Side Effects of Metformin May Cause Problems With Thinking: Study

The findings of a new study raises potential concerns about the side effects of meformin, suggesting that the popular diabetes drug may impair brain functions and cause users to experience problems thinking. 

Metformin is a widely used medication for treatment of type 2 diabetes, which is also known under the brand names Glumetza, Riomet, Fortamet and Glucophage. It is also part of several popular combination therapies, including the blockbuster medication Janumet, which combines metformin with the top selling diabetes drug Januvia.

In a report published by the journal Diabetes Care, researchers compiled data from several different studies, including the Primary Research in Memory (PRIME) study; Australian Imaging, Biomarkers and Lifestyle (AIBL) study and data from the Barwon region of southeastern Australia.

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Childhood Diabetes Lawsuits Against Junk Food Industry

Lawyers are now pursuing financial compensation for families of children diagnosed with Type II diabetes, fatty liver disease and other chronic illnesses caused by addictive and harmful substances in ultra-processed foods.

Researchers found that participants with diabetes performed worse on cognitive performance than those who did not have diabetes, with individuals taking a metformin drug performing significantly worse.

More than 1,300 patients were evaluated who had Alzheimer’s disease, mildly impaired brain function and no cognitive impairments; along with a subset group which also had type 2 diabetes or impaired glucose intolerance. Patients who suffered a stroke or had neurodegenerative diseases other than Alzheimer’s were not included in the study.

Patients with type 2 diabetes performed poorly on cognitive impairment tests and those who took metformin performed even worse.

Researchers found metformin was associated with a vitamin B12 deficiency, which in turn resulted in impaired cognitive performance. Patients with vitamin B12 levels less than 250 pmol/L had the worst cognitive performance.

Conversely, patients with type 2 diabetes taking metformin, but who also took calcium or vitamin B12 supplements had better cognitive outcomes.

Eileen Moore, PhD, and her team of researchers from the University of Melbourne in Australia used a mini-mental state exam (MMSE) to determine cognitive performance in patients. The average patients age was 73 years old, with approximately 60% being female.

Metformin has been hailed by some as a wonder drug in treating type 2 diabetes, however not with its own set of risks. Prior studies have suggested the drug could increase the risk of heart disease and cancer. It has also been associated with vitamin B12 deficiency.

Researchers say the data warrants further trials to investigate the association between diabetes, cognitive decline and metformin. They also would like to assess the effects of vitamin B12 and calcium on cognition in the older population who have diabetes and are taking drugs like Glucophage or Glumetza.


  • YolandaDecember 5, 2021 at 1:55 am

    My mother, who was 74, recently passed away in October 20121. She had type 2 diabetes for about 30 years. She has been taking Metformin and in the last 3 to 5 years has had a radical decline in her memory to where she would forget to go to the restroom and to even forget to eat. She lived with me and my family so I got to see the decline first hand. She had no one in her family that had dementia/ [Show More]My mother, who was 74, recently passed away in October 20121. She had type 2 diabetes for about 30 years. She has been taking Metformin and in the last 3 to 5 years has had a radical decline in her memory to where she would forget to go to the restroom and to even forget to eat. She lived with me and my family so I got to see the decline first hand. She had no one in her family that had dementia/ Alzheimer’s so it was a shock for her to be diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimer’s. I recently found out that a close family member has been diagnosed with early Alzheimer’s. He also has been on metformin for several years and I am wondering if the metformin and dementia/ Alzheimer’s are linked.

  • DorisDecember 8, 2020 at 11:48 am

    I been taking metformin for years and have stomach pain diarrhea headaches nausea protein in to my primary about it .she say no concern.keep taking it.all will go away but it never do.i ask for switch to er extended relief but games and still prescribe same meds. Same problem and its affecting my vision kidney and im always forgetting and being confused.Dr. say im fine but i kno[Show More]I been taking metformin for years and have stomach pain diarrhea headaches nausea protein in to my primary about it .she say no concern.keep taking it.all will go away but it never do.i ask for switch to er extended relief but games and still prescribe same meds. Same problem and its affecting my vision kidney and im always forgetting and being confused.Dr. say im fine but i know better.

