Avandia Settlements Reached in Additional Lawsuits: Report

GlaxoSmithKline has reportedly reached agreements to settle Avantida lawsuits brought by about 20,000 people who allege that they suffered heart attacks and other injuries caused by side effects of their controversial diabetes drug. 

According to a report by Bloomberg News, the drug maker agreed to the Avandia settlements last month as part of court-ordered mediation.

Glaxo has previously agreed to settle more than 15,000 Avandia lawsuits filed in state and federal courts throughout the United States for an estimated $700 million. The amount of the additional Avandia payments that will resolve these most recent cases has not disclosed.

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All of the lawsuits include claims that Glaxo failed to adequately warn consumers and doctors that Avandia side effects included an increased risk of heart attacks and other heart problems.

Avandia (rosiglitazone) was a popular type 2 diabetes drug that was used by millions of people before it was linked to an increased risk of heart attacks and heart problems. Some estimates suggest that more than 100,000 heart attacks may have been caused by Avandia since it was introduced.

After concerns about the Avandia heart risks first surfaced in May 2007, the FDA required a “black box” warning, which is the strongest warning that can be placed on a medication label. However, many critics continued to argue that the warning was not strong enough and called for federal regulators to issue an Avandia recall because the risks greatly outweigh any benefit provided by the medication.

In July 2010, an FDA advisory panel was convened to review the risks associated with Avandia. Although the panel indicated that Avandia increases the risk of heart attacks when compared to older drugs, a majority of the committee voted to recommend that the FDA allow GlaxoSmithKline’s diabetes drug to remain on the market. 

Avandia was banned from the European Union, but was allowed to remain on the market in the U.S. under severe restrictions. GlaxoSmithKline has since ceased marketing of the drug, but continues to face consumer lawsuits over injuries allegedly caused by the drug.

The federal judge presiding over the Avandia litigation previously indicated that cases will be scheduled for trial if 85% of the remaining lawsuits are not settled. Based on the available information, it is unclear whether these most recent settlements meet that figure.


  • LauraAugust 12, 2022 at 1:34 am

    My mom passed away last November due to complications from Avandia heart attack these guys are CROOKS They originally gave her a little over $1,000 in her original lawsuit

  • aaronOctober 12, 2017 at 2:55 am

    girardi & keese and sherry and all the rest of those Avandia lawyers are con men and women. who ever wondered the lawyers would gain more than the people hurt . the people at glaxo and we paid them also. crooks, crooks , crooks they all were crooked. the ca bar is in on the payday also

  • aaronOctober 7, 2017 at 1:21 am

    this whole thing is a fraud. I was in the lawsuit for about six years after suffering a heart attack and having open heart sugery behind this medication only to get a couple thousand its was a disgrace and shame. those lawyers were crooks.

  • JamesNovember 30, 2016 at 8:44 am

    received first check.......waiting on medical lien check. Had extremely high fees on first check......this look like fraud.

  • ShellyApril 9, 2016 at 4:26 am

    Still have not receive my check they said once I turn in the paperwork 30 days later you get your money nothing yet it's full of BS

  • CDMarch 9, 2016 at 6:43 pm

    Karol - have you heard anything on this as of yet? I have the same issue

  • KarolJuly 13, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    I received my first payment in Oct 2014 and was told the remainder would be paid in 180 days. As of today no money and they tell me no consent letter has been issued yet for the final payment. The holdup they say is a medical lien against my dad who died of avandia in 2002. The lien was with TriCare a government insurance since my dad was retired military. Tri care tells me they didn't file a medi[Show More]I received my first payment in Oct 2014 and was told the remainder would be paid in 180 days. As of today no money and they tell me no consent letter has been issued yet for the final payment. The holdup they say is a medical lien against my dad who died of avandia in 2002. The lien was with TriCare a government insurance since my dad was retired military. Tri care tells me they didn't file a medical lien. Who am I to believe. Good luck to all of u getting ur money

  • LindaJune 10, 2015 at 3:01 am

    My husband past away 8 yes ago at the age of 39 I have yet to receive anything but paperwork over year ago bn going back n forth for 3 yrs

  • justiceMay 11, 2015 at 6:39 pm

    just think ,any one of ever pulled this fraud ,the FBI would be hauling our collective asses in . this is fraud . the bar can only go after the lawyer not the firm . The firm needs to be sued .

  • wayneeMay 10, 2015 at 4:31 am

    I got my check today May 10 2015. I got it all but bout 1000.00 it is being held for some reason for Medicare payment. I don't know why because I did not have Medicare when I took the drug and I was in hospital with my problems before I went on Medicare so not sure why it is being held. Good luck everyone.

  • lynApril 5, 2015 at 4:07 pm

    cant we sue girardi and keese for holding back this settlement money, what about the interest on this money ? waiting over 3 yrs. its a disgrace my husband passed away in 2011

  • meMarch 6, 2015 at 9:59 am

    Plaintiffs loose the Advandia settlements while Lawyers, FDA, Federal & State, and our Courts are the winners. Who can trust the system and telling everyone to vote??? Rufe, you should step down, your concerns are only for the system that keep your job in good standing? While the rest are battling grievances. (Plaintiffs).

  • meMarch 5, 2015 at 11:15 pm

    Now, between $45-75.000 is being paid out. And I agree, it should be more. Who nominated her in Pennsylvania? Judge Cynthia Rufe? It seems to me that the FDA, Federal & State, or Lawyers are wining this Advandia battle. While the Plaintiffs are seriously ill or died with family grievances Just like Roman times of long ago?

