Recent studies have found that side effects of Viagra may increase the risk of melanoma, a serious and potentially deadly form of skin cancer. Lawsuits are now being reviewed for men nationwide who may have avoided problems from melanoma if warnings had been provided.
STATUS OF VIAGRA MELANOMA LAWSUITS: Product liability lawyers are providing free consultations and case evaluations for men diagnosed with melanoma following use of Viagra, to determine whether financial compensation may be available through a lawsuit.

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OVERVIEW: Viagra (sildenafil citrate) was approved in 1998 for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The widely used drug generates more than $2 billion in annual sales for Pfizer, and has been widely used by millions of men.
Viagra use has been previously linked to potential health risks, including hearing loss and vision loss, which can occur within 48 hours of first use.
In 2014, a study was published that linked Viagra and melanoma skin cancer, suggesting that users of the medication may face an 84% increased risk of developing the serious and potentially life-threatening disease.
VIAGRA SKIN CANCER RISKS: Melanoma is diagnosed in about 69,000 Americans each year, according to the American Cancer Society, and causes about 8,650 deaths annually. The serious form of skin cancer can often be treated and cured when detected early. However, once it spreads beyond the skin and nearby lymph nodes, it is typically incurable.
In April 2014, a study was released by the medical journal JAMA Internal Medicine which evaluated the risk of skin cancer from Viagra. While researchers did not find that Viagra use was associated with an increased risk of Squamous Cell Carcinoma or Basal Cell Carcinoma, the study did find that use of the drug may increase the risk of the more serious Melanoma skin cancer.
Because of limitations in the study, no causal link was established between Viagra and melanoma. However, the researchers indicated that Viagra may lower the levels of a cancer-fighting protein called PDE5A that allows invasive melanoma cancer cells to spread unchecked.
FAILURE TO WARN VIAGRA LAWSUITS: As a result of Pfizer’s failure to thoroughly research their blockbuster ED drug or adequately warn users or the medical community, financial compensation may be available through a Viagra melanoma lawsuit.
According to allegations raised in cases being investigated nationwide, if warnings and information about the risk of skin cancer from Viagra were provided, men may have avoided a melanoma diagnosis by choosing not to use the drug or may have prevented the skin cancer from reaching an advanced stage if they were informed about the importance of looking for unusual moles or growths on the skin.
Early detection of melanoma is critical for treatment and long-term survival. Users of Viagra could have been warned about ABCDE system of checking the skin for signs of cancer, looking for:
- Asymmetrical moles or growths, where one half is different from the other.
- Borders that are irregular in shape.
- Color changes over time and more than one color on one growth.
- Diameter of growths and moles that exceed 6 mm; larger than a pencil eraser.
- Evolution of the mole or growth, meaning that it changes appearance over time.
KennethFebruary 13, 2024 at 7:42 pm
I have a pucker in my left retina due to sildenafil - and I have lost some vision in my left eye / I have been referred to a retina specialist. I am sure that eventually I will need surgery - if there is a class action please sign me up - I have had glaucoma but my power has been 10 to 14 - physicians want it under 21 - but when I took sildenafil my eye pressure went up to about 18 - when I take [Show More]I have a pucker in my left retina due to sildenafil - and I have lost some vision in my left eye / I have been referred to a retina specialist. I am sure that eventually I will need surgery - if there is a class action please sign me up - I have had glaucoma but my power has been 10 to 14 - physicians want it under 21 - but when I took sildenafil my eye pressure went up to about 18 - when I take this drug my weakest eye is all blurry and vision is completely gone - I have stopped taking the drug now - I very afraid that I will eventually lose this eye /I haven’t been able to sleep - Dr prescribed me a sleep aid now. Depressed in CT Thanks
PeterAugust 16, 2021 at 5:17 pm
I used just for men shampoo gx now my hair is falling and iv got thinning hair you can see my scalp Do you know if it will grow back now that I stopped using the shampoo?
