Savella Recall Urged by Public Citizen Due to Heart and Suicide Side Effects

The prominent consumer group Public Citizen has petitioned the FDA to initiate a recall for Savella, saying that the fibromyalgia drug’s heart and suicide risks outweigh its benefits.

The Savella recall petition was sent to the agency on January 20, calling for the drug’s immediate removal from the market. Public Citizen claims that the benefits of the drug are highly questionable, and note that side effects of Savella could increase the risk of hypertension, heart problems and has been linked to suicidal tendencies.

Savella (milnacipran) is produced by Cypress Bioscience, Inc. and Forest Laboratories, Inc. It is a selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) and is similar to many antidepressants currently on the market. The drug is contraindicated for people taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) and those who have uncontrolled narrow-angle glaucoma.

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It was approved by the FDA for treatment of fibromyalgia in adults on January 14, 2009. While the drug is used as an antidepressant in Europe, the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) refused to approve Savella for fibromyalgia treatment in July 2009, saying that the drug had marginal benefits that failed to outweigh the health risks from Savella side effects.

Fibromyalgia, or fibromyalgia syndrome, is a condition that manifests as widespread chronic pain and is estimated to affect between 2-4% of the population. However, much of the medical community disputes how to diagnose the syndrome, and many do not believe it is an actual disease because of a lack of objective diagnostic tests and physical abnormalities on examination. While some say it may be a neurological condition, possibly brought on by stress and resulting in oversensitive pain receptors, others say it may be a “non-disease.”

According to Public Citizen, two randomized clinical trials with Savella found that the drug increased blood pressure, heart rate and suicidal thoughts. Nearly 20 percent of the trial’s participants who were given Savella developed hypertension, compared to 7.2 percent who were given a placebo. Public Citizen said that FDA’s own reviewers determined that Savella could increase the risk of heart problems, such as strokes, heart attacks and sudden death, by as much as 50 percent.

The group claims that studies have shown Savella increases the risk of seizures, addiction, excessive bleeding, mood disorders, fractures, glaucoma, nausea and vomiting. They also indicate that the drug can put fetuses, newborns and nursing infants at risk when used by pregnant mothers, and can cause reproductive problems in men.

In addition, Public Citizen says that there is evidence that the drug does not work. Public Citizen claims the director of FDA’s Division of Anesthesia, Analgesia and Rheumatology Products has said that Savella did not relieve pain, the main symptom of fibromyalgia, in clinical trials.

“Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease, but neither of the drug’s trials showed any statistical effectiveness beyond three months,” Public Citizen said in a press release. “And even within the trials’ three-month duration, more than 90 percent of users in the trial received no benefit from the drug at all.”


  • MaryJune 25, 2024 at 2:51 pm

    Have been an RN and developed fibromyalgia after two injuries, and onset of vertigo back 25-30 yrs ago. This has been terrible pain with sciaticia , headaches and vertigo. I have had side effects after being on Savella only 8mos after titrating up slowly and getting good relief. I am in the midst of it as we speak so will keep this short as possible. I noticed entry into the fog and difficulty ge[Show More]Have been an RN and developed fibromyalgia after two injuries, and onset of vertigo back 25-30 yrs ago. This has been terrible pain with sciaticia , headaches and vertigo. I have had side effects after being on Savella only 8mos after titrating up slowly and getting good relief. I am in the midst of it as we speak so will keep this short as possible. I noticed entry into the fog and difficulty getting tasks done and difficulty getting out from pain. This is surely being between a rock and a hard place. I am directed by the Holy Spirit when to take action. Not suicidal, as have been thrown various fibro drugs and SRRIs all with varying side Effect. My pain physician who writes Bupronophone/ naloxone sublingual for pain under psych which is initially under addiction services. I was treated "off label" for pain as I was by God's grace never on enough opioid to get addicted. I was taking prednisone at the same time and it worked well until the bone density dropped and made me oseopenic. I have been on Suboxone , ,Bustrans Patch, worked well but caused burns to skin. Now I believe the sublingal film has been causing some throat pain, hoarseness, and Gastric problems. I have never been able to go up on The film dose due to those symptoms and after 12yrs not getting enough pain relief to hold an activity level. So this has side effects alone and I only otherwise experienced somnolence taking 2mg at a time. With this added protonix and pepcid for GI sx. Savella, titrated up slowly to 100mg from early Sept to December. At the same time I was on Diazepam for cns vertigo taking 4mg, then 5mg, three times a day since 2001-2. Some point in time 10 mg tablets were ordered under this psych Dr and after seeing Ent who asked me to wean down or off diazepam and see if the nastigmus returns. I was certain of that except thinking I was on 5 mg when I really was 10 mg tablets. Incidently I was told by insurace part D no longer covering med via letter. The substitues were Clonazapam and Lorazepam. These are not exchangable for diazepam and I recognize I had a disstressful time with a dose change after going up on "Klonipan" and going through varying dosing on Savella in Feb, April, and June with migraine and GI sx. Now June . It has taken 7mos of waiting for an appt with ENT specialty. TBD on July 3 after being in ER to be treated with worsening migraines, worsening pain and vertigo. Today seek primary care and cardiology to see if this Savella is causing Symptoms of one type, and Suboxone causing other. Can't get clear indication from Dr who is protective about the drugs as she apparently has not worked on the clinical side of things in quite some time. I had gone to Rx Advocate company to get these two meds as seemed crucial to survival and have begun getting meds from drug company . This seems to be the way where meds get out of a certain level on clinical trials awaiting FDa approval for certain conditions and patients are the guinea pigs. I don't know what to say about this however having been at both sides of a drug success or failure it does not seem ethical. Savella is currently being held at 25 mg until I get medical care in this withdrawal phase. Feels like something broke in my head after this migraine early June with no certain relief from pain and a barage of central nervous system side effect as I try to get pain relief by balancing Le s s activity with some time out of bed . My sister sent me this info after talking with her and realizing I may need to go through withdrawals again and only the fog of Savella and the discomfort of Suboxone and the brain fog is the only thing holding from an insane level of pain. One has to ask as to check our spiritual side as if you see all the pharmaceutical commercials and ones antidepressant isn't right and you are encouraged to add a med to help the other work.? Does anyone address the soul anymore in physican practice? God help us all who are in this medical limbo. 🙏

  • JaredMarch 25, 2024 at 9:32 pm

    I hated it. And I hate what it did to me. After just over a week of being on this Savila drug I complained of feeling dehydrated, even though I drank lots of water and every limb of mine was shriveled...getting smaller, weaker. And I had great chest pain and great leg pain. And my dr. Had me off of it right away. The bad side-effect lessened right away. Now I have collapsed veins in my legs. Iv [Show More]I hated it. And I hate what it did to me. After just over a week of being on this Savila drug I complained of feeling dehydrated, even though I drank lots of water and every limb of mine was shriveled...getting smaller, weaker. And I had great chest pain and great leg pain. And my dr. Had me off of it right away. The bad side-effect lessened right away. Now I have collapsed veins in my legs. Iv had leg ablation procedures, I have heart failure and I have blood clots. That followed to a stroke. Ever sence my legs hurt and feel ice cold to the bone. They are cold to the touch for others to feel as well. And the word cold means ice cold painful feeling as if you were left outside in the snow with No pants on. That drug hurt my quality of life!

  • MishJuly 15, 2022 at 1:08 pm

    I have been on this medication for a week now and I can say I already love it. It has helped more than any other medication and while I have had a couple of the side effects like nausea I haven't expirience anything too bad. I also have pots and other disorders that could be helped by savella and I would have to look out for the serotonin syndrome and heart rate. But my natural heart rate is alrea[Show More]I have been on this medication for a week now and I can say I already love it. It has helped more than any other medication and while I have had a couple of the side effects like nausea I haven't expirience anything too bad. I also have pots and other disorders that could be helped by savella and I would have to look out for the serotonin syndrome and heart rate. But my natural heart rate is already at 100-120 and while sick or on Adderall it's at 120/140. It doesn't hurt nor does it cause me any real issues. But all that is to say I've been on alot of medication throughout my life and I have had some warning packets state in big bold letters "may cause sudden death" . With all the disorders and medication I've been on I know the risks but I take those risk to be able to function like a normal person. We have to stop babying consumers and give proper information on medication risks and let them weigh in on their own treatment plans. The article is also misleading in the" 90% of people didn't improve" but there are so many medications out there that really cause major side effects and aren't pulled. This shouldn't be pulled from the market it should have more doctor awareness for the side-effects.

  • LaraMarch 14, 2018 at 1:43 pm

    I have been on Savella for 1 1/2 years for my Fibromyalgia. It was (I thought) a great drug which we were using in conjunction with Gabapentin to control the fibro pain. Two weeks ago I was rushed to the hospital with Acute Pancreatitis. It was so bad that I had a NSTEMI - a heart attack caused by elevated heart enzymes. The doctors said my heart just couldn't take the onslaught. I am in neit[Show More]I have been on Savella for 1 1/2 years for my Fibromyalgia. It was (I thought) a great drug which we were using in conjunction with Gabapentin to control the fibro pain. Two weeks ago I was rushed to the hospital with Acute Pancreatitis. It was so bad that I had a NSTEMI - a heart attack caused by elevated heart enzymes. The doctors said my heart just couldn't take the onslaught. I am in neither risk groups for these life-threatening conditions. I also don't know the extent of the heart and pancreatic damage yet (I'm undergoing further testing with my specialists). The doctors at the hospital and my PCP - who is with one of the leading university medical centers in the country - all agreed this is from Savella. I am writing this in the hopes it helps saves someone's life.

  • AmandaNovember 8, 2017 at 7:16 am

    I am a nurse and I have been on Savella for two weeks and it's been the worst two weeks of my life. After I mentioned it to my husband this must be how people feel before they die. I decided to do more research on the medication and on serotonin syndrome. At this point I realize that I had serotonin syndrome that was induced by the medication Savella. I had elevated blood pressure which I have nev[Show More]I am a nurse and I have been on Savella for two weeks and it's been the worst two weeks of my life. After I mentioned it to my husband this must be how people feel before they die. I decided to do more research on the medication and on serotonin syndrome. At this point I realize that I had serotonin syndrome that was induced by the medication Savella. I had elevated blood pressure which I have never had, n/v, dizziness, lightheadedness. I was feeling like I was going to pass out. I was sweating profusely, elevated temperature, hot flashes, goosebumps, altered mental status, shivers, weakness, confusion. I had muscle cramps to the point where I could not walk and was using a cane to get around. My whole body shut down leaving me bed writing for weeks. I went to three doctors and none of them new or mention that this was Savelle induced Seretoin Syndrome. I was dismissed by my Dr. after complaining about the side effects, I even asked specifically about Seretoin Syndrome and was completely ignored. Had I not been a nurse I wouldn't have found out that Sevella was causing this and I would have probably died had I continued consuming this medication. I found that you should not take savella with narcotics, yet my Dr. prescribe it with opiods. After researching drug interactions I decided to take myself off Savella. It's been a process but my body is slowly getting back to normal. I feel bad for all of my fellow fibromyalgia patients having to deal with the side effects and these medications. none of which work and all of which calls suicidal ideations, homicidal ideations, severe medical conditions, and side effects that may lead to death. As for myself I decide to go the holistic route and become vegan.

  • DianeAugust 1, 2016 at 3:14 am

    I LOVED this medication for the pain relief that it gave me in the 11 days I was on it... BUT, it damaged my heart. It put me into AFIB, they had to stop my heart twice to try to reboot it, but that still did not work. I researched this medication back then, but it was new then and there were no reviews or law suit pages. I almost died. I still have major AFIB. I did not have heart issues b[Show More]I LOVED this medication for the pain relief that it gave me in the 11 days I was on it... BUT, it damaged my heart. It put me into AFIB, they had to stop my heart twice to try to reboot it, but that still did not work. I researched this medication back then, but it was new then and there were no reviews or law suit pages. I almost died. I still have major AFIB. I did not have heart issues before this medication. I know it helps a lot of people... But, do you want to take the chance that YOU will be a part of the crowd that gets heart damage from this medication?? I think its a 50/50 chance. I think its actually more like a 95 percent chance that this medication will cause you harm or damage. My life will NEVER be the same. I thought it was a gift, but it was not.

  • CatNovember 19, 2015 at 12:35 am

    I have Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism, Sciatica, a heart murmur, unexplained excessive sweating, and Arthritis. My Rheumatologist has me on Gabapentin, which works great, but it doesn't work for Arthritis pain. So I asked my PCP for a low dose of Tramadol, since it's the only thing I can take because I'm allergic to most pain meds. I specifically told her that I'm not interested in taking any SSRI's[Show More]I have Fibromyalgia, Hypothyroidism, Sciatica, a heart murmur, unexplained excessive sweating, and Arthritis. My Rheumatologist has me on Gabapentin, which works great, but it doesn't work for Arthritis pain. So I asked my PCP for a low dose of Tramadol, since it's the only thing I can take because I'm allergic to most pain meds. I specifically told her that I'm not interested in taking any SSRI's. What does she do? She prescribes Savella. Like a good consumer I did research on this drug before taking it. Holy Cow!!! I'm so glad I did and found this recall. Do you know what this drug would do to me? It would damage my heart, compound my Hypothyroid symptoms, induce a mental disorder ( I currently have none), not to mention that it wouldn't do anything for the Arthritis pain. WTH? People, please do research before taking any drug, just don't trust the Dr's when it comes to meds. They generally buy the sales pitch by pharma sales reps and don't even bother to read the inserts of side effects. Have you ever heard the pitch on drug commercials, "Your doctor has determined the benefits outweigh the risks"? NO, that's YOUR job to make that determination, not theirs, it's your body. Good Luck my fellow Fibromyalgia patients.

  • chantilleAugust 3, 2015 at 8:47 pm

    Please do not take it off the market! Savella is the only medication that has worked against my fibromyalgia (overactive nerve signals that cause pain and spasms) to give me increased energy, decreased pain and muscle spasms, so that I can have my life back! I tried Lyrica for a very short time which did nothing for me, and Cymbalta took away pain but made me very lethargic with decreased motivati[Show More]Please do not take it off the market! Savella is the only medication that has worked against my fibromyalgia (overactive nerve signals that cause pain and spasms) to give me increased energy, decreased pain and muscle spasms, so that I can have my life back! I tried Lyrica for a very short time which did nothing for me, and Cymbalta took away pain but made me very lethargic with decreased motivation and no appetite. Savella has had many side effects, but it has been worth it, and after three years, side effects have died down. Most nerve/brain medications are going to cause palpitations, and possible suicidal ideation. I've been through it. Fortunately I got past it. However, I did not know how the savella could lead to kidney disease until I read this forum. I am concerned, but I can't imagine the pain if I stop taking it!

  • StaceyMarch 14, 2015 at 9:07 pm

    I have been taking savella for over 5 years now, and asked to be put on it as it can raise bp because I also have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome which causes low bp and vasodilation of the blood vessels (savella causes vasoconstriction) and I also have fibro. It has been a God send for me. Nothing else even touched the pain (and I tried a lot of other meds as I had it for 14 years befor[Show More]I have been taking savella for over 5 years now, and asked to be put on it as it can raise bp because I also have Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome which causes low bp and vasodilation of the blood vessels (savella causes vasoconstriction) and I also have fibro. It has been a God send for me. Nothing else even touched the pain (and I tried a lot of other meds as I had it for 14 years before I started on Savella). It states that it can raise bp and so you have to watch for that and monitor your bp. In my case, higher bp is a good thing! I don't think it's right to take it off the market as it warns that it may not be for everyone as it can raise bp and warns to watch for that and to contact your dr if it goes up. I always read up on any med before I put it into my body (sometimes doctors have wanted to put me on meds that actually cause symptoms I already have!) but a dr should also be careful and not put a patient on a med like this if they already have high bp or heart issues. There are plenty of other meds that are contraindicated for certain conditions and not everyone who uses Savella ends up with higher bp. It has actually helped my heart, as due to POTS, lower bp = a higher heart rate. On Savella, my heart rate is lower because it raises my bp so my heart doesn't have to compensate and go fast to try to keep me from passing out. I like that it helps with 2 of my medical conditions, so that's one less rx I need. My mother also has fibro and it works great for her, too.

  • FionaJanuary 21, 2015 at 3:01 am

    I have been on Savella 50mgBID for the last 2 months. I had to stop Cymbalta because my fibro pain was slowly returning. I didn't have nausea or any of the side effects many mention during titration. It took about a month before I felt reduction in my fibro pain. However, I have RAPID heart rate. My resting rate is above 100bpm, goes up to 140bpm even if I'm not doing anything or exerting. This [Show More]I have been on Savella 50mgBID for the last 2 months. I had to stop Cymbalta because my fibro pain was slowly returning. I didn't have nausea or any of the side effects many mention during titration. It took about a month before I felt reduction in my fibro pain. However, I have RAPID heart rate. My resting rate is above 100bpm, goes up to 140bpm even if I'm not doing anything or exerting. This scares me. I lie in bed and my heart is RACING. I called my rheumy office today and they want me to halve the dose, only taking 50mg in the morning. I will try this for a week and see if my HR decreases at all. On Cymbalta my HR was between 80-120. On Savella it's never below 112 and up to 140. I think this has to be detrimental to my heart. Otherwise, it really does help with the fibro pain, reduces anxiety too.

  • JuliaDecember 29, 2014 at 4:29 pm

    JUST HAD A HEART ATTACK DUE TO SAVELLA! STOP TAKING IF YOU HAVE INCREASED HEART RATE AND PALPATATIONS. I am blessed to have been a cardiac nurse or I would have died. Look up seritonin syndrome.

  • DonnaNovember 16, 2014 at 7:31 pm

    i have been on Savella for almost two years and it has helped me more than any medication I have been prescribed. I have fibromyalgia and lupus type flares. If I miss a dose my shoulders start burning and aching. Had depression before starting, none now. I had high blood pressure and high heart rate before starting Savella. As with all medications we all react differently. Side effects come with a[Show More]i have been on Savella for almost two years and it has helped me more than any medication I have been prescribed. I have fibromyalgia and lupus type flares. If I miss a dose my shoulders start burning and aching. Had depression before starting, none now. I had high blood pressure and high heart rate before starting Savella. As with all medications we all react differently. Side effects come with all medicines. For me this drug has been a miracle drug. I do not want to take addicting pain meds like hydrocodin or muscle relaxers that have such a high risk of addiction.

  • BobNovember 11, 2014 at 3:02 pm

    Have been on this for almost a week. A pain in my lower left quadrant stemming from a cystoscopy three and a half years ago is subsiding. Have had none of the brutal side effects. Overall I am pleased with the beginning stages and hope pain continues to fade during the titration pack stage of use.

  • reneeNovember 6, 2014 at 9:19 pm

    I was on Savella for several months I started feeling like a horse was galloping on my chest no one would listen to me either until I blacked out driving my truck and wrapped ithe around a tree it was found that I had trigeminey a permanent heart condition that has required me to have my heart shocked into a normal rhythm multiple times pls pls pull this fr the market 1 in every 5 develop a heart [Show More]I was on Savella for several months I started feeling like a horse was galloping on my chest no one would listen to me either until I blacked out driving my truck and wrapped ithe around a tree it was found that I had trigeminey a permanent heart condition that has required me to have my heart shocked into a normal rhythm multiple times pls pls pull this fr the market 1 in every 5 develop a heart condition fr this medication

  • RuthOctober 28, 2014 at 3:41 am

    I'm only on my third pill and am already running a 100 degree temp and just had the worst hot flash! I haven't had one in 10 years, so I know it's the medicine causing it.

  • AngelaOctober 27, 2014 at 10:47 pm

    I believe savella builds up in your system. If you are lucky enough to make it thru the worst few months of nausea and vomiting,I did because it helped my pain, the nausea never goes away,the hot flushes and breaking out in cold sweat then the blood pressure goes up. I had everything on the list. Finally after taking it about 16 months the upper right abdominal pain and severe vertigo did me in. I[Show More]I believe savella builds up in your system. If you are lucky enough to make it thru the worst few months of nausea and vomiting,I did because it helped my pain, the nausea never goes away,the hot flushes and breaking out in cold sweat then the blood pressure goes up. I had everything on the list. Finally after taking it about 16 months the upper right abdominal pain and severe vertigo did me in. I stayed off of it 8 months,the pain from the fibro was so bad I couldn't walk, I tried it again. The same thing happened, i ended up with the severe vertigo and right abdominal pain in bed not able to raise my head for a week. I did not know this medicine would cause permanent damage. I do know the side effects never go away and actually worsen the longer you take it!

  • JillOctober 20, 2014 at 6:28 am

    Amazing how similar my experience is to most of the stories on this site. Especially Lori's comments from Halloween day last year. I'm a RN, BSN who worked for 10+ yrs at a children's hospital in our city before having to quit due to worsening RA and fibro. I've been through a long list of meds since being diagnosed in 2001, but starting Savella has been one of the most difficult experiences me[Show More]Amazing how similar my experience is to most of the stories on this site. Especially Lori's comments from Halloween day last year. I'm a RN, BSN who worked for 10+ yrs at a children's hospital in our city before having to quit due to worsening RA and fibro. I've been through a long list of meds since being diagnosed in 2001, but starting Savella has been one of the most difficult experiences medwise. I've been on it for a week now and am experiencing the worst leg muscle pain upon standing that I'm needing to use my walker again. Also having difficulty with incontinence, burning, frequency, urgency but apparently no UTI!?! Experiencing sore throat, pounding and fullness in both ears with runny nose and shortness of breath. Heart is pounding and skipping beats. Also worsening low back pain and blurry vision. After reading the other stories of people having permanent damage, I suppose it's time to wean off yet another med. Just hoping I'm able to wean it off before permanent side effects occur. NOT WORTH IT!!

  • MadgeAugust 31, 2014 at 11:17 pm

    Was on it for a few years and wound up with tachycardia and high blood pressure for which I am still taking meds. While there is a family history of heart disease it's not either of theses. I am not overweight, I exercise and eat well. While coming off it I had to be without medication for the fibroymyalgia for several weeks which was excruciating. While they say it in the small print it obviously[Show More]Was on it for a few years and wound up with tachycardia and high blood pressure for which I am still taking meds. While there is a family history of heart disease it's not either of theses. I am not overweight, I exercise and eat well. While coming off it I had to be without medication for the fibroymyalgia for several weeks which was excruciating. While they say it in the small print it obviously very small since a cardiaogist knew I was taking it but did not connect it with these symptoms I was suffering.

  • JohnAugust 22, 2014 at 3:33 pm

    Clearly reduced overall pain levels. Works well.

  • SheilaJuly 24, 2014 at 7:35 am

    Ever since I started taking Savella ( 50mg 2 times day) for my fibromyalgia the main side effects I have experienced is unexplained right upper belly pain. The muscles in my stomach seem to flex and tighten up whenever I try and stretch as well. I can not eat a regular meal. I am always nauseated. I can only eat very small amounts of food if I manage to at some point even in the middle of the ni[Show More]Ever since I started taking Savella ( 50mg 2 times day) for my fibromyalgia the main side effects I have experienced is unexplained right upper belly pain. The muscles in my stomach seem to flex and tighten up whenever I try and stretch as well. I can not eat a regular meal. I am always nauseated. I can only eat very small amounts of food if I manage to at some point even in the middle of the night I get up to throw up. I have not seen any decrease in my pain level. I have developed worsening migraines. Worsening depression. Overall I feel worse since I have started taking savella. I am now in the process of weaning off this awful drug. It should never have been released.

  • Lori L.July 14, 2014 at 7:10 pm

    I couldn't make it through the titration pack! This drug caused me to feel intense rage, hopelessness, desperation, paranoia and suicidal. I do not believe the problem is related to my tolerance, or lack there of, to SSRIs. Maybe it only has this affect on people who have been diagnosed with clinical depression. I took Effexor XR without these side effects for 12 years. I transitioned to Cymb[Show More]I couldn't make it through the titration pack! This drug caused me to feel intense rage, hopelessness, desperation, paranoia and suicidal. I do not believe the problem is related to my tolerance, or lack there of, to SSRIs. Maybe it only has this affect on people who have been diagnosed with clinical depression. I took Effexor XR without these side effects for 12 years. I transitioned to Cymbalta XR, 30mg, and continued for 2 years without these side effects. My experiences with Savella started nearly at once, on 25mg. I took Savella for less than 2 weeks and thought I was receiving messages from God, believed everyone at work was plotting against me and felt that suicide might be the answer to several things. I stopped taking it on Saturday and went back to Cymbalta today (Monday). All of this madness has stopped after only one 30 my dose of Cymbalta. If Savella is not removed from the market then at the very least, studies should be performed to determine it's specific effects on depressed users.

  • MichelleJuly 5, 2014 at 5:59 pm

    I took Savella when it first came on the market for two years. I experienced bad hypertension, both legs got a rash, profuse sweating, redness of upper extremities, and retinopathy brought on by the hypertension. Unfortunately neither my fibro doctor or my eye specialist knew enough about the drug, so I was kept on it. Finally I took matters into my own hands and did research on the medication.[Show More]I took Savella when it first came on the market for two years. I experienced bad hypertension, both legs got a rash, profuse sweating, redness of upper extremities, and retinopathy brought on by the hypertension. Unfortunately neither my fibro doctor or my eye specialist knew enough about the drug, so I was kept on it. Finally I took matters into my own hands and did research on the medication. One thing I found was it was not tried on patients who also had migraines who were on migraine drugs. When savella posted a warning to glaucoma patients I knew there would be something to this. Also no one ever thought savella could be linked to retinopathy, however, when you research retinopathy you discover extreme hypertension will cause it. So after two years of side effects much of the damage is now permanent. Doctors didn't take me off the meds so finally I weaned myself off them. After about four months the leaking into my retina stopped. However, after one year the damage to the retina is permanant, it is now scar tissue. The rash on my lower legs left. My blood pressure is normal. All of this damage could have been prevented if someone would have listened to me. I even contacted Forest Labratory. No one listened to the patient. I did talk to my pharmacist and warned her of this possible side effect in case someone else comes in with this condition on this med. My doctor later tried to put me on a sister drug to Savella, I declined. It is not worth my eyesight!

  • jenMay 22, 2014 at 5:22 am

    My bf started taking savella 3 days ago.before this he was on effexor with no problems. On the 2nd day of.taking savella I noticed him being impatient and easily agitated. By the 3rd day he was vomiting and having suicidal thoughts as well as harming others before he hurt himself. Currently he is in a mental services ward until the medicine is out of his system. Seeing his.moods flip like a light[Show More]My bf started taking savella 3 days ago.before this he was on effexor with no problems. On the 2nd day of.taking savella I noticed him being impatient and easily agitated. By the 3rd day he was vomiting and having suicidal thoughts as well as harming others before he hurt himself. Currently he is in a mental services ward until the medicine is out of his system. Seeing his.moods flip like a light switch and hearing him tell me.the thoughts he was having has of the most difficult things I.have ever been.through. his dr gave him this help with depression, not fibro

  • MonzonJanuary 25, 2014 at 3:59 pm

    I have experienced the worst side affects while taking Savella for nearly 3 weeks. I had suffered terrible headaches, dizziness, hypertension, and severe chest pains that place me in the ER 3 times within one week. I also had painful muscle aches and stiffness that I could not walk nor communicate and a lot of weakness that cause a serious amount of injury, even after I have wean off the medicati[Show More]I have experienced the worst side affects while taking Savella for nearly 3 weeks. I had suffered terrible headaches, dizziness, hypertension, and severe chest pains that place me in the ER 3 times within one week. I also had painful muscle aches and stiffness that I could not walk nor communicate and a lot of weakness that cause a serious amount of injury, even after I have wean off the medication, I was still experiencing the unpleasant headaches, pain, and aches. Savella was definitely a poison, horrible, life-threaten drug to me!!!

  • GEFJanuary 11, 2014 at 5:01 pm

    I have been taking Savella for 3 years for severe fibromyalgic pain. It's the ONLY medicine that has worked. I won't claim to know exactly what fibromyalgia is, but I can assure anyone who reads this, it's certainly not a "non-disease" and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I would not be exaggerating to say that it has given me my life back. I couldn't get up and down our stairs at home withou[Show More]I have been taking Savella for 3 years for severe fibromyalgic pain. It's the ONLY medicine that has worked. I won't claim to know exactly what fibromyalgia is, but I can assure anyone who reads this, it's certainly not a "non-disease" and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. I would not be exaggerating to say that it has given me my life back. I couldn't get up and down our stairs at home without severe pain, sometimes on my hands and knees. Thank you Savella!!

  • KathyDecember 25, 2013 at 3:06 pm

    I have stopped taking Savella due to dramatic increase in GERD, palpitations, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, headaches, and muscle weakness. All of these concerns were significant and constant. It decreased my pain by about 30% but was not worth the serious side effects. I believe if I had continued, it quite possibly could have killed me. Now I am just hoping it did not so perma[Show More]I have stopped taking Savella due to dramatic increase in GERD, palpitations, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, headaches, and muscle weakness. All of these concerns were significant and constant. It decreased my pain by about 30% but was not worth the serious side effects. I believe if I had continued, it quite possibly could have killed me. Now I am just hoping it did not so permanent damage. THIS DRUG IS NOT SAFE.

  • MicheleDecember 21, 2013 at 4:47 pm

    I just wanted to say that I experienced some unusual & bothersome side effects after being on Savella for a month. Hot flashes irregular heart beat, dizziness, terrible sadness, shortness of breath, nausea, dry mouth & insomnia. 'Lori' also mentioned dry mouth (4/10/10), but looked at it as a positive thing because it made her drink more water - that's great! However, I suffered from dry m[Show More]I just wanted to say that I experienced some unusual & bothersome side effects after being on Savella for a month. Hot flashes irregular heart beat, dizziness, terrible sadness, shortness of breath, nausea, dry mouth & insomnia. 'Lori' also mentioned dry mouth (4/10/10), but looked at it as a positive thing because it made her drink more water - that's great! However, I suffered from dry mouth terribly from being on too much pain medicine in the past. It caused extensive damage to my teeth so be really careful and maybe try to use dry mouth rinse to help maintain the health of yours. I also want to say that my pain from Neuropathy, Fibromyalgia & injuries from several car accidents has gotten better since going through (voluntary) treatment for opiate & benzodiazepine over-use. I was a complete wreck and could barely function when on high doses of these meds. PLEASE be careful & aware of the pain doctors who want to keep increasing your pain meds to conquer the pain, it can be way more detrimental to you. Good luck to all who suffer these conditions & diseases, it can be so frustrating and devastating. It's a constant fight but keep it up until you find the right doctor and the right treatment. I'm not there yet but gaining.

  • LoriOctober 31, 2013 at 6:27 am

    I am an RN of 15 + years. Fibro has made it impossible for me to work. I BEGGED my rhuemy for this medication. Anything to get my life back right?! Now I have uncontrollable sweating even at rest. BP & HR are through the roof. Palpitations & chest pain? Oh yeah! I am either angry or crying all the time. I think about suicide & how throughout the day EVERY day! I have had my \"cycle\" f[Show More]I am an RN of 15 + years. Fibro has made it impossible for me to work. I BEGGED my rhuemy for this medication. Anything to get my life back right?! Now I have uncontrollable sweating even at rest. BP & HR are through the roof. Palpitations & chest pain? Oh yeah! I am either angry or crying all the time. I think about suicide & how throughout the day EVERY day! I have had my \"cycle\" for 31 days with bleeding heavier on what would be my normal days UGH I have lost 14 lbs in a month & a half. Constipation, stomach cramps...Yes to all. I can\'t believe I asked for this! Spoke to my PCP on the phone for a good hr tonight. She believes I will have to be hospitalized to get off of this med, will decide when I see her in the morning. I just wanted my life back I really don\'t care. 2 months on this medication, I will say I am med sensitive to majority of meds. If it has worked for you terrific, I would not want to see anyone with relief from Fibro lose it but it surely isn\'t for everyone!

  • mikeAugust 25, 2013 at 11:28 pm

    Its a nightmare on Savella for the short time i have been. I found no pain relief and severe psychological side effects. I have had to manually wean myself quicklu as i could not afford the copay, by cutting pi has there is not an un titration pak to ramp down as there was to ramp up...but then i have lost conf in my phys anyway. I was arrested and went to jail for first time - started weaning nex[Show More]Its a nightmare on Savella for the short time i have been. I found no pain relief and severe psychological side effects. I have had to manually wean myself quicklu as i could not afford the copay, by cutting pi has there is not an un titration pak to ramp down as there was to ramp up...but then i have lost conf in my phys anyway. I was arrested and went to jail for first time - started weaning next day.

  • MommaCJuly 16, 2013 at 6:13 pm

    Have been on this medications for years, now come to find out I have kidney disease and this is probably the culprit. If there is a lawsuit, contact me. Doctors should warn their patients about the side effects of these medications.

  • JessicaJune 6, 2013 at 2:54 pm

    I have been taking Savella since around Fall of last year for Fibromyalgia. My heart rate has increased, resting stays at about 130. I have tried talking to my doctors for months. Telling them I don\'t feel well, no explanation for new dx. of increased heart rate. NO ONE IS LISTENING. I followed up with a Cardiologist. No explanation as to why I know have fast heart rate. No one is doing anything [Show More]I have been taking Savella since around Fall of last year for Fibromyalgia. My heart rate has increased, resting stays at about 130. I have tried talking to my doctors for months. Telling them I don\'t feel well, no explanation for new dx. of increased heart rate. NO ONE IS LISTENING. I followed up with a Cardiologist. No explanation as to why I know have fast heart rate. No one is doing anything to help me. My fast heart rate along with other symptoms I can only contribute to taking Savella. I hope this drug does not cause my long term/harmful side effects. I hope those able do consider doing the right thing. This medication can cause serious complications/problems.

  • g. MillerMay 20, 2013 at 5:12 pm

    I have been on Savella for 8 days now and I am going out of my f***ing mind I am sick to my stomach can't eat hate everyone, I have nausea, headache, constipation and dizzy. As for my pain it seem to be much worse I am also taking more of my pain medications. I have fits of rage it just not me.

  • amyMay 3, 2013 at 3:52 am

    I started savella a few months ago. Before the drug my life was my bed. I didn't do anything felt horrible and was in constant pain. Now I am active and I no longer am in continuous pain. I have had some itching due to the medication, but benadryl helps. There are side effects to ALL medicines. I think it should be chosen based on an individuals results from it. I have not had any other side effec[Show More]I started savella a few months ago. Before the drug my life was my bed. I didn't do anything felt horrible and was in constant pain. Now I am active and I no longer am in continuous pain. I have had some itching due to the medication, but benadryl helps. There are side effects to ALL medicines. I think it should be chosen based on an individuals results from it. I have not had any other side effects and it works great for me. its funny how a drug for incontinence that can cause uncontrollable diarrhea can stay on the market for so long, but a drug that helps some they wànt to take off. there are lots of medicines out there that only work for some people. I'm on my 3rd acid reflux medicine and it still ain't wong and have all caused stomach pains and nausea. does that mean they should pull those medicines that have been on the market for years.? some people are narrow minded and only think of what's best for them and nevermind the ones it helps. if its taken off the market my life will once again consist of laying in bed all the time. one last thought ... I have no thyroid and ALL of the thyroid replacement medicines can cause increased heartrate headaches and itching. does that mean I should stop taking it and let myself die all because of the side effects. in my opinion the benefits far outway the side effects of sevella.

  • VickieMarch 22, 2013 at 4:16 pm

    I have been taking Savella for 3 years!!! My quality has been so much improved on Savella!!! Two years prior to starting Savella I had been through the gambit of everything including Lyrica which was horrible!!! Lyrica needs to be removed from the market! I was taking Cymbalta right before I switch to Savella. I was having problems with sleep also. I would wake up multiple times during the night [Show More]I have been taking Savella for 3 years!!! My quality has been so much improved on Savella!!! Two years prior to starting Savella I had been through the gambit of everything including Lyrica which was horrible!!! Lyrica needs to be removed from the market! I was taking Cymbalta right before I switch to Savella. I was having problems with sleep also. I would wake up multiple times during the night and it took a long time to fall back asleep. I was not having dreams and I was hyper vigilant during the night. I tried different types of sleep aids including Ambien CR but it would still not keep me asleep or allow me to go back to sleep. My sleeping pattern was verified by a sleep study that showed I was not reaching REM sleep at all and the test showed I woke up 17 times from 9pm to 5am using Ambien sleep aid. This test was done while I was on Cynbalta for my Fibromyalgia pain. Nine months later I switched to Savella 200mg, 100mg in the 100mg in the evening and within 2 weeks I was sleeping so much better and without using a sleep aid!!! The biggest improvement in my sleep was being able to reach REM the dream state, I had not had a dream in years. I woke up fewer times and was able to turn over and go back to sleep when I would wake up rather than be awake for long periods of time. I have never had any problems with Savella causing me hypertension and I am 52 years old with a bp of 118/74, I'm 5 ft 3 in 190lbs. Thank you Lyrica for the extra 30lbs! Please, Please, Please, DO NOT get rid of Savella!!! It is a Miracle drug!!!! Doctor's need to make sure they are giving to the right patients. It may not be right for every fibrimyalgia or pain patient who asks for it, so Doctors need to do their job and not give it to someone they know may not be right for the drug just because the ask for it!!! Also, anyone can write negative comments over and over when trying to show a drug is bad and needs to be removed. All comments need to be verified by medical records to be considered authentic before any action should be considered!!!

  • LishaMarch 18, 2013 at 8:12 pm

    Had almost all sideeffects worse was the suicide,when I talk to someone or can write my story PLEASE HELP US !!! A lot of these blogs sounds just like me!

  • LishaMarch 18, 2013 at 8:02 pm

    I was so sick from this med. I threw up for over a year. was sent to every doctor all the way to birmingham. in and out of the hospitals, 3 ICU 's the last was because of an suicide attempt. I had never before or after wanted to take my life!!! i still am having problems from this medications, i have had to have 6 teeth puled 4filled, and got to see an oral surgen to take another.fortunatley no[Show More]I was so sick from this med. I threw up for over a year. was sent to every doctor all the way to birmingham. in and out of the hospitals, 3 ICU 's the last was because of an suicide attempt. I had never before or after wanted to take my life!!! i still am having problems from this medications, i have had to have 6 teeth puled 4filled, and got to see an oral surgen to take another.fortunatley no permant organ damage even though one of the icu was because of my kidneys was shutting down. i have never been so sick in all my life. this is a very short summery of what Savella done to me and my family.

  • BobbiMarch 5, 2013 at 4:45 am

    I have very mixed feelings re Savella. It has brought my moderate pain down significantly, lifted some depression and cleared my foggy mind in the 3 months that I have been on the medication. My doctor put me on 50mg twice a day after completing the trial pack. I felt it was still too high and gave me a combination of side effects (mixed up speech, aggitation, constipation, flushes and headache.) [Show More]I have very mixed feelings re Savella. It has brought my moderate pain down significantly, lifted some depression and cleared my foggy mind in the 3 months that I have been on the medication. My doctor put me on 50mg twice a day after completing the trial pack. I felt it was still too high and gave me a combination of side effects (mixed up speech, aggitation, constipation, flushes and headache.) My doctor then reduced to 25 mg twice a day and I still felt that was too high so I am taking a very low dose of 25 mg once a day. Now I have developed a urinary tract infection (I am not sexually active) and when I checked if this could be a side effect...sure enough it is! The reason being is that it can reduce KIDNEY function so they aren't able to remove all of the waste in your system!! This really got my attention!! Permenate kidney damge is a possibility!! So I will take my antibiotics for the infection and slowly ween myself off of this drug. It just has too many possible side effects that are really scary...we all need our kidneys!! I hvae read a lot about "low dose Naltrexone" has zero side effects and is super affordable.Good luck everyone!

  • MelissaFebruary 1, 2013 at 1:17 am

    I started taking savella the first week it was on the market.It was the spring of 2009.I was so excited I was hoping this would be the med. to finally make me feel good.I've been living with fibro for years.I did feel great for awhile.Then started getting the hotflashes and and my heart would race.The sweating was terrible,but stupid me I keep taking the savellla.When I won't tell friends and fami[Show More]I started taking savella the first week it was on the market.It was the spring of 2009.I was so excited I was hoping this would be the med. to finally make me feel good.I've been living with fibro for years.I did feel great for awhile.Then started getting the hotflashes and and my heart would race.The sweating was terrible,but stupid me I keep taking the savellla.When I won't tell friends and family about the sweating they would laugh and say it was my age then 41.Started getting muscle spaszams and jerking.At the end of August it got bad.It was a Saturday morning and I worked that day.I was jerking and my muscles were going crazy,but stupid me I left for work.I'm a hairstyist and didn't want to let my clients down.I did make it to work the whole hour drive by the grace of God.My muscles where going crazy my face was all distorted my finger were stiff my whole body was out of control.It was like charlehorses moving through my whole body,the pain was so terrible.I was taken by ambulance to the hospital.My bp super high.I thought I was going to die and i think the dr. at er thought the same.They made me sign the living will.They said i had seritonin sydrome.My life has been a living hell since then.I don't take any thing will seritonin but still get the muscle going crazy.I the stomach is the worse.After trying alot of different meds they treat me for dystonia .I take sinemet,benztropine and also diazepam .this med has made my life a living hell.Along with all the money we have spent on med. bills different dr. and just everything my family has been through.Please really think about taking this med.I wish i would have never taken this med.I wish all i had to do is live with the pain of fibro i still have the pain and not being the same person I was before I started taking savalle.

  • KathyJanuary 21, 2013 at 11:51 pm

    I have been taken Savella for at least 2 years. I just seen these comments where it causes high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. Well, I thank God I'm reading where my problems are coming from. The Savella!! I started out with Savella having the most horrid Sweating imaginable. Followed by a feeling of Foggy headed , in other words not feeling together, also, rapid heart rate and for the first[Show More]I have been taken Savella for at least 2 years. I just seen these comments where it causes high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. Well, I thank God I'm reading where my problems are coming from. The Savella!! I started out with Savella having the most horrid Sweating imaginable. Followed by a feeling of Foggy headed , in other words not feeling together, also, rapid heart rate and for the first time in my life high blood pressure. I visited my MD, 2 heart specialist as my heart rate would jump to 120 bpm. Just relaxing. One Heart Doctor considered doing a Cauterized to the heart . I'm so upset right now for I have spent hundreds of dollars trying to find out why my heart suddenly raced. I'm weaning myself off Savella as I feel it's the culprit since these symptoms occurred after being on Savella awhile. My question is Why didn't my MD, or 2 heart Drs look into this? I'm so over these pharmacual companies using their gain of profits on us to cause us health issues. I've been off Savella for 2 days now and no rapid heartbeats At All!! I'll be back in touch to fill you in on the outcome.. This Savella is a very dangerous drug!