  • MiguelNovember 1, 2020 at 7:47 pm

    I have been on Metformin for a long time now, I started having legs, knees pain and I had emotional feelings like panicking with no reason. I mentioned to several Doctors and everyone keep saying it's not from metformin. Now that I see that I'm not the only one it makes sense now

  • MarthaOctober 31, 2020 at 8:12 pm

    Took metformin for many years. Upset stomach, bone aches, etc. complained to doctor. Nothing. I have been taking the recalled metformin, same code/batch. Have bottles. I insisted to doctor to be taken off metformin because I couldn’t leave the house.

  • kellieSeptember 6, 2020 at 5:22 pm

    i have taken metforming an i now have kidney injury that i will have for the rest of my life my metforming was recall it back in march 2020 an my dr did not take me off it, i have verifyed it by going to my pharmacy an talking to them an she sayed yes it was but my dr did do anythjing i have been put in the hospital now 2 time because of it an it hav also effected my heart

  • VIELCAJune 9, 2020 at 3:49 pm

    been on Metformin for over 10 years

  • SallyMay 20, 2020 at 3:07 pm

    I was put on metformin back in 2014. I was switched to janumet the beginning of 2018. And switched back to metformin just recently. My son-in-law sent me this link. I read everything and all the comments. I have all the same symptoms that others mention. My short term memory is gone. If I need to learn something new at work I have to right it down and fallow it as I'm doing whatever it is I need t[Show More]I was put on metformin back in 2014. I was switched to janumet the beginning of 2018. And switched back to metformin just recently. My son-in-law sent me this link. I read everything and all the comments. I have all the same symptoms that others mention. My short term memory is gone. If I need to learn something new at work I have to right it down and fallow it as I'm doing whatever it is I need to do. I have a lot of pain in my feet legs back arms and neck. I have headaches almost every day. And if I didn't have spell check on my phone there would b a lot of miss spelled words in this comment. I thought I had the onset of early dementia before I read this. Now my mind has been changed considering everything that I have read on other people's comments and how similar everything that is wrong with me is as everybody else is experiencing.

  • PatriciaMarch 29, 2020 at 8:34 pm

    In 2009 I was prescribed metformin for diabetes. At the time I had a glucose readings of over 900. The doctors in the emergency room could not understand how I was able to walk into the er. Remind you, I was visiting my doctor complaining of tiredness and excessive urinating. Systems getting worse, I finally went to the er, where I was giving insulin, dose after dose while being monitored. After b[Show More]In 2009 I was prescribed metformin for diabetes. At the time I had a glucose readings of over 900. The doctors in the emergency room could not understand how I was able to walk into the er. Remind you, I was visiting my doctor complaining of tiredness and excessive urinating. Systems getting worse, I finally went to the er, where I was giving insulin, dose after dose while being monitored. After being released and told to visit my pcp, I was put on metformin by my doctor. In 2011at some point I was experiencing stomach cramps. Over a short period of time that one day they became unbearable. My husband found me crying and tossing on our bed. He took me to the er. Things went down hill fast from there. After passing out in the waiting room and doctors being unable to determine the cause of my illness. I under went exploratory surgery with no answer to my problem, ther didn’t expect me to live through the night. A last minute decision for dialysis saved my life. Eventually coming off life support all my life numbers returned to those of a living human being. My illness was then diagnosed as Metformin induced keto Acidosis. Now, years later I’m suffering with memory loss, neuropathy and other problems.

  • KerryMarch 11, 2020 at 11:30 pm

    I would suggest doing a lot of research. I can assure any and all the side affects ARE REAL.

  • DawnFebruary 27, 2020 at 2:13 am

    My dr said eat a tom of sugar and come in in the morning my glucose was "GOOD ENOUGHT" And put me on metformin. I never had elevated sugar levels never. So got a mew dr. Never had type 2. Found out she was a weightloss dr.

  • DonnaFebruary 22, 2020 at 3:43 pm

    Cost me my job, that I loved, and quality of life, possible financial ruin

  • DeonchaFebruary 5, 2020 at 6:28 pm

    Loss weight , confusion,and loss of interest of life

  • DianaFebruary 4, 2020 at 5:00 am

    I haven't really found others who share the issues I've had since taking Metformin. It gave me awfully debilitating diarrhea, the likes of which I'd never experienced previously. I stopped taking it after a few months, but the side effect remained. I've since had to quit coffee and adjust my diet significantly, and I still suffer from painful diarrhea after eating most foods. I doubt there's a way[Show More]I haven't really found others who share the issues I've had since taking Metformin. It gave me awfully debilitating diarrhea, the likes of which I'd never experienced previously. I stopped taking it after a few months, but the side effect remained. I've since had to quit coffee and adjust my diet significantly, and I still suffer from painful diarrhea after eating most foods. I doubt there's a way to prove it, but it really feels like Metformin permanently damaged my gut and gave me irritable bowel syndrome.

