Hospitals Frequently Misdiagnosis Pneumonia, Leading to Antibiotic Risks: Study
Patients who received a pneumonia misdiagnosis often had few symptoms and few medical tests performed before being placed on a full course of antibiotics
Patients who received a pneumonia misdiagnosis often had few symptoms and few medical tests performed before being placed on a full course of antibiotics
NorthShore University Health System and Swedish Hospital refused to take action after numerous complaints of disturbing sexual behavior by an OB/GYN, according to lawsuit brought by former patients.
New York woman indicates a pediatrician sexually abused her at every examination from the time she was a toddler until she was 18 years old.
The decision comes as many states have moved to allow sex abuse lawsuits to be filed despite statute of limitation laws.
Lawsuits claim Ohio State University knew or should have known about sexual assault by a former doctor in the athletics department, but did not report them to the police and did nothing to stop the abuse.