Nursing Home Falls and Fractures Increased When Blood Pressure Drug Treatment Began: Study
Patients with dementia face triple the risk of nursing home falls and fractures when starting blood pressure medication treatment, researchers warn.
Patients with dementia face triple the risk of nursing home falls and fractures when starting blood pressure medication treatment, researchers warn.
The requirements call for U.S. nursing homes to provide three and a half hours of nursing care per day for every resident, as part of a continuing effort to reduce the risk of nursing home neglect and improve the quality of care.
The lack of quality emergency room care provided at hospitals run by private equity firms could leave the nation vulnerable to terrorist attacks, mass casualty events, or another pandemic, the senator warns.
Researchers indicate that the nursing home decolonization technique was achievable with existing staff and leadership, suggesting other facilities should be able to duplicate the reductions in serious and life-threatening infections.
Supporters of the legislation claim minimum nursing home staffing requirements will cause some facilities to close, despite evidence that sufficient staffing levels are critical to avoiding nursing home injuries
Administrators say nursing home staffing shortages were already a problem at the start of the pandemic, as experienced staffers retired to avoid COVID-19 exposure.
Less than a quarter of U.S. nursing homes used temporary nursing staff before the COVID-19 pandemic, but nearly half used them in 2022, researchers found.
More than 40% of nursing home residents in the U.S have Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or cognitive impairment, according to a new report that highlights targeted changes that can improve the quality of care at facilities.
The industry has opposed new nursing home staffing standards, claiming they will be too expensive, despite a massive death toll caused by a lack of staffing at long-term care facilities nationwide in recent years
Nursing homes owned by private equity firms are more likely to have lower staffing levels and provide worse care than other privately owned facilities, according to new government research.