Use of the diabetes drug Januvia has been linked to reports of serious and potentially life-threatening side effects, including pancreatic cancer and pancreatitis.
JANUVIA LAWSUIT STATUS: Lawyers are evaluating potential Januvia pancreatic cancer lawsuits on behalf of individuals nationwide, as a result of the manufacturers failure to warn about the risk of cancer.

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Childhood Diabetes Lawsuits Against Junk Food Industry
Lawyers are now pursuing financial compensation for families of children diagnosed with Type II diabetes, fatty liver disease and other chronic illnesses caused by addictive and harmful substances in ultra-processed foods.
OVERVIEW: Januvia (sitagliptin) is a diabetes drug approved for the treatment of adults with Type 2 diabetes. The drug was first approved by the FDA in 2006. It is also used in combination with metformin in the drug Janumet.
Januvia is one of the first in a new class of diabetic drugs called dipeptidyl peptidase-4 (DPP-4), and is prescribed in pill form. Amid aggressive manufacturing and a failure to adequately warn about the potential side effects of Januvia, the medication has become one of the top selling drugs in the country and one of Merck’s best selling products.
JANUVIA SIDE EFFECTS Studies have suggested that side effects of Januvia may increase the risk of pancreatitis, which could ultimately lead to the development of pancreatic cancer for some users.
In September 2009, the FDA required new warnings about the Januvia pancreatitis risk, after at least 88 cases of pancreatitis were reported between October 2006 and February 2009, including 58 cases that resulted in hospitalization.
Pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, which can cause symptoms like:
- Severe upper abdominal pain which may radiate through the back
- Nausea and Vomiting
- High or Low Blood Pressure
- Elevated Heart or Respiratory Rates
Although pancreatitis is a substantial risk factor for the subsequent development of pancreatic cancer, due to the chronic inflammation and increased cell turn over, Merck has failed to warn users or the medical community about the importance of monitoring for the first signs of changes to the pancrease.
JANUVIA PANCREATIC CANCER LAWSUIT: A number of recent studies have suggested that there may be a link between Januvia and pancreatic cancer.
According to a study published in the medical journal Gastroenterology in February 2011, the development of pancreatic cancer among Januvia users was 2.7 times greater than among other diabetics.
In the February 2013 edition of JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers raised serious concerns about the Januvia pancreatic cancer risk, after a study found that individuals treated with Januvia were twice as likely to be hospitalized with pancreatitis, which could ultimately lead to pancreatic cancer.
Merck’s failure to warn about the Januvia pancreas cancer risk has had devastating consequences for individuals throughout the United States, as it is the fourth most common cause of cancer related deaths in the United States.
Pancreatic cancer symptoms may include:
- Upper abdomen pain
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss
- Jaundice
- Fatigue and weariness
- Nausea and Vomiting
Contact a Januvia Lawyer About Pancreatic Cancer
Januvia pancreatic cancer lawyers are reviewing potential lawsuits for individuals throughout the United States as a result of Merck’s failure to provide adequate warnings for users or the medical community. To review a potential claim for yourself, a friend or family member, request a free consultation and claim evaluation.
K.MartinMarch 11, 2014 at 9:19 pm
I took junuvia for several years, started going to bathroom a lot..losing weight, was told I had stomach flu. After several more test I was told I had adenocarcinoma cancer of the pancreas. I have been through chemo and radiation(70 trips). Had surgery December 26,2013, lost my pancreas,20 present of my stomach and my spleen. Lost 115 lbs.
DougFebruary 27, 2014 at 4:05 am
Prescribed this about 1.5 months ago and about 5 pills into the 2nd bottle, developed a horrible pain in my back, hip, knee, and left leg..Thought the problem was caused by a soft bed but got on the internet and found out that almost everyone was reporting the same problems..Still convinced problem was coming from the bed. I was given steroids in hopes of shrinking a disc..Got back on the internet[Show More]Prescribed this about 1.5 months ago and about 5 pills into the 2nd bottle, developed a horrible pain in my back, hip, knee, and left leg..Thought the problem was caused by a soft bed but got on the internet and found out that almost everyone was reporting the same problems..Still convinced problem was coming from the bed. I was given steroids in hopes of shrinking a disc..Got back on the internet and decided my problem was caused by the Januvia. Just too many people had the same exact symptoms. Was trying to walk on a leg that actually felt broken and ended up doing a little bit of a skip-hop and crunched the disc. This caused me to experience the most pain I have ever had in my 64 years and a trip to the ER as I couldn't hardly move for 30 minutes. Still don't know the true cause but now I highly suspect it was caused by Januvia. There has got to be some kind of legal recourse to get this drug off the market until further test are done..Januvia is history fr me.
wayneFebruary 5, 2014 at 10:07 pm
I was put on Janumet 50/1000 two years ago and with in a few months developed serious stomach pain. After almost a year and 5 different doctors checking me with ultra sound and scopes and dozens of wrong diagnosis I finally cured myself. Get off Januvia . I stopped the medication out of curiosity and within 48 hours I felt great and have not had pain in 3 months. Sad I had to figure this out after[Show More]I was put on Janumet 50/1000 two years ago and with in a few months developed serious stomach pain. After almost a year and 5 different doctors checking me with ultra sound and scopes and dozens of wrong diagnosis I finally cured myself. Get off Januvia . I stopped the medication out of curiosity and within 48 hours I felt great and have not had pain in 3 months. Sad I had to figure this out after so many tests and visits.
TheresaJanuary 29, 2014 at 1:54 pm
Dr. Switched me to Janumet and I am having urinary problems. Frequent and pain in the right side of my back. Any one else? Also my acid reflux is worse. I asked my Dr. If she thought this is a safe drug and she said yes.