  • RobertaJanuary 16, 2013 at 1:11 pm

    All I can say is I was only on the small l dose for 3 or 4 days. The pain was terrible. I had a hard time walking and the I was walking to the car and had to stop. It felt like someone wrapped a inner tube around my chest and squeezed as tight as they could. I finally could sit down and rest. That was the end of Savella for me! Now I have ulcers being treated. From what? Savella or 3rd year of Rec[Show More]All I can say is I was only on the small l dose for 3 or 4 days. The pain was terrible. I had a hard time walking and the I was walking to the car and had to stop. It felt like someone wrapped a inner tube around my chest and squeezed as tight as they could. I finally could sit down and rest. That was the end of Savella for me! Now I have ulcers being treated. From what? Savella or 3rd year of Reclast? Don't want either again!!

  • saraDecember 11, 2012 at 2:50 am

    I was put on savella in June 2010 and by the end of July 2010 i was in full blown congestive heart failure, This medicine almost took my life.What it did to my nervous system starting with severe headaches,constant cold clammy sweats, fast heart rate,nausea,vomiting,and finally chf that landed me in the hospital,then follwed by the loss of my voice for over 3 months then temporary gastorparesis in[Show More]I was put on savella in June 2010 and by the end of July 2010 i was in full blown congestive heart failure, This medicine almost took my life.What it did to my nervous system starting with severe headaches,constant cold clammy sweats, fast heart rate,nausea,vomiting,and finally chf that landed me in the hospital,then follwed by the loss of my voice for over 3 months then temporary gastorparesis in which i still have some stomach issues not to mention the total mental effects it had during this excrutiating time. Please never ever take it. Sara Klee

  • LuraeDecember 5, 2012 at 8:49 pm

    I found this site on my search for Savella side effects, I started having the oddest of things happen, starting with chest discomfort, tingling, i was so emotional and just crying all the time, and at the same time i was absolutely a monster and so mean ( when usually i'm the nicest person around), the diarrhea that wouldn't go away, my heart feeling as if were going to beat right outta my chest [Show More]I found this site on my search for Savella side effects, I started having the oddest of things happen, starting with chest discomfort, tingling, i was so emotional and just crying all the time, and at the same time i was absolutely a monster and so mean ( when usually i'm the nicest person around), the diarrhea that wouldn't go away, my heart feeling as if were going to beat right outta my chest and then last night the severe abdominal pain that had me hitting my knees and literally begging for mercy..... now here's the kicker my friends, I'm only on day 5 of savella!!!Are you kidding me? i wish I could be one of those who apparently its an absolute miracle for, but honestly after the last 2 days of hell and wondering what was wrong with me, after reading these comments, i know what's wrong with me!!!! Savella!!! Ive just called my dr and i'm going off this med before perm damage is done to my body... Goodbye Savella- Hello more pain....... But at least my heart will still be healthy ( I hope)!!

  • Janet B. in ArizonaNovember 18, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    I took Savella from October 11 until October 23, 2012, I went through the most horrible mood swings and I was told it was because I was taking Cymbalta 60 mg twice a day. I started having RLS (restless leg syndrome) and a spot on my leg that looked like a bruise, could of been a blood clot not sure, also my migraines increased. It seemed my arthritis in my neck, knees and back seem to worsen as [Show More]I took Savella from October 11 until October 23, 2012, I went through the most horrible mood swings and I was told it was because I was taking Cymbalta 60 mg twice a day. I started having RLS (restless leg syndrome) and a spot on my leg that looked like a bruise, could of been a blood clot not sure, also my migraines increased. It seemed my arthritis in my neck, knees and back seem to worsen as well. I will say this much, I screwed my bank account up so bad during that time, I had 10 NSF Fees!!! I have had fibromyalgia for 6 years now that was due to a car accident-both cars totaled. I totally agree with Diane dated 11/07/12!!! Nicole, I also have had memory loss-short term, can't think of the correct words to use when talking and my memory was excellent before all this started!?!?!?! Thank God for the support we can give each other as well as finding a doctor that understands this disorder/disease and will help with the pain. In that area I have been blessed up until now, we shall see what the new chronic pain doctor and rheumatologist will do and I can't get into the latter until March 2013, made that appt about 3 months ago. My son was just diagnosed with FM and he was also in the car accident, he also has a rare form of scoliosis. At least I know what not for him to take now! I will say this much I take a daily vitamin, echinacia, vitamin b compound and also my doctor did blood work and now I am taking Vitamin D. With all that at least I have a little more energy than I use too.

  • DebbieNovember 16, 2012 at 7:10 pm

    Savella has changed my life! I went from unbearable pain & extreme fatigue to the point of being almost bed fast to being able to live a normal life again. I have taken it since it was 1st approved. My mom had the same problems & Savella has had the same effect for her. I can't stand the thought of having to go back to life with out Savella. It really wasn't a life. Don't take it away from[Show More]Savella has changed my life! I went from unbearable pain & extreme fatigue to the point of being almost bed fast to being able to live a normal life again. I have taken it since it was 1st approved. My mom had the same problems & Savella has had the same effect for her. I can't stand the thought of having to go back to life with out Savella. It really wasn't a life. Don't take it away from those of us who get so much benefit from it. We've had a taste of normal life and can't bear to go back!

  • dianeNovember 7, 2012 at 2:28 pm

    I started on savella in june 2012 and I have never had so many mood swings depression and thoughts of suicide and even began cutting myself on my arms and legs I now have scars all over them. I also had spikes in blood pressure. among other problems. I finally realized a lot of this was comming from the savella and stopped taking it. This stuff needs to come off the market NOW! I have chronic pain[Show More]I started on savella in june 2012 and I have never had so many mood swings depression and thoughts of suicide and even began cutting myself on my arms and legs I now have scars all over them. I also had spikes in blood pressure. among other problems. I finally realized a lot of this was comming from the savella and stopped taking it. This stuff needs to come off the market NOW! I have chronic pain and depression problems but this medication increased the problems to a level I have never been to.

  • Mary LouNovember 3, 2012 at 3:39 am

    Savella is a godsend for my fibro pain. I take 25 mg morning and evening (50 mg total daily). Started in May 2009 and have had no problems in the past 3 1/2 years. I hope it is never discontinued.

  • MichelleOctober 7, 2012 at 6:52 am

    I took Savella for 6 weeks, I had to stop due to heart palpitations. They felt like heart attacks and hasn't stopped till this day. I still have issues with my chest that started from taking savella and my dr didn't believe me. I haven't gotten the ekg yet as I am involved in a workers compensation case right now.

  • NicoleSeptember 18, 2012 at 10:16 pm

    I have had chronic pain and fatigue for over 20 yrs. now, I felt like a hypochondriac and my Doc. Never helped with that either causing me to hide my symptoms, If you have Fibromyalgia you know that's hard to do. Over the years I had 4 surgery's on my stomach relating to women Issues and Iv'e felt 80 for 20 of my 40 yrs. so tired and sooooo many meds. I was just precribed Lyrica and was sad to hea[Show More]I have had chronic pain and fatigue for over 20 yrs. now, I felt like a hypochondriac and my Doc. Never helped with that either causing me to hide my symptoms, If you have Fibromyalgia you know that's hard to do. Over the years I had 4 surgery's on my stomach relating to women Issues and Iv'e felt 80 for 20 of my 40 yrs. so tired and sooooo many meds. I was just precribed Lyrica and was sad to hear some didn't think it worked that well. My hair fell out taking Gabapentin and I'm taking Loratab, Tramadol, Flexeral, Robaxin, Efexor, Lyrica, Clonipin, and so far the Gabapentin seemed to work the best at 600mg 3 times a day. I am so forgetful but not sure if it's all the meds, lack of sleep or my mind just shutting down from all the stress I don't manage well sometimes. On a brighter note it is nice to read and share this info. With this many people, I really thought I was alone and maybe just crazy. If anyone has advice on how to explain the way I feel and actually not have him look at me like the Doc. Used to would be super. Oh and after all the tests, drugs and feeling invalidated for way too long I have a diagnosis from 2 Doc. Now. My mother has had it longer than I and still no diagnosis for her. I have heard it's hard to get? Bless you all.

  • CynthiaSeptember 17, 2012 at 2:46 pm

    I am so glad to know I am not alone. I have suffered with fibromyalia since 1982. I have tried everything out there. The latest drug was Savella and I had high hopes. It seemed to be the answer to all my prayers. I was on the drug for 3 months and I started feeling so bad that I really thought I was going to die. My heart was racing, I have cold and hot flashes, Myblood pressusre was so high at ti[Show More]I am so glad to know I am not alone. I have suffered with fibromyalia since 1982. I have tried everything out there. The latest drug was Savella and I had high hopes. It seemed to be the answer to all my prayers. I was on the drug for 3 months and I started feeling so bad that I really thought I was going to die. My heart was racing, I have cold and hot flashes, Myblood pressusre was so high at times, my head would just pound. I had absolutely no energy. I started have weird thoughts and dreams of death. I exhausted all my sick leave at work. I would just sit and stare into space. My skin was dry and scaly and all my bodlily functions were not working right. I could not walk across the room without feeling breathless. I am scheduled to have a stress test and see a heart doctor. I quit taking the drug but still have symptoms. I am glad it works for some, but I caution all those are feeling okay, that is how I felt the first week and then it was all downhill from there. I have never felt so bad and I hope there is not long term damage from this drug. This drug should be taken off the market. It is dangerous.

  • courtneyAugust 22, 2012 at 4:28 am

    I have been on the medication for 5 days. I have been having headaches, increased blood pressue and feeling of my heart pounding out of my chest. The latest is esophageal spasms. Its is horrible. Has anyone had horrible indigestion or spasms?

  • JoanAugust 12, 2012 at 4:06 pm

    Oh good Lord. I should have researched this a lot more once my side effects got worse. I admit the Savella did help my Fibromyalgia pain but the abdominal cramping is so severe that I am home bound & mostly bedridden. My doctor said oh it will subside so ride it out. Well, it didn't so I was advised how to wean off of the medication by my pharmacist. I did as he instructed and went off very sl[Show More]Oh good Lord. I should have researched this a lot more once my side effects got worse. I admit the Savella did help my Fibromyalgia pain but the abdominal cramping is so severe that I am home bound & mostly bedridden. My doctor said oh it will subside so ride it out. Well, it didn't so I was advised how to wean off of the medication by my pharmacist. I did as he instructed and went off very slowly. The severe abdominal pains are still there. I have had nausea and vomiting for several weeks before and now after going off the meds. I am heading to the ER today. I can't take the pain anymore. I'm happy for those few of you who seem to get relief with no side effects but I strongly believe this drug should be removed from the market!!

  • victoriaAugust 10, 2012 at 11:11 pm

    I read several of the comments written regarding the side effects of Savella. I was on this medication possibly as early as winter of 2006. As I also was experiencing Graves Disease and taking Flexeril, it was difficult to determine that taking 50mg of savella on a daily basis could be causing problems.I stopped taking the medication for several months in 2011. At this time I was also still experi[Show More]I read several of the comments written regarding the side effects of Savella. I was on this medication possibly as early as winter of 2006. As I also was experiencing Graves Disease and taking Flexeril, it was difficult to determine that taking 50mg of savella on a daily basis could be causing problems.I stopped taking the medication for several months in 2011. At this time I was also still experiencing medication adjustment issues related to synthroid due to having had a thyroidectomy. When I resumed taking the Savella for ongoing treatment of chronic pain due to DJD,muscleskeletal pain,I immediately began to experience significant side effects which were pronounced. These included mood disorder,anxiety,depression,lightheadiness,dizziness irritability,nausea,vomiting,episode of sudden falling which caused damage to an already injured knee and other body parts. I ended being hospitalized as I also experienced cardiac palpitations,extreme irritability,memory loss,confusion and frequent urination. My second visit to the emergency room again failed to obtain a proper diagnosis.After going to visit my orthopedic rehab. physician I was still not properly diagnosed. It was,nt until I decided to access the internet that I became informed that what I was experiencing were severe side effects from Savella. Oh yes, by this time the Migraine headaches had become a 24 hour phenomena and the ringing in my ears were a permanent problem. By late April of 2012 I contacted my physician who then told me to stop taking the medication. Due to the severity of the symptoms I had to stop taking it with only four days of gradual withdrawal. By the end of June beginning of July I was still withdrawing from this HORRIBLE medication. I also experienced hot flashes starting sometime during the winter with sweating etc. My initial hospialization occurred January 17th to the 18th. My subsequent ER visit was on April 4th,2012. Whatever benefits were received from taking this medication were outweighed by all the side effects experienced. This medication needs to be taken off the market. I am convinced that these reactions interdferred with my employment and ability to continue working.

  • LisaJune 27, 2012 at 2:35 am

    I have been on savella for a month and two weeks. I have fibro and two bulging disks and nerve damage on left lower body. I was weine off cymbalta when it seemed to stop working. When I started savella, I was sooo dizzy, motion sick, extreme loss of appetite, and increased age ovation as well as being able to cry at a moments notice! My pain has seemed to decrease and I have tons of energy however[Show More]I have been on savella for a month and two weeks. I have fibro and two bulging disks and nerve damage on left lower body. I was weine off cymbalta when it seemed to stop working. When I started savella, I was sooo dizzy, motion sick, extreme loss of appetite, and increased age ovation as well as being able to cry at a moments notice! My pain has seemed to decrease and I have tons of energy however the sweating wich I never did before and the anxiety attacks with chest pain is concerning. Tried to drop down to 50 mg a day but that makes attacks worse and migraines come on. So I'll stick if our till my next refill and decide then! Thanks for re warnings: I'm going to buy a blood pressure machine tomarrow. Pa. Benadryl at night helps to reduce the heart rate at night for me. But idk if my doc would approve. Lol good luck my fibro buddies!!

  • thelmaJune 26, 2012 at 9:42 pm

    I have fibromyalgia along with disc/spinal problems. In 10/2010, my dr gave me a 3 month supply of Savella. Within 10 days of taking Savella, I suffered siezures many times a day, wild mood changes and was in hospital for 6 days testing for siezure like episodes. Problems came on with Savella and went away once I stopped taking Savella. For months after stopping Savella, it was difficult to talk w[Show More]I have fibromyalgia along with disc/spinal problems. In 10/2010, my dr gave me a 3 month supply of Savella. Within 10 days of taking Savella, I suffered siezures many times a day, wild mood changes and was in hospital for 6 days testing for siezure like episodes. Problems came on with Savella and went away once I stopped taking Savella. For months after stopping Savella, it was difficult to talk with people as I would forget common words. I have always had a very large vocabulary and it did come back slowly about 3 months down the line. Still have odd feeling which is best described by symtom check on internet of "depersonalization disorder." I've not seen a doctor for this but the description on internet comes very close to the feelings I have now of being in a "dream like" state. My doctor refused to say that he would warn future patients about Savella. It is a horrible drug and should be recalled immediately. I still have after affects from Savella but it is getting better... It's going on 2 years now... When will this end!

  • AxisJune 24, 2012 at 6:08 pm

    Only 5 days into this drug and the side effects are overwhelming. My Blood Pressure skyrocketed. My anxiety increased. Now, my kidneys are swollen and my urination only results in drops at a time. My back pain is incredibly uncomfortable from the kidney issues as I cannot find relief either by sitting or lying down. I have lost any sex drive and sexual stimulation has zero effect on me or my [Show More]Only 5 days into this drug and the side effects are overwhelming. My Blood Pressure skyrocketed. My anxiety increased. Now, my kidneys are swollen and my urination only results in drops at a time. My back pain is incredibly uncomfortable from the kidney issues as I cannot find relief either by sitting or lying down. I have lost any sex drive and sexual stimulation has zero effect on me or my responsiveness. I feel confused, irritable and my vision has blurred greatly. This drug might help a select few. I am sure I have been incapable of tolerating the side effects long enough for the drug to take full effect. My fear is, that I will die before any "pain reduction" takes hold. Maybe that is part of the goal of this drug manufacturer? To produce so many complications that you forget about much of your pain? When the use of common sense in healthcare and medicine is lost, then so are the goals and results of developing effective medications. It seems to me today, that drug manufacturers are throwing EVERYTHING at the wall and hoping SOMETHING will stick. Meanwhile, the guinea pigs of these TESTS are the general public still suffering with fibromyalgia and chronic pain. The FDA, over the years, has GREATLY lowered their standards of what is "allowed" to be deemed as effective in medicine. When a drug is 20% effective at reducing pain, yet 80% of complications are from the SIDE EFFECTS of the medication, they still allow the drug to go to market. The incredibly HIGH prices of medicine is to offset the costs of law suits and payments in reparation to those ill-affected by these poisons that they pawn. Doctors need to get a clue!! I guess I could take two tablespoons a day of rat poison, and it will "cure" something within me. Meanwhile, several other aspects of my health declines, slowly but surely. Hundreds of Billions of dollars a year are spent in healthcare, medications and scientific research and THESE are the results?!??

  • MonaJune 12, 2012 at 12:42 pm

    These responses are classic. Just reiterates what works for one, does not work for all. Another thought is that some drugs work well for a season before exhibiting side effects. Bottom line is the question, "why aren't we looking to the causative factor to our ailments and eliminating that?"

  • BronwenMay 10, 2012 at 9:12 pm

    I too was on Savella for a year and a half or so. It worked very well for me pain wise etc. nay had nausea the first week. Over the past few months noted my pain levels started to creep back up a bit , I started to seat more than usual, I started to experience chest pains and palpitations that were crazy, migraines, stomach pain like kidney stones, had multiple tests done and of course , nothing w[Show More]I too was on Savella for a year and a half or so. It worked very well for me pain wise etc. nay had nausea the first week. Over the past few months noted my pain levels started to creep back up a bit , I started to seat more than usual, I started to experience chest pains and palpitations that were crazy, migraines, stomach pain like kidney stones, had multiple tests done and of course , nothing was wrong. Over the past seven weeks my symptoms suddenly worsened. I was losing my balance, was just shy of passing out frequently, easily bruised, my doctors initially thought the imbalance was Vertigo but I kept telling them it was not, the feeling was different, my speech and thought was affected as was my irritability and suicidal ideations. (I am not a depressed person ever) My palpitations got much worse and now my resting heart rate was no less than 110-140 at any time and my BP which is normally normal to low suddenly increased to an average every day of 133/100 and then 150/100I told my doctors I feel like I am having TIA`s or auras for seizures. . I was scheduled for n MRI on the brain stem . I am a Paramedic , have been for a long time, sat down and thought about it and it occurred to me this could be a medication reaction. I stopped the Savella cold turkey ( I know I am not supposed to) but I felt it was possibly killing me or injuring me. It has been a week and my BP and pulse returned to near normal within two to four days , my palpitations stopped as did my imbalance and migraines and ALL of the symptoms I have been experiencing for along time. I am monitoring my vital signs and general well being and find vast improvement daily. Yes I am beginning to hurt again but that pales in comparison to the side effects. I am trying a natural way of treating this as I am now scared of the pharmaceutical s.

  • LishaApril 16, 2012 at 4:45 pm

    I AM THE POSTER CHILD OF WHY NOT TO TAKE SAVELLA! I have had persistant nausea/vomiting, high blood pressure, sweating like water being poured over me (EMBARRASSING), increase in muscle spasms, there is more but the worse is on DECEMBER 2, 2010 I swallow over 6000mg of MS COTIN, plus Ambien and Xanax! Only GOD saved me! I had never had suicidal thoughts before Savella, OR since being off!! I was w[Show More]I AM THE POSTER CHILD OF WHY NOT TO TAKE SAVELLA! I have had persistant nausea/vomiting, high blood pressure, sweating like water being poured over me (EMBARRASSING), increase in muscle spasms, there is more but the worse is on DECEMBER 2, 2010 I swallow over 6000mg of MS COTIN, plus Ambien and Xanax! Only GOD saved me! I had never had suicidal thoughts before Savella, OR since being off!! I was was hospitalized 14 times for uncontrollable nausea/vomiting and sent to many doctors and only one hit on it maybe the savella, 6 weeks later I tried to take my own life. I am still paying for this because the stomache acids ate up my teeth! I have had to have 6 pulled and my dentist is fighting hard to save the rest but onlt time will be able to tell this story. IF YOU ARE ON THIS MEDICATION AND ARE DOING FINE THATS GREAT BUT BEWARE OF IT TOO! I just don't ever want this to happen to anyone else and their families! ~~LRC

  • JeanneApril 11, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    Just trying to come back from what appears to be a TIA (mini stroke) from medicine complications...first thing neurologist and hospitalist pointed to was use of Savella. I found some relief from fibro pain with is (and you know that any relief is a pleasure) but after spending 3 days in the hospital and 13 days out of work this last month with stroke-like symptoms there is NO WAY I could honestly[Show More]Just trying to come back from what appears to be a TIA (mini stroke) from medicine complications...first thing neurologist and hospitalist pointed to was use of Savella. I found some relief from fibro pain with is (and you know that any relief is a pleasure) but after spending 3 days in the hospital and 13 days out of work this last month with stroke-like symptoms there is NO WAY I could honestly recommend this to a friend with fibro. Too scary!

  • PatriciaApril 4, 2012 at 9:46 pm

    I took Savella and yes it helped my fibromyalsia but the other effects I had were not worth it - I couldn't eat without pain, itched all over to the point of bleeding; sweat something fierce (while normally I never had this problem) depression was very serious; my pulse raced over 130; I had headaches; cried all the time; AND, underwent various upper and lower gi's as well as other tests (($$$$$) [Show More]I took Savella and yes it helped my fibromyalsia but the other effects I had were not worth it - I couldn't eat without pain, itched all over to the point of bleeding; sweat something fierce (while normally I never had this problem) depression was very serious; my pulse raced over 130; I had headaches; cried all the time; AND, underwent various upper and lower gi's as well as other tests (($$$$$) it took me 2 1/2 months to get off these effects. I wouldn't advise you to try it - almost killed me

  • MaureenMarch 22, 2012 at 10:14 pm

    I almost died with cardiac and respiratory arrest after three days on Savella, spent two weeks in hospital and amassed $143,000 in hospital bills. Cannot find a lawyer to take my case as a product liability case--anyone know one ?

  • ReneeMarch 17, 2012 at 5:33 pm

    This medication Savella had almost taken my life twice in the last year and a half and hospitalized appox 14 times. I didn't really think all the stuff I had going on that it was the Savella causing my problems. After my medications was changed and I started feeling better than I have in a very long time, I started researching Savella to see exactly what side effects Savella had and OMG I couldn't[Show More]This medication Savella had almost taken my life twice in the last year and a half and hospitalized appox 14 times. I didn't really think all the stuff I had going on that it was the Savella causing my problems. After my medications was changed and I started feeling better than I have in a very long time, I started researching Savella to see exactly what side effects Savella had and OMG I couldn't believe it! It was like reading about me in the last year! I couldn't believe no one caught this. I am feeling so much better emotionally and physically now that I am off this stuff it's unbelievable. Oh lets not forget my teeth are all rotting out because of stomache acids eating the enamel off.

  • tnidekFebruary 12, 2012 at 4:27 pm

    If I didn't have a husband and two children, I would have preferreed a bullet in my head, rather than the immediate depressive results from this drug. I could not stop crying, I was very aggitated and had no desire to continue my life if this was how I was going to feel. Started weaning off the drug - after only two weeks of use, and had severe vomitting, headache, and weakness. No water or foo[Show More]If I didn't have a husband and two children, I would have preferreed a bullet in my head, rather than the immediate depressive results from this drug. I could not stop crying, I was very aggitated and had no desire to continue my life if this was how I was going to feel. Started weaning off the drug - after only two weeks of use, and had severe vomitting, headache, and weakness. No water or food for two days. Just starting to come out of it and I am one PO'd girl. I nearly killed myself. Thanks doc.

  • BonnieFebruary 9, 2012 at 10:24 pm

    I have been on Savella for 7 months and have to stop due to a crazy increase in blood pressure and nasal bleeding, as well as lack of sleep (worse than I've ever had since Fibromyalgia started). Here are the details of why I'm getting off this crazy drug: If you are on Savella, please make sure you don't take other drugs that coul[Show More]I have been on Savella for 7 months and have to stop due to a crazy increase in blood pressure and nasal bleeding, as well as lack of sleep (worse than I've ever had since Fibromyalgia started). Here are the details of why I'm getting off this crazy drug: If you are on Savella, please make sure you don't take other drugs that could make your heart do crazy things, like nasal decongestants. My doctor was careless and had me take one. It was a terrible ordeal.

  • ChristieFebruary 5, 2012 at 9:04 pm

    I have been taking savella for over 2 years now. it has been a life saver for me. i am able to work with little pain. i have no heart problems, hypertension, or problems with heart rhythm. i am a nurse of 18 years and know that patients should keep close contact with their doctor to monitor for side effects. My life would be much more limited if not for savella. i am so extremely thankful for this[Show More]I have been taking savella for over 2 years now. it has been a life saver for me. i am able to work with little pain. i have no heart problems, hypertension, or problems with heart rhythm. i am a nurse of 18 years and know that patients should keep close contact with their doctor to monitor for side effects. My life would be much more limited if not for savella. i am so extremely thankful for this med.

  • KimJanuary 23, 2012 at 2:35 pm

    2011, my Dr. Decided I should try sevella. After a few days of taking this med. I could not believe the abdominal pains it caused, I spoke to my Dr about this pain and she said my body just needed time to get use to it, and the pain meant the drug was gonna work great for me. I took one more dose and said forget it. I had pain in my upper abdominal area, pain like a ball of fire just sitting in [Show More]2011, my Dr. Decided I should try sevella. After a few days of taking this med. I could not believe the abdominal pains it caused, I spoke to my Dr about this pain and she said my body just needed time to get use to it, and the pain meant the drug was gonna work great for me. I took one more dose and said forget it. I had pain in my upper abdominal area, pain like a ball of fire just sitting in that one area, later found out it was pancreatitis. Its almost two years later and I still am hurting. Sevella has ruined my life. I have chronic pancreatitis now.

  • DianeJanuary 14, 2012 at 4:41 pm

    I have had RA, fibro and chronic migraines for 15 years and am on permanent disability. I have tried EVERYTHING. Once Lyrica was approved for FM in 2007, I started taking it. I was able to function again, albeit still in a lot of pain, but mostly in AM and PM. However, after four years and moderate results, my GP wanted me to try Savella instead for increased energy. I am on day 8 and HATE IT.[Show More]I have had RA, fibro and chronic migraines for 15 years and am on permanent disability. I have tried EVERYTHING. Once Lyrica was approved for FM in 2007, I started taking it. I was able to function again, albeit still in a lot of pain, but mostly in AM and PM. However, after four years and moderate results, my GP wanted me to try Savella instead for increased energy. I am on day 8 and HATE IT. I was driving yesterday and thought I was going to puke and have a heart attack while I was driving, so I called my physician this morning to take me off of this stuff. I have had increased BP and pulse, profuse sweating and dizziness, tears, confusion, irritability, nausea, restlessness and sleeplessness, bad dreams, and ice cold hands and feet. I also have no appetite and cant afford to lose any weight. After reading this post, I can't get off this medicine fast enough! At least with Lyrica, I know I will be able to sleep again and suffer no adverse effects. I am not one to give up quickly on a medicine, but these horrible side effects outweigh any potential gain I may have.

  • DebJanuary 13, 2012 at 1:00 am

    I have been on savella for almost three years. At first my fibro symptoms were much better. After a while the benefits were less. I stopped taking it today. I am xperiencing vaginal bleeding ten years after menapause. I don't know if savella has ny connection but I will never take another one.

  • LauraJanuary 9, 2012 at 5:32 pm

    I have been on Savella for almost 2 years, and besides the cost of the medication, I am thoroughly impressed. I had suffered from chronic pain for 6 years before I was diagnosed with epilepsy induced fibromyalgia. My seizures are not that of a 'normal' epileptic - in that when I have a seizure, the muscles in my body tense up so much that I can't breathe. The pain that comes after the seizure i[Show More]I have been on Savella for almost 2 years, and besides the cost of the medication, I am thoroughly impressed. I had suffered from chronic pain for 6 years before I was diagnosed with epilepsy induced fibromyalgia. My seizures are not that of a 'normal' epileptic - in that when I have a seizure, the muscles in my body tense up so much that I can't breathe. The pain that comes after the seizure is literally unbearable for almost a week. When I began taking Savella along with Gabapentin, my life changed. I am able to exercise and take my son to the park and go on bike rides along with many other physical activities that I was not able to do for so long. I was also able to lose 70 pounds because I am able to be an active person. Savella has been a godsend. I only had one minor side affect when I began taking it. I couldn't drink as much coffee as I was used to because it caused me to use the bathroom more frequently. That only lasted a couple of weeks and then went away. I am overall a happier, healthier person and a better mommy. If I could find the developer of the drug, I would give him/her a kiss for giving me my life back.

  • DevonJanuary 9, 2012 at 1:43 am

    I took Savella for a number of months 2 years ago, at first it seemed to help my fibro symptoms, then suddenly I started having visual problems and panic attack type symptoms (racing heart, nervousness). As time progressed these symptoms became worse and as a result I discontinued use. These symptoms never really went away and then about 5 months ago, the visual problems suddenly worsened. Thre[Show More]I took Savella for a number of months 2 years ago, at first it seemed to help my fibro symptoms, then suddenly I started having visual problems and panic attack type symptoms (racing heart, nervousness). As time progressed these symptoms became worse and as a result I discontinued use. These symptoms never really went away and then about 5 months ago, the visual problems suddenly worsened. Three weeks ago, while working, my vision changed ( I suddenly felt like I had my eyes dilated by the eye doctor), I became diaphorectic, my arms went numb and I collapsed. My heart rate and blood pressure were high, by the time I got to the ER the symptoms were fading. Since that day I have been in and out of the hospital several times for the same thing, with each episode lasting longer and occuring more frequently. The Cardiologist can find no cause for my tachycardia or other symptoms, he believes it is a neurologic issue. He recently started me on a beta blocker to keep my heart rate down, but I'm still having these episodes, only now my heart rate doesn't jump up. I still experience the arm numbness, vision change, diaphoresis, and nausea several times a day. I have often questioned if Savella is the cause as I had never experienced these types of symptoms prior to taking the drug.

  • BetsyJanuary 8, 2012 at 10:37 pm

    I have taken Savella starter pack for about 13 days. I cut the tablets in half, and have slowly ramped up. However, when I tried a 25mg tablet, I got confused, could not get up from the table, had severe neck pain, head pain. Scary. Doctor said to move back to a lower dosage. I have noticed that my heart races when I tried to walk and run, and experience episodes of tachycardia. I am going to try [Show More]I have taken Savella starter pack for about 13 days. I cut the tablets in half, and have slowly ramped up. However, when I tried a 25mg tablet, I got confused, could not get up from the table, had severe neck pain, head pain. Scary. Doctor said to move back to a lower dosage. I have noticed that my heart races when I tried to walk and run, and experience episodes of tachycardia. I am going to try to wean off of this drug. From what I read in this blog, and knowing that the drug is awfully new on the market, I would like to see a re-review by the FDA and possibly pull it from the market. Permanent cardiac problems, and even temporary ones, are too serious. I found out today that my normally low blood pressure is now 120/80, and resting HR was 104. Way too high for me - and I am only taking 12.5mg 2x a day.

  • PamJanuary 6, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    I have read all eveything on this page about savella my doctor wants me to try it I wanted find some information so your wed site has been very helpful to be honest this drug is not for me could end up dead it seems the side a effects out weight the positive side this drug needs to be removed

  • PeggyJanuary 1, 2012 at 4:05 am

    In December of 2010 my husband was prescribed Savella, then on November 3 of this year he committed suicide. The detective that investigated his death ordered blood tests after he found he was taking this medication and that he had investigated several suicides of people taking this. I will do anything to have Savella taken off the shelf, I would not wish this on anyone, I miss my husband terribly[Show More]In December of 2010 my husband was prescribed Savella, then on November 3 of this year he committed suicide. The detective that investigated his death ordered blood tests after he found he was taking this medication and that he had investigated several suicides of people taking this. I will do anything to have Savella taken off the shelf, I would not wish this on anyone, I miss my husband terribly and so does our 3 year old daughter.......

  • Chronic Fibro patient for 22 yrsDecember 28, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    I have been on Savella for two yrs now and this is THE ONLY medication that has worked for me I work a full 40 hr work week and have not missed any days ONLY BECAUSE of this medication. I have not had ANY of these reported side effects, and I would not be able to function without this medication. They should possibly have stricter prescribing requirements, but to completely recall something that[Show More]I have been on Savella for two yrs now and this is THE ONLY medication that has worked for me I work a full 40 hr work week and have not missed any days ONLY BECAUSE of this medication. I have not had ANY of these reported side effects, and I would not be able to function without this medication. They should possibly have stricter prescribing requirements, but to completely recall something that is working for many individuals just because of some side effects experienced by less than 20% of the prescibed population, (and the loudest speakers) is not right, why should all of the patients currently taking this wonder drug have to suffer just because of a FEW unsatisified angry people? Everyone taking this medication that are experiencing a better quality of life need to speak up and not let the FEW unsatisified determine out fate!!! Just as a note, I have had regular blood work and I have not had any abnormal findings just because of this medication.

  • GlennDecember 16, 2011 at 7:34 am

    Just found out my wifes liver from obtopsy looks like she's been a drinker for 20 years and the doctor had no idea why my wifes liver is dieing. Our religion recommends no alcohol and she has had 0 alcohol drinks in her entire life! She is 40. She was on this drug over 2 years! This drug for her was not okay!

  • marjDecember 14, 2011 at 2:33 am

    has anyone else had liver function problems from this stuff??????

  • JerryNovember 14, 2011 at 9:01 pm

    My wife has been on Savella for about a year for fibro. It worked pretty good for a while, but then she hit a plateau. Now it's like she's back to square one. However, since taking it, she has developed a fast heartbeat and the doctor put her on Bystolic to slow it down. She also has night sweats, so stopped taking the nighttime dose. Probably shouldn't have done it without consulting the doc[Show More]My wife has been on Savella for about a year for fibro. It worked pretty good for a while, but then she hit a plateau. Now it's like she's back to square one. However, since taking it, she has developed a fast heartbeat and the doctor put her on Bystolic to slow it down. She also has night sweats, so stopped taking the nighttime dose. Probably shouldn't have done it without consulting the doctor, but she couldn't sleep due to it. I hate the stuff and I'm not the one taking it!! She can't get off of it fast enough, as far as we're concerned!!!

  • HollyNovember 9, 2011 at 12:41 am

    Being a Registered Nurse and from my experience with this drug, I feel it is potentially VERY dangerous! I was prescribed it for my fibromyalgia. After just the second dose of the 12.5 mg in the titration pack, I had an episode of profound cardiac arrthythmia. By the time I got a ride to the ER, my heart was back in sinus rhythm so I just stayed home. I stopped taking the Savella immediately an[Show More]Being a Registered Nurse and from my experience with this drug, I feel it is potentially VERY dangerous! I was prescribed it for my fibromyalgia. After just the second dose of the 12.5 mg in the titration pack, I had an episode of profound cardiac arrthythmia. By the time I got a ride to the ER, my heart was back in sinus rhythm so I just stayed home. I stopped taking the Savella immediately and thought it would all be behind me once the medication got out of my system. But it seems to have done something to me and the episodes are continuing after 5 weeks. (I have had 9 so far.) I have had labs done, ran to the ER to try to capture an event on a cardiac monitor and I am now having to try to get my insurance company to pay for a 1 month long "event monitor" to be put on to try to figure out exactly what type of arrhythmias that I am having. I am often woken up out of a dead sleep with a severely abnormal heart beat. I was feeling fine until I took the Savella! It is really negatively affecting my quality of life. I have missed work, I am not sleeping well because of the episodes, I am now on 3 medications to try to control the irregular heart beat episodes...not to mention the expense of all the insurance co-pays. And the episodes are very frightening and have lasted up to an hour and a half at a time. People, please think LONG and hard about this drug if you or your family has any history of cardiac issues. I truly fear this may have done some type of premanent damage to me!

  • LoriOctober 30, 2011 at 3:27 am

    I have been diagnosed with fibro for two years and started taking Savella and it has been a hard journey. Everything we take has side effects that leads to other problems. Trully, I can say that Savella has helped me tremendously. I deal with the small problems. One thing may work for others and it may not work for you. Thats life....take the good along with the bad.

  • SusanOctober 26, 2011 at 10:52 pm

    Savella needs to have a MAJOR warning with it! A warning that it may not work & another warning stating the withdrawals of "addiction" to this medicine! I have been tapering off the drug for a month & have been totally off of it for 9 misreable days! I suffered with the heart palpitations, excessive sweating & it seemed to make my depression much worse while I was taking it. I went to [Show More]Savella needs to have a MAJOR warning with it! A warning that it may not work & another warning stating the withdrawals of "addiction" to this medicine! I have been tapering off the drug for a month & have been totally off of it for 9 misreable days! I suffered with the heart palpitations, excessive sweating & it seemed to make my depression much worse while I was taking it. I went to my doc & explained that I felt like it wasn't working & she prescribed yet ANOTHER antidepressant , welbrutrin....which I took for two weeks & decided to taper off both. She said that I could try both at the same time or just do the welbutrin. Coming off of Savella has been the worst experience of my life. If you like vomiting, being disoriented, sore muscles, hopelessness & feelings of worthlessness, the worst stomach cramps & terrifying pain....then try this drug & then get off of it. I beg you to seek other options for Fybro!

  • ReginaOctober 4, 2011 at 6:39 am

    I began savella a few months ago. After 10 yrs of cymbalta, I was in desperate need for help managing my fibromyalgia. When I began the titration packet, I couldn't believe the relief I felt within a few days. I felt as though my life had suddenly become worth living again. I was looking forward to the future, which has not been the case for the past decade. I was told the side effects would s[Show More]I began savella a few months ago. After 10 yrs of cymbalta, I was in desperate need for help managing my fibromyalgia. When I began the titration packet, I couldn't believe the relief I felt within a few days. I felt as though my life had suddenly become worth living again. I was looking forward to the future, which has not been the case for the past decade. I was told the side effects would subside-to give the medication some time. Now, my bp and pulse rate are out of control. My bp medicine has been doubled and is still not keeping my bp at an acceptable level. The hot flashes are unbearable! I have terrible headaches, and for the second time within two weeks, I have almost physically attacked two different physicians. My anger is completely out of control, let alone the fact that I am daily fighting the urge to kill myself. I have a 12 yr old daughter and a husband who are very supportive, but I really feel I would be doing them a huge favor by ending my life so theirs would be less stressful. Until I found this forum, I thought I was losing my mind. I will begin to wean myself from savella beginning tomorrow. I am very angry that the %/#8 dr who prescribed savella for me did not recognize the fact that my bp was out of control because of this medication, and that the savella was causing me to lose my sanity, especially since he came very close to being attacked by me in his office. You would think that a dr who prescribes this med would be checking his patients for these very symptoms and changes in mental behavior. I am just hoping that this drug leaves my system very soon as I am at my end. Btw, I too suffered terrible headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, bouts of crying etc,, which have become worse in the past month. No, the side effects do not subside!

  • yvetteSeptember 19, 2011 at 2:33 am

    I was on savella for fibromyalgia as well as lyrica. My bp went from 100's/50's to 140's/90's my heart rate went from 80's to 130's. I developed exessive sweating, shortness of breath with activity and severe cough with activity. These developed slowly so I thought I was premenopausal and had developed allergies or had sinusitis. I became anxious and easily felt overwhelmed. On a hunch I stopped [Show More]I was on savella for fibromyalgia as well as lyrica. My bp went from 100's/50's to 140's/90's my heart rate went from 80's to 130's. I developed exessive sweating, shortness of breath with activity and severe cough with activity. These developed slowly so I thought I was premenopausal and had developed allergies or had sinusitis. I became anxious and easily felt overwhelmed. On a hunch I stopped the savella and now a month later my bp is 107/50 heartrate 82. No more sweating or shortness of breath and way less anxiety and cough has slowly disappeared. However I still have occasional cheatpain. I am able to work more hours now and have reduced the stressors that brought on fibro pain. One very important thing that has also helped me is too make sure I get enough sleep and rest when I'm not working. I havent been back to the doctor but will ask for a cardiology consultation to make sure I havent suffered any heart damage.

  • DebbieSeptember 3, 2011 at 5:57 pm

    I have read the reports here and can not attest to any of the findings. I had taken Lyrica with absolutely no results. Living in the pain I had for over a year before I was properly diagnosed was absolutely horrible. Lyrica was the second drug that I took with no results. Savella has been a God send to me. I have not noticed any of the side effects mentioned. I do not want to go back to experienci[Show More]I have read the reports here and can not attest to any of the findings. I had taken Lyrica with absolutely no results. Living in the pain I had for over a year before I was properly diagnosed was absolutely horrible. Lyrica was the second drug that I took with no results. Savella has been a God send to me. I have not noticed any of the side effects mentioned. I do not want to go back to experiencing any of the physical or emotional state I was in before proper diagnosis and Savella.

  • JesiSeptember 1, 2011 at 6:30 am

    It is so weird how this drug affects everyone so differently. For me it has been a god send. Before I started taking it I could barely get out of bed or pick up my daughter. Now I am almost pain free on the good days. I still have bad days but nothing like the hell I was going through before. I do have to take anti-nausea meds with it but that is fine with me for the relief that I get. This has be[Show More]It is so weird how this drug affects everyone so differently. For me it has been a god send. Before I started taking it I could barely get out of bed or pick up my daughter. Now I am almost pain free on the good days. I still have bad days but nothing like the hell I was going through before. I do have to take anti-nausea meds with it but that is fine with me for the relief that I get. This has been a life saver. And I am bi-polar and have not had any of the mood side effects. I'm sorry it did not work for so many of you.

  • karyAugust 24, 2011 at 10:32 pm

    I have been on this drug for about 2 weeks. Fibro has been part of my life for 7 years. It is a soul stealing illness. So far this drug is amazing. I have some energy and very little pain. My side effects have been minimal with sweating being most severe. If that's as bad as it gets I'm happy. If this drug can give me a few years with less pain and higher quality of life I want it despite t[Show More]I have been on this drug for about 2 weeks. Fibro has been part of my life for 7 years. It is a soul stealing illness. So far this drug is amazing. I have some energy and very little pain. My side effects have been minimal with sweating being most severe. If that's as bad as it gets I'm happy. If this drug can give me a few years with less pain and higher quality of life I want it despite the possible side effects. As long as I am informed I think it should be my decision not the FDA's. I feel the same way about Darvocet and Vioxx. I am an adult and as long as there is informed consent that is what should matter.