BryanJuly 12, 2020 at 9:27 pm
I have been using prescribed Viagra for ED for over 20 years now, and am JUST NOW being made aware(accidentally found information during web search for another drug) that it could be the cause of melanoma. I unexpectedly developed malignant metastatic melanoma in the end of 2016, and doctors never discovered any primary source. It presented itself in an enlarged lymph node in the left side of my n[Show More]I have been using prescribed Viagra for ED for over 20 years now, and am JUST NOW being made aware(accidentally found information during web search for another drug) that it could be the cause of melanoma. I unexpectedly developed malignant metastatic melanoma in the end of 2016, and doctors never discovered any primary source. It presented itself in an enlarged lymph node in the left side of my neck. I had the to undergo a radical left neck dissection, followed by chemotherapy in the form of a drug named Yervoy. My oncologist was instructed to use a high dose on me(10x the normal dose) to effectively treat the melanoma.(They have since determined that the high doses used at that time were not really more effective than the normal lower doses). The use of the high Yervoy dose literally burned out my pituitary and thyroid glands, which has left me dependent on oral steroids to stay alive. I have no natural production of adrenaline or function of of my thyroid or pituitary glands. Even though I’d did have medical insurance during all of this, I did rack up a lot of bills for the copays and premiums. In addition to the bills, I almost lost my life on two occasions done to severe infections and hospitalizations. I am now totally disabled due to extreme bouts of fatigue, bilateral neuropathy, and other joint and heart disease.
GeorgeNovember 20, 2019 at 4:45 pm
Any new updates on plaintiffs who are awaiting to be compensated on this lawsuit? I'm filed all my paperwork with the lawyer and just wondering if there's any word if things are going to be settled soon
GeorgeMarch 8, 2017 at 10:30 am
I took Viagra and developed melanoma
SusanJanuary 31, 2017 at 1:16 am
I developed Chronic kidney Disease after taking Prilosec and later Omeprazole for more than 10 years on the advice of 2 different Gastroenterologists, for treat of GERD, reflux and Barrett's Esophagus. I am now followed by a Nephrologist as well as a Gastroenterologist. We are currently trying to wean from Omeprazole to Ranitidine on a gradual basis in an effort to limit further damage. I do no[Show More]I developed Chronic kidney Disease after taking Prilosec and later Omeprazole for more than 10 years on the advice of 2 different Gastroenterologists, for treat of GERD, reflux and Barrett's Esophagus. I am now followed by a Nephrologist as well as a Gastroenterologist. We are currently trying to wean from Omeprazole to Ranitidine on a gradual basis in an effort to limit further damage. I do not have Acute Kidney Disease, but for the past few years have been spilling protein into urine, with no other explanation detected.
ANTHONYJune 9, 2016 at 10:20 pm
i have melonma and i take viagra
MR.T.L.C.February 29, 2012 at 3:00 am
To All Plaintiffs With A Viagra Lawsuit I know It"s Been Settled./ Already. It" Just A Question Of Time./ Waiting For One/s Compensation Check. It"s Been A Long Time On Waiting For Are Lawsuit Case Viagra To Come To A End. Well It Has Come To An END Here In 2012... (WORD) It"s Nice To Here Some Good News For A Change For Us PLAINTIFFS Here In February 2012 On Are VIAGRA Lawsuit Case Being Settled[Show More]To All Plaintiffs With A Viagra Lawsuit I know It"s Been Settled./ Already. It" Just A Question Of Time./ Waiting For One/s Compensation Check. It"s Been A Long Time On Waiting For Are Lawsuit Case Viagra To Come To A End. Well It Has Come To An END Here In 2012... (WORD) It"s Nice To Here Some Good News For A Change For Us PLAINTIFFS Here In February 2012 On Are VIAGRA Lawsuit Case Being Settled... I"m Done Typing.... Date - - 02/28/2012 - - Time - - 9:55/PM - - EST - - USA
Viagra Could Treat Childhood Muscular Dystrophy Heart Problems — AboutLawsuits.comMay 16, 2008 at 2:24 am
[...] new study suggests that Viagra, a drug used to treat erectile dysfunction primarily among older men, may be a potential treatment [...]