  • danielOctober 3, 2019 at 4:32 pm

    metformin also caused me total confusion

  • PaulaAugust 31, 2019 at 10:16 pm

    My male roommate went to his PCP but saw a A.R.N.P. and she said he tested positive for diabetes II and gave him a prescription for Metformin 500 m.g. When he got home he showed me his new prescription for Metformin , I told him I have previously seen lawsuits against that drug and it isn't worth while , that he should demand another prescription for type II . His blood sugar really wasn't that hi[Show More]My male roommate went to his PCP but saw a A.R.N.P. and she said he tested positive for diabetes II and gave him a prescription for Metformin 500 m.g. When he got home he showed me his new prescription for Metformin , I told him I have previously seen lawsuits against that drug and it isn't worth while , that he should demand another prescription for type II . His blood sugar really wasn't that high , therefore I feel he should demand/ask for a different drug ex: Glipizide

  • LarryAugust 17, 2019 at 10:43 pm

    I knew something was causing my memory loss and ability to think

  • MarkittaAugust 13, 2019 at 3:18 am


  • CharlesAugust 8, 2019 at 6:46 pm

    While on Metformin my kidney shut down

  • JudithNovember 23, 2018 at 3:39 am

    About a year ago it was determined that I had Type 2 diabetes and was prescribed Metformin. Six months ago I complained to him that I thought I had a yeast infection and couldn't clear it up. He referred me to Michael Cady, OB/Gyn. After a physical exam he told me I have Lichen/Schleroses and am already showing signs of its "flesh eating" characteristics. It is painful and odiferous. I'll have i[Show More]About a year ago it was determined that I had Type 2 diabetes and was prescribed Metformin. Six months ago I complained to him that I thought I had a yeast infection and couldn't clear it up. He referred me to Michael Cady, OB/Gyn. After a physical exam he told me I have Lichen/Schleroses and am already showing signs of its "flesh eating" characteristics. It is painful and odiferous. I'll have it the rest of my life. There is no cure. Constant leg and foot spasms at night are unbearable at times. The confusion and lapses of memory I've been chalking up to old age. I have quit taking the Metformin

  • DeloresOctober 1, 2018 at 1:21 am

    I have had several MRI’S done on the brain, my doctor tell me that my brain function is fine but my family has noticed a big change in my memory. I have trouble seeing (blurred vision) daily especially three to four hours after I have waken up in the morning. I have poor coordination has lost my balance so many times. I have severe headaches being nauseated. My joints hurt with foot and leg pain,[Show More]I have had several MRI’S done on the brain, my doctor tell me that my brain function is fine but my family has noticed a big change in my memory. I have trouble seeing (blurred vision) daily especially three to four hours after I have waken up in the morning. I have poor coordination has lost my balance so many times. I have severe headaches being nauseated. My joints hurt with foot and leg pain, aching swollen feet daily more so late in the evening. I’m too tied to walk as much as I use to, my legs feel week. I have to pace myself because if not my heart began to rapidly race very fast. I have been feeling dizzy, brain fog, too tried to get out of bed. I have been getting stomach pains, stomach bloating associated with plenty gas until I am so embarrass cause I never know when I am about to pass gas. I have gained so much weight. I am only urinating once daily.

  • jSeptember 21, 2018 at 3:51 am

    where is the sign up for a class action on Metformin? It's criminal what it's doing to lives and docs do not track the decline!

