Rhabdomyolysis Lawsuit

A number of different prescription medications have been linked to an increased risk of the serious and potentially fatal muscle condition known as rhabdomyolysis. As a result of a particularly high risk associated with 80 mg doses of simvastatin that may be used in the cholesterol drugs Zocor, Vytorin and Simcor, users may be entitled to compensation through a rhabdomyolysis lawsuit.

STATUS OF ZOCOR RHABDOMYOLYSIS LAWSUITS: Product liability lawyers are reviewing potential Zocor lawsuits for individuals diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis or other serious muscle problems after taking the cholesterol medication.


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OVERVIEW: Rhabdomyolysis is a rare muscle condition in which the skeletal muscle is damaged and releases myoglobin into the bloodstream. When it is filtered out by the kidneys, it could cause severe kidney failure or death.

Symptoms of Rhabdomyolysis side effects could include:

  • Muscle Cramps, Tenderness, Stiffness, Pain and Spasms
  • Kidney Damage or Kidney Failure
  • Red or Dark-Colored Urine

ZOCOR RHABDOMYOLYSIS SIDE EFFECTS : In June 2011, the FDA issued a warning to doctors about potential side effects of Zocor when used at high doses (80 mg), saying that the cholesterol drug may increase the risk rhabdomyolysis and other muscle damage. The warning came after more than a year of FDA experts reviewing clinical trials on Zocor and other drugs containing simvastatin, which had been available to the manufacturers for some time.

The FDA has indicated that doctors should no longer prescribe 80mg Zocor doses unless a patient has already been taking it for a year. The FDA also released a list of drugs that should not be taken with Zocor or other simvastatins at various strengths due to rhabdomyolysis risks.

All statin cholesterol drugs carry warnings about the risk of rhabdomyolysis, but it appears that the manufacturers of Zocor and other medications that include simvastatin, such as Vytorin and Simcor, may have failed to adequately inform consumers about the true extent of the risk associated with taking the medications at high doses.


  • louisJanuary 6, 2016 at 5:43 pm

    I now have Rhabdomyolysis and I think it was caused from Testostrone Injections, in addition my Lower legs have turned a Brown in Color and are Spotty with this brown color. Im trying to find someone you was taking Testostrone Injections and the same thing has happen to them. I truly think the Injections were the Cause of This Rhabdomyolysis. I need some support can anyone else help me? Thanks

  • sharonApril 11, 2013 at 3:59 pm

    I have recently been diagnosed with this and I was on 40 not the 80. I also have hypothyroidism which from what I researched put me at more of a risk .. my doctors have not listened when I complained of muscle issues .. I was not heard when I complained of the pain, cramping , numbness, tiredness none of it. Even the swelling from retaining fluids. It all just would get blown off. I'm wondering if[Show More]I have recently been diagnosed with this and I was on 40 not the 80. I also have hypothyroidism which from what I researched put me at more of a risk .. my doctors have not listened when I complained of muscle issues .. I was not heard when I complained of the pain, cramping , numbness, tiredness none of it. Even the swelling from retaining fluids. It all just would get blown off. I'm wondering if this was why.

  • DaveJanuary 10, 2013 at 3:05 am

    To all that are having problems with statins .... this is the scoop ... my wife was on Simvastatin for a little over a year. She started having problems lifting her left foot, but thought it was because she had gained to much weight. Finally she went to the doctor who sent her for a hip xray .. that was normal .... then a back xray ... also normal. He did blood work on a Friday and on that Satu[Show More]To all that are having problems with statins .... this is the scoop ... my wife was on Simvastatin for a little over a year. She started having problems lifting her left foot, but thought it was because she had gained to much weight. Finally she went to the doctor who sent her for a hip xray .. that was normal .... then a back xray ... also normal. He did blood work on a Friday and on that Saturday the Dr. on call said cpk levels were 9,000 (normal is 200) and this was critical. She was instructed to stop the simvastatin and do nothing but drink water. Well a week later and cpk levels which got to 20,000 she ended up in the hospital. Was there for 8 days ... they were worried about kidney damage with levels that high .... all they did was hydrate her ... sent her home at about 8,000 cpk .... Diagnosis was Rhabdo ....Drs. all said oh you will get better ... NOT ... she went in the hospital in June ... they did a muscle biopsy in september and that surgeon said she had mytonic muscular distrophia ... she could hardly breath .... could not walk .... could not get up ... I decided to take her to my cardiologist ... bingo ... he said a Dr. at John Hopkins University had done a study about people like my wife who get worse instead of better when they stop the statin. .... well what my wife has is statin induced necrotizing myopathy .... which means the statin has caused her immune system to create an atuoimmune disease against her muscles ... so while the muscle biopsy said the muscles had a lot of regeneration (which is a good thing) her body was saying that is bad and attacking them ... thus the high cpk levels. So now she has been on mega doses of steriods (which brought the cpk levels down to 1100) but her immune system is still attacking ... then they added an immune supressent ... and we waited ... tomorrow they start a 5 hr infussion of drug that removes b cells to further supress her immune system ... From what I have read this disease is very new and I believe very misdiagnosed ... prognosis on the few they have tried using similar techniques has been to slow down the disease and even reverse some of the effects ... but once off these drugs the symptoms come back so they try and control the disease with the drugs off and on .... of course don't even look up the drugs they will have to give you as the side affects can be even more devastating .... Oh the other problem is that this Dr. at John Hopkins University has a test that can tell if this is happening to your body but he is waiting on release from the government .... that article was dates June 2010 ... Our doctor tried to get this test done but it is not available commercially ... only done at research labs ... so while she has necrotizing myopathy he has to call it polymyositis .... not that it means much what they call it ... we have spent so much money for ramps wheel chair walkers, docotrs and tests, etc. Thank God she had saved her sick time .... but she has filed for Social Security Disability and New York State retirement disability ... she will never work again ... I pray she will be able to just get around without a walker and in a wheel chair ... oh her breathing is at 50% of what it should be (diaphragm is a muscle) we are in our 50's and what we had planned for retirement will never come to pass .... we both know it could be worse as you don't have to look very far to find someone that would give anything to be like her and I do thank God every night when I lie next to her as I still have her ... but it still sucks .... I could keep writing but what is the point ... I just wanted people that have had the same thing happen from a statin that they are not alone ... thanks for listening as it helps to get stuff off your chest

  • thomasMay 20, 2012 at 1:47 pm

    Last week i got a rash on chest and arms and hurt all over that i went to the dr. My ck levels was 4100 went to hospital and ivs and now a week later cannot shave and it takes me a while to type this. I was on statins and now off and drinking fluids for 8 days no help. I cannot go to work much less get out of bed we are going to lose everything if cannot get well and go to work. please help me

  • RobertMarch 21, 2012 at 12:49 pm

    It is not just the high doses of statins that can be harmful, lower doses presented me with a different set of complications. After not tolerating Zocor my physician put me on 10/10 vytorin. My cholesterol levels were checked periodically and I seemed to be doing well with it. But over the next 1.5 years it took it's toll. Without the cause and effect of taking a new drug and feeling awful, the s[Show More]It is not just the high doses of statins that can be harmful, lower doses presented me with a different set of complications. After not tolerating Zocor my physician put me on 10/10 vytorin. My cholesterol levels were checked periodically and I seemed to be doing well with it. But over the next 1.5 years it took it's toll. Without the cause and effect of taking a new drug and feeling awful, the soreness and weakness I experienced went on and got worse. The injuries that required physical therapy 3 times also did not prompt suspicions that the statin was the culprit. In fact only after I was worried about Parkinson's dease because my hands started shaking with tremors did the doctor check my CPK levels to find levels of 7,300 when normal is under 400. My skeletal muscles were under attack. Most rhabdo cases are acute, but the chronic low dose statin problem (18 months?) I experienced is little know or understood. I am still weak and will likely never regain my strength fully, but the worst part is I now have what will likely be a perminent neuropathy that requires IVIG and now Retuxin perhaps for the rest of my life. Some would say the neuropathy is unrelated, but I do Not believe in coincidences. I was healthy before I took statins... And have perminent problems with huge associated costs that are not going to go away anytime soon. If my doctor had just tested the CPK levels along with the cholesterol tests, I believe this would not have happened. RW

