Settlement of Avandia Lawsuits Reached in About 10,000 More Cases

GlaxoSmithKline has reportedly agreed to pay $460 million to settle Avandia lawsuits filed by about 10,000 more people. The agreement comes as two FDA advisory committees have begun meeting to debate whether the controversial diabetes drug should be recalled from the market. 

The Avandia settlement was leaked to Bloomberg News the same day as the committees of independent advisors to the FDA were hearing evidence about the heart risks of Avandia that were the subject of the injury suits.

The settlement would resolve the majority of the outstanding Avandia lawsuits that have been filed against GlaxoSmithKline alleging that they failed to warn about the increased risk of heart attacks and other potentially life-threatening heart problems with Avandia.

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Avandia (rosiglitazone) was approved in the United States in 1998 to treat type 2 diabetes by helping control blood sugar levels. The drug has been used by millions of diabetics, but sales have plummeted in recent years as concerns have mounted about the risk of serious and potentially life-threatening heart risks with Avandia. Some experts estimate that Avandia has caused between 60,000 and 200,000 heart attacks and deaths due to cardiovascular problems in the U.S. from 1999 to 2006.

Speculation regarding the likelihood of an Avandia recall has reached a fever pitch in recent weeks, as more and more information about the Avandia heart problems has been released in advance of the FDA advisory committee meetings. Last week, the FDA released data showing that agency drug reviewers were conflicted over the drug’s benefits and risks, with some of them indicating that data Glaxo has touted as establishing Avandia’s safety is unreliable.

The proposed settlement of Avandia lawsuits allegedly range between $46,000 to $70,000, depending on the particulars and severity of the claims.

GlaxoSmithKline PLC currently faces about 13,000 Avandia lawsuit claims filed by former users of the drug who allege that the drug company failed to adequately research their medication or warn users about the serious side effects. Therefore, the reported settlement would resolve the majority of cases currently pending. However, some Avandia lawyers are continuing to investigate and review new cases for individuals who continued to use the medication in reliance on GlaxoSmithKline’s misleading reassurances that the diabetes drug was safe.

In recent months, GlaxoSmithKline has reached Avandia settlements in about 5,700 other lawsuits, with reports suggesting that the value of some Avandia cases averaged about $86,000.


  • kevinJanuary 3, 2020 at 5:59 pm

    hi my uncle has been waiting for 10 years and there is no communication on whats happening. he had triple bypass and the doctor lost him but got him back to life great . He has had both legs operated on from top to his feet now haveing trouble walking the lawyer is in saskatchewan with no communitati[Show More]hi my uncle has been waiting for 10 years and there is no communication on whats happening. he had triple bypass and the doctor lost him but got him back to life great . He has had both legs operated on from top to his feet now haveing trouble walking the lawyer is in saskatchewan with no communitatin so WHATS UP .

  • ALFREDDecember 7, 2017 at 1:28 am

    my mother died in 2008 I never heard nothing so far & it is DEC 6,2017.How long does it takes to get paid

  • BillApril 8, 2016 at 4:30 am

    Not much information lately. Has everyone been paid, except me??

  • mlouNovember 16, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    Can someone tell me what they would do if the claimant has passed away before they received their 2nd settlement check? Would it go to the spouse?

  • BertSeptember 18, 2015 at 8:10 pm

    I have read with interest this blog for several years now and would like to add a few comments. First of all I have a claim that has been active for about three years now and am just as interested in the outcome as everyone else. I received a partial payment this year and would like to finish this and be over once and for all as do all of you. The problem I have is with all the wild claims made th[Show More]I have read with interest this blog for several years now and would like to add a few comments. First of all I have a claim that has been active for about three years now and am just as interested in the outcome as everyone else. I received a partial payment this year and would like to finish this and be over once and for all as do all of you. The problem I have is with all the wild claims made that just are not viable. The claim that the lawyers are just setting on the money doesn't hold water. If they sent you money that wasn't meant for you would you send it back if asked? Think of all the thousands of people who have filed a claim and the fact that they have to check each one to verify those claims. They are not going to send us money just for filing. I cringe every time I read about someone taking a reduced amount from some insurance broker so they can have a few dollars now then complain about how little they received. My humble advise is to just hold on, not spend anything you don't already have and I hope each of us get what is coming to us in a timely manner. Good luck to each of you waiting. An to any lawyer reading this, think about what we are going through waiting for you to act.

  • EugenioSeptember 17, 2015 at 7:42 pm

    I have a Avandia case which was filed at least 3 years ago, ive spoken with the firm many times and am told I defenitly have money coming to me, but im on the third list and the second list is now being dispersed. Does seem accurate??

  • CrackednutSeptember 10, 2015 at 10:46 pm

    Was told by G&K they could not except fax copies They had to be the original copy.

  • JerrySeptember 10, 2015 at 11:21 am

    I am in the same boat as the rest of you. My father passed away almost three years ago. I have been getting the run around since. I received a letter in November stating the money was ready for dispersment and it would be soon. Finally in August I called the attorney at G&K and left a heated message on his answering machine. I called again the next day, because I never received a call back, and ma[Show More]I am in the same boat as the rest of you. My father passed away almost three years ago. I have been getting the run around since. I received a letter in November stating the money was ready for dispersment and it would be soon. Finally in August I called the attorney at G&K and left a heated message on his answering machine. I called again the next day, because I never received a call back, and magically another set of letters were mailed that very day. I signed the letters authorizing final dispersement and faxed them back. A week went by and nothing. Called again. I was told call back in another 6 weeks. Called back in 6 weeks and guess what, they couldn't tell me why a check wasn't mailed out. She said she would send an email to G&K but it would be 48 hours before she would get a response. Also, it would be another 5-10 business days before a check would be mailed out. WHAT? This whole thing is a joke. The lawyers have the money sitting in the bank and they are collecting the interest. My wife worked for a major law firm that handled civil law suits. She said as soon as the money came to the law firm it was dispersed immediately. I will be contacting my personal lawyer today to see what my options are. I will keep you posted

  • RosaAugust 3, 2015 at 2:45 pm

    I feel like this is a gimmick to. i think like bill we need to do some about this together we stand divided we fall. so let me know what we are going to do .i'm with you.

  • bryanJuly 19, 2015 at 9:26 pm

    i have been waiting on a settlement from the Moody Law Firm for 3 years every time i called they tell me they are waiting on medicare Hint im 43 yeas old why in sam heel do i need to wait on medicare if i wasn't on it they have all of my personal information i feel we all should file a Federal Law suit on the law firm or firms

  • lindaJuly 17, 2015 at 12:04 am

    i agree with all of you and we should get together and do something my husband died and they said i had liens that had to be paid bs how do we do this do we sign a petition and send it to the judge or the california bar assoc, please let me know

  • LaboriaJuly 7, 2015 at 2:49 pm

    I to have been waiting on my second check. Every time I call G&k they put the call to a call center and if the person answer they only tell you lies. They are a bunch of crooks that are making money off our money and it don't look like we are going to get any more. I received a check in Nov 2013 and nothing since. There should be something we could do about this, such a sad case cause I need my m[Show More]I to have been waiting on my second check. Every time I call G&k they put the call to a call center and if the person answer they only tell you lies. They are a bunch of crooks that are making money off our money and it don't look like we are going to get any more. I received a check in Nov 2013 and nothing since. There should be something we could do about this, such a sad case cause I need my money.

  • JoshJuly 4, 2015 at 7:58 pm

    What is a "crock"? Do you mean "crook"?

  • tanyaJune 19, 2015 at 5:53 am

    I have a good attorney, yes it is taking a while. my first payment was 35k then lawyers money came out of it, then my second check is supposed to be the same plus the eight point system that i cannot find how much that was. But the last i heard was the medical had one more week to respond then if they dont answer, then i dont have to pay medical. But i know with my next money im getting me [Show More]I have a good attorney, yes it is taking a while. my first payment was 35k then lawyers money came out of it, then my second check is supposed to be the same plus the eight point system that i cannot find how much that was. But the last i heard was the medical had one more week to respond then if they dont answer, then i dont have to pay medical. But i know with my next money im getting me a house on some land,,, I have been waiting years for my first check and the second check im still waiting which has been another year and a half so far.So if someone finds out what the point system is please let me know. And if i find out i will update the info on my page here.

  • Cee CeeJune 10, 2015 at 9:27 pm

    Since I haven't posted in a while. Here is my update. I was told after months that Well point had a lien on me. BULLSHIT! I worked everyday and pay my insurance G& K are crocks and liars They are just stalling and not paying this money out because they have the money. If there was a lien, why I found out a month ago. Now the claimants with lien were provided this information months ago and[Show More]Since I haven't posted in a while. Here is my update. I was told after months that Well point had a lien on me. BULLSHIT! I worked everyday and pay my insurance G& K are crocks and liars They are just stalling and not paying this money out because they have the money. If there was a lien, why I found out a month ago. Now the claimants with lien were provided this information months ago and now all at once I have a lien. We are not getting any money, they (lawyers) are lying. The Attorney General needs to get involved with this. This is unbelievable that so many people have swindled by these lawyers handling the Avandia cases, If you get a second check, I wish you the best. Robert, I agree with you payment are too long because that are trying to take your money. I also believe that some of the post here are from attorneys or those working with them. Just check out what some of the posts are saying. They are defended the attorneys and not being supportive if they have funds invested in the process. Just like you and I get on the site, so does employees working for the crocks. You know who you are and God knows who you are. So if you received any money be thankful! Now Mr. Crock run and tell your lawyers that!!! We gotcha............

  • RobertMay 29, 2015 at 4:07 am

    The payments are too long. The federal judges already approved payment. Why am I paying Medicare $150 out of my settlement? Talked to the paralegal and said that is what they said I owe Medicare. I called Medicare to find out what is going on. I have never been in a hospital so I have never used them especially when I use the VA. Medicaid said I owed $495. I asked them again, for what?? They coul[Show More]The payments are too long. The federal judges already approved payment. Why am I paying Medicare $150 out of my settlement? Talked to the paralegal and said that is what they said I owe Medicare. I called Medicare to find out what is going on. I have never been in a hospital so I have never used them especially when I use the VA. Medicaid said I owed $495. I asked them again, for what?? They could not tell me. Then there was a 3% fee for the Federal courts and I asked why. They said it was law. I told them bull as my fees were already in the settlement and the courts take the cases after they get payment. So why the 2nd payment to the courts? I was told that it was 4-6 weeks to get my check. Why so long? The federal judges signed out on the amount and said it was good to go. So why the long wait. This approved amount is now mine, not the attorneys. It feels like a gimmick of some sort. But the time to get my check is looming large on them!!! Other affiliated things with the case!

  • JoshMay 23, 2015 at 12:18 pm

    James, Have you recently received this check, and if so, what did they say along with the check?

  • james kevin patrickMay 19, 2015 at 5:03 pm

    well i received around 3,000 $'s 7 when can i expect my other 7,000 + $,s . there are no leans on me i had insurancd at the time of hospitalizations so tell how long you can hold my $$$'s.

  • JoshMay 4, 2015 at 7:01 pm

    I honestly believe these lawyers have no intention of paying out any monies to anyone, they're simply using smoke and mirrors(and lies) to justify what they're doing. Lawyers wonder why people detest them so much, and don't want to deal with them, this is the reason. There's really no excuse they can use to explain why they're dragging their feet on this, other than what I've said above. They sim[Show More]I honestly believe these lawyers have no intention of paying out any monies to anyone, they're simply using smoke and mirrors(and lies) to justify what they're doing. Lawyers wonder why people detest them so much, and don't want to deal with them, this is the reason. There's really no excuse they can use to explain why they're dragging their feet on this, other than what I've said above. They simply DO NOT CARE if you or I get anything, because they've already made their money off the backs of us. W/O us, they wouldn't be getting paid, but try explaining that to them. They are a complete joke.

  • Cracked nutApril 16, 2015 at 11:13 am

    We All should take a look at ourselves , the things we do the things we say, before we accuse others, .With this I say GOD bless you and good buy.

  • BillApril 15, 2015 at 3:44 pm

    Ditto your commentsmirror my experience. It may be time to file another rclass action suit and this time include these attorneys with GSK

  • KatApril 15, 2015 at 4:25 am

    I suggest that several of us rally together and contact multiple agencies. I have a plan. I just need a way for all of us to come together and talk via email, text phone etc. and to bi-pass this system to gather our personal information. They're lying to you, they've lied to all of us. There's proof and we have recourse.

  • cracked nutApril 10, 2015 at 10:46 pm

    You are a crook only if you operate outside of the law, otherwise you are just plane dishonest.

  • Cee CeeApril 10, 2015 at 5:38 am

    Well Cracked nut to me they are crocks and you must be in agreeance with how they have done us. Just because you have a license does not validate this type of behavior. Lies and lies!! You want to know what a point is in $, called the crocks and let see if they will tell you! Good luck

  • DanielApril 9, 2015 at 12:15 pm

    Ive been waiting for 6 years to see the money. My father died because of this drug. How much longer do we need to wait?

  • Cracked nutApril 7, 2015 at 7:41 pm

    The lawyers are NOT crooks. They have a license (permit) to do what they do.

  • Cee CeeApril 4, 2015 at 2:42 am

    I Josh and Waynee, I agree with your comments. The lawyers are taking us for a huge ride! They have made nothing but excuses and excuse regarding money that was awarded to us. I call the lawyer G&K and you only get the call center where you speak to one of two young lady that appear to be reading a script. I ask to have the lawyers contact me and to no avail. It has been two years since I recei[Show More]I Josh and Waynee, I agree with your comments. The lawyers are taking us for a huge ride! They have made nothing but excuses and excuse regarding money that was awarded to us. I call the lawyer G&K and you only get the call center where you speak to one of two young lady that appear to be reading a script. I ask to have the lawyers contact me and to no avail. It has been two years since I received the first check and it does not appear that I am going to receive another check. Lies and lies, I will never again get into tort case. We have suffer so much and the law firms have made so much. They are all crocks that made money off of innocent victims. Yes call your state law board and if anyone has Judge Penella and JudgeTrotter information, please please post the contact information. We need to all come together and write complaints against this bill shit! Happy Easter and no money will come to us

  • cracked nutApril 3, 2015 at 7:39 pm

    I just want to know much 1 point = in us dollars.

  • JoshApril 2, 2015 at 9:53 pm

    Waynee, You're right, I'm thinking this thing is/was a scam. I too received a letter last Nov stating that we'd be getting a check "very soon", and now it is almost 5 months later, and still nothing. I bet more excuses will be made in a month or 2 as well. The lawyers don't really care about settling any time soon(despite what they claim), because they're making money off our money, as long as it [Show More]Waynee, You're right, I'm thinking this thing is/was a scam. I too received a letter last Nov stating that we'd be getting a check "very soon", and now it is almost 5 months later, and still nothing. I bet more excuses will be made in a month or 2 as well. The lawyers don't really care about settling any time soon(despite what they claim), because they're making money off our money, as long as it sits in their bank accounts. Call your local bar association, call the judge who's overseeing the cases.

  • wayneeMarch 26, 2015 at 1:31 am

    I understand the point system is determined by how sick the drug made you. Some lost their life some just had heart attacks some had congestive heart failure and strokes. the worst one is death and it gives you points and that means you get more money than the others side affect it had. I received a letter in Nov. 2014.and it showed the point system and how it determined where your claim was. [Show More]I understand the point system is determined by how sick the drug made you. Some lost their life some just had heart attacks some had congestive heart failure and strokes. the worst one is death and it gives you points and that means you get more money than the others side affect it had. I received a letter in Nov. 2014.and it showed the point system and how it determined where your claim was. and it had to be signed and sent back the next day. I was told I would get check in Jan. No check and it is March now I am told May. It is a run around a put off

  • DannyMarch 17, 2015 at 7:48 pm

    I received my first check last April (2014). I was advised that the second check would be released in 4-6 months. Today is March 17, 2015, and still no second check. I called my lawyer, and they told me that Garretson was still working on the private insurance lien. I called Garretson, and they told me my law first decided to do the private lien resolution themselves. One of them, if not both, are[Show More]I received my first check last April (2014). I was advised that the second check would be released in 4-6 months. Today is March 17, 2015, and still no second check. I called my lawyer, and they told me that Garretson was still working on the private insurance lien. I called Garretson, and they told me my law first decided to do the private lien resolution themselves. One of them, if not both, are lying. If I do not hear something soon, I am calling my states bar association, and I am going to write a letter to the judge that is hearing the Avandia cases.

  • KathyMarch 14, 2015 at 1:24 pm

    My husband was disabled for 3 years before he passed away from the side effects of this awful drug. He did receive one check but it was half of what they said it would be at first. I received a letter last summer from GW that said the second check would be sent out soon. Still waiting. Does anyone know if they are getting any closer. It sounds like the insurance company is using our money. Why hav[Show More]My husband was disabled for 3 years before he passed away from the side effects of this awful drug. He did receive one check but it was half of what they said it would be at first. I received a letter last summer from GW that said the second check would be sent out soon. Still waiting. Does anyone know if they are getting any closer. It sounds like the insurance company is using our money. Why haven't the courts told them to give it to the families that need it?

  • DavidJanuary 30, 2015 at 5:41 pm

    Does anyone know how the point system works.

  • lorraineJanuary 1, 2015 at 5:38 pm

    On 12/17/14 I receved a settlement packet from Garretson resoulation group. On the very first page of this packet it stated, you must return these documents or hey must be postmarked not later than 12/17/14. It further states that 65% of the patients that qualify must release their Avandia based claims. The issue is I left for vacation on 12/17/14 prior to receiving this packet. I returned home o[Show More]On 12/17/14 I receved a settlement packet from Garretson resoulation group. On the very first page of this packet it stated, you must return these documents or hey must be postmarked not later than 12/17/14. It further states that 65% of the patients that qualify must release their Avandia based claims. The issue is I left for vacation on 12/17/14 prior to receiving this packet. I returned home on 12/31/31 to find this packet in my stack of mail. Now the question is what should I do at this point,? why would they sent something dated 12/10 to arrive on 12/17 the same date it is to be postmarked.

  • AngelaDecember 30, 2014 at 4:36 pm

    Yes I received the packet and it do tell you the amount but by the time the lawyer get their fee you are not getting much at all. I hope this helps.

  • ShirleyDecember 28, 2014 at 8:36 pm

    I was contacted by my lawyers on a settlement all I needed to do was sign all the papers and return. I am on Medicaid, Problem was that if I received the settlement I would lose my Mediciad until the settlement amount was used up and then I would have to sign back up for my Mediciad.. The problem is I did not know that I would lose the mediciad check. I am a disable person because of the Avandi[Show More]I was contacted by my lawyers on a settlement all I needed to do was sign all the papers and return. I am on Medicaid, Problem was that if I received the settlement I would lose my Mediciad until the settlement amount was used up and then I would have to sign back up for my Mediciad.. The problem is I did not know that I would lose the mediciad check. I am a disable person because of the Avandia. This does not sound fair, I am sick because of the medicine.

  • cheryleDecember 14, 2014 at 3:23 am

    I had lawyer on a Avandia case for my daughter it never went any where not even when the lawyer were doing mycase they even went so as moving my to calif. an then all or sudden they want to close my case that over 3to4 year they had my case my daughter die at the age or 23 justimagine watching yourchild take her last breath

  • waynee20November 26, 2014 at 9:46 pm

    I got message from lawyer today and was told that any expense Medicare or Private Insurance that was paid for our care was considered a lien on any amount we received from our settlement. If this is true then our settlement wont be much . The lawyer also said that we should receive a settlement amount after the first of the year. I have been told this since 2012 that this would be year at the [Show More]I got message from lawyer today and was told that any expense Medicare or Private Insurance that was paid for our care was considered a lien on any amount we received from our settlement. If this is true then our settlement wont be much . The lawyer also said that we should receive a settlement amount after the first of the year. I have been told this since 2012 that this would be year at the first of the year but never saw anything, But my lawyer said that I had been approve for a settlement and that was good. Hope this helps us all. Antonio what did you mean by What year? what packet ?

  • JoshNovember 25, 2014 at 8:14 pm

    Antonio, What year? what packet, and are you happy with your amount?

  • AntonioNovember 23, 2014 at 8:36 pm

    Someone said to me at the end of the year l'll recieve a packet but never saw anything about an amount. This report was better , actuall numbers.

  • JoshNovember 10, 2014 at 7:19 am

    So any updates recently? Anyone gotten any checks or heard if they will and/or when? Also, will Garrets on be much help if you're with G&K? I'm hoping this is all finished before the end of the year.

  • wayneeNovember 9, 2014 at 3:36 am

    I have a question does anyone know what kind liens are they talking about is what your insurance paid or is it what Medicare paid. my bills were paid for from my health insurance that I had at the time I got sick . Since then am now on S.S but at the time I had private insurance that I paid part of and my employer paid part of. Are they saying if you had insurance they will take part of the settl[Show More]I have a question does anyone know what kind liens are they talking about is what your insurance paid or is it what Medicare paid. my bills were paid for from my health insurance that I had at the time I got sick . Since then am now on S.S but at the time I had private insurance that I paid part of and my employer paid part of. Are they saying if you had insurance they will take part of the settlement to pay back the insurance company? thanks to you .

  • DannyOctober 30, 2014 at 6:45 pm

    Laura, the number you gave is for Garretson. They were helpful when I called them. Thank you for posting the number, but everyone please be advised that it is Garretson

  • HunterOctober 30, 2014 at 5:59 pm

    I called GSK today and it appears that G I KEESE are not using them for the lien resolution process. So they do not have any information on me. G I KEESE could be handling the lien resolution themselves. Thanks for the information.

  • LauraOctober 30, 2014 at 2:41 am

    the number to GSK if anybody want's to know is 1 866- 694-4446. Anyone that know's they are getting a check, you can call them. They seem to know more of what is going on.

  • DannyOctober 30, 2014 at 1:11 am

    How does one go about contacting GSK to find out the progress of your settlement? Will they tell you how long your wait time is, or how far it has progressed?

  • JoshOctober 28, 2014 at 10:49 pm

    Laura, No problem. Any more updates? I thought I read that this is all coming to and end? Maybe we see something afterall before 2015? Also, you're right that GSK has been more informative than any law firms have, which is sad.

  • LauraOctober 28, 2014 at 4:39 am

    Josh, Sorry I haven''t been on for a while. The resolution check I am talking about are the check that you get for what is left over from private insurance or medicare and medicade. Medicare and medicade already got paid. We are just waiting fir United Health care to settle with GSAK. We already got our first check back in June of last year. They hold back 20% for lien resolutions. If you don't ha[Show More]Josh, Sorry I haven''t been on for a while. The resolution check I am talking about are the check that you get for what is left over from private insurance or medicare and medicade. Medicare and medicade already got paid. We are just waiting fir United Health care to settle with GSAK. We already got our first check back in June of last year. They hold back 20% for lien resolutions. If you don't have any liens, then you get all of it back. If you do ,then they deduct that out of your hold back money. Alot of times you don't know if you have any liens until GSK negotiates with them. They send you a letter for you to sign just like they did with the first one. If you agree to the offer, then you sign it and send it back to them. I have found that you get more out of GSK then you do the lawyers. We didn't have any liens, but United Health care decided to get on board. They held back 11.000 out of us and United Health care agreed to settle for 2,000. At the time my husband was only 42. They take away points for him being over weight and for smoking, but he gat more points for being young. He only had one stint put in his heart. They go by a point system to see how much you get.

  • DebraOctober 27, 2014 at 2:38 am

    I've been waiting for over two years,not no first person,much less second payment. What do I need to do to receive settlement. Is someone our there knows about the Avandia Case. Please advise me on what to do .

  • DebraOctober 27, 2014 at 2:37 am

    I've been waiting for over two years,not no first person,much less second payment. What do I need to do to receive settlement. Is someone our there knows about the Avandia Case. Please advise me on what to do .

  • wayneeOctober 24, 2014 at 12:54 pm

    Josh I was told this by my personal attorney. She also said you would not get full amt. then . Some would be kept or any claim against your medical bills . Which I don't have and were not paid by Government. Like you said I been told this since 2013. Gina I was told the Judges have decided on this and they are waiting to decide how much each person will get based on the disability. The hardest[Show More]Josh I was told this by my personal attorney. She also said you would not get full amt. then . Some would be kept or any claim against your medical bills . Which I don't have and were not paid by Government. Like you said I been told this since 2013. Gina I was told the Judges have decided on this and they are waiting to decide how much each person will get based on the disability. The hardest thing for me to understand how some have been paid and others have got run around and nothing

  • JoshOctober 15, 2014 at 7:29 pm

    Waaynee, it's that way with pretty much everyone, has nothing to do with geography or where you are. Was told the exact same thing in 2012, then 2013, then 2014. Who did you call to get that info about 2015? You can bet come Jan 2015, there'll be MORE excuses, the ONLY ones who are making any money off this, are the attorneys. They don't care whether these cases get settled, today, tomorrow, or 5 [Show More]Waaynee, it's that way with pretty much everyone, has nothing to do with geography or where you are. Was told the exact same thing in 2012, then 2013, then 2014. Who did you call to get that info about 2015? You can bet come Jan 2015, there'll be MORE excuses, the ONLY ones who are making any money off this, are the attorneys. They don't care whether these cases get settled, today, tomorrow, or 5 years from now, they still get paid. Sadly, none of us can afford to opt out now, as we risk being sued by the law firms for dropping them for new representation(I've called to check). Plus, that will delay the process even longer, we're basically stuck right now. I don't think any of the firms are working as hard or as much as they claim thy are on these cases.

  • ginaOctober 13, 2014 at 10:10 pm

    I was just told by g and k that Providian was still looking into liens then that have to have a judge decide how much to give on the supplemental check! doesn't sound like anytime soon.

  • waayneeOctober 11, 2014 at 1:46 pm

    Are any of yu from Kentucky if so have any of you been paid anything . I filled my case in 2008 not received anything. I was told in 2013 I had been approved for settlement by the judge who vied my case and should receive a check in spring of 2013 then in June 2013 I was put off again then in Told be Dec.2013. Sill nothing and in 2014 was told spring that come and went then was told money by end [Show More]Are any of yu from Kentucky if so have any of you been paid anything . I filled my case in 2008 not received anything. I was told in 2013 I had been approved for settlement by the judge who vied my case and should receive a check in spring of 2013 then in June 2013 I was put off again then in Told be Dec.2013. Sill nothing and in 2014 was told spring that come and went then was told money by end of year. Talked to attorneys this week and told No it be at least Jan 2015. This is a run around .

  • JoshSeptember 29, 2014 at 4:39 am

    Laura, What is a 'Resolution check'? Does this info mean that they could be close to settling/paying out more cases?

  • JoshSeptember 25, 2014 at 10:54 pm

    Laura, What do you mean? What are "resolution checks", and(not that i don't believe you), but GSK really said that to you? holy moly. The lawyers have painted them out to be the bad guys here, and it seems as if they might not be. Do you believe they'll pay anything more out to people, or do you think this is nothing more than lip service from them? Also, mind sharing the number you used to talk[Show More]Laura, What do you mean? What are "resolution checks", and(not that i don't believe you), but GSK really said that to you? holy moly. The lawyers have painted them out to be the bad guys here, and it seems as if they might not be. Do you believe they'll pay anything more out to people, or do you think this is nothing more than lip service from them? Also, mind sharing the number you used to talk to GSK here? I'm sure many folks would welcome that info....thanks.

  • JoshSeptember 25, 2014 at 10:53 pm

    Laura, What do you mean? What are "resolution checks", and(not that i don't believe you), but GSK really said that to you? holy moly. The lawyers have painted them out to be the bad guys here, and it seems as if they might not be. Do you believe they'll pay anything more out to people, or do you think this is nothing more than lip service from them?

  • cracked nutSeptember 17, 2014 at 11:38 am

    It was in information letter from attonery

  • LauraSeptember 17, 2014 at 3:07 am

    Talked to GSK last week and they said they are still waiting for the private insurance to settle and to agree to their offer. They said for us to call back every week until it is settled. They did say the ressolution checks are almost resolved and they should be all rapped up by the end of the month.

  • JoshSeptember 14, 2014 at 6:19 am

    Cracked Nut- Who "told" you this, and what do you mean? Has anyone heard anything else about when (if) we'll get paid?

  • cracked nutSeptember 7, 2014 at 10:36 am

    I am now told medicare is sueing to recoup .

  • KatAugust 13, 2014 at 1:23 am

    My mom too Avandia for years. She died in 2011. She had multiple strokes and congestive heart failure that caused her to become bedridden and completely disabled. I was her full time caregiver. I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this settlement money. We filed a claim for her in 2007. I have a letter that states that I was going to be receiving a first installment check for 10k dated [Show More]My mom too Avandia for years. She died in 2011. She had multiple strokes and congestive heart failure that caused her to become bedridden and completely disabled. I was her full time caregiver. I have been waiting and waiting and waiting for this settlement money. We filed a claim for her in 2007. I have a letter that states that I was going to be receiving a first installment check for 10k dated in January of 2013 promising to be disbursed sometime around June of the same year. No first check, When I called in August, they said it was delayed and would probably be later around the end of the year, that didn't happen either. Now, all these months later after waiting and waiting I decided to get a loan. So I called the office to ask about it and was told that they won't allow anymore loans. Why? Isn't it our money? And guess what? Surprise all of a sudden my mom has a $6400.00 medical lien from Kaiser? Huh? No one has ever heard of it or been told anything about it.. I don't believe it. How is that when they have a 640.00 pharmacy payment due me for over payment? Regardless where's the rest of the money then? We were supposed to get 10k last year and they were going to keep 10k for themselves and keep 10k aside in case of any medical liens. Well, I should have 1360.00 coming to me then right? Where's my checks? How can we do anything about it?

  • margeneAugust 9, 2014 at 7:10 am

    Hey guys - I was wondering if we could hire a attorney to talk to the attorneys we hired to settle our Avandia cases? Maybe they could call our attorneys, the courts, or whoever, and find out why we aren't getting our money? Maybe Lawyers talk to Lawyers. What you think? It has been so long now and many have died waiting for their settlements that never came. What a crying shame. I'm still waiti[Show More]Hey guys - I was wondering if we could hire a attorney to talk to the attorneys we hired to settle our Avandia cases? Maybe they could call our attorneys, the courts, or whoever, and find out why we aren't getting our money? Maybe Lawyers talk to Lawyers. What you think? It has been so long now and many have died waiting for their settlements that never came. What a crying shame. I'm still waiting and my husbands been gone 2 1/2 years. And still no word, letter, or first check. Been six years total now.

  • JoshAugust 6, 2014 at 8:36 am

    Hi Danny! Nope, never received any paperwork telling me what I'm supposed to receive. I've asked and asked(about 10 times) for it, but they refuse to give it to me. I can barely get any responses from them at this point on anything, and when I do, it's the same old BS they're shuffling. Last paperwork I received from them was about 2 months ago, and it said something about how supposedly GSK stopp[Show More]Hi Danny! Nope, never received any paperwork telling me what I'm supposed to receive. I've asked and asked(about 10 times) for it, but they refuse to give it to me. I can barely get any responses from them at this point on anything, and when I do, it's the same old BS they're shuffling. Last paperwork I received from them was about 2 months ago, and it said something about how supposedly GSK stopped paying out, and refuses to unless they get a court order to force them to. Yet, folks were STILL receiving checks after that letter. I'm beyond frustrated. I even called the Bar Association to ask if anything could be done, they basically said "nope, sorry". Can't fire the firm either, as it's too far into the case at this point. What about you?

  • DannyAugust 1, 2014 at 1:55 am

    Josh, have you received any paperwork stating the amount you are going to receive? What type of insurance did you have?

  • JoshJuly 31, 2014 at 6:18 am

    Second check? Some of us are STILL waiting for our first check. This is ridiculous. I haven't heard/read any updates on here, or elsewhere as to what's going on. I wish an attorney from one of the firms would come on here and try to explain things, but that's wishful thinking I guess. We're all at a standstill for some reason, I also don't believe that the lawfirms are working on this as much as t[Show More]Second check? Some of us are STILL waiting for our first check. This is ridiculous. I haven't heard/read any updates on here, or elsewhere as to what's going on. I wish an attorney from one of the firms would come on here and try to explain things, but that's wishful thinking I guess. We're all at a standstill for some reason, I also don't believe that the lawfirms are working on this as much as they claim they are, or there'd be some sort of resolution.

  • Avandia claimnant annonymousJuly 25, 2014 at 6:00 pm

    Soooo, I too am waiting for the 2nd check. for me, its been 2 years and still waiting. When I called Garretson Res Gr this week, I was told they r done but no check has been issued...(I was a bit confused, so called my attorney) Called my attorney and he said they are waiting for the private health insurance (United Health).. So, if they r waiting for private health ins. why did Garretson say they[Show More]Soooo, I too am waiting for the 2nd check. for me, its been 2 years and still waiting. When I called Garretson Res Gr this week, I was told they r done but no check has been issued...(I was a bit confused, so called my attorney) Called my attorney and he said they are waiting for the private health insurance (United Health).. So, if they r waiting for private health ins. why did Garretson say they were done?????/Still confused and no money...At this point, I just want the 5 year old case settled and closed. For 5 yrs I have been giving the "running around". Stop with the BS and settle with us Today Garretson...You got your money so give us our measly pennies........

  • DannyJuly 24, 2014 at 9:36 pm

    Avandia Settlement, how long have you been waiting for 2nd check?

  • Avandia settlementJuly 23, 2014 at 10:32 pm

    When I asked WC what's taking sooooo long to receive my 2 ck, was told well you have a will don't you. Also told me I was delaying the payments because I was inquiring about what's going on.Blaming us for the delay, this is BS.

  • JoshJuly 17, 2014 at 7:51 am

    Trudy, I don't think anyone else received a letter claiming the case was closed. Just that they refused to continue paying out w/o a court order to do so. The lawfirms would lose out on too much money if they simply closed the case.

  • LauraJuly 17, 2014 at 5:58 am

    Hey I haven't been on here in a while. Is everyone still waiting for their second check? We called GSK Last week and were told that now United Health care is getting involved in the lawsuit as of a couple of months. Was told that medicare and medicade already got their money and they were waiting for the private insurance to get their's. My question is my husband was working and had United Health [Show More]Hey I haven't been on here in a while. Is everyone still waiting for their second check? We called GSK Last week and were told that now United Health care is getting involved in the lawsuit as of a couple of months. Was told that medicare and medicade already got their money and they were waiting for the private insurance to get their's. My question is my husband was working and had United Health care at the time. He paid in to the insurance so how can they then get any money?

  • TommyJuly 16, 2014 at 6:56 pm

    I would like to know is anyone else case is in tort. I did not settle on my case, my lawyers were terribly upset that I didn't accept GSK offer. I don't think they have my best interest at heart., Let me know if anyone out there has taken their case to court.

  • TrudyJuly 15, 2014 at 10:22 pm

    I filled the Avandia in 2011 and never received a first check and two weeks ago I got a letter in it was on July 1st 2014 saying that they closed the case and not paying anyone for it.

  • no nameJuly 3, 2014 at 10:29 pm

    call the call center in calf they had no idear as too what is going on I beleave they are t0ld what too say I called the center about the first check they me they did not know when the checks would be coning out the same day when the mail man came around he too the house with a letter I had too sine for its was my first check the call center is a joke

  • MargeneJuly 3, 2014 at 2:42 am

    Josh - thanks for your response to my previous post. Where do I go to find out what judges or courts are handling my law firm's cases in the Avandia law suits? Google what names? A little confused here. Thanks for any help ...

  • avandia plaintiffJuly 1, 2014 at 6:17 am

    I need a legal malpractice lawyer can anybody help me find one EMAIL ME

  • celiaJune 30, 2014 at 8:48 pm

    I agree with Christina, this is the most stressful thing I've ever experienced in my life.My mom died in 2004 from taking Avandia, I've been dealing with this for more than 8 yes. Being lied to by attorneys, They tell you....Oh yeah your check will be mailed in 2 ~ 3 days...well needless to say NOTHING....... The stress is taking its toll on me....My health isn't the best....All this is, is a hurr[Show More]I agree with Christina, this is the most stressful thing I've ever experienced in my life.My mom died in 2004 from taking Avandia, I've been dealing with this for more than 8 yes. Being lied to by attorneys, They tell you....Oh yeah your check will be mailed in 2 ~ 3 days...well needless to say NOTHING....... The stress is taking its toll on me....My health isn't the best....All this is, is a hurry up and wait game & I'm sick of play in'.

  • StarrJune 30, 2014 at 5:42 pm

    This drug should most definitely be removed from the public. My Father DIED taking this evil avandia crap, in 2006! I filed my claim 3 and half YEARS ago...Why is it taking so long for them to send out the settlement packages??? My Family has and is still suffering from MY Father's death; our aftermath has been hell! I want my settlement ASAP, IMMEDIATELY NOW for My Family's Incalculable loss!!!

  • JoshJune 22, 2014 at 11:10 am

    Hi Margen, I'm sorry to hear of your bad news too. Seems many are waiting on first checks. Who is your law firm? Mine is G & can always google the judge(s) who are handling the case, and try to call. Please let us know what you find out?

  • margenJune 18, 2014 at 12:10 am

    Been waiting now some six years for GSK to settle my husband's claim. He was approved, for which were we grateful. He died before he saw any money. After his death, I re-signed papers with the law firm 21/2 years ago. I was told - me and our 2 children would been getting our checks last year, but to no avail. I have called many times and was told the same waiting story lines. I have been follow[Show More]Been waiting now some six years for GSK to settle my husband's claim. He was approved, for which were we grateful. He died before he saw any money. After his death, I re-signed papers with the law firm 21/2 years ago. I was told - me and our 2 children would been getting our checks last year, but to no avail. I have called many times and was told the same waiting story lines. I have been following this blog to keep up on what's going on. So last week, again, I called, and was told that it was up to the court to issue the checks, that it had nothing to do with the law firm any more. Is that right? and if so, where do I call the court to see when they will be releasing the 1st check? Thanks for any help ...

  • JimJune 16, 2014 at 11:21 am

    Been waiting now for almost 2yrs for 2nd more issues, but still no more check. Truly believe waiting to collect enough in interest before paying out seems to be more collusion between United Health Care and Humana and GSK holding things up.

  • SharonJune 5, 2014 at 6:26 pm

    No we never received a letter like that. Our lawfirm kept us up on what was going on. We were expecting the check when we got it. I just hope it's not as long on getting the second check. Good luck.

  • JoshJune 5, 2014 at 2:35 am

    Sharon, Congrats! Did you by chance get one of those bs letters from your law firm claiming that GSK "stopped paying out", yet still got a check? I'm finding it a bit odd that so many are getting first and second checks, if GSK "stopped paying out". I think the law firms are basically FOS.

  • SharonJune 3, 2014 at 5:56 pm

    My husband got his first check yesterday 06/02/2014. Praise the Lord!!! Couldn't have come at a better time!!!

  • LauraMay 30, 2014 at 6:40 am

    Hey. Josh, We got our first check after waiting for 7 years. We got it in July of last year. We are waiting for the 2nd check after they check forl liens. We didn't have Medicare or Medicaid. They are checking for those I guess that is what is taking so long to get the 2nd check

  • JoshMay 28, 2014 at 2:04 am

    Second check Laura? Hell, I'm still waiting for my first check, which will probably be NEVER. Anyone recently gotten a letter stating that Arbitrator stuff, and you still got a check?

  • LauraMay 25, 2014 at 1:16 am

    Has anybody received there 2nd check yet?

  • crackednutMay 23, 2014 at 1:22 am

    November 2013

  • BillMay 22, 2014 at 1:37 am

    crackednut....when did you receive first check?

  • crackednutMay 21, 2014 at 5:49 pm

    Talked to my lawyer yesterday. He said second check should be about the middle of July

  • BillMay 21, 2014 at 5:07 pm

    Gina, why would there be an arbitrator involved with the second check? I received my first check a few weeks ago, and the letter with it said nothing about an arbitrator for the next check. It only said second checks would be released after the lien resolution process. It also stated that no liens have been found so far on my case........Does anyone know how much time it takes between the first, a[Show More]Gina, why would there be an arbitrator involved with the second check? I received my first check a few weeks ago, and the letter with it said nothing about an arbitrator for the next check. It only said second checks would be released after the lien resolution process. It also stated that no liens have been found so far on my case........Does anyone know how much time it takes between the first, and second check?

  • GINAMay 20, 2014 at 7:57 pm


  • sharonMay 8, 2014 at 8:31 pm

    hi gina, did you hear anything on your checks yet? did you get them as promised?

  • ginaApril 21, 2014 at 5:45 pm

    hi josh, just told that my allotment papers arrived and my checks should come in a couple of weeks. well see. ive been told this befor, so im not holding my breath. if anyone hears anything about the second payment on the news or anything please enlighten us. thank you

  • JoshApril 17, 2014 at 11:56 pm

    I pulled this from a website, did you all see this: In January Glaxosmithkline agreed to take a total of a $3.4bil charge on the expected Avandia settlement. This is an increase from the $2.4bil charge announced last summer. The increase raises more questions as to the magnitude of the total settlement; and if Avandia will surpass Vioxx as the largest Pharmaceutical settlement in U.S. History. [Show More]I pulled this from a website, did you all see this: In January Glaxosmithkline agreed to take a total of a $3.4bil charge on the expected Avandia settlement. This is an increase from the $2.4bil charge announced last summer. The increase raises more questions as to the magnitude of the total settlement; and if Avandia will surpass Vioxx as the largest Pharmaceutical settlement in U.S. History. Also, in February the Louisiana AG Office sued Glaxosmithkline for civil fraud involving Avandia. The increase in more litigation involving Avandia –and the subsequent delays- is now only hurting the people most affected by the drug. And that is the Avandia long suffering plaintiffs and their families waiting for their settlement money.

  • JoshApril 17, 2014 at 11:44 pm

    Hi Gina!! Like you, I'm in the same boat. Like you, I've been waiting. They keep making excuses as to why we can't get paid out. Does anyone know of any settlement advance loan companies? seems we all may have to go this route.

  • ginaApril 14, 2014 at 6:33 pm

    its a shame that some firms (mine is g and k) have made this a bust. I have a friend who settled and gotten all 3 of his checks last march 2013. meanwhile I haven't gotten my first and have been waiting 7 yrs. mh husband waited until 2012 and couldnt hold on any longer. I hope I can hang on long enough myself. the worst thing about this is feeling helpless to do anything. we have signed contracts[Show More]its a shame that some firms (mine is g and k) have made this a bust. I have a friend who settled and gotten all 3 of his checks last march 2013. meanwhile I haven't gotten my first and have been waiting 7 yrs. mh husband waited until 2012 and couldnt hold on any longer. I hope I can hang on long enough myself. the worst thing about this is feeling helpless to do anything. we have signed contracts so im having a lot of trouble trying to understand what went wrong with some firms and how others seemed to get it right. oh well, we just have to pray they do the right thing and know how to do it.

  • BillApril 13, 2014 at 10:10 pm

    People are starting to receive letters from their lawyers, stating that GSK has stopped paying on the Avandia claims. If you have not been paid, you most likely never will be

  • crackednutApril 12, 2014 at 5:42 pm

    Got a letter from my lawyer today. He tells me Avandia refused to make second half payments without a court order to do so.

  • cracked nutMarch 24, 2014 at 6:45 pm

    Lawyers do not drop the ball, they bounce it.

  • JoshMarch 16, 2014 at 4:22 am

    Thanks for the info Russell. Pretty sad that we all have to rely on a website/webpage to get updated info on this whole thing, when our lawyers should be the ones keeping us informed. First I've heard that there was a Dec 31st "deadline". That tells me, we might not see anything for another 2 yrs.....Unbelieveable how bad these lawyers/firms have dropped the ball on this. I might have to call and[Show More]Thanks for the info Russell. Pretty sad that we all have to rely on a website/webpage to get updated info on this whole thing, when our lawyers should be the ones keeping us informed. First I've heard that there was a Dec 31st "deadline". That tells me, we might not see anything for another 2 yrs.....Unbelieveable how bad these lawyers/firms have dropped the ball on this. I might have to call and threaten to walk away too.

  • RussellMarch 6, 2014 at 6:38 pm

    Filed with a Texas Firm in 2008, Every call I receive or get answered is by interns who ask for the exact same info over and over, although it was send multiple times, it seems they are to lazy or incompetent to look it up in my file. Finally received conformation all was received and filed on the deadline of Dec. 31 2013.Calls now state waiting upon a decision by Arbritration judge. Was so flust[Show More]Filed with a Texas Firm in 2008, Every call I receive or get answered is by interns who ask for the exact same info over and over, although it was send multiple times, it seems they are to lazy or incompetent to look it up in my file. Finally received conformation all was received and filed on the deadline of Dec. 31 2013.Calls now state waiting upon a decision by Arbritration judge. Was so flustered wanted out at one point, they quickly found what they wanted then and begged me to stay on board..

  • PatMarch 4, 2014 at 6:18 pm

    Another 4 years, and I am still waiting to hear the results of all this.....3/4/2014

  • no nameMarch 4, 2014 at 3:11 am

    tried too call the call center in cal those p00r have no clue as toowhat is going on then I call the young laddie n newyork every day for three weeks now she will not answer her phone if any one has any idear as too what is going on

  • JoshMarch 3, 2014 at 11:18 am

    So, any updates, or has anyone received a check within the last 2-3 months? I bet the excuses are still flowing w/these attorneys. I can't get a call back from mine. Maybe it's time to call the bar assoc. and let them step in

  • jennaFebruary 16, 2014 at 1:07 am

    the latest we heard from lawyers was that some judge in California (a bankrupt state) was handling the payouts. So if the lawsuit has been settled is California earning interest on the monies? We have been waiting for 4 years and our original attorney is not even involved anymore. Guess they got their share and have moved on to other lawsuits! The clerk that we call is of no help and I guess she[Show More]the latest we heard from lawyers was that some judge in California (a bankrupt state) was handling the payouts. So if the lawsuit has been settled is California earning interest on the monies? We have been waiting for 4 years and our original attorney is not even involved anymore. Guess they got their share and have moved on to other lawsuits! The clerk that we call is of no help and I guess she gets her paycheck regardless of how fast she works. I, however, cannot work because of all the problems this "drug" caused me. The clerk did say that they had paid one case off, but only because that patient had died. I guess I will have to wait until I die before we get ours settled. I did not want to sound negative but the justice system is slow depending on how low on the ladder you are!

  • GlennFebruary 13, 2014 at 8:33 pm

    Whats the point in posting something that happened a year ago? we all know that the lawers made out in this. But you can't do anything without them. I have been in this for almost 7 years now and am about a week or two from my finial check. As far as im concerned it's found money. If I didn't pick up the phone and call a number on a TV add I never would have given this Avandia thing a thought Goo[Show More]Whats the point in posting something that happened a year ago? we all know that the lawers made out in this. But you can't do anything without them. I have been in this for almost 7 years now and am about a week or two from my finial check. As far as im concerned it's found money. If I didn't pick up the phone and call a number on a TV add I never would have given this Avandia thing a thought Good luck to all and hope you get what you want out of this. I did

  • ScottFebruary 12, 2014 at 9:20 am

    Reuters, June 30, 2013. Last week, the court-appointed mediator in the consolidated Avandia marketing and product liability litigation against GlaxoSmithKline informed U.S. District Judge Cynthia Ruff of Philadelphia that 58 plaintiffs’ firms in the case have agreed to an allocation plan for $143.75 million in common-fund fees. As mediator Bruce Merenstein of Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis descri[Show More]Reuters, June 30, 2013. Last week, the court-appointed mediator in the consolidated Avandia marketing and product liability litigation against GlaxoSmithKline informed U.S. District Judge Cynthia Ruff of Philadelphia that 58 plaintiffs’ firms in the case have agreed to an allocation plan for $143.75 million in common-fund fees. As mediator Bruce Merenstein of Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis described the process, nine law firms objected to the initial allocation plan proposed by judge Rufe-appointed fee committee. After a dozen phone calls and 15 in-person sessions over the last few months, members of the fee committee adjusted their own take to bring the objectors on board. In the final allocation outlined in Merenstein’s report, the biggest share of the common fees, $22.6 million, will go to Reilly Pozner. Wagstaff & Cartmell is in line for $17.2 million; Andrus Hood & Wagstaff for $14.7 million; and Miller & Associates and Heard Robins Cloud & Black for more than $10 million. The Miller firm was an objector to the original allocation plan, but all of the other firms looking at eight-figure awards from the common fund were on the fee committee. Keep in mind that the common-fund fees are on top of whatever contingency fees the plaintiffs’ firms will receive as a share of their clients’ settlements with GSK over the diabetes drug. Rufe ordered last October that all of the plaintiffs in thousands of settled (and later-settled) cases must pay 6.25 percent of their settlements into a common fund to compensate the lawyers who worked on behalf of all Avandia plaintiffs in the consolidated litigation. If you do the math, that reflects a total of $2.3 billion in Avandia settlements by GSK (Judge Rufe doesn’t cite the total but based her order on an aggregated estimate calculated by a plaintiffs’ expert.)

  • LyndaLouFebruary 10, 2014 at 6:00 pm

    Its been years since I filed my claim. now its been sent to many different lawyers and . now they said they are waiting on all these firms to send them back a paper saying they did not pay me any money. Im now dieing from this Avandia med. I had diabetes and after taking this med I had 2 heart attacks and 13 stints, 5 bi passes.. one of the stints got into the heart and is blocking a valve. My ki[Show More]Its been years since I filed my claim. now its been sent to many different lawyers and . now they said they are waiting on all these firms to send them back a paper saying they did not pay me any money. Im now dieing from this Avandia med. I had diabetes and after taking this med I had 2 heart attacks and 13 stints, 5 bi passes.. one of the stints got into the heart and is blocking a valve. My kidneys is stopping , my pancreius is stopping. and my liver too. I wanted to see my money and pay off all my bills before I pass from this world. Im so disappointed by the way this is being handled. Can any one tell me what to do about this. I called then she says the same thing every time, Keep waiting. it could tack 3 to 5 yrs my email don't work so .

  • MaxiJanuary 22, 2014 at 12:06 am

    Hello everyone. We received a partial check in February 2013. on or about May 2013 we received a form to sign so they could evaluate us for insurance liens. We were persistent in making phone calls twice a month. During this time one attorney got hostile and stated that they had not been paid and they wanted their money too! Finally we were told in December 2013 that all paper work had[Show More]Hello everyone. We received a partial check in February 2013. on or about May 2013 we received a form to sign so they could evaluate us for insurance liens. We were persistent in making phone calls twice a month. During this time one attorney got hostile and stated that they had not been paid and they wanted their money too! Finally we were told in December 2013 that all paper work had to be turned into court by December 31 2013 which means they turn in paperwork at the very last minute! Spoke to someone on January 14, 2014 (week ago) and was told that every thing has been completed and now the are waiting on court to ok release. I feel it will be very soon.

  • tannerJanuary 13, 2014 at 5:51 pm

    We received a check last week for 33.33% of the original settlement offer. Glad the lawyers can retire early. Glad to finally have this past us and we can close probate.

  • RashionJanuary 4, 2014 at 4:22 am

    My dad died in 2008 from heart attack leaving 13 children behind. He. Was never married, we sent the. Award letter back last year, called today and they said r more. Months and call back then. We are upset to have to split 48000, 13 ways and even more upset. Because they will only speek to 1 or 2 siblings. My brother signed for us on. Our behalf in which they shouldn't have accepted but they did, [Show More]My dad died in 2008 from heart attack leaving 13 children behind. He. Was never married, we sent the. Award letter back last year, called today and they said r more. Months and call back then. We are upset to have to split 48000, 13 ways and even more upset. Because they will only speek to 1 or 2 siblings. My brother signed for us on. Our behalf in which they shouldn't have accepted but they did, so now my other siblings and I can come forward to sue on our own, they have our names but just his signature. That's illegal. We feel his death wasn't worth 48000, its. Not about the money but when you look at the settlement and ask why they are taxing all 13 kids one at a time when you would think they would just tax it once is unnaceptable. Our hands are tied. Pissed.

  • mikeJanuary 4, 2014 at 2:38 am

    merry christmas and happy new year to yall, I guess we will see another year of BULL S**T form the company and these lawyers i'm 62 and I know I will never see a penny of this money, but I have another attorney that will take over after i'm gone. don't give up make them pay my friends.....

  • JoshDecember 11, 2013 at 1:09 pm

    MLou- Have you heard from anyone else who's received a check yet? Has anyone out there received a check yet(besides Tammy and MLou)?

  • mlouNovember 21, 2013 at 4:29 am

    Josh ~ It was the partial check, they said about another year for the next one..but we were glad to finally get the first one. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Joe ~ We will have a nice Christmas, hope you do too, thanks! I hope yours comes real soon too...everyone has to hang in there, maybe this is just the start of the rest to come...good luck to everyone!!!

  • JoshNovember 20, 2013 at 6:20 am

    Congrats MLou! So G&K FINALLY came through for someone? very cool. Nothing from my end, like i said, I can;t even get them to return my calls anymore. Was it just the partial check, or was it for the full amount? Oh well, there's always 2017

  • joeNovember 18, 2013 at 10:37 pm

    Please, have a nice Christmas. Don't forget to treat yourself.

  • mlouNovember 17, 2013 at 2:17 am

    got my check on Wed. registered mail finally!!!! ..good luck to everyone, I hope they're all on their way!

  • JoshNovember 15, 2013 at 2:02 am

    Hi Tammy! So, any good news, did you finally get a check from them?(MLou, did you get something?) I hope we all do soon. Hi Sharon! I agree. But with these lawfirms, I don't believe anything they say. They've lied to us for so long, and dropped the ball so bad on this, i don;t believe they'll ever be able to fix it. I still have a letter from Sept 2012 claiming we'd "definitely be getting $$$ in [Show More]Hi Tammy! So, any good news, did you finally get a check from them?(MLou, did you get something?) I hope we all do soon. Hi Sharon! I agree. But with these lawfirms, I don't believe anything they say. They've lied to us for so long, and dropped the ball so bad on this, i don;t believe they'll ever be able to fix it. I still have a letter from Sept 2012 claiming we'd "definitely be getting $$$ in Dec 2012", only to hear in that month(when it didnlt happen)"Sorry, we're looking toward the first part of 2013"...Guess what came and went and nothing? Then it was "We hope to begin paying out in the summer of 2013", again guess what happened? You guessed it, NOTHING. I sure hope they send something to someone, and stop jerking everyone around because of their blatant screwups. I've decided to go forward with a potential lawsuit against these "lawyers", for a number of things. lets see how these douchebags like that.

  • no nameNovember 13, 2013 at 6:09 pm

    congrats Tammy, who is your lawyer? and who was your health insurance with at the time of incident? As I understand once you are clear from medical you have to sign another settlement letter and then its 30 days after you sign that.. true?

  • JoshNovember 12, 2013 at 7:21 am

    Hi Lydia! I sure hope both you and MLou are right, and that this $$$ is "released" and that we'll start seeing something very soon. Again, I'm not holding my breath, and won't believe anything till I see the check in my hand. Also, who is your law firm? I hope we all have a good christmas with this latest news.

  • TammyNovember 11, 2013 at 7:40 pm

    Talked to my lawyer's office Friday and they gave me a tracking number for the funds on my holdback pay. Tracked it and supposed to arrive tomorrow11/12/2013.

  • LydiaNovember 11, 2013 at 4:40 am

    My lawyers have also confirmed that the money has been released but now they tell me that the Garrison group will not release mine until the VA says it they have a claim. When I asked about the 90 days that insurance could stake a claim I was told that because the VA is government they do not have to follow the same rules. If they take part of it then after lawyers fees and expenses I will probabl[Show More]My lawyers have also confirmed that the money has been released but now they tell me that the Garrison group will not release mine until the VA says it they have a claim. When I asked about the 90 days that insurance could stake a claim I was told that because the VA is government they do not have to follow the same rules. If they take part of it then after lawyers fees and expenses I will probably not get the second part of my settlement. Sad that we where victims of the drug in one way or another and now victims of all the people that jumped on for their share of the money. Feeling alittle bitter.

  • JoshNovember 9, 2013 at 9:14 am

    Mlou-Haven't heard that, where did you if I may ask? whenever i call the douches never even return my calls, nothing. Like I've said many many times: I'll believe it when I have it in my hands. Please let us know if you get yours. Scott, good for you, and I don't blame you one bit. Im contemplating suing my firm as well. I certainly will never recommend them to anyone.

  • sharonNovember 8, 2013 at 6:43 pm

    Josh, I really hope you are correct. Called my law firm on Monday, and I haven't even gotten a call back. So If they went out on the 11/05/2013. maybe we will get some financial relief

  • ScottNovember 7, 2013 at 11:53 am

    I was one of the first to file (2005) My attorneys don't call. I get letters maybe once a year. If I call them it's like it's a major inconveance to them. Many of us are going on the ten year mark, and I have heard every excess they can muster/make up. I signed my settlement papers for over $200K but it's taking so long that I have about $50K in loans. Then Judge Rufe gives the attorneys $22.6 to [Show More]I was one of the first to file (2005) My attorneys don't call. I get letters maybe once a year. If I call them it's like it's a major inconveance to them. Many of us are going on the ten year mark, and I have heard every excess they can muster/make up. I signed my settlement papers for over $200K but it's taking so long that I have about $50K in loans. Then Judge Rufe gives the attorneys $22.6 to $10 Million just for representing us. Then the attorneys are still taking 40% + court fees of 6.2%? WHY? When we hired them what was their job? I have found out that I can sue the law firm; for all these delay's and plan on going for one hell of allot more then $200K

  • mlou102November 6, 2013 at 9:41 pm

    just heard checks went out yesterday, 11/05/2013..heard this from the lawyers office...anyone else get this info yet? ( Josh?? )

  • JoshNovember 4, 2013 at 8:20 am

    Has anyone heard anything, or received anything lately? I have this strange feeling there'll be MORE BS coming our way, via the lawyers, on when they'll start paying out. These lawyers sure know how to shuck and jive their way through all this. I hope we hear something after the first of the year, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

  • donOctober 12, 2013 at 2:01 am

    When I was given the first payment for this Avandia settlement I was informed they had taken 10% off the top of the settlement to fund errors that may have been made. This 10% was to be distributed after all is settled and paid. Prior to the 10% I was to paid the insurance hold-back and the amount from my appeal. It has been one year and still no hold-back or appeal money but I was blown away b[Show More]When I was given the first payment for this Avandia settlement I was informed they had taken 10% off the top of the settlement to fund errors that may have been made. This 10% was to be distributed after all is settled and paid. Prior to the 10% I was to paid the insurance hold-back and the amount from my appeal. It has been one year and still no hold-back or appeal money but I was blown away by getting the 10% amount today. I am very grateful and hope this indicates that the hold-back and appeal money is near being released. Hope all is better for others who are waiting as well.

  • SharonOctober 7, 2013 at 6:09 pm

    Can anyone tell me when the insurance hold backs will be released. Received a letter May, 2013 stated the process, according to the letter it would be 90 days. well we are into September, call my law firm today and they still have no clue. have anyone had this problem on the insurance hold backs.

  • NutSeptember 30, 2013 at 7:15 pm

    When a court orders payment that is when we might get it, after all appeals have been exhausted.

  • RandySeptember 29, 2013 at 4:32 pm

    to those saying they got award letters ... ? from who, for how much, and when are you supposed to get money .. been 4 yrs since I joined this process ..

  • SallieSeptember 18, 2013 at 4:08 pm

    I got my award letter on Friday and sent it back, all signed, right away. I sent it certified so I know the lawyers got it back. My sister died after a stroke, Cardiac Arrest was on her death certificate. However, they (GSK) would not accept the heart attack. They only accepted the stoke, which is the lowest "points" you can get to receive any sort of damages. After everything is said and done,[Show More]I got my award letter on Friday and sent it back, all signed, right away. I sent it certified so I know the lawyers got it back. My sister died after a stroke, Cardiac Arrest was on her death certificate. However, they (GSK) would not accept the heart attack. They only accepted the stoke, which is the lowest "points" you can get to receive any sort of damages. After everything is said and done, there is only enough to get a gravestone for her grave. Thank you, Galaxo-Smith Kline!

  • mlouSeptember 17, 2013 at 1:43 am

    rkypta - thanks for setting me straight... but it still stinks LOL

  • rkyptaSeptember 16, 2013 at 3:16 am

    '@ mlou. . . This isn't a "Class Action" that is where everyone shares the money equally. I think it would be better for all of us if it was. No, this is a ""Torte" suit. . . Just thought I would clear that up for you.

  • SharonSeptember 14, 2013 at 9:17 pm

    My husband got his award letter yesterday and we sent it back in today. Didn't get what we hoped for but we are pleased with anything the Lord allows us to have. We are thankful for everything. Just don't know when to expect any money to come thru. Hopefully not long. Keep you informed.

  • RandySeptember 14, 2013 at 6:56 am

    this is all a damn joke ... 3 heart attacks later ,,, not a damn thing ,,, kill someone and get life ... get killed and get not a damn thing ... hey there GSK ... you are a damn joke ... make them take thier own medicine ,,, sounds fair to me ... wonder why people go postal ???? you killed thier familys ... hey GSK ... what is your life worth ... maybe all of us should make an offer ... we'll pay [Show More]this is all a damn joke ... 3 heart attacks later ,,, not a damn thing ,,, kill someone and get life ... get killed and get not a damn thing ... hey there GSK ... you are a damn joke ... make them take thier own medicine ,,, sounds fair to me ... wonder why people go postal ???? you killed thier familys ... hey GSK ... what is your life worth ... maybe all of us should make an offer ... we'll pay you someday .... worthless assholes

  • RhondaSeptember 13, 2013 at 11:20 pm

    My husband had chef after taking Avandia.He also was diagnosed with a head tumor and is loosing his vision because of Avandia.He has been mislead flat out lied to by his so called Attorneys you know the ones on TV! First after 1 year he got a letter telling him he would get a $35,500 settlement of which they would take $25,000.Well he would get it soon they said.Then he got another letter saying i[Show More]My husband had chef after taking Avandia.He also was diagnosed with a head tumor and is loosing his vision because of Avandia.He has been mislead flat out lied to by his so called Attorneys you know the ones on TV! First after 1 year he got a letter telling him he would get a $35,500 settlement of which they would take $25,000.Well he would get it soon they said.Then he got another letter saying it would be a little longer.This has gone on for 3 years!Finally I called them and the lady said Oh, we are just getting g ready to send him a check the 1st of June this year,OK No check and it is September we called them again and my husband told the lady if he did not get results by October1 that he was getting him a lawyer and sue them.Well he got a letter a few days later saying he was not getting his settlement,he did not get sick within 1 year of going off the drug,good God Avandia has nearly killed him made him disabled and we have lost everything what do we do now he will surely die from this and he has no insurance. God, please help us all.

  • RhondaSeptember 13, 2013 at 9:46 pm

    My husband had chef and had to go on disability because of avandia,he got a letter from his fine California and NewYork Attorneys saying he was going to receive a settlement in 2011. so we waited and called and was told they were sending him a check June 2013! He called them a week ago and they lied again.Then this week he got a letter saying. He did not get sick within 30 days to 1 year so he wa[Show More]My husband had chef and had to go on disability because of avandia,he got a letter from his fine California and NewYork Attorneys saying he was going to receive a settlement in 2011. so we waited and called and was told they were sending him a check June 2013! He called them a week ago and they lied again.Then this week he got a letter saying. He did not get sick within 30 days to 1 year so he wasn't getting anything! How. Can these blood sucking con artist get away with this why didn't they tell him he missed the deadline on getting sick instead of leading him on for nearly 3 years, we are devastated.

  • mlouSeptember 12, 2013 at 5:36 pm

    Talked to Lawyers office today, said it will be at least another 4 mos...that will take us into 2014... I think we ALL need to find ONE LAWYER out there willing to look into this and help us ALL!!! I wonder what would happen if I would just ask to pull us out of this Settlement completely! I am really thinking about it, then the Lawyer wouldn't be making anything on it either, would they? Sure[Show More]Talked to Lawyers office today, said it will be at least another 4 mos...that will take us into 2014... I think we ALL need to find ONE LAWYER out there willing to look into this and help us ALL!!! I wonder what would happen if I would just ask to pull us out of this Settlement completely! I am really thinking about it, then the Lawyer wouldn't be making anything on it either, would they? Sure wish we had some attnys. out there willing to tell us if this is all on the up and this really how it goes with Class Action Suits???? Anyone out there who can give us some honest answers about how this is being handled? thanks!

  • mikeSeptember 11, 2013 at 1:25 am

    my friends we need to all get together and demand to the courts that something be done and done NOW. I am writeing to you on my death bed I hope you all the best..

  • SallieSeptember 5, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    I called my lawyer today and they told me that the my sister, whose death certificate says the cause of death is "Cardiac Arrest", is too general and that GSK lawyers disqualified it as worthy of payment. However, her stroke 4 months earlier was accepted at a lower score. I have to prove that she had a heart attack before she died - EKG, lab tests, etc. to prove she had been "damaged" by Avandia. [Show More]I called my lawyer today and they told me that the my sister, whose death certificate says the cause of death is "Cardiac Arrest", is too general and that GSK lawyers disqualified it as worthy of payment. However, her stroke 4 months earlier was accepted at a lower score. I have to prove that she had a heart attack before she died - EKG, lab tests, etc. to prove she had been "damaged" by Avandia. The hieracy of payment is: heart attack (most) to stroke (least). More hoops to go through for - what? I will have to hunt down old medical records and have them sent to the lawyers to prove damage. What a run around! Will there be money enough to buy a cup of coffee? I doubt it...

  • MaryannSeptember 5, 2013 at 5:23 pm

    How long before u get your check from this company my lawyer said they will sent a check.. Hope it isn't another 5 years..There should b a time limit on these cases..

