Zoloft, Paxil During Pregnancy May Delay Child Development: Study

The results of a new study suggest that exposure to antidepressants like Zoloft and Paxil during pregnancy may delay infant developmental goals, such as sitting and walking. 

In the study, published in this month’s issue of the medical journal Pediatrics, Danish scientists at Aarhus University in Denmark found that children born to women who took antidepressants were later in hitting developmental milestones than children of mothers who did not.

Sifting through a database of 82,000 pregnant women, researchers examined 415 women who used an antidepressant, such as Paxil, Zoloft and Prozac, during pregnancy to combat depression, and 489 women with depression who did not. Among children born to these women, looking at the six and 19-month milestones of their development, researchers found that children exposed to antidepressants learned to sit upright 16 days later and to walk a month later than children who were not exposed to antidepressants.

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Researchers concluded that the children still learned to sit up and walk within an accepted time frame for development, but it was clear that the antidepressants were delaying fetal brain development, which could result in a reversible or permanent effect on the brain. Researchers said the amount of developmental delay could also be affected by when the pregnant mother exposed the fetus to antidepressants.

The use of GlaxoSmithKline’s Paxil during pregnancy has already been linked to an increased risk of persistent pulmonary hypertension in newborns (PPHN) and other heart problems The drug maker faces more than 600 Paxil lawsuits, in which plaintiffs allege that GlaxoSmithKline hid test data and misled doctors and consumers about the risk.

Paxil (paroxetine) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor prescribed to treat depression. Approved in 1992, it has become one of the most commonly prescribed drugs in the United States, with sales of just under $1 billion in 2008. GlaxoSmithKline has reportedly paid about $1 billion to settle lawsuits over Paxil, which have included allegations of birth defects and suicide. And with hundreds of Paxil birth defect lawsuits still pending, the company is likely to spend substantially more to satisfy jury verdicts or settle all Paxil cases.


  • MariaMay 3, 2022 at 5:26 pm

    I took zoloft with both my pregnancies. My first son I started off with 25mg but eventually went down to 12.5mg. He is a typical 2 year old meeting all the milestones and no behavior concerns. My second son I took 50 mg but eventually went down to 25 mg. He is 7 months old. He was born with a benign kidney cyst. I have been noticing that his tongue is often protruding. I worry that my childre[Show More]I took zoloft with both my pregnancies. My first son I started off with 25mg but eventually went down to 12.5mg. He is a typical 2 year old meeting all the milestones and no behavior concerns. My second son I took 50 mg but eventually went down to 25 mg. He is 7 months old. He was born with a benign kidney cyst. I have been noticing that his tongue is often protruding. I worry that my children may have issues in the future. My ob and psychiatrist told me it was completely safe to take during pregnancy. It makes me feel angry.

  • MOctober 18, 2019 at 12:33 am

    Same as multiple comments above: I have three children. I took Zoloft immediately after my third child was born. I was told by multiple doctors it was safe. My son experienced stroke like activity and seizure like activity, trouble swallowing, vomiting (which the dr said was acid reflux but it smelled like vomit and was a significant amount). While the seizures were happening, his body temperature[Show More]Same as multiple comments above: I have three children. I took Zoloft immediately after my third child was born. I was told by multiple doctors it was safe. My son experienced stroke like activity and seizure like activity, trouble swallowing, vomiting (which the dr said was acid reflux but it smelled like vomit and was a significant amount). While the seizures were happening, his body temperature kept dropping to 95-96 degree. He also has had to have occupational therapy because he had weakness on one side of his body and struggled to roll that direction. He was a few months late sitting, crawling, and walking. Luckily, that has improved. He still falls down a lot though when he runs. He’s now 23 months. He does not sleep through the night. He woke every hour for the first 18 months, now he is waking about 1-3 times a night. His speech is behind too. He is really smart though, comprehends completely and can follow directions, but he can only get a few words out. He also has really bad tantrums where he hurts himself. I’m so angry at the doctors and drug company for telling me Zoloft was safe and not believing them when I told them it wasn’t! I was even told to increase the dose by a doctor. It destroyed my nervous system and my child’s. If a lawsuit is ever started, please contact me. This company should be sued and shut down!

  • BobbieJuly 28, 2019 at 5:04 pm

    My daughter is now 16 years old.I took Paxil The first trimester as I needed to wean off it.The first year of her life I knew something was not right.She had a sensory issue.She gagged on any food that was given to her.Tests were done to check for any issues with swallowing,but there was nothing found.She was sensitive to brushing her hair,wearing certain clothes.This issue did become a little les[Show More]My daughter is now 16 years old.I took Paxil The first trimester as I needed to wean off it.The first year of her life I knew something was not right.She had a sensory issue.She gagged on any food that was given to her.Tests were done to check for any issues with swallowing,but there was nothing found.She was sensitive to brushing her hair,wearing certain clothes.This issue did become a little less after a few years.But the first 3 year she had home visits every week several days a week from OT & PT therapists.From the start of school she has struggled with learning disabilities, as with social skills.She is way below grade average for her age.She has been in IEP from the time she began school.She has issues retaining information.It needs to be gone over everyday to know how to accomplish her academics.She is socially awkward and will do and say inappropriate stuff when around others. I now have a teenager with fits of anger and outbursts.Others think the temper is just normal teenager stuff,when I know it's not.She is rude and has outbursts when she really wants something and when we try to explain the reason why we are not letting her, she will not listen.She goes on about stuff that makes no sense and crys uncontrollable.She yells and is not able to be reasoned with.When she decides it's over,she stops and will talk like nothing happened.I worry about how she is going to cope as an adult.She is easily persuaded by others to do things.Even if they are not right.I believe and have for a long time that the Paxil has caused her these life long issues.My other 4 children,one who was born after her is fine and never had any of these issues.I never took antidepressants when pregnant with them.I think the antidepressants anytime during a pregnancy is not good for the baby.I don't care what a doctor states.

  • VickiApril 6, 2016 at 2:49 am

    My son is 12. I took Paxil during my entire pregnancy as I was assured no side effects. While reading these comments I find a lot of similarities. Kenden has ADHD and gas trouble in school with impulses and behaviors. He has an IEP in place but I find teachers would rather disciple him with in school suspension rather than try and understand the condition. He is IQ brilliant but can't stay focused[Show More]My son is 12. I took Paxil during my entire pregnancy as I was assured no side effects. While reading these comments I find a lot of similarities. Kenden has ADHD and gas trouble in school with impulses and behaviors. He has an IEP in place but I find teachers would rather disciple him with in school suspension rather than try and understand the condition. He is IQ brilliant but can't stay focused without music. I have tried some meds but he is zombie like do he hates them and I refuse to make him take them. His behaviors have made him the "trouble maker/bad kid" with all the teacher. I have always suspected some form of autism as well. Don't know where to go next!

  • Amanda DNovember 20, 2015 at 6:42 pm

    My daughter will be 10 in 2 months and I took Zoloft while pregnant. I took medicine for Panick Disorders since the age of 17 and was 26 whe. I got pregnant so I was told that it would do harm to me and my unborn child to stop the medicine then it would to take it. She had delays on things that every child learns; walking, sitting, stuff like that. When she was 6 she was diagnosed with ADHD. Befor[Show More]My daughter will be 10 in 2 months and I took Zoloft while pregnant. I took medicine for Panick Disorders since the age of 17 and was 26 whe. I got pregnant so I was told that it would do harm to me and my unborn child to stop the medicine then it would to take it. She had delays on things that every child learns; walking, sitting, stuff like that. When she was 6 she was diagnosed with ADHD. Before she was diagnosed she had behavior problems, learning problems, impulse control problems, and always acted younger than her age. I will always feel that the Zoloft caused her to have ADHD.

  • ChristineSeptember 20, 2014 at 2:25 am

    I took Paxil my entire pregnancy. 1999/2000 my son was born in april of 2000 He had problems breathing and was tongue tied. at two weeks old they clipped his tongue. He has speech problems and has been in therapy since kindergarten . in 4th grade we had his tongue clipped again. he still can not stick out his tongue. He has issues breathing and also has excessive breast tissue. He voices to me o[Show More]I took Paxil my entire pregnancy. 1999/2000 my son was born in april of 2000 He had problems breathing and was tongue tied. at two weeks old they clipped his tongue. He has speech problems and has been in therapy since kindergarten . in 4th grade we had his tongue clipped again. he still can not stick out his tongue. He has issues breathing and also has excessive breast tissue. He voices to me often that he is sad and doesn't know why. This all breaks my heart. If only I had not taken paxil

  • aprilAugust 17, 2014 at 3:42 am

    Was on Zoloft 100 mg. Was ashured by ob completely safe. My son is 6 months old. Since 3 weeks old severe refluxe, chronic constipation, can't digest dairy or soy proteins. Is tube fed at night (12 hrs/day) because not gaining weight or height. Diagnosed failure to thrive at 3 weeks old. On growth chart weight is 3%, height 7%. He was 6,10 when born. He had to be taken at 38 weeks b/c my blood pr[Show More]Was on Zoloft 100 mg. Was ashured by ob completely safe. My son is 6 months old. Since 3 weeks old severe refluxe, chronic constipation, can't digest dairy or soy proteins. Is tube fed at night (12 hrs/day) because not gaining weight or height. Diagnosed failure to thrive at 3 weeks old. On growth chart weight is 3%, height 7%. He was 6,10 when born. He had to be taken at 38 weeks b/c my blood pressure spiked. Now he only eats 12 oz/day. This is my 2nd child. He's on 2 meds for reflux, 1 to help digestion and stool softener. My first child is 18 yes old and normal and didn't take any meds while pregnant.

  • JaimieApril 11, 2014 at 3:17 pm

    My daughter Harley Quinn was born on May 12th 2005 these are her following birth defects : Asd ( atrial Septal Defect ) , Sensorineural Hearing Loss a coclear malformation , Vesicoureteral Reflux Grade4, Patent Ductus ArtArteriosus , Failure to thrive, Dysphagia , Otitis Media; Chronic, Hypotonia ,Development Delay , Gerd with Aspiration , fed by G-tube , Unspecified Hypothyroidism , Asd atrial se[Show More]My daughter Harley Quinn was born on May 12th 2005 these are her following birth defects : Asd ( atrial Septal Defect ) , Sensorineural Hearing Loss a coclear malformation , Vesicoureteral Reflux Grade4, Patent Ductus ArtArteriosus , Failure to thrive, Dysphagia , Otitis Media; Chronic, Hypotonia ,Development Delay , Gerd with Aspiration , fed by G-tube , Unspecified Hypothyroidism , Asd atrial septal defect Secundum , Feeding difficulty , Multiple congenital anomalies , Profound intellectual disability , Disruptive behavior disorder . THiS IS EVERYTHING its a long list but I believe the cause is from the PAXIL I was prescribed for depression when I was pregnant. Harley is in a wheel chair because she cannot walk long distances she is just learning to walk at 8 years old thanks to PT, she does not eat anything by mouth she gets a formula through a G-tube she receives OT and Speech at school, and is followed up with NationWide Children;s Hospital.