  • DianeFebruary 8, 2012 at 8:02 pm

    My husband was on Lipitor for 4 years and complained to his doctor from the beginning of pain and weakness in his legs. Dr. told him it was his age (55) and arthritis (which he doesn't have). They kept him on this saying he needed it for high cholesterol, which wasn't off the wall. He went in every six months for his CPK test as told and it was always normal. At his second to the last test, hi[Show More]My husband was on Lipitor for 4 years and complained to his doctor from the beginning of pain and weakness in his legs. Dr. told him it was his age (55) and arthritis (which he doesn't have). They kept him on this saying he needed it for high cholesterol, which wasn't off the wall. He went in every six months for his CPK test as told and it was always normal. At his second to the last test, his CPK was 229, which is 29 points above the high limit. He went back on his own 6 weeks later and it was 354. At that point the Dr. FINALLY agreed to take him off. It has been 10 years since he has been off Lipitor and his leg and feet muscles CONTINUE to weaken to the point where he cannot stand for more than 10 minutes without support or walk for an distance of a half block. Our retirement plans have been taken from us due to this awful drug. We have spent somewhere in the area of $100,000 trying every known, drug, therapy, herbal medicine, Chinese acupuncture and anything else we can think of to try and get him relief. He currently gets 1 1/2 hr massage twice a week, which helps for a short time, and chiropractic adjustment twice a month. None of these are covered by insurance so we are using our retirement money to try and get him some relief. If anyone is still on Lipitor I urge you to pay attention to your body and get off the drug even without your doctors permission.

  • J. ThompsonSeptember 26, 2011 at 1:26 pm

    Here's my story. Very high cholesterol, almost none of it the good kind. Took Lipitor for about 2 yrs., then decided to see if I could do without it for awhile. After about 3 mos. it had climbed steadily, so at that time was put on a fairly large dosage of Simcor. Shortly after I began trembling, not violently at first, but mostly my left hand. My legs began to throb, I had cramps in them all[Show More]Here's my story. Very high cholesterol, almost none of it the good kind. Took Lipitor for about 2 yrs., then decided to see if I could do without it for awhile. After about 3 mos. it had climbed steadily, so at that time was put on a fairly large dosage of Simcor. Shortly after I began trembling, not violently at first, but mostly my left hand. My legs began to throb, I had cramps in them all the way up almost every night. Fatigue and dizziness became apparent. Then one Saturday while folding laundry I began to shake, and what ensued was nothing short of what I'd term a "grand mal seizure". No motor control (including tongue, bodily functions, etc.) I managed to make the couch just barely. It wouldn't stop, but lessened after I'd say about 10 mins. to where I could pick up my phone and call the dr. He asked if I could reach my medicine, and I answered back only by crawling there. He wanted me to "double" all my meds and if I had a vitamin with potassium take 2 of those. Please realize now I was extremely ill and could not understand much. Suffice to say, I misunderstood and thought he meant to "double up" from that time forward. In the coming days (while trying to work a demanding job) I became literally "a drunk", staggering here and there, hitting walls, and fainting right in front of my boss. My pc doc referred me to diagnostics, they in turn to cardiologist - nothing. And all the while I was getting worse w/each passing day, until a Thursday I woke up wondering if I was actually dead or alive. I had zero ability to even raise my head off the pillow, and I lay there for 3 days what to me was basically in and out of a coma. Considered calling ambulance, but too weak to do so. Finally I suppose that DEADLY poison began to leave my system and after 3 1/2 days I came to enough to rise and walk a little. I am not exaggerating any of this, period. It has taken about 4 wks. to begin to feel like a human being again, and I say to anybody - doctors and patients alike - this drug is a KILLER! It will maim, cause extreme pain, and could even take your life. My take --- don't come anywhere near it, ever.

  • CharlesAugust 8, 2011 at 3:16 pm

    Amiodarone is a bad, bad risk if you take. Say no to amiodarone and zocor combo.

  • Statin Side Effects Linked to Muscle Damage: Study - AboutLawsuits.comJune 15, 2011 at 4:03 pm

    [...] have found that about 1 in 10,000 statin users develop a sometimes-fatal muscle condition known as rhabdomyolysis. The rare condition causes skeletal muscle damage and releases myoglobin into the bloodstream. The [...]

  • ElisaJune 10, 2011 at 2:19 am

    been on generis zocor for while about 5 months ago my heels of my feet started hurting then started to feel weak muscle aches couldnt walk across the floor I am 46 and feel as tho I am 80 my lower back hurts so bad .I told my husband something is wrong if what ever is going on with me dont kill me I would be in wheel chair soon. I have muscle weakness and pain my feet feel like someone has took[Show More]been on generis zocor for while about 5 months ago my heels of my feet started hurting then started to feel weak muscle aches couldnt walk across the floor I am 46 and feel as tho I am 80 my lower back hurts so bad .I told my husband something is wrong if what ever is going on with me dont kill me I would be in wheel chair soon. I have muscle weakness and pain my feet feel like someone has took a hammer to my heels. My right knee swells finally bstarted research on my meds found simvastins affects called doc. she diagnosed me with myopathy due to this drug.. it has ruined my life went off the meds 4 days ago and still in severe pain I just hope its not permanent damage EVERY MUSCLE HURTS AND VERY WEAK.. I also have blurred vision more than likely due to this medication also I hope and pray they stop making this dangerous drug.

  • AmyApril 30, 2011 at 12:42 am

    My mother is currently going thru the pain and weakness cause from semivistatin. Is there any lawsuits going on with this stuff? Her qulity of life is over now because of this medication. I found some info online that if you are diabetic and have underactive thyroid you should not be precribed this. What was her doctor thinking.

  • Cathy HApril 22, 2011 at 3:59 am

    Hello All....I am 34 years old and my shrink prescribed me Lamictal. He NEVER told me it could cause RHABDOMYOLYSIS. I was taking the drug for 5-6 weeks. It made me extremely weak, tired and my muscles ached all over. My shrink went on vacation for over a month while I was Lamictal. I called his practice several times asking to be seen by another doctor because I knew something was not right with[Show More]Hello All....I am 34 years old and my shrink prescribed me Lamictal. He NEVER told me it could cause RHABDOMYOLYSIS. I was taking the drug for 5-6 weeks. It made me extremely weak, tired and my muscles ached all over. My shrink went on vacation for over a month while I was Lamictal. I called his practice several times asking to be seen by another doctor because I knew something was not right with me physically. Well 3 weeks ago I ended up in the emergency room. All I remember was taking my one pill of Lamictal and waking up against the wall of my condo, vomiting all over the place. I was unable to walk. I was paralyzed from the waist down. Since I live alone I had to drag myself to my cell phone. I couldn't get up to reach it. I couldn't speak or yell for help. I passed out again. Thank GOD my Mother came over the next morning to check on me. I was in a complete daze with vomit in my hair, my knees and elbows were raw dragging myself on my carpet. When I arrived at the emergency room, they admitted me right away. I was diagnosed with RHABDOMYOLYSIS. They pumped so much fluid in me, it filled my lungs. I was unable to breathe so they removed the IV after 3 days. My 18,OOO. The normal range is 100. They discharged me with a level of 6,000. I had to go back to work a week later. When I faced my shrink I left him have it. He never ordered for my levels to be tested and never told me that Lamictal can cause RHABDOMYOLYSIS. He saw the scabs on my elbows and knees. He saw how sick I was. His response was "Well this is unfortunate". I am mad, and disgusted that these educated guessers are allowed do this to people. I was never given a choice because I was never told about the severe side effects. This drug almost killed me and all I get is "well that's unfortunate". I have to drink water all day to keep my kidneys flushed. I am terrified of being paralyzed again. I am scared that my kidneys are going to fail. These drug companies and shrinks should be ashamed of themselves. I do not want another person to go through the hell that I and the rest of us have been through. We are just money making guinny pigs for these drug companies who mind you compensate these docs very well with vacations and so forth. It's dispicable. Any advice out there?