  • GlendaAugust 23, 2011 at 4:43 am

    I have just started having problems with blood pressure last week after taking Savella for about a year. It seems to be a common serious side affect. I'm going off Savella slowly, and my blood pressure went from 146/122 to 113/77 in about 4 days. Of course, my doctor put me on blood pressure medicene temporarily until I wean off the Savella. I also am currently taken an aspirin everyday just t[Show More]I have just started having problems with blood pressure last week after taking Savella for about a year. It seems to be a common serious side affect. I'm going off Savella slowly, and my blood pressure went from 146/122 to 113/77 in about 4 days. Of course, my doctor put me on blood pressure medicene temporarily until I wean off the Savella. I also am currently taken an aspirin everyday just to be sure. I don't want to try anything else. My doctor gave meTramedol, and I hope it's enough. If anyone has any ideas for other drugs besides cymbalta, Lyrica, or Savella I would greatly appreciate it.

  • DeborahAugust 21, 2011 at 7:22 am

    Savella has helped my pain significantly. I have Lyme Disease and fibro. I definitely have benefited from this medication. I had bone pain as well as joint pain and muscle aches ALL the time. At times, it hurt if a person touched my skin. I am amazed that people call their doctors "drug pushers" or place all the blame elsewhere. EDUCATE yourself about the medications you consider taking. RE[Show More]Savella has helped my pain significantly. I have Lyme Disease and fibro. I definitely have benefited from this medication. I had bone pain as well as joint pain and muscle aches ALL the time. At times, it hurt if a person touched my skin. I am amazed that people call their doctors "drug pushers" or place all the blame elsewhere. EDUCATE yourself about the medications you consider taking. READ about all the side effects. Make your doctor talk to you. ASK your pharmacists questions. Understand the risks and all side effects before you swallow the pill. Not every medication works with every person's body chemistry. This one works for me. I understand the damage it can cause; however, when I weigh it against debilitating pain it is worth it to me.

  • BarbAugust 17, 2011 at 1:57 am

    Thank GOD for blogs. Don't the Doctors read them? You would have to be out of your mind to take this stuff and any other medicine that causes these or similar side effects. They should level the FDA and start from scratch again. How many people have they killed? I'm glad I received this information before I started my starter pack. People should read the contraindication sheets. It would hel[Show More]Thank GOD for blogs. Don't the Doctors read them? You would have to be out of your mind to take this stuff and any other medicine that causes these or similar side effects. They should level the FDA and start from scratch again. How many people have they killed? I'm glad I received this information before I started my starter pack. People should read the contraindication sheets. It would help if the print was large enough to read.

  • JoyJuly 27, 2011 at 12:10 pm

    I have read several of these threads. and, I only need to say dito,dito, and dito. I hurt so bad right now. had a weekend from hell just past. I was told by my drug pusher(Dr's...Assistant) that I hadn't accepted my Fibro as a Disease. GO to a counselor...We'll Dr want a be! maybe you need to see a counselor for pushing this stuff. Carma is a bitch!!!!

  • BarbaraJuly 16, 2011 at 2:25 pm

    I have been taking Savella for two years now. My neurologist insisted this was the drug for me. I tried Cymbalta, Lyrica, Neurontin. All of these gave me terrible side effects. The first day I took this medication I was improved and continued to improve until finally the temperature, wind, rain and other barometric changes did not cause me dibilating pain. I can say for two years I have had N[Show More]I have been taking Savella for two years now. My neurologist insisted this was the drug for me. I tried Cymbalta, Lyrica, Neurontin. All of these gave me terrible side effects. The first day I took this medication I was improved and continued to improve until finally the temperature, wind, rain and other barometric changes did not cause me dibilating pain. I can say for two years I have had NO pain from fibromyalgia from this drug. The only problem I had was having to change diuretics because it has been found that in older adults it can pull potassium from your body. 5 stars for Savella!!

  • BernieJuly 8, 2011 at 2:07 pm

    I also ended up in the hospital with increased heart rate, funky EKG, very high blood pressure - up to 180/90 when it was normally 110/70. This drug is dangerous. My doctor said I was having a heart attack. Off the Savella - feeling normal again. I wish I could take it though as it did help with pain, but massive side effects.

  • DebiGJune 30, 2011 at 3:12 am

    I have been on Savella for 8 months now. It has been a gift from God. I can live a nearly normal life and am free from debilitating pain. My doc has me keep an eye on my blood pressure (which has been fine). He also does lab tests quarterly to check blood levels, kidney function, cortisol, etc. My heart rate did increase for about a month but dropped back down. My only side effect is sweatin[Show More]I have been on Savella for 8 months now. It has been a gift from God. I can live a nearly normal life and am free from debilitating pain. My doc has me keep an eye on my blood pressure (which has been fine). He also does lab tests quarterly to check blood levels, kidney function, cortisol, etc. My heart rate did increase for about a month but dropped back down. My only side effect is sweating more in the Alabama heat. You need to be proactive with ANY drug and be sure you are working with a doctor who has your best interest in mind.

  • SharlawiltonJune 24, 2011 at 4:18 am

    i feel like this drug has given me hope for the first time in years. my fibro has been out of control for almost 10 years now. i've tried EVERYTHING. Trigger point injections, tons of masso, acupuncture, and a host of narcotics, tricyclics and vitamins. i've changed my diet, i exercise... and nothing worked. a week on Savella and i honestly felt like someone gave me my life back. i have depressive[Show More]i feel like this drug has given me hope for the first time in years. my fibro has been out of control for almost 10 years now. i've tried EVERYTHING. Trigger point injections, tons of masso, acupuncture, and a host of narcotics, tricyclics and vitamins. i've changed my diet, i exercise... and nothing worked. a week on Savella and i honestly felt like someone gave me my life back. i have depressive/suicidal tendencies anyways... and i haven't felt like this has made it worse. if anything, i feel more hope than ever. i didn't know what life was like without chronic pain.

  • AmyJune 1, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    Hi, I am 38 & have been suffering from fibro for 15 yrs now. I have tried everything possible to have any kind of relief. Im on 2 months (now) of taking savella, and am experienting all the Opsame effects. Nasuea,chills, panic attacks, chest pain, & my pulse yest. was 105 at rest! Its usualy 72. I cant sleep at all, Im affraid I will not wake up with all this chest pain & BP racing. I [Show More]Hi, I am 38 & have been suffering from fibro for 15 yrs now. I have tried everything possible to have any kind of relief. Im on 2 months (now) of taking savella, and am experienting all the Opsame effects. Nasuea,chills, panic attacks, chest pain, & my pulse yest. was 105 at rest! Its usualy 72. I cant sleep at all, Im affraid I will not wake up with all this chest pain & BP racing. I am going to the doc's friday & Im already weaning down. Good luck everyone! Get a message instead!!!

  • CBMay 19, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    After dealing with severe Psoriatic arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Narcolepsy for more than 30 years I have taken about every medication that's out there for pain & inflammation. I started on Savella last week.. within 24 hours, I thought this was the best drug EVER.. I had superman energy and hardly needed to sleep. About day 4 I started to get horrible stomach pains.. It didn't matter what I [Show More]After dealing with severe Psoriatic arthritis, Fibromyalgia and Narcolepsy for more than 30 years I have taken about every medication that's out there for pain & inflammation. I started on Savella last week.. within 24 hours, I thought this was the best drug EVER.. I had superman energy and hardly needed to sleep. About day 4 I started to get horrible stomach pains.. It didn't matter what I ate..or whether I even ate anything. Then by day 6 I was so tired that I slept for 20 hours a day. Then the sweats...and the chest pressure... and the foggy brain all started.. I stopped called my doctor and was advised to stop taking Savella .. I was only on 12.5mg for 10 days. Four wonderful days ... 6 days of hell.. The pain returned in 24 hours and is bad..The brain fog continuous... The exhausted feeling is still here... I'm trying to get the HORRIBLE stomach pain under control.. I had high hopes for a few days, but by the end of the 10 days I felt like it would literally kill me in a few more doses.

  • DEREKMay 17, 2011 at 6:31 pm


  • angieMay 17, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    this is the only drug that i have ever had relief with for fibro! i was in the research trial but had to come off at the top dose required due to developing high blood pressure which i normally do not have. however, now it is approved. i wanted to try it with my doctor because i did truly have relief! at least some! and nothing has worked. i feel like i am going to be disabled. i need something. s[Show More]this is the only drug that i have ever had relief with for fibro! i was in the research trial but had to come off at the top dose required due to developing high blood pressure which i normally do not have. however, now it is approved. i wanted to try it with my doctor because i did truly have relief! at least some! and nothing has worked. i feel like i am going to be disabled. i need something. so.. i suggested to him that we try it on a lower dose. i do have relief but my chest is hurting some. i am telling him but i hope this goes away. :( this has been my only relief and hope for a semi normal life!! :(

  • JackMay 17, 2011 at 4:28 am

    I have been on 100 mg a day for two weeks after the titration pack. The first two weeks were pretty good but recently I have had the hot flashes, high bp, terrible anxiety and and a chest that feels like it is going to explode. My male organ has shrunk to nill and I have a sperm like substance after I urinate. I feel foggy and depressed. My dr has me at a 50 mg a day dose starting today and he is [Show More]I have been on 100 mg a day for two weeks after the titration pack. The first two weeks were pretty good but recently I have had the hot flashes, high bp, terrible anxiety and and a chest that feels like it is going to explode. My male organ has shrunk to nill and I have a sperm like substance after I urinate. I feel foggy and depressed. My dr has me at a 50 mg a day dose starting today and he is taking this lightly. My bp was 170 over 110 and normal is 120 over 80. I yelled at my wife twice today and I love her so much, I have been married for 26 years and I haven't yelled at her but once ,ever. I would rather feel the the fibromyalgia times ten than this awful feeling.someone please tell me what I should do and talk me off this ledge, I feel like that persons sister who died. I am in big danger. help me.

  • RichardMay 15, 2011 at 2:47 am

    Kathy, I'm so sorry to hear about your problems concerning "Serotonin Syndrome" You are definitely correct when you stated that this pharmaceutical is NOT for everyone. But it does seem to help some, to some it's a GOD send. I can only suggest that if anyone is having any of the problems listed above please see your healthcare professional about it. God Bless, Richard

  • kymMay 14, 2011 at 4:24 am

    I was put on savella after being on cymbalta for sometime. I immediatly begin having terrible upper abdominal pain. I went back to my Dr. And was told to keep taking it because the paineant that the savella was gonna work good for me, im not sure where this Drs. Train of thought came from, anyway i believing the Dr. Knew best i took it again that evening. Of course the pain was unbarible. That w[Show More]I was put on savella after being on cymbalta for sometime. I immediatly begin having terrible upper abdominal pain. I went back to my Dr. And was told to keep taking it because the paineant that the savella was gonna work good for me, im not sure where this Drs. Train of thought came from, anyway i believing the Dr. Knew best i took it again that evening. Of course the pain was unbarible. That was the last time i took it. But im suffering from pancreatitis now witch remarkably my Dr. Could never diagnose. Almost eight months later i ended up in the ER and i fineally got diagnosed with pancreatitis. The Drs are so quick to throw new drugs at people without evening questioning their side effects. Its been over a year now, i have had no relief from this pain, my Ins. Dropped me and now im just waiting to die.

  • KathyMay 13, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    This is a very dangerous drug folks! After almost two years after discontinuing Savella my body has just started to recover. It has been a nightmare and that is why I speak out.......hopefully so others will research the risks of this drug before using. I developed Serotonin Syndrome, very high blood pressure surges (blood pressure has been as high as 240/160), rapid heart rate, shaking/ tremo[Show More]This is a very dangerous drug folks! After almost two years after discontinuing Savella my body has just started to recover. It has been a nightmare and that is why I speak out.......hopefully so others will research the risks of this drug before using. I developed Serotonin Syndrome, very high blood pressure surges (blood pressure has been as high as 240/160), rapid heart rate, shaking/ tremors and difficulty walking and talking when having an episode. Reading through the posts on this site it doesn't take long to see how the drug can affect blood pressure/heart rate and numerous other health risks. How many people have to go through these nightmares before the FDA takes action? I am no scientist but see a pattern of very concerning health risk to the public as the result of this drug. I realize that not everyone has side effects and that is has helped some but what is the ratio of people being helped vs. people developing severe side effects? This drug almost killed me and has robbed me and my family of two years of our lives that I will never get back.

  • EricMay 10, 2011 at 11:49 pm

    what did they pay you to lie,Gina??

  • LynnMay 2, 2011 at 1:56 pm

    Just dealing with the heart conditions associated with Savella. I have been on it all of 3.5 weeks. Thursday I thought I was having a heart attack. Went to the hospital to find out I was having heart problems. Saw a cardiologist Friday and had a stress test. I passed. Back at the Er on Saturday. Er doctor decided it was Savella. Getting off this drug this week. Where is the lawsuit so I can join?

  • HollyApril 28, 2011 at 8:13 pm

    To Christina on 4/6 - your story is my story! i have asked for a titration pack to get off Savella. When i first started this drug 6 weeks ago i had a serious heart related drug reaction associated with Savella and Tramadol. Don't take these two drugs together. My husband found me nearly unconscience in the bathroom floor with my heart racing. EMT thought i was having a heart attack. Pharmacist co[Show More]To Christina on 4/6 - your story is my story! i have asked for a titration pack to get off Savella. When i first started this drug 6 weeks ago i had a serious heart related drug reaction associated with Savella and Tramadol. Don't take these two drugs together. My husband found me nearly unconscience in the bathroom floor with my heart racing. EMT thought i was having a heart attack. Pharmacist confirmed Serotonin Syndrome. i did research on interaction and it is a lethal interaction. Anyway, the Savella helped me mostly for the first two weeks and i have been in one big flareup since then. It has literally messed my whole body up - physically and emotionally. i have read all the comments and bits and pieces of many posts fit me. Why are the doctors so ignorant about drug related side effects and interactions? No drug for fibromyalgia has worked so i don't know why the doc keeps insisting i have fibro. i think the doctor screwed up my nerves during my surgery and is not going to admit it. I would not only like to see this drug recalled, but i would like to see some accountability from the doctors who prescribe it.

  • TheresaApril 28, 2011 at 2:46 am

    Amy, my blood pressure went high too after being on this after always being low. Seriously, go to an endocrinologist and have them check your adrenal glands and do a test for your cortisol levels. Mine we checked a 2nd time today cause it is rare for this to be abnormal. THIS medicine was the only thing different in my life. Please here is a direction you can check. I had the full cardio work up [Show More]Amy, my blood pressure went high too after being on this after always being low. Seriously, go to an endocrinologist and have them check your adrenal glands and do a test for your cortisol levels. Mine we checked a 2nd time today cause it is rare for this to be abnormal. THIS medicine was the only thing different in my life. Please here is a direction you can check. I had the full cardio work up and it came back ok even though my blood pressure it sky high and my pulse even went to 158 resting the other day. I was 10 points away from a possible stroke on blood pressure a bit ago too. I usually have a very low bp. I think the answers to our problems may lie here. Not that this is a good thing but it is what is wrong.

  • AmyApril 27, 2011 at 11:46 am

    Following up to let you know that after 5 mos. 'clean' off savella, I still have bad hypertension...previous to 1yr on Savella always had LOW bp. THE SIDE EFFECTS ARE NOT NECESSARILY TEMPORARY. THIS DRUG DAMAGES THE BODY! Permanent heart damage is nothing to be trifled with.

  • TheresaApril 26, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    GET A BLOOD TEST TO GET YOUR ADRENAL GLAND TESTED FOR CORTISOL LEVELS! I did and mine is very low after taking this. This is very serious. I only took the tritation pack! Do it today! See an endocrinologist NOW!

  • CynthiaApril 23, 2011 at 1:45 am

    I have Fibromyalgia. Started Savella about 1 1/2 yrs ago with some relief for about 6 mos after reaching 100mg daily. I have not experienced any good things with this drug. On Feb 18,2011, I was in ER with SEVERE painful muscle spasms/contracting. Since then I haven't been the same. I have been in one long drawn out flareup. I & my husband decided to start coming off any drugs that weren't doi[Show More]I have Fibromyalgia. Started Savella about 1 1/2 yrs ago with some relief for about 6 mos after reaching 100mg daily. I have not experienced any good things with this drug. On Feb 18,2011, I was in ER with SEVERE painful muscle spasms/contracting. Since then I haven't been the same. I have been in one long drawn out flareup. I & my husband decided to start coming off any drugs that weren't doing what they should or were prescribed to do. My doctor suggested Savella be the 1st, because to her knowledge it was the hardest & she has patients who weren't able to even come off of it because of severe adema. So, on March 31st, I started weaning myself off. It has been a complete nightmare like none other! There are withdrawls from this med that are extreme as extreme can get! I dont know where all this stands in getting Savella off the market, but I hope that something positive is happening because it is NOT a Fibromyalgia drug - it just ends up hurting us more than helping us!

  • МеApril 21, 2011 at 1:39 pm

    My sister was 28 . It was her 9-th day with Savella...Now she's resting in peace....She decided to leave us. DON'T USE SAVELLA, PLEASE!!!

  • HeatherApril 21, 2011 at 1:57 am

    I am just finishing the starter titration pack of the Savella my pain care doctor gave me. I have tried in the past Lyrica with about a 60 lb. weight gain and swelling. Cymbalta that just didn't do anything but make me want to cry all the time. I am 34 years old and have had fibro for almost 8 years. I also suffer from migraines and pinched nerves in the cervical area (C2-C6). I will have to [Show More]I am just finishing the starter titration pack of the Savella my pain care doctor gave me. I have tried in the past Lyrica with about a 60 lb. weight gain and swelling. Cymbalta that just didn't do anything but make me want to cry all the time. I am 34 years old and have had fibro for almost 8 years. I also suffer from migraines and pinched nerves in the cervical area (C2-C6). I will have to admit that for the first 10 days or so I felt extremely nauseaus but now finishing up the pack and am up to taking 50 mg. twice a day. But the nausea has pretty much passed now. the only other side effect that I seem to be having at this point is feeling like I am having hot flashes. I seem to be about 10 degrees hotter then anyone else. I hppe this side effect will go away like the other one did... I understand that some medications react with people differently. I just would really hate for this medication to be take off the market because doctors are not doing their homework before prescibing to patients. That is part of the reason with dr.'s they ecourage patients to read all the infrum

  • PatriciaApril 18, 2011 at 10:15 pm

    When I first took Savella, I called it my miracle drug because finally, finally I felt like the person I used to be: healthy, happy, alert, free of pain. Within a month, the drug had turned my life into a nightmare. I didn't have nightmares, I had night terrors. My speech became garbled as if I had had a stroke. I couldn't find the correct words. Example: I went to the bank and said I wante[Show More]When I first took Savella, I called it my miracle drug because finally, finally I felt like the person I used to be: healthy, happy, alert, free of pain. Within a month, the drug had turned my life into a nightmare. I didn't have nightmares, I had night terrors. My speech became garbled as if I had had a stroke. I couldn't find the correct words. Example: I went to the bank and said I wanted to get in my social security box, not my safety deposit box. The worst, though, was my inability to drive a car. I ran through two stop signs and a red light. I did not see them...and I found myself on the wrong side of the road, and those are just the times I remember. Luckily for me and others on the road, I was not alone and my passenger friend then became the driver. Since stopping taking Savella, I often feel as if I have foggy brain and am confused. Obviously, not a good drug for me.

  • SharonApril 11, 2011 at 6:11 pm

    I was on Lyrica for about 4 yrs with a lot of wt gain and swelling, and not much pain relief. DR took me off Lyrica and started the Savella starter pak 5 weeks ago...minor side effects such as nausea and a little dizziness, starting to be less and less... other then that I have felt better, more energy and have lost 18 lbs. So far so good for me! I don’t have that drugged out feeling like when on [Show More]I was on Lyrica for about 4 yrs with a lot of wt gain and swelling, and not much pain relief. DR took me off Lyrica and started the Savella starter pak 5 weeks ago...minor side effects such as nausea and a little dizziness, starting to be less and less... other then that I have felt better, more energy and have lost 18 lbs. So far so good for me! I don’t have that drugged out feeling like when on the Lyrica either.

  • sueApril 10, 2011 at 1:25 am

    well.... this has been very interesting reading. I have had fibromyalgia for approx: 12 years. I also have osteoarthritis, for about 10 years. I can appreciate the pain and depression associated with these. I tried various drugs in the beginning but they all had side affects, that I wasn"t willing to tolerate. So, for about 8 years, I just "lived with the pain". I did find some relief about 4 year[Show More]well.... this has been very interesting reading. I have had fibromyalgia for approx: 12 years. I also have osteoarthritis, for about 10 years. I can appreciate the pain and depression associated with these. I tried various drugs in the beginning but they all had side affects, that I wasn"t willing to tolerate. So, for about 8 years, I just "lived with the pain". I did find some relief about 4 years ago, by walking 4 miles a day and eating no nightshade plants and losing 40 lbs. Then I started working more hours and the walking stopped and frankly I just had to eat whatever was available. I am now 58 and the lbs and pain have come back. When my new doctor said there was a new drug, that was working for fibro, I jumped at the chance to try it. He gave me 3 months of samples and I couldn't have been happier. I felt almost instant relief, after the 1st day of the 12.50 pills. I was estatic. I felt minimal pain, I could almost run again, except for the arthritis in my knees. However, when I started taking the 50 dose, twice a day, almost instant, severe headaches. So I have been taking 25, twice a day since december 2010. It worked well for me, with some side affects, the HEAVY sweating being the worse. Also, my hands have become very stiff, like the arthritis is excelerating. On April 8th, I woke up with severe chest pains, same on the 9th, I figured it was just stress and I needed to chill out. I decided to look online and research savella some and this blog came up. I didn't take my pill this morning, some instinct told me not to. So now, we will see how long it takes for the chest pains to go away. Thank you all for your input, I believe the savella has really quit helping me at this point and probably would have harmed me if I hadn't stopped today. I am sorry though, because it was wonderful for a while.

  • DianeApril 8, 2011 at 11:09 pm

    This drug is not for me !!! Please be careful taking Savella! Everyone, please listen to your body. I started Savella 4-5-11 the 2 Titration Pack for my just recently discovered Fibromyalgia (given to me by my Family Doctor of 31 years..... It's not his fault!!!) Today is 4-8-11. I took my first stronger pill 25mg. at 10:00 a.m. 1 hour later I thought I was having a heart attack and or a strok[Show More]This drug is not for me !!! Please be careful taking Savella! Everyone, please listen to your body. I started Savella 4-5-11 the 2 Titration Pack for my just recently discovered Fibromyalgia (given to me by my Family Doctor of 31 years..... It's not his fault!!!) Today is 4-8-11. I took my first stronger pill 25mg. at 10:00 a.m. 1 hour later I thought I was having a heart attack and or a stroke. My B.P. Was 140/92 with a pulse of 104. My normal B.P. & pulse is usually 112/55 @ 65 beats a minute. Well, I am still taking my B.P & pulse every hour and at a 4 hour laying down resting period readings were 137/98 @ 97 beats. I got up shaking/tremors, went outside sat down came inside sat down for 10 minutes and my readings are 143/100 @ 118 beats. I am praying this drug will leave my system ASAP. I'd rather deal w/ full body (internal & external) pain than have these heart attack scares. If my heart & B.P. readings do not go down in the next 3 hours, I will be forced to the E.R. While I was resting earlier today I started the Savella research on my iPhone. My God, I am a little scared that I will not have normal heart readings again. Also this drug keeps my wide awake. PLEASE RECALL THIS DRUG. Sincerely, Diane. P.S. I will give an update as soon as I know I am in the clear w/ a heart attack or stroke.

  • JaneApril 7, 2011 at 4:37 am

    Share information you wish to be published on this page... I went to a rheumatologist and was prescribed Savella. I have been on it about 2 months and stopped taking it yesterday. I have had increased miigranes, increased body pain, excessive sweating both during the day and at night, my blood pressure has been in the stoke range and I have daily nausea and have vomitted several times and at times[Show More]Share information you wish to be published on this page... I went to a rheumatologist and was prescribed Savella. I have been on it about 2 months and stopped taking it yesterday. I have had increased miigranes, increased body pain, excessive sweating both during the day and at night, my blood pressure has been in the stoke range and I have daily nausea and have vomitted several times and at times have difficulty even keeping water down. The 12.5 mg did not bother me much but when I got to the 50 mg inn the starter pac the side effects became full blown. I filled a prescription for the 25 mg but am not taking them. The physician apparently has had some sucess with this drug but it has not been a success for me. I think the headaches must be from the i ncreased blood pressure and I am done with being naaseated all the time.

  • ChristinaApril 6, 2011 at 6:58 pm

    I had my 2nd Cervical Fusion (this one C5-6, last one C6-7) in February 2010 and have been diagnosed with Fibro ever since by my Rheumatologist. I've suffered all over body pain, feeling like an adult is literally standing on top of me and I have to continue my daily life working fulltime and caring for my 6 year old, with this pain. I struggle in the morning and evenings mostly. I have good day[Show More]I had my 2nd Cervical Fusion (this one C5-6, last one C6-7) in February 2010 and have been diagnosed with Fibro ever since by my Rheumatologist. I've suffered all over body pain, feeling like an adult is literally standing on top of me and I have to continue my daily life working fulltime and caring for my 6 year old, with this pain. I struggle in the morning and evenings mostly. I have good days and bad days and the bad days are awful, pain, crying, feeling of not being worth anything because I can hardly do anything. I've tried excercise on my good days, and it seems to make the next day worse, full of exhaustion and soreness. My dr is switching me to Savella, taking me off Lyrica and Cymbalta. I'm finally off Lyrica and Cymbalta, after gaining a good 40 lbs.....I have been miserable with the weight gain and dealing with the fibro as well. The Savella had a few side effects in the beginning, excessive sweating, a massive migraine, some crying and some dizziness. But, I'm trying to work through the beginning of it. Hopefully, when things stabilize, the Savella will work for me. I would love to lose a little bit of weight in the process. I'm all about having more energy, since I'm ALWAYS tired and sore. Sometimes it's so bad I want to try to apply for disability and I'm only 40 years old. That's really sad, especially since I love my job and wouldn't want to give it up that easily. Sometimes I feel like no one understands or even cares about what I go through day in and day out. My daughter, who is 6 years old, keeps me going.

  • BrandyApril 1, 2011 at 7:56 pm

    Just wanted to give everyone an update. Please please do not take this pill without doing research, my doctor gave me this pill without doing hers. I continue to suffer the effects even after I stopped taking Savella. I keep trying to go back to work but can't make it a full 8 hours. I am about to lose everything due to STD not approving my condition. I have to see several more specialists no[Show More]Just wanted to give everyone an update. Please please do not take this pill without doing research, my doctor gave me this pill without doing hers. I continue to suffer the effects even after I stopped taking Savella. I keep trying to go back to work but can't make it a full 8 hours. I am about to lose everything due to STD not approving my condition. I have to see several more specialists now. After dealing with chronic pain for so long doctors have shoved pills at me non stop but I NEVER could imagined it could take my life away. The cost to fill the script is a joke compared to everything else it has costed me.

  • CarolApril 1, 2011 at 4:33 am

    Hi, I started the titration pack and by the time I'd taken the second dose of 12.5mgs, my heart was pounding so hard I felt it in my throat. It woke me out of a dead sleep, which is a gift in itself, and was awoken in terror. The first night it happened, I didn't recognize the trigger, but then it happened again and that's when I put it together. That is what lead me to this site. I have no histor[Show More]Hi, I started the titration pack and by the time I'd taken the second dose of 12.5mgs, my heart was pounding so hard I felt it in my throat. It woke me out of a dead sleep, which is a gift in itself, and was awoken in terror. The first night it happened, I didn't recognize the trigger, but then it happened again and that's when I put it together. That is what lead me to this site. I have no history of heart problems, blood pressure problems.....nothing like that. The only difference in my life was the Savella, so it was apparent that was the cause. Since stopping it, I haven't had another episode, thank God. I can't imagine being one of the unfortunate people who have dealt with the complications long after ceasing this medication. I don't know though, it may still happen according to some of these posts. Just this afternoon I had to go to the hospital for an unrelated reason and I mentioned to the nurse who was taking my history, that I'd recently stopped taking Savella, and the reason. She wasn't at all surprised at my reason for stopping it, so that just made me even more sure I'd made the right decision. I wish luck to everyone taking this medication, as it appears that most patients are getting ill from it....and the issues associated with it are not small. Feel well everyone~~

  • GingerMarch 31, 2011 at 12:04 pm

    I wrote a comment back on March 18, that this medicine is wonderful. I decided to check this website again to see, I am sorry so many people have had such bad reactions to this medicine. I went back to doctor yesterday, my blood pressure is great, I still have no side effects, and I have lost 5 pounds since I have better mobility. I wonder why there are such different reactions to different peo[Show More]I wrote a comment back on March 18, that this medicine is wonderful. I decided to check this website again to see, I am sorry so many people have had such bad reactions to this medicine. I went back to doctor yesterday, my blood pressure is great, I still have no side effects, and I have lost 5 pounds since I have better mobility. I wonder why there are such different reactions to different people. ? this is the only medication I am on. Maybe it can't be mixed with other medications?

  • SharonMarch 30, 2011 at 12:03 am

    One last thing, please don't "flush" your unused drugs, this puts them in the water supply. Most municipalities DO NOT filter them out or even test for levels of pharmaceuticals. Which means everyone (including pets, wildlife, animals raised for food, etc.) who drinks or swims in water may be ingesting someone else's unwanted meds that may act as "poison" to them very scary! Please dump the pill[Show More]One last thing, please don't "flush" your unused drugs, this puts them in the water supply. Most municipalities DO NOT filter them out or even test for levels of pharmaceuticals. Which means everyone (including pets, wildlife, animals raised for food, etc.) who drinks or swims in water may be ingesting someone else's unwanted meds that may act as "poison" to them very scary! Please dump the pills into the trash and send them with the garbage men.

  • SharonMarch 29, 2011 at 7:08 pm

    If you are sensitive to meds/stimulants PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS DRUG! i was given the titration pack of Savella in late December 2009 by a doc, new to me, he said he knew it was only approved for Fybromyalgia which I never had but that we could go "off the chart" his words, to treat my depression and pain in my upper right rib cage. I was feeling a little better at first but started getting agita[Show More]If you are sensitive to meds/stimulants PLEASE DON'T TAKE THIS DRUG! i was given the titration pack of Savella in late December 2009 by a doc, new to me, he said he knew it was only approved for Fybromyalgia which I never had but that we could go "off the chart" his words, to treat my depression and pain in my upper right rib cage. I was feeling a little better at first but started getting agitated and hyper about mid-way through the 25mg tablets, by the afternoon of day 8 (after first 50 mg tablet) I was totally out of control screaming and freaking out for no significant reason and ran out into the freezing cold without shoes or coat and proceeded to speed off in my truck attempting to drive it off a local pier. Thankfully, a new barricade had been erected and a couple taking photos of the lake in front of it made me slam on my brakes. Anyway, my heart was racing uncontrollably and I had millions of thoughts running through my head, my husband couldn't calm me down when he caught up with me. The next day while attending a TSO concert I felt the urge to leap over the balcony and I was raging about every little movement or sound. I went off the drug immediately and contacted my doctor's service he didn't even respond for 10 days and when he did it was just to talk me into trying the 12.5 mg dose which cost me big bucks as my insurance didn't cover it. I never took one pill after my local pharmacist gave me the medication guide sheet that comes with the drug from the manufacturer. My area of the US is one of the highest for Thyroid Disease and this drug increases your risk substantially. I believe the guide should be being given out with every "sample " titration pack out there because all of the problems patients have noted in this string are cautioned of in it. I was given NOTHING with my pack. Anyway, I have lost the last 15 months of my life with my children and husband to the long lasting side effects I attribute to this medication. Memory loss, loss of mental clarity, no drive to complete any tasks, loss of activation of any pleasure centers in my brain, upper right quadrant abdominal pain, extreme weight-loss (50 lbs), anxiety, massive depression, constant thoughts of death and dying, inability to function with daily activities let alone as actively as I was able to just 16 months ago. I have even been to a world renowned Clinic (partially at my expense) for treatment of the abdominal pain and they could not come up with a diagnosis even after many CAT and Doppler scans. I am so frustrated with the medical community! I am curious though if any of you suffering from chronic pain/Fibromyalgia are O blood types (wheat intolerent) or have you ever been tested for Celiac Disease or Gluten intolerence or wheat allergies? Any one of these conditions causes increased inflammation throughout the body when you ingest the protein in wheat, barley and rye and the medical profession is very leary of diagnosing these problems. I figure they fear they would put themselves out of business with all their pain meds and treatments becoming unnecessary. I hope no one else loses their life or their ability to live it thanks to this horrible medicine. I have had serious reactions to meds in the past but never anything that lingers like this stil does 15 months later. Pain relief isn't worth the risk of dying to me.

  • DanaMarch 29, 2011 at 2:14 am

    I just took my 1st pill tonight and after reading this, I am terrified! I am bipolar with ADD so I am on anti anxiety, depression and ADD many uppers and downers to have to worry with this as well! I do have a lot of aches and pains but I just figured it was from the tension of the anxiety so when I read a little on savella for fibro pain, I thought that it might I am scared [Show More]I just took my 1st pill tonight and after reading this, I am terrified! I am bipolar with ADD so I am on anti anxiety, depression and ADD many uppers and downers to have to worry with this as well! I do have a lot of aches and pains but I just figured it was from the tension of the anxiety so when I read a little on savella for fibro pain, I thought that it might I am scared to even open the bottle again! Just paid so much for it b/c the dr didnt have samples...I dont need any more tears, suicidal thoughts or dr knows that! Does he just not know enough about this drug??? He knows my depressive history and this makes me feel worse that he would even prescribe it knowing all of my history!!! I am so grateful for finding this may have saved my life! I am a single mom of two kids and all they have...cant risk losing my life with them to this medication!!!

  • JoeMarch 25, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    My doctor had given me the 2-week titration pack to treat my fibromyalgia. After two days taking Savella, I was having a lot of trouble urinating and it was painful. Then the headaches began. I felt very flushed and was sweating a lot. My fatigue felt worse. After 9 days on the medication I finally decided to stop taking it. Just couldn't take the side effects. Can't wait for the day to come when[Show More]My doctor had given me the 2-week titration pack to treat my fibromyalgia. After two days taking Savella, I was having a lot of trouble urinating and it was painful. Then the headaches began. I felt very flushed and was sweating a lot. My fatigue felt worse. After 9 days on the medication I finally decided to stop taking it. Just couldn't take the side effects. Can't wait for the day to come when someone finally comes up with something safe to treat fibro.

  • PatMarch 25, 2011 at 12:05 am

    To all those that are befuddled-- GET OFF IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING LIKE A BAD SIDE EFFECT! You CAN live with pain- (I've had Fibromyalgia for 21 years) you can not live long with Heart, kidney or BP problems. Don't listen to your Doctors if your common sense or gut tells you "something is wrong". i've moved several times and have run into some fairly uneducated, even stupid doctors- no common se[Show More]To all those that are befuddled-- GET OFF IF YOU HAVE ANYTHING LIKE A BAD SIDE EFFECT! You CAN live with pain- (I've had Fibromyalgia for 21 years) you can not live long with Heart, kidney or BP problems. Don't listen to your Doctors if your common sense or gut tells you "something is wrong". i've moved several times and have run into some fairly uneducated, even stupid doctors- no common sense. There are LOTS of doctors out there shop for a good one. Join a support group if you can.

  • PamelaMarch 20, 2011 at 10:44 am

    I just started Savella's titration pack, i'm on day 3. Before the doctor put me on this med i asked what the side affects were, he said just nausea. So i was thinging what the heck, why not try it. Day 1 had hot flashes and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, Day 2 hot flashes like i turned on the faset and my heart felt like it was being kicked into over drive. Now the whole[Show More]I just started Savella's titration pack, i'm on day 3. Before the doctor put me on this med i asked what the side affects were, he said just nausea. So i was thinging what the heck, why not try it. Day 1 had hot flashes and my heart felt like it was going to burst out of my chest, Day 2 hot flashes like i turned on the faset and my heart felt like it was being kicked into over drive. Now the whole heart thing only happened to me about 30 min after taking my dose. I go back to the doctor in two weeks, but if these symptoms keep happening and I get no releif from my fibro i'm calling the doctor. I'm only 27 and i dont need any heart failure, or suicidal thoughts, since i have a mild case of bi-polor. But after reading everyones posts i'm scared to conitnue my trial pack. Well ill stick it out for another couple of days to see were it leads me.

  • BrandyMarch 19, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    Sorry my post was so long, but it's been a long 2 months. My heart rate has been high for 2 months and my blood pressure will go super high then super low. I'm still having chest pains so I assume I will have to have my heart tested as well.

  • BrandyMarch 19, 2011 at 8:03 pm

    I have had a L4L5 fusion then last April I had a Medtronic pain pump put in. I have continued to have pain despite the oral meds and Lidoderm patches. I began taking Savella over 2 months ago when my doctor told me this was "a wonder pill" and that "it will take a couple months to see the benefits." So, here is the "wonder" that I now have. Multiple visits back to my PCP because my pain had incr[Show More]I have had a L4L5 fusion then last April I had a Medtronic pain pump put in. I have continued to have pain despite the oral meds and Lidoderm patches. I began taking Savella over 2 months ago when my doctor told me this was "a wonder pill" and that "it will take a couple months to see the benefits." So, here is the "wonder" that I now have. Multiple visits back to my PCP because my pain had increased 10 times, nausea, vomiting, eye pain, headaches, twitching/jerking, weakness, tired, joint pain, rash on scalp, changes in vision, stabbing pains, pins/needles, felt like razors in breast, cough, night sweats, brain fog, major mood swings, trouble speaking, many brain effects, knew what I wanted to say but then the right words wouldn't come out, symptoms similar to dystonia, sound/light sensitivity, my first panic attack, almost killed myself, and I'm sure I'm leaving things out. I was admitted to a hospital twice that almost killed me and the administrator never showed. My 1st ER trip they told me I had internal bleeding and needed a bold transfusion, I asked if it was bad and they said yes, I then asked if I needed to call my family in and they said YES. We made what I thought was my final phone calls to family and me and my partner of 7 years said our good-byes. Then a couple hours later the nurse walks in and said, "good news we mixed up your charts and you do not have internal bleeding, but you have a bad infection that we can't find" and walked out. I was admitted and sat waiting for the doctor to show up. I sent my partner home finally about 2 am to get my routine medication because they said the dr. had not signed off on my chart. After 2 days in the hospital asking to speak with the doctor we finally asked for the administrator who never showed. Finally the doctor showed up and was PISSED. He started bullying me so the 2 people with me packed my things and said we are not letting him do this to you. The mixed up chart had followed me upstairs. I asked for my medical records twice and they told me I could not have a copy of them. I went home and we took my IV ports out standing in my kitchen. I went to another hospital to find out I was now dehydrated. (How do you end up that way IN a hospital) I went home only to end up back in forth to my PCP. I went to see my pain management dr who saw me and immediately admitted me after shooting me up with something. I'm not sure what it was I was in and out of it. He checked my pump and changed the meds and said it couldn't be my pump. They moved me upstairs and left me there alone. Finally a nurse came in and I explained I was in a ton of pain, she didn’t understand the orders so she left. I waited and waited and nothing so I went downstairs to get a juice because I was dying of thirst and there was not even ice brought to me. I had my first ever panic attack. I came back and collapsed in the bed. Two nurse walked in and told me I have to leave and if "I just wanted pain medication it wasn't going to happen," now lets just pause for a moment...I have more pain meds in my cabinet then a pharmacy. I took myself off about 15 pills a day after the pump was put in. So, I told them again I did not feel safe at that hospital and they were not listening to me. The nurse said fine take her IV out, they took it out and I walked out of the hospital and called my dr back. I left a voicemail telling him I was on foot walking from the hospital. He never called me back. My partner found me at a gas station sitting on a curb. The next morning I called him again to explain what happened at the hospital and they would not let me explain, the nurse said "the doctor is dropping you as a patient you need to come in right now so we can drain your pain pump. I asked if they could tell me where to find another doctor who could fill it and she said, "you can ask the doctor when he drains your pump. That afternoon I was rushed to a 3rd hospital because I was much worse. My whole body was jerking so badly that they couldn't hold me still. It looked like severe dystonia. They attempted to run an IV, I ended up with 9 blown veins and they finally had to put it in my neck. There was then a problem with the IV line in my neck that missed the vein when they put in the meds. What do we know now...adverse drug reaction to Savella. They told me to stop taking it now. I am now in the detox stage and it's no fun either. While I understand it has helped some, it almost killed me. I have been out of work for over 2 months and more doctor bills then I can count. I will be seeing all new doctors period. I still don't know what the long-term effects will be. I am still missing MANY memories from the past 2 months.

  • GingerMarch 18, 2011 at 1:37 pm

    I have been suffering with fibromyalgia for 5 years. I was in fear of trying cymbalta or lyrica because it causes weight gain. I have been on Savella for 2 months. I have had no side effects whatsoever, and I am feeling better than ever. I still have some bad days of aches and pains, but for the most part my mobility has increased dramatically. If they take this off the market I don't know w[Show More]I have been suffering with fibromyalgia for 5 years. I was in fear of trying cymbalta or lyrica because it causes weight gain. I have been on Savella for 2 months. I have had no side effects whatsoever, and I am feeling better than ever. I still have some bad days of aches and pains, but for the most part my mobility has increased dramatically. If they take this off the market I don't know what I will do.

  • cynthiaMarch 17, 2011 at 5:34 pm

    I was recently diagnosed with fibro--after being in widespread, intense pain for months. I'm on day 5 of the Savella titration pack. My muscles feel better, I have more energy to actually get up and do things, but the rest of me feels AWFUL. My BP, which is usually low normal, is now borderline high, I'm having night sweats and insomnia, and I can't even turn over in bed at night without getting d[Show More]I was recently diagnosed with fibro--after being in widespread, intense pain for months. I'm on day 5 of the Savella titration pack. My muscles feel better, I have more energy to actually get up and do things, but the rest of me feels AWFUL. My BP, which is usually low normal, is now borderline high, I'm having night sweats and insomnia, and I can't even turn over in bed at night without getting dizzy. Nausea comes in waves. Right now, my scalp feels as if it's crawling with bugs. I'm stopping the meds before I get farther into the titration pack and have even more problems trying to get off of it. A Medrol pack about every 6 weeks helped and at least I can deal with the side effects of predisone. I think Savalla is a terrible drug, but I'm glad it's working for some people.