  • LaurieDecember 5, 2013 at 2:07 am

    I was on 40 mg prozac for nine months .my daughter has fits , anger .and phonologial speech disablity .she has be in pre k for 3years .she is behind other kids.now she will start speech therapy through childrens .she has been in early intervention but I needed i to get here more help.

  • not importantAugust 11, 2013 at 1:00 am

    Wife did not take anything during first pregnancy and my 6 yr old is fine. She took Zoloft during 2nd pregnancy and this daughter has significant motor and speech problems. Clear to me what has happened.

  • jrApril 4, 2013 at 12:48 am

    I was on Zoloft during both of ypregnancies and my kids are very smart. My son was walking at 9 months and my daughter was saying mom and crawling at 8 months. I find it funny that people say their kids are anxious and high strung. Maybe they are like their parents, isn't that why people take zoloft? Maybe its just genetics.

  • SusanJanuary 22, 2013 at 4:54 am

    I took Paxil 20 mg a day when I was pregnant and nursing my now 7 yr. old son. When he was three he was speaking a lot but repeating a lot. We really prayed for him and he seemed to kick in with normal speech. As he went to school he was doing great, high honor role and very good reader. By first grade I started to notice emotional issues. Crying when he couldn't do something, impatient and very t[Show More]I took Paxil 20 mg a day when I was pregnant and nursing my now 7 yr. old son. When he was three he was speaking a lot but repeating a lot. We really prayed for him and he seemed to kick in with normal speech. As he went to school he was doing great, high honor role and very good reader. By first grade I started to notice emotional issues. Crying when he couldn't do something, impatient and very talkative. I never thought much about it as I just thought there were personality. Now he is in 2nd grade and he still cannot tolerate his younger brother, can' t take losing a game and will have an outburst of anger. We always worked with him to get him to calm down and regroup. Only in the last month something else came up. All of a sudden, isolated insidences of throwing up and diarrehea. Now I think all these things are linked together and there might be emotional issues, like ADHD or sensory issues. All this extremely heartbreaking that these drugs have caused damage to certain children' s lives and families. No lawsuit could ever replace what has happened to these children. All these posts saying the same things over and over. My other two children 5 yrs. and 3yrs. are perfectly fine, normal and high functioning. When I was pregnant with each of them I weaned down to 25 mg. of Zoloft and at different moments off completly. Currently, I am pregnant with my 4 and for some reason could no longer handle Zoloft, so now I am on low dose of Wellbutrin and exercising everyday to keep myself from anxiety. It really helps. In the process of trying to get off completely. It's good to know that there are others out there who can relate to the horrible feeling that these drugs caused these problems. The feelings of guilt and anger and disbelief. I continue to rely of God for ultimate healing and strength.

  • ErikaJanuary 12, 2013 at 9:39 pm

    My 7 yar old son has had speech and language development problems since he started talking. I too was on Zoloft during my third trimester to help reduce depression. He has had special services through the school, language and speech pathologists, and special Ed services since he was in Preschool. After everything we have done to help him, nothing seems to work. I'm so concerned taking the Zoloft d[Show More]My 7 yar old son has had speech and language development problems since he started talking. I too was on Zoloft during my third trimester to help reduce depression. He has had special services through the school, language and speech pathologists, and special Ed services since he was in Preschool. After everything we have done to help him, nothing seems to work. I'm so concerned taking the Zoloft during pregnancy has caused this problem. Now reading that language and speech delays are effecting other childer under the same circumstances I am convinced this isn't just a coincidence.

  • HELENDecember 14, 2012 at 6:32 pm

    i was taking zoloft for deppression for two years,and was still on zoloft while pregnant on my 3rd child.and did not know i was pregnant and the doctor had increased my dose to 100 mg.and i took it for two months in my pregnancy.and stopped cold turkey.andmy son came out with birth defect.his right hand was webbed index fingers and has had 3 surgerys.to correct his deformites.his right chest dont [Show More]i was taking zoloft for deppression for two years,and was still on zoloft while pregnant on my 3rd child.and did not know i was pregnant and the doctor had increased my dose to 100 mg.and i took it for two months in my pregnancy.and stopped cold turkey.andmy son came out with birth defect.his right hand was webbed index fingers and has had 3 surgerys.to correct his deformites.his right chest dont have muscle and was born with uneven bacl shoulder blade uneven scoleocis,chest cavitie pushed in,and he has had trouble with breathing problems.lucky he wasnt a female,he feels very different i got disability on him.his right limb is smaller then othe limb.and i have a zoloft suit,and they have proof of zoloft but now it saying there isnt no proof of me injestion of zoloft in my blood tests.my doctor did not check for it, so what else can i do? like they test for other drugs in your blood.but not zoloft.they say that zoloft stays in your system for a long time.next i have appt with my gyn ob,so he can help me with this matter.he doesnt know that my son has this birth deffect due to the zoloft. my other kids came out good health.help me? how can a blood test prove that i was taking my zoloft.but have proof of my precription.

  • AngelDecember 11, 2012 at 7:03 pm

    I had taken Paxil, Effexor and Zoloft at different times, but not during my pregnancy. My child was born with defects in the heart, intestinal and urinary tract. My child has anger and emotional out bursts that seem untypical. They have mentioned suicide several times. My child is 7.

  • AlyssiaNovember 27, 2012 at 5:03 pm

    I took Zoloft during my first trimester of my second pregnancy. My son, now 1 1/2, throws the normal temper tantrum but also hits his head on anything near him. He does not seem to respond to the pain. He also was born with a syst on his temple. Doctors say that it is nothing to worry about but I am now concerned that it has grown in size and may at some point become cancerous. Has anyone had anyt[Show More]I took Zoloft during my first trimester of my second pregnancy. My son, now 1 1/2, throws the normal temper tantrum but also hits his head on anything near him. He does not seem to respond to the pain. He also was born with a syst on his temple. Doctors say that it is nothing to worry about but I am now concerned that it has grown in size and may at some point become cancerous. Has anyone had anything like this? Also I am so sorry to read some of these stories. I am thankful that it wasnt this bad for us. Stay strong parents. All of these children need our love more than anything!

  • sarahOctober 26, 2012 at 8:12 pm

    all thease comments are so my two kids my son is three and my daughter is 2 i took zoloft my entire pregnancy a higher dose with my son. i feel so gulty and sick to think if i had only not taken it they would be ok now. but the doctors said it was safe and it was better to have a happy mum. my son has sensory problems to the point he would vomit his food up as he was scared of it he is scared of[Show More]all thease comments are so my two kids my son is three and my daughter is 2 i took zoloft my entire pregnancy a higher dose with my son. i feel so gulty and sick to think if i had only not taken it they would be ok now. but the doctors said it was safe and it was better to have a happy mum. my son has sensory problems to the point he would vomit his food up as he was scared of it he is scared of doing number 2's full stop and on meds to make him. and is booked in to be tested for asd and has speech delay. my daughter i took a lower dose & also breastfeed and as soon as i stopped breast feeding her it was like she came alive from just staring at her hands all the time at 10 mths she has a speech delay but is getting there slowly they both have just out of no where angry uncontrolable out bursts my son is very very ruff towards his stister i thought it was normal at first as they were very young they both struggle socially with other kids my daughter is scared of other kids she just hides in a courner constintly. anyone thinking of taking it i hear of i will tell them dont do it if i had of known this my kids would be ok now i will never forgive myself ever but i hope thid page of comments helps to stop doctors giving it to pregnant women.

  • NicoleOctober 23, 2012 at 11:54 pm

    My 12 year old daughter has been explosive and aggressive for 7 years. She has been on an IEP for 4 years. She has speech, receptive and expressive disorder is on the ASD spectrum and has violent incoherent angry outbursts. She has been diagnosed with ADHD, receptive-expressive language disorder, behavioral disorder and intellectual disability. She has been to countless therapists, countless me[Show More]My 12 year old daughter has been explosive and aggressive for 7 years. She has been on an IEP for 4 years. She has speech, receptive and expressive disorder is on the ASD spectrum and has violent incoherent angry outbursts. She has been diagnosed with ADHD, receptive-expressive language disorder, behavioral disorder and intellectual disability. She has been to countless therapists, countless medications, change in diet, behavior intervention to no avail. I took Zoloft 100mg my entire pregnancy and was told it was ok. My daughter is paying a huge price as well as my entire families emotional health and well being. Noone knows what to do. Recently she was suspended from school for physical and verbal violence against teachers. She is scheduled for a neuro-psych eval, and a crisis intervention is in place. My daughter exhibits quick violence and low memory and extreme behavior disorders. I know it is d/t the fact that I took Zoloft throughout my pregnancy.

  • ashleyOctober 15, 2012 at 1:46 am

    I was reading many of these comments that were being left, and a lot of them lead up to exactly what my 6 year old son is going through, I took zoloft when I was pregnant with him, he has speech issues, took longer to crawl, walk, get potty trained, etc. he also has one eye that turns in so he has glasses to help with that. I've been told by his doctor, that he is very hyperactive in which he's on[Show More]I was reading many of these comments that were being left, and a lot of them lead up to exactly what my 6 year old son is going through, I took zoloft when I was pregnant with him, he has speech issues, took longer to crawl, walk, get potty trained, etc. he also has one eye that turns in so he has glasses to help with that. I've been told by his doctor, that he is very hyperactive in which he's on medication to help calm him down which that doesn't help a whole lot. He gets frustrated very fast which then causes him to lash out at others. School helps him as best as they can, but he's still have a 2-3 year old level. Just curious to know if there is anything that we can do. Thank you for your time, I look forward to be hearing from you.