  • CarlineApril 19, 2011 at 12:52 am

    One year ago May 5th I had a liver transplant. I started out with Rahbdomyolosis. I had all the symptoms that most of these other people have talked about. Weak muscles, could hardly walk, Coca Cola colored urine, couldn't eat. Nothing tasted good and felt stuck in my rib cage. My husband and I made our usual trip to Fl. and I felt terrible the whole way down. By the time I went to a walk in Clini[Show More]One year ago May 5th I had a liver transplant. I started out with Rahbdomyolosis. I had all the symptoms that most of these other people have talked about. Weak muscles, could hardly walk, Coca Cola colored urine, couldn't eat. Nothing tasted good and felt stuck in my rib cage. My husband and I made our usual trip to Fl. and I felt terrible the whole way down. By the time I went to a walk in Clinic I was yellow and had Jaundice. The Dr. told me to get off the statin I was on. (Simvastatin) They admitted me to the hospital and I was there for 10 days. They hydrated me and made me comfortable and about 15 Dr's visited me analizing me and doing testing and I was sent home. I was not better. I felt horrible and went to see my Dr. and ask to be put back in the hospital. She agreed. So back I went. My Kidneys were failing and also my liver. I believe the statin drug was responsible!!! Look up Simvastatin and Rahbdomyolosis on the internet. Do the research!! They transfered me to Tampa General Hospital and after blood tests etc. I was hooked up with a team of Dr's with Life Link. They said I needed a liver transplant and so they started to do every test on me to make sure I was a candidate for a new liver. I was approved and was put on the list. I was fortunate I did not have to wait more than 3 days. There were many people praying for me and it was a miracle. This experience has changed my life in many ways and I think it is a shame it could have been avoided. My Dr. did not give me the tests to know my liver functions before prescribing the drug and did not inform me of the side effects. I probably would have said "No Thank You!!!" I feel for all of you that have commented here at this web site. All this suffering is so uncalled for!!!

  • M SPENCERApril 1, 2011 at 12:22 pm


  • c bakerMarch 25, 2011 at 11:09 pm

    I was on Zocor for 5 years - horrible leg pain, lower back pain, and numbness of upper legs - My PC sent me for several tests. Couldn't find anything. Walking became very difficult and painful - I complained so much, he started treated me like a hypochondriac; so I started my own research on Zocor . . . long story short . . . I went to an Endocrinologist (high tsh) and was diagnosed with Hashimot[Show More]I was on Zocor for 5 years - horrible leg pain, lower back pain, and numbness of upper legs - My PC sent me for several tests. Couldn't find anything. Walking became very difficult and painful - I complained so much, he started treated me like a hypochondriac; so I started my own research on Zocor . . . long story short . . . I went to an Endocrinologist (high tsh) and was diagnosed with Hashimoto's with Hypothyroidism disease AND I have Achilles Tendinitis that an Orthopedic surgeon said was caused from the Zocor.

  • AmyJanuary 19, 2011 at 9:57 am

    I have gone through a lot through statins too much to put down, I couldn't even get my Doctors to admit that statins were the cause, I am still suffering Q10 has helped with the joint pains enormously but I am left with all kids of other complications and I am sure it is because of this simvastatin. I cannot afford to sue and living in the uk cannot find anyone to take this on on a no win no fee, [Show More]I have gone through a lot through statins too much to put down, I couldn't even get my Doctors to admit that statins were the cause, I am still suffering Q10 has helped with the joint pains enormously but I am left with all kids of other complications and I am sure it is because of this simvastatin. I cannot afford to sue and living in the uk cannot find anyone to take this on on a no win no fee, but I will keep looking and when I do I will take this as far as I can because these drug companies have to be stopped from ruining peoples lives and in some cases ending there lives.

  • RobertJanuary 17, 2011 at 4:15 pm

    I was on simvastatin for about 4 months. During that time I experienced extrem back pain. I have been off the simvastatin for 5 weeks and the pain has eased somewhat, but the fatigue remains. It took over 3 months of severe back pain before my doctor had me quit taking the simvastatin.

  • DennisJanuary 15, 2011 at 4:53 pm

    It started when my co-pay for Lipitor went up to $50, so my doctor switched me to simvastatin. I had been taking Lipitor for 7 years with absolutely no problems. With all due respect to my doctor, at the time I also had a slight pinched nerve in my neck, so when I went back in a month with constant headaches he prescribed vicodin..When I came back in another month with blinding headaches, aching[Show More]It started when my co-pay for Lipitor went up to $50, so my doctor switched me to simvastatin. I had been taking Lipitor for 7 years with absolutely no problems. With all due respect to my doctor, at the time I also had a slight pinched nerve in my neck, so when I went back in a month with constant headaches he prescribed vicodin..When I came back in another month with blinding headaches, aching shoulders and arms, he upped me to percocet. When I came back in two more months, after having a nerve block for the pinched nerve in the neck, and I still had the blinding headache, cramps in my arms and hands, and now cramping in my legs and abdomen to the point that the only way to defacate was diareha or ribbon stools, I suggested it might be one of my medications. We got to simvastatin and his response was "Oh my God, I might have been poisoning you!". I immediately quit, my stools got better, my cramping got a little better, but since all the muscles in my body were no longer constantly tensed up, I started having to deal with the tremors and night time spasming and violent shaking.So I am now seeing a neurologist who says there has been no studies to show how long this will last, and that all we can do is manage the pain. I am on 4 percocets a day 100 mg topomax for the spasming, lidocane patches for the pain across the back of the shoulders, and a tens unit that I hav on my legs for 9 hrs a day at constant low setting. With this I am pain free about 2 1/2 hours out of every 6, got to my store for 3 hrs a day, where I long ago gave up trying to make a living, and am praying that Social Security Disability comes through. So much for all the smiling people on the commercials.

  • NancyNovember 17, 2010 at 6:21 pm

    I need to revise my previous, 11/11/10 statement. My daughter was NOT on a statin drug. Her Rhabdo was caused by Vyvance prescribed by a famous, PBS featured Brain Clinic psychiatrist who failed to ever order blood test for cpk that would have indicated oncoming Rhabdo. The manufacturer puts the warning "this may and has happened at normal low dosage" ONLY under the OVERDOSAGE section of their 22 [Show More]I need to revise my previous, 11/11/10 statement. My daughter was NOT on a statin drug. Her Rhabdo was caused by Vyvance prescribed by a famous, PBS featured Brain Clinic psychiatrist who failed to ever order blood test for cpk that would have indicated oncoming Rhabdo. The manufacturer puts the warning "this may and has happened at normal low dosage" ONLY under the OVERDOSAGE section of their 22 page Vyvanse advisory. Result? Doctors do not check that section and think they need not since their patient is taking only as prescribed, at low dosage. The Brain Clinic was told of her serious growing list of side effects and did absolutely NO TESTING despite knowing about (or should have known) that poorly placed warning about Rhado occurences even at low dosage. Rhabdo can kill. It is avoidable. Regular testing should be mandatory for all users of Vyvanse and other ADHD stimulant type drugs and especially if user developes side effects. I have reported all this to Vyvanse and FDA, but it will take more reporting and deaths for things to change.

  • nancyNovember 11, 2010 at 6:43 am

    My daughter was on Vyvanse and dexamphetimine PLUS a statin all prescribed by a dr at the (blank) Brain Clinic for ADHD. She was never told to get blood tests to monitor for renal or liver problems and never told these could happen. She was just admitted to ER with cpk of 60,000! Luckily she survived without kidney damage but her cpk s still at 6,000, more than 10 -20 X higher than normal. I read[Show More]My daughter was on Vyvanse and dexamphetimine PLUS a statin all prescribed by a dr at the (blank) Brain Clinic for ADHD. She was never told to get blood tests to monitor for renal or liver problems and never told these could happen. She was just admitted to ER with cpk of 60,000! Luckily she survived without kidney damage but her cpk s still at 6,000, more than 10 -20 X higher than normal. I read that the stain alone could be the cause but also the Vyvanse compounded the effects.