  • mike hSeptember 4, 2013 at 1:46 am


  • son of deceased motherSeptember 3, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    my sister and I got first check last may(2012) lawyer said holdback would be coming before the end of 2012 still haven't gotten anything lawyer said hold up is gsk lawyer their law firm is elias gamin that's representing gsk they are the one dragging their feet our lawyers said that's all they are waiting on so there's still hope my mom only had medicare which have already cleared her liens to[Show More]my sister and I got first check last may(2012) lawyer said holdback would be coming before the end of 2012 still haven't gotten anything lawyer said hold up is gsk lawyer their law firm is elias gamin that's representing gsk they are the one dragging their feet our lawyers said that's all they are waiting on so there's still hope my mom only had medicare which have already cleared her liens to them

  • RonAugust 30, 2013 at 9:35 pm

    We have been getting the run-a-round for some time now. First it was that we'd receive the award letter last April. Then in Jan, 2013 we got the new letter stating that there had to be a check for liens, etc. I called them them and they said I should receive the Award letter in April 2013, no letter. . . Then they said June. . .No letter, now in August 2013, we are being told that the letters we[Show More]We have been getting the run-a-round for some time now. First it was that we'd receive the award letter last April. Then in Jan, 2013 we got the new letter stating that there had to be a check for liens, etc. I called them them and they said I should receive the Award letter in April 2013, no letter. . . Then they said June. . .No letter, now in August 2013, we are being told that the letters were to be mailed 5-6 weeks ago. . .I sure didn't get it. How much money do you think is being collected in interest with their account? They keep stalling I feel, just so the interest will balance out what they pay out! I am fed up with promises they make and I am about to snd a letter to the Honorable Judge and ask her how long they are going to be able to keep stalling?

  • crackednutAugust 30, 2013 at 10:57 am

    Has anyone received anything, First check second check holdback ,anything from Avandia case?z

  • JoshAugust 30, 2013 at 8:31 am

    I'll believe it when i see it Sharon, I don't hold out any hope. I think the whole thing is a scam........NO ONE can be this incompetent. I doubt these attny's are working as hard as they claim they are. Good luck seeing anything before 2014(and watch the excuses follow when that doesn't come to fruition either).

  • SharonAugust 28, 2013 at 7:36 pm

    Talked to my husband's attorney's office last Friday. Said "very soon". Haven't seen much on the blog since 08/15/13. We are trying not to get discouraged but just don't know what to think. I have been calling them every 2 weeks for a couple of months now. Will share any info we get.

  • mlouAugust 15, 2013 at 4:34 pm

    Yes Josh - Talked with them again, " MAYBE....HOPEFULLY BY THE END OF THE YEAR!! " That is what she said!!! Then they dropped his settlement in half b/c he had his heart attack shortly after the yr. he came off Avandia.(just told us that) So now he only qualifies for the 8 heart stents he's had placed from the time he was on the drug, until he had his last heart attack. She also said GSK is [Show More]Yes Josh - Talked with them again, " MAYBE....HOPEFULLY BY THE END OF THE YEAR!! " That is what she said!!! Then they dropped his settlement in half b/c he had his heart attack shortly after the yr. he came off Avandia.(just told us that) So now he only qualifies for the 8 heart stents he's had placed from the time he was on the drug, until he had his last heart attack. She also said GSK is very hard to deal with... 'scuse us.....who did what to who???? I'm done....farce as far as I am concerned!! LAWYERS are the BIG winners here, not us!

  • JoshAugust 14, 2013 at 8:56 pm

    WOW!! Sorry to hear that Jim, but I have to agree with you. The lawyers are who made out in these cases. They simply DO NOT CARE how long it takes for these cases to get settled, or for how much, as they stand to profit big time from them. Im so beyond sick of hearing my lawyers shitty attitude on when I'll get something, but i can't fire him, because we're too far into the process. This is beyon[Show More]WOW!! Sorry to hear that Jim, but I have to agree with you. The lawyers are who made out in these cases. They simply DO NOT CARE how long it takes for these cases to get settled, or for how much, as they stand to profit big time from them. Im so beyond sick of hearing my lawyers shitty attitude on when I'll get something, but i can't fire him, because we're too far into the process. This is beyond ridiculous too, as these cases were supposed to be settled and paid out on a ways back. LAST YEAR, I was told "final notice, you're getting something on"...and when they date came, guess who didnt get paid, and heard more excuses? Me/you/us. I dont even bother contacting my lawfirm anymore about it, as Im just being told the same thing over and over, "we're waiting...blah blah blah". Then, they kindly brag about how they worked out some sort of payment with them where they dont have to wait for 100% of the cases to to start paying out, they can do it at 50%, which means NOTHING. Im about to tell my lf to golf instructor......I will NEVER recommend them to anyone.

  • AspencerAugust 14, 2013 at 5:11 pm

    My family won a settlement and its been 5 years since my mother has past and we still have not received any money from this company. Even though it will not bring my mother back but it will help with some of the bills she had and accommodate us for our loss. Still waiting and wondering???????????????????????????????????

  • JimAugust 13, 2013 at 8:34 pm

    After almost 7 years of hearing my attys tell me they were working to get me the best award and compensation, I received the documents today. I can't believe what a terrible offer I have received. Following attorney fees 33.3%, possible private insurance liens 20%, and expenses for the "Special Master" review (what a joke this is) I will be left with less than 40% of gross (perfect description) se[Show More]After almost 7 years of hearing my attys tell me they were working to get me the best award and compensation, I received the documents today. I can't believe what a terrible offer I have received. Following attorney fees 33.3%, possible private insurance liens 20%, and expenses for the "Special Master" review (what a joke this is) I will be left with less than 40% of gross (perfect description) settlement. The amount I receive will almost pay for the plavix I took for 6 years and my lost wages are just that........lost. I think what galls me the most today is the statement the paralegal I spoke with made. When I expressed my displeasure of the settlement amount, he said, and I quote," we are not happy with it either" Dear God, did Glaxo hold a gun to the firm's head to accept it? Quick math reveals that the firm will earn almost $16.6M. Poor babies......hopefully they won't have to eat beanie weenies due to the decreased compensation. As always, the Feds get their money, the attys get theirs, and we the plaintiff gets the shaft.

  • JoshAugust 10, 2013 at 9:00 pm

    Not sure if it's just me, but I could swear my lawyers said that Aug we'd be getting something? When I met with them in June, they said "In August", but not sure if that meant the partial payment, or what.

  • SharonAugust 6, 2013 at 3:25 pm

    Hello everyone, has any heard when we will get the 20 percent set aside for insurance. Spoke with Garreston group stated that medicard and medicaid has been cleared currently waitng on Humana, My sister didnot have any private insurance. If they could give us a time it would be helpful.

  • JoshAugust 2, 2013 at 8:46 pm

    Sharon, thanks for the info. More excuses......I honestly believe these lawyers(all of them) are bumbling fools, and cannot get this done. I also think they're hoping we all forget about it. I bet those letters will claim they wont be able to do anything til 2014, watch. or, they'll promise something "by December", that month will get here, and nothing.

  • JoshAugust 2, 2013 at 8:40 pm

    Sharon-Sounds like nothing but MORE excuses. IMO, I just don't think they really want to pay out, and are hoping folks will forget about it. I've never seen so much bungling of paperwork and general stuff IMO, than with this suit. I bet that letter will state we won;t see a dime of it til

  • SharonJuly 30, 2013 at 6:51 pm

    Called my husband's lawyer's office last Friday. Said Garretson had made some mistakes on figuring the settlements and had to send some of them back. Said should be getting a letter this week or next week. Keep our fingers crossed.

  • JoshJuly 25, 2013 at 8:06 pm

    Mlou-You're probably right, I'm just sick of the "well, it'll be this month", and then nothing when that time coems. Im with you on the 2014 thing. Let's hope it does come soon........

  • mlouJuly 24, 2013 at 8:39 pm

    Josh - I have a feeling it is getting very close...with them sending out the letters, and then saying they neg. for 50% instead of 100% makes me feel that they are trying to let us know that it is coming soon, because they didn't have to say that at all... I really feel it will be soon. But I'll tell ya, if they send out anything else that says anything about 2014, then I give up..... It's not w[Show More]Josh - I have a feeling it is getting very close...with them sending out the letters, and then saying they neg. for 50% instead of 100% makes me feel that they are trying to let us know that it is coming soon, because they didn't have to say that at all... I really feel it will be soon. But I'll tell ya, if they send out anything else that says anything about 2014, then I give up..... It's not worth getting your hopes up and then being shot down every 3,4,6 mos. If you forget it, then it'll happen. But we are like everyone else here, hoping and 'dreaming' of getting our monies.. But my personal feeling is it's going to happen soon! (hoping aug or sept) Good luck to us! Hang in there my friend! ;-)

  • JoshJuly 23, 2013 at 11:25 pm

    Mlou-Do you believe them, or do you think they'll keep this thing going until after 2014? I think they're not working as hard as they claim to get these things settled. What say you?

  • mlouJuly 23, 2013 at 1:27 am

    Joe - they are waiting payouts until 50% of the group are in. (NOT 50% of settlement)

  • JoshJuly 22, 2013 at 9:31 pm

    Joe-Something about that lawfirm was able to negotiate a payout to it's clients @ 50% instead of the required 100% needed to pay out anyone. I have a feeling this thing's gonna drag out till 2014 til wee see a dime.

  • joeJuly 22, 2013 at 12:57 pm

    Josh and Miou, please explain. Are talking about 50% of the group your in or 50% of the settlement you are getting?

  • mlouJuly 18, 2013 at 6:14 pm

    Josh - Yes, my letter also stated that, that they negotiated w/GSK to start payouts at 50% instead of waiting for ALL of them to be in... Time will tell I guess...but I'll surely put it out here as soon as some kind of payment comes through, as I am sure everyone else will do!

  • JoshJuly 17, 2013 at 6:34 pm

    mlou-I didnt get that particular letter, but one stating that they negotiated at 50% to pay out partial settlements. Im guessing it will be soon, but have no idea. Sounds like a bunch of BS and that someone is dragging their feet.

  • willJuly 16, 2013 at 11:37 pm

    Hello everyone, if you were offered a settlement and you accepted, then the only thing holding you up is medical leans. Everyone can check your own progress just by talking to the people who are doing the checks. GSK has pass the hole process over to Garretson reasolution group. Check out there web page.

  • SharonJuly 16, 2013 at 6:11 pm

    Anybody have any new information?

  • mlouJuly 13, 2013 at 3:59 am

    Josh - did you get the letter from the attny. stating they are trying to get it done ....once they get the approval from the 2 Justices, then they send the complete pkg. to GSK lawyers who then have to approve the case as well. Only after that will they be sending out the first half of the settlements. how long? who knows! just a waiting game.

  • LydiaJuly 10, 2013 at 4:12 pm

    Talked to my lawyer yesterday and she said private insurance has until the next week to file their claims and then they have 90 days to submit an itemised bill. This would all come out of the holdback. I was told that claims that do not have the additional private insurance claims should have their funds released for final payout but that could still take awhile. I am hoping for Christmas.

  • joeJuly 9, 2013 at 3:38 pm

    I am sitting here just like everyone else. The latest I have is that I been approved last May or April. No amount given.

  • SharonJuly 9, 2013 at 12:50 am

    Talked to my husband's lawyers office today. Said working on award amounts and hope to be sending out offers within the month or shortly thereafter. Said getting close. Keep our fingers crossed.

  • SallieJuly 1, 2013 at 4:25 pm

    A call to my law firm today said that GSK is still reviewing the cases. "No news is good news" so the recording said. Otherwise, GSK lawyers are looking for any loopholes to reject certain claims and you have to provide MORE information so the claim doesn't get thrown out by GSK. I haven't heard anything, but who knows... No mention in the recording when there will be a conclusion in all this. I g[Show More]A call to my law firm today said that GSK is still reviewing the cases. "No news is good news" so the recording said. Otherwise, GSK lawyers are looking for any loopholes to reject certain claims and you have to provide MORE information so the claim doesn't get thrown out by GSK. I haven't heard anything, but who knows... No mention in the recording when there will be a conclusion in all this. I guess all you can do is live like you never see the $$$. Joe, do you have any news?

  • joeJuly 1, 2013 at 3:24 pm

    This lawsuit is not a class action. It is a Mass Tort lawsuit. Big difference. Class lawsuit is where everybody get the same amount across the board. Mass Tort is each person get on the "medical damage" that was done to each person. This is one reason why it is taken so long. Each case is looked at by GSK medical and lawyers, by our lawyer and medical staff and outside medical staff to confirm of [Show More]This lawsuit is not a class action. It is a Mass Tort lawsuit. Big difference. Class lawsuit is where everybody get the same amount across the board. Mass Tort is each person get on the "medical damage" that was done to each person. This is one reason why it is taken so long. Each case is looked at by GSK medical and lawyers, by our lawyer and medical staff and outside medical staff to confirm of "medical incident" took place of each person. Then all 3 groups negotiate and eventually come to an agreement on how much each person is entitled to re'cd has a settlement. This is how the law works, not what we think it should work.There are tens of thousand of people to look over and give the OK that who has a case and who don't have a case.

  • NutJune 30, 2013 at 9:48 am

    Class action designed by lawyers for lawyers.

  • HarryJune 21, 2013 at 8:42 pm

    I can't feel bad for the people who are waiting for their hold back, when most people haven't even received their first payment yet. Stop whining, and have some compassion for the people who haven't seen a dime yet. At least you received some cash already!

  • joeJune 21, 2013 at 2:42 pm

    Don. I understand what you aresaying, but it is automatic when holdback take place. Weather you have medicare or not. Holdback are also for adjustments. Like you did not get the correct amount of the awards. This can go both ways. Take away or add to the settlement.

  • donJune 21, 2013 at 3:17 am

    Sure hope I at least get my lien hold-back money this summer. The message is the hold-up is due to the negotiations over medicare part c insurance companies. I didn't have medicare at all when I had my heart attack. My insurance has not and is not filing a lien. Yet my 20% is being held. Something is wrong with this picture...GRG was paid their moneys from what I did receive yet they haven't [Show More]Sure hope I at least get my lien hold-back money this summer. The message is the hold-up is due to the negotiations over medicare part c insurance companies. I didn't have medicare at all when I had my heart attack. My insurance has not and is not filing a lien. Yet my 20% is being held. Something is wrong with this picture...GRG was paid their moneys from what I did receive yet they haven't completed their work...I don't pay for dinner before I eat it and don't pay for car repairs until complete. This is wrong yet the judge allows it, our lawyers support it, and our politicians ignore it. Just not in a good mood tonight. BTW my lawyers are out of St Louis as well.

  • joeJune 20, 2013 at 11:17 pm

    Jay, no company is going to just say here the money. What Gsk is doing is making sure you have a valid claim. Our lawyer will ok anything. The more our ok's, the more money they make. Gsk is just confirming what your medical record say. Do you know how many folks are making claims that shouldn't be there. I stub my toe while on avandia. I fell and dislocated my shoulder, I got drunk to fast and go[Show More]Jay, no company is going to just say here the money. What Gsk is doing is making sure you have a valid claim. Our lawyer will ok anything. The more our ok's, the more money they make. Gsk is just confirming what your medical record say. Do you know how many folks are making claims that shouldn't be there. I stub my toe while on avandia. I fell and dislocated my shoulder, I got drunk to fast and got caught DWI while on avandia. If you think some claim are not like this, I think you should think again. Many folks will try anything to get a buck..

  • SharonJune 20, 2013 at 3:33 pm

    I just called my husband's law firm in Chicago and was told that the defense has finished their part and they are in the process of assigning awards. Said we should be getting an offer in the mail soon. Hopefully soon means soon in this case.

  • florenceJune 19, 2013 at 9:14 pm

    anyone have attorneys in Missouri? I have been wiating forever just to get a distribution letter...just talked to law office and they said probably aug-sept

  • JayJune 19, 2013 at 4:15 pm

    Doesn't it seem funny to you that GSK pleaded guilty and got a court judgment for several billion dollars. And all of a sudden your case is in the hands of their lawyers to determan if your case is valid? Normally if you get a judgment against in court we have 30 days to pay in full. On July 23,2012 I was offered a settlement of $45,000.00 but my attorney turned it down for more money. I probibl[Show More]Doesn't it seem funny to you that GSK pleaded guilty and got a court judgment for several billion dollars. And all of a sudden your case is in the hands of their lawyers to determan if your case is valid? Normally if you get a judgment against in court we have 30 days to pay in full. On July 23,2012 I was offered a settlement of $45,000.00 but my attorney turned it down for more money. I probibly would of accepted the offer if I was askedsince now after all deductions I will get approx. $40,000.00.

  • mlouJune 15, 2013 at 3:15 am

    Josh - I wasn't the one willing to sell the but I did say I was "hoping" for what they said. Been talking with the firm, and it is pretty close, got another proposal, less than original, but I do have some more info going in for the hubby. Received another letter to be signed and to send back, did you get that one? They are moving along, and it is not going to be too much longer. M[Show More]Josh - I wasn't the one willing to sell the but I did say I was "hoping" for what they said. Been talking with the firm, and it is pretty close, got another proposal, less than original, but I do have some more info going in for the hubby. Received another letter to be signed and to send back, did you get that one? They are moving along, and it is not going to be too much longer. Maybe the Aug. or Sept. date will be it. Just waiting and hoping like everyone else.

  • joeJune 14, 2013 at 7:52 pm

    Don, I know there hope. Folks will get there settlements. It just that most folks here think that you say you took avandia and it gave you a heart attack. Boom, Oh i am sorry, here's your money. It don't work that way. First they get your record, at the same time there are 1,000 or more folks in the same boat has you. Think about that Waiting for 1,000 medical records to be forward to the lawyer. [Show More]Don, I know there hope. Folks will get there settlements. It just that most folks here think that you say you took avandia and it gave you a heart attack. Boom, Oh i am sorry, here's your money. It don't work that way. First they get your record, at the same time there are 1,000 or more folks in the same boat has you. Think about that Waiting for 1,000 medical records to be forward to the lawyer. This alone take about a year. Don't blame the lawyer. They only can wait for the doctor to respond. Another year to go over each and every person record to confirm what you say. The "paper" work of the negoitation goes on for each group. another year. lawyers send the records to GSK to OK'd the claim. GSK disclaim some, argue other and OK'd some other. This take about 1-2 years. Now this goes on over and over and over. Gsk disclaim, lawyer argue on it, 6 months goes it get OK'd, then GSK kick out another saying no good, lawyer argue again. OVER and OVER and OVER. It is a game. Just like politics. Argue over nothing goes that the way things are done.

  • donJune 12, 2013 at 11:22 pm

    Several on this blog are asking about settlement proposals and actual checks being received. I signed up with my lawyer in 2010 and had copies of all the medical documents of anything related to my heart problems. They did have to request the documentation from the pharmacies about my Avandia use. Received proposed settlement in May 2012 that had errors in it so appealed and was sent a new prop[Show More]Several on this blog are asking about settlement proposals and actual checks being received. I signed up with my lawyer in 2010 and had copies of all the medical documents of anything related to my heart problems. They did have to request the documentation from the pharmacies about my Avandia use. Received proposed settlement in May 2012 that had errors in it so appealed and was sent a new proposal in June 2012. August 2012 I received payment for the initial figure with a letter saying they would pay the rest at a later date. There was the 20% withheld for the lien issue. So I am currently waiting on the remaining settlement, the 20% lien money, and the approximate 10% they withheld initially from the total settlement to pay for mistakes they made in calculating the settlements. I have been informed there has been progress in getting the funds for the lien amounts released for payment but no firm date. My wife has been driving a 2012 Silverado since September 2012. Hope this helps someone who wanted to see if there is hope.

  • JoshJune 12, 2013 at 2:47 am

    Mlou- Didn't I tell you you wouldn't get anything come June 1st and the excuses will continue? Still willing to bet the farm now?:) I told you all. I won't get excited till I see it in my hand. Its excuse after excuse. I hope it's sometime this year.

  • joeJune 11, 2013 at 5:05 pm

    Robyn, I know your emotion are not at the best. But I am sorry to say this, your settlement is on the stroke. It is not on what happen later when he had another stroke and died. Please try and understand this. By law, it has not been proven that gsk knew that avandia cause the health problem of many folks. That is why it is called a settlement. Also, when you do re'cd your settlement, your must s[Show More]Robyn, I know your emotion are not at the best. But I am sorry to say this, your settlement is on the stroke. It is not on what happen later when he had another stroke and died. Please try and understand this. By law, it has not been proven that gsk knew that avandia cause the health problem of many folks. That is why it is called a settlement. Also, when you do re'cd your settlement, your must sign saying that neither Gsk or avandia cause the health problems of your father. For those who re'cd any settlement would know this.

  • LydiaJune 11, 2013 at 3:42 pm

    I received a parcial payment in Nov 2012 and was told that the rest should be settled soon. I called last week and I am in the final review stage and my lawyer said everything is done. I have to say that my lawyers have always returned my calls and answered my questions in a timely manner. The only thing is when it is all said and done the lawyers get most of the settlement. They have take their 4[Show More]I received a parcial payment in Nov 2012 and was told that the rest should be settled soon. I called last week and I am in the final review stage and my lawyer said everything is done. I have to say that my lawyers have always returned my calls and answered my questions in a timely manner. The only thing is when it is all said and done the lawyers get most of the settlement. They have take their 40% and then their expenses was almost as much. I am not sure if it was all worth it.

  • GlennJune 10, 2013 at 8:18 pm

    I keep telling all of you, it takes about 6 yrs to get your settlement. Go back and read my posts from the last year and you will know what to expect

  • SharonJune 10, 2013 at 6:45 pm

    Just read the comment by Robert. Has anyone for sure ever received any payment? I am doubting that it exists when it comes right down to it. What kind of figures are we looking at? Enough to actively pursue or are they just trying to wait everyone out and hope they will lose interest and go on their way? I am very interested in finding out some of these facts. Also, Robert what state is your attor[Show More]Just read the comment by Robert. Has anyone for sure ever received any payment? I am doubting that it exists when it comes right down to it. What kind of figures are we looking at? Enough to actively pursue or are they just trying to wait everyone out and hope they will lose interest and go on their way? I am very interested in finding out some of these facts. Also, Robert what state is your attorney located in?

  • RobynJune 10, 2013 at 5:13 pm

    Hello all! My father took avandia then had a stroke which lead to an immediate quadruple bypass, then a few months later had another stroke and died from heart issues. I have been working with a lawyer since 2010, received a proposal (if you even want to call it that, since it barely covered funeral costs) in October 2012, and still no word on an actual payout. I find it very discouraging that I l[Show More]Hello all! My father took avandia then had a stroke which lead to an immediate quadruple bypass, then a few months later had another stroke and died from heart issues. I have been working with a lawyer since 2010, received a proposal (if you even want to call it that, since it barely covered funeral costs) in October 2012, and still no word on an actual payout. I find it very discouraging that I lost my father, who was only 60, and the GSK lawyers put so little a value on his life. And now every time I call the lawyer he is on vacation. Has anyone who received a settlement letter around the same time been paid?

  • robertJune 8, 2013 at 2:51 pm

    After sighning a million papers it seemed like,and furnishing medical record after medical record we were at some point we would receive a settlement (1st payment of 2) in December of 2012.That month got here and passed,and we were told,that someone was wanting to review the medical records one at a time.A stall tactic if there ever was one.At that point we were told,you will receive your first pa[Show More]After sighning a million papers it seemed like,and furnishing medical record after medical record we were at some point we would receive a settlement (1st payment of 2) in December of 2012.That month got here and passed,and we were told,that someone was wanting to review the medical records one at a time.A stall tactic if there ever was one.At that point we were told,you will receive your first payment in June of 2013,with no date given.The end of May we called to see if any known date was scheduled yet.Guess what,no date available other than sometime in June.We called on 06/07/13 and ask if they had a date yet,and we were told that they,(the companies lawyers) are holding it up,as they are wanting to review more records,plus now they are saying that payment will be sometime inSeptember.I'm sick both literally and mentally of all the excuses,and the fact that somewhere a Judge keeps allowing this to continue.MY records show heart attack,and stroke while on the medication,now do the right thing and make the payment.At the current rate these people are going I'll be dead before I ever see any type of payment from these people.After yesterday's news,needless to say,i'm in one hell of a funk.Hopefully one day we all might get our settlements,but I've lost all hope,and know that I should have never ever put that much trust and hope in lawyers,judges,and corporations.

  • mlouJune 5, 2013 at 8:14 pm

    Talked with Lawyers office today, they are waiting for "50%" to be returned, (GSK's reviews), and then that is when they will release monies.They said they are almost there, so now it's looking more like Aug. or Sept. of this year.

  • mikeJune 4, 2013 at 12:00 am

    June 3,2013: I think this is all a big scam, I was told in Feb 2011 that I would be getting a check within 4 to 6 weeks. after that my attorney said that he had nothing else to do with it. that it had all been settled and we had to wait for a special master of chancery to o.k. the checks

  • MikeJune 3, 2013 at 11:52 pm

    June 3erd 2013, I sent a letter to my attorney back in Oct. 2011 and i got a retuirn from them that I should be getting my check by Feb. 2012 after that I sent a letter to them in may 2012 to see if they could tell me anything. At that time they told me that they had nothing else to do with it and that we had to wait on an avandia special master in chancery to send out the checks. I will tell you [Show More]June 3erd 2013, I sent a letter to my attorney back in Oct. 2011 and i got a retuirn from them that I should be getting my check by Feb. 2012 after that I sent a letter to them in may 2012 to see if they could tell me anything. At that time they told me that they had nothing else to do with it and that we had to wait on an avandia special master in chancery to send out the checks. I will tell you much, I don"t believe we will ever get anything.I have about 3 months left before my Dr. is saying I will be gone. All I can say is PLEASE don't let them get away with this, GOD BLESS Y"ALL....

  • TomJune 3, 2013 at 9:21 pm

    Has anyone recevied any money?

  • deceased mothers sonJune 3, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    this is to answer sharon talk to my lawyer out of san francisco was told the hold up was gsk money haven't been released yet my sister and i have been waiting on hold back since last june we also recieved partial settlement was told by lawyer that hold back takes 120 days it's been a year lawyer said it was because of the private insurance. they (the lawyers& garretson) have gotten paid so [Show More]this is to answer sharon talk to my lawyer out of san francisco was told the hold up was gsk money haven't been released yet my sister and i have been waiting on hold back since last june we also recieved partial settlement was told by lawyer that hold back takes 120 days it's been a year lawyer said it was because of the private insurance. they (the lawyers& garretson) have gotten paid so they really don't care bout the uold back cause they don't get any of that hopefully it will be in week or so had to sign affidavit stating that my mom did not havr united heathcare or humana taht was one month ago. when we call lawyer they be reluctant to talk but they do let's keep praying that hold back will be here soon

  • sharonMay 31, 2013 at 6:47 pm

    Receved a partial settlement in October and was told the hold backs will be in a few months then, when the insurance company sued. they told me in would be 3 to 4 n=more months. so will it be released the first of June which is tomorrow, does any one no when we will get the hold backs or will get the hold backs.

  • JOYCEMay 31, 2013 at 12:14 pm

    my husband died 8/20/2003,i believe while oa AVANDIA

  • JoshMay 31, 2013 at 3:09 am

    Sharon/No Name- I was told by my lawfirm that they should expect to start paying out by the end of June. Hopefully, thats the case. Lets keep o9ur fingers crossed that they start paying out then.

  • no nameMay 30, 2013 at 8:56 pm

    talk too my att yesterday about june payout now I been told it might be sept has any one heard any thing different one lie after a nother something is wrong with pitcher hope this is not true we will see.

  • SharonMay 30, 2013 at 8:14 pm

    I called my husband's lawyer's office this am and was told that there was approximately 10 more cases to review before they started calculating the settlement awards (whatever that means). At least we are getting somekind of progress reports. Hope they get on the ball. How long can it take to review 10 more cases? Individual? Groups? Hope we hear something soon.

  • LolaMay 23, 2013 at 3:20 am

    John and mlou, I also have the same law firm. I am starting To believe that they are lying and keeping our money . Nothing but excuses with this law firm. I spoke to the rep and when I question her about my money, she got so defensive saying we are not steal your money. I never accused her of anything. This firm is a mess and I wish I hadn't 't never signed up with them. I was told that I ne[Show More]John and mlou, I also have the same law firm. I am starting To believe that they are lying and keeping our money . Nothing but excuses with this law firm. I spoke to the rep and when I question her about my money, she got so defensive saying we are not steal your money. I never accused her of anything. This firm is a mess and I wish I hadn't 't never signed up with them. I was told that I need to report them to California Bar Association. If June is not the day, I think I will contact the Ca Bar regarding their practices. I had a stroke, CHF several time, and heart problems. Help, what should I do??????

  • JoshMay 23, 2013 at 1:01 am

    Rita, where did you get that lawyers are charging 65% on these cases? thats simply not true, and please show us all where this occured.

  • JoshMay 22, 2013 at 2:13 am

    Rita, where in the heck did you get that the lawyers are charging 65%? UNTRUE!!! How did you come to this conclusion?

  • RitaMay 20, 2013 at 7:17 am

    Like the rest of you I don't understand why it is taking so long AFTER they send you a proposal. Then after I read the proposal the amount the lawyers were charging was almost 65%, WHO HAD THE HEART ATTACK and is left with less than 1/3 of their heart and can't do much because of being so tired you can't hardly walk and take meds 2x's a day everyday for the rest of my life, ME not them. NOT QUIT[Show More]Like the rest of you I don't understand why it is taking so long AFTER they send you a proposal. Then after I read the proposal the amount the lawyers were charging was almost 65%, WHO HAD THE HEART ATTACK and is left with less than 1/3 of their heart and can't do much because of being so tired you can't hardly walk and take meds 2x's a day everyday for the rest of my life, ME not them. NOT QUITE FAIR IF YOU ASK ME.... I have inquired about the date of release and have been told 6 different things. my allowed amount was 6 figures, by the time they finished with it, less than 5 figures. Maybe I should have went to school to be an ambulance chaser, I could have retired by now.

  • sandraMay 18, 2013 at 11:11 am

    Everyone starting lets call them everyday till we get the MONEY...

  • Barbara JMay 15, 2013 at 7:51 pm

    It has been since 2005 that I obviously had heart complications due to taking Avandia for my diabetis. I filed my claim almost 3 years ago and finally got an amount for settlement. It's a disgrace out of my settlement anount the little bit of monies I am getting after the lawyers and every prposed other person gets paid, including proposed insurance leans. I am down and out, hurt and will never[Show More]It has been since 2005 that I obviously had heart complications due to taking Avandia for my diabetis. I filed my claim almost 3 years ago and finally got an amount for settlement. It's a disgrace out of my settlement anount the little bit of monies I am getting after the lawyers and every prposed other person gets paid, including proposed insurance leans. I am down and out, hurt and will never be used or jerked around by any other law groups for their benefit. I really feel like I have been thru a legal skam, which is worse than the regular skams. I just wonder now how long it will be to ever see my outrageous settlement for something as precious as my heart damage. I am 65 now. How many more years are promised to me to wait. I 'll probably have to use that little bit of money for a down payment on a wheel chair!

  • mlouMay 15, 2013 at 1:28 am

    Josh - I don't think there is a "definite" payout day, they just said sometime during the "first half of the year". I don't think there is a lawyer out there who'll give a 'confirmed' payout date. They'll payout when they get the money. They aren't 'holding' the money as some seem to think, it's just that it takes time, and they are not going to rush things along just for us...sadly to say. W[Show More]Josh - I don't think there is a "definite" payout day, they just said sometime during the "first half of the year". I don't think there is a lawyer out there who'll give a 'confirmed' payout date. They'll payout when they get the money. They aren't 'holding' the money as some seem to think, it's just that it takes time, and they are not going to rush things along just for us...sadly to say. When they get the monies from GSK, and only then, will they start paying out. All we can do is hope that is it coming soon. One of these times they have to be right, right?? Hang in there, it's coming. I just try to be positive, that way you don't get too discouraged, hang in there!

  • JoshMay 14, 2013 at 5:30 am

    To those folks who think that the first of June they will be getting a check, here's some info shooting that down(remember I told you it wouldnt be there on that day? MORE excuses, remember?) I emailed my lawfirm to find out what was going on, here's their response: (From me to them): Been hearing from several people that June 1st is supposedly the day everyone starts getting checks, is this tru[Show More]To those folks who think that the first of June they will be getting a check, here's some info shooting that down(remember I told you it wouldnt be there on that day? MORE excuses, remember?) I emailed my lawfirm to find out what was going on, here's their response: (From me to them): Been hearing from several people that June 1st is supposedly the day everyone starts getting checks, is this true, is this confirmed? (Their response to me): Mr. White, Unfortunately, that is not accurate. We expect to be able to make the first disbursement to many clients toward the end of June. Thanks, G&K So, with that said, it's not a guarantee that there'll be payouts to all even on this date, seems like more dragging of the feet on the lawyers parts. Dont say i didnt warn you. Make sure you get the first of June confirmed as a definite "payout" date.

  • donMay 9, 2013 at 11:10 pm

    Recieved email today stating letter was mailed yesterday to give me update of what is happening. First check was in Aug 2012...been waiting for hold back $ and remainder of settlement due to error in point calculation. It would be great if there was a check in the envelope but will not hold my breath.

  • TomMay 9, 2013 at 7:03 pm

    The lawyers will pay as soon as they get the money. Remember the lawyers get 1/3 of your payout.

  • SharonMay 8, 2013 at 7:07 pm

    I forgot to add that my husband is on his second pacemaker from atrial fibrillation that set in after his first cabg surgery. He is on coumadin and had a complication requiring 23 units of blood in a 24 hour period. The blood institute made several visits after that to our home to assess him for complications since he had had so much blood. It is by the grace of God that he is still here. Hope we [Show More]I forgot to add that my husband is on his second pacemaker from atrial fibrillation that set in after his first cabg surgery. He is on coumadin and had a complication requiring 23 units of blood in a 24 hour period. The blood institute made several visits after that to our home to assess him for complications since he had had so much blood. It is by the grace of God that he is still here. Hope we hear something soon. Can't wait much longer.

  • JoshMay 8, 2013 at 2:15 am

    Shelby- Good for you!! Tell me a few things: 1) did they send you a letter stating what your overall amount would be(or any letter at all about a settlement)? If so, when did they send it to you(recently, 6 mos ago, etc?) 2) Do you believe them that they'll actually send you a check, or do you think it's another excuse? 3) Will you please come here and confirm to folks that you actually did rec[Show More]Shelby- Good for you!! Tell me a few things: 1) did they send you a letter stating what your overall amount would be(or any letter at all about a settlement)? If so, when did they send it to you(recently, 6 mos ago, etc?) 2) Do you believe them that they'll actually send you a check, or do you think it's another excuse? 3) Will you please come here and confirm to folks that you actually did receive a check(You dont have to give the amount, just that you actually GOT a check)? Thank you. We're all in a bad place right now im sure financially, and can definitely use the $$$(I know I can), I hope these lawyers realize that, have taken this into account, and will come through and stop with all the excuses. I hope they do send it to you like they said, good luck. Maybe this means(if you DO get a check finally), that we'll start seeing ours as well.

  • SharonMay 8, 2013 at 12:55 am

    My husband has had 8 coronary artery bypass grafts and 3 stents. He had two heart attacks in June 2002, two heart attacks (one in June and July) in 2010 and had another heart attack in January 2013. They are stenting bypasses and don't know what is left that they can do to help him. He is in and out of CHF. I am so worried about him and wish that we could receive our settlement because there are t[Show More]My husband has had 8 coronary artery bypass grafts and 3 stents. He had two heart attacks in June 2002, two heart attacks (one in June and July) in 2010 and had another heart attack in January 2013. They are stenting bypasses and don't know what is left that they can do to help him. He is in and out of CHF. I am so worried about him and wish that we could receive our settlement because there are things we would like to do together while he is still able. He is 73 years old and I am still working to make ends meet. Just looking for words of encouragement at a time when I feel "time" is running out. We are being represented by the Anderson Law Firm.

  • ShelbyMay 7, 2013 at 11:04 pm

    Was told today my check would be mailed out in two weeks, or before that they are expecting the money wired to them from GSC in Pennsylvania. and that should be by the two weeks. Been over 5 yrs, so it is about time. Good luck to you all

  • JoshMay 7, 2013 at 4:08 am

    Exactly Jennie! Thats my biggest beef with the lawyers, if you need/have something, let us know. Hopefully, they're all getting ready to send out letters, but I cant be so positive. Anyone willing to admit come June 1st, there'll be MORE excuses, as to why they cant pay out? Im telling you, it's going to happen(no payouts in June)...there'll be MORE excuses, and the "well, we needed blah blah blah[Show More]Exactly Jennie! Thats my biggest beef with the lawyers, if you need/have something, let us know. Hopefully, they're all getting ready to send out letters, but I cant be so positive. Anyone willing to admit come June 1st, there'll be MORE excuses, as to why they cant pay out? Im telling you, it's going to happen(no payouts in June)...there'll be MORE excuses, and the "well, we needed blah blah blah", or "they didnt approve this this and this"......

  • joeMay 6, 2013 at 4:55 pm

    Jennie. Please explain by what you mean died from complication taken avandia. Did he have a heart attack and die almost right away. Did he have a heart attack and died a few months later. This is very important. Also, what is on he death certificate.

  • JennieMay 6, 2013 at 2:05 pm

    Here we are with the waiting... I called our lawyer and was asking for an update and was sent directly to a recording that said gsk nurses were reviewing claims and if they had questions they would call, to answer all questions they may have, and if the individual's information met the criteria a letter would be sent out to be accepted or rejected. I'm not above waiting for things to be finalized[Show More]Here we are with the waiting... I called our lawyer and was asking for an update and was sent directly to a recording that said gsk nurses were reviewing claims and if they had questions they would call, to answer all questions they may have, and if the individual's information met the criteria a letter would be sent out to be accepted or rejected. I'm not above waiting for things to be finalized but I would appreciate some information specific to my father's case. He died several years ago from complications from avandia. I would really like this whole thing to just be completed. I think we can all appreciate the money from the settlement, but closure of all of this would be exceptional too.

  • mlouMay 3, 2013 at 2:23 am

    Well Josh...we waited this long, and all those months went by, so now we'll see if the payout is coming as they say. I am going to say from now on till the 2nd week of June, we should see something, if the lawyers aren't just giving us the run - around. Lets hope and pray this is our time ... don't give up yet.. 3 or 4 more weeks, hang in there!!

  • JoshMay 2, 2013 at 2:38 am

    Here it is now May 1st and we've still heard nothing about when we'll get paid. Im beginning to realize the lawyers just dont care, and arent doing much to change that. What will be the excuse next month, since some here have stated that lawyers have given a June 1st date to begin payouts? when will this begin? I wish the lawyers would stop being so vague.

  • joeApril 30, 2013 at 7:32 pm

    When did you filed and what was the First incident and when did it happen.

  • TanyaApril 29, 2013 at 8:03 pm

    Has ANYONE been paid yet from this Avandia trial? My mother passed away in 2011 and we are still waiting. I went thru all the all the paperwork to file and what was required and they told me 60-90days. Well lets just say we are SO passed that mark it's irritating. So I was just wondering after signing papers and all that how long it did actually take for this to be done. My mother's ordeal with Av[Show More]Has ANYONE been paid yet from this Avandia trial? My mother passed away in 2011 and we are still waiting. I went thru all the all the paperwork to file and what was required and they told me 60-90days. Well lets just say we are SO passed that mark it's irritating. So I was just wondering after signing papers and all that how long it did actually take for this to be done. My mother's ordeal with Avandia ended it death so very disheartening the sum they quoted us.

  • joeApril 22, 2013 at 8:10 pm

    Were you knocked out to get the heart to beat properly. How did you feel when you woke up

  • DannyApril 19, 2013 at 1:35 am

    Joe, I have Ventricular fibrillation, something about the heart not contracting properly. I know I almost died from it. If I was not already in the hospital, I would most likely have died

  • joeApril 18, 2013 at 1:29 pm

    Danny, did anything happen to you for the doctor to plant it in your chest. Did you have a rapid heart beat ( I forgot the medical term that it is called).

  • DannyApril 17, 2013 at 9:12 pm

    '@Joe. I had a cardioverter defibrillator implanted within a month of the bypass

  • joeApril 16, 2013 at 9:40 pm

    Josh, from ALL the various site on avandia subject, the folks are posting the same information saying they were told June. About 2-3 weeks ago, I re'cd a letter from my lawyer saying that I have Been approved for a settlement. I still think that this was odd to be getting this now. I have gotten in the past, letters asking to sign and letters to confirm who I am, update on what was going on etc et[Show More]Josh, from ALL the various site on avandia subject, the folks are posting the same information saying they were told June. About 2-3 weeks ago, I re'cd a letter from my lawyer saying that I have Been approved for a settlement. I still think that this was odd to be getting this now. I have gotten in the past, letters asking to sign and letters to confirm who I am, update on what was going on etc etc. Also in the letter, that I just gotten, it gave a brief on what my health was before and after my heart attack. It showed what happen to me and the incidents that took place within the 3-4 weeks of my bypass. How many stents after my heart attack, the rapid heart beat incident, the damage that the rapid heart beat did and more stents were place, the defilb place in my chest. It shows that I had no heart or medical problem before the heart attack, only a smoker. Nothing about blood pressure, which was normal, and cholestrol under control. It didn't say nothing about being a diabetic, but I was taken avandia. So I guessing that this is "assume" It also show how long I was taken avandia before the heart attack. I, too, am thinking, at least for me, that I am near the end. The funny part is that when all this happen, 5-6 years ago, no money was coming into the house, lost my job. For about 8 months to a year I was constantly saying to my wife that I was better off dying so that she would of re'cd the life insurance and what not. Today, Things have turned around, I thank God for being alive. I have been lucky and blessed.

  • joshApril 15, 2013 at 10:53 pm

    Danny/Joe/Whoever- Spoke to my lawyers assistant via email, she said that they also filed a separate "wrongful death" case for my mother, so we should get a supplemental(separate) check as well, on top of the main check/amount. She said that the retired judges have to overlook it, and most likely will award us a larger amount from the initial, due to my mother passing away. Seems legit. She also s[Show More]Danny/Joe/Whoever- Spoke to my lawyers assistant via email, she said that they also filed a separate "wrongful death" case for my mother, so we should get a supplemental(separate) check as well, on top of the main check/amount. She said that the retired judges have to overlook it, and most likely will award us a larger amount from the initial, due to my mother passing away. Seems legit. She also said they expect to start paying out during the summer, she didn't give me an exact date, but she did say "May/June-ish", so I'm assuming that means soon. Hang in there everyone...looks like we may finally get to see something.

  • son of deceased motherApril 12, 2013 at 8:21 pm

    like i stated earlier my sister and i got partial settlement in november 2011 they had a hold back we got a little l more last may was told hold back would take another three months then in december of last year these private insurance companies got wind of it so they wanted thier part lawyers said they dont know when we would get hold back but they will not take my calls they done got paid s[Show More]like i stated earlier my sister and i got partial settlement in november 2011 they had a hold back we got a little l more last may was told hold back would take another three months then in december of last year these private insurance companies got wind of it so they wanted thier part lawyers said they dont know when we would get hold back but they will not take my calls they done got paid so they dont care about whether we get our hold back or not dont even think about the garretson group they dont care either no one anwsers emails or calls have anyone else had any luck with thier hold back law firm is out san francisco thier web sit states good credentrials but wont anwser calls need to know of anyone else with this problem please post

  • joeApril 11, 2013 at 3:33 pm

    Danny, was there anymore complications other then bypass. On what level was the bypass. Did any other problem happen because of the heart attack.

  • DannyApril 10, 2013 at 6:01 am

    I just received the settlement breakdown from my firm. I had open heart bypass surgery hours after my heart attack. Myself, and others who had heart attacks, and open heart surgeries are only getting a few thousand more than people who had stents put in. I thought for sure that I would get much more than someone who was stented

  • joeApril 6, 2013 at 12:13 am

    Laura. I know that some lawyers say 40%, but it really is 1/3 of your settlement. After that are fees that are added on. Like letters sent out to you and companies to get infor. Talking on the phone etc etc. Talk to a tax person. The settlement is tax free. The 1/3 that the lawyer takes you cannot claim on your taxes, because it is part of "your" settlement. Anything more that the lawyer take like[Show More]Laura. I know that some lawyers say 40%, but it really is 1/3 of your settlement. After that are fees that are added on. Like letters sent out to you and companies to get infor. Talking on the phone etc etc. Talk to a tax person. The settlement is tax free. The 1/3 that the lawyer takes you cannot claim on your taxes, because it is part of "your" settlement. Anything more that the lawyer take like the additional 7%, you can claim on your taxes.

  • LauraApril 4, 2013 at 5:50 pm

    Josh, sounds like you are very knowledgeable on this stuff. I am beginning to think the lawyer's are lying to us. they say one date and then change it. According to them, they have already sent out some checks. But they now are taking to long to send out anymore. My lawyer's are always good about returning our calls or answering us. Last week I was kind of getting pissed cause I couldn't get [Show More]Josh, sounds like you are very knowledgeable on this stuff. I am beginning to think the lawyer's are lying to us. they say one date and then change it. According to them, they have already sent out some checks. But they now are taking to long to send out anymore. My lawyer's are always good about returning our calls or answering us. Last week I was kind of getting pissed cause I couldn't get him but he was on vacation. At first they said the middle of Feb. and then it was the first of June. Idon't think it is them that are neccessarily lying, I thin it is the courts. Has anybody gotten paid yet?

  • JoshApril 3, 2013 at 3:57 am

    Sallie-LOL, you basically backed up what I said, Neither lawyers or GSK are in any hurry to settle this. The more time goes by, the more interest they make on that money. Plus, they know folks need it, and just don;t care. Oh, and like I said, come June(which is 2 months away), watch the excuses "suddenly" fly as to why they can't pay something out then(Bet they say something like, "oh, not until [Show More]Sallie-LOL, you basically backed up what I said, Neither lawyers or GSK are in any hurry to settle this. The more time goes by, the more interest they make on that money. Plus, they know folks need it, and just don;t care. Oh, and like I said, come June(which is 2 months away), watch the excuses "suddenly" fly as to why they can't pay something out then(Bet they say something like, "oh, not until Aug, or Sept..blah blah blah", or "a few more weeks"), That time will come and there'll be no payout either, watch. I'm of the mind to not trust or believe anything they say until I have the check in my hands. Don-it's nice to see/hear/read you got some kind of $$$ from this nonsense. This is why many folks don;t want to file lawsuits/claims with attnys. This is also why many folks don't trust attny's. I've tried contacting my law firm 4 times, and they still haven't called me back.

  • LauraApril 2, 2013 at 6:49 pm

    hey everyone. We got a settlement offer back in October. It said the offer was 37,000 dollars. I just had a heart attack and had 5 stint"s put in. This kind of a deal is not a big of a deal as if you had a bypass or had a love one that died. They get more. my figgure was before the 40% that the attorney gets. And they get 40% not 1/3 because we have ASKED our attorney. They said the first roun[Show More]hey everyone. We got a settlement offer back in October. It said the offer was 37,000 dollars. I just had a heart attack and had 5 stint"s put in. This kind of a deal is not a big of a deal as if you had a bypass or had a love one that died. They get more. my figgure was before the 40% that the attorney gets. And they get 40% not 1/3 because we have ASKED our attorney. They said the first round was sent out. We wasn't in them. The settlement also said they get 40%. They didn't mention anything about 20% being withheld. We got another thing that we had to sign proving who we were, and at that time they were still trying to get our insurance on board, but I guess they finally jumped on board. That we are suppose to get at a later date. We talked to our attorney yesterday and he said what they are sending out now are the paper's that are saying how things are being spent, after we sign those then 30 day's from then we well see a check. They still as of yet haven't heard anything else and they are still waiting for some more approvals. They can only send approvals out upon the approval of the court. It is the court who is holding other thing up not the attorney

  • mlouApril 2, 2013 at 11:08 am

    I talked again with the lawyers office, and it seems they are waiting for ALL releases to come in. It's not being done on a 'one on one' basis. They are hoping that this will be the case come June so payouts can be distributed.

  • KayApril 1, 2013 at 2:46 pm

    i called my lawyer now they are saying that they put my sister case with the wrongful death cases and now it would be June 2013 but had already sent me paper work saying that i would get 10,000 then 25,000 later i have not the first check yet has anyone that have this from got money yet

  • EmmaMarch 30, 2013 at 10:43 pm

    What an extremely inspiring posting. I really am sincerely impressed by your work. You come up with useful ideas. Keep it up. Keep blogging. looking forward to opening your next article.

  • IsabellaMarch 29, 2013 at 10:48 pm

    Eye opening posting, it is nice to at last find readable content amongst the dross, I am honestly grateful to find a blog that is not full of the ubiquitous garbage, many thanks.

  • donMarch 29, 2013 at 10:41 pm

    I recieved my first settlement letter in May 2012 and in Jun 2012 I recieved the revised version from the mistakes they made with the first one. I recieved payment based on the first letter explaining that the amount of the corrected settlement would be paid at a later date along with the hold-back money for the insurance settlement. The latest news I've been told is it is possible I could recie[Show More]I recieved my first settlement letter in May 2012 and in Jun 2012 I recieved the revised version from the mistakes they made with the first one. I recieved payment based on the first letter explaining that the amount of the corrected settlement would be paid at a later date along with the hold-back money for the insurance settlement. The latest news I've been told is it is possible I could recieve the remainder of the correct settlement due this summer however the insurance hold-back continues to be at issue. The initial payment included a deduction for the group who has failed to complete their work even today...Like paying a restaurant up front for your meal and not knowing when or what condition it will be in once you do get it. The court set a timeline for GSK to settle but appently not a timeline to actually to pay the settlement. Wondering in my haste to getthe settlement if I would have been better to request going forward to trial!

  • SallieMarch 28, 2013 at 7:57 pm

    Josh- What kind of ranch do you have? Is it worth betting on? J/K I have been working with the Mulligan Law Firm in Texas for a few years. I have been calling every couple of weeks to ask about the status. When they answer the phone, it is always the same answer, "Galaxo Smith Kline is still looking through the paperwork and it will be a few MORE WEEKS until they are done." I asked if the court[Show More]Josh- What kind of ranch do you have? Is it worth betting on? J/K I have been working with the Mulligan Law Firm in Texas for a few years. I have been calling every couple of weeks to ask about the status. When they answer the phone, it is always the same answer, "Galaxo Smith Kline is still looking through the paperwork and it will be a few MORE WEEKS until they are done." I asked if the court papers stiplulate a "drop dead" court date for resolution (i.e. 60 or 90 days). They don't know. Doesn't anyone ever read the paperwork there? Has anyone else found this to be so? -Sallie

  • JoshMarch 27, 2013 at 11:15 pm

    Phyllis-it's nothing but a run around from incompetent lawyers who don;t know what they're doing. This should've been resolved LAST year. They'll screw folks over like the lawyers in the Vioxx settlements did. The ONLY ones to get anything worthwhile are the lawyers. It would behoove them to settle, but they honestly don't care enough to try. The run around dates are BS. My buddy who's an attny sa[Show More]Phyllis-it's nothing but a run around from incompetent lawyers who don;t know what they're doing. This should've been resolved LAST year. They'll screw folks over like the lawyers in the Vioxx settlements did. The ONLY ones to get anything worthwhile are the lawyers. It would behoove them to settle, but they honestly don't care enough to try. The run around dates are BS. My buddy who's an attny said the exact same thing. The lawyers are stalling for some reason. Come June 1st, it'll be ANOTHER excuse.......almost bet the ranch on it.

  • PhyllisMarch 27, 2013 at 1:25 am

    I am still awaiting my proposal. I was told it would be in December 2012, then February 2013 and now being told another 4-6 weeks. How long does it take to receive a check after you receive the settlement offer?

  • PhyllisMarch 27, 2013 at 1:22 am

    For those of you who are expecting checks beginning June 1st, have you already received your proposal or are you still waiting for that also.

  • donMarch 15, 2013 at 9:21 pm

    Harry, i would have lost 40% . I can't talk specifics because of the agreement I signed but the 40% was a significant chunk of change.

  • HarryMarch 14, 2013 at 8:19 pm

    Don, how much did they actually deduct thinking you were a smoker? I ask because I actually was a smoker at the time, and I am wondering what kind of deduction I will be facing

  • donMarch 13, 2013 at 4:07 pm

    Joe, Yes I am very grateful to God who has controlled my luck factor. I'll work backwards...The first stent I had established I had heart disease prior to Avandia. Avandia exacerbated the disease. In the calculations there were negative and positive multipliers. The largest positive for me was the Heart Attack and initially the negative was the smoking issue. Medical records documented each [Show More]Joe, Yes I am very grateful to God who has controlled my luck factor. I'll work backwards...The first stent I had established I had heart disease prior to Avandia. Avandia exacerbated the disease. In the calculations there were negative and positive multipliers. The largest positive for me was the Heart Attack and initially the negative was the smoking issue. Medical records documented each time I was admitted to the hospital that I was a non-smoking male. Why they listed me as a smoker I can not answer. As far as medical records...I learned a long time ago to ask for a copy of the hospital records each time I'm admitted

  • joeMarch 12, 2013 at 8:47 pm

    Don. You are so lucky. Did you have copies of your records to show that you had CABG. How was this overlook. And also, why did they have you down has a smoker. Did it show what was taken away because they thought you were a smoker. Also, why was your 1 stent on your claim when you say you had it placed 6 years before taken avandia. I don't understand.

  • donMarch 11, 2013 at 9:25 pm

    Josh, I'll have to dig out the initial letter that gave the ratings for points. The second letter did not include the point total, only the increase amount in the settlement I would receive. My compensation was for 1 heart attack, 7 stents placed, and 7 vessel heart by-pass. I had had 1 stent placed 6 years prior to starting Avandia and within 2 months of starting the med I had an heart attack[Show More]Josh, I'll have to dig out the initial letter that gave the ratings for points. The second letter did not include the point total, only the increase amount in the settlement I would receive. My compensation was for 1 heart attack, 7 stents placed, and 7 vessel heart by-pass. I had had 1 stent placed 6 years prior to starting Avandia and within 2 months of starting the med I had an heart attack. I continued on avandia for about 8 months after the MI. 5 months following my last dose is when the CABG was required. The mistakes made on the initial settlement is they had not included the CABG and they classified me as a smoker which never has been true. That increased my settlement by about 70% total. The hold back amount for the initial payment is enough to purchase a small new car, then there was 40% for lawyers, and 3% for Garretson which was ordered by the court. That left me enough to buy my wife a new Texas Edition Silverado with all the bells and whistles. If I'm around when the rest of the settlement comes thru I will be moving my wife near her family and look to get her into a house. She'll have insurance money to pay it off once I'm gone. I hate that she might have to go thru the relocation without my help but her family I'm sure will step up to help

  • JoshMarch 10, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    Hi Kat, sorry to hear that you haven't gotten paid yet. Yeah, I really think these lawyers aren't doing their jobs IMO. They keep jerking us around, and claiming this month, or that month we'll get a check. Those times come and go, and we don;t get anything. Then I always try to remember that they're not getting paid either until we do, so it benefits them to get this $$$ to us as quickly as they [Show More]Hi Kat, sorry to hear that you haven't gotten paid yet. Yeah, I really think these lawyers aren't doing their jobs IMO. They keep jerking us around, and claiming this month, or that month we'll get a check. Those times come and go, and we don;t get anything. Then I always try to remember that they're not getting paid either until we do, so it benefits them to get this $$$ to us as quickly as they can, or else they dont get a cent. That would make me want to get these cases completed asap IMO, so i can get paid. May I ask what your point total amounted to(you dont have to give me an exact number), but how did it equal "approximately 6 figures"? Did they tell you this(Im assuming)?

  • mlouMarch 9, 2013 at 1:49 pm

    Josh- The first half of the year would be anywheres from January thru June....that is what I consider the first half of the year. Also, I was told on the phone that they wanted to get the 1st checks out on June 1st...that is where I got that from, their office. I guess time will tell. Nothing to do but wait...

  • donMarch 8, 2013 at 8:00 pm

    Katgee, I recieve my first point/settlement letter in Jun of last year and I immediately signed and sent it back. Then I reviewed in detail and found a couple of major mistakes and contacted my Lawyer and they revised the point/settlement sending me another. The initial letter was just about 6 figures also and the second one almost doubled. I was issued a check in Aug 2012 which was for the ini[Show More]Katgee, I recieve my first point/settlement letter in Jun of last year and I immediately signed and sent it back. Then I reviewed in detail and found a couple of major mistakes and contacted my Lawyer and they revised the point/settlement sending me another. The initial letter was just about 6 figures also and the second one almost doubled. I was issued a check in Aug 2012 which was for the initial letter and was told there would be another check later for the errors they had made. There was also a hold back amount for insurance. Apparently, Garretson (who is doing the insurance settlements) is moving slowly as my lawyer just let me know they are still working on that portion. Tthe error portion could be paid sometime this summer (not a guarantee). A simple question for me is did GSK pay the money for the claims and if so to who. If the money was paid who is collecfing the interest. Wonder who we could get that info from?

  • KatGeeMarch 8, 2013 at 4:59 pm

    Hello everyone. It has been a while since I last posted, I think it was around Sept, when i recieved the first points/money allocation letter. I signed it, and was sent back before October 12, 2012. Every 2 months my attorney keeps me informed through email and phone calls. My points and other factors equaled approximately 6 figures. I have not recieved one cent as of today. I call and all they te[Show More]Hello everyone. It has been a while since I last posted, I think it was around Sept, when i recieved the first points/money allocation letter. I signed it, and was sent back before October 12, 2012. Every 2 months my attorney keeps me informed through email and phone calls. My points and other factors equaled approximately 6 figures. I have not recieved one cent as of today. I call and all they tell me is if a check has been mailed out. And HUGE SURPRISE there hasnt been. I hope that the first of the month thing is true. That would be freaking awesome if we had some closure. Let me know how you guys are doing, and what you guys have heard. Have a great weekend.

  • JoshMarch 7, 2013 at 11:01 pm

    Mlou- I disagree on your timeframe. My letter stated that they were trying to get us all a partial payment "In the first half of 2013", which to me read within the first 1-3 months of 2013. June 2013, is almost half the year gone, and I can only imagine what they'll try to use for the other half of the settlements. They've already dropped the ball big time on paying out. Just my opinion of course[Show More]Mlou- I disagree on your timeframe. My letter stated that they were trying to get us all a partial payment "In the first half of 2013", which to me read within the first 1-3 months of 2013. June 2013, is almost half the year gone, and I can only imagine what they'll try to use for the other half of the settlements. They've already dropped the ball big time on paying out. Just my opinion of course.

  • donMarch 7, 2013 at 9:47 pm

    March 1st has come and gone. Did anyone get a check? I emailed the lawyer in January without an answer so emailed again this week asking for an update. Will post any news if I get a response.

  • joeMarch 4, 2013 at 7:52 pm

    Do you have any of the bottles that were use to put avandia in. If you do, use the infor on that when calling Medco back. DO NOT, REPEAT< DO NOT give anybody that bottle if you have it. Do not send it to no one, including your lawyer, Hold on to it. When ask, give the infor that is on the bottle.

  • smsMarch 4, 2013 at 2:29 pm

    medco lost my drug records also medco is own by a drug company. 2 heart attacks while i was on the medicine. you wil be luck to get any money. the whitehouse is getting it all

  • mlouMarch 3, 2013 at 2:49 am

    Josh- yes G&K ...but I heard starting the 1st of June. They said they want to start sending out checks the first half of the year in the letter. Then when I called was told June that is within the 1st half of this year. I am assuming and going with the 1st of June. If it comes before that, then yipee! But I'll settle for the June 1st. timeline. I think because of people havi[Show More]Josh- yes G&K ...but I heard starting the 1st of June. They said they want to start sending out checks the first half of the year in the letter. Then when I called was told June that is within the 1st half of this year. I am assuming and going with the 1st of June. If it comes before that, then yipee! But I'll settle for the June 1st. timeline. I think because of people having theirs in in different times, some may have theirs starting now on the 1st of the mo and so on . We'll see if anyone gets one starting with March. I'll certainly let everyone know when I receive a check!

  • JoshMarch 1, 2013 at 3:34 am

    Mlou- Would you feel comfortable giving out the names of your attny's in Cali(just want to see if they're the same I have(G&K?). Yeah, but if were consistant w/what laura said, then Tomorrow we'd start seeing checks issued, then April, May/etc.

  • deceased mother sonFebruary 25, 2013 at 7:13 pm

    my sister and i got a partial settlement last may(2012) was told hold back would be released once private insurance was done garrettson doing audit was told in november 2012 that didn't know when rest of funds would be released lawyers have already been paid(calif. lawyers) so they aren't pushing for the rest of the money that's due to us mother diddn't have any ptivate insurance only medicare [Show More]my sister and i got a partial settlement last may(2012) was told hold back would be released once private insurance was done garrettson doing audit was told in november 2012 that didn't know when rest of funds would be released lawyers have already been paid(calif. lawyers) so they aren't pushing for the rest of the money that's due to us mother diddn't have any ptivate insurance only medicare has any one else heard when monies will be released from glaxco kline smith

  • mlouFebruary 23, 2013 at 1:33 pm

    Well, sounds like a little consistency here, with what Laura is saying...about checks being out on the 1st of each month sounds logical, my attnys (california) said the 1st of June, so maybe we can hope and start looking on the 1st of the months for checks, would be nice if anyone who receives a check would let us all know, then we'll at least have some 'fresh hope'...!

  • mlouFebruary 23, 2013 at 12:50 am

    Josh - I called our attny to give more info, and she said they would like to get checks out of the 1st of June.

  • donFebruary 22, 2013 at 7:59 pm

    I recieved a check last Aug which was of course minus the 40% for the Lawyers fee, the amount the judge awarded Garretson to resolve any subrogation, and incidental cost. There was also a hold back amount for the possibility of a lien by any private or government insurance claim. The hold back amounted to about 50% of my share. My only insurance was thru Tricare (government agency). There is a[Show More]I recieved a check last Aug which was of course minus the 40% for the Lawyers fee, the amount the judge awarded Garretson to resolve any subrogation, and incidental cost. There was also a hold back amount for the possibility of a lien by any private or government insurance claim. The hold back amounted to about 50% of my share. My only insurance was thru Tricare (government agency). There is a second amount I'm due because whoever was figuring the entitlements had a bad day when figuring mine. The second amount is almost the same as the first which means they were first awarding only half of my entitlement. My lawyer gets poor marks on keeping me informed as to the status of things going on. I found the court document online awarding a suit by the government (medicare, tricare, VA, etc) against GSK. The court documents specify the amounts awarded to each of the government agencies. I forwarded the document to my lawyer asking how this settlement is affecting my settlement as it looks like double dipping for the government to be rewarded for their suit AND to take a portion of my settlement. Another thought I had was who is getting the interest money for the hold back money sitting in the bank. At 1% per year it would amount $25./month on just mine alone and how many hold backs are there! Do the math...10 hold backs = $250...100 = $2500...1000 = $25000 and I think there were 10000 in settlements (remember this is monthly interest) I may not see the full amount I am due in my life time but do hope my family eventually will benefit from GSK's settlement.

  • joeFebruary 22, 2013 at 3:50 pm

    I am not sure, but I think it has to do with the fact, you taken avandia and had a medical incident because of it, you might be exempt from any funds owned due. You should really ask your lawyer why. This is what you are paying him/her to get 1/3 of your reward.

  • vicFebruary 22, 2013 at 2:59 pm

    I had to claim bankruptcy in 2008 my avandia law suit was already filed my bankruptcy attorney told me that I was exempt for $20,200 by bankruptcy laws does anyone know anything about this?

  • JoshFebruary 22, 2013 at 4:35 am

    Can anyone else confirm that we'll all start seeing checks in June?

  • JoshFebruary 21, 2013 at 3:52 am

    Mlou- Where did you hear this from? is this for everyone? why would lawyers send people letters claiming they're trying to get partial checks during the first few months of 2013? I think these lawyers aren't handling these cases very well. Typical though.

  • mlouFebruary 20, 2013 at 3:09 pm

    I heard on the 1st of June now...checks to be issued

  • lauraFebruary 14, 2013 at 5:44 pm

    no Josh., we haven"t recieved a check yet we wasn't in the first round I dont know how they decide that. I do know of people in that round who has received a check. The checks are all sent out on the first of the month Any other checks that are due well be sent out on the first of each mont. Don't understand why they have to wait until the 1st. The attourney's want to get this done. It isn't t[Show More]no Josh., we haven"t recieved a check yet we wasn't in the first round I dont know how they decide that. I do know of people in that round who has received a check. The checks are all sent out on the first of the month Any other checks that are due well be sent out on the first of each mont. Don't understand why they have to wait until the 1st. The attourney's want to get this done. It isn't them that is taking there time it is GSK. They can only releas the check by the groupss that they say.

  • CarolynFebruary 13, 2013 at 10:42 pm

    I took Levaquin in April, 2011. Shortly after I was suffering from torn or ruptured tendons, in both shoulders, and the bicep in the right arm. I have had surgery on the right shoulder and the bicep. But, feels like it has happened again, therefore I am not doing the left arm yet. I have also experienced posterior detached vitreous in both my eyes since taking Levaquin. Many other side effects. C[Show More]I took Levaquin in April, 2011. Shortly after I was suffering from torn or ruptured tendons, in both shoulders, and the bicep in the right arm. I have had surgery on the right shoulder and the bicep. But, feels like it has happened again, therefore I am not doing the left arm yet. I have also experienced posterior detached vitreous in both my eyes since taking Levaquin. Many other side effects. Contacted an attorney,they kept my records for 18 months, and then told me after all that time, that because of the black box warning in 2009, that they could not take my case. I feel so alone and at my wits end.I have lost my trust in attorneys and in justice. Someone needs to be held responsible for what this medication is doing to thousands of people. Evidently the doctors are not being warned enough to warn patients of the horrible side effects, or they are being benefited for precribing this drug. Only the doctors receive the black box warning, not the patient.This world is going to hell in a hand basket. Please, everyone do not take this medication, unless you are at deaths door. Because it can put you at deaths door really quickly. And their are not many people that will stand by your side and help. This med does not affect everyone that takes it, but it has thousands of people. It needs to be removed from the market totally,if there is a chance it could happen to anyone. Johnson and Johnson needs to take responsibility for the people who have been afflicted by this antibiotic.And so should their subsiduarys Please help.