RobertFebruary 16, 2013 at 9:01 pm
Well I did but had to argue with My Doctor. See comment on July 6 2010 but after several intense discussion with the Dr. he reluctantly took me off of it and my symptons disappeared within 24 to 48 hours and they were not Acid reflux.. Doctors don't want to listen to their paitents, they think they know best but this is my body and I have had Acid Reflux before and easily taken care of with Apple[Show More]Well I did but had to argue with My Doctor. See comment on July 6 2010 but after several intense discussion with the Dr. he reluctantly took me off of it and my symptons disappeared within 24 to 48 hours and they were not Acid reflux.. Doctors don't want to listen to their paitents, they think they know best but this is my body and I have had Acid Reflux before and easily taken care of with Apple Cider Vinegar. They have bought into the latest is the greatest ( Medications) I have been down this road many times before(with Doctors) so I Do KNOW
MandyFebruary 6, 2013 at 7:41 pm
Perhaps a lawyers blog is not the best place to voice your concerns....I hate to state the obvious, but all drugs have risks. A doctor determines the drug choice by do the benefits outweight the risks, and ultimately the patient decides to take the drug. Let's show some responsibility and talk to our physicians first before blogging on a lawyer site.
JenFebruary 5, 2013 at 3:09 pm
I was just prescribed Januvia yesterday. I asked about possible side effects and was told only possible upset stomach. So doing my homework I found this. however.... this page was started in 2009. What ever came of the so called lawsuit? Clearly the stuff is still being prescribed. Is there some follow up to this? My Dr. tried metforman only it made my hart race like a rabbit. I stopped ta[Show More]I was just prescribed Januvia yesterday. I asked about possible side effects and was told only possible upset stomach. So doing my homework I found this. however.... this page was started in 2009. What ever came of the so called lawsuit? Clearly the stuff is still being prescribed. Is there some follow up to this? My Dr. tried metforman only it made my hart race like a rabbit. I stopped taking that and it was fine again. Wondering if there are older, more time tested alternatives??? still reading.
RobertDecember 19, 2012 at 2:33 am
People these comment exist in many other Prescription Medications.. In the Pre Ronald Regan years big Pharma had to send their new meds for further examination to independent company to approved and if passing their trials, then would be forwarded to the FDA for consumer/ PAITENT use. Big Business did away with that protection thanks to Ronnie and his cronies..
janisDecember 2, 2012 at 7:49 pm
I posted in Sept 2011 about januvia causing Steven-Johnson syndrome and cluster headaches. I still suffer with flustering headaches which very seldom go into remission. There is no history of migraines or cluster headaches in my family. Has any body else had these side effects?
PatNovember 7, 2012 at 1:14 am
My husband was given Januvia spring of 2010 after the warning went out his doctor did not tell him about the warning or the side effect. He end up in the hospital for acute pancreatitis and was in ICU because it also affected his heart. We did connect the drug with his pancreatitis. He was in the hospita for a week then they sent him home. He went back to his doctor and she told him to continu[Show More]My husband was given Januvia spring of 2010 after the warning went out his doctor did not tell him about the warning or the side effect. He end up in the hospital for acute pancreatitis and was in ICU because it also affected his heart. We did connect the drug with his pancreatitis. He was in the hospita for a week then they sent him home. He went back to his doctor and she told him to continue with the Januvia, still not letting him know about the warning. It wasn't until he went back to the hospital were a emergency room Doctor connected it to the Januvia, with my husband spending another week in the hospital with them watching him very carefully because it really did a number on his heart. He already suffers for Congestive Heart failure.
dougAugust 31, 2012 at 11:12 pm
started taking januvia twice- first time nausia- second time a stroke and at 58 i can't work due to right hand and foot problems
AlAugust 19, 2012 at 4:31 pm
4 months after consuming Januvia I was rushed to the Danbury Hospital Ct. with a heart attack & pulmonary embolism. It was found that I had several blood clots that had cause this. I was given several shots of coumadin and released the following day. But my health has deteriated severely since then. I still receive blood clotys that unable me to walk or sleep and becoming worst.
ZelaJune 11, 2012 at 11:00 am
I took Januovia for two months after checking the possible side effects online. Not feeling well I checked again. There was a reference to pancreatitis. I stopped the tablets. Three days later I was in hospital, then Intensive care, with acute pancreatitis. After a few weeks I had a second Lesser, attack. It has taken me a long time to recover. I am now on insulin injections for my Type 2 dia[Show More]I took Januovia for two months after checking the possible side effects online. Not feeling well I checked again. There was a reference to pancreatitis. I stopped the tablets. Three days later I was in hospital, then Intensive care, with acute pancreatitis. After a few weeks I had a second Lesser, attack. It has taken me a long time to recover. I am now on insulin injections for my Type 2 diabetes. It is shocking that there was no warning published for ready access as to the terrible possible side effects of this drug.
LaurelMay 22, 2012 at 3:57 am
Diagnosed type 2 2009. First prescribed metformin - took for about 1 yr but had cramps & diarrhea almost daily. 2010 prescribed Januvia. Have spent over a year going to arthritis specialists, my dr and orthopedic to determin cause of systemic joint pain. SO BAD I could hardly walk anymore! Had X-rays and physical therapy and NSAID pain Pills but not much worked. ALL of these dr's knew I took J[Show More]Diagnosed type 2 2009. First prescribed metformin - took for about 1 yr but had cramps & diarrhea almost daily. 2010 prescribed Januvia. Have spent over a year going to arthritis specialists, my dr and orthopedic to determin cause of systemic joint pain. SO BAD I could hardly walk anymore! Had X-rays and physical therapy and NSAID pain Pills but not much worked. ALL of these dr's knew I took Januvia! Did some research online in march and discovered MANY others experience joint pain with Januvia. Took myself off it and pain lessened. I hope it doesn't stay! I am SO ANGRY that none of these "doctors" knew about this possible side effect!
AlApril 17, 2012 at 4:52 pm
I have left an intensisve comment but must report that it is not over. I still have great pain in my kidney area and must pass urin several times a day and night. Maybe an ounce at a time. I am now afraid to go to a doctor from fear of being given more harmful chemicles. I was awaken again today with severe pain in my right side and my lower back, right stomace area and thigh was very numb agai[Show More]I have left an intensisve comment but must report that it is not over. I still have great pain in my kidney area and must pass urin several times a day and night. Maybe an ounce at a time. I am now afraid to go to a doctor from fear of being given more harmful chemicles. I was awaken again today with severe pain in my right side and my lower back, right stomace area and thigh was very numb again. Is this another blood clot or my kidney shutting down. If anyone has this problem blease leave a comment. Thanks & God bless.
