M-Drol Lawsuit Filed Over Liver Damage From Dietary Supplement

Two men are suing the makers of M-Drol and P-Plex, two muscle-building dietary supplements sold online, which they allege caused them to suffer liver damage.
The product liability lawsuits were filed on November 17 on behalf of Jesse Woods and Heath Stevison in Galveston County District Court in Texas against Competitive Edge Labs, the manufacturer, and TF Supplements, which distributed the products. According to a report by Iron Magazine, the claims allege that the dietary supplements are defective and unreasonably dangerous, resulting in both men suffering liver damage.
Both plaintiffs say they were hospitalized with signs of liver failure after taking M-Drol for several weeks in an effort to put on muscle mass. Woods also said he took P-Plex, another Competitive Edge Labs supplement, which also allegedly contributed to his injuries. The products were bought online through Galveston-based TF Supplements.

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Learn MoreThe M-Drol lawsuits say Woods and Stevison suffered permanent liver damage from taking the supplement, and have accused the defendants of negligence, product liability and breach of warranty. TF Galveston has stopped selling M-Drol.
Competitive Edge Labs’ website has a notice that it has ceased to sell M-Drol and P-Plex.
Dietary supplements have come under increased scrutiny in recent months by federal regulators in the wake of a Hydroxycut recall issued in May, after FDA identified a number of reports where users suffered serious and potentially life-threatening liver damage. In July, the FDA warned consumers not to take dietary supplements which contained ingredients identified as steroids. The agency recommended that anyone taking dietary supplements containing steroids should immediately see a doctor if they showed signs of liver problems.
A number of Hydroxycut lawsuits have been filed throughout the country against the maker of that supplement, Iovate Health Sciences. In October, all federal lawsuits were consolidated as part of a multidistrict litigation (MDL) for pretrial proceedings in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California. All of the cases in the Hydroxycut litigation involve allegations that Iovate Health Sciences failed to adequately research their weight-loss products or warn about potential side effects prior to issuing the Hydroxycut recall.
HELENADecember 4, 2012 at 2:55 pm
JOctober 15, 2012 at 6:00 am
Why hasnt one person mentioned that AAS(PH) also has other side effects to being present psychologicallly...All the professional athletes that have consumed these steriods, lighty put as dietery supplements to make it really downplay what they really do and are about, then snap in fits of agressive temper or even uncontrollable fits of rage resulting in homicides of family and suicide....After do[Show More]Why hasnt one person mentioned that AAS(PH) also has other side effects to being present psychologicallly...All the professional athletes that have consumed these steriods, lighty put as dietery supplements to make it really downplay what they really do and are about, then snap in fits of agressive temper or even uncontrollable fits of rage resulting in homicides of family and suicide....After doing my research on articles in AAS, suicide is a huge risk factor. That needs to be on the adverse side effects list posted on all these that are being distributed to consumers, knowing all the angles.
MikeMay 26, 2011 at 6:29 pm
It's toxic, it's going to do some damage on cycle. It's not going to destroy your liver to the point where it cannot be repaired easily. The liver can take a huge beating. If you have liver failure then you really pushed the limits. It's simple; dose it normal and avoid alcohol at all costs on cycle. Drink water and have your support supps ready. The most important thing with mdrol is to have a pr[Show More]It's toxic, it's going to do some damage on cycle. It's not going to destroy your liver to the point where it cannot be repaired easily. The liver can take a huge beating. If you have liver failure then you really pushed the limits. It's simple; dose it normal and avoid alcohol at all costs on cycle. Drink water and have your support supps ready. The most important thing with mdrol is to have a proper post cycle. That's where the most damage will be done if not treated right. Need a S.E.R.M. or go home.
WillMarch 14, 2011 at 9:50 pm
What a pair of idiots, they're steroids, not supplements.
ChrisFebruary 27, 2011 at 6:17 am
Little about my story. 35 years old Semi-Pro Football player did a 4 wk cycle during the offseason 2 years ago and worst thing I ever did. Got it when it first hit the gym, the "Next Big Sup". Wasn't a lot of info out on it at the time, but I knew to take Milk Thistle, and PCT, etc. Now my lack of information did play a role, I admit that however. ER visit number 1: Critical Cardiac Enzyme le[Show More]Little about my story. 35 years old Semi-Pro Football player did a 4 wk cycle during the offseason 2 years ago and worst thing I ever did. Got it when it first hit the gym, the "Next Big Sup". Wasn't a lot of info out on it at the time, but I knew to take Milk Thistle, and PCT, etc. Now my lack of information did play a role, I admit that however. ER visit number 1: Critical Cardiac Enzyme levels caused the DR. to admit me for 4 days. 3.5 weeks Dr. made me stop the cycle. Week 6 eyes turned yellow, week 7 skin followed. Body began to break down muscle tissue, weight loss of about 5lbs a week. After endoscopy, reason for the Jaundice could not be found. 1.5 months in, another endoscopy showed all bile ducts open, no blockage found...2 hours after scope rushed to ER with acute pancreatitis, levels around 6000. Liquid diet for 3 days, no fat diet for 2 months. Weight gained from M-Drol was 23lbs to 215. Two months later I was at 173lbs. Like I said, I take responsibility for the damage I caused to my body. I gave my Dr. the remaining bottle of M-Drol and he did a clinical study on it and came back with a book. There is no safe way to take M-Drol because of the bi-product it releases when your body breaks it down. It will be filtered through your kidneys and liver. Expect damage to take place, it’s just a matter of to what extent.
