rushed to hospital and spent 5 days while they got them going again and then 5 more for a blood clot from the IV they had in my arm. i am lucky to have normal function again and am very grateful for that. my potassium was 12 and my kreatin (sp) was dangerously high as well. they said my heart could have stopped at any time... needless to say i am no longer taking byetta and i feel great. i have energy, and feel better that i have in a long time. please be careful if you are taking byetta ... it does not warn about kidneys !!!!

  • JOSEPhAugust 3, 2009 at 6:54 pm


  • EvanJuly 28, 2009 at 3:05 am

    Wife started Byetta in oct 2007 and stopped it in March 2009 because of abnormal lfts. Alk phos 387, ggtp200 ,sgpt 130 and sgot 65. These abnormal lfts have persisted despite stopping Byetta for 4 months. While taking byetta wife always had epigastric discomfort. Pancreas and Kidneys have been normal. All serological tests for autoimmune hepatitis and viral [Show More]Wife started Byetta in oct 2007 and stopped it in March 2009 because of abnormal lfts. Alk phos 387, ggtp200 ,sgpt 130 and sgot 65. These abnormal lfts have persisted despite stopping Byetta for 4 months. While taking byetta wife always had epigastric discomfort. Pancreas and Kidneys have been normal. All serological tests for autoimmune hepatitis and viral hepatitis were normal as were sonograms, MRCP , ct scan with contrast, and EUS. My wife and I are convinced that byetta caused the abnormal lfts. Soon the hepatologist will do liver bx . When I stopped the Byetta in March the lfts were only marginally elevated but peaked at 3 times the normal values 3 months later . Thank god we stopped the Byettta hopefully before permanent damage was done!

  • TerriJuly 15, 2009 at 8:08 pm

    We almost lost my best friend due to this. She was in ICU for about a week. It scared me and her husband. This a crazy that the doctor did not tell her about the bulletins.

  • KATHY MJuly 7, 2009 at 3:32 pm


  • BettyJuly 6, 2009 at 4:57 am

    I started Byetta for blood sugar controll and weight loss. I had abdomina pain to the point my doctor had me tested for stomach cancer. The pain continues even after I have stoped the byetta. My blood count dropped to 6 and now I have to have blood tranfusion and iron transfusion. My kidneys also failed. I recomended no-one take this drug.

  • EileenJune 22, 2009 at 7:28 pm

    When my dr put me on this - i took it for about 3 months in 2006, I looked forward to it because of the hype that it would help me lose weight too- but within the 3rd month I began to feel sick to my stomach alot and my blood pressure would bottom out, after I woke up in the middle of the night freezing in the middle of the summer I went to the dr and stopped taking byetta - I still have problems[Show More]When my dr put me on this - i took it for about 3 months in 2006, I looked forward to it because of the hype that it would help me lose weight too- but within the 3rd month I began to feel sick to my stomach alot and my blood pressure would bottom out, after I woke up in the middle of the night freezing in the middle of the summer I went to the dr and stopped taking byetta - I still have problems with my g. i. and believe this is related to my use of byetta for the short period of time I did use it.

  • ChrisJune 16, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    I took my first dose of Byetta this morning... I'm trying to get my health on track. Thank you for the information. I will discontinue the Byetta if any extreme side affect take place or the pen is exhausted (which ever comes first).