  • PatsyNovember 6, 2010 at 9:40 pm

    I have been on Crestor for about 4 years. Recently I started having problems with my legs - aching and stiffness. Then my ankle and both feet. The bottom of my feet suddenly one morning were so tender that I could hardly walk. Went to othro and he said it was because the padding on bottom of my feet was so thin. How stupid can you get? Happened overnite! Went to bed without pain and next morning s[Show More]I have been on Crestor for about 4 years. Recently I started having problems with my legs - aching and stiffness. Then my ankle and both feet. The bottom of my feet suddenly one morning were so tender that I could hardly walk. Went to othro and he said it was because the padding on bottom of my feet was so thin. How stupid can you get? Happened overnite! Went to bed without pain and next morning so tender I couldn't walk because of thin padding. Then both thumbs and wrist started swelling and painful. Was a problem even getting dressed. Mornings I could hardly get around because of the stiffness and pain in my hands, legs and feet. Started trying to put it all together and decided I must be taking a medication that was doing all of this. Narrowed it down to the Crestor. Have been off it for just 4 days now and pain in my feet is completly gone. Hands, knees, wrist are much better. I can actually get out of a chair without pain and can walk normally again. I know the doctor is not going to believe me when I tell him that it has to be the Crestor. I had quadruple bypass 9 years ago and I think it would be better to chance a heart attack than take this medication.

  • MikeSeptember 23, 2010 at 3:13 am

    RE: Injuries suffered from use of Amiodarone (Wyeth Pharmaceutical Company) I had a heart bypass surgery in April, 2008; at that time Amiodarone was prescribed by my cardiologist/internist for some arrhythmia/atrial fibrillation (upper chamber of the heart) that I experienced post-op. After my heart surgery, I had numerous hospitalizations related to pneumonias, pleural effusion (filling up wit[Show More]RE: Injuries suffered from use of Amiodarone (Wyeth Pharmaceutical Company) I had a heart bypass surgery in April, 2008; at that time Amiodarone was prescribed by my cardiologist/internist for some arrhythmia/atrial fibrillation (upper chamber of the heart) that I experienced post-op. After my heart surgery, I had numerous hospitalizations related to pneumonias, pleural effusion (filling up with fluids in lung lining) and at one point I had a pulmonary draw and over a liter of bloody fluid was removed from my lung. At this time I did not realize that Amiodarone could cause lung issues, lung toxicity one of its big side effects. No one ever mentioned that the lung trouble could have been caused by the drug. I had much shortness of breath and still experience that problem. I have a lingering dry cough. The arrhythmia kept recurring (a side effect of Amiodarone – the exact symptom it is supposed to cure it can cause). I was again hospitalized for cardioversion (electro-shock of the heart to reset heart rhythms). I had taken this drug on and off until May 17, 2010 when I called the cardiologist’s nurse and told her that I was experiencing numerous side effects which my wife and I believed to be caused by the Amiodarone. Also with our last refill of Amiodarone the pharmacy gave us a very explicit warning sheet re this med which we had never seen before in all the time we had been taking it. I told the nurse I was going off this med and also Coumadin which is taken with Amiodarone to prevent clots. I now take magnesium 2x per day with one .325 aspirin and this has taken care of the arrhythmia. The doctor was not happy about the discontinuation of the medications and said that I was on my own with that decision. The arrhythmia is managed with the supplements magnesium and aspirin and is working. I have numerous side effects including shortness of breath, tremor in one hand, muscle weakness in hands and upper thighs, trouble getting up out of a chair, trouble walking, shuffling step and I must use a cane for my balance. I experience much numbness and tingling (like pins and needles off and on) in hands and legs. I have a dark blue/gray discoloration on the back of my left hand and more spreading to my right hand; this does not go away; it is tender to the touch. I am also bruising easily. I have sensitivity to light and slightly blurred vision at times – I have not seen an eye doctor to check my eyes since this new development. While taking this med I have experienced sleep disturbances, much fatigue, more headaches, irritability, depression, confusion and very chilled (I wear a jacket in the house). Since stopping the med, the irritability, depression and confusion are not an issue at this time. I was recently operated on for colon cancer and had one foot of the colon and 12 lymph nodes removed (2 nodes were affected with cancer) – I am now having chemotherapy. My wife and I spoke with a medical research doctor in California and asked if Amiodarone could have caused my colon cancer since this drug can cause low blood count and intestinal bleeding which happened in my case. He said it can cause cancer as it does deplete the immune system (there is no family history of this disease in my family). After the cancer surgery operation, I had some atrial fibrillation and the cardiologist put me on another drug Dronedarone (Multaq) and said that it would not be as strong as Amiodarone – that it was a milder drug. We came to find out that this drug was another member of the Amiodarone family of drugs. I was on it for a couple days in the hospital and we noticed that I was again developing a skin rash, itching and also bleeding through the skin on my back. I again developed painful prickling (pins and needles, muscle pain very sensitive to the touch on my arms, hands and legs, cough, raspy voice, much shortness of breath just like what I had experienced with the Amiodarone in the past). Prior to the surgery I had been taken off the magnesium and I subsequently went into atrial fibrillation after surgery probably caused by the presence of the half life Amiodarone still in my system along with the addition of the Dronedarone, an equally toxic drug (the Rath Research Foundation wrote up this med as a very dangerous drug as well; it has caused many deaths). We called the attending nurse in and she immediately called the doctor re my severe symptoms and I was taken off the drug. The nurse Michelle said it definitely was the drug causing my symptoms and that I should never take it. This family of drugs had gravely affected me again. Also when discharged the cardiologist wanted to send me home with a Dronedarone (Multaq) prescription; I never filled it. I went back to magnesium and an aspirin; my subsequent checkup showed no atrial fibrillation/arrythmia on my EKG. We now have a cardiologist who is not averse to supplements and does not just prescribe all meds. He told me that I never should have been on Amiodarone in the first place. This all could have been avoided. I do take blood pressure medication at this time with natural supplements. When I had outpatient surgery (7-12-10) to put in the Chemo Port, the surgical nurse told us that her father had died from taking Amiodarone. The doctors would not address his condition relating to the drug (which is the underlying cause); they attributed the death to pneumonia. Also our home visiting nurse expressed concern regarding so many older patients taking this drug having so many symptoms, one had lost eyesight in one eye (this med can cause blindness), others rushed into the emergency room with shortness of breath, breathing difficulties, pneumonia which this medication does indeed cause. We are now thinking much illness can be created by dangerous meds. It is almost a question, ‘what doesn’t this drug cause’. Amiodarone as noted on the Walgreens special warning and FDA material can cause death. Learning this has caused us much emotional distress. We learned that Amiodarone has a half life which means that it continues to stay in one’s body for a long time after stopping the medication. This drug affects all of the body’s major systems – it should not be on the market. We found Amiodarone to be on an FDA watch on the internet; we do not know if it still is, but if it isn’t it should be. I continue to suffer its dire effects daily.

  • DezAugust 22, 2010 at 5:25 pm

    My husband has been on simvastatin for 21/2yrs..he is experiencing weakness in his right leg..he is now walking with a severe limp and has trouble lifting his leg. From what I have been reading it is leading me to believe it could be caused by this medication. Does anyone else believe this could be the cause? I am so afraid of him ending up in a wheelchair or worse death.

