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CDC Warns Of Errors In Giving Shingrix Shingles Vaccines May 25, 2018 Irvin Jackson Add Your Comments Federal health experts are warning about the risk of problems with Shingrix, GlaxoSmithKline’s shingles vaccine, indicating that errors have been reported in recent months due to confusion between the new drug and its older competitor, Zostavax. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a report this week in its Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR), highlighting the number of adverse event reports submitted in recent months involving Shingrix administration errors. Shingrix (recombinant zoster vaccine; RZV) is a new GlaxoSmithKline shingles vaccine that was just placed on the market in October 2017. It is only approved for adults age 50 and older, and is one two shingle vaccines that are currently approved in the United States. The other is Merck’s Zostavax (zoster vaccine live; ZVL). Learn More About Zostavax Shingles Lawsuits Side effects of the shingles vaccine Zostavax may result in the development of a painful and persistent strain of shingles Learn More SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR COMPENSATION Learn More About Zostavax Shingles Lawsuits Side effects of the shingles vaccine Zostavax may result in the development of a painful and persistent strain of shingles Learn More SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR COMPENSATION The report indicates that 155 reports were submitted to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System during the first four months Shingrix was available, including at least 13 problems with Shingrix administration. According to the findings, nine of those errors were because the drug was administered in a single subcutaneous dose, instead of as a 2-dose intramuscular injection, which is how the vaccine should be given. The single subcutaneous dose is how Zostavax is administered, suggesting confusion among doctors. All but one of those patients suffered injection site reactions, including pain, erythema, and pruritus. In two cases, patients were given the vaccine information statement for Zostavax instead of for Shingrix, and not instructed to return for their second dose, which also suggests whoever administered the vaccine thought they were giving the patients Zostavax, or thought that Shingrix worked the same way. In the other four cases, the patients given the vaccine were younger than the minimum age of 50, for which the vaccine is approved. The CDC researchers suggest that early monitoring indicates that the vaccine providers are confused over administration procedures, and storage requirements of Shingrix. Nine of the 13 vaccine administration errors occurred in a pharmacy, while two happened in a health care provider’s office, and two occurred at unknown sites. “To prevent RZV administration errors, vaccine providers should be aware of prescribing information, storage requirements, preparation guidelines, and (Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices) recommendations for herpes zoster vaccines,” the CDC report recommends. Shingles Vaccine Problems The report comes amid concerns over the potential side effects of Zostavax, another shingles vaccine that was introduced in May 2006. Merck now faces a growing number of Zostavax lawsuits, which claim that the drug not only fails to protect against shingles as advertised, but actually causes a more persistent strain of the infection. According to allegations raised in dozens of product liability lawsuits filed over the shingles vaccine, Merck used an under attenuated live strain of the varicella zoster virus (VZV) in Zostavax, which was not weakened enough to prevent reactivation of the virus. Instead of the body developing the proper immune response, the live virus combined with the old virus in some users, resulting in a more virulent strain of shingles. Zostavax sales have fallen sharply in recent years, while Shingrix sales have far surpassed original projections, with full year sales now projected to exceed $600 million for the new drug. Shingles is caused by the same virus, varicella zoster, which causes chickenpox. Later in life, the virus can be reactivated and cause shingles, which is a painful rash that usually appears as a stripe of blisters on the body. Pain can continue even after the rash is gone, which is known as postherpetic neuralgia. Shingles itself can cause scarring, bacterial infections, encephalitis, hearing loss, vision problems and other complications. Tags: GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Pharmacy Error, Shingles, Shingrix, Vaccine, Zostavax More Zostavax Lawsuit Stories Appeals Court Upholds Dismissal of Zostavax Lawsuits Over Shingles Injuries July 18, 2024 