  • WILMAJuly 30, 2018 at 5:09 am


  • TeresaJune 16, 2018 at 10:12 am

    My husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2001. The doctor put him on Metformin. He took this medicine for 17 years. In 2016 he was diagnosed with Demtia and the doctor took him off Metformin. After reading an Internet article stating that people taking this drug over 10 years, 50% of them had problems with cognitive thinking. My husband now don't comprehend names of things, can't follow in[Show More]My husband was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2001. The doctor put him on Metformin. He took this medicine for 17 years. In 2016 he was diagnosed with Demtia and the doctor took him off Metformin. After reading an Internet article stating that people taking this drug over 10 years, 50% of them had problems with cognitive thinking. My husband now don't comprehend names of things, can't follow instructions, has had a personality change for the past 8 years. He no longer is able to work, drive, or handle finances. He no longer mows the lawn. He continues to degress as time quickly passes. We couldn't understand why he got this disease when there was no family history of it. This is a shame what this medicine has done to my husband.

  • RogerMay 11, 2018 at 5:58 pm

    I was put on metformin 6-7 years ago by the VA doctors. My memory started to go and It got so I was unable to think things through. I vertily gave my business away, and have not received payment for over a year. It got so bad, my equilibrium was almost gone. It was very difficult to walk. The VA doctors kept sending me to physical therapy. I decided to see a doctor at the free clinic as phys[Show More]I was put on metformin 6-7 years ago by the VA doctors. My memory started to go and It got so I was unable to think things through. I vertily gave my business away, and have not received payment for over a year. It got so bad, my equilibrium was almost gone. It was very difficult to walk. The VA doctors kept sending me to physical therapy. I decided to see a doctor at the free clinic as physical therapy was doing nothing for me. He told me to stop taking metformin, and the next day I could walk. Still have brain fog problems, but slowly getting better. VA did a MRI on my brain and 3 large white blotches were there. They keep saying it is nothing, but I do not believe them anymore.

  • RichardoApril 10, 2018 at 3:15 am

    I have experienced many hardships and believe it is a result of Metformin

  • TiffanieMarch 9, 2018 at 4:29 pm

    In 2004- 2007 I was put on to the drug Metformin. I had all of the signs and symptoms of Lactose Acidosis , inability to taste , memory deficits , brittle bones, headaches , diarreah , weight loss , pain throughout my body , blurred vision , poor coordination , and low self-esteem. It took several years to get back to some normalcy, and even now I struggle and mask issues of pain and memory defic[Show More]In 2004- 2007 I was put on to the drug Metformin. I had all of the signs and symptoms of Lactose Acidosis , inability to taste , memory deficits , brittle bones, headaches , diarreah , weight loss , pain throughout my body , blurred vision , poor coordination , and low self-esteem. It took several years to get back to some normalcy, and even now I struggle and mask issues of pain and memory deficits. I still have stomach pains and muscle weakness. I have cellulite really bad and it had caused me to have low self esteem. I don't wear shorts or dresses. Because of the embarrassment from people starring and comments. I still till this day fight with memory loss and I'm only 42 years old. It's embarrassing when your kids ask something our mother older than you can remember something you can't. I've had MRI'S done I've had scans on my brain and the doctors would tell me my brain function is fine and my own family noticed the change.

  • DianaFebruary 20, 2018 at 3:06 pm

    My father was on Metformin for years. He started feeling the "fog" others noted, but chalked it up to old age, along with the frequent urination. He developed trouble walking, taking tiny, shuffling steps, almost as if he had Parkinson's. It got so bad, along with the dizziness he developed, he started to fall. He ended up in the ER where they did a battery of tests, and found he had acidosis. MR[Show More]My father was on Metformin for years. He started feeling the "fog" others noted, but chalked it up to old age, along with the frequent urination. He developed trouble walking, taking tiny, shuffling steps, almost as if he had Parkinson's. It got so bad, along with the dizziness he developed, he started to fall. He ended up in the ER where they did a battery of tests, and found he had acidosis. MRI showed brain changes consistent with fluid build up in the ventricles. Altogether they point to the Metformin. I came up with the same conclusion googling his symptoms and test results. They took him off the medication and now he has a shunt in his brain to drain the fluid. If you are on this or ANY other medication, please look at the side-effects closely. Even if it is a 1% chance, someone was in the 1%. Question your doctors. Do your research. Monitor your body and cognitive changes. Keep your family members informed. You are not bothering them. If you are the one on the medication, and your family member observes a change, see your doctor and challenge them. My father seemed to be at one doctor or another monthly. Nobody looked for the differential diagnosis, with his odd gait a tell-tale sign. I'd always ask how did the doctor visit go - no new news. Had they caught it sooner, the outcome may have been better. My father has been robbed of quality years, and now has other issues to deal with because of this medication.