  • GaryMarch 17, 2011 at 12:54 am

    The effect was good with less pain and weight loss as compared to Lyrica and Neurontin, but all of a sudden I too my usual drug for bad headache and off to the hospital I go after I had sent a scathing resignation. Then the depression following kept me in the hospital a week. This drug is not rsted enough. My blood pressure went WAY UP and the mental health of a patient is just as important as the[Show More]The effect was good with less pain and weight loss as compared to Lyrica and Neurontin, but all of a sudden I too my usual drug for bad headache and off to the hospital I go after I had sent a scathing resignation. Then the depression following kept me in the hospital a week. This drug is not rsted enough. My blood pressure went WAY UP and the mental health of a patient is just as important as the physical health. I may have damage to organs as a result of the reaction not to mention loss of a job. Please take this drug off until further testing and correction is done to help those of us that got the SEVERE side effects.

  • AnnMarch 16, 2011 at 2:50 am

    I cannot use Lyrica or Savella so I have to take Vicoden & grit my teeth. I agree with Colleen 24 Jan. 2010. If you think it's just a mental something, Walk in our shoes a month, & see what you think then. Various doctors have tried various depression drugs on me, but they don't work. There is nothing wrong with my brain!!!! The FDA approved the generic Premarin also & caused alot[Show More]I cannot use Lyrica or Savella so I have to take Vicoden & grit my teeth. I agree with Colleen 24 Jan. 2010. If you think it's just a mental something, Walk in our shoes a month, & see what you think then. Various doctors have tried various depression drugs on me, but they don't work. There is nothing wrong with my brain!!!! The FDA approved the generic Premarin also & caused alot of women trouble big time !!

  • AnnMarch 16, 2011 at 2:48 am

    I cannot use Lyrica or Savella so I have to take Vicoden & grit my teeth. I agree with Colleen 24 Jan. 2010. If you think it's just a mental something, Walk in our shoes a month, & see what you think then. Various doctors have tried various depression drugs on me, but they don't work. There is nothing wrong with my brain!!!!

  • DebraMarch 14, 2011 at 10:12 pm

    After 8 days on Savella, I will see my doctor tomorrow, lose more time from work also, to detail how I have had a very negative experience on this med. He had me stop Lexapro and Wellbutrin, and start Savella gradually, but by the 4th day when I should have increased, I could not. I could not stand the fear of increased cold sweats, fogginess, irritability and crying...all the time, breaking down[Show More]After 8 days on Savella, I will see my doctor tomorrow, lose more time from work also, to detail how I have had a very negative experience on this med. He had me stop Lexapro and Wellbutrin, and start Savella gradually, but by the 4th day when I should have increased, I could not. I could not stand the fear of increased cold sweats, fogginess, irritability and crying...all the time, breaking down and crying out of the blue. My Lexapro and Wellbutrin doses were minimum, so I am not withdrawing from them. I tried to double the Savella to at least get near where I should have been getting, but the symptoms got worse. Family and co-workers are worried about me. Heck, I'M worried about me.

  • FrankMarch 14, 2011 at 5:38 am

    I took savalla for almost 6 months, had to get off the drug because of increased BP. My sex drive was gone and i still have problems. Couldn't stand the way it made me feel like i was burning up all the time..

  • Jo AnnMarch 12, 2011 at 3:22 am

    My Doctor put me on Savella and Seroquel. I took them for only 5 days for Fibromyalgia. I started feeling worse. I felt like crying and felt so tired and I started hurting more in my knees and legs and getting cramps and having hot flashes, sweating. One night around 2:00 my top lip and tongue felt big and my face was pulling to the right. I couldn't talk right. The next morning my blood press[Show More]My Doctor put me on Savella and Seroquel. I took them for only 5 days for Fibromyalgia. I started feeling worse. I felt like crying and felt so tired and I started hurting more in my knees and legs and getting cramps and having hot flashes, sweating. One night around 2:00 my top lip and tongue felt big and my face was pulling to the right. I couldn't talk right. The next morning my blood pressure shot up to 187/124. It felt like someone sitting on my chest. Rescue Squad did an EKG and by the time they left, my blood pressure was 166/112 and they told me I needed to go to the Emergency Room. I didn't go but called my doctor and the nurse said to just stop taking the meds. For the next week I kept having chest pains so I called my family doctor and he said come in now. I did and they did another EKG; blood work; chest x-rays and they called a heart doctor and scheduled me to go have a stress test and echo test done. The other doctor tried to tell me I had a panic attack but I told him I did not have a panic attack. He asked me if I had ever had a panic attack and I told him no. I am not hurting as much now and it's been about 2 weeks and I am suppose to have the stress test and echo test on 3/31/11. Those medicines did this to me and I will never take them again.

  • MichelleMarch 7, 2011 at 12:41 pm

    I took Savella for 2 months before realizing that the problems that I was having were side effects of that drug. The first thing I noticed was that I was losing my vision quickly. I already wear glasses, but I all of a sudden noticed that I couldn't focus on road signs, the TV, computer screen, etc. I was also having PVC's (premature ventricular contractions), that little flip flop thing your hear[Show More]I took Savella for 2 months before realizing that the problems that I was having were side effects of that drug. The first thing I noticed was that I was losing my vision quickly. I already wear glasses, but I all of a sudden noticed that I couldn't focus on road signs, the TV, computer screen, etc. I was also having PVC's (premature ventricular contractions), that little flip flop thing your heart does sometimes. Everybody has them occasionally and they are totally benign unless it gets stuck that way. Anyway, by the time I had increased the dosage, but not to the level that my doctor wanted me at, I was having at least 60 PVC's and hour, and couldn't see to drive. I just happened to notice on the label that Savella can cause blurred vision so I started researching and found out that it can also cause heart problems. That's when it all "clicked" and I realized that the vision loss, PVC's, nonstop hot flashes were because of the drug. Turns out my blood pressure had greatly increased, and my heart rate was very high too. I stopped taking it after 2 months, and I am still experiencing PVC's and my vision has not returned to normal so I had to get new glasses. I am in constant pain from fibromyalgia, and am very tired of trying these new “miracle” drugs that leave you in worse shape than what you started in.

  • TheresaMarch 3, 2011 at 10:21 pm

    I stopped taking Savella on Jan 5th or 6th and my blood pressure still won't go down. Before taking Savella I actually have low blood pressure. I had a full cardiac work up that came back normal but I still don't feel better. I am not keeping food down and the flu like symptoms never went away. I am currently having all kinds of gastro type tests. I have taken many other kinds of medications but I[Show More]I stopped taking Savella on Jan 5th or 6th and my blood pressure still won't go down. Before taking Savella I actually have low blood pressure. I had a full cardiac work up that came back normal but I still don't feel better. I am not keeping food down and the flu like symptoms never went away. I am currently having all kinds of gastro type tests. I have taken many other kinds of medications but I will never touch this medication again. In fact, from now on if it hasn't been out 20 years and have a generic available you can forget it!!! No more new medication for me. I feel like I am dying and I wouldn't be surprised if I do before someone gets to the bottom of things. I am wondering if this drug might be causing problems in the Adrenal glands? Does anyone know?

  • BettyFebruary 28, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    I spent two days in the ER last week due to High BP and heart palpations. I have stopped the Savella and after reading all of the other comments will never take it again. I think it has not been tested enough. I am trying to cope with the FM with Tramadol.

  • Jewlie S.February 26, 2011 at 3:56 pm

    I started taking Savella this week...I have had a LOT of side effects including dizziness, excessive sweating, nausea....but the scariest of all is the changes in my heart rate. On the second morning it jumped to 128 bpm, and I thought my heart was going to pop right out of my mouth. I've been taking my resting heart rate often from then on out, and it's been sitting at's never been thi[Show More]I started taking Savella this week...I have had a LOT of side effects including dizziness, excessive sweating, nausea....but the scariest of all is the changes in my heart rate. On the second morning it jumped to 128 bpm, and I thought my heart was going to pop right out of my mouth. I've been taking my resting heart rate often from then on out, and it's been sitting at's never been this high consistently!

  • KarenFebruary 24, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    I have been on Savella for 1 1/2 years and have no bad side effects what so ever. It has helped clear up the fog I was always in and I am able to concentrate better and think clearly for the first time in many years. I still have the pain but it has been a great help with other symptoms. I am very happy with this medication.

  • GladysFebruary 24, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    I just received a sample month's supply of Savella from my pain management doctor. I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease (have had two back surgeries), high blood pressure, high cholesteral and irritable bowel syndrome. I take celebrex, oxycodone and skelaxin for pain. Was so excited to get samples of Savella and thought I would look online to see what others had to say[Show More]I just received a sample month's supply of Savella from my pain management doctor. I have fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, degenerative disc disease (have had two back surgeries), high blood pressure, high cholesteral and irritable bowel syndrome. I take celebrex, oxycodone and skelaxin for pain. Was so excited to get samples of Savella and thought I would look online to see what others had to say about it. Well, thank God I found this site. There's no way I will try this drug. I am 62 years old and have had hypertension for 25 years as well as plaque in my arteries and high cholesteral. I figure if I tried this drug I would most likely end up in the emergency room and so I will be throwing the sample in the garbage and will just have to continue to make due with the medications I have and continue to exercise and take care of myself. I am so sorry for all of you who have experienced all these terrible side effects. I hope you all feel better very soon and I am saying prayers that a safe treatment for this horrible disease will be found.

  • JenFebruary 23, 2011 at 3:58 am

    After 1.5 years of test after test after test to find out why a.) I wasn't sleeping AT ALL b.) my body felt like it had the flu ALL THE TIME c.) my chest hurt so bad I couldn't breathe sometimes d.) my labs were normal and EVERYTHING else except fibromyalgia was ruled out, my doctor and I decided to try Savella. She gave me a titration pack, and I've been on 50mg twice a day for a couple months[Show More]After 1.5 years of test after test after test to find out why a.) I wasn't sleeping AT ALL b.) my body felt like it had the flu ALL THE TIME c.) my chest hurt so bad I couldn't breathe sometimes d.) my labs were normal and EVERYTHING else except fibromyalgia was ruled out, my doctor and I decided to try Savella. She gave me a titration pack, and I've been on 50mg twice a day for a couple months since. If it wasn't for Savella, life would not be worth living. I can work pain-free. I sleep. I can breathe. I can enjoy outdoor activities again. Hell, I can enjoy sex again. I wonder if some of the patients with such terrible problems tolerating the medication were started on 50mg. This medication should be started at 12.5mg twice a day and increased from there until benefits are felt. Like with any other medicine in the world, if one can't tolerate it, then one should not take it. It is unfair to deny the ones it's benefiting a worthwhile life by taking it off the market.

  • MariahFebruary 18, 2011 at 1:30 am

    I decided to try Savella even after reading some of the posts here. Six hours after taking the 5th dose my husband had to call an ambulance because I slumped down to the floor and wasn't alert. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest and I thought I was having a stroke. My BP was unusually high along w/ my heart rate. Luckily, I survived, but still having chest pains today and r[Show More]I decided to try Savella even after reading some of the posts here. Six hours after taking the 5th dose my husband had to call an ambulance because I slumped down to the floor and wasn't alert. My heart felt like it was about to beat out of my chest and I thought I was having a stroke. My BP was unusually high along w/ my heart rate. Luckily, I survived, but still having chest pains today and reading more comments here I'm wondering if this medication has caused permanent damage. Yes, it gave me pain relief even the second day but is definitely NOT worth the risk. You only have one heart, people. To Diane, your comment about everyone will have some "problems" w/ meds, a 30 year old on the verge of heart failure, along w/ everyone else's reports of side effects, should tell you this isn't just a "problem" and that this medication is DANGEROUS!

  • KimberlyFebruary 17, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    I have had fibromyalgia for 14 years so I really have tried absolutely everything. From the chiropractor to physical therapy to finally pain meds. I have been on pain meds for about 13 years and my doctor feels she really is close to getting my pain under control! When I first went to my doctor (12 years ago) I told her I had a history of depression AND epilepsy. She put me on the fentanyl patch a[Show More]I have had fibromyalgia for 14 years so I really have tried absolutely everything. From the chiropractor to physical therapy to finally pain meds. I have been on pain meds for about 13 years and my doctor feels she really is close to getting my pain under control! When I first went to my doctor (12 years ago) I told her I had a history of depression AND epilepsy. She put me on the fentanyl patch and of course an anti-depressant. Slowly through the years she cranked up the dose because it wasn't working, trying all different kinds of pain meds, anti-depressants, and anti-inflamitories. About 4 to 5 years ago my epilepsy came back. I've been on Savella for about a year. When I told my doctor about my sweating "we" thought it was just me going through menopause, mood swings got me put on what I found out from a tv commercial was a bi-polar med! Two months ago when I went in for a office visit she was writing out scripts and she actually said out loud " This medicine might interfere with your epilepsy, don't think it will." Fortunately I had an appointment with my neurologist 3 days later,when he heard the new med that she put me he was livid! He had me stop it right away. As far as the bleeding side effect, I use to have 4 periods a year, now I have one every month and I spot in between. Has anyone else had a problem with any bleeding?

  • KarenFebruary 15, 2011 at 10:50 pm

    I had been taking Cymbalta for along time and it quit helping me so the dr suggested that i take Savella. It affected me when i first started taking the medication. I had high blood pressure and high pulse which is unusual for me. I than had intestinal problems like going to the bathroom 6 or 7 times a day. I was very sad and irritable and would cry about anything and had a feeling of mallice wher[Show More]I had been taking Cymbalta for along time and it quit helping me so the dr suggested that i take Savella. It affected me when i first started taking the medication. I had high blood pressure and high pulse which is unusual for me. I than had intestinal problems like going to the bathroom 6 or 7 times a day. I was very sad and irritable and would cry about anything and had a feeling of mallice where i was so sick that i cried. I than started quivering inside all over and felt like i was going 90 miles an hour when i was doing anything. I felt like i was going to have a heart attack. This was just from taking the drug for 5 days. I called my Dr and he said to go off of it. It has been over a week now and i am still having the quivering inside and the sadness. Blood pressure and pulse are still high. Still a feeling of being very sick. Also i had very bad insomnia and couldnt sleep at night too wired up

  • MarieFebruary 14, 2011 at 5:32 pm

    I have been taking Savella for about 6 months. I have felt a marked improvement in my pain and feel so much better. I do get some extreme sweating sessions but it goes away eventually. It is worth putting up with this for a while in order to get the relief that I have experienced. I hope they don't take it off the market. I have had fibro for about 10 years and this is the only thing that has help[Show More]I have been taking Savella for about 6 months. I have felt a marked improvement in my pain and feel so much better. I do get some extreme sweating sessions but it goes away eventually. It is worth putting up with this for a while in order to get the relief that I have experienced. I hope they don't take it off the market. I have had fibro for about 10 years and this is the only thing that has helped.

  • LynnFebruary 14, 2011 at 12:22 am

    I just recently started taking savella. So far so good, starting very slow and will not be taking mxdose, I am very sensitive to most drugs these days. Please do not tkae this off the market. Just because a few people had bad affects doesn't mean it won't help someone else. To Rosa..if it doesn't work for you don't take it but do not deny the help it may give to others.

  • CindyFebruary 10, 2011 at 8:01 pm

    Savella is a GREAT medication. For many, including myself, the only other alternative would be to increase the intake of narcotics. Savella has decreased my pain, improved my mood and increased my energy which in turn allows me to have a more productive life. The medication does need to be titrated ("increased") by the ordering physician to a level that works for the patient. I would also reco[Show More]Savella is a GREAT medication. For many, including myself, the only other alternative would be to increase the intake of narcotics. Savella has decreased my pain, improved my mood and increased my energy which in turn allows me to have a more productive life. The medication does need to be titrated ("increased") by the ordering physician to a level that works for the patient. I would also recommend a pain management group and/or counseling for anyone that deals with chronic pain. The statements against Savella seems slanted--is it also being proposed to pull all decongestants (they have a similar ingredient to Savella that also can increase heart rate and blood pressure) and the most widely used category of antidepressants (they include a serotonin reuptake inhibitor like Savella which is why Savella lists the statement regarding suicide like the antidepressants do). Nausea, please show me a medication that doesn't cause that. Normally nausea goes away once the body adjusts to the larger increase in serotonin. I could continue but the post is already long which I apologize for; it is just frustrating when things are pulling out of context and/or don't have support. The possible side effects are listed; if a patient is willing to accept that one or more of those MAY occur (they need to list ANYTHING that occured to anyone during the trial whether it was proven to be from the medication or not) then the patient should be allowed to take the FDA approved medication. My increased heart rate is well worth it to me (high blood pressure can also be treated, if hypertension is treated then it does not increase the risk of heart disease)--the narcotic side effects are MUCH greater. I had taken Lyrica which worked well but the side effect of swelling got to be too great. Savella is a medication that is needed by part of the population, if it works without severe complications then let people take it. If it doesn't work for them, they can stop it. I am a cardiac nurse and gladly accept the risks and benefits associated with it.

  • pennyFebruary 10, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    I am all for the Savella. I have had unbearable chronic pain for over 5 years. I have tried many other medications with less than desired results. I have had great results after only 2 months of being on Savella. my chronic pain level decreased dramatically. I am a 46 yr female and a 10 yr Veteran. I have had to stop the Savella due to the Veterans Administration unwillingness to renew the pre[Show More]I am all for the Savella. I have had unbearable chronic pain for over 5 years. I have tried many other medications with less than desired results. I have had great results after only 2 months of being on Savella. my chronic pain level decreased dramatically. I am a 46 yr female and a 10 yr Veteran. I have had to stop the Savella due to the Veterans Administration unwillingness to renew the prescription for Milnacipran (Savella). I wish this kind of unbearable chronic pain on no one. I am unable to have any kind of a quality of life because of have to stay home, too much pain.

  • sheriFebruary 4, 2011 at 9:14 pm

    I have just started the titration pack. I have noticed my heart rate is up. ALL drugs have side effects. The question is what one is willing to trade off. Does the benefit outweigh the risk? I'm glad some are getting good results and I've learned not to put all my eggs in one basket. I'm curious to see if I'm going get good results... (fingers crossed!)

  • SonyaFebruary 4, 2011 at 7:01 pm

    I started Savella about 8 months ago, and began having panic attacks. I have had them before, so I didn't think too much about it. My cousin convinced me to see a cardiologist for the chest pain and rapid heart beat. The stress test came back great, but after the blood work my LDL was up over 40 points!! Has anyone else experenced this? Heart problems run on both sides of my family. The Savella[Show More]I started Savella about 8 months ago, and began having panic attacks. I have had them before, so I didn't think too much about it. My cousin convinced me to see a cardiologist for the chest pain and rapid heart beat. The stress test came back great, but after the blood work my LDL was up over 40 points!! Has anyone else experenced this? Heart problems run on both sides of my family. The Savella has helped alot with my fybro pain though. Jacque wrote about Gerson Therapy, and I watched the film on it. There are several, one is "The Beautiful Truth", and another that mentions it is "Food Matters". Please watch these!! I am looking into the therapy myself. If just changing how I eat will stop my pain I am all for it. I take Lyrica, Trazadone, and the Savella, and still have pain. The Savella does cause me to have some sweats for no reason, and I have some "blonde" moments too! lol NO OFFENSE INTENDED!! I need my life back. I am grateful that the pain is redused, but at what expense?

  • VickieFebruary 1, 2011 at 7:50 pm

    I started on Savella a little over a week ago. On the third day of the highest dose, I think white I began itching then the next day I had hives and a rash over my complete body. I also felt a shortness of breath. I went by Dr.s office and they told me to discontinue use, take benadryl and would re-evaluate me on my 2/17 appt. I am sure I won't take amymore of this medicene

  • chrisJanuary 30, 2011 at 11:38 pm

    I started Savella less than 2 weeks ago. I have gone to my prmary care physician and they found out my Blood pressure has begun to sky rocket compared to normal. My BP was 156/92 compared to the normal 125/80. I have been having the worst anxiety and Icannot concentrate long enough to complete any task. I have been having trouble taking deep breaths. A few days ago I started getting chest pains an[Show More]I started Savella less than 2 weeks ago. I have gone to my prmary care physician and they found out my Blood pressure has begun to sky rocket compared to normal. My BP was 156/92 compared to the normal 125/80. I have been having the worst anxiety and Icannot concentrate long enough to complete any task. I have been having trouble taking deep breaths. A few days ago I started getting chest pains and when I try to take a deep breath My chest pains get worse. The chest pains comes and goes. I have only had relief with memory issues; but, nothing else. I really think Savella causes to many problems and I do not think I will continue using the medication.

  • RosaJanuary 29, 2011 at 3:16 am

    I took Savella for about two months and I stop taking this medicine 12 days ago. It did help a little with my Fibromyalgia pain but the side effects were really bad. I suffered from extremely bad headaches that frequently lasted 3 to 4 days in a row. My head felt like if it would explode and nothing worked to make them go away, and even now that I stopped the med 12 days ago I'm still getting the[Show More]I took Savella for about two months and I stop taking this medicine 12 days ago. It did help a little with my Fibromyalgia pain but the side effects were really bad. I suffered from extremely bad headaches that frequently lasted 3 to 4 days in a row. My head felt like if it would explode and nothing worked to make them go away, and even now that I stopped the med 12 days ago I'm still getting the headaches daily but not as bad. I also had bad nausea and dizziness all day and it totally drained my energy. I'm really worried now about these headaches but will wait to see my doctor this Thursday and see what he has to say. THIS MEDICINE NEEDS TO BE TAKEN OFF THE MARKET in general it has made my life so miserable for over already two months ago!

  • CarolJanuary 28, 2011 at 4:02 am

    I started taking Savella and had to quit after two weeks for having high and low blood pressure and heart rate staying up in the 90's with chest pains and palpitations for several days -too scary for me! It also did seem to help the fibro pain any more than neurotin or hydrocodone or any other one I've tried. I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS DRUG! I agree it should be taken off the market.

  • LJanuary 28, 2011 at 1:24 am

    I am a registered nurse and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia almost a year ago. I started out taking Neurontin, but after the first dose increase (100 mg twice a day), I became very depressed and had long crying spells. My doctor then switched me to Lyrica. After being on Lyrica for a month and taking 75 mg twice a day, I was suicidal. I immediately recognized it as a reaction to the Lyrica and[Show More]I am a registered nurse and was diagnosed with fibromyalgia almost a year ago. I started out taking Neurontin, but after the first dose increase (100 mg twice a day), I became very depressed and had long crying spells. My doctor then switched me to Lyrica. After being on Lyrica for a month and taking 75 mg twice a day, I was suicidal. I immediately recognized it as a reaction to the Lyrica and called my doctor. Needless to say, he stopped the Lyrica. Since then, I've been on Savella (almost 8 months). I've had absolutely NO side effects whatsoever! My blood pressure and heart rate have remained the same and my pain has decreased dramatically. My level of function is much improved as well and I'm happily back to my 8-hour work day. While I still require pain medication in addition to the Savella, I agree wholeheartedly with many of the respondents here: SAVELLA HAS BEEN A GODSEND FOR ME!

  • LeeJanuary 27, 2011 at 6:41 am

    After nearly 3 weeks on this medicine, I could not stop the bouts of crushing chest pains, insanely high BP rates (over 150/110 when my pre-Savella BPs were usually 110/70 max!), the dizziness, and bouts of facial flushing and sudden profuse sweating (particularly out of my head, face, and scalp!). I had been feeling like I was going to have a massive heart attack (and at times wondered if I was h[Show More]After nearly 3 weeks on this medicine, I could not stop the bouts of crushing chest pains, insanely high BP rates (over 150/110 when my pre-Savella BPs were usually 110/70 max!), the dizziness, and bouts of facial flushing and sudden profuse sweating (particularly out of my head, face, and scalp!). I had been feeling like I was going to have a massive heart attack (and at times wondered if I was having small heart attacks). I have a known heart condition and am on some pretty heavy doses of some different medications, so I question the wisdom of my pain specialist for putting me on this particular medication. I am so glad that after feeling so poorly after 3 weeks that I decided to do a little reading/researching. I called the doctor's office to let them know my symptoms (and my BP readings as I have a cuff at home). I got a phone message from the nurse to just discontinue taking the Savella. I also worry about abruptly stopping the medication, but don't want to swallow that poison any more. I guess I will risk seizures over heart failure. Now I will call my regular doctor because I will need to have my cardiac functions tested. Patients often take meds from doctors and don't think to read the literature that comes with it - I have an extremely complex medical history and am familiar with SNRI's. I have never seen this type of reaction before. Thank God I decided to do some reading myself. The rapid decline in my health was noticeable to those in my life and even to people at work. Doctor's should be strongly cautioned against prescribing this medication, especially with a patient who has cardiac problems! I wonder what special lunch the Savella drug reps brought my doctor's office with those fancy little starter packs!!! This is where the best interests of the patients become blurred.

  • RebeccaJanuary 17, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    I started on Savella last March and it worked amazingly well for me, for about 6 months. I had no side effects going on or off. I only went off because at about 5 months it stopped working,k at least as well as it was in the beginning. I asked my doctor to increase my dose (50mg in the am and 50mg in the pm) but he wouldn't as he said I was on the highest dose possible. Because it cost so much, an[Show More]I started on Savella last March and it worked amazingly well for me, for about 6 months. I had no side effects going on or off. I only went off because at about 5 months it stopped working,k at least as well as it was in the beginning. I asked my doctor to increase my dose (50mg in the am and 50mg in the pm) but he wouldn't as he said I was on the highest dose possible. Because it cost so much, and it wasn't working the same I stopped taking it. I did wait a bit and go back on to see if it would work again and it hasn't, at least to the level it was last year. I saw another doctor who incresed the diosage for me but when I went to pick it up, the price had doubled. So now I am at a crossroads because I canh't afford it. But, I never had any problems from taking this medicine. At all. Neither did my cousin.

  • ColleenJanuary 15, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    I am 27 years old and have suffered from fibromyalsia for several years now, but was not diagnosed until three years ago. After trying everything from neurotonin to tramadol with little effect, i was placed on savella three months ago. I started out feeling nausea mildly, but continued to take the medication. The last month has been complete hell. I am having absolutely horrible anxiety. I feel so[Show More]I am 27 years old and have suffered from fibromyalsia for several years now, but was not diagnosed until three years ago. After trying everything from neurotonin to tramadol with little effect, i was placed on savella three months ago. I started out feeling nausea mildly, but continued to take the medication. The last month has been complete hell. I am having absolutely horrible anxiety. I feel so ill i almost throw up every time i take the medication. My mental state has changed from being the happiest mom i could be to feeling like my life is falling apart almost as if all the enjoyment has been ripped from my life. why? I have woken up several mornings (barely able to sleep) with my heart racing so fast i thought i might have a heart attack. I have cried over things that never would have bothered me, and i am scared to continue taking this medication at all. I am a healthy, normal person with 2 beautiful little boys. Please advise before taking this medication!! I have not experienced worse emotional issues in my life. Worse yet, i have to slowly get off of this medicine, which means another week of complete hell.

  • MaritaJanuary 14, 2011 at 7:50 pm

    I started on Savella on 12/2/2010 on the titraition pack for fibromylagia. I started with irritablity and indegestion by the following day. Then came the hot flashes and severe sweating and insomnia. I did not sleep for 2 weeks. I saw my rheumatologist on 12/16/10 who took me back down from 50 mg to 25 mg. My condition though just continued to get worse. I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks and was vomit[Show More]I started on Savella on 12/2/2010 on the titraition pack for fibromylagia. I started with irritablity and indegestion by the following day. Then came the hot flashes and severe sweating and insomnia. I did not sleep for 2 weeks. I saw my rheumatologist on 12/16/10 who took me back down from 50 mg to 25 mg. My condition though just continued to get worse. I lost 15 lbs in 3 weeks and was vomiting around the clock for several days even after I went off the medication on 12-20-2010. I have continued with Hypertension, sweating and high resting heart rate of 120 per min. Today, 1/14/11, I just made an appointment to see a Cardioloigist as my heart rate remains high and I am continued short of breath. The vomitng has completely stopped now and the irritability and the sweating has only decreased.

  • TammyJanuary 13, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    I was diagnosed with fibro several years ago and one of my doctors put me on Savella. After starting this medication I was suicidal thoughts and could not sleep. I did experience insomnia before starting this medication, but it got much worse after taking it. While Savella did help to a small degree with the wide spread pain of fibro, the insomnia and suicidal thoughts were unbearable.

  • DeannaJanuary 12, 2011 at 6:30 pm

    I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2001 although I think I had been suffering from it for years before that. I also had been diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis around the same time. Over the years I have had a couple of bladder surgeries and a torn rotator cuff repair surgery. I had several surgeries when I was younger but they were all female-related problems.(I just turned 48 yesterday). Nev[Show More]I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 2001 although I think I had been suffering from it for years before that. I also had been diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis around the same time. Over the years I have had a couple of bladder surgeries and a torn rotator cuff repair surgery. I had several surgeries when I was younger but they were all female-related problems.(I just turned 48 yesterday). Never really had to take any meds other than for pain and HCTZ for slightly elevated b/p. My PCP always joked saying I was the "healthiest sick person" she had ever seen because all routine labs, x-rays, etc etc were always perfectly normal. Until the day I was introduced to Savella. I had been seeing my Neurologist for several months and he was very excited about this "new" drug soon to be ok'd by the FDA. Not long after, he started me on the titration pack. I had been feeling strange but most new Rxs do that to me. About the 4th week of taking it, I had come home after spending time with a friend.(I was living with my daughter and her family). I sat down in the chair in her room and suddenly felt like I was dying! It felt like the life was being sucked out of me. I was crying but all you could see was my chest moving because I couldnt make any noise.I slumped over to one side. I couldnt stand on my own but they finally got me in the car and to the ER. The ER doc couldnt have been more of an ass than he was (I wrote a letter to the hospital). Luckily, my neurologist called my cell just then and my dtr told him what had happened. He spoke with the ER doc and immediately took me off Savella and sent me home with a few days of Prozac to ease the transition. Since then my body is slowly falling apart. Uncontrolled vomiting, hiatal hernia, gall bladder removal, huge hernia repair, diabetes, hallucinations, rare form of narcolepsy, frequent pneumonia, and just yesterday PCP found liver labs to be very high and is scheduling an ultrasound. This medication is like the gift that keeps on giving! At least for me, my body will never be the same. A lawsuit is in order for sure. Not enough time and research was done.

  • KathiJanuary 12, 2011 at 4:16 am

    I started taking Savella 3 weeks ago. I had Lyme disease for years until it was diagnoised as late deseminated Lyme disease and I was treated. I drastcally improved for over a year and then crashed. Ever since then have had horrible aches, pains, swelling as well as other side effects. I thought my Lyme had come back but I was retreated with Richepin IV with no results. My rhuematogolgist diagnois[Show More]I started taking Savella 3 weeks ago. I had Lyme disease for years until it was diagnoised as late deseminated Lyme disease and I was treated. I drastcally improved for over a year and then crashed. Ever since then have had horrible aches, pains, swelling as well as other side effects. I thought my Lyme had come back but I was retreated with Richepin IV with no results. My rhuematogolgist diagnoised me with fibro and Post Lyme syndrom as well as inflammatory arthritis. He has tried me on many different meds with some really bad side effects but so far on Savella I have had good results with slight naseau and feeling of some disorientation. I feel half human again and I was in horrible pain all the time. I didnt realize how bad the pain had gotten until I got this relief. Thanks God for some respite. When I forgot to take my pill on morning 12 by 2 pm I was aching agin so bad. The I realized I forgot. I guess the pain will remind me. I think the trade off at this moment is worth it. At least I can half function now instead of being a zombie on Vicodin and Tramadol, which only worked some anyway. I have had some heart racing and heavy heart pounding on 2 occasions. I hope that is just my body getting accustomed because I cant imagine going back to where I was 2 weeks ago.

  • PeggyJanuary 12, 2011 at 12:58 am

    I have had fibro for 18 years. I can remember the exact day it started. My son was 4 days old. I have been tried on every med that is available. First was opiods. Then was told I had to go off them. I have been taking Savella for 6 months. My fatigue is worse. I have to force myself to eat, My heart is raising but am told to continue the Savella. Please someone out there, come up with a [Show More]I have had fibro for 18 years. I can remember the exact day it started. My son was 4 days old. I have been tried on every med that is available. First was opiods. Then was told I had to go off them. I have been taking Savella for 6 months. My fatigue is worse. I have to force myself to eat, My heart is raising but am told to continue the Savella. Please someone out there, come up with a solution. I wish the Pain Clinic would listen to me and learn more about fibro. instead of telling me this is a miracle drug. After reading other comments about raising heart rate and am definitly bringing it up the next time I see the so called Pain Clinic that seems to think it's all in my help. We fibro people have to take a stand and get these doctors to listen to us insteading of thinking we're crazy! We are just looking to have some sort of life instead of being doubted.

  • KimJanuary 11, 2011 at 1:29 am

    I have been on Savella for over a year. It has seemed to help with some of the pain, but I slowly watched my blood pressure go up and up. I am now taking blood pressure meds and I am a very thin 36 year old. With no blood pressure issues in my past. i become very panicky if I ever miss a does.. I want to come off the med eventually but am scared because of the past side effects. Try something else[Show More]I have been on Savella for over a year. It has seemed to help with some of the pain, but I slowly watched my blood pressure go up and up. I am now taking blood pressure meds and I am a very thin 36 year old. With no blood pressure issues in my past. i become very panicky if I ever miss a does.. I want to come off the med eventually but am scared because of the past side effects. Try something else if you can.

  • LauraJanuary 7, 2011 at 9:02 pm

    I have been taking Savella for about a year. The only side effect I noticed for the first few months was the nausea. I would look at food and feel like I would throw up if I ate it. I lost 10 pounds without even trying. For me that was a positive side effect and one that was written on my prescrtipion bottle. However, my heart rate started to climb and my blood pressure kept going higher. These si[Show More]I have been taking Savella for about a year. The only side effect I noticed for the first few months was the nausea. I would look at food and feel like I would throw up if I ate it. I lost 10 pounds without even trying. For me that was a positive side effect and one that was written on my prescrtipion bottle. However, my heart rate started to climb and my blood pressure kept going higher. These side effects were thought to be the extra stress I was having at work. The doctor put me on medicine to lower the heart rate and my high blood pressure medicine was increased from 4 mg. to 32 mg. This helped some to lower the heart rate and blood pressure but both continued to be higher than normal. Then last month the diarrhea and skin issues (red splotches) started. It never occurred to me that this might be related to Savella until during the holidays I would forget, or be too sick feeling, to take my medicine. Then I started noticing the nausea and diarhea symptons were better. I decided to look up the side effects and found many articles were people on Savella were having many of the same problems. No one had even mentioned that the blood pressure, high pulse rate, and diarhea problems could be caused by the medicine. I even tried taking less of a dose, but the stomach problems would start again. I have not taken Savella for 2 weeks now and the pulse rate is normal, blood pressure is better and stomach problems are getting better.

  • ChristieDecember 28, 2010 at 8:55 pm

    I've been on Savella for around 6 months and have had Fibro for around 5 years. Taking the Savella, once it got into my system made me feel the best I've felt in 5 years. The only side effect I seem to have is the occaisional headache that is cured by Ibuprofen.

  • LillianDecember 28, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    I am 32 years old and female. I just finished my first titration pack. I am having great results. My fibro pain is considerably less than before. I do have some side effects, nausea and occasional headache. I have not had any constipation or trouble sleeping. My fibro fog is better and my moods are more level. I do notice an increase in how sad events are affecting me but that doesn't bother me li[Show More]I am 32 years old and female. I just finished my first titration pack. I am having great results. My fibro pain is considerably less than before. I do have some side effects, nausea and occasional headache. I have not had any constipation or trouble sleeping. My fibro fog is better and my moods are more level. I do notice an increase in how sad events are affecting me but that doesn't bother me like crying when I see a families home destroyed by fire or a lost child but thats not really a bad thing. My dreams are more vivid and memorable now and can be frightening at times but that is just an observation it may have nothing to do with Savella. I take the second dose about 2pm and that helped with the sleeping issue in the first week because I did notice that I could sleep but awoke often at night that first week. Overall, I am very happy so far. I do not take any other medications so that may be why I am having good results. When I did take opiates 2 years ago my mood would go crazy and my body would too. I hope that others can find this drug useful and I will try to post once a month here so others can watch my results. I will be objective and tell you if I have trouble. God Bless everyone and I hope you have a wonderful new year!

  • CynthiaDecember 28, 2010 at 12:07 am

    My Doctor tried me on Savella. It made me so sick. I was extremely dizzy with very weird vertigo. I ended up in the ER dehydrated and electrolyte imblance. The medicine did not help the pain. Made me feel weak, every time I got up I get extremely dizzy then nauseated and then vomiting. A month of headaches and nausea and dizziness and vomiting then I ended up in the ER dehydrated. Then my Doctor [Show More]My Doctor tried me on Savella. It made me so sick. I was extremely dizzy with very weird vertigo. I ended up in the ER dehydrated and electrolyte imblance. The medicine did not help the pain. Made me feel weak, every time I got up I get extremely dizzy then nauseated and then vomiting. A month of headaches and nausea and dizziness and vomiting then I ended up in the ER dehydrated. Then my Doctor stopped the savella and the side effects stopped.

  • CarolDecember 24, 2010 at 12:26 am

    I was placed on the triation pac in Nov 2010 for fibromyalgia. I was very excited that my doctors thought this drug had real promise. I felt jittery at the start and figured my body needed to adjust. When I was taking the middle dosage I started having heart palpitations and felt like I was speeding. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Then I felt extremely sweaty and dizzy and started f[Show More]I was placed on the triation pac in Nov 2010 for fibromyalgia. I was very excited that my doctors thought this drug had real promise. I felt jittery at the start and figured my body needed to adjust. When I was taking the middle dosage I started having heart palpitations and felt like I was speeding. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Then I felt extremely sweaty and dizzy and started feeling like I wanted to jump out of my body and kill myself. I was terrified and it was Sunday so I went to the pharmacy. The pharmacist told me that I was the 2nd out of 3 people she knows of who were affected like this and to get off immediately. I phoned all of my doctors the next day as well as Forest Lab and then I wrote a complaint to the FDA. This drug needs to be removed before people die. There must of been heart attacks and suicides already from Savella that have been hidden. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. IT IS A MATTER OF LIFE OR DEATH. I would rather suffer than die.

  • MeiDecember 22, 2010 at 4:13 pm

    I recently stopped taking Savella because I was having too much side-effects. Although this is the only medicine that helped me with my fibromyalgia, the side effect out weighs the benefits. I had hot flashes, urinary track infection constantly, my heart beats faster, loss of appetite (I was losing weight too fast), thoughts of being killed at an accident or murdered, tends to be very sad too much[Show More]I recently stopped taking Savella because I was having too much side-effects. Although this is the only medicine that helped me with my fibromyalgia, the side effect out weighs the benefits. I had hot flashes, urinary track infection constantly, my heart beats faster, loss of appetite (I was losing weight too fast), thoughts of being killed at an accident or murdered, tends to be very sad too much, my insomia got worse and more. The good benefits are that I can wake up and am able to move right away and able to walk for hours without the pain. I stopped because I was afraid that I may die from of the the complications. My husband wants me to continue taking it so I started taking it this moring since my fibromyalgia is getting worse. I'm really scared but this is the only drug that hepls me. The other medicine I used to take makes me yawn constantly and I grind my teeth. Honestly, I don't know what to do. Part of me wants to stay on this drug so I can spend quality time with my daughter but part of me wants to stop taking this medicine and just be tough and pretend I am not in pain.

  • shirleyDecember 17, 2010 at 6:58 pm

    WELL IT IS NICE TO READ THAT I AM NOT LOOSING MY MIND.i am on my third week.and it"s been a rough ride.i also have fibromyalgy and was taken off of cymbalta,wasen"t doing much good anymore on that.was on that for 3-4 years.on this SEVELLA now i cry most every morning,hate anything that upsets TV-HUSBAND-DOG-CAT-KIDS AND GRANDKIDS.Im going to try a little longer to hold out and finish the p[Show More]WELL IT IS NICE TO READ THAT I AM NOT LOOSING MY MIND.i am on my third week.and it"s been a rough ride.i also have fibromyalgy and was taken off of cymbalta,wasen"t doing much good anymore on that.was on that for 3-4 years.on this SEVELLA now i cry most every morning,hate anything that upsets TV-HUSBAND-DOG-CAT-KIDS AND GRANDKIDS.Im going to try a little longer to hold out and finish the pack.just not very happy anymore.hope later my feelings will change.still have the darn achs and pains.

  • BernieDecember 16, 2010 at 8:13 pm

    I have been on Savella for 1 month. I am using the starter pack. From day 1 taking 12.5 Mg until now using 50mg, the results have been amazing. I have been telling my doctors for 15 years my symptems to no avail. I have taken Neurontin ( the water was refreshing), Lyrica without very goode results. I no ;longer have extreme pain and burning sensations. For the fist time in years I fell like a[Show More]I have been on Savella for 1 month. I am using the starter pack. From day 1 taking 12.5 Mg until now using 50mg, the results have been amazing. I have been telling my doctors for 15 years my symptems to no avail. I have taken Neurontin ( the water was refreshing), Lyrica without very goode results. I no ;longer have extreme pain and burning sensations. For the fist time in years I fell like a human being, and not a pin cushion. I have had no side effects at all. Guess I am one of the lucky ones. Anyway, this has been a miracle for me!

  • BarbaraDecember 15, 2010 at 9:51 pm


  • KarenDecember 13, 2010 at 10:11 pm

    I have taken Savella for 7 months now and have experieced tremendous relief of the fibromyagia pelvic pain that had nearly disabled me. I inadvertantly missed 3 doses and found that I became very moody and began to experience renewed pain. My doctor originally put me on 100 mg a day, but I found that it caused severe constipation. We cut it back to 50 mg and I do very well with only occasionall[Show More]I have taken Savella for 7 months now and have experieced tremendous relief of the fibromyagia pelvic pain that had nearly disabled me. I inadvertantly missed 3 doses and found that I became very moody and began to experience renewed pain. My doctor originally put me on 100 mg a day, but I found that it caused severe constipation. We cut it back to 50 mg and I do very well with only occasionally constiptation relieved by over-the-counter Miralax. Don't take this off the market - it's the best I've found!

  • MADDecember 9, 2010 at 8:07 pm


  • SharonDecember 7, 2010 at 6:21 am

    I started on Savella dosage pack on Friday and I stopped taking the drug Monday. I started with severe sweats and hot flashes( worse than menopause). From the 1st pill , I had severe high blood pressure, palpitations with increased heart rate, dizziness with electrical shocks in brain. I also had a complete mood change with severe agitation and mood swings. I asked my Dr. for this medication b[Show More]I started on Savella dosage pack on Friday and I stopped taking the drug Monday. I started with severe sweats and hot flashes( worse than menopause). From the 1st pill , I had severe high blood pressure, palpitations with increased heart rate, dizziness with electrical shocks in brain. I also had a complete mood change with severe agitation and mood swings. I asked my Dr. for this medication but I was wrong. The pain also increased with this med. Thank God I am off this medication. PLEASE monitor your pulse and b/p at home and if your mood changes so dramatically like mine. call your doctor!!