EdwinFebruary 10, 2011 at 12:45 am
I just had blood work done. I did 2 week cycle of pplex and two weeks later 2 week cycle of mdrol. Used cycle and pct assist through. Bloodwork shows I have a weakened lkidneys and inflamed liver. It started out as headaches but Dr. insisted on tests. Going back tomorrow to see what I need to do. I didn't overuse this stuff and did my research. I guess it doesn't agree with everyone's body.
Matt10January 27, 2011 at 11:05 am
I took both supplements on and off for about 2 years. I did exactly what the directions and my Doctor said and nothing has happened to my liver. I am a pro bodybuilder and get regular tests done. Either they already had liver problems or they decided it was a good idea to now do as the bottle said. Futhermore, they are to be blame for their actions and neglect.
MattJanuary 25, 2011 at 1:47 am
Listen everyone i'm 16 years old and i've been selling prohormones for over a year, i've also taken some of the strongest out there, i've seen every side effect from chronic nose bleeds to dizziness and naussea to liver failure and high blood preassure, the point is the product effect everyone differently, and there is no need for a ban on them, they should just be taken after alot of research and[Show More]Listen everyone i'm 16 years old and i've been selling prohormones for over a year, i've also taken some of the strongest out there, i've seen every side effect from chronic nose bleeds to dizziness and naussea to liver failure and high blood preassure, the point is the product effect everyone differently, and there is no need for a ban on them, they should just be taken after alot of research and with a lot of caution, prohormones really are a take at your own risk drug.
JulieJanuary 23, 2011 at 2:52 pm
Hey GTA61 you ass, my son took the recommendations and followed all the directions and is NOT a morin you moron. He was in acute liver failure in the transplant ICU. A healthy 32 year old. GFY
TravisNovember 3, 2010 at 8:55 pm
me myself have found M-DROL to be a miracle pill....I cycled it last year for 4 weeks and took 2 a day...I started out weighing 148lbs and my 1 rep MAX bench was 163....In just 2 weeks i jumped up to 158lbs and my 1 rep went to 200lbs...I took cycle assist as recommended...I tried to eat as much protein (also made 3 protein shakes a day) and complex carbs as i could, tho i didnt eat near as much a[Show More]me myself have found M-DROL to be a miracle pill....I cycled it last year for 4 weeks and took 2 a day...I started out weighing 148lbs and my 1 rep MAX bench was 163....In just 2 weeks i jumped up to 158lbs and my 1 rep went to 200lbs...I took cycle assist as recommended...I tried to eat as much protein (also made 3 protein shakes a day) and complex carbs as i could, tho i didnt eat near as much as i could have and still got great gains...I am about to start taking it again and got the same cycle assist as i took before, but after reading some of these comments and just to be safe i will also be taking milk thistle on top of the cycle assist...My cousin on the other hand cycled mdrol for 3 weeks and his liver got inflamed n he was hospitalized, i believe a pretty simple explanation for that was because he drank while taking them..(abused them as wel)...all in all- id recommend them to anyone
craigOctober 13, 2010 at 4:04 am
Opinions* sorry my yellow eyes cant see too well
craigOctober 13, 2010 at 4:02 am
Oh and btw only 1 in about 3000 people have the genetics to get big by strict diet and training. Leaving hardgainers such as my self fustrated that years of training is put to shame by someone who trains for 2 months and is already ahead... I welcome any supplement, prohormone, steroid that will help me achieve my goals. So if your 300lbs after eating cucumbers lettuce and skinless chicken.. Well [Show More]Oh and btw only 1 in about 3000 people have the genetics to get big by strict diet and training. Leaving hardgainers such as my self fustrated that years of training is put to shame by someone who trains for 2 months and is already ahead... I welcome any supplement, prohormone, steroid that will help me achieve my goals. So if your 300lbs after eating cucumbers lettuce and skinless chicken.. Well done. You also have no idea what its like trying to train for hyperplasia of muscle cells when the odds and genes are not on your side.... There should be a disclaimer you have to accept after reading on the risks, issues, things to do and not to do so that people who put there life into there training dont suffer for idiots who abuse,ignore symptoms, too lazy to get checked, dont research etc so we can live our sad lives away pumping away to fuel our little obsessions, compulsive weightlifting disorders, extreme vanity and all that shit without some toe rags banning everything causing us to resort to smack because we hate our little fragile frames and constantly feel shit about our selves....your opions are not wanted if you have ever had paracetomal to cure a hangover
craigOctober 13, 2010 at 3:40 am