  • JoshFebruary 12, 2013 at 1:13 am

    Thanks Laura! Hope we're all getting checks, sure hope what your attny's told you is true. Do you happen to know of anyone who's received a check already?

  • lauraFebruary 8, 2013 at 6:37 pm

    yes some of the checks went out yesterday. Our attourney told us that we wasn't in the first round and that any other cecks that are realeased well be on the 1st of March and that all the checks are going out on the 1st of each month until they are all done. Does anyone know how they decide what round you are in? My attourney didn"t know.

  • MariaFebruary 8, 2013 at 8:49 am

    I also would love to know when the settlement checks will be released.

  • JoshFebruary 8, 2013 at 2:27 am

    Laura-Thanks for the info, lets hope that's true & those dates (or when they send out) still hold. Have you received anything yet? I sure hope these checks get here soon, as I know many many folks here can use them.

  • MajedFebruary 7, 2013 at 12:20 am

    Fifst im adiabdti guy fof more than 25 years, i'm sufferinvg many chronic healt and complications problems,as uncontrolled diabetes with sever neuropatby ,i' taked avandia 4mlg &glocovage,tben i started takiing avandamet for yers now i'm taking actos and glocovage alloporinol and many other medication,i nevef had been worned about any side effects of all thess dangered of all tbese midicin[Show More]Fifst im adiabdti guy fof more than 25 years, i'm sufferinvg many chronic healt and complications problems,as uncontrolled diabetes with sever neuropatby ,i' taked avandia 4mlg &glocovage,tben i started takiing avandamet for yers now i'm taking actos and glocovage alloporinol and many other medication,i nevef had been worned about any side effects of all thess dangered of all tbese midicines, iwill appreciate any orientation about the danger and side affects of all tbese midicines,tbank you,Majed

  • LauraFebruary 5, 2013 at 2:09 am

    Josh, we have Rosner and them out of Denver and Yes some checks have been sent out. That was round one, I dont know what round we were in or how they decide that,but our attourney said some well be out by the mid of Feb. and the others well be sent out on March 1st. Does anyone know how they decide what round you are in? He did say that the expenses are covered in the 40% he gets. And so far our[Show More]Josh, we have Rosner and them out of Denver and Yes some checks have been sent out. That was round one, I dont know what round we were in or how they decide that,but our attourney said some well be out by the mid of Feb. and the others well be sent out on March 1st. Does anyone know how they decide what round you are in? He did say that the expenses are covered in the 40% he gets. And so far our inssuranc hasn't jumped on board yet and if they don't they cant get any money later.

  • JoshJanuary 29, 2013 at 8:56 pm

    So, any news on whether or not February is the month we start seeing checks? Someone alluded to it earlier, just trying to get more info on it.

  • HaryJanuary 29, 2013 at 12:07 am

    I filed claim in 2006. Still waiting for settlment. Got settlement letter but no amount. No date given when will get $$$ Anybody like me? Tnx and God Bless.

  • BarbaraJanuary 28, 2013 at 9:07 pm

    Well- talked to medicare recovery group- It is not them per se - but if a private insurere or service provider did not receive payment -They can request medicare to place a lien - on services- The thing is and from what I see - everyone is getting a different story from their attorneys and I think this is why everyone is so fed up- Medicare says its not them- the attorneys either blame medicare [Show More]Well- talked to medicare recovery group- It is not them per se - but if a private insurere or service provider did not receive payment -They can request medicare to place a lien - on services- The thing is and from what I see - everyone is getting a different story from their attorneys and I think this is why everyone is so fed up- Medicare says its not them- the attorneys either blame medicare or GSK- GSK says it is the attorneys not providing all the information requested- me- I am going to get the case # and the judge from my case- and advise his or her honor what is going on since both sides were advised to have the settlement done and checks issued within 60 days of Nov 9th when they went back to court-

  • joeJanuary 22, 2013 at 3:09 pm

    Dave. I don't know what you have been told. The settlement that your looking for is not everything that had happen to your mother. First off, GSK is not guilty of any wrong doing, by the law. What you and I think, means nothing. This is why it is called "settlement" you'll settle and agree upon a figure base on the medical incident. I had to say this to let you know and try to understand on what t[Show More]Dave. I don't know what you have been told. The settlement that your looking for is not everything that had happen to your mother. First off, GSK is not guilty of any wrong doing, by the law. What you and I think, means nothing. This is why it is called "settlement" you'll settle and agree upon a figure base on the medical incident. I had to say this to let you know and try to understand on what the law is. Is it fair, no, but is it legal, yes. The medical incident is CHF. If there were any other incident within a 6 month frame, base on your lawyer, it can be use. Any thing that happens after this, does not count. You know, I know, so does everybody else knows that your mother died because of this drug. By law, it has not been proven. Has far has insurance going after and getting their piece of the pie is fairly new. The Voixx Lawsuit that since has settled for the most part a few years ago, the insurance is now going after Merck. By law, your settlement is tax free. You can deduct any of your lawyers fund of the 1/3 that they take. But, you can deduct the fees, that they charge you . Letters that were send out or anything outside of the 1/3.

  • GaryJanuary 21, 2013 at 9:50 pm

    Laura, I don't know what the MDL designations mean. I'm hesitant to ask any questions because anytime I do, another $150 in expenses are deducted from my balance by MY lawyer. I was privately insured when this happened and did not think it was right for either Medicare or Blue Cross to "piggyback" onto our lawsuit to get their hands on some of the money from GSK. If Medicare or Blue Cross thought [Show More]Laura, I don't know what the MDL designations mean. I'm hesitant to ask any questions because anytime I do, another $150 in expenses are deducted from my balance by MY lawyer. I was privately insured when this happened and did not think it was right for either Medicare or Blue Cross to "piggyback" onto our lawsuit to get their hands on some of the money from GSK. If Medicare or Blue Cross thought that Avandia did harm to their insured customers (us) then they should have filed their own lawsuits against GSK. I have spoken with my Congressman and although he agreed it was unfair he did acknowledge that it was the law. And we all know most of the politicians making our laws are lawyers themselves so naturally they look out for each other and not the people that have had their lives ruined and ended due to Avandia.

  • ChristineJanuary 20, 2013 at 2:26 am

    My Sister have been hospitalized for conjenital heart failure 3 times first time 2008 and the last time 2012. She was taken avandia, no noticable improvement in her health condition

  • DaveJanuary 19, 2013 at 9:39 am

    My mom was on this medication for a year and had her first heart attack. She continued to have coronary complications and suffered until her death in 2010. My father filed for this "settlement" and has since passed away. The point system used to score your injury is BS. The burden is placed on the family to provide the medical records proff? The lawyers are taking 40% and are no help. We tried to [Show More]My mom was on this medication for a year and had her first heart attack. She continued to have coronary complications and suffered until her death in 2010. My father filed for this "settlement" and has since passed away. The point system used to score your injury is BS. The burden is placed on the family to provide the medical records proff? The lawyers are taking 40% and are no help. We tried to appeal her point rating to no avail. The so called settlement offered is an insult by itself then tack on the 40% and medicare coming after the rest . The whole process has been mishandeled. We have no representation as a whole. I am DISGUSTED with the way this is being handeled.

  • glennJanuary 16, 2013 at 9:23 pm

    Heres some more bad news for you in most states your insurance that you had when you got sick can go after a part of the 20% that is held back. The insurance compenies sued GSK for the names of will get a letter after that the lawers for the insurance has 90 days to put in a claim. my 90 days were up yesterday now waiting to hear

  • LydiaJanuary 16, 2013 at 4:22 pm

    Gary I agree with you. I was shocked when I received my settlement letter and there was 40% lawyer fees and then expenses on top of that plus the 20% holdback for medicare. We had private insurance so medicare would have been secondary and paid very little. I have received one check for the amount left after all the fees and holdbacks and it was not alot compared to the amount I was awarded. I am[Show More]Gary I agree with you. I was shocked when I received my settlement letter and there was 40% lawyer fees and then expenses on top of that plus the 20% holdback for medicare. We had private insurance so medicare would have been secondary and paid very little. I have received one check for the amount left after all the fees and holdbacks and it was not alot compared to the amount I was awarded. I am sure it has been explained but what is MDL assessment and MDL special master?

  • GaryJanuary 14, 2013 at 2:39 pm

    I feel so bad for everyone who has been hurt by Avandia. Most of us share similar health problems, some worse than others. With all of the complaints by so many people, isn't there something we can do as a group to go back on our attorneys who mis-handled the cases against GSK? Before signing my papers at the beginning I asked my lawyer why 40% and not the usual 33% I heard about for attorney fees[Show More]I feel so bad for everyone who has been hurt by Avandia. Most of us share similar health problems, some worse than others. With all of the complaints by so many people, isn't there something we can do as a group to go back on our attorneys who mis-handled the cases against GSK? Before signing my papers at the beginning I asked my lawyer why 40% and not the usual 33% I heard about for attorney fees. She rattled off some typical legal jargon and assured me that they would not be getting any more than the 1/3. Not only did they get 40% but they got expenses too. I thought that their "expertise" and expenses were why they were getting there 33 or 40%. Now they are charging us for every paper clip and staple. Our attorneys and the Garretson Settlement Company did not advocate on our behalf like they should. I think they cared way too much about their own fees and the rest of us could scramble around for the crumbs left behind. This should not be happening to a bunch of innocent people who's only "crime" was taking some medication that their trusted doctor prescribed, the FDA approved and that GSK spent so much money on getting our doctors to believe could help their patients. WE need to do something to not only stand up for ourselves but to see that maybe some laws in this country need to be changed to protect the people that have been hurt.

  • JoshJanuary 12, 2013 at 8:33 pm

    Any more info on when the supposed first check is to arrive? Someone mentioned February, is that true?

  • barbaraJanuary 11, 2013 at 2:51 am

    My mother was startd on Avanearly 2005- by Sept 2005- she died - myocardial infarct- This was a woman who at 84 still cooked, cleaned - went shopping every day- within a fewmonths - she was reduced to barely being able to get from one end of - a room to aother. she died 9 months after starting Avandia- never smoked-type II diabetic We filed our claim in July we were assured - she had been appro[Show More]My mother was startd on Avanearly 2005- by Sept 2005- she died - myocardial infarct- This was a woman who at 84 still cooked, cleaned - went shopping every day- within a fewmonths - she was reduced to barely being able to get from one end of - a room to aother. she died 9 months after starting Avandia- never smoked-type II diabetic We filed our claim in July we were assured - she had been approved - placed in the matrix- in October 2012 everything wa ssupposedly settled - in November we were told by our law firm in Minnesota that they were optimistic that checks would go end of year . Now we are being told that the Feds have told the law firm that Medicare Part C receipients- a 100 % hold is on all death cases. Is this true?- Also my mother was not a part C receipient so why would her settlement be held up- Anyone know anything about this ?

  • WandaJanuary 9, 2013 at 2:09 am

    My husband had a heart attack in 2005. He filed the with the lawyer back in 2008. We were told that we would expect something in March of 2010 and every month we call, we get told that we have to wait another month. Well, Back in November of 2012, We were told that we would get a packet to tell us what we would be getting and everything in Dec. Well Dec is here and gone and are being told t[Show More]My husband had a heart attack in 2005. He filed the with the lawyer back in 2008. We were told that we would expect something in March of 2010 and every month we call, we get told that we have to wait another month. Well, Back in November of 2012, We were told that we would get a packet to tell us what we would be getting and everything in Dec. Well Dec is here and gone and are being told that we should get the packet sometime this month. This is getting ridiculous in having to wait all this time.

  • SallieJanuary 8, 2013 at 9:01 pm

    Joe- My sister was on Avandia had a heart attack in July 2004, stroke October 2004 then died from complications of the stroke in Febuary 2005. She was only 58 when she died. She was on Avandia for 3+ years. What a sad, miserable way to go! The drug companies run calculated risks when they release these questionable drug formulas. The on-staff lawyers and stataticians just run the numbers. I really[Show More]Joe- My sister was on Avandia had a heart attack in July 2004, stroke October 2004 then died from complications of the stroke in Febuary 2005. She was only 58 when she died. She was on Avandia for 3+ years. What a sad, miserable way to go! The drug companies run calculated risks when they release these questionable drug formulas. The on-staff lawyers and stataticians just run the numbers. I really don't pin any hope to collecting anything more than a few bucks for my sister's death. All I hope for is to be able to get enough to give her a decent gravestone at the cemetary. -Sallie

  • joyceDecember 31, 2012 at 5:36 pm

    well all i am calling my local tv station to see if they can help with the story,remember they win awards for top stories,well i going to give them a try why can't you all make the same call what do we have to lose ,,,,,but they want that recnigation for top story and they have better resources too;i am going to give them a shot why dont you,Also some atty generals,Don't be surprie if this site d[Show More]well all i am calling my local tv station to see if they can help with the story,remember they win awards for top stories,well i going to give them a try why can't you all make the same call what do we have to lose ,,,,,but they want that recnigation for top story and they have better resources too;i am going to give them a shot why dont you,Also some atty generals,Don't be surprie if this site dissapears like the other. Oh Sallie i have been with mulligan from 97 i guess they have no intrest except collecting intresting on our money does anyone know how hard it is to get to brain williams on the news or matt lauder

  • joeDecember 29, 2012 at 1:18 pm

    Sallie. What did your sister have. Heart attack and death together, or heart attack then a stroke sometime later, then death. The way the medical incident is very important on how your settlement will be.

  • JoshDecember 29, 2012 at 1:15 am

    Sallie-Did your letter specifically state that in Feb 2013 you'd get some sort of payout? mine didn't say that, it just said they were "hoping to get the funds for the first part of 2013". Mlou-I agree with you, I think ALL of the lawyers in these cases have dropped the ball big time, they're the ones who make out, not us. Joe-But what does them not having all the paperwork have to do with every[Show More]Sallie-Did your letter specifically state that in Feb 2013 you'd get some sort of payout? mine didn't say that, it just said they were "hoping to get the funds for the first part of 2013". Mlou-I agree with you, I think ALL of the lawyers in these cases have dropped the ball big time, they're the ones who make out, not us. Joe-But what does them not having all the paperwork have to do with everyone else not getting what they're supposed to? Let GSK deal with those folks AFTER they've paid us out. This whole thing stinks IMO.

  • SallieDecember 28, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    I have been "working with" the Mulligan Law Firm in Texas for over 2 years and I got the same promise of settlement letter (end of dec. 2012) and then "oops, Sorry! You got to wait until Feb. 2013" letter. I figure there must be still some blood left on the carcass for the ticks to continue to suck on it. If I get more than $25 for settlement for my sister's death from a heart attack/stroke afte[Show More]I have been "working with" the Mulligan Law Firm in Texas for over 2 years and I got the same promise of settlement letter (end of dec. 2012) and then "oops, Sorry! You got to wait until Feb. 2013" letter. I figure there must be still some blood left on the carcass for the ticks to continue to suck on it. If I get more than $25 for settlement for my sister's death from a heart attack/stroke after taking Advandia for 5 years, I would be surprised. I really don't think there will be much of a payout. The odds were never in our favor.

  • AnnDecember 28, 2012 at 3:12 am

    I started avandia in sept of 2011. Lost sight in my left eye In Dec of 2011 and had a stroke in April of 2012. Filed a Claim in Nov 2011. Haven't heard anything yet. What Can I expect?

  • joeDecember 27, 2012 at 3:17 pm

    They are not fighting against you and your lawyer. They are fighting against everything else that is trying to get a piece of the pie

  • joyceDecember 26, 2012 at 7:38 pm

    i have an atty out of texas too TheMulligan Law Frim,i do not feel comfortable with them either i have been fighting sience the 90's i am now hang on by thread ,i like to charge them finace gharges but i am not finincial co.i would also like to charge them 1% after every 90 days,because they are collecting my intrest, thinking of droping them and just died in the poor house i am in now ,i will nev[Show More]i have an atty out of texas too TheMulligan Law Frim,i do not feel comfortable with them either i have been fighting sience the 90's i am now hang on by thread ,i like to charge them finace gharges but i am not finincial co.i would also like to charge them 1% after every 90 days,because they are collecting my intrest, thinking of droping them and just died in the poor house i am in now ,i will never be the same again always thinking will this be the day, Doctors and Lawyers always find good LIES to tell you they use you then abuse you..........Prays to all

  • mlouDecember 26, 2012 at 7:04 pm

    Josh - I agree, a settlement is a settlement..I thought when we were 1st notified, ALL documentation was all received and done! NOW, in this letter, all documentation is collected then reviewed by the Justices to certify qualification, THEN sent to GSK who can 'challenge' the qualification! First letter made it sound like everything was done, and just waiting on the final approval of the amts[Show More]Josh - I agree, a settlement is a settlement..I thought when we were 1st notified, ALL documentation was all received and done! NOW, in this letter, all documentation is collected then reviewed by the Justices to certify qualification, THEN sent to GSK who can 'challenge' the qualification! First letter made it sound like everything was done, and just waiting on the final approval of the amts. The longer it goes on, the less sense it makes, so now I am really wondering!!! Very frustrating to say the least!

  • joshDecember 25, 2012 at 3:07 am

    mlou- got the same thing, lets hope they're not blowing smoke up our arses and they actually do get us the $$$, I dont buy the "well GSK is now trying to fight it"...fight what? they came to the lawyers and wanted to settle, you cant "all of a sudden" decide to fight now.

  • Brenda JoDecember 20, 2012 at 7:04 pm

    My AVANDIA class action suit was settled last feb. It was suppose to pay out this fall.I CANT LOCATE LAWYER IN TEXAS. i HAD DISASTEROUS SUMMER LOST INFORMATION ON ATTORNEY They were in Texas...Muholland?..friend heard of attorney obscounding with money...can anyone help me?

  • mlouDecember 17, 2012 at 9:28 pm

    just got a letter saying nothing will take place by the end of this yr. (2012), but hope to disperse 1st half of funds in the 1st half of next yr. (2013)

  • joeDecember 15, 2012 at 5:10 pm

    Glenn, what was your medical incident.

  • GlennDecember 7, 2012 at 9:21 pm

    GSK holds back 20% on everyone in case of any liens, insurance reimbursements, etc. After search is done, then they must release the balance.

  • joeDecember 6, 2012 at 7:55 pm

    How much was held back with liens or any thing else.

  • glennDecember 4, 2012 at 8:39 pm

    yes if you go back and read my post from June 2 you can get an idea of what i got

  • JoshDecember 4, 2012 at 3:48 am

    Glenn-Are you happy with your settlement amount?

  • JoshDecember 4, 2012 at 3:46 am

    Felicia-where did you see/read this info? please post a link if you have it, thank you.

  • FeliciaNovember 29, 2012 at 4:53 am

    I mentioned 38 states

  • FeliciaNovember 29, 2012 at 4:52 am

    Whats up with the 38days states getting settlement money. That should have been added to our settlements.

  • HarryNovember 28, 2012 at 11:28 pm

    What happened to the topix forum?

  • glennNovember 28, 2012 at 9:22 pm

    it took me 6 yrs to get paid and i had a good law firm

  • joeNovember 28, 2012 at 6:54 pm

    Big Brian, there is nothing really more that you can do but call from time to time for an update. Most folks have been waiting for 4-5-6 years. Most seem to be told that they re'cd a settlement offer letter with no figure telling how much. Hope this help.

  • big brianNovember 28, 2012 at 10:54 am

    My mom died of a sudden onset of CHT (congestive heart) in 2007. I only heard about Avandia and the trouble caused by it in 2010. I filed a case with a Texas law firm in 2011. I heard nothing for a year and then I was contact by their partner firm in Aug. After a little hassel of finding medical records, I was told that all the info had checked out and that the case was proceeding and that i would[Show More]My mom died of a sudden onset of CHT (congestive heart) in 2007. I only heard about Avandia and the trouble caused by it in 2010. I filed a case with a Texas law firm in 2011. I heard nothing for a year and then I was contact by their partner firm in Aug. After a little hassel of finding medical records, I was told that all the info had checked out and that the case was proceeding and that i would be contacted for settlement soon. Well, that was August and i havent heard a peep since. Im askin those who have been at this point, should i get more agressive with my lawyer and demand more info or should i just let things play out?

  • JoshNovember 23, 2012 at 6:33 am

    Comment by R on 24 October 2012: I received a letter from my attorney that we will get our settlement amount in 12/2012. R-Did you get anything else claiming that now you wont be getting any sort of settlement(Partial or otherwise) in Dec? I called my lawyers just to "check up" to see if they had a possible time frame for when we'd be receiving the check next month, and now they're claiming w[Show More]Comment by R on 24 October 2012: I received a letter from my attorney that we will get our settlement amount in 12/2012. R-Did you get anything else claiming that now you wont be getting any sort of settlement(Partial or otherwise) in Dec? I called my lawyers just to "check up" to see if they had a possible time frame for when we'd be receiving the check next month, and now they're claiming we won't get it, then why did you send me a letter stating we would, you know? these friggin lawyers are crooks. My lawyers claimed it could be another 6 months and maybe longer, for even a partal payment.

  • JoshNovember 23, 2012 at 6:25 am

    Richard-I dont think so, but I might be wrong, best to check with your attny(s).

  • joeNovember 19, 2012 at 7:28 pm

    It depends on what you signed and agree upon. Generally, yes, this is the average of what lawyer get. You can claim the expense money but not the 1/3 they took. If you files bankruptcy, it varies on what you claim. Within some bankruptcy, they can place a lien on the settlement. But this is done with most claims any how. 20% is the going rate of holding on to the money until everything is clear.

  • RichardNovember 18, 2012 at 8:09 pm

    I finally received our settlement offer. Do we have to pay more than 40%? Do you have to pay for attourney expenses over the 40 %? Does everyone have to pay for court expenses. What about if you filed bankruptcy? and what if your out of it? We had private insurance and we didnt have to file any medical bills. It has a place to sign for bankruptcy, Why does that matter?

  • JoshNovember 14, 2012 at 1:31 am

    Bill-My lawfirm sent me a letter stating that they wanted to get us something, a partial payment, while they figure out the rest of the compensation for us. Most people have been offered or received a partial payment, not a complete settlement. You should talk to your lawyers about this. My sisters and I are supposed to each receive a check for $7K, then, sometime early next year, we're supposed t[Show More]Bill-My lawfirm sent me a letter stating that they wanted to get us something, a partial payment, while they figure out the rest of the compensation for us. Most people have been offered or received a partial payment, not a complete settlement. You should talk to your lawyers about this. My sisters and I are supposed to each receive a check for $7K, then, sometime early next year, we're supposed to get the rest. The cases will be decided on by 2 retired supreme court judges. All of this info is varifiable, just ask your attny's. Good luck.

  • Josh WhiteNovember 14, 2012 at 1:27 am

    R-You should get a partial payment, not the complete settlement amount next month. Got a similar letter stating we're getting a partial settlement amount of $7K, and the resat will be probably be decided on early next year.

  • ElizabethNovember 13, 2012 at 9:15 pm

    I have been told..The end of the year..But what year? My husband died and I have major medical problems from Avandia...I honestly do not think we are not going to get a thing from them I have had to get papers notarized and sent back in and signed papers and sent them and nothing..They have all the proof they need,so what is the hold up..I know they have to drawing interest on the money they [Show More]I have been told..The end of the year..But what year? My husband died and I have major medical problems from Avandia...I honestly do not think we are not going to get a thing from them I have had to get papers notarized and sent back in and signed papers and sent them and nothing..They have all the proof they need,so what is the hold up..I know they have to drawing interest on the money they claim to have...All I ask is why someone don"t tell us guys something?Are even more send us a check.......i think they are all BS"s

  • joeNovember 13, 2012 at 8:27 pm

    You can go and get the copies yourself from the doctor. They have to give them to you. He might charge you a fee, but so what. At least you have what you need.

  • JodyNovember 13, 2012 at 4:47 am

    I lost my partner 6/10. have filed all the necssary paperwork. Yet I wait patiently for what ever is my fate. Yes we were together for 13 yrs. She died at a young age of 45. I am still waiting on one Dr. to turn in the medical staements I have been waiting for 4 months. Does anyone have any idea or suggestions of how I can ask for said medical records. I know that my lawyers says I am in the settl[Show More]I lost my partner 6/10. have filed all the necssary paperwork. Yet I wait patiently for what ever is my fate. Yes we were together for 13 yrs. She died at a young age of 45. I am still waiting on one Dr. to turn in the medical staements I have been waiting for 4 months. Does anyone have any idea or suggestions of how I can ask for said medical records. I know that my lawyers says I am in the settlement but because of this Dr. I am being held back from any type of payment.

  • joeNovember 1, 2012 at 4:29 pm

    Richard, the MDL stands for Muniple Distrist Litgation. What it is that your lawyer has a group of people about anywhere from 50 to I've seen and heard of over 1000 of people in a group. Other lawyer would have the same, and forward a case in the Phil eastern Court. You can also be all by yourself with your lawyer. To lost. I am not saying I am right, but being that your Husband had bypass when hi[Show More]Richard, the MDL stands for Muniple Distrist Litgation. What it is that your lawyer has a group of people about anywhere from 50 to I've seen and heard of over 1000 of people in a group. Other lawyer would have the same, and forward a case in the Phil eastern Court. You can also be all by yourself with your lawyer. To lost. I am not saying I am right, but being that your Husband had bypass when his was an infant and again in 1972, could hurt the settlement. From a common person point of view, these heart problem should have no bearing on the avandia drug incident. From a professional medical person, it does. Your claim, has long has it is proven that he took avandia, the settlement may not be what you think it should be. It is like if you were healthy but you smoke and a little on the heavy side, this too can hurt.

  • JosephOctober 31, 2012 at 6:31 pm

    If the international humanitarian law is been broken.Its more longer & severe then any case.How can the one's that committed the crime be severely punished & the victims be greatly rewarded

  • RichardOctober 30, 2012 at 12:49 am

    Hey Lost, Do you have the attourneys out of Denver? Have you been told anything? Where did Joe go? He seemed to be informative. It seems from what I read that he was being blamed and people were saying mean things to him when it seemed like he was trying to inform us of the facts.

  • LostOctober 28, 2012 at 11:21 pm

    I received documents to complete stating that I have been found to qualify for the settlement. I completed some papework and sent it to my attorney in August, 2012. My husband died at the young age of 59 with a heart attack. The only problems he had were Type I diabetis and high collesterol. He had open heart surgery when it was an infant and again in 1972 but nothing else. He did not have h[Show More]I received documents to complete stating that I have been found to qualify for the settlement. I completed some papework and sent it to my attorney in August, 2012. My husband died at the young age of 59 with a heart attack. The only problems he had were Type I diabetis and high collesterol. He had open heart surgery when it was an infant and again in 1972 but nothing else. He did not have high blood pressure either. In 2002 he had a pace maker put in. He was healthy after that. Started taking Avandia in 1999. No problems prior to being diagnosed with diabetis in 1997 except in open heart surgery in 1972. He should not have died without warning. Everyone is complaining about the settlement amount. What about the health problems and loses we have all incurred. I signed up for the Avandia lawsuit in 2009 with an attorney in Texas but has since been transferred to an attorney in CO. I am pleased with the how they keep me informed. The firm has been as informative as they can when I ask. Everyone just needs to be patient.

  • RichardOctober 26, 2012 at 1:50 am

    Hey Joe, What is MDL? or does anyone know?

  • ROctober 24, 2012 at 8:11 pm

    I received a letter from my attorney that we will get our settlement amount in 12/2012. My father past away last July in 2011 he had many many many problems he was bed ridden the last 6 months of his life we watched him take his last breath, we all suffered along with him. He had sever heart diseases we sent in his paper work early this year & he qualified for a Avandia settlement. It migh[Show More]I received a letter from my attorney that we will get our settlement amount in 12/2012. My father past away last July in 2011 he had many many many problems he was bed ridden the last 6 months of his life we watched him take his last breath, we all suffered along with him. He had sever heart diseases we sent in his paper work early this year & he qualified for a Avandia settlement. It might be in the high range at least i hope it is of $500,000 that is how much he deserves because this medicine took his life & he suffered all the complications associated with taking Advandia he had a heart attack right before he died & he had 3 right after he took Advandia.

  • ricOctober 23, 2012 at 2:56 pm

    i just found this out and my dad just passed away 5 days ago. Are we able to put a case together in his name as he had many problems and by what i read his falls into all of these catagories based on the medicine and also how do you suggest to find a good attorney on this case. As i lost my father when his health went downhill from this stuff, with all the pain and suffering he and i went through.[Show More]i just found this out and my dad just passed away 5 days ago. Are we able to put a case together in his name as he had many problems and by what i read his falls into all of these catagories based on the medicine and also how do you suggest to find a good attorney on this case. As i lost my father when his health went downhill from this stuff, with all the pain and suffering he and i went through. thank you

  • hughOctober 23, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    i have not posted for a long time, i did get a partial settlement last wk, of 4700.00. balance who kno's.gross amt. 27,000 minis all ded. hugh

  • RichardOctober 23, 2012 at 3:54 am

    I dont know where my post went and dont mean to keep repeating myself, but it saud that GSK agreed to settle to the courts 3billion dollars. How do you know if you are in a group or not? And has anyone settled yet? How do you know if your in the Mass Torte or not? Do they take off points if your over weight? I was only 42 and had a heart attack and had stints put in. Didn't have a by pass. [Show More]I dont know where my post went and dont mean to keep repeating myself, but it saud that GSK agreed to settle to the courts 3billion dollars. How do you know if you are in a group or not? And has anyone settled yet? How do you know if your in the Mass Torte or not? Do they take off points if your over weight? I was only 42 and had a heart attack and had stints put in. Didn't have a by pass. So I probably wont get the average well I? And I also smoked.

  • LydiaOctober 20, 2012 at 4:44 am

    I guest I was sensitive to your opening statement "Lydia, it’s not true, nothing you’ve said is factual….lets review" and set the tone for the rest of your statement. I did review my award packet and again the amount that is less than 5000. Is correct as far as my case goes. Even when I had to go to court to establish hereship because my husband died without a will this amount was stated in those [Show More]I guest I was sensitive to your opening statement "Lydia, it’s not true, nothing you’ve said is factual….lets review" and set the tone for the rest of your statement. I did review my award packet and again the amount that is less than 5000. Is correct as far as my case goes. Even when I had to go to court to establish hereship because my husband died without a will this amount was stated in those court papers. You are right everycase is different and a persons choice of lawyers does make a difference.

  • JoshOctober 16, 2012 at 11:16 pm

    Lydia, NOWHERE(AND please correct me if Im wrong), did I say anything about blaming you for your hubby dying, did I? I did no such thing. Why I said that was because YOU signed whatever paperwork they sent you, no one else. So, if you get screwed on your settlement, then that is most certainly PARTLY ON YOU!, as YOU signed said paperwork(you didn't have to do so). AGAIN, I've said this about a do[Show More]Lydia, NOWHERE(AND please correct me if Im wrong), did I say anything about blaming you for your hubby dying, did I? I did no such thing. Why I said that was because YOU signed whatever paperwork they sent you, no one else. So, if you get screwed on your settlement, then that is most certainly PARTLY ON YOU!, as YOU signed said paperwork(you didn't have to do so). AGAIN, I've said this about a dozen times here, these cases are done on a CASE BY CASE BASIS. The "average per case"(and you can look that up), is $70,000 per case. Even @ 40% of the fees taken away, that still leaves you about $40k to do something. Yeah, not much to cover your loss, but MORE than the pittance you were claiming that you and others got. I even asked my lawm firm, and they laughed at your supposed "amount",. and said"Thats on his/her lawfirm". YOU didnt do your homework, Im sorry about your hubby.

  • LydiaOctober 16, 2012 at 12:54 pm

    Josh, My disbursement letter says nothing about a partial payment. It does say that all attorney fees (40%) plus settlement administration fees, common benefit expenses, case expenses and costs, MDL court assessmetns; and any Medicare and/or Medicaid or other liens will be deducted. When assigning points the Garrison group deducted points because my husband had been a smoker. What my base amount s[Show More]Josh, My disbursement letter says nothing about a partial payment. It does say that all attorney fees (40%) plus settlement administration fees, common benefit expenses, case expenses and costs, MDL court assessmetns; and any Medicare and/or Medicaid or other liens will be deducted. When assigning points the Garrison group deducted points because my husband had been a smoker. What my base amount started out as less than 40,000 and I will get one check for less then 5000. I have no reason to "lie" and see no reason to be attacked and find you statement "if you got anything less than what ive stated abovem, thats totally on YOU, and your fault, not anyone else’s." very offensive. As if it is my fault that my husband died. I came on this site to voice my concerns and to see if others where as flustrated as I was about the way things are going and found that most people where but because of the last part of your statement and the fact that you would say my statements are untrue just is just wrong. The one thing I know for sure is that everyone cases seems to be different.

  • JoshOctober 12, 2012 at 1:13 am

    Awesome! Did you get more than the $70K that they're claiming is the avg? What state is your lawfirm handling the case based out of?

  • BillOctober 11, 2012 at 6:38 pm

    Josh, why are you getting a check for $7,000.00 now, and the rest later. Why not all the money at one time?

  • katgoreeOctober 11, 2012 at 3:12 pm

    Finally recieved my alotment letter. Very surprised by the amount in a good way...I guess. Now, where am I in the process of getting a check in my hand?

  • joshOctober 10, 2012 at 11:01 pm

    Lydia, it's not true, nothing you've said is factual....lets review: 1) I received a letter from MY lawyers stating that I would get a "partial payment" of $7K before the year is up(this is FACTUAL). In same letter, it CLEARLY states that I will then get whatever amount is awarded to me, as EACH case is done on a case by case basis, and is overseen by 2 retired former supreme court judges. This i[Show More]Lydia, it's not true, nothing you've said is factual....lets review: 1) I received a letter from MY lawyers stating that I would get a "partial payment" of $7K before the year is up(this is FACTUAL). In same letter, it CLEARLY states that I will then get whatever amount is awarded to me, as EACH case is done on a case by case basis, and is overseen by 2 retired former supreme court judges. This info is undisuptable(call your lawyer and ask). 2) Also in said letter, it CLEARLY states that "the average amount awarded to cases is $70K, and could be higher, depending on the circumstances". AGAIN, CLEARLY STATED in said letter. 3) The amount MY lawyer is taking out, is 33 1/3 percent, and thats ALL he gets, not a penny more. THEY then pay whatever law firms assist them in finalizing the case(getting monies, etc). EVERY SINGLE THING I've said here is 100% correct and factual, and can be easily verified by calling your lawyer. The letter ALSO stated that the $7K "partial payment" is not taxable. I dont know what idiot(erm I mean "lawyer") you claim to have, but whoever he is, is a F^%$#G idiot, and didn't do anything. ALSO, my lawyer said that the retired scj's then rule on each case(on a case by case basis), and any extra award they deem necessary, will then be added to the bulk(bigger) payment later on. if you got anything less than what ive stated abovem, thats totally on YOU, and your fault, not anyone else's.

  • RichardOctober 10, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    can somebody explain haow the point system works? can somebody explain how the point system works? and how many points you get for certain things<

  • RichardOctober 5, 2012 at 10:05 pm

    I had a heart attack back i n 2004. Had one stint put in. I smoke and know they well take off point for that. I was only 42 when I had the procedure done. Can anybody tell me how long it takes to get a check? It has been over 4 years. How much do they take off for smoking? And people probably get more if they had a bypass? We have Tom Cllark out of Denver. Can somebody let me know of the s[Show More]I had a heart attack back i n 2004. Had one stint put in. I smoke and know they well take off point for that. I was only 42 when I had the procedure done. Can anybody tell me how long it takes to get a check? It has been over 4 years. How much do they take off for smoking? And people probably get more if they had a bypass? We have Tom Cllark out of Denver. Can somebody let me know of the statitistics? Thanks

  • AmandaOctober 5, 2012 at 6:14 am

    I am supposed to be in the Avandia settlement. She took it for a short time, and she had kidney failure, and heartache. The major symtoms started in 2004, and she died in 2006. I made my first comment because I was angry. I was supporting all the patients which took the Avandia, and they were harmed by it. I new it causes a lot injuries, but i was suprised by the number of death caused by it.[Show More]I am supposed to be in the Avandia settlement. She took it for a short time, and she had kidney failure, and heartache. The major symtoms started in 2004, and she died in 2006. I made my first comment because I was angry. I was supporting all the patients which took the Avandia, and they were harmed by it. I new it causes a lot injuries, but i was suprised by the number of death caused by it. I lost a a mother that I adored because of this drug.

  • richardOctober 3, 2012 at 1:55 am

    i had a stroke while on avandia today my left arm doesn,t work well also have shorten of breath

  • AnnaOctober 2, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    My dad got a partial payment in june 2012 ....but I gotta say for those who got your own lawyer to fight for more, I heard that these kind of cases can get so tied up in courts it could be 20 yrs+ before it even go to trial. But I do understand why your fighting for more. Goodluck!

  • joeOctober 2, 2012 at 3:18 pm

    Lydia, let see if we can break this down so that folks here understand. I am going to use your complaint has an example. Let's say that your settlement reward is $100,000.00. Now what is the agreement that you sign for this lawsuit. Is it 1/3 or 40%. We will use the 1/3 figure. Now you have $66,000.00. The expense that the lawyer took should be broken down. the reason it is broken down is that thi[Show More]Lydia, let see if we can break this down so that folks here understand. I am going to use your complaint has an example. Let's say that your settlement reward is $100,000.00. Now what is the agreement that you sign for this lawsuit. Is it 1/3 or 40%. We will use the 1/3 figure. Now you have $66,000.00. The expense that the lawyer took should be broken down. the reason it is broken down is that this is tax deductable. Let say this total comes to $10,000.00. Now your total is $56,000.00. What this hereship, I have no idea. but the cost is $2500.00. Now your total reward is $53,500.00. Remember, this if your reward is 100 thousand. Please go back and see what the agreement is. If it 1/3, tell the lawyer, not the 40%

  • LydiaSeptember 29, 2012 at 2:04 am

    Josh, I am sorry to say when all is said and done I will get less than a third of the settlement. I cannot give out exact amounts because I did sign a confidence agree ment. As I said the lawyers took 40% for their fee and then they took almost as much again for attorney expenses. Then the Garretson group notified me they where deducting another 2500 for a hereship hearing. I thought it was a lot[Show More]Josh, I am sorry to say when all is said and done I will get less than a third of the settlement. I cannot give out exact amounts because I did sign a confidence agree ment. As I said the lawyers took 40% for their fee and then they took almost as much again for attorney expenses. Then the Garretson group notified me they where deducting another 2500 for a hereship hearing. I thought it was a lot to pay considering my husband and I had been married over 30 years with 2 grown sons. Now I am told that I will not receive my settlement until some lawyer on the defenses side signs off on my file because they had to wait for the hereship hearing. My settlement did fall below the amount you quote because he was a smoker they took off points even though he died. I can assure you I am not wrong about the numbers.

  • garySeptember 27, 2012 at 3:19 pm

    The minimum in my group was $3500

  • JoshSeptember 25, 2012 at 9:29 pm

    Lydia, AGAIn an untruth, they will not take 2/3's unless your settlement amount was below the 70K amount(which that was the avg.). Please show us this information.

  • JoshSeptember 20, 2012 at 10:26 pm

    Charles, I DO NOT BELIEVE YOU that you only got $124.00, thats impossible. Please stop saying untrue things.

  • LydiaAugust 28, 2012 at 3:02 pm

    In my case the lawyers get 40% plus expenses which means they will take almost 2/3 of the settlement. My husband also died and the amount I will receive makes me feel ashamed that I even filed the suit. His life was worth more than this.

  • CharlesAugust 22, 2012 at 12:02 pm

    What was your FIRST INCIDENT. The truth, there is a set figure that cannot go below a certain amount, assuming on what you just said. So either that figure is a misprint or maybe something else is going on. All the times after the first incident does not count. Sorry

  • charleshockettAugust 21, 2012 at 12:40 pm

    yes i recived my settelment package 8 years of hospitial stays 9 surgerys 2 defibulators lost home busniescars wife due to myyelling all the time being sick and they want to give me awhole 124.00 after all fees well that dog is not going to hunt ill sue gsk my self all the lies that have been told to me by my attys. this one boy that is going to stand up and fight for what is right and i promise y[Show More]yes i recived my settelment package 8 years of hospitial stays 9 surgerys 2 defibulators lost home busniescars wife due to myyelling all the time being sick and they want to give me awhole 124.00 after all fees well that dog is not going to hunt ill sue gsk my self all the lies that have been told to me by my attys. this one boy that is going to stand up and fight for what is right and i promise you it wont be for 124.00 that you can take to the bank

  • joeAugust 20, 2012 at 7:12 pm

    Pearlene, what was your medical incident. And your right about medicaid holdback. These are funds that you re'cd to help pay for any medical problems that came. It is not medicare were you pay into to get. Medicaid is a form of welfare which the settlement funds are taken from you to pay back the system that help you. If you are counting this as part of the lawyers fee, it is not. It goes back to [Show More]Pearlene, what was your medical incident. And your right about medicaid holdback. These are funds that you re'cd to help pay for any medical problems that came. It is not medicare were you pay into to get. Medicaid is a form of welfare which the settlement funds are taken from you to pay back the system that help you. If you are counting this as part of the lawyers fee, it is not. It goes back to the g'ovt. Your lawyer does not re'cd a penny of this funds.

  • pearleneAugust 18, 2012 at 4:16 pm

    Josh- I know exactly what I'm getting. You don't have to believe me. After medicaid holdsback my lawyer will have more than me. Wait until you get your settlement then you'll see what you're getting and you won't be so quick to call someone a LIE

  • JoshAugust 13, 2012 at 7:15 pm

    Pearlene-I dont believe you that your lawyer is getting more than you, IMPOSSIBLE(they only get 40%-you have a shitty lawyer). Why would a lawyer take your case if they're getting MORE than you? they wouldnt, you dont make any sense. My lawyer called and said they'd agreed on a settlement. He said we'd be getting more than him, so again, it's not possible for you to be getting less than yours.. Y[Show More]Pearlene-I dont believe you that your lawyer is getting more than you, IMPOSSIBLE(they only get 40%-you have a shitty lawyer). Why would a lawyer take your case if they're getting MORE than you? they wouldnt, you dont make any sense. My lawyer called and said they'd agreed on a settlement. He said we'd be getting more than him, so again, it's not possible for you to be getting less than yours.. You're just making stuff up.

  • MarkusAugust 10, 2012 at 3:15 pm

    I began taking Avandia in September 2009 and had the maximum dosage prescribed for me in February 2010. Two days after taking the maximum dosage, I had a heart attack. Until that point in time, I had no history of heart trouble, so this was NOT a coincidence but the obvious result of the drug's devastating side effects.

  • pearleneAugust 9, 2012 at 11:15 pm

    I received my settlement offer today and all I can do is shake my head. The lawyer is getting more than me. My loved one died from a heart attack while taking advandia. A funeral cost more than what my share is after the lawyers get all theirs.

  • tammyAugust 2, 2012 at 1:03 am

    Harry, thanks for that information. I had my hopes up but now I don't . They had told me I should expect payment by end of year.

  • HarryJuly 31, 2012 at 8:03 pm

    Tammy.....My firm sent my case to Garretson in August 2011. I still have not heard a word. It has been almost a year now, and still no final amount, much less a date to receive a check. So count on waiting at least another year, probably more once everything goes to Garretson. I am beginning to doubt that I will even be paid by the end of this year

  • robertdrobertJuly 31, 2012 at 6:42 pm

    i have been inthis lawsuit for3years(about+-_ represented supposidly by clark burnett in texas no communication-none-i called many times get a recording leave my name and number woman calls back i ask about settlement always a vague answer she says it will take months and months and months i call back months later and she hasnt run out of montths yet this is election year and iam calling for a co[Show More]i have been inthis lawsuit for3years(about+-_ represented supposidly by clark burnett in texas no communication-none-i called many times get a recording leave my name and number woman calls back i ask about settlement always a vague answer she says it will take months and months and months i call back months later and she hasnt run out of montths yet this is election year and iam calling for a congressional investigation something has to be done someone may be getting paid but it sure as hell isnt me and iam sick of this call your representives and demand action election year may get results

  • joshJuly 31, 2012 at 1:14 am

    Melissa, EVERY case is done on a case by case basis, so there's no "set" amount for each person, one person might get more than you, or I, and others might get less.

  • tammyJuly 31, 2012 at 12:06 am

    talked with my lawyer today in firhope, al. I was told that the cases been sent to the garretson resoultion about a month ago. Mind you I called 2 weeks ago and they told me it would be about 2 months before it goes to Gerretson and we looking at the end of the year to be paid. Everytime I call I get different answers. I s anyone else dealing with Sizemore and T aylor in Fairhope, Al

  • melissaJuly 27, 2012 at 8:12 pm

    Also for all interested. Upon researching the internet, there is a website for the Pa court that list the Master Settlement Agreement as a PDF. Just type Avandia Master Settelement Agreement in the search , and with ease this can be located. Also there is an update to the "MSA" that pertains to deceased plaintiffs, and the amount of settlement for those plaintiffs, 50K testate, and 30k for intesta[Show More]Also for all interested. Upon researching the internet, there is a website for the Pa court that list the Master Settlement Agreement as a PDF. Just type Avandia Master Settelement Agreement in the search , and with ease this can be located. Also there is an update to the "MSA" that pertains to deceased plaintiffs, and the amount of settlement for those plaintiffs, 50K testate, and 30k for intestate.ALL THIS INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND.WITH VERY LITTLE EFFORT.

  • melissaJuly 27, 2012 at 7:35 pm

    Sandy, Would you have any idea as to the state the attorney was in?You could call the "MDL" court that is currently holding these cases. Look for the attorneys that are listed as being on the Plaintiff Steering Committee, as either lead or co-counsell. Contact those firms they will help locate your information. I pray you are able to resolve this issue favorably for yourself and your family. God B[Show More]Sandy, Would you have any idea as to the state the attorney was in?You could call the "MDL" court that is currently holding these cases. Look for the attorneys that are listed as being on the Plaintiff Steering Committee, as either lead or co-counsell. Contact those firms they will help locate your information. I pray you are able to resolve this issue favorably for yourself and your family. God Bless.

  • SANDYJuly 26, 2012 at 11:10 pm

    yes i asked for a lawyer help no e mail back come on my kids dont have there dad . IT IS SO HARD FOR ME TO EVEN PAAID THE RENT FOR THIS HOLE IN THE GROUND iAM RENTING..

  • MarieJuly 21, 2012 at 3:26 am

    Hello Sandy, try applying for an Avandia lawsuit again (see section below that ask you), when they contact you explain your situation, lawyers talk to each other, maybe they can direct you to the main attorney who put this all together and partnered with other firms, that's a start, good luck! Also to anyone else interested, from what I understand so far from the information I have received, and [Show More]Hello Sandy, try applying for an Avandia lawsuit again (see section below that ask you), when they contact you explain your situation, lawyers talk to each other, maybe they can direct you to the main attorney who put this all together and partnered with other firms, that's a start, good luck! Also to anyone else interested, from what I understand so far from the information I have received, and based on the questionnaire. The award is based on a point system, taken into consideration are age, how long drug taken, medical condition, primary injury,disabiity, hospitalization, surgeries, smoking. These combined in points multiplied by a $ figure are the award offered. Every case is individual in determination. This is just my opinion, let's all be kinder to one another and more respectful. It's not easy for those who have lost a loved one and those who are now suffering for the rest of their lives. God Bless...........

  • lisaJuly 20, 2012 at 5:47 am

    Sandy I am so sorry for your troubles.It truely sadens me, I don't know but if you think it was in the state that you are in maybe you can call the court house and see if you are on a docet spelled wrong i am sure sorry late at my house. I wish you the best of luck from this moment on and God Bless you and your children.

  • SANDYJuly 18, 2012 at 3:04 pm

    My husband die 5 years ago from this drug. Still waiting on lawsuit we have 3 children together . Had a house. fire an lost all of the paper work from my lawyer an dont remember the law office I used.Can someon please help me out here .

  • donaldJuly 14, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    There are lots of us who have been dealt a bad deal by taking Avandia. I had a heart attack, 4-5 stents, and then 7 vessel by-pass all within 18 months of starting Avandia. Everyone is waiting for the check in the mail. The law firm now handling my case has told me I'll get the check in the mail in October (not holding my breath). I will say this...It is VERY important to review the calculatio[Show More]There are lots of us who have been dealt a bad deal by taking Avandia. I had a heart attack, 4-5 stents, and then 7 vessel by-pass all within 18 months of starting Avandia. Everyone is waiting for the check in the mail. The law firm now handling my case has told me I'll get the check in the mail in October (not holding my breath). I will say this...It is VERY important to review the calculation of points. They had originally calculated my points as a current smoker (never have smoked) and disregarded the fact that Social Security and VA has me listed as disabled. I appealled the calculation and my settlement award almost doubled. Each person should be diligent. Neither firm offered guidance as to what was being calculated...just a letter sent explaining how it was calculated. Ask someone for help if you are unclear. I know at some point the check will arrive...I may not be around to see it but at least my family will get some benefit. I did read that the minimum settlement was to be $5000. and could go as high as $250,000. I could rant and rave and get my blood pressure sky-rocketing taking chances with what functionality I have left of my heart OR be grateful that I still have the opportunity to interact with my grandkids. The money would be nice but I treasure the hugs and watching these kids grow. Hope all find peace in all that they do.

  • StarmomJuly 10, 2012 at 1:00 am

    I've read a lot of the Avandia posts. My aunt signed the document in Dec. 2011 & mailed it. She had triple by-pass in 2001 & had heart problems due to taking Avandia. She does not smoke nor drink & will be 74 yrs. old in July. She also has a 30% blockage in her neck, type2 diabetes, Parkinsons disease, &early on-set of dimentia. My question: when & how much will she receive re:[Show More]I've read a lot of the Avandia posts. My aunt signed the document in Dec. 2011 & mailed it. She had triple by-pass in 2001 & had heart problems due to taking Avandia. She does not smoke nor drink & will be 74 yrs. old in July. She also has a 30% blockage in her neck, type2 diabetes, Parkinsons disease, &early on-set of dimentia. My question: when & how much will she receive re: the Avandia lawsuit? Can anyone answer? Thank you!

  • LAURIEJuly 9, 2012 at 11:31 pm

    I've been told i won my case it's been 5 years .my husband had a mass hear attack and passed away living kids now 14,16.we have had a hard time.It will knot bring him back.But the kids should not to do with out stuff they need .knot want there is a big diffance when will we get the check or let us know how much tried of wating in wv.

  • ShirleyJuly 8, 2012 at 3:05 pm

    These two years since filed a claim against avandia has been thoroughly frustrating. My husband has had several heartattacks and has had to have a stent put in.. I am very sorry to all thosr who have lost loved ones because of this drug. I know claimants are npt allowed to talk to anyone but their spoudrs about the details in their case but I promise you if anything happens to my spousr gsk will[Show More]These two years since filed a claim against avandia has been thoroughly frustrating. My husband has had several heartattacks and has had to have a stent put in.. I am very sorry to all thosr who have lost loved ones because of this drug. I know claimants are npt allowed to talk to anyone but their spoudrs about the details in their case but I promise you if anything happens to my spousr gsk will go down hard and will not remember me fondly as they will be out of business, You cannot put value on human life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • kat gJune 11, 2012 at 10:29 pm

    hi, I have singed my avandia papers in 2009, after my mother and father died from taking the drug. I am in alabama, and was wondering if anyone has receieved checks yet. And, has anyone used the Salim Law Firm located in Louisiana?

  • HollyJune 5, 2012 at 12:29 pm

    If the lawyers read this blog they are having a field day seeing adults commenting like little school children you need to re- focus on what this is about. CAN'T READ TOPIX so silly.I had been approved by GSK and had a conversation with my attorney, he not GSK removed 75 of my points that 's upseting but to see other claimants fighting only helps these cheating, back stabbing attorneys. If anyone[Show More]If the lawyers read this blog they are having a field day seeing adults commenting like little school children you need to re- focus on what this is about. CAN'T READ TOPIX so silly.I had been approved by GSK and had a conversation with my attorney, he not GSK removed 75 of my points that 's upseting but to see other claimants fighting only helps these cheating, back stabbing attorneys. If anyone is searching for attorney do not use W&C in Kansas City now I have to file a complaint with displinary board and hire another attorney to fihgt for my points.

  • GlennJune 2, 2012 at 3:30 pm

    Hello all I see that everyon has stopped posting here. We all starting posting 2 years ago to help eachother get info on the case. then people like Joe started telling everyone what they should or should not do. After I got my settelment I posted what happend. I tryed to help everyone out. For those of you who are still looking for info you can go back and read my posts. I will tell you that look[Show More]Hello all I see that everyon has stopped posting here. We all starting posting 2 years ago to help eachother get info on the case. then people like Joe started telling everyone what they should or should not do. After I got my settelment I posted what happend. I tryed to help everyone out. For those of you who are still looking for info you can go back and read my posts. I will tell you that looking back I think I had a good lawer and like i said in one post my lawer was in the same area as Garrison so I think some dinners helped. Did i get rich? no, I got two new cars and fixed up the house and am going on a nice vacation. thats about it. In the end i am happey with what i got. It took almost 6 yrs. good luck to all and dont let Joe get you down. Remember the more your lawer gets for you the more he gets.

  • johnsonMay 14, 2012 at 4:27 am

    '@Jim or whomever you are: You've heard sad cases? YOU ARE A SAD CASE! Go on now over to Topix before you get your feelings Hurt and run away with your tail between your legs This is between me and Joe/killedjoe. I CAN HANDLE HIM. DON'T LET ME HAVE TO ASK YOU AGAIN!

  • JimMay 9, 2012 at 11:31 pm

    First of all, your posting of May 3, you of all people should be careful on who you call liar and lying. I have no idea who you are talking to. Are you talk to me or this Joe guy. I see and read the postings and you my friend are not exactly helping yourself. Like I posted, you don't see what you are doing to yourself. I come to these site to get information on the lawsuits. I may have posted ab[Show More]First of all, your posting of May 3, you of all people should be careful on who you call liar and lying. I have no idea who you are talking to. Are you talk to me or this Joe guy. I see and read the postings and you my friend are not exactly helping yourself. Like I posted, you don't see what you are doing to yourself. I come to these site to get information on the lawsuits. I may have posted about 3-4 times over the last 2 years. I have read many sad stories, but yours is one of the few and I must say, I doubt it. Why? Your posting are not consistence. You say one thing and say something else. It is obvious you are very confuse on what you have posted.

  • joeMay 7, 2012 at 12:23 pm

    hey Harry, Be careful, she'll start her crying. There picking on me, Am telling. WAAAAAAAAAA, WAAAAAAAA. You lie and lie, you even lie about your lying. What is it that you say. DITTO. Hey did you catch that squirrel yet. HA HA HA.

  • JohnsonMay 6, 2012 at 1:52 am

    '@Gary you got what you got by Sam because you put your home address out over on topix like a fool. That's what you get you put yourself in hot water. How stupid of you. @Harry, mind your dam business. @Killedjoe: Killedjoe and Jill went up a hill to fetch a pail of water, Killedjoe fell down and broke his crown (ass) and Jill came running after.

  • JohnsonMay 6, 2012 at 1:48 am

    '@GARY AND KILLEDJOE/JOE: take your tails back over to topix to your internet women. You internet pimp. Stop following me and harrassing me. I've not spoken to you both over on topix.

  • johnsonMay 4, 2012 at 4:54 pm

    Don't believe nothing Anthony, Jim, Joe aka killedjoe is saying On here. He's an imposter and probably with GSK.

  • HarryMay 4, 2012 at 4:50 pm

    Johnson is most likely about 14 years old by the way he acts, and talks

  • GaryMay 4, 2012 at 3:39 pm

    Johnson...Now you're over here lying. Sam Panties in a Bunch threatened to come to my house, I just told him what I'd do if he did. You did the same, you are pathetic.

  • JoeMay 4, 2012 at 12:22 pm

    Hey Johnson. Now I am a joke. Alright, here's one. How do you catch a squirrel. You climb up a tree and act like a "nut" HA HA HA

  • johnsonMay 4, 2012 at 12:40 am

    Jim believe what you want who cares and you are probably Joe/killedjoe faking your name. Why don't you read Gary and Sam Bunch's comments to each other over on Topix. Then you will see who' s threatening who. I know you are faking your name and you can't fool me like your girls over on Topix. Your a lier that's why you keep calling me one. Your guy Gary threaten Sam badly and his threats wen[Show More]Jim believe what you want who cares and you are probably Joe/killedjoe faking your name. Why don't you read Gary and Sam Bunch's comments to each other over on Topix. Then you will see who' s threatening who. I know you are faking your name and you can't fool me like your girls over on Topix. Your a lier that's why you keep calling me one. Your guy Gary threaten Sam badly and his threats went beyond the rules on Topix. So why don't you report him? Print his comments and turn into Topix which you claim is near your city. That's a joke and you are one too.

  • JimMay 3, 2012 at 11:28 am

    I sorry Johnson, but From what I read, you were lying, and killedjoe saw it. When you saw that they knew you were lying, you went into a some kind of an explosives uncontrolled person who just started talking crazy. Then you finish it with threaten people with beating them up and using language unbecoming. The sad part is that I believe that you really don't see yourself on what your doing. From y[Show More]I sorry Johnson, but From what I read, you were lying, and killedjoe saw it. When you saw that they knew you were lying, you went into a some kind of an explosives uncontrolled person who just started talking crazy. Then you finish it with threaten people with beating them up and using language unbecoming. The sad part is that I believe that you really don't see yourself on what your doing. From your view, you did nothing.

  • joeMay 2, 2012 at 5:47 pm

    Josh. Some of these low ball settlements are real. The "fair" settlements most shut up and go away.They are scare to say something or don't want anybody to know. The low settlements will alway complain. Everybody think they are going to get rich. You must understand the difference of the settlement. To you and me and just about everyone else, a heart attack is a heart attack. In the medical field,[Show More]Josh. Some of these low ball settlements are real. The "fair" settlements most shut up and go away.They are scare to say something or don't want anybody to know. The low settlements will alway complain. Everybody think they are going to get rich. You must understand the difference of the settlement. To you and me and just about everyone else, a heart attack is a heart attack. In the medical field, there are many levels of a heart attacksThere are many people who don't know what is on there medical records. You may be told a heart attack, but the doctors wrote something else. I am only telling you this, cause you seems to be one of the few who are really looking for answers.

  • johnsonMay 2, 2012 at 1:01 am

    '@Anthony Read all not just my comments people over on topix cussed me Too specially Joe who is killedjoe over there. Don't include God in this Cuz he has nothing to do with this. If anyone mess with. me I will return the same. I'm here to get info just like.everyone else. I'm sick of Joe deflaming my name and he's upset cuz Topix gave him a warning about name calling. l @josh its true o[Show More]'@Anthony Read all not just my comments people over on topix cussed me Too specially Joe who is killedjoe over there. Don't include God in this Cuz he has nothing to do with this. If anyone mess with. me I will return the same. I'm here to get info just like.everyone else. I'm sick of Joe deflaming my name and he's upset cuz Topix gave him a warning about name calling. l @josh its true our settlements are low.. Gsk and our lawyers screwed us.

  • joshMay 1, 2012 at 9:10 pm

    Joe-No, I questioned how everyone seemed to get so low of a settlement amount, and I didnt believe it then(and dont now). Unfortunately, people arent willing to give details of their settlemenst here, and thats their right to do so. I just find it extremely hard to believe that every single person so far has received a low amount?

  • anthonyMay 1, 2012 at 1:02 pm

    You should see the nut job this Johnson is over in topix. Good God, She is all over there screaming and cussing out everybody. Threaten people. If she come here, watch it.

  • NikkiApril 28, 2012 at 2:35 am

    Comment by Josh on 17 April 2012: PS Johnson- NO, you wont have to wait 5 years for your settlement/to receive a check, it should take about 4-6 months after your case has settled. Your lawyers have to submit the proper paperwork, and then you have to wait for the checks to clear and so forth Josh any clue how long it takes them to figure out your bankruptcy I was discharged from it 3 years ago[Show More]Comment by Josh on 17 April 2012: PS Johnson- NO, you wont have to wait 5 years for your settlement/to receive a check, it should take about 4-6 months after your case has settled. Your lawyers have to submit the proper paperwork, and then you have to wait for the checks to clear and so forth Josh any clue how long it takes them to figure out your bankruptcy I was discharged from it 3 years ago was suppose to get checks 3wk of april now they are telling me call every 2 weeks.

  • johnsonApril 27, 2012 at 4:27 pm

    FYI: people please if you can refrain from calling your attorney everyday because everytime you call your attorney they are charging you. I've processed invoices at my employment and seen how attorneys charge just for a phone call and we are not getting much from our lawsuits in the first place so why pay more for a question that your attorney wont answer?

  • joeApril 26, 2012 at 5:49 pm

    I am so sick of avandia and it's problems. A lot a people are sick of avandia and they just know that somehow people just know how to move on.

  • markApril 26, 2012 at 2:05 pm

    my wife died in sept from taking plavix. i think we are all useing the same lawyers.i called them last week. and all he could tell me was that they were waiting on a judge to sign something. any help would be nice. i've lost my job over all of this and not sure if i can ever go back to work.

  • johnsonApril 26, 2012 at 10:53 am

    Once again Joe/killedjoe is lying. Topix gave him a warning to stop abusing people. That what he does if you don't agree with him. He started this mess and now he's looking crazy. No one on here can "Chase" me away and ill. Post here and on Topix. I'll.give people valuable info unlike Joe/killedjoe. I'm sick of the bs too.

  • GeneApril 25, 2012 at 4:10 pm

    Millie, you just sent your paperwork cack March 22, and you are looking for a check already?? It will take 4-6 months before you get a check. You say everyone with a MI received 60,000 was anything deducted for smoking, or being overweight, or was it a flat 60,000?

  • joeApril 25, 2012 at 3:43 pm

    Sorry, Josh is the one that question your comment, not me. Also topix took the warning away when I told them to recheck who abuse who. They themselves look and saw it was the other way around. They were going to issue you a warning instead, but I told them no.

  • MillieApril 24, 2012 at 7:42 pm

    I don't think that anyone knows anything. And eveyone seems to know something different. I have read everything and I still don't know when the checks are coming. I mailed my settlement packet in on March 22, 2012 accepting a settlement; all MI clients received 60,000 all stroke clients receive another price, and so on, now its April 23rd, when I called my law firm all I got was; nothing seems [Show More]I don't think that anyone knows anything. And eveyone seems to know something different. I have read everything and I still don't know when the checks are coming. I mailed my settlement packet in on March 22, 2012 accepting a settlement; all MI clients received 60,000 all stroke clients receive another price, and so on, now its April 23rd, when I called my law firm all I got was; nothing seems to be pending, It was as though she was banging on the computer stalling, Something seems fishy. It says in the begining of this article that Avandia agreed to settle with 406 million, well why are we getting crumbs, and why are the lawyers getting rich? At the law firm that is handling my case the people who had heart attacks whether they lived or died they are getting the same 60,000 minus lawyer fees. The same things applies with other incidences. Its all documented in my paperwork. No separations were made. So I don't know what the gentleman is talking about when he talks about the length of someone taking the drug or whether someone died. Hell I only took the drug for 6 months and I am getting the same amount of money that all of the other people got who had heartattacks. And I am taking that to the bank, its based on a point system. Stroke victims got so many points and so on. My question is still the same, WHEN ARE WE GETTING PAID? Does anyone know? WHEN ANYONE GETS A CHECK. That will be worth hearing about. All of this other BS is just that BS.

  • JohnsonApril 24, 2012 at 2:27 pm

    Everyone we have a lier on this site. He goes by the name of Killedjoe on the topix site and have been lying to people and deflaming my name. FOR THE LAST AND FINAL TIME: I NEVER SAID THE SPECIFIC AMOUNT I GOT IN MY SETTLEMENT ONLY THAT IT WAS "WELL UNDER $50K. FOR CONFIDENTIALLY, I DIDN'T REVEAL THE EXACT AMOUNT. I have spoken with my attorney, today April 24,2012, who I should have liste[Show More]Everyone we have a lier on this site. He goes by the name of Killedjoe on the topix site and have been lying to people and deflaming my name. FOR THE LAST AND FINAL TIME: I NEVER SAID THE SPECIFIC AMOUNT I GOT IN MY SETTLEMENT ONLY THAT IT WAS "WELL UNDER $50K. FOR CONFIDENTIALLY, I DIDN'T REVEAL THE EXACT AMOUNT. I have spoken with my attorney, today April 24,2012, who I should have listen to in the first place and according to them, there is NO SECOND CHECK COMING FOR THE AVANDIA LAWSUIT for interest on the settlement because the money is not in an interest bearing account as opoosed to what KILLEDJOE said on the topix site. JOE has a screen name of KILLEDJOE on the topix page and this is why he referred me there so that he could deflame me, call me a liar to make himself look good and then come on here to further deflame me. Like I said on the topix sight and I will say it on here, I owe no one an explanation. I said what I said and it was not a lie. People misconstrue and don't READ what you post and assume what they want. I have no reason to do otherwise contraray to KILLEDJOE. If you visit the topix site AND READ the previous posts from the beginning you will see that this person, KILLED JOE, JOE, or whomever he claims to be, is simply a liar that is why he accuses me of being one cause he wants to hide, but he is in the light now. What I don't understand is how can a person such as Killedjoe and Joe defend a company like GSK on the topix site when in fact, if he is telling the truth, was the ones who caused his heart problems? READ PEOPLE YOU WILL SEE WHAT I'M SAYING! There are also other people on here like "gary, matina who are also on the topix site and have gotten into it with Killedjoe and Joe. Go there and you will see he is an imposter. At least I use the same screen name here that I use on the topix site. Now how credible is that?

  • JoshApril 24, 2012 at 12:35 pm

    Joe- Im not trying to cause problems, I just dont like bullshitters. I also dont believe much of whats posted here.

  • joeApril 23, 2012 at 12:55 pm

    Thanks Josh. Johnson and her stupidity and her mental talks are over on topix. You had to chase her away. Her lying there is the same. Says she got under $50,000.00 on death then turns around and deny she say it.