  • meMarch 5, 2015 at 10:52 pm

    Glaxo Accord Said to Spur Lawyer Fight Over Fees by Jef FeeleySophia Pearson 12:01 AM EST January 19, 2013 Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s settlement of lawsuits over its Avandia drug triggered a challenge from nine law firms to a bid by lead attorneys for almost three-quarters of a $143 million fee fund, including one seeking about $2,700 per hour, according to two people familia[Show More]Glaxo Accord Said to Spur Lawyer Fight Over Fees by Jef FeeleySophia Pearson 12:01 AM EST January 19, 2013 Jan. 19 (Bloomberg) -- GlaxoSmithKline Plc’s settlement of lawsuits over its Avandia drug triggered a challenge from nine law firms to a bid by lead attorneys for almost three-quarters of a $143 million fee fund, including one seeking about $2,700 per hour, according to two people familiar with the matter. Attorneys suing on behalf of users of the diabetes medicine, who said it caused heart attacks and strokes, filed objections to the fee request in Philadelphia federal court, said the people, who asked not to be identified because the matter isn’t public. The contested amount is sought by a court-appointed group of plaintiffs’ lawyers picked to recommend how much attorneys in the cases should be paid, the people said. Six law firms on that fee committee asked for 71 percent of the fund set aside by U.S. District Judge Cynthia Rufe for the Avandia cases before her, according to the people. The committee lawyers put the most time and money into efforts to collect evidence that Glaxo allegedly mishandled warnings about Avandia’s risks, Dianne Nast, a lawyer who led the group, said in an interview. “These were the folks who were the most active in working on the case, so it’s only natural they are in line for a larger share of the fees,” Nast said. The fee fund, between 6 and 7 percent of the total settlement, according to the people, means the total accord may be worth more than $2 billion. As a result, the average payout for the 40,000 users of Avandia involved in the litigation would be about $50,000 -- before legal fees. Highest Fee Joseph Zonies, a Denver-based attorney who served as one of the lead lawyers in the Avandia cases before Rufe, is slated to collect more than $24.4 million, the highest recommended fee, according to the people. Zonies put in more than 18,000 hours of work on the case and his fee would amount to $1,341-an-hour for his efforts, the people said. He declined to comment on the fee recommendation. Another lawyer, Vance Andrus, is seeking almost double that per-hour amount, according to the people. Plaintiffs’ lawyers in product liability cases work on a contingency fee basis. While per-hour calculations may be much higher than attorneys who regularly work at an hourly rate, lawyers who work on contingency are often forced to spend millions of dollars of their own money to pursue a case and aren’t guaranteed payment in the end, unless they win or settle. Benedict Morelli, a New York-based lawyer who according to the court’s docket objected to the fee recommendations, and Samuel Lanham, a Maine attorney who also objected, didn’t return calls for comment on their objections. Under Seal While Rufe ordered objections to be filed under seal, it’s probable that plaintiffs’ lawyers unhappy with their proposed cut of the fees are demanding more money, said Carl Tobias, who teaches product-liability law at the University of Richmond in Virginia and follows such consolidated cases, also known as multidistrict litigations, or MDLs. “MDL fee fights are common and the infighting among plaintiffs’ lawyers over that money can get fierce,” Tobias said in an interview. Glaxo, the U.K.’s biggest drugmaker, has said it paid more than $3 billion to settle federal and state government claims that it illegally marketed Avandia, once the world’s best-selling diabetes pill, and other medications. Glaxo officials haven’t stated what the drugmaker spent to settle the Avandia lawsuits before Rufe, and in state courts, alleging executives failed to properly warn consumers about the drug’s risks, Bernadette King, a spokeswoman for London-based Glaxo said in interview. Stop Promoting Glaxo said in 2010 it would stop promoting Avandia worldwide after regulators said the treatment would be withdrawn from the market in Europe and sales would be limited in the U.S. because of studies linking the drug to increased risks of heart attacks. Sales fell 43 percent in the wake of the restrictions, Glaxo said. In MDL cases, suits filed in federal courts across the U.S. are consolidated before a single judge to make pretrial information exchanges more efficient. Often, lawyers use the case consolidations to resolve suits, Tobias said. The group of lawyers tapped by a judge to lead an MDL’s evidence-gathering efforts are entitled to receive a “common-benefit fee” for their work, said Howard Erichson, a Fordham University law professor who teaches classes on complex litigation and product-liability law. MDL Evidence Lawyers who use MDL-collected evidence to help achieve a settlement in their cases are required to hand over a percentage of their fee, Erichson said. Those monies are used to compensate MDL attorneys for work on the case that benefits everyone in the litigation, Erichson said. “MDL cases can involve an enormous amounts of work and the benefits to all claimants of that work can also be enormous,” Erichson said in an interview. That’s why MDL fee funds can run into the hundreds of millions of dollars, he added. Lawyers who settled MDL cases against Merck & Co. over the company’s withdrawn painkiller Vioxx split more than $315 million in fees in 2011. U.S. District Judge Eldon Fallon in New Orleans also had to evaluate objections to fee allocations in that case, which featured at least 16 trials in federal and state courts. No Avandia cases went to trial in either federal or state court. Rufe approved the fee fund in October. The lawyers on the fee-advisory group headed by Nast included Zonies, Andrus, Thomas Cartmell, Bryan Aylstock, Stephen Corr, Paul Kiesel and Bill Robins III, according to court records. Cartmell, Andrus and Kiesel declined to comment on the fee recommendations. Aylstock, Corr and Robins didn’t return calls seeking comment. Lead Counsel Andrus, a Denver-based lawyer who served as lead counsel in the Avandia case at one point, is slated to receive more than $17 million for his work on the consolidated cases, according to the people familiar with the matter. He put in more than 6,300 hours of work on the case and his fee would provide a payment of almost $2,700-an-hour, the people said. Cartmell, a Kansas City, Missouri-based lawyer who also served as a lead lawyer on the federal cases, is in line to receive more than $18.5 million, according to the people. He racked up more than 12,000 hours of work on the case and his recommended fee would amount to $1,496-an-hour, the people said. Aylstock, whose law practice is based in Pensacola, Florida, also served in a lead role in the Avandia MDL. The group recommended he receive more than $18.5 million in fees, the people said. Aylstock worked more than 8,400 hours on the MDL case and his fee is equal to $2,211-an-hour, according to the people. Leadership Group Robins, of Santa Fe, New Mexico, another member of the leadership group, stands to receive at least $11.4 million for more than 11,300 hours of work, according to the people familiar with the matter. That is a rate of $1,008-an-hour. Kiesel, a Beverly Hills, California-based lawyer who also served as one of the MDL’s lead counsels, stands to make more than $5.5 million in fees for more than 3,600 hours of work, or $1,521-an-hour, the people said. Nast, based in Philadelphia, would receive more than $6.7 million for more than 4,100 hours of work, according to the people. That works out to a $1,631-an-hour rate. Nine law firms have objected to the Avandia MDL fees, according to the court docket. While their filings are sealed, objectors are probably arguing that Zonies, Cartmel and other MDL leaders are “double dipping” on fees, Tobias said. Those lawyers received their fees for settling their Avandia cases consolidated before Rufe and now are getting a second fee for their work on the MDL, Tobias said. ‘Biggest Fees’ “It sort of feels like a conflict of interest to have the folks on the fee committee recommending that they get the biggest fees,” Tobias said. “Then again, they are most likely the ones who have done the most work on the MDL cases, so they may be deserving of those fees.” Rufe appointed lawyer Bruce Merenstein of Philadelphia to serve as a special master to review the fee-advisory committee’s recommendations and the objections to it, public court filings state. He’s being paid $475-an-hour for his work, according to the filings. Merenstein said in an interview that he’s been talking with lawyers who’ve complained about their split of the fees. “We are moving toward resolving the objections,” he added. Rufe has the final say on any fee award, Erichson said. Questions about self-dealing by an MDL fee committee can raise “legitimate concerns,” the law professor said. The consolidated case is In re Avandia Marketing, Sales Practices and Products Liability Litigation, 07-01871, U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania (Philadelphia).