  • JacquelineSeptember 21, 2012 at 3:23 am

    Does anyone know of any research being conducted on this subject? Or anywhere to turn for diagnoses? My 4 year old son is displaying several of the behaviors stated above. I was prescribed Zoloft during my 3rd trimester. He was diagnosed with autism via our school system. But when I took him to OT and a rehabilitation MD they stated he was 100% not autistic. The MD says that he needs neuro testin[Show More]Does anyone know of any research being conducted on this subject? Or anywhere to turn for diagnoses? My 4 year old son is displaying several of the behaviors stated above. I was prescribed Zoloft during my 3rd trimester. He was diagnosed with autism via our school system. But when I took him to OT and a rehabilitation MD they stated he was 100% not autistic. The MD says that he needs neuro testing. She informed me that she would research the best hospitals to see if anyone other MDs were treating children similar to my son. But it seems to me that this message board has been most helpful. PLEASE share with me if you have knowledge that could send me in a direction. This is extremely frustrating. Thanks

  • Gretchen P.September 17, 2012 at 9:41 am

    I was on both Zoloft and Wellbutrin during my second pregnancy with my daughter. I suffered major depression, OCD, and mood swings. My psychiatrist had me on 350mg Zoloft and 300mg Wellbutrin a day. I was too told this was safe during my pregnancy. My daughter was born blowing bubbles and not crying. She had fluid in her lungs and was rushed into NICU where she stayed for 5 days. She was bor[Show More]I was on both Zoloft and Wellbutrin during my second pregnancy with my daughter. I suffered major depression, OCD, and mood swings. My psychiatrist had me on 350mg Zoloft and 300mg Wellbutrin a day. I was too told this was safe during my pregnancy. My daughter was born blowing bubbles and not crying. She had fluid in her lungs and was rushed into NICU where she stayed for 5 days. She was born with a hemangioma on the side of her head. She is now almost 9 years old and the hemanogioma has disappeared, but she too has speech issues. We had to hold her back in kindergarten because she could not read well or speak well. She recently had a walking pneumonia and got me thinking about long term effects of these meds. I have been considering contacting a lawyer in regards to all the Zoloft lawsuits. I can't help but feel my daughters life is going to be less than what it could have been if she had not been exposed to these medications. I took these medications my entire pregnancy and nursed her as well on them.

  • Anne PSeptember 13, 2012 at 5:35 pm

    Like many who have posted I took zoloft while pregnant. Both my boys have IEP's in school and have been diagnosed with auditory processing disorder as well as dyslexia. Their IQ is high but reading skills are @ first grade and are staying at that level no matter what special services they get (tutoring, special classes etc.). It's very frustrating to me and my boys. Had I known then what I now sus[Show More]Like many who have posted I took zoloft while pregnant. Both my boys have IEP's in school and have been diagnosed with auditory processing disorder as well as dyslexia. Their IQ is high but reading skills are @ first grade and are staying at that level no matter what special services they get (tutoring, special classes etc.). It's very frustrating to me and my boys. Had I known then what I now suspect is a correlation between Zolpft and their learning delays, I would have never taken it.

  • CJWSeptember 6, 2012 at 12:52 pm

    My heart goes out to all of these families and children. I just wanted to share that I too was on Zoloft before I got pregnant. I stopped taking it as soon as I found out that I was pregnant but went right back on it after becoming very depressed. My now 4 year old daughter is happy and healthy. She was born two weeks early and had pretty bad acid reflux for the first 9 months. She started sitting[Show More]My heart goes out to all of these families and children. I just wanted to share that I too was on Zoloft before I got pregnant. I stopped taking it as soon as I found out that I was pregnant but went right back on it after becoming very depressed. My now 4 year old daughter is happy and healthy. She was born two weeks early and had pretty bad acid reflux for the first 9 months. She started sitting up, talking and walking all at normal ages. She does very well in school and loves to learn. She still has issues with going poopy in the potty, and has occasional temper tantrums (what child at this age doesn't?) Anyway, I just wanted to put that out there...

  • SueSeptember 3, 2012 at 7:20 pm

    I took Zoloft during and after my second pregnancy and so far my son, 7, has been perfectly healthy and on par with all tests. Hope it stays this way. So sorry to hear all these scary stories.

  • BarbaraAugust 7, 2012 at 6:22 pm

    Lisa from 2011 - your son sounds so much like mine. Even the crystals in the urine. Only thing different is breathing problems - does not have. He says heart hurts when walks but they didn't find anything. All the rest, so much the same. Had to have tongue clipped, delays, aspergers, etc. We did also need to do adenoidectomy. He was hyper when younger, now low energy and not growing becaus[Show More]Lisa from 2011 - your son sounds so much like mine. Even the crystals in the urine. Only thing different is breathing problems - does not have. He says heart hurts when walks but they didn't find anything. All the rest, so much the same. Had to have tongue clipped, delays, aspergers, etc. We did also need to do adenoidectomy. He was hyper when younger, now low energy and not growing because can't digest much. So sad, our hearts broken too, I cry every night. My 12 year old feels so alone just like yours - that there is no one like him. Other aspergers kids can eat food and are strong. Not him.

  • BessieJuly 8, 2012 at 5:55 pm

    I took Zoloft my whole pregnancy. My doctor said I would be fine. My 9. Year old daughter gets angry very fast and get violent with her family and friends. She also has a deep sleep disorder and wets to bed. Could me taking Zoloft though my whole pregnancy cause these problems.

  • CaitlinJuly 6, 2012 at 9:21 am

    To many of the posts, I too have a son who has severe childhood apraxia, intense speech therapy, aggression issues, learning delays,most of the milestone delays such as walking, sitting, rolling talking. Was born premature and tongue tied which needed hhis fremunlum cut. Potty training still has yet to be a success and he's almost 4. School districts, daycares, insurances, doctors, therapists, yo[Show More]To many of the posts, I too have a son who has severe childhood apraxia, intense speech therapy, aggression issues, learning delays,most of the milestone delays such as walking, sitting, rolling talking. Was born premature and tongue tied which needed hhis fremunlum cut. Potty training still has yet to be a success and he's almost 4. School districts, daycares, insurances, doctors, therapists, you name the problems are endless. Aggression problems autistic behavior. I was prescribed zoloft before, during and after brestfeeding the whole works and yes was told it was safe. I do not blame my doctor but the company, yes! I think it's crazy we all have the same problems yet we cannot be compensated for this or that they continue to market this drug to pregnant women despite the consequences! I believe there are many more of these stories out there and it's just a matter of time before the true number off people and innocent children are effected by this drug! Together our voices can be heard!

  • Laura SJune 12, 2012 at 1:04 am

    My friends 10 year old son was diagnosed with Lukemia on Friday. She took Paxil during her pregnancy (Dr said is was fine). He was born with the heart defect , colic, speech problems(he was tounge tied), uncontrolable rages, didn't toilet train until he was 5. She went to psycholagists for the rages and they told her it was her parenting!!! I feel so frustrated that these Dr.'s are telling patien[Show More]My friends 10 year old son was diagnosed with Lukemia on Friday. She took Paxil during her pregnancy (Dr said is was fine). He was born with the heart defect , colic, speech problems(he was tounge tied), uncontrolable rages, didn't toilet train until he was 5. She went to psycholagists for the rages and they told her it was her parenting!!! I feel so frustrated that these Dr.'s are telling patients to take these medications during pregnancy! My cousin has anxiety and her Dr told her she could take Effexor, thankfully she did not. These medications are way to new to know the long term effects on children.

  • Sam MMay 24, 2012 at 5:08 pm

    The mother of my son demanded Paxil in her first trimester. My family has a history of heart disease [grand father passed from a heart attack at 56, my father had a heart attack at 57] and I am curious if I should be extra diligent with my son as he starts to play sports and so on. So far his development is on track but I am more concerned about his heart down the road.

  • meganMay 23, 2012 at 8:12 pm

    i took zoloft in my last month of pregnancy and my daughter is now 19 months and is very physically delayed. she cant say mama or dada and dont even make any sounds much. she cant sit on her own crawl or walk. and just learned how to hold her own bottle. she has muscle weakness all over and has difficulty sucking out of her bottle and can chew foods. She has been recently diagnosed as epileptic [Show More]i took zoloft in my last month of pregnancy and my daughter is now 19 months and is very physically delayed. she cant say mama or dada and dont even make any sounds much. she cant sit on her own crawl or walk. and just learned how to hold her own bottle. she has muscle weakness all over and has difficulty sucking out of her bottle and can chew foods. She has been recently diagnosed as epileptic and She has now getting into screaming fits where she kicks all about. I was just wondering if taking zoloft would effect her like this. Thanks fro any help

  • kelleyMay 22, 2012 at 2:40 am

    hi my name is Kelley I was taking 150mg a day of zoloft during the first few months of my pregnancy. I have a beautiful 19 month old son who is very easily frustrated, bangs his head on the floor, the wall, or hits himself in the head. He tries his best to communicate but his vocabulary is very limited. I work with him all the time on learning, but it seems like he learns new words and shortly [Show More]hi my name is Kelley I was taking 150mg a day of zoloft during the first few months of my pregnancy. I have a beautiful 19 month old son who is very easily frustrated, bangs his head on the floor, the wall, or hits himself in the head. He tries his best to communicate but his vocabulary is very limited. I work with him all the time on learning, but it seems like he learns new words and shortly after forgets how to say words he knew how to say. It is very frustrating, I do think it had something to do with the antidepressant I took.

  • CharonMay 14, 2012 at 3:51 am

    I went back and forth taking zoloft while pregnant with my son, who is now 7 months. I have a history of depression and anxiety disorder and have also been treated for bipolar disorder. but all the other medications I had taken were not "ok" to take while pregnant, however i was told zoloft was. The day I took the script to the pharmacy, the pharmacist who was a friend of mine advised me not to[Show More]I went back and forth taking zoloft while pregnant with my son, who is now 7 months. I have a history of depression and anxiety disorder and have also been treated for bipolar disorder. but all the other medications I had taken were not "ok" to take while pregnant, however i was told zoloft was. The day I took the script to the pharmacy, the pharmacist who was a friend of mine advised me not to take it, so I didnt at first then my mood just kept getting worse so I did take it. Well I do have a very intelligent 7 mo old, who is off the charts in his development and his size. however, he has some of the most horrible fits I have ever seen with a child his age. He has been having these since about 3 mo old. Full blown fits where he throws his head back and arches his back and screams and screams. He hates to nap, barely does and is so restless. he does sleep good thru the night but thats it. I fear that his mood will get worse and the aggressive behavior. I am now thinking of not having another child because I have such emotional issues I dont think I can be off my medication again.

