Eligible for a Gardasil lawsuit?
Gardasil Vaccine Lawsuit Filed Over Autoimmune Disease Risks
A new lawsuit has been filed claiming Merck & Co. failed to warn teenagers and their parents about the risk of Gardasil and autoimmune issues.

- Lawsuit alleges Gardasil vacine caused autoimmune disease side effects
- Merck is accused of withholding information about link between HPV vaccine and autoimmune issues experienced by teens and young adults
- Plaintiff joins a growing number of women now pursuing a Gardasil lawsuit
As a growing number of Gardasil vaccine lawsuits continue to be filed by recipients who suffered serious side effects, a lawsuit filed against Merck last month raises allegations that the Gardasil vaccine caused a Connecticut woman to suffer damage to her autoimmune system.
The complaint (PDF) was filed by Korrine Herlth in the U.S. District Court for the District of Connecticut, indicating the drug manufacturers failed to warn about serious risks associated with Gardasil, and alleging the effectiveness of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is questionable.
Gardasil was first approved in 2006, and has been widely marketed for young girls and boys before adolescence and potential sexual activity, to help prevent HPV, which can be sexually transmitted and lead to the development of cervical cancer.

Gardasil HPV Vaccine Lawsuit
Side effects of the Gardasil HPV vaccine have been linked to reports of serious and debilitating autoimmune injuries. Lawyers review cases nationwide.
Learn More See If You Qualify For CompensationHerlth indicates she received her first Gardasil injection as a teenager during a routine examination in October 2013, and received the second shot in December 2013. However, within a week of the second dose, Herlth began to experience dizziness, headaches, shakes and nausea, according to the lawsuit.
While she refused to get the third shot, her condition still worsened over time, resulting in daily seizures, vertigo, double vision, nausea, visual floaters, problems balancing, fatigue, anxiety and panic attacks, as well as depression, cognitive problems and a host of other health maladies.
Herlth claims the vaccine manufacturer not only failed to warn the medical community and recipients about the Gardasil HPV vaccine’s link to autoimmune disease, but also claims there is a lack of evidence the HPV vaccine even works as advertised.
“(W)hether Gardasil prevents cancer (not to mention lifetime immunity), is unproven. In fact, it may be more likely to cause cancer in those previously exposed to HPV than to prevent it,” Herlth’s lawsuit states. “Moreover, Merck knows and actively conceals the fact that Gardasil can cause a constellation of serious adverse reactions and gruesome diseases, including autoimmune diseases, and death in some recipients.”
Gardasil Autoimmune Disorder Side Effects Lawsuit
Since the late 2000’s, there have been growing concerns over the link between Gardasil and autoimmune diseases, as well as several other long term side effects associated with Gardasil shots.
In August last year, a similar Gardasil autoimmune disorder lawsuit was filed by a Rhode Island woman alleging Merck & Co. falsely promoted the efficacy and safety of the human papillomavirus vaccine, indicating the medication caused her to suffer serious and debilitating autoimmune injuries.
According to the lawsuit, after the second HPV vaccine shot, she began to experience flu-like symptoms, resulting in aches, headaches, nausea, fever, and then ear pressure, tinnitus, headaches, dizziness, fatigue, migraines and vertigo.
The lawsuit claims the side effects of Gardasil ultimately caused her to develop a number of autoimmune conditions, including fibromyalgia, orthostatic intolerance (OI), and postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS).
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2022 Gardasil Lawsuit Update
Following a number of Gardasil POTS lawsuits being filed by young adults and teens nationwide left with debilitating autoimmune disorders after receiving the HPV vaccine, the U.S. Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (JPML) issued a transfer order in August 2022, centralizing the cases for pretrial proceedings before U.S. District Judge Robert J. Conrad, Jr. in the Western District of North Carolina.
The Gardasil multidistrict litigation remains in the very early stages, with the first 49 cases just being transferred to Judge Conrad for coordinated management during the MDL proceedings.
However, over the coming weeks and months, it is expected that hundreds of lawsuits will be filed by individuals left with devastating long-term side effects from Gardasil, including:
- POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome)
- Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
- Autoimmune Disorders
- Gastrointestinal Issues
- Fibromyalgia
- Other Long-Term Vaccine Injuries
As part of the coordinated management of the Gardasil lawsuits, it is expected that Judge Conrad will establish a bellwether process, where small groups of representative vaccine injury claims will go through case-specific discovery and be prepared for early trial dates, to help gauge how juries are likely to respond to certain evidence and testimony that will be repeated throughout the litigation. However, if Gardasil injury settlements are not reached during the MDL proceedings, each case may later be remanded back to the U.S. District Court where it was originally filed for separate trials.