I heard about mdrol been harsh..so i chose to run hdrol for 6 weeks goin up to 100mg a day..gained a stone in that time, dropped body fat etc all good. Only sides i had was joint inflamation in the elbow leaving me unable to train for a week...im happy with my results but now im moving onto a 10 week course of test e with 50mg anadrol e/d for first 4 weeks.... To all the haters out there go and g[Show More]I heard about mdrol been harsh..so i chose to run hdrol for 6 weeks goin up to 100mg a day..gained a stone in that time, dropped body fat etc all good. Only sides i had was joint inflamation in the elbow leaving me unable to train for a week...im happy with my results but now im moving onto a 10 week course of test e with 50mg anadrol e/d for first 4 weeks.... To all the haters out there go and get married before you have sex because i want my gains now not in 5 years. Back too the subject of mdrol my mate got boils on his back but he was spot prone anyway. Messing with your hormones isnt something to just do, it needs research, prep etc. Anything methylated do not drink on, do not stack with other methylated prods such as stacking hdrol with mdrol, any support is better than no support. If it goes wrong be responsible for your own actions! nobody forced you to take it. Truth is you dont know what itll do til you take it so stfu complaining
SandiSeptember 6, 2010 at 3:51 am
My husband took MDrol for a 3 week cycle and has been fighting inflammation of the liver for 2 months. He has been hospitalized for a total of 11 days out of the past 2 months and has been taken out of work due to his level of jaundice. After visiting Duke University in Durham, NC they came to the conclusion that MDrol was to blame. If his levels continue to be elevated there will be no other t[Show More]My husband took MDrol for a 3 week cycle and has been fighting inflammation of the liver for 2 months. He has been hospitalized for a total of 11 days out of the past 2 months and has been taken out of work due to his level of jaundice. After visiting Duke University in Durham, NC they came to the conclusion that MDrol was to blame. If his levels continue to be elevated there will be no other thing to do but have a liver transplant. I have nothing to gain from this message, I do not wish to gain money from a lawsuit, but I would like to warn others of the effects of MDROL.
RobertAugust 27, 2010 at 10:50 am
For all that wish to see this banned as well as other sups because this who or that got liver damage, are also making the choice for millions of athletes who love these products...and thats not right. Is it so bad that no one can take responsibility for their own choices without sueing everyone and screaming ban! I dont care who you are, EVERYONE knows that that these products arent candy and need[Show More]For all that wish to see this banned as well as other sups because this who or that got liver damage, are also making the choice for millions of athletes who love these products...and thats not right. Is it so bad that no one can take responsibility for their own choices without sueing everyone and screaming ban! I dont care who you are, EVERYONE knows that that these products arent candy and need to be studied before taking. People who got hurt rushed into things without research, proper support and most importantly..not listening to their bodies! Maybe our stupid, sell serving government needs to get off there fat Mcdonalds filled asses and possibly make another section of OTC supplements that require age verification, proof of knowledge of product, etc instead of just OTC or Pharmaceutical! It will never happen though because between money hungry ambulance chasing lawyers and Congress gettin fat kick backs from pharmaceutical giants to keep all effective drugs/supplements in the pharmacy, we're doomed. It looks like we ALL will continue to suffer from those who got hurt to the ones who love Mdrol and such products!! RE LEGALIZE ANDRO!!!
GregAugust 6, 2010 at 9:21 pm
I hope these guys get richie rich off this lawsuit
DozerAugust 2, 2010 at 10:58 pm
Plain and simple. They should have had blood work prior, during, and after the cycle. Then also after PCT. Every drug will effect people differently. Running a 4 week cycle of this stuff, and their liver goes to hell. Bullsh*t, that is not the whole story. So if someone takes some cold medicine, doesn't follow directions. Overdoses, and ends up in the hospital all jacked up, what, will they sue th[Show More]Plain and simple. They should have had blood work prior, during, and after the cycle. Then also after PCT. Every drug will effect people differently. Running a 4 week cycle of this stuff, and their liver goes to hell. Bullsh*t, that is not the whole story. So if someone takes some cold medicine, doesn't follow directions. Overdoses, and ends up in the hospital all jacked up, what, will they sue the manufacturer? For their own negligence? The only reason the product stopped selling was because they were legally advised to I'm sure. Also to show they are taking at least some steps forward to investigate the matter. Damn rejects always screw it up for the people who do this stuff properly. Take ephedra for example. The FDA has the athourity to issue an immediate ban, yet they allow a 60day sell off period of Ephedra products...must not be that dangerous? The only thing dangerous about it is for the retards who abuse it and don't cycle it. Certain mechanisms in your body make it feel as though the original dose is not working. SO they increase the dosage for the same effect. Though they are also increasing the toxicity. Its was even more dangerous to all prescription weight loss drugs, because it worked better than all of them. Which is bad for business, for prescription drug manufacturers. ANYWAY....as I have said, the ones who ended up with problems, from the supplement in question, they did not take it properly, or do proper research...Plain and simple...