Zostavax Shingles Vaccine Effectiveness ‘Waned Substantially’ After 10 Years: Study November 17, 2023 Appeals Court Urged to Overturn Dismissal of Zostavax Shingles Lawsuits May 15, 2023 129 Comments K July 17, 2021 Shingrix is not a live vaccine, and therefore cannot give anyone shingles. It takes some time for protection to develop, and no vaccine is 100% – but if someone gets shingles after getting the vaccine, it didn’t cause it. The vaccine is overwhelmingly safe and effective. This comment section has an awful lot of unbelievable stories. Scott August 10, 2021 Has been many weeks and still severe deltoid pain at injection site on arm. Cannot sleep through the night, have trouble working, and can’t even watch TV without severe pain at times during the day and night. Scott August 18, 2021 I received the shingrix vaccine last October with in about a few days I started feeling like I was getting shingles like feeling in the arm the vaccine was administered I assumed it would go away but it only got worse I went back to the doctor and was told I might be coming down with Ms and should get a mri which I thought was not the case because the feeling was in the arm I got vaccinated by the time I got the MRI the symptoms had gone through my intire body the MRI was normal I have lost most of my strength in my arms and legs my eyes and throat and chest have been severely affected to the point I went to the emergency room thinking I was going to die I have had to go on short-term disability on June 9th which will run out on September 8th and will have to go on long-term disability in the course of all of this I have had nerve tests lumbar puncher and have been prescribed several medications anti vitals steroids and many other treatments to no avail I believe that the shingrix vaccine is responsible for all this and feel that they should be accountable. Scott Larry September 16, 2021 I received my first Shingrix shot in Dec 2019. A few days later I developed severe arm pain and rash. My pharmacist recommended I not get the 2nd shot. Within a week, both of my legs developed a disgusting rash with scaly patches. Went to the Dermatologist and they biopsies my thigh, gave me 2 steroid shots, and put me on 3 months of doxycycline. Also put me on triamcinolone 1% and told me to moisturize 10 to 12 times a day. Bottom line is that I suffered with this for 2 years! Also, I have some pretty disturbing photos of this whole s▪︎▪︎t show. Michael November 4, 2021 67 yr old male, got the 1st shot on April 6, 2021, on April 8th I had severe chest pain and did nothing but waited til the pain went away. Then on April 14 I developed a fever 105 degree and took ibuprofen and aspirin, the next day the fever was still present with dry heaving so I went to ER. DX w/ epstein-barr–mono and UTI w/ ecoli present. I was not around anyone prior to those events who were sick. I went to my cardiologist and had a stress test that later on ended up with a heart cath and stent. On May 23rd I developed severe Left leg pain which awoke me from sleep and I could not even get out of bed. The next day I went to the ER because I was worried about a blood clot which turned out to be negative but I am still having difficulty with walking. Sidney November 16, 2021 In response to K on page 1. Believe the unbelievable stories because they are all true. My symptoms immediately after getting Shingrix (my FIRST and only vaccine injury): squeezing chest pain, all over muscle pain, the arm I received the shot in has now lost the ability to grip, push, or bear weight, deep bone pain, massive hair loss, inflamed eyes, pain in gland under my neck, and all around system wide pain and chaos. I’m two months into this already so when does it end? Shingrix is dead virus? What are the symptoms of internal shingles? The very thing charged with protecting me from this type of event actually “caused” the event? This sounds like criminal negligence if you ask me because these injuries have been reported innumerable times. Sandy November 29, 2021 I’m 68 and I have migraines my whole life I got the shingles shot about a week ago. I woke up at 3am with a migraine from hell I couldn’t get out of bed until 2 pm that afternoon I really don’t want to go through that again with the second shot. Cathy November 30, 2021 I had my shot on the 23rd of November. Perfectly healthy and feeling good. No cold, flu or sinus issues. On the 25th, I stood up from sitting down and felt something in my left ear, and then it began roaring. I couldn’t hear anything but the roaring sound. Still can’t. Went to the doc yesterday and then sent me to audiology to do a hearing test. Nothing in my left ear but they said my eardrum looked fine. Sent me to ENT who said this is Sudden Sensiserial hearing loss and my hearing may not