  • CassandraFebruary 17, 2018 at 6:25 pm

    Metformin and taking the medicine.

  • elaineDecember 23, 2017 at 4:09 am

    Memory lost kidney failure bell palsey headaches shaky problems walking took metformin 1000 mg 4 8 years was place on invokana then janumet/metformin

  • ShirleyShelleyDecember 21, 2017 at 6:47 pm

    I was told by a doctor that if it were up to her everybody would be on Metformin who was Diabetic. I also was told that I should only take Metformin only one year, then take some other medication for Diabetes. Thankfully, today my numbers are down, but now I am having complications from yet taking the Metformin.

  • CharlesDecember 21, 2017 at 1:59 pm

    In 2013 I had a serious allergy to the drug Metformin. I had all of the signs and symptoms of Lactose Acidosis , inability to taste , memory deficits , brittle bones, headaches , diarreah , weight loss , pain throughout my body , hives, unsteady gait , blurred vision , poor coordination , and low self-esteem. It took several years to get back to some normalcy, and even now I struggle and mask issu[Show More]In 2013 I had a serious allergy to the drug Metformin. I had all of the signs and symptoms of Lactose Acidosis , inability to taste , memory deficits , brittle bones, headaches , diarreah , weight loss , pain throughout my body , hives, unsteady gait , blurred vision , poor coordination , and low self-esteem. It took several years to get back to some normalcy, and even now I struggle and mask issues of pain and memory deficits. I still have stomach pains and muscle weakness. I talked to Legal Representatives in Texas and their seemed to be no recourse. I am stuck with a Hugh medical bill and continue to struggle with paying bills. I am a Disabled Veteran , and fortunately I have been able to ge

  • CarolynDecember 4, 2017 at 5:16 pm

    My name is Carolyn my Husband Ron was on metformin and glimepiride for a year I noticed his memory was not right he would repeat his self over and over and ask the same things. When I told the doctor he asked him a few questions and he answered him and the doctor said he was alright. Well to go further Jan 8th of this year my husband ended up going to the hospital in respitory failure and in a di[Show More]My name is Carolyn my Husband Ron was on metformin and glimepiride for a year I noticed his memory was not right he would repeat his self over and over and ask the same things. When I told the doctor he asked him a few questions and he answered him and the doctor said he was alright. Well to go further Jan 8th of this year my husband ended up going to the hospital in respitory failure and in a diabetic comma for 12 days. They said he had a stroke too. On May 8th he passed away in the nursing home. I have tried to get help somewhere for his death cause I don't think he had to die he was only 68 years old which he turned on March 7 while he was in the Nursing Home

  • BonitaNovember 4, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    I have been on metformin for 3 years and most of the comments are the stuff I suffer from.I never thought that metformin could be the problem.My blood pressure has been going through the roof.Memory loss extreme foot and leg pain Stomach pains.I can't believe not one Doctor said it was related to metformin. I will talk with my Dr. about other alternative ways to regulated my blood sugar .I hardly [Show More]I have been on metformin for 3 years and most of the comments are the stuff I suffer from.I never thought that metformin could be the problem.My blood pressure has been going through the roof.Memory loss extreme foot and leg pain Stomach pains.I can't believe not one Doctor said it was related to metformin. I will talk with my Dr. about other alternative ways to regulated my blood sugar .I hardly eat as it is now.Always tired and sick.I used to have so much energy before taking this drug and I can't control my Blood pressure.They need to stop this medicine

  • DebraOctober 15, 2017 at 3:19 pm

    Since I have been taking metformin I do not remember things like it use to. I have a problem even speaking like I lose my train of thought. I also have problems with stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, off balance and shaking. I have never had this before I started taking metformin. My hair is thinning, my skin looks thin and crepe. Not to mention the weight gain. I am 63 years old been on metformin[Show More]Since I have been taking metformin I do not remember things like it use to. I have a problem even speaking like I lose my train of thought. I also have problems with stomach pain, diarrhea, vomiting, off balance and shaking. I have never had this before I started taking metformin. My hair is thinning, my skin looks thin and crepe. Not to mention the weight gain. I am 63 years old been on metformin for a year and I feel and walk like I'm 90. Is there any other medication on the market for type 2 diabetes that can be taken that the side effects wont kill you!