  • ShawnnaMay 9, 2012 at 12:41 pm

    My beautifyl daughter. I love her so. Her gross motor was delayed as a baby, I discussed her low tone with her doctor. He said not to worry as she wasnt behind YET. I worked with her at home. She needs low stress, naps still, routine, routine routine, shes been in speech for 2 years and struggles due to low tone. Floppy mush mouth. She doesnt process information correctly as an 8 yr should[Show More]My beautifyl daughter. I love her so. Her gross motor was delayed as a baby, I discussed her low tone with her doctor. He said not to worry as she wasnt behind YET. I worked with her at home. She needs low stress, naps still, routine, routine routine, shes been in speech for 2 years and struggles due to low tone. Floppy mush mouth. She doesnt process information correctly as an 8 yr should. Anything more than 2 steps and Ive lost her... shes bewildered. I homeschool her and see some dyslexia or/and wandering eye. And when she gets upset. Wow. We work hard not to trip that trigger. I wander about ADD for her as well. I was on Paxil, my doctor told me it was safe, safer than Zoloft, which I had used in college. Id like more infornmation please so I can find a way to help my child. Please.

  • AnneMay 4, 2012 at 4:47 am

    I just love all the drug companies that said/saying/will say that a depressed pregnant woman is more harmful to the baby than taking the SSRIs while pregnant. Because what is more depressing to the mother and her child than knowing that you did something (does not matter that you did not know) to cause this horrible situation that will not end? Lilly and friends get to laugh all the way to the[Show More]I just love all the drug companies that said/saying/will say that a depressed pregnant woman is more harmful to the baby than taking the SSRIs while pregnant. Because what is more depressing to the mother and her child than knowing that you did something (does not matter that you did not know) to cause this horrible situation that will not end? Lilly and friends get to laugh all the way to the bank.

  • AndreaApril 12, 2012 at 11:30 pm

    I was also diagnosed with post-pardum depression after I had my first son. My doctor prescribed 50mg of zoloft daily, which I took until I became pregnant with my second son. I asked my doctor if it was safe to continue taking the drug through my pregnancy and she assured me that it was. Long story short; my youngest son was diagnosed with autism and speech apraxia. His older brother is considered[Show More]I was also diagnosed with post-pardum depression after I had my first son. My doctor prescribed 50mg of zoloft daily, which I took until I became pregnant with my second son. I asked my doctor if it was safe to continue taking the drug through my pregnancy and she assured me that it was. Long story short; my youngest son was diagnosed with autism and speech apraxia. His older brother is considered 'normal.' I just want some answers...

  • JamieMarch 17, 2012 at 6:40 am

    I took Paxil for the second and third trimester. My daughter was born with duplicated kidneys and ureters. One of the ureters connected in the bladder neck area and she was quite sick as a baby. She had one half of her kidney and the abnormal ureter that was infected removed at one years of age. She also has feet that turn outward. Wondering if anyone else knows about these birth defects and a[Show More]I took Paxil for the second and third trimester. My daughter was born with duplicated kidneys and ureters. One of the ureters connected in the bladder neck area and she was quite sick as a baby. She had one half of her kidney and the abnormal ureter that was infected removed at one years of age. She also has feet that turn outward. Wondering if anyone else knows about these birth defects and any connection to Paxil?

  • EricaFebruary 27, 2012 at 6:02 pm

    i was never on paxil,but, when my youngest son (who is now 2) was concieved, my husband was taking paxil. my son was very slow to sit up, crawl, walk. he has horrible screaming and crying fits that can last for hours. He also clenches his fists and his whole body goes stiff as he does this horrible gutteral screams. he is unconsolable when he has these temper tantrums. He has started banging his h[Show More]i was never on paxil,but, when my youngest son (who is now 2) was concieved, my husband was taking paxil. my son was very slow to sit up, crawl, walk. he has horrible screaming and crying fits that can last for hours. He also clenches his fists and his whole body goes stiff as he does this horrible gutteral screams. he is unconsolable when he has these temper tantrums. He has started banging his head on the floor and hitting himself. could these problems be caused by my husband being on the medication?

  • RachelFebruary 19, 2012 at 3:26 am

    I took Zoloft during my second pregnancy. with my now 3 year old daughter. She has explosive mood swings. Her daily " Tantrums" last up to two hours and then it is like a switch turns off and it's like she never had one. She is Hateful and hurtful in her words, hits kicks pushes ( for no reason at all) Don't get me wrong, she is smart, my oh my is she smart. ( smart mouthed too!) She can be [Show More]I took Zoloft during my second pregnancy. with my now 3 year old daughter. She has explosive mood swings. Her daily " Tantrums" last up to two hours and then it is like a switch turns off and it's like she never had one. She is Hateful and hurtful in her words, hits kicks pushes ( for no reason at all) Don't get me wrong, she is smart, my oh my is she smart. ( smart mouthed too!) She can be loving, but the mean out ways the kindness. Her pediatrician has referred us to a psychiatrist because whatever is causing my beautiful daughter to have these mood swings and being as hurtful and mean as she is and then snapping back to "normal" is out of her spectrum of care. I really worry that my choice to take Zoloft during my pregnancy was really a bad choice and I have hurt my child and her future. * started taking Zoloft 9/2005 for post partum depression after the Birth of my twins. No antidepression med's taken during pregnancy with them.*

  • constanceFebruary 18, 2012 at 3:58 pm

    i have 3 sons, my first 2 sons i took prozac the whole time i carried them. i was told i was high risk pregnacy due to the fact when i was 6 month with my oldest son he has stopped growing and they couldn't figure out why he was born at 32 weeks at 3 pound 14 oz. he is 11 now with adhd can not focus in school is in special ed classes takes meds at night because he can not slow down to go to sleep.[Show More]i have 3 sons, my first 2 sons i took prozac the whole time i carried them. i was told i was high risk pregnacy due to the fact when i was 6 month with my oldest son he has stopped growing and they couldn't figure out why he was born at 32 weeks at 3 pound 14 oz. he is 11 now with adhd can not focus in school is in special ed classes takes meds at night because he can not slow down to go to sleep. very aggressive temper toward me and his sibblings very outraged and really dont know why. as for my 2 son took prozac while carring him also carried him till 36 week and he weighted 5 pds 10 oz he has the adhd also and takes meds at night with the outraged temper but has been placed in the hospital with hearing problems and kidney problems he also has special ed classes in school both my oldest have been held back in school. now my younest son i took no meds and he is the opposite of my oldest two. and i have been told that it could be the resoult of taking prozac and i would really like to know. for the doctors tell you the taking the medication is ok and then everything goes wrong. when all you want is to have a healthy baby then you are spending the rest of your life trying to take care of a child with problems you find out is casued by medicne doctors give you...

  • AnnJanuary 29, 2012 at 2:38 pm

    From the momemt my child was born back in 2000 there was something different about him. I took Prozac in my last trimester to prevent post pardum depression. He refused to breast feed, he was irritable sometimes to the point of uncontrollable. As he got older "strong willed" was an understatement, he would have uncontrollable rages, fits, he would attack his siblings, parents or hurt himself if n[Show More]From the momemt my child was born back in 2000 there was something different about him. I took Prozac in my last trimester to prevent post pardum depression. He refused to breast feed, he was irritable sometimes to the point of uncontrollable. As he got older "strong willed" was an understatement, he would have uncontrollable rages, fits, he would attack his siblings, parents or hurt himself if not put in a restraint hold. He was finally placed on medication at the age 5, since that time he has required extensivve psychotherapy and he is on mulitple psychotropic medications. He has been diagnosis with 5 different psychiatric diagnosis. He is brillant IQ wise, but his psychiatric issues have masked his abilities. He continueously is in trouble at school, he is unable to control his actions until they esculate to violence. I believe the medication had a profound effect on my child.

  • DaveJanuary 18, 2012 at 2:27 am

    I have three children aged 18, 16 and 9. My wife took Paxil during our third pregnancy in 2001. Our nine year old had some minor issues at birth requiring extended observation. Later we discovered he was also a bit tongue tied like other writers described. We noticed a distinct difference when our youngest went to school during grades 1-2 where his reading and writing levels were markedly differen[Show More]I have three children aged 18, 16 and 9. My wife took Paxil during our third pregnancy in 2001. Our nine year old had some minor issues at birth requiring extended observation. Later we discovered he was also a bit tongue tied like other writers described. We noticed a distinct difference when our youngest went to school during grades 1-2 where his reading and writing levels were markedly different from his eldest siblings. He also had a short temper and couldn't maintain his focus on task. We sought professional help and the report revealed a diagnosis of ADD and a Learning Disability. I have long suspected a link to Paxil. Since then, we have invested a lot of time and effort in tutoring and he is now medicated to help with learning. It is still a struggle and recognise a long and frustrating road ahead, not to mention the worry about his future. Sad.

  • JenniferJanuary 7, 2012 at 4:05 am

    I have 3 sons and took Zoloft while pregnant with my first two but not my third. My 10 year old is described almost identical to the descriptions on this page. He's been diagnosed over the years with everything from sensory integration disorder to ADHD and is medicated because he can not function without it He is socially immature, extremely aggressive and unaware of his actions and the consequen[Show More]I have 3 sons and took Zoloft while pregnant with my first two but not my third. My 10 year old is described almost identical to the descriptions on this page. He's been diagnosed over the years with everything from sensory integration disorder to ADHD and is medicated because he can not function without it He is socially immature, extremely aggressive and unaware of his actions and the consequences seem to surprise him. He tells me he feels out of control. He does not fit the typical DHD profile but falls into enough of the criteria to be labeled that. I've always suspected there was more to this and wondered if the Zoloft is why he struggles socially and is a longer. I feel certain it is. I just wonder what he would have been like if I had not done this? He's so handsome and smart but his social skills and inability to focus will hold him back from what could have been amazing. I'm frustrated knowing so many have the same results. My second son is also extremely immature for his age and struggles with learning disabilities and ADHD. He's also medicated but does not have the aggressive personality. My third son is perfectly normal and this is why I'm so suspicious of Zoloft since I didn't take while pregnant with him. He's normal and fun and everyone loves him.