come back. He said he has no idea what caused it but it is rare and the only possible treatment is with Steroids and that they don’t really know how well that works. I can’t take steroids because even a low dose shoots my bp up. I had taken a low dose of them from going to the urgent care the night before and even with double bp meds my bp was 190/92 Linda December 1, 2021 I am 51 yrs old and had the shingles vaccine, Shingrix on August 31 2021. I thought I was doing a good thing for my body and it has turned into a nightmare Within 4 daysI ended up in the ER. I couldnt put weight on my leg without having horrible pain in my right leg. Strong muscle spasms that feel like electric shock along with constant sharp pain. I’m using a walker. I tried to tell my Dr’s I believed it had to be the shot. Finally today a nurse practioner agreed. The condition is postherpetic neuralgia. It can take yrs to go away! I’m doing water therapy 3 times a week. It has improved my ability to move my leg better but pain isn’t going away. I wish I would have never taken Shingrix 😔 Lois January 2, 2022 I had shingrix shot at the pharmacy spring of 2020. A few days later my back broke out in little crusty scabs, but no other reaction so I got the second shot 6 months later…. the scabs continued and since then have spread down my butt and back of thighs. Some of them are infected and full of pus. I’m a mess, and it is getting worse as time goes on. Dr has taken punch biopsies and we’re waiting for identification. I’m 74 and have never had any skin problems before this time, or any reaction from vaccines like covid. .This vaccine has not been properly tested, except on all of us. I’m disgusted and worried. Michael January 11, 2022 I stand by my statement above and have my medical records to prove. As far as health; 2021 was the worse year of my life. geo January 17, 2022 Husb (75) & wife (68) 1st shingrix vax Nov.10: husb: over-extreme sore arm, lasting days. 2nd vax Jan 13 following yr: he found out what the wife experienced with chills, nausea, dizziness (most on day # 3 and still unabated: taking broth only days 2 1/2-3, after being able to eat days 1-2 1/2. He is on calquence for leukemia but pcp paperwork showed he needed shingrix vax to prevent shingles (he had the zoster vax, many years prior). Wife: If you are reading these comments and you’ve had #1 vax and are considering #2, please do not ignore these comments. Response to #1 was: “How can this be on the market considering side-effects?” Called pcp and noted all-systems-reaction with the most painful being the “dots/ankles” which turned more into wheals (stayed exactly same-sites as time passed): pain caused from the “itch-feeling” tho n-e-v-e-r- scratched once; ice-cubes were the best pain-solution, lotion w/aloe aided some. Systemic-r,esponse not limited to any body part as felt vax immed.-entering my syst. w/ “gut-punch” reaction; dizzy, balance horribly effected; noted pain in calves but did not attribute to vax until read (never had such pain prior (& exercise is zumba-type, shovel a 3-car-driveway =active);left arm/wrist in which 1st vax administ’d became weak and wrist almost unusable. That was the 1st vax. Why did I go for the 2nd vax? I knew the nurses & online sites said it would, likely, be worse than the 1st. “Yes” I did go for #2 vax: told administrator-pharmacy site of “gut-punch” and rash and she didn’t have any warnings and did not say “not to get #2; neither did the pcp-nurse say not to get #2.” #2 Vax was not so much “gut-punch” but felt it underneath back of ribs on same side & told administ’r, “feel it underneath vax-site (lymph-syst) ; the spots/rash from #1 had cleared up, but recently returned: thus became “same as the first-round with intense itch-feeling & pain (not scratching once); unbalanced in body-movements noted as w/vax #1. Overall: vision changes noted w/ both #1 & #2: believe this is (continues) with a “like-reaction” to shingles, as at age 15 I remember the Dr. warning to “guard-eyes” as then had an intense shingles itch & swelling. Should I have taken #2 vax? Well, if I don’t (ever) get shingles it may (may) be well worth it. The only other vax in recent years was the 3-vax-covid-series…to which I had an intense reaction to the #1 covid-vax; also had a pneumonia vax in past; otherwise, have avoided vaxes. Where does that leave us? Husb.: day #4 now…sleeping; taking broth only, feels “like shit.” Wife: I was feeling better yest…until last nite when the “itch-feeling leading to nausea” hit: answer: toast w/nutmeg, cinnamon & ginger and aspirin. Noted that most of “feeling off-balance” is waning (didn’t want to crash into anything which could, otherwise, be quickly skirted-around); was able to eat what I wished. I am hoping the lower-leg rash will abate-itching, but