  • JoshApril 23, 2012 at 11:50 am

    Johnson- First you say a family died &,was on the drug for "over 5 years" & got less than $50k, then in a different post, you claim they died,but were only on the drug for 6 months, which is it?

  • NikkiApril 22, 2012 at 3:03 pm

    I signed my paperwork for the settlement in November. I have been told for two months that gsk would fund the settlement on the 2nd week of April we would be getting the check the 3rd week of April Now they are saying call once a week for updates.Any clue what the hold up is? they have been saying since December they had to check for bankruptcy and Medicare etc.

  • BillApril 21, 2012 at 6:53 am

    I received my initial group offer last april, and then in August I received a final group offer with the total number in the group, and the total amount for the group. I figured great, I would be paid by the end of last year. Now my lawyer is telling me that I may not even be paid this year. This is just ridiculous!!

  • JoshApril 18, 2012 at 2:49 am

    PS Johnson- NO, you wont have to wait 5 years for your settlement/to receive a check, it should take about 4-6 months after your case has settled. Your lawyers have to submit the proper paperwork, and then you have to wait for the checks to clear and so forth. Im sorry someone gave you false info.........dont believe alot of it.

  • JoshApril 18, 2012 at 2:47 am

    Gene-I havent received a settlement yet. Once AGAIN, ALL cases are done on a case by case individual basis. Thats comeplet BS that someone who was only on it for say 6 months, would get, or got more than someone who was on it longer.......there is absolutely NO truth to that rumor, and I'd love for whoever said that to post where you got this supposed factual info from? My mother was on it for s[Show More]Gene-I havent received a settlement yet. Once AGAIN, ALL cases are done on a case by case individual basis. Thats comeplet BS that someone who was only on it for say 6 months, would get, or got more than someone who was on it longer.......there is absolutely NO truth to that rumor, and I'd love for whoever said that to post where you got this supposed factual info from? My mother was on it for some time, and she died, and the drug played a roll in her death. No way does someone who's only been on it for 6 months get more than her, no way, nadda, doesn't happen. Again, ALOT of mistruths on here, READ YOUR PAPERWORK/TALK TO YOUR LAWYERS. YOUR HANDS ARENT BROKEN(if you can post here, you certainly can call your lawyers everyday till they respond to you, it's called "bugging the shit out of them). I dont get why so many here cant seem to do that. Your lawyers(by LAW) HAVBE TO KEEP YOU INFORMED, AND HAVE TO GIVE YOU INFO ON YOUR CASE. Good luck to everyone. These are mass tort cases, not others. They're done on a case by case basis.

  • JohnsonApril 18, 2012 at 1:37 am

    '@joe: 6 months.

  • JohnsonApril 18, 2012 at 1:36 am

    '@John: yes I should have and no matter what people say about us that we should have known that this would happen is beyond the point. The Bible says there are two major crooks in the world, DOCTORS AND LAWYERS, (paraphrased) and it never lied. @Millie: I was just reading online at SSA.GOV that once you are disabled, you do not get more money for any additional medical condition, but you should [Show More]'@John: yes I should have and no matter what people say about us that we should have known that this would happen is beyond the point. The Bible says there are two major crooks in the world, DOCTORS AND LAWYERS, (paraphrased) and it never lied. @Millie: I was just reading online at SSA.GOV that once you are disabled, you do not get more money for any additional medical condition, but you should report it to the VA because it will be considered in your review if you are scheduled for one. I signed my papers in February and another poster signed in January with the same law firm I'm with and he called them and they said called back in June. On anothe site, a poster said usually it is 4-6 months after you sign. Hope this helps.

  • MillieApril 17, 2012 at 8:49 pm

    Does anyone know how long before we receive our settlement checks. I returned my packet on March 22, 2012.

  • MillieApril 17, 2012 at 8:48 pm

    Does anyone know if you were prescribed avandia at the VA if you can update your heart condition as part of your disability? I had quadruple by-pass because of the damage I redeived from the use of avandia that I received from the VA. I did not have heart related problems before the taking of the drug although I did have diabetes.

  • JohnApril 13, 2012 at 6:01 pm

    Thanks Johnson. Wow. GSK is overflowing with bs. Talk about a screw job. You should've had way over six figues. Money can't replace a loved one. But your compensation is just ridiculous.

  • joeApril 13, 2012 at 3:59 pm

    How long long after the first medical incident happen did he died. This is very important.

  • JohnsonApril 12, 2012 at 9:17 pm

    '@Joe: thanks for that info. I saw that on another website. @John my family member died, he had a heart attack and CHF with no heart surgeries and was on avandia for 6 months and my award was under $50k. GSK is full of bs.

  • JohnApril 12, 2012 at 2:06 am

    So let me get this straight. If you were on avandia less time, you get more money? I was on avandia from March of 08, and had a heart attack in July 09, they gave me 5 stents. So I assume if you guys are right (Joe??) then I should get a decent settlement?

  • joeApril 11, 2012 at 5:09 pm

    generally, once you sign your settlement papers, it take about 4-6 months on average.

  • JohnsonApril 11, 2012 at 2:24 pm

    '@Joe, also visit the site ed posted. The attorneys get 1/3 not 40%. Its in my agreement with MY attorney. Read your papers. If your settlment is say $49000 and you do the math on 40% of that, the attorneys get $19K of YOUR money, WOW UNBELIEVABLE. Do the math.

  • JohnsonApril 11, 2012 at 2:16 pm

    '@ Joe: , GSK MAY be taking in consideration how long you were on the meds, but if you didnt have a heart attack, CHF or a stroke you won't get compensated much, however, if the above events took place you get more. Being on the meds for a number of years without any significant event makes you not get much. My family member DIED of a heart attack, and CHF and was on avandia for over 5 years yet[Show More]'@ Joe: , GSK MAY be taking in consideration how long you were on the meds, but if you didnt have a heart attack, CHF or a stroke you won't get compensated much, however, if the above events took place you get more. Being on the meds for a number of years without any significant event makes you not get much. My family member DIED of a heart attack, and CHF and was on avandia for over 5 years yet the settlement was not even $50K. So what does that tell an individual? Let me answer that for you; it says that GSK does not CARE what happened. The fact is that GSK was not liable as far as injuries as proven in the courts. They are only compensating because they did not have the BLACK LABEL WARNING on the medicine and THAT is why the settlements are so small. I've researched this case for over five years since the time I've waited to get this settlement and from what I've read, GSK is paying more to the attorney than to the injured person who took this DREADFUL medicine. Remember, it is the avandia that YOUR ATTORNEY has to prove that caused your injury. If you were taking the meds but didnt have a heart attack, CHF or a stroke of course you wouldnt get alot of money. I feel in cases where the person died, GSK should have compensated at least $100K. Bottom Line. Money won't bring my love one back, but bcertainley will pay the BILLS left from this death and then help me to have a home to live in that I OWN.

  • JohnsonApril 11, 2012 at 1:58 pm

    Does anyone know how long it takes to receive your settlement check after settlement papers have been signed? I really hope it does not take five years from what I've read on the other posts. Appreciate your response.

  • GeneApril 10, 2012 at 4:01 pm

    Josh, were you happy with your settlement?

  • JoshApril 7, 2012 at 12:14 am

    Johnson-You can do the same thing as well(if you dont like what's posted here, leave). if people arent getting answers from their attny's, thats partly their fault for not staying on their lawyers ass about the case. they can also, just as easily look up alot of the info on the net. Plus, ALOT of folks grammar is just atrocious, and makes alot of their posts extremely hard to read. Thats what i s[Show More]Johnson-You can do the same thing as well(if you dont like what's posted here, leave). if people arent getting answers from their attny's, thats partly their fault for not staying on their lawyers ass about the case. they can also, just as easily look up alot of the info on the net. Plus, ALOT of folks grammar is just atrocious, and makes alot of their posts extremely hard to read. Thats what i said about the lawsuits(sums-it's based on how long someone has been on the drug for-you contradictwed yourself, look a post or 2 up, you claimedc it wasnt based on that, and it CLEARLY is) Settlements "were" offered, not was. Heed your own advice, stop trying to be something YOU'RE not, ok? Please dont speak for me, or "disrespect me" as you claimed I did to you, you obviously don't like it done to you, so don't do it to me. (POS is not "irrelevant" GSK are pieces of shit for the way they've handled this entire thing)Dont get butthurt b/c you dont like what's being said here(which is clearly the case), we're both on the same side here. I just spoke with my attny on mon, and he said the so called "amounts they listed on the net" are false. people are getting alot more than the numbers listed9I think ti was $40,000-$75,000). Again, it's all based on how long each person was on it for. A few posts up, someone was complaining about how they got so little, and then complained again and asked if they could re-sue, NO, that's all in the paperwork they received, they know they cant do that, so why bother asking? You dont have to accept any offer/settlement made, you can sue individually , or hold out if you'd like. Thats part of my frustration.......people seem to be oblivious to things. Like the housing market, people blame banks, loan co's/etc, and dont throw any blame on themselves, they signed the paperwork, they knew BEFORE signing what they were doing. no one put a gun to their heads and said they had to sign the paperwork/settlements. So, STOP coming here and bitching, about something you had control over, thats one of my biggest issues with some of the posters here. Take accountability and their role in any settlement. Also, for people to think that their attny's wont take their cut(atleast 40%) out of any settlement they receive, is just absurd and stupiditity on their parts. They dont take that into account when they're signing these settlement papers. Its as if people only think about that stuff AFTER it happens to them, then they dont want to take any of the blame for it. Thank you for your response Mr Board Ambassador

  • joshApril 6, 2012 at 12:29 am

    Johnson-I already said it does matter how long someone was on the drug for, in terms of their settlement amounts, go back and re-read it, Thats what i said all along. you said that didn't matter. You're not an attorney either, so if YOU dont like whats posted here, heed your own advice and GET THE F&^% OFF here as well. Settlements "were" offered(not was). you seriously do not know what POS me[Show More]Johnson-I already said it does matter how long someone was on the drug for, in terms of their settlement amounts, go back and re-read it, Thats what i said all along. you said that didn't matter. You're not an attorney either, so if YOU dont like whats posted here, heed your own advice and GET THE F&^% OFF here as well. Settlements "were" offered(not was). you seriously do not know what POS means(it means that GSK are huge Pieces of S&^%). Since no one here posts any sort of monetary awards, we cant be certain that amounts are capped @ between so and so. Again, it's all based on how long someone was on the drug for. My attorney just told me MON, that the awards are done by a "case by case basis" and for me not to listen to what you hear on the net. he said that he knows for a fact that some have received settlements for a few hundred thousand dollars. People seem to be asking the same redundant questions, week after week. if they're having trouble w/their attny's not contacting them, stay on them, thats partly their faults. my attny's have been keeping me informed every few weeks, i dont see how so many are having issues with them, and I dont believe they are, just my opinion though, You're the one 'acting like someone you're not", not me. As I said, ALL the info is readily available here on the net. It stands to reason if these folks can come here and bitch about stuff, they can just as easily put in the same effort and find the answers to their questions as well, right? of course. Takes the same amount of energy to do it, and they'll learn what they're asking for. Not here to argue, but Im also not here to see the same stuff spoekn about over and over again. Thank you for your input Board Ambassador

  • JohnsonApril 4, 2012 at 8:09 pm

    '@josh: If you do not like what we post here then GET OFF! People can ask what they want. They are concerned because they are not getting answers from their attorneys. I am not going to do this "BACK AND FORTH" thing with you. You are not an attorney and can't advise us on this. People have a right to post here. Whatever POS means is irrevelevant. Also settlements was offered on the basis of ho[Show More]'@josh: If you do not like what we post here then GET OFF! People can ask what they want. They are concerned because they are not getting answers from their attorneys. I am not going to do this "BACK AND FORTH" thing with you. You are not an attorney and can't advise us on this. People have a right to post here. Whatever POS means is irrevelevant. Also settlements was offered on the basis of how long the person was on avandia and the injury the person sustanined.. They both go together. Stop trying to be someone you're not. @ed, thanks for the infro. Ill check it out.

  • edApril 4, 2012 at 7:45 am

    If you anyone is interested check out avandia cases haven't settled yet on topix blog you will find others who share info about their cases I read as many sites that I can find hope you like

  • JoshApril 3, 2012 at 12:16 am

    Johnon-it most certainly DOES matter how long a persons on the drug for, that determines what each person will be receiving. These cases are being tried as "mass tort" cases, not as others. They are determined on a case by case basis. I just spoke to my lawyer on Fri, he assured me its a mass tort case. Second, I dont care whethere you did or didnt get a settlement, ALOT of folks here are frustra[Show More]Johnon-it most certainly DOES matter how long a persons on the drug for, that determines what each person will be receiving. These cases are being tried as "mass tort" cases, not as others. They are determined on a case by case basis. I just spoke to my lawyer on Fri, he assured me its a mass tort case. Second, I dont care whethere you did or didnt get a settlement, ALOT of folks here are frustrating b/c if they just went back & actually READ THE RESPONSES HERE, most of their questions would be answered. Im not "being nasty", Im just tired of seeing the same questions asked over and over again. if you get a good amount of $$$, good for you. I may get more than you, and so forth, depending on how long i was on the drug for, that DOES matter settlement wise(ask any lawyer that). I asked my lawyer about this "opposed amount" and he said he'd never heard of it, in this case. he did say that there could be medical liens and so forth taken out after his fees, but that doesnt pertain to my case. Im not "disrespecting you", you're doing a good enough job of that yourself. Please dont tell me what to do. We're in this together, but I wish people would stop acting so stupid here, when it involves their case. READ the paperwork BEFORE you sign it(this isnt directed towards you, but everyone). Im not working for GSK, I think they're POS. But, Im also sick of reading the same stuff that could simply be answered by looking it up online. Thank you for th compliment(I think).

  • JoeApril 1, 2012 at 6:28 pm

    Mr Johnson, Just to let you know that it does have a difference on how long you were taken the drug. Ex: on the drug for one year, no heart problems, have a heart attack. On the drug for 3-4 years, no heart problem, have a heart attack. The person who had a heart attack and was taken the drug for 1 year will get comp more then the person who was on the drug 3-4 years. Talk to your lawyer and ask q[Show More]Mr Johnson, Just to let you know that it does have a difference on how long you were taken the drug. Ex: on the drug for one year, no heart problems, have a heart attack. On the drug for 3-4 years, no heart problem, have a heart attack. The person who had a heart attack and was taken the drug for 1 year will get comp more then the person who was on the drug 3-4 years. Talk to your lawyer and ask questions. It the same has heart attacks will be comp more then folks who had Strokes and CHF. See Harry's post on Mar 29th.

  • JohnsonMarch 29, 2012 at 8:30 pm

    '@Josh: You don't have to be nasty with your posts. First of all, I NEVER said how Iong I was on this stuff and never did I say how much I was getting because it is no one's business. Secondly, I did READ the letter and it did say "OPPOSED AMOUNT", which indicates that the amount settled for is not the amount an individual will actually get because the attorney fees and other fees has to be tak[Show More]'@Josh: You don't have to be nasty with your posts. First of all, I NEVER said how Iong I was on this stuff and never did I say how much I was getting because it is no one's business. Secondly, I did READ the letter and it did say "OPPOSED AMOUNT", which indicates that the amount settled for is not the amount an individual will actually get because the attorney fees and other fees has to be taken out. Thirdly, It does not matter how long a person has taken this deadly medication, but the fact that a serious injury took place and this pharmaceutical company must compensate as such. Last but certainly not least, you are a EGOTISTICAL BASTARD and don't you ever disrepect me on these posts. Make me think you are part of GSK!

  • HarryMarch 29, 2012 at 4:53 pm

    Heart attack (MI) is paying the most. Stroke, and CHF are paying the least. How long you have taken the drug has a small factor towards your settlement amount, but not that much.

  • TomMarch 29, 2012 at 3:13 pm

    Besides the 40% there may also be additional deductions from your settlement amount. In some cases there could be a Common Benefit Fund, liens, and or Medicare/Medicaid holdback for the respective agencies reimbursement if applicable. As Johnson mentioned in one of his posts, you will not know the detailed amounts until you receive your check along with a letter explaining the dispersal of funds. [Show More]Besides the 40% there may also be additional deductions from your settlement amount. In some cases there could be a Common Benefit Fund, liens, and or Medicare/Medicaid holdback for the respective agencies reimbursement if applicable. As Johnson mentioned in one of his posts, you will not know the detailed amounts until you receive your check along with a letter explaining the dispersal of funds. You may want to dicuss with your attorney a preliminary detailed list of estimated disperments prior accepting the initial settlement offer.

  • JoshMarch 29, 2012 at 2:46 am

    ZIBA-No, you cannot do anything once you sign off on the settlement. You guys HAVE TO READ THE PAPERWORK THEY SEND YOU, You're all not stupid, so stop acting like you are here. You know that once you sign off on something, you can't just go back and try to get a diffrent amount, because you didnt like the first one, why did you sign off on it then? As Ive said before, your settlement amount is de[Show More]ZIBA-No, you cannot do anything once you sign off on the settlement. You guys HAVE TO READ THE PAPERWORK THEY SEND YOU, You're all not stupid, so stop acting like you are here. You know that once you sign off on something, you can't just go back and try to get a diffrent amount, because you didnt like the first one, why did you sign off on it then? As Ive said before, your settlement amount is determined by how long you were on it for, not everyone gets the same amount, and not everyone gets what you or I got. it all depends on how long you were on the drug for. If you were only on it for say 3 months, how are you to expect hundreds of throusands of dollars, and others who were on it for longer, dont get that much? that makes no sense. Do your homework on the cases, the info is readily available to you here on the net. You cant pick and choose your amount. Once you sign that paperwork for your settlement, you've agreed to waive any rights to sue, or try for a different amount later. Again, THIS IS ALL IN YOUR PAPERWORK THAT THEY SENT YOU, THAT YOU SIGNED OFF ON.

  • JoshMarch 28, 2012 at 3:03 am

    Johnson-It's the same w/ANY lawuit against a pharm company: the payouts are determined by how long a person9s) is on the drug for. No way should you get millions of dollars, or even hundreds of thousands if you were only on the drug say 6 weeks, as opposed to someone else who mightve been on it for years, how is that fair? it's not. if you were on it(and I dont know how long you were), for say 2 m[Show More]Johnson-It's the same w/ANY lawuit against a pharm company: the payouts are determined by how long a person9s) is on the drug for. No way should you get millions of dollars, or even hundreds of thousands if you were only on the drug say 6 weeks, as opposed to someone else who mightve been on it for years, how is that fair? it's not. if you were on it(and I dont know how long you were), for say 2 months, how do you justify you getting say a million dollars, as opposed to say me who mightve been on it for 2 years? You can't. You got what you got, you didnt have to sign the paperwork & receive your check, you couldve tried another lawfirm and tried to sue again. Standard practice for ANY lawfirm to take 40% from your case, should you get a settlement, it's in the paperwork you apparently DIDN'T read. Im sorry you got so little amount,

  • JoshMarch 27, 2012 at 2:16 am

    Johnson-There is no such thing as an "opposed amount"...Attny's fees are the norm, did you not read the paperwork they sent you when filing your claim? Of course the attny's get paid. But, they dont get paid, unless you do. They take out a percentage(Im guessing the standard 40%), and you get the rest. The entire thing is a mass tort litigation which means, it's done on a case by case basis. Mean[Show More]Johnson-There is no such thing as an "opposed amount"...Attny's fees are the norm, did you not read the paperwork they sent you when filing your claim? Of course the attny's get paid. But, they dont get paid, unless you do. They take out a percentage(Im guessing the standard 40%), and you get the rest. The entire thing is a mass tort litigation which means, it's done on a case by case basis. Meaning: you might get less than someone else, and they might get much more than you, depending on your situation. I think you didnt read the paperwork your attny's sent you(which CLEARLY STATES they take out their fees before you get yours).

  • JessieMarch 24, 2012 at 12:24 am

    Shelby: Why did you have to get bonded? No heart feelings I was just wondering and both sites makes you wait for moderation.

  • JessieMarch 24, 2012 at 12:19 am

    shelby; why did you have to get bonded?

  • JohnsonMarch 20, 2012 at 5:16 pm

    I've read all the posts here and went back and reviewed my settlement award which indicates that it is a opposed amount and it does not include attorney fees, liens, etc. So you wont' know the final amount until all is taken out. when it is all said and done, we will NOT become rich off this avandia stuff.

  • KimkurMarch 5, 2012 at 3:26 pm

    Now I'm very happy for everyone who was rewarded! Now I'm also awaiting for reward that that will be a blessings, because this road of recovery hasn't been easy tossing,turning . Trying to live a normal life is been "hell.

  • JoshMarch 5, 2012 at 3:16 am

    Ziba, ANY financial institution will cash your check. I would suggest if it's anything at all significant( like say $75-$100K+), to put some away into a cd, for a few years, that way you have it & your $$$ will grow. Congrats again......fingers crossed that means more folks will be getting checks, and cases will be closed/etc.

  • JoshMarch 3, 2012 at 4:07 am

    Shelby, did your attny's give you any sort of timetable as to when you might hear back? i cant imagine they'll(GSK) want to keep dragging this out? The lawyers have got to be really trying to get on them about settlements IMO.

  • JoshMarch 1, 2012 at 4:10 am

    Like Joe asked: happy with the amount, 5/6 figures? what was the incident, and so forth. Congrats on the check, that definitely makes it worth the wait IMO. Maybe that means more checks are on the way?

  • ShelbyMarch 1, 2012 at 3:45 am

    Got info from my attorney was told there is 1004 people in my group. and they are all with Garretson to get a settlement amount. They had all been approved just waiting for an amount..

  • keepen it realFebruary 29, 2012 at 7:22 am

    Has anyone went to probate and how long did it take to get your settlement.

  • joeFebruary 28, 2012 at 6:29 pm

    Are you happy with what you got. 6 figures, 5 figure or less. What was the "medical incident"

  • zibaFebruary 27, 2012 at 8:48 pm

    Finally after four years of waiting we got a check today. Thank you Father. And advance financial will cash it. Hope that can give someone waiting some comfort...

  • JoshFebruary 17, 2012 at 4:23 am

    Joe-I agree with what you're saying. Thats why i said that some people will be disappointed w/their settlements, as everyone thinks they're going to get rich from this, which isnt the case. Ive been told by both lawfirms that my mothers death is a high priority on the list & that we have been approved to go forward for a settlement, it's just a waiting game now. They did say it should be settl[Show More]Joe-I agree with what you're saying. Thats why i said that some people will be disappointed w/their settlements, as everyone thinks they're going to get rich from this, which isnt the case. Ive been told by both lawfirms that my mothers death is a high priority on the list & that we have been approved to go forward for a settlement, it's just a waiting game now. They did say it should be settled soon, as GSK wants to settle them asap. Hang in there

  • DwightFebruary 16, 2012 at 5:35 am

    I started taking avandia in 2003. I start having rapid and irregular heart rates and swelling in my feet and legs, in and out of the emergency rooms to control my heart issues. During my visits to the emergency rooms the doctors could not figure out what was causing my problems. Most of them thought I was on drugs and eat a lot of salt until my blood work came back from testing. I still get the sa[Show More]I started taking avandia in 2003. I start having rapid and irregular heart rates and swelling in my feet and legs, in and out of the emergency rooms to control my heart issues. During my visits to the emergency rooms the doctors could not figure out what was causing my problems. Most of them thought I was on drugs and eat a lot of salt until my blood work came back from testing. I still get the same reaction today. Although I had the heart palpitations often I did not go to the hospital every time I had an episode. If I had an episode at work I would go lie down in our medical facilities or someone would take me home. I had a lot of episode where I had problems breathing and I was retaining a lot of water which would cause my blood pressure to go up so I would go to the emergency room. My job moved me back and forth across the United States so I've seen a lot of different doctors over the year that could not give me a diagnosis. In 2007 I was transported by a emergency vehicle and hospitalized for 5 days in Alameda California. When they picked me up from my hotel room the paramedics treated me for a heart attack and congested heart failure. There the emergency room doctor was familiar with the avandia drug and its side affects because he had taken the drug in the past. He took me off the drug and started me on a heart meds to help control my heart issues. I moved to New York in 2008, there I filed my claim against GSK because my health never rebound to normal. Over the next 4 years different doctors have change my meds because I still had the episodes but not as often but still in and out of the hospital do to the irregulars, fast heart rate and fluid retention. Last April, 2011 I was hospitalized for a severe reaction from a spider bite, rapid and irregular heart rate. I’ve been out on sick leave every since. I had to move back to Oklahoma after being gone for 16 years. After receiving Short Term disability I was denied Long Term disability benefits so I moved my family home to be around my other family members for support. In November 2011 I was hospitalized because of one of my episodes and was diagnosed with Tachycardia for the first time. My new Heart doctor wants to perform surgery by going through a vain to go into the left side of my heart to burn electrical impulses. In December 2011 I begged my doctor to release me so I could draw my unemployment benefits. In November 2011 I received a phone call from a rep. from Sizemore Taylor, she told me that I was approved for a settlement and I would get follow-up information and settlement amount after the first of the year (2012). I have not been in contact with the law firm prior other than sending them my change of address after moving back to Oklahoma in May of 2011. My new heart doctor told me that my health conditions normally come from having a birth defect or an on set of something that cause it. My medical records show I had no previous heat conditions prior to taking Avandia. As of 2-15-2012 I have not heard from anyone from Sizemore Taylor law firm.

  • joeFebruary 14, 2012 at 5:31 pm

    Josh, You are right. But it goes both ways including your lawyer. There is a reason why your lawyer tells you not to listen to any postings. Has much has he is working on trying to get the best offer, he also don't want you to know anything on what is going on. " Do has I say, not has I do". Infor on these posting can be helpful. Problem is everybody think that they are entitled to the six, seven [Show More]Josh, You are right. But it goes both ways including your lawyer. There is a reason why your lawyer tells you not to listen to any postings. Has much has he is working on trying to get the best offer, he also don't want you to know anything on what is going on. " Do has I say, not has I do". Infor on these posting can be helpful. Problem is everybody think that they are entitled to the six, seven figure settlement. Most people who have filed a lawsuit, and this is a fact that can be research, are folks who had a heart attack and a stent place. This is not a major"medical incident" by medical terms. Please, don't get me wrong, I am not saying what I believe. It is just by medical lawsuits are, heart attack with stents, CHF, Strokes, etc, are way down on the bottom of the settlements. Death, heart attack with bypass and complications within six months, are in the top tier. And even then, in death, if it happen a few weeks later, you could be out of luck. Many people died after they were taken off the drug a year later. I know you know, the cause was avandia. Gsk reject the claim telling you that they will settle for XX amount of dollars. You say no. Gsk says take us to court and prove that you wife husband father or mother died of avandia a year later. Remember, Gsk has not been proven guilty of anything in a court of law. The burden of proof is on you.

  • JoshFebruary 14, 2012 at 12:43 am

    Harry-My mother has passed away. Our lawyers have told us specifically:"Do NOT listen to or believe anything youve read online, take it with a grain of salt"., so I do. I do know that they were offered a settlement amount, and 3 different lawyers @ that firm ALL said they laughed at it, and said " i dont think so". From what ive been told, many people did get shit settlements, but AGAIN, that was [Show More]Harry-My mother has passed away. Our lawyers have told us specifically:"Do NOT listen to or believe anything youve read online, take it with a grain of salt"., so I do. I do know that they were offered a settlement amount, and 3 different lawyers @ that firm ALL said they laughed at it, and said " i dont think so". From what ive been told, many people did get shit settlements, but AGAIN, that was due to many circumstances: time on the drug, how bad they were hurt/etc. My mother died, and was on it for some time, I *think* my lawyers said something like 5 yrs, so again, how should someone who's only been on it for say 6 mos. or a year, get more than I should? Joe-He might very well have, BUT, alot of folks seem to be bullshitting here when it comes to what they got. Im not demanding or expecting people to tell exactly how much theyve received, BUT, all these people got low amounts? I doubt that. Thats why i find alot of whats said here, to be ALOT of BS.

  • joeFebruary 13, 2012 at 11:21 pm

    Harry, base by what you said about being on the drug longer, your case would not have any merit or a small merit. This does sound logical. But base on the Vioxx Calculator, you get more point when your medical records tell them you were taken the drug 30 months or longer then if an "incident" happen within 30 days I think it says. The avandia is not using the Vioxx system from what I know, but it [Show More]Harry, base by what you said about being on the drug longer, your case would not have any merit or a small merit. This does sound logical. But base on the Vioxx Calculator, you get more point when your medical records tell them you were taken the drug 30 months or longer then if an "incident" happen within 30 days I think it says. The avandia is not using the Vioxx system from what I know, but it is close to the same.

  • joeFebruary 12, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    I don't think Gary and don't believe that he would lie. The settlements that are starting to go now is because of the mediator involved that the judge force on Gsk to start to settle. The settlements that went on in the past were nickle, dime cases. Past cases were not settle with the point or any other. I am sorry, but this is what I was always talking about over a year ago. What is going on now [Show More]I don't think Gary and don't believe that he would lie. The settlements that are starting to go now is because of the mediator involved that the judge force on Gsk to start to settle. The settlements that went on in the past were nickle, dime cases. Past cases were not settle with the point or any other. I am sorry, but this is what I was always talking about over a year ago. What is going on now is judge and mediator have force Gsk hand to settle within a "fair" balance. If you are not on the MDL, it could be difference.

  • JohnFebruary 10, 2012 at 3:00 am

    Wise words Josh. That's how I feel. Whatever I get I'll just be thankful. I don't need to get rich off of this and I don't want to waste my time worrying about it. As one of my pilots used to tell me "it is what it is"

  • mdpf0705February 9, 2012 at 9:07 pm

    Hugh- I am with sanders viener grossman as well. rec'd settlement letter nov 2010, no award letter yet. Apparently my mom's case was regrouped bc GSK was trying to not approve it.

  • HarryFebruary 9, 2012 at 4:51 pm

    Josh, it seems to me the longer you were on it, the less chance it was that is what caused the damage. If you were allergic to peanuts, and you ate a peanut, you wouldn't get a reaction 3 years later. same way with medication, if it was going to cause a problem, it would be right away, not 4 or 5 years later

  • JoshFebruary 9, 2012 at 3:25 am

    Thats my point Glenn, no one knows who'll get what. I could get a half a million, depending on my situation, and someone else can get $30K, just depends on the case, and how good your lawyers are. Thesae cases are all Mass Tort cases, and are decided on an individual/case by case basis. "Gary" might be pulling your leg too, no one knows for sure. My mother passed away, and from what im told, she [Show More]Thats my point Glenn, no one knows who'll get what. I could get a half a million, depending on my situation, and someone else can get $30K, just depends on the case, and how good your lawyers are. Thesae cases are all Mass Tort cases, and are decided on an individual/case by case basis. "Gary" might be pulling your leg too, no one knows for sure. My mother passed away, and from what im told, she was on it for some time. As opposed to others who might've only been on it for a short time. I dont "get" why so many are complaining about amounts they receive? Obviously, it's by a case by case basis. But,m if you're only on it for say 6 mons to a year, no way you should expect millions from it, when others mightve been on it for 2-3-4-+ yrs.

  • MelvinFebruary 8, 2012 at 7:29 pm

    Hugh we have the same law Firm. I had no choice but to sign it ans send it back. Hugh I had a stroke, CHF, stents placed in my right ventricle, two by-pass. I am 41 now but I was 36 when I had the stroke and CHF.

  • joeFebruary 7, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    I am sorry, the above comment was by me, to Josh and Glenn

  • Josh and GlennFebruary 7, 2012 at 5:42 pm

    Just to let you know, If you remember Gary here, he re'cd his settlement. From what he says, he gotten over a six figure settlement even after everybody got their share. I, for one, believe him. It all comes down to your "medical incident" and your lawyer.

  • JoshFebruary 7, 2012 at 4:19 am

    Michelle, I'm being represented by Girardi and Keese, I have not spoken to them in months. My main law firm is out of NY, and they're pretty good about keeping up w/me about the case. We hear so many here claiming they got this amount, or that amount, i dont really buy any of it. I've been told atleast 4 times, that no one has received any $$$ from any lawsuits yet. Keep in mind: EVERY case is dif[Show More]Michelle, I'm being represented by Girardi and Keese, I have not spoken to them in months. My main law firm is out of NY, and they're pretty good about keeping up w/me about the case. We hear so many here claiming they got this amount, or that amount, i dont really buy any of it. I've been told atleast 4 times, that no one has received any $$$ from any lawsuits yet. Keep in mind: EVERY case is different, you might get less, and someone else might get more, depending on what happened. Also, I think some folks need to take remeidal spelling/grammar classes, b/c it's hard to figure out what they're saying here, due to all the bad grammar/spelling. Im pretty sure they're going to be wrapped up(cases) here pretty quickly.

  • hughFebruary 2, 2012 at 5:56 pm

    glen, how much?

  • glennFebruary 1, 2012 at 10:11 pm

    Fokes It took me almost 6 years to get my settlement. Just so you know.

  • lisaJanuary 30, 2012 at 11:00 pm

    Michelle I too am being HANDLED by ghardi and keese in california and have not heard anything and it will be 3 years in july. My mother took avandia and passed away from congestive heart failure. So sorry that it is frustrating I too feel your frustration.

  • JasonJanuary 30, 2012 at 8:07 pm

    Michelle: I know the feeling. My mother is using the Maher Law Firm in Florida, and over the course of the last year every time she calls they say 'we're close to a resolution, you should be hearing from us within 2 months'. She calls back 2 months later and they say 'there's been a minor delay but you should hear from us within 2 months'. It's seriously getting old. My father's health and me[Show More]Michelle: I know the feeling. My mother is using the Maher Law Firm in Florida, and over the course of the last year every time she calls they say 'we're close to a resolution, you should be hearing from us within 2 months'. She calls back 2 months later and they say 'there's been a minor delay but you should hear from us within 2 months'. It's seriously getting old. My father's health and mental state continue to deteriorate and we know he is terminal from this, and my mother can't even get a straight answer out of her lawyers. All we want is some sort of idea what kind of money we're looking at so that my mother can begin making plans. Does she spend money she doesn't have now to get the house repaired, or is she going to get enough to move into a better and more stable home? That's literally all we want to know and the lawyers just keep saying '2 months'. I totally sympathize with you, and I will definitely keep you in my thoughts. Hopefully we'll hear something before we all die of old age.

  • MikeJanuary 28, 2012 at 3:32 am

    Shelby, I was represented by Sizemore Taylor and was informed several months ago that my case was being handled by Taylor Law Firm in Alabama as Sizemore Taylor was no longer in the same firm. I also received a letter from Garretson Resolution Group last January which stated they were handling the settlement amounts and asked me to sign the form they sent. Just wondering if you received this sam[Show More]Shelby, I was represented by Sizemore Taylor and was informed several months ago that my case was being handled by Taylor Law Firm in Alabama as Sizemore Taylor was no longer in the same firm. I also received a letter from Garretson Resolution Group last January which stated they were handling the settlement amounts and asked me to sign the form they sent. Just wondering if you received this same form last year from Garretson. I was also told from an attorney in Sizemore's office in California that Garrretson was not handling the settlements as of late last summer, and they had a group of nurses who would be reviewing the cases for submission to GSK. I was recently told by an attorney in Taylor's office that the nurses would submit the cases to GSK, and I would receive a settlement check within three weeks. After reading your post, I am totally confused once again and am left wondering if I've been told the truth about what is going on. I am just trying to piece together what I've been told as it seems we've all been told different things. Any info is appreciated as this whole thing is totally ridiculous in the way it has drug on and the way it has been handled.

  • hughJanuary 27, 2012 at 7:39 pm

    melvin, what did u do w/yor letter, any thing yet? what happened to u?

  • hughJanuary 27, 2012 at 7:19 pm

    yes, harry i did smoke. i quit 18 yrs before, was an still am bout 20 # over.

  • shelbyJanuary 27, 2012 at 2:32 am

    Hi All, got a letter from Sizemore Taylor today, in Fairhope Alabama, they said all of their claimants have been approved by GSK as qualifing for settlement. The amount has been decided as of yet they said each approved claim would be evaluated by the third party administrator thaat has been approved by the court. The Garretson group will determine the amount to be offered to each individual claim[Show More]Hi All, got a letter from Sizemore Taylor today, in Fairhope Alabama, they said all of their claimants have been approved by GSK as qualifing for settlement. The amount has been decided as of yet they said each approved claim would be evaluated by the third party administrator thaat has been approved by the court. The Garretson group will determine the amount to be offered to each individual claimant. They said they expect it to take at least several more months for the approval process to be concluded and the Garretson group to conduct their evaluations. They said in order to expedite the settlement proceeds I could go to the clerk of court in my area and talk to the Probate court clerk and open and estate for handling of the settlement proceeds. When I went over there they said they could not do anything with out and amount of settlement to afix a surety bond on. But my husband didn't write a will everything was in survivorship and has been switched to my name for 5 and 1/2 years now, I think someone is looney. But I thought I would let you know what I found out.

  • HarryJanuary 26, 2012 at 5:19 pm

    Hugh, that was a very low offer, did you smoke, or were you overweight at the time of the accident?

  • hughJanuary 25, 2012 at 4:46 pm

    yes, your right melvin,harry, im 74,75 in mar. no surg. just a heart attack 3 nites in a row.litigation settlement adm. corp. ie the firm my att. heired to settle awards.

  • hughJanuary 25, 2012 at 2:31 pm

    any one here have sanders,viener,grossman out of mineola ny for atty? i have, not sadisfied . let me know.

  • HarryJanuary 25, 2012 at 6:51 am

    Hugh, how old are you? Did you have any surgery because of your heart attack? What is litigation corp??? Thanks

  • MichelleJanuary 25, 2012 at 6:34 am

    Lost my mother due to taking Avandia nothing will bring her back, but these damn lawyer's are starting to tick me off , every time you call they tell you call back in a few months , omg... how long should this take it has been over 3 years now since I filed the claim against the drug manufacture !!!! Does anyone else have GIRRADI and KEESE from Cali ? I live in Ohio...

  • MelvinJanuary 25, 2012 at 1:10 am

    Hugh I got the same letter with the same amount. It is almost a crime, no I am sorry it is a crime.

  • avandiahurtmebadJanuary 24, 2012 at 7:27 pm

    the ALG (avandia litigation group ) consist of aylstock,witkin, kreis & overholz, pllc; becker, paulson, hoerner & thompson, pc; law office of christopher cueto, ltd.; danziger & dellano, llp; davis & crump, pc; john j. droscoll; ferrer, poriot & wansbrough; fivich, hampton & leebron, llp; fitts zehl, llp; greg jobes & associates; levin, papantonio, thomas, mitchell, r[Show More]the ALG (avandia litigation group ) consist of aylstock,witkin, kreis & overholz, pllc; becker, paulson, hoerner & thompson, pc; law office of christopher cueto, ltd.; danziger & dellano, llp; davis & crump, pc; john j. droscoll; ferrer, poriot & wansbrough; fivich, hampton & leebron, llp; fitts zehl, llp; greg jobes & associates; levin, papantonio, thomas, mitchell, rafferty & proctor; the miller firm, llc; monsour law firm; pintas & mullins law firm, law office of robert l. salim (these are the mdl 1871 lawyers ) hugh if you are part of this then you have not gotten an offer i have talked to garretson by phone they tell me that gsk now has all the cases reviewing them i have been approved for a settlement but they wont say how much or when so alot of people on this site including yourself say you got offers find it hard to beleive time is on gsk side not mine or anyone elses if you have a offer tell more info for us all to see they cant track you down and take it away from you PROOF ! Joe glad to see you are still here on this site i have learned to research and ask ?s thanks and good luck to all.

  • avandiahurtmebadJanuary 24, 2012 at 3:23 am

    connie there are 2 court dates 1 jan. 31 thats when people will finally after all this undue and unnecessary crap that lawyers and garretson have shoved down our throats will soon be over and to your other question they will give and take as much as your pain and suffering money as they can dont expect much because they dont know or care about you or any of the rest of us everyone else gets paid [Show More]connie there are 2 court dates 1 jan. 31 thats when people will finally after all this undue and unnecessary crap that lawyers and garretson have shoved down our throats will soon be over and to your other question they will give and take as much as your pain and suffering money as they can dont expect much because they dont know or care about you or any of the rest of us everyone else gets paid before us and that will include medicare just remember mamm companys dont have feelings or compassion just bottom lines theres. sorry i am so very sorry for all of us

  • hughJanuary 24, 2012 at 12:12 am

    today,jan. 23, 2011 i recived from litigation corp. settlement award for 18,000 gross settlement choice, will sign. had heart attack 2007 from avandia. good luck to all.

  • JasonJanuary 23, 2012 at 9:41 pm

    Joey: Unfortunately my mother was told that my father's arteries were so blocked that if surgery was done to put stents in, the build up in his arteries would almost certainly break up and would cause him to have further strokes. The arteries in his neck are blocked from below his shoulderblades all the way up to behind his jaw. He's getting zero blood flow from one side and only 20% bloodflow [Show More]Joey: Unfortunately my mother was told that my father's arteries were so blocked that if surgery was done to put stents in, the build up in his arteries would almost certainly break up and would cause him to have further strokes. The arteries in his neck are blocked from below his shoulderblades all the way up to behind his jaw. He's getting zero blood flow from one side and only 20% bloodflow from the other side, so his brain is actually only getting about 10% of the blood a normal brain gets, which is causing his brain deterioration and mental decline. Connie: My mom was told that the Veteran's Administration was going to be taking a large part of dad's lawsuit to cover his medical costs, I can't speak for Medicare but mom's lawyers did say that Medicare did have the option of taking from what was left. For the record, this whole process seems to be taking forever, I'm so tired of waiting and being told to call back in a few months.

  • joeJanuary 23, 2012 at 5:01 pm

    The question that your asking cannot be answered, until it happens or it don't. In the past There was no question that medicaid would always collect on money. With medicare, this was not always the case. In some cases, Medicare has looked at some past medical lawsuit and has taken part of the award, in other cases, medicare has also not taken part of the award. You really don't know.

  • connieJanuary 22, 2012 at 9:20 pm

    This is a question for anyone who knows the answer, does anyone know when they are going to deicide if they are going to take medicare from us? is there a court date yet? i can't get in touch with my so called lawyer yet i hear they have not decided to actually take medicare yet.

  • joeyJanuary 19, 2012 at 9:49 pm

    To Jason: I was just wondering if your father had a stent or stents implanted and you can get more points award. Regarding your sister who used Paxil, there's bunch of lawyers taking this case right now. Go to Google search and type PAXIL LITIGATION ATTORNEYS. To all my friends, regarding problems with your lawyers who are not returning your emails or phone calls, contact the STATE BAR of your st[Show More]To Jason: I was just wondering if your father had a stent or stents implanted and you can get more points award. Regarding your sister who used Paxil, there's bunch of lawyers taking this case right now. Go to Google search and type PAXIL LITIGATION ATTORNEYS. To all my friends, regarding problems with your lawyers who are not returning your emails or phone calls, contact the STATE BAR of your state. Good Luck ! To Everybody: if you think the points award you recieved was not correct, make an appeal.

  • connieJanuary 17, 2012 at 9:45 pm

    bill, i have heart problems, i had a heart attack because of avandia, the point is all the lawyers and medicare make all the money that sucks!

  • BillJanuary 16, 2012 at 6:06 pm

    Sorry to hear that Connie, what was your health condition?

  • connieJanuary 15, 2012 at 2:43 pm

    This avandia lawsuit really sucks, the lawyers and medicare get all the money i only get 10,000 dollars that sucks! garrettson sucks too!

  • JohnJanuary 11, 2012 at 8:12 pm

    Thank You, Harry. I've been reading for a while that the payouts have been around $46000 and maybe a little higher. I don't see anyone getting anything over a $100,000. It would be great if we could get what we all think we're worth. But I don't see the GSK making any of us millionaires.

  • HarryJanuary 9, 2012 at 5:31 pm

    you are close Hugh, but it actually is $43,833.33 time for a new calculator

  • hughJanuary 6, 2012 at 1:33 pm

    hi, maybe u dont kno how to do the math,divide,23,670,000.00 by 540 see what u get. 438,333.33 by my calculator. hugh

  • JohnJanuary 5, 2012 at 10:08 pm

    Hugh, I think you meant, $43,833.33 not $438,333.33. I re-did the math. My Lawyers are out of Ft Worth (Jensen, Belew, Gonzalez), I was told around March or April 2012, I should get a settlement. Not sure how much and I'm not to concerned about it. It is what it is.

  • hughJanuary 5, 2012 at 10:52 am

    i also had a heart 7/15/07 from avandia.was officially approved for settlement on aug.18 2011. my att. firm is also out of nyc.i was told on 11/20,2010 they accepted a settlement of aprox,39,450,000.00 to be devided among 540 clients.taking 40 % off for att. fees. leaves 60% for clients,of 23.670,000,00 gross for clients.if all got the same money, that would be aprox.438,333,33 apice.thats [Show More]i also had a heart 7/15/07 from avandia.was officially approved for settlement on aug.18 2011. my att. firm is also out of nyc.i was told on 11/20,2010 they accepted a settlement of aprox,39,450,000.00 to be devided among 540 clients.taking 40 % off for att. fees. leaves 60% for clients,of 23.670,000,00 gross for clients.if all got the same money, that would be aprox.438,333,33 apice.thats if every one got the same.this is a far cry then what has been guessed here .any one now is with this firm, let us know so we can be counted.

  • joeDecember 28, 2011 at 3:21 pm

    Ziba, what Harry is trying to tell you that Garretson is not a law firm. they work for all the lawyers with "settlement" lawsuits. They only determine the value of the settlement.

  • zibaDecember 27, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    Oh thanks smart Harry i made a mistake alystock/overhultz out of florida. Nice try what? Can u answer the question u can be funny later after i get my money. ... CAN ANYONE HELP ME PLEASE

  • HarryDecember 22, 2011 at 5:43 pm

    Nice try Ziba, but Garretson is not a law firm, so it would be pretty difficult to hire them as your lawyer

  • zibaDecember 22, 2011 at 6:38 am


  • sugarlippsDecember 21, 2011 at 8:10 pm

    Jason, I know why you are writing the email, it is because you feel the pain of loss as we do, it helps to talk to others in your situation, i have lost all and now live in my mini van with my handicapped child, for we have no family and my husband passed away years ago, i took avandia and at 40 almost died from it, i had a good job, house, car and now disability, cant even pay rent for i cant aff[Show More]Jason, I know why you are writing the email, it is because you feel the pain of loss as we do, it helps to talk to others in your situation, i have lost all and now live in my mini van with my handicapped child, for we have no family and my husband passed away years ago, i took avandia and at 40 almost died from it, i had a good job, house, car and now disability, cant even pay rent for i cant afford utilities, i pray for your family and your pain and have compasion for all that has suffered this great loss, just remember we do serve a good god and we will see their suffering as the good book says and they shall see we are of the lord and they shall be afraid, try not to lose your faith, its all we have .. this is our bottom there is no place to go but up. What does not seem possible in the natural is possible in the supernatural

  • sugarlippsDecember 21, 2011 at 7:45 pm

    Tim lets go, where to pissed they took my life and i was never sick until Avandia, my lawyer won 20 million and they say i get 14,000...the whistleblower for GSK got 700 million to open her mouth and we will die from heart issues, i have to be restinted again and this will be #5, where can we start the fight, i say the media would be a start, congressman, lawyers who are honest LOL :), [Show More]Tim lets go, where to pissed they took my life and i was never sick until Avandia, my lawyer won 20 million and they say i get 14,000...the whistleblower for GSK got 700 million to open her mouth and we will die from heart issues, i have to be restinted again and this will be #5, where can we start the fight, i say the media would be a start, congressman, lawyers who are honest LOL :), BS none of those. i was 40 yrs old, i made 80,000 a year, i am homesless now with a son with brain damage and nowhere to lay our heads, the van im sleeping in now is about to repo, these people have to be held accountable, these lawyers are in with GSK and can be bought, they are all liawyers get lieawyers...liars. there has to n=be something we can do, i am an educated woman who made her own way and now i sleep in a mini van because of GSK REALLY !! Im ready i am not ungrateful here , but this is an insult to its finest, they have insulted my intelligance here and im am just mad that our justice system is so corrupted by MONEY, We are human beings and would appreciate being treated as such, im so sorry about your wife, take care and keep fighting dont give up for people like me need a strong voice.

  • sugarlippsDecember 21, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    I hear all of your pain i was 40 yrs old , almost died, wound up with 4 stints 88% blocked after avandia, i have never had a health problem since avandia, now i have had 4 surgeries at 70,000 , then 400.00 a month of meds now, i went from 80,000 a year to disability 800.00 per month.. then my lawyers said at first 50,000.00.. then i got the chart i could not see it for avandia cost me my eyesight [Show More]I hear all of your pain i was 40 yrs old , almost died, wound up with 4 stints 88% blocked after avandia, i have never had a health problem since avandia, now i have had 4 surgeries at 70,000 , then 400.00 a month of meds now, i went from 80,000 a year to disability 800.00 per month.. then my lawyers said at first 50,000.00.. then i got the chart i could not see it for avandia cost me my eyesight as well, in the end they come out winning 20 million dollars and all i get is 14,000 which after 4 years still have not received it myself and my son are now homeless after i used to have a good job, house, car and never had to ask for ant help, i cant believe they are getting away with murder here, its legal and our FDA should be ashamed that we now suffer, does anyone realize what they have done here, they should be made to take this medicine, get sick, lose their job, their house, their car and see how they like it, i cant believe these stories and GSK think that a few thousand is going to cure this BS guys, someone needs to do something, pickett, boycott, contact the media something needs to happen, this was so unfair i have never been sick, just diabetic, oh then how do i take care of myself and my handicapped son, this has ruined my life, so my life is worth 14,000 WOW Stupid ass people are sicknening, i feel like the stupid taking what my dr prescribed, how did they live in the old days, they lived longer because they did not take these pills these dr precribed and every one of them have dirty hands i assure you, not to mention im sure they made well over 14,000, so how in the hell is this fair?I pray for a higher power to bring them down the way they did all of us..the whistleblower on GSK received 700 million , 700million for telling, that seems so unfair, we are the ones dying from this anyone out there a lawyer that has been affected by avandia or a judge someone with power for this is wrong, we need a voice and to be honest it seems all they are worried about is taking their piece and kickback im sure, Bless you all and i keep praying for the miracles so we can go on with life.

  • avandiahurtmebadDecember 12, 2011 at 10:14 pm

    chk mail today dec. 12 got season greeting from my lawyer 3rd one wonder if i have to pay for that to ZIBA READ MY POST TO YOU TRIALS IN JANUARY 2012 CALL GARRETON IF YOU HAVE ?S. WHO IS YOUR LAWYER?

  • zibaDecember 8, 2011 at 5:44 pm

    We talked to the lawyer today they have almost reach their goal so maybe. The first quarter of 2012. We will get a check. So have anyone. Used their. award letter to receive money? We are. having trouble finding someone to advance on a classaction suit in TN.

  • ShelbyDecember 8, 2011 at 2:21 am

    Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year everyone may we have some good newa in the new year, God Bless us All

  • avandiahurtmebadDecember 6, 2011 at 7:52 pm

    joe i have read all 482 post on this site you make alot of sense i did research today, 2 trial dates on sanchez vs. gsk on jan. 30 2012 santiago vs. gsk feb. 21 2012 i wonder if anyone will ever get monies from this please respond i hope all of us who have been hurt will soon be able to put lawyers and gsk and of course avandia behind us .

  • zibaDecember 5, 2011 at 5:31 pm

    We have been waiting since 2008 and still no definite answer on when thecheck will b cut. This will be the 4th year waiting. And they always say the next quarter you'll receive a letter in the mail and its always another paper too sign to hold you off. . So don't count on it before xmas 3 has came and went

  • ButchDecember 3, 2011 at 8:07 am

    If you refuse your settlement offer, can you get another lawyer and try for more money?

  • karenDecember 2, 2011 at 12:52 pm

    i was told via phone conversation that a check for at least $2000.00 would be received the first of december. I will be shocked because on our settlement papers it shows the only people that are getting money is lawyers. Some of the lawyers i have never heard of. there should be laws governing the amount that they get and not half or more. I will bet that you dont see any money until they just hav[Show More]i was told via phone conversation that a check for at least $2000.00 would be received the first of december. I will be shocked because on our settlement papers it shows the only people that are getting money is lawyers. Some of the lawyers i have never heard of. there should be laws governing the amount that they get and not half or more. I will bet that you dont see any money until they just have to let go. in the mean time they get interest. we wonder why medications cost so much.

  • GaryDecember 1, 2011 at 9:49 pm

    Glenn...Please continue to post, some of us do value the info you share.

  • JordanDecember 1, 2011 at 10:17 am

    Joe , GLen is exactly right. WHen they sent out the "proposed" settlement papaers, there a sheet about the bankruptcy. Isent them a copy of a discharge that was 6 years old. You should have copies of what you sent to Garretson and your lawyers>

  • AVBDNovember 30, 2011 at 10:05 pm

    I am not sure how far Garretson goes back for bankruptcy, or why, but I just pull a copy of the Claimant Bankruptcy Form they sent in 2010 and it does ask if you have or have not filed for bankruptcy protection in the past 10 years.

  • TomHNovember 30, 2011 at 6:42 pm

    I received my "award" letter from Garretson about 8 to 8 weeks ago. I am in Texas. Can anyone give me a "semi-realistic" idea when I might get the check? I saw something where the check comes through the regular mail instead of FedEx like the other paperwork has come. Is this correct? Thanks, Tom H

  • joeNovember 30, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    I am sorry Glenn.It's just that you claim that you re'cd just about everything and you are thru on the settlement. But infor that you say coming from the paperwork like your lawyer and Garreston does not add up. You say 10 years bankrupty, while the law state 5 years. The IRS only goes back 3 years. Like I said, some of your comments stick out like a "sore thumb".

  • avandiahurtmebadNovember 29, 2011 at 10:08 pm

    ziba i am in southwest tn. ihave not gotten anything in the mail garretsin told me it could be first quarter of 2012 by march for all to be done cut c heck etc. i called in oct. this was there answer hope it helps you. when did you apply?

  • GlennNovember 29, 2011 at 8:38 pm

    Joe again I dont realy care what you believe. Im trying to help some people on this site. I can only tell you that I had to sign a statment saying I had not had a bankruptcy in the last 10 yrs

  • zibaNovember 29, 2011 at 7:04 pm

    Yes joe. And they have a hold of about 20% for medicaid whether u were on it or mom doesnt get it why should she have to pay. When its all said and done after the point system and medicaid the lawyers will get more than u. So Glenn consider your self lucky because u deserve it.. My does too,and everyone else who took avandia. To my fellow Americans this money will not b life changing like [Show More]Yes joe. And they have a hold of about 20% for medicaid whether u were on it or mom doesnt get it why should she have to pay. When its all said and done after the point system and medicaid the lawyers will get more than u. So Glenn consider your self lucky because u deserve it.. My does too,and everyone else who took avandia. To my fellow Americans this money will not b life changing like that pill.Stop window shopping because if u owe medicaid,irs, social security, va, dept of revenue they can take their money first.. But I'm not100% sure about social security but maybe SSI. All ssupplemental income CAN be affected...

  • joeNovember 29, 2011 at 2:33 pm

    Ziba, When you say an award letter, do you mean you have a money figure and waiting for check to be cut.

  • jttNovember 29, 2011 at 3:40 am

    Did they say it was 75 days to get these cases settle

  • joeNovember 29, 2011 at 12:52 am

    Sorry Glenn, garreston will only go back 5 years. There is a site to explain this. Now I just can't help to think that some of the things you claim may not be true.

  • zibaNovember 28, 2011 at 3:21 am

    My mom was t aking avandia and suffered a heart attack. She is with the garretson firm.we have already received an award letter and now just waiting. Have anyone in Tennessee or southeast region received any money ?

  • paulNovember 26, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    Is it too late to join the lawsuit? First i heard about it.

  • lisaNovember 25, 2011 at 4:29 am

    jennifer my mother n law had a seroquel law suit for 5 years.. it caused her to have diabetties... she finally got a letter in feb. saying will get 10,000 minus there fee... she got a letter 4 weeks ago saying she will get a check for 4000 bucks.. it will take 4 to 6 weeks to get it.. she is checking the mail box every day,, hope this will help you..

  • TimNovember 24, 2011 at 8:13 pm

    Hi Everyone, My name is Tim. My wife died on Nov. 27 , 2007 from a massive heart attack. I got a (so called) Law Firm to "represent" my wife and I. It took me almost 12 to 16 months after her death to come to that descsion (due to many factors, not the least of which was the emotional pain I knew this effort would bring). IN A NUTSHELL: It has become obvious that the so called "justice attorn[Show More]Hi Everyone, My name is Tim. My wife died on Nov. 27 , 2007 from a massive heart attack. I got a (so called) Law Firm to "represent" my wife and I. It took me almost 12 to 16 months after her death to come to that descsion (due to many factors, not the least of which was the emotional pain I knew this effort would bring). IN A NUTSHELL: It has become obvious that the so called "justice attorneys" as they touted themselves to be, have little else in mind but settling in the BEST INTERESTS OF GSK and their defacto or direct collusion is so obvious that a child could see it. GSK offered a "settlement" via these people that was/is the most bizarre case of double talk , flim-flam and arrogance on a scale so gross and utterly obtuse to My or my Wifes interests that it is beyond description. I have come to the conclusion (as have many others I see from the comments on this site) that GSK thinks itself bigger than God and has the FDA and "court system" so to speak in it's pocket. Basically this Firm supposedly representing My wife and I have tried to entrap me into a "confidential" settlement that leaves me and My wifes estate with nothing and they make over 50,000.00, the Goverenment takes 35,000.00 and others involved get most of the rest. I see many are in the same boat. DON'T GIVE UP, DON'T LET THE BASTARDS WIN. I WANT TO START A COALITION OF PEOPLE IN OUR POSITION AND CARRY THIS FIGHT TO THE TOP. THE SAYING GOES THAT THERE IS POWER IN NUMBERS, THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT WE NEED TO DO. We can come together and perhaps get a GENUINE crusader Lawyer(s) and go to the media with this for help. We can and SHOULD try. I see so many peoples comments showing how helpless they feel and the pain we all commonly share. I see comments from people that are at their ropes end. Whether you have lost a loved one ( as have I) or are a living victim we can fight them if we come together. Regardless of the obvious power of this conspiricy of big money elitetists and obtuse government s.o.b's we must try, for our loved one's, for ourselves and for future victims. My regards to all. Tim

  • GlennNovember 23, 2011 at 7:42 pm

    They held back 10% And no they do not take out taxes only Medicare and they check for a bankruptcy in the last 10 yrs

  • joeNovember 23, 2011 at 7:13 pm

    Avandiahuetmebad, The question was do you pay taxes on the money you get from the lawsuit. Now to what you say about a lien, that's is altogether a difference ballgame, difference subject. Liens are a very hard subject.The IRS and the Medicare, Medicaid are a few groups who can take money that is own to them. You can fight it if you know how and why the liens are on record. It is not an automatic [Show More]Avandiahuetmebad, The question was do you pay taxes on the money you get from the lawsuit. Now to what you say about a lien, that's is altogether a difference ballgame, difference subject. Liens are a very hard subject.The IRS and the Medicare, Medicaid are a few groups who can take money that is own to them. You can fight it if you know how and why the liens are on record. It is not an automatic situation where they take the money before you get your share. In the past also, Medicare has been known to over look the funds own to them for various reasons The IRS, if you own back taxes, get a lawyer and fight. IRS are willing to settle for something than not get nothing at all, if you know how.

  • avandiahurtmebadNovember 22, 2011 at 10:25 pm

    not so fast joe the irs or any one else that has a lein against you can collect monies owed the garretson firm will check before anyone gets paid part of the process.

  • JORDANNovember 22, 2011 at 8:17 pm

    I'm so glad Shelby you got positive info from Seizemore Taylor. I did not fare as well. I am one of those people whose case they are not submitting. I was told that although I took the meds I had an incident after the black box warning was issued. Of course I never knew this. My doctors should have known this. So I would have to prove that I took avandia everyday up until I was admitted to the hos[Show More]I'm so glad Shelby you got positive info from Seizemore Taylor. I did not fare as well. I am one of those people whose case they are not submitting. I was told that although I took the meds I had an incident after the black box warning was issued. Of course I never knew this. My doctors should have known this. So I would have to prove that I took avandia everyday up until I was admitted to the hospital. How ridiculous. They would have to have presciption copies for every day ffrom 2007. I never smoked not one day in my life and never drank anything. So the nurse who called (NOT THE ATTORNEY) said I wouldnt qualify. She said I would be getting a letter from them. Of course yesterday I got a letter. It didn't explain any of this. All it asked was if I thought they had all my records, that they were SUBMITTING my claim to GSK by December 15th THis is a crock.

  • jenniferNovember 22, 2011 at 7:16 pm

    ive been waiting on my seroquel settlement foe a long time does anyone know when we are suppose to recieve it?

  • MikeNovember 22, 2011 at 7:05 pm

    I got a letter from the law firm handling my Avandia case based in Texas on Nov 10,2011 saying that they are now at the next step where a mediator is going to be going through cases and trying to come to a quick resolvement. I called the paralegal and she informedme that they are optimistic that their case load of Avandia claims are hopeful to be settled now within 3 to 6 months from Nov 10 ths l[Show More]I got a letter from the law firm handling my Avandia case based in Texas on Nov 10,2011 saying that they are now at the next step where a mediator is going to be going through cases and trying to come to a quick resolvement. I called the paralegal and she informedme that they are optimistic that their case load of Avandia claims are hopeful to be settled now within 3 to 6 months from Nov 10 ths letter date. She said hopefully within 30-60 days claimants they hope will be getting an information packet. It sure will be nice to get this chapter of my life settled. I am now 43, had three heart attacks in 2009 when I was 41 and came close to dying. Now I suffer from many of the lingering side effects. I almost lost my sight, swelled up like a ballon from water excess,shortness of breath, and have serious heart damage along with other things. Never thought a pil would cause so much injury and destruction and all because a company was not worried about the patient just profit. One good thing came out of this, it brought me back to my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and I have faith with great intensity that he will bring me and other people out there a blessing for our pain Amen. Just don't get hooked that a giant settlement will come to you be realistic. May God bless all that read this,all that have been hurt,families who have lost someone because of Avandia,and the United States of America. Have a Happy Thanksgiving and be thankful. Merry Christmas as well. Thank you for the time to comment. Amen

  • connieNovember 22, 2011 at 9:17 am

    Thanks Joe!

  • jacktreeceNovember 22, 2011 at 1:25 am

    when there is any lawsuit involved... for medicail reasons you dont have to pay taxs on the money you recieve

  • joeNovember 21, 2011 at 9:10 pm

    Glenn, Was there any funds held up. If so, how much of a percentage was held back, for an adjustment for you to get later?

  • joeNovember 21, 2011 at 3:57 pm

    Connie, You do not pay any taxes at all on a lawsuit settlement such as the avandia lawsuit. Whatever goes in your pocket, the Gov't cannot touch. Certain parts of the fees, you can deduct on your tax return. Not the 1/3 percentage of what your lawsuit gets, the small odds and ends fees.

  • connieNovember 20, 2011 at 10:44 pm

    this is too anyone who recieved a settlement, i just have one question, do you have to pay taxes on that settlement money at the end of the year?

  • GlennNovember 20, 2011 at 3:58 pm

    I dont want to talk about how much i got. All I can say is it is a point system. The more points you get the more money. You get points for not smoking how long you were on the drug what happened to you. All things like that. I had a heart attack, Quad bypass Wasn't smoking at the time. but I did smoke for 25 yrs Also My law firm was in SC very near the offices of Garrison { lot of dinner meetings[Show More]I dont want to talk about how much i got. All I can say is it is a point system. The more points you get the more money. You get points for not smoking how long you were on the drug what happened to you. All things like that. I had a heart attack, Quad bypass Wasn't smoking at the time. but I did smoke for 25 yrs Also My law firm was in SC very near the offices of Garrison { lot of dinner meetings if you know what I mean} When everyone was saying that 45000 was nothing for what we went through I was saying to myself I sure could use that much now I had lost my job after 25 yrs and my car and motorcycle and home. Turns out I did a lot better then everyone was talking about. Hope this helps Sorry I cant give you a number. hang in there

  • ShelbyNovember 19, 2011 at 12:09 am

    Hi Everyone, I recieved a phone call from Sizemore Taylor, on Monday Nov 14, 2011, (my Birthday) that GSK defense team had sent all information to them and that my husbands claim was approved by them, and that I would get a settlement letter around the first of the year, I ask what the amount for his would be and she said that she didn't know that yet,but she had promised to keep me informed of ev[Show More]Hi Everyone, I recieved a phone call from Sizemore Taylor, on Monday Nov 14, 2011, (my Birthday) that GSK defense team had sent all information to them and that my husbands claim was approved by them, and that I would get a settlement letter around the first of the year, I ask what the amount for his would be and she said that she didn't know that yet,but she had promised to keep me informed of every change, and she was excited to call and inform me that it had come back to them and that the amount would come from the court in Pennsylvania. The letter I got back in the fall said that they had till the first of the year to get everything in to the Judge in Pennsylvania. Right after that I got an email telling me that my husbands claim was one of 500 sent to the Defense attorneys for Glaxo/Smith/Kline for them to go over and make a decision on, so obviously his was decided to be approved.As I am not in good health from taking care of him for years,a heart condition, fibro, diabetes, breast cancer, arthritis surgery to fuse my vertebrae in my neck together (2,3,& 4) now no., 1 is deteriorating, I make it from day to day with heart meds, pain meds and my God who carries me when the way gets too rough. As I have said He takes care of his Own, if your faith is strong enough you can make it through anything. May God Bless You ALL

  • tomNovember 15, 2011 at 4:22 am

    glenn im not being nosey but what kind of figure did you get on your settlement check 40,50,60k could you give me somewhat a ball park figure what to expect that i might get i would really apreciate the feed back.thanks and god bless.