AlApril 17, 2012 at 1:49 am
For the past year or so I have had a blood sugar elevation problem. (Type 2 Diabetes) I had tried changing my diet but never knew what to eat. I knew that carbohydrates & sugar had caused the increase but did not know how much of each I could consume. I was told that I could consume everything but never told what or how much. I was told that I would have to start the use of insulin. I agre[Show More]For the past year or so I have had a blood sugar elevation problem. (Type 2 Diabetes) I had tried changing my diet but never knew what to eat. I knew that carbohydrates & sugar had caused the increase but did not know how much of each I could consume. I was told that I could consume everything but never told what or how much. I was told that I would have to start the use of insulin. I agreed but many other health issues became before me and I was side tracked. After the use of Januvia for the first month I developed stomach pain, & excessive gas and bloating. I associated it with my change of diet and again tried to consume different foods. I was never advised about the dangerous side affects of this drug. I did not renew the Januvia after the first month because the prescription ran out. I waited until my next doctors appointment which was about one month later. I had noticed that my health had improved during that time while not realizing it was because of the discontinuing of Januvia. But I did mention this to the dietitian and I explained the letter that I received from the Wal-Mart drugstore regarding the deadly side affects and this could cause death. But I was coached to restart the Januvia program and was told that it was safe. I did start the use again but my primary doctor stated that my blood sugar was the highest ever and I must control my diet. I was also told that I must start using insulin. This went back and forth for the next few months and I found myself much weaker and suffering from a memory loss. I became more sick with severe gas and stomach pain and blamed it on my change of diet. Then I started to suffer with diarrhea one day then constipation the next day. I started using anti diarrhea and anti gas tablets but this increased the problem. I became totally weak and could not elevate from the floor with help from a chair or an object to pull myself up. Then I started to suffer with severe pain from my left side near my kidney. I was alarmed because I had suffered with kidney cancer in that area. I consulted with my Primary doctor and explained the pain. He stated that it was not my kidney but did acknowledge that there was a problem. I then changed my diet again to nearly all protein, Meats and Vegetables. This did lower my blood sugar and my insulin was side tracked again. This may have been more my fault because my sugar level did decrease with my diet. Then all of the problems started over again right after I restarted the Januvia. This was after several days without the use of Januvia, because I believed that this was part of my problem. Not knowing what had caused the increased pain, I contacted my primary doctor again. This time the pain spread up my side and around my left lung. The doctor realizing a there was a problem then ordered a chemical stress test, for the next Monday. I did not believe that the problem was with my heart and blamed it on my diabetes. The weekend became terrible and the pain increased. I became very nausea and had problems eating. Then just a cup of coffee would make me sick and I felt I would up chuck. But then the gas and acid reflux increased so I stopped drinking coffee. That did not help and it became Monday for my stress test. I was too sick to attend and I had my daughter ( she works in this hospital) cancel the test. Monday morning the pain was consistent and covered my complete left side around my lung. I did not eat at all and just had a glass of diet tea to take my meds, including the Januvia. Monday night was dreadful while I just walked the floor and searched my cabinets’ for some pain pills. I did find some Ibuprofen, Pain Relief. I consumed 4 tabs and it may have helped some. I walked outside where it was cold and that did help, then it was morning. I waited to Call my son Mark because he has been working long hours and by then the pain spread across my chest. Now the pain has spread up my left side around my lung and across my chest. The pain was similar to my heart attack and my pulmonary embolism that I also suffered in the past. Still searching for some pain meds I found 2 tabs of hydrocodone and consumed them. I did fall asleep in my recliner for an hour. Even though I have not eaten anything and just drank some ice tea to take my meds, I still felt very nausea and bloated. For the past few weeks I have had diarrhea one day the constipation, but I have not eaten so I may make it through the day. My stomach was bloated and I was still passing gas, so I will try not to while in the hospital. I knew that I must go to the E R and called my Son Mark then my Daughter Tonya. Mark drove me to the Danbury Hospital E R and Tonya met us there. I was taken to the E R and first questioned while performing test. I explained that the pain was heavy pressure on my chest and a surrounding pain and pressure from my rear lower spine around my left lung then to my chest. I explained it to be similar to my near fatal heart attack and my pulmonary embolism. In the emergency room the pain disappeared from my chest and localized under my left shoulder blade. This pain did increase and I needed several injections of a pain medication. I was also injected with three vials of blood thinner, coumadin to control any blood clots from forming. Since I stated that I believe it was a blood clot between my heart & left lung. I was told that my blood pressure was extremely high, my heart rate was elevated way above normal. My white blood cell count was elevated and an infection was possible. My cholesterol was high and I was perspiring. I told them I was also nausea and had not eaten in the past 2 days, because I became very sick and nausea if I consume any food. I did consume 2 small cans of apple juice during my time at the hospital. That night I was offered a sandwich and it was whole wheat, turkey & lettuce. I took two bites and wanted to up chuck it so I did not consume any more. The pain was controlled with meds and I was comfortable during the second day there. While being transported home the pain did decrease too number 2 of 10 and I did not need further pain control. But I was totally exhausted and needed sleep. I just consumed my Metformin & Glimepiride. My daughter made an appointment with doctor Weinshel for the coming Monday but another diabetes insulin program was canceled. I remained calm over the weekend and just consumed the Glimepiride & Metformin. I had to go back to the hospital today for more testing. I believe that they don't know what is wrong, and are suggesting it was another heart attack but it also affected my left lung. Now it may have been a pulmonary embolism. I believe that it may have been a blood clot or clots in the pulmonary artery between the heart and lung. I was given 3 vials of coumadin the first day at the hospital and the pain almost diminished. I went today for a Cat Scan, 1 with contrast dye. They are pushing me to go another angioplasty, but two doctors had advised me against it. My heart is very weak from the massive surgery I had before and I believe that