Side Effects of Miralax, Similar Laxatives May Increase Risk of Dementia, Study Warns
The use of multiple types of laxatives was linked with a 90% increased risk of dementia, according to the findings

The findings of new research suggests those who frequently use laxatives may face a significantly higher risk of developing dementia later in life, which may be a side effect of products like Miralax, Ex-Lax and others, which promote intestinal toxins.
The study was published online last week by the American Academy of Neurology in the medical journal Neurology, indicating routine use of laxatives was associated with more than 50% increased dementia risk, when compared to those who never used the drugs.
Laxatives are medicines used to help relieve constipation, a common gastrointestinal disorder characterized by difficulty passing stools. There are two classes of the drugs, which are categorized as either bulk-forming or osmotic laxatives.
Bulk-forming laxatives are formulated with fiber to soak up water in the intestines to create a larger volume of stool, thus causing the bowel to contract and easier passage. Osmotic laxatives are designed to attract water to the colon to provide additional lubrication for easier passage through the bowels.
While many of the drugs are sold over-the-counter under brand names such as Miralax, Ex-Lax and others, they can also be prescribed with higher strengths to patients with chronic bowel conditions. Some of the most common prescription brands of laxatives include Constulose and Enulose.

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Learn MoreAccording to the study, individuals who regularly used either type of laxative face an elevated risk of developing dementia when compared to those who never used the drugs.
Researchers from the UK reviewed data collected from 502,229 individuals between the ages of 40 to 69 years old who had no prior history of dementia. Of the participants, 18,235 reported using laxatives most days of the week.
After an average follow up of 9.8 years, researchers discovered that 218 (1.3%) participants with regular use of laxatives and 1,969 (0.4%) with no regular use developed all-cause dementia. Researchers further identified the risk of both all-cause dementia and vascular dementia increased when individuals mixed the use of laxatives types, or solely used osmotic laxatives, like Miralax.
Specifically, the study found individuals taking only osmotic laxatives faced a 64% increased risk of dementia, while those taking two or more types of laxatives faced a 90% increased risk.
Researchers determined that while the results of the study do not prove that laxatives cause dementia, the data indicates there is a strong association between side effects of laxatives and the onset of the condition.
The authors noted that the use of laxatives are typically only intended for short terms unless otherwise directed by a doctor, however many individuals may be unaware of this, causing them to unknowingly overuse the drugs, which could put them at an increased risk of developing dementia.
Jo AnnaDecember 10, 2023 at 4:38 pm
I have suffered from IBS C since 2002. I was told to take Miralax daily by my OBGYN. That was 21 years ago. I still take it daily and my doctor still knows this and stills says it's okay that there are zero issues. I've been to specialist that know this and they have said nothing as well.
LatriceMarch 12, 2023 at 2:39 pm
They wanted to put my then 8 YO son on his 3rd psych med; I refused. He was diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder. His meltdowns looked like demonic possession with hissing and uncontrollable rage. He pulled a knife on the nanny. He talked about suicide and killing others. I would drop him off at school and he was in a happy mood. Within literally 5 minutes I would get phone calls that he[Show More]They wanted to put my then 8 YO son on his 3rd psych med; I refused. He was diagnosed with intermittent explosive disorder. His meltdowns looked like demonic possession with hissing and uncontrollable rage. He pulled a knife on the nanny. He talked about suicide and killing others. I would drop him off at school and he was in a happy mood. Within literally 5 minutes I would get phone calls that he was throwing chairs. He started 3rd grade reading on a K level. I took him off ALL meds, including Miralax that he had been on for years. By December he was reading on grade level and his teacher’s praised his behavior. I was only suspicious of Miralax so when he got backed up 12/9, I gave him one small dose. By 12/12 he was suspended. He was suspended every week until I got him in to see a naturopath one March. They started restoring his gut. Within a week I was getting messages regarding his good behavior at school. I think physicians often dismiss this behavior as “natural” for kids and miss detrimental behavioral and developmental side effects.