  • MonicaJanuary 3, 2012 at 8:53 pm

    I took Zoloft during the last trimester of my pregnancy 10 years ago. My doctor was quick to prescribe, and assured me that there were no side affects to my child. My son is almost 10, has the social mentality of a 6 year old, has been diagnosed as being ADHD, has fits and tantrums EVERY day and cannot function normally in school without being on medication. He has difficulty understanding consequ[Show More]I took Zoloft during the last trimester of my pregnancy 10 years ago. My doctor was quick to prescribe, and assured me that there were no side affects to my child. My son is almost 10, has the social mentality of a 6 year old, has been diagnosed as being ADHD, has fits and tantrums EVERY day and cannot function normally in school without being on medication. He has difficulty understanding consequences of every day situations and tend to be completely irrational on simple concepts a boy his age should understand. The tantrums, violent behavior, and aggression we deal with every day is heartbreaking, to say the least. I wish someone would have told me not to listen to my OB under any circumstance! What needs to happen now is, someone needs to stop the irresponsible prescribing of these medications to any more pregnant women.

  • ErinDecember 28, 2011 at 5:51 pm

    I can't believe that there are so many of us that are dealing with the same exact things with their children from taking Zoloft or an anti-depressant while pregnant after being told it was safe by their doctor! It seems that about 9 or 10 years ago, doctors were over-prescribing these anti-depressants as many of us have children that are around the same ages. I have 9 year old twin daughters and a[Show More]I can't believe that there are so many of us that are dealing with the same exact things with their children from taking Zoloft or an anti-depressant while pregnant after being told it was safe by their doctor! It seems that about 9 or 10 years ago, doctors were over-prescribing these anti-depressants as many of us have children that are around the same ages. I have 9 year old twin daughters and a 10 year old son. I took Wellbutrin with my son & Zoloft with my twins. (I also have an 18-year-old with whom I took no prescription medications and he has none of these issues.) All three of my younger children have anger issues, but my daughters have other problems including developmental delays, auditory processing disorder, emotional delays, delays with normal milestones, ADD, and treatment for this as everyone knows is ongoing. As I was reading through everyone's comments, I started crying because we are all going through almost the exact same thing with varying degrees of severity. My daughters are 9 in 2nd grade, and some problems are speech delays, emotional and anger issues, problems retaining information, etc. One of my daughters has more severe symptoms than the other. It seems like no matter how hard I try, things just don't "stick" with her. Not to mention her control issues and trying to get her to calm down, understand, etc. It was perfectly described several times above by different people. I can't believe how common this has turned out to be and it makes me so angry that doctors just handed these medicines out like they were no big deal. I think this is an unfortunate thing, but I'm glad there are many people who have experienced this because it has or hopefully will put an end to these drugs being prescribed to pregnant women and also knowing too that we aren't alone in dealing with these issues.

  • MarcosDecember 9, 2011 at 3:47 pm

    My wife at the time was taking zoloft and paxll,my son has been diagnosed with adhd,odd and he's speech delayed.he's. Very aggressive.. my son has also been reffered to a cardiologist for a possible hole in his hear. My x wife is now remarried and her 1 year old child has clubfoot and adhd. All because of these pills... working on this case now

  • AndrieetaDecember 1, 2011 at 6:04 pm

    I was taking Paxil when i was pregant with my son. He started walking after his first birthday. We took him to LSU due to him not crawling correct and him not walking.He's been doing bad in school. January of this year they have diagnosed him with ADHD. The teachers said my son is not on the level he is supose to be on. HE's been doing bad since kindergarten.Kentravion supose to be in 3 grade b[Show More]I was taking Paxil when i was pregant with my son. He started walking after his first birthday. We took him to LSU due to him not crawling correct and him not walking.He's been doing bad in school. January of this year they have diagnosed him with ADHD. The teachers said my son is not on the level he is supose to be on. HE's been doing bad since kindergarten.Kentravion supose to be in 3 grade but they failed him, he is back in the 2 grade this year. The teachers say he is slow at learning i have all proof and paperwork since he started school to prove that.

  • NaomiNovember 25, 2011 at 9:57 am

    Thank you to everyone for sharing. I am devastated on behalf of our children for the incredible similarities in these stories. I had been on anti-depressants sInce the age of 19, and was taking the maximum dose of paroxetine for three years prior to falling pregnant with my son, born 10 weeks premature in 2000. He was quite healthy as an infant, though has suffered asthma and associated pneumonia [Show More]Thank you to everyone for sharing. I am devastated on behalf of our children for the incredible similarities in these stories. I had been on anti-depressants sInce the age of 19, and was taking the maximum dose of paroxetine for three years prior to falling pregnant with my son, born 10 weeks premature in 2000. He was quite healthy as an infant, though has suffered asthma and associated pneumonia throughout his years. The most serious concern, however, is the apparent neurological and other issues he seems to have - aspergers, dyspraxia, auditory processing disorder, motor delays, speech disorders, dyslexia or perhaps idleness disorder. The effect on my son of these challenges is social isolation, loneliness and depression, as he is highly intelligent with an incredible vocabulary, emotional IQ, can comprehend difficult problems and appropriate solutions, is incredibly creative, can yet cannot recall the alphabet, recognize the individual letters or relate the associated sounds they represent. He cannot recall sequences, although can have total recall of a visual experience and knows where everything is with one glance of a room, and can recall a conversation word for word. He understands these challenges are preventing him from achieving traditionally expected milestones, and expresses great sadness and frustration because of this. His school is highly supportive and works to help however at grade 5, he cannot progress beyond a grade 1/2 reading level, and is teased for this, exasperating his emotional and social issues and requiring cognitive support from mental health professionals as he questions hisife. We need help, and feel I have tried every option I know of, and have enrolled him in Steiner school as the traditional learning system is constantly focusing on the identification of his weaknesses to the point where I worry about his mental health as he becomes an adolescent. Thank you for providing a possible cause to our significant issues. Perhaps I can take this information to our next pediatrician appointment as we look for a positive future direction.

  • jamieNovember 15, 2011 at 11:46 pm

    I was on paxil when i was pregnant with my son. He had breathing problems at birth, and was put on oxygen immediately. I did not see him for his first 24 hours of life. He now has asthma, acid reflux, was in speech since 3 years old he completely stopped talking at 2, and now I find out he has Central Auditory Processing Disorder.

  • AndreaNovember 15, 2011 at 3:42 pm

    I took zoloft while pregnant...lowered the does to 50mg. My daughter is now eight. She was born fine and healthy normal fun loving happy child….at age six, she was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. Many would argue it's hereditary and there is truth to this, but my gut instinct tells me that taking Zoloft didn't help, as the medication is designed to work with Brain chemistry. Of course the f[Show More]I took zoloft while pregnant...lowered the does to 50mg. My daughter is now eight. She was born fine and healthy normal fun loving happy child….at age six, she was diagnosed with ADHD and anxiety. Many would argue it's hereditary and there is truth to this, but my gut instinct tells me that taking Zoloft didn't help, as the medication is designed to work with Brain chemistry. Of course the fetus is affected. I was given the same line - that if the mother is happy and well then it’s better for the baby. It was convincing....but in hind sight, nine months of my own anxiety would have been better and more tolerable then my daughter being faced with the challenges associated with ADHD and child anxiety. What have I done…. I have guaranteed the drug companies one more patient dependent on their meds. How’s that for a business continuity plan!

  • michelleOctober 16, 2011 at 3:53 pm

    Hi, my child devleoped autism after I took paxil

  • jhorningSeptember 12, 2011 at 2:45 pm

    My four year old grandaughter suffers from sensory integration disorder. My daughter was told that taking zoloft while pregnant was safe. Two words keep popping up in these posts-aggressive and tantrum. I don't think this is a coinicidence.

  • StaciSeptember 6, 2011 at 9:08 pm

    My son is now 7 going on 8 years old. I took Paxil through out my entire pregnancy. When he was first born the Dr's said he had fluid in his lungs and he spent 3 days in an oxygen tank. They also said his lungs were not completely developed yet. He was late crawling, walking, and talking. We even started a program called "First Steps" through the state to help him develop his speech. Have been to[Show More]My son is now 7 going on 8 years old. I took Paxil through out my entire pregnancy. When he was first born the Dr's said he had fluid in his lungs and he spent 3 days in an oxygen tank. They also said his lungs were not completely developed yet. He was late crawling, walking, and talking. We even started a program called "First Steps" through the state to help him develop his speech. Have been to countless Dr's for his medical and emotional problems. He has been diagnosed with encopresis (still has this) and ADHD, ODD, and we are now getting him evaluated for LD. Any of the medicines we have tried have not helped. My Dr had assured me that Paxil was safe during my pregnancy. With all of these issues and ADHD does not run in either families, I'm wondering if I made a big mistake in taking this drug.

  • DawnSeptember 2, 2011 at 4:27 pm

    I took zoloft during my entire pregnancy with my son 9 years ago. He was admitted into the hospital at 5 days old with high bilirubin and lethargic/low temp. Since this point he has had a developmental delay, Hypotonia, physical therapy, learning issues, ADHD, speech delay, processing disorder, sensorary intergration. I am probably forgetting some other problems.

  • CarolineAugust 23, 2011 at 3:18 am

    I have six children, 5 were born healthy with no problems. During my 6th pregnancy I was on Paxil and was told he was completely safe to remain on it during my pregnancy. My daughter was born profoundly deaf caused from improperly formed cochlea's and enlarged vestibular aquaducts. She has extreme ADHD, off the charts. Very violent temper, fits of rage. We lived as shut ins for many years as [Show More]I have six children, 5 were born healthy with no problems. During my 6th pregnancy I was on Paxil and was told he was completely safe to remain on it during my pregnancy. My daughter was born profoundly deaf caused from improperly formed cochlea's and enlarged vestibular aquaducts. She has extreme ADHD, off the charts. Very violent temper, fits of rage. We lived as shut ins for many years as you could not take her in public as you never knew when she might go into a fit of rage, try to jump out of the moving car, run into traffic etc. She cannot sit still, has trouble learning because of her sever ADHD and also has suffered from sleep issues since she was born. I strongly believe that this was all caused by the paxil.