robertJuly 18, 2010 at 9:13 am
Paul that is people right to take and eat what they want smoking kill more people than the pills will and drinking lets get real the people who i seen in front of congres was a joke he didn't know what he was thaking and more than what he should have been taking
robertJuly 18, 2010 at 9:07 am
I take it but has not got the gains of a ternadrol and d-drol stacked i think they could have put a millk thisle in it for the ones who take any thing with out asking people who know i have been taking prohormones since 17 i never had any problems but one if you dont work hard and eat you will not get the gains you are looking for. The ban has made things bad becouse people are trying new thing wi[Show More]I take it but has not got the gains of a ternadrol and d-drol stacked i think they could have put a millk thisle in it for the ones who take any thing with out asking people who know i have been taking prohormones since 17 i never had any problems but one if you dont work hard and eat you will not get the gains you are looking for. The ban has made things bad becouse people are trying new thing without knowing what they are i just learned how to use the right way if you can buy a drink you should be able to buy prohormones
the championJuly 13, 2010 at 2:13 pm
ITS THE BEST!..im on my second cycle now. My first was double dragon sos500...it was awesome i put on 22lbs in 5 weeks..kept 15 after my pct of nolvadex..im now on a cycle of mdrol and love it. im a hard gainer but these products work for me so..im taking milk thistle, fish oil, and a prostate pill...while also on cycle assist. do it right and if u dont have a baby liver youll be fine.if u dont li[Show More]ITS THE BEST!..im on my second cycle now. My first was double dragon sos500...it was awesome i put on 22lbs in 5 weeks..kept 15 after my pct of nolvadex..im now on a cycle of mdrol and love it. im a hard gainer but these products work for me so..im taking milk thistle, fish oil, and a prostate pill...while also on cycle assist. do it right and if u dont have a baby liver youll be fine.if u dont like PHs then oh well theyre awesom. oh and by the way. who ever says they dont work or are too bad for you they are just haters and are too scared to give them a try and get huge. dont be mad because im huge and your not please.
the championJuly 13, 2010 at 2:08 pm
I'V been on one cycle of doub
JasonJuly 11, 2010 at 2:58 am
I havent read every comment but near all of them is misinformed about the reality of these supplements. They are hardly supplements first off, secondly...LIVER PROTECTION is not a prevention to jaundice... this is practically no better justification for use or abuse, BLOOD work is the only way to prevent such health complications and nearly NO ONE does it. The fact is not everyones liver enzymes[Show More]I havent read every comment but near all of them is misinformed about the reality of these supplements. They are hardly supplements first off, secondly...LIVER PROTECTION is not a prevention to jaundice... this is practically no better justification for use or abuse, BLOOD work is the only way to prevent such health complications and nearly NO ONE does it. The fact is not everyones liver enzymes are elevated the same. So case in point, yes some will be in trouble over a few pills which is most often the case. Underlying liver health or predisposed to such a complication. Lets throw away all this internet BRO SCIENCE here. Theres no easy method of Liver protection and everythings ok. Fact is you can be near liver failure with no symptoms at all. Wake up...get blood tests done. These are no different from any anabolics out there
zachJuly 5, 2010 at 6:35 am
Ive been working out for about 6 months now. and ive recently been looking up m-drol. I was wondering what all i would need for this. ive taken some creatine but other than that nothing else. ive done some research but i just want to know from someone thats done it exactly what i would need to take this!
BrettJune 24, 2010 at 9:06 pm
These guys are ballbags. I know close to 100 people that have taken M-Drol and had no side effects. When you are not some immature kid that just wants to get buff tomorrow without all the work and knowledge it takes to get there bad shit happens. Its common knowledge that you drink lots of fluids and take a cycle assist and liver support when taking any supplements. M-Drol is a great product. Inst[Show More]These guys are ballbags. I know close to 100 people that have taken M-Drol and had no side effects. When you are not some immature kid that just wants to get buff tomorrow without all the work and knowledge it takes to get there bad shit happens. Its common knowledge that you drink lots of fluids and take a cycle assist and liver support when taking any supplements. M-Drol is a great product. Instead of a lawsuit against M-Drol and TF supplements there should be criminal charges filed against these individuals for neglidgence and drug abuse.
SergeJune 6, 2010 at 12:48 am
I'm positive this is a result of rushing into a cycle without studying it first, had they studied M-drol and P-plex and the high side affects affiliated with them and took the right precaution such as support supplements for the liver and not just a simple milk thistle product to protect the liver they wouldn't have these problems.
TysonJune 4, 2010 at 8:37 pm
Here is the things: If you don't understand that you are taking a steroid and it has risks, then it is totally YOUR fault. The thought that anyone would take any pill without researching it is disgusting. These are harsh on the body, one tiny google search will tell you that. It will also tell you that you need probably 200-400 dollars worth of support and post cycle therapy to do it safely. Walki[Show More]Here is the things: If you don't understand that you are taking a steroid and it has risks, then it is totally YOUR fault. The thought that anyone would take any pill without researching it is disgusting. These are harsh on the body, one tiny google search will tell you that. It will also tell you that you need probably 200-400 dollars worth of support and post cycle therapy to do it safely. Walking into a nutrition shop and buying a 50 dollar bottle of steroids is your decision and your problem. Read a warning label. Do some research. Be an adult and take responsibility for your actions. You parents on here that are letting your kids take these PH's turn my stomach. I hope you know you have stunted their growth and altered their testosterone production for life. The article probably didn't mention these two guys now have gyno (breasts on a man). It is ALL their fault. No one made them do it and they obviously didn't research or consult a doctor.