  • DebbieDecember 6, 2010 at 7:47 pm

    I started the 2 week trial pak on tuesday nite by wed afternoon my vision was almost gone , not to mention the bad headaches, no appetite, sweating bad, dry mouth, heart pounding etc. thursday morning went to eye doctor told i had a severe allergic reaction in my eyes by friday afternoon my vision was gone in both eyes and burning severely, stopped the meds and started taking benyadrel every 4 ho[Show More]I started the 2 week trial pak on tuesday nite by wed afternoon my vision was almost gone , not to mention the bad headaches, no appetite, sweating bad, dry mouth, heart pounding etc. thursday morning went to eye doctor told i had a severe allergic reaction in my eyes by friday afternoon my vision was gone in both eyes and burning severely, stopped the meds and started taking benyadrel every 4 hours til it was out of my system, still cant get my vision back just yet like it used to be, i really think this medicene has ruined my vision.

  • CathyDecember 5, 2010 at 12:19 pm

    I'm 48 and have had fibromyalgia since age 30 that has gotten progressively worse. I took Lyrica for 6 mo. with no relief [just side effects]. I started taking Savella due to severe foot and knee pain [I also have pain across my shoulders]. When I started Savella I had nausea and vomitting [as the package warns]. I was reluctant to continue but have also had terrible side affects with many other p[Show More]I'm 48 and have had fibromyalgia since age 30 that has gotten progressively worse. I took Lyrica for 6 mo. with no relief [just side effects]. I started taking Savella due to severe foot and knee pain [I also have pain across my shoulders]. When I started Savella I had nausea and vomitting [as the package warns]. I was reluctant to continue but have also had terrible side affects with many other prescribed drugs I have taken over the yrs. for fibro and chronic migraines. My foot pain disappeared within a few days [which I found hard to belive] though I still have [decreased] issues with my knees and shoulders. I no longer have nausea or vommitting [that was over in a few weeks - and shows how desperate I was for something to work that I kept taking it]. I do have a new sensitivity to smell and decreased appetite which has resulted in weight loss which I view as a benefit. No blood pressure increase, heart palpitations, or suicidal thoughts. I read the package insert thoroughly before hand and did research before so was aware to look out for the suicidal thoughts [and even told my husband to be on the look out too ]. This is the only thing that has worked for my advanced fibro. Drugs affect people differently and I would hate to see this drug taken away since it is helping me...for the time being anyway.

  • JenniferDecember 2, 2010 at 9:04 pm

    WOW!! I am so glad that I found this site and that so many of you were so willing to tell your story. I am 34 years old and was put on Savella this spring and by the middle part of August I thought I was going crazy. My insided's felt like they were jumping and I stayed extremelly cold. I was waking up every morning between three and four with massive unexplained panic. I contacted a phyciatrist [Show More]WOW!! I am so glad that I found this site and that so many of you were so willing to tell your story. I am 34 years old and was put on Savella this spring and by the middle part of August I thought I was going crazy. My insided's felt like they were jumping and I stayed extremelly cold. I was waking up every morning between three and four with massive unexplained panic. I contacted a phyciatrist that told me I was experiencing SSRI and that I needed to quit taking my meds. I have had one ER visit for constipation, panic attack, and suicidal thoughts will taking this med. Once I quit taking it I still have had side affects. My heart races, sweaty palms and feet and the depression has been the worst. I voluntarily hospitalized myself and my blood pressure was high and adrenal hormones were high. They put me on some meds to make my insides quit feeling like they are jumping. It's going on four months and I still do not feel right. I think this medication is horrbile and I pray that they take it off the shelf. This drug has taken a massive toll on me and my family.

  • JudyDecember 1, 2010 at 11:12 pm

    I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and have been on narcotics & anti-depressants for years. Two weeks ago I began taking Savella...actually I have one more dose this evening from the titration pack. The first few days were the worst! I cried alot, felt sick to my stomach, hot flashes accompanied with excessive sweating (worse than the menopause ones I get),weird dreams, sudden outbursts o[Show More]I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia and have been on narcotics & anti-depressants for years. Two weeks ago I began taking Savella...actually I have one more dose this evening from the titration pack. The first few days were the worst! I cried alot, felt sick to my stomach, hot flashes accompanied with excessive sweating (worse than the menopause ones I get),weird dreams, sudden outbursts of anger - just about all the side effects that were listed. Today I am actually feeling better. I am still having those awful hot flashes, sweating, nausea, insomnia & anger issues but it goes away about as fast as it comes. Nothing I can't deal with so far. As far as the pain goes though, I am still having to take 5 mg methodone 2 x daily & 50 mg Ultram 2 x daily. The thing is, even after all that I am still experiencing alot of pain. How long does it take before you are pain pill free??? I will continue to take Savella with hopes things will get better as long as the side effects don't get any worse. I am wondering if this drug is like most other anti-depressants - you have to take it for a few months to get the full effects. I have been in pain so long that I am willing to go through just about anything (I mean minor side effects that go away eventually) if the end result is final relief!!!

  • PaulaDecember 1, 2010 at 5:19 am

    I have numerous medical conditions (intercistial cyctitis, celiac disease, migraines, and dfibromyalgia.) I moved from Charleston, SC to Auburn, AL. I had wonderful doctors back home that I absolutely loved. I have not had the best of luck with some doctors here, especially since I take Loricet, the only narcotic, for pain. I have also had shoulder surgery and 2 back surgeries. The surgeries proba[Show More]I have numerous medical conditions (intercistial cyctitis, celiac disease, migraines, and dfibromyalgia.) I moved from Charleston, SC to Auburn, AL. I had wonderful doctors back home that I absolutely loved. I have not had the best of luck with some doctors here, especially since I take Loricet, the only narcotic, for pain. I have also had shoulder surgery and 2 back surgeries. The surgeries probably triggered my fibro.I am taking a generic form of Pamelor and have had NO side effects since I was diagnosed a year ago. I tried Lyrica, and it caused a bladder flare up with pelvic pain, and I was basically camotose. I saw a new dr. yesterday. She tried to "push" the Lyrica on me again, but I refused. So, she gave me a trial pack of Savella and scripts for non narcotic, extended release pain medications that probably won't help me. I took 1 Savella tablet this evening and then read the phamplet. It specifically states, tell your dr if you have kidney disease, painful urination, or take migraine medication.Well, I have 1 kidney, have IC, and take Toppomax for migraines. is this lady trying to kill me? I am already tired, getting dizzy, naucious, and feel like my heart is pounding. I don't think I will be taking Savella tomorrow and will keep driving 6 hours to back to the dr. I love in Charleston.

  • TeesNovember 29, 2010 at 4:38 pm

    I started the titration pack of Savella 11/23/2010 (a Tuesday), by Sunday, about day three of the increased dose of 25mg in the a.m. and p.m. my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest and my pulse rate was so high i felt jittery, extremely tired like I couldn't walk across the floor. I checked my blood pressure (at walmart--I know not completely accurate), but it was 133/89 and my [Show More]I started the titration pack of Savella 11/23/2010 (a Tuesday), by Sunday, about day three of the increased dose of 25mg in the a.m. and p.m. my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest and my pulse rate was so high i felt jittery, extremely tired like I couldn't walk across the floor. I checked my blood pressure (at walmart--I know not completely accurate), but it was 133/89 and my pulse was 96! Extremely high for me. Last blood pressure reading at Dr. was 124/72. I run on the treadmill daily and have worked hard to keep my blood pressure down. I quit taking Savella Sunday Night, did not take the evening dose and hoped for the best as far as side effects from stopping abruptly. Figured since I was only on it 6 days it would be okay. Called my Dr. today and told him my experience and that I had stopped the medication. I am 39 years old.

  • DanNovember 29, 2010 at 2:44 pm

    My Wife has been on Savella for a month now, and she is a brand new person. She is off the majority of her pain med's, her moods better, she is doing things again. Her feeling is that the benefit greatly out weigh the risks. She has been checking her blood pressure and our family looks for mood and any other signs of physical changes. Her doctor has been seeing her weekly while starting this new m[Show More]My Wife has been on Savella for a month now, and she is a brand new person. She is off the majority of her pain med's, her moods better, she is doing things again. Her feeling is that the benefit greatly out weigh the risks. She has been checking her blood pressure and our family looks for mood and any other signs of physical changes. Her doctor has been seeing her weekly while starting this new medication. Not everyone is going to get the same results, as with any drug, the patient and doctor work together to determine whether the drug is causing adverse side affects that need to be dealt with. IT'S NOT THE PUBLIC'S RESPONSIBILITY TO DETERMINE THAT A DRUG BE BANNED BECAUSE OF A FEW PEOPLES MISFORTUNE. Savella has given my wife a quality of life that she hasn't experienced in 10 YEARS.

  • SherrillNovember 21, 2010 at 8:58 pm

    My doctor switched me to Savella after being on Cymbalta for almost 6 months and it wasn't working as well for my fibermyalgia anymore. I thought I was going to go crazy... I was only on it for a week and a half and couldn't stand it anymore. I was in so much pain and I would just sit and cry about anything or nothing at all. I wanted to kill myself. My tongue and lips went numb and I couldn't eve[Show More]My doctor switched me to Savella after being on Cymbalta for almost 6 months and it wasn't working as well for my fibermyalgia anymore. I thought I was going to go crazy... I was only on it for a week and a half and couldn't stand it anymore. I was in so much pain and I would just sit and cry about anything or nothing at all. I wanted to kill myself. My tongue and lips went numb and I couldn't even stand to walk. Now I am back on my Cymbalta with the help of Lyrica I am almost pain free and feelling good, both mentally and physically. This drug should be taken off the market.

  • LinNovember 20, 2010 at 1:57 am

    I took Savella for about six months and I have to say it worked well. Lyrica didn't work at all for me (I do not have Fibromyalgia but similar symptoms--myofacial pain syndrome). I just went off it and have started Neurontin again at a higher dose. While Savella is the only thing other than Tramadol that's helped my pain, I had horrible side affects. My pulse was so high that I had to start ta[Show More]I took Savella for about six months and I have to say it worked well. Lyrica didn't work at all for me (I do not have Fibromyalgia but similar symptoms--myofacial pain syndrome). I just went off it and have started Neurontin again at a higher dose. While Savella is the only thing other than Tramadol that's helped my pain, I had horrible side affects. My pulse was so high that I had to start taking it throughout the day. I also had horrible stomach pains at random, as well as bouts of severe sweating in my face without any exertion, I would just be standing still and suddenly break out in a horrible sweat. I find the claim interesting that it produced no results, because it's the only thing that so far has given me results outside of pain meds.. For me, unfortunately though, the side affects were just too severe for me. Even reading this, I would still recommend it to others...I would just also recommend to stop if they have side affects and monitor it closely to check the pulse.

  • ericaNovember 19, 2010 at 5:13 am

    I took this drug for several months. My pain was decreased slightly but my blood pressure was 220/110 at times (I usually have low blood pressure and i'm 26) while my pulse was always racing and I was having heart palpitations and chest pain. I was told I was probably just having panic attacks and not to worry. Despite this I was always in the er thinking I was having heart attacks. One visit the [Show More]I took this drug for several months. My pain was decreased slightly but my blood pressure was 220/110 at times (I usually have low blood pressure and i'm 26) while my pulse was always racing and I was having heart palpitations and chest pain. I was told I was probably just having panic attacks and not to worry. Despite this I was always in the er thinking I was having heart attacks. One visit the resident took the time to research the drug in depth while I was there and he made the connection between my symptoms and many other peoples. I found a new Dr. and he helped wean me off them. Immediately the problems stopped! Please please take this poison off the market before it damages more people...

  • scottiNovember 18, 2010 at 5:19 pm

    I just started Savella last night. My fibro pain has been successfully treated with Neurontin (Lyica freaked me out after 12 days). After reading these comments, I am wondering if I should bother with the risks. I have been anti-pharm since I got RA in 1971. I no longer have it with the help of lifestyle changes and homeopathy. Now I face the beast again in the form of Fibromyalgia. I am happy for[Show More]I just started Savella last night. My fibro pain has been successfully treated with Neurontin (Lyica freaked me out after 12 days). After reading these comments, I am wondering if I should bother with the risks. I have been anti-pharm since I got RA in 1971. I no longer have it with the help of lifestyle changes and homeopathy. Now I face the beast again in the form of Fibromyalgia. I am happy for those who are finding relief with this new drug, but I am concerned with the lack of preliminary testing. The fact that the European medical community has been using this medicine longer than we have and attests that it is not that helpful for Fibro with all the risks the drug carries with it has me not wanting to even try it. I just need help with sleep. The tendency for this drug to "speed" up the system and even have insomnia as a side-effect is contraindicated for me as far as I am concerned..

  • SharonNovember 18, 2010 at 3:55 pm

    I started Savella in October 2010, 9 days into the titration pack I ended up in the ICU with a hypertensive crisis and tachycardia (high heart rate). My neurologist recommended this drug for me because of a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and panic disorder. Although it did take some of my aches and pains away, I would rather live with them. I now have chronic hypertension and am on two medications to k[Show More]I started Savella in October 2010, 9 days into the titration pack I ended up in the ICU with a hypertensive crisis and tachycardia (high heart rate). My neurologist recommended this drug for me because of a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and panic disorder. Although it did take some of my aches and pains away, I would rather live with them. I now have chronic hypertension and am on two medications to keep both my blood pressure and heart rate down. I never had any issues with either before Savella. FDA needs to pull this medication due to the harmful side effects. Sucks being 33 years old and on blood pressure meds.

  • SharonNovember 18, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    I started Savella in October 2010, 9 days into the titration pack I ended up in the ICU with a hypertensive crisis and tachycardia (high heart rate). My neurologist recommended this drug for me because of a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and panic disorder. Although it did take some of my aches and pains away, I would rather live with them than be in the hospital. I now have chronic hypertension and am[Show More]I started Savella in October 2010, 9 days into the titration pack I ended up in the ICU with a hypertensive crisis and tachycardia (high heart rate). My neurologist recommended this drug for me because of a diagnosis of Fibromyalgia and panic disorder. Although it did take some of my aches and pains away, I would rather live with them than be in the hospital. I now have chronic hypertension and am on two medications to keep both my blood pressure and heart rate down. I never had any issues with either before Savella. FDA needs to pull this medication due to the harmful side effects. Sucks being 33 years old and on blood pressure meds.

  • KarenNovember 18, 2010 at 12:22 am

    I been on Savella since the beginning of the clinical trial almost 5 years and I have had no side effects and Its let me live my life.. I wasnt able to even leave my bed for long periods of time until I started Savella I got my life back. Besides having Fibro which I have had for about 20 years and was diagnosed about 15 years ago. I have type 2 diabetes, High cholestrol, chronic Fatigue and a fe[Show More]I been on Savella since the beginning of the clinical trial almost 5 years and I have had no side effects and Its let me live my life.. I wasnt able to even leave my bed for long periods of time until I started Savella I got my life back. Besides having Fibro which I have had for about 20 years and was diagnosed about 15 years ago. I have type 2 diabetes, High cholestrol, chronic Fatigue and a few other problems. I have no problems what so ever with Savella and when they took me off for the 2 weeks while in trial I was worse then ever.. I am so glad to have Savella available to me..

  • LaurieNovember 17, 2010 at 8:27 pm

    I was prescribed Savella onNov. 01,2010 and was told yesterday that I had suffered a heart attack on Nov.11, 2010. No one had ever informed me this was a possibility when I went on this medication, and I actually went to the chiropractor for relief attributing my pain to my fibromyalgia. Please keep sounding the alarm. I'm only 46 years old. This shouldn't have happened!!!!

  • AmyNovember 17, 2010 at 5:12 pm

    CAUTION: If you're prescribed this drug...think twice before taking it!!!! Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 1998. Myriad of meds tried. Cymbalta gave me debilitating insomnia along with other side-effects. Started Savella Spring hopeful! Seemed to increase my energy almost immediately, but within first weeks started having chest pain. Docs didn't think was associated with the med... and Rx ha[Show More]CAUTION: If you're prescribed this drug...think twice before taking it!!!! Diagnosed with Fibromyalgia 1998. Myriad of meds tried. Cymbalta gave me debilitating insomnia along with other side-effects. Started Savella Spring hopeful! Seemed to increase my energy almost immediately, but within first weeks started having chest pain. Docs didn't think was associated with the med... and Rx handout didn't mention cardiac I continued without concern. After two mos of agonizing pain & nitro-headaches, was diagnosed with Prinzmetals angina and placed on calcium-blocker. Migraines started this summer...accompanied by nausea, vomiting...incapacitating hell. I'm one of the fortunate fibro-sufferers with a full-time job. I love my job, but over the last 3 mos, have only been able to be there ~80% of the time. After missing weeks at a time this spring with the chest pain, it's a miracle that I have a job. Thank God for FMLA and ADA Accommodations!! The financial loss is staggering and I know that my performance reviews will reflect the time missed in a negative light. Just returned from the cardiologist who ID's Savella as the culprit causing high heart rate and exceedingly high bp (always had low bp previously). He also believes the migraines to be tied into Seratonin storm caused by this drug. Exercise and diet seem to be the only real answer with fibro...along with stubborn endurance and a sense of humor! I have to believe there are answers out there for all of us. As far as I'm concerned, Savella is a NO GO! Blessings everyone.

  • PatriciaNovember 17, 2010 at 12:44 am

    I took Savella for next to 3 months and it darned near killed me. Yes it helped the fibromyalsia pain but the side affects were not worth the problems that had me so depressed I had contemplated suicide. Inever thought a medicinewould affect a person such as this one had done to me. first it was nausea and stomach pains so bad it doubled me up in terrible pain, then came the itching from th[Show More]I took Savella for next to 3 months and it darned near killed me. Yes it helped the fibromyalsia pain but the side affects were not worth the problems that had me so depressed I had contemplated suicide. Inever thought a medicinewould affect a person such as this one had done to me. first it was nausea and stomach pains so bad it doubled me up in terrible pain, then came the itching from the top of my head to the tips of my toes so bad I was black and blue from the scratching, sweathing (I never had problems in the heat previ0usly - in fact I loved being outside in 90 degree weather - but now 70 degree either had my freezing or perspiring so fiercely my clothing was soaked, feeling like I couldn't manage to make it from my bed to the living room without being completely exhausted. Finally my pulse raced so fast I felt as if I had been running for hours at end, and was advised to go to the ER when this happened. I I went through all sorts of stomach tests that turned up negative. Finally when I was so depressed and suicidal I asked my doctor about ther side affects of a new med I was put on by my rheumatologist for my fibromyalsia.. BINGO that was the problem. It took over a month for all the symptoms to dissapate, so for over 3 1/2 months I couldn't eat, and layed around without being able to work or be of any use.

  • CeciliaNovember 11, 2010 at 3:00 pm

    Savella also gave me high blood pressure and sinus rythmn problems,along with insomnia.IThink these drugs should be tested before placed on the market.As soon as I stopped the drug all these symptoms stopped.

  • TedNovember 7, 2010 at 7:37 am

    I almost took my own life. Instead of being helped I was tazed, arrested, and locked up for one week. I have 2 disorlerly conduct charges and 1 resisting arrest pending. I had a stroke about 6 years ago. My responses are slower due to the stroke. I now have over $2000 in legal fees and still facing the charges the middle of November! I cannot believe this!!

  • StaceyNovember 6, 2010 at 2:09 am

    I just received a titration pack of savella today to start. They believe I have fibromyalgia. I'm not sure if enough testing has been done to rule out everything else. My doctor made it sound as if the nausea was the worst thing about this drug. After reading all these comments I am really scared about taking this drug. I think I am going to wait it out longer. I'm just not ready to make the [Show More]I just received a titration pack of savella today to start. They believe I have fibromyalgia. I'm not sure if enough testing has been done to rule out everything else. My doctor made it sound as if the nausea was the worst thing about this drug. After reading all these comments I am really scared about taking this drug. I think I am going to wait it out longer. I'm just not ready to make the gamble yet.

  • ClariceNovember 5, 2010 at 6:40 pm

    I have never taken such a terrible medicine...I am76 yo and have had fibromyalgia for about 20 or more yeaRs....I believe it was caused by the statins. I stopped taking them in summer of 2009...NOR MORE PAIN. Also stopped taking Paxil in about January 2010....terrible side effects...I guess my doctor forgot these twothings...He put me on Cymbalta in about April...took it for a week or so...Terrib[Show More]I have never taken such a terrible medicine...I am76 yo and have had fibromyalgia for about 20 or more yeaRs....I believe it was caused by the statins. I stopped taking them in summer of 2009...NOR MORE PAIN. Also stopped taking Paxil in about January 2010....terrible side effects...I guess my doctor forgot these twothings...He put me on Cymbalta in about April...took it for a week or so...Terrible nightmares began again, like I had on Paxil...Quit that... Then in July he gave me SAVELLA...(The Drug From Hell!!0...I shouldn't have taken it...but I am so trusting-at least I was...) I no longer had Firomyalgia -- After about three weeks I had the worst side effects. My heart rate would go up to 114 , even up to 126. I couldn't walk from family room to Bedroom without being so out of breath...Thought I was going to exageration....Went to ER... Of course, Savella is so new that a lot of doctors do not pick up on that....I finally went to the Internet and checked out all of my meds.....and the side effects of Sevella were exactly what I was experiencing....I had tried to see my own doctor, but they were booked up, and could not see them, even after I said I was in ER a few days before and I needed to see him. So, a few days later after my research online, I decided to wean my self off the Savella. I called the doctor and he told his phone asst. who sounds like she is about 15. what I should do.....of course, he was not the least bit interested in why I wanted togo off of it....Some days my BP was up to 250/150...Heart Rate like I said 112-126 at times...And felt so bad...Would have been nice to have a doctor who ...or one who had enough brains to know about Savella, and one who remembered that after all of these years I no longer had Fibrom;yalgia....HE IS NO LONGER MY DOCTOR...I will be more careful whenever I take another medication or prescription....But, this guy almost killed me, with SAVELLA....I hope you get it taken off the market soon, before it kills someone, if it hasn't already done that...

  • LenniNovember 2, 2010 at 7:38 pm

    I have been taking Savella for the better part of 18 months.It has been a good thing for me. Savella is a seritonin. uptake, and not all medications work the same for everyone. I have had side effects, but they do not outweigh the benefits for me..Not all people can take the same drugs. Everyone is different. I still wish they would bring back the contraversial weight-loss drug pondomin,as it wor[Show More]I have been taking Savella for the better part of 18 months.It has been a good thing for me. Savella is a seritonin. uptake, and not all medications work the same for everyone. I have had side effects, but they do not outweigh the benefits for me..Not all people can take the same drugs. Everyone is different. I still wish they would bring back the contraversial weight-loss drug pondomin,as it worked for me. Savella works well for me too, my biggest problem with it is the price. In my opinion a drug should not be pulled because a hand-full of people do not do well on it, especially when it does indeed help so many others.If it does not work for you then do not take it.

  • LenaNovember 2, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    Unbelievable! I am so frustrated, I've been suffering from fibro for about 15 yrs now. I had pain was so bad I could barely get out of bed every morning. I couldn't plan to do anything with my kids because I couldn't predict the level of pain from day to day. It is very depressing to have to live like this. The pain interferes with my job and my overall life. I've tried all types of pain killers a[Show More]Unbelievable! I am so frustrated, I've been suffering from fibro for about 15 yrs now. I had pain was so bad I could barely get out of bed every morning. I couldn't plan to do anything with my kids because I couldn't predict the level of pain from day to day. It is very depressing to have to live like this. The pain interferes with my job and my overall life. I've tried all types of pain killers and muscle relaxers nothing worked. I tried VIOXX it worked and was pulled off the market. I went back to being in chronic pain on a daily basis, until recently my doctor prescribed SAVELLA and it actually worked! I did experience hot flashes but that's about it. Now I can't believe they're talking about recalling this medication. I was finally starting to get my life back after 15 yrs of missing out on most of my kids activities because of chronic pain. AS WITH ALL MEDICATIONS THERE ARE SERIOUS SIDE EFFECTS LISTEN CAREFULLY TO THE COMMERICALS. It is very sad when you're willing to take a medication knowing all the possible side effects but when you've suffered from chronic pain for several years and something comes along and relieves this pain you go for it. I will continue to take this medication under the supervision of my doctor. I will also be on the look out for any serious side effects while I'm taking this medication. Everyone reacts to medications differently what works for some may not work for others. I PRAY FOR EVERYONE WHO SUFFERS FROM FIBRO AND WHOSE TAKING THIS MEDICATION TO BE PAIN FREE AND SAFE!

  • LindaNovember 1, 2010 at 11:48 pm

    I have been on the tritation pack about 3 weeks. My doc had me do 2 to work me up VERY slowly. I would say that I wish my doc had informed me better about the possible side effects, but I look up everything my doctor puts me on. I haven't noticed a huge improvement in pain, but the pack says improvement isn't generally noticed until a full week at max dosage. I am dizzy, feel drunk. Don't have the[Show More]I have been on the tritation pack about 3 weeks. My doc had me do 2 to work me up VERY slowly. I would say that I wish my doc had informed me better about the possible side effects, but I look up everything my doctor puts me on. I haven't noticed a huge improvement in pain, but the pack says improvement isn't generally noticed until a full week at max dosage. I am dizzy, feel drunk. Don't have the anxiety, in fact I would say my normal anxiety is decreased. No suicidal thoughts. I think all meds affect all people differently. What works for some doesn't work for others. Don't pull this med because it doesn't work for some. Docs do need to be more vigilant about monitoring their patients on this med so they don't go through some of the things I've read others going through (missed work, psych evals) That's horrible. Their doc should have been on that.

  • LuAnnOctober 29, 2010 at 8:46 pm

    I omitted to say that I did take the Savella with an open mind because I truly trust my Dr. He knows I suffer from extreme fatigue and brain fog and said the Savella had really helped those two things.I noticed that several people commented that they had become severely depressed and isolated. This has also happened to me and I hadn't connected it with the Savella but now I feel that my extremely [Show More]I omitted to say that I did take the Savella with an open mind because I truly trust my Dr. He knows I suffer from extreme fatigue and brain fog and said the Savella had really helped those two things.I noticed that several people commented that they had become severely depressed and isolated. This has also happened to me and I hadn't connected it with the Savella but now I feel that my extremely low spirits started shortly after taking the Savella.I was willing to continue it with the headaches,nausea, constipation and sweating but once my heart has began to feel like it's jumping out of my chest I feel like that is too severe of a side effect! I wish I would have seen these posts sooner. I wonder why there aren't more serious WARNINGS out there. I would rather live with my pain and take a muscle relaxant or pain pill than end up in an ER with heart problems or worse.

  • LuAnnOctober 29, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    After having terrible experiences with both Lyrica and Cymbalta I was very much against trying Savella, however my Dr. was very enthuriastic and told me it had greatly helped a few of his patients.I started out slow and was never able to take the full 50 mg twice a day. I have been on the 25 mg twice a day for about 7 weeks now. My fibromyalgia pain has not gotten better, instead I actually am fee[Show More]After having terrible experiences with both Lyrica and Cymbalta I was very much against trying Savella, however my Dr. was very enthuriastic and told me it had greatly helped a few of his patients.I started out slow and was never able to take the full 50 mg twice a day. I have been on the 25 mg twice a day for about 7 weeks now. My fibromyalgia pain has not gotten better, instead I actually am feeling more pain. The nausea though some better is still there. I have the constant headache and the extreme sweating. Instead of having more energy I am more fatigued than before. My heart is beginning to race which after reading these posts makes me want to stop taking it completely. The constipation is terrible and like one of the other posts I have been having the most terrible scary dreams.I hardly ever dream and these are so vivid and real. I suffered terrible withdrawal effects after only 4 weeks on Cymbalta and now I am scared to death after reading about some of the experiences others have had. I guess my intuition was right when I didn't want to try another drug for fibromyalgia.This drug may help some but I would tend to think that the terrible and life threatening side effects should make most hesitate to try it. I feel there needs to be much more research done on this drug. It has not been tested long enough and I would guess at least 90-95% of the people who try it will need to stop because of the many adverse effects. Any drug that can effect your heart and brain should have much stricter warnings! My thoughts and prayers go out to all of you who suffer from fibromyalgia.It won't kill us but it robs us of our normal lives. It's so sad that Dr.s and others don't understand or aren't more compassionate about what we as fibro suffers have to deal with!

  • LupeOctober 28, 2010 at 8:52 pm

    The doctor prescribe savella for lower back pain. I was operated 1 yr.ago and my pain got worst . S the dose increased I got heavy headaches and chess pain I stop taken savella I told the doctor the side effect but I also told him the medicine helped me with the pain I felt. More relaxed inthe morning he told. Me to try the lower dose12.5mg and see what happen. I did and I'm happy and relaxed when[Show More]The doctor prescribe savella for lower back pain. I was operated 1 yr.ago and my pain got worst . S the dose increased I got heavy headaches and chess pain I stop taken savella I told the doctor the side effect but I also told him the medicine helped me with the pain I felt. More relaxed inthe morning he told. Me to try the lower dose12.5mg and see what happen. I did and I'm happy and relaxed when I get up in the morning.

  • EdieOctober 28, 2010 at 8:38 pm

    I have already posted something, but I keep going back and reading the numurous postings from people and I have to laugh. People will tell about the horrible symptoms they devoloped from the drug and then go on to say they have a history of high blood pressure, or were diagnosed with bi-polar, depression, anxiety or heart problems prior to taking Savella. PEOPLE...READ BEFORE YOU TAKE IT!!!!!!! I[Show More]I have already posted something, but I keep going back and reading the numurous postings from people and I have to laugh. People will tell about the horrible symptoms they devoloped from the drug and then go on to say they have a history of high blood pressure, or were diagnosed with bi-polar, depression, anxiety or heart problems prior to taking Savella. PEOPLE...READ BEFORE YOU TAKE IT!!!!!!! IF YOU HAVE THESE EXISTING PROBLEMS OF COURSE YOU ARE GOING TO END UP THE WAY YOU DID. Again, for poeple like me who are fortunate, this medication is a god send for me and I am dioing great on it! I don't want this drug off the market!

  • LuciOctober 28, 2010 at 3:54 am

    I was recently prescribed Savella for my Fibromyalgia. I was already on Effexor XR, Lyrica, and Trazodone, and was taking Chantix to help with smoking cessation. I questioned my doctor as to whether or not I should continue taking all the other medications I was on and the Savella. He said yes, so I took the drug for 4 days. I lost two whole days! I mean I have no recollection of two days. Needles[Show More]I was recently prescribed Savella for my Fibromyalgia. I was already on Effexor XR, Lyrica, and Trazodone, and was taking Chantix to help with smoking cessation. I questioned my doctor as to whether or not I should continue taking all the other medications I was on and the Savella. He said yes, so I took the drug for 4 days. I lost two whole days! I mean I have no recollection of two days. Needless to say, I quit taking Savella. I think this drug is very dangerous.

  • EdieOctober 27, 2010 at 10:39 pm

    I have lived with Fibro for over 26 years, but wasn't diagnosed with it until 7 years ago. I have been on every medication known to man, Cymbalta, Lyrica and every other anti-depressent out there and none of it worked just caused major side effects. About 5 years ago my rhuem. put me on Meridia which worked awesome, but now it has been pulled off the market by the FDA. I was devestated when this [Show More]I have lived with Fibro for over 26 years, but wasn't diagnosed with it until 7 years ago. I have been on every medication known to man, Cymbalta, Lyrica and every other anti-depressent out there and none of it worked just caused major side effects. About 5 years ago my rhuem. put me on Meridia which worked awesome, but now it has been pulled off the market by the FDA. I was devestated when this happened and when I stopped taking it the fibro got so bad I couldn't function and was taking celebrex like it was candy. I started taking Savella 10 days ago and immediately noticed a difference. I was actually pain free, I couldn't believe how fast it kicked in. I am taking the 100mg's a day and have only noticed a loss in appetite. If I keep going on this path and they pull this drug I will be living on pain pills for the rest of my life. I think this medication should be highly monitored by the doctor and anyone with any symptoms of the possible side effects don't take it. It is common sense. For those of us who it is workiing for and are getting regular blood tests and being closely monitored shouldn't be punished.

  • PaulaOctober 26, 2010 at 1:19 am

    I have had cronic pain most of my life due to Scoliosis, spinal fusion, degenerative disc disease and arthritis. My Rh doctor retired, that I have been seeing for 10 years. Did a lot of research and thought I had found a new one. Saw him today . I know it takes a while to get to know someone, but immediately said I had Fibro and prescribed Sevella. I had SVT and had heart ablation 2 years ago. Due[Show More]I have had cronic pain most of my life due to Scoliosis, spinal fusion, degenerative disc disease and arthritis. My Rh doctor retired, that I have been seeing for 10 years. Did a lot of research and thought I had found a new one. Saw him today . I know it takes a while to get to know someone, but immediately said I had Fibro and prescribed Sevella. I had SVT and had heart ablation 2 years ago. Due to a pre-cancer situation requiring surgery I can no longer have facet injection in my lower back. I take Tylenol 3 at work to take edge of pain and still function and used Lidoerm patches as well. My pain comes and goes and moves around. I am on Klonopin at bedtime and sleep like a baby. But didn't know the night mare side affects until I ran out and wouldn't give me a few to carry me till the following week appointment. I thought I would die in those 4 days. I am addicted and can never go off without permanent side affects. Don't ever take. After reading this blog I will not start Sevella. I have controlled MVP and have had the taciacadia fixed with surgery and I am not going down this road again. Thank you for sharing. I now know to check anything that is prescribed before I start taking it. I can't believe this drug is on the market.

  • cindyOctober 25, 2010 at 4:37 am

    I have been on Savella for about one month now and my symptoms of Fibromyalgia have improved dramatically. My husband says my moods are better and I don't appear angry all the time(being in constant pain can do that to you). The worst symptom I had from the Fibro was cold intolerance. It could be 90 degrees out and I was cold. Now I have periods of extreme heat and I'm not sure which is better. I [Show More]I have been on Savella for about one month now and my symptoms of Fibromyalgia have improved dramatically. My husband says my moods are better and I don't appear angry all the time(being in constant pain can do that to you). The worst symptom I had from the Fibro was cold intolerance. It could be 90 degrees out and I was cold. Now I have periods of extreme heat and I'm not sure which is better. I would never dream of going outside without a jacket when its 65 degrees, but today I was in a tank top!!! My sex drive has increased dramatically as well. Anyone else feel the same way?

  • KarenOctober 23, 2010 at 3:35 pm

    I have just been put on Savella. I also started an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection on the same day. I am experiencing nausea that is somewhat severe. I am not sure if it is the antibiotic or the Savella. I will continue to take it and see how it affects me after the antibiotics are gone. I also noticed if I eat the nausea is not so severe. After reading all these comments I will watch any[Show More]I have just been put on Savella. I also started an antibiotic for a urinary tract infection on the same day. I am experiencing nausea that is somewhat severe. I am not sure if it is the antibiotic or the Savella. I will continue to take it and see how it affects me after the antibiotics are gone. I also noticed if I eat the nausea is not so severe. After reading all these comments I will watch any changes very closely. When the doctor diagnosed me with fibromyalgia I thought "no way". After doing some research it may be so. I would like to have any input form people diagnosed the same.

  • BrenaOctober 22, 2010 at 6:23 pm

    I just started the Savella 3 weeks ago. A week ago this past Tuesday I had a "Charley Horse" in my belly-area. Freaked me out. Then it happened again a few days later, only I had it in my low back and belly. Then several nights in a row I woke up screaming from the "Charley Horses" in both of my legs. My legs hurt so bad now. These weren't just muscle cramps. They were locked tight! I was [Show More]I just started the Savella 3 weeks ago. A week ago this past Tuesday I had a "Charley Horse" in my belly-area. Freaked me out. Then it happened again a few days later, only I had it in my low back and belly. Then several nights in a row I woke up screaming from the "Charley Horses" in both of my legs. My legs hurt so bad now. These weren't just muscle cramps. They were locked tight! I was just informed by my DRs office to stop taking the Savella.

  • AmyOctober 22, 2010 at 3:07 pm

    This drug needs to removed ASAP.Very dangerous It caused Me to have bloodpressure problems ,chest pains,nausea,and all the other symptoms on the warnings.I had an EKG yesterday and am now having to go see a heart specialist to check for damage to My heart.If You value your life DO NOT TAKE SAVELLA PLEASE ADD ME TO THE LAWSUIT.

  • DianeOctober 22, 2010 at 1:04 am

    I have written on here before, and I am wearing a event monitor right now for 30 days then they will decide if they will give me a pacemaker. I was on Savella for like 11 days. So, it changed my life, and almost killed me.

  • ClariceOctober 20, 2010 at 5:49 pm

    I am there a way to stop the side effects? I have been weaning off for about a week.....Will the side effects??? or what do I do or to whom do I go to stop the high pulse...the high bp and the low bp's...and just the not feeling well...I am wondering if I have to do something else???" Guess this sounds stupid...but I am confused.

  • ClariceOctober 18, 2010 at 9:38 pm

    Too tired to write much today....but Savella is absolutely the WORST DRUG ever....and I do not even know why the dr prescribed it....I was almost pain free after going off Statins in late summer of 2009. then went off Paxil in Feb of 2010 after have horrible nightmares frequently.....had to go to ER twice because I went off it cold turkey...then in about mar or april doctor gave me Cymbalta...Af[Show More]Too tired to write much today....but Savella is absolutely the WORST DRUG ever....and I do not even know why the dr prescribed it....I was almost pain free after going off Statins in late summer of 2009. then went off Paxil in Feb of 2010 after have horrible nightmares frequently.....had to go to ER twice because I went off it cold turkey...then in about mar or april doctor gave me Cymbalta...After a few days had nightmares again....went off that...then in July dr. gave me Savella....I did not ask for anything for pain....but I guess the dr. knows best..(or everything)...I was being so tired for past few months, and in Sept I went to ER because I just felt so bad...cannot explain that...but the ER doctor really did not LISTEN to me. but the next AM the doctor who saw me --- LISTENED -- He was so nice and after I told him about the last forty years...--- believe me, he actually LISTENED. i just told him briefly my history for about 5 or 6 minutes....He checked my blood oxygen level...went down to 87 after a short walk of about 25 feet...sent me home later that day with oxygen...the next few weeks were terrible...the Oxygen helped...but my heart beat was so high....and I felt like , well, you know what I felt like!! I then looked up Savella.....and, wow, no wonder I was feeling so bad........the ER doctor was told I was on it, but he just thought I was "anxiious" --- I am quite calm and low key.....but he had no clue about the Savella.....I will let him know in a letter one of these days when I feel like writing one. Just hope no one dies from Savella under his care in an ER before I get to letting him know he should look up side effects for it...I am going to change my primary to the nice young man who "LISTENED" also have to educate him about Savella....but I think he will LISTEN TO ME ABOUT IT...if not, oh, well, we will see what happens.....Anyway, I was happy to find this site about this drug.....I wonder how many people these things kill....Good luck in your fight to get it off the market....There were lots of symptoms in these weeks since I went to ER...too numerous to mention...Pulse up to 126, BP one night 250/159...Yikes!!! Anyway, will sign off.....this probably doesn't make too much sense

  • MonicaOctober 15, 2010 at 3:07 am

    ps: I just flushed all those nasty little Savellas down the toilet, where they belong.

  • MonicaOctober 15, 2010 at 2:38 am

    Public Citizen, you are the godsend: the light in the storm! Posters, your words have quite possibly saved my life-- and saved my 4 year old son from losing his mother. Against my better judgment, I finally caved to my family doc's insistence that Savella would be my knight in shining armor: I picked up my titration pack today. But-- but-- I decided to do a bit of homework before popping that f[Show More]Public Citizen, you are the godsend: the light in the storm! Posters, your words have quite possibly saved my life-- and saved my 4 year old son from losing his mother. Against my better judgment, I finally caved to my family doc's insistence that Savella would be my knight in shining armor: I picked up my titration pack today. But-- but-- I decided to do a bit of homework before popping that first pill... That's when I found all of you. And I'll be damned if I trade what is not life-threatening pain for what are life-threatening conditions-- and give Savella's makers my money on top of it! To those of you suffering from Savella: Keep speaking out, keep fighting! Your efforts matter to millions of people just like me. Your vigilance and strength is not in vain! Thank you, Public Citizen, for all the good, good work that you do!

  • AmyOctober 12, 2010 at 7:33 am

    I have had pain over the years, and was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder at first. But after months and months of excruciating pain. And trips to the ER, to a Neurologist, and to my family Physician. Was tested for Lupus, Thyroid, Rheumatoid Arthiritis. And finally the dr decided that it was Fibromyalgia. I have been on Savella for almost 2 weeks now. The first week, and the begin[Show More]I have had pain over the years, and was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder at first. But after months and months of excruciating pain. And trips to the ER, to a Neurologist, and to my family Physician. Was tested for Lupus, Thyroid, Rheumatoid Arthiritis. And finally the dr decided that it was Fibromyalgia. I have been on Savella for almost 2 weeks now. The first week, and the beginning of the Titration pack. I was fine. And I noticed a significant change in my pain, mood, etc. However now that I am on teh 50mg of it. Twice daily. I am now experiencing extreme sweating, pins and needle type pain all over my body. A MASSIVE headache, and chest pain. I am not sure what to think? My other pains are not there, but this scares me. I am 35 years old and have had some health problems. But with NO inusrance, going back and forth to the ER has become beyond exspensive. And all they tell me is to calm down. I don't think it should be taken off the market. However doctors should be educated more, and perhaps more testing should be done by the FDA? I have seen some comments that it is working great for people. And any of us should know that any medication is a trial and error! We dont know the effects until we take them. I am calling my doctor in the morning. Who will probably throw his hands in the air and give up on me. But alas, I will find another doctor i am sure willing to really work with me, instead of trying to kill me.