  • kariJune 3, 2009 at 11:34 am

    I was put on byetta last year. IT was HORRIBLE i would cry before my injections because i knew i would be violently ill. I was told by my doctor that the side effects were normal and would pass over time..but they didnt they got worse. so bad infact that i was in the emegency room weekly for massive abdominal pain wich they could not explain they tried everything right down to removing my gallbla[Show More]I was put on byetta last year. IT was HORRIBLE i would cry before my injections because i knew i would be violently ill. I was told by my doctor that the side effects were normal and would pass over time..but they didnt they got worse. so bad infact that i was in the emegency room weekly for massive abdominal pain wich they could not explain they tried everything right down to removing my gallbladder (wich was perfectly health) I truly belive it was due to teh byetta . still to this day i suffer from unexplained massive abdominal pain that cripples me. I would break out in massive sweats and vomit so hard that i really thought my insides were going to come out. i ultimately stopped taking it and found a new doctor. it was not normal to feel that way and my doctor pushed so hard for me to stay on it. my husband called her in a panic one night and she told him to tell me to buck up and deal with a little nausea. as i was sweating from head to toe and violently shaking as i couldnt even sip water. i truly felt as though i were dying. and to this day i still get the pain. it is an evil drug please dont take it. you will suffer.

  • boblynnApril 26, 2009 at 11:11 pm

    I began taking byetta in 2006. I had great results, weight loss and great blood A1Cs. I did have just a short time of upset stomach at the beginning, nothing I was really bothered by. In the fall of 2007, I went on a business trip to Salt Lake City, UT. As I was leaving the city I began to be ill, within a week I was in the hospital. severe projectile vomiting, low blood sugars and diarrhea (which[Show More]I began taking byetta in 2006. I had great results, weight loss and great blood A1Cs. I did have just a short time of upset stomach at the beginning, nothing I was really bothered by. In the fall of 2007, I went on a business trip to Salt Lake City, UT. As I was leaving the city I began to be ill, within a week I was in the hospital. severe projectile vomiting, low blood sugars and diarrhea (which resulted in dehydration). After several trips to emergency room for treatment for the dehydration I was finally admitted. During my hospitalization they took me off the Byetta, with little explanation. I was never really diagnosed with any illness -- a few weeks later we learned that there was some water born virus in Eli UT when I was there -- it was assumed this was the problem. I was run through a large number of tests including a colonoscopy and one from the other end.. I eventually got better. When in the hospital they also discovered I had extremely low blood counts which was treated with Procrit. Later, I was diagnosed as Aplastic Anemia. I also began having problems with my sodium levels (too low) a little while after I began taking byeatta. I still am on restricted liquids for this. In April of last year I suffered Acute Kidney failure and was in a coma for three days. I still have some memory loss from the coma. My kidneys operate at around 70% with a few dips to the 50% since the kidney failure. I have gained all the weight back that I lost on byeatta, and even weight loss medicine will not make my weight go down. I have constant constipation. Sometimes close to two weeks between movements and that is with taking 2 Alli 3 times a day (Dr. prescribed Olliostat which is the same thing as Alli but lots cheaper), + other meds for constipation with minimal results. I don't know if it is related, but I have had this problem since the diarrhea stopped from illness in fall of 2008. We have practically gone broke with my medical between Fall of 2007 and Now. We have insurance, but I capped out my prescription in June of 2008 (procrit shots were costing us out of pocket $2600 a month) The prescriptions have been the biggest problem. But the lost work for both me and my husband is the worst, we are self employed so we have no sick leave or family leave. The two hospitalizations totaled 18 days alone, that doesn't count all the times running to emergency room and Drs. (both 60 miles round trip from home.) Most of last year I was too ill to drive the distance, so husband would have to close the shop to take me to the Dr.s. I sometimes wonder if we will ever recover and rebuild the business we've lost as a result!

  • DoloresApril 21, 2009 at 10:07 pm

    I was prescribed Byetta the summer of 2005, first 5mg and than increased to 10mg each meal (3). I had lost 25 lbs by the end of 2006, but I was feeling nauseous during that period of time, but later on 2007 I started to feel sick to my stomach and was starting to throw-up, and felt like I had heartburn. Sometimes at night I would wake up with a burning acide rushing up my throat. Byetta is not f[Show More]I was prescribed Byetta the summer of 2005, first 5mg and than increased to 10mg each meal (3). I had lost 25 lbs by the end of 2006, but I was feeling nauseous during that period of time, but later on 2007 I started to feel sick to my stomach and was starting to throw-up, and felt like I had heartburn. Sometimes at night I would wake up with a burning acide rushing up my throat. Byetta is not for me.