Find out if you have a Gardasil Lawsuit
Lawyers are reviewing claims for individuals throughout the U.S. who may be entitled to a settlement or financial compensation for injuries caused by a Gardasil HPV vaccine. There are no fees or expenses unless a recovery is obtained.
See If You Qualify for Gardasil Vaccine Compensation
CandyJuly 19, 2023 at 8:34 pm
My daughter had the vac at 13/14. She is now 28 and has a lot of health issues. She never feels well., no diagnosis from a Dr. - no cause found. How do we know if it’s caused by this vaccine? She has stated that she feels sad if she has some kind of autoimmune disease.
KoraJune 18, 2023 at 8:30 pm
I also received the shot and have had numerous health issues such as PCOS, Graves Disease, IBS and more that just haven't been diagnosed with because I have so many odd symptoms. I never feel well
KimAugust 8, 2022 at 5:37 pm
My daughter received her first HPV shot in Dec 2018. Over 2019 we noticed a lacy looking rash on her legs here and there (livedo reticularis). In January 2020 she started feeling out of breath, with side pain. It took a month of back and forth to docs not taking her seriously until I switched her to my own clinic (left her children's clinic) and labs were done & we were sent to hospital for a CT '[Show More]My daughter received her first HPV shot in Dec 2018. Over 2019 we noticed a lacy looking rash on her legs here and there (livedo reticularis). In January 2020 she started feeling out of breath, with side pain. It took a month of back and forth to docs not taking her seriously until I switched her to my own clinic (left her children's clinic) and labs were done & we were sent to hospital for a CT 'just in case'. On Feb 20, 2020 she was diagnosed with bilateral pulmonary embolism with left lung infarction. We were told she was the first pediatric PE patient at our local hospital. At first they thought her BC pills were the cause & had her stop taking them. Then labs and more labs later - we were told she had Antiphospholipid Syndrome (autoimmune blood clotting disorder). Now she has to take blood thinners the rest of her life and will considered high risk for pregnancy amongst other issues she deals with. I read a recent article listing like 10 auto immune disorders connected with the HPV vaccine and Antiphospholipid syndrome was listed and I was shocked!
BarbaraMarch 30, 2022 at 8:11 pm
Both of my daughters had 3 doses of HPV shot from the age of11 through 12 and 12through13 now seeing the recommended 2doses for their age. Now that they were both exposed, they developed a condition first we were told all these years by the doctor that they had Tinea Versicolor having these issue right after 3rd dose it started. Now my seventeen-year-old daughter was getting a lot worst so we we[Show More]Both of my daughters had 3 doses of HPV shot from the age of11 through 12 and 12through13 now seeing the recommended 2doses for their age. Now that they were both exposed, they developed a condition first we were told all these years by the doctor that they had Tinea Versicolor having these issue right after 3rd dose it started. Now my seventeen-year-old daughter was getting a lot worst so we went to a Dermatologist, and she consulted with her colleges and determine that it is Autoimmune progesterone Dermatitis which causes underline of issues that they both will have for life.
EmilyFebruary 9, 2022 at 3:43 pm
I received all three vaccines toward the end of the cut off of getting them. I believe it was 20 some years old was the cut off. Well I received them and shortly after getting my third dose I developed celiac disease and continue to have issues with my stomach and digestive system. I’m 31 years old now. I developed celiac at 25 years old. I see now they’ve developed a vaccine for older people to r[Show More]I received all three vaccines toward the end of the cut off of getting them. I believe it was 20 some years old was the cut off. Well I received them and shortly after getting my third dose I developed celiac disease and continue to have issues with my stomach and digestive system. I’m 31 years old now. I developed celiac at 25 years old. I see now they’ve developed a vaccine for older people to receive now. Sadly what was the point of getting the vaccine if I have to get more when I get older. This shows pointless to get the first set. When I first discovered a study stating that the HPV vaccine could be linked to autoimmune disease such as celiac disease I was sickened. Then I also discovered that adenovirus can be a trigger for developing celiac. Then discovered that the HPV vaccine uses adenovirus vector for a type of their HPV vaccine. So If I understand correctly the HPV vaccine using the Adenovirus vector caused my body to activate celiac disease which was not active before getting these vaccines.
StephanieDecember 31, 2021 at 10:56 pm
I had the gardasil shots when I was 17 I think; just doing what my mom made me… and 14 years later now, I’m suffering from pcos like symptoms that docs can’t figure out and a gastrointestinal disorder. Too many life events to point directly at the shot, but I’m very suspicious that it is. I keep hearing of women in their 20s and early 30s who now have pcos… this shot debuted and was distributed at[Show More]I had the gardasil shots when I was 17 I think; just doing what my mom made me… and 14 years later now, I’m suffering from pcos like symptoms that docs can’t figure out and a gastrointestinal disorder. Too many life events to point directly at the shot, but I’m very suspicious that it is. I keep hearing of women in their 20s and early 30s who now have pcos… this shot debuted and was distributed at the time the 30yr olds today were pubescent…the marketed age… I got hpv anyways in my early twenties. It went away on its own but clearly a useless if not harmful med. Just what William Shockley would’ve wanted…
LeannDecember 4, 2021 at 10:11 pm
I got this vaccine in middle school I have been having stomach issues on and off for years since that no doctor will take me serious about. I have issues with pain in my right abdomen , nausea, vomiting, constipation. They claim they can’t find anything wrong with me. I am absolutely miserable and to the point I’ve loses jobs because of being so sick.
MistySeptember 16, 2021 at 3:15 pm
My daughter got the HPV vaccine and started having stomach issues where anytime she ate her stomach hurt and now lower abdomen issues (pain from under her belly button down to lower right side). She has chronic pain and we’ve been to many doctors and none of them can figure out what is wrong with her. They just tell us we have them stumped. This has been going on for almost 3 years now.
InsleyAugust 25, 2021 at 12:41 am
I got the three Gardasil vaccine shots as a young girl. I’d say probably around 11 or 12. I now suffer from PCOS and fertility issues as an adult woman. I am 25 and have been suffering from PCOS since I was a teenager. I wasn’t diagnosed until February of 2020 because no doctor would take me seriously. I have no family history of PCOS or Fertility problems. I only contribute it to the Gardasil sho[Show More]I got the three Gardasil vaccine shots as a young girl. I’d say probably around 11 or 12. I now suffer from PCOS and fertility issues as an adult woman. I am 25 and have been suffering from PCOS since I was a teenager. I wasn’t diagnosed until February of 2020 because no doctor would take me seriously. I have no family history of PCOS or Fertility problems. I only contribute it to the Gardasil shots that I was forced to take by my mom after she was made to feel pressured by the doctors.