  • MargaretOctober 11, 2010 at 6:34 pm

    In late 2008, I was placed on Savella in hopes of decreasing my Fentanyl Patches to the point where I could be off of theym all together. Due to a family emergency, I had to leave the state for two weeks just as I had begun the pack. I had been warned about the nausea so, when it began, I took some OTC meds which really did not help. Normally, my blood pressure is very low 90/70. After a few days,[Show More]In late 2008, I was placed on Savella in hopes of decreasing my Fentanyl Patches to the point where I could be off of theym all together. Due to a family emergency, I had to leave the state for two weeks just as I had begun the pack. I had been warned about the nausea so, when it began, I took some OTC meds which really did not help. Normally, my blood pressure is very low 90/70. After a few days, I noticed spiking blood pressure with irregular heart beat and face flushing. On the fifth day of my stay, I woke to a high blood pressure and trembling which I could not control. There was nothing that would stop the waves of trembling. After a coupld of hours, I was taken to the ER where part of the staff researched the drug Savella, and the rest started an IV, did an EKG, and began giving me IV meds to stop the trembling. After about an hour, I became unconsious and did not wake up for two days. The doctor told me I had experienced Seratonin Syndrome and would have died if I had not come to the hospital. Ever since, I have experienced heart palpatations and a spiking blood pressure. For instance, last evening I experienced a "hot flash" and found my blood pressure to be 171/97 with a pulse of 107. I am, again, now beginning the process of getting off of the Fentanyl 50 mcg/hour. I believe that the Savella damaged my heart and will be seeing a cardiologist within the next couopld of weeks. I highly advise that one should not try the Savella unless under close medical attention. The instant any negative symptoms occur, get off of the Savella and contact your doctor.

  • MyraOctober 4, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    I am a 45 year old female who has had cronic pain for the last 15 years I havd degenerative disc disease, stenosis and was told in January that I have fibromyalgia. I have been taking Savella for 8 mo. and I am very pleased with the effects. I have no adverse side effects so far and have had great results ,I now can get up in the morning with out heading for the recliner which is where I have spen[Show More]I am a 45 year old female who has had cronic pain for the last 15 years I havd degenerative disc disease, stenosis and was told in January that I have fibromyalgia. I have been taking Savella for 8 mo. and I am very pleased with the effects. I have no adverse side effects so far and have had great results ,I now can get up in the morning with out heading for the recliner which is where I have spent the better part of the last few years .Savella has not compleatly eleviated my symptoms but it has given me much relief,Im very thankful for it .I also believe in self managing of treatment each person is responsable for doing their own research to protect themselfs and I pray that this drug will not be taken away from me,it has restored much of my life back to me.I am sorry for the complications others have suffered and believe more education for the doctors should be required to help them make better decisions about who should avoid this medication and how to monitor the side effects,but I know it has helped me and others and I hope I do not loose the right to continue takeing it

  • YolandaOctober 3, 2010 at 3:30 pm

    I have been taking Savella for about six months now, my pain level has dropped greatly for the first three months. After three months on Savella my pain has seem to come back with force. There are days I can not even get up and do daily chores let a lone keep up with my boys. I now have found out that I have nerve loss in both my hands and my right leg, I don't know if it is connected to Savell[Show More]I have been taking Savella for about six months now, my pain level has dropped greatly for the first three months. After three months on Savella my pain has seem to come back with force. There are days I can not even get up and do daily chores let a lone keep up with my boys. I now have found out that I have nerve loss in both my hands and my right leg, I don't know if it is connected to Savella or not but I am not even 30 yet and seem to have a body in my 70's.

  • PeggySeptember 30, 2010 at 2:22 am

    My sister is 67 years old her doctor put her on Savella for her fibromyglia,she had been talking it 2 weeks when she suffered a stroke which has affected her left side,when the peramedic's got to her home her blood pressure was 220/161,she was life flitted to a Houston Texas hospital.I want to check into finding out how to go about suing this company!!!!! If anyone out there has sued are or think[Show More]My sister is 67 years old her doctor put her on Savella for her fibromyglia,she had been talking it 2 weeks when she suffered a stroke which has affected her left side,when the peramedic's got to her home her blood pressure was 220/161,she was life flitted to a Houston Texas hospital.I want to check into finding out how to go about suing this company!!!!! If anyone out there has sued are or thinking about suing please contact me. There are to many people who have suffered and died from this medication and it needs to be taken out of doctor's hands.

  • TeresaSeptember 24, 2010 at 4:01 pm

    I have several chronic pain ailments starting with degenerate joint disease, arthrisis,carpul tunnel, fibromygalia, sleep apnea, allegeries to name a few, was struck by a vehicle as a pedestrain in 2007(compressed back fracture),depression for more than 10 years(prozac), than cymbalta, now savella, I checked web site because I was given savella on 9/17/2010 and even though pain was decreased sligh[Show More]I have several chronic pain ailments starting with degenerate joint disease, arthrisis,carpul tunnel, fibromygalia, sleep apnea, allegeries to name a few, was struck by a vehicle as a pedestrain in 2007(compressed back fracture),depression for more than 10 years(prozac), than cymbalta, now savella, I checked web site because I was given savella on 9/17/2010 and even though pain was decreased slightly, I had other problems, constipation you would not believe, sweating, seeing double, I started my 50 mg morning pill today, and the pain returned, I was to see my doctor for follow up in four weeks, but I will call next week for earlier appointment. This is not a good thing to know after being given savella, I have enough worries. God be with us all. Pain has been a part of my life for more than 20years and to add more will not be welcomed.

  • LaneSeptember 17, 2010 at 9:18 pm

    I started Savella 5 days ago.. While I still have some breakthrough pain, it's the first time in 15 years that I've felt any sort of relief. I have some nausea and a supressed appetite. I have also suffered from orthostatic hypotension(BP normally 90/55) for three years -- get this -- I haven't passed out ONCE from standing up since the Savella (Normally it happens 1-3 times a week) and my blood p[Show More]I started Savella 5 days ago.. While I still have some breakthrough pain, it's the first time in 15 years that I've felt any sort of relief. I have some nausea and a supressed appetite. I have also suffered from orthostatic hypotension(BP normally 90/55) for three years -- get this -- I haven't passed out ONCE from standing up since the Savella (Normally it happens 1-3 times a week) and my blood pressure has returned to normal... I'm assuming this is from the increase in heart rate? I have vicodin and cyclobenzaprine for breakthrough pain -- but other than that, this drug seems like a GODSEND. Oh, and I've lost 2 lbs in the past 5 days as well -- not to mention a DRASTIC positive change in mood! . I'm really sorry that people are having such complications, we'll see how the rest of this goes, but all seems well so far...

  • KimSeptember 16, 2010 at 2:03 pm

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 12 or more yrs ago. I have been bipolar (as determined by a psychiatrist) since my mid teens, but did not get a diagnosis until about the age of 45. I am 52 now. I have many "drug stories..some good, most not from living with my fibro and bipolar. I won't get into those now though. I'm curious....has anyone else experienced intense,vivid nightmares every time[Show More]I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia 12 or more yrs ago. I have been bipolar (as determined by a psychiatrist) since my mid teens, but did not get a diagnosis until about the age of 45. I am 52 now. I have many "drug stories..some good, most not from living with my fibro and bipolar. I won't get into those now though. I'm curious....has anyone else experienced intense,vivid nightmares every time they sleep since they started Savella? I HAVE! And I have never had many dreams I was even aware of, and maybe 3 or 4 in my lifetime that stayed in my head for most of the hours until I slept again. I am in the intense, sad, angry, hurt, fearful, etc mood that the dream was for hours or up to a day, until a nap or sleep. The dreams are realistic as when I am awake, and usually my children, husband and /or parents are hurt, dying, lost, being kidnapped, taken from me.....something along those lines. The dreams follow a plot (for lack of a better word) that could easily happen in real life. And I can't shake it's effect on my mood. My husband can do little except gently wake me when he hears me screaming, yelling and crying, or feels my arms thrashing around our bed. At that point I am trying to save the crisis of the dream. I NEVER HAD ANYTHING LIKE THIS IN MY LIFE! Sleep was often my escape from off the scale physical pain (I learned to use the fatigue of fibro to fall asleep, if only for a nap, when the physical pain or the mania or depression hit me. I cycle very rapidly, and don't respond to drug therapy well). My bottom line is I have been robbed of the one safe spot in my life....sleep. Fibro patients don't sleep normally anyway, but at least I was in a state of unconsciousness and some comfort was achieved. Now, I still sleep, but I don't know what hell I will live with until the next time I sleep. Does anyone else experience this? I truly believe it was caused by Savella. I took the initial titration pack as directed and then took a 2 week Rx after that. Then I stopped, but the nightmares didn't....not in the least. And the first nightmare was the first night I took Savella. Thanks...please tell me if anyone of you has experienced anything like this.

  • DebbieSeptember 14, 2010 at 4:39 pm

    Savella is indeed a wonder drug for the never ending pain of fibro. I have been sick with CNS lyme, fibro and fatigue for the last 9 years. I gave up a lucrative legal career due to the unending pain and suffering of fibro, CNS lyme etc. Unfortunately, after taking Savella for appx a year I noticed rapid heart beat,and high blood pressure.Iam also hypothroid and take the med provigil for fatigue[Show More]Savella is indeed a wonder drug for the never ending pain of fibro. I have been sick with CNS lyme, fibro and fatigue for the last 9 years. I gave up a lucrative legal career due to the unending pain and suffering of fibro, CNS lyme etc. Unfortunately, after taking Savella for appx a year I noticed rapid heart beat,and high blood pressure.Iam also hypothroid and take the med provigil for fatigue. ii have tried to alter the meds to correct the palpatations. This is the first time I have had relief from intense pain. I mentioned to my friendsIi felt the best I had in the last 9 years due to Savella. It candidly breaks my heart to have to give up this med. I have been on transderfentyl patches for pain as well as break thru meds which have not controlled the pain as well as savella. This medication works. It should be issued with a warning to patient's. The time has come for us all to take personal responsibility for our medical choices with informed consent. To deprive people the chance toa live a life less painful would be a traversity, since not all people experience heart symptoms. I think an informed consent letter highlighting the heart issues should be required. I took myslef off the med due to side effects I knew were from the only new variable Savella. I shall miss the p The key in my humble opinion is education of side effects with the choice up to the individual . Living in pain is in effect a hell on earth just because I have heart symptoms the next patient may be able to enjoy all the benefits . My heart goes out to the people who have suffered heart issues. Likewise my heart goes out to the people who have finally gained a life via this med. Truly , more testing may be in order to correct the gravity of the side effects .

  • LauraSeptember 14, 2010 at 3:03 pm

    I have been using this drug for about 5 months to treat chronic back pain caused by stenosis. I have have NO side effects and have had an almost total relief of all pain. I am a photographer and gave up my business because of the unrelenting pain - taking up to six vicoden a day to function. Have not used any pain meds (even Advil) since taking Savella. It's been an answer to my prayers!!!!!

  • TeresaSeptember 12, 2010 at 3:39 pm

    I have taken the drug for two months. It killed pain in my knee that mega does of pain med would not is a good drug.

  • NaomiSeptember 9, 2010 at 2:37 pm

    I have only been on savella for a week. This was a last resort for me,I didn't want to go near any of these kinds of meds because I've tried others(lexapro,amitryptiline etc) and had horrible reactions to them.I don't suffer from depression so for whatever reason when I have taken these I get extremely irritable on one and very weepy and withdrawn from others.This is what I have noticed with savel[Show More]I have only been on savella for a week. This was a last resort for me,I didn't want to go near any of these kinds of meds because I've tried others(lexapro,amitryptiline etc) and had horrible reactions to them.I don't suffer from depression so for whatever reason when I have taken these I get extremely irritable on one and very weepy and withdrawn from others.This is what I have noticed with savella.Extreme emotions,loss of appetite and am withdrawn.I cancelled appts and have been sitting on the couch watching TV.Anyone that knows me knows that is so far from who I am.I was diagnosed with fibro in 2004,and also suffer from raynauds,hypothyroidism,arthritis,degenerative disk disease,IC,endometriosis,tietze syndrome chostral chondritis and pinched nerve in neck.I am 35 years old and have been on neurontin,meloxicam,levothroxine and dilaudid through pain management.Not to metion all the otehr si"ve tried like ultram,lyrica etc.the reason I wanted to try savella was because my pain mgmt doctor talked me into getting trigger point injections.4-6 every week for 6 weeks. I tried for 2 weeks and the pain was indescribable.I am now in aqua therapy which is helping some but I needed something to help get me back to a tolerable pain level not a 9 or 10.I will never ever try anything like savella again.I've been having chest pain and the emotional wreck I've been says it all.

  • JoanSeptember 3, 2010 at 2:03 pm

    I began taking Savella for fibromyalgia and depression in February of 2010. It took about six weeks to notice the drug was working. My pain was completely gone and my depression was under control. In mid July I started not feeling well, experiencing shortness of breath and rapid heartrate, not able to overexert myself without getting totally out of breath. By August I found my heart rate consi[Show More]I began taking Savella for fibromyalgia and depression in February of 2010. It took about six weeks to notice the drug was working. My pain was completely gone and my depression was under control. In mid July I started not feeling well, experiencing shortness of breath and rapid heartrate, not able to overexert myself without getting totally out of breath. By August I found my heart rate consistently high (around 120+) and having symptoms like constant sweating with occasional nausea. I went to my family physician who had originally prescribed Savella. She did blood tests and had me wear a heart monitor for a week. My blood pressure was elevated but blood work came back normal and the heart rate issue she chalked up to anxiety and recommended I go see a psychiatrist. August 28, I went to the hospital feeling worse. After extensive testing I was diagnosed with Stage 4 congestive heart failure, due to dialated cardiomyopathy. My cardiologist strongy feels it is related to the Savella and is contacting the FDA. I am 48, and have no other risks for heart failure other than drug toxicity. I would caution anyone having heart rate increases, shortness of breath and high blood pressure, that it is not worth being on this drug as it could lead to heart failure!

  • sharonAugust 27, 2010 at 12:41 pm

    I made my initial post back on June 25, 2010 and am still suffering from the effects of Savella. The drug seemed to turn something on that can't be turned off. The shaking is terrible, I still have spells with my blood pressure shooting up and my pulse rate skyrockets and by the end of the day I am totally exhausted from trying to keep from shaking so bad. I've had terrible dizzy spells and hea[Show More]I made my initial post back on June 25, 2010 and am still suffering from the effects of Savella. The drug seemed to turn something on that can't be turned off. The shaking is terrible, I still have spells with my blood pressure shooting up and my pulse rate skyrockets and by the end of the day I am totally exhausted from trying to keep from shaking so bad. I've had terrible dizzy spells and headaches and fell flat on my face in a gravel driveway and broke my nose and scraped up my face. I am still seeing doctors to try to get back to where I was before I took this drug.

  • SuzyAugust 26, 2010 at 10:17 pm

    Given, I have only been on this drug for a few days, but......oh, my God. What an absolute blessing these days have been! After 7 years of extreme Fibro., I am having fantastic relief. No pain, my old energy back, and due to all of the pain relief, I am feeling happier than I have in a long, long, long time. I have had almost no side effects (a little bit of a kind of sick stomach for a few m[Show More]Given, I have only been on this drug for a few days, but......oh, my God. What an absolute blessing these days have been! After 7 years of extreme Fibro., I am having fantastic relief. No pain, my old energy back, and due to all of the pain relief, I am feeling happier than I have in a long, long, long time. I have had almost no side effects (a little bit of a kind of sick stomach for a few minutes, until I ate some crackers-then no problem) I read all the warnings, prayed heavily and talked to my husband about it. And my decision was, if there is even a chance of getting rid of the Fibro. symptoms I had to try it. And what an incredible feeling. Thank you so, so much for this product. To anyone who is confused about trying this product, I suggest you think long & hard about it, but to think about how much you hate suffering daily. Also, take your current health into account. I am now going to be able to get alot healthier thanks to the freedom of movement and amount of energy.I am soooooo!!! glad I tried it. Good luck everyone.

  • PatriciaAugust 21, 2010 at 10:43 pm

    In 1986 I got fibromyalsia and have had a battle keeping the pain at bay. I have also been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, but the fibro has been a persistent problem. Just over 2 months ago I was prescribed Savella by my rheumatologist to help with my fibro. At first the drug was a miracle drug as my pain from the fibro was gone, however, I had an incident that changed things. I was eating s[Show More]In 1986 I got fibromyalsia and have had a battle keeping the pain at bay. I have also been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, but the fibro has been a persistent problem. Just over 2 months ago I was prescribed Savella by my rheumatologist to help with my fibro. At first the drug was a miracle drug as my pain from the fibro was gone, however, I had an incident that changed things. I was eating spaghetti and thought it was caught in my esophogus - I spent the evening throwing up until I felt most was out. After that night I continued to have stomach pains and nausea after eating. Then the fatigue settled in (thought that was from all my work) then the itching, We went on vacation to FL, then New Orleans, then TX and I started perspiring uncontrollably (never did this before). By time I was on our way home I was ready to go to the ER. After getting home I was having problems with dizziness and just plain depression (suicide was part). I was so tired of all that was going on with me and depressed over the vacation becoming such a mess over my health. When I got home I immediately called my family doctor and made an appointment. They did an endoscopy and found nothing, then they did an x-ray of my upper GI tract and nothing. Finally I was at my mother's house on Fri afternoon and tried to help clean and I just couldn't breathe or do anything. I went home and found my pulse was 138 and rising it averaged at 120 on a daily basis.I was also experiencing headaches (severe) and constipation; I knew something was drastically wrong and called my doctor. The following Monday morning I went to him and he checked me over. Again nothing showed up. Then we started going over my meds and I asked him about Savella. When he pulled up the side affects it was BINGO! Everything that they said could go wrong was what I was experiencing. I am now presently off of Savella but am really upset. Since I came back from vacation (which was ruined - birthday couldn't eat - in New Orleans my husband took me to Court of Two Sisters and I couldn't eat, and tired immediately which depressed me from having a good time, at our son's house in TX I couldn't even play with my grandson because I was so fatigued. I was called to work and found it difficult to even do that. I had to turn down days of work. Which is a financial disaster for us. I am presently off off Savella since Tuesday of this last week and still have problems with my stomach, fatigue, dizziness and depression. I now know what caused my problems and am very upset that this med could bring me down as it has. At the present (I week later) am still having problems with nausea and vomiting, headaches, rapid pulse, consitipation, and severe depression. If you have any way to help get this off the market please do! It was great for stopping the pain with the fibro but the side affects were worse. In fact if it would have gone on further I don't know if I would have lived!

  • KRYSTALAugust 21, 2010 at 3:37 pm

    I have been taken Savella for almost 3 months and had SEVERE heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, constipation, anxiety, angry, depressed, etc., then after 6 weeks everything slowed down(Doc told me to 'stick' it out) and now 2 weeks ago everything has hit me severely again(heart palpitations, fast heartbeat, etc). I have been so bad that they had me wear an 'event monitor' for my heart palpitati[Show More]I have been taken Savella for almost 3 months and had SEVERE heart palpitations, sweating, nausea, constipation, anxiety, angry, depressed, etc., then after 6 weeks everything slowed down(Doc told me to 'stick' it out) and now 2 weeks ago everything has hit me severely again(heart palpitations, fast heartbeat, etc). I have been so bad that they had me wear an 'event monitor' for my heart palpitations for 1 month to verify what I WAS feeling what I told the Doctor. I have heart problems anyways and am very scared this medication has done some other damage now to my heart. I have also had HIGH blood pressue(yesterday's check was 167/107) and Doctor added a water pill so now I take upwards of 11 pills a day plus my herbals. I am glad to find this site, I am looking for some help! I have suffered pain my whole life and finally got diagnosis first of the year but have been on so many meds to 'try' and fix problem to NO avail!

  • brittneyAugust 16, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    Dr. gave me tritration pack, on day 6 woke up last night w/ vomiting> then went back to sleep. not sure if this is from savella or my GERD. Really hope this med works for me. it is the only non-narcotic med that has made me almost pain free.

  • GwendolynAugust 15, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    Savella has been a godsend to me. In addition to marked pain relief I am emotionally healthier than I have been in months. I was toying with having to go on disability because work was becoming nearly impossible. As a side note, if fibro is simply a hyper-active pain perception, how have I been able to perform my very physical job for half a decade with an unrepaired rotator cuff tear?

  • WilliamAugust 14, 2010 at 3:45 pm

    I have had Fibromyalgia for years my Dr started me on Savella Tritation pack - the first week, and have felt zero benefit from it. My mood has changed Drastically, I became severely agitated anxious and irritable not to mention completely withdrawn. I am a single dad with a young teen daughter to take care of, I felt so withdrawn and anxious I didn't want to leave the house, but forced my self to[Show More]I have had Fibromyalgia for years my Dr started me on Savella Tritation pack - the first week, and have felt zero benefit from it. My mood has changed Drastically, I became severely agitated anxious and irritable not to mention completely withdrawn. I am a single dad with a young teen daughter to take care of, I felt so withdrawn and anxious I didn't want to leave the house, but forced my self to go food shopping, I had a severe panic attack for no know reason, had to leave shopping cart half full and leave store and go home immediatly, Even thought I was only on Savella Stritation pack for only a week, as each day passed, my Depression severely worsened, felt so withdrawn, anxious heart racing for no apparent reason,after day 2 I found my self , when I was doing light duty house work, breaking out in severe sweat, I started to feel so anxious about everything, deeply depressed, withdrawn, not wanting to see any one or return phone calls,. I believe by the third day all I was doing was sitting in living room chair, trying to read or listen to music, couldnt focus, I kept having such surfacing negative depressing thoughts, A song kept Comming to my mind with the verse " ISN'T IT FUNNY , ISN'T IT SAD, THE DREAMS OF ME DYING ARE THE BEST I EVER HAVE " By the end of the week, I was feeling so worse emotionally, I stopped taking the medication, Thank God , Saturday and Sunday I started to feel a little better, and had a prescription of Valium to use which was previously prescribed , it helped me tremendously to calm down , I called my Dr Monday and his Nurse told me I did the right thing to stop immediately . A week after I stopped this Medication I had a Heart Attack, 4 days in hospital, Cardio Surgery Dr had to put a shunt in a Major Artery, !! A few weeks before Heart Attack, I had lot of Blood drawn at Lab and my Primary Dr said my cholesterol was slightly high, !! No new meds suggested , just suggested some dietary changes ! I have a history of high blood pressure. I Wonder if the Medication Savella might had been a cause / contributor , to cause my heart attack ?? PLEASE POEPLE - BE VERY CAUTIOUS WITH THIS NEW MEDICATIONS, I HAD SOME SEVERE EMOTIONAL SIDE EFFECTS AND MAYBE IT CAUSED MY HEART ATTACK.?? I WOULD NOT RECOMMEND THIS MEDICATION TO ANY ONE. AT ALL . I wish all who suffer with Fibromyalgia, best of health and lets not let Dr's push these new drugs onto us so fast. Be Well. Bill C luck to all of you in your fibro battle!

  • MichelleAugust 13, 2010 at 7:26 pm

    Wow! I am so glad I found this site. I too have been experiencing rapid heart beats and very high bp. I thought I was having a heart attack on Memorial Day of this year. I was taken by ambulance to the ER. My pulse was very rapid and my bp was very high. I had 3 sprays of nitro while in the ambulance to rid myself of the chest and back pains I was experiencing. I was admitted over night. They neve[Show More]Wow! I am so glad I found this site. I too have been experiencing rapid heart beats and very high bp. I thought I was having a heart attack on Memorial Day of this year. I was taken by ambulance to the ER. My pulse was very rapid and my bp was very high. I had 3 sprays of nitro while in the ambulance to rid myself of the chest and back pains I was experiencing. I was admitted over night. They never did find the cause of that episode. I was put on a beta blocker, but quickly developed hives. We thought it was a reaction to my new med. Unfortunately, the hives continued daily, sometimes many times a day for no known reason. I felt "funny" a few days later and went to my local clinic for bp reading. They ended up sending me by ambulance to the ER for very high bp and very fast pulse. I stayed in the hospital 4 more days. Every cardiac test was performed, but I came out clean as a whistle. Yet, during the "prep" for my stress test, my pulse was racing at 147. That was the goal range for DURING the test, not prepping for it. I was only able to be on the treadmill for maybe two minutes before I started feeling dizzy. The cardiologist said I had no blockage, so my problem was not cardiac in nature. I went home on a new bp medicine, but was so scared. I did not know what to do about my rapid heart beat. I did make a few more visits to the ER because the hives made my face swell. I was given med. to stop the itching and reduce the swelling. Unfortunately, it made my heart beat even faster, if you can imagine that. I started hyperventilating, trying to match my breathing to my heart beat. Then, I was given a sedative to calm myself down. Five minutes later, I was being wheeled out to my car and sent home... under those conditions! My doctor changed my bp med. from 3x daily to one slow release dose. My bp continued to stay high and pulse also. We went back to 3 times a day. The bp continued to stay high again so he included another pill to help lower the bp. As of today, my bp is lower, but I continue to have rapid pulse. I am afraid that this monster will soon increase the bp to a level we cannot control. I placed a call to my dr. asking if I can email this site to them. I got an "Hmmm, I will have the nurse call you back". I ams till waiting for the return call. I have decided to wean myself off this medication. I only have 2 pills left so I intend to cut those into 1/8 size as I only take 25 mg daily. The pill is 50 mg. each. I am now on medication every day to control hives. I have added an additional medication to better help control my bp. I do not want to have to add additonal medications because I am on enough now! I have lost my entire summer because of this medication. I cannot be outside in the heat. I try to do things around my house, but my pulse races all the time. I do not feel I am ever at a resting pace. Night time, my pulse is very erratic. I feel like my heart is going to jump out of my skin. Will there be a favorable end to all of this? I am for taking this medication OFF the market!! It is not worth the risk of the heart problems I have been experiencing!!

  • TheresaAugust 12, 2010 at 10:29 pm

    I cannot believe what this drug has done to me. I started with the tritation pack (after being weaned from Zoloft). I did the tritation pack and then was put on another titation pack. I became the most hatefullist person known to man. I was hateful, very unhappy and a witch to live with. My children and grandchildren kept asking what was wrong with me. Also had suicidal thoughts,. then thank God m[Show More]I cannot believe what this drug has done to me. I started with the tritation pack (after being weaned from Zoloft). I did the tritation pack and then was put on another titation pack. I became the most hatefullist person known to man. I was hateful, very unhappy and a witch to live with. My children and grandchildren kept asking what was wrong with me. Also had suicidal thoughts,. then thank God my daughter and granddaughter were here the night I had 5 seizures and was sent to the ER with a blood pressure of 236/154. I am on blood pressure meds and it had been ok until then. I do not remember being in the hospital and still have some memory problems. At first it seemed to ease the pain and then it stopped helping and I became the wicked witch. I hate that my family had to be put through this. I am now getting my life back on track but am so scared all the time that something else will happen to me. People please don't be a guina pig like I was.

  • JoyAugust 12, 2010 at 3:28 pm

    I am so glad I found this while looking for side effects of Savella. I took it for 6 weeks for FMS I have had for about 20 years, started after surgery for spinal fusion, because that is when the pain started, and never stopped, just spread. After menopause I developed moderately high blood pressure. Savella was very bad for me. I took the starter packs, but by the 4-5th week I was getting pa[Show More]I am so glad I found this while looking for side effects of Savella. I took it for 6 weeks for FMS I have had for about 20 years, started after surgery for spinal fusion, because that is when the pain started, and never stopped, just spread. After menopause I developed moderately high blood pressure. Savella was very bad for me. I took the starter packs, but by the 4-5th week I was getting panicky and unable to do my job at work, couldn't comprehend what I was reading, couldn't remember or even make sense when I was talking. I couldn't remember my grandson's name at one point. I saw the doctor and she put me on FMLA for 6 weeks, thinking I had a breakdown of some kind. She sent me for eval and treatment to a Neurologist's office where my BP was measured at 210 over 110, and that was after taking BP meds, and I was feeling fine. Almost was sent to ER and she said I should never have taken Savella. And I have been taken Ultram for years, she told me to stop that also. I didn't see any posts about taking Ultram for FMS. My doctor had told me I would be taking it the rest of my life. So what now, I don't know. The brain "electrical storms" are very upsetting, but the doctor says she doesn't know anything about them. I hope it stops. I have been weaned off both drugs for 4 weeks now, had a crying jag that lasted 2 hours and never did that before, that was about 3 weeks ago. Have no motivation right now. I feel awful, embarrassed to return to work, my Short Term Disability Ins may not pay me for lost time at work due to this diagnosis of panic, although the Neurologist diagnosed me with Hypertensive Encephalopathy from the medication. My catacholamines are high, also due likely to the Meds. Every other test was normal. I am otherwise healthy, so I don't ever want to take drugs again. I have FMS where I have good and bad days. Lucky it is not constantly really bad pain, although if anyone bumps me anywhere it is excrutiating. I totally blame the Savella on this, and the Neurologist said I am lucky I didn't have a stroke, that was where I was headed.

  • DianeAugust 11, 2010 at 9:23 pm

    I have been taking 50 mg. of Savella for almost 6 months now. 1 two times a day. I started out with the titration pack, and at first had a few problems like fast paced heart rate, and difficulty urinating. and bowel issues, that went to diareah and passing food that was not digested completely.I had a horrible problem with constipation so at first it was relief. but the undigested food worried me.[Show More]I have been taking 50 mg. of Savella for almost 6 months now. 1 two times a day. I started out with the titration pack, and at first had a few problems like fast paced heart rate, and difficulty urinating. and bowel issues, that went to diareah and passing food that was not digested completely.I had a horrible problem with constipation so at first it was relief. but the undigested food worried me. Recently out of the blue my liver has swollen up, and now i have a condition called Hpetomegaly. I never had problems with my liver before. Now im going to get my doctor to set me up on some tests to check my heart to see if its related. I did get intensive relief from the medicine.. They do make me sleepy, so the one i take at night helps with my seep problem tremendously. However i have concerns now about my liver and im looking to see if anyone else has had same problem.

  • DeborahAugust 7, 2010 at 1:04 pm

    My earlier brain storm effects have subsided (except for memory problems) but my belly/back pain have increased to where I'm having trouble dealing with the pain and sleeping. Pain is non-stop. What have I done to my body in taking this medicine?

  • WendyAugust 7, 2010 at 2:43 am

    I have R.A. and was put on Savella for fbromyalgia. I have been on Savella since the end of April 2010....June 21, 2010 I had heart surgery for a collapsed artery in the left ventrical of my heart. It started with shortness of breath, then progressed to chest pains and finally had an angiogram . I am post operation now and still experiencing chest pains, severe depression, anxiety to the point [Show More]I have R.A. and was put on Savella for fbromyalgia. I have been on Savella since the end of April 2010....June 21, 2010 I had heart surgery for a collapsed artery in the left ventrical of my heart. It started with shortness of breath, then progressed to chest pains and finally had an angiogram . I am post operation now and still experiencing chest pains, severe depression, anxiety to the point I can hardly leave the house and I sweat so severely that I get ringing wet. After reading these comments, I am going to my doctor Monday to get off of this horrible drug... I never had heart problems until I took this medication. I thank God for finding this site!

  • ElizabethAugust 6, 2010 at 2:01 am

    I've been on Savella for almost 3 months after 3 years on Cymbalta to help control my FMS. I had horrible hot flashes for the first 2 weeks and was a bit jittery but both are now non existant. All I have to saw is thank God I have my life back. This med is a Godsend for me, I was a drone on Cymbalta, no feelings, no cares and my concentration was so bad I was on the verge of loosing my job. My[Show More]I've been on Savella for almost 3 months after 3 years on Cymbalta to help control my FMS. I had horrible hot flashes for the first 2 weeks and was a bit jittery but both are now non existant. All I have to saw is thank God I have my life back. This med is a Godsend for me, I was a drone on Cymbalta, no feelings, no cares and my concentration was so bad I was on the verge of loosing my job. My pain in minimal and I can do more now than I've been able to do in years. I honestly don't know what I would do without this med, I've been on several other anti-depressants for FMS treatment and the only one that hasn't made me half crazy is Cymbalta but that just turned me into a zombie. To those who have had bad experiences, I'm sorry but it isn't just about you, there are many other people who get amazing results with this med. To simply say, "take it off the market" is ridiculous.

  • DianeAugust 6, 2010 at 12:14 am

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... DO NOT TAKE THIS OFF THE MARKET! I understand some people could have reactions to anything but when something really HELPS people... the FEW who have had the "reactions" seem to make the decisions for the MANY it has helped. I have had Fibro for decades... literally decades...and this is the FIRST med that has ever given me relief. I have tried everything... AND I MEAN EVER[Show More]PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... DO NOT TAKE THIS OFF THE MARKET! I understand some people could have reactions to anything but when something really HELPS people... the FEW who have had the "reactions" seem to make the decisions for the MANY it has helped. I have had Fibro for decades... literally decades...and this is the FIRST med that has ever given me relief. I have tried everything... AND I MEAN EVERYTHING from holistic to narcotics ... from anti depressants to arthritis and rheumatoid drugs .... from diet and exercise to every supplement on the market and every "new" fibro drug that has come out in the last 30 years .... FACT.... this works FOR ME! FACT.... some will have "problems" with this or any meds.... FACT.... this med DOES help those who have NOT had help before.... WHY can't those who have had a "reaction" STOP taking it and let the rest of us have our relief. I am very sorry for those who have problems but when will society begin to take care of themselves instead of thinking there will be some MAGIC that will work the same for everyone. It TIME for society to realize there will never be a ONE FITS ALL pill for anything. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE... I'M BEGGING... KEEP THIS ON THE MARKET!

  • DawnAugust 3, 2010 at 12:49 am

    I started taking Savella in November 2009. I took it the first week and had side effects, called Dr., he told me they would subside after about 10 days. I continued taking it for 3 weeks. During the second week I felt good. The third week is when the symptoms really kicked in. I called Dr again and he told me to quit taking the Savella. I have 6 kids at home and could not take care of myself[Show More]I started taking Savella in November 2009. I took it the first week and had side effects, called Dr., he told me they would subside after about 10 days. I continued taking it for 3 weeks. During the second week I felt good. The third week is when the symptoms really kicked in. I called Dr again and he told me to quit taking the Savella. I have 6 kids at home and could not take care of myself let alone them. I asked him if I could take the lower dose as that was when I felt my very best. I tried that about a week and had the same problems so I quit the med all together. Since then, I have had terrible stomach pain. I went in to the Dr because I thought I was having a heart attack. We haven't figured out what it is yet, still doing excessive testing but I know it started when I was taking the Savella.

  • alisonJuly 29, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    Started Savella in mid June, and stopped during week 4. First 2 weeks I had the following symptoms, nausea, agitation, hostility, depression, anxiety, numbness and tingling in both arms, severe mood swings, suicidal thoughts - Dr. lowered dosage to 25 mg, symptoms continued in addition to vaginal bleeding, abdominal distention, abdominal and pelvic cramping and pain. Discontinued using July 16 a[Show More]Started Savella in mid June, and stopped during week 4. First 2 weeks I had the following symptoms, nausea, agitation, hostility, depression, anxiety, numbness and tingling in both arms, severe mood swings, suicidal thoughts - Dr. lowered dosage to 25 mg, symptoms continued in addition to vaginal bleeding, abdominal distention, abdominal and pelvic cramping and pain. Discontinued using July 16 and nearly 2 weeks of being Savella free, I still have all the symptoms. Had CT Scans and other testing, doctors strongly feel I am experiencing side effects and withdrawal symptoms of Savella - only on the drug for 4 weeks total. Had no pain associated w/ Fibromyalgia, but would rather be in constant pain than go thru these ridiculously insane symptoms. I feel like I am going to vomit constantly. Will it ever end and if so, how soon after you discontinue use?

  • JuanitaJuly 27, 2010 at 7:01 pm

    I was given Savella sample packs 28 days ago. After two weeks I actually had less and less pain, especially in the hands, arms, shoulders and feet. I have suffered from depression for 30 years and severe depression for the last 20 years. I take 2 zoloft, 1 citalopram, 2 savella, 1 synthroid, 1 crestor, 1 felodipine. In the last 30 days the citalopram and savella were prescribed. I am experien[Show More]I was given Savella sample packs 28 days ago. After two weeks I actually had less and less pain, especially in the hands, arms, shoulders and feet. I have suffered from depression for 30 years and severe depression for the last 20 years. I take 2 zoloft, 1 citalopram, 2 savella, 1 synthroid, 1 crestor, 1 felodipine. In the last 30 days the citalopram and savella were prescribed. I am experiencing dry mouth, low appetite, tremors, itchy blistered rashed on my legs, trouble remembering words, irritable, angry, over whelming urge not to want to live any longer. I am now having and acting on some uncontroled urges; i.e. closing my eyes while driving on the service road at 50mph. The release I feel for those 7 seconds, is amazing. No one really cares or understands what all of this is doing to me. I cannot explain to my sons or sister; they say get over it, that I'm strong and I have to continue until my 17 yr old has graduated. I am 60yrs old and was widowed 1.5 yrs ago, left penniless. I have worked 12 years for the orange box, scoring the best sales. I have been given numerous awards and grateful, customer letters but now I know they are pushing me out the door. I don't blame them because my attendance has been up and down over the past few years due to severe depression and the disabling pain from the fibromialgia. I hate taking all these drugs but fear stopping them.

  • KAYJuly 23, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    I saw my family dr. yesterday and he wanted me to start the titration pack. He said to cut down my zoloft to 50mg and start the Savella. I did as he said last night. I decided to look up Savella this morning before taking my next pill. I am so glad I did. Most meds do strange things to me anyway and I looked at the studies done on this wonder drug and thought that maybe I shouldn't be taking [Show More]I saw my family dr. yesterday and he wanted me to start the titration pack. He said to cut down my zoloft to 50mg and start the Savella. I did as he said last night. I decided to look up Savella this morning before taking my next pill. I am so glad I did. Most meds do strange things to me anyway and I looked at the studies done on this wonder drug and thought that maybe I shouldn't be taking any zoloft with it. Then I came across this blog and it has scared me. I will not be taking this " wonder drug". I will continue to take my oxy's and ativan as they have helped my pain some but they havn't as yet caused me to consider suicide or made me have heart damage. I think this is one drug that the maker needs to come clean about and pulled from the market. I think the ones hurt by this drug should sue thierr pants off, though, I know this will not help you physically. May God bless each one of you and I pray that His Healing Hand would touch each of you.

  • KathyJuly 21, 2010 at 10:57 pm

    I am so very glad I found this web site and believe that the Lord himself had me click on this particular site! I went for a new patient visit with a woman PCP today as the one I had moved away and I miss her so much! Any way once this doctor found out I had Fibromyalgia she suggested this drug Savella and never even spoke of a side effect! I have tried Lyrica and Neurotin. The Lyrica caused m[Show More]I am so very glad I found this web site and believe that the Lord himself had me click on this particular site! I went for a new patient visit with a woman PCP today as the one I had moved away and I miss her so much! Any way once this doctor found out I had Fibromyalgia she suggested this drug Savella and never even spoke of a side effect! I have tried Lyrica and Neurotin. The Lyrica caused me to have anxiety attacks that made me have to take another medication to counter that and then it wound up causing me to get Hypotension with my blood pressure dropping to the bottom number of 40! I almost passed completely out! I went to the doctor and she had them take my blood pressure in a lying down state then sitting up and then standing up. Your blood pressure is suppose to regulate itself when you do these things and mine didn't change at all stayed low so she said she did not think it was a good medicine for me and took me off of it. I just had another doctor try me on Neurotin which I was leary of to start with but I said okay and it gave me Vertigo so bad I couldn't get out of bed without throwing up and could not eat! There was a point where I even felt detached from myself like I was in there looking out! After I called the doctors office and they told me to quit taking it I could literaly feel my brain waking up on the left side of my head and forehead! I am very sensitive to a lot of drugs and have side effects that are normally only in the rare category so after reading all of these post there is no way you could even pay me money to take Savella! I had a double spinal fusion with complications in 1998 which I believe caused this Fibromyalgia. I was just changed over from Lortab to Oxycodone but just the 5 mg pill and it has given me more relief than any other pain reliever. I would just rather take pain pills, muscle relaxer and Ambien CR and deal with it the best I can because at least these drugs I'm taking (Oxycodone, Flexeril and Ambien CR) have been around a while and tested! I'm not quite sure why it is doctors want so badly to change you from pain meds to some mind or brain altering drug that can cause much worse damage to you then the pain meds!!!!!! I saw a post above that mentioned getting neurapathy in the feet from Lyrica and I am now wondering if that is why my feet hurt so bad sometimes and tingle like all the feeling isn't there. I took Lyrica only at bedtime at 150mg for like a year before my pcp upped the dosage to 300mg for the Fibro and that is when the problems started well problems more than weight gain. It made me gain 10 lbs and I hated that. Thanks so much to all of you for sharing this information! I am now wondering if I should even continue to see this doctor after she suggested this medication to me! Doctors listen and believe these drug reps to much! Then need to study it themselves before prescribing it to patients! Like someone else commented above we are not guinea pigs!!!!!! God bless you all and I hope all of you are able to get back to normal!

  • DonnaJuly 21, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    Just got the starter pak from my doctor yesterday. After reading everything here, and only taking the first two pills, I think I'm going to throw the rest away. My pain is usually about 3-4/10. That doesn't seem so bad afger reading all your comments. Thanks to all who posted here.

  • JerilynJuly 18, 2010 at 1:38 am

    I started taking Savella a little over two months ago now. I was dx'd with fibromyalgia and had been on pain meds, doing craniosacral and myofasial therapy for about 6 weeks prior to being dx'd. I was amazed at how quickly the medication worked and I was able to do things that for years caused such severe pain, I felt older than the 41 yr old that I am. I was also prescribed Abilify for sleepin[Show More]I started taking Savella a little over two months ago now. I was dx'd with fibromyalgia and had been on pain meds, doing craniosacral and myofasial therapy for about 6 weeks prior to being dx'd. I was amazed at how quickly the medication worked and I was able to do things that for years caused such severe pain, I felt older than the 41 yr old that I am. I was also prescribed Abilify for sleeping issues at the same time as Savella. I read the insert over and over after talking with some friends about Cymbalta and Lyrica and their experiences. The insert didn't make side effects sound horrible so I wasn't apprehensive to start Savella. It started with profuse sweating....with no strenuous exertion. I tolerated this because I felt so good....then the flushing and elevated pulse wasn't until just this last week that I woke up with a headache that hurt so bad I thought my head was going to pop a resting point at work my BP was 160/110. Higher than it has ever been and I noticed that my vision was blurred. I became short of breath and started experiencing chest pressure. Scared, I went to my fam doc and his office staff said Savella didn't have blood pressure side effects, hmmmmm??? Doc recommended cutting the dosage in 1/2 immediately and ordered a stress echochardiogram. Heart rate was elevated and I just couldn't get my breath!! Day three of symptoms were worse...went to see a cardiologist on my own logic. He had never heard of Savella, but after discussing my situation, he recommended completely getting off Savella. I am now scheduled for an echocardiogram Monday and thallium stress on Tues/Wed to see if I have any damage. I am on day 5 of weaning off and I already feel the difference in my pain level returning, which is disheartening. But compared to the alternative, I would rather deal with the pain than the possibility of a heart attack and not being here for my 5 yr old daughter and 17 yr old son. Another side effect is daily "spotting". My always regular monthly periods turned into daily bleeding and the bleeding during the regular period time was heavier than I ever experienced. Please consider all side effects of this before starting. I am hoping the people who haven't experienced side effects........don't.