  • Byetta Thyroid Cancer Risk Not Seen According to Amylin - AboutLawsuits.comApril 8, 2009 at 1:56 pm

    [...] to Amylin Pharmaceuticals, Inc., the new long-acting version of their diabetes drug Byetta does not have the same link to thyroid cancer recently associated with Novo Nordisk’s [...]

  • AndreaApril 3, 2009 at 12:01 am

    My husband was on byetta over a year ago. He quit taking it due to our insurance changed and it was going to be to expensive for us. For the past 6-8 months, he has been having pain in his upper stomach and diarreah. The Dr ran tests, showed elevated liver. Ran other tests. Said he has IBS. After reading all of this, I think it has something to do with the byetta.

  • Amylin Says Byetta Side Effects Not Linked to Risk of Heart Problems - AboutLawsuits.comMarch 27, 2009 at 3:42 pm

    [...] Byetta has been used by over 700,000 people in the United States and generates annual sales of around $650 million, which is expected to increase dramatically if a new longer-acting version of the drug is approved. However, sales growth has stalled over the past year after reports linked side effects of Byetta to a risk of pancreatitis. [...]

  • GailMarch 21, 2009 at 1:37 pm

    I took Byetta and ended up with Liver damage. I urge every one that has liver damage from Byetta to e-mail the FDA so they will watch for more than pancreatic damage.All GI problems concerning Byetta should be reported to the FDA. This drug IS causing multiple problems for many people and I don't think its going to stop any time soon.The damage doesn't seem to improve after you stop using Byetta

  • GailMarch 19, 2009 at 8:42 pm

    I started Byetta in 2006. I loved it . My sugar was finally under control and I lost a few pounds. By early 2007 I started getting sick and had elevated liver enzymes.. By October of 2007 I was extremely ill , had severe abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting.A liver biopsy showed that I already had cirrhosis of the liver. I have only been diabetic for about 4 years. No where near long enough for [Show More]I started Byetta in 2006. I loved it . My sugar was finally under control and I lost a few pounds. By early 2007 I started getting sick and had elevated liver enzymes.. By October of 2007 I was extremely ill , had severe abdominal pain and nausea and vomiting.A liver biopsy showed that I already had cirrhosis of the liver. I have only been diabetic for about 4 years. No where near long enough for the Diabetes to have caused this on its on. My Nurse Practitioner feels that the byetta is the cause also.I have already notified the FDA of my story and I hope they pay attention. Someone has to stop this madness . I belong to a diabetic support group and there are a lot of people still using this product. My heart goes out to the families of the patients that have died. But There are many of us that are facing a death sentence because of this.

  • LynnMarch 5, 2009 at 8:38 pm

    I took Byette for a year and was nauseated the entire year. I would get so sick I would have to go to bed after taking it. But my sugars and A1C were under control and I lost almost 30 pounds. Then my sugars started to plunge to hypoglycemic numbers and I felt like I have never felt before, so scary, like you are dying or on fire inside. The doctor said the nausea was from acid reflux not Byetta? [Show More]I took Byette for a year and was nauseated the entire year. I would get so sick I would have to go to bed after taking it. But my sugars and A1C were under control and I lost almost 30 pounds. Then my sugars started to plunge to hypoglycemic numbers and I felt like I have never felt before, so scary, like you are dying or on fire inside. The doctor said the nausea was from acid reflux not Byetta? Horrible pain aroiund my chest and in my stomach and chronic diahrea. So why didn't he tell me that when I asked him over and over about it? Now I have acid reflux so bad that he has me on acidphex and I am drinking organic vinegar with apple juice to try and stand it. I never had these porblems until the Byetta and now he wnat o prescribe a new thing called Symlin Pen? Because I may gain weight?

  • FayeFebruary 11, 2009 at 12:05 am

    I took byetta for two years and recently rushed to hospital with Renal failure.