  • WileyMarch 3, 2015 at 5:05 pm

    Well I received the first half but still waiting on the 2nd half. My brother received a call from the actual LAWYER and he told him that we should be receiving the 2nd half at the beginning of next month which was March and here it is March and we haven't received a penny. They also told me that I should be receiving a letter telling me how much if the supplement we are going to get and I still ha[Show More]Well I received the first half but still waiting on the 2nd half. My brother received a call from the actual LAWYER and he told him that we should be receiving the 2nd half at the beginning of next month which was March and here it is March and we haven't received a penny. They also told me that I should be receiving a letter telling me how much if the supplement we are going to get and I still haven't received that and that was 2 almost 3 months ago. This is ridiculous! !!

  • meMarch 2, 2015 at 10:44 pm

    Case 2:07-md-01871-CMR Document 4379 Filed 02-18-2015 page 1 of 1... United States District. Court For the Eastern District Of Pennsylvania Judge Rufis is handling all cases in the U.S. (Advandia) Please read all pre-trail orders. 1-233.

  • wayneeFebruary 21, 2015 at 1:57 am

    I got letter this past month said checks will be mailed out for the group I am in in April. but been told this before ......................

  • MeFebruary 10, 2015 at 8:36 pm

    Kat In rewards to Ce mama issues, if she didnt get a second check what makes you think you will get one. I haven't gotton any payment for my daughter either and she left behind a son 8yrs today. Im refusing offer because if I don't get paid neither do lawyers. They can't get a cut without me spending mines and I haven't signed anything for an amount. Now, I may not get anything but neith will th[Show More]Kat In rewards to Ce mama issues, if she didnt get a second check what makes you think you will get one. I haven't gotton any payment for my daughter either and she left behind a son 8yrs today. Im refusing offer because if I don't get paid neither do lawyers. They can't get a cut without me spending mines and I haven't signed anything for an amount. Now, I may not get anything but neith will the lawyers at least off my daughter,s monies????

  • VicNovember 25, 2014 at 2:57 pm

    I recieved a check back in May of 2014, was told the second half of the avandia money will be released within 180 days well those days have come and gone, will I ever get the rest of this money and if so when.

  • SusanOctober 2, 2014 at 2:41 am

    I was told I would receive a check by the end of summer. Summer is over. No check. My dad worked hard until the heartattack He was never the same. I watched him die.

  • MildredSeptember 2, 2014 at 10:34 pm

    I have three stints in my heart from a heart attack from taking Avandia and recalled hormone pill. I been waiting for my final payment my mother die 10/12 and my father 5/14 I'm the oldest I'm still hurting and grieving over my mother my blood pressure and diabetes is out of control I owe funeral expensive now I'm too old and broke down to get a job I'm looking at being homeless in couple of weeks[Show More]I have three stints in my heart from a heart attack from taking Avandia and recalled hormone pill. I been waiting for my final payment my mother die 10/12 and my father 5/14 I'm the oldest I'm still hurting and grieving over my mother my blood pressure and diabetes is out of control I owe funeral expensive now I'm too old and broke down to get a job I'm looking at being homeless in couple of weeks I rather be dead then to have to live on the streets I no longer have a car I'm having chest pain now I have nothing to live for I'm done "Avandia and G I KEESE has won "

  • KatAugust 12, 2014 at 11:30 pm

    I have been waiting and waiting and waiting. No first check, I wanted to get a loan on my promised money and now I was told that they won't allow any loans and surprise all of a sudden my mom has a $6400.00 medical lien from Kaiser that No one has ever heard of or told anyone about. I don't believe it. Where's the rest of the money then? We were supposed to get 10k last year and they were going to[Show More]I have been waiting and waiting and waiting. No first check, I wanted to get a loan on my promised money and now I was told that they won't allow any loans and surprise all of a sudden my mom has a $6400.00 medical lien from Kaiser that No one has ever heard of or told anyone about. I don't believe it. Where's the rest of the money then? We were supposed to get 10k last year and they were going to keep 10k for themselves and keep 10k aside in case of any medical liens. Well, I should have 1360.00 coming to me then right? Where's my checks? How can we do anything about it?

  • trulyJune 8, 2014 at 12:59 am

    Hey Miguel, my lawyer office told me they are waiting for signage Month later they are saying Avandia may not cause heart attacks or Heart problems that's why taken little while longer been waiting since July 2011 I need my money so I can go see my heart Dr and I need to move sometimes I think it's all a scam I believe you and this other person it's all a scam they just want all of our informatio[Show More]Hey Miguel, my lawyer office told me they are waiting for signage Month later they are saying Avandia may not cause heart attacks or Heart problems that's why taken little while longer been waiting since July 2011 I need my money so I can go see my heart Dr and I need to move sometimes I think it's all a scam I believe you and this other person it's all a scam they just want all of our information I bet when they have taken money out for our case going court lawyer going keep all of it. My lawyer office tells me call every month they tell me something, sometimes fell like forget whole thing just go on my life Do what I have to do just waiting not getting anyone anywhere water of time... It's all scam!!!!!

  • KatApril 28, 2014 at 12:35 pm

    This is really directed at you "one sad mama Cee"...I lost my mom to a stroke and heart attack brought on by Avandia, At least you got your first payment, I have never received a payment, nOTHING! Still waiting! Be thankful for what you have gotten.

  • One Sad Mama CeeApril 24, 2014 at 11:16 pm

    I too am a very sad mama. I recently received a letter dated April 7 via US Mail. This letter stated that they had reached a standoff with GSK concerning the Avandia settlement. Although, GKS has made an initial payment on your case, they have decided not to make payments on hundreds of other cases. Additionally, they (GSK) has refused to make the second payment on hundreds of cases with no ou[Show More]I too am a very sad mama. I recently received a letter dated April 7 via US Mail. This letter stated that they had reached a standoff with GSK concerning the Avandia settlement. Although, GKS has made an initial payment on your case, they have decided not to make payments on hundreds of other cases. Additionally, they (GSK) has refused to make the second payment on hundreds of cases with no outstanding medical lien. Well something need to be done about this. People died, had strokes, CHF, and other serious medical problems and you tell the people, I am not giving you another penny. This is unbelievable. we need to boycott their product and show them a thing of too. We should inform our doctors do write me a prescription that GSK produce. This nothing but a problem. Also this is two fold. I think Girardi and Keese are Liars!! They are about making money for themselves. They are the one along with other law firms that have one. While we have lost family members and have suffer from this medication. I will continue to fight for the second half of my money . I really think these lawyers don't think we read. They are the only ones who have attended college bull shit!!! We need a class act law suit against the lawyers. Let look into it and fight!!!!