the test could rip through the scar tissue, since some parts of my heart are still dead and the main coronary artery was grafted in two places, just before the aorta. . I had another disagreement with the doctors. The hospital cardiologist stands on the heart attack version, another doctor states it was a pulmonary embolism. A blood clot in the pulmonary artery from the aorta to left lung. This sounds more reasonable, but the cardiologist still wants me to have the angioplasty done. Two doctors have advised me not to under go this procedure. Even though I had this preformed in Yale N H, and in Boston. This was before the massive surgery to both my coronary arteries, graphed to my aorta. Now there is great danger that the steel wire may puncture the surgical damaged tissue and weakened area. If this was urgent, then I would totally agree, but there is no reliable truth that it was indeed a heart attack. As I reported, two doctors had stated no and one said yes. I told Doctor Weinshel that before this had occurred, my worst problem was my out of control diabetes. My appointments have been overrun by other appointments or canceled. I said no more test until I control my diabetes. But I did agree to have the Contrast Dye Cat Scan that same afternoon. Which was performed at the Danbury Hospital. After the test I asked to wait for the results and was allowed. I spoke directly with the radiologist and he found no signs of a heart attack. So I believe that I was correct to rescind the angiogram. I felt very well and slept until noon then consumed all my meds, including Januvia, ( since I did not know or believe that Januvia was my problem). I really felt great and felt the best in the past several weeks. I drove into town to do shopping for food and returned home. I had a bowl of chicken soup with a slice of wheat toast. I thought that everything was fine and thanked the lord for my fast recovery. Then that evening all hell broke loose and the pain returned to my left side and intensified to where it was that took me to the E R. I called my daughter to please come help me. I left my pain medication it the car and needed it. She did come to assist me. I took an Oxycodone and walked the floor with pain, then 30 minutes later I consumed another. With in 3 hours I consumed 3 or 4 tablets. The pain did not stop and I was sweating and very nausea. The pain in my stomach had increased and bloated to where it was scary. I tried to up chuck but just had the dry heaves. I tried to sleep in my recliner but could not get past the pain. I may have passed out for near one hour and was awaken by more pain. Now the pain traveled to my chest where I stated was the heart attack that took me to the hospital in the first place. I was becoming delirious and when I stood up from my recliner a sharp pain forced me back into my chair. It was across my back but on my right side almost exactly where the pain started a few weeks ago on my left side, just below my right kidney and to the front under my stomach. I became scared because my complete left thigh, hip and lower stomach became numb. I then believed that my right peripheral artery was infected with blood clots. And it was blood clots also on my left side that started with leg cramps, weeks ago and the pain did spread from their. I needed to know what to do because I could only assume that my body was infected with blood clots. I searched my mind and the only change was that I started to consume the Januvia every day again. I attempted to go on line and check the danger facts of this drug, but I was in to much pain. I knew that just one blood clot if enters my heart or lung could be fatal. I didn’t know what to do but try and thin my blood. I grabbed the bottle of aspirin and took about twelve. I thought that I had a better chance to survive the overdose of aspirin then I would a blood clot in my heart. I was in so much pain I really did not care if I did die. I then consumed two more Oxycodone. I then collapsed in my recliner and awoke at 5:00 A M. I was asleep for about three hours. The pain did decrease some and all the pain now was on my right side. The difference was that my lower back, hip and thigh was numb. The pain was central in my back where it started but I also had right lower stomach pain and the numbness was spreading into my stomach. I consumed two more Oxycodone and four more aspirin and suffered in my recliner until I fell asleep. When I awoke I did feel better but very nausea, dizzy and extremely over heated. I have mentioned that since October, I have had sore throats, runny nose, coughing up phlegm, head pain, and dry cough. I turned my A C lower then went to my P C. I searched the facts, side affects and dangers about this poison I was given to consume. I was in total shock and the more I read that Januvia has caused blood clots in some users. As I continued to read, it appeared that this report was written about me. It was word for word of everything that I reported that had nearly taken my life. I am totally confused that I was not warned, since I mentioned the letter (Warning ) that I received from the drugstore. One handed in person, and two sent by mail, that I questioned the endocrinologist. I should have known that the warning that was mailed to my attention from the trained druggist, should have been adhered seriously . It was about my life!!!!!
Jennifer LMarch 15, 2012 at 4:48 pm
I have been like a yoyo for the last couple of years. My dr. had changed me from Humalin to Symlin and Janument in 2008-09, I felt great had energy, dropped 30 pounds, well in Sept. 2009 I fell, ER did xrays of my back and it showed calcium in my pancreas. I told my endo, he said stop the janument because FDA came out with a warning, he changed me to Levemir and Flexpen - well I put all 30 lbs bac[Show More]I have been like a yoyo for the last couple of years. My dr. had changed me from Humalin to Symlin and Janument in 2008-09, I felt great had energy, dropped 30 pounds, well in Sept. 2009 I fell, ER did xrays of my back and it showed calcium in my pancreas. I told my endo, he said stop the janument because FDA came out with a warning, he changed me to Levemir and Flexpen - well I put all 30 lbs back on BUT have also had elevated liver enzymes that are way too high. I would love to know what recourse we all have. I am now experiencing more pain and discomfort and am getting gready for another round of scans, etc.
DeeFebruary 7, 2012 at 7:48 pm
I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 about 4 years ago my dr. started me on 1500 metformin it made me very sick and I yoyo all over the place. My dr. then lowered my dosage to 1000 then 500 and had to take me off. She referred me to an endocrinologist and he put me on Januvia it worked fine but I saw some reports of people that had heart attacks, pancreatic and liver problems, so I stopped taking [Show More]I was diagnosed with diabetes type 2 about 4 years ago my dr. started me on 1500 metformin it made me very sick and I yoyo all over the place. My dr. then lowered my dosage to 1000 then 500 and had to take me off. She referred me to an endocrinologist and he put me on Januvia it worked fine but I saw some reports of people that had heart attacks, pancreatic and liver problems, so I stopped taking it for about a year now. Started having fatigue and weight loss recently and went to the dr. they did a biopsy and discovered I had liver damage due to the metformin and Januvia.