  • NancyJuly 17, 2010 at 4:54 am

    Oh my. I will have to do this later, but I can say that all of the commits above sounded like I wrote them. Had a EKG today, because I thought I was dying. Had them before because of surgeries (precaution) and was fine. Pulse 200 now. Thanks all of you.

  • PattyJuly 16, 2010 at 1:05 pm

    To KathyMc - I wanted to address your question about having side effects linger after stopping Savella. I was on Savella for 14 days when my BP soared to 190/150. I thought I was having a stroke! I was taken to the hospital and was immediately told to stop taking the medication as it appeared to trigger an episode of "serotonin syndrome". So I stopped (which made me feel horrible for 2-3 days.[Show More]To KathyMc - I wanted to address your question about having side effects linger after stopping Savella. I was on Savella for 14 days when my BP soared to 190/150. I thought I was having a stroke! I was taken to the hospital and was immediately told to stop taking the medication as it appeared to trigger an episode of "serotonin syndrome". So I stopped (which made me feel horrible for 2-3 days...weak, nauseous, twitchy muscles, etc.) but by day three I was feeling better. HOWEVER, six weeks after stopping Savella, I had another incident with a racing heart rate, felt like I was going to pass out, etc. It lasted for over an hour, but finally normalized. That was two years ago this month and I haven't had a reocurrence since then. Perhaps my body still had some remnants of the SSRI and it had to rid itself of the after-effects. I just hope for those of us who have had this type of reaction that we didn't do any permanent damage to our heart muscles, etc. Please be well!

  • CateJuly 15, 2010 at 6:49 pm

    Lyrica induced neuropathy in my feet, even though it suppose to help with nerve pain. It did help the nerve pain from my back stenosis but it made my feet hurt so badly, I could barely walk. At first I thought it was a miracle drug, it helped the pain, made me have more energy and better sleep, but that was all temporary. My PM Dr. just gave me the starter pack for Sevella and says his patients ha[Show More]Lyrica induced neuropathy in my feet, even though it suppose to help with nerve pain. It did help the nerve pain from my back stenosis but it made my feet hurt so badly, I could barely walk. At first I thought it was a miracle drug, it helped the pain, made me have more energy and better sleep, but that was all temporary. My PM Dr. just gave me the starter pack for Sevella and says his patients have had great success with it. He said nausea is the biggest problem, which I already have. I also already have high blood pressure so why would I take this and risk all those problems ON TOP of all my other issues. I thought it wouldn't hurt to try it but dank, if problems can last far after taking it, no thanks. This just sucks, I was really hoping for some relief. Also EVERYONE GET THEIR VIT. D CHECKED, MADE A BIG DIFFERENCE IN PAIN LEVELS AND MUSCLE CRAMPING!

  • SandieJuly 15, 2010 at 2:46 am

    Wow, I have a rheumatologist appt tomorrow and thought I would read about Savella which my PCP gave me a stareter pack of several weeks ago during a visit when I said the Lyrica was making me gain weight. After reading all these comments I would be a fool to even bring up the name tomorrow. As many medical problems as I have and as many medicines I take I don't need any more. Lyrica is helping [Show More]Wow, I have a rheumatologist appt tomorrow and thought I would read about Savella which my PCP gave me a stareter pack of several weeks ago during a visit when I said the Lyrica was making me gain weight. After reading all these comments I would be a fool to even bring up the name tomorrow. As many medical problems as I have and as many medicines I take I don't need any more. Lyrica is helping my fibromyalgia (not my chronic back pain) and I have low blood pressure and a good 76 resting pulse. I have never had headaches or susidal thoughts so until something better comes along I guess I will just have to be a fatty and gain weight on the Lyrica. Good luck to everyone and if were you I would seriously listen to what Public Citizen is trying to tell you all. The FDA doesn't have a crystal ball and they have approved many other drugs which have horrible side effects so users of Savella beware.

  • SueJuly 13, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    I have been taking Savella for a month and a half now for fibro pain. I have had fibro for at least 10 years. My pain was gone after the first week on Savella. It was wonderful. I started with the Tritation pack and then took 50 mg. twice a day.I decided the 50mg was the reason I was feeling nausea so I decided to break the 50s in half and take 25mg twice per day which still relieved my pain. Afte[Show More]I have been taking Savella for a month and a half now for fibro pain. I have had fibro for at least 10 years. My pain was gone after the first week on Savella. It was wonderful. I started with the Tritation pack and then took 50 mg. twice a day.I decided the 50mg was the reason I was feeling nausea so I decided to break the 50s in half and take 25mg twice per day which still relieved my pain. After one week on the pills I had slight bleeding every single day but since I am 52 thought it might be the "change". Now after a month and a half on these, that slight bleeding has turned into very,very heavy bleeding. It's been 11 days now. My Doc says it's not a side effect. I also have a fast pulse (105 per minute) which I NEVER had before as a matter of fact it has always been rather slow. Doc says he is not concerned about the 105. I also wake up to my heart racing in the night which is scary. I have a jittery feeling inside like I drank a pot of coffe or something - don't know what that's all about. I will have my BP checked and call my gyno. I wonder if anyone else has had this bleeding happen as a side effect?? One of the side effects does state bleeding, but it doesn't say bleeding where or how?? I am considering stopping these pills even though my pain has stopped. Not sure what to do at this point. I wish my Doc would discuss this further and help me decide-I feel as though I have been left to figure this out for myself.

  • DianeJuly 12, 2010 at 4:40 am

    The day that i wrote the above letter, I ended up in the er with fibulation so bad that they had to stop my heart and restart it with meds to try to get it to come back to a normal sinus rhythm. I was in fib for forty five minutes with the ambulance, and I did not time it at home. I have to call cardio monday when they open and get in. Meds they gave me have stopped it from fibbing and sticking [Show More]The day that i wrote the above letter, I ended up in the er with fibulation so bad that they had to stop my heart and restart it with meds to try to get it to come back to a normal sinus rhythm. I was in fib for forty five minutes with the ambulance, and I did not time it at home. I have to call cardio monday when they open and get in. Meds they gave me have stopped it from fibbing and sticking while in fib. but, it is constatntly racing on and off. Im scared its not going to stop this. Why would they put this out on the market when it does this to people. And I trusted a doctor and took it even though I did not like they side effects i saw in the brochure. I hope that if I die, my son will benifit from this letter if it goes to court. He is going to be ten in a few days, and I am a single parent. This is so not fair, t obe this sick now at age 47 ... Thanks FDA, and thanks makers of Savella

  • SigridJuly 12, 2010 at 3:44 am

    At first I experienced great results with Savella, esp. regarding sleep and the clearing up of the accompanying brain fog. However, my blood pressure (normally low) shot skyward, as well as my pulse. I lost weight and could go and go and go, but the overall physical price was too high and the drug actually seemed to INCREASE my overall discomfort, including causing new pain, stiffness and weakne[Show More]At first I experienced great results with Savella, esp. regarding sleep and the clearing up of the accompanying brain fog. However, my blood pressure (normally low) shot skyward, as well as my pulse. I lost weight and could go and go and go, but the overall physical price was too high and the drug actually seemed to INCREASE my overall discomfort, including causing new pain, stiffness and weakness in my hands. Additionally, I'd bruise and bleed like crazy from even the slightest cuts or bumps. Bloodwork showed elevated liver enzymes and increased inflammatory and degenerative muscle enzymes as well. A rheumatologist actually recommended starting blood pressure medication when I stated my concern about the blood pressure issue and I thought he was nuts--why take one pill just to try to mitigate the ill effects of another? No way. It's too new, too little tested and didn't help me enough. I'm currently titrating onto Straterra (another SNRI) in the hope that it will continue the positive effects without causing the lasting major damage to all major body systems that Savella can/will do. Since stopping Savella two weeks ago, I'm feeling better already.

  • DeborahJuly 11, 2010 at 6:37 pm

    I tried Savella for a week and developed serotonin syndrome. Nausea, heart flutters, extreme depression, terrible headaches, edema, thought processes were totally disrupted. Horrible drug for me. Could not talk without crying. Pain did seem to be lessened but could be result of what I call "brain electrical shorts" or what happens when ones electricity is blinking off and on. Felt like my eye[Show More]I tried Savella for a week and developed serotonin syndrome. Nausea, heart flutters, extreme depression, terrible headaches, edema, thought processes were totally disrupted. Horrible drug for me. Could not talk without crying. Pain did seem to be lessened but could be result of what I call "brain electrical shorts" or what happens when ones electricity is blinking off and on. Felt like my eyes were twirling around in my head. Terrible experience and pray that the damage is not permanent.

  • suenetteJuly 11, 2010 at 6:06 pm

    I have a 2 week trial pack and a prescription for Savella. I am scared to try it now after reading these posts. This is the third doctor to tell me I have fibro... during which time I had Lyme disease the whole time. I now have Post Lyme Syndrome and Fibromyalgia - you think little is known about Fibromyalgia - there's even less known about what to do with someone once they've finished the CDC[Show More]I have a 2 week trial pack and a prescription for Savella. I am scared to try it now after reading these posts. This is the third doctor to tell me I have fibro... during which time I had Lyme disease the whole time. I now have Post Lyme Syndrome and Fibromyalgia - you think little is known about Fibromyalgia - there's even less known about what to do with someone once they've finished the CDC proscribed treatment of antibiotics and still present symptoms. If I don't try this will the doctor continue to treat me? If not, then what do I do? I have to go back to work soon. I was injured at work and had double back surgery. I don't see how I can - I can't remember anything since the Lyme hit me. I forgot to tell my family at a gathering that my son is being deployed to Iraq - just two days after I talked to him. Now with the constant pain being able t write and test programs seems absolutely daunting.

  • DianeJuly 9, 2010 at 9:13 am

    I started taking Savella because my Neuro said it might help my Fibro pain. I can say that at first I had some great relief. I was up and out of bed, out at the pool and just having great relief. Then and this is just like day five, I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart racing crazy crazy... I shook it off and went back to sleep and again it happened that night about four different[Show More]I started taking Savella because my Neuro said it might help my Fibro pain. I can say that at first I had some great relief. I was up and out of bed, out at the pool and just having great relief. Then and this is just like day five, I woke up in the middle of the night with my heart racing crazy crazy... I shook it off and went back to sleep and again it happened that night about four different times. It was on the first night of my 50 or what ever the white pill is in the full does of the tirtrate pack. I cut it back to the half thinking the dose was to high, and my doctor agreed. But I still kept waking up like that at night so , I stopped it. It really helped me feel much better, so I was sad. Now each day after i have stopped, I keep getting rapid odd heart beats. like 1.2. 345. Its happening now as I type, I fear its gonna kill me. Im gonna see my doctor tomorrow. This beat takes my breath away, does not hurt but i feel like im not getting my air right. afraid Im gonna go to sleep and not wake up.. It happens during the day too, not just at night. This has not happend before, but since Savella. I was afraid to try it, cus I read the side effects. Told my doctor that it sounded crazy to try, but he said it was really good, and that those side effects were so rare. Now my heart, my most important organ is messing up, and could kill me so I read above in t his message board. I tried to help my pain, and now im worse off. I trust these companies not to pass mediciations that are going to kill us, unless they are trying to thin out the crowd?? I want answers and I do not want to die from taking a pill for a week.

  • VeronicaJune 29, 2010 at 8:18 pm

    Please be careful. I am happy that Savella has helped so many people. However, after taking Savella for a short period of time and experiencing agression issues, I am not sure it is safe for anyone. It definitely is not safe for me. My breaking point was when I was at my workplace standing in the elevator with people standing in front of me. I was fixated on their heads and wanting to bash th[Show More]Please be careful. I am happy that Savella has helped so many people. However, after taking Savella for a short period of time and experiencing agression issues, I am not sure it is safe for anyone. It definitely is not safe for me. My breaking point was when I was at my workplace standing in the elevator with people standing in front of me. I was fixated on their heads and wanting to bash them in. My adrenalin was rushing. I wanted to hurt someone. So totally opposite of me. I am a softy. I experienced shortness of breath. This really scared me. I was also thinking about death constantly. No acts of violence in my past and no priors. I started looking at the things that had changed with me recently. I looked at info on the internet. I called my doctor's office and told them I was not taking it anymore. The person who answered the phone took the message and that was that. I am so sorry to hear about the young person who was jailed maybe b/c of Savella. I hear their cry it is real.

  • Sandra L.June 29, 2010 at 12:39 pm

    Immediately after starting savella, I noticed an odd headache that just wouldn't go away. I was persistent in taking the medicine because I was hoping that this side effect would eventually go away and that this drug would be my savior. Approximately 4 days into taking savella, I noticed that I wasn't feeling well "overall"............fatigue, nightsweats, nervousness, etc. On the 6th day, I was f[Show More]Immediately after starting savella, I noticed an odd headache that just wouldn't go away. I was persistent in taking the medicine because I was hoping that this side effect would eventually go away and that this drug would be my savior. Approximately 4 days into taking savella, I noticed that I wasn't feeling well "overall"............fatigue, nightsweats, nervousness, etc. On the 6th day, I was feeling very weak, so I decided to take my blood pressure. It was extremely high 150/100, so I decided to monitor it since this is one of the "known" side effects". The next few days my BP continued to be high and my pulse also started to race. I decided to document this information for my rheumatologist for a call on Monday morning, since it was now the weekend. On Sunday night, I awoke to pain and tingling in my left arm and shoulder, as well as extremely bad "acid reflux" and coughing. I was scared and decided first thing in the morning, I was calling the doc and probably not continuing with this medicine. On Monday morning the numbness and tingling were now pain and my bp and pulse continued to be high. I was told to get to the ER, where I was immediately taken in and hooked up to cardiac monitors. I was admitted to the cardiac unit for "observation" overnight since my pulse and BP were not stable. The next morning, they did an echocardiogram which showed a problem with my left heart ventricle called Impaired Left Ventricle Relaxation which means that ventricle was not filling up with blood as it should be. I have been off this medication for approximately one week now. I still don't feel "normal" and am awaiting the results of a stress echo-cardiogram which was done a few days ago. I believe it was this medication that has caused this issue for me. I still have shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, pulse all over the place depending on what I am doing and a multitude of other symptoms. I just hope I get back to feeling well again soon.

  • SueJune 28, 2010 at 8:22 pm

    I also had posted my experience with this drug on May 29. Had an ekg, stress, and echo heart test done. The stress was fine, however, just received results of echo today and I have a diastolic dysfunction, and a thickening of the left ventricle wall. I truly believe that the dysfunction is due to taking savella for a month. I had no other problems other then the fibro and arthritis before the s[Show More]I also had posted my experience with this drug on May 29. Had an ekg, stress, and echo heart test done. The stress was fine, however, just received results of echo today and I have a diastolic dysfunction, and a thickening of the left ventricle wall. I truly believe that the dysfunction is due to taking savella for a month. I had no other problems other then the fibro and arthritis before the savella. I really thought I was dying with the high blood pressure, which now I'm on a med for, and the racing heart beat. This is a dangerous drug and should be recalled. I will be sure to alert the FDA.

  • Kathy McJune 28, 2010 at 1:56 pm

    I posted my experience with severe side effects earlier (May 17th) on this site, please take a look at my previous comments. I hope everyone that has posted side effects on this site has reported them to the FDA, if they aren't reported they have no record that they have occurred to some consumers. To date, I am currently wearing a heart monitor for 30 days due to high heart rate incidents. It[Show More]I posted my experience with severe side effects earlier (May 17th) on this site, please take a look at my previous comments. I hope everyone that has posted side effects on this site has reported them to the FDA, if they aren't reported they have no record that they have occurred to some consumers. To date, I am currently wearing a heart monitor for 30 days due to high heart rate incidents. It will be 1 year ago on July 2 that I had my first incident and discontinued the drug after using only four days at the lowest dosage. Since my side effects have continued months after discontinuing the drug I am interested in knowing if others have experienced side effects after discontinuing the drug or am I the only one? Also, have any of you experienced difficulty with heat and cold tempatures effecting your side effects, as well as fatigue, lifting heavy objects and emotional or stressful events triggering your side effects or problems? I wonder if the FDA has began looking into the petition that the Public Citizen's submitted??

  • CindyJune 27, 2010 at 8:24 pm

    I was given a two week titration pack of Savella by my pain mtg. doctor on 06/25/2010. I asked my doctor what are the side effects he told "nausea is the most common one" and for me to call his office and let him know if it get to be too bad. I was given no other information, no "Prescribing Information or Patient Information the only thing with the pack was "Fibromyalgia an introduction for pat[Show More]I was given a two week titration pack of Savella by my pain mtg. doctor on 06/25/2010. I asked my doctor what are the side effects he told "nausea is the most common one" and for me to call his office and let him know if it get to be too bad. I was given no other information, no "Prescribing Information or Patient Information the only thing with the pack was "Fibromyalgia an introduction for patients" & "Medication Guide Antidepressants Medicines, Depression and other serious Mental Illnesses, Suicidal Thoughts or Actions". I have Chronic Pain right knee and thigh after a slip & fall injure that took place at work in 2002 W.M.C.. I have only taken one 12.5 mg pill of Savella, I have a headache that will not stop, serve lower abdomal pain (cramps) along with gas, constipation, dizziness and flushing of my face and neck. after reading all of the comments, I don't know if I want to take Savella I do not think it is worth my life I will keep living with the pain at least I am alive. Savella put the ll's behine the a & space the word out(save all to injure all or kill all). I am on day three &I don't feel and better I feel the same if I don't hear back from the doctor I will most likely stop.

  • CindyJune 27, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    I was put on Savella two week titration pack by my pain mgt. doctor. After only taken one 12.5 mg pillI I have the following nausea, lower abdomen serve pain, gas, constapation, headache, dizziness. I am on day 3 I don't feel any better if I don't hear back from the doctor I will most likely stop Savella. I have Chronic Pain in my right knee & thigh from a slip & fall injure that took p[Show More]I was put on Savella two week titration pack by my pain mgt. doctor. After only taken one 12.5 mg pillI I have the following nausea, lower abdomen serve pain, gas, constapation, headache, dizziness. I am on day 3 I don't feel any better if I don't hear back from the doctor I will most likely stop Savella. I have Chronic Pain in my right knee & thigh from a slip & fall injure that took place at work in 2002 W.M.C.. I asked my doctor what are the side affects? He told me "the most common one is nausea " he said for me to call his office if it got to be too bad, no return call at this time. I was not given any Prescribing or Patient information, a Medication Guide Antidepressant Medicines, Depression and other serious Mental Illnesses, & Suicidal Thoughts or Actions & Fibromyalgia an introduction for patients." If I had been given the prescribing-patient information & been able to read it I would of been informed about the risk v/s the benfits. As I am in the medical field at lease I was, very hard with the pain and other symptoms that I work. After reading all the comments I don't think I want to finish taking Savella, it is not worth the risk to my life I will live with the pain at least I am alive. Save all to injure all or kill all. Save part & change the a & ll ' s around to spell out all, save all the word's are is in Savella. God be with all of you. At lease I am not alone. Praying for all of you that are in pain. I pray that other's will be more informed about this medicine the risk and that doctors will tell if not give them the information I only wish that I had it to read no I have to go to a web site and find out.

  • LynJune 27, 2010 at 1:33 am

    I have been on antidepressants for about 15 years and I was tired of feeling fatiuge. My primary doctor recommended Savella in July 2009 becasue a few of her patients said it helped them not feel so tired. I was given two sample packets and by feeling very angry, and aggitatied over little things. My co-workers noticed that I was very crankly but I was not tired, and not sleeping well at night. Af[Show More]I have been on antidepressants for about 15 years and I was tired of feeling fatiuge. My primary doctor recommended Savella in July 2009 becasue a few of her patients said it helped them not feel so tired. I was given two sample packets and by feeling very angry, and aggitatied over little things. My co-workers noticed that I was very crankly but I was not tired, and not sleeping well at night. After the sample package I started taking the recommended dose. I started getting worse and thoughts of suicide. Into the thrid week After the thrid week I put a belt around my neck and tried to committ suicide and my husband has to pin me down to the bed so I wouldn't. It upset my husband and kids so bad that they took me to the doctors the next day. I stopped taking Savella and made an appointment with a physcharist. They told me that it was the Savella that caused my attempt at suicide. I know that some drugs work miracles but this drug is very dangerous if you suffer from depression.

  • sharonJune 25, 2010 at 1:01 pm

    My rheumatologist had me try Savella for Fibromyalgia. She told me take it slow and watch my blood pressure. I have very low blood pressure normally and this drug really messed me up from the get go. I was only on it for 5 days. Blood pressure shot up, pulse rate off the charts and so weak I could barely function. Headaches, dizziness, night sweats, eyes burning, neck and shoulder pain, uncont[Show More]My rheumatologist had me try Savella for Fibromyalgia. She told me take it slow and watch my blood pressure. I have very low blood pressure normally and this drug really messed me up from the get go. I was only on it for 5 days. Blood pressure shot up, pulse rate off the charts and so weak I could barely function. Headaches, dizziness, night sweats, eyes burning, neck and shoulder pain, uncontrollable shaking . Irritable, angry, crying jags and an overwhelming sense of fear because my heart was racing like something was scaring me to death. I've been off Savella for weeks and I feel like I am inside a strange body. Nothing feels right and I am wondering if things will ever go back to the way they were before this drug. I've missed work and the smallest stressor sets everything back in motion again. My physicians have been very supportive and are trying to get things back to where they were before this drug sent me over the edge. I am so concerned this is normal from here on out. Will this ever go away?

  • BevJune 22, 2010 at 10:37 pm

    My primary physician has been pressuring me to try Savella. But, after thoroughly researching this medication, I won't take a chance. I have tachycardia, controlled by meds right now. And, with three bypasses at the age of 45, I can't see any benefits that would outweigh the risks. I support a recall.

  • GloriaJune 21, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    No one should have to choose between a medicine that can, and has proven to cause so much morbidity and be life threatening to so many individuals or else to be in severe pain. This is a completely irrational approach to practicing medicine. If you read many of these posts you will find a common thread, that being the significant damage that continues to persist after the med is stopped. If this [Show More]No one should have to choose between a medicine that can, and has proven to cause so much morbidity and be life threatening to so many individuals or else to be in severe pain. This is a completely irrational approach to practicing medicine. If you read many of these posts you will find a common thread, that being the significant damage that continues to persist after the med is stopped. If this fact alone doesn't raise a red flag I question your sense of reason. We are not guinne pigs here! If your health care professional doesn't take your complaints and concerns seriously then it is time to find someone else who does! It is YOUR responsibility to demand a reasonable degree of care and compassion. Listen to your body and insist on being proactive in your health care! And if your caregiver blindly believes a drug rep. I've got a bridge I can sell him/her. I find repeatedly the best source of info on a medicine is those who have or are using it. Hats off to you all.

  • NiccoleJune 20, 2010 at 7:41 am

    I have been recently diagnosised with fibromyalgia and 6 months ago i had started taking Savella and i have had a big change in the pain i have had with the fibromyalgia. I can definately tell when i have missed a dose. I felt a bit weird when i first started. I would get hot then get cold and tingle all over. I do have to say since i have taken Savella my headahces have become less and less. [Show More]I have been recently diagnosised with fibromyalgia and 6 months ago i had started taking Savella and i have had a big change in the pain i have had with the fibromyalgia. I can definately tell when i have missed a dose. I felt a bit weird when i first started. I would get hot then get cold and tingle all over. I do have to say since i have taken Savella my headahces have become less and less. When i do get a headache tylenol will take care of it to where it wouldnt even touch it before without the Savella. I just wish the medicine didnt cost so much so i could afford it. No matter what medicine you take there is always going to be some risk.

  • linzJune 20, 2010 at 12:56 am

    I have Fibro (diagnosed 4 yrs), TMJ, & MS (diagnosed 25 yrs.). I took pain meds for too long, became a major problem. Rehab for that, then on Lyrica,, Cymbalta and Lexapro which greatly helped my pain and gave me my life back. After four years on these meds I heard about Savella and thought it could help with the side-effects of Lyrica (memory, concentration difficulties and 70 lb weight g[Show More]I have Fibro (diagnosed 4 yrs), TMJ, & MS (diagnosed 25 yrs.). I took pain meds for too long, became a major problem. Rehab for that, then on Lyrica,, Cymbalta and Lexapro which greatly helped my pain and gave me my life back. After four years on these meds I heard about Savella and thought it could help with the side-effects of Lyrica (memory, concentration difficulties and 70 lb weight gain). Went to Rhematologist, got on starter pak. Lessened Lyrica gradually from 400 mg/day to 150mg this week. Began second week of full dose Savella (100mg/day). Thought I was doing fine but this week all crashed and hard! My heart was pounding and I had trouble catching my breath, thoughts were eratic - went to ER for EKG, Chest X-ray and blood sugar test. - all ok - bp ok. Rhem. Dr. put me up on Lyrica and 50mg/day Savella. Heart still is racing and don't feel like myself. Not sure of my next step with this med.

  • DebraJune 19, 2010 at 3:06 am

    I started Savella from the starter pack a week and a half ago. After a week my fibro pain was better, I was thrilled! But on the 11th day of taking it, I noticed my heart racing the whole day. The next day my Dr. ordered an EKG because my heart rate and blood pressure was so high! I'm 35 and otherwise healthy! The EKG was normal, but they took me off the Savella. I was weaning off the past few [Show More]I started Savella from the starter pack a week and a half ago. After a week my fibro pain was better, I was thrilled! But on the 11th day of taking it, I noticed my heart racing the whole day. The next day my Dr. ordered an EKG because my heart rate and blood pressure was so high! I'm 35 and otherwise healthy! The EKG was normal, but they took me off the Savella. I was weaning off the past few days, but decided not to take another pill as of today - the fast heart rate is still making my life difficult - I'm missing work and time with my family because I feel so horrible.

  • CallieJune 19, 2010 at 2:55 am

    I have never taken the time to read a blog before and I must say that I was quite taken back by everyone's willingness to discuss this medication and the illness that brought it to us. Thank you one and all. Not only do I have important information about this medication, I know that i am not alone.

  • BeckyJune 12, 2010 at 8:33 am

    I was diagnosed with chronic migraines when I was 17. I have been on many,many different prevenative & pain relife medications. In 1987 I was told I had Fibromyalgia. I had been telling my Dr, No I did not &would not have it. He said he already had it in his charts. It was true. I have a very good,longstanding realationship with this doctor, as do many of my other family. Both the migraine[Show More]I was diagnosed with chronic migraines when I was 17. I have been on many,many different prevenative & pain relife medications. In 1987 I was told I had Fibromyalgia. I had been telling my Dr, No I did not &would not have it. He said he already had it in his charts. It was true. I have a very good,longstanding realationship with this doctor, as do many of my other family. Both the migraines & the Fibro and lupus run in our family. At least 8 people in our more immediate family have fibro or lupus or worse both.That doesn't count the ones who have already passed away. The migraines have a generations long history (at least 6 so far) They could go back further than that but we aren't positive about some of the others. I have been on disability for the fibro, migraines & the accompanying depression of chronic pain for about 6 yrs now. My psychiatrist put me on Savella after discussing all the possible side effects. I started the titration package and was doing great, The best relief I had in years. We then increased the dose, after about 2 wks, because I was doing good but we thought a small increase would increase the benifits. Pain wise it did. But then I started turning into the incredible hulk. "You won't like me when I'm angry". I was angy & resentful ALL the time. Old resentments turned into major diasters. Everything made me furious. Apparently, in the fight or flight part of seratonin, I fight. The smallest thing made me blow up. And it was like there was no brakes when it came to saying what I was thinking. Horrible, vicious things came "vomiting" out of me with no control. I am in the process of weaning of Savella, with the help of my shrink & psychologist & primary Dr. Now I cry all the time. The dizzines &lethargy & some of the other side effects mentioned by other people are happening now. I should be completely off it in a few more days. Then probablly another week to be completley free. It was good for a while but for people that are sensitive to meds, especially, anything that messes with you seratonin, this drug would proably be a good one to avid.

  • kimJune 11, 2010 at 1:07 pm

    i just received the starter pack i am petrified to take this and wont after all i have heard and read.... i guess just suffer with the pain and go on with life...

  • DebraJune 10, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    I started taking savella a year ago. It did seem to help with the pain at first and gave me a little more energy. The last three months I have started experiencing severe fatigue, hypertension and tacycardia. I am so sick that I wish I could die sometimes.

  • TinaJune 7, 2010 at 7:52 pm

    I have been on Savella for 4 months after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Immediately, I had relief of muscle aches and pains and after being increased to max dose, the only side effect I had was a headache. The headaches got much worse and I tried to wean myself off the med and it put me into such a depressed state i had thoughts of suicide (which is something I had NEVER had). It was the s[Show More]I have been on Savella for 4 months after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Immediately, I had relief of muscle aches and pains and after being increased to max dose, the only side effect I had was a headache. The headaches got much worse and I tried to wean myself off the med and it put me into such a depressed state i had thoughts of suicide (which is something I had NEVER had). It was the scariest experience of my life. I immediately got back on the med due to being so scared NOT to take it. After a few weeks my BP went up very high (i have hypertension but it has been under control). I went back to the doctor and he would not help me get off it and said that was NOT the reason for my hypertension, and told me to see my PCP. She has been trying to get my BP down, changing meds several times, but with no success. Now my BP is 150s over 105s and my pulse is constantly racing even at rest as high as 136. I am really scared and would like to get off this medicine, but don't know how. My husband works out of town and I am really afraid to start weaning off it again.

  • J CopelandJune 4, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    The jury is still out for me on Savella. I was on Lyrica for about a year at the highest dose level and it stopped being effective. I was in so much pain I insisted on a visit to my PC doctor and she put me on Savella. It has only been 2 weeks and I have taken it as directed, but I am still in so much pain that I have had to supplement it with aspirin. My bp was already high before being put o[Show More]The jury is still out for me on Savella. I was on Lyrica for about a year at the highest dose level and it stopped being effective. I was in so much pain I insisted on a visit to my PC doctor and she put me on Savella. It has only been 2 weeks and I have taken it as directed, but I am still in so much pain that I have had to supplement it with aspirin. My bp was already high before being put on this med and I have had a seizure earlier this year, so I don't know why I am taking this drug as it would seem that this could be harmful. For the past two days, I can really understand the feelings of depression and suicidal idealization, not that I am actively looking ways to do myself in. I cannot take aspirin or any NSAID for too long because it has proven to give me bleeding ulcers in the past. Tylenol doesn't do anything for me. Lyrica, although very expensive, was effective for awhile, but stopped. And I'm giving this Savella another 2 weeks to see if it gets better.

  • sharonJune 2, 2010 at 10:32 pm

    I was on Savella and not up to the full dose and I was experiencing hot flushes and chills. I also started vomiting and couldn't keep anything in my stomach. the Dr. suggested I go to the full dose but it just caused more vomiting. I had to take time off from work because I felt so bad. To me it wasn't worth it. Going back on Cymbalta.

  • ChristineJune 1, 2010 at 4:43 pm

    I was put on the two week titration pack. Was doing great at first . . by the time I got to about the 8th day of the full dose everything drastically changed. I knew I was getting irratable and a bit agitated on the 7th day because I was upset with my husband for simple things. The next day at work. . My heart was racing, my face felt like it had a bad sunburn, my chest hurt, I began twitching[Show More]I was put on the two week titration pack. Was doing great at first . . by the time I got to about the 8th day of the full dose everything drastically changed. I knew I was getting irratable and a bit agitated on the 7th day because I was upset with my husband for simple things. The next day at work. . My heart was racing, my face felt like it had a bad sunburn, my chest hurt, I began twitching and having involuntary movement. . when I talked nothing made sense, I was very dizzy and foggy in my head. Not to mention the tentacle feeling all over my head. I had to walk out of my job and go straight to the doctors. I was so scared of what was happening. By the time I got to him, I was a real mess. He took me off the Savella instantly. No titrating down. . just stopped. Oh my goodness. . now that opened up a whole new can of worms. I began getting sever migraines. . dizziness was worse. . everything was amplified now. All this during my daughters High School Graduation ceremony. I barely remember a thing from that week. . it's sad that this drug has deprived me of my most precious memories! Now I'm hoping that things will get back to normal. . it's been a week off now and I'm still having high blood pressure. . my heart will still race at times. . I have this dizzy feeling in my head, severe constipation, confusion. still having problems remember things. I'm scared I won't go back to how I was before. My doctor wants to put me back on at a lower dose since it was okay at 25mg twice a day. . but I'm afraid to touch that medicine ever again.

  • ToniMay 31, 2010 at 5:32 am

    I was put on Savella in order to improve pain due to neurpoathy. I have only been on the titration pac and already at 10 days have decided to go off due to rapid pulse that at rest is up to 105 beats per minute. I also experience excessive sweating and hot flashes at times during the night. I hope that once off this medication I no longer experience these unusual side effects. I will, however[Show More]I was put on Savella in order to improve pain due to neurpoathy. I have only been on the titration pac and already at 10 days have decided to go off due to rapid pulse that at rest is up to 105 beats per minute. I also experience excessive sweating and hot flashes at times during the night. I hope that once off this medication I no longer experience these unusual side effects. I will, however, continue my other medication Lyrica.

  • SueMay 29, 2010 at 11:16 pm

    Been taking cymbalta for many years for the fibro and depression, and was willing to try savella at request of rheumatalogist, with whom I just started to visit. Began taking savella on April 24th. At first, was really sleeping better, even though I've been on zolpidem for awhile, sleep without interruption was rare. I could have written novels with the dreams I had. Then, after a week and a h[Show More]Been taking cymbalta for many years for the fibro and depression, and was willing to try savella at request of rheumatalogist, with whom I just started to visit. Began taking savella on April 24th. At first, was really sleeping better, even though I've been on zolpidem for awhile, sleep without interruption was rare. I could have written novels with the dreams I had. Then, after a week and a half, was crying at the drop of a hat, figured it was withdrawal from cymbalta, so continued. Well, the crying went into weeping, with intense back, neck, and shoulder pain..not all happening at the same time. Increased sweating started to happen, and was very weak. Blood pressure started to spike until it got so bad with the headaches I had to go to primary doctor, as rheumy is 70 mi.away. Started on blood pressure med, and stopped taking the savella, and went back on cymbalta. Body is still recovering from all of this. Have not had any strength, and I've been in bed for days. I'm glad that I started researching the savella, as I am convinced this is what threw me into a bp crisis. I also believe that I was heading towards high bp anyway, but this just put me over the edge. I didn't like how I was feeling on this, and my husband was ready to commit me! I'm sure that for some folks, this will work, but please be wary. For me, it only took a month and I was not willing to continue taking a chance with my life.

  • LorenaMay 27, 2010 at 5:06 am

    I have read all of the comments about Savella on this site. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after my 4th surgery in 2 years. Nothing worked. I tried Lyrica, Neurontin made my heart race, Cymbalta, nothing took away the pain. I thought, this isn't right, I'm a breast cancer survivor, I can't be torn down because of this weirdo disease. I'm a fighter. My doctor gave me Savella. I took the 10[Show More]I have read all of the comments about Savella on this site. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia after my 4th surgery in 2 years. Nothing worked. I tried Lyrica, Neurontin made my heart race, Cymbalta, nothing took away the pain. I thought, this isn't right, I'm a breast cancer survivor, I can't be torn down because of this weirdo disease. I'm a fighter. My doctor gave me Savella. I took the 10 mgs, nothing, on the 2nd 25 mg I stood up at work and immediately noticed that my feet weren't hurting and I could stand up without pain, my hands weren't aching. I was shocked. I don't take the full 50 mg. because that does make me ill. I break it in half and take the 1/2 twice a day. I found that salty foods agitate the FM. This drug gave me my life back. I am still not up to par with my energy level, but at least I have some. Hang in there. You'll find something that works. My girlfriend tried the Savella, and it didn't work at all for her. I am very thankful for this drug. I don't have to set the alarm clock at 4:30 to take pain medicine, go back to bed and try to sleep another hour, so I can get up at 5:30 and get into the shower etc. and get ready for my day. And you are right, no one understands unless they've had FM what you are experiencing.

  • ShaRhondaMay 27, 2010 at 3:30 am

    I started taking Savella abt 7 days ago and was really optimistic because of the praise it was given by my doctor. Haven't felt any pain relief and my daughter mentioned that I am very cranky and irritable. I am also experiencing the head aches, upset stomach and I am beginning to sleep alot the higher the dosage gets. I was gonna give it the full 2 weeks on this trial pack but after reading al[Show More]I started taking Savella abt 7 days ago and was really optimistic because of the praise it was given by my doctor. Haven't felt any pain relief and my daughter mentioned that I am very cranky and irritable. I am also experiencing the head aches, upset stomach and I am beginning to sleep alot the higher the dosage gets. I was gonna give it the full 2 weeks on this trial pack but after reading all of the comments regarding high blood pressure and heart attacks IDK! Not a big fan of synthetic remedies but with the pain Fibro causes I was willing to try anything. Have an appointment with a Rheumotologist but a this point I am not sure if that will even help.

  • AmyMay 24, 2010 at 4:36 pm

    I have fibromyalgia and arthritis for over 10 years and have tried everything out there. My pain management doctor put me on savella at first it did work and then the sweating started the pain in my side and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest.My doctor talked to the drug rep. and they said I needed to give the pill more time so my body adjusted to the savella. Well a month la[Show More]I have fibromyalgia and arthritis for over 10 years and have tried everything out there. My pain management doctor put me on savella at first it did work and then the sweating started the pain in my side and my heart felt like it was going to pound out of my chest.My doctor talked to the drug rep. and they said I needed to give the pill more time so my body adjusted to the savella. Well a month later they weened me off the medication. I have been off the medicine for two week and my heart is still racing, when will it be normal again? They need to take this medication off the market

  • MauraMay 23, 2010 at 4:42 am

    I started taking savella about 22 days ago. I can tell you that i have fibromyalgia, tried lyrica, cymbalta, and now this. I knew something was wrong because I do not feel like doing anything, not even taking a shower, I am getting depressed. It has not helped the pain at all. I was freezing the other day at work and everyone was hot. I wanted to put a jacket on I was that cold. I just came a[Show More]I started taking savella about 22 days ago. I can tell you that i have fibromyalgia, tried lyrica, cymbalta, and now this. I knew something was wrong because I do not feel like doing anything, not even taking a shower, I am getting depressed. It has not helped the pain at all. I was freezing the other day at work and everyone was hot. I wanted to put a jacket on I was that cold. I just came across this site tonight and now know that I have to come off the Savella like I had to with the other two. This is very scary to know that people can get heart problems (that runs in my family). I will call my doctor Monday. I do take pain meds and that is the only thing that has helped for past couple of years. They do not work much anymore either. I do not want to go to the strong drugs like oxycodone or whatever and I know my body is addicted to these pain pills but what can you do. stay in bed all day. I know that I am getting worse , the pain, it is hard for me to go to work anymore and I for the first time feel like giving up. I do not think many people understand what people with fibro go through. Only people with fibro know what I am talking about. I appreciate you all telling your stories. I pray we all find peace and someday will be pain free. God Bless.

  • GaleMay 22, 2010 at 12:56 am

    I started Savella 3 days ago. The first day was fine, but since then I feel pinpricks all over my body, dizziness, nausea, headache. Can this be good for anyone? I am going off it.

  • DianeMay 19, 2010 at 9:55 pm

    I'm sorry I did forget to add that I have been having some very odd dreams and a couple of what I would call nightmares. This started after I started on the Savella.

  • DianeMay 19, 2010 at 9:44 pm

    I am on week 1 of Savella and I can tell a slight improvement. I did have an upset stomach once during the week but I can not say for sure it was the medication. I have 7 more weeks of samples to take. I will continue to take them but I might have to add back my pain pills. I wish everyone good luck with this medication and good luck on finding something that works for those who have not found any[Show More]I am on week 1 of Savella and I can tell a slight improvement. I did have an upset stomach once during the week but I can not say for sure it was the medication. I have 7 more weeks of samples to take. I will continue to take them but I might have to add back my pain pills. I wish everyone good luck with this medication and good luck on finding something that works for those who have not found any relief.

  • DeeDeeMay 19, 2010 at 6:23 pm

    I took this medicine. I have Fibromyalgia/Chronic pain. I have taken Gabapinten and Tramidol; which resulted in deep depression and anxiety attacks like you wouldn't believe. I have a low tolerance for drugs anyway. So I knew that me taking anything for my Fibromyalgia was going to be tricky. I was prescribed Sevalla. First a trial pack and then a prescribtion to fill when I got finished wit[Show More]I took this medicine. I have Fibromyalgia/Chronic pain. I have taken Gabapinten and Tramidol; which resulted in deep depression and anxiety attacks like you wouldn't believe. I have a low tolerance for drugs anyway. So I knew that me taking anything for my Fibromyalgia was going to be tricky. I was prescribed Sevalla. First a trial pack and then a prescribtion to fill when I got finished with the trial pack. My doctor insisted that I only half the pills in the trial pack; so the first day was 12mg pill and I would half it and take 6 mg instead because she knows I have a low tolerance for any medicine. Needless to say that 6mg pill changed my mind really quick. That is all I had to take to realize that Sevalla needed to be throwed in the garbage. For three days after I took that half pill I was so dizzy. I felt like I was walking on the moon and bouncing off the walls when I walked down the hallway here at my house. I thought I needed to go to the hospital because like I said I have taken a lot of meds for my FM and none have worked on my chronic pain/fatique. Ever since I took that Sevalla (about a month ago) I have dizzy spells for no reason. I ws put on Zoloft and it causes sever miagraines so I stopped taking it. So as of now I am taking ibuprofen for my pain. That is the only medicine I have been able to take that doesn't make me feel sicker than I already am. FM is a horrible "disease". Or syndrome as doctors call it. Maybe they should walk a mile in our shoes to see just how it feels when you cant do anything because of the pain and swelling and all the other things that go with it. Most doctors say its all in our heads. Give me a break I rather be working. I have three kids and no income because I can not work like this. It will never go away. But SS seems to think that we want something for nothing. I have worked all my life. Day for Day. I use to be very athletic and have always been healthy. NOW I am lucky to sleep at all when I go to bed. I can't even sit in the floor and play with my 3 year old son. I was diagnosed 2 years ago and now I am angry at the crappy treatment I get when I go to the doctor. My last appointment my doctor didntt even show up. Instead he sent his nurse practioner in to tell me that they couldnt write a letter stating I am disabled. So she prescribed Zoloft to shut me up I guess. And I am not taking that anymore. Called my doctor today and low and behold I get the voice mail. I left a message but no one has called me back. So I am in search of another doctor that has great bedside manor. Good luck everyone.