  • CrackednutApril 4, 2014 at 6:38 pm

    The bar association should become aware of this? Who do you think sponsors it?

  • StellaMarch 31, 2014 at 3:11 am

    Non Payment. None of us are getting paid. Promises and promises. More forms to sign that take 1 month to receive and 1 more month to process before the next excuse rolls along. I think we need to contact the manufacturer and let them know we are not getting paid. I also think the California Bar Association should become aware of this.

  • mackenzieFebruary 17, 2014 at 1:50 am

    I too share your pain. My husband and I have been waiting for over 3 years now. We have never gotten any response for any attorney not even our local attorney. Not knowing or if even there will be a monetary settlement can be unnerving. An especially since our lives have been turned upside down for so many years now because of this drug. Our retirement years have not been golden. So I guess I'l[Show More]I too share your pain. My husband and I have been waiting for over 3 years now. We have never gotten any response for any attorney not even our local attorney. Not knowing or if even there will be a monetary settlement can be unnerving. An especially since our lives have been turned upside down for so many years now because of this drug. Our retirement years have not been golden. So I guess I'll have to go with the old saying "Good things go to those who wait"

  • leslieFebruary 10, 2014 at 5:24 pm

    here it is feb. 2014 and still no check. they keep saying they'll elevate my call what a joke

  • LindaJanuary 22, 2014 at 6:21 am

    I have gotten the same run around from Sherry Nothing but false promises and still no money. Now you call and get the avandia ligation dept and still no answers or funds this is crap

  • SallieJanuary 8, 2014 at 7:15 pm

    I called my lawyer, Mulligan Law in Texas, this morning. Still no word as to when GSK will release the settlement money. She said sometime in 2014 (Yes, I heard that for the last 3 years.) In the mean time, this is what I found concerning the case: Philidelphia Court Case ID: 080202733 Case Caption: IN RE: AVANDIA LITIGATION Filing Date: Thursday , February 21st, 2008 Court: MT - MASS TO[Show More]I called my lawyer, Mulligan Law in Texas, this morning. Still no word as to when GSK will release the settlement money. She said sometime in 2014 (Yes, I heard that for the last 3 years.) In the mean time, this is what I found concerning the case: Philidelphia Court Case ID: 080202733 Case Caption: IN RE: AVANDIA LITIGATION Filing Date: Thursday , February 21st, 2008 Court: MT - MASS TORT Location: CH - City Hall Jury: N - NON JURY Case Type: TV - MASS TORT - AVANDIA Status: DISPO - DISPOSED - CASE CLOSED 01-JUL-2013 03:44 PM DISPO - DISPOSED - CASE CLOSED Docket Entry: THE AVANDIA LITIGATION MASS TORT PROGRAM HAS BEEN CONCLUDED. THE MASTER DOCKET IS CLOSED, ACCORDINGLY. SXT...07/01/2013. I have stopped holding my breath for any $$$ coming.

  • danaDecember 19, 2013 at 2:04 pm

    I sent in a death certificate 1 year ago but they are just now putting it through to a judge. took out a loan that has interest rates that skyrocket after 90 days cause I was told id get a check at end of oct.. I cant believe the way certain law firms are running things. they get rich from clients but were more like just a number to them.

  • danaDecember 19, 2013 at 1:57 pm

    my husband passed in sept 2012 I sent my attorneys death certificate in oct 2012 but they are just now putting it before a judge to sign. I took out a loan where interest rates skyrocket after 90 days cause I was told my check was being sent out at the end of oct. now im in debt unbelievably. at least get your stories straight g&k

  • KatDecember 16, 2013 at 11:36 pm

    I too have been waiting and waiting, months turned into yrs. My mom was the patient she suffered both a stroke and congestive heart failure. In the meantime, she passed away 2 yrs ago. I speak to Shari every few months to see if there's an update. After receiving papers saying that the settlement first half of the payment would likely be paid in 4 months back in Jan 13', again in August after rec[Show More]I too have been waiting and waiting, months turned into yrs. My mom was the patient she suffered both a stroke and congestive heart failure. In the meantime, she passed away 2 yrs ago. I speak to Shari every few months to see if there's an update. After receiving papers saying that the settlement first half of the payment would likely be paid in 4 months back in Jan 13', again in August after receiving a please be patient letter, she said probably at the end of the year. I just called again, still waiting for Glaxo-Smith Kline to approve the file. It's crazy!

  • crackednutNovember 30, 2013 at 12:58 am

    Got 1st check 1/2of amount. No idea when 2nd half is supposed to come.Glad for the first half tho.

  • crackednutOctober 25, 2013 at 8:29 pm

    Hi Terry, This is the same song and dance we have been getting from the same people for the last two year. Sure hope they know what they are talking about and telling the truth this time.

  • TERRYOctober 18, 2013 at 1:46 am


  • pamOctober 13, 2013 at 11:42 pm

    We will have to wait and see...

  • crackednutOctober 13, 2013 at 1:10 am

    Miguel, Would you tell us who your law firm is?

  • miguelOctober 1, 2013 at 4:55 am

    my law firm told me that the checks would be sent by the end of October.lets wait and see if its true.

  • lindaAugust 30, 2013 at 2:46 am

    I also talk to sherry when she does call me back-its been a full year since I signed those settlement papers, my husband passed away in 2011 and I am having financial problems-at this point I don't see a light at the end of the tunnel. I know other plaintiffs that got their money 2 yrs ago-what can we do, does anyone know-

  • CarolAugust 14, 2013 at 7:18 pm

    I have been calling he lawyers office (ask for Sherry) every so often regarding payment. First I was told Jan. 2013, then it was summer, 2013, now its by the end of the year 2013. Is this the biggest scam running? I am totally disappointed in the whole thing. That's our money, not theirs and I'd like to see it before I die.

  • JayAugust 9, 2013 at 3:48 pm

    Terry, I was told the same thing. A letter of explanation would be nice or updates each month. Seems like they are hiding something doesn't it!