GeoffJune 1, 2010 at 10:39 pm
Eating big and training big does not work for everyone. I worked out for 8 years eating 5,000 calories a day and could not gain mass. I heaviest weight i reached was 165 pounds. I tried mdrol for the first last year. It really worked wonders. I only took one pill a day along with my liver support and plenty of water. I gained 15 pounds in one month and had no sides at all. Dont abuse it and yo[Show More]Eating big and training big does not work for everyone. I worked out for 8 years eating 5,000 calories a day and could not gain mass. I heaviest weight i reached was 165 pounds. I tried mdrol for the first last year. It really worked wonders. I only took one pill a day along with my liver support and plenty of water. I gained 15 pounds in one month and had no sides at all. Dont abuse it and you will be fine.
Scott AMay 23, 2010 at 7:22 am
I played college D-1 ball for Nebraska, (football) and NEVER had to rely on anything other than the proper food, protein drinks, and creatine. Take it from me, and do it the right way-EXPLORE your weaknesses, ACCEPTt your weakness, ADJUST to your weaknesses, and Eventally ADAPT! Every known athlete knows he's as STRONG as his WEAKEST link.
PaulMay 18, 2010 at 8:15 pm
I am getting tired of all you fakes that have to take pills to get big. Why are you crying about a pill that is going off the market when you know it messes people up, havent you people realized that some people are just dumb and dont do research. I bench 440 lbs and squat 600 all natural, guess that is why I play college football, screw all you fakes, why dont you take the time to eat big and t[Show More]I am getting tired of all you fakes that have to take pills to get big. Why are you crying about a pill that is going off the market when you know it messes people up, havent you people realized that some people are just dumb and dont do research. I bench 440 lbs and squat 600 all natural, guess that is why I play college football, screw all you fakes, why dont you take the time to eat big and train big.
anonymiss21May 14, 2010 at 5:37 pm
it's because of people like these that i can't find e-stane, epistane, methyl-e, cynerge, or any other havoc clone. m-drol i tried for 2 weeks and hated but the epistane products were awesome and didn't have near the sides. i really wish someone would start making it again.
DylanMay 13, 2010 at 4:54 pm
There is all sorts of warings it caused liver damage. what did these idots expect. I hate to see it bann because of some dumbass mistakes a couple guys made. Oh well I guess we can start injecting the real stuff once these products are off the market!
mma_muscleApril 15, 2010 at 3:58 pm
i ve ran super drol/mdrol before it was banned in sports,i never had any problems .liver support is a must.along with milkthistle you got to run sam E.plus prostate support and preload them for least a week.bottom line
LuisApril 12, 2010 at 1:56 am
It's the best product , i been taking it for 6 months , on and off , no side effects.. The best !!!!
NateMarch 27, 2010 at 11:02 pm
I just had to stop my cycle becuase of the same reasons, i was taking liver support and drinking plenty of water. allt he recommended dosages were taken, after the second week i woke up with yellow eyes and my liver is inflamed, right now i am going to the hospital every 3 days for testing, i am fatiged and sleeping almost 14 hours a night.
stephenMarch 25, 2010 at 9:07 pm
I agree. Im 38 years old. have been involved in boldybuilding, the gy, etc for years. I have never taken steroids before. I must say that i was very impressed with M-drol. I was however very cautious with it. I made huge gains in less than 2 weeks. i only stayed on for 4 weeks and took no more than 20 ml per day. i ate good, and drank lots of water. I also took a good pct. I have done 2 seperate[Show More]I agree. Im 38 years old. have been involved in boldybuilding, the gy, etc for years. I have never taken steroids before. I must say that i was very impressed with M-drol. I was however very cautious with it. I made huge gains in less than 2 weeks. i only stayed on for 4 weeks and took no more than 20 ml per day. i ate good, and drank lots of water. I also took a good pct. I have done 2 seperate cycles. each were a year apart. I thought it was a very good product. I will say however that i do know a few who have had problems with this supplement. One of which was hospitalized, but i do know that these people I knew abused it. They drink frequently, even excessivly on weekends, and took a larger dosage than was recomended and cycled longer than 4 wks. So , I dont know. Some people may not have strong livers and some people simply dont know what they are doing. Most of the time when these supllements are banned or someone gets injured is because of not following the directions(hydroxycut) is a prime example. I took hydroxycut years ago, and it was great. It worked like a charm, if you follow the directions and warning. these products say NOT to take if you ave certain conditions. Most of the time ., sad to say, its usually the young guys9 teeans, early 20's) that dont head these warnings, take wrong dosages, etc, and things go bad. Im not saying m-drol isnt dangerous, but so are a lot of things. Tylonol can easily kill somebody. I just know this product worked very well for me, and i had no side effects as far as i know. I would never wish for anyone to get hurt and wouldnt ven go as far as calling these guys names. i simply dont know the fact(dosages, and generl habits ) of these guys filing the suit. i would just guess from my own experience and from the people i know who have taken and got injured, my guess would be, they did something wrong or they have a pre existing condition. The one question i would have is( Are these two guys friends? Did they work out together?) If they are, they probably each took the product the same way, which would shed light on the situation.