  • COctober 13, 2017 at 9:25 am

    This drug caused my significant other to almost DIE, lowered his sugar to less than >40, also severe cognitive impairment that cleared when drug was stopped. Where is the class action on this nightmare drug?!

  • NedraSeptember 7, 2017 at 7:18 pm

    A family member has had kidney problems, loss of memory, pain in her stomach. The doctor took the family member off of Metformin.

  • LisaAugust 22, 2017 at 9:30 pm

    I was on Metformin for 9 years. I had trouble with bowels all that time. I had a lot of other symptoms including staff infection in bladder. Changed doctors and was taken off Metformin. Now all that has gone away. Urine cleared up. Stomach even calmed down. I can't believe they haven't done a lawsuit on it yet.

  • JamieAugust 9, 2017 at 9:10 pm

    Yes I have been a type 2 diabetic for 6 mos now . And so I have been takeing metformin for 6 mos now . And they give me 120 every month . The dr has me on 2 for the morning and 2 for night . And I am loosing weight . I lost 10 pds . I was 154.2 now I'm

  • LindaJuly 19, 2017 at 11:58 pm

    Me and my mother has been taking prescriptions for diabetes. They are bad for our health

  • MichaelJuly 7, 2017 at 12:07 pm

    I have been on this terrible drug I can't remember how long. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes with 103 fever shaking violently. I'm constantly vomiting. Sometimes three hour after I take it. So I can't go out to dinner. My joints hurt like there is no tomorrow. I have lost my balance and get hurt. My brain is not right. I did hurt it in an accident but the headaches were never like t[Show More]I have been on this terrible drug I can't remember how long. I wake up in the middle of the night sometimes with 103 fever shaking violently. I'm constantly vomiting. Sometimes three hour after I take it. So I can't go out to dinner. My joints hurt like there is no tomorrow. I have lost my balance and get hurt. My brain is not right. I did hurt it in an accident but the headaches were never like this. When I go to my next appointment I have a long list all caused by metaformi. Memory is shot have to write everything down. I'm not old. This should not be.Mike.

  • kendallJuly 2, 2017 at 2:50 pm

    Ive been on so many i cant remember, but the one ive had the most started as Metformin/Glyburide, Ive had diarrea so long i cant remember a good stool, My memory is Terrible, i used to Multi Task and Run 3 Garages and 2 Car lots after i got out of the Air Force, Now im lucky to chew bubble gum and Walk at the same time, I can not concentrate, im forgetting how to Spell properly, i can loose my pho[Show More]Ive been on so many i cant remember, but the one ive had the most started as Metformin/Glyburide, Ive had diarrea so long i cant remember a good stool, My memory is Terrible, i used to Multi Task and Run 3 Garages and 2 Car lots after i got out of the Air Force, Now im lucky to chew bubble gum and Walk at the same time, I can not concentrate, im forgetting how to Spell properly, i can loose my phone and it be in my hand, im only 53 , i gained alot of weight, i went from 158 to over 200, then leveled at about 193 , Finally i got a new doctor about 3 years ago, He said, I cant believe your still on Metformin/Glyburide, im changing it to Metformin and Tradjenta, and you will loose weight, I did, im now down to 167 , But memory is still terrible, constant Upset stomach , ive been on PREVACID for my stomach as long as ive been on Metformin, i remember Juandment, and a few others they tried me on, But mostly for about 18 Years has been always Metformin and they would add others, they even tried a Shot, That didnt go over to well,, Im a Mess, I just survived a Massive Heart attack Dec 3rd and now have Heart Disease,,What is going on, I eat Healthy, i dont eat Red Meat and was a Vegan for awhile until i thought it made my sugar out of control,, I cant seem to get it right,, Please help, I was Fit, i went thru ROTC MARINES Boot Camp and passed, the Enlisted into the AIR FORCE and passed all Physical, Now since taking the Meds Im falling apart,,My advice,,Dont Start taking Medication,, Find and Alternate if you can,, i think for me its To late