  • TERRYAugust 5, 2013 at 2:14 am

    Update to comment posted on 19 Jun 2013. I finally got through to the law firm that is representing me in this class action suit. I got through using the "Squeaky Wheel" approach, which is calling several times a day, every day until someone "Live" answered. She actually had my file in front of her when I finally got through. She is also the same person who sent me all the forms to fill out to get[Show More]Update to comment posted on 19 Jun 2013. I finally got through to the law firm that is representing me in this class action suit. I got through using the "Squeaky Wheel" approach, which is calling several times a day, every day until someone "Live" answered. She actually had my file in front of her when I finally got through. She is also the same person who sent me all the forms to fill out to get all my medical records from all the different hospitalizations, & Drs that treated me for my heart, diabetes, liver, & strokes. She told me that they had not gotten the money from GSK yet, & that GSK was asking for proof of damage to the atty's clients, complete med records etc. I know mine are complete, & anyone who received a letter telling them they were getting a settlement, must also have been complete. Otherwise, how could the atty's, & all the other people they have working on this, say we were going to be getting a settlement? She also told me that the 1st payment would definitely be paid out before the end of this year!! Now, this could just be a way of getting me to stop calling them, at least until the end of the year. She wasn't able to give me a particular month when this might happen. I'm afraid to get my hopes up, as this may be just another ploy for time on their part. I don't believe that they haven't received any of the money yet. Other law firms received the money for their clients already, so why weren't all the law firms given their money at the same time???? It doesn't matter how many law firms, or clients are in this suit, it is still just 1 Class Action Suit!!! When GSK decided to settle, they didn't just settle with 1 law firm, but all the law firms combined. If some got paid, all should have been paid as well. So again, WHERE IS THE MONEY???? SHOW ME THE MONEY!!! I think if we're going to get any action, or at least a believable explanation from our law firms, we are all going to have to do what I did, & call them all day, every day!! "THE SQUEAKY WHEEL GETS THE OIL"!!!!! Funny thing just happened, as I was writing this comment, my best friend called to tell me that the movie Erin Brockovitch was playing on AMC!! The law firm Erin worked for was Girardi & Keese, this is where they got their start. They won the largest class action suit of the time back then. They now have a lot more atty's, legal aids, law clerks, associates etc now then they did then, so they should be even better now. Unfortunately for us, they aren't!!! Where is Erin, she's who we need now to get this settled for us!!

  • JayAugust 2, 2013 at 3:24 pm

    Joe check out US Department of Justice (GSK pleads guilty) They pled guilty in July 2012

  • joeJuly 30, 2013 at 7:03 pm

    Jay, I hate to break the news to you, but GSK never pleaded guilty nor have they been found guilty. That is why it is call Settlement. You'll settle for x amount of money against the injury that was re'cd. Just about a settlement has been in place for some time for most folks. Why has most folks not re'cd a penny. Partly because the breakdowns are still being worked on and then you have liens, ins[Show More]Jay, I hate to break the news to you, but GSK never pleaded guilty nor have they been found guilty. That is why it is call Settlement. You'll settle for x amount of money against the injury that was re'cd. Just about a settlement has been in place for some time for most folks. Why has most folks not re'cd a penny. Partly because the breakdowns are still being worked on and then you have liens, insurance want their part of the pie. Another problem is that in general 60% of the folks in your group must agree to a settlement and respond back with the approval.. The most common holdup is the liens.

  • JayJuly 20, 2013 at 2:05 pm

    Alicia, It must be a big secret. Can\\\'t find anything on the net. Even on this page. Their answer is back in 2012. As I said before nothing until around the first of the year . Remember, your attorney\\\'s don\\\'t have enough left after the paid themselves. And believe me they have already been paid. And yes when GSK pleaded guilty they should be done with deciding who gets paid and who doesn\[Show More]Alicia, It must be a big secret. Can\\\'t find anything on the net. Even on this page. Their answer is back in 2012. As I said before nothing until around the first of the year . Remember, your attorney\\\'s don\\\'t have enough left after the paid themselves. And believe me they have already been paid. And yes when GSK pleaded guilty they should be done with deciding who gets paid and who doesn\\\'t. Be prepared to get about 1/2 of what the attorney\\\'s promised after January2014.

  • aliciaJuly 15, 2013 at 6:24 pm

    I have also been calling and I have spoke with maybe one or two people. I donnot understand what could be taking so long with the settlements if the defense has already approved it. I think im going to call again. Im not money hungry but we do deserve some answers. Do anyone else agree.....

  • raymondJuly 1, 2013 at 12:45 am

    These lawyers are crooks.

  • JayJune 26, 2013 at 6:11 pm

    Terry is right I believe we both have the same California Attorney. I was told pretty much the same thing . But I believe something else. This woman told me most of the cases were settled however they haven't received their money yet. And it will probably be the 1st of the year before they do. Here is what I think really happened. They did receive the money but it wasn't enough to pay all the set[Show More]Terry is right I believe we both have the same California Attorney. I was told pretty much the same thing . But I believe something else. This woman told me most of the cases were settled however they haven't received their money yet. And it will probably be the 1st of the year before they do. Here is what I think really happened. They did receive the money but it wasn't enough to pay all the settlements. I like the idea of taking legal action but don't know of a lawyer with guts enough to take it on. Honestly I believe they'll ask us to settle for a lot less money in 3 or four months.

  • TERRYJune 19, 2013 at 11:32 pm

    The last letter I received from the law firm representing me regarding when the 1st payment of the settlement would begin was in 12/12, that was when the 1st payment was originally supposed to be paid out. In the last letter I was told that the payments would be delayed for another 4 mos, which would be in 4/13. Well, April has come & gone & it's now the middle of June, no payment, & n[Show More]The last letter I received from the law firm representing me regarding when the 1st payment of the settlement would begin was in 12/12, that was when the 1st payment was originally supposed to be paid out. In the last letter I was told that the payments would be delayed for another 4 mos, which would be in 4/13. Well, April has come & gone & it's now the middle of June, no payment, & no more info. I have tried to call the law firm, as stated in my letter I could talk personally to the attys or the 2 Justices reviewing the case, Panelli, & Trotter. I got through to an operator, then transferred to someone's voice mail. I left my name, phone #, claim ID#, & asked for someone to get back to me. No one has as yet. I have called several times, at least once a month, & nothing. They don't call, email, or write, no further info in over 6 mos. I have been reading here, & on other sites regarding this suit that some people who are represented by other law firms have already received partial payment in Oct-Dec 2012. If they are getting their payments, why aren't the rest of us. I have also read that the attys have the money, & are just sitting on it collecting interest, like 33 1/3% from everyone they represent isn't enough!!! Maybe it's time we looked into suing the law firm for our payments. I'm sure the attys already took their fees, they're not waiting, so why do we have to wait? Are we going to get the interest on our payments??? Who gets that, the attys?? My health has been deteriorating, & I wonder if I will live long enough to see my portion of this. My kids may get it, at least I hope they will, but it could do a lot to help me out right now as I also need to move into an area with public transportation as I can't drive anymore, & need to get to Dr's, shopping, bank etc. I have a relative who has been helping me with that, but he's getting on in yrs & can't do it much longer. My kids live in other states with their families so they can't help me either. So in conclusion, all I have left to say is: WHERE IS THE MONEY??? SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!

