Tom’s Natural Kids Toothpaste Class Action Lawsuit Filed Over Dangerous Levels of Lead and Arsenic
Consumer group reports the toothpaste contains 4,800% more lead than the threshold at which experts recommend action for children's products.
Consumer group reports the toothpaste contains 4,800% more lead than the threshold at which experts recommend action for children's products.
Toxic baby food sold by Gerber, Beech-Nut and other manufacturers contain dangerous levels of heavy metals, which may be the cause of autism and severe ADHD for children.
Mother alleges Walmart and baby food manufacturers knew their infant products were tainted with heavy metals, but sold them anyway.
The new guidelines determine what the FDA considers to be an adulterated product, but are not legally enforceable against manufacturers.
Series of hearings will be held by the Court to weigh the strength of science showing that heavy metals in baby food cause autism or ADHD in children.
Medical records, receipts and other documents must be preserved, which may be relevant to baby food heavy metal lawsuits being pursued by families of children diagnosed with autism or ADHD.
RSV and other common infections, such as the flu, may have played a role in the increased rate of unexplained infant deaths.
Testing results may help families prove that their children developed ADHD or autism from baby food products contaminated with toxic levels of heavy metals.
While exceeding limits set in California, researchers indicated the levels of metals in dark chocolate are generally not high enough to raise serious health concerns with occasional servings, but additional research is needed
Plaintiffs submitted a master complaint outlining allegations that will be repeated in baby food lawsuits being pursued against Beech-Nut, Gerber, Hain, Nurture and other manufacturers of products tainted with toxic metals.