LindaFebruary 6, 2012 at 1:37 am
II started taking Juniva a week ago and I have experienced uncontrollable bowel movements. After reading the posts I will not take this juvina again. Thanks and I will keep everyone in my prayers.
carolJanuary 3, 2012 at 8:22 pm
My husband started taking Januvia in 2009 I noticed he had bouts of stomach pain, but he related it to overeating. I told him I had never heard of pain with overeating lasting 24 hours. This kept occuring off and on for several months and in April of 2010 after hurting for two days we went to th ER. Well it was pancreatitis and he was admitted for 2-3 days. The doctor there said it was probabl[Show More]My husband started taking Januvia in 2009 I noticed he had bouts of stomach pain, but he related it to overeating. I told him I had never heard of pain with overeating lasting 24 hours. This kept occuring off and on for several months and in April of 2010 after hurting for two days we went to th ER. Well it was pancreatitis and he was admitted for 2-3 days. The doctor there said it was probably the Januvia and at that time changed his medication. Then on Sept. 30 2010 our lives changed forever, my husband came down with what we thought was a stomach virus well it was acute pancreatitis. He developed a pseudocyst was placed on the vent and drs did not give me much hope. I will also believe Januvia had damaged his pancrease to the point it was never the same. Well, my husband did make it but had to have another surgery because the pancrease became necrotic and the surgeon had to remove over 50% of iit. My husband is only 59 years old. The last 15 months have been really rough. He can no longer work and can barely get around. This has changed both our lives.
ethelDecember 22, 2011 at 9:16 pm
"januvia" ( very poison drug ) theyre using it now in canada we live in nova scotia and here its hard to hire a lawyer here that will help the person in trouble if he or she has not much income , it dont matter if your right or wrong it seems as long as youve got money ! you can hire a lawyer . i spent a week in hospital nearr dead ,with potassium , and sodium and one more body chemical [Show More]"januvia" ( very poison drug ) theyre using it now in canada we live in nova scotia and here its hard to hire a lawyer here that will help the person in trouble if he or she has not much income , it dont matter if your right or wrong it seems as long as youve got money ! you can hire a lawyer . i spent a week in hospital nearr dead ,with potassium , and sodium and one more body chemical nearly bottomed out, and all we heard from the pharmasutical co was !!!!! how was we doing ??? i still dont have my taste buds back ,my bowells dont work well to me januvia is a dangerous drug and the people suffering from its dangerous side effects should be compensated for there suffering and pain, and januvia should be taken off the shelves and any other drug made from even near the same chemicals outlawed ..............................................................thank you ethel
MyraSeptember 26, 2011 at 9:56 pm
Approx 3 months after starting Janumet 50/500 I have been experiencing hives for over 2 months. The rash began on my arms and have practically cover my buttocks and legs. The itching and burning is driving me crazy, I have been taking benadryl, zyrtec and singular. They are not keeping the hives under control. I feel it is the Janumet. I am discontinuing Janumet and contacting my Dr for an alt[Show More]Approx 3 months after starting Janumet 50/500 I have been experiencing hives for over 2 months. The rash began on my arms and have practically cover my buttocks and legs. The itching and burning is driving me crazy, I have been taking benadryl, zyrtec and singular. They are not keeping the hives under control. I feel it is the Janumet. I am discontinuing Janumet and contacting my Dr for an alternative medication. I never had this reaction when taking metformin.
RaquelSeptember 17, 2011 at 5:44 am
I am 22 years old and have had Type II Diabetes for a year now. I have been taking Janumet 50/500 for the first have an was upped my dosage to 500/1000 mg a few months ago. Since then, I have suffered from unexplained stomach pains (every now and then) dizziness, outter body experiences,fatigue, blurred vision, sleeping deeper then usual ( its harder for me to wake up to the alarm clock even thoug[Show More]I am 22 years old and have had Type II Diabetes for a year now. I have been taking Janumet 50/500 for the first have an was upped my dosage to 500/1000 mg a few months ago. Since then, I have suffered from unexplained stomach pains (every now and then) dizziness, outter body experiences,fatigue, blurred vision, sleeping deeper then usual ( its harder for me to wake up to the alarm clock even though I'm getting 8-9 hours of sleep.) I'm terrified to drive at night now due to the blurred vision, especially because about 10 times driving at night, I experience anxiety and dizzy spells about 6 times out of the 10. I feel strongly that Janumet is causing me to feel this way. I have an appointment with my endo Dr. in a week from today, I'm going to suggest he switch me to another type of medication. Does anyone experience good things with other medications??
Janis in MSSeptember 15, 2011 at 7:50 pm
I have been taking Januvia for 2 months and on metformin for years. In the past 2 months I was diagnosed with cluster headaches which never goes away, severe facial pain on right side, neck and shoulder pain, low grade fevers every day, all over flu like pain, then I woke up on 9/11/11 to saggig facial muscles, swelled face, blood shot eyes, swelled throat, sores in my mouth and nose passages. Co[Show More]I have been taking Januvia for 2 months and on metformin for years. In the past 2 months I was diagnosed with cluster headaches which never goes away, severe facial pain on right side, neck and shoulder pain, low grade fevers every day, all over flu like pain, then I woke up on 9/11/11 to saggig facial muscles, swelled face, blood shot eyes, swelled throat, sores in my mouth and nose passages. Could hardly swallow, a horrible solid rash on my whole body from head to soles of my feet. Went to the ER and was admitted to Hosp with Steven-Johnsons syndrom of which they said was a severe drug reaction. The only new drugs I had taken were Januvia and Verapamil. After getting discharged from hospital my Endo. read my hosp. records and said Januvia caused it do not take again. Of which time the discharge Dr.s had told me to continue with my usual meds. On Monday prior to calling Endo Dr. I had taken 1 Januvia, my throat started swelling, lo grade fever started, and achy pain. I immediately started Benedryl till symptoms stopped. WHILE I WAS IN THE HOSPITAL I HAD A MILD HEART ATTACK VERY UN EXPECTEDLY AND HAD TO HAVE 2 STENTS PUT IN. NO WARNINGS OF ANY KIND. I REALLY BELIEVE JANUIVIA CAUSED THIS TO HAPPEN. I am home now but very weak and still not feeling well.......
DeniseMay 25, 2011 at 10:22 am
I have been taking Fosinopril Sodium for high blood pressure for years. The last 3 years I have developed a lingering cough. Drs. did not know why. Now I have learned from a news flash that the above mentioned drug causes asthma, cough, and swelling of the tongue. Today, my physician confired this to be true. I think we all should be compensated for our money we have spent out of pocket to find o[Show More]I have been taking Fosinopril Sodium for high blood pressure for years. The last 3 years I have developed a lingering cough. Drs. did not know why. Now I have learned from a news flash that the above mentioned drug causes asthma, cough, and swelling of the tongue. Today, my physician confired this to be true. I think we all should be compensated for our money we have spent out of pocket to find out what was causing the cough.