victorMarch 22, 2010 at 4:37 pm
I have used this a few times. I would have to say that over all the gains out way the side effects. One thing i have noticed is that the first time users and unexpierenced people are the ones with the problems. Most guys i know i wouldnt give this to them because they are not into being healthy and drink all the time. my father died from years of alcohol abuse. The amount of alcohol he drank would[Show More]I have used this a few times. I would have to say that over all the gains out way the side effects. One thing i have noticed is that the first time users and unexpierenced people are the ones with the problems. Most guys i know i wouldnt give this to them because they are not into being healthy and drink all the time. my father died from years of alcohol abuse. The amount of alcohol he drank would have killed a normal liver in half the time. some ppl can drink like a fish for years and have a healthy liver and some can have severe problems with very little. you need to know your body.also the guys with liver problems who took this stuff all are in an age group that is common for people to drink and do other drugs and not worry about drinking water and the alcohol only dehydrates them further. m drol has a duretic effect so its very important to drink water. experienced users are well aware the risk and know the importance to refrain from alcohol. they are doing everything they can to build muscle witch includes not drinking alcohol at all staying completely hydrated eating well blanced nutrition getting there vitamins and getting enough sleep. changing your sleep patterns alot can cause liver problems taking tylenol can cause liver problems. so my guess is these guys did everything wrong. drank alcohol, didnt drink enough water. didnt eat good. didnt get there vitamins, didnt take liver support , took tylenol, didnt have a set sleep pattern, did not space the doses out good, overdosed them before giving the lower dose a chance, taking longer than 3 weeks, not preloading with liver support, have seen a few of these guy on tv and based on age and looks most would be able to assume that they are not the typical well experienced gym rat. and if that is not the case then they are one of the few ppl whos liver would die in a month from what some alcoholics can do for years. many blood work results show that any elevated enzyme numbers are quicly reduced in most people to base line,
ChrisMarch 16, 2010 at 8:48 am
The stupidity in some of these comments is nearly unimaginable. Yes, steroids --oral or injectable-- have potential risks. Those same risks are easily controlled and/or eliminated with careful monitoring and diligent precautionary measures. Were the individuals in question using support products? Did they get bi-weekly bloodwork? Did they even monitor their BP? Chances are all three are answ[Show More]The stupidity in some of these comments is nearly unimaginable. Yes, steroids --oral or injectable-- have potential risks. Those same risks are easily controlled and/or eliminated with careful monitoring and diligent precautionary measures. Were the individuals in question using support products? Did they get bi-weekly bloodwork? Did they even monitor their BP? Chances are all three are answered with a 'no'. As asked before, what dosages were used and for how long? I've seen claims by a heart attack victim that the products he was using were tainted, when in reality he was stackin M-Drol w/ Epistane at double and triple dosages, respectively. Bye bye left ventricle. Barring some underlying condition, at normal dosing protocol M-Drol should NOT cause acute liver failure. Stacking it with P-Plex or any c17-alkylated oral, and possibly alcohol and Tylenol --who knows? Would the plaintiffs fess up to that if they had? Would they even have known it was a big 'no no'? If they didn't, whose responsibility was it to inform them?-- significantly increases the possibility.
mikeMarch 3, 2010 at 11:24 pm
The hospital should of had their brains checked also for retardation. Why would you take a PH without liver protectant. I also been on mdrol, pplex, all the clones for the past 2 years, bridged them, used the proper SERM, tribulous, and a bunch of liver protectants and nothing bad happend to the liver yet (knock on wood). These guys didnt have the supp supports. Either they just wanted to get big [Show More]The hospital should of had their brains checked also for retardation. Why would you take a PH without liver protectant. I also been on mdrol, pplex, all the clones for the past 2 years, bridged them, used the proper SERM, tribulous, and a bunch of liver protectants and nothing bad happend to the liver yet (knock on wood). These guys didnt have the supp supports. Either they just wanted to get big as fast as they can without caring for side effects or just wanted to sue a company because their lazy and they dont want to work. Either way, now we cant buy these great products anymore. Luckily I stacked up on 3 bottles last month :)
ScottFebruary 28, 2010 at 3:42 am
Ya! no research experience!.If you think milk thistle or any liver aide is going to help save your liver from Dbol,.M-drol etc. Your crazy!! Dr prescribe steroids and it is being monitored...Most bodybuilders are monitored by a Dr. Orals are administered at low doses as are injectables by Dr....This is why this stuff becomes so lethal everyone knows be cause what they read..Do you think these bod[Show More]Ya! no research experience!.If you think milk thistle or any liver aide is going to help save your liver from Dbol,.M-drol etc. Your crazy!! Dr prescribe steroids and it is being monitored...Most bodybuilders are monitored by a Dr. Orals are administered at low doses as are injectables by Dr....This is why this stuff becomes so lethal everyone knows be cause what they read..Do you think these bodybuilders dont have complications.Yes but you will not read that in a magazine. And m-drol is junk..Huge side affects vs results . You would be safer to take steroids than that poison..