  • PATRICIAFebruary 7, 2009 at 7:31 pm

    well thought i might add bit more after mt previous message i now have very exstended stomache cant get in my clothes pain is horrific under ribs through to my back never felt like this in my life after 9 months of byetta PLEASE DONT ANYONE TAKE IT apart from bit high sugars i was ok previos to byetta now i hav e put one stone on cannot loose weight nothing takes mt stomache pain off feel sick wh[Show More]well thought i might add bit more after mt previous message i now have very exstended stomache cant get in my clothes pain is horrific under ribs through to my back never felt like this in my life after 9 months of byetta PLEASE DONT ANYONE TAKE IT apart from bit high sugars i was ok previos to byetta now i hav e put one stone on cannot loose weight nothing takes mt stomache pain off feel sick when i do eat i blow up like a balloon in constant pain enlarged liver and possibly going towards pancretitus which i am seeing my gp and specialist this month i have had camera in stomache and scan with dye i am damaged by this rubbish and will be taking up a lawsuit very soon

  • patriciaFebruary 6, 2009 at 6:11 pm

    wellwere do i start chronic stomache pains my stomache is massive cant bear it to be touchrd on byetta 9 months the last 2 months severly ill vomiting after ever bit food sweating now after 9 months and taken off it chronic stomache pain back on metformin (glucoghage 4 a day gligklazide one a day constant antibiotics for water infections lasaparazole and other stomache meds now suffer acid reflux [Show More]wellwere do i start chronic stomache pains my stomache is massive cant bear it to be touchrd on byetta 9 months the last 2 months severly ill vomiting after ever bit food sweating now after 9 months and taken off it chronic stomache pain back on metformin (glucoghage 4 a day gligklazide one a day constant antibiotics for water infections lasaparazole and other stomache meds now suffer acid reflux never had befor byettanever been so ill under stomache specialist and diabetus specialist constantly constant pain please dont anyone go on this i also now have enlarged liver and showing pancreitus were does it end was fine till i went on this

  • DonaldFebruary 1, 2009 at 8:18 pm

    I took 5 shots of Byetta 5mcg - on the third day the heartburn and abdominal pain and fatigue were so severe for that I broke out in a full body sweat. I was never informed of this side effect before being prescribed. So I continued for 2 more days and thank God my wife is an RN - I went to the hospital and my LFT's (liver Function tests) were extremely abnormal - That was only one day ago - I h[Show More]I took 5 shots of Byetta 5mcg - on the third day the heartburn and abdominal pain and fatigue were so severe for that I broke out in a full body sweat. I was never informed of this side effect before being prescribed. So I continued for 2 more days and thank God my wife is an RN - I went to the hospital and my LFT's (liver Function tests) were extremely abnormal - That was only one day ago - I have to have the blood tests rechecked in 6 days to see if they are going back to normal...ALT normal 50 - mine 1068.....Please do NOT take this drug

  • Byetta Pancreatitis Problems Cause Sales and Amylin Stock to Fall : AboutLawsuits.comJanuary 29, 2009 at 6:28 pm

    [...] Byetta (exenatide), which is marketed jointly by Amylin and Eli Lilly & Co., was approved in 2005 for treatment of type 2 diabetes. It has been prescribed to about 1 million people in the United States, and Amylin has been attempting to gain expanded approval to market a long-acting version of the drug. [...]