AlanApril 29, 2011 at 9:01 pm
In Jan or Feb of 09 I started taking Janument and in March my lower back was in severe pain, for month it got so bad I finally went to the ER and they sent me home with not thoughts in mind but with some pain med, but that Saturday I wet back to the ER and my Lipase was well over 1000 and I was admitted to hospital for 9 days, no one looked at my med I was taking but discharged me. I went to a G[Show More]In Jan or Feb of 09 I started taking Janument and in March my lower back was in severe pain, for month it got so bad I finally went to the ER and they sent me home with not thoughts in mind but with some pain med, but that Saturday I wet back to the ER and my Lipase was well over 1000 and I was admitted to hospital for 9 days, no one looked at my med I was taking but discharged me. I went to a GI doctor and sent me to get an ERCP. Later that month they removed my Gall Blatter and the pain went away and the next day in Sept a statement from the FDA said Janument causes pancreatitis. I am Type 2 and now I am on Insulin to give my pancreas a rest for the last year and my Lipase is still over 799.
LINDaMarch 30, 2011 at 11:46 pm
i have been on januvia for over 2 years.i went to detroit to have a lap band surgey and the dr.cut me 5 places started inserying the band and cut my liver.said it was to enlarged to do the surgey,he removed the band.i just went back and had an ultra sound and cat scan done.the dr.called said liver was still enlarged plus my pancreas was inlarged.i am stopping the januvia.
LawrenceMarch 11, 2011 at 1:38 am
I have been on Januvia for about 5 yrs. i have had open heart 5 by- pass, stents anemia where the doc say I'm loosing blood and have to take Procret shoots and kidney failure on dialysis. This has had a great impact on me and my family. Its sad that the meds make you sicker than the diease. I'm 52 and a out going person. Now my joints hurt and my bones pop. Januvia is good for my diabetes but its [Show More]I have been on Januvia for about 5 yrs. i have had open heart 5 by- pass, stents anemia where the doc say I'm loosing blood and have to take Procret shoots and kidney failure on dialysis. This has had a great impact on me and my family. Its sad that the meds make you sicker than the diease. I'm 52 and a out going person. Now my joints hurt and my bones pop. Januvia is good for my diabetes but its causing so many other problems. I really pray that someone is looking into this situation for us.
LewisMarch 10, 2011 at 5:33 am
I have been taking januvia for sometime now and I had two heart attack, my recent one was 1-10-11, was taken by ambulance to the emergency and now I have continous paint in my check. I also have pancreatitis, and kidney failer stage 3, and all after my medication was change to JANUVIA. 80 mg
michelleDecember 1, 2010 at 2:06 am
my father has been taking Januvia for a while now. 2 weeks again he began having back pains. The pains last for about 5 days and then became severe. My mother rushed him to the hospital to find out he had pancreatitis. He's been in for 2 weeks now and they say he'll be in for another 2-3 weeks. They believe that all of this due to Januvia. Dr. says it's is not life threating but it's very sc[Show More]my father has been taking Januvia for a while now. 2 weeks again he began having back pains. The pains last for about 5 days and then became severe. My mother rushed him to the hospital to find out he had pancreatitis. He's been in for 2 weeks now and they say he'll be in for another 2-3 weeks. They believe that all of this due to Januvia. Dr. says it's is not life threating but it's very scary to see anyone go through this. Anyone out there taking this medication, I would highly recommend discontinue using or PLEASE talk to your dr. I would hate to see anyone go through the amount of pain that my dad is going through or even hate to see someone lose a loved one because of this medication. All my prayers go out to my dad.
AnnetteNovember 23, 2010 at 3:21 pm
I have been on Januvia for about 5 months, I was taking Metform that was prescribed by my Primary care doctor but had severe allergic reactions to the Metiform. After several allergy tests I found out that I am allergic to Prophelene Glycol which which is a chemical in Metiform and other products caused severe hives on my face. After research, I decised to to go to an Endocrinologist and she put [Show More]I have been on Januvia for about 5 months, I was taking Metform that was prescribed by my Primary care doctor but had severe allergic reactions to the Metiform. After several allergy tests I found out that I am allergic to Prophelene Glycol which which is a chemical in Metiform and other products caused severe hives on my face. After research, I decised to to go to an Endocrinologist and she put me on Januvia. Since I have been on Januvia, I have severe sinus problems! My nose runs like a faucet everyday, I fill like I have a cold all the time, I have headaches often and my blood sugars run high in the morning but tapers down during the day. I have not had any stomach problems yet and hope not too! I will discuss this with my doctor soon!
LynnOctober 15, 2010 at 10:34 pm
I have been on Januvia for almost a year now. I haven't had pancreatitis, however a recent MRI showed growths on my pancreas and spleen. I wonder if this could have been caused by Januvia? Does anyone have similiar issues? I am very concerned about the growths which didn't show up in a MRI 8 months before the current one.
LisaSeptember 26, 2010 at 2:52 pm
After having a condition 3 yrs ago which required me to go on high doses of steroids, I discovered when I stopped I now have steroid induced diabetes. My sugars were 120's and 130's. My Dr. put me on Metformin which caused migraines. Then Actos which caused worse migraines. He finally put me on Januvia. It has never brought my sugars to normal, in fact, right after I take it they jump to the 160's[Show More]After having a condition 3 yrs ago which required me to go on high doses of steroids, I discovered when I stopped I now have steroid induced diabetes. My sugars were 120's and 130's. My Dr. put me on Metformin which caused migraines. Then Actos which caused worse migraines. He finally put me on Januvia. It has never brought my sugars to normal, in fact, right after I take it they jump to the 160's to 200's. I have severe joint pain, then ended up in the hospital with TWO pulmonary Embolisms, so, now I'm on blood thinners. Also during this time my knees began to get almost too painful to walk on. One day my knee just slid sideways and I now have a torn ACL and meniscus which I cannot get repaired yet since I am on the blood thinners. I have had 4 hospitalizations since starting Januvia. I have Just researched it and found it has also been suspected in causing blood clots. I was relatively healthy before I took this med. If there is a class action suit against the makers of this med. I WANT TO BE A PART OF IT!