  • leeNovember 15, 2011 at 3:44 am

    my husband suffered for four years while taking advanda he was falling out faniting staying sick to sick todo any thing execpt lay around in feb 2008 he went to er while there he had a heart of tack he end up getting threestints put in his heart 46 .000is not near enough compersayion for the suffering that he went through hevas taken off advanda and has been doing good every since its time to sel[Show More]my husband suffered for four years while taking advanda he was falling out faniting staying sick to sick todo any thing execpt lay around in feb 2008 he went to er while there he had a heart of tack he end up getting threestints put in his heart 46 .000is not near enough compersayion for the suffering that he went through hevas taken off advanda and has been doing good every since its time to selettle so that the money can be of some use tohim he 76 years old.

  • EDWARDNovember 13, 2011 at 11:35 pm

    I had a widow maker in 2003 but the LORD was'nt ready yet.I have all kinds of problems with my health thanks to avandia.My if they have made all thes settlements then why are'nt we getting a mor share.Also why soes it take so long for the LAWYERS to disburse the money?

  • GlennNovember 13, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    The check came from Garreston via US mail. They did put a contact number for my bank to call and verify funds. This was good because then the bank didn't hold the check for 10 days. All and all I have to say I was happy with my attorney. Would i have liked more money? sure. But i think what I got was fair. Good luck to all of you and if I can be of any help I will.

  • ReginaNovember 12, 2011 at 2:18 am

    Where does the $6 billion dollars go to that was agreed on a week ago. I was told by my attorney that Mississippi was not included in this settlement. So who is this settlement for?

  • JackNovember 10, 2011 at 6:10 pm

    Glenn, you are the first to say they actually got a check. Good for you. Did that come from your attorney or GSK or Garreston Group. I'm only asking cause I don't know what or who is sending what. I did get the amounts and sign the papers like I said back in August.

  • JackNovember 10, 2011 at 4:05 pm

    I got my papers back in August, had settlement figures and amounts with explanation of how they got figure. Been waiting since 07. still know check. I have since switch 2 other drugs I was taking from GSK to another manufacture. They are not getting any more of my money. I would suggest anyone taking any thing from GSK to talk to your Dr. and switch. Pass this along to anyone you know.

  • GlennNovember 10, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    Joe is right after i got my offer for the group it took 6 weeks before i got my letter saying what i was going to get. then it was another 3 weeks before i got the check

  • joeNovember 9, 2011 at 3:00 pm

    When you say settlement, were you given a figure of what you are getting or a settlement has been reach papers. These are two difference things.

  • RobNovember 8, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    I got a settlement papers signed sent back now how long does it take to get a check? Been waiting 5 years bs

  • joeNovember 7, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    Jason, you are 100% correct. You total the lawsuit with total money against total amount of people. Add that up, 1/3 of the take, is a lot of money and a nice profit. So, as you admit, there is really no incentive to for the lawyers to do nothing more but wait, which is what they are doing. Gsk has delayed, appealed and delay some more. It is only recently that the judge directed an order and sta[Show More]Jason, you are 100% correct. You total the lawsuit with total money against total amount of people. Add that up, 1/3 of the take, is a lot of money and a nice profit. So, as you admit, there is really no incentive to for the lawyers to do nothing more but wait, which is what they are doing. Gsk has delayed, appealed and delay some more. It is only recently that the judge directed an order and start settling these lawsuits or face a court order for a trial. Since that time, settlement have been made, but for the most part not to many people have re'cd the funds This is also the shameful part of the system that, by law, is allowed, until judgement is made, Gsk was not moving. I agree with what you said not trusting not only the lawyers, also, Gsk. Like you said, this the system, unless somebody can come up with a better system, that allows business to run, this is the only thing we have.

  • JasonNovember 5, 2011 at 12:04 am

    To be fair, Joe, you must remember that the lawyers do this as their primary business. They aren't in it for us, they're in it for their paychecks. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all, that's part of being in a capitalist society. But ultimately, they do what they do to get paid. And the big mistake people make is in thinking they're fighting for us individually. Ultimately, if m[Show More]To be fair, Joe, you must remember that the lawyers do this as their primary business. They aren't in it for us, they're in it for their paychecks. Not that there's anything wrong with that at all, that's part of being in a capitalist society. But ultimately, they do what they do to get paid. And the big mistake people make is in thinking they're fighting for us individually. Ultimately, if my lawyers have 200 active Avandia cases, increasing the amount of money my family gets is a drop in the bucket. So their goal is to settle as many cases as possible as quickly as possible, their goal is NOT to maximize the amount an individual case brings in. It's simple math. If the lawyers' profits on their 200 cases works out to be $20,000.00 per case, that's $4,000,000. If they work extra hard on my case and get an extra $10,000 in profits from my case, that's still only $4,010,000 they made. So there's no incentive for them to work each case individually, and there's especially no incentive for them to take individual cases to court. The amount of extra time and man hours spent wouldn't justify the extra cut they get on that single case. Their profits don't come from individual cases but from the fact that they're working a LOT of them at once. So, as you can see, it's in their best interests to settle for whatever they can get as quickly as possible. It's a shame that the system works this way, but it does. So you can't really trust your lawyers to do what's in your best interests.

  • joeNovember 2, 2011 at 6:28 pm

    Rita, Please don't take this the wrong way. But your a rookie in this process. I hope you don't wait as long as most of the folks here. I know that some lawyer can be petty crooks, but for the most part, Large firm lawyers are straight forward. What is it taken so long, It is the system. The laws are made so that any side can make appeals, delays. The defense side are the ones, in most cases, who [Show More]Rita, Please don't take this the wrong way. But your a rookie in this process. I hope you don't wait as long as most of the folks here. I know that some lawyer can be petty crooks, but for the most part, Large firm lawyers are straight forward. What is it taken so long, It is the system. The laws are made so that any side can make appeals, delays. The defense side are the ones, in most cases, who take advantage of this process, are dragging there feet to settle. The vioxx lawsuit has been settled, but there are still a number of people still waiting that needs to be resolved I wish you luck, and I hope you succeed.

  • RitaNovember 1, 2011 at 5:09 pm

    i just started this process in august 2011 i believe it will take a long time to resolve the lawsuits,maybe years just dont know But some of the comments here have helped me realize a lot of people may have been taken advantage of,if you think so get help from another Attorney.there are a lot of them out there yea some may be crooks who knows money makes you do funny things but in the end its up t[Show More]i just started this process in august 2011 i believe it will take a long time to resolve the lawsuits,maybe years just dont know But some of the comments here have helped me realize a lot of people may have been taken advantage of,if you think so get help from another Attorney.there are a lot of them out there yea some may be crooks who knows money makes you do funny things but in the end its up to you if you settle get all the facts before you sign.Thanks everyone

  • SharonOctober 30, 2011 at 9:01 pm

    Just received a letter from original attorney started the lawsuit with in Florida. That because of the constant delays bynGarretson resolution Group, they are no longer handling the settlement offers of our claims. now our medical records are being reviewedby a team of medical professionals who will be able to identify your injuryies) as they relateto yopur avandia use. they say thousands to evalu[Show More]Just received a letter from original attorney started the lawsuit with in Florida. That because of the constant delays bynGarretson resolution Group, they are no longer handling the settlement offers of our claims. now our medical records are being reviewedby a team of medical professionals who will be able to identify your injuryies) as they relateto yopur avandia use. they say thousands to evaluate could take till early first of year or early spring.They don"t want us to bother them as will only slow down process. I ask you ARE THEY A BUNCH OF POMPASS JERKS OR WHAT/By the time they bill us for work done what money you think will be left?

  • JesseOctober 28, 2011 at 6:32 pm

    Kelli thank you for posting those links, it would seem the veil is being lifted more and more in regards to this matter. As always if you follow the money you find the answers. GSK should of settled long before this and since their greed is what kept many suffering they will in the long run pay more, as the truth comes to light.

  • kelliOctober 27, 2011 at 7:04 pm

    anyone that does not know who the doctors they are referring to:

  • KelliOctober 27, 2011 at 7:01 pm

    Pre-trial order144

  • joeOctober 24, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    Shelby, I am so sorry to hear that your husband died. The memory that your husband left at the end of his life being taken care of is ugly and frighten. I am glad that you did one thing for him. He pass away in the house you and he lived in. Where you raised a family. I have already told my wife not to bring me to a hospital when the end is near. I am frighten just by the thought of dying in some [Show More]Shelby, I am so sorry to hear that your husband died. The memory that your husband left at the end of his life being taken care of is ugly and frighten. I am glad that you did one thing for him. He pass away in the house you and he lived in. Where you raised a family. I have already told my wife not to bring me to a hospital when the end is near. I am frighten just by the thought of dying in some strange bed. I know that it is tough to move on, but you must. You have children that "LOVE YOU VERY MUCH" and grand children to look at with pride. Even though your husband is not around to see the fruits of your love for each other, you have been "BLESSED" of seeing life moving on. You take care now and keep the faith, for the world can be hateful, GOD loved all of us.

  • ElizabethOctober 22, 2011 at 6:17 pm

    I just received a call from my Attorney, stating that the judge has issued a new order stating that all settlement proceeds for a death must go thru Probate. I was not required to file probate since our estate was under the minimium amount required by law, and we live in a community property state. Has anyone heard of this.

  • ShelbyOctober 21, 2011 at 9:45 pm

    No Joe my husband passed away just after Thanksgiving in 2005, he was a very sick man, I lifted him in and out of the bed and held food, for him to swallow and kept him at home till the day after Thanksgiving doing as I promised him and as my marriage vows said , so I filed this lawsuit because of the fact that the medicine took him away too soon, this was suppose to be our best years, with the [Show More]No Joe my husband passed away just after Thanksgiving in 2005, he was a very sick man, I lifted him in and out of the bed and held food, for him to swallow and kept him at home till the day after Thanksgiving doing as I promised him and as my marriage vows said , so I filed this lawsuit because of the fact that the medicine took him away too soon, this was suppose to be our best years, with the kids married and raising their families it was time for me and him, but now it is just me and the grown kids and grandbabies that get me through each day. May God Bless Us All and settle this soon,

  • Paul BunyanOctober 21, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    I discovered this forum today after sharing info at the Topix site. Some of the words here are so sad, but at least not as bitter and angry as those at Topix. I see things are moving along, but just not as fast as we would like them to. It amazes me how GSK has enough power to keep this product on shelves still (if they had to take them off, that would be an admission of guilt), draw this whole pr[Show More]I discovered this forum today after sharing info at the Topix site. Some of the words here are so sad, but at least not as bitter and angry as those at Topix. I see things are moving along, but just not as fast as we would like them to. It amazes me how GSK has enough power to keep this product on shelves still (if they had to take them off, that would be an admission of guilt), draw this whole process out (with their money they can and will - and there's not a thing that can be done about it), and that they have managed to keep a lid on whatever settlement offers are out there (Corporate Malpractice 101). In the end I will be happy just to have it over, and no amount of money is worth the life of my loved one. I do remember that at the end, my loved one kept suffering what the hospital personnel called "incidents" (heart attacks and strokes) and he suffered to the point that I knew that his passing was probably best - and that I was being selfish and did not want to let him go. Understand he was older, but never drank or smoked anything. Now, come to find out that it's possible Avandia was slowly killing him and the cause of his pain and suffering. I say again, no amount of money is worth his life, and GSK should have to pay so much, that they and every company which manufactures poison, will not even think about releasing a drug that can cause so much pain and suffering. If you say they did not know in the beginning that their drug was harmful, it does not explain why they continued to suppress the sale of other drugs which did the same thing, refused to stop pushing Avandia, refused to take it off the shelves when they found out, and is still making the drug today, and stocking shelves with it, albeit with a warning.

  • joeOctober 21, 2011 at 1:13 pm

    David, What was your medical incident. Heart attack, bypass, complication after bypass, Stent.

  • DavidOctober 20, 2011 at 7:25 pm

    paperwork arrived today. Estimated amount to be $25,000 after lawyer fees estimated remaining is $2000. Tell me this is not a joke.

  • JoeOctober 20, 2011 at 3:13 pm

    Shelby, You did not say if your husband is still here. I hope and pray that he is. The infor that you gave was "Excellent". I thank you so much for the infor.

  • JackOctober 20, 2011 at 12:43 am

    Jason, I know what your saying there are many people in the same spot you are in. I lost my wife to strokes back in 2007. I've been in this law suit since then. The people at Glaxo don't really give a S _ _ _. They are a bunch of money grubbing bastards,.with no hearts. I thought the attorneys were the scum of the earth but I was wrong. I also put the blame on the judge who heard this case.[Show More]Jason, I know what your saying there are many people in the same spot you are in. I lost my wife to strokes back in 2007. I've been in this law suit since then. The people at Glaxo don't really give a S _ _ _. They are a bunch of money grubbing bastards,.with no hearts. I thought the attorneys were the scum of the earth but I was wrong. I also put the blame on the judge who heard this case. First of all for letting it go on for so long and secondly for letting them get away with paying so little for someone's life. Third for letting the attorney's get as much as they are getting. Yes we agreed in the beginning on the rate but that was with the understanding that a settlement was going to be fair for all. The number you use is a real shame. There is not much you or I can do They have the money an the big power attorney's. We get the shaft. I pray a lot for people in are position that your father does not suffer and your mother has the strength along with the family to carry on after he is gone. Not easy my friend I know . God bless you and your family.

  • ShelbyOctober 19, 2011 at 3:16 am

    My Attorneys are in Fairhope Alabama, I emailed them asking questions, and they called me at my number I listed and she said that my Husbands claim was sent to the courts in Pennsylvania, one of 500 that the nurses determined was finished and all the information was done, and that now the Glaxo Smith Kline attorneys will go over thse 500 and determine who they think should get a settlement. I al[Show More]My Attorneys are in Fairhope Alabama, I emailed them asking questions, and they called me at my number I listed and she said that my Husbands claim was sent to the courts in Pennsylvania, one of 500 that the nurses determined was finished and all the information was done, and that now the Glaxo Smith Kline attorneys will go over thse 500 and determine who they think should get a settlement. I also ask about the points and she said that so many points are deducted for smoking, or other things that damaged the body that the patient did to themselves, and that points were added for the number of times in the hospital, number of timesin, more points are added for a death., etc

  • JasonOctober 19, 2011 at 1:06 am

    My father was prescribed Avandia for 8 months before he had the first of a dozen or so strokes. As a result of his strokes, his personality has changed, he's suffering dementia, and he's terminally ill. We initially started our suit 4 years ago, and up until just recently the lawyers (while not discussing numbers of course) were implying that my mother would never have to work again. Suddenly i[Show More]My father was prescribed Avandia for 8 months before he had the first of a dozen or so strokes. As a result of his strokes, his personality has changed, he's suffering dementia, and he's terminally ill. We initially started our suit 4 years ago, and up until just recently the lawyers (while not discussing numbers of course) were implying that my mother would never have to work again. Suddenly in the past few weeks they've back-peddaled and made it clear that because he "only" suffered strokes and not heart attacks, he's not eligable for much money. If they're paying out only $40,000 or so for a heart attack, what does that leave us? My mother's house is literally crumbling apart, every vehicle they have is dead, my sister, brother-in-law and nephew moved in with them to help with dad, all the appliances are dead or dying, and mom had to quit her job with the postal service to take care of dad as his primary caretaker. Everything that could possibly go wrong has gone wrong, and most days my father doesn't even recognize me anymore. How did we go from "hundreds of thousands of dollars" to less than $40,000? How is this even legal? My family has been completely devistated by this, it's been so much worse than if my dad had just passed away with the strokes. Mom is in debt to her eyeballs and I have to send part of my paychecks to her every month just to help feed everyone. We were COUNTING on a big settlement to offset the tremendous financial ruin this has placed on my family, because the only income she has to work with is my dad's disability. Now my sister's liver is starting to shut down and nobody knows why. I don't know what we're going to do, I literally feel like the world is coming apart at the seams. I didn't think lawsuits worked like this, where someone arbitrarily tells you how much the life of your loved one was worth and you don't get a say in the matter at all. The worst part is that this is the SECOND time Glaxo has devistated my family; my sister was one of the Paxil teenagers who tried to kill themselves. I live just a few miles from the North Carolina Glaxo offices and I can't tell you how hard it is not to go get myself arrested for doing something stupid. I don't even know why I'm posting this, it's not like the rest of you are any better off. Is there nothing any of us can do? I don't know where to turn for help, I feel like there is no hope left in the world. The only prayer we had was this lawsuit and now it just feels like a tremendous waste of time.

  • joeOctober 17, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    ATTENTION ALL AVANDIA PLAINTIFFS: If you re'cd a letter from your "private" insurance questing about any use of avandia or if you are pursuing a lawsuit, DO NOT SIGN IT. Call your lawyer right away. I call my this morning and to let him know what I re'cd in the mail over the weekend. He told me not to sign anything and to forward the letter to him. As per my lawyer, No private insurance is allowed[Show More]ATTENTION ALL AVANDIA PLAINTIFFS: If you re'cd a letter from your "private" insurance questing about any use of avandia or if you are pursuing a lawsuit, DO NOT SIGN IT. Call your lawyer right away. I call my this morning and to let him know what I re'cd in the mail over the weekend. He told me not to sign anything and to forward the letter to him. As per my lawyer, No private insurance is allowed to try to tap into any Plaintiff settlement money.

  • barbaraOctober 16, 2011 at 10:37 pm

    i received a letter from my lawyers on sept 27 stating that i would receive a package from garretson in about 1 week to 10 days and that is was imperative that i sign and return the waiver inside asap well its now 10/16 and no package. on wed the 12 th i called my lawyers at branch law firm in nm and no one could tell me anything so i asked for and got the number for garretson. when i called garr[Show More]i received a letter from my lawyers on sept 27 stating that i would receive a package from garretson in about 1 week to 10 days and that is was imperative that i sign and return the waiver inside asap well its now 10/16 and no package. on wed the 12 th i called my lawyers at branch law firm in nm and no one could tell me anything so i asked for and got the number for garretson. when i called garretson a lady there who answered the phone told me that i would received the package by thursday the 19th so again im waiting. i have had three strokes and a heart attack leaving me with chf im a 59 yr old widow. i have a hard time just walking in my house and rarely go out as i cant breathe well any more i live with fear and pain constantly. so if everyone is right about the 46,000 thats cheap for what ive been thru. i had these lawyers pursue me for a year and a half to sign onto the lawsuit before i accepted and signed. now no one knows anything but i can assure you they will take more than their fair share for doing nothing. its not fair but what can you do. im afraid not to settle because my family needs the money and i dont know how long i have left on this earth. i was given 4 months to live and thank god that was almost 2 yrs ago. my quality of life sucks and i have thoughjt of ending this myself but i refuse to hurt my children and yet i hate to have them see me suffer or be told again to be ready to make final arrangements on my caught between a rock and a hard place and am still waiting where do we go from here heaven only knows. my heart goes out to those involved in this mess and i pray we all can find some peace sometime....

  • kelliOctober 14, 2011 at 5:43 pm

    sorry to hear about your dad, and that your siblings are being that way they are. So you have no info on the case and when it might finish up and be actually settled and paid? I am not getting any info from the firm. Are the files at the garestson group and being reviewed? Can you explain (if it is relevant) what do you mean they are chomping at the bit with their hands out? thanks

  • ToddOctober 14, 2011 at 9:20 am

    Kelli, Zonies is the attorney for my family's case. I have no idea of status sine my lovely siblings are in an all out feeding frenzy trying to lay their hands on money. Sad to say that no amount of money will ever bring back my dad, but all of my siblings are chomping at the bit with their hands out.

  • LINDAOctober 13, 2011 at 4:02 pm


  • JordanOctober 13, 2011 at 5:26 am

    I am contacting another attorney. I can't get any answers from Siezemore Taylor and I am really pissed off. The firm says they are only taking claim thru October 15. I don't understand why the attorney just can't say whats going on. Either they think I hace a claim or I don't. This new attorney seems to think so. Len or Mike did they give you any information over the phone? The recorded stuff is a[Show More]I am contacting another attorney. I can't get any answers from Siezemore Taylor and I am really pissed off. The firm says they are only taking claim thru October 15. I don't understand why the attorney just can't say whats going on. Either they think I hace a claim or I don't. This new attorney seems to think so. Len or Mike did they give you any information over the phone? The recorded stuff is almost two months old. On their website they say they are alwsays available to talk to clients. A blatant lie.

  • GlennOctober 12, 2011 at 7:55 pm

    Yes I got it Fri

  • kelliOctober 12, 2011 at 1:46 pm

    is anyone using zonies are their lawyer? If so have you heard whether the case files have been sent over to Garetson? Any word as to when we might get a settlement letter? Information is greatly appreciated

  • MikeOctober 10, 2011 at 8:42 pm

    Jordan, thanks for the info. I spoke with Sizemore Taylor in the California office and was also told that about 500 cases were sent to GSK and that GSK was "picking them apart" and sending back the majority with questions. Sounds like we are still getting jerked around as usual. I was told that GSK is a very large corporation and nothing is done in a fast manner. I also received letter about [Show More]Jordan, thanks for the info. I spoke with Sizemore Taylor in the California office and was also told that about 500 cases were sent to GSK and that GSK was "picking them apart" and sending back the majority with questions. Sounds like we are still getting jerked around as usual. I was told that GSK is a very large corporation and nothing is done in a fast manner. I also received letter about Actos from Taylor firm in Fairhope, AL. After experiencing this fiasco with Avandia, almost seems like a waste of time to pursue anything else. I do think we have to continue to push for answers as to a timetable for settlement disbursements.

  • LenOctober 10, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    I spoke with someone at Taylor Sizemor and she told me that my case was one of the 500 sent to Garrison.Don't really know what that means. Hey Glen did you receive your check yet?

  • GlennOctober 8, 2011 at 12:07 pm

    Bill I started with a firm in KY they gave my case to a firm in So carolina at no cost to me. the Carolina firm also hired a firm to do our medicaid and medicare before Garrison even asked for it. So we were all set when the time came . As far as the Viox I dont know anything about it I got my offer in Aug. We had 125 people and GSK rejected 12.

  • JordanOctober 7, 2011 at 6:51 pm

    Mike, I am with Sizemore Taylor in Fairhope AL.If this is your firm also, I have talked to them. They sent 500 cases to GSK. Call the firm, there is some movement. I was told thaqt my case was not one of the first 500. They didnt say why. They did tel me they had all of my records including doctors, hospital and pharmacy. One of the assistants in the office did check and sent me an email. Calll Th[Show More]Mike, I am with Sizemore Taylor in Fairhope AL.If this is your firm also, I have talked to them. They sent 500 cases to GSK. Call the firm, there is some movement. I was told thaqt my case was not one of the first 500. They didnt say why. They did tel me they had all of my records including doctors, hospital and pharmacy. One of the assistants in the office did check and sent me an email. Calll Them and see what they tell you. They also now have a website which is NO GOOD AT ALL> They also sent out letters solicitng for Actos.

  • Sharon LOctober 7, 2011 at 6:14 pm

    I was supposed to recieve a letter the first week of October to tell me the amount that I would recieve in the settlement and they were supposed to try to get a a check to us by the end of this year. Here it is the end of the first week and I have not heard anything about the amount I will get or any infomation at all.

  • MikeOctober 6, 2011 at 4:57 pm

    If anyone is using Sizemore Taylor and has received an offer, please respond as I haven't gotten anything since January when I received correspondence from Garrettson.

  • big babyOctober 5, 2011 at 8:41 pm

    Frank you sound like you could be working.

  • jbrOctober 5, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    glenn thx for the info .. what law firm are you with ...did you receive your finial offer in august

  • BillOctober 5, 2011 at 8:28 pm

    How do the points work Glenn? Like the Vioxx calculator works?? same type of questions?

  • FrankOctober 4, 2011 at 10:12 pm

    Well I spoke to attorney today in reference to my claim., this is the claim that was settled in Philly in June of 2010. Letters were sent out with settlement figure in August. They will start to release funds as soon as they get 90% of the agreements sign and back. Well I don't know what the hold up is for you people to sign those agreement cause they settled and unless you are going to hire y[Show More]Well I spoke to attorney today in reference to my claim., this is the claim that was settled in Philly in June of 2010. Letters were sent out with settlement figure in August. They will start to release funds as soon as they get 90% of the agreements sign and back. Well I don't know what the hold up is for you people to sign those agreement cause they settled and unless you are going to hire your own attorney you are holding the release of everyone else money. If you think you will get more money all your doing is getting more money for the attorney and your case will go on for years. I know some of you are probably offened by the offer that was made. I was I lost my wife at 57, I have read every sob sorry on this site as well as other. You are not going to get rich on this law suit. You would get more money on a car accident than this case. So its time to move on, sign the paper so the rest of us can move on too. God Bless and Thank You

  • GlennOctober 4, 2011 at 7:48 pm

    There is no equal split it goes by the points Garrison awards your case. By the way lawer said my check was mailed yesterday. 2 day mail.

  • BillOctober 4, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    You think most wont even qualify?

  • joeOctober 4, 2011 at 12:20 pm

    Bill, I agree with you. Remember, the lawyers were taken all the cases and filed without even looking to see the medical incidents.

  • BillOctober 3, 2011 at 8:11 am

    Joe, Those 23 extra people, if it were split equally the extra 479k added for them, would be less than 21k each. If someone in that group were to get a big payout, that would shrink their 21k substantially

  • SusanOctober 1, 2011 at 6:02 am

    That is weird Joe, I got the same letter a couple of weeks ago from my lawyer. He said that they added more people, and more dollars to the offer. A lot of the lawyers seem to be sending out the exact same letters, at the exact same time. Did anyone else get a letter like that??

  • joeSeptember 29, 2011 at 3:50 pm

    Bill, while I was in the hospital, my wife brought a letter to me sent by the lawyer. It was basically a "Final Offer". The letter stated that the group totals went up 23 people with the total amount going up $479,000. I signed the letter and my wife mailed it. There was no figure amount on what I am to get. When I got home I called my lawyer up to make sure that they had received the form that I [Show More]Bill, while I was in the hospital, my wife brought a letter to me sent by the lawyer. It was basically a "Final Offer". The letter stated that the group totals went up 23 people with the total amount going up $479,000. I signed the letter and my wife mailed it. There was no figure amount on what I am to get. When I got home I called my lawyer up to make sure that they had received the form that I signed. From the "potential offer" which I got in late May to now, 4 months went by.While on the phone, I ask that can I used the latest health problems, against Gsk. I was informed that logic would dictate that this was a carry over from my "Avandia problems", but by law it cannot be used in the settlement. Take care.

  • BillSeptember 28, 2011 at 5:22 pm

    I am glad you are feeling better Joe. Have you heard any more since you received your first letter? Do you have an idea in your head about how much you think you will get offered?? I still have not received any letters

  • joeSeptember 26, 2011 at 11:48 am

    It is ugly over there. I haven't posted on topix for almost two weeks. I was hosptalized again. My defilb, in my chest went bad and cause a viral staph infection. I am now on anti-bodidics for the next 4-5 weeks. Most people over there really don't understand what is going on. If they had any clue, almost half will be placed on suicide watch. Like you say, it is what it is. Don't say that on the t[Show More]It is ugly over there. I haven't posted on topix for almost two weeks. I was hosptalized again. My defilb, in my chest went bad and cause a viral staph infection. I am now on anti-bodidics for the next 4-5 weeks. Most people over there really don't understand what is going on. If they had any clue, almost half will be placed on suicide watch. Like you say, it is what it is. Don't say that on the topix site. You'll be accused of a spy for Gsk, A lieing lawyer, or just a person who should just shut up. Take care.

  • DemarcusSeptember 24, 2011 at 5:56 pm

    thats all a life is worth.Only 46,000 dollars.This company is insane.Then it take way over a year to hear about your settlement,and thats not saying that they are going to settle.

  • GlennSeptember 24, 2011 at 12:06 pm

    Joseph, you are so right. thats one reason why I took the offer and ran. Big money always wins, so grap what you can and run.

  • JosephSeptember 22, 2011 at 5:18 pm

    This is definitely a better forum than is the one on Topix. What amazes me is how people are at each other's throats on both forums, and in a similar fashion. Not one case will ever go to trial - that's the way it's been, that's the way it is, and that's the way it will always be. GSK has made far too much money to lose what we feel we deserve for our pain, suffering, and even death. If they dela[Show More]This is definitely a better forum than is the one on Topix. What amazes me is how people are at each other's throats on both forums, and in a similar fashion. Not one case will ever go to trial - that's the way it's been, that's the way it is, and that's the way it will always be. GSK has made far too much money to lose what we feel we deserve for our pain, suffering, and even death. If they delay, delay, delay, it will force us to accept whatever they offer in hopes of bringing closure. It's just my conspiracy theory, but I suspect that more than a few posts here are by lawyers or operatives working for GSK, to sow dissent amongst the troops. It's like a divorce, where by the end, you just want it to end!...JS

  • JordanSeptember 15, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    has anyone heard anything? Martina is right. They will be deducting for medicare and medicaid. Humana reimbursement was disallowed by the courts. They tired to be cover under the same rules as medicare and were DENIED. I donot hace medicare or medicaid. My attorney said today they only sent about 500 files to GSK not to Garretson. I don't know if this is an extra step or what is going on. WHy did [Show More]has anyone heard anything? Martina is right. They will be deducting for medicare and medicaid. Humana reimbursement was disallowed by the courts. They tired to be cover under the same rules as medicare and were DENIED. I donot hace medicare or medicaid. My attorney said today they only sent about 500 files to GSK not to Garretson. I don't know if this is an extra step or what is going on. WHy did they send the files to GSK. There nurses have been reviewing files all summer.

  • truthSeptember 15, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    It looks to me like if you were on medicare the government and the lawyers will be the only ones who will get anything out of this.

  • ShelbySeptember 14, 2011 at 10:40 pm

    Glad to hear some are finally getting a settlement amount, I know God Blesses those that wait on him, and are not greedy. I hope everyone soon gets a letter of award. God Bless us All.

  • John SASeptember 14, 2011 at 4:48 pm

    Well that was one long read. I appreciate all the comments. There are alot of angry folks out here w/GSK. Well I'm one also, and to be truthful I'm not in a big hurry for my settlement. It will come, when it comes (and this from a guy who is on unemployment until Jun12). I talked to my lawyer yesterday they said checks should be cut around Mar-April 12. Joe I appreciate all the info you've tri[Show More]Well that was one long read. I appreciate all the comments. There are alot of angry folks out here w/GSK. Well I'm one also, and to be truthful I'm not in a big hurry for my settlement. It will come, when it comes (and this from a guy who is on unemployment until Jun12). I talked to my lawyer yesterday they said checks should be cut around Mar-April 12. Joe I appreciate all the info you've tried to give out for everyone. Keep it coming.

  • matinaSeptember 8, 2011 at 5:33 pm


  • connieSeptember 8, 2011 at 3:10 am

    Does anyone know anything about how the point system works? can anyone tell me please???????????????? what is the lowest and what is the highest????????????

  • meSeptember 6, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    People who received final settlement papers in Aug., please sign them and send them back in. I spoke with my attorneys office this am and was told our payment timeline depends on how fast these papers are returned. I for one, need the money!

  • LARRYSeptember 4, 2011 at 8:05 pm


  • SusanSeptember 2, 2011 at 2:03 am

    Everyone is getting excited about the upcoming trials, they think there is going to be a big breakthrough, but the fact is, these are the stroke victim trials beginning

  • BillSeptember 1, 2011 at 5:40 pm

    Hi Glenn, I am happy you received your offer, and that you are satisfied. How did the point system work? was it similar the the Vioxx calculator? How much was each point worth? Thank you Glenn

  • joeSeptember 1, 2011 at 4:26 pm

    Glenn, has long has your happy, that the bottom line. Let's hope that you don't have to go thru this again.

  • GlennAugust 31, 2011 at 10:49 pm

    I got my settlement papers a few weeks ago. I was happy with what I got . I would have liked more but I needed the money now and didn't want to wait and see if GSK was going to be able to buy a settlement. Hope you all make out well and good luck to everyone who had to deal with this mess. You also Joe

  • BillAugust 25, 2011 at 4:33 am

    Please everyone, do not be so hard on Matina, she was just upset because I made a comment about her. It was no big deal, so let remember we are all here for the same reason.....information!!

  • WalterAugust 24, 2011 at 4:49 pm

    900.00 sounds fair Matina. If you are on medicaid, it is about time you paid something back, instead of take, take, take. Plus the way you talk to people on here like they are garbage, you got what you deserve. Also, if you were dumb enough to accept it, you got what you deserve.

  • joeAugust 24, 2011 at 1:59 pm

    Matina, what was your medical incident. This has a lot to do with the amount. I am very sorry to hear about your "reward". If this was the case, what amount did the lawyers take. Not percentage, amount. Base by what you are saying, a large amount went to the money that was owed out.

  • MatinaAugust 23, 2011 at 5:46 pm


  • SusanAugust 23, 2011 at 4:34 pm

    Does this mean that they will not be adding any more cases to the MDL after Aug 31?

  • BillAugust 23, 2011 at 5:05 am

    Ah Matina, if you were not such a simpleton, I would take offense to your childish rant.

  • DougAugust 22, 2011 at 7:36 pm

    Wow Matina, your sentence structure, and spelling are that of a 12 year old. Either that, or you are not all there, or bipolar. Either way, what are you still doing here anyway, you told us weeks ago you received your final settlement offer. How could anyone ever take you serious after that childish rant

  • BillAugust 20, 2011 at 1:43 am

    They still have to weed through all the other liens......Taxes, bad debt, etc. If you ever had a lien against you for anything, it is still out there, even if no one has tried to collect against it in years

  • MatinaAugust 19, 2011 at 2:51 pm

    Bill, I gave you what the lawyer gave me and if you was on top of things you would do the leg work for yourself don't you pay a lawye??? but you look for this web sight for your feed back. I hope the lawyer give you half your money because you don't have since enough to ask question for your self with out telling someone else there wrong when I have everthing in black and white i call my lawy[Show More]Bill, I gave you what the lawyer gave me and if you was on top of things you would do the leg work for yourself don't you pay a lawye??? but you look for this web sight for your feed back. I hope the lawyer give you half your money because you don't have since enough to ask question for your self with out telling someone else there wrong when I have everthing in black and white i call my lawyer and don't stop until they get back to me but in the mean time you ask question and than when someone give it to you , you cry like a baby when it's not what you want to hear. get a life and remember know one made you take the meds and really don't owe you anything you did it willingly anything else you want to know give me your address and i will come to your house and hold your hand and explain it to you and will charge you more than what your lawyer is charging you because your stupid! have a good day

  • kendallAugust 19, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    How can a man or woman who has taken Avadia,,and suffered Death,Heart attack,stroke Etc..??Get a low ball offer like mine of $33,986 dollars,,which most goes to Medicare & Attorney fees,,my total ''Estimated Offer of $6,533,,,It seems no one has been dealt with fair..I read a settlement that a man received for getting ''Ecoli'' ,,His attorney's got him $695,000 dollars for something that can b[Show More]How can a man or woman who has taken Avadia,,and suffered Death,Heart attack,stroke Etc..??Get a low ball offer like mine of $33,986 dollars,,which most goes to Medicare & Attorney fees,,my total ''Estimated Offer of $6,533,,,It seems no one has been dealt with fair..I read a settlement that a man received for getting ''Ecoli'' ,,His attorney's got him $695,000 dollars for something that can be cured with Antibiotic's,,and we all have a Life threatening disease and end up with Mere pocket change,,What a discrace,,what a slap in the face,,Can anyone tell me what to do,,i read that GSK has not been found guilty,,i myself in my offer,,it states on one hand this is a Estimated figure,,but if i sign,,i may not get anymore,,and on the other hand,,it can take 2 or 3 years more if i take it to court along with more Attorney fee's,,,WOW,,how unfair,,,i filed back in 2007 ,,im a patient man and understand things take time,,but i may not be around long enough to see my Family benifit from this Awful experience,,it has ruined my life just as all the Rest of you,,,Ive gone from over $100,000 dollars per year to Mere nothing,,Thank God i own my Home and Farm,,or i would be living in Assisted living,,Apartment's etc..What can we Do ??? i will not Settle for this Offer,,,Will i prevail ?? or will i Loose ?? Of course my Attorney wants me to settle,,they get more that i do,,and im the one who has suffered,,,Back to the fact,,You get more money for Ecoli,,or a Coffee burn,,or a broken leg from an accicdent than you do for a LIFE THREATNING DISEASE,,,,OUR Great country has gone to H@#@# in a hand basket,,You mean i Served in the US AIR FORCE protecting those cheater's who now make the Decision on what our life is Worth,,,Go Figure,,,God Bless america,,,because no one else will

  • joeAugust 17, 2011 at 7:10 pm

    John, I just realize that the rejection, by the courts, that Medicare and all the other insurance, Garretson now can maybe speed up the process now that they don't have to see who owns money or who had liens. Your comment did not sink when you said, "Things should be rolling now". HA HA HA HA. Take care

  • BillAugust 17, 2011 at 3:35 pm

    Thank you all for the information. It sounds a little more hopeful than I thought. Joe, good to see you are still around. I do remember Matina, although I do remember so misinformation from her in the past, so who knows if her info is reliable

  • johnAugust 17, 2011 at 5:23 am

    you can access what is going on at eastern district court at thier website above information is WRONG concerning disbursement Judge ordered payment of REFEREE fees and also entered an order to turn over all claiment information to the company insurance company by Aug 31 ( of course , this may already been done ) no one seems willing to share this information....Sorry, for the bum info

  • johnAugust 17, 2011 at 12:56 am

    OK....I think this is what we are waiting for>>>>>I just read .. Eastern District Court Of Penna......Judge Cynthia Rufe igned an order ( MDL 1871 ) authorriseing payments ofLAWYERS fees and costs.....NOW ! who couldn"t have guessed that.....Oh well,I can onlt presume the offers shouled be rolling out by the end of this week / month....can't think of anything else that could ho[Show More]OK....I think this is what we are waiting for>>>>>I just read .. Eastern District Court Of Penna......Judge Cynthia Rufe igned an order ( MDL 1871 ) authorriseing payments ofLAWYERS fees and costs.....NOW ! who couldn"t have guessed that.....Oh well,I can onlt presume the offers shouled be rolling out by the end of this week / month....can't think of anything else that could hold it up...can you?

  • johnAugust 16, 2011 at 11:57 pm

    JBR: ... no........I'm in Florida..... but I believe they are nationwide...'www.AWKOLAW.COM

  • johnAugust 16, 2011 at 11:47 pm

    Its on The Garrettson Group website...I construed it to mean they are barred form collecting

  • joeAugust 16, 2011 at 2:15 pm

    John, where did you see this. I wonder if it means that anybody that have liens from Medicare is forgiven? I had always believed that the people who are still on medicare or medicaid, the system would "move on". This has happen in the past a lot, where the court rejected the claims of money owned by people who were hurt by defective drugs.

  • JohnAugust 15, 2011 at 11:17 pm

    I see the court has rejectrd the Medicare claims....maybe soooooon!

  • jbrAugust 15, 2011 at 11:02 pm

    john your attnys are they andrus hood wagstaff ???????

  • connieAugust 15, 2011 at 8:19 am

    have anyone got paid yet?

  • JohnAugust 15, 2011 at 5:11 am

    my attnys AWKO appears to have pooled w/ Advandia Litigation group who were part of the ligitants that setteled in the Phila class action suit. The judge appointed The Garretson Group to disburse the funds. The end of April 2011 papers were sent out by The Garretson Group Explaining the process. at that time reviews by Advandia were lagging. They again returned to court where the Judge ordered th[Show More]my attnys AWKO appears to have pooled w/ Advandia Litigation group who were part of the ligitants that setteled in the Phila class action suit. The judge appointed The Garretson Group to disburse the funds. The end of April 2011 papers were sent out by The Garretson Group Explaining the process. at that time reviews by Advandia were lagging. They again returned to court where the Judge ordered the process to be sped up w / a dedline. I understand this process was compleatedand disbursements are icoming LOL. also 10% of the fund is being held for adjustments to cases. Those funds are to be released proportionaly , I believe 6 months after "the checks in-the-mail "....So, to answer your question...NO...nothing is happening! Speedy REcovery !

  • ShelbyAugust 14, 2011 at 4:43 am

    I haven't received anymore information from my lawyers except to say that Garrettson Resolution Group is handing the paperwork for releases of information to Medicare and the Veterans Administration. As to whether or not they have done anything I do not know, so I felt like I was getting the run-a-round, so I emailed The Garrettson Resolution group, they said it all depended on how many had sent[Show More]I haven't received anymore information from my lawyers except to say that Garrettson Resolution Group is handing the paperwork for releases of information to Medicare and the Veterans Administration. As to whether or not they have done anything I do not know, so I felt like I was getting the run-a-round, so I emailed The Garrettson Resolution group, they said it all depended on how many had sent in their paperwork, and when they got ready to send out the amount of the awards, how many people excepted what was offered, etc., they said they would email me with any further info when they received any thing . Whether true or not I know not. Will just have to wait patiently and pray.

  • connieAugust 13, 2011 at 12:58 pm

    bill, i am sorry to hear that i hope you make it, it's a shame how these drug companies and lawyers hold out on payment, have anyone got paid yet?

  • joeAugust 12, 2011 at 3:06 pm

    Bill, also I forgot, If you remember Matina, she had posted that she received an offer settlement from her lawyer. I know she was not happy about it. If I remember correctly, she posted a list of the breakdown of the funds. Death, Heart attacks, and so on. But the thing that I notice was that she claims that the shorter time you were on avandia, the more of a settlement you get. Another words, un[Show More]Bill, also I forgot, If you remember Matina, she had posted that she received an offer settlement from her lawyer. I know she was not happy about it. If I remember correctly, she posted a list of the breakdown of the funds. Death, Heart attacks, and so on. But the thing that I notice was that she claims that the shorter time you were on avandia, the more of a settlement you get. Another words, under one year, had a heart attack, you get more money than someone who was on avandia for three years and had a heart attack. Also was mention was if complications took place after you recover, you get more "points" for more money. I have not heard from Matina for quite some time. Like I said, SHE WAS NOT HAPPY.

  • joeAugust 12, 2011 at 2:55 pm

    Good God, My prayers are for you to recover. Has I been saying in the past, no payments has gone out to anybody who settled or waiting for payment. However, a few nights ago, I went out with a few of my lawyer friends for dinner. I was very please with what I was told. Back in late March early April, if you remember, The chatter pick up. The reason for the chatter was that Gsk was for the first t[Show More]Good God, My prayers are for you to recover. Has I been saying in the past, no payments has gone out to anybody who settled or waiting for payment. However, a few nights ago, I went out with a few of my lawyer friends for dinner. I was very please with what I was told. Back in late March early April, if you remember, The chatter pick up. The reason for the chatter was that Gsk was for the first time in years started to talk seriously about settlement of the various claims. This was when apparently the judge threaten to bring Gsk to court in Sept. The other night, I was told that for the very first time, Gsk has made payment to some of the lawsuit claims going back to 2007. How why or what they don't know. They won't say because confidentially agreement amount the lawyers. So, even if they do know what, why or how, they wouldn't talk anyhow. I am taken this has good news. The reason is by the law, if Gsk has made any payment, it cannot discriminate any other groups. Another words, if Gsk stop making payments in the future, the judge has the law now it our side to "order" Gsk to finish the payments. P.S. Make sure that your doctor forward the latest incident to your lawyer to bring your medical records up to date. And listen to the doctor.

  • BillAugust 11, 2011 at 9:32 pm

    Hi Everyone. I have not been on here since early June. I used to post a lot, but had another heart attack and have been out of commission recuperating. I am getting very worn down, and I am starting to worry that I will not be around long enough to ever see a payment from GSK. If anyone has any info, please let me know. Joe, are you still around? Remember me, we posted a lot together before my las[Show More]Hi Everyone. I have not been on here since early June. I used to post a lot, but had another heart attack and have been out of commission recuperating. I am getting very worn down, and I am starting to worry that I will not be around long enough to ever see a payment from GSK. If anyone has any info, please let me know. Joe, are you still around? Remember me, we posted a lot together before my last attack. I see you posted end of July, do you have any information that may give me some help Joe?

  • SharonAugust 5, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    Hi ya'll. Talked to one of the attorneys yesterday, She said they received aMikes med. records and sent it all to the defence. What ever that means. She said they are hoping to settle at the end of this year or early next year. It sounds like what my dad called the run around. ha ha . They said mike can noy be qualified as meds caused his death must only be included on his surgery for a heart stin[Show More]Hi ya'll. Talked to one of the attorneys yesterday, She said they received aMikes med. records and sent it all to the defence. What ever that means. She said they are hoping to settle at the end of this year or early next year. It sounds like what my dad called the run around. ha ha . They said mike can noy be qualified as meds caused his death must only be included on his surgery for a heart stint. Less compunsation. I also lost evreything after Michaels death. No longer live in my home state. Moved 1000 miles away from deep south to far north/ I hope to go home some day. I did not have the money to even put a headstone for Michael. I dream about him being lost all the time. I hate to sleep. I am praying for you all.Stay srong ya"ll God Bless

  • willieAugust 4, 2011 at 8:34 pm

    well i been takin this med for 12years and doin this time iv done had 2 heart and 8stent eyes gone bad ,LEGS DONE FAILURE,KIDNEY FAILURE, I V BEEN TO HELL.

  • JacciJuly 31, 2011 at 10:18 pm

    I have read many blogs from people who have vented on loosing a love one or being disabled for the rest of there lives. They have lost income and can't pay bills. I realize this is a personal issue with almost all of you including my self, Lost my husband at 47 yr. I realized two years ago that this is not a personal matter and don't look at it that way because you are going to be disappointed [Show More]I have read many blogs from people who have vented on loosing a love one or being disabled for the rest of there lives. They have lost income and can't pay bills. I realize this is a personal issue with almost all of you including my self, Lost my husband at 47 yr. I realized two years ago that this is not a personal matter and don't look at it that way because you are going to be disappointed and no one cares, your attorney, the courts and espcially the drug company GSK. This is business for all of them and you have to understand that because to them it is the bottom line. They just don't care. My husband was making 50K a year raising 2 children. It was gone instantly. A little insurance money last 6months. Then I was on my own. My attorney didn't offer to pay the bills, nor has the drug company. I lost my home and moved the kids into an apartment. You think anyone of them really care. I don't think so at least I haven't heard from any of them. A settlement was reach over a year ago and still nothing. It's going on 5 Year since this started, that means a lose of 250,000. From what I'm reading we are looking at settlements around 45k. So the point of this blog is don't take it "Personal" Its Business.

  • joeJuly 28, 2011 at 6:28 pm

    Sharon, I am truly sorry for your lost. Did you try and get in touch with another lawyer. Please, call has many lawyers that you can, until one take the case.

  • SharonJuly 27, 2011 at 10:58 pm

    My husband died Dec. 18, 2009. He was a long time user of Avandia. He died of massive heart attack. We were married 37 years. I am so devastated by Michaels death. I am so very heart sick over the Sizemore Taylor attorneys actions. They called and said if you or loved was hurt or died from this med. and you were off this med. for more than a year you will get nothing. Even a day can cut you out. [Show More]My husband died Dec. 18, 2009. He was a long time user of Avandia. He died of massive heart attack. We were married 37 years. I am so devastated by Michaels death. I am so very heart sick over the Sizemore Taylor attorneys actions. They called and said if you or loved was hurt or died from this med. and you were off this med. for more than a year you will get nothing. Even a day can cut you out. Not good.They are playing God with your heartache. I pray for that group of people all the time. That they will do the right thing for all of us.

  • hughJuly 27, 2011 at 1:32 pm

    i had heart attack in 07 from avandia,my attorney is in ny city.gsk agreed to settle for about 40 million,to 540 clients in nov 2010. not heard a word since.or will they give any info.any one else have attorneys from ny?

  • joeJuly 24, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    Charles, thank you. For a long time i have been trying to let people here know the "evils" of the business world. This is what causes the gov't of the world to be corrupt. Business tells gov't what to do, not gov't tells business. Thanks. Maybe people will understand why no business "does the right thing". If it won't make money, it won't do nothing.

  • JacciJuly 22, 2011 at 10:40 pm

    I heard today from my attorney that offer letters will start going out the 1st week of August. We've heard this before.

  • FrankJuly 21, 2011 at 6:01 pm

    Has anyone gotten any offer of settlement yet?

  • CharlesJuly 15, 2011 at 8:19 pm

    Hi...I used to work for GSK & I took Avandia...then...I started to have heart problems...I was admitted to the ER with chest urgent problems at the time were resolved with a stent...since...I've had a second stent & several other heart related issues...I wasn't a doctor was using Avandia because I had "Metabolic Syndrome" & to improve my triglyceride profile...[Show More]Hi...I used to work for GSK & I took Avandia...then...I started to have heart problems...I was admitted to the ER with chest urgent problems at the time were resolved with a stent...since...I've had a second stent & several other heart related issues...I wasn't a doctor was using Avandia because I had "Metabolic Syndrome" & to improve my triglyceride profile...certainly not a candidate for a heart attack...97% stenosis at the time I was admitted... the same time I was selling a product called "Advair" for was brought to my attention by one of my specialists that GSK was knowingly putting Asthma Patients at greater risk of dying from their asthma for profitability can be proven through the" Swissa" & the "SMART Studies"...I called this in to my management team's attention...almost to the top of GSK fact...I became convinced and very persistent/zealous about the fact that they were doing this manager...who was the CEO's son admitted it to me that was the time...I was the #1 ranked representative in the Western US...meaning I was the #1 ranked representative in the Global Market and always in the top 10% while at GSK...when they eventually fired me... However...before that ever happened...the previous CEO's son became my manager & my two counterparts were management in training representatives who would step on the back of anyone's head to get ahead...the rest of my life became miserable from that point on...they did everything they could to find something they could to get rid of me over...they finally actually did things to make my job impossible to were auditing my every was miserable... In fact...the companies Security Department is run by ex FBI agents...ever see the movie "Michael Clayton"...I began to feel like "Tom Wilkinson's" character in that movie...from bugged phones to people following me around...Advair is GSK's flagship drug 6-8 billion dollar a year drug...people die for less...anyway...that industry is attracts intelligent individuals from two categories ...either humanitarian...or...very Capitalistic/greedy in nature and that would do anything to get ahead...and...those are the one's who are promoted into management positions...truly... About the FDA...the Pharmaceutical industry formed an organization called "PHAMRA" was said by management that it was organized to regulate the ethics of this industry so the government wouldn't step in..."PHARMA" is really the Political Action Committee for the pharmaceutical industry guised as an ethics regulating organization...however...they do use it to get rid of representatives who they want to get rid's like does nothing to regulate the true ethics of this industry..."just smoke & mirrors"...the reason I mention the head of the FDA is going to run "PHARMA" after they off or what...I tried to bring a Qui-Tam lawsuit against GSK...but...they got off with just another technicality regarding the dosing of Advair vs. diagnosing the severity of the disease...crazy man... Anyway...the point is...large corporations & shareholder wealth have become more important than the individual rights of's because our political leadership has been elected by these powerful corporations or they have some conflict of interest because of a nation...we have painted ourselves into a corner in this country because of it in every major category of big business...from pharmaceuticals to...banking...oil...utilities... insurance companies...telecommunications...companies like Halliburton & the auto industry...the leaders of these corporations have a strangle hold on our fact...often our political leaders are also the leaders of these same corporations...this needs to's compromising the thoughts of "Liberty & Justice for All"...and thus...hope for this country what it represents and humanity in the end... I think the answer lies in making it a treasonous act for politicians to benefit privately from their political decisions...punishable by death...things like starting a war in Iraq so one's own interests in oil and the rebuilding of that country with our Vice Presidents company Halliburton profiting from it..."the bailout"...(started by George Bush Jr. by the way) was them taking money from the middle class...we suffer because of their poor decisions and putting the burden on all of are threatening to take our Social Security away...we paid into this our entire lives & now they would rather default on us than take away from their vast abundance...I say we are due for a peaceful revolution in this country...then...if that doesn't work...take it a step further...for what it's

  • MarieJuly 15, 2011 at 8:42 am

    Talked with my attorney office they stated that award letters should be going out to those people who have been accepted by the defense team and all paperwork done, then several weeks after that the rest will get their award letters, the 90% has been met. So from my estimate I should be getting an award letter some time this month. Cross your fingers!!

  • MelisaJuly 14, 2011 at 7:10 pm

    I know what some of you are going through. I too have lost my husband to a heart attack i woke up to find him gone laying right beside me. You never forget it. No amount of money will bring him back, this is true but money being as so hard to come by and my husband being disabled it would have been very helpful to us and my husband started the case before he died. He died on Feb. 8 2010. I think t[Show More]I know what some of you are going through. I too have lost my husband to a heart attack i woke up to find him gone laying right beside me. You never forget it. No amount of money will bring him back, this is true but money being as so hard to come by and my husband being disabled it would have been very helpful to us and my husband started the case before he died. He died on Feb. 8 2010. I think this has been in the lawyers hands about 3 years now they told me today that they are in the courtroom trying to get the packets sent out to those who have waited so long and have given all the info they need There are so many they are finding that did not report deaths and so it is making things more difficult but is not fair to others who did report and so they are trying to get them to produce these packets still no word on the amount awarded for a wrongful death and again it can not make up for the loss of a loved one I dont know it all seems so unreal he was only 49 and we would have been married 25 years on April 13 2010. So sad, but maybe if they are forced to be fair in this it will feel like he did get something out of all of this he was very excited about this lawsuit that we might get out of debt and get a car, and so for his sake i hope it goes through and receive enough that it would have made him happy. I will say a pray for all of you that are going through this God is my refuge and without him I could not have been as strong as I have for my family. So I wish all of you the satifaction you feel you deserve.

  • jbrJuly 13, 2011 at 2:34 pm

    is anyone with andrus hood and wagstaff law firm

  • connieJuly 12, 2011 at 11:55 pm

    did anyone get a settlement yet?

  • RandyJuly 12, 2011 at 9:07 pm

    Joe , my lawyers are fox mulligan in Dallas , Texas . That is what my lawyers said did happened. I am trying to find another of their clients to see if they can confirm this .I dont want to give false statements or give false hope .It makes me mad when morons get on here and tell lies and get peoples hopes up . To me this is no joking matter , I almost died and so have others. God Bless You All

  • BillJuly 12, 2011 at 4:07 pm

    We really cant help you here John, this is an Avandia forum, not an Avodart forum

  • johnJuly 12, 2011 at 7:39 am

    Since I started taking Avodart, I have experienced all the side effects listed in July 2011. Except one which i have no idea what it is. But ED, impotency,lack of seminal fluid, Now diagnosed with high growth cancer of prostate.Have paperwork from NY law firm asking I allow them to represent me in class action lawsuit.Question... would it benefit me to hire a local attorney and have them refer my [Show More]Since I started taking Avodart, I have experienced all the side effects listed in July 2011. Except one which i have no idea what it is. But ED, impotency,lack of seminal fluid, Now diagnosed with high growth cancer of prostate.Have paperwork from NY law firm asking I allow them to represent me in class action lawsuit.Question... would it benefit me to hire a local attorney and have them refer my case to this NY firm. Could I expect more attention to my potential case, or is that an unnecessary step.????

  • joeJuly 11, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    Randy, who is your representatives. Are you sure this is what was said or what the lawyer says what might happen. Please let us know. This is very important. Maybe we can organize and help bring this to the court. A lot of people are not happy or not even close to be resolved.

  • RandyJuly 10, 2011 at 7:40 pm

    I talked to my lawyers last week they told me they just had a meeting in a california court with gsk . The judge told gsk either.settle their claims or be ready to go to court in november. My lawyers also have cases in pennsylvania they said the judge there said the same .

  • JeanetteJuly 9, 2011 at 5:16 pm

    My husband has congestive heart failure, he was a 246lb man at 6"4. he is barely 210 because of congestive heart failure. I have been waiting two years for a settlement with an out of state attorney, no word everytime I call I hear, "We are still working on this. I know some cases has been settled. I wish after attorney fees to get $86,000. I know the amount of money my hiusband lost is worth mor[Show More]My husband has congestive heart failure, he was a 246lb man at 6"4. he is barely 210 because of congestive heart failure. I have been waiting two years for a settlement with an out of state attorney, no word everytime I call I hear, "We are still working on this. I know some cases has been settled. I wish after attorney fees to get $86,000. I know the amount of money my hiusband lost is worth more than that amount. I know he could have made more, but anything is worth the length of time we waited.

  • joeJuly 9, 2011 at 12:01 pm

    P.S., Sam the possibility is very real that Judge Rufu might make it court ordered GSK settlement offer real. Based on infor that I gotten. That is why all of a sudden letters are going out. The judge does not want the court tied up knowing that by law, nothing has been proven has of July 9. Gsk has been accused of cover up. No proof has been presented of the cover up. Sam, I am not trying to side[Show More]P.S., Sam the possibility is very real that Judge Rufu might make it court ordered GSK settlement offer real. Based on infor that I gotten. That is why all of a sudden letters are going out. The judge does not want the court tied up knowing that by law, nothing has been proven has of July 9. Gsk has been accused of cover up. No proof has been presented of the cover up. Sam, I am not trying to side with Gsk. I too am a victim. But the bottom line logic and the law wins. Ex: if I claim that you owe me 1000.00 dollars, are you just going to pay me the money, or are you going to tell me You have know proof that you owe that kind of money. Without proof, there is no case. Just like the women in florida who was found not gulity of killing her child. Most people believed she did it, but by law, it was not proving.

  • joeJuly 8, 2011 at 4:21 pm

    Again, Your information is incorrect. Yes, no court found the vioxx guilty, but the company, Merck & co, did confirmed the results that the drug did indeed increase heart problems. With this acknowlegement, Merck had no choice to pay, court order or not. GSK has not admit any wrong doing when it comes to Avandia. When you talk about me signing the "Propose Letter of Offer" It was awhile before[Show More]Again, Your information is incorrect. Yes, no court found the vioxx guilty, but the company, Merck & co, did confirmed the results that the drug did indeed increase heart problems. With this acknowlegement, Merck had no choice to pay, court order or not. GSK has not admit any wrong doing when it comes to Avandia. When you talk about me signing the "Propose Letter of Offer" It was awhile before signed it. But my "lawyer" informed me that in order to received an offer and then if I did not accept it, I still must sign the "Propose Letter Offer". How can I refuse the offer, If I never received an offer yet. Again, Sam your reading what you want to read. Please Sam, think before you say something. Has I said before, and continue to say again, the law will aways win.

  • JoeJune 29, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    Terry, That is a very rare thing that the doctor is doing. Confirming that the avandia created all of your medical problem. I hope that you have already file suit with a malpractice lawyer. Make sure that all the copies of your medical history gets sent to the lawyer so that they can forward the infor to the courts. Also make sure you have copies of your medical history also. This will confirm tha[Show More]Terry, That is a very rare thing that the doctor is doing. Confirming that the avandia created all of your medical problem. I hope that you have already file suit with a malpractice lawyer. Make sure that all the copies of your medical history gets sent to the lawyer so that they can forward the infor to the courts. Also make sure you have copies of your medical history also. This will confirm that what the doctor said you have confirmation of the statement by the doctor. Best of luck.

  • TerryJune 29, 2011 at 1:42 am

    My mom is suing GSK because she took avandia and she had a heart attack and now is permanently disabled. She has a pace maker and take 23 pills a day I think the company is going to settle with my mom because she did not have any problems until she was taking avandia. Her doctor said she will confirm that avandia was the reason why she has heart problems.

  • samJune 28, 2011 at 4:07 pm

    I have read all of the posts here Joe. You started out telling everyone not to take a settlement unless it was court ordered. You said that GSK was going to pay big, just like Vioxx did, which by the way, the makers of Vioxx were never found guilty either, but still payed big. So after following all of your comments telling people not to accept an offer unless it is court ordered, I follow you ove[Show More]I have read all of the posts here Joe. You started out telling everyone not to take a settlement unless it was court ordered. You said that GSK was going to pay big, just like Vioxx did, which by the way, the makers of Vioxx were never found guilty either, but still payed big. So after following all of your comments telling people not to accept an offer unless it is court ordered, I follow you over to another message board listed above ( your june 2 comment there, and low and behold, you have signed and returned your paperwork for an out of court settlement agreement. Doing that after weeks and weeks of telling everyone else here not to settle unless the judge orders it.

  • joeJune 27, 2011 at 7:22 pm

    Sam, you were very quick to pull the trigger calling me a Gsk lawyer trolling there bull sh-t. When I kept on trying to explain to you the law, and told you that you were wrong with your statement about the FDA, you disappear. I can only guess that you realize what I was saying. I know a lot of people don't like to hear the truth, Rumor only hurt other people who have no one to help or explain. So[Show More]Sam, you were very quick to pull the trigger calling me a Gsk lawyer trolling there bull sh-t. When I kept on trying to explain to you the law, and told you that you were wrong with your statement about the FDA, you disappear. I can only guess that you realize what I was saying. I know a lot of people don't like to hear the truth, Rumor only hurt other people who have no one to help or explain. Some one said something that is half true or not true they believe what was said on this posting. Even Glenn who has been trying to catch me in a lie, can't back up his statement. Gsk has not been found guilty of anything on the avandia. It has been accused, but no court of law found them guilty.

  • joeJune 23, 2011 at 3:36 pm

    Randy, Some settlement are being made. By this, I mean offer of settlement letter being sent out. This does not mean a settlement. In these letter it explains what is part of the offer. If Gsk feel that more than 90% of the total group accept it can move forward. If less than 90% refuse, Gsk has the right to drop the whole offer to all the people in the group. During all this , Gsk has the right [Show More]Randy, Some settlement are being made. By this, I mean offer of settlement letter being sent out. This does not mean a settlement. In these letter it explains what is part of the offer. If Gsk feel that more than 90% of the total group accept it can move forward. If less than 90% refuse, Gsk has the right to drop the whole offer to all the people in the group. During all this , Gsk has the right to stop the settlement before any payment can go out. In order to understand what is going on, you must understand the law. As of now, Gsk is not guilty of anything on the avandia. No court order has never been given to make Gsk pay anything. This is the most important thing to understand. No matter what people think on what is the right thing to do, by law, Gsk is not guilty"yet". That why most people still think, "HE SAID, SHE SAID" and people believed it. Read Sam june 18th posting, and than read my june 22nd posting. This is what I mean by "he said, She said"

  • joeJune 23, 2011 at 3:17 pm

    Melvin, a lot of claims that the lawyers accepted are border line claims that Gsk, from their medical point of view, are not legal claims, or have file claims recently, which Gsk is saying it was past the "deadline". From what I know of, no claim date has been posted, unless there is a verbal agreement of a date deadline.

  • RandyJune 23, 2011 at 7:00 am

    Is there anyone who actually knows anything, one says this while another says that , I myself have all but lost my life because of some greedy, lowlife corporate money whores who put profit above people .all I want is what I deserve . So please someone post the truth here , and stop the finger pointing and arguing just tell the truth as it actually is . For some of us this is how we get avandia ne[Show More]Is there anyone who actually knows anything, one says this while another says that , I myself have all but lost my life because of some greedy, lowlife corporate money whores who put profit above people .all I want is what I deserve . So please someone post the truth here , and stop the finger pointing and arguing just tell the truth as it actually is . For some of us this is how we get avandia news . Thank you for your time .

  • MelvinJune 22, 2011 at 8:28 pm

    I got an email today and I was told that the Attorneys are still batteling through negotiationswith GSK to get claimants qualified for the settlements . Until this process is complete no offer letters will be sent out.

  • joeJune 22, 2011 at 4:46 pm

    Sam, if you trying to understand what I have been saying, let me put it in straight talk. Your statement of June 18, the first sentence is wrong. FDA did not find GSK guilty of any thing. The FDA is not part of any court system. It is a dept within the federal gov't. Only a court of law can find anybody guilty. FDA stand for Federal drug agency. If you can find a court in the fda, you will be th[Show More]Sam, if you trying to understand what I have been saying, let me put it in straight talk. Your statement of June 18, the first sentence is wrong. FDA did not find GSK guilty of any thing. The FDA is not part of any court system. It is a dept within the federal gov't. Only a court of law can find anybody guilty. FDA stand for Federal drug agency. If you can find a court in the fda, you will be the only one to do so. If you go back and read on what was really say between the fda and gsk, you will find that an agreement that gsk will only sell the drug to people who sign a form with the understanding with the "belief" that some people say that the drug causes Heart attack. This is and has been the biggest problem and why you have people always listening to "he said, she said." Bottom line, Gsk has not been found guilty in any court of law "yet", when it come to avandia. Now think about what I keep on saying. The law will always win. Not what is right.

  • joeJune 21, 2011 at 5:52 pm

    Now that you are trying to figure what I am trying to say, Sam, Think about this. With corruption and greed, there is also a PR system that businesses show to get you to think that they are compassionate and understanding. This is what we must attack. Gsk does not want a large public out cry. The just news report, people must act. If people sit back and don't question, business just continues on.

  • joeJune 21, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    Sam, ha ha ha! Sam by that statement, you really don't understand what I said. And Glenn, your wrong, I don't know everything, but I still at my age, am not a shame to research and find out instead of listening to people saying things that they have no idea what some of them are saying. It is almost always he said, she said. Has I said the law will always win out, No matter the reason, the law al[Show More]Sam, ha ha ha! Sam by that statement, you really don't understand what I said. And Glenn, your wrong, I don't know everything, but I still at my age, am not a shame to research and find out instead of listening to people saying things that they have no idea what some of them are saying. It is almost always he said, she said. Has I said the law will always win out, No matter the reason, the law always win out is because the people always forget what happen last week and the "business people" make big bucks on that alone. The current president campaign that he will stop american troops from going over seas, promise to tax evenly, correct the economic situation in the country. He has done nothing. Why, the powers that be stop him. Money and Lobbying is the name of the game. People have no clue the evil of business. This why nothing get done. Wait, I am sorry, he did do something. He got Bin Ladin. Why, Bin Ladin was interferring with the "power" to make money. Also, read Lynn's posting of June 20. If that can't help you try to understand what is really going on, than nothing will.