  • ShariJanuary 26, 2009 at 8:02 am

    I began taking Byetta in September 2005. I began with the .5mcg dosage with some nausea for a few months and occassional vomitting but eventually my body got used to it and my sugar was controlled and I began to lose weight as well.. Then in April of 2008, my blood pressure began to go up despite my BP meds as did my weight with a lot of waterweight gains so my doctor increased my BP med and in[Show More]I began taking Byetta in September 2005. I began with the .5mcg dosage with some nausea for a few months and occassional vomitting but eventually my body got used to it and my sugar was controlled and I began to lose weight as well.. Then in April of 2008, my blood pressure began to go up despite my BP meds as did my weight with a lot of waterweight gains so my doctor increased my BP med and increased my Byetta dosage to 10mcg. That dosage made me deathly sick...mostly in the evenings. I rarely kept anything down so I made the mistake of eating very little at night and eating my bigger meal at noon which defeated the purpose of the Byetta. I lost the weight and my sugar was kept within acceptable range but the vomitting was wrecking my body and I was losing weight the wrong way. My doctor took me off of Byetta last October and put me on 2 tabs of Janumet/day. It took my body a couple of months to get used to being off the Byetta and on the Janumet, but my sugar is stable and I have not gained back the weight I lost plus my BP has remained controlled. I do not miss the Byetta. It was definitely not for me...I had enough of that nausea with 3 pregnancies...I didn't not want to have to put up with it for the rest of my life.

  • DorisJanuary 21, 2009 at 5:46 pm

    I started taking Byetta in March 27th of 2008 and stopped taking it soon after. While I was on it and even after I stopped taking it I experience severe abdominal pain, nausea, heart palpatations, and now my stomach does not empty properly. It may have even caused a bacterial infection I had soon after taking it. I stopped taking it because I couldn't handle the side effects anymore and I'm still [Show More]I started taking Byetta in March 27th of 2008 and stopped taking it soon after. While I was on it and even after I stopped taking it I experience severe abdominal pain, nausea, heart palpatations, and now my stomach does not empty properly. It may have even caused a bacterial infection I had soon after taking it. I stopped taking it because I couldn't handle the side effects anymore and I'm still having problems with my stomach and GI tract.

  • SharonJanuary 19, 2009 at 3:09 pm

    In July of 2007 I was prescribed Byetta and began to use it. It worked extremely well at controlling my blood sugars, however I was constantly sick to my stomach with diarrhea constantly. I used this drug until November of the same year. I could no longer take the bad side effects and called my doctor. He told me to immediately stop using the Byetta and he prescribed Januvia. Until about thre[Show More]In July of 2007 I was prescribed Byetta and began to use it. It worked extremely well at controlling my blood sugars, however I was constantly sick to my stomach with diarrhea constantly. I used this drug until November of the same year. I could no longer take the bad side effects and called my doctor. He told me to immediately stop using the Byetta and he prescribed Januvia. Until about three weeks ago I had this feeling of being extremely full all the time. I'm just wondering if this could have been some lasting side effects from the drug. Has anyone else experienced this?

  • angelaJanuary 17, 2009 at 2:51 pm

    I never lost a pound on the byettam, as I was promised. It did control my appetite. I was naseus when I first started but then that subsided. I am afraid to go back to the dr. I did stop taking my byetta about 3 mnths ago because I hated giving myself shots.

  • S SmartJanuary 9, 2009 at 9:19 pm

    I took for 3 months everyday vomiting and pain. My doctor believed in the drug and did not want to take me off of it. I finally told him there was no way I was continuing to take this medicine. I still have problems with my GI tract.

  • JarrodJanuary 5, 2009 at 5:27 pm

    i've been taken byetta for about 1 year my liver levels are out of control it has gone up by three times higher since taken byetta. my kidneys levels are bad also i have not checked my pancreas levels. i also suffer from lower back pain below my ribs when i lay down throuhout the night. i shake, have bad heartburn and nausia. if i stop taken Byetta will this get any better?

  • StuDecember 30, 2008 at 6:54 am

    I'm afraid to eat anything because the Byetta shot starts a radiating burning feeling in my stomach within 1 hour followed my throwing up shortly there after. From 5:15pm last night when I took the shot until around 3:30am I had this constant burning feeling throughout my body just like when I was taking the Chemo treatments. Bye Bye BYETTA Before this stuff frys my insides out!!!