  • SGT MAJOR EARLYJune 29, 2017 at 5:18 pm


  • DebraJune 21, 2017 at 1:34 pm

    About two years ago I was put on Metformin. I immediately began having LUQ pain in my stomach. They told me I would get use to it. I didn't, I got so weak I could not stand, and so confused I could not put a thought together without great effort. I would tell them to take me off it, they would and then I would have to go back on it when another medication would not work. My liver enzyme level[Show More]About two years ago I was put on Metformin. I immediately began having LUQ pain in my stomach. They told me I would get use to it. I didn't, I got so weak I could not stand, and so confused I could not put a thought together without great effort. I would tell them to take me off it, they would and then I would have to go back on it when another medication would not work. My liver enzyme level became slightly elevated, so did my Lipase... I had a full two week work up at the Cleveland Clinic. I had developed a "fatty liver." The endocrinologist at the Cleveland Clinic assured me that if I would go on the extended release formula, two previous hospitals had diagnosed it was the metformin making me sick. But she said that I needed the Metformin, because it reduced the fat in the liver. In three days I was in the hospital with acute pancreatitis... My advice is never take Metformin, it is not worth the risks.

  • DebraJune 21, 2017 at 10:59 am

    I think if I had taken Metformin even one more day, I would have died. The problem was, I could not think clear enough to realize that...

  • GaryJune 16, 2017 at 12:15 am

    I've been on Metformin since Feb. 29th, 2016 and since I've been taking the meds with my depression meds, I'm totally screwed up in the head now only added on to my brain damage from 3 years old attacked by a Doberman Pinscher. I've been getting headaches and nausea daily as I also forget things said to me 3 minutes ago. I'm totally screwed up and I have lost my balance and almost fell a few times[Show More]I've been on Metformin since Feb. 29th, 2016 and since I've been taking the meds with my depression meds, I'm totally screwed up in the head now only added on to my brain damage from 3 years old attacked by a Doberman Pinscher. I've been getting headaches and nausea daily as I also forget things said to me 3 minutes ago. I'm totally screwed up and I have lost my balance and almost fell a few times. What can I do and is there anyway for me to prove it's from these medications....I want to be myself and I can't on my meds. I've even told my Psychiatrist twice already and he's I assume and hopefully has ""NOTED"" the issue ""CONCERN"". I'm only getting worse and I really need help. if anyone can answer my questions for me. THANKS

  • DonnaJune 14, 2017 at 12:31 am

    Ive been on metformin for a few years started as 1 a day than 2 just to sta lize my sugar tban a oncologist up it to 4 a day to help me lose weght ..ive been back to my family doctor coz ive been having these spells of confision, whete i kinda just pass out, they dod a cat scan and it was normal, but im still having these bad spells..its i stopped tbe pills for a couple days and the sp[Show More]Ive been on metformin for a few years started as 1 a day than 2 just to sta lize my sugar tban a oncologist up it to 4 a day to help me lose weght ..ive been back to my family doctor coz ive been having these spells of confision, whete i kinda just pass out, they dod a cat scan and it was normal, but im still having these bad spells..its i stopped tbe pills for a couple days and the spells are easing up..than i rin across this...should i bed worried

  • GizzyJune 7, 2017 at 5:43 pm

    Was on 1000mg metformin twice a day for 8 years. Started having kidney problems and diarrhea and forgetting things. Dr decreased me to 500mg twice a day. Still get diarrhea and my mind is always a bit in a fog, but my kidney problems have decreased. I'm going to ask Dr for another alternative for the metformin after reading all these comments

  • MaryMay 11, 2017 at 5:50 am

    I have been on metformin for about 14/15 years. I have gained weight, also have had diarrhea to the point I didn't want to go anywhere because I was afraid of having a accident, foggy mind and now it seems I may have kidney failure . The doctor is still running test. I will not go on dialysis. My husband was on dialysis for 10 years, I know what it does to you. I watched him go 245 lbs down to 135[Show More]I have been on metformin for about 14/15 years. I have gained weight, also have had diarrhea to the point I didn't want to go anywhere because I was afraid of having a accident, foggy mind and now it seems I may have kidney failure . The doctor is still running test. I will not go on dialysis. My husband was on dialysis for 10 years, I know what it does to you. I watched him go 245 lbs down to 135. The last 3 years he was bed fast.

  • vermonaApril 17, 2017 at 1:02 am

    Took metformin since 2014 memory loss sleep problems severe fatigue. stomach problems.