  • patriciaJune 18, 2013 at 8:24 pm

    The law firm need To be reported for violating our rights to the bar for there unprofessional expertise and having such nasty attitude with clients and we always get negative instead of positive answers about settlement they need to be arrested in the name of jesus

  • patriciaJune 18, 2013 at 5:10 pm

    The lawyers at the law firm should show there expertise and speak to the clients instead of passing us off on other para legal the bar association should be called on the law firm we no what happen to our bodies from taking avandia

  • patriciaJune 18, 2013 at 2:18 am

    The law should be investigated for treating there clients this way they really don\\\'t know the side affects I have suffered from taking avandia

  • danaJune 11, 2013 at 9:45 pm

    after 10 yrs I was told id get first check in dec12 2012 then by end of june 2012 now the end of summer and supposedly there is a whole team working around the clock.on top of that my husband has died waiting for it and now im terminal. then you have clients saying they did get paid some money? whats that all about? I know of 3 people who used different law firms and they received their first chec[Show More]after 10 yrs I was told id get first check in dec12 2012 then by end of june 2012 now the end of summer and supposedly there is a whole team working around the clock.on top of that my husband has died waiting for it and now im terminal. then you have clients saying they did get paid some money? whats that all about? I know of 3 people who used different law firms and they received their first check months ago in January! what the ..... is going on. should we notify our senators or the aclu or whoever oversees this type of thing. im trying to be patient and kind but I don't have long left and ill be lucky if my kids get it cause ive gone into debt expecting the money like you said and then I cant repay loans and credit plummets!! just give us some reasonable information. we p[ut our trust in your firm and are making you big time money. its the least you can do!ill bet you all have electric and water well I don't right now and im typing this on my friends laptop.come on please.

  • NancyJune 11, 2013 at 5:46 pm

    My husband received a settlement letter in August 2012. Have made repeated calls to attorney and settlement administrator with no information given. Always said still in review. The first half of the settlement was to be paid in "several months", nothing was said about it being reviewed again. Second half was said to be in review by "judges". Many people in this United States I believe have b[Show More]My husband received a settlement letter in August 2012. Have made repeated calls to attorney and settlement administrator with no information given. Always said still in review. The first half of the settlement was to be paid in "several months", nothing was said about it being reviewed again. Second half was said to be in review by "judges". Many people in this United States I believe have been rooked by these attorneys and will never receive a penny of the settlement money, even though because of my husband's condition we cannot get life insurance on him and need this money for what I am sure will be a costly future.

  • marcMay 21, 2013 at 8:55 pm

    I have been waiting almost 4 years after my mother passed, and all that I get is the suit has been settled and the resoltion group is sending out the amounts. Zevery couple of months, I get something else that needs to be filled out and sent.

  • stephanieMay 12, 2013 at 1:44 pm

    First of all, I feel some of these lawyer or group are full of BS I think that they're making interest off of our money. After my brother and I opt to participate on this HMO supposedly to see if our father owed anything through medicaid or Amerigroup the attorneys said that what was the hold up with the rest of our money inwhich is taking forever, now they said that the HMO has sued on a differe[Show More]First of all, I feel some of these lawyer or group are full of BS I think that they're making interest off of our money. After my brother and I opt to participate on this HMO supposedly to see if our father owed anything through medicaid or Amerigroup the attorneys said that what was the hold up with the rest of our money inwhich is taking forever, now they said that the HMO has sued on a different suit that they didn't want to participate in the first suit. If our father had any bills after his death from taking advandia i'm sure I would have received some type of bill or bills but he didn't. I have always kept a change of address because I handled all his affairs. It just seems like our attorneys are just prolonging the pay off. We first received about 16000 they we had to split back in 04/12 and then we received 4000 in August, now they're saying we must wait until they found out if he owes on the HMO side, now we received a letter saying they waiting to see what the HMO side will get in their suit, but he didn't, I already verified it. So now what?

  • BrinaMay 9, 2013 at 3:28 pm

    It is apparent that some class action claimants are being misused, victimized by certain class action attorneys. Sad to say, I recently experienced some of the same class action attorney abuse and avoidance. When calling the law office, I never speak to an attorney, I always speak to their so called litigation assistant, who says she is not a paralegal. I was told that they mailed the Avandia [Show More]It is apparent that some class action claimants are being misused, victimized by certain class action attorneys. Sad to say, I recently experienced some of the same class action attorney abuse and avoidance. When calling the law office, I never speak to an attorney, I always speak to their so called litigation assistant, who says she is not a paralegal. I was told that they mailed the Avandia settlement out back in December 2012, however, never received it. I asked for their postal tracking number and was given a postal track number that does not prove that anything was mailed from their state. It looks like class action claimants/victims might need legal representation to sue law firms that attempt to steal class action settlements. Where is the protection from the court(s)? Somebody help us out here! We will not be victimized twice. We must not be silent, lets make some noise!!!!!

  • TeddyApril 12, 2013 at 3:48 pm

    I too believe it is scam. What can we as victim do about theses about this? We need a class act law suite against them. I want my money!

  • a duboseApril 4, 2013 at 2:15 am

    well it looks like everybody has a long wait. something sinister is going on. i wonder if there is anybody that can help us get our money. the ag or congress.

  • TonyaMarch 26, 2013 at 6:40 pm

    My mother had called a Law Firm to handle her Avandia case,and she received a letter almost 2 years ago telling her how much she will be awarded for the heart attack she had suffered and how much the attorney was getting, so she had to sign this letter and return it to the law firm.My mom sometimes calls the law firm at least once a week because they fail to communicate to her, so i have her to ca[Show More]My mother had called a Law Firm to handle her Avandia case,and she received a letter almost 2 years ago telling her how much she will be awarded for the heart attack she had suffered and how much the attorney was getting, so she had to sign this letter and return it to the law firm.My mom sometimes calls the law firm at least once a week because they fail to communicate to her, so i have her to call once a week. She also had to send in medical release forms from all her doctors, regular doctor visits and when she had her heart attack. 6 months ago when she called the attorney she said that she was waiting on the judge to release the papers and after he releases them to the law firm then they will look over them and send them to her. The only papers that she has received so far is papers stating that a private company was looking over her claim ( private insurance ) the insurance company that was listed on the paper my mother does not have , but anyways she had to sign them and return them....now that the judge has release the papers, they are saying that the counsel is looking over everything and once they do that then they will be sending out the release papers back to my mom and then they will release her settlement check??!!!! this doesnt make since to me either.If the judge had released everything in June of 2012 and clients are suppose to get settlement within 30 days of that , then why here it is March 2013 and no release letter has been mailed and the settlement check has not been sent?