  • LynnJune 20, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    I read that Humama Medicare Advatages' Lawuit was kicked out of court. That should be the last hurdle. Today I called the attorney's off and she said that the defense is looking at files to determine payment. Somethings not right. Why would they offer the 109 million and then look at client files. Instead of Mid-summer as this lawyer claimed now they're saying September. Every month they add a mon[Show More]I read that Humama Medicare Advatages' Lawuit was kicked out of court. That should be the last hurdle. Today I called the attorney's off and she said that the defense is looking at files to determine payment. Somethings not right. Why would they offer the 109 million and then look at client files. Instead of Mid-summer as this lawyer claimed now they're saying September. Every month they add a month. this will never be settled

  • samJune 20, 2011 at 8:43 pm

    Joe, if what you just wrote is what you believe. Going back and reading your old posts, why were you telling people to hold out for as much as they could, when you obviously knew they were going to settle for peanuts. I think you talk just to hear yourself, and anyone who takes your advice is crazy

  • GlennJune 20, 2011 at 8:26 pm

    Sam Take it from me Joe knows everthing Just ask him he'll tell you.

  • joeJune 20, 2011 at 3:59 pm

    Sam, If you want to believed that you have every right to say and think of what you want to think. If you read what Tom wrote, on June 5, Been there and done that. I retired, will just say, from "corporate america". The law no matter what, will always have the final say. Not what is the right thing to do. What the law say. Sam, I think your old enough to understand this. Nothing will get done [Show More]Sam, If you want to believed that you have every right to say and think of what you want to think. If you read what Tom wrote, on June 5, Been there and done that. I retired, will just say, from "corporate america". The law no matter what, will always have the final say. Not what is the right thing to do. What the law say. Sam, I think your old enough to understand this. Nothing will get done unless somebody pockets is line with "green". They are many drug in Canada, Europe that are being used by people and helping the people from sickness. In this country, a lot of these drugs are ban and cannot be use. WHY? Come on Sam. Think logic, not emotional. This why people don't understand what is really going on. You think you do, But if you could only imagine how corrupt the world system really is. This is about, Business tells government what to do, not government tells business what to do. This why we are in the middle east, protecting the business of producing oil, not in the name of freedom. Name of the game is "MONEY". "LOBBYING"

  • samJune 18, 2011 at 8:48 pm

    Joe..........The FDA in this country found them guilty by severely restricting their product.. The equivalent to the FDA in many other countries found them guilty by removing their product altogether. Joe, you sound like a GSK lawyer trolling this forum trying to make them look good

  • joeJune 17, 2011 at 4:15 pm

    Bill, I understand your anger, but the judge only went by the law. Nobody prove anything in a court of law that Gsk knew, or coverup or anything else for that matters. Trust me, do I believed that Gsk did these things. I sure do. But in a court of law what you or I think and for the rest of the gsk victims think does not matter. Remember, innocent until proven quilty. This has not happen.

  • BillJune 17, 2011 at 3:55 am

    The lawyers are making out pretty well no matter what, so you know they did not do much negotiating. The judge did a huge injustice to all letting this settle in groups, instead of all together as one. She should be ashamed of the huge injustice to all. I truly believed that justice would be served, and people would at least make out as well as the Vioxx claimants did, but people will be lucky if[Show More]The lawyers are making out pretty well no matter what, so you know they did not do much negotiating. The judge did a huge injustice to all letting this settle in groups, instead of all together as one. She should be ashamed of the huge injustice to all. I truly believed that justice would be served, and people would at least make out as well as the Vioxx claimants did, but people will be lucky if they get 10% of what the Vioxx people did. The way it is set up, most will not even get as much as reported in the article above this blog, not even close

  • QueenyJune 16, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    I received my settlement papers in December 2010 and have not heard or received my award letter. i filed in 2007. It is taking too long. I’ve had to take a lawsuit loan just to make ends meet. My attorney said we would get the award letters in June and now they’re saying three more months. What is going on?

  • joeJune 16, 2011 at 2:29 pm

    LaGina, You must not be intimidated by the lawyer. You must call and start asking questions. If the representive who answer the phone acts like you are a "bother" To bad for them. it is your law suit, not their. Let them know that you want to know what going on. Tell them that during all this time, not once did you received any up date. Tell them You are not happy with the services that they are p[Show More]LaGina, You must not be intimidated by the lawyer. You must call and start asking questions. If the representive who answer the phone acts like you are a "bother" To bad for them. it is your law suit, not their. Let them know that you want to know what going on. Tell them that during all this time, not once did you received any up date. Tell them You are not happy with the services that they are providing. Remember, IT IS YOUR LAW SUIT NOT THEIRS.

  • joeJune 16, 2011 at 2:21 pm

    Bob, you must go back to the hospital or to the doctor who took over the practice and get your medical records. By law they must give it to you. Let them know it is the law. They can charge you for the copies, pay it. Make sure you have all the records. You must try to remember every little detail that happen to. When you get the records if you don't have a lawyer get one. Make sure the lawyer is[Show More]Bob, you must go back to the hospital or to the doctor who took over the practice and get your medical records. By law they must give it to you. Let them know it is the law. They can charge you for the copies, pay it. Make sure you have all the records. You must try to remember every little detail that happen to. When you get the records if you don't have a lawyer get one. Make sure the lawyer is a "malpractice" lawyer and not a civil or traffic or any other kind. "Malpractice." Try to get this done asap. Gsk is trying to settle and are trying to put a time limit of when you can't file anymore. Nobody can get the copies for you. you must go yourself with proof of who you are. Drive, run, crawl, I don't care, get the copies. Good luck.

  • joeJune 15, 2011 at 1:04 pm

    The "law firm" that I have has informed me late yesterday that they should be sending the "group files" out hopefully by the end of the month or very early July. The return of the "letters" was quicker than they thought. I ask if she can tell me what was the ratio of accepting against rejecting the offer, she was not allow to give that information out. She did say that so far The settlement offer [Show More]The "law firm" that I have has informed me late yesterday that they should be sending the "group files" out hopefully by the end of the month or very early July. The return of the "letters" was quicker than they thought. I ask if she can tell me what was the ratio of accepting against rejecting the offer, she was not allow to give that information out. She did say that so far The settlement offer for this "group" is moving forward. Gsk has not not made any statement to them about the offer. Base by what she said, I am guessing that nothing so far has change.

  • BobJune 15, 2011 at 4:55 am

    I sure wish some qualified person ior persons would weed this column so folks could get at the meat and potatoes without wasting time on nice but unnecessry information. Maybe some long winded times like me chould be edited down to the essenials. Bob, AB, MLs, MBA

  • BobJune 15, 2011 at 4:42 am

    Those reading my commet about may wish to to know that the referrring hospital has records showing that I need and had the quadruple bypass, and the health benedit plan Antheum knows what medicine they paid for, i think it was via MedCo. My MD at the time is deceased. Three years ago I had a defibrulatot implantedl so far from my cardiac electrician seem quite satisfied with no immediate change [Show More]Those reading my commet about may wish to to know that the referrring hospital has records showing that I need and had the quadruple bypass, and the health benedit plan Antheum knows what medicine they paid for, i think it was via MedCo. My MD at the time is deceased. Three years ago I had a defibrulatot implantedl so far from my cardiac electrician seem quite satisfied with no immediate change eminent, but the caricic plumber says the ticker is running at 2 5 % efficiency. i also havr COPD with OX at LPM. MD epects the ticker to eventually do me in, not the diabletes or COPD. Sure was glad it won't be COPD; that can be pretty tough, I understand. I am in VA,w hile my lawyes are in PA & Ca and maybe NJ. Hope this helps somebody else; Bob

  • BobJune 15, 2011 at 3:57 am

    Have Type II Diabetes, Physician at the time is dead. Quadruple Bypass performed at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, in 2001, by referral from Fauquier County Hospital, Warrenton, VA, which now has all hte records. Had Antheum Federal Health Insurance plan (US Civil Service) from 1998 through 2003. Had a senond heart attach on June 5, 2011, which put me into ICU at Fauquier Hopsp[Show More]Have Type II Diabetes, Physician at the time is dead. Quadruple Bypass performed at Mary Washington Hospital in Fredericksburg, VA, in 2001, by referral from Fauquier County Hospital, Warrenton, VA, which now has all hte records. Had Antheum Federal Health Insurance plan (US Civil Service) from 1998 through 2003. Had a senond heart attach on June 5, 2011, which put me into ICU at Fauquier Hopspital. Hope this information helps somebody else. What's next?

  • MelvinJune 14, 2011 at 4:33 pm

    It is a shame that we the ones that have suffered the most have to wait to be compensated. GSK have made billions of dollars now they want to give us some change after our lives have been changed for the worse. I was 36 years old when I suffered a stroke and CHF. I have lost my vission in my left eye, and have had two bypass surgeries on my left leg. Two stents placed in my heart. Had to stop work[Show More]It is a shame that we the ones that have suffered the most have to wait to be compensated. GSK have made billions of dollars now they want to give us some change after our lives have been changed for the worse. I was 36 years old when I suffered a stroke and CHF. I have lost my vission in my left eye, and have had two bypass surgeries on my left leg. Two stents placed in my heart. Had to stop working at 38 years old and will be on disability for the rest of my life. So how do they compensate me for all the years I will not be able to earn the money I would have if not for avandia. My heart goes out to those who lost loved ones, but as a husband and father there is so many things I can't do with my family that it haunts me. The justice system needs to be fixed so this won't happen to others in the future.

  • LeGinaJune 13, 2011 at 11:43 pm

    I lost my daddy 5 yrs ago!and still waiting!!!!! But then I tell everyone it doesn't matter what we get Lawyers will take it ALL, what little there is. I don't care about the money but my mom is dealing with alot and her health is going andshe is busting her ass trying to survive at 60. Even worse our lawyers won't contact us!!!!!!!

  • joeJune 7, 2011 at 2:13 pm

    Tom, Thank you for your comment. Has you mention by reading all of the past posting, I have been trying to let the people know that nothing has been resolved. Most people have no understanding of how the real business world works. You make a buck screwing somebody. Save a buck by screwing somebody. Most people don't see the inside of "corporate america". People believe everything they read on the [Show More]Tom, Thank you for your comment. Has you mention by reading all of the past posting, I have been trying to let the people know that nothing has been resolved. Most people have no understanding of how the real business world works. You make a buck screwing somebody. Save a buck by screwing somebody. Most people don't see the inside of "corporate america". People believe everything they read on the internet, papers, cable news. Most people again don't understand when you read, hear, "according to source" is nothing more than he said, she heard etc,etc. "According to sources" is not a fact, but most people see it has a fact, instead of rumor.

  • joeJune 7, 2011 at 10:55 am

    Jesse, this really doesn't mean anything. All it is that the state is sueing to collect the money lost that the state paid it state workers, it medicad, etc. It could help in that if the state brings in people to show the result of lab test.

  • TomJune 5, 2011 at 5:25 pm

    This blog makes for a very interesting read and provides both hope and discouragement. It is my opinion that readers should take into account that much of the information is derived from data that is published for the general public to view. So far, to my knowledge none of the contributors have actually sat in on a hearing or meeting. Over the years there have been many settlements published but I[Show More]This blog makes for a very interesting read and provides both hope and discouragement. It is my opinion that readers should take into account that much of the information is derived from data that is published for the general public to view. So far, to my knowledge none of the contributors have actually sat in on a hearing or meeting. Over the years there have been many settlements published but I have never seen " yes we did receive our check for payment ". Joe who appears to very active researching this subject or anyone else for that matter please correct me if I made the wrong assumption.

  • joeJune 3, 2011 at 6:11 pm

    Josh, first let say how sorry I am to hear about your mother. It is always hard to try to understand "MOM" is no longer around to help you, guide you, and smack you in the back of the head when you do something stupid. You never ready accept what happen, but you do learn to live with it. The question you ask is not 'dumb". There are no such thing has dumb questions, but there is such a thing has [Show More]Josh, first let say how sorry I am to hear about your mother. It is always hard to try to understand "MOM" is no longer around to help you, guide you, and smack you in the back of the head when you do something stupid. You never ready accept what happen, but you do learn to live with it. The question you ask is not 'dumb". There are no such thing has dumb questions, but there is such a thing has being dumb for not asking questions. I know that most people just think because there is death is concern, it is automatic that the settlement would be more. The problem with that is that there really is no answer to that. It varies from case to case. What was her physical condition before death. Was she healthy. Did it happen suddenly. These are some of the questions that will be use to try to place, I am sorry to say this, value. There is a point system that is being used that has questions like this and more. That is how it is determined. It is about 12 - 15 questions.

  • JesseJune 3, 2011 at 5:28 pm

    sms, it seems the state of Louisiana has filed its own lawsuit.

  • JoeJune 3, 2011 at 3:53 pm

    SMS, Anybody who is still taking avandia is doing so at their own risk. My sister who has been taking avandia, believes that this drug is the greatest thing that happen since insulin. She has been taking it for the last 9-10 years. Yes, she sign off on it each time a prescription is giving. I told her many times she nuts. Also, guess what, she had a heart attack. She does not believe that the d[Show More]SMS, Anybody who is still taking avandia is doing so at their own risk. My sister who has been taking avandia, believes that this drug is the greatest thing that happen since insulin. She has been taking it for the last 9-10 years. Yes, she sign off on it each time a prescription is giving. I told her many times she nuts. Also, guess what, she had a heart attack. She does not believe that the drug help cause her attack. I mean, go figure. She think I am trying to "Rip off the system". There are many people out there who think how she does.

  • JoeJune 3, 2011 at 3:22 pm

    Glenn, all said was March. About 3 lines. If you want to play guessing game of what you said or give me a date posting you made. The medicare comment is one of the many stupid statements that you made.

  • smsJune 3, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    they are still trolling for avandia users on tv here in louisiana

  • JoshJune 3, 2011 at 8:52 am

    Joe, I lost my mother in 2008, and she was on Avandia for over 7 years. I've been told several times, that Avandia helped "spped up her death" and obviously contributed to it. Pardon me if i sound dumb here, but will people who have lost a loved one to death, get more $$$ than say a person who's still living? Again, dumb question Im sure, just curious how they're basing these payouts. Ive also rea[Show More]Joe, I lost my mother in 2008, and she was on Avandia for over 7 years. I've been told several times, that Avandia helped "spped up her death" and obviously contributed to it. Pardon me if i sound dumb here, but will people who have lost a loved one to death, get more $$$ than say a person who's still living? Again, dumb question Im sure, just curious how they're basing these payouts. Ive also read in several places, that the payouts are "on avg $45,000-$85,000" per client. is that for someone who has say, taken the drug for a shirt time, and doesnt have many health issues, as opposed to someone like my deceased mother? Also, My attny, seems like a good dude, but very vague on info. I keep hearing how all these cases will be settled by the end of the 2011 year, but, now, have been hearing that cases could still not be settled for another year? Im confused what to think/believe. Joe, thanks for your great info.

  • GlennMay 31, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    Joe who said any thing about medicare??? you were telling everyone how the funds were split up All I said was I said all that 3 months ago. Wow talk about only hearing what u want to hear.

  • smsMay 28, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    Yes there are lawyers that will take your case now if you turn down the settlement. But if you need the money go for it. You could win are lose if you turn it down. I think we might get more since they pull avandia off market but some people will be able to get avandia it's up to thier doctors and them. Then in some other drugs lawsuit cases acept a low lawsuit talk to the judge in their case and [Show More]Yes there are lawyers that will take your case now if you turn down the settlement. But if you need the money go for it. You could win are lose if you turn it down. I think we might get more since they pull avandia off market but some people will be able to get avandia it's up to thier doctors and them. Then in some other drugs lawsuit cases acept a low lawsuit talk to the judge in their case and was able to get more money....

  • joeMay 28, 2011 at 3:04 pm

    Bill, I understand what you are saying, but the "cold" fact is that the drug still has not been proven to cause any of the death or any health problems in a court of law. This is why the MDL did about face turn. The Penn Court decided that since this not been proven, it did not want to tie up the court system for "many" years debating if it did or didn't cause death or health problems. It seem t[Show More]Bill, I understand what you are saying, but the "cold" fact is that the drug still has not been proven to cause any of the death or any health problems in a court of law. This is why the MDL did about face turn. The Penn Court decided that since this not been proven, it did not want to tie up the court system for "many" years debating if it did or didn't cause death or health problems. It seem that the "experts" can't agree with it's finding. One side saying it increase health problems, the other side saying that having diabetic, health problems do increase. What am trying to say without hurting some people here, that death case will only get a few percentage more than a person who had a heart attack or stroke. The pay out is still base on a point system.

  • joeMay 27, 2011 at 2:09 pm

    Glenn, here we go again. Go and research on what the medicare liens are. No settlement in the past did medicare rec'd payment on this type of a settlement. Not saying the law is not there. The law is there, but medicare will only request payment if the settlement has reach a certain amount of money in which the client will profit greatly from the lawsuit. It is a game that must be played by the [Show More]Glenn, here we go again. Go and research on what the medicare liens are. No settlement in the past did medicare rec'd payment on this type of a settlement. Not saying the law is not there. The law is there, but medicare will only request payment if the settlement has reach a certain amount of money in which the client will profit greatly from the lawsuit. It is a game that must be played by the lawyers to protect themselves. Example: A family sue a hospital for malpractice on the wrongful death of a family member, who is on medicare. Now, medicare is owed 65,000.00 from the hospital stay of the person who died. The lawsuit is won by the family of wrongful death and the court award them of 800,000.00. The law states that the lawyer has to get in touch, not the client, the lawyer, with medicare. For this kind of money, yes, medicare will request payment. For the lawsuit that we are talking is, by law , the same, but different. Now let just say that your on medicare, and your bill that you owe is 25000.00. Your settlement is 60,000.00. by the time your lawyer take his share, you get 37000.00 in you pocket. Now, if you owe medicare 25000.00, they will more than likely not request payment. The reason being is that the family that has a death and that person is no longer on medicare, it does have to worry about future medical claim and therefore will want payment, because of the amount of money won. But with you, you remain on medicare and will continue to have future medical bills that medicare take care of, you will need the money to help pay for the bill. Now here the game. Medicare looks like they are compassionate to have you believe that the lein is forgiven, but it is not. In future medical bills, medicare will inform you to make payments of the 20% that medicare does not pay with the money you rec'd from the settlement immediately. That is why the lawyer inform medicare the amount of the settlement against the liens. They'll keep a record. This goes on all the time. It varies "greatly" from case to case. It also depends on you "earn" and "unearn" income. If you don't know the different between the two, look that up also. And has far has you think that maybe I am suddenly "on the ball". I have always been telling people to careful, research, ask questions, use logic. During all this time you, gary and some other folks on here was always telling me to shut up. Glenn, you are classic case of a person who will remember what he wants to remember, hears what he want to hear, and not what was said, and read what he want to read and not what you "red". Now don't forget to come back in another month to see how much "trouble" you can cause again.

  • RandyMay 27, 2011 at 4:06 am

    The case I am talking about was supposed to start after the buford case. I can't find it anywhere.

  • RandyMay 27, 2011 at 3:48 am

    What happened to the 2nd case that was to start march 28 2011 I haven't seen anything about it.does anyone know when california state courts are supposed to start hearing avandia cases

  • BillMay 25, 2011 at 9:35 pm

    If there are any deaths in your group, all that will be left for the rest is enough to buy a nice dinner, and a movie. What a waste of time

  • glennMay 25, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    Joe you are sure on the ball I said all that back in March in 3 Lines

  • joeMay 25, 2011 at 8:16 pm

    Joan, GSK has been calling the shot for a long time. The reason is that, has it said in my letter from my lawyer, nobody has proven nothing in a court of law that avandia cause the medical problem. My lawyer inform me that there are many test that says avandia has cause increase in heart attacks by 33% to almost to 43%. Other test has shown that avandia no more increase in heart attack because bei[Show More]Joan, GSK has been calling the shot for a long time. The reason is that, has it said in my letter from my lawyer, nobody has proven nothing in a court of law that avandia cause the medical problem. My lawyer inform me that there are many test that says avandia has cause increase in heart attacks by 33% to almost to 43%. Other test has shown that avandia no more increase in heart attack because being a diabetic, heart attack do increase. I am telling you this not because I believe it, the law, using logic, with no real proof, will win.

  • joeMay 25, 2011 at 8:07 pm

    Marie, Go to your Doctor and get copies of your medical record. They have to give them to you, it the law. They may charge you for the copies, pay it. it is well worth it. I hate to inform you of this, but it won't be the end of the year. My lawyer said by the time you sign settlement paper, your still looking at 6 to 18 months. Not having your medical records up to date can cost you up to almos[Show More]Marie, Go to your Doctor and get copies of your medical record. They have to give them to you, it the law. They may charge you for the copies, pay it. it is well worth it. I hate to inform you of this, but it won't be the end of the year. My lawyer said by the time you sign settlement paper, your still looking at 6 to 18 months. Not having your medical records up to date can cost you up to almost 1/3 of your settlement.

  • MarieMay 25, 2011 at 3:09 am

    My lawyer office has been telling me also that they need more medical records. They told me last year this time that I would have my settlement. Now they're saying at the end of this year. I don't know who to believe. I tried of waiting. I now have had a second stroke and have a disease to where I can have more strokes. I'm under 40 years old.

  • joanMay 23, 2011 at 5:50 pm


  • joeMay 23, 2011 at 1:40 pm

    Well folks, I got some "good" news and some "bad' news. It seems that the pressure has been put on Gsk and the MDL. Settlement for a good number of cases have been finalizes. Letters are going out to various people infoming them of what the title of the letter/memo is call, "POTENTIAL AVANDIA SETTLEMENT". In it, its will explain the terms of your settlement. Base on what type of lawsuit you have. [Show More]Well folks, I got some "good" news and some "bad' news. It seems that the pressure has been put on Gsk and the MDL. Settlement for a good number of cases have been finalizes. Letters are going out to various people infoming them of what the title of the letter/memo is call, "POTENTIAL AVANDIA SETTLEMENT". In it, its will explain the terms of your settlement. Base on what type of lawsuit you have. Such has Product Liability, Personal Injury and so forth. Now the "bad" news.The letter will informed you that, even though some records show that avandia "seems" to increase heart Attacks and other "harm", Other records show that it has not increase any more "harm' being the fact that you are a diabetic and Heart attack are known to increase in people with a diabetic "problems". It seems that GSK is taken advantage of this. It not been proving in any court that avandia alone cause the Heart attack or stroke or any problems that people have incurred. The various lawyers that are handling the cases will explain that because no one has proven Avandia cause your health problem, in court, the lawyer will advise you to except the offer. Now to explain the money breakdown. In each group it will varied differently from group to group. The money amount to the number of people within the group. One group could have 12 million and have 250 people, another group could have 7 million and have 300 people. This based on your lawyer negotiations. Within all the groups, the one thing that remains the same is that your settlement will be based on how much damage was done to each person. Now the next step is the amount of people who vote to except or reject and go to trial, which the lawyer will explain the dangers of a trial, will determine the settlement offer. Within each group, to have the settlement move forward, you must have a 90% approval. The other 10% will be place has potential trial cases. Since the 10% voted against the settlement, against the advisement of your lawyer, they will inform the people who voted not to settle to seek out new "counsel". If the vote is 95% or more the 5% will have no choice but to except the offer. Now if the vote is under 90%, Gsk has the right to cancel any or all settlement offers. Now this all that I was "informed" over this past weekend.

  • daveMay 22, 2011 at 11:57 am

    HI my brother died from this great drug, I take care of my mother aunt ,now that he gone i have to do everything, well when he was here he could help me out alot. now my mother 85, my aunt 88 it real tuff going to work 9 hours a day coming home to do laundry take care off every i bin waiting 3 years they can stick 70,000 in there back side he was 56 i can sleep it really suck that they can mak[Show More]HI my brother died from this great drug, I take care of my mother aunt ,now that he gone i have to do everything, well when he was here he could help me out alot. now my mother 85, my aunt 88 it real tuff going to work 9 hours a day coming home to do laundry take care off every i bin waiting 3 years they can stick 70,000 in there back side he was 56 i can sleep it really suck that they can make a drug to kill people nice

  • DougMay 21, 2011 at 11:15 pm

    Joe, the news is hugely disappointing!! What everyone has been saying on here is true, and it is not good. They must have rushed everything through before the news broke about the FDA. It was also signed off by the MDL.

  • BillMay 21, 2011 at 6:00 pm

    I believe the removal of Avandia from the market will speed things up greatly. They have no defense now whatsoever. How can you defend a drug that the FDA has deemed to dangerous to sell anymore.

  • joeMay 20, 2011 at 3:50 pm

    Doug, The fact that the drug is just about taken off the market, does help that a trial will not take place. I think that this is all part of the "talk" that "might" be going on. I will go over and see "topix". You said you gave false infor and it took. I'll try it.

  • joeMay 20, 2011 at 3:37 pm

    Screw, Call your doctor and ask them if they sent any of your medical records to your lawyer. If not, go to your doctor and get copies. They have to give them to you. it's the law. They might charge you for the copies, so what, pay it. Has far as your lawyer saying two difference things, I believed that when your lawyer first told you that the case was "settled", it was just to shut you up, and st[Show More]Screw, Call your doctor and ask them if they sent any of your medical records to your lawyer. If not, go to your doctor and get copies. They have to give them to you. it's the law. They might charge you for the copies, so what, pay it. Has far as your lawyer saying two difference things, I believed that when your lawyer first told you that the case was "settled", it was just to shut you up, and stop 'bothering" them. Now that thing "might" be moving your lawyer never really look to see if they had all the paperwork, and now they find out that they don't. Part of this is your fault and part your lawyer and your doctor. The problem is that you are not the first person this happen to and the sad fact, you won't be the last. For months I have been telling people to be careful, research, ask questions. Don't ask questions, nobody is going to volunteer to get out information that you might need.

  • joeMay 20, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    Jon, Please take a easy on Diane. Did you stop to think that maybe she might of a medical problem. Calm down.

  • RandyMay 20, 2011 at 8:22 am

    I am so confused about all this talk and posting . I have a lawyer in dallas texas , I live in ky. When I call them all the receptionist will do is let me talk to a young girl who reads from a prepared script . I am to the point of giving up . Is there anyone who knows anything that can be trusted ? Also could a person talk to Gsk themselves ? Does anyone have info on my lawyer ( cannot put name [Show More]I am so confused about all this talk and posting . I have a lawyer in dallas texas , I live in ky. When I call them all the receptionist will do is let me talk to a young girl who reads from a prepared script . I am to the point of giving up . Is there anyone who knows anything that can be trusted ? Also could a person talk to Gsk themselves ? Does anyone have info on my lawyer ( cannot put name but starts with F and ends with X .

  • DougMay 20, 2011 at 4:32 am

    I will bet that what has happened now with Avandia virtually taken off the market by the FDA, there will never be another trial. I also hope it helps speed up the settlement. Joe.....As far as Topix, I gave all false info when I signed up, and like you, my real name is not Doug. What makes you sure you can trust this website?

  • screwMay 19, 2011 at 5:18 pm

    now my lawyer is telling my cases is still pending 'after they done told me they settle wtf up with that ... and they telling me they still dont have all my records after they done told me they had all my records. I asked what records she needed then phone went dead ........

  • JonMay 19, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    Daine, ARE YOU KIDDING ME? How the hell are we to make anything out of your post? If you cant spell, or write a readable sentence. Maybe you should have someone who can, write your posts! GEEZE!!!!

  • joeMay 19, 2011 at 2:47 pm

    Diane, You are not saying anything that hasn't been said already. If the lawyer has even a hint that you have no clue, they will rip you blind. I have always been telling people to question, research, everything. Call the lawyers to let them know that your watching by asking questions, letting them know you are researching.

  • joeMay 19, 2011 at 11:51 am

    Beginning in Nov,2011, you can no longer get the drug at the local pharmacy. In order to get the drug you must have a prescription from your doctor and once a year you must sign a waiver acknowledge the warning and hazard of the drug. Then you must use the mail order (medco) system sending the waiver with the doctor and your signature to get the drug.

  • JoeMay 19, 2011 at 10:32 am

    Avandia is being taken off the market.

  • DougMay 18, 2011 at 11:18 pm

    This can only help the lawsuit....,0,5116523.story

  • daineMay 18, 2011 at 6:16 pm


  • joeMay 18, 2011 at 6:07 pm

    Alfred, Good for you and your family. It make me proud to know that there are still some people who will fight for what is right. Finally, somebody talking from logic and not using his emotions. I like the fact that your family are quite aware that this is your law suit not his. You tell the lawyer what you want, not what he think what best for him. I hope for the best for you and your family. Tak[Show More]Alfred, Good for you and your family. It make me proud to know that there are still some people who will fight for what is right. Finally, somebody talking from logic and not using his emotions. I like the fact that your family are quite aware that this is your law suit not his. You tell the lawyer what you want, not what he think what best for him. I hope for the best for you and your family. Take care.

  • DougMay 18, 2011 at 5:23 pm

    Thank you Alfred. That is very interesting information about those cases......As far as the news reports, the Buford case was supposedly the first case to go to trial, but those other 3 trials were clearly before the Buford trial was supposed to start. Perhaps that is why they are allegedly in settlement talks

  • joeMay 18, 2011 at 2:52 pm

    Ida, First of all, when you have time, you get back on the phone and tell the women who tried to intimidated you that you do not appreciate being talk to in that tone. You inform her that she is representing you, and if she feels that you are a "bother", request to speak to her boss. You than let him or her know what took place, Let them know that this is your law suit, not theres. As far as what[Show More]Ida, First of all, when you have time, you get back on the phone and tell the women who tried to intimidated you that you do not appreciate being talk to in that tone. You inform her that she is representing you, and if she feels that you are a "bother", request to speak to her boss. You than let him or her know what took place, Let them know that this is your law suit, not theres. As far as what is going on, I really don't "know" what is going on out in the Calif. I know that there is an MDL in Calif. You must find out, if you can, if you are part of that. I am part of the in the eastern penn court. From what I "understand", there are talks going on between GSK and the MDL in Penn. What this mean to the people in Calif, I don't know or anybody who has filed and are waiting. I just know the MDL in Penn. Now don't you forget, you call and "TELL HER" it is your lawsuit not her.

  • joeMay 17, 2011 at 7:34 pm

    Doug. I seen the topix posting and I just wanted to ask if you really think it's O.K. Do you think it is good idea to let people know about the talks? I can't help but notice that when you go to join, to me it ask to much for personal information just to post. Age, date of birth, zip code of where you live. I have a hard time with that, knowing what I know or can find out and try to share with ev[Show More]Doug. I seen the topix posting and I just wanted to ask if you really think it's O.K. Do you think it is good idea to let people know about the talks? I can't help but notice that when you go to join, to me it ask to much for personal information just to post. Age, date of birth, zip code of where you live. I have a hard time with that, knowing what I know or can find out and try to share with everybody the infor. I don't want to put someone in trouble. It's just I don't think I can give as much infor, knowing that Topix has who I am and "spies" might be watching to find out what is known and unknown. Let me know. By the way, don't laugh, my name is not really joe. I learn not trust anybody right away with the 40 plus years in business. That is how I survive. Logic not emotions. When I do trust people, like you or Bill, I can be very helpful. Let me know what you think. Just because the postings are quicker does not mean better. If you think it's O.K. let me know.

  • AlfredMay 17, 2011 at 7:47 am had asked about this link.... the first link shows the Buford case going to trial...The second link there shows the Buford case discontinuing, or settling. Looks to me that the Wright case has went to trial, or has been prepped to go to trial, whereas the other three cases look to me like they have been settled, hence the "[Show More] had asked about this link.... the first link shows the Buford case going to trial...The second link there shows the Buford case discontinuing, or settling. Looks to me that the Wright case has went to trial, or has been prepped to go to trial, whereas the other three cases look to me like they have been settled, hence the "PRAECIPE TO DISCONTINUE" designation on the court record. Having read through most of these comments, I can see the frustration level is off the charts for everyone. Having lost my father to this drug, and having this case ramble around for 3+ years afterwards, I can tell you my family is also frustrated to no end. As a family, we have discussed several different options once a settlement offer is made. We have decided to reject any offer under a certain $ amount. We are prepared to inform our attorney to remove us from any settlement pool and take our case directly to trial, no if's, and's or but's about it. If we catch any grief from our attorney, we will then inform them that we will contact GSK's attorney's directly and settle out of court for $1, making sure that the 35% portion of our case will pay him/her exactly 35 cents. The key here is to act out of intelligence instead of emotion. Inform yourselves as best you can. Prepare a plan to follow should the $ amount offered to you is a low-ball figure. Some of the people commenting here have made this a personal battle against other people commenting. Slinging mud at someone who also has a case going is about as useful as trying to teach a pig to sing. Share information instead of making this a personal war in public. Don't take ANYONE's word blindly without physical proof, including people posting here and your attorney. Find out for yourself before you decide what is right for you.

  • JoeMay 16, 2011 at 5:56 pm

    Gene, As I was explaining, I forgot to mention that insurance money is eventually pay to Medicare and the private insurance companies.

  • joeMay 16, 2011 at 5:50 pm

    Gene, To answer your question, yes medicare will be refunded and also private insurance will also be refunded. But this is a very difference "ballgame" It will not effect the avandia lawsuits that many people filed against. How they get refunded is very complicated. To explain it is simple terms. This drug was made by GSK. it forward it result to all various labs to confirm it's result. Then the F[Show More]Gene, To answer your question, yes medicare will be refunded and also private insurance will also be refunded. But this is a very difference "ballgame" It will not effect the avandia lawsuits that many people filed against. How they get refunded is very complicated. To explain it is simple terms. This drug was made by GSK. it forward it result to all various labs to confirm it's result. Then the FDA get involved and it give GSK the approval to put in on the "market" While all this is going on, the Labs, the FDA, and even Gsk has insurance to pay any thing in case anything goes wrong down the road. As I said this is a difference "ballgame" The insurance covers only the testing results, and not the harm that happen to the people. That is why it is not automatic that people get taken care right away, each person must sue Gsk to be taken care of because nobody has insurance to protect themselves against bad drugs. As I said many months ago, Nobody is going to volunteer information to you. You must ask questions. Have you ever notice that any company that is ever sue never seems to go out of business. They have insurance to cover they lost against the testing. Now you know why it seems that the FDA never took the drug off the market. Insurance companies also has a some say in what goes on that they don't have to pay. Maybe it was the insurance company told GSK to shut up and settle.

  • joeMay 16, 2011 at 5:16 pm

    I know that things are moving. But please, I only mention about the MDL. I would believe that the file cases outside of the MDL is also involved, but I guess that nobody would know until after everything is said and done. As for Checks going into the mail by June, I doubt it very much that this is going to take placed. Again, if no agreement have been officially reach, why would anybody be receiv[Show More]I know that things are moving. But please, I only mention about the MDL. I would believe that the file cases outside of the MDL is also involved, but I guess that nobody would know until after everything is said and done. As for Checks going into the mail by June, I doubt it very much that this is going to take placed. Again, if no agreement have been officially reach, why would anybody be received any settlement. As Matina said, "it's hush hush." Nobody want to make any kind of an official statement being afraid it might hurt the talks. I am sorry Matina, it won't be next week, as much as I would "LOVE IT". If the talk continue to go good, I believed that this Christmas we should at least know where we stand.

  • IdaMay 16, 2011 at 3:49 pm

    Hi, I have been reading the posts for awhile, I will say I have been very discouraged with all this, we sent in my Husbands records as soon as we heard there was a reason??? for his death, he had a clean bill of health, (as good as a diabetic with one leg amputated and had taken avandia since 99) on a thursday and on Tues of the folllowing week Nov. 9 2004 I got a phone call that he had died of [Show More]Hi, I have been reading the posts for awhile, I will say I have been very discouraged with all this, we sent in my Husbands records as soon as we heard there was a reason??? for his death, he had a clean bill of health, (as good as a diabetic with one leg amputated and had taken avandia since 99) on a thursday and on Tues of the folllowing week Nov. 9 2004 I got a phone call that he had died of congestive heart failure. We have waited a long time, I am with a group out of Calif. and I guess they would tell me if something is going on ??? I know when I call the young lady intimidates me and so I do not call very often. All they say is we will know when they send papers out for us to sign. I cannot believe some of the others have gotten letters from their lawyers. It would be nice to know someone actually got a settlement letter, I do not even care to know what it is but just got some information. Ida

  • joanMay 14, 2011 at 2:57 pm

    i know topix don't have much info about avandia . but we need to start a board on there they don't delete our post on topix.... they delete alot post i try and put on here .

  • MatinaMay 14, 2011 at 12:53 am

    Joe, thanks for your comment just now reading it. As I said something is taking place but I'm not sure because when you talk to the lawyer now they don't have time to speak to you about your case. Only thing I was told now is everything back on track what ever that might mean. It's like hush hush now. if anyone heard anything new please post have a bless day will pray something will happen[Show More]Joe, thanks for your comment just now reading it. As I said something is taking place but I'm not sure because when you talk to the lawyer now they don't have time to speak to you about your case. Only thing I was told now is everything back on track what ever that might mean. It's like hush hush now. if anyone heard anything new please post have a bless day will pray something will happen next week!

  • DougMay 14, 2011 at 12:13 am

    I found the above here. If you post here, you do not have to wait for your comment to be approved by the moderator

  • DougMay 13, 2011 at 11:49 pm

    I found this, if anyone can interpret it........

  • GeneMay 13, 2011 at 8:34 pm

    I asked a question and put it on the wrong forum. So here I go again. I keep hearing that medicare is to get their cut first, if this is true how much can we expect, if any, since my hospital bills and dr. bills have been about 500,000 for the last 10 years of pain and suffering. This was caused by a federal agency,FDA, approving this drug in the first place. Now another federal agency wants to co[Show More]I asked a question and put it on the wrong forum. So here I go again. I keep hearing that medicare is to get their cut first, if this is true how much can we expect, if any, since my hospital bills and dr. bills have been about 500,000 for the last 10 years of pain and suffering. This was caused by a federal agency,FDA, approving this drug in the first place. Now another federal agency wants to collect for what was caused by another federal agency. Sounds like we are all getting taken for a ride if this is true. Does anyone know? God bless us all.

  • joeMay 13, 2011 at 3:24 pm

    Bill, ha ha ha ha . your right, why I am still trying to get him to understand. Anyway, I am so glad that you understand about how these talks can be. I was nervous given out this infor. My "INFORMER" told me not to say this on the posting, because it can break down. (doesn't mean it is going to happen that way) That is why I started to warn some people out there to be careful. I tried to give[Show More]Bill, ha ha ha ha . your right, why I am still trying to get him to understand. Anyway, I am so glad that you understand about how these talks can be. I was nervous given out this infor. My "INFORMER" told me not to say this on the posting, because it can break down. (doesn't mean it is going to happen that way) That is why I started to warn some people out there to be careful. I tried to give hints as much as possible by telling to question everything call your lawyer, question him and so forth.But the facts is exactly what you said. Agreements on top of agreements, reconfirming who said what etc etc etc. If you ever been in an union during contract negotiations, then you understand exactly what is taken place. Who is trying to bluff and who trying to catch a statement that can be use for or against each other. The big infor that you mention is very very important. MAKE SURE YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS ARE UP TO DATE. Report any incidents to your doctors. If your on the MDL, and a medical problem took place after you filed, call your lawyer have him or her request for the latest up dated records. If you have to, go to the doctor yourself and request copies. He has to give them to you. It the law. But the doctor can charge you for the copies. (Big deal) Pay it. IT is worth it if you need to update. Let keep the faith and hope alive.

  • matinaMay 13, 2011 at 3:03 pm

    I talk with a firm Thurday ( which they are upset that I keep calling but was told at this point settlement is back on track their just now waiting to send out letter to how much for each person I also talk with Miller firm they claim it's now getting down to how much and checks should go out by June (At this point it's almost funny) They have been saying same thine since December when someone[Show More]I talk with a firm Thurday ( which they are upset that I keep calling but was told at this point settlement is back on track their just now waiting to send out letter to how much for each person I also talk with Miller firm they claim it's now getting down to how much and checks should go out by June (At this point it's almost funny) They have been saying same thine since December when someone called me and asked me if I wanted to borrow money from a frim and I didn't know how much I was getting said to help me out for CHRISTMAS, of last year mmmmh CHRISTMAS will be here again before you know it and we will still be waiting!!

  • BillMay 12, 2011 at 9:53 pm

    Thank you for the info Joe. Please stop arguing with Gary, he is just a trolll, just ignore him, the arguing is taking away from this forum......Anyway, people have to realize, even if a settlement with the MDL is agreed upon tomorrow, it will still take months, maybe even up to a year before anyone gets a check. They have to write it up, send it to a firm, that firm goes over everyone's medical r[Show More]Thank you for the info Joe. Please stop arguing with Gary, he is just a trolll, just ignore him, the arguing is taking away from this forum......Anyway, people have to realize, even if a settlement with the MDL is agreed upon tomorrow, it will still take months, maybe even up to a year before anyone gets a check. They have to write it up, send it to a firm, that firm goes over everyone's medical records again. Paperwork has to be sent out, and returned before a payment is made. It is a very time consuming process........As Joe said, talks have been going on, I believe that if talks break down, that the judge, and plaintiff lawyers will force a trial, which GSK definitely does not want. They also want all of this behind them

  • joeMay 12, 2011 at 8:37 pm

    Gary, you still don't get it. I think Matina understands what people are talking about. Other people postings have not even notice you. Sam is trying to tell you, with his question. YOU JUST DON'T GET IT.

  • BillMay 12, 2011 at 1:38 am

    I have also checked topix, I thought for sure there would be some great Avandia discussions there, but all I found was some older forums which havent been used in a while

  • joeMay 11, 2011 at 5:03 pm

    I know that Gary was informed that the checks will begin to go out in June. I might has well tell everybody this. I definitely know that talks with the MDL (Eastern Penn Courts) and GSK is at a very serious level. This has been going on for almost two months. (BILL, YOUR POSTING ON 4/29 and 5/4 "ALL OF A SUDDEN MORE JUDGES BEING ADDED". ALSO, MY COMMENT TO DOUG ON 5/3) I didn't want to say anythin[Show More]I know that Gary was informed that the checks will begin to go out in June. I might has well tell everybody this. I definitely know that talks with the MDL (Eastern Penn Courts) and GSK is at a very serious level. This has been going on for almost two months. (BILL, YOUR POSTING ON 4/29 and 5/4 "ALL OF A SUDDEN MORE JUDGES BEING ADDED". ALSO, MY COMMENT TO DOUG ON 5/3) I didn't want to say anything because the talks can come to abupt end and then some people will get a little piss at me saying I gave fault information. If it remain at this level, you must understand it could still last for months. Even when agreements are reach, you then have talks on how to break down payments. (How to pay settlements inside of the MDL and outside the MDL.) I know it might be the point system as Vioxx use for the people on the MDL. but it has be settled upon and written. If the talk continued to go good the people, on the MDL, "MIGHT" be receiving letters letting you know of this. I know that some people have been waiting for years, but if you look to see when the Vioxx lawsuit "really started" and compare the time frame of when the Avandia lawsuit "really started", it wasn't that long. Vioxx law suit lasted many more years. Remember, They are only talking, it could stop at any given moment and throw everything out and maybe start all over again. This not the first time this can happen. Again, GSK and MDL are only talking. Do not use this as a celebration use it that hope is near. Let keep our fingers cross and pray that it might be over soon.

  • garyMay 11, 2011 at 4:25 pm

    JOE, I would not tell you shit if I had a basket full!

  • samMay 11, 2011 at 4:05 pm

    How can you be getting a check soon, if you do not even know how much you are getting?? Is there one person out there who knows exactly how much they are getting??

  • joeMay 11, 2011 at 3:33 pm

    Gary HA HA HA HA HA. Are we trying to back track your statement that you made. With all of your statements, you still have know idea what, and not just me, everybody else is talking about. Joan is new here, from what see, and even she is saying that past law suit Garretson held on to the money from the people. She is asking question about lawyers and there fees and so on. Gary you just don't get i[Show More]Gary HA HA HA HA HA. Are we trying to back track your statement that you made. With all of your statements, you still have know idea what, and not just me, everybody else is talking about. Joan is new here, from what see, and even she is saying that past law suit Garretson held on to the money from the people. She is asking question about lawyers and there fees and so on. Gary you just don't get it what most people are talking about. Gary, let me know and everybody else know your payment come June.

  • joanMay 11, 2011 at 1:37 am

    is anyone here

  • joanMay 11, 2011 at 1:35 am

    We need to tell everyone what are settlement is so our lawyers won't screw us . check out what people that sue Zyprexa check it out on topix the lawyers try to rip off some of the people . and people with Garretson Group took a long time to pay the people . Don't be scare to tell us how much you are getting ! You can demand to get your fair share to the Judge and we can asked the judge to put a [Show More]We need to tell everyone what are settlement is so our lawyers won't screw us . check out what people that sue Zyprexa check it out on topix the lawyers try to rip off some of the people . and people with Garretson Group took a long time to pay the people . Don't be scare to tell us how much you are getting ! You can demand to get your fair share to the Judge and we can asked the judge to put a cap on the lawyer fees,, And we neet to start a board on topix they have old avandia board but not to many people go there .... but ck out We need to tell everyone what are settlement is so our lawyers won't screw us . check out what people that sue Zyprexa check it out on topix the lawyers try to rip off some of the people . and people with Garretson Group took a long time to pay the people . Don't be scare to tell us how much you are getting ! You can demand to get your fair share to the Judge and we can asked the judge to put a cap on the lawyer fees,,We need to start a board on topix they do't delete your messages we need to stick togather on this .

  • garyMay 10, 2011 at 5:08 pm

    I almost forgot. I talked to my lawyer yesterday and was told payouts were expected to begin in June.

  • garyMay 10, 2011 at 5:06 pm

    I am not upset in the least, I must say I'm a little amused though. I did not tell everyone to ditch their lawyers and go out on their own, I told Joe he should. Because that is the message I get from him. Everyone signed on with a lawyer and while I think they are getting an unfair amount I also know that I signed. I know on a practical stand point I cannot fight GSK on my own and do not want to,[Show More]I am not upset in the least, I must say I'm a little amused though. I did not tell everyone to ditch their lawyers and go out on their own, I told Joe he should. Because that is the message I get from him. Everyone signed on with a lawyer and while I think they are getting an unfair amount I also know that I signed. I know on a practical stand point I cannot fight GSK on my own and do not want to, but I'm also not suffering from buyers remorse. Joe if you're upset I'm sorry but you must respect other people have opinions and their decisions are their own.

  • BillMay 10, 2011 at 4:20 pm

    sms.....That mass torts article was written in 2006. Very outdated. Also, he Vioxx mass torts settlement was in 2007, and each person made out well if they had a legitimate claim. I do not think the Avandia people will make out as well, but that is because of GSK, not the mass torts system

  • joeMay 10, 2011 at 2:08 pm

    To answer that question, go to a "medical malpractice" lawyer and ask. They would know if you can still file or is it to late. Do not go to any lawyer that you see. Go to a specialist lawyer. Good Luck.

  • JOANMay 10, 2011 at 12:20 am


  • joeMay 9, 2011 at 7:47 pm

    To all the folks who are trying to help one another and find out by researching and asking questions. Making phone calls. Please stop it. You are upsetting GARY. See Gary posting (3/22, 3/29, 3/31, 5/2, 5/4 5/6 and 5/8.) Do not try and question anything about any item that might get Gary mad. It seems that if you questions things, you are going to let lawyers know you are watching. To the people w[Show More]To all the folks who are trying to help one another and find out by researching and asking questions. Making phone calls. Please stop it. You are upsetting GARY. See Gary posting (3/22, 3/29, 3/31, 5/2, 5/4 5/6 and 5/8.) Do not try and question anything about any item that might get Gary mad. It seems that if you questions things, you are going to let lawyers know you are watching. To the people who are on the MDL list, Gary want me and everybody else to withdraw from the list, and start our law suit over without looking things up and trying to find out what is happening. We must blindly follow any lawyer that we are to hired and don't you dare question the lawyer. It is the lawyer law suit, not yours. According to Gary, no lawyer of ours wouldn't think of trying to screw you while your not looking or watching. Gary says that they is nothing to research that is important to know and question. To the people who found out that they lawyer never file their claim (4/19 Gene) don't you worry about it. Gary says that you are to listen to your lawyer no matter what. And last, when your lawyer tell you to settle 25,000.00, by the time the fees are taken you get 12,000.00. Please let's not upset Gary. We are not to question and help each other anymore.

  • joeMay 9, 2011 at 6:22 pm

    Gary, by your posting of 5/6 and 5/8, you still have no clue what I am talking about.

  • smsMay 9, 2011 at 4:56 pm

    mdl will screw us .... the lawyers have to hold the money they make b/c they are not making good money on avandia cases . we need to chance the mass tort law. go back to way it use to be .

  • smsMay 9, 2011 at 4:52 pm a good read about the mass tort ........ how we get screw by the tort reform

  • GaryMay 8, 2011 at 11:59 am

    Joe, I just this morning noticed your little tirade from the other day. Such class, You keep implying our lawyers are cheap shysters and we should not trust them, how about you, Joe, why don't you fire your lawyer, withdraw from the MDL and file your claim yourself or are you afraid it would not stand close scrutiny? I find you to be an illiterate who can't compose a proper sentence, much less fil[Show More]Joe, I just this morning noticed your little tirade from the other day. Such class, You keep implying our lawyers are cheap shysters and we should not trust them, how about you, Joe, why don't you fire your lawyer, withdraw from the MDL and file your claim yourself or are you afraid it would not stand close scrutiny? I find you to be an illiterate who can't compose a proper sentence, much less file a deposition for court. Did you get help spelling the big four letter words?

  • BillMay 7, 2011 at 6:20 pm

    I wish there were another blog, it sometimes takes days for new posts to be approved

  • JaneMay 7, 2011 at 5:37 am

    I just saw the post on Vioxx. I took Vioxx and also Celebrex few years ago and both put me in hospital with a stomach bleed, Was there any law suits similar to mine that would be covered

  • edMay 6, 2011 at 5:24 pm

    Here is some info I just found maybe others have already seen this. It is from the Miller Law Firm.This is not my Lawyer but maybe yours and might explain some of the out of court settlements that others have posted on this site.You will see You Tube message from this lawyer explaining some of the hold up on your out of court settlement.Here is all you will need to do to see this clip. 1st go to t[Show More]Here is some info I just found maybe others have already seen this. It is from the Miller Law Firm.This is not my Lawyer but maybe yours and might explain some of the out of court settlements that others have posted on this site.You will see You Tube message from this lawyer explaining some of the hold up on your out of court settlement.Here is all you will need to do to see this clip. 1st go to top of this page and type in Avandia in the search box. You will see the very 1st tiltle posted Avandia Settlement Disscusions Continue as New Suits Continue to be Filed. Click on this post and scroll to the bottom of the posting.Here you will see the words in blue highlight just now begging to receive their compensation click on these words and you will see the You Tube Info from this law firm. I don't know if will answer or leave you with more questions.Just thought I would share.

  • garyMay 6, 2011 at 2:23 pm

    A person's decision to accept is that person's personal decision, garnered by their own situation. Could you consider that our health may indicate how much fight is left in us? I do not and will not confine myself to sitting in front of a computer screen and googling hours on end. You are grasping at straws in the dark, refusing the advice of professionals and choosing to think you know more than [Show More]A person's decision to accept is that person's personal decision, garnered by their own situation. Could you consider that our health may indicate how much fight is left in us? I do not and will not confine myself to sitting in front of a computer screen and googling hours on end. You are grasping at straws in the dark, refusing the advice of professionals and choosing to think you know more than they. You attack anyone who has a different opinion than you and don't applaud your every move.So you know I did go to those websites and read, nothing there served any reason for your rants.

  • joeMay 6, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    Doug and Sam, You are right, the math does not add up. Has other people tell me "do the math. or tell me "shut up". To be honest, I am starting to get really annoyed about how stupid some people can be. Your comment is on the mark. If these cases are starting to settle, how come Judge Rufe is not pushing for the cases that the Judge herself O.K'D. And Sam, your asking as to some cases might be set[Show More]Doug and Sam, You are right, the math does not add up. Has other people tell me "do the math. or tell me "shut up". To be honest, I am starting to get really annoyed about how stupid some people can be. Your comment is on the mark. If these cases are starting to settle, how come Judge Rufe is not pushing for the cases that the Judge herself O.K'D. And Sam, your asking as to some cases might be settled state by state and why not having all the cases together on the MDL. These two questions are real and very important questions that every single person should be asking. No. People are getting letters claiming settlements are in the work. I am not saying that these letter are not real, in fact, they are very real. If you notice Matina posting that she post on 4/29 (loud mouth) and 5/2 (Joe). You can see that she made the phone call, and she is "very piss". Cause maybe, just maybe, she found out things that she didn't want to hear. Just about everything she said on 4/29 and on 5/2 is true. The MDL is holding things up. The MDL cases is the real lawsuit. This does not mean that your name won't be on it in penn. You could be on the MDL list in Calif or in Ill. But Matina is right about the MDL list. The lawyer that were hired and placed these people on the list that was approved by the judge is as Matina said "IN IT TO WIN IT" . Again, it amazes me how smart she became just by making a phone call. The people who's lawyer did not forward they cases I am going to call "TAILGATERS". These are the folks who not on the list, has Matina said again, "MDL (list) WANTING MORE MONEY FROM THERE LAWYERS AND CLIENTS OF CASES THEY DID NOT WORK ON, BUT WANTING TO GET A % OF EVERYONE CASE ." Matina also continued to say that this is one reason why the money is being held up. Matina, thank you for finally backing me up and making the phone. I tried for a few months to warn people. I tried to get them to research and questions things. Matina, now you can go and sit with the Glenns and the Garys. Nobody but nobody, no matter how big a company is or small, nobody is going to get away with giving a medication, knowing that it was defective and get away with it. It ruin my life, hurt my wife and my children and my family. If you don't want to get on the "boat" get out of my way. The Buford family saw this, and they did what they had to do. Matina, again, what you said," The people on the MDL list are in it to win. "

  • BillMay 6, 2011 at 2:09 am

    This paragraph was taken from the link below. If this is true, these cases will drag on forever!! "Rather than negotiating a global settlement to resolve all Avandia lawsuits, as was done in prior mass torts like Vioxx, GlaxoSmithKline has been attempting to negotiate small group settlements with Avandia lawyers representing a large numbers of claimants." Also, from reading the article, it sound[Show More]This paragraph was taken from the link below. If this is true, these cases will drag on forever!! "Rather than negotiating a global settlement to resolve all Avandia lawsuits, as was done in prior mass torts like Vioxx, GlaxoSmithKline has been attempting to negotiate small group settlements with Avandia lawyers representing a large numbers of claimants." Also, from reading the article, it sounds like all the cases are part of the mass torts, it states MANY below, It sounds like they are not all centralized in PA. "many of the cases have been centralized for pretrial litigation, but they still remain individual cases." Here is the rest of the article, that I am sure you all found already....

  • smsmsmsmsmsmsmsmMay 6, 2011 at 12:08 am

    there is more damaging evidence against Avandia The Latest Data The latest research, published online March 17, 2011 in BMJ, was conducted by a group led by Dr Yoon Kong Loke (University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK).

  • joeMay 5, 2011 at 11:48 pm

    Bill, you are right about the vioxx settlement. It did win a lot of cases in court but still settle a lot also in court and outside of court. There is to much going against GSK to allow the MDL to go to trial by jury court. The point system that vioxx use will only be for the MDL people, if it is used. I just hope that in the end, the victims get some kind of a fair comp. The people who's lawyers[Show More]Bill, you are right about the vioxx settlement. It did win a lot of cases in court but still settle a lot also in court and outside of court. There is to much going against GSK to allow the MDL to go to trial by jury court. The point system that vioxx use will only be for the MDL people, if it is used. I just hope that in the end, the victims get some kind of a fair comp. The people who's lawyers that remain out of court that might have a third or even fourth party lawyers that break down the settlements will lose some more percentages off there settlements, or even out of state lawyers that some people claim are the ones that I am worry about. I just hope that this movement is real. This is not the first time things started to look like something is moving.

  • jayjayMay 5, 2011 at 11:10 pm

    found this the other day

  • GlennMay 5, 2011 at 8:05 pm


  • samMay 5, 2011 at 5:05 pm

    Does anyone know what the point of having the Mass Torts MDL cases consolidated to PA. when there are still cases being settled state by state?? Isnt the point of the MDL to have ALL cases together?? Are the state cases somehow tied to the MDL? Vioxx settled under one court, one judge, does anyone out here know why the Avandia cases are both state and federal?? And what was the point of the Mass T[Show More]Does anyone know what the point of having the Mass Torts MDL cases consolidated to PA. when there are still cases being settled state by state?? Isnt the point of the MDL to have ALL cases together?? Are the state cases somehow tied to the MDL? Vioxx settled under one court, one judge, does anyone out here know why the Avandia cases are both state and federal?? And what was the point of the Mass Torts?? I hope someone can help.

  • DougMay 5, 2011 at 3:56 pm

    That report of a 1,000 more settlements is riddled with errors. It states that after this settlement of 1,000, that there will only be 1,600 consolidated cases left in front if Judge Rufe, when in fact there are more than 4,000 cases she is handling.....If all of these state cases are supposedly settling, why is Judge Rufe not pushing for her cases to be settled??

  • jbrMay 5, 2011 at 2:53 pm


  • joeMay 5, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    To all the fellow avandia victims, please accept my apology for the used of fowl language. It just that I lost it for a few moments with Gary. As most of you know, I am just trying to help people and get them to think and look out for themselves. But when a person goes out of his way to say that he won't or possibly question things, that he denies himself a better life with maybe a better settlem[Show More]To all the fellow avandia victims, please accept my apology for the used of fowl language. It just that I lost it for a few moments with Gary. As most of you know, I am just trying to help people and get them to think and look out for themselves. But when a person goes out of his way to say that he won't or possibly question things, that he denies himself a better life with maybe a better settlement, than I am sorry. This anger was not place at the people who have learned some truth has to what is going on. It was only at Gary. I just can't stand how a person can just sit there and won't even call the phone numbers, won't even try to see that maybe that there is something to think about, I am sorry for these people. It just bothers me when I see people act stupid over logics. Again, I am sorry to all of the avandia victim, but Gary. In the future, has far has I see, Gary will never get any more request from me to questions things. He made his bed, so let him sleep in it.

  • DougMay 5, 2011 at 5:24 am

    Just found this.....

  • DougMay 5, 2011 at 5:13 am

    To the people who received letters about settlements, I have a question. When did you first start your lawsuit, what year??

  • BillMay 4, 2011 at 8:58 pm

    One thing I forgot......since there are only cases being added weekly now, and not everyday to the MDL, I think the end of the filings is nearing.........I also believe that GSK will settle (court settlement for MDL) before all the cases are filed. I am sure they can tell how many cases will be filed by the number that is being filed weekly........The statutory deadline is different for each state[Show More]One thing I forgot......since there are only cases being added weekly now, and not everyday to the MDL, I think the end of the filings is nearing.........I also believe that GSK will settle (court settlement for MDL) before all the cases are filed. I am sure they can tell how many cases will be filed by the number that is being filed weekly........The statutory deadline is different for each state for personal injury, the court cannot just say they are no longer adding cases. Some states, plaintiffs have 5 or more years to file a claim. Ex: TX, & CA are 2 years. NY is 3 years. FL is 4 years, all for date of injury

  • BillMay 4, 2011 at 7:10 pm

    I still wonder why there are so many judges on the MDL case all of a sudden. They had been adding cases daily, but now it seems only once a week. I also do not understand that why after the Buford case, did everything come to a stand still.........One good thing I can think of though, there is much more damaging evidence against Avandia, than there ever was with Vioxx, the makers of Vioxx even won[Show More]I still wonder why there are so many judges on the MDL case all of a sudden. They had been adding cases daily, but now it seems only once a week. I also do not understand that why after the Buford case, did everything come to a stand still.........One good thing I can think of though, there is much more damaging evidence against Avandia, than there ever was with Vioxx, the makers of Vioxx even won more cases than it lost, and still settled......I would be surprised to see any Avandia cases go to court, GSK could lose big time, and they know it........I do not know if it will be soon for the MDL, it may still take a while, but you will see a court ordered settlement that is based on points

  • JoeMay 4, 2011 at 5:40 pm

    Gary, Does this mean you still don't want to research or make the phone calls to the Eastern Penn Court or to the secretary to the judge. If that is your answer, Your right, your head is not in the sand. It stuck in Fucking Bullshit. Its your call. You do what you want. A lot of people did make the call. And yes, a lot of people are piss. People,who found out that they lawyer didn't even file thei[Show More]Gary, Does this mean you still don't want to research or make the phone calls to the Eastern Penn Court or to the secretary to the judge. If that is your answer, Your right, your head is not in the sand. It stuck in Fucking Bullshit. Its your call. You do what you want. A lot of people did make the call. And yes, a lot of people are piss. People,who found out that they lawyer didn't even file their lawsuit. People who knew nothing about the MDL,or if they wanted to join the MDL or stay outside and wait to see what happens. Because of all this, they know that they have been fuck in plain simple english. I warn people that the lawyer did not do the job that they were supposed to do. This is not a note to the people that I am having the last laugh, cause it is a note to you and only you that I will have the last laugh and it will be all directed to you. You are the most fucking stupid person, who not only refuse to even think, but refuse to call the phone numbers. Gary you go enjoy your sad life.

  • joeMay 4, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    Gary, read my respond to Matina 5/2. You can continue to think you are getting the best deal.

  • matinaMay 4, 2011 at 4:14 pm

    Good one Gary, I was told by two different law ffirms that they are at the end now will be sending out letter (they said) by the middle of May. don't know for how much my guess is it won't be enoguh to quit your life style Gary that was to funny tou said to Joe still laughing

  • kimberlyMay 4, 2011 at 3:31 pm

    so I see on the web that GSK settled the Polygrip lawsuits for 1million each. That was a quick settlement, what happened to Avandia. What angers me that they are still saying that they ave settled 1000's of cases, and the media is printing that. Make GSK look good, but how many have actually settled. The process sucks, and it could be another year before anyone see actual money for damages. What[Show More]so I see on the web that GSK settled the Polygrip lawsuits for 1million each. That was a quick settlement, what happened to Avandia. What angers me that they are still saying that they ave settled 1000's of cases, and the media is printing that. Make GSK look good, but how many have actually settled. The process sucks, and it could be another year before anyone see actual money for damages. What is the deal with adding more judges are me taking a step forward and 2 back?

  • garyMay 4, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    Joe, I forgot the triple bypass.

  • garyMay 4, 2011 at 2:24 pm

    Joe, So you will know. I, too, got the same letter from Garretson Group. I signed confidentiality papers.I have suffered two heart attacks, six stents, kidney failure, liver disease, broken leg. macular edema, defibulater inplanted and since have had three toes and half my foot amputated. My head is definely not in the sand. Have a nice day Joe.

  • joeMay 4, 2011 at 10:54 am

    Matina, How did you hear this? I think we are nearing the beginning of the end. But does this mean another 6months to a year for the court and lawyers to break down what each person should be comp. Just make sure that your medical records are up to date and copies are in the hands of the court and lawyer, because this is how the payments are made.

  • JackMay 4, 2011 at 1:49 am

    I've reading all the blogs and have come to the conclusion that this group needs to start a boycott of all GSK drugs. Get it on face book get it on twitter how this company is treating people. Lets hit them in the wallet. It may sound like a small thing but they just might get the message. I've already switch one of my RX and refuse to support GSK. I lost my mother 4 yrs ago and this week is Mo[Show More]I've reading all the blogs and have come to the conclusion that this group needs to start a boycott of all GSK drugs. Get it on face book get it on twitter how this company is treating people. Lets hit them in the wallet. It may sound like a small thing but they just might get the message. I've already switch one of my RX and refuse to support GSK. I lost my mother 4 yrs ago and this week is Mothers Day.

  • MatinaMay 3, 2011 at 7:37 pm

    Just to let you know what I heard? case is at a end that's why they maybe tunning away clients So cases are working on pay out but don't know if your with MDL or GSK but I heard there now in the settlement stage and some will get a letter in the next two weeks

  • joeMay 3, 2011 at 7:36 pm

    Doug. No, it seem that we might be near the end. Lawyer who are not accepting new clients is nothing new. My lawyer for over two months stop taking new avandia lawsuits. The MDL list is breaking into difference groups. New judges are being added. I don't know what is happening, but things could be starting to move. We can only wait and see.

  • joeMay 2, 2011 at 6:44 pm

    Matina, regarding your posting of 4/29 and 5/2. I did not want you or any body else to get their feelings hurt. Do I own an apology, I don't know. I just know that when I started reading these postings, I was compelled to try and tell people to be careful and research. This was the only way I thought that these people on the posting might learn what is really going on. That way back on Mar 17th I[Show More]Matina, regarding your posting of 4/29 and 5/2. I did not want you or any body else to get their feelings hurt. Do I own an apology, I don't know. I just know that when I started reading these postings, I was compelled to try and tell people to be careful and research. This was the only way I thought that these people on the posting might learn what is really going on. That way back on Mar 17th I came out and told that nobody settled as some people believed. The Glenns and the Garys and the Anons and the Lindas Did not want to listen to me. Still I didn't want to give the phone numbers cause I was hoping that maybe that people will try to see what I was trying to say.Be careful, research, ask questions.You ask why didn't I mention this MDL. Matina the way you are reacting and the way other people are reacting is what I was afraid of. People start to scream about what is going on and realizing what their lawyers are doing. I knew about this MDL back in May 2010. I received a letter from my lawyer explaining this and that I have a very good case has a person who suffered from a heart attack, but typical of all lawyers the double talk that nothing is definite. My lawyer showed me how to research my case on the internet to stay in touch with what is going on and the phone numbers. Matina, you are right, The MDL is holding up everything. It is holding the out of court settlement, (SORRY GLENN, NOW YOU KNOW WHY I KNOW) It is holding gsk at bay, it is holding out of court lawyers at bay. It is holding up the judges that would like to make a court statement to explained what is going on at bay.Until this list is done nothing is going on. I have no idea when this list will be done. But when it is done, the MDL will determine what the payments will be and then expand to all the other case that is not on the MDL. I had a heart attack in early of 2008. Had complication and a defib place in my chest to regulate my heart. During all this time two stents and balloon place before and after my surgery. Went back to work and was fired late in 2008. I just couldn't keep up. I am receiving soical sec dis. and called in my pensions. I filed my lawsuit in Sept 2009 and received the letter placing me on the MDL in May 2010. Matina and all the folk on these posting, we can still help each other MDL or Not we are still a team. And has a team we can be very powerful by letting the lawyers know that we are watching. We are letting each other know updates has they come. Matina, Please do not be angry. I had no plan to hurt anybody, I just wanted to let people know to be careful. Everybody on here have been hurt enough.