  • ConnieMay 19, 2010 at 5:47 am

    I was given Savella for my fibromyalgia and it worked great for my pain, however, I began having chest pains and very severe depression. I went to my physician and she informed me that the drug reps had told her these were common side effects and would go away after a couple months and to try to continue to take it as it had helped with my pain. I did this and my depression became so bad that I sp[Show More]I was given Savella for my fibromyalgia and it worked great for my pain, however, I began having chest pains and very severe depression. I went to my physician and she informed me that the drug reps had told her these were common side effects and would go away after a couple months and to try to continue to take it as it had helped with my pain. I did this and my depression became so bad that I spent the majority of my time crying and wanting to die and my chest pains became so intense that I had to go to the ER and back to my personal physician and informed her that I could no longer take this medication as I really felt that is what was causing both problems. I was "weaned" off of the medication and starting noticing improvements.. I have been off of it for about 2 months and have got the pain back from the gibromyalgia however not the chest pain and severe depression.. I do believe this should be recalled.

  • KathyMcMay 17, 2010 at 11:01 am

    I developed serotonin syndrom and hypertensive crisis's 10 months ago after taking this drug for just 4 days at the lowest dosage. My first episode consisited of high fever, blood pressure of 240/160, high heart rate of 110, difficulty breathing, feeling as if I was going to pass out, uncontrollable shaking and jerking, difficulty speaking and walking due to muscle tightness/heaviness, . I was [Show More]I developed serotonin syndrom and hypertensive crisis's 10 months ago after taking this drug for just 4 days at the lowest dosage. My first episode consisited of high fever, blood pressure of 240/160, high heart rate of 110, difficulty breathing, feeling as if I was going to pass out, uncontrollable shaking and jerking, difficulty speaking and walking due to muscle tightness/heaviness, . I was taken off the medication immediately and after 10 months continue with episodes although they are not as severe or frequent as initially, they are still very scary and sometimes blood pressure is at dangerous levels. I have had over 90 episodes, been in and out of ER rooms. intensive care and to some of the finest hospitals within the US with little help My family physician and counselors have stuck with me throughout this time and for that I am ever grateful as they haven't given up on me. My employer and supervisor's have been unbelievably good to work with me through these as I would have lost my job long ago due to missing so much work. I have had to be brought home from work by my friends and coworkers due to having the episodes and find it very difficult to go to work worrying I will have one while there and the burden I put on my coworkers/supervisor in dealing with the situation. I was a healthy woman with no other health problems other than fibromyalgia and actually had low pressure most of my life. My life changed the day I took this medication. I urge anyone considering to take this medication to think very seriously about the possible consequences should they develop severe side effects. Please do your research on this medication and other drugs that can not be taken with it (such as migraine meds and other SSRI's) due to complications. I've walked in your footsteps with with the pain and fatique of the fibromyalgia symptoms and know how your life is effected by the fibromyalgia so I know the desperation you feel to find something/anything to help you but I hope that my experience may cause you to think twice before taking a drug that can have life threatening consequences no matter how much you hurt. My faith in God, family and friends have got me through these months otherwise I'm not sure I would have made it. I have reported my severe side effects to the FDA and to the manufacturers of Savellla, Forrest Pharmacueticals in hope that the drug might be re-evaluated and pulled from the market until more research can be done on this drug. Please don't take this drug without reading everything you can and evaluating the possible consequences .

  • ErisMay 15, 2010 at 12:59 am

    Fibromyalgia and chronic pain suck. There is absolutely no denying that. I took tramadol for years, just to get through the day. As time went on, I had to up my dosage to a level I was not comfortable with. Since going on Savella about four months ago, I've been able to ween myself off of pain medication. Savella doesn't make the pain go away, but it seems to create a shift in my mind to where I t[Show More]Fibromyalgia and chronic pain suck. There is absolutely no denying that. I took tramadol for years, just to get through the day. As time went on, I had to up my dosage to a level I was not comfortable with. Since going on Savella about four months ago, I've been able to ween myself off of pain medication. Savella doesn't make the pain go away, but it seems to create a shift in my mind to where I tolerate the pain far better. It's more like discomfort than pain. It works very well for me. I educated myself about the side-effects before hand, so I knew that hot-flashes and nausea could be a problem. As I've gradually upped the dosage, I've had a bit of both. It was short lived, though. This medicine has made a remarkable difference for me. I haven't had any blood pressure problems, thanks to the fact that I take inderal for migraines. It's certainly more tolerable side-effect wise than Lyrica or Cymbalta, in my mind. No weight gain either! Its been used in Europe successfully for enough years for me to feel confident that the FDA approval was a wise decision. There are far worse things you could do to your body. If you're sensitive to stimulants... perhaps you should avoid it altogether. I am impervious to them, and Savella works for me. I'd recommend trying it, when nothing else has worked.

  • ColeenMay 13, 2010 at 7:57 pm

    I have been battling Fibromyalgia for over 3 years. Just diagnosed with it, thought, 2 years ago in January. I was on Lyrica (450 mg a day) and Cymbalta (90 mg a day) until April 5th when my doctor decided (by my request) to let me try Savella. The pain never really got any better, but it wasn't any worse until April 16th. I woke up with the most horible upper abdomn pain I've ever had. After[Show More]I have been battling Fibromyalgia for over 3 years. Just diagnosed with it, thought, 2 years ago in January. I was on Lyrica (450 mg a day) and Cymbalta (90 mg a day) until April 5th when my doctor decided (by my request) to let me try Savella. The pain never really got any better, but it wasn't any worse until April 16th. I woke up with the most horible upper abdomn pain I've ever had. After spending 4 day on pain pill just to take the edge off the pain, my doctor put me in the hospital with accute pancreatitis. I asked if it could be a side affect of the Savella and he said that if it were, it would have come on sooner (mind you this was just 4 or 5 days after going up to 50 twice a day). I have also experienced the chest pain (for the last several weeks), extreme sweating, anxiety, mood swings and depression (had to drop my Cymbalta from 90 to 60 a day when I went on the Savella). I haven't even told anybody about the chest pains that I've been having but after reading this, I think that might be the BEST thing for me to do. I do feel like my heart races once in a while as well. The one good think about the Savella is that I haven't put on (in fact I've taken of a FEW) pounds. I probably put on 40-50 pounds while I was on the Lyrica. I'm going to be 41 in a week and a half, have a 16 year old son that will graduate high school next year, have a husband that is a PEACH (most of the time) and I really don't care to continue living this way. Like I said, the pain is really not worse but it's not any better either. I know that each med is different for each person, but I sure hope everybody realizes what better for them before it's too late.

  • PennyMay 13, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    I have had fibro for 10 yrs. Have tried numerous meds and have been on Savella for 10 months I guess. I felt great for a while although my husband kept telling me things that never use to bother me all the sudden became big deals. My previously perfect blood pressure became elevated so I began taking a BP medicence to counteract that. I had mood swings, excessive sweating, insomina, irritablity, h[Show More]I have had fibro for 10 yrs. Have tried numerous meds and have been on Savella for 10 months I guess. I felt great for a while although my husband kept telling me things that never use to bother me all the sudden became big deals. My previously perfect blood pressure became elevated so I began taking a BP medicence to counteract that. I had mood swings, excessive sweating, insomina, irritablity, headaches. But the pain was better so we deal with all the above garbage. This past week my BP soared and my BP meds had to be doubled. My heat rate also soared. I am dizzy and very scared that I have had heart damage. I am on day 3 of weaning myself off the Savella and my doctor said it will take 6 weeks. When I look back I can now see how my outlook has been tainted by this also. Depressed, helplessness, hopelessness and even suicidal thoughts. I have a wonderful marriage, a beautiful child and a good support system, plenty to live for and faith in my God. I believe Savella has robbed me of my life this past year and I pray it has not damaged my heart and rob me of my future as well. Take it off the market and add me to the lawsuit.

  • LindaMay 11, 2010 at 3:52 pm

    Delores who wrote on April 8th, 2010. I feel alot like you do but have only experienced the pain for the past year. I just found out that my diskogram showed that nothing can be done for my back. I found out that I had fibromyalgia 3 months ago and just try to live with the pain is hard enough but coming to work with the pain has gotten to the point of putting in for a medical retirement. I kn[Show More]Delores who wrote on April 8th, 2010. I feel alot like you do but have only experienced the pain for the past year. I just found out that my diskogram showed that nothing can be done for my back. I found out that I had fibromyalgia 3 months ago and just try to live with the pain is hard enough but coming to work with the pain has gotten to the point of putting in for a medical retirement. I know exactly how you feel. It's gotten to the point that I don't even like to get into the shower. I hurt, or I am tired and out of it on my pain pills. I do shower though, I wouldn't want to offend any of my co-workers or my family however, I wonder some time if leaving this old earth would be better than staying around and living with this for the rest of my life. I will be 53 in June, and have a few years left to hopefully do things that I enjoy. I have a 9 year old that doesn't understand Mommy just don't have the energy that I once did. My husband lost his first wife to cancer and took care of her the last 4 years of her life. He said he pratically lived in the hospital and I feel bad that my life has turned out like this. I know he is affected by all of this. He hates hospital right along with me. I'm not at deaths door by any means but am not able to enjoy life anymore. The doctor has me on Lyrica which only helped me gain weight and does nothing to help rid me of the pain. I had gastric bypass in 2008. I got hurt at work. My T5-S1 disk is cracked and I have a bulging disk. I am getting an MRI on both of my shoulders to see if I have tore my rotator culfs. The doc said that I probably got Fibro by my injuries. I thought I needed surgery on my back because the pain got worst but what it was the pain from the fibro was intensifying the pain in my back. My husband tells me my pain tolerance is down in the basement. I can't live without my pain medication. I can't even crawl out of bed without it, but I do only to take that and Lyrica and go back to bed for 30-45 minutes until the pain goes away and I can move my limbs enough to get dressed and out the door to go to work. They have me on limited duty until my retirement comes in. I am on paxil for my anxiety and Tamazapam for my insominia. I tell my husband I'm all broken down and not good for anything. I do continue to live because God decides when I go home not me. Although I am waiting for that day when I can go home and see Mama and Daddy and my little one. In fact, I do alot of dreaming about that day. Until then I will continue to hang in there and try to make my life somehow liveable and keep being mommy to my little 9 year old Melinda. I have 2 older children in thier 30's that have family of thier own. Listenining to Christian music soothes my soul and gives me a peace that this old world doesn't understand. You take care and God Bless.

  • janiceMay 10, 2010 at 1:24 am

    I was dx with fibro Oct 2009. Have tried lyrica and had horrid side effects. Have been on sevella for 7 months. At first it was wonderfull. Almost no side effects except nausea and a little ginger tea helped with that. Now I am angry at the drop of a hat, crying all the time, Fatiege, confusion. Sever anxiety. I was in ICU in Dec. for shortness of breth and ended up on the ventalator for 3 days, w[Show More]I was dx with fibro Oct 2009. Have tried lyrica and had horrid side effects. Have been on sevella for 7 months. At first it was wonderfull. Almost no side effects except nausea and a little ginger tea helped with that. Now I am angry at the drop of a hat, crying all the time, Fatiege, confusion. Sever anxiety. I was in ICU in Dec. for shortness of breth and ended up on the ventalator for 3 days, we thought it was due to a reaction from burning brush that may have had poison ivy or oak or somthing. I was hospitalized again last month for the same thing after nieghbors were burning some brush only this time they pumped me full of steroids and no vent was needed. But I did have abnormal EKGs, heart flutters and have been experianceing shortness of breath off & on sence i started the sevella. My behavior is so irradic, and i am in pain daily. I thought I needed to up the dosage but now I think I need to viset with my Dr and get off of this med. My lower back hurt all the time. confustion, memory issues, I'm glad I found this web site.

  • doloresMay 10, 2010 at 12:14 am

    My doctor was at a lost as to help me, he has tried everything for pain of fibromyalgia, I also have EMS from a contaminated pill from a health food store 20 years ago, so I have severe pain from both, he put me on Savella as it was a new drug on the market, it helped at first, and I thought praise the lord, but it didn't last, my face started to swell with sever pain, skin burned like someone thr[Show More]My doctor was at a lost as to help me, he has tried everything for pain of fibromyalgia, I also have EMS from a contaminated pill from a health food store 20 years ago, so I have severe pain from both, he put me on Savella as it was a new drug on the market, it helped at first, and I thought praise the lord, but it didn't last, my face started to swell with sever pain, skin burned like someone threw a hot towel on my face, then the headaches started in forehead and whole head, I was dizzy and losing my balance, I called my doctor and told him I was going off the Savella, that was a good 3 months ago, my face is still swollen, skin feels sore, still have headaches, and very moody, I got in this situation from a pill, you would have thoght I would have learned, so I am still in severe pain only with more problems, no more pills, I take Percocet when it gets to bad

  • LoriMay 7, 2010 at 3:11 pm

    I had only one other risk factor for the Heart Attack n it was smoking! I am very thin ,no history of heart disease ,high blood pressure, or diabetes! So the only two things that could have caused it would bMedication, or smoking and sorry non-smokers but this is not a cause for heart attack at 39 with no other heart risk factors!

  • LoriMay 7, 2010 at 3:08 pm

    Well I too had pain relief AT FIRST, but as soon as I went to 2 50 mg a day I had A POSITIVE MI ! MI for those who don't know is short for Myocardial Infarction= HEART ATTACK!! was in hospital for a week about and had to have heart cath done, trust me those benefits of not alot of pain DO NOT OUTWEIGH ME HAVING A HEART ATTACK! AND I AM NOT ALONE ON THIS!! THE DRUG CAME OUT ON MARKET ONLY ONE YEAR[Show More]Well I too had pain relief AT FIRST, but as soon as I went to 2 50 mg a day I had A POSITIVE MI ! MI for those who don't know is short for Myocardial Infarction= HEART ATTACK!! was in hospital for a week about and had to have heart cath done, trust me those benefits of not alot of pain DO NOT OUTWEIGH ME HAVING A HEART ATTACK! AND I AM NOT ALONE ON THIS!! THE DRUG CAME OUT ON MARKET ONLY ONE YEAR AGO N COUPLE MONTHS IT'S NOT SAFE ENOUGH AND THEY DID NOT TEST ENOUGH PEOPLE OR FOR VERY LONG!!!! TAKE AT YOUR OWN RISK AS I WON'T BE EVER AGAIN!!

  • JeanneMay 6, 2010 at 12:26 pm

    My pain doctor prescribed this for me for chronic back pain (I have spinal stenosis, facets arthritis & spondiliolesthesis (sp) I have been taking it for about 7 months now. Had excessive sweating & flushing that started at neck & went to my forehead, after going to 2 50mg tabs a day. That on top of hot flashes with menopause about did me in! My skin felt really weird too where I would[Show More]My pain doctor prescribed this for me for chronic back pain (I have spinal stenosis, facets arthritis & spondiliolesthesis (sp) I have been taking it for about 7 months now. Had excessive sweating & flushing that started at neck & went to my forehead, after going to 2 50mg tabs a day. That on top of hot flashes with menopause about did me in! My skin felt really weird too where I would get flushed, real tough & bumpy & my skin is usually soft & smooth. It did really help with the pain at first but now after taking the first one at 6 am I have pain by 9 am and the one I take at 6 pm does nothing. I have had increased bp even while taking bp medicine, pulse between 120 & 125 and lately have been getting very lightheaded and dizzy to the point of almost passing out, with very bad headaches. I have lost 32 pounds since being on this drug so I guess that's one good thing about it. The doctor said it had been known to do that & I can see why cuz I SWEAT the weight off!! At first I thought it was a Godsend cuz it worked so well but I think like every other drug it just stops working after a while. I'm having back surgery in 2 1/2 months so hopefully it will work & I won't need anything for pain anymore. I am going to talk to my doctor about getting off this until then so hope I can find something else that will work for me until the surgery. For all of you with fibromyalgia I feel for you, it sucks to be in constant pain & I truly hope that some GOOD miracle drug can be found to treat your pain. Good luck to all of you & God bless!

  • JaneMay 4, 2010 at 2:37 am

    My Dr. felt I had maxed out the benefits of Cymbalta after 4 yrs and has started me on Savella. I did fine the first 8 days of the titration pack. The only side effect was a loss of appetite but I was okay with that since I need to loose weight anyhow. After moving up to the full dose of 50mg twice a day I have been unable to keep anything on my stomach, including liquids. This has caused my back [Show More]My Dr. felt I had maxed out the benefits of Cymbalta after 4 yrs and has started me on Savella. I did fine the first 8 days of the titration pack. The only side effect was a loss of appetite but I was okay with that since I need to loose weight anyhow. After moving up to the full dose of 50mg twice a day I have been unable to keep anything on my stomach, including liquids. This has caused my back pain to increase, raised my BP, caused heart palpitations, dizziness, drowsiness, agitation, extreme sweating, blurred vision and severe confusion. I feel worse than I did before my first back surgery. I'm ready to give up. Starting tomorrow I'm going to start decreasing the dosage to come off of the Savella. Constant puking is just too much for my back.

  • christinaMay 1, 2010 at 5:35 pm

    i am halfway thru the first week on my trial pack of savella. i feel great i have very little pain which seems like a miracle to me! but on the first day i took it by the evening i was in the strangest mood. then the next day i was crying all day long for no reason. i am now very concerned after readind these comments.

  • jacqueApril 27, 2010 at 4:39 am

    I am a migraine sufferer and have chronic neck pain (I'm a PS teacher~ go figure). So after having a weekend where I wanted to go the hospital and get a shot of demeral, I waited 'til monday to see my "regular" Dr. wow! he said I have fibromyalgia. That's short for "I don't really know what is the cause of your pain so, he gave me a 2 week stater sample of Savella. After reading these comments, I [Show More]I am a migraine sufferer and have chronic neck pain (I'm a PS teacher~ go figure). So after having a weekend where I wanted to go the hospital and get a shot of demeral, I waited 'til monday to see my "regular" Dr. wow! he said I have fibromyalgia. That's short for "I don't really know what is the cause of your pain so, he gave me a 2 week stater sample of Savella. After reading these comments, I think I'll look for anoter Dr. Thanks for the info and sharing your stories. Anyone read "Gerson Therapy" it's a healing book by changing one's diet. I'm buying it this payday! Good Luck to you all and try to "Go Natural, eat right and excercise" Don't be overweight. It makes more problems...

  • BrynnApril 27, 2010 at 12:32 am

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and prescribed Savella a month and a half ago. The first two days I experienced some confusion and I thought I was talking coherently but I was actually speaking words out of order. After the first week and a half all side effects have disappeared. My pain was starting to decrease after the second week and I have been sleeping better at night as well. My mood has [Show More]I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and prescribed Savella a month and a half ago. The first two days I experienced some confusion and I thought I was talking coherently but I was actually speaking words out of order. After the first week and a half all side effects have disappeared. My pain was starting to decrease after the second week and I have been sleeping better at night as well. My mood has not been effected negatively at all, if anything my mood has improved due to not constantly being in pain. I would say that so far the benefits far outweigh the side effects that I experienced for a short time.

  • ResaApril 20, 2010 at 6:50 pm

    I was put on Savella almost 2 weeks ago. I thought my prayers were finally being answered so I could live a more productive life, most of all, a narcotic free life. After reading this site, I fear my neurologist may have made a poor decision to put me on this drug. I have numerous allergies (tylonol, asprin) which we all know narcotics are mixed with. Tramadol and ultracets are not an option due [Show More]I was put on Savella almost 2 weeks ago. I thought my prayers were finally being answered so I could live a more productive life, most of all, a narcotic free life. After reading this site, I fear my neurologist may have made a poor decision to put me on this drug. I have numerous allergies (tylonol, asprin) which we all know narcotics are mixed with. Tramadol and ultracets are not an option due to my seizure disorder. I have leaking heart valves and chronic tachycardia. I am so hurt and mortified my doctor did not explain how high the risk are for me. I am only 38 years old. What other options are there for me? I want to live..pain free as possible. I have 4 children...I want to see them grow up. My problems all started in 2002 with a botched epideral. It felt like railroad naiils were being shoved down my spine. I couldnt funtion afterward. I dont know where to turn but someone is accountable. Is this med going to kill me? I have been very ill sine the first day of Savella, very ill.

  • MarkApril 18, 2010 at 3:21 pm

    My brother died this morning. Several weeks ago he ended up in the hospital with a rapid heart rate. The doctor took him off the savella and it seemed to be getting better but his kidney and heart function had declined to 30%.Once home , his regular doctor put him back on the savella assuring him the drug had nothing to do with his heart or kidney problems although he never had an issue with eithe[Show More]My brother died this morning. Several weeks ago he ended up in the hospital with a rapid heart rate. The doctor took him off the savella and it seemed to be getting better but his kidney and heart function had declined to 30%.Once home , his regular doctor put him back on the savella assuring him the drug had nothing to do with his heart or kidney problems although he never had an issue with either in the past. My mom got a call this morning from my brother asking her to come up and take him to the hospital because he didn"t feel right. She found him dead at the bottom of the stairs. 50 years old.

  • dianaApril 15, 2010 at 3:10 am

    I started the savella pack on 4/2/10 nausea and headaches steadily got worst, i stopped it on 4/9/10 coudn't take the headache and nausea any longer. Last night I had to go to ER for shortness of breath and the feeling the my heart was beating too fast, was diagnosed with irregular heartbeat. I've never had any health problem besides algia no family history of heart disease either healthy 42year o[Show More]I started the savella pack on 4/2/10 nausea and headaches steadily got worst, i stopped it on 4/9/10 coudn't take the headache and nausea any longer. Last night I had to go to ER for shortness of breath and the feeling the my heart was beating too fast, was diagnosed with irregular heartbeat. I've never had any health problem besides algia no family history of heart disease either healthy 42year old or used to be?

  • deloresApril 8, 2010 at 3:35 pm

    i have been on savella for 1 month at first after the first week i experienced relief from my fibromyalgia pain which is quite cronic has been for over 12yrs. then my anxiety increased along shortly came mood swings and night after night of little or no sleep walking in circles in my home laying down to try to calm myself for what ever little sleep i might chance to get . i don't want to be around[Show More]i have been on savella for 1 month at first after the first week i experienced relief from my fibromyalgia pain which is quite cronic has been for over 12yrs. then my anxiety increased along shortly came mood swings and night after night of little or no sleep walking in circles in my home laying down to try to calm myself for what ever little sleep i might chance to get . i don't want to be around people they get on my nerves .i don,t even want to leave the house . i have no motovation or strength left. nothing is bring me any joy i don't even want to put forth the effort to get cleaned up. i dont know what my brain will be thinking in 5 seconds i can't get it to slow down my brain activity is so high it won't slow down i feel so confused my first thought this morning was if the insurance would pay off if i killed myself. i am so tired of trying new drugs and dealing with the side effects. i have had cervical cancer @ 19 lung cancer @ 37 it reappeared 2yrs. ago so i am back in remission again i am 53yrs. old i have other medical issues i do't want to die but i am bi-polar and i can not understand how this medicine can help the has made me depressed i recoginize the symptoms. it's all i can do to try to hold it togrther the pain is creeping back i can't take this anymore today i will gradually take myself off the savella and highly recommend anyone feeling like myself to stop before its too late.

  • LoriApril 3, 2010 at 4:38 am

    I have had mild issues, been on Savella about a month and a half now. Hot flashes are interesting. I use if for nerve pain associated with guillain barre syndrome and possible fibro because of that. It has really helped! The slight issues with side effects----heart rate, BP, sweating, great mood, being in less pain so I can actually function more than before, no appetite, dry mouth (who doesnt nee[Show More]I have had mild issues, been on Savella about a month and a half now. Hot flashes are interesting. I use if for nerve pain associated with guillain barre syndrome and possible fibro because of that. It has really helped! The slight issues with side effects----heart rate, BP, sweating, great mood, being in less pain so I can actually function more than before, no appetite, dry mouth (who doesnt need to drink more water?), actually looking forward to daily life instead of dreading waking up each morning. Yea, I will stick with it and keep an eye on the heart/bp thing. I know how far I can push that, I am relearning how far I can push my pain limits before paying for it greatly. Savella is NOT a magic bullet, it is a band aid, but after what I have been thru with other meds for nerve pain I will take Savella! Nothing else has helped and living with constant pain daily for 4 years was hell. I hope it continues to work, I would love to get off all meds and be "normal" again but for now my dr and I have found something that works.

  • sueMarch 22, 2010 at 4:27 pm

    I have fibro,had it for nearly ten[10] years now.took [CYMBALTA ,LYRICA and NEURONTION] ,which i could see as they never helped me.they made me worse.[HAD SEIZURES ON THE CYMBALTA AND LYRICA] the drugs for me are not worth the side affects.And yes i stay in pain constanally i would rate my pain a[20] which don't exist.I have all of the arthers,heart trouble,back trouble with bulging disk,and nero[Show More]I have fibro,had it for nearly ten[10] years now.took [CYMBALTA ,LYRICA and NEURONTION] ,which i could see as they never helped me.they made me worse.[HAD SEIZURES ON THE CYMBALTA AND LYRICA] the drugs for me are not worth the side affects.And yes i stay in pain constanally i would rate my pain a[20] which don't exist.I have all of the arthers,heart trouble,back trouble with bulging disk,and neroupathy which hurts in my legs,cramps feet draw,toes does sometimes they hurt so much it wouldn't hurt no more if you just cut them off is the way i feel.[PS I ALSO HAVE NERVE DAMAGE &degrenitive disease's] i could go on and on about medication but i won't, but one of my doctors told me i was just a weird person[but said in a joking way]

  • nannetteMarch 21, 2010 at 3:51 pm

    this drug landed me in the hospital after two weeks. the dr said keep taking it even after the first week my bp and heart rate went way up, my mental state became unglued, suffered a "breakdown" with NO history of this. watch out, this has forever tainted me, my local dr did not prescribe it but he says it is great and when I mentioned it was atttempting to be recalled he said no that it is one [Show More]this drug landed me in the hospital after two weeks. the dr said keep taking it even after the first week my bp and heart rate went way up, my mental state became unglued, suffered a "breakdown" with NO history of this. watch out, this has forever tainted me, my local dr did not prescribe it but he says it is great and when I mentioned it was atttempting to be recalled he said no that it is one of the best drugs out there. also, he is constantly suspicious of me that I am a mental case due to my breakdown. this has been totally humiliating and now he does not want to give me my reg pain meds for the extreme fibro i have. please recall this drug!

  • YelitzaMarch 17, 2010 at 6:16 pm

    I have had very positive results from Savella and have been taking it for almost a year now. It has helped reduce my overall body pain significantly and increase my energy. Although Cymbalta was very helpful, Savella is great. It would be terrible to recall this product since there are people who truly find in Savella help for our fibro symptoms. Is just as simple as try it and check if it work f[Show More]I have had very positive results from Savella and have been taking it for almost a year now. It has helped reduce my overall body pain significantly and increase my energy. Although Cymbalta was very helpful, Savella is great. It would be terrible to recall this product since there are people who truly find in Savella help for our fibro symptoms. Is just as simple as try it and check if it work for you. If not you just quit it. This reminds me of Vioxx recall, which caused so many people tears cause it was the drug that helped them with their pain, while with Celebrex the FDA just put a warning in the label. This is what should be done with Savella.

  • larryMarch 11, 2010 at 2:13 pm

    I have a client who took the drug in an "experimental" setting and had dramatic mood swings and very bizzare behavior. He ended up in jail-no prior problems and had no memory of the events that led to his arrest. In jail his BP rose and he suffered a stroke!

  • PatsyMarch 10, 2010 at 6:56 pm

    I have suffered life threatening events since starting Savella in May, 2009. I sufferd from excessive sweating, nausea, headaches, insomnia irregular heartbeat, fatigue, constipation, and dizziness. After several doctor visits, I had surgery September 30, 2009 and a pacemaker and defibrillator were implanted. I was rushed to the hospital again on February 11, 2010 with severe chest pain, sweat[Show More]I have suffered life threatening events since starting Savella in May, 2009. I sufferd from excessive sweating, nausea, headaches, insomnia irregular heartbeat, fatigue, constipation, and dizziness. After several doctor visits, I had surgery September 30, 2009 and a pacemaker and defibrillator were implanted. I was rushed to the hospital again on February 11, 2010 with severe chest pain, sweating and unable to swallow. When examined in the ER, my blood pressue was 205/138. I was diagnosed with serotonin syndrome. I have no history of hypertension, and my cardiologist insisted I stop the Savella. I am continuing to improve every day. Most of my symptoms have disappeared. I had also been taking Lyrica for about six years. Upon my doctor's advice, I have stopped it too. I have never had a reaction to medication in the past. My advice is to pay very close attention to the warnings about side effects.

  • EvelynMarch 3, 2010 at 11:47 am

    I have been on Savella for a year now...Iin combination with Lyrica for my firbromyalgia. I have noticed a decrese in pain for awhile and now am starting to feel the main more ..needles in my back so to speak..muscle aches and more joints issue which my doctors have told me to accept I have prominate fibro and I am not going to get better just worse...So, I am stopping the Savella and seeing if i[Show More]I have been on Savella for a year now...Iin combination with Lyrica for my firbromyalgia. I have noticed a decrese in pain for awhile and now am starting to feel the main more ..needles in my back so to speak..muscle aches and more joints issue which my doctors have told me to accept I have prominate fibro and I am not going to get better just worse...So, I am stopping the Savella and seeing if it truly helps...But as far as side effects I have NOT had not one...Cymbalta I almost lost my mind...Lyrica I swell a little but that is not enough to stop me from taking that drug..It has helped me and the combinations of the 2 drugs Lyrica and Savella helped me...So I think with any drug in this area; there is going to be issues and each person is different with their bodies and that anything anyone takes not everyone is going to have issues...look at worked awesome for some people and then people like me I had sucidial thoughts...What is the difference here...each patient should be accessed closely on these medication anyway....

  • MelMarch 1, 2010 at 3:32 pm

    I am currently on Savella and it has improved my pain and fatigue drastically. It has reduced both by at least half. I have had almost no side effects, just slight nausea for about 30 minutes. Compared to Cymbalta which made me have uncontrollable vomiting, dizziness, balance problems, unpredictable moods, and more it's a God send. I don't know what I would do without it.

  • GigiFebruary 19, 2010 at 3:41 am

    I am on Short Term Disability because of this nasty drug. I was on the 2wk titration pack and HOLY COW the suicidal tendencies kicked in on day 3. Add to the mix that I am Bi polar too. Not only was I feeling and acting nutzoid my Fibromyalgia pain GOT WORSE! Savella darn near cost me my sanity, maybe my job and I am in MORE PAIN BECAUSE OF SAVELLA. I've reported my experience to the FDA and say [Show More]I am on Short Term Disability because of this nasty drug. I was on the 2wk titration pack and HOLY COW the suicidal tendencies kicked in on day 3. Add to the mix that I am Bi polar too. Not only was I feeling and acting nutzoid my Fibromyalgia pain GOT WORSE! Savella darn near cost me my sanity, maybe my job and I am in MORE PAIN BECAUSE OF SAVELLA. I've reported my experience to the FDA and say "Take it off the market now!"

  • roseFebruary 17, 2010 at 8:01 pm

    I am on my 5th day of Savella. My Neurologist suggested I try it for my chronic myofacial leg pain. So far I only had nausea the 2nd day but i have taken Maalox every day with it. I thought I would try to stick it out for a month to see if it helps with pain. However yesterday I had a very unusal crying spell. ( I never cry) TIme will tell I guess.

  • ChrisFebruary 17, 2010 at 5:03 pm

    I am having a hard time trying to figure out what does and doesn't work. I am so many different medication for everything else. I have a lot of different vitamins, psych meds, meds for IBS and CFS. My vitamin D levels were negative. I go to get iron transfusions every couple of months because of the Mediterranean Anemia I have that is nationality based, I can't really notice a difference betw[Show More]I am having a hard time trying to figure out what does and doesn't work. I am so many different medication for everything else. I have a lot of different vitamins, psych meds, meds for IBS and CFS. My vitamin D levels were negative. I go to get iron transfusions every couple of months because of the Mediterranean Anemia I have that is nationality based, I can't really notice a difference between this and Lyrics. They upped my Lyrica so much I looked like a drunk. I had Gastric Bypass Surgery in 2002 so I don't absorb anything but half of these meds. I wasn't diagnosed with Fibro until last year. The body weight i ended up with was cause by 1 year of taking Depakote and Effexor. I had extreme 2 year Vertigo and Menieres at the itime, I can track my aching at least to 1988. My doctor blamed the Flexeril for my high blood pressure and she is the one that put me on it. I have the Alpha Female doctor who is never wrong. So it is time me, my brother and sister all find someone else at the same time who actually does their job. The toughest issue is having DID better knows as Dissociate Identity Disorder. Once called Multiple Personality disorder. No, I am not a nut job by any means. The problem is that Fibro does not effect them all of the same way, the blood pressure and temperature depends on the person. Allergies totally different. We don't have the same eyesight. My younger ones still climb on jungle gyms and hang upside down at the top. They don't even have Fibro so they younger ones to what they want and the rest of us don't get pain from it. It is a fascinating disorder but medically hard to treat. I have noticed that many are still complaining about migraines. We had just also had a surgery on our C1-C2 discs in our spine. So two plastic discs, a metal plate and screws. Doctor said the Fibro will be worse and it can take almost 2 years to heal. Me and my guys are not people who like to rest. It just isn't in us. I am sure that makes matters worse. Does anyone have a problem with neuropathy out here? Some of us can pick up boiling hot things and not feel a thing. I have burns ion my fingers and even wrists. Guess I ws hoping someone experienced the same thing. I may even enjoy heearing myself talk ,,lol Chris

  • JanFebruary 11, 2010 at 7:38 am

    OMG...I took the Savella for my fibromyalgia for three days. By the 2nd day I was loosing my mind. I had low blood pressure 80/40ish, shakes, dizziness, fainting, ringing in my ears, constipation, sad, tears, chest pains, palpations (horrible); lets just say I had every symptom on the box but vomiting...I called my doctor on the 3rd day and was taken off the Savella, thank GOD!!! I am having to fo[Show More]OMG...I took the Savella for my fibromyalgia for three days. By the 2nd day I was loosing my mind. I had low blood pressure 80/40ish, shakes, dizziness, fainting, ringing in my ears, constipation, sad, tears, chest pains, palpations (horrible); lets just say I had every symptom on the box but vomiting...I called my doctor on the 3rd day and was taken off the Savella, thank GOD!!! I am having to follow up with my heart doc due to this medication. I have mitro value prolapse and this medicine kicked my MVP into rare form. I'm looking at having surgery in about a month.

  • BillFebruary 9, 2010 at 5:42 pm

    I started taking Savella on Jan 5, 2010. As the dose inccreased (within the first week), my blood pressure started to increase. It went dramtically higher than it had ever been. By the following week I became depressed and anxious, got shaky and confused to the point of having to leave work. I didn't know it was the Savella so I kept taking it another week before finally figuring it out - duh[Show More]I started taking Savella on Jan 5, 2010. As the dose inccreased (within the first week), my blood pressure started to increase. It went dramtically higher than it had ever been. By the following week I became depressed and anxious, got shaky and confused to the point of having to leave work. I didn't know it was the Savella so I kept taking it another week before finally figuring it out - duh. During this time I was a complete basket case, had to go on FMLA leave, and incurred costs from repeated doctors visits, as well as the stigma of having had an apparent nervous breakdown. I am now getting back together and looking forward to going to work -- although somewhat embarassed by the whole thing. I am convinced that Savella put me at serious physical and mental risk. I would be very cautious if you decide to try this medication.

  • BelindaFebruary 7, 2010 at 9:39 pm

    I have been on Savella for several months now,it helped at first. But now I am worse off than I was. Headache, aching back,all over pain weakness. I wish a drug could be found that really helped fibromyalgia. Instead we get these drugs shoved in our faces and are told the studies show this helps more with the pain ect. I has helped my fog a very little. We just need something to help the pain go a[Show More]I have been on Savella for several months now,it helped at first. But now I am worse off than I was. Headache, aching back,all over pain weakness. I wish a drug could be found that really helped fibromyalgia. Instead we get these drugs shoved in our faces and are told the studies show this helps more with the pain ect. I has helped my fog a very little. We just need something to help the pain go away.

  • BarbaraFebruary 4, 2010 at 8:50 pm

    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia approximately 5 years ago and have been treated with several medications. I was put on Savella 1 1/2 months ago and had a great respose. However, after titrating to the 50 mg twice a day and I started experiencing "chest pain". Was hospitalized and had to have a cardiac workup which was negative. Now the delemia is stay on a decreased dose of Savella and put up wi[Show More]I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia approximately 5 years ago and have been treated with several medications. I was put on Savella 1 1/2 months ago and had a great respose. However, after titrating to the 50 mg twice a day and I started experiencing "chest pain". Was hospitalized and had to have a cardiac workup which was negative. Now the delemia is stay on a decreased dose of Savella and put up with the chest discomfort or stop the Savella and risk not feeling as well as I do.

  • SteveFebruary 4, 2010 at 9:28 am

    I started taking Savella last week and the day I stepped up the dosage in the starter pack I felt like HELL and nearly fainted after a bath. I checked my blood pressure and it was elevated as was my pulse. My pulse remained in the 110 to 120 area - as a resting pulse - for much of the day while I had the sensation of shortness of breath and dizziness. I was googling side effects when I ran into a[Show More]I started taking Savella last week and the day I stepped up the dosage in the starter pack I felt like HELL and nearly fainted after a bath. I checked my blood pressure and it was elevated as was my pulse. My pulse remained in the 110 to 120 area - as a resting pulse - for much of the day while I had the sensation of shortness of breath and dizziness. I was googling side effects when I ran into an article on how...there was a call to take Savella off the market due to - hello - problems with it elevating BP. Listed side effects also mentioned it was problematic for men with prostate issues, which the prescribing doctor not only knew I had, but was partly prescribing the drug for. I know that the sense of feeling awful should settle down, but that alone was hard to handle, let alone that it was demonstrable from my BP monitor that the drug was jacking up my pulse and BP.

  • DotFebruary 2, 2010 at 10:52 pm

    I have had positive results from Savella and have been taking it for the last eight months. It has helped reduce my overall body pain significantly. This is the only medication that has helped my pain and I'm very concerned that it will be yanked from the market. I think everyone should have the chance to at least try Savella, while under the supervision of a physician. I have sent a letter to[Show More]I have had positive results from Savella and have been taking it for the last eight months. It has helped reduce my overall body pain significantly. This is the only medication that has helped my pain and I'm very concerned that it will be yanked from the market. I think everyone should have the chance to at least try Savella, while under the supervision of a physician. I have sent a letter to Public Citizen telling them this. I think a better solution would be a stronger warning label and a long-term medical study to find out the long-term effects. Just published a blog post with my email to Public Citizen, and details on how you can contact them with your Savella experiences.

  • dominiqueFebruary 1, 2010 at 4:34 am

    I have been on savella for nearly 2 months now and have felt zero benefit from it. My mood has changed DRASTICALLY, I'm agitated anxious and irritable not to mention completely withdrawn. I have no appetite, I have to force myself to eat all the while being afraid it is going to come back up. The most horrifying that I read about savella is that if you do not ween yourself off of it you can have s[Show More]I have been on savella for nearly 2 months now and have felt zero benefit from it. My mood has changed DRASTICALLY, I'm agitated anxious and irritable not to mention completely withdrawn. I have no appetite, I have to force myself to eat all the while being afraid it is going to come back up. The most horrifying that I read about savella is that if you do not ween yourself off of it you can have symptoms similar to that of electric shock. Sorry but this med needs to be looked further into! Good luck to all of you in your fibro battle!

  • PamelaJanuary 30, 2010 at 2:11 pm

    The effect was good with less pain and weight loss as compared to Lyrica and Neurontin, but all of a sudden I too my usual drug for bad headache and off to the hospital I go after I had sent a scathing resignation. Then the depression following kept me in the hospital a week. This drug is not rsted enough. My blood pressure went WAY UP and the mental health of a patient is just as important as [Show More]The effect was good with less pain and weight loss as compared to Lyrica and Neurontin, but all of a sudden I too my usual drug for bad headache and off to the hospital I go after I had sent a scathing resignation. Then the depression following kept me in the hospital a week. This drug is not rsted enough. My blood pressure went WAY UP and the mental health of a patient is just as important as the physical health. I may have damage to organs as a result of the reaction not to mention loss of a job. Please take this drug off until further testing and correction is done to help those of us that got the SEVERE side effects.

  • paulineJanuary 27, 2010 at 3:22 am

    I began savella 7 months ago , i had great relief of pain, slept better,etc. With the news of heart and bp problems, it all made sense. I had a high pulse, shortness of breath, and high blood pressure. I ended up having a complete cardiology work-up with a stress test. So,i quit and all my vitals are back to normal.

  • EricaJanuary 25, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    I have been on savella for month or so now, it works great, not to many side effects, although I noticed my blood pressure has increased slightly

  • HylaryJanuary 25, 2010 at 8:56 am

    I have been taking Savella for about 2 months now and have seen a major decrease in my fibromyalgia symptoms. I had previously taken Lyrica and Neurontin, both drugs used to treat symptoms like mine and they did nothing for me. I tried Savella and had results very quickly. I have had none of the side effects that have been stated here and my doctor has been monitoring me (at my request). And I[Show More]I have been taking Savella for about 2 months now and have seen a major decrease in my fibromyalgia symptoms. I had previously taken Lyrica and Neurontin, both drugs used to treat symptoms like mine and they did nothing for me. I tried Savella and had results very quickly. I have had none of the side effects that have been stated here and my doctor has been monitoring me (at my request). And I had a heart condition before, and it's perfectly stable. My blood pressure has not risen over 130/75 since I have been on this medication. I have received benefits from this drug. This is the only medicine that has given me any relief and I've been through a lot of pain and misery over the last few years.

  • ColleenJanuary 24, 2010 at 5:13 am

    I have taken this drug for almost a year now. I have had no trouble and for me it is a godsend. When I miss a dose, I am in unbearable agony. Have tried Lyrica and it didn't work. As far as those who don't believe in it, I hope they experience this kind of pain someday.

  • GinaJanuary 22, 2010 at 9:47 pm

    I have been taking Savella for almost a year now and have had none of the side effects in the petition and have had great results. I have taken the other 2 meds which the side effects were overwhelming to the point of having to cease taking them. For the first time in 10 years I have relief from my firbomyalgia.

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