from the comments on this website, I don’t know if I can hope all signs of this vax will be gone come summer grass mowing—I may consider some type of light-therapy. I still find myself reflecting on the ques: “Why would this be on the market with the known reactions.” Again, if you are reading this, it appears as many persons with whom I have spoken who have had “no-reaction” to shingrix-vax…so there are as many who have had a very undesired, if not changing life for a long-period of time or permanent life-altering reaction…………..So……If you are considering that #2 shingrix vax, consider just how strong the #1 vax was for you, how long the reacion(s) lasted and whether you are willing to face #2 with what is commonly cited by both online-comments and clinic-nurses as “worse than vax #1 reactions.” FARON February 3, 2022 59 years old and 5 months ago i went to get the shingles shot & my life has never been the same ! My arm never stops hurting & i developed several trigger points on my back its been horable to be honest i wont be getting any more shots ! Robin March 3, 2022 I am 59y/o. I had my First Shingles Shot ( Shingrex) Jan 3, 2022. I had NO Problems!! 5 Months Later, due to various health problems I had to wait, (it is recommended the 2nd Shot be given 2 to 6 months later). OMG, I had Both Shots at My Pharmacy but Different Pharmacist, that Shot Felt Like a Spike going into my arm. 3 Hours Later I had SEVERE PAIN in my Shoulder and Arm down to The Elbow. As The Hours Progressed I could barely raise my arm or pick up 1/2 Gal of Milk. I contacted The Pharmacist who stated, “ that was a Possible Side Effect and could last Several days Up To 2 Weeks.” It has NOW Been 3 Months and my Shoulder and Arm are NO BETTER!!!! Due to an Upcoming Total Hip Replacement Arthroplasty I am NOT able to Receive A Cortisone Shot or Take Oral Prednisone. I have Been Alternating Heat & Ice and Using Deep Heat Rubbing Down The Arm & Shoulder then Wrapping it with an Ace Bandage. Some days I think it’s getting Better then days like today it comes back with a Vengeance!! I have been unable to locate any Additional Home Remedies for it. So, will continue to Suffer with this Severe Chronic Shoulder and Arm Pain. If I had it to do All OVER AGAIN I Would NOT HAVE TAKEN THE SHINGLES VACCINE AND TAKE MY CHANCES!!! Steve March 7, 2022 I’m a registered nurse and I received the shingles vaccine shingrix and ended up in the hospital within a week with meningo encephalitis I do not see anybody being warned that the shingles shingrix vaccine clearly has some issues as all of my other tests were negative and the only thing that my doctors feel it could have been was the vaccine. Joanne March 9, 2022 I got a first Shingrix shot in November, no side effects. Three months later, even though I had a few small irritating sores on my back, I got the second. Now two weeks later, This “inflammation” is increasing in area and I’m wondering if I should have had the second shot when I did. Somehow I thought that the first Shingrix would provide some protection. Doctor I consulted thought it might be something fungal but treatment recommended isn’t working. Now for a second opinion … Patricia April 8, 2022 My bf mike had a severe reaction…complete nightmare.he got the shot on Dec 27th and my big strong guy was getting an x ray 3 days later because of severe back Jan 4th he couldn’t even get out of bed and x rays n MRI were no help .he ended up with a nightmare ride to Er…they couldn’t even move him without morphine and he screamed in so much pain…think back contractions with any movement you make and stabbing knife like pain.they had to give him adavan and dolotin and put him on oxygen to take more MRI n cat scans.he ended up in the hospital 4 days .then rehab.still no relief.broght him home almost 1month later in the same pain and unable to barely stand to go from bed to wheel. now 31/2 mo later he still can’t walk but back spasms have stopped.he has lived a. he is being told he may have myeloma blood cancer. Theron April 25, 2022 I received the shingrix shot and within a week I was broke out on my side all around to the middle of my back. I have been to three different doctors for treatment of the shingles this has been a terrible experience I wouldn’t want nobody to go through this pray for recovery please Herbert May 6, 2022 I am 77 and wife is 64. We have both taken the Shingrix vaccines, but we continue to get Shingrix attacks 2-3 times a year. What can we do? David June 16, 2022 Got the second shingrix vaccine March 2022. Ended up in the hospital in April for 18 days. Encephalitis caused by shingles virus. Gary July 9, 2022 got three shingles vax, two different kinds total, due to cvs bad record keeping and them being understaffed and in a hurry. now have guillain-barre. hans