  • DougMay 2, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    There have been a couple reports now of lawyers either not taking any more new Avandia cases(Bill Apr 20), or lawyers not wanting Avandia clients at all(Richard apr 30). It does not seem like a good sign. The lawyers must know something bad, if they are turning down Avandia cases. Lawyers usually love cases like this, not turn them down.......I am starting to have a feeling that whether you are pa[Show More]There have been a couple reports now of lawyers either not taking any more new Avandia cases(Bill Apr 20), or lawyers not wanting Avandia clients at all(Richard apr 30). It does not seem like a good sign. The lawyers must know something bad, if they are turning down Avandia cases. Lawyers usually love cases like this, not turn them down.......I am starting to have a feeling that whether you are part of the MDL, or not, GSK is not going to be paying much, if anything

  • JoeMay 2, 2011 at 5:06 pm

    Gary, Do you think that Glenn's the first person to say I am getting my money. No, many people claim to received letters saying this. But when it was time to cut a check, you get another letter saying that Gsk refuse to release the funds. This is over and over and over and over and over. But you don't want to question this. You don't question that fact that Glenn is "getting" his "money" , while[Show More]Gary, Do you think that Glenn's the first person to say I am getting my money. No, many people claim to received letters saying this. But when it was time to cut a check, you get another letter saying that Gsk refuse to release the funds. This is over and over and over and over and over. But you don't want to question this. You don't question that fact that Glenn is "getting" his "money" , while nobody else came forward. You don't want to question the fact Glenn never said anything about When, How and Why he is getting his money. Gary if really believe this than answer these questions has honestly as possible. What you should be asking Glenn the name of his law firm to see the headlines on there computer site proclaiming victory for their victims. No you don't want to question that. You should be asking Glenn, why nobody else received funds, have file their lawsuit long before Glenn file his. No you don't want to question that. Glenn just scream out to everybody, I got my and the hell with everybody else. All I ask for people to be careful and research past lawsuits. You have Richard post of 4/30, that in itself is explaining what is going on. Lawyer who took cases and are doing nothing. See Gene's posting of 4/19. His own lawyer never filed and still has thousands that he never file. This so typical of what lawyers do. Your own posting of 5/2 Is pretty much why I have been telling people be careful and research "GREED IS WHAT MOTIVATES THE WORLD" You yourself said this, but you tell me to shut up, Stop telling people to be careful, Don't research what went on with past lawsuits. Gary, you are just like a good number of people to except what is going on. Stick your head in the sand and hope it goes away. My lawyer would never screw me, you say. Gary google in the search asking, "FIVE WAYS MY LAWYER CAN SCREW YOU." Here a phone number to call. It is to the court in penn. 215 597 7704 Ask if you are on the Mass torts list. If you are not you can even call the judge Rufe secretary. 267 299 7490. Ask what is going on. Than call your lawyer and ask him what is this Mass Torts list and why you are not on it. From the way you are doing your song and dance, you may not like what you hear. Pull your head out of the sand Gary and ask questions. If you are afraid to find out, then maybe you better keep your head in the sand. You have a nice day.

  • MatinaMay 2, 2011 at 4:05 pm


  • GaryMay 2, 2011 at 12:25 pm

    Greed, it's what motivates the world and our societies. Our lawyers are greedy, the drug companies are greedy and now, so are the victims of this terrible poisoning. Joe spouts out not to accept the drug companies offer, to fight for more, and while I agree we deserve more the reality is we can't get any more than what our lawyers accept. Sure we can opt not to accept their offer and fight for mor[Show More]Greed, it's what motivates the world and our societies. Our lawyers are greedy, the drug companies are greedy and now, so are the victims of this terrible poisoning. Joe spouts out not to accept the drug companies offer, to fight for more, and while I agree we deserve more the reality is we can't get any more than what our lawyers accept. Sure we can opt not to accept their offer and fight for more for the rest of our life, but I don't want to dwell on this any longer. I was never a ka zillionaire before Avandia and I'm not going to be after. I want to rest. I am going to accept the offer and get on about the business of living no matter the limits I now have on the experience. I say let the Joe's of the world charge into battle I for one am content to sit this out.

  • GaryMay 2, 2011 at 11:25 am

    Just wondering why no comment was made by 'THE GREAT BRAIN' about Glenn's news.

  • RichardMay 1, 2011 at 1:57 am

    I am also from Texas (Austin). I have not been able to find an attorney that will even consider taking my case, saying: "It's not worth their time!". I was also told by one attorney: "I wouldn't take 10 of these cases!" I guess your health and life is worthless in the state of Texas; and I was born, raised, and lived most of my life here. The pharmacy that filled the prescriptions told me the phar[Show More]I am also from Texas (Austin). I have not been able to find an attorney that will even consider taking my case, saying: "It's not worth their time!". I was also told by one attorney: "I wouldn't take 10 of these cases!" I guess your health and life is worthless in the state of Texas; and I was born, raised, and lived most of my life here. The pharmacy that filled the prescriptions told me the pharmacutical company gave no instructions on how to get off the medication, but I would receive a letter from them soon after the recall. I never did. I have been devestated by this medication. I cannot believe I am still alive !! "Proproxyphene poisoning."

  • smsApril 30, 2011 at 6:01 pm

    my lawyer said my avandia claim was at garretson group but when i call them they tell me they dont see my name on the list what wtf is going on

  • joeApril 30, 2011 at 12:43 pm

    Ed, I can't help but smile on what you said on 4/28. I think you made the most important statement that can be said with seven simple words. FIVE WAYS YOUR LAWYER CAN SCREW YOU. I google it myself. I found that it tells what I been trying to say along each time when I told people to be careful and questions things, Ed, if people google this, they will now find out the possiblilty of what is real[Show More]Ed, I can't help but smile on what you said on 4/28. I think you made the most important statement that can be said with seven simple words. FIVE WAYS YOUR LAWYER CAN SCREW YOU. I google it myself. I found that it tells what I been trying to say along each time when I told people to be careful and questions things, Ed, if people google this, they will now find out the possiblilty of what is really going on. Hey Glenn, please google this site. Ed, the thing is that most people again will stick there heads in the sand saying "not my lawyer", He wouldn't be doing that to me. Please people, QUESTIONS THINGS, WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE ON THE MDL AND SOME ARE NOT. WHY ARE SOME PEOPLE GETTING LETTERS, SOME PEOPLE HAVE NEVER HEARD NOTHING. WHY SOME LAWYERS ARE DOING ONE THING AND OTHER LAWYERS ARE DOING SOMETHING ELSE. I know that there are people on here that did question things. Some are very happy with what they found out, some are not. At least they got some answers, and have time to questions things. Please call, ask questions. Do not find out that your lawyer screw you or screw you case the hard way. Gene, posting 4/19, Found out that his lawyer never filed yet and that information from his lawyer that there are thousands more just like him. This is not a question of getting mad at me or anybody else. It is a question of protecting yourself and your law suit.

  • edApril 29, 2011 at 10:26 pm

    My post on 4/28/11 I should have said search 5 WAYS LAWYERS SCREW THEIR CLEINTS google this you might like it is a post from a lawyer. Martina do you really think GSK has yours or any other victims best interest in mind. So the same company that MADE AND SOLD AVANDIA IS NOW A GOING TO PROTECT YOU FROM ALL THE BAD PEOPLE that also have been harmed by Avandia.Because they also have the right to sue[Show More]My post on 4/28/11 I should have said search 5 WAYS LAWYERS SCREW THEIR CLEINTS google this you might like it is a post from a lawyer. Martina do you really think GSK has yours or any other victims best interest in mind. So the same company that MADE AND SOLD AVANDIA IS NOW A GOING TO PROTECT YOU FROM ALL THE BAD PEOPLE that also have been harmed by Avandia.Because they also have the right to sue GSK just as you have. Like it or not the only one to blame for you and others not having your settlement by now is GSK!!! Big company's are only driven by profit and they are unwilling to give anyone back a dime with out a fight.It sounds good when they spin comments like it's not GSK holding up settlements it's someone else's fault please dont be mad at us we are the good guys! I hate the word SPIN or half truths that people in power throw around just to keep the common person happy.Back in the day we called this Bull Shit all you have to do is check out how much Gasoline has gone up this year $4.19 here.Watch the news about the price of gas the experts will give 50 reasons why it went up.They will look you in the eye while they spin the truth into 1/2 truths just to give you some kind of answer. I make this point about gas just to point out no one is going to have your best interest in mind but you.I will say this over and over it is in GSK best interest to drag these lawsuits out trying to keep them out of court.GSK will contact as many lawyers as possible and they will try to get their cleints to except low out of court settlements. I know everyone want's their settlement now and I don't blame you these case's have dragged on long enough.But please don't be so desperate to belive everything you read or hear (my point about gas) Don't let your frustrations rule you judgement.I wish it was with in my power to give each person harmend by Avandia $10 million and those that lost love ones $50million but that would make me full of SPIN just like GSK.

  • BillApril 29, 2011 at 5:58 pm

    In the following link........ Why are the first few names being "removed". Secondly....Each case now has a different judge's name on it, why so many judges all of a sudden?? All of the previous cases had Judge Rufe's name on it

  • BillApril 29, 2011 at 5:15 pm

    Glenn......You may think you are getting your money, but you are not........Even if you do get money, there will not be anything left after your lawyer takes his cut......The people that are "supposedly" settling now, have shyster lawyers, mostly from states other than where they live, that are protected from your own state's laws once they screw you.......Like Matina, you will receive letter afte[Show More]Glenn......You may think you are getting your money, but you are not........Even if you do get money, there will not be anything left after your lawyer takes his cut......The people that are "supposedly" settling now, have shyster lawyers, mostly from states other than where they live, that are protected from your own state's laws once they screw you.......Like Matina, you will receive letter after letter why your money is being held up.........Unlike the MDL people, who will get a fair court settlement, and it will be ordered that the lawyers only get a fixed percentage amount, and no more. Plus the MDL cases will settle for 3-5 times more than the people who settle out of court........The people that are receiving letters, and "settling" now, I am sorry, but your lawyers have hustled you, which is sad......If your lawyer is in another state, you have a HUGE problem

  • joeApril 29, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    Matina, please, didn't I say this was going to happen. "There's a settlement" your lawyer tells you in a letter. Then later you are told that GSK won't release the funds. I have said it many times. It is always somebody else that is holding up the settlement, the courts, the doctors, other lawyer fighting among themselves. It is alway somebody else. I'll tell you what the real reason is. If you w[Show More]Matina, please, didn't I say this was going to happen. "There's a settlement" your lawyer tells you in a letter. Then later you are told that GSK won't release the funds. I have said it many times. It is always somebody else that is holding up the settlement, the courts, the doctors, other lawyer fighting among themselves. It is alway somebody else. I'll tell you what the real reason is. If you were told that you own one hundred people a total sum of $20,000.00 dollars, would you just pay the money or would you question has to why You own the money, you are told you ruin their lives. Are you just going to pay it, or tell the lawyer, "I have no idea what your talking about. Proved it." If the lawyer "legally can't" prove it, would you still pay the money, I think your answer would be A LOUD NO. This is the same thing with GSK. Why would they pay money to lawyer if no legal statement made. Please make the phone calls and question things. Even with Glenn posting of 4/27.

  • MatinaApril 29, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    to the loud mouth I'm right here the reasonis....... I'm not with the MDL, whose in it to win. this is one of the hold up the MDL, wanting more money from all lawyer and clients that casees they did not work on but want to get a % of everyone case. now you call for your self and see if that's not one of the reason you haven't received your money along with Medicad hey JOe your so smart why [Show More]to the loud mouth I'm right here the reasonis....... I'm not with the MDL, whose in it to win. this is one of the hold up the MDL, wanting more money from all lawyer and clients that casees they did not work on but want to get a % of everyone case. now you call for your self and see if that's not one of the reason you haven't received your money along with Medicad hey JOe your so smart why didn't you report the MDL. everyone is not on their list and call them and see how much money they want to srew you for you. call the MDL and ask point blank how much are they trying to get from the victims?? Joe, you do the math!

  • joeApril 29, 2011 at 2:12 pm

    Glenn, if you are happy to except the, has some people called, "Garage Sale Settlements" you go ahead and take your pennies from the lawyer who are screwing you so big. If you don't want to know why you settled and don't question any thing, you go right ahead. I tried to warn you. I would not be surprise that your lawyer didn't file, as some people found out. And no, people are not sick of hear[Show More]Glenn, if you are happy to except the, has some people called, "Garage Sale Settlements" you go ahead and take your pennies from the lawyer who are screwing you so big. If you don't want to know why you settled and don't question any thing, you go right ahead. I tried to warn you. I would not be surprise that your lawyer didn't file, as some people found out. And no, people are not sick of hearing me telling them to research and question everything. (has you say,WAIT. I never told anybody to wait, I ask them to question why You are settled and while thousands more still don't know what going on) By you saying that, it is very easy to know that you have not read any of the peoples comments about some things they have learned. YES Glenn, you go and celebrate your Pennies from the Garage Sale. I actually feel bad for you. I kept on asking what are you afraid of. I think you don't question things because you are afraid that you might find out you are being screwed. Its not to late, make the phone call to the eastern court, phone number is 215 597 7704 and judge Rufe secretary number is 267 299 7490. Yes Glenn, even after you still keep on trying to blow me away, I am still begging you to call. Ask what this Mass Tort List is and then ask the secretary if anything going on. After this call your lawyer and question this Mass Tort List and why your not on it. I am challenge you to do this. Are you Afraid? Also, I can't help but notice, you say you are getting your money while you didn't say how, why, and when. Are not a team player, or are you saying I got my and the hell with everybody else.

  • MatinaApril 28, 2011 at 10:55 pm

    Got a letter also found out GSK won't turn the money loose because other lawyer trying to cash in on the same money that goes to us

  • DebbieApril 28, 2011 at 8:25 pm

    Is there anyone out there that has hired a lawyer from Texas. That has received their envelope?

  • edApril 28, 2011 at 7:31 pm

    Hey Bill I think most of us are still here I check the posting almost daily.I like to read and reseach all I can about Avandia when possible. I like the post by Doug on 4-27-11 has alot of info there thanks Doug. Like Joe and few others have tried to share their research also. I think some might like this site I have. Just google 5 ways your lawyer screws you and some of you might find answers to[Show More]Hey Bill I think most of us are still here I check the posting almost daily.I like to read and reseach all I can about Avandia when possible. I like the post by Doug on 4-27-11 has alot of info there thanks Doug. Like Joe and few others have tried to share their research also. I think some might like this site I have. Just google 5 ways your lawyer screws you and some of you might find answers to how some case's are being handeled!!!! I think MDL case's when they actully go to trial and a judgment against GSK is made this will set in motion a point sytem just like the Vioxx case. I think the case's that are actually FILED as MDL Lawsuits will set the standard of how much will awarded to each by that point system. I think the other case's not filled MD ( which I found out my wife's case is only filed in my Lawyer's Desk because of JOE's earlier post's bringing this to my attenion thanks Joe) these case's will be setteled by what kind of Lawyer you have AND IF YOU WILL EXCEPT A OUT OF COURT SETTLEMENT!!!!! Money and Profit make the world go around GSK will not give up either with out a fight.Every state in the nation the VA and Lawyer's smell blood in the water and are bringing presure on GSK with these law suits. That is why GSK has put back 6 billon so far to cover these lawsiuts.You have to be aware that it is in GSK best interest to settle as many Avandia Lawsuits out of court. How can you tell if you have a good lawyer!! See if your case is only on file at his or her office and also if you would be willing to except 46,000 to 86,000 for your settlement. Let's see my wife's heart attack and bypass came to over 106,000 in 2010.She may not get a damm cent from GSK but we will not except 1/2 ass settlement from GSK or our Happy to do nothing lawyer.

  • BillApril 27, 2011 at 11:57 pm

    Avandia Victim By Default.........Please keep us informed. You are obviously not part of the MDL, but I am sure we would all still like to know how you make out. Thanks

  • GlennApril 27, 2011 at 8:16 pm

    what happened to this blog was everyone got sick of hearing Joe talk about things he knows nothing about. And one of them is what Doug is saying. Joe kept saying wait dont do anything well here you go. I'm getting my money all you who listened to Joe SORRY

  • BillApril 27, 2011 at 7:50 pm

    Funny how Matina Stirred things up here, and just disappeared

  • joeApril 27, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    HA HA HA HA, Bill, where all still here. Hopefully, people are making the phone calls.

  • joeApril 27, 2011 at 4:44 pm

    Avandia Victim by Default, please forgive me. I just realize that you and avandia victim are not the same people. I am sorry for my comment. I just thought that you were one and the same. Again, I am sorry.

  • joeApril 27, 2011 at 4:40 pm

    Avandia Victim, How is that on April 25, you received a Fed Ex package explaining your "possible settlement," but on 16th of April, you said you sign a " CAN'T TALK". Then on 13th of April you explaining about your "long Letter" that garretson sent to you explaining the settlement. Please explain your can't talk. Why would you sign an agreement like that if you never received any nondisclosure inf[Show More]Avandia Victim, How is that on April 25, you received a Fed Ex package explaining your "possible settlement," but on 16th of April, you said you sign a " CAN'T TALK". Then on 13th of April you explaining about your "long Letter" that garretson sent to you explaining the settlement. Please explain your can't talk. Why would you sign an agreement like that if you never received any nondisclosure information. People here are tried of people double talking and giving bad information.

  • joeApril 27, 2011 at 4:21 pm

    Doug, I'll check this out. Need more time to questions its meaning. (I KNEW MEDICARE AND MEDICAID WOULD GO AFTER GSK ONCE A JUDGEMENT IS MADE. I WAS SURPRISE THAT THE VA MIGHT GO AFTER GSK) I do not believed that this would hurt the people who have filed against GSK. It does add more evidents against GSK. All the more important, now more than ever make sure that your lawyers are aware and that th[Show More]Doug, I'll check this out. Need more time to questions its meaning. (I KNEW MEDICARE AND MEDICAID WOULD GO AFTER GSK ONCE A JUDGEMENT IS MADE. I WAS SURPRISE THAT THE VA MIGHT GO AFTER GSK) I do not believed that this would hurt the people who have filed against GSK. It does add more evidents against GSK. All the more important, now more than ever make sure that your lawyers are aware and that they have filed. THis could be "political" move to get GSK to stop its nonsense and start to sit down and get them to pay up. Either way, I don't think that it would hurt any more or less than what is going on. The dates when the VA started to go after Gsk goes back to 2007.

  • DougApril 27, 2011 at 12:30 pm

    This will take a huge bite out of everyone's settlement, thanks a lot!!

  • BillApril 26, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    Where did everyone go?? This blog was alive for a while

  • Avandia Victim By DefaultApril 26, 2011 at 1:46 am

    I received a Fedex envelope this morning from Garretson withe same information that Matina and Avandia Victim received. It does mention the 2020 clients in the settlement group. Lots of information and pages to read.

  • ShelbyApril 22, 2011 at 12:58 am

    My Husband took Avandia for 2 yrs, he had diabetes, liver failure, kidney failure, and congestive heart failure. He passed away two days after Thankgiving, Nove 28,2005. He had bypasses, pacemaker, defibrillator, and he never got any better, he started to accumulate fluid in his lungs that was pumped out gallons at a time he was in the hosp., between the VA and the local hosp, every month, and d[Show More]My Husband took Avandia for 2 yrs, he had diabetes, liver failure, kidney failure, and congestive heart failure. He passed away two days after Thankgiving, Nove 28,2005. He had bypasses, pacemaker, defibrillator, and he never got any better, he started to accumulate fluid in his lungs that was pumped out gallons at a time he was in the hosp., between the VA and the local hosp, every month, and during this time I was going through breast cancer, chemo and Radiation,also have diabetes, heart condition, and fibro yet I kept him at home and took care of him to the end, I made a vow and promised him I wouldn't put him in a home. I have filed with the class action suit, and was told that something should be settled this year (2011) but I am like everyone else I am just patiently waiting, as of right now. I am like a lot of others I am on disability and Thank God owe only utillities, and a car payment but it is still hard to make ends meet, of course my husband was a 100% service connected Veteran of the Vietnam conflict, having been affected by the agent orange spraying, and have cancer from it and given 6 mos to live but God Blessed us and he lived 23 years in remission. So I get a small pension from the government, but with the current Pres., no telling how long that will be true. God Bless everyone who is patiently waiting for some news on a settlement.

  • joeApril 21, 2011 at 3:26 pm

    Bill, be thankful what your lawyer said. It sounds like you have a good lawyer on you hands. What they told you is what I have been saying along. Nothing is going on. And nothing will go on until the Mass Torts list is completed. This list will eventually decide the outcome of the Avandia lawsuit has the Vioxx mass tort list settled against Merck. From there, the dominos will fall into place.The[Show More]Bill, be thankful what your lawyer said. It sounds like you have a good lawyer on you hands. What they told you is what I have been saying along. Nothing is going on. And nothing will go on until the Mass Torts list is completed. This list will eventually decide the outcome of the Avandia lawsuit has the Vioxx mass tort list settled against Merck. From there, the dominos will fall into place.The point system that vioxx lawsuit used, is what most will likely take place. I know that so people think that these people, on the list, are in court or going to court. THe mass tort list are only people who has been approved to have a real case against GSK. That is why everyday more people are added to the list. This process is used to make sure which lawsuits are real and which lawsuit are not legitimate. Also, be glad that you were inform about these so call "settlements" are not coming soon that some people still claim. I have been trying to tell people that nothing is going on and to be careful. Question everything. The fact that nothing is going on, why would GSK pay anybody any money if no judgement has been made. Why would GSK pay a "settlement" to any lawyer or court if nobody challenge gsk (EXCEPT THE BUFORD FAMILY AND THEY SETTLE OUT OF COURT). Please make the phone calls, question things. Don't find out later when thing start to move that your lawyer never filed,or got careless or for any reason your lawsuit never made it. People out there, If you still don't want to listen to me, at least listen to the people who made the call and what they are finding out. More and more people are calling some are happy with what they heard, so are not and it is sad like what happen to Gene that posted a statement 4/19.

  • BillApril 21, 2011 at 3:19 am

    I talked to my lawyer today. He told me that nothing new is going on with the MDL, and no sign of any settlement coming.....I also asked him why the firm was no longer taking anymore Avandia clients, he stated that the firm has enough clients, and any more, they would not be able to provide good service........I never heard of a lawyer turning down clients, something is not right.

  • samApril 21, 2011 at 3:15 am

    I think GSK splashed it all over the news last year, and early this year they were taking charges totaling billions of dollars, and settling all of their lawsuits just to take the focus off of them. Now with the pressure gone, and no news interest anymore, they are going to drag this lawsuit out forever!!!! I bet that it is minimum 2-3 years before anyone gets any kind of settlement

  • joeApril 20, 2011 at 3:52 pm

    Gene, I am so sorry to hear this. I really don't know what to say. I was afraid that something like this was going to happen. Please again, I am so sorry. This problem is all to familiar. If you don't ask questions, nobody is going to volunteer answers. Don't question the doctor, don't question the hospital, don't question the lawyers. As far back as late Febuary, I tried to tell people be carefu[Show More]Gene, I am so sorry to hear this. I really don't know what to say. I was afraid that something like this was going to happen. Please again, I am so sorry. This problem is all to familiar. If you don't ask questions, nobody is going to volunteer answers. Don't question the doctor, don't question the hospital, don't question the lawyers. As far back as late Febuary, I tried to tell people be careful. Anon, Linda, Matina, Glenn, and Gary all told me to shut up . Gene, get in touch with your doctor to forward your medical records to your lawyer. Better yet, go to the office yourself. By law they have to give you copies. Bring them to your lawyer or Fed Ex the papers to him. Then tell your lawyer to file now, not tomorrow, not yesterday, NOW. Maybe this is why some of you might be receiving so call settlement papers.The lawyer never filed. Gene, My prayers are with you. Good luck. Again, I don't care what you think of me, call those phone numbers, then call your lawyer and ask what this mass torts list and why does it exist.

  • GeneApril 19, 2011 at 6:05 pm

    Joe is telling it like it is. I filed with a large firm in jUly of last year. Had three heart attacks, 5 bypasses, a stent and 5 caths so far. I will be 70 this year. Quit avandia after about 8 years and am doing better since. In any case called my lawyer a few days ago. Havent even filed my case yet. From what I gathered from him there are thousands not filed. I dont really see much hope in this [Show More]Joe is telling it like it is. I filed with a large firm in jUly of last year. Had three heart attacks, 5 bypasses, a stent and 5 caths so far. I will be 70 this year. Quit avandia after about 8 years and am doing better since. In any case called my lawyer a few days ago. Havent even filed my case yet. From what I gathered from him there are thousands not filed. I dont really see much hope in this being settled any time in the future. I think many of us wont be around to see anything. From what the lawyer said about files from the drs and hospitals they are dragging their feet and dont want to get involved .Joe is absolutely right on. God bless us all.

  • samApril 18, 2011 at 4:47 pm

    Avandia Victim.......When did you file your case? Do you have a local lawyer?? Are you part of the MDL?

  • Avandia VictimApril 16, 2011 at 9:47 pm

    Bill......I know that and you know that, but apparently GSK or the lawyers one doesn't think anyone knows that. I think they are just splitting hairs here, because a heart attack can be a generic term used to describe different types of MI and AMI, it is used to describe any "attack" on the heart that does not result in cardiac death. So I guess technically, if you die - it was not a heart attack [Show More]Bill......I know that and you know that, but apparently GSK or the lawyers one doesn't think anyone knows that. I think they are just splitting hairs here, because a heart attack can be a generic term used to describe different types of MI and AMI, it is used to describe any "attack" on the heart that does not result in cardiac death. So I guess technically, if you die - it was not a heart attack according to some medical experts. It's all smoke and mirrors on GSK's part to try and confuse everyone and use it as a ploy to keep from paying. This is how I am looking at it, I receive periodic (and trust me few and far between) letters from the attorney, I read them, I file them away. I don't talk to anyone about it except here anonymously because I signed a paper saying I wouldn't, and until I get either the offer or the check am not going to expect anything. I am trying to carry on with my life. I had a life before Avandia tried to take it and I am damned sure not going to sit around and feel sorry for myself and let it ruin the rest of my life.

  • wandaApril 16, 2011 at 2:50 pm

    thank you avandia victim..i got the same response when i called my attorney...sure wish they would hurry up...

  • BillApril 15, 2011 at 10:01 pm

    I checked out my lawyer's website today. It stated in bold letters......"No longer accepting Avandia clients"....... I have a local lawyer, I am also part of the mass torts. It was too late to call him, and now it is the weekend, so I will not be able to ask until Monday. I wonder if the statutory deadline is nearing?........... I am also concerned that they found out that it is not going to pay n[Show More]I checked out my lawyer's website today. It stated in bold letters......"No longer accepting Avandia clients"....... I have a local lawyer, I am also part of the mass torts. It was too late to call him, and now it is the weekend, so I will not be able to ask until Monday. I wonder if the statutory deadline is nearing?........... I am also concerned that they found out that it is not going to pay nearly as well as Vioxx did, and that is why they do not want any more clients......... These people who have hired fly by night lawyers in different states, and settling for poor out of court settlements are hurting the MDL

  • joeApril 15, 2011 at 4:45 pm

    Ed Thank you. It is not me thought you should be thanking, it is yourself. All I been asking for people to research and ask questions. You seems to be one of the few that realize what an "Out of Court Settlement" means. Also, People are still not realizing that with these so call settlement letters that some people have received is a great way of saying what you said, "GARAGE SALE". Please peop[Show More]Ed Thank you. It is not me thought you should be thanking, it is yourself. All I been asking for people to research and ask questions. You seems to be one of the few that realize what an "Out of Court Settlement" means. Also, People are still not realizing that with these so call settlement letters that some people have received is a great way of saying what you said, "GARAGE SALE". Please people, if you don't want to hear me keep on saying to be careful, at least listen to the people who did research and made the phone call. They got some answers. If you are wondering again what is going on see joe posting dated 4/9 and sms posting of 4/11. Condemn me, I don't care, call me names, I don't care, but make the phone call to court and then ask your lawyer about this MDL list and what it is and why are you not on.

  • MelvinApril 15, 2011 at 5:27 am

    Thank you I have been looking all over for something that makes sense, and you finally posted the truth. Thanks again

  • edApril 15, 2011 at 2:13 am

    Thanks Joe for trying to keep those that will listen informed.I also have been researching Avandia since we contacted a lawyer in Feb 2011.I checked the MDL Tort Case's Filled info that you posted 4-12-11 and couldn't find my wife's case #.So I called her lawyer of course I spoke to the office help and not him.Started asking ?'s why wife's case is not listed on MDL Case Listing.Here is the answer [Show More]Thanks Joe for trying to keep those that will listen informed.I also have been researching Avandia since we contacted a lawyer in Feb 2011.I checked the MDL Tort Case's Filled info that you posted 4-12-11 and couldn't find my wife's case #.So I called her lawyer of course I spoke to the office help and not him.Started asking ?'s why wife's case is not listed on MDL Case Listing.Here is the answer I got we have not filed case yet still have time to file. Also will not be filing with the MDL Case's the Lawyer position is they can get a more sypathic jury in Missiour than in the tort trial.I know and as you have posted that most case's will be settled out of court and what most people do not understand is that GSK will try to buy these case's off at GARAGE SELL PRICES.You do not have take these low offered out of court settlements it's up to you. We live in Indiana our main lawyer is in TX and they are using another Lawyer in Missiour to flle our case.I think it has to do with statule of limitations IN as most states are 2yrs and Missiour limit is 5yrs.I still have'nt found out when the tme limit started so far GSK is saying when the black box label started and of course our lawyers say it's latter.I am posting this to let others know you have to research and ask ?'s if not you will be offered a GARAGE SETTELMENT AND MIGHT THINK THIS THE BEST I COULD GET.

  • BillApril 14, 2011 at 8:35 pm

    Avandia Victim..........A heart attack, and a myocardial infarction are the same thing!!!!!!!! My God people, do a little research yourself, so you do not get hustled!!

  • BillApril 14, 2011 at 5:59 pm

    Your lawyer would have submitted your case to a local court, and then the local court in your state would have advanced your case to the mass torts case in PA. Your lawyer most likely would not have told you this......... Do a google search on your own name in quotes ie: "John Doe" and you will find information about yourself, and any court your name has been in. If you have a common name, the se[Show More]Your lawyer would have submitted your case to a local court, and then the local court in your state would have advanced your case to the mass torts case in PA. Your lawyer most likely would not have told you this......... Do a google search on your own name in quotes ie: "John Doe" and you will find information about yourself, and any court your name has been in. If you have a common name, the search may be a little more difficult

  • wandaApril 14, 2011 at 4:50 am

    thank you sms on april 11th..that was very helpfull..i wonder if those people going to court now are the one,s that suffered the worse from avandia?

  • Avandia VictimApril 14, 2011 at 1:05 am

    I recieved a letter today from my Attorney. Here are some excerpts. "In late July 2010, the Avandia Litigation Group announced to you and all of our clients that we had negotiated a settlement framework with GSK. In our early correspondence with our clients we outlined how the program would work and expressed our hope that we would be able to provide settlement offers by March 2011. Obviously, we [Show More]I recieved a letter today from my Attorney. Here are some excerpts. "In late July 2010, the Avandia Litigation Group announced to you and all of our clients that we had negotiated a settlement framework with GSK. In our early correspondence with our clients we outlined how the program would work and expressed our hope that we would be able to provide settlement offers by March 2011. Obviously, we underestimated the difficulties of qualifying claims with GSK and preparing all settlement packets and offers for the 2020 clients affected by the settlement." They go on to say that there are 3 points of mechanics in the settlement process, the law firm claim submission, then GSK validates the claim, and Garretson puts a valuation on the claim. It also says (it's a long letter), that as of this week there are less than 200 claims left to file with GSK for claim validation. One of the things that GSK is looking at to validate the claim is that the claim meets the provisions of the Master Settlement Agreement, including a qualifying injury type, the use of Avandia for at least 30 days within one year of the injury, GSK also evaluates each claim to determine whether or not it is an MI (myocardial infarction) or heart attack. They state that GSK is one of the biggest holdups in the claims process. Quote "they have reviewed only 72% of AHW's claims and 20% of the other firms' submissions. Of our 72% reviewed, GSK has made over 30 glaring mistakes and another 50 injury determinations that we have had to appeal." The Garretson Firm serves as the neutral party and will evaluate the claims for relative value within the settlement pool. Garretson has reviewed most of our claims and a majority of the other firms' claims. However, they have not reviewed enough claims to calculate your case value so that the Avandia Litigation Group can provide you with a settlement offer. "The Avandia Litigation Group should have enough packets to GSK and Garretson by the end of APRIL (will believe when I see it) to calculate offers. We are working with GSK to work out their blatant and subtle errors and to speed up their process." I hope this serves to help some people out there and maybe dispel some rumors and blatant bull**** that has been tossed around this comment section. I am a victim just like the rest of you and remain hopeful that this will be settled fairly. I took Avandia from 1999 until 2007 when in February of 2006 I had what I thought was a "cardiac event" and came out with a clean bill of health with only 28% plaque. The doctor doubled my dosage of Avandia at that time to 80mg a day. In November of 2006 I had a massive heart attack and had 2 complete blockages in my left descending ventricle. I had 2 stents placed. in spring of 2008 i started reading info on the net about the side effects of Avandia, I immediately called my doctor who advised it was all hype and I should continue taking anyway. In may of 2008 I took it upon myself to flush the Avandia and refused to continue taking it. In may of 2008 I had a second heart attack and had another stent placed. As of then I have had a clean bill of health with my heart since. (btw, I was only 39 years old when I had the first heart attack.) I am now on medicine I will have to take the rest of my life to guard my heart, $$$$Plavix$$$$$$ and metoprolol. I am sure many of you are too and know how expensive Plavix is.

  • joeApril 12, 2011 at 5:13 pm

    By the way, there are now 4,124 names to the mass tort list. When I found this list in early March, there was only 3,784 names on the list. Because of this list, I gotten my case number.

  • joeApril 12, 2011 at 5:04 pm

    SMS, It is amazing that people will still be looking for a "settlement" even though the court is still filing cases. Maybe if they call the numbers that I posted on 4/9 they just might find out some things they don't want to hear. They might not be listed with the Mass torts and there "CONCERN" lawyers just might have screw some of the people and have no choice but maybe "SETTLE" out of court. I [Show More]SMS, It is amazing that people will still be looking for a "settlement" even though the court is still filing cases. Maybe if they call the numbers that I posted on 4/9 they just might find out some things they don't want to hear. They might not be listed with the Mass torts and there "CONCERN" lawyers just might have screw some of the people and have no choice but maybe "SETTLE" out of court. I have been trying to tell the nice folks on these postings to be careful and to research past lawsuits. All I get is people condemning me without any kind of proof, or a different research trying to help one another. I gave you Phone numbers and now SMS as posted the Mass tort listing. The only person who I know who might be on this list is Matina, because of her posting of 4/4. She mention the steering committee. These are the group of lawyers who will determine how much each person get. This took placed in the Vioxx Lawsuit. Go on keep telling me I am wrong, but little by little the research that I have done and ask you also to research is coming to the "surface" little at a time. Now let try and act like team players for one another and stop condemning one another. Now if you are not on the Mass Torts listing, call your lawyer ask why this list exist and that you are not on it. Hopefully, he'll tell you he is going to add you to the list. Pleaseeeeee, call your lawyer and call the court house phone numbers. We are a team, at least I am. Remember, let help one another. Even with all this information, nobody can still know when all this will be over. It was almost about 1 1/2 years after vioxx point system was in place before the first check went out.

  • smsApril 11, 2011 at 4:43 am here is the people that are going to court now

  • joeApril 9, 2011 at 8:25 pm

    To all the people who believe that a settlement is in the works, the following are phone numbers directly to the Eastern Penn Court. When you call this number 215 597 7704, you will be asked for your case number. Don't worry tell the person that you don't know your case number, but give your full name and he can let you know your case number and what is going on. Also if you want to know more here[Show More]To all the people who believe that a settlement is in the works, the following are phone numbers directly to the Eastern Penn Court. When you call this number 215 597 7704, you will be asked for your case number. Don't worry tell the person that you don't know your case number, but give your full name and he can let you know your case number and what is going on. Also if you want to know more here is Judge Rufe secretary's number, 267 299 7490." Ask her what is going on with the Avandia lawsuit . Pleaseeeeeeeeee" give them a call. I am not your enemy, I am only trying to state the facts. Lawyers are know to say anything to keep you "posted" and that settlement is coming within a certain time frame. When it don't happen, they blame everybody else on the delay. The court is holding it up, GSK is holding it up, the judge is holding it up. again "Pleaseeeeeeee, call them.

  • BillApril 9, 2011 at 5:17 pm

    This is what the document on the court page would look like if there had been an Avandia settlement...... Of course this is from the Vioxx settlement, but is any kind of payment agreement had been made with GSK for Avandia, it would be the SAME!! DO NOT TAKE AN OUT OF COURT SETTLEMENT!!

  • JoeApril 9, 2011 at 4:52 pm

    Anon and Linda, I am not trying to blow Matina out of the water, all I am asking is to show me what say, the dates and the proof. It wasn't a remark that said I was wrong, if you read her posting 4/4. She claims that I am some kind of Lawyer that held up her mother's money and that I put papers in court. I don't know what she thinking. All I ask is to show me what I said was wrong and why. REsearc[Show More]Anon and Linda, I am not trying to blow Matina out of the water, all I am asking is to show me what say, the dates and the proof. It wasn't a remark that said I was wrong, if you read her posting 4/4. She claims that I am some kind of Lawyer that held up her mother's money and that I put papers in court. I don't know what she thinking. All I ask is to show me what I said was wrong and why. REsearch vioxx case. You would swear your reading Avandia complaints. It is the same. It is amazing how close they sound. Also, of course your lawyer would say a settlement would not appear in court. Reason is no court order was given. Again, with all these people screaming and yelling where my money for years and people saying settlements have happen, how come nobody came forward to let us know what was received and the breakdown of the 'agreement. Do all these "concern" people just disappear and say "I got my money and the hell with everybody". I think not.Linda, do you want to bet that in June, You will call you lawyer up and ask what happen. It been a month and half, nothing. Then your lawyer says' GSK is holding everything up" And if you do received your "settlement" let us know what the payment is and breakdown. Or are you not a team player and the hell everybody.

  • LindaApril 9, 2011 at 2:49 pm

    Anon, Thanks for supporting Matina. I also got the same letter out of Calif. the lawyer seems to be striaght up with his letter. and right now that's all we have to go on. Im not sure if Joe is the right person to read his post at this time but my lawyer did say he hope it will be over in 30-45 days?? was disppointed with GSK as everyone else for not releasing money their trying to hold on to it [Show More]Anon, Thanks for supporting Matina. I also got the same letter out of Calif. the lawyer seems to be striaght up with his letter. and right now that's all we have to go on. Im not sure if Joe is the right person to read his post at this time but my lawyer did say he hope it will be over in 30-45 days?? was disppointed with GSK as everyone else for not releasing money their trying to hold on to it to make the intrest and anything else so at this point everyone it waiting but their working on this to be over. the more money the more the lawyer will make so are we going to win in the end??? you knew that you may or may not get anything out of it you took advanda and if someone hadn't bought it to the for front we all still would be taking it i SAID THIS TO SAY THAT i WISH EVERYONE WELL AND HOPE YOU GET OUT SOMETHING but in the end we all lose do what you feel best for yourself!!

  • joeApril 8, 2011 at 8:59 pm

    Matina, I forgot to ask you, the 7 percent, did your letter also say anything about moving you case to another circuit court district? Another words, transferring to the Eastern Penn Court or any other court. That is what Federal Steering Committee is. It was mention in the Vioxx Case (Merck & Co) and also it is mention on the transcript in the Avandia court statement in the Eastern court pen[Show More]Matina, I forgot to ask you, the 7 percent, did your letter also say anything about moving you case to another circuit court district? Another words, transferring to the Eastern Penn Court or any other court. That is what Federal Steering Committee is. It was mention in the Vioxx Case (Merck & Co) and also it is mention on the transcript in the Avandia court statement in the Eastern court penn. (Not trial statement, a hearing statement) Now does this sound like the Joe that you keep on mentioning. If you think is does, again show me what the dates are on these posting.

  • ANONApril 8, 2011 at 6:56 pm

    why don't you people leave Matina alone. She is obviously smarter than you.

  • ANONApril 8, 2011 at 6:53 pm

    I'm back again. Called my lawyer and I was right. an out of court settlement is NOT recorded in the court papers that a certain person keeps reading. If a certain person were so smart I would think they would have a law degree. I personally believe in my attorney for the simple fact that the more he gets for me the more he gets for himself, so it's in his own best interest to work hard on my behal[Show More]I'm back again. Called my lawyer and I was right. an out of court settlement is NOT recorded in the court papers that a certain person keeps reading. If a certain person were so smart I would think they would have a law degree. I personally believe in my attorney for the simple fact that the more he gets for me the more he gets for himself, so it's in his own best interest to work hard on my behalf.

  • anonApril 8, 2011 at 11:59 am

    you keep saying no settlements haave been reached, maybe, just maybe, OUT OF COURT means OUT OF COURT!!!!!

  • TimikoApril 8, 2011 at 2:42 am

    i took this crap for 3 years and had serious heart and chest pains but since Im still living and did not have a massive heart attack...I guess I don't quail fy for any compensation. Who to say that I will not be affected by this drug down the road. Especially my heart,liver and kidneys as well. I still have these PINK pills right now!

  • joeApril 7, 2011 at 8:38 pm

    Matina, good, you read it. Now use it to question your lawyer and ask him to translate what it says. That is why you hired him and are paying him. Bottom line is now you really know that no court cases has gone forward. Please, I am not your enemy. All I am trying to get you and other people on the postings to see that no trial has ever taken place. GSK pulls out at the last minute or ask for a d[Show More]Matina, good, you read it. Now use it to question your lawyer and ask him to translate what it says. That is why you hired him and are paying him. Bottom line is now you really know that no court cases has gone forward. Please, I am not your enemy. All I am trying to get you and other people on the postings to see that no trial has ever taken place. GSK pulls out at the last minute or ask for a delay, because they claim to be in the middle of negotiating "settlements" . This is one part of why your own lawyer says that it is GSK holding everything up. "TO PAYOFF" what claims that they can. Again, I am not the enemy. Question your lawyer what he think about this "SETTLEMENT". What has happen in the past with other settlements before or court order take place. Matina, All I have been saying is to think, question things. This is your lawsuit, not the lawyers. THey are working for you. Do not be intimidated.

  • samApril 6, 2011 at 8:42 pm

    Matina..........Since you seem to be one of the few that has received a letter, why don't you share with us how much money you are going to receive, and share with us all how that amount was determined..........You could help a lot of people on here wondering how much people are getting

  • BillApril 6, 2011 at 5:41 pm

    According to the link below. The Buford case went to trial Jan 28 2011. We all know that was settled out of court. But there is a second trial listed, William Nealy which was to begin Feb 22, 2011. Was the Nealy case settled out of court as well? They are both listed as bellwether cases.

  • joeApril 6, 2011 at 5:29 pm

    Matina, All I keep on asking what posting , the date of these postings. You can't even do that. Show the people these postings. Now if you continue with these statements, the people will know that you can't back up your statement. Matina, also read the court information from Bill posting of 4/4. Also it doesn't change the facts that there has been no settlement against GSk. AGAIN, THERE HAS BEE[Show More]Matina, All I keep on asking what posting , the date of these postings. You can't even do that. Show the people these postings. Now if you continue with these statements, the people will know that you can't back up your statement. Matina, also read the court information from Bill posting of 4/4. Also it doesn't change the facts that there has been no settlement against GSk. AGAIN, THERE HAS BEEN NO COURT ORDER OR SETTLEMENT MADE AGAINST GSK. YOUR SO CALL SETTLEMENT IS A BRIBE. That is why your own lawyer has said that GSK is holding everything up. To get rid of as many people has possible. You want to take it, go ahead. But i WOuld go over the vioxx cases and settlements that Merck had paid out. Before a court made an order, the average settlement was well under 75,000.00. After the court order the average settlement was well over 225,000.00. You have a nice day.

  • MatinaApril 6, 2011 at 4:52 pm

    Read what went to the web page don't understand what I was reading or where to read (help) did get a letter from my lawyer said in the next 30-45 days will know how much other people working or case wants to be paided 3% for something and than another &% for the paper work that's another reason to delay the checks now everyone wants a piece of the money but it's not getting to the injury par[Show More]Read what went to the web page don't understand what I was reading or where to read (help) did get a letter from my lawyer said in the next 30-45 days will know how much other people working or case wants to be paided 3% for something and than another &% for the paper work that's another reason to delay the checks now everyone wants a piece of the money but it's not getting to the injury party!

  • joeApril 5, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    Bill, A really big thank you. This something that maybe people will see what is going on. I hope now that some of the people won't settle for what lawyers are asking. GARY, please,please read. Glenn, Matina Wanda, please read.

  • BillApril 4, 2011 at 8:18 pm

    Here is the link to the court in PA. handling the Avandia case.......

  • joeApril 4, 2011 at 5:56 pm

    As of Mar 30, more cases were file in the Eastern Penn Court. Is it now at 4,121.

  • MatinaApril 4, 2011 at 5:06 pm

    Sam, I see your new to this and belive everything you hear! Joe was on another board with his I know the law attitude he's thinks he's some kind of lawyer held up money from my Mother and other on another board going back and forth to court putting in paper that didn't have any meaning and in the end he lost and now 'm sure this is the same Joe that again knows everything making statement that he[Show More]Sam, I see your new to this and belive everything you hear! Joe was on another board with his I know the law attitude he's thinks he's some kind of lawyer held up money from my Mother and other on another board going back and forth to court putting in paper that didn't have any meaning and in the end he lost and now 'm sure this is the same Joe that again knows everything making statement that he don't know what he's talking about. I received a letter from my lawyer this wek-end and was pleased with what was in it bout the delay they are working on the case but it's GSK that's holding it up and now want to take out 7% to be paid to a federal plaintiff steering committee 3% in costs paid by you and 4% from our fees so the attorneys would reeived 36% instead of 40% this is what was on the letter I recived this week-end thanks Joe you don't know it all! If you know more please post!

  • joeApril 4, 2011 at 4:57 pm

    Glenn, part of me says yes you are making it up, another part is telling me if this is a real "agreement," I think that the people in your "group" is getting a big royal screwing. I am no longer going to try to get some of you to look at the 'big picture". You are letting GSK do what it always wanted, divide and conquer. Please, before you do anything more, ask your lawyer if a "COURT JUDGEMENT WA[Show More]Glenn, part of me says yes you are making it up, another part is telling me if this is a real "agreement," I think that the people in your "group" is getting a big royal screwing. I am no longer going to try to get some of you to look at the 'big picture". You are letting GSK do what it always wanted, divide and conquer. Please, before you do anything more, ask your lawyer if a "COURT JUDGEMENT WAS MADE AND WHEN". If the answer is no judgement is made, think before you sign on the dotted line. Also, from some of the long past statements that have been posted, people have said they have settled and years later, still no money was received. Please, Glenn, I am not your enemy. Ask your lawyer the judgement question. Then ask how was this settle? Better still call the phone numbers that I posted to Frank. Please, Please cover all your bases before you do anything. Make the call and ask the question to your lawyer.

  • GlennApril 3, 2011 at 10:41 pm

    Joe what the hell are you talking about me being afraid. I told you and the rest of you, that my group was offered a sum of money, and we accepted it. We are now waiting for the Garretson Firm to decide who gets how much. What is your problem. Do you think I am making this up?

  • tonyaApril 1, 2011 at 6:52 pm

    i suppose to get a letter this week from my lawyer the same one that handle the burford case. He said it could take up to six too nine month till we get the money it goes by your injury and how much avandia you took . how this should be in the letter if i get the letter. and i don't have any leins on me . i will let you people know when i get the letter.

  • samApril 1, 2011 at 4:45 am

    If anyone settles for less than $100,000.00 you are an idiot, and get what you deserve. Joe has given some great advice. Much better than anyone else who has written anything here, and if you choose not to heed it, you are the fool. And to the idiot who claims Joe has written on other blogs..........I think there is more than one Joe using the internet, and you could not possibly be that stupid!!

  • garyMarch 31, 2011 at 8:22 pm

    This is the last time I will post anything. I only started reading this to see if I could learn anything, what I found is a site commandeered by a self righteous know it all urging people to distrust their attorneys. They may be only for their pay but then so is everybody and without them what could we expect. Money will not bring our health back but I would be better off even with an extra dollar[Show More]This is the last time I will post anything. I only started reading this to see if I could learn anything, what I found is a site commandeered by a self righteous know it all urging people to distrust their attorneys. They may be only for their pay but then so is everybody and without them what could we expect. Money will not bring our health back but I would be better off even with an extra dollar. So Joe, you can have your pulpit back and preach your conspiracy theories until you die. I don't care.

  • LynnMarch 31, 2011 at 7:33 pm

    The Garretson Firm is the setllement administrator for the attorneys that I have. I did recieve a letter stating the total amount GSK was offering. The letter further ask if you will accept the offer or if you want to be excluded and not accept the amount offered. The Garretson firm is in Nebraska and the will dedcide how the money will be distributed. The attorneys letter did state that a settle[Show More]The Garretson Firm is the setllement administrator for the attorneys that I have. I did recieve a letter stating the total amount GSK was offering. The letter further ask if you will accept the offer or if you want to be excluded and not accept the amount offered. The Garretson firm is in Nebraska and the will dedcide how the money will be distributed. The attorneys letter did state that a settlement with GSK HAS BEEN REACHED. The attorney has 2092 client and the offer was 104 million. We had until today to send back papers to the Garretson firm.

  • joeMarch 31, 2011 at 6:59 pm

    Frank, I got lucky, I got a phone number. 215-597-7704 they will ask for you case number. I didn't know my, so I gave them my full name. He informed me that really nothing was going on, which I pretty much knew. (hoping maybe I was wrong, but no) Filings are still being done. I was given another phone number, which I couldn't believe. Judge Rufe secretary. 267-2997490. I asked if the secretary wou[Show More]Frank, I got lucky, I got a phone number. 215-597-7704 they will ask for you case number. I didn't know my, so I gave them my full name. He informed me that really nothing was going on, which I pretty much knew. (hoping maybe I was wrong, but no) Filings are still being done. I was given another phone number, which I couldn't believe. Judge Rufe secretary. 267-2997490. I asked if the secretary would know any thing more that what I was just informed. He told me probable not. But I least I know that I am in the court system. I was given my case number. Good luck. Please anybody want to call, feel free.

  • joeMarch 31, 2011 at 6:24 pm

    Frank, Thank you. I know that it hurts some people on what I have been saying. Like Gary's two posting from Mar 29, but it won't change the facts of what is happening. I know to Gary, Matina, Glenn and now Wanda, They think I am the enemy. I can only tell them to continue to try and research past lawsuits. They may find things That they don.t want to hear or read. That is all I have ask. Especia[Show More]Frank, Thank you. I know that it hurts some people on what I have been saying. Like Gary's two posting from Mar 29, but it won't change the facts of what is happening. I know to Gary, Matina, Glenn and now Wanda, They think I am the enemy. I can only tell them to continue to try and research past lawsuits. They may find things That they don.t want to hear or read. That is all I have ask. Especially you, Gary. I know that you are very upset. You are right. I told people not to trust everything you read on the internet about Gsk or advandia. The main reason is that no settlement has been paid out. But when you ask about past lawsuit, these are items that took place and judgement was made. It no longer becomes "opinion", no longer 'according to sources" It becomes a fact. The reason is all lawyer will use past cases as resources in a trial. Please, I am not the enemy. Think with your brain and not with your heart. Emotions can cloud your thinking. There is an old saying in the business world, "Read what was said, not what you think it said". Another one is "Listen to what your hearing, and not what you think your hearing".

  • tonyaMarch 31, 2011 at 5:00 pm

    my lawyer said i should be getting a letter from them this week. he said i wouldn't be getting the money till about 6 months from now. and i don't know how much im getting yet. there is a acto lawsuit now too and it doesn't matter if you have a avandia lawsuit going on you still can sue acto too.

  • FrankMarch 31, 2011 at 2:37 pm

    In defense of Joe, Matina, he has not said anything that is not true. There has been no one thats has reached a settlement. His knowledge what litigation is right on the money. What he has said is exactly what is going on, yesterday, today, and what will finally take place with this. If you read about the vioxx case you will see that Joe is right and no one has yet step forward and siad they ha[Show More]In defense of Joe, Matina, he has not said anything that is not true. There has been no one thats has reached a settlement. His knowledge what litigation is right on the money. What he has said is exactly what is going on, yesterday, today, and what will finally take place with this. If you read about the vioxx case you will see that Joe is right and no one has yet step forward and siad they have reached a settlement. The attorney's keep giving all of us lip service to keep us off there back. O'h ya they are nice to you on the phone or the legal aid is anyway. I'v'e never actually talk to an attorney, just K. She is a sweet young lady and does what she is told as far as giving out information to put me off every 2 to 3 months since 2007. That's why I would like to send a email to the judge . So I tip my hat to Joe an until I see someone who has more knowledge of the case.

  • edMarch 30, 2011 at 10:33 pm

    I have seen alot of comment's about how much am I going to get from my Avandia lawsuit settlement.I have read news reports and postings in the range from $46,000 to $86,000. Let's say these amounts are correct. My wife has had several heart attacks-stints-balloned out-eye problem's and has a leaky heart valve.She also takes 12 different prescriptions each day.Thank God she is stll alive and I have[Show More]I have seen alot of comment's about how much am I going to get from my Avandia lawsuit settlement.I have read news reports and postings in the range from $46,000 to $86,000. Let's say these amounts are correct. My wife has had several heart attacks-stints-balloned out-eye problem's and has a leaky heart valve.She also takes 12 different prescriptions each day.Thank God she is stll alive and I have had insurance to cover most of the bills for the past 10 years. This much I do know she had her last heart attack 9-20-2010 that bill from hospital $42,000 then she had her 2nd bypass on 12-15-2010 that bill was for $64,000 I am not even going to talk about missed work and my out of pocket cost for the past 10 years.As you can see that is $106,000 dollars just in 3 mths trips to hospital.I will be retiring in the next 10yrs then what will I have to pay these bills with the $46,000 to $86,000 that everone seems so excited to report about. It's up to you if you except this low of a mount for the rest of your life.What are the odds your health will get better or will you have other trips to the hospital in the future.How long will such a low settlement pay for what you have went through and what may be in you future only time will tell.I don't think so as for my wife and I the answer has to be NO!!!

  • joeMarch 30, 2011 at 5:30 pm

    Matina, what are you afraid of. I keep on asking what I post was wrong and again all you and the Garys , Glenns just tell me to shut up. I love it. You guys just keep letting the other people know that you are afraid of something. I will again issue my challenge to you or anybody who can prove that a judgement against GSK was made on advandia. Please at least say something else beside telling me t[Show More]Matina, what are you afraid of. I keep on asking what I post was wrong and again all you and the Garys , Glenns just tell me to shut up. I love it. You guys just keep letting the other people know that you are afraid of something. I will again issue my challenge to you or anybody who can prove that a judgement against GSK was made on advandia. Please at least say something else beside telling me to shut up. It has been since Mar 22 and 23, that ask for your proof. Where is it? Not only I am Starting to question you and gary, and Glenn of your comments of what you guys are afraid of, the folks, on the postings, will now want to demand some answers from you guys. I have been on this posting since Feb 28, where have you been I don't know. Why you say that I am now on this posting, i don't know. Now if you can't be a team player and talk to us, then I can only ASSUME you are working for a lawyer or some drug company. Prove me wrong if there has been a judgement .Prove me wrong that cases are still being filed in the Eastern Penn Court as of today. PROVE ME WRONG, PROVE ME WRONG, PROVE ME WRONG, PROVE ME WRONG ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC ETC.

  • wandaMarch 30, 2011 at 5:23 pm

    matina.. what board are you talking about i would too look that up to see what a ass joe is making of himself..i am with you i dont think he knows what the hell he is talking about..

  • joeMarch 30, 2011 at 12:53 pm

    As of Mar 28, There has been 4,108 cases filed in the Eastern Penn court.

  • MatinaMarch 30, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    Like I said Joe, I\'m pretty sure it was you that was making comment on another board and lost. I was reading another board for my Mother and found your posting just about everyday, now your on this board with your no non-sence I know everything about the law?? well I find you don\'t and I feel you need to stop posting what you don\'t know!

  • garyMarch 29, 2011 at 11:34 pm

    Joe, On March 13 you said you couldn't find any settlement between Garretson and GSK. If you truly knew who Garretson really was you would have known they are not litigants but go betweens aka a nuetral party. So I say again shut up.

  • garyMarch 29, 2011 at 11:13 pm

    Joe, You act like you know so much when in fact you don't know any more than the rest of us. All we can do is try to trust our lawyers and you want to take what little we can hope for away. I am so sick I can't even walk down the drive to check the mail much less any of the activities I used to do. You say not to trust the lawyers and not to believe the internet about settlements and yet in the sa[Show More]Joe, You act like you know so much when in fact you don't know any more than the rest of us. All we can do is try to trust our lawyers and you want to take what little we can hope for away. I am so sick I can't even walk down the drive to check the mail much less any of the activities I used to do. You say not to trust the lawyers and not to believe the internet about settlements and yet in the same instance you talk about all the research you've done on the internet. Is this the same internet you said not to believe or do you have one that is more truthful than the rest of us. You're the run away train to the point of being a wreck.

  • joeMarch 29, 2011 at 7:28 pm

    Sorry Glenn, it looks like people are learning. You haven't read all the postings. You see, it is only Gary, Matina, and I guess you seem to think I am wrong. I have challenge you, Gary and Matina and all I get is Shut up. You guys still have not shown me where you think I am wrong. Of all people, Glenn, I ask you a simple tax question on Mar 4th, and you disappeared for For almost a month. I am [Show More]Sorry Glenn, it looks like people are learning. You haven't read all the postings. You see, it is only Gary, Matina, and I guess you seem to think I am wrong. I have challenge you, Gary and Matina and all I get is Shut up. You guys still have not shown me where you think I am wrong. Of all people, Glenn, I ask you a simple tax question on Mar 4th, and you disappeared for For almost a month. I am still waiting to be told where I am wrong with proof. If this is all you can do but condemn me instead of helping, you and your garys and Matinas keep on telling people that you guys are not team players. Again, please, tell me where you think I am wrong. If there has been a judgement made against GSK, on advandia, show me.

  • DougMarch 29, 2011 at 5:15 pm

    Here is a calculator that gives you an idea of how the Vioxx settlement was determined for each individual. You can put in your own avandia information, the only thing you will have to do that is different from avandia, is the "timeframe" you took the medication, you can just pick any date. The rest also applies to avandia, so you can answer the rest with your own answers.........http://www.offici[Show More]Here is a calculator that gives you an idea of how the Vioxx settlement was determined for each individual. You can put in your own avandia information, the only thing you will have to do that is different from avandia, is the "timeframe" you took the medication, you can just pick any date. The rest also applies to avandia, so you can answer the rest with your own answers.........

  • CharlesMarch 29, 2011 at 5:12 pm

    I am still waiting for my settlement amount. My father suffered from a stroke while on Avandia. The stroke left him unable to work and he walked with a cane because of it. After the stroke he was put back on Avandia. He was on Avandia from 2001-2008. He passed away in 2009. My father had this case going before he passed away and I had no idea about it and then a week after he passed his lawyer cal[Show More]I am still waiting for my settlement amount. My father suffered from a stroke while on Avandia. The stroke left him unable to work and he walked with a cane because of it. After the stroke he was put back on Avandia. He was on Avandia from 2001-2008. He passed away in 2009. My father had this case going before he passed away and I had no idea about it and then a week after he passed his lawyer called me and asked if I wanted to keep it going. I told them that I did. I received a letter from my lawyer in the beginning of February saying that there would be a settlement reached within the next couple of months. Everything I have read says that the settlement amounts are between $46,000-$86,000.

  • FrankMarch 29, 2011 at 1:53 pm

    Any way we can get to the Judge on The MDL case. Does she have e-mail that we all can send a e-mail too and does anyone no if there is a date that this has to be settled?

  • joeMarch 28, 2011 at 6:36 pm

    Ed. A big THANK YOU. (posting of Mar 25) Like you, it seems that we upset some people. But at least it show me that we must be doing something right. All I want is people to try and understand the "System". Because of a defective drug, People think that they are entitled to be comp. You must fight, scream and research what you are screaming about. People know that on 9/11, cops, firemen, all kind[Show More]Ed. A big THANK YOU. (posting of Mar 25) Like you, it seems that we upset some people. But at least it show me that we must be doing something right. All I want is people to try and understand the "System". Because of a defective drug, People think that they are entitled to be comp. You must fight, scream and research what you are screaming about. People know that on 9/11, cops, firemen, all kind of people ran to help on that fateful day. Today, almost half have died or dying and still they had to fight for their rights to be taken care of. If the people of 9/11 had to scream to be taken care of, think of how the "system" is by taken a drug that has yet to be proven in a court of law defective. No company will pay anything or "give away money' if it is not proven that an item is defective. Again, THANKS ED. If the people want to believe that there law firm will settle for 50,000.00 and you want to take, don't say down the road, I should of know better. You go listen to the Garys and Matinas who are telling me to shut up.

  • joeMarch 28, 2011 at 5:47 pm

    Gary, any person knows that Garretson law firm is national organization and well respected. We are know that. All I am saying is that nobody settled and to research on what is going on. You still haven't explained why you are acting like a runaway train. Maybe if you learn to stop and think for a moment and research various lawsuits from the past, maybe just maybe, it might open your eyes. Say hel[Show More]Gary, any person knows that Garretson law firm is national organization and well respected. We are know that. All I am saying is that nobody settled and to research on what is going on. You still haven't explained why you are acting like a runaway train. Maybe if you learn to stop and think for a moment and research various lawsuits from the past, maybe just maybe, it might open your eyes. Say hello to Matina for me

  • MatinaMarch 26, 2011 at 7:02 pm

    I know just like myself you know what other board!

  • GlennMarch 26, 2011 at 12:24 pm

    Well joe, looks like people are seeing that you dont know what your talking about.

  • DougMarch 26, 2011 at 6:43 am

    Isn't the second trial supposed to start March 28?

  • edMarch 26, 2011 at 2:35 am

    If you want to see how Avandia case's might be settled search Vioxx Settlement's .Read as many postings as you can and you will see how long that case lasted.You should see the Vioxx Tort had at least 5 cases that actually went to court before any of the MDL Case Settlements where paid out.That doesn't mean that GSK will not try to get many people to settle with out going to trial this is what the[Show More]If you want to see how Avandia case's might be settled search Vioxx Settlement's .Read as many postings as you can and you will see how long that case lasted.You should see the Vioxx Tort had at least 5 cases that actually went to court before any of the MDL Case Settlements where paid out.That doesn't mean that GSK will not try to get many people to settle with out going to trial this is what they are up to now.Once the 1st case actully goes before a jury and if they find Avandia cause death-heart attack's-etc and awards the plantiff say several millions.Then there will be a few more trials and if the jury's also finds GSK guilty again for how ever much money they award the plantiff's. Now the Court will have some ideal of the Dollar amount to work with to settle case's.This will be based on a point system using several questions death-heart attack-age- average income loss-smoking-how long you used Avandia-and etc. So when you actully see Avandia Case that goes to Court and the Jury makes a verdict you will see a few more case's to follow.Then you will hear how much you will get by the point system the court sets up. Three things to rember 1st it is in GSK best interest to settle as many case's out of court as cheap as they can.They do not want any Big Jury Rewards awarded to Avandia Plantiff's.Almost 80 to 90% of cases are setteled out of court. 2nd the judge will not let GSK stall much longer like they have for the past 6mths to try to offfer low ball settlement and delay Avandia Victims day in court. There is case's set to go to trial.Hang in there. 3rd this is just my oppion based on reseach I have done on Vioxx Settlements.I welcome any other info some others may have. Like Joe has tried to tell you NOT ONE AVANDIA CASE HAS MADE IT TO TRIAL AND NO JURY HAS MADE A VERDICT.When they do the end to this mess will be soon.

  • joeMarch 25, 2011 at 5:48 pm

    Again, as of Mar 17, no new cases has been filed. It's been at 3973 cases since Mar 17. trying to find out if the filing is over.

  • garyMarch 25, 2011 at 4:51 pm

    Joe, If you really knew anything you would know that the Garretson Firm is a claims resolution firm that works with the various attorneys to decide how much each claim is worth, not the actual litigant.

  • joeMarch 25, 2011 at 11:42 am

    Matina, where did you go. which posting are you talking about and the date of the posting statement. You asked the question, I responded to which item you want to talk about.

  • joeMarch 24, 2011 at 6:17 pm

    Matina, what other board are you talking about

  • joeMarch 23, 2011 at 6:38 pm

    As of Mar 17, no new cases has been filed.

  • MatinaMarch 23, 2011 at 4:22 pm

    Joe on another board this guy gave out his advice and was wrong at every angle?? I'm just wondering are you the same JOE

  • garyMarch 22, 2011 at 3:51 pm

    joe. why don't you just shut the f??? up. you don't know nearly what you think you do.

  • joeMarch 22, 2011 at 12:49 pm

    Ed, you don't know how happy it make me feel that people are waking up. I know that what I said, people don.t like to hear the truth. Has you found out that nobody will give information about what is going on. Your own Doctor would not tell you. Please, it is not the doctors fault. It is the way the system is. If he say something to you, it could back fire and the "DRUG COMPANIES" will place the d[Show More]Ed, you don't know how happy it make me feel that people are waking up. I know that what I said, people don.t like to hear the truth. Has you found out that nobody will give information about what is going on. Your own Doctor would not tell you. Please, it is not the doctors fault. It is the way the system is. If he say something to you, it could back fire and the "DRUG COMPANIES" will place the doctor on a "SH'T LIST".THis is why nobody in any profession talks. This is the business world. Lawyers, Doctors,Computer tech, anybody talk, the business world blackballs the person.