  • BeckyAugust 8, 2011 at 1:09 am

    in 1999 I was taking Paxil when I found out I was pregnant. i discussed risks with my OBGYN and he assured me the benefits greatly out weighed any cons. My daughter was born 3 weeks 1 day early (I know not to early) She had colic so so so bad. Ever since she could really communicate well she has complained of cramps, heartburn, loose bowls, etc. Sometimes so severe she vomits or has to stay h[Show More]in 1999 I was taking Paxil when I found out I was pregnant. i discussed risks with my OBGYN and he assured me the benefits greatly out weighed any cons. My daughter was born 3 weeks 1 day early (I know not to early) She had colic so so so bad. Ever since she could really communicate well she has complained of cramps, heartburn, loose bowls, etc. Sometimes so severe she vomits or has to stay home from school curled up in a ball in pain. We have had test after test and they have diagnosed her with pediatric GERD and IBS. Still need to do the colonoscopy, but she is so tiny, i just keep holding them off. I am back online researching as she is now 12 and barely 70 lbs and suffering worse than ever. None of the medicines work. Nexium helped heal some of the irritation to her esophogus, but did nothing for her systems. I guess I just want to know so what do we do now. After all the reassuring everything will be OK and we are left with the sick kids and the medical bills. Now what???

  • MelissaAugust 6, 2011 at 12:55 am

    I to was on an array of medication prior to my pregnancy, mostly for anxiety and depression, but while pregnant I took Prozac, as well as a sleep medication. When my son was born he had some breathing troubles and had to be placed in a warmer, his APGAR tests were low, his skin was jaundiced, he had to be delivered via c-section due to being frank breach. While a baby, then a toddler, he experi[Show More]I to was on an array of medication prior to my pregnancy, mostly for anxiety and depression, but while pregnant I took Prozac, as well as a sleep medication. When my son was born he had some breathing troubles and had to be placed in a warmer, his APGAR tests were low, his skin was jaundiced, he had to be delivered via c-section due to being frank breach. While a baby, then a toddler, he experienced delays. Now, 15 years old, he has been diagnosed with Asperger's Disorder, ADHD, and Mood Disorder NOS. He has socializational and organizational difficulties, and is clumsy at times. He has Asthma, Acid Reflux and other digestive issues, sinus problems. I am unsure of what the law can do for us. I am looking for a response.

  • melissaJuly 28, 2011 at 10:23 pm

    my last three kids were born early and one of them stillborn07then one 08 then 10 he was 1pound and now he has c.p blind ,feedin tube he looks 8 or 9months ... been on zoloft for last three pregnancies doctors said ot was safe last two born early and one stillborn... my daughter is delayed my son born 03-10-10 1pound daughter born 3.6 my placenta ebrupted three times...

  • CarrieJuly 22, 2011 at 4:14 am

    I took Zoloft through my third pregnancy. My son is just about to turn 9. When he was born he had a failure to thrive and didn't gain any weight for 2months. He was slow to achieve goals like rolling over and sitting up on his own. He is very immature and can be very emotional. He has speech delays and memory issues as well. So different from my older children who excel academically.

  • AnonymousJuly 15, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    10 year old with Autism Spectrum, severe prolonged refux, intellectual disability, seizure-like eye rolling & just generally impossible. I was on Paxil (Aropax) at conception and for several weeks in first trimester.

  • JessicaJuly 9, 2011 at 10:36 pm

    I was on 50 mg Zoloft while pregnant and I also asked the doctor if it was safe and was assured it was. However, my son was SO COLICKY! He also had reflux. He is now three and is going to have to start speech therapy due to his speech. I am about the only one who understands the majority of what he says and sometimes I have to take a guess. I never put the speech problem together with the zoloft u[Show More]I was on 50 mg Zoloft while pregnant and I also asked the doctor if it was safe and was assured it was. However, my son was SO COLICKY! He also had reflux. He is now three and is going to have to start speech therapy due to his speech. I am about the only one who understands the majority of what he says and sometimes I have to take a guess. I never put the speech problem together with the zoloft until I started seeing the commericals for birth defects and anti-depressants but after reading this it makes me wonder is the zoloft to blame for the speech problems?

  • HeatherJuly 6, 2011 at 9:57 pm

    I started taking Paxil almost 9 years ago because I was suffering from severe anxiety attacks. To the point that I couldnt function. I have 3 children ages 12, 9 and 5. I wasn't on any meds with my first 2 pregnancies. I was on 40mg of Paxil with my 3rd child who is now 5. He was born very healthy with no health issues what so ever! But he now has uncontrollable fits of crying, hitting, screaming,[Show More]I started taking Paxil almost 9 years ago because I was suffering from severe anxiety attacks. To the point that I couldnt function. I have 3 children ages 12, 9 and 5. I wasn't on any meds with my first 2 pregnancies. I was on 40mg of Paxil with my 3rd child who is now 5. He was born very healthy with no health issues what so ever! But he now has uncontrollable fits of crying, hitting, screaming, throwing things etc. He is extremely hiper and has a hard time being still sometimes. He also has a severe speech delay. I can't always understand him. And people that arent around him all the time cant understand him at all. I am very curious if any of the symptoms he has are because of the Paxil. I feel so guilty, but my doctors were fine with it. I even went to a perinatologist while I was pregnant with him. Im scared because I am pregnant again and still on Paxil. What do I do?

  • StephanieJune 29, 2011 at 10:38 pm

    Living in France,I too was on zoloft during my two pregnancies. Both my children suffer from speech delay especially my eldest who suffers from dysphasia. I was told not to worry about zoloft when expecting my children and now I wish I had known better. I now feel so guilty that the médecine I was taking has made my kids' life harder.

  • DeelaneaJune 23, 2011 at 11:59 pm

    I too took Zoloft while pregnant with my now 3 year old twins and my youngest on was just diagnosed with autism. He has a developmental delay and a speech delay and I too was wondering if it could be because I was giving zoloft while pregnant.

  • LauraMay 27, 2011 at 2:28 pm

    Got to this site looking for answers concerning any possible correlation between the fact that I took Paxil during my pregnancy amd my 5 year old son'sout of control behavior.Reading the other posts, they all sound like a day in MY life. 2her has to be a connection because all of our children are exhibiting the same behaviors- unwarranted aggression, the inability to concentrate or control themsel[Show More]Got to this site looking for answers concerning any possible correlation between the fact that I took Paxil during my pregnancy amd my 5 year old son'sout of control behavior.Reading the other posts, they all sound like a day in MY life. 2her has to be a connection because all of our children are exhibiting the same behaviors- unwarranted aggression, the inability to concentrate or control themselves in school, extreme hyperactivity. These are just a few of the issues I am dealing with right now but all are so extreme that I have had to quit my job in order to make myself available to my son's teachers at any given moment. As a single mother, this is almost impossible for me to handle on my own. I am wondering if there are enough complaints of this nature to support a lawsuit for our children. Although the damage here is not physical, isn't our kid's emotional wellbeing just as important? Please advise. Thanks.

  • LauraMay 12, 2011 at 3:01 pm

    With all the commercials for birth defects and anti-depressants recently I did a random google search and found this - Now I am feeling really guilty. My son did not say mamma by age two - or walk - started physical and speech therapy. He is now 8 - last year diagnosed with ADD - still continues with speech therapy about 1 grade level behind - but completely caught up with physical skills for hi[Show More]With all the commercials for birth defects and anti-depressants recently I did a random google search and found this - Now I am feeling really guilty. My son did not say mamma by age two - or walk - started physical and speech therapy. He is now 8 - last year diagnosed with ADD - still continues with speech therapy about 1 grade level behind - but completely caught up with physical skills for his age group. We continue with private tutoring and have started ADD meds which seem to help - but sure would have liked to have spared him all this. I did not start taking Zoloft until third trimester - thought that there would be less chance of side effects then - obviously I was wrong

  • LisaApril 23, 2011 at 4:29 pm

    Took Paxil while pregnant. Son was born in 2000 with hypospadious, slight heart murmur (which he still has), PDD(NOS)-a form of Asperger's spectral disorder, breathing problems @ birth (he still has shortness of breath now and has been prescribed Albuteral at times) , Delayed development with speech and motor skills (still), short-tounge syndrome in which he needed to have the tissue clipped, gas[Show More]Took Paxil while pregnant. Son was born in 2000 with hypospadious, slight heart murmur (which he still has), PDD(NOS)-a form of Asperger's spectral disorder, breathing problems @ birth (he still has shortness of breath now and has been prescribed Albuteral at times) , Delayed development with speech and motor skills (still), short-tounge syndrome in which he needed to have the tissue clipped, gastro-intestinal problems (still), URI problems and crystals forming in the urine (still), extreme sensitivity to sound (still), delayed social skills to this day. My son's been through hell with all of this. I'm sure I left a few out many other side-effects...a broken heart. I quote, "no one knows what it's like to be me", as he struggled through the tears to try and explain why he was "alone". Other children don't understand and my child has been emotionally damaged by bullying and simply being misunderstood and lonely.

  • kimberlyApril 16, 2011 at 3:39 pm

    my son is high functioining autistic.

  • kimberlyApril 16, 2011 at 3:38 pm

    I've been taking paxil for about 15 yrs. not sure it's helping me, and now i'm definitely going to get off. my son is 5 and i have been taking him to doctors since he was 2. it's one thing after another! He's definitely high functioning autistic. and there's other things that i can't get a diagnosis for? I know there's other things wrong, so I'm taking him again next week.

  • AmyApril 11, 2011 at 1:14 pm

    I took Zoloft throughout my whole pregnancy with my son. He is now 4 years old and has been diagnosed with a severe speech disorder. He has childhood apraxia of speech and I'm wondering if any other mom's have experienced this with their children.

  • DeannaApril 11, 2011 at 9:51 am

    This is to Michelle....Apply for SSDI...be vigiligent! They usually deny at least once so dont get discouraged. Don't worry about him being in pull ups. He'lll get potty trained when he's ready! Remember, some day we are going to have to go back to them any way. If you don't want to put him in daycar then don't. If you are having problems with Insurance....take your anger out on them (but ask[Show More]This is to Michelle....Apply for SSDI...be vigiligent! They usually deny at least once so dont get discouraged. Don't worry about him being in pull ups. He'lll get potty trained when he's ready! Remember, some day we are going to have to go back to them any way. If you don't want to put him in daycar then don't. If you are having problems with Insurance....take your anger out on them (but ask to speak to a supervisor....the lower level people can't really help and have no power). The thing you can do for your son is just love him. It also sounds like he might do good with some Occupational therapy. He may have sensory issues. If he is hyperventilating that sounds like anxiety. Talk to your PCP about anxiety issues. Or take him to have a battery of test that cover all areas that include anxiety, sensory, mental, etc. Your peditrician should be able to refer you or check in your area for child therapists that do play therapy and they should be able to refer you to someone. One step at a time. Don't overwhelm yourself. Breathe and love your wonderful little boy!