  • BillDecember 19, 2008 at 3:05 pm

    I have taken Byetta since 2005 when it was first approved. I have never had any problems with nausia and my blood sugar has been well controled. I have had some heart problems over the past three years I have had to have stints put in on two occassions as well as triple by-pass surgery. I had never had any heart problems in my life, also my chlostriol levels have always been excellent. I am n[Show More]I have taken Byetta since 2005 when it was first approved. I have never had any problems with nausia and my blood sugar has been well controled. I have had some heart problems over the past three years I have had to have stints put in on two occassions as well as triple by-pass surgery. I had never had any heart problems in my life, also my chlostriol levels have always been excellent. I am not a Dr. but, I feel that all of tthese problems were brought on by the use of Byetta/

  • RichardDecember 15, 2008 at 4:46 am

    I took byetta for 14 months and had excellent control over my diabetes as well as lost 50 pounds. Six weeks ago my endocrinologist d/c my byetta and prescribed insulin due to extremely elevated liver enzynes. SMy liver levels have now gotten back to almost normal. I also had to d/c lipitor at the same time so I'm uncertain which or if both are related.

  • patriciaDecember 9, 2008 at 1:24 am

    in 2006 i was precribed byetta. i began to take it even with the warning from my dr. about the side effects. he did say stay with it because in timr the symptoms will probably go away. that is what i did, every side effect listed i experienced. i was sick as a dog, lost a great deal of wehit, could not keep anything down, the abdominal was awful, i mostely stayed in bed then i would take the sec[Show More]in 2006 i was precribed byetta. i began to take it even with the warning from my dr. about the side effects. he did say stay with it because in timr the symptoms will probably go away. that is what i did, every side effect listed i experienced. i was sick as a dog, lost a great deal of wehit, could not keep anything down, the abdominal was awful, i mostely stayed in bed then i would take the second dose, the onslaught continued. after being told by my dr. to hang on a few more weeks i did but got no better. in 2007 i stoped taking byetta for three months then i was told to begin again. again i suffered the same symptoms but with a vengence. after 6 mo. i finally told my dr. i could not do this anymore. now i take lantus, but my sugars are difficult to keep at a normal range.

  • FDA Byetta Review for Expanded Use Delayed as Agency Reviews Warning Revisions : AboutLawsuits.comDecember 8, 2008 at 4:30 pm

    [...] Byetta (exenatide), which is jointly marketed by Amylin and Lilly, has been used by nearly 1 million people in the United States to help control blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics. It is currently approved as an add-on therapy for people also using metformin, a sulfonylurea drug or a thiazolidinedione medication, such as Avandia or Actos. [...]

  • ShellyDecember 1, 2008 at 5:28 pm

    I started Byetta in 2006 and stop taking it about four months ago. I was never told about the pancreatitis issues. My doctor took me off of it because my blood sugar was well maintained. For a little over a year I have been having severe abdonminal pain and abnormal bloodwork. I was told my liver and pancreas levels were high. I have under gone several tests. Now it looks like I have liver d[Show More]I started Byetta in 2006 and stop taking it about four months ago. I was never told about the pancreatitis issues. My doctor took me off of it because my blood sugar was well maintained. For a little over a year I have been having severe abdonminal pain and abnormal bloodwork. I was told my liver and pancreas levels were high. I have under gone several tests. Now it looks like I have liver disease. I'm having a liver biospy done this coming Thursday to see how bad it is. I'm 34 and what most doctors consider a good diabetic. My A1C hasn't been any higher than 6.7 in a year and a half. Now I'm thinking that their is a link to my liver issues. Has anyone else been having liver issues? I was also told that my gall bladder is involved. So I'm having issues with three organs. I had a full cardio work up about three months ago. Everything is fine. I only failed the EKG. Since taking Byetta I have been having heart palpations. I'm glad I'm no longer taking Byetta.