JorgeFebruary 23, 2010 at 11:13 pm
I have in 3 m drol cycles already, done blood tests before and after and there were nothing wrong, but last year i caught dengue fever and my TGP and TOP liver indicators reach up to 600 (normal values are lower than 20), i kept taking milk thistle as in cycle and now those indicators are just above normal (40), m drol, like any other drug, is intendend to be taken in certain way, with some limita[Show More]I have in 3 m drol cycles already, done blood tests before and after and there were nothing wrong, but last year i caught dengue fever and my TGP and TOP liver indicators reach up to 600 (normal values are lower than 20), i kept taking milk thistle as in cycle and now those indicators are just above normal (40), m drol, like any other drug, is intendend to be taken in certain way, with some limitations, like no alcohol, clean food, tons of water, and following the directions you wont have problems
JeffFebruary 17, 2010 at 10:17 pm
Apperantly you have not done your research very good either. You take the milk thistle before, during, and after the cycle so it lessons liver affects on the liver. There is always a rsk on any drugs you take. 7600 people died from drugs like asprin a year. Should we take those drugs of the self to. Doctors prescribe steriods everyday. Should they loose there ability to prescribe drugs.Your suppos[Show More]Apperantly you have not done your research very good either. You take the milk thistle before, during, and after the cycle so it lessons liver affects on the liver. There is always a rsk on any drugs you take. 7600 people died from drugs like asprin a year. Should we take those drugs of the self to. Doctors prescribe steriods everyday. Should they loose there ability to prescribe drugs.Your suppose to check with your doctor before use. Did any of the people hurt do that? Also if you start feeling complications why would you keep taking it? You have to listen to your body. This is just more people not taking responsibility for them selves and blaming other people for thier stupidity.
ScottFebruary 5, 2010 at 9:34 am
Cycle assist no cycle assist ! Thats the Pro hormone world for over the counter pst!.Liver aide milk thistle etc..There is no proven facts that can show it helps with healing your liver and you actually use it after your cycle.And it sure is not going to heal a damaged liver.Prohormones are more potent than steroids..I have had blood work done with liver aide and without NO DIFFRENCE in levels NO[Show More]Cycle assist no cycle assist ! Thats the Pro hormone world for over the counter pst!.Liver aide milk thistle etc..There is no proven facts that can show it helps with healing your liver and you actually use it after your cycle.And it sure is not going to heal a damaged liver.Prohormones are more potent than steroids..I have had blood work done with liver aide and without NO DIFFRENCE in levels NONE!!..You can take your vitamins for your liver your pst.. drink aleast a gallon of water a day everything you guys think you know by reading..Do every thing you think is correct and you can still find your self in the hospital . Taking it off the shelf gets the poison away from people. And less likely to use the junk. And here is a state for you, why it makes a diffrence i dont know! 515lb bench press. No m-drol... I have ben around a long time in bodybuilding power lifting and you cant sell the m-drol is not dangerous crap to me or the 20 other experienced guys i know!!
XennaFebruary 5, 2010 at 8:13 am
Jan, how is your son doing? My fiance, who is 24, is also dealing with the same thing because of this stupid crap. No, he did not OD or abuse it. He took one 4 week cycle. sometimes one, or sometimes two pills a day. He has always been extremely healthy. Two of his liver enzyme levels are also highly elevated, and he has been suffering from jaundice for about 6 weeks. He has been to different Dr.[Show More]Jan, how is your son doing? My fiance, who is 24, is also dealing with the same thing because of this stupid crap. No, he did not OD or abuse it. He took one 4 week cycle. sometimes one, or sometimes two pills a day. He has always been extremely healthy. Two of his liver enzyme levels are also highly elevated, and he has been suffering from jaundice for about 6 weeks. He has been to different Dr.'s, a Specialist, and had multiple test procedures, a liver biopsy and lab work done. The Dr. said its a possibility he may be experiencing liver failure. I can't say if these guys abused it, however, I know my fiance didn't. So for everyone with doubts, I hope this is a helpful warning.