  • MichelleMarch 28, 2011 at 8:46 pm

    I had anxiety prior to becoming pregnant and was on zoloft. The doctor wheened me off only to put me back on it. My son who is now 3yrs 4 months old has has his adenoids removed which they thought was causing speech delay. His hearing has been tested and that was not an issue. We just got his results back from speech therapy and he is at a 1.5yr old level!!!! He isnt potty trained ive been trying [Show More]I had anxiety prior to becoming pregnant and was on zoloft. The doctor wheened me off only to put me back on it. My son who is now 3yrs 4 months old has has his adenoids removed which they thought was causing speech delay. His hearing has been tested and that was not an issue. We just got his results back from speech therapy and he is at a 1.5yr old level!!!! He isnt potty trained ive been trying for a yr. He went to daycare one day and they called me within ten minutes of dropping him off because he was hyperventilating. He goes through intense moments of pure energy. He can only lead us to what he wants. He forgets things hes already learned b4. He will get so excited he digs his chin into me and squeezes me, not out of anger but excitement.Hes very loving but I dont know what to do. I feel horrible about taking meds during my pregnancy. In the paperwork from speech therapy the long term goal is to get him at a 2.5 yr old level....I could just cry. Im applying for SSDI for him. We are having problems with insurance. Has anyone else done this? Is there anything else I can do for him? I dont want to put him in daycare. people try to talk to himand he doesnt respond and they get a look like ....idk. and with him still in pull ups its hard. PLEASE HELP!!!!

  • StacyMarch 19, 2011 at 1:25 am

    I was on Zoloft during my second pregnancy. That baby had screaming colic for 3 months before he turned into a high-needs inconsolable child. He turns 8 next month and has irrational fits of rage and is unusually aggressive, like I'm reading so many other people writing. All his life I have always wondered if it was related to the Zoloft but until I stumbled on this page, I never heard of anyone e[Show More]I was on Zoloft during my second pregnancy. That baby had screaming colic for 3 months before he turned into a high-needs inconsolable child. He turns 8 next month and has irrational fits of rage and is unusually aggressive, like I'm reading so many other people writing. All his life I have always wondered if it was related to the Zoloft but until I stumbled on this page, I never heard of anyone else questioning this. Who collects this data?

  • HollyMarch 5, 2011 at 12:16 am

    I have 3 children, took paxil with all three. Oldest has ADHD. My middle boy has uncontrollable behavior and rage, he is 5, screaming fits for hours for no reason whatsoever, extremely violent with no remorse, finally had to be put on an antipsychotic medication because any ADHD medications were having the adverse effect, he also has developmental delays..I could go forever...my youngest is 4, she[Show More]I have 3 children, took paxil with all three. Oldest has ADHD. My middle boy has uncontrollable behavior and rage, he is 5, screaming fits for hours for no reason whatsoever, extremely violent with no remorse, finally had to be put on an antipsychotic medication because any ADHD medications were having the adverse effect, he also has developmental delays..I could go forever...my youngest is 4, she has ADHD and developmental delays and speech problems which you can hardly understand anything she says. Could any of this be linked to paxil. It seems from the other comments that I am reading above that they certainly are similiar.

  • joevawMarch 2, 2011 at 8:39 pm

    I have 4 children, the first 3 have developed into normal adults, no issues. My youngest I took zoloft during my pregnancy, was told no problems, and my son at first was diagnosed with Autism, but now his diagnosis is Asberger, Pervasive development disorder, ADD, learning problems, he has social issues. I am now convinced there was something with the Zoloft. I am furious at myself and my OB an[Show More]I have 4 children, the first 3 have developed into normal adults, no issues. My youngest I took zoloft during my pregnancy, was told no problems, and my son at first was diagnosed with Autism, but now his diagnosis is Asberger, Pervasive development disorder, ADD, learning problems, he has social issues. I am now convinced there was something with the Zoloft. I am furious at myself and my OB and the makers of zoloft for taking advantage of pregnant women like me.

  • shanninMarch 1, 2011 at 9:12 pm

    I took 100 mg. of zoloft with the last four children while I was pregnant. My youngest is 2 so she is not in school yet but the other three are. Each child either have Individual education plans set in motion through the committee on special education, or heading in that direction. My children have been classified with adhd and learning diabilities. My oldest son whom I did not take zoloft with [Show More]I took 100 mg. of zoloft with the last four children while I was pregnant. My youngest is 2 so she is not in school yet but the other three are. Each child either have Individual education plans set in motion through the committee on special education, or heading in that direction. My children have been classified with adhd and learning diabilities. My oldest son whom I did not take zoloft with is in middle school and is on high honor roll. It seems too coincedental to me and am interested in any other info. anyone might have to share.

  • ChrisFebruary 17, 2011 at 11:54 pm

    My wife was using paxil throughout her pregnancy and at the age of 10 months our son was diagnosed with an Grade 3 ependymoma brain tumor and I was wondering if any other cases have been reported

  • JeneaneJanuary 29, 2011 at 7:48 pm

    I took prozac during the 2nd half of my pregnancy and my now 11 year old daughter was diagnosed at 3 with Developmental & Speech Delay, then at 5 I was told mild mental retardation, at 8 she was diagnosed PDD-NOS (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Now at 11 she has made a lot of progress but is still in a special Ed class at school and continues to have significant Developmental & Social Delays. [Show More]I took prozac during the 2nd half of my pregnancy and my now 11 year old daughter was diagnosed at 3 with Developmental & Speech Delay, then at 5 I was told mild mental retardation, at 8 she was diagnosed PDD-NOS (Autism Spectrum Disorder) Now at 11 she has made a lot of progress but is still in a special Ed class at school and continues to have significant Developmental & Social Delays. I would also like to know for sure if taking prozac may have caused it.

  • aeyshaJanuary 9, 2011 at 12:26 pm

    I was diagnosed with post partum depression after my second son, so my doctor prescribe zoloft while I was pregnant with my 3rd son. My son is autistic and I always question did this medicine have anything to do with it. When he was 9 days old he fell into a deep sleep, and had to ne hospitalized for 10 days. They told me that the vicodin I was taking was coming through my milk and that the zolo[Show More]I was diagnosed with post partum depression after my second son, so my doctor prescribe zoloft while I was pregnant with my 3rd son. My son is autistic and I always question did this medicine have anything to do with it. When he was 9 days old he fell into a deep sleep, and had to ne hospitalized for 10 days. They told me that the vicodin I was taking was coming through my milk and that the zoloft was completely safe. They told me to pump and dump until I was off the meds and its safe to resume breast feeding again. My son is very high functioning but he had delays in speech walking etc. He also had aggression . I would love to know this answer for myself.

  • SaraNovember 22, 2010 at 1:24 am

    I too was on Paxil while I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. She will be 9 this year. She was born with a renal birth defect where her ureters were attached directly to her urethra, not her bladder as they are supposed to be. Also, she's very aggressive and intense and seems to "brain lock" on certain things and you cannot reason with her to get her to understand anything different. Sh[Show More]I too was on Paxil while I was pregnant with my oldest daughter. She will be 9 this year. She was born with a renal birth defect where her ureters were attached directly to her urethra, not her bladder as they are supposed to be. Also, she's very aggressive and intense and seems to "brain lock" on certain things and you cannot reason with her to get her to understand anything different. She has had recurrent issues with fluid in her middle ear, has had her frenulum (skin under tongue) clipped twice b/c she is so tongue tied and has years of speech therapy too - just like many of you had mentioned. She is also going through occupational therapy for balance and low muscle tone especially in her core and weak hand strength. Her coordination has always been off and often tripped as a little one. I've always thought that all of these issues could be a result of the paxil medication and it makes me very angry to think this, but anger will get me nowhere. I'm hoping to maybe find an answer.

  • MichelleNovember 6, 2010 at 11:03 pm

    I took paxil while pregnant with my son who will be four years old in three weeks. He was in the neonatal intensive care unit for five days due to breathing problems. Since then he has had behavioral problems and speech problems as well. I knew he was different from my other kids but did not know why. His pediatrician had him go to the university for hearing tests to find out why he was not talkin[Show More]I took paxil while pregnant with my son who will be four years old in three weeks. He was in the neonatal intensive care unit for five days due to breathing problems. Since then he has had behavioral problems and speech problems as well. I knew he was different from my other kids but did not know why. His pediatrician had him go to the university for hearing tests to find out why he was not talking like he is suppose to. His hearing is good but his speech is struggling. You can only understand a couple of his words in a whole sentence if you listen carefully. His social skills are suffering because none of the other kids his age knows what he is saying so they ignore him which he acts out aggressively with. He lashes out and breaks things and falls in the floor with temper tantrums. If someone can give me some answers please do about what I can do to help him.

  • HeidiOctober 30, 2010 at 4:54 am

    I was prescribed Paxil one month before I was pregnant with my third daughter.I continued to take the medication after being re insured by the Doctor that the baby is in no harm.My daughter is 8 years old now.When she was young I always wondered why she was always behind in all of the developmental stages.Now that's shes been in school for 5 years she still has a concentration problems.In reading [Show More]I was prescribed Paxil one month before I was pregnant with my third daughter.I continued to take the medication after being re insured by the Doctor that the baby is in no harm.My daughter is 8 years old now.When she was young I always wondered why she was always behind in all of the developmental stages.Now that's shes been in school for 5 years she still has a concentration problems.In reading she has difficulty in remembering the letter names or sounds, she knows them.She knows how to wright her name but yesterday she stopped in the middle and took a pause like she had to remember what was next.Shes had testing at school every thing come back average on the slow side. We've worked hard and her intelligence level is struggling.Shes had headaches and very tired,had blood tests and nothing showed up. She needs something more and I don't know what to do Paxil?