  • fayeMarch 14, 2013 at 5:16 pm

    well several folks brought up good point-the money does me no good if I am dead -so is obvious many cases are settled but have not seen where anyone has money in hand.What is so hard for a judge to say ok lawyeres pay your clients.??????????

  • joyceFebruary 21, 2013 at 5:23 pm

    hope you have a lawyer don't expect money everyone is still waiting!Write your congress man may be that might help ,but still the money is there but there just not handing it out ,but there getting the intrest you have a very long wait my dear and the site will not put up you e-mail address blessings joyce

  • FranFebruary 19, 2013 at 1:28 pm

    There was nothing wrong with my husband's heart until he took Avandia for diabetes. We have thousands of Drs., medicines, and hospital bills. We have received no compensation but still have to pay bills resulting from Avandia that the FDA is still approving. We as consumers need to rally. If there's anyone out there who knows why it takes so long to disperse the monies email me. let's talk[Show More]There was nothing wrong with my husband's heart until he took Avandia for diabetes. We have thousands of Drs., medicines, and hospital bills. We have received no compensation but still have to pay bills resulting from Avandia that the FDA is still approving. We as consumers need to rally. If there's anyone out there who knows why it takes so long to disperse the monies email me. let's talk.

  • TERRYFebruary 4, 2013 at 7:57 pm

    Just to clarify some of the problems I mentioned in the above comments, concerning my arteries repeatedly occluding, it was not due to any problems with my cholesterol. Both my LDL, & HDL were all within normal limits. Also, none were due to diet, I have followed a very strict Diabetic diet, & I am not over weight, I am a size 6. I don't believe any of these problems were caused by anythi[Show More]Just to clarify some of the problems I mentioned in the above comments, concerning my arteries repeatedly occluding, it was not due to any problems with my cholesterol. Both my LDL, & HDL were all within normal limits. Also, none were due to diet, I have followed a very strict Diabetic diet, & I am not over weight, I am a size 6. I don't believe any of these problems were caused by anything that was naturally, or physically wrong with my body. I don't believe I would have had to have all the stents I had within 1-2 yrs of having the quadruple bypass, nor any of the CVA's, TIA's, or any other MI's were I not taking the Avandia during, & after these episodes. Having to have bypass surgery isn't that uncommon, & people who have had this procedure go on to having a full, & happy life, without having to constantly be hospitalized, for all that I have had to be hospitalized for.

  • TERRYFebruary 3, 2013 at 7:16 am


  • TERRYFebruary 3, 2013 at 7:13 am


  • THERESAFebruary 2, 2013 at 12:21 pm

    In March of 1999 I had back pain, & was short of breath. I was a Pediatric RN. I thought I had pneumonia. I went to the local ER, they immediately sent me via ambulance to Stoneybrook Hosp for a Cardiac Cath. I had to have an emergency quadruple bypass. I didn't know that women, & diabetics have different symptoms than men. I was also diagnosed as a diabetic then as well. I had no diabetic[Show More]In March of 1999 I had back pain, & was short of breath. I was a Pediatric RN. I thought I had pneumonia. I went to the local ER, they immediately sent me via ambulance to Stoneybrook Hosp for a Cardiac Cath. I had to have an emergency quadruple bypass. I didn't know that women, & diabetics have different symptoms than men. I was also diagnosed as a diabetic then as well. I had no diabetic symptoms. I was put on Avandia for the diabetes before I left the hosp. A yr after the bypass, I had to have another cath, as I was again having back pain & breathing problems. I had to have 4 coronary stents placed, along with a lt vertebral stent. Only a few hosp at that time placed vertebral stents. It's a dangerous procedure, I could end up completely paralyzed, have a stroke, or dead. I had a stroke. Supposedly some plaque or a clot went to my brain. I was only 44 yrs old at the time. I recovered quickly due to my age, & sheer will. I was also then diagnosed with CHF, & I had also had atrial fibulation & had to be put on a blood thinner. I had several other heart attacks that I didn't know I had, as they were "silent" they were found when I had an ultrasound of my heart, then had another cath to verify. A yr after having the vertebral stent placed, I needed to have it reopened, as it had clogged, & another one placed further up closer to my brain. Even with the coumadin (blood thinners) I con't to have small strokes TIA's they last from a few min to 24 hrs. If they last over 24 hrs they are then classified as CVA's a full stroke. I had many of these. Some I didn't even know I was having, others saw & heard me, & knew what was happening. I also have occluded carotid arteries bilaterally. They are about 60-70% occluded. The Cardiologist doesn't want to do anything with them until they are at least 75-80% occluded. I also have PAD in my Lt leg, it hurts if I'm on it too long. My liver is also cirrhosed (I don't drink, never have, don't like the taste) I was on Avandia for 4 yrs. I was also put on insulin 2 yrs after my bypass, I was diagnosed with insulin resistant diabetes. My starting dose not incl coverage was 30 u, I also took 185u/day of Lantus (long acting insulin) For the 4 yrs I was on Avandia I was hospitalized many times, also sent from one hospital to another that had whatever expertise I needed at the time. I had the vertebral stents placed in Lenox Hill Hosp in NYC. I saw an advertisement about Avandia, & the problems it caused on TV. I brought this info to my PCP, He said, "Oh yeah, that's right you take that, don't take it anymore" Since coming off the Avandia I am doing better, at least I'm not clogging any further. There isn't anything that can be done as far as the damage done to my body, but I'm not having to spend so much time hospitalized. I am totally disabled, I receive SSD, I lost my home, & had to move to NJ to live with my son who was in the military here, Most of my belongings were lost when the Sheriff put me out of my home, the rest is in storage. I can't drive anymore, I have relatives to help me to get to Dr's etc. There isn't any public transportation where I live. My rent is going up again in May, my storage is going up next month. I can barely pay the rent, utilities, & all the copays for meds that I take. With the rent increasing, I don't know where I'm going to go next. I got the letter stating that I would be getting a settlement from Girardi & Keese. They said it would be paid out in 2 payments. Everyone was getting the same amt in the 1st payment, & the 2nd payment would be the other 1/2 at least, or more depending on the amt of damage suffered by the Avandia. When I got the letter the time limit set for the 1st payment would be sometime in Dec 2012-Jan 2013. I then received another letter just prior to when I was to get the 1st payment, stating it was going to take around another 6 mos longer to get the 1st payment. I have read here that some people have already received some of their settlement already. Does anyone know when the 1st part of the settlement will find it's way to the rest of us? Also, when will they determine what the 2nd part will be, & for how much? I need to move from here in May, & I have no idea where I'm going to end up. I will also have to either try to sell what I have in storage, or just let it go as I can't afford to keep up the rental payment for the unit. I hate to have to lose it as most are family keepsakes. Anything of any value has already been sold to help with rent, Dr's, & medications. If anyone knows anything more on this, I would really appreciate their sharing that info with the rest of us.

