Lead paint used in residential homes is toxic, and could cause irreversible brain damage and other serious injuries. Although the paint was banned thirty years ago, many poorly maintained rental homes contain flaking paint that could cause lead poisoning if it is eaten or sucked on by young children.
STATUS OF LEAD PAINT LITIGATION: Lawsuits are still being pursued by children and young adults diagnosed with lead poisoning.
Learn More About
Lead Poisoning Lawsuits
Children diagnosed with lead poisoning after exposure to peeling or chipping lead paint in a rental home may be entitled to financial compensation and benefits.
SEE IF YOU QUALIFY FOR COMPENSATIONOVERVIEW: The use of lead paint was banned in 1978 by the Consumer Product Safety Commission since lead exposure could cause severe and permanent brain damage, especially for young children.
Prior to being banned, lead was commonly added to paint to speed drying, increase durability, and improve overall quality. However, it has been confirmed that the toxic lead in the paint causes serious developmental and cognitive problems in children who eat or suck on paint chips or breath in the dust that could result from pealing paint.
In cities with older homes and poorly maintained rental homes, lead paint is often still present. If flaking or pealing paint is not prevented, young children living in the home or apartment could be exposed and suffer lead poisoning.
In October 2021, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced it planned to  lower the blood lead reference value level to 3.5 µg/dL from 5 µg/dL in U.S. children age’s one through five years old. Under the 5 µg/dL threshold, reports have indicated as many as 200,000 children between one and five years of age were considered high-risk. However, under the 3.5 µg/dL baseline, some reports have projected that number to more than double.
SYMPTOMS OF LEAD PAINT POISONING: If ingested, inhaled or absorbed in any way, lead paint can cause elevated lead blood levels. Possible lead poisoning problems could include:
- Nervous System Injury
- Brain Damage
- Seizures or Convulsions
- Growth or Mental Retardation
- Coma
- Death
Have a Potential Lead Poisoning Lawsuit Reviewed an Attorney
Lead paint lawyers are evaluating potential lawsuits throughout the country for individuals who have been diagnosed with lead poisoning after exposure to lead paint in a rented home or industrial facility. Submit information regarding a potential claim to be sent to an attorney for review.
krisMarch 25, 2011 at 2:37 pm
My husband was exposed to occupational long term high levels of lead in blood work over years. He is only 44 and all his joints and cartlidge are severely deteriorating and is very painful.. Could lead be the reason ?>
lisaApril 29, 2009 at 6:14 pm
my son had 28.5 lead levels this info has been helpful to me.has nerve damage ,seizures .we already hav attorney.
lisa allisonApril 29, 2009 at 6:12 pm
my son had 28.5 lead levels this info has been helpful to me.
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[...] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the number of children diagnosed with lead poisoning has dropped 84% since [...]
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[...] Lead paint poisoning can cause severe cognitive and developmental damage, seizures, injury to the brain and physical or mental retardation. [...]
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[...] Two separate recalls were posted by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission on December 23, 2008, for approximately 3,000 children’s cribs and 6,000 matching furniture pieces, as well as 2,800 toy steel drums. The recalls were issued due to lead paint levels that exceed federal limits, posing a potential risk of lead poisoning. [...]
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Artificial Turf Lawsuit Filed Over High Lead Levels — AboutLawsuits.comJuly 23, 2008 at 7:51 pm
[...] over time, resulting in the release of lead-contaminated dust. This could pose a serious risk of lead poisoning, especially for young children, if dust particles are absorbed through the skin, get into drinking [...]
Rhode Island Lead Paint Lawsuit Dismissed by State Supreme Court — AboutLawsuits.comJuly 3, 2008 at 3:26 am
[...] paint was banned because it can cause lead poisoning, potentially leading to severe developmental and cognitive problems if it is ingested, inhaled or [...]