  • JaneOctober 20, 2010 at 2:45 pm

    I was on Prozac my entire pregnacy and while I breast fed for 14 months. I was told it was safe to take, but now am concerned with all the issues my son now 9 has gone through. He has many developmental delays, from walking to speech therephy and now learning. He has been in speech threphy since he was 2 and occupational therephy. We were told he has hypotonia and CP. He also has some learning dis[Show More]I was on Prozac my entire pregnacy and while I breast fed for 14 months. I was told it was safe to take, but now am concerned with all the issues my son now 9 has gone through. He has many developmental delays, from walking to speech therephy and now learning. He has been in speech threphy since he was 2 and occupational therephy. We were told he has hypotonia and CP. He also has some learning disabilities and newly possible silent seizers. My son has gone thorugh so much hell his whole life with many tests from MRI, EEG, EKG's and develpmental test. He is always tired and he never has an appetite. I would not suggest using any drug during pregnacy. I regret ever taking anything.

  • NiccoleAugust 26, 2010 at 2:53 pm

    I too took Zoloft and Wellbutrin when pregnant with my now 9 year old daughter. the day she was born I was told she was 100% normal and healthy inspite of being born 5 weeks early. She had since then been diagnosed with ADHD, hypotonia, chronic malnutrition, sensory processing disorder, severe vision problems, severe language developement disorder, graphomotor aphasia, PDD-NOS, motor incoordinat[Show More]I too took Zoloft and Wellbutrin when pregnant with my now 9 year old daughter. the day she was born I was told she was 100% normal and healthy inspite of being born 5 weeks early. She had since then been diagnosed with ADHD, hypotonia, chronic malnutrition, sensory processing disorder, severe vision problems, severe language developement disorder, graphomotor aphasia, PDD-NOS, motor incoordination,and cognitive deficits. She has uncontrollable tantrums and behavioral problems as well that at times feel like I am dealing with a ferral child. She is very loving and affectionate too but sometimes that too can be a problem due to the fact that kids at school will push her away because she likes to hug everybody and at her age it is considered inappropriate. she functions approximately the same as a typical 3 1/2- 4 year old. She is about the same size as a 4 year old as well weighing 37 lbs and she is 4 ft. tall. My daughter also exhibited the same problems at birth as terri on Aug. 4. She had reflux as a baby, was collcky and screamed unconsolably rather frequently. she also has never taken naps. My daughter also suffers from periods of regression and memory loss.

  • terriAugust 4, 2010 at 4:44 am

    I too was on zoloft for depression nwhile pregnant with my now 7r old daughter, i was reassured by obgyn andn psychatrist everything would be fine, in first grade(last year) my daughter threw huge tantrums, screamin kicking hitting, i took her to psychatrist an was told she has PDD(perrvasive developmental disorder, which falls under autsim spectrum. she is on abilify which seems to help control h[Show More]I too was on zoloft for depression nwhile pregnant with my now 7r old daughter, i was reassured by obgyn andn psychatrist everything would be fine, in first grade(last year) my daughter threw huge tantrums, screamin kicking hitting, i took her to psychatrist an was told she has PDD(perrvasive developmental disorder, which falls under autsim spectrum. she is on abilify which seems to help control her severe explosive tempers) at birth she was colicky, had acid reflux and screamed all the time. has never slept well and seems to have emotional response of 2 yr old. Iam convinced this was caused by the zoloft. any others with this?

  • BarbaraJuly 9, 2010 at 1:37 pm

    I took 50 mg zoloft throughout pregnancy. My son needed to be suctioned at birth and hypotonia. He has had digestive issues such as reflux, diarhea and recent scoping also revealed ilietus (inflammed part of GI tract). He has to eat a special diet with no sugar or grains which is very expensive and very inconvenient socially. He was delayed in every stage and he has executive functioning issue[Show More]I took 50 mg zoloft throughout pregnancy. My son needed to be suctioned at birth and hypotonia. He has had digestive issues such as reflux, diarhea and recent scoping also revealed ilietus (inflammed part of GI tract). He has to eat a special diet with no sugar or grains which is very expensive and very inconvenient socially. He was delayed in every stage and he has executive functioning issues, social skills issues, regulation and sensory issues, mild tics, trouble sleeping and phobias. He is in regular education but it is a struggle in all regards. He can't run well and I am going to get his heart checked because he says it "hurts" when he runs. I tried so hard to find research 10 years ago but there was none and I was encouraged to stay on zoloft. I have been stuck on it myself for over 20 years and have been slowly tapering and I'm down to 25 mg. I am determined to avoid all medications for my son and am proud to say we have not medicated him. He does also get into rages too, but it helps to do certain things like preview when he has to transition off electronics and making sure he is not hungry. It has been a very hard life with this child, very very hard. His speech is still somewhat mushy and can be hard to understand at times. He will look like a special needs person his whole life, the way he walks, talks and his immature face. I fear for his future and deeply deeply deeply regret taking zoloft or any medication that would have been in it's place.

  • TaraJune 26, 2010 at 1:53 am

    I was also taking Paxil when I learned I was pregnant with my now 3-year old son. The OB recommended that I switch to Zoloft and so I did. I, too, have a child who seems to have uncontrollable raging fits. He screams, hits his brothers and becomes very aggressive. It is very difficult to calm him when he gets to this point. We see this at least once a day, generally over little things. They t[Show More]I was also taking Paxil when I learned I was pregnant with my now 3-year old son. The OB recommended that I switch to Zoloft and so I did. I, too, have a child who seems to have uncontrollable raging fits. He screams, hits his brothers and becomes very aggressive. It is very difficult to calm him when he gets to this point. We see this at least once a day, generally over little things. They tend to come out of no where. He also has some speech problems and potty training issues. It seems to me that there are far too many experiencing the same symptoms on this site alone for it to be coincidence.

  • AndreaJune 21, 2010 at 9:22 pm

    I have a now 8 year old daughter that when I was pregnant took Paxil. I have two older children that have not at all had the same issues with. I realize that all children are different but I am really curious if her problems are from Paxil. She is very aggressive, throws terrible temper tantrums, very slow to start talking, has great difficulty with reading in school. Recently went to the doctor b[Show More]I have a now 8 year old daughter that when I was pregnant took Paxil. I have two older children that have not at all had the same issues with. I realize that all children are different but I am really curious if her problems are from Paxil. She is very aggressive, throws terrible temper tantrums, very slow to start talking, has great difficulty with reading in school. Recently went to the doctor because she had a significant weight gain with activity, complains of being tired all the time. They drew blood but nothing showed up. I can't seem to get anyone to listen to me; I really feel like there is a significant problem

  • leslieJune 9, 2010 at 7:32 pm

    I was diagnosed w/clinical depression around my 4th month of pregnancy.The dr. prescribed zoloft (75mg. daily) I questioned the saftey,but was reassured not only by the neurologist who made the diagnosis but also by my obgyn. I took zoloft during my entire pregnancy.Now I'm hearing about the effects on the kids born to mothers who take it.My son was diagnosed w/adhd at age 5,exibiting aggressive b[Show More]I was diagnosed w/clinical depression around my 4th month of pregnancy.The dr. prescribed zoloft (75mg. daily) I questioned the saftey,but was reassured not only by the neurologist who made the diagnosis but also by my obgyn. I took zoloft during my entire pregnancy.Now I'm hearing about the effects on the kids born to mothers who take it.My son was diagnosed w/adhd at age 5,exibiting aggressive behavior was one symptom he has.Is this linked to zoloft?

  • joanneMay 20, 2010 at 10:08 pm

    i took paxil during my whole pregancy, and my doctor said it was ok , however my 5 year old son vhas fits of rage and agressive behvaior ,he was also slow to start talking and socializing.Does the drug have an affect?, or is it just a typical little kid acting out?

  • MichelleMay 1, 2010 at 5:09 am

    I have a 10 year old daughter who from age 18 months has thrown uncontrollable fits, screams, anger, throws things, hyperventalates, puts herself into a asthma attack, bangs head against wall while screaming, clinched hands, pulls hair, etc. At times, she almost seems that she is unable to control these once they go beyond a certain level. Usually they increase around season or time changes, whe[Show More]I have a 10 year old daughter who from age 18 months has thrown uncontrollable fits, screams, anger, throws things, hyperventalates, puts herself into a asthma attack, bangs head against wall while screaming, clinched hands, pulls hair, etc. At times, she almost seems that she is unable to control these once they go beyond a certain level. Usually they increase around season or time changes, when schedule changes like school starts, or when she don't get her way. I was almost 2 months pregnant when taken off of Paxil because I learned I was pregnant. I also took klonopin. She also has sensori neural hearing loss with auditory processing disorder.

  • kathyApril 30, 2010 at 7:52 pm

    My son was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease. Renal Tubular Acidosis. Symptoms include:growth retardation; lowpotassium; bone disorders;kidney stones;kidney failure; etc. He outgrew this disease last year at the age of 5. He now has Inflammatory Bowl Disease and we are waiting to find out if he has Crohn's Disease. (GI issues) He has learning disabilities i.e. speach; major retrieval processing[Show More]My son was diagnosed with a rare kidney disease. Renal Tubular Acidosis. Symptoms include:growth retardation; lowpotassium; bone disorders;kidney stones;kidney failure; etc. He outgrew this disease last year at the age of 5. He now has Inflammatory Bowl Disease and we are waiting to find out if he has Crohn's Disease. (GI issues) He has learning disabilities i.e. speach; major retrieval processing issues; visual spacing and memory problems as well as regressed physical and emotional maturation. He will be 7 in june. I on the other hand was not on any meds. with my second child. She just turned 4. The children are just about the same hieght. She has no issues with health and learning disabilities. etc. I wanted to know if the issues with my son may be related to the Paxil I took during my pregnacy? The comments made by the parent Erick on March 2010 fit my son as well. Iwas going to contact the top nephoroligist in the contry ( he was my sons first doctor) in regards to the amount of women on the meds and the link to the kidney disease.

  • ErickMarch 28, 2010 at 3:51 pm

    Is there any evidence that makes it reasonable to conclude that these medications taken during pregnancy affect development into toddler years and beyond? My oldest, soon to be 4, has fits of uncontrollable screaming and crying and we've tried numerous methods of reasoning, discipline, positive reinforcement, with no positive results. With my oldest and my youngest, 2, their speech and linguisti[Show More]Is there any evidence that makes it reasonable to conclude that these medications taken during pregnancy affect development into toddler years and beyond? My oldest, soon to be 4, has fits of uncontrollable screaming and crying and we've tried numerous methods of reasoning, discipline, positive reinforcement, with no positive results. With my oldest and my youngest, 2, their speech and linguistic skills are significantly underdeveloped compared to children of the same age. Potty training is also delayed compared to other children of some age.

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