  • joeJanuary 16, 2013 at 1:36 pm

    Florence, The funds that was with held should be about 20% of the total. The reason for this is to cover any liens that you might have. This would also include any G'ovt aid. Medicare etc. Also, in case an adjustment has to be made in which your settlement be more then what you been told. What is also holding things up now is that it seem that private insurance companies want a piece of the pie. I[Show More]Florence, The funds that was with held should be about 20% of the total. The reason for this is to cover any liens that you might have. This would also include any G'ovt aid. Medicare etc. Also, in case an adjustment has to be made in which your settlement be more then what you been told. What is also holding things up now is that it seem that private insurance companies want a piece of the pie. I know of some folks have been waiting for the difference for almost 2 years.

  • BeeJayJanuary 14, 2013 at 1:52 pm

    I am concerned also! My Aunt was told the case had been settled in July 2012 and paper were sent to her to show estimate of money she will be paid. I try to get her to call the Attorney's office at least once a month. She's afraid if she calls they will get mad at her and not send her the money. I told her they can't do that. Then I see on here money was sent December 2012 and she did call and was[Show More]I am concerned also! My Aunt was told the case had been settled in July 2012 and paper were sent to her to show estimate of money she will be paid. I try to get her to call the Attorney's office at least once a month. She's afraid if she calls they will get mad at her and not send her the money. I told her they can't do that. Then I see on here money was sent December 2012 and she did call and was told another story. they are waiting on papers to be signed then they will send her a settlement letter to sign and return. What can you do and who do you notify for help if this continues to go on with no settlement being paid to you. Is there someone to call directly to get an answer?

  • FlorenceJanuary 12, 2013 at 2:25 pm

    I rec'd a settlement in2011. But Attorney withheld monies. When I call I get the run around. i have not rec'd all of the funds and its over a year but the attorney red.a all of his expenses on the full total. I am trying to say the attroney has held my money but has been paid. What can I do?

  • JayJanuary 9, 2013 at 9:35 pm

    As a retired attorney I can tell you that this is an unusually long waiting.period for a lawsuit settlement. If your attorney is going into court to continue your settlement negotiations it may very well cost you more money out of your settlement then was originally agreed upon. If this is the case, then usually the judges are protecting the defendants. Since the judgment was reached way back in [Show More]As a retired attorney I can tell you that this is an unusually long waiting.period for a lawsuit settlement. If your attorney is going into court to continue your settlement negotiations it may very well cost you more money out of your settlement then was originally agreed upon. If this is the case, then usually the judges are protecting the defendants. Since the judgment was reached way back in June 2012 then all judgments that are passed down by courts to defendant's are due to the plaintiff's within 30 days from the court judgments There is definitely a problem since it is really impossible to get an answer of why your settlement has not been delivered. I hope this is been some helpful information and good luck for a quick and big settlement.

  • joyceDecember 20, 2012 at 1:40 am


  • KennethDecember 18, 2012 at 8:27 pm

    My family received information on a settlement in our class action suit in July. Since then, there have been drips of mailings asking for agreements and more agreements. Law firms are in control of the money, but it hasn't been disbursed. Stories change. I'd like to know where the suits are filed and the judge overseeing the cases.

  • JOYCENovember 16, 2012 at 11:35 pm


  • RichardOctober 8, 2012 at 11:47 pm

    I dont understand what keeps happening to my post. Ihad a heart attack in 2001 and had a stint put in my heart. Have been in this lawsuit for 3 years. I was only 42 at the time of the ordeal. I smoked and I know they well take off for that. Pluss I am over weight. Does anyone know what is taking so long to get an answer? Does anyone know and has anyone got a settlement?

  • DavidOctober 5, 2012 at 8:18 pm

    I was prescribed Avandia Rosiglitizone in April 2006 , in sept 2006 I had a heart attack, I was kept on this drug with no idea of its potential threat . In sept 2007 I had a further heart attack and continued on this drug until Feburary 2008 , when my blood sugars went awry , I checked on line to see if my drug was a problem and was mortified what I found . I also found that the doctor was aware o[Show More]I was prescribed Avandia Rosiglitizone in April 2006 , in sept 2006 I had a heart attack, I was kept on this drug with no idea of its potential threat . In sept 2007 I had a further heart attack and continued on this drug until Feburary 2008 , when my blood sugars went awry , I checked on line to see if my drug was a problem and was mortified what I found . I also found that the doctor was aware of the threat in may 2007 ?? Why is it that American citizens can get compensation yet sufferers in the uk can not . It is not fair

  • melbaSeptember 28, 2012 at 12:38 pm

    we havent received award letter, or an amount and its been since 2002 since my mom died, how much longer does it take, lawyer doesnt say much, just wait n wait n wait, why is what i want to know

  • RamonSeptember 15, 2012 at 3:38 pm

    My wife was one of the earlies victim of avandia pills she die in 2001 februaryshe was hospitalize 4 times whith herat atack in 7 weeks. for me it look that wasent a human bean who died. i dont hear from my lawyer .I dont have any award letter.i dont know if because im apanis they dont want to hear from me. THANKSfor invite me to send mycoment we hope they look at us as a[Show More]My wife was one of the earlies victim of avandia pills she die in 2001 februaryshe was hospitalize 4 times whith herat atack in 7 weeks. for me it look that wasent a human bean who died. i dont hear from my lawyer .I dont have any award letter.i dont know if because im apanis they dont want to hear from me. THANKSfor invite me to send mycoment we hope they look at us as a human bean no the contrary.

  • JeanetteSeptember 13, 2012 at 12:13 am

    Payment have been sent, don't know what the hold up where's the money

  • RichardSeptember 2, 2012 at 1:35 am

    Why is it taking so long to hear on a settlement?

  • kathrynAugust 28, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    I have heard from the lawyers and I will be receiving a first of two, questionaires as part of this current litigation settlement.

  • kathrynAugust 8, 2012 at 2:08 pm

    Marie, thank you for the update. My mother's claim is within this suit and the lawyer has been very informative. He spoke with me just last week and I am pleased with the process so far. Lost my mom in 2007. :(

  • MarieJuly 21, 2012 at 3:36 am

    FYI to everyone:The federal judge presiding over the Avandia litigation previously indicated that cases will be scheduled for trial if 85% of the remaining lawsuits are not settled. Based on the available information, it is unclear whether these most recent settlements meet that figure. It's important to read and stay informed.

  • ROBERTJuly 4, 2012 at 3:11 pm

    I took this medical for approimately 7 or 8 years when , the avandia heart risk surfaced in 2007.

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