AngieMarch 10, 2023 at 1:54 pm
I do not recommend. My 12 yr old has been taking daily for years and her anxiety, depression, ADHD have all increased exponentially. I've recently discontinued use and am just hoping her anxiety and such will decrease and she will go back to being happy and healthy. This product is NOT SAFE for human consumption and DEFINITELY NOT for babies and children. Please stop prescribing!
TheresaMarch 9, 2023 at 5:18 pm
It doesn't surprise me. Every time I use medications, eat food, or use personal hygiene products containing PEG (Miralax), I can't think straight for months.
KristyMarch 9, 2023 at 2:56 pm
Peg /pg/ nanoparticles causes anaphylaxis misdiagnosed as afib. Serious problem.
BrianMarch 9, 2023 at 11:40 am
This medication has so many side effects that these doctors do not tell you my 8 year daughter use to be so well behaved fearless and never dealt with anxiety she's been on and off since she was a baby and will never be put back on it due to the side effects she has anxiety panic attacks intrusive thoughts and severe mood swings this medication has caused so much stress on her and our family pleas[Show More]This medication has so many side effects that these doctors do not tell you my 8 year daughter use to be so well behaved fearless and never dealt with anxiety she's been on and off since she was a baby and will never be put back on it due to the side effects she has anxiety panic attacks intrusive thoughts and severe mood swings this medication has caused so much stress on her and our family please stop prescribing this to our children
MarloMarch 9, 2023 at 10:06 am
My daughter was prescribed Miralax at two years old and was on it for over two years until she developed a severe form of Epilepsy and a motor tic. The overuse of Miralax in children is a tragedy - it has impacted our life and changed it forever. My daughter is ten years old and still suffering the aftereffects of Miralax. She continues to have seizures and will probably be on Epilepsy medicat[Show More]My daughter was prescribed Miralax at two years old and was on it for over two years until she developed a severe form of Epilepsy and a motor tic. The overuse of Miralax in children is a tragedy - it has impacted our life and changed it forever. My daughter is ten years old and still suffering the aftereffects of Miralax. She continues to have seizures and will probably be on Epilepsy medications her entire life. Miralax is NOT approved by the FDA for children - why are doctors telling us to use it? Please take our concerns seriously. The studies need to continue - this needs to stop. Please contact me for more information.
CodispotMarch 9, 2023 at 9:35 am
My son is autistic, non speaking. He suffered from constipation and I was told to give him doses daily. He started getting a rash. A few days later he started with more aggression and his behavior ( OCD) was terrible. Once I stopped his rash went away and the aggression. Sadly, sometimes we are desperate and don't realize the chemicals in this are harmful.
ElizabethMarch 4, 2023 at 10:10 am
I am a holistic nurse and have seen first hand the effects of Miralax on adults and even children and infants. Polyethylene Glycol, the main ingredient is a petrochemical that is used to sterilize medical equipment, and is in antifreeze. It’s not safe for any human. It causes hallucinations, aggression, violence and strip the gut of beneficial bacteria. I pray we can get the FDA who stalls their [Show More]I am a holistic nurse and have seen first hand the effects of Miralax on adults and even children and infants. Polyethylene Glycol, the main ingredient is a petrochemical that is used to sterilize medical equipment, and is in antifreeze. It’s not safe for any human. It causes hallucinations, aggression, violence and strip the gut of beneficial bacteria. I pray we can get the FDA who stalls their “studies” to remove this product that is damaging humans.
MikeMarch 4, 2023 at 9:18 am
Good to see them mention how miralax disrupts the microbiome. As Hippocrates said, all disease begins in the gut, MiraLAX leads to a helluva lot more issues then just dementia. Kids are prescribed MiraLAX off label regularly, it’s a worldwide pandemic, the use of polyethylene glycol to treat constipation in children. Think of the mental health issues we will be faced with in the coming years. It’s[Show More]Good to see them mention how miralax disrupts the microbiome. As Hippocrates said, all disease begins in the gut, MiraLAX leads to a helluva lot more issues then just dementia. Kids are prescribed MiraLAX off label regularly, it’s a worldwide pandemic, the use of polyethylene glycol to treat constipation in children. Think of the mental health issues we will be faced with in the coming years. It’s sickening.