  • joeMarch 22, 2011 at 12:35 pm

    Matina, if you heard from your lawyer last year in January, shouldn't that tell you something. Nothing is going on. All this talk about settlements is an out right lie. The filing in the Eastern Penn Court is still going on. How can a lawyer say one thing, while the court is filing more cases as of March 18. Please, Matina, think for yourself and not what the lawyers say. Do your homework and rese[Show More]Matina, if you heard from your lawyer last year in January, shouldn't that tell you something. Nothing is going on. All this talk about settlements is an out right lie. The filing in the Eastern Penn Court is still going on. How can a lawyer say one thing, while the court is filing more cases as of March 18. Please, Matina, think for yourself and not what the lawyers say. Do your homework and research.

  • peterMarch 18, 2011 at 1:41 am

    i feel your pain and why you do i did not settle yet but was told about another 8 weeks and it is a point system on amout you will receive i wish i had the balls that after i receice money whenever i would like to sue somebdy else who knows any day now hang in there folks

  • edMarch 18, 2011 at 1:29 am

    Good job Joe my wife is one of the 3,964 new cases we just joined the lawsuit on March 8th 2011.Why did we take so long to sue we trusted the Dr advice and just thought her heart attacks were just really bad luck.Then after 10yrs of using Avandia on Dr advice from 1999 until late 2009 when Dr took her off Avandia.The end result of this wonder drug left her with over 15 + heart attacks + 6 stints +[Show More]Good job Joe my wife is one of the 3,964 new cases we just joined the lawsuit on March 8th 2011.Why did we take so long to sue we trusted the Dr advice and just thought her heart attacks were just really bad luck.Then after 10yrs of using Avandia on Dr advice from 1999 until late 2009 when Dr took her off Avandia.The end result of this wonder drug left her with over 15 + heart attacks + 6 stints + she has been ballooned enough to fly around world in 8 days + 1 open heart by-pass 2004 then after her last heart attack Sept 20th 2010 she had another by-pass on Dec 15th 2010 one day before her birthday.After 10 years of this shit and trusting the Dr advice I did some research about Adavndia and found out the only bad luck she had was taking this damm Wonder Drug. I have read all of the post's on this site and found that most people just want to make a statement about their their bad luck also. I think that is great and we need to share info with each other. But when people start bull-shit about selltements like it's this much or what ever they post 1/2 truth's about. I have to ask them have you read these post's to many have lost their lives taking this Wonder Drug and some need transplant's . Let's leave the Bull Shit and 1/2 truth's to the Drug Maker's-Doctor's- and Law Firm's. A big thank you Joe for telling those that will listen the TRUTH.

  • MatinaMarch 17, 2011 at 5:45 pm

    Joe, the last I heard my lawyer told me was waiting on a letter from another attorney office and Judge still waiting on who and how much will be given out. as of how much you could prove damage. If any one heard anything else please post. my lawyer said it should be in the next couple of weeks but I heard that before I think it was by January of last year!

  • joeMarch 17, 2011 at 12:18 pm

    O.K. Now that I have been telling everybody that nobody had settled (except the Buford family) and that all postings that claimed settlements are false statements (including the postings of Bloomberg, Reuters, and "Informed source claim"), I am now challenging anybody who claimed that they have settled. All you have to do is let me know the name of your law firm that settled and I will do the rese[Show More]O.K. Now that I have been telling everybody that nobody had settled (except the Buford family) and that all postings that claimed settlements are false statements (including the postings of Bloomberg, Reuters, and "Informed source claim"), I am now challenging anybody who claimed that they have settled. All you have to do is let me know the name of your law firm that settled and I will do the research and find out the story. Who has the BALLS to say I am wrong and proving it.

  • joeMarch 15, 2011 at 8:20 pm

    AS of march 14 3,964 mass torts cases has been filed and still going on

  • joeMarch 15, 2011 at 7:28 pm

    Frank, you are more than welcome. I know the suffering that all of us are going thru. I do not let my emotions rule me. I have to think logic. If we all can do this together, we can help each other. We must not let people sent out information that is false or think that what some one saying about settlements. You must remember how the "corporate Business world is corrupt" and that it will do anyt[Show More]Frank, you are more than welcome. I know the suffering that all of us are going thru. I do not let my emotions rule me. I have to think logic. If we all can do this together, we can help each other. We must not let people sent out information that is false or think that what some one saying about settlements. You must remember how the "corporate Business world is corrupt" and that it will do anything to get you to panic and agree to anything that they want. Keep praying and the hope alive.

  • FrankMarch 15, 2011 at 12:34 am

    I've begin involved with this case out of PA since 2007. I lost my wife, she was 57. They used both her kidney's, liver, knees, hips and skin off legs for transplants. I took a 50 K pay cut . She work at local college as a Registar for 22 years. She went into hospital on Tuesday with headache, strokes on Wednesday and Thursday. She was brain dead on Saturday morning. I'm sure you all have simil[Show More]I've begin involved with this case out of PA since 2007. I lost my wife, she was 57. They used both her kidney's, liver, knees, hips and skin off legs for transplants. I took a 50 K pay cut . She work at local college as a Registar for 22 years. She went into hospital on Tuesday with headache, strokes on Wednesday and Thursday. She was brain dead on Saturday morning. I'm sure you all have similar stories. Thanks Joe I got more infomation from you than I have gotten from the idiots handling this Mass case. It's a shame that the attorney's get fat and the drug company goes on but the people who got hurt suffer the most. No money can replace a human life. I'd take my wife back but that's not going to happen either. This case looks like it will go on for at least another year. I hope not for all of us who have suffered. Anyone who is posting false information, you should be ashamed of yourself.

  • joeMarch 13, 2011 at 1:30 pm

    Wanda, I am sorry to inform you of this. You mention your law firm Garrtson Resolution. I went and research this law firm and found nothing on any settlement against GSK . If this law law firm had received any settlement you know damn well that Internet posting would all over the system telling everybody what sucessful company they are . If you did received a letter from them, it was just to keep [Show More]Wanda, I am sorry to inform you of this. You mention your law firm Garrtson Resolution. I went and research this law firm and found nothing on any settlement against GSK . If this law law firm had received any settlement you know damn well that Internet posting would all over the system telling everybody what sucessful company they are . If you did received a letter from them, it was just to keep you informed with a "white lie" Do not give up hope. Has I keep on saying and I'll Keep on repeating, nobody will give you anything, just do your research and homework. Even the law firms that we hired are only interested in themselves and not "your day in court"

  • wandaMarch 11, 2011 at 7:44 am

    I had a heart attack and a double bypass at the age of 42 i cant work like i used too...i had 2 young kids still in school.. i had been taking avandia for 2 years before this happened... i got a letter from garretson resolution group back in nov. 2010 saying a group settlement 52 million devided between 705 people ..i havent heard anything anybody else in this group.. any news..thanks..

  • joeMarch 8, 2011 at 7:35 pm

    Glenn, Please go back and read my Feb 28, in reference to Tonya and my tax question to you on Mar 4.The question was, "If you have any liens against you, will the settllement be held up until the lien is paid off". and filed bankrupcy was also question by you. Please let me explain. If and when a court settle comes down, you do not pay any taxes on the settlement. Any tax person will confirm this[Show More]Glenn, Please go back and read my Feb 28, in reference to Tonya and my tax question to you on Mar 4.The question was, "If you have any liens against you, will the settllement be held up until the lien is paid off". and filed bankrupcy was also question by you. Please let me explain. If and when a court settle comes down, you do not pay any taxes on the settlement. Any tax person will confirm this. Because of this, the same provision within the law also apply to a Lien. Your settlement cannot be held up because a person has a lien against them. Now please note, this does not relives you of the lien. When you received your settllement, you are still responsible to pay the lien or if you chose not to. As in any other aspect such as real estate, a will, or a dead person estates, yes, your money will be held up in what is call probate court. (You Can Also claim the Lawyers fee on your income tax from your settlement). OK, now to the bankrutpy question. If you file for bankrupty, and the court and the people who you owe the money to sign a agreement stating that you'll only paid so much on the dollar( SUCH HAS 10 cent for every dollar you owe) Once this becomes official by the court, the people you owe and yourself are in a contract in binding, if you win the lotto after this, it is your money and not to the people you owe. Reason: a court document was sign and agreed upon. This the same as if when someone finally settle with GSK. You cannot go back and ask for more money. Please, to all people out there, no one is going to volunteer and give you any information. No doctor, no lawyer, no tax person, nobody unless you ask the questions and do your own homework to know why certain things goes on. Remember the old statement. "Ignorant of the law is no excuse.". do not let them screw you because you did not do your research.

  • GlennMarch 5, 2011 at 3:03 am

    Doug GSK makes an ofter of say 6 mil to your lawers who have 125 people with claims. U sing if u want to go any futher. if so it goes to a firm that decides who in the 125 gets what this goes by how long u were on avandia how bad u were heart ect. then u wait again.

  • joeMarch 4, 2011 at 8:13 pm

    Doug, I have no idea when these filings will be completed. As of Mar 3, more people were added to the Mass Torts. The general rule of thumb, the Mass Torts are in court. This has more fighting power, because if you have thousands of cases until has one, it is more likely to have more power that just one person, who is not part of the mass torts. If a judgement is made, (which I don't believe will [Show More]Doug, I have no idea when these filings will be completed. As of Mar 3, more people were added to the Mass Torts. The general rule of thumb, the Mass Torts are in court. This has more fighting power, because if you have thousands of cases until has one, it is more likely to have more power that just one person, who is not part of the mass torts. If a judgement is made, (which I don't believe will happen) each person will received a settlement base on how much pain and suffering he or she went thru, and the judge will make this decision. This what the filings are all about. to see the medical records and the problems that occurred to each person.

  • joeMarch 4, 2011 at 7:46 pm

    Glenn, If you say so good. answer this question. When you received your settlement, what kind of taxes did you pay?

  • GlennMarch 4, 2011 at 12:14 am

    Joe you are also wrong about the liens any Medicare or medicad money will have to be paid back before u get a cent. and if u have had a bankrupcy within the last 10 years that will have to be paid back also.

  • DougMarch 3, 2011 at 5:15 pm

    Joe, How is it determined when the filings are complete? I am a part of the mass torts. Who will receive a better settlement, someone who is part, or is not part of the mass torts? Who determines the dollar amount in the mass torts, GSK, or the judge? Thank you

  • joeMarch 2, 2011 at 9:31 pm

    doug this only an opinion not a fact.

  • joeMarch 2, 2011 at 8:23 pm

    Doug, It all depends when the filing are completed in the eastern penn court house. Gsk will not make a move until filing is done and the judge is ready to make a declaration. GSK will know in advance what this statement will be. Because of the advance notice to Gsk, all case who are not part of the mass torts and are alone by themselves will received settlement notices and ask the judge to de[Show More]Doug, It all depends when the filing are completed in the eastern penn court house. Gsk will not make a move until filing is done and the judge is ready to make a declaration. GSK will know in advance what this statement will be. Because of the advance notice to Gsk, all case who are not part of the mass torts and are alone by themselves will received settlement notices and ask the judge to delay the statement so they can see how many will panic and take the money and run. Please note that nobody will know that this is going on. Then Gsk will asked the judge that they will settle with Mass Torts victiims, which the judge will agree. Gsk will not admit any damages by doing it this way. AS for how long? Nobody knows. Could one month, one year, one decade. What kind of a settlements? Based on past lawsuit, it will depends the age of the victim, the younger the person the better. Reason: person lost his or her ability to perform on the job, raise children, and live a normal life. therefore more money is needed for a longer life who is 40 compared with someone who is 60. Remember, It depends on who you are. Are you alone who filed with lawyer, or are you part of the MASS TORTS. this very important.

  • joeMarch 2, 2011 at 7:28 pm

    Glenn, I am sorry that you are offended by my posting, but I been around the block a few times to know something "Doesn't add up right" with your postings. One posting you asked "Do I have to signed any papers telling me to keep my mouth shut". Then a few weeks later,"I can't talk, I signed paper telling to keep my mouth shut". I been in the business world long enough to know how corrupt it is. Y[Show More]Glenn, I am sorry that you are offended by my posting, but I been around the block a few times to know something "Doesn't add up right" with your postings. One posting you asked "Do I have to signed any papers telling me to keep my mouth shut". Then a few weeks later,"I can't talk, I signed paper telling to keep my mouth shut". I been in the business world long enough to know how corrupt it is. Yours is a class case of how "Rumors are planted" and spread thru out the Office.

  • DougMarch 2, 2011 at 4:34 am seem to know a lot about what is going on. It is obvious most posts on here are bogus, and anyone with even limited intelligence knows that thousands of cases HAVE NOT BEEN SETTLED. All the news about 46,000.00 settlements are false plants on the web. So my question to you Joe is......When are the cases going to begin to settle? How much more time before people see money, 1-2 years? and[Show More] seem to know a lot about what is going on. It is obvious most posts on here are bogus, and anyone with even limited intelligence knows that thousands of cases HAVE NOT BEEN SETTLED. All the news about 46,000.00 settlements are false plants on the web. So my question to you Joe is......When are the cases going to begin to settle? How much more time before people see money, 1-2 years? and Lastly Joe.....What kind of settlement do you see someone get who is in their mid 40's. who had a heart attack, followed by a stent being placed after taking Avandia for 8 months will end up with?

  • alMarch 2, 2011 at 1:30 am

    i had a heart attack &stroke in 2006 &the bottom of my heart is dead now on disability i was making 42.000 yr now on disibilty only making about 20.000 i was 48 should thay give me 42.000 for 20 yrs until i would retire i think so

  • GlennMarch 1, 2011 at 10:59 pm

    Joe what would you like to hear? that you are going to get 500K or 1 Mil well your not. the settlement is around 50K you can belive me or not I really dont care. I was just trying to keep other people up to date on what is going on with me.

  • StevenMarch 1, 2011 at 8:40 pm

    I was in the hosptial for 6 months in 2008, and was on heparin. I fought for my life the whole time. I have pancreas disease. I never get any news on the lawsuit. I am a class action member of the heparin lawsuits.

  • LizMarch 1, 2011 at 3:07 pm

    Deb, we must have the same lawyer......I just don't know anymore, they seemed so sure this would get done quick, but now it's just a waiting game. The time keeps getting pushed back, seriously, what is the problem?? Really beginning to doubt we will ever see a resolution to this anytime soon. I:ve lost all confidence in my law firm, they say they will update, well the last update was in November, [Show More]Deb, we must have the same lawyer......I just don't know anymore, they seemed so sure this would get done quick, but now it's just a waiting game. The time keeps getting pushed back, seriously, what is the problem?? Really beginning to doubt we will ever see a resolution to this anytime soon. I:ve lost all confidence in my law firm, they say they will update, well the last update was in November, it's now March and still nothing!!

  • joeMarch 1, 2011 at 2:40 pm

    Hey Glenn, I am starting to wonder, why all your negative comments are always bad or blowing away people positive posting and not following thru with your comments. Do you work for any of these lawyers or maybe some other company. People, please note Glenn's posting dated on 12/27 1/20 1/22 2/2 2/12 2/25.

  • joeMarch 1, 2011 at 12:28 pm

    Again, comments by Glenn dated Fed 25. I can't talked because I signed an agreement saying I can't talk about what I received as a settlement. Glenn, you got to be "joking" me around. These posting have no legal binding. If it did, you violated your agreement by letting Jim know what he posted, Feb 17, was close to what you received. People, please, nobody settle. Some of these postings sounds a[Show More]Again, comments by Glenn dated Fed 25. I can't talked because I signed an agreement saying I can't talk about what I received as a settlement. Glenn, you got to be "joking" me around. These posting have no legal binding. If it did, you violated your agreement by letting Jim know what he posted, Feb 17, was close to what you received. People, please, nobody settle. Some of these postings sounds as if GSK is sending them to lie and scare you into believing that whatever money is offer, you'll take the money and run.

  • joeFebruary 28, 2011 at 9:36 pm

    comment by Tonya, dated feb 23, is misrepresentation. Again, liens are outside the lawsuit. If and when you do settle, if you own anybody money (IRS real estate tax etc ) they will request payments. Nobody can touch any money until it is declared your .

  • joeFebruary 28, 2011 at 7:43 pm

    after reading all the postings, some of it I find amusing and some of it sad. All this talk about who settle, who received, who rejected settlements. The only settlement that has been made is to the Buford Family. Nobody has receive any form of settlement yet. If you are suing and you are only by yourself and not part of the Mass Tort, you are in a different ballgame. If you are alone with the la[Show More]after reading all the postings, some of it I find amusing and some of it sad. All this talk about who settle, who received, who rejected settlements. The only settlement that has been made is to the Buford Family. Nobody has receive any form of settlement yet. If you are suing and you are only by yourself and not part of the Mass Tort, you are in a different ballgame. If you are alone with the lawyer, GSK is taking advantage of this, hoping that you are listening to postings that almost half is lie or misrepresented, to scare you into thinking that I should take the money and run. Please, listen again, "NOBODY SETTLE YET". The breakdown of the trial is still being process. (See Ron Oct 25 trials) This process is being done to see who is real and who is trying to take advantage of the the lawsuits. when this is finalize, gsk will start the apeals, delays and so forth. This is unfortunately the "Business World". By the way, I too, am a former avantia user who had a heart attack , stent place in my heart valve, defillalator in my chest, lost my job, declared bankrupty, kids couldn't go to college, no income until social security disability kick in one and a half yrs later. Please, I know that life has become tough, but hang in there. God bless.

  • DebFebruary 27, 2011 at 3:53 am

    I too share all of your concern. I was told last summer a settlement had been reached and that at the time I was told what it was, I could accept or reject it. They said I should have this by October, then a phone call told me November, then in December I get a letter stating probably January and here it is almost March and nothing. I think the lawyers have the money - they are just putting it in[Show More]I too share all of your concern. I was told last summer a settlement had been reached and that at the time I was told what it was, I could accept or reject it. They said I should have this by October, then a phone call told me November, then in December I get a letter stating probably January and here it is almost March and nothing. I think the lawyers have the money - they are just putting it in an account and accruing interest on it. A lot of interest will be made on the total sum of the money.

  • GlennFebruary 25, 2011 at 9:30 pm

    jon, would like to give everyone the details but i signed a paper not to disclose the amount. but i can tell you Jim on Feb 17 was real close.

  • jonFebruary 24, 2011 at 11:25 pm

    It has become painfully obvious to me that nobody here has been kept in the loop by any of our so-called "representation" as to what is going on about reaching ANY type of settlements. Many calls have been placed to MY "LAWYER" only to be put off, and out and out LIED to when questioned . I'm giving up all hope of EVER getting this done. GLENN, you say that you got an offer from your lawyer and w[Show More]It has become painfully obvious to me that nobody here has been kept in the loop by any of our so-called "representation" as to what is going on about reaching ANY type of settlements. Many calls have been placed to MY "LAWYER" only to be put off, and out and out LIED to when questioned . I'm giving up all hope of EVER getting this done. GLENN, you say that you got an offer from your lawyer and were'nt happy with it., How's about letting US know what to expect? I think we would all like to know.

  • MatinaFebruary 23, 2011 at 4:13 pm

    Don't understand? 6-9 months you said after you sign papers you will received money if you don't have any lein's and as for Jim what do you mean about 23 thousand per case this is how much you will receive per case or by points please explain as you know now you can't get any answer from the lawyer have any one gotten a date yet as for payout??

  • tonyaFebruary 23, 2011 at 2:32 pm

    6 month to nine months after you sigh papers . to make sure you dont have any leins on you

  • SUEFebruary 18, 2011 at 12:59 pm


  • JimFebruary 17, 2011 at 5:50 am

    You are missing a decimal point JP that would be 23 thousand per case. Elizabeth from what I read today the STROKE victims will all be following the heart attack victims. Hope that helps.

  • JimFebruary 17, 2011 at 5:34 am

    i talked to my lawyer in New York city today. Mine is down ther now artcle says they have 250 cases left to go thru. About this $46,000 AVERAGE al the analyst i have seen says they should of at least paid 1/2 milion per case. So what the HELL is going on. They still get there multi BILLION dollars profit, someone had to get paid of on this one. Let's stand up and fight people this is after all AME[Show More]i talked to my lawyer in New York city today. Mine is down ther now artcle says they have 250 cases left to go thru. About this $46,000 AVERAGE al the analyst i have seen says they should of at least paid 1/2 milion per case. So what the HELL is going on. They still get there multi BILLION dollars profit, someone had to get paid of on this one. Let's stand up and fight people this is after all AMERICA and GLAXO is not. Everyone a Good Nite.

  • DanielFebruary 16, 2011 at 4:29 am

    I also recieved notice that a settlement had been reached on my Avandia lawsuit i filed in 2007. I was told that a specific amount would be known in early 2011. I recieved the letter and a phone call! Still waiting for my settlement as are all of my medical bills i have aquired during my illness. I am in desperate financial need! I really hope and pray that I will hear something very soon. God ble[Show More]I also recieved notice that a settlement had been reached on my Avandia lawsuit i filed in 2007. I was told that a specific amount would be known in early 2011. I recieved the letter and a phone call! Still waiting for my settlement as are all of my medical bills i have aquired during my illness. I am in desperate financial need! I really hope and pray that I will hear something very soon. God bless everyone!!!

  • jonFebruary 14, 2011 at 11:34 pm

    I was contacted in early Nov. 2010 that A settlement had been reached in July, and I would be contacted in Jan 2011 with my settlement amount for my approval and The check would issued ASAP. Well, Jan. goes by and NOTHING!!!!!! Make a call to lawyers to ask what is going on, and I get the same old run around, Oh, you will get a letter before the 14th of Feb. LIARS!!!!!! STILL NOTHING!!!!!! What[Show More]I was contacted in early Nov. 2010 that A settlement had been reached in July, and I would be contacted in Jan 2011 with my settlement amount for my approval and The check would issued ASAP. Well, Jan. goes by and NOTHING!!!!!! Make a call to lawyers to ask what is going on, and I get the same old run around, Oh, you will get a letter before the 14th of Feb. LIARS!!!!!! STILL NOTHING!!!!!! What the hell is wrong with these lying scumbags??? They call and promise you the world to get you to let them handle your case and then they lie and keep you in the dark on anything to do with the proceedings. My life has been turned to shambles due to this Drug and what it has done to me, and these people that are supposed to be helping me in my time of need just seem like they could care less.

  • GlennFebruary 12, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    I just found out that GSK settled with the Burfords out of court before the trial started. They also settle with the two other people who were to go on trial In PA this month. They will not say what the settlement was I'm sure it was more then 50K

  • Miss ShirleyFebruary 10, 2011 at 5:42 pm


  • EmilioFebruary 8, 2011 at 6:27 pm

    I have used avandia, I have had a heart attack, I was in the hospital for several days about 2 months ago.

  • elizabethFebruary 5, 2011 at 1:56 am


  • josephFebruary 4, 2011 at 6:18 pm

    i was in perdect condition before i started taking avandia i was 52 years old 11 years later because of this bad drug. i take 9 different medications every day 2 insulins and 9 prescriptions. i was forced to reire on disability in 2006 and lost alot of money i had no pension and you all know what disability pays. plus when i went on disability i had to wait 25 months for medicare i have [Show More]i was in perdect condition before i started taking avandia i was 52 years old 11 years later because of this bad drug. i take 9 different medications every day 2 insulins and 9 prescriptions. i was forced to reire on disability in 2006 and lost alot of money i had no pension and you all know what disability pays. plus when i went on disability i had to wait 25 months for medicare i have many doctor bills and doctor bills to has been a very hard 11 years for both me and my family. all i can say they better offer very substansial amounts to all the avandia users we all deserve good settlements not the lawyers they should be paid but not what are taking its robbery without a gun

  • MatinaFebruary 4, 2011 at 5:47 pm


  • GLENNFebruary 2, 2011 at 4:22 pm

    Well I said it would happen The day the trial started I got my offer in the mail. Trust me it wasnt good. I say wait till the trial is over and then we will see if the offers get any better

  • GlennJanuary 22, 2011 at 3:23 pm

    Mon. the first trial starts in PA. A wrongfull death. It will be interesting to see if the settlements start flying then. If this women gets a good settlement GSK could be paying a lot more. I know I would be looking for more then 50k if this lady gets in the mills. I call my lawer every week and all I get is voice mail. Hope she is still fighting

  • JANICEJanuary 21, 2011 at 4:59 pm


  • GlennJanuary 20, 2011 at 9:53 pm

    Does anyone think we will ever get a settlement? I'm beginning to wonder.

  • KarenJanuary 18, 2011 at 4:35 pm

    I had a heart attack in 2005 while taking Advandia. In mid 2007 I became party to the lawauite against the makers of Avandia. The law firm that added me to their case has not made contact with me since I filed my information with them. It was only by accident (1/18/11) that I found out that the makers of Avandia had agreed to a settlement in 2010. When are the lawyers supposed to notify me?

  • JamesJanuary 14, 2011 at 6:36 pm

    i have takin Avandia since it has been out since that i was a UNION plumber and now i take 15 differant meds 3 type's of insulan . i went from a 72,000.00 job to 1400 ssi and 843 union pension. i have had 4 heartattaces and one five part by-pass also have to sleep apnea machine to sleep. have to take two to four steroid breathing treatments per day. I am only 59 years of age i have lost a lot . I[Show More]i have takin Avandia since it has been out since that i was a UNION plumber and now i take 15 differant meds 3 type's of insulan . i went from a 72,000.00 job to 1400 ssi and 843 union pension. i have had 4 heartattaces and one five part by-pass also have to sleep apnea machine to sleep. have to take two to four steroid breathing treatments per day. I am only 59 years of age i have lost a lot . I think myself and all victumes should get a large but fair settlement.

  • teresaJanuary 12, 2011 at 9:37 pm

    hello i received a letter about two weeks ago saying that they had reach a setttlement agreement and i would receive all the information in a few weeks telling waht i would receive from my mom she took avandia for years had three heart attacks congestive heart failure and to be put on oxygen and sleep apnea at night to be able to breath i lost my mom and dad both in 2006 not even 6 months apart it[Show More]hello i received a letter about two weeks ago saying that they had reach a setttlement agreement and i would receive all the information in a few weeks telling waht i would receive from my mom she took avandia for years had three heart attacks congestive heart failure and to be put on oxygen and sleep apnea at night to be able to breath i lost my mom and dad both in 2006 not even 6 months apart it was devasting to the family because it was sudden death not excepting anything like that all at once but it has changed my life forever i miss all the things we did together but the way it looks like everyone else has said the lawyers and firm will probably end up with most or all of the money but money never replaces a loss or life thank you for letting me speak good luck everyone may god be with us all through this hard time because it is very hard after you lose a love one or a really good friend that is very dear to our hearts

  • TishaJanuary 12, 2011 at 1:56 pm

    WHAT IS 46K WILL BRING YOU WHEN YOU STILL HAVE TO SETTLE WITH THE LAWYER AND THE PERSON, WHO BLEW THE WISTILE GOT HOW MUCH?? the only thing she did is work there. your life is the one that's in danger and to settle for a mere 46k is crazy you just about payed that amount is dr's bill come on lawyer your making the money for doing paper work this is a crime to push paper around from one place to an[Show More]WHAT IS 46K WILL BRING YOU WHEN YOU STILL HAVE TO SETTLE WITH THE LAWYER AND THE PERSON, WHO BLEW THE WISTILE GOT HOW MUCH?? the only thing she did is work there. your life is the one that's in danger and to settle for a mere 46k is crazy you just about payed that amount is dr's bill come on lawyer your making the money for doing paper work this is a crime to push paper around from one place to another and you get more money that your client this is something that should be stopped it should be a flat rate for a lawyer since it is a class action suite. I keep hearing soon what have anyone else heard? At frist they told me it was going to be in November now their telling me by the frist of March what have anyone else heard??? please post

  • RudyJanuary 12, 2011 at 5:42 am

    I was on Avandia since 2004 I did some research three months alter and continued taking it three month more before I stopped taking it, because I continued to get leg cramps and massive headaches. Though I ended with shortness of breath, on a bi-pap machine, continued with pain in my legs even been in ER with ER Dr. saying all I had was Acid indigestion. Four months later another Heart Attack[Show More]I was on Avandia since 2004 I did some research three months alter and continued taking it three month more before I stopped taking it, because I continued to get leg cramps and massive headaches. Though I ended with shortness of breath, on a bi-pap machine, continued with pain in my legs even been in ER with ER Dr. saying all I had was Acid indigestion. Four months later another Heart Attack this time I requested for Eco-cardiogram. Five days later another episode and ended with a Quadruple by-pass I had a happy birthday on April the 9th, 2009. Thanks to Avandia and my Dr. who prescribed it I'm not sure how much more time I have have to share my time with my wife,children and grandchildren, especially after just burying my mother on New Years Eve. I'm only 57 years old. God Bless us all and wish a settlement recovery soon.

  • vikkiJanuary 10, 2011 at 2:26 am

    I have attys. in Cal. and in Dec. 2010 i gave a deposition in front of the Avandia Attys, and my own., it lasted for 7 hrs and I was asked alot of questions about Avandia. I don't know how it went, but my Atty said I did a good job. I like my Atty. but, I am still waiting to hear from him.... He did say that I was on the top of the list when their firm settles... I got a letter from him saying the[Show More]I have attys. in Cal. and in Dec. 2010 i gave a deposition in front of the Avandia Attys, and my own., it lasted for 7 hrs and I was asked alot of questions about Avandia. I don't know how it went, but my Atty said I did a good job. I like my Atty. but, I am still waiting to hear from him.... He did say that I was on the top of the list when their firm settles... I got a letter from him saying they offered to settled with me for 46K, and they turned it down because they thought all that I went through I deserved more. Gook Luck to everyone !!!

  • LindaJanuary 6, 2011 at 5:06 am

    Hello everyone. I am right there with each of ou. I should never been put on avandia. Had 2 previous heart attacks and diabetes. Was on Actos and other than gaining weight quickly was doing okay. My primary care physician retired and the first thing this new lady doctor gave me was avandia and metformin. Had a heart attack in 2007and had to quit work. Went on disability and you know how muc[Show More]Hello everyone. I am right there with each of ou. I should never been put on avandia. Had 2 previous heart attacks and diabetes. Was on Actos and other than gaining weight quickly was doing okay. My primary care physician retired and the first thing this new lady doctor gave me was avandia and metformin. Had a heart attack in 2007and had to quit work. Went on disability and you know how much that pays. I am a widow and have noone to take care of me but myself. I hope and pray that I can get enough to pay off my house and at least have a roof over my head and pay my own way for a few more years. I have shortness of breath and chest pain all the time. My extremities are partially numb and hurt all the time. My heart goes out to all of you who have lost ones and my prayers are with you daily. If anyone has had a settlement offered to them,please let us know and maybe I can know how to adjust my life accordingly. GOD BLESS ALL OF US1111

  • dianeJanuary 3, 2011 at 10:17 pm

    After avandia I suffered CHF, double by pass, stroke from which they were waiting for me to die, double bi-lateral leg amputation. I agree that the only ones to make out from these law suits like GANGbusters are the attornies! Last night on CBS 60 Minutes they did a ;iece on GSK look it up on the internet. Great company???? They are still making billions and still manufacturing in faulty plants. [Show More]After avandia I suffered CHF, double by pass, stroke from which they were waiting for me to die, double bi-lateral leg amputation. I agree that the only ones to make out from these law suits like GANGbusters are the attornies! Last night on CBS 60 Minutes they did a ;iece on GSK look it up on the internet. Great company???? They are still making billions and still manufacturing in faulty plants. where is the FDA?

  • AdrianaJanuary 3, 2011 at 8:44 pm

    I also suiffered a heart attack in Jan 2010; due to this wonderful medication ... It is my understanding that they have AGREED TO SETTLE but there is no settlements at this time ... I have an HUGE medical expenses and I feel great after the stent and have stopped the medication, but I am scared to take any medications currently do teh fact that this med took it's tool on me ...

  • harrisJanuary 3, 2011 at 7:10 am

    sorry that we all are in the same boat! but one day the atty's and gov. and ourselves will have to meet our maker. We will all get the right pay then.My husband was in the musc and va hosiptals for 168 days in 2007. 7 different times in 2007.I watched him die at my kitchen bar boy! was that something to remember plus! I almost lost my son because he loves his dad so husband now carries [Show More]sorry that we all are in the same boat! but one day the atty's and gov. and ourselves will have to meet our maker. We will all get the right pay then.My husband was in the musc and va hosiptals for 168 days in 2007. 7 different times in 2007.I watched him die at my kitchen bar boy! was that something to remember plus! I almost lost my son because he loves his dad so husband now carries his oxygen tank every where we go, so he don't go to much cause he don't feel like it. plus he sleeps with oxygen and bi-pap machine and had 3 heartaches and was paddle back to life in ems. plus has chf,had pericardial window,then he another heart surgery removed pericardial from around the heart.then fluid went to lungs caused the lining around lungs fill with fluid, then they had to pleural effusion with him awake that was so painful! we been married 35 years and I've never seem him cry except one time or holler with the pain he had to thur to get the fluid off him. he was drowning in his fluid cause by advandia and my hubsand kept trying to tell his dr. that he had shortness of breath and was swelling and they thought he was getting fat. then i went to. his dr and try tell him that he couldn't breath very good and had no energy and had to stay in bed.since march 2007 we have been thur more than most people could take only GOD was with us and we believe in prayers. so really no money can pay for what we've been thur and thank GOD he's still with us cause we have just been thur another heart scare right at christmas his heart rhymn is not right now and holding fluid and feels bad all the time but! he's still with us Praise GOD! may GOD BLESS all of us with the out come of these law suits. we did hear from our ATTY's back in nov.2010 and had to agree for a company to come in and do the settlement and it would take about year to see what you owed medicare or your ins. company to pay them back and the atty's will get 1/3 and fees for paper work. also they said we would be getting some papers we have to sign and agree on the amount of the settlement and if we don't agree we could get our on personal lawyers. so good luck and may God BLESS US ALL! WITH GOOD HEALTH FOR THIS YEAR!

  • PaulJanuary 2, 2011 at 7:10 am

    I believe the only ones that will make any money from this litigation will be the law firms and lawyers. What a terrible injustice to the people that suffered and died and those of us that will suffer the rest of our (shorter) lives............ :(

  • GabrielDecember 31, 2010 at 11:11 pm

    My father (current age 77) began taking Avandia for diabetes in May of 2006, then suffered a heart attack January of 2008; which required a triple bi-pass, resulting in CHF. Six month's later he was diagnosed with colon cancer (he survived that). An additional six month's go bye and then he's diagnosed with cancer of the Liver. Surgery removed a portion and Chemo did what it could, but the cance[Show More]My father (current age 77) began taking Avandia for diabetes in May of 2006, then suffered a heart attack January of 2008; which required a triple bi-pass, resulting in CHF. Six month's later he was diagnosed with colon cancer (he survived that). An additional six month's go bye and then he's diagnosed with cancer of the Liver. Surgery removed a portion and Chemo did what it could, but the cancer is still there and Doctor's say there is nothing more they can do for him. He was strong and very healthy for his age before Avandia, and now, he's merely a shell of his former self-reliant self. I believe Avandia is the cause, but only recently discovered this fact; when I discovered the old empty prescription bottles in his garage and recalled the brand name from TV ads. I am searching for options on what my next step should be, therefore I ask you, the reader of this, for advice, if any shall be had. Lastly, I'd like to send out my heartfelt condolences and prayers to all of you that have lost someone dear to you. I know my simple words cannot change what's happened to you, so I'll say this, your not alone! through your struggle and sacrifices and unwavering determination a change will be made, hopefully, one that will ensure others will not have to go through the same tragedies of losing loved ones.

  • AliceDecember 31, 2010 at 12:10 pm

    My husband was on avandia ongoing. He dropped dead suddenly with a heart attack.

  • PamelaDecember 30, 2010 at 4:14 am

    My late husband and I were diagnosed with diabetes 24 hrs apart in Feb 2005. A lot of diabetes in both families.My side were stay then his side obese. He was started on diabetes March 2005.2,000 mg daily for 2 years then one day a call from Dr. stop taking it. in March 2007.He had CHF in 2006 suffered a fractured foot.. Had to get a double chamber difib Aug 2008 which never helped. Very sadly he [Show More]My late husband and I were diagnosed with diabetes 24 hrs apart in Feb 2005. A lot of diabetes in both families.My side were stay then his side obese. He was started on diabetes March 2005.2,000 mg daily for 2 years then one day a call from Dr. stop taking it. in March 2007.He had CHF in 2006 suffered a fractured foot.. Had to get a double chamber difib Aug 2008 which never helped. Very sadly he died May 2009 collapsed 30 minutes after we saw our oldest graduate college. He had 2 strokes, couldn't get a shunt to try to save him because his heart kept stopping. My darling bleed to death and died 8 hours later at age 56. I have held myself together because of the kids and siblings who are hurting and trying to keep my health together. He also had to stop working in Oct 2007. I recently filed a suit. Hard to get accepted somewhere because he never had a heart attack. He also was on Digetek for a year and a half. That case was closed because recalled pills now can'r be found and my late hubby's lab work not "abnormal " enough. Any thing received from Avandia will go into a fund I've started for the kids, ages 22 and 25 with no older siblings. I am in 3 grief groups playing golf working full time and doing volunteer work to try to keep it together But this an awful awful heartache. I know he would want us to keep going. All of you are in my thoughts.

  • LindaDecember 29, 2010 at 5:22 pm

    Just going to wait to see when the next lawsuit with medform start my Doctor took me off yesterday said it was messing with my liver three years on this med now just finding out it's not good for you what a rip off!!!

  • JPDecember 29, 2010 at 5:36 am

    I appreciate the information. I am one of those late comers to the party. I had my second heart attack in May of this year and share many of the same ailfments as a result of taking Avandia for many years. I too saw the ad on late night TV and have had several Attorney Agencies send me info all requiring immediate response. I have not and will not reply thanks to all your comments. I am confuse[Show More]I appreciate the information. I am one of those late comers to the party. I had my second heart attack in May of this year and share many of the same ailfments as a result of taking Avandia for many years. I too saw the ad on late night TV and have had several Attorney Agencies send me info all requiring immediate response. I have not and will not reply thanks to all your comments. I am confused on the math of the funds GSK has had to set aside for AVANDIA damages (460 million according to the articles?????) And there are less than 20,000 complainents...that works out to be about $230,000 per case/ What am I missing? Has anyone received funds to date? Thanks, JP

  • DickDecember 27, 2010 at 6:24 pm

    I received a letter today from my attorney.He refused the first two settlement offers from GSK as he felt they were too low.Now he has an agreement worked out and Garretson Solution Group,same lien administrator for Vioxx, is handling the settlement offer.We should hear the amount in a month or so & decide.Hang in there folks,there is movement.Try and realize that it cost GSK about 500 thousan[Show More]I received a letter today from my attorney.He refused the first two settlement offers from GSK as he felt they were too low.Now he has an agreement worked out and Garretson Solution Group,same lien administrator for Vioxx, is handling the settlement offer.We should hear the amount in a month or so & decide.Hang in there folks,there is movement.Try and realize that it cost GSK about 500 thousand to defend themselves in each case.Don't setllement for 45 thousand.Hang in there and make em pay.

  • GlennDecember 27, 2010 at 6:02 pm

    Anyway I started my suit 5 yrs ago. Last I talked to my lawer was Nov this year and she said they had settled but she couldn't give me an amount for another one or two months. It will be 2 months Jan 11 2011 and I still havent heard a word. Sure would like to know if anyone has got any word on any settlement. I'm thinking it's going to be in the 50,ooo range. Just because that was the ballpark nu[Show More]Anyway I started my suit 5 yrs ago. Last I talked to my lawer was Nov this year and she said they had settled but she couldn't give me an amount for another one or two months. It will be 2 months Jan 11 2011 and I still havent heard a word. Sure would like to know if anyone has got any word on any settlement. I'm thinking it's going to be in the 50,ooo range. Just because that was the ballpark number she gave me

  • GlennDecember 27, 2010 at 5:18 pm

    I'm still looking for anyone who has settled for any amount. Do we have to sign a paper saying we won't disclose the amount?

  • LisaDecember 24, 2010 at 9:29 am

    My mother died of a heart attack from Avandia in 2006. We filed a suit earlier this year. My mom was in decent health, besides the Diabetes, but that was under control until the Avandia. Then she died 12 hours after I had spoken to her. No amount of money can help with the loss of my mother, I am just happy that they took it off the market!! Lord have mercy on us all.

  • BonnieDecember 22, 2010 at 5:07 pm

    I have degenertive arthrisdis in my back and legs and knees, I hve took Daracet for a couple of years and it really relieved the pain. Now it is off the market and I was put on Altram which landed me in the hospital with Gastridis, I flushed those pills and was put on Vicodin, whicth helps for a couple of hours at a time, but nothing seems to work as well as the Darvacet. I am so sorry to see them[Show More]I have degenertive arthrisdis in my back and legs and knees, I hve took Daracet for a couple of years and it really relieved the pain. Now it is off the market and I was put on Altram which landed me in the hospital with Gastridis, I flushed those pills and was put on Vicodin, whicth helps for a couple of hours at a time, but nothing seems to work as well as the Darvacet. I am so sorry to see them gone off the market.

  • ramiroDecember 21, 2010 at 6:13 am

    what a bunch of crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • ValerieDecember 8, 2010 at 5:55 am

    My husband died in 2003 due to heart problems, liver failure and a massive stroke. The doctors could not understand what the problem was and a firm cause was never reached. then I found out about the dangers of Avandia and joined the lawsuit. I can't seem to get any answers from any of the attorneys either. I write and call and they keep passing me off to someone new who has to get caught up. [Show More]My husband died in 2003 due to heart problems, liver failure and a massive stroke. The doctors could not understand what the problem was and a firm cause was never reached. then I found out about the dangers of Avandia and joined the lawsuit. I can't seem to get any answers from any of the attorneys either. I write and call and they keep passing me off to someone new who has to get caught up. Is there anyone out there that has settled and received anything??? Due to this horrible drug and the FDA who let it through my husband's grandchildren will never have a grandfather... and I continue through life void of my soulmate and best friend. May God have mercy on their souls... they will need all the help they can muster up for what GSK has done.

  • johnDecember 5, 2010 at 12:50 am

    does any of us plantiffs,know of any one or any settlements that are abobe 46k??? i heard a few got 86k, before atty.fees.

  • JamesNovember 30, 2010 at 5:47 pm

    i have been waiting a longtime on this (settlement) I have had 3 heart attacks and 1 five way by-pass while taking AVENDIA. Sure will be happy to see how much they settle for.

  • HowardNovember 21, 2010 at 3:59 am

    I have had 4 MI's, 5 way by pass, been told the starting of CHF, I am in Va and the attorney office is in Denver, provide Avandia tablets and everything they asked for. Said deadly to file was short and to hurry, now I see ads on TV that say they are looking for more clients. When I call and ask about settlements I was told there had been no settlements. about $500,000 i med expences and from what[Show More]I have had 4 MI's, 5 way by pass, been told the starting of CHF, I am in Va and the attorney office is in Denver, provide Avandia tablets and everything they asked for. Said deadly to file was short and to hurry, now I see ads on TV that say they are looking for more clients. When I call and ask about settlements I was told there had been no settlements. about $500,000 i med expences and from what I reading 46k settlement and 40% to attorneys net about 26k. So please settle this and let me get on with my life and forget ever doing another class action suite.

  • robertNovember 12, 2010 at 5:37 pm

    before being started on avandia i was a diabetic taking insulin and doing just fine. i played tennis bowled and enjoyed life. now i have chf swole ut to 270 lbs fron 220, ended up in va hosp who prescribed it,never regained my energy, have no kind of life except dyalisis and dr. appts. atty informed me i could only sue for CHF. guess all the other problems don't exist////.macular edema,bones,stent[Show More]before being started on avandia i was a diabetic taking insulin and doing just fine. i played tennis bowled and enjoyed life. now i have chf swole ut to 270 lbs fron 220, ended up in va hosp who prescribed it,never regained my energy, have no kind of life except dyalisis and dr. appts. atty informed me i could only sue for CHF. guess all the other problems don't exist////.macular edema,bones,stents etc,must be my imagination(LOL).i'm wondering if since the VA put me on that poisin can i sue them. NOT!!!!! made up my mind to accept whatever is offered after lawyers get richer. had i had any idea that lawyers would be so sorry would never had gotten in this class action.only one profits or sorry assed attys.hope they get 40% of my sickness along with their 40% of their settlements. believe as the joke says, hells floor is lined with lawyers.

  • KellyNovember 12, 2010 at 3:41 am

    My father recently passed away after using this drug for his diabetes. He was only 64 years old and had his first heart attack, and open heart surgery after being on this drug!! Now he is dead!! Can GlaxoSmithKline give my daughter her Grandfather back??

  • ramiroNovember 6, 2010 at 3:46 am

    I was told by the the law firm that represents; this really took a toll on me. that after all fees were paid the average settlement amount would be between 14,000 and 16,000 after fees were paid. would you believe, somebody is sure lining thier pockets!!!!!!!!!!!

  • RodneyNovember 3, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    Because of Avandia, I had a major AMI 100% blockage in my RCA near the base of the heart. After dying on the table twice at age 42 I have had to have stint's put in every year since-11 total RCA & LCA. The last operation was in 2009. I was dead for 22 min's total, and from what I think I saw it's not bad on the other side, but I want to stay here till 80 at least. GSK needs to settle and NOW[Show More]Because of Avandia, I had a major AMI 100% blockage in my RCA near the base of the heart. After dying on the table twice at age 42 I have had to have stint's put in every year since-11 total RCA & LCA. The last operation was in 2009. I was dead for 22 min's total, and from what I think I saw it's not bad on the other side, but I want to stay here till 80 at least. GSK needs to settle and NOW.

  • JeannieOctober 21, 2010 at 1:38 pm

    MY husband died in January 2010 and I immediatly filed suit. I don't actually know how long he took Avandia, as the VA gave it to him. He stopped taking it in June, 2007. He had three bad heart valves, CHF, and died from a massive coronary. He had none of this when he started taking Avandia. What I hear from my attorneys is that I started out in a firm in Boston, was moved to a firm in Dallas,[Show More]MY husband died in January 2010 and I immediatly filed suit. I don't actually know how long he took Avandia, as the VA gave it to him. He stopped taking it in June, 2007. He had three bad heart valves, CHF, and died from a massive coronary. He had none of this when he started taking Avandia. What I hear from my attorneys is that I started out in a firm in Boston, was moved to a firm in Dallas, and then to a firm in Fairhope, Al. This sound funny to you? What they tell me is that all this payments made stuff is bogus, that no settlement has been made by their company. I read in the New York Times that GSK has set aside 3.6 billion for Avanda suits and lawyers fees. If this is so, the per person settlement will be much more than what you ae saying.

  • RichardOctober 21, 2010 at 7:12 am

    I have attorneys in MO. Can't find any info on a settlement. Have written and called with no success. I am not about to settle for $46,000 even if attorney fees are included. Avandia has ruined my life and just this year alone I have been hospitalized for 54 days with 13 surgeries. I have congestive heart failure, pericardiatis, swollen legs that led to cellulites, many broken bones all Avandia r[Show More]I have attorneys in MO. Can't find any info on a settlement. Have written and called with no success. I am not about to settle for $46,000 even if attorney fees are included. Avandia has ruined my life and just this year alone I have been hospitalized for 54 days with 13 surgeries. I have congestive heart failure, pericardiatis, swollen legs that led to cellulites, many broken bones all Avandia related and a heart murmur that developed during my last hospital stay. The next major heart attack will probably kill me. We all need some answers!

  • debbieOctober 19, 2010 at 10:02 pm

    its up to the lawyers now and they can hold your money as long as they want too they can hold that money in a cd to draw interest they also dont give a damn about what a life is worth and more people they troll for the longer you will wait and that mean more money for them

  • ChristinaOctober 19, 2010 at 5:41 pm

    Here it is, October 19th and NO FREAKIN' update on what's happening....I've been dealing with this since Thanksgiving Day 2005 (when my husband, at 41, dropped dead from Avandia).....I'm part of the last 3,000 in the MDL and I have NO CLUE as to what is going on.....God help us all.......

  • RebeccaOctober 16, 2010 at 9:09 pm

    Judge Rufe is the judge. The cases are being heard in PA. The phone number to the Mulit District Litigation Department is 215-597-7704 ask for case number MDL1871. Try that for answers. We are in the same boat. No answers from the attornies. Too many questions. Where are the so called 10,000 people that settled? $45,000 average?ummmmmmm NOT! we need to sue the FDA and the Dr's that perscribed this[Show More]Judge Rufe is the judge. The cases are being heard in PA. The phone number to the Mulit District Litigation Department is 215-597-7704 ask for case number MDL1871. Try that for answers. We are in the same boat. No answers from the attornies. Too many questions. Where are the so called 10,000 people that settled? $45,000 average?ummmmmmm NOT! we need to sue the FDA and the Dr's that perscribed this crap! My heart goes out to the people who's loved ones have died...

  • BrendaOctober 11, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    so far i have read so many of your letters and i understand everyone of you we alll in the same boat , i called my attonry today and ask what was going on i got a letter telling me about a settealment for $45,000 and they would take $23,000 out of that for there exspence then medecare would take theres and i would be left with the rest, i ask what is the poiunt of my getting an attonry when the [Show More]so far i have read so many of your letters and i understand everyone of you we alll in the same boat , i called my attonry today and ask what was going on i got a letter telling me about a settealment for $45,000 and they would take $23,000 out of that for there exspence then medecare would take theres and i would be left with the rest, i ask what is the poiunt of my getting an attonry when the only ones getting paid is them i was the one who had 3 heart attacks and two stroks i was the one who had open hear surgey i was the one who could not work, please tell me whats the point to make somebody eles get richer, if this is how its going to be ill be dammed if im going to let the attoney have half of my settealment and medecare i dont see then in a wheel chair scared all over why should they get all the money and im left with the dripping of what they think i should have im so mad right now, i just read on line that 700 people just got 857,000 each and that the people in the usa will only get $45,000 and $40,000 of that will go to attoneys and medecare i pay to have my medcare and i dont think i should have to give them anything, if you buy insurance from a company they dont ask for money back in a law suit , so if i bought my insurance from medcare why should i have to pay it back . i had 4 bypass surgrys could not do a thing for 6 months and now i cart work. all i get is $453.00 m[er month to live on becouse of GSK i lift like this seem to me the Attonerys and medcare But me will get anything and im sure theres a lot of you out there who feel the same way as i do i took avandia for 6 years opart of my heart is dead now and they want to go back in to take the dead part out all becouse of a drug so much BS so whats the point i ask someone tell me if im thinking wrong good luck every one dont hold your breath

  • JamesSeptember 27, 2010 at 3:44 pm

    What I want to know is the 46 to 70 thousand is what you get, or before the Attorney takes his 40% ?Also where do they get these numbers? the rate for wrongful death is around 250 thousand Nation Wide so if they are giving you 70 thousand sounds like you guessed it somebody in a suit and tie is making a ton of money off your loved ones death.This is not fair and we need to change this whole syst[Show More]What I want to know is the 46 to 70 thousand is what you get, or before the Attorney takes his 40% ?Also where do they get these numbers? the rate for wrongful death is around 250 thousand Nation Wide so if they are giving you 70 thousand sounds like you guessed it somebody in a suit and tie is making a ton of money off your loved ones death.This is not fair and we need to change this whole system the lawyers need to know who the hell they work for so does are government but that's a whole other story.

  • DavidSeptember 24, 2010 at 11:05 am

    I guess you could say I am one of the lucky ones, I was taking avandia and was probably going to join many of you. I heard a pop in my head and everything went dark it seem like seconds but I really don't know. After that my balance was off, vision blurred, memory loss, nausea, headaches and dizziness. I could barely function. I went to my doctor and all she could say was Oh! I was meaning to call[Show More]I guess you could say I am one of the lucky ones, I was taking avandia and was probably going to join many of you. I heard a pop in my head and everything went dark it seem like seconds but I really don't know. After that my balance was off, vision blurred, memory loss, nausea, headaches and dizziness. I could barely function. I went to my doctor and all she could say was Oh! I was meaning to call and tell you to stop taking the drug. Well after several grueling months fill with test after test and several visit to emergency I was diagnosed having suffered a possible TIA and vertigo. So far, all the attorneys say I do not meet the profile. Granted I did not suffer as some of you, but believe me it was no picnic. Twist of fate, my doctor switch me to Byeeta, another dangerous drug and you guessed it! After several agonizing years of severe abdominal pains, nausea, vomitting, gallbladder removal and a multitude of tests I was diagnosed with chronic pancreatitis, here I go again. The government/FDA does not care about us or else they would implement strigent guidelines and laws regarding the maunfacturing and marketing of new drugs. To be honest, I am sicker now before I started taking any of this crap.

  • hallieSeptember 20, 2010 at 11:35 pm

    I think I have an attorney. He is in MO. Does not return my calls Have serious heart attach and have chf. i don't think you understand the fda employees goes to work for the drug company after they retire from fda. But found out that some of the employees work for the drug companies part time while they are still working for FDA. Now what kind of case can you have when things are like a web an[Show More]I think I have an attorney. He is in MO. Does not return my calls Have serious heart attach and have chf. i don't think you understand the fda employees goes to work for the drug company after they retire from fda. But found out that some of the employees work for the drug companies part time while they are still working for FDA. Now what kind of case can you have when things are like a web and everybody from the govt has their hands in the pot. The attorneys representing us is also a part of the scam.

  • GeneSeptember 15, 2010 at 12:01 am

    I started taking avandia in 2002. In 2003 I had a heart attack and had 5 bypasses. In 2004 I had another heart attack, had a catherization and was told two bypasses were completly gone, two were closing back up. Luck the main artery was still open. Was told I had about two years left. sent home on meds. In 2006 I had another heart attack and a diff dr. went in and put in a stent. I still have angi[Show More]I started taking avandia in 2002. In 2003 I had a heart attack and had 5 bypasses. In 2004 I had another heart attack, had a catherization and was told two bypasses were completly gone, two were closing back up. Luck the main artery was still open. Was told I had about two years left. sent home on meds. In 2006 I had another heart attack and a diff dr. went in and put in a stent. I still have angina, bone fractures in the past,galll bladder removed, and live wondering how much time I have left. Im 68 and was in good health until this mess. I have an attorney but wonder if I ll live to see any benefit. How can you put a value on what pain and suffering anyone in my position has gone thru. Betweeb Jan and may of 2010 I gradually quit taking this med and so far I feel a lot better and even the angina is not as bad as it use to be. Take meds for it but now can take about half the dose I took before I quit taking the advandia. God help us alll.

  • MichaelSeptember 2, 2010 at 11:08 am

    I think any reasonably intelligent person long ago knew that the FDA like the rest of our Corp! Uh, I mean government are owned outright by special interest groups and large companies. What this nation needs, has needed for a long time, is a proper revolution against our corrupt government. Shoot 'em all and be done with it. I don't give a damn anymore, Avandia has shortened my life expectancy con[Show More]I think any reasonably intelligent person long ago knew that the FDA like the rest of our Corp! Uh, I mean government are owned outright by special interest groups and large companies. What this nation needs, has needed for a long time, is a proper revolution against our corrupt government. Shoot 'em all and be done with it. I don't give a damn anymore, Avandia has shortened my life expectancy considerably thanks to two heart attacks and I am not a candidate for a bypass due to the extent of the damage. It'll be interesting to see how many people get the same amount from this suit but suffered no real damages. Happens all the time, people lie their butts off, get doctor friends to help them lie and they rake in money for our pain. They should rot in hell!

  • carolynAugust 30, 2010 at 8:30 pm


  • johnAugust 24, 2010 at 9:57 pm

    i had 3 chf in 2205 and 2006 my dr. took me off avqandia after the second heartfailure i lost my job am on disability now have shortness of breath when will iever get any of the settlement money? i heard it will be next year i wonder if the attorneys and fda already recieved theres

  • BcAugust 22, 2010 at 9:53 pm

    I to took avandia from 1999-2007 and suffered a heart attack quadruple bypass and stroke.This medication is dangerious and need to be taken of the market. my onset started 2004 and they didn't publish any true side effects and precautions or my dr. would have taken me off or not started this medication at all but once we heard he made adjustments.Because of this i have breathing, circulation and w[Show More]I to took avandia from 1999-2007 and suffered a heart attack quadruple bypass and stroke.This medication is dangerious and need to be taken of the market. my onset started 2004 and they didn't publish any true side effects and precautions or my dr. would have taken me off or not started this medication at all but once we heard he made adjustments.Because of this i have breathing, circulation and weight problem i am totaly disable and to disgusted that this can happen to number people and they have drs. and the facts to prove it had gsk put out their true facts this could have all been avoided

  • StevenAugust 14, 2010 at 2:14 am

    I took Avandia back in 2004 and 2005 never helped stablize my sugar levels. I feburary 2005 I had a major heart attack,almost dieing 3 times on the way to the hospitial,they had to use paddles on me three time in the ambulance,then my heart started racing when I got to the hospitial so they wrapped me in ice and put me in a comma. They later did a qudruple by-pass,Having to move the diapharm over [Show More]I took Avandia back in 2004 and 2005 never helped stablize my sugar levels. I feburary 2005 I had a major heart attack,almost dieing 3 times on the way to the hospitial,they had to use paddles on me three time in the ambulance,then my heart started racing when I got to the hospitial so they wrapped me in ice and put me in a comma. They later did a qudruple by-pass,Having to move the diapharm over my left lung and paralizing my left lung causing me to be short of breath quite often.It took me a year and half to get back on my feet and feel right again. Thought somedays I have problems breathing and somedays dont feel like doing anything. I now have erectile dsyfunction. My eyesight has gotten worse. I havent been able to take a vacation since 2005. Fiancially and due to health resons Have plagued my doing much like going to the nascar Races like I used to. I love to cut grass but not anymore I get out of breath real quickly pushing our mower. My wife has to do it now. This medicine has taken alot of enjoyment of life for me I consider it poison,they need to take it off the market. It has killed some people Thank god I'm still alive even though so much of my life has been taken away. Some of the cases settled for 53,000 and other some low sums but I feel Glaxosmithkline needs to pay me alot more my life has been ruined.

  • RobertAugust 13, 2010 at 6:42 pm

    seems like gsh lawyers wer a heckuva lot smarter that those we patients hired.more i resd i see they have some very smart lawyers. wish i could have hired one of their

  • RaulAugust 5, 2010 at 12:54 am

    Seems like I'm part of a growing clan of Avadia users who sufferered some kind of physical damage. Guess I got lucky, only lost part of my eyesight due to a stroke while taking it and had to have an angioplasty a year later. Glad I quit taking it after reading all the problems it was causing but only after I had already had the stroke. I agree that someone is getting their palms greased.

  • nancyAugust 4, 2010 at 11:39 pm

    I am also so frustrated as i have been persuing this for over 3 years as the rest of u took my mother from me and no amount of money can bring her back...but i will say if it is not acceptable to me..a life is surely worth millions...not 46,000.00..i will persue this on my own....wrongful death certainly should have to pay for that mother was only 69 and had so much life l[Show More]I am also so frustrated as i have been persuing this for over 3 years as the rest of u took my mother from me and no amount of money can bring her back...but i will say if it is not acceptable to me..a life is surely worth millions...not 46,000.00..i will persue this on my own....wrongful death certainly should have to pay for that mother was only 69 and had so much life left to live...she never even got to see her great grandbabies...that sucks and they should have to pay for taking that away from her.i tried several times to get her doc to take her off the crap but he insisted that it was the best med for he is eating freakin crow right now!!!!

  • LisaJuly 30, 2010 at 1:40 am

    I like to know if anyone have received compensation from a avandia settlement and how much? I.I know some stupid ass cases that have settled for more than what GSK is offering. I just hired an attorney for the avandia. this drug caused me heart related problems along with medical and prescriptions bills over 75, 000. sure like to know what kind of settlement i'll get for that. I can't get any inf[Show More]I like to know if anyone have received compensation from a avandia settlement and how much? I.I know some stupid ass cases that have settled for more than what GSK is offering. I just hired an attorney for the avandia. this drug caused me heart related problems along with medical and prescriptions bills over 75, 000. sure like to know what kind of settlement i'll get for that. I can't get any info from my attorneys yet other than, they're waitng for my more medical bills to come in. Also, I agree that the FDA must have been paid off to keep this killer drug on the market.

  • janeJuly 27, 2010 at 8:26 pm

    comment by jane on july 2010 I lost my husband in dec. of 2005 he was only 55 and had a heart attack which took 3/4 of my income from the home and still was left with all the monthly bills. He had been taking Advandia for only 8 months when he passed away. He had begin to have health [Show More]comment by jane on july 2010 I lost my husband in dec. of 2005 he was only 55 and had a heart attack which took 3/4 of my income from the home and still was left with all the monthly bills. He had been taking Advandia for only 8 months when he passed away. He had begin to have health problems by Sept. He was losing blood and they didn't know why . I have even lost my home and had to move twice since then. There is only me and I also have some health problems I have had 2 different lawyers to represent me since april of 2006. Can't get much of any anwers from anyone. I was told that my case was going to court in dec of 2009 and then i was told it would go to court in march of 2010 and would be decided on May 3,2010. when I called in june and left a message I got a letter telling me there was 4,500 other cases beside mine. Haven't heard from anyone since and I am being represented in a wrongful death suit.

  • gdavisJuly 27, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    I agree with all the comments, you keep hearing about settlements but never hear if anyone has been died in 2010 after taking advandia, actos, rezulin, all those poisons and I still don't know if I will even get anything from the call the attorneys and they don't know either , I think this is a butch of crap....

  • DaveJuly 27, 2010 at 1:03 pm

    My father passed away in April of a sudden heart attack and I just found out that he was taking this medication. What do I do so my mother can get part of the settlement?

  • robertJuly 21, 2010 at 6:17 pm

    what amazes me is when all is said and done we who took this poison will be paid very little but the govt will get an enormous amount. sure do wish they had been the ones taking that poison instead of me. there is no amount of money that can replace the health and life i lost.

  • LORAJuly 21, 2010 at 4:20 pm

    Who is the settlement money going to? I had my first onset of CHF in 2007 while still taking Avandia and was left on the drug. A month later I had a second CHF. It was only after the second occurrence that I was taken off of the drug. I filed my claim as soon as I became aware of the dangers of the drug. My whole life has changed because of this. So what happens now? And is GSK saying that[Show More]Who is the settlement money going to? I had my first onset of CHF in 2007 while still taking Avandia and was left on the drug. A month later I had a second CHF. It was only after the second occurrence that I was taken off of the drug. I filed my claim as soon as I became aware of the dangers of the drug. My whole life has changed because of this. So what happens now? And is GSK saying that a human life is only worth roughly $46,000? If they have been making settlement payments what states are receiving the money. I live in SC and have not heard of anyone here who has received anything.

  • robertJuly 21, 2010 at 2:07 pm

    I have taken avadia for several years and as result has left me short of breath / cogested heart failier/ swelling. i am on oxygen.and have to use asleep apnea machine to help me breath. life is a struggle . i had to giive up a job i could do very well ' for several years now its all over' no more work. i hope my atorneys get me the maximum suit for my injuries and suffering.

  • DanJuly 20, 2010 at 7:29 pm

    I may not be great at math but your articles references settlements of 10,000 Avandia cases, then later on in the article an additional 5,700 cases were settled. That is 15, 700 settled cases and only 13,000 are filed. How can they be settling more cases than are filed?

  • ShayJuly 17, 2010 at 7:08 pm

    I totally agree with Christina! I wonder how much were the "kickbacks" the FDA received! I have a similar story such as Christina. Live in one state, have a lawyer in another state and still can not get any information regarding the wrongful death lawsuit against Avandia. What the heck is right! If they are settling so many cases, what happened to our case??? Guess what, if they offer me a less t[Show More]I totally agree with Christina! I wonder how much were the "kickbacks" the FDA received! I have a similar story such as Christina. Live in one state, have a lawyer in another state and still can not get any information regarding the wrongful death lawsuit against Avandia. What the heck is right! If they are settling so many cases, what happened to our case??? Guess what, if they offer me a less than 2 mil, I'll see Glaxo in court because we WILL be going to trial! What's another 3 years!!!! Lastly, why is the drug still on the market? THere have been many, many, lives lost due to this drug. C'mon FDA, where is the American Justice?

  • ChristinaJuly 15, 2010 at 7:40 am

    This is crap and adding to my husband died while taking Avandia, out of the blue at age 41 of a heart attack; he had Type II Diabetes; however, at autopsy, his weight, blood sugar, cholesterol etc were ALL normal, he had Diabetes because of family history, he wasn't overweight or whatever....I have an attorney (in MO); however, I'm in Hawaii....I've been dealing with this crap for 3 yea[Show More]This is crap and adding to my husband died while taking Avandia, out of the blue at age 41 of a heart attack; he had Type II Diabetes; however, at autopsy, his weight, blood sugar, cholesterol etc were ALL normal, he had Diabetes because of family history, he wasn't overweight or whatever....I have an attorney (in MO); however, I'm in Hawaii....I've been dealing with this crap for 3 years now, and don't even know what the heck my attny is doing?? I know we haven't "settled" yet, and for $46,00.00 average! I don't think so!!! WHat the heck, I'm stressed and can't even sleep trying to keep up to date on all this AVANDIA news....stupid FDA....makes me wonder how many of that PANEL are being paid off for their votes!!!

  • JimmyJuly 14, 2010 at 10:04 pm

    If there were 13,000 claims filed, why would they only have settled 10,000 of them, why wouldn't they just settle them all??

  • margaritaJuly 14, 2010 at 6:55 pm

    I have been taken this drug since 2005 never had a problem but every time my lab area take my liver enzimy area elevated , also i was Dx of hear murmur never before

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