  • StephanieAugust 5, 2010 at 5:35 pm

    My husband is now home from a 2 week hospitalization. He has been taking various statin drugs for high cholesterol for several years with no adverse side effects, including Vytorin. Approximately 2 months ago he was prescribed Simvistatin 80 mg/day. After 3 weeks he began to feel a flu-like achiness and heaviness in his legs. Over the course of the next 2 days this progressed from soreness in [Show More]My husband is now home from a 2 week hospitalization. He has been taking various statin drugs for high cholesterol for several years with no adverse side effects, including Vytorin. Approximately 2 months ago he was prescribed Simvistatin 80 mg/day. After 3 weeks he began to feel a flu-like achiness and heaviness in his legs. Over the course of the next 2 days this progressed from soreness in his legs to severe pain and muscle weakness. He could barely stand up, no less walk. He was crawling upstairs to go to our bedroom. He compared it to feeling like he had just run a marathon and he knows what he's talking about because he has run a marathon in the past. After an appt with our family physician and blood work, we were told to get him to the hospital immediately. After 1 week of IV fluid flushing, he required dialysis due to renal failure. The pain was so extreme that he was given morphine and oxycodone. His urine looked like Coca Cola and he was unable to get out of bed. The diagnosis was Rhabdomyolysis, the destruction of muscle cells. He is home now after being hospitalized 3 weeks ago today. He currently is being dialyzed 3x/week, is nauseated, constipated, remains weak and cannot work. Our family physician nor his nephrologists can tell us when he will be able to return. I am currently at home with our 4 children but will be returning to work out of necessity. We are financially ruined at this point, and are now depending on family, friends, and our church to help us. IF YOU HAVE BEEN DIAGNOSED WITH HIGH CHOLESTEROL AND HAVE BEEN PRESCRIBED ANY KIND OF STATIN DRUG SUCH AS SIMVISTATIN, ZOCOR, LIPITOR, CRESTOR, VYTORIN OR IF YOU HAVE BEEN TAKING ANY OF THESE STATIN DRUGS AND ARE EXPERIENCING EVEN ONE OF THESE SYMPTOMS...STOP!!!!NOW!!!!! LIFE AS YOU KNOW IT CAN CHANGE IN ONE DAY AS IT DID FOR US. YOUR HEALTH AND THE WELL-BEING OF YOURSELF AND OTHERS MAY DEPEND ON IT!!! IT DOESN'T MATTER IF YOU JUST STARTED TAKING IT OR IF YOU'VE TAKEN IT FOR YEARS. JUST STOP NOW!!! THE PHYSICAL PAIN, LIFE THREATENING RHABDOMYOLYSIS, UNKNOWN CHRONIC PERHAPS LIFE-LONG DISABILITY ARE NOT WORTH IT!!! THESE "LEGAL DRUG DEALERS" MUST BE STOPPED AND HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR THE DAMAGE THEIR PRODUCTS HAVE DONE TO UNTOLD NUMBERS OF PEOPLE. BE PRO-ACTIVE IN EFFECTING THIS CHANGE! I always thought that people who write messages like this on websites were exaggerating, were looking for some "easy money" or a "free ride" and perhaps even a bit crazy. I will never make that judgment again without first checking out the facts. We believe that if we just handle things a day at a time, as they come, that eventually everything will go back to normal and we will recover what we had. In quiet times, or in the middle of the night when I can't sleep, I question this, and I think rightfully so. Thank you for listening and give it some thought before you dismiss what I've said.

  • Jo AnnJune 21, 2010 at 7:58 am

    In oct. of 1989 I was told I had Diabetes at age of 56 and was put on Mevacor at first.. Allergic to that one so put on Zocor .. also allergic to that Statin. Then came Lipitor and also allergic to that. Soo then on Pravachol and no instant reaction.. but, with in one week I could barely walk. I at that time walked every single day. to stay fit and feel t good. I told my husband I can b[Show More]In oct. of 1989 I was told I had Diabetes at age of 56 and was put on Mevacor at first.. Allergic to that one so put on Zocor .. also allergic to that Statin. Then came Lipitor and also allergic to that. Soo then on Pravachol and no instant reaction.. but, with in one week I could barely walk. I at that time walked every single day. to stay fit and feel t good. I told my husband I can barely walk anymore and had pain soo b ad in my thighs. Also my upper arms.. co uld not pick up a gall on of milk or full pot of coffee anymore.. PAIN in the arms too. Went to the DR and he had no no idea.. plus in the perscription it did not say one single thing about side effects.. ZERO... so my DR said it co uld not be from Pravachol. I was getting worse daily.. and fatigue and just keep taking it.. I DID what the DR said to do.. I sure wish I had not listened to him and to my friends who said quit. This was a brand new Medication in 1989 no one had heard of a STATIN.. and this DR was a PILL PUSHIER and I was the GUINEA PIG. It kept getting worse .. both the thighs and the upper arms.. soo they did a deep muscle BIOPSY on my left upper arm.. saying they were were it was POLYMYOSITIS... wrong.. flew the muscle to PORTLAND, OR and it came b ack negative. so now have a 3" scar on my arm.. Not concerned about that.. but, I still cannot lift much more than a cup of coffee. As far as walking that is sooo very difficult.. have a Handicap Card to hopefully get a space near the door of any store.. as these legs will not take me very far. My husband took me to see every Neurologist we could find in OREGON. then he said we are going to the MAYO CLINIC in Scottsdale, AZ and saw 7 Dr's and had 9 tests which most were very painful checking my nerves and muscles.. Since the WONDERFUL MERCK PHARMACEUTICAL CO. DID NOT WARN US OR PUT IN A POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECT IN THE PRESCRIPTION.. NO ONE HAD A CLUE. MAYO DR'S SAID WE DO NOT KNOW BUT, WE THINK THAT IS A STATIN AS SOOO MANY PAITENTS HAVE FLOWN IN HERE AND THEY ALL COMPLAIN OF MUSCLE WEAKNESS AND PAIN AND ALL HAVE BEEN ON ONE OF THE STATINS... . SOO WE CAME BACK TO OREGON WITH NO REAL ANSWER AND NO HELP. ABOUT SIX MONTHS LATER THEY BEGAN ON THE TV COMMERCIALS FOR THE STATINS.. SAYING AT THE BOTTOM OF THE SCREEN..''' IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PAIN OR WEAKNESS IN YOUR LEGS REPORT IT TO YOUR DR. IMMEDIATLEY AS IT COULD MEAN SOMETHING VERY SERIOUS "'' I GET SOO UPSET WHEN I SEE THAT COMMERCIAL I COULD SCREAM AND CRY.. IT HAS LITERALLY RUINED MY LIFE.. i NEED SOMEONE TO HELP ME WALK.. AND NOW I AM A WIDOW AND IT IS VERY DIFFICULT DOING THE THINGS I DID ALL MY LIFE . NOW I AM 77 AND GOT OFF THAT PRAVACHOL ABOUT 8 YEARS AGO AND IT DID NOT STOP THE PAIN OR WEAKNESS. MAY I PLEASE ADD ONE OTHER IMPORTANT THING. WHEN I WAS FIRST POUT ON A STATIN. MY CPKS.. THAT IS A BLOOD TEST AND WHEN YOU HAVE A HEART ATTACK . YOUR HEART BEING A MUSLCE ALWAYS SHOWS IT IN THE CPK TEST.. SO I WAS SENT TO ER FOR THIS TEST... NORMAL IS 52 WHICH MY HUSBAND WAS. MY TEST??? 501 OFF THE CHARTS.. SOO THEY STILL DID NOT RELATE IT TO A S TA TIN.. THEY DID NOT KNOW , NOW 21 YEARS LATER.. AFTER STARTING THAT ROTTEN STATIN.. I TELL ANYONE AND EVERYONE I KNOW AND SOME I DO NOT KNOW WHEN IN TO SEE A DR.. IF A PERSON STARTS TALKING TO ME.. I TELL THEM.. '' I AM ON A MISSION '' TO WARN EVERY ONE NOT NOT NOT TO TAKE ANY STATIN EVER.. ABOUT THE CRUELIST THING THAT ANY CO CAN DO TO PEOPLE THAT ARE INNOCENT. I ALSO THINK WE ALL SHOULD START A CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINS MERCK.. EVERY ONE TELLS ME THAT. LETS GO IT.. WE HAVE BEEN SEVERELA INJURED AND WE NEED HELP OUT HERE. WITH MY HUSBAND IN HEAVEN.. I HAVE TO HIRE EVERYTIHNG DONE.. AS I SURE CANNOT DO IT ANY MORE. MAKES ME SOOO DISGUSTED AND ALSO IRRIATED AND UPSET. YES... I HAVE '''' RHABDOMYOLSIS.. AND FOR YEARS I DID NOT KNOW THAT IT CAN BE FATAL.. SOOO I COUNT MY BLESSINGS THAT I DID NOT DIE FROM THIS DISEASE CAUSED BY MERCKS STATINS... BY FINALLY STOPPING ON MY OWN LIKE I SAID 8 YEARS AGO.. MOST LIKELY SAVED MY LIFE. THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME SHARE MY STORY AND HOPEFULLY, IT WILL HELP SOMEONE ELSE TO GET OFF OFF OF IIT TODAY.. NOW. TO SAVE YOUR LIFE . IT WILL NOT HEAL YOU AS NO NO NO CURE BUT, PERHAPS SAVE YOUR LIFE IF YOU ARE DIAGNOSED WITH ''' RHABDOMYOLSIS...:""" JO ANN