are nearly useless. i’d sue if I could but big pharma are protected by our corrupt politicians. beware of cvs and their careless business practices. i have proof of getting three shots. Vickie August 1, 2022 I received my first shingrex vaccine at a Kroger pharmacy. I has Flu like symptoms and a sore arm for a few day. Within a month I developed severe muscle joint body pain, stiffness, couldn’t walk, or do any daily work or personal care. I also ran a fever. I was in such severe pain I wouldn’t eat and lost 30 pounds in two weeks. At the end of this horrible first week I went to see my GP. He said I had developed a severe PMR. My seg rate was 110, but my c reactive protein was under 5. So he wasn’t worried about GCA He immediately place me on 40 mgm of prednisone and told me to never take the second Shingrix vaccine. My question : was my GP told by a pharma rep they knew the shingrix vaccine was causing first time PMR flare in some patient. It’s been over three years of decrease prednisone therapy and I’m still having deteriorating severe muscle, joint , back,leg, hand, and pelvic nerve pain. I’m pissed this pharmaceutical corporation has hiding these side effects from the FDA and public. I am in my 60’s and as in good health. I will never be the same. I have developed a life long disease complication with no cure, just palliative medical care that’s not working into my future. I want to know how many people have developed or reported PMR or Epstein Barr syndromes after their initial shringrex vaccination. Regina August 6, 2022 I took the Shingrix vaccine in November, 2021. Exactly one week later I started having problems. On Wednesday everything was fine. Woke up on Thursday morning and I could not walk. For a fairly healthy person, I walked on a cane for 3 weeks. Did not drive for 2 months. I had no feeling in my legs and feet. I can walk now but I have been diagnosed with neuropathy. I feel that the shot started all my issues. I will not take the second dose. I’m just praying that I can get some relief soon. Melanie March 26, 2023 I received both shingrex vaccines one month apart as directed. I keep getting outbreaks a few years later. I usually get one big blister but have the burning pain so bad like I could have a huge break out. Blister on back but excruciating pain in upper arm underarm and breast. I’m at wits end with this. Kelly May 6, 2023 54-year-old male first Shingrix shot felt lousy for a few days. Got the 2nd shot 2 days ago low-grade fever, flu like symptoms. Still feeling little under the weather although I stayed up till 2am to watch King Charles Coronation. Might be just lack of sleep other than that no side effects like the other comments here. Didn’t know about all these side effects people have had hopefully I don’t have them. Constance July 12, 2023 I received a Shingrix vaccination (my second – minimal reaction to the first) in early January. I had redness and a slight fever for two days, then felt fine. Several days later I developed a red rash with itchy bumps on my head, welts on my trunk, and blisters on my legs and several on my arms. I had tachycardia and post-menopausal bleeding, which added to the mystery. I also had gastritis. I was prescribed Benadryl at night and Claritin during the day by a dermatologist, and the rash disappeared. However, the tachycardia persisted for more than two weeks, and the digestive issues as well. It seems my entire body was affected. Apparently I had a very strong histamine reaction to the Shingrix. I have no way of knowing for sure, but I have never had a strong reaction to vaccinations in the past. I have been diagnosed with a Histamine Intolerance Disorder and have been on a low histamine diet for three months. My digestive difficulties have improved. Could the rash, etc. be attributed to the Shingrix? Glenda August 27, 2023 I got the shringix shot November 6,2022 and developed the frozen shoulder I had to take therapy but had to quite because it was making it worse probably will have to have surgery because I have some tears in my shoulder Tuawana November 26, 2023 I received the Shingles vaccine a month ago, and I continue to suffer with severe pain in my shoulder and arm. This pain does not stop, and I have tried everything to try to help ease the pain. Heather January 8, 2024 Seems we are being used as guinea pigs. I’ll take my chances and not have this vaccine. Older Comments 1 2 3 Share Your CommentsFirst Name*Last NameEmail* Shared Comments*This field is hidden when viewing the formI authorize the above comments be posted on this page Yes No Post Comment I authorize the above comments be posted on this page Weekly Digest Opt-In Yes, send me a weekly email with the latest lawsuits, recalls and warnings. 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