DorothySeptember 1, 2010 at 1:57 am
I have been taking Januvia for about a yr. and janumet for about 2 yrs before that. I cannot take metformin, so the doc doesn't know what else to give. He has tried several things. My kidney function is not good is why he said he took me off metformin and put me on januvia. I too keep a sinus infection , low kidney function and my bones are getting so much worse. I have to use a scooter to go sh[Show More]I have been taking Januvia for about a yr. and janumet for about 2 yrs before that. I cannot take metformin, so the doc doesn't know what else to give. He has tried several things. My kidney function is not good is why he said he took me off metformin and put me on januvia. I too keep a sinus infection , low kidney function and my bones are getting so much worse. I have to use a scooter to go shopping, I can't walk very far at all. Does anyone know if the Januiva hurts your bones. I alreadly have a knee replacement, surgery on shoulder, and need a new knee in the other leg. I can't have surgery on my knee because I can't take any kind of pain meds.
KathyAugust 23, 2010 at 8:03 am
I started taking Januvia 9 months ago. Within three months tests showed that kidney function was below normal and I'd never had trouble with kidneys before. At the 9 month mark blood tests again showed worse results for kidney function and also concerning below normal liver function and my blood pressure was sky high even with my usual blood pressure medication. I felt nauseous, bloated, unable[Show More]I started taking Januvia 9 months ago. Within three months tests showed that kidney function was below normal and I'd never had trouble with kidneys before. At the 9 month mark blood tests again showed worse results for kidney function and also concerning below normal liver function and my blood pressure was sky high even with my usual blood pressure medication. I felt nauseous, bloated, unable to eat, no appetite and had a headache. Now I'm off the Januvia, the blood pressure is better after a few weeks and I have to go to have more blood tests in a few weeks to check kidney and liver functions. I've never had this reaction to any drug before and I sure hope that the damage is not permanent.
JenniferAugust 23, 2010 at 3:13 am
I began taking Janumet at the end of 2006, after having a severe reaction to Byetta. At first, I loved the medicine. My sugars went down, I could eat a meal and not be scared that my sugar would jump to 300. About a month after I started taking this medication, I started having severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomitting and dizziness. I missed days at work, and went to the emergency room 6 times. Th[Show More]I began taking Janumet at the end of 2006, after having a severe reaction to Byetta. At first, I loved the medicine. My sugars went down, I could eat a meal and not be scared that my sugar would jump to 300. About a month after I started taking this medication, I started having severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomitting and dizziness. I missed days at work, and went to the emergency room 6 times. They claimed it was due to a slow digestive system, and that my intestines were not cleansing themselves. So I was treated to an emergency room enema. The most embarrassing thing a person should go to. The pain stopped for 2 days, and came back with a vengence. I had to endure numerous disgusting, embarrasing tests so they could tell me. There is nothing wrong, you have to live with it. About the same time as the stomach pain began, I started developing a sinus infection every 2 to 3 weeks. My doctor had a standing appt. ready for me. He was wonderful. He did everything to make the pain go away, and he treated every sinus infection. I continued to take the janumet, and did until I got pregnant. I stopped and the stomach pain stopped. I resumed the janumet after birth and the stomach pain returned. About a monh ago, I went to my doctor, and asked for a cheaper medicine, because I could no longer afford the Janumet. He put me on medformin, and now, my stomach pain is gone, I still have sinus issues, but nothing as bad as I did. I am glad I switched. The new med is not working as well, but I will take that verses the constant stomach issues, and pain.
sherriAugust 14, 2010 at 5:41 am
I started taking Januvia early month of 2009, in Nov of that year I had a heart attack and a stroke. Im a 44 year old female. I believe this medication cause this to happen to me.
oliviaJuly 28, 2010 at 11:45 pm
i'm on janumet 50-1000, my problem so far is not with the pancreatitis i have constant diareah . dont know if its the medication or not stopped for a couple days still had it so i dont know
TammyJuly 28, 2010 at 9:19 pm
OMG! I had no idea that the medication I am still taking was causing my stomach pain. I tried telling my husband and my Dr. I felt like I was in labor. The most horrible stomach pain imaginable. The dr. agreed with the ER that I had pancreatitis. He told me to go home and just drink clear liquids and the pain would go away. I did as he said and he also told me it would always be a problem for me. [Show More]OMG! I had no idea that the medication I am still taking was causing my stomach pain. I tried telling my husband and my Dr. I felt like I was in labor. The most horrible stomach pain imaginable. The dr. agreed with the ER that I had pancreatitis. He told me to go home and just drink clear liquids and the pain would go away. I did as he said and he also told me it would always be a problem for me. After 3 days the pain would subside but always come back. now I just have to live with it. I was never told this medication ( Janumet) was causing this.
RobertJuly 16, 2010 at 10:00 pm
If your waiting for a cure for Diabetes,I don't think you will see one. The powers to be want us to be chronically ill so they can continue to keep us Prescrition Medications.
DanaJuly 13, 2010 at 8:08 pm
I am a 47-year-old man and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes approximately 5 years ago. My Dr. first began prescribing advandmet, after a few months, some pretty nasty side effects began to happen so he changed my medication to metformin, and over the years he continued to increase the milligrams of the metformin to 2000mg per day until I was walking around in a daze, feeling lite headed, forge[Show More]I am a 47-year-old man and was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes approximately 5 years ago. My Dr. first began prescribing advandmet, after a few months, some pretty nasty side effects began to happen so he changed my medication to metformin, and over the years he continued to increase the milligrams of the metformin to 2000mg per day until I was walking around in a daze, feeling lite headed, forgetful to the point of running stop signs/red lights etc., and I had a rash just below each knee that itched so bad that I would find myself bleeding from scratching so hard. he tried various creams/ointments to try to cure the rash, nothing worked, and my sugar level was never below 130 at best. 3 months ago I explained that either he prescribe something different or I was seeking a different Dr.- he started me on Januvia 100 MG(one pill a day) within 3 days my sugar level was and remained until I stopped taking it, between 100 and 120 (even after eating) And…my rash started clearing up within days, but within 5 days after I started taking Januvia, I noticed that my joint's (fingers, neck, elbows, ankles) seemed dry, a little stiff and would pop simply by the lease amount of movement (this is continuing to happen) then I started having severe stomach pains that would not stop, even to the point of bringing me out of a deep sleep, (the cramps seemed to be at the top of my stomach area sometimes feeling like rubber balls rolling against each other, usually followed by a sharp cramp/pain that would go to and from the top of my stomach to just below my shoulder blades in my back, sometimes taking my breath away. My Dr. suggested that I was experiencing acid reflux, I explained that I had experienced that before and none of my symptoms were of that nature. he said that he had only heard good remarks and comments about Januvia, I explained that the stomach pain never occurred before I started taking this drug and that I was afraid to continue taking it. On June 28th 2010 he prescribed ONGLYZA 5mg to replace the Januvia, after I stopped taking Januvia, the stomach pain continued at the same level for about a week and seems to be getting less each day with an occasional sharp pain every now and then. My sugar level is back to the 130’s but I think I will live with that rather than the pain. Please, If anyone has taken, or knows anyone that has taken this ONGLYZA and has had any side effects that takes time to develop, please let me know. I can’t wait till they find cure for this disease.