GeorgeJanuary 26, 2010 at 11:17 pm
It works. Its bad for you. Period. What?? PH's are bad for you? Whaaaat? No one is calling them a freaking multi-vitamin. Don't want to risk liver damage? Stop drinking alcohol and don't take PH's. Want results? Then be responsible, cycle off when you're supposted to, take your PCTs and liver care products and KNOW the risks. I am on week 4 of my PPlex MDrol "stack"... Not only am I on[Show More]It works. Its bad for you. Period. What?? PH's are bad for you? Whaaaat? No one is calling them a freaking multi-vitamin. Don't want to risk liver damage? Stop drinking alcohol and don't take PH's. Want results? Then be responsible, cycle off when you're supposted to, take your PCTs and liver care products and KNOW the risks. I am on week 4 of my PPlex MDrol "stack"... Not only am I on Cycle Assit, I'm also taking a liver care supplement. I'm also on lots of water and eating very clean. And hey...I also know its been pulled off the shelves. So you won't see me crying foul if I get sick.
mattJanuary 20, 2010 at 1:37 am
I have taken m-drol for about 6 months now with NO side effects. i take it pretty much as described. I do not take the 1 pill for a week I go right to the 2 pills. Some cycles I go over the 4 weeks (6 weeks finishes a bottle), I have even stacked it with P-plex. I drink alot of water and cranberry juice, I also take cycle assist with it. I also take vitimins and cranberry pills. My buddy took 3 a [Show More]I have taken m-drol for about 6 months now with NO side effects. i take it pretty much as described. I do not take the 1 pill for a week I go right to the 2 pills. Some cycles I go over the 4 weeks (6 weeks finishes a bottle), I have even stacked it with P-plex. I drink alot of water and cranberry juice, I also take cycle assist with it. I also take vitimins and cranberry pills. My buddy took 3 a day and went 4 straight months on it. NO problems. Maybe it is exposing a weak liver not causing it. Steroids are not evil, we use them to keep people alive but if you use them for enhancement you are going to die? My personal gains from M-drol: start weight 165 in June, 208 today. Bench 125 in June, 315 today. You tell me.
MichaelJanuary 16, 2010 at 8:01 pm
The previous guy is clearly a moron. I took as prescribed actually took less and it stilled made my liver sick. So maybe Chris should learn a little more about the subject he is speaking on. It irritates me when unsympathetic idiots probably muscle heads are clueless about what is right and wrong.
JanJanuary 14, 2010 at 9:22 pm
Same thing happened to my kid, Two different liver enzymes elevated, one to over 600. We are dealing ewith this right now, it isn't pretty.,
ScottJanuary 13, 2010 at 7:23 pm
There is always a reason why it isn't the steroids or prohormones..It's funny .It is because something they didn't do or should have done bull..If you are looking at proper dosage vets over due steroid dossage every day..Do you know the dossage of ph they took? If i have complications taking prohormones it means i didn't know what i was doing(Wrong). It is never the ph or steroids...Steroids are d[Show More]There is always a reason why it isn't the steroids or prohormones..It's funny .It is because something they didn't do or should have done bull..If you are looking at proper dosage vets over due steroid dossage every day..Do you know the dossage of ph they took? If i have complications taking prohormones it means i didn't know what i was doing(Wrong). It is never the ph or steroids...Steroids are dangerous you have to always check in with the Dr blood work etc..And it is still a risk. how many people do this? Steroids are dangerous..Ph's are poison with little to no results..
ChrisDecember 25, 2009 at 4:33 am
Several weeks? Are you serious? It says right on the bottle not to take for more than 4 weeks. I also am willing to bet they didn't diet right, use a cycle assist product and I'm sure they took the maximum or more of the recommended dosage. It's stupid people like this that ruin it for the rest if the responsible people in this world. This is ephedra all over again, that product worked too until p[Show More]Several weeks? Are you serious? It says right on the bottle not to take for more than 4 weeks. I also am willing to bet they didn't diet right, use a cycle assist product and I'm sure they took the maximum or more of the recommended dosage. It's stupid people like this that ruin it for the rest if the responsible people in this world. This is ephedra all over again, that product worked too until people were ODing on it.
chrisDecember 24, 2009 at 9:13 pm
i wonder if they even ran support supplements. drank enough water. it sounds to me someone wasnt doing their research before they started using it. and what gta61 said how long were they using it and how much? its a great producted that ive used, with the right knowledge of how to use it its a great product.
Methylmania801December 20, 2009 at 11:33 pm
GTA61 i totally agree. Shitz gettin dumb mdrol should not be ran longer than 4 weeks and no more than 30 mgs srsly these guys are fuckin nabs
GTA61December 17, 2009 at 4:10 am
What was the dosage taken and for what duration? Did these 'men' ignore the label recommendations and/or use the product in a reckless manner? M-Drol is not for MORONS -- It's just that simple. If these guys were each given a 5 gallon bucket of milk and they drank it all at once, suddenly became ill and then died who would you sue - the cow, or the bucket manufacturer? This PH/DS ban thing i[Show More]What was the dosage taken and for what duration? Did these 'men' ignore the label recommendations and/or use the product in a reckless manner? M-Drol is not for MORONS -- It's just that simple. If these guys were each given a 5 gallon bucket of milk and they drank it all at once, suddenly became ill and then died who would you sue - the cow, or the bucket manufacturer? This PH/DS ban thing is the newset bandwagon for sue happy people to jump on in these hard economic tiemz. I expect there will be scores of 'liver damage' cases brought against the mfrs, suppliers etc etc of these type products.