Mesothelioma Lawsuits
Exposure to asbestos can cause the development of mesothelioma. Lawsuits have been filed nationwide against asbestos manufacturers.
Exposure to asbestos can cause the development of mesothelioma. Lawsuits have been filed nationwide against asbestos manufacturers.
The draft findings come shortly after a ban was announced last month on the last forms of asbestos that were still legally allowed to be used in the United States.
The rule includes new workplace safety requirements for those industries given more than two years to phase out chrysotile asbestos.
Asbestos risks in older federal buildings makes it difficult to sell them and recoup taxpayer money spent on cleanup and maintenance, officials say.
Mesothelioma cancer patients given pegargiminase had a 29% lower risk of death and 35% lower risk of disease progression in a recent clinical study.
The study indicates asbestos exposure stimulates production of a protein which starts the inflammation process leading to a mesothelioma diagnosis.
It has taken this long for mesothelioma rates to decline due to the long latency period of the disease, which can appear decades after asbestos exposure.
The new rules include restrictions on chrysotile asbestos, exposure to which can increase the risk of mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer.
In April, the EPA proposed a rule which would ban the last legal asbestos use in the U.S.
The rule would ban the use and import of chrysotile asbestos into the United States, which continues to be used in certain products and industries