BobJuly 13, 2010 at 7:59 pm
I was on Janumet for aprox 2 yrs, my Doc just took me off (30 days ago) because my A1C was always under 6 (which is good). Now that I'm on Medformin, we'll see what the A1C shows after about 90 days of taking Medformin. While taking Janumet, I had many of the symptoms mentioned in all the other posted comments, but nothing accute or painful enough to go to the hospital or call my doctor about. Any[Show More]I was on Janumet for aprox 2 yrs, my Doc just took me off (30 days ago) because my A1C was always under 6 (which is good). Now that I'm on Medformin, we'll see what the A1C shows after about 90 days of taking Medformin. While taking Janumet, I had many of the symptoms mentioned in all the other posted comments, but nothing accute or painful enough to go to the hospital or call my doctor about. Any suggestions from anyone about what I should do?
MargieJuly 12, 2010 at 2:11 am
I have been on Junumet for about 7 months my DR. claim that I am anemic, but I am not bleeding anywhere so they don't know why I am anemic. As soon as I started taking junumet I began to drop weight off rapidly. I needed to lose weight so I figured it was a good thing. I have started to get panic now after i read all this stuff. because i have started having stomach pain.
MaryJuly 8, 2010 at 4:44 pm
I also am having sinus issues I get headaches all the time when its bad weather here in Texas. I can't go outside much or I'll have trouble breathing. I take Janumet now and I want to know if I'm causing danger to myself.
RobertJuly 7, 2010 at 1:32 am
I am having nausea and near vomiting ,my Dr tried to tell me I am having acid reflux whic I don't belive. I started feeling Nauseaed shorlty after being put on Januvia approx 30 days ago. 7-6-2010
WandaJuly 6, 2010 at 2:32 am
I also forgot to mention the severe sinus problems with both Januvia and Prandin. Sinus problems that cleared uo as soon as I stopped taking both drugs! My doctor got irritated because I called her so man times with bad sinus infections...yes I'm looking for a new doctor too!
WandaJuly 6, 2010 at 2:21 am
I use to take Januvia and had severe abdominal pain. I went to two different hospitals and was diagnosed with everything from possible shingles to IBS. I wasn't until my very last visit to the ER that a ER doctor related my pain to Januvia and told me to stop taking it. The pain went away a little while after discontuing it's use. My doctor switched me to Metformin but it acused me to be highly se[Show More]I use to take Januvia and had severe abdominal pain. I went to two different hospitals and was diagnosed with everything from possible shingles to IBS. I wasn't until my very last visit to the ER that a ER doctor related my pain to Januvia and told me to stop taking it. The pain went away a little while after discontuing it's use. My doctor switched me to Metformin but it acused me to be highly sensitive to the sun and I developed a really bad rash. She then switched me to Prandin but it caused severe hip pain which has diminshed since I stopped taking it. I'm now trying to control my Type 2 diabetes with diet (low-no carbs) and exercise. Only my fasting in the morning is a little elevatedn 130-160.
DonnaJune 29, 2010 at 3:24 pm
My problem started about one year ago having severe hip pain and numbness and tingling and burning feeling in my legs. Then my stomach started severe adominal pain that triggered to the back. I've had vomiting. loose bowels, and nausea. I have lost 14 pounds which is good but not in that way. I started Januvia in November 2008 I was on it for 15 months and had nothing but problems. I was hospitali[Show More]My problem started about one year ago having severe hip pain and numbness and tingling and burning feeling in my legs. Then my stomach started severe adominal pain that triggered to the back. I've had vomiting. loose bowels, and nausea. I have lost 14 pounds which is good but not in that way. I started Januvia in November 2008 I was on it for 15 months and had nothing but problems. I was hospitalizied three times for adominal pain, nausea, vomiting, loose bowels, and the last time i went in I also had problems breathing. My doctors said it is Neuropathy. I have been off of Januvia and so far feeling a little bit better. I believe that my problems could be related to Januvia.
SadieJune 27, 2010 at 12:39 pm
I have been on Janumet for two or more years..I have quarterly blood work done and have had no symptoms whatsoever of side effects...Although, now , with all the attention given Janumet and Januvia, I am talking with my Endo Dr tomorrow about changing it to another one.I was on Byetta insulin and my Dr took me off it..I am glad he did.Shortly afterwards, I saw all the attention it was getting in t[Show More]I have been on Janumet for two or more years..I have quarterly blood work done and have had no symptoms whatsoever of side effects...Although, now , with all the attention given Janumet and Januvia, I am talking with my Endo Dr tomorrow about changing it to another one.I was on Byetta insulin and my Dr took me off it..I am glad he did.Shortly afterwards, I saw all the attention it was getting in the media.Good luck everyone.
KatieJune 1, 2010 at 12:06 am
I was on Janumet and was hospitalized in ICU at the end of Sept. 09 for 2 weeks with acute pancreatitus. After countless bills and dr. visits I am poor but feeling better and healthy. It was a scary incident for someone who was only 24 years old and relatively healthy otherwise.
SharonMay 17, 2010 at 3:14 pm
I have been on Janumet 50/500 for the past several years....sometimes I have a problem regulating my blood pressure.. I am on blood pressure medication. This morning I just saw the news regarding the the potential problems with this medication. I am concerned that maybe other problems may arise.
ThomasMarch 13, 2010 at 7:32 pm
I have been taken JANUVIA for 18 day I have not notice side effects...
hardemanNovember 6, 2009 at 1:12 am
my husband was taking celebrex and die with necrotizing pancreatitis,his illness was very short. He started taking celebrex in july and in aug he was gone. I had autopsy done on him to see what cause his death it said celebrex I report it to FDA with his autopsy. He was very health