  • CynthiaJune 17, 2010 at 4:03 am

    My dr put me on simvastatin in the summer of 2009, she said it was because my cholesterol needed to be lower and the other med I was taking wasn't doing enough. I now have a constant vibration in my left foot, I have tremors when I sleep at night and my memory is not what it use to be. I will be driving somewhere and completely forget where I am going, in addition to gaining 25 lbs. I researc[Show More]My dr put me on simvastatin in the summer of 2009, she said it was because my cholesterol needed to be lower and the other med I was taking wasn't doing enough. I now have a constant vibration in my left foot, I have tremors when I sleep at night and my memory is not what it use to be. I will be driving somewhere and completely forget where I am going, in addition to gaining 25 lbs. I research simvastatin and was amazed at the number of people having the exact same problems I am. I contacted my dr's office and told her that I was stopping it immediatly, and that I would control my cholesterol with herbs, diet and exercise. I think the damn medicine will kill you before your cholesterol!

  • GiaJune 16, 2010 at 6:09 pm

    I began taking Simvastatin AKA Zocor , about Dec.2009 I began having serious pains in my legs. Uncontrollable constant cramping in my thighs. I went back to my Dr. told her what was happening. She told me it was Probably RLS. I never had anything like this before I started the Zocor. She did not tell me too stop taking the Zocor I quit on my own. I started researching the drug on my own. I am 39 y[Show More]I began taking Simvastatin AKA Zocor , about Dec.2009 I began having serious pains in my legs. Uncontrollable constant cramping in my thighs. I went back to my Dr. told her what was happening. She told me it was Probably RLS. I never had anything like this before I started the Zocor. She did not tell me too stop taking the Zocor I quit on my own. I started researching the drug on my own. I am 39 yrs old , I walk every day trying to relieve the leg pain. The ironic thing about it all, is that they will stand by and keep swearing these are safe drugs, just to keep lining their pockets .

  • michelleJune 7, 2010 at 6:04 pm

    Aug 9,2006, I was rushed to the hospital. My dignosis was rhabdomyoluisis, with kidney failure. I am in constant pain. I took a drug called Seroquel. I don't know if anyone can help me. The state doctors agreed that it was caused by serquel.

  • DaveMay 24, 2010 at 9:06 pm

    I took a variety of statins over time including Pravachol, Wytorin, Zetia alone, Lipator, and was also given Crestor (did not take) and more Pravachol (never even picked it up). I finally just stopped the Zetia, the last drug I took, and within 24 hours the pain stopped and has not recurred, however, the weakness persists. Will this ever go away or is this muscle weakness permanent. The physici[Show More]I took a variety of statins over time including Pravachol, Wytorin, Zetia alone, Lipator, and was also given Crestor (did not take) and more Pravachol (never even picked it up). I finally just stopped the Zetia, the last drug I took, and within 24 hours the pain stopped and has not recurred, however, the weakness persists. Will this ever go away or is this muscle weakness permanent. The physician kept saying they would test my liver. Aren't the byproducts of rhabdo excreted by the kidneys? Because of the total lack of understanding by the physicians in my case, I have been taking neutraceuticals, etc.

  • BruceMay 22, 2010 at 12:56 pm

    I developed "rhabdo" like symptoms after taking Lipitor for a number of years. Two weeks after stopping Lipitor my leg pain subsided, but I have continued to suffer from loss of leg strength, and overall body strength. I am convinced that Lipitor triggered a progressive muscle waisting condition, altho my Dr. says that ls not possible!! Anybody out there have the same experience ??

  • mirandaMay 19, 2010 at 4:11 pm

    I have been on zocor 80 mg for three years. I now Have severe muscle atrophy in my gastrocnemius muscle and para spinals......along with abnormal emg...denervations. I will probably die because of this drug.

  • debbieMay 1, 2010 at 12:33 am

    i have ben taking zocor for a couple of years now, have ebbn having back pain nesea and pain in my cals and numbness on my right led by my knee, and latley i find it hard to stay awake during the day, even when i has a full nights sleep

  • JoanApril 24, 2010 at 9:24 am

    I was on 80 mgs. of Zocor and was also taking Lopid (Gemfibrozil) for Tryglycerides for 8 years. I changed doctors due to distance and told him I wanted to cut Zocor to 40 mgs. No problem. Next checkup. my cholesterol was high, so doctor told me to go back on 80mgs. Four days later, my legs turned to Jello & I could not walk. Paramedics took me to ER where a smart young resident diagnose[Show More]I was on 80 mgs. of Zocor and was also taking Lopid (Gemfibrozil) for Tryglycerides for 8 years. I changed doctors due to distance and told him I wanted to cut Zocor to 40 mgs. No problem. Next checkup. my cholesterol was high, so doctor told me to go back on 80mgs. Four days later, my legs turned to Jello & I could not walk. Paramedics took me to ER where a smart young resident diagnosed me with Rhabdomyolysis. After 8 days in hospital and 8 days in Rehab, I was able to walk again. My legs are very weak and I have to use a walker. No more statins for me. My new doctor believes the problem came from the fact that I was using Name Brand Zocor at the beginning and then was changed to Generic (Simvastatin).

  • DaleMarch 31, 2010 at 1:17 am

    I am 59 and in 1997 I was put on Zocor because of high cholesterol. The doctor never told me of any side effects to be looking for. About a year of so later I notice that I was having alot of pain in my right leg, and some numbness in the bottom of my right foot. I went to a specialist and they did MRI's and electrical shock test and even a biopsy of my right calf. The test came back and they s[Show More]I am 59 and in 1997 I was put on Zocor because of high cholesterol. The doctor never told me of any side effects to be looking for. About a year of so later I notice that I was having alot of pain in my right leg, and some numbness in the bottom of my right foot. I went to a specialist and they did MRI's and electrical shock test and even a biopsy of my right calf. The test came back and they said I had Muscular Dystrophy. I was shocked because after looking into my family history as far back as I could there was not one case of anyone in my family having MD. Now I have lost the ability to raise up on my toes of either leg and the muscles have gone to nothing from my butox down. I am able to walk but have to stop and get off my legs for a short time before I can go on. It just is not right that the makers of this drug (Zocor) have made it rich and we the people are left with the non use of our legs. Something must be done and I would like to know if there is anything more I can do to make this right?