  • pattyNovember 13, 2008 at 4:09 pm

    I started taking byetta in july of 07. It worked wonderful until aug of 08 when i developed severe pain and was taken to a local hospital where they transferred me to a bigger hospital. I am still having pain of and on and have to take morphine when it is severe.

  • JenniferNovember 12, 2008 at 9:43 pm

    I began taking Byetta in December of 2007, and continued to take it until April of 2008. Though it worked wonders at lowering my blood sugar levels in combination with my Glipizide, it made me sick to my stomach with serious abdominal pain. In August of this year my pills completely stopped working, causing my sugar levels to soar into the 500's on nearly a daily basis, and I was informed that m[Show More]I began taking Byetta in December of 2007, and continued to take it until April of 2008. Though it worked wonders at lowering my blood sugar levels in combination with my Glipizide, it made me sick to my stomach with serious abdominal pain. In August of this year my pills completely stopped working, causing my sugar levels to soar into the 500's on nearly a daily basis, and I was informed that my pancreas had completely stopped working, and there are threats of dialysis in the very near future. I am going to have additional tests run this week, but I need to know if anyone else has had issues like this after taking this drug?

  • Concerns About Byetta Deaths Require Amylin to Cut Work Force : AboutLawsuits.comNovember 12, 2008 at 6:30 pm

    [...] which has recently been associated with 6 deaths caused by severe cases of pancreatitis.   Byetta (exenatide) is a synthetic incretin mimetic, which is sold in a pre-filled pen by Amylin [...]

  • FDA Requires Additional Byetta Safety Data Before Considering Long-Acting Version : AboutLawsuits.comNovember 5, 2008 at 5:16 pm

    [...] Byetta (exenatide) is a synthetic hormone sold in a pre-filled pen by Amylin Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Eli Lilly & Co. The type 2 diabetes drug, which is currently administered twice a day as a subcutaneous injection, lowers blood glucose levels by stimulating insulin secretion from pancreatitis cells. [...]

  • LindaOctober 31, 2008 at 8:49 pm

    I being for the last five months having chest pains and my EKG test has being unnormal. I being recommed to go too a heart doctor. I'm 43 years of age and, I have never had problems, before taken Byetta.

  • BrigitteOctober 23, 2008 at 1:30 am

    In 2006-2007 I was on Byetta. At first it really helped my blood sugar and I ate less. But I was always sick with abdominal pain which I thought it would pass but never did. I still have GI problems to this day.

  • LindaOctober 15, 2008 at 2:52 am

    around october 2003 my dr. put me on byetta. In February 2005 I had to have my right kidney removed andon May 27, 2007 i had to go on dialysis.

  • SonjiOctober 8, 2008 at 5:28 pm

    I started Byetta in May 2008. I thought this was a wonder drug. My blood sugars were normal for a change. However, in June 2008, I developed severe abdominal pain and was hospitalized. I was dx with a small bowel obstruction and pancreatitis. The hospitalist stopped my byetta because of the reports he had heard regarding the use of Byetta and pancreatitis. Four month later, I still have GI pr[Show More]I started Byetta in May 2008. I thought this was a wonder drug. My blood sugars were normal for a change. However, in June 2008, I developed severe abdominal pain and was hospitalized. I was dx with a small bowel obstruction and pancreatitis. The hospitalist stopped my byetta because of the reports he had heard regarding the use of Byetta and pancreatitis. Four month later, I still have GI problems and have been told this is probaly due to the Byetta.

  • Byetta Lawsuit Filed For Pancreatitis : AboutLawsuits.comAugust 21, 2008 at 4:32 pm

    [...] PagesFDA Warns of Additional Byetta Pancreatitis Reports Byetta LawsuitsRapamune (sirolimus) Lawsuits Filed Under: News Tags: Byetta • Diabetes • [...]

  • FDA Warns of Additional Byetta Pancreatitis Reports : AboutLawsuits.comAugust 19, 2008 at 8:55 pm

    [...] PagesByetta Lawsuits Filed Under: News Tags: Byetta • [...]

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