  • QueenMarch 30, 2010 at 1:43 am

    I was first prescribed Mevacor for my cholestrol but I had some form of allergic reaction from that which made me itch uncontrollably. Then my doctor put me on Zocor (80 mg) and I remained on Zocor for about 5-7 years. I first noticed that I was having swelling in my left leg after walking so much so that I started taking Advil before exercising. I complained to my doctor about the pain and swell[Show More]I was first prescribed Mevacor for my cholestrol but I had some form of allergic reaction from that which made me itch uncontrollably. Then my doctor put me on Zocor (80 mg) and I remained on Zocor for about 5-7 years. I first noticed that I was having swelling in my left leg after walking so much so that I started taking Advil before exercising. I complained to my doctor about the pain and swelling but he told me that I was not stretching enough before I was walking so I believed him. After years of being on this medication, my left leg is now damaged because of Zocor. I finally stop taking Zocor because I was becoming a cripple. I can't exercise like I desire because of the pain. My doctor's were well aware of what was happening to my leg but they refuse to do anything about it. My current doctor ordered some lab work to determine how of my muscle has broken down. He says its nothing to worry about but I can't trust that, it's my leg. How many more people have to suffer while Merek pharmaceuticals continues to get richer?

  • MiltMarch 22, 2010 at 12:59 am

    I was prescribed Zocor to control my cholesterol. In May 2001, my right leg swelled to twice the size of my left leg and was so swollen, it actually shined. I was sent to no less than five specialist. One specialist had read about statin drug problems and asked if I was taking Zocor. He told me to stop taking it. After two days, my leg was back to it's normal size. The damage had been done o[Show More]I was prescribed Zocor to control my cholesterol. In May 2001, my right leg swelled to twice the size of my left leg and was so swollen, it actually shined. I was sent to no less than five specialist. One specialist had read about statin drug problems and asked if I was taking Zocor. He told me to stop taking it. After two days, my leg was back to it's normal size. The damage had been done over the weeks that I was undergoing MRI's, Xrays, tests, after tests and evaluations. My lower back, spine, left leg are giving me constant pain. In 2004, I underwent heart bypass and it was standard practise to give Zocor coming out of surgery.....I felt that I was about to die because of the reactions I was having. They noticed their error, took me off after counter acting the toxin to my body. My life will never be the same....I use to participate in the police games, and runs....no more.

  • ZonaMarch 21, 2010 at 8:05 pm

    In 2004 I threw away all of my meds as I was noticing numbness to my feel. Soon after my muscles were hurting. I had been on Lipitor at that time, but prior to that I was on Zocor for many many years. I told my Dr. I felt Lilpitor was my problem, but after consulting two Neurologists and another primary care physician, they told me I had myopathy and neuropathy. They did not believe it was the[Show More]In 2004 I threw away all of my meds as I was noticing numbness to my feel. Soon after my muscles were hurting. I had been on Lipitor at that time, but prior to that I was on Zocor for many many years. I told my Dr. I felt Lilpitor was my problem, but after consulting two Neurologists and another primary care physician, they told me I had myopathy and neuropathy. They did not believe it was the Lipitor or the Zocor. Since 2004 I have progressively gotten worse and at a time use a cane. I'm sure I still have cholesterol and triglyceride problems but too afraid to take more meds. I am now borderline diabetic, but controlling that with diet. Can't walk like they recommend.

  • GeraldFebruary 12, 2010 at 5:24 pm

    I am 55 years of age, 5"11 and 182 lbs, non smoker, exercise 5 hours a week (Jog 3+ miles, walk 1 mile and 20 minutes of exercise prior to). I was taking Lipitor about 5 years ago for my high cholesterol which reads 200-278 at any given time. After taking Lipitor for 2-3 months I had increased liver enzyme double the norm. Additionally, I developed aches in my knees. I refused to take stattans[Show More]I am 55 years of age, 5"11 and 182 lbs, non smoker, exercise 5 hours a week (Jog 3+ miles, walk 1 mile and 20 minutes of exercise prior to). I was taking Lipitor about 5 years ago for my high cholesterol which reads 200-278 at any given time. After taking Lipitor for 2-3 months I had increased liver enzyme double the norm. Additionally, I developed aches in my knees. I refused to take stattans after that. I must say though that my Cholesterol dropped from 270+ below 150 within a month. I went in last week for a physical and all of the blood work was normal except for total 258 and bad cholesterol 179. Seven months prior it was 278 and 139 (go figure). My Good cholesterol was well above normal at 60 and Triglycerides 90. There was extensive blood work done and all else was normal. I do very well in my exercise and dieting and it still does not lower my total or bad cholesterol. I once again was told I need to get that cholesterol under control. So I tried 10mg of Simvastatin. Within 4 days I had aches in my knees and two days later called the doctor who told me to discontinue the Simvastatin and in three days he would give a prescription for Zetia. After researching Zetia I can tell you that will not happen. I will try some other over the counter because Cholest Off did not do much if anything after 4 months.

  • charlesFebruary 7, 2010 at 10:45 am

    i have never seen such thuggery of the medical profession, all for the sake of getting a pill to the market. Something is wrong with this picture. I was given thiese drugs amiodarone, simvastatin and water pill and not told of the serious side effects of them. This Aug. 2009. Now I read that there has been problems relatrd to the taking of these pils since 2002 or before. There are some monsters i[Show More]i have never seen such thuggery of the medical profession, all for the sake of getting a pill to the market. Something is wrong with this picture. I was given thiese drugs amiodarone, simvastatin and water pill and not told of the serious side effects of them. This Aug. 2009. Now I read that there has been problems relatrd to the taking of these pils since 2002 or before. There are some monsters in this profesion called medecine. "Quacks, not doctors!".

  • robinJanuary 22, 2010 at 4:51 am

    after reading all of these about your situations,i have came to relize my father is in the same boat as you all. he walks with a walker now,due to that so-called legal dose of death.i want to get him some legal help,maybe if enough of you complain something can be done for all of you.--i pray.

  • robertaJanuary 22, 2010 at 4:40 am

    comment for jay: can you walk or do you have to use a walker now? my father is in the same shape.

  • TelinaJanuary 13, 2010 at 3:55 pm

    I care for a gentleman that has experienced severe rhabdmyolysis as a result of taking Zocor. He started with severe muscle pain and weakness. Within 1 to 2 weeks he no longer had any control or use of his arms or legs and could barely move on his own. He suffered a lot of other side effects also including, constipation, erectile dysfunction, flu-like symptoms, blood in urine and stool. Among many[Show More]I care for a gentleman that has experienced severe rhabdmyolysis as a result of taking Zocor. He started with severe muscle pain and weakness. Within 1 to 2 weeks he no longer had any control or use of his arms or legs and could barely move on his own. He suffered a lot of other side effects also including, constipation, erectile dysfunction, flu-like symptoms, blood in urine and stool. Among many others. He haS been hospitalized for over 5 weeks. He is also a diabetic. He is seeking advice on how to receive information on these side effects and if and when he will ever fully recover from this.

  • DavidJanuary 8, 2010 at 9:48 pm

    I am devastated. I was prescribed Simvastatin 40mg back in Nov.2009, just 2 months ago. Now I can barely walk and getting up from a sitting position is difficult. I'm 56 and still working as a Parole Officer. Now I find out 2 weeks ago that the pain and weakness in my legs may be caused by this drug so the Dr. tells me to stop taking it and hopefully in a few weeks I will be better. Its not gett[Show More]I am devastated. I was prescribed Simvastatin 40mg back in Nov.2009, just 2 months ago. Now I can barely walk and getting up from a sitting position is difficult. I'm 56 and still working as a Parole Officer. Now I find out 2 weeks ago that the pain and weakness in my legs may be caused by this drug so the Dr. tells me to stop taking it and hopefully in a few weeks I will be better. Its not getting better and I don't know what to do. My boss is concerned that I am not up to my job. So am I now. I can't believe this is happening to me. I'm not ready to retire yet and I want to be normal again. I'm really scared for the 1st time in my life and I deal with the serious bad guys all day long in my job and carry a gun. Now what?

  • ChantelleDecember 9, 2009 at 2:31 am

    Jim I was reading your story that is very sad..I,myself was on Crestor 5 mg for about 4 months and acquired severe muscle damage to the point that I look abut 10 years oder than really am.. Cant these statins companies be successfully sued ? Why cant you sue them? I would like to hear from you.. I live in Canada..Why do you think these statin companies are still pushing thier killer drugs [Show More]Jim I was reading your story that is very sad..I,myself was on Crestor 5 mg for about 4 months and acquired severe muscle damage to the point that I look abut 10 years oder than really am.. Cant these statins companies be successfully sued ? Why cant you sue them? I would like to hear from you.. I live in Canada..Why do you think these statin companies are still pushing thier killer drugs and getting away with murder? There must be something that can be done to stop them!!!!! Where do you live?

  • eleanorSeptember 12, 2009 at 3:28 am

    On August 1, 2009 my doctor switched me from Lipitor (which I had been taking for 5+ years without problems) too Simvastatin (80mg) which I understand is a generic for Zocor. Within 4 3weeks I had flu symptoms dark colored urine and felt weak and fatigued. It was on a Saturday, and I went into a Walk-In Clinic and they thought I had an infection and gave me a strong antibiotic (avelox). Within [Show More]On August 1, 2009 my doctor switched me from Lipitor (which I had been taking for 5+ years without problems) too Simvastatin (80mg) which I understand is a generic for Zocor. Within 4 3weeks I had flu symptoms dark colored urine and felt weak and fatigued. It was on a Saturday, and I went into a Walk-In Clinic and they thought I had an infection and gave me a strong antibiotic (avelox). Within a fI ew days I was almost in a wheel chair...I had no energy, and my muscles felt like jello. I was given blood tests, and they said I had Rhabdomyolysis and was admitted to the hospital where I am now. The Simvastatin totally messed up my liver and muscles to the point that I could not walk. I'll be in the hospital for a week, and then will have to have physical therapy to regain my strength. These Statins are very dangerous, and I warn anyone to stay away from them. I am a musician and will never be able to play my instrument again. 812My life will never be the same.

  • lonnieAugust 18, 2009 at 7:07 pm

    Back in Feb. 2009 I was placed on simvastatin and noticed that I had dark urine after taking this medication for about 1-2 weeks. After consulting my primary dr. i was ordered to come in for lab results. The labs showed that my TSH was highly elevated and my muscles were being damage and therefore the dark coloration in the urine was actually my muscle tissue being excreated out through my urine. [Show More]Back in Feb. 2009 I was placed on simvastatin and noticed that I had dark urine after taking this medication for about 1-2 weeks. After consulting my primary dr. i was ordered to come in for lab results. The labs showed that my TSH was highly elevated and my muscles were being damage and therefore the dark coloration in the urine was actually my muscle tissue being excreated out through my urine. I was diagnosed with Myesitis a form of muscle damage which if left untreated could cause death. I was treated in a hospital setting for a week with IV's. Unfortunately, I still experience the pains associated with the Myesitis especially where I had the muscle damage.

  • JImJune 9, 2009 at 12:10 am

    After taking simvastin for a couple of weeks, I had intense and crippling muscle pain in my legs. I was hospitalized for 4 days, the doctor's could not explain what had happened to me, but was told to never take a statin drug again. Since then my leg muscles have never been normal, and I have developed skeletal necrosis in my hips and again there is no explanation why and no cause can be found. [Show More]After taking simvastin for a couple of weeks, I had intense and crippling muscle pain in my legs. I was hospitalized for 4 days, the doctor's could not explain what had happened to me, but was told to never take a statin drug again. Since then my leg muscles have never been normal, and I have developed skeletal necrosis in my hips and again there is no explanation why and no cause can be found. Is there any help out there for people who are hurt by this drug and have life altering consequences after taking this "medicine"!!!

  • MichelleMay 1, 2009 at 8:27 pm

    Wow...I've been taking Hydroxycut Hardcore for about 5 months now and its worked great for me. I'll stop taking it though now...:-(

  • pattiApril 30, 2009 at 6:03 am

    I took Zocor for 4 months. I had muscle pain in my legs that my doctor said was from regular workouts at the gym. Lab work done 2 weeks prior to feeling ill were normal. I had severe rhabdomyolysis with a CPK count of ONE MILLION. I was hospitalized two months and was on dialysis daily for weeks then 3 times per week for months. I had a stroke, I hadspeach therapy, occupational therapy and ph[Show More]I took Zocor for 4 months. I had muscle pain in my legs that my doctor said was from regular workouts at the gym. Lab work done 2 weeks prior to feeling ill were normal. I had severe rhabdomyolysis with a CPK count of ONE MILLION. I was hospitalized two months and was on dialysis daily for weeks then 3 times per week for months. I had a stroke, I hadspeach therapy, occupational therapy and physical therapy, but I lived which is a miracle. My attorneys spent o$100,000 and then told me they could not continue with my case and I got nothing and neither did they, I have between 30-60% kidney function depending on my health and huge medical bills even after insurance and the medicare. Regardless of age medicare kicks in after 3 months of ESRD. (end stage renal failure.

  • SueMarch 5, 2009 at 5:13 am

    My husband was put on Simcor for his cholestrol. He took an asprin 1/2 hour before (as told by his dr to do). Within one hour he was bright red and itching uncontrolably. I administered 2 benadryls and he laid back down. Not being able to take the itching he got out of bed and felt real lighheaded. After sitting for a minute he got up again and passed out and started seizing. I called 911 and his [Show More]My husband was put on Simcor for his cholestrol. He took an asprin 1/2 hour before (as told by his dr to do). Within one hour he was bright red and itching uncontrolably. I administered 2 benadryls and he laid back down. Not being able to take the itching he got out of bed and felt real lighheaded. After sitting for a minute he got up again and passed out and started seizing. I called 911 and his brother to help. He awoke and he had cut his nose and was still shaking. His brother got him to the stairs to make it more accessible for the ambulance. He sat at the top of the stairs and was going to ease his way down when he passed out and seized again. Being guided down the stairs the EMT administered oxogen and took vitals. His BP was real low and they kept him on Oxogen and transported to the hospital. He stayed the night shaking the whole night. It has been a week tomorrow and he still is not feeling good from this. He hurt his back and face from the fall and hurts all over. WHy is this drug still on the market? What would of happened if I wasn't home when he took it? It was the most scared I have ever been in my life, I really thought he was dying.

  • LindaJanuary 28, 2009 at 2:55 am

    I took Cordarone for almost a year with doses as high as 700mg along with Zocor 20mg. I had multiple side effects including nausea, vomiting every day, vision and cornea changes, arrythemia that worsened, thyroid changes, malaise, fatique, constipation, extremely dry mouth,involuntary muscle movements, acute renal failure with possibility of dialysis in the near future.

  • DennisDecember 21, 2008 at 8:34 pm

    I was switched to simvastatin from Lipitor in January to save $10 dallars a month in copay.. I was on a small dose and in July I was put on a larger dose to reduce my higher colestrol. The results were substantial and distructive. I ended up with high colestrol, ramdomylosis, severe rejection with one of my main arteries in my heart going through rejection and now have a 40 to 50% blockage.. I'[Show More]I was switched to simvastatin from Lipitor in January to save $10 dallars a month in copay.. I was on a small dose and in July I was put on a larger dose to reduce my higher colestrol. The results were substantial and distructive. I ended up with high colestrol, ramdomylosis, severe rejection with one of my main arteries in my heart going through rejection and now have a 40 to 50% blockage.. I've been in the hospital for three days and it will take me 6 months of drugs and an operation to mitagate some the symtoms that I've incountered

  • JayNovember 10, 2008 at 4:20 am

    I took simvastatin and ended up with high TSH levels, and Ramdomylosis and high cholestrol levels(around 430 from25). Now I am undregoing the pain of getting treated for Ramdomylosis.

  • Rhabdomyolysis Warning Issued by FDA : AboutLawsuits.comAugust 11, 2008 at 4:28 pm

    [...] PagesRhabdomyolysis Lawsuits Vytorin Cancer Risk Dismissed by Drug MakersVytorin Problems Mount as Drug Found to Not Improve [...]

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