  • OllerMarch 23, 2017 at 2:56 pm

    I started taking metformin in 2008-2009, I gained 30 pound , I complain constantly about sore aching bones, I was always dizzy and had high pulse rate, weak muscle I could never get my Blood pressure under control, started seeing a cardiologist . LEVEL UNDER CONTROL.

  • JohnMarch 14, 2017 at 7:40 pm

    I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the year 2000, when I had a heart attack. The doctor placed 2 stents in me and prescribed metformin 500 mg 2 times a day. It was later increased to 3 times a day. For the next 15 years I suffered with stomach pain and diarreah I had to be very careful when I went anywhere. I had a lots of occasions that I would have accidents because of runny bowels .Thank [Show More]I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in the year 2000, when I had a heart attack. The doctor placed 2 stents in me and prescribed metformin 500 mg 2 times a day. It was later increased to 3 times a day. For the next 15 years I suffered with stomach pain and diarreah I had to be very careful when I went anywhere. I had a lots of occasions that I would have accidents because of runny bowels .Thank God I finally got off of metformin and Glucophage. I am on Glipizide now and other medications. The bathroom problem is better. I have had a 3 way bypass, and my kidneys are at stage 4. The doctors are saying I will probably have to go on dialysis in the near future. I believe that these problems are caused by diabetes meds. My memory is real bad now.

  • TheresaFebruary 21, 2017 at 3:39 pm

    I have been taking metformin for a few years and also have had stomach cramps, forgetful, brain fog, didn't realize it c I uld be this.

  • BrandyFebruary 21, 2017 at 4:30 am

    I've been on metformin for 3 years now And I always have problems remembering things now and always have severe stomach cramps. Before I could remember anything.

  • georgeJanuary 18, 2017 at 7:17 pm

    what other drugs can you take beside metformin for diabetes.

  • georgeJanuary 18, 2017 at 6:53 am

    i have diabetes about ten yr my doctor put me on metformin 500mg now i have ckd stage 2 kidney disease my gfr is 65 i think the metformin did this to me , my kidney cant get no better anybody knout a good lawer.

  • PatriciaJanuary 11, 2017 at 2:57 pm

    I was on metformin for about 5 months then i was taking off of it because it was making me have diarrhea. everything i ate was running straight through me! I even went into a diabetic coma because of this medicane. I even was on januvia and byetta. Now im on Lantus and im fine. I dont not recommend anybody to try those drugs!

  • JulieOctober 24, 2016 at 2:55 am

    I have been on metformin not long my levels were 7 and the doctor put me on 1000 mg a day. I told her i think that is a strong dose cause now i am only urinating once daily im having stomach pain and my back and legs hurt bad but im told to give it time i know its the metformin i also get dizzy and confused

  • DawnSeptember 28, 2016 at 4:47 am

    My mom was on metformin and januvia and had strokes. I thought it was from the januvia. Maybe the metformin

  • BillSeptember 21, 2016 at 4:12 pm

    I was on Metformin for 9 years off and on because of these stomach cramps but I was able to adjust my eating between diarrhea and being waken up in the night with intense stomach cramps. When ask the doctor he said that these are some of the side effects. I finally got to the point of extreme night stomach cramps followed by blood in stool. I have so far refused metformin and placed on Ivokans [Show More]I was on Metformin for 9 years off and on because of these stomach cramps but I was able to adjust my eating between diarrhea and being waken up in the night with intense stomach cramps. When ask the doctor he said that these are some of the side effects. I finally got to the point of extreme night stomach cramps followed by blood in stool. I have so far refused metformin and placed on Ivokans and Glipizide and am slowly recovering. I have had a stomach cat scan and everything was normal but I still am having intense left side stomach, chest pains. I am seeing my regular doctor and the gastronomical specialist. The bleeding in my stool has ceased but the stomach and chest pain, pressure is still there but nothing like when I was taking Metformin. Has this stuff burnt a hole in my stomach? I have an appointment with the specialist at 3 today but have been apprehensive on doing all of the test because of cost. I warn everyone to beware of METFORMIN.

  • HeidiSeptember 14, 2016 at 5:27 pm

    I have been on metformin for about a year now & I too have been in a fog, stomach pains, gas, gaining weight. After reading all of these comments I think I'm going to stop using metformin. Just wondering if there are any good medicines to use for type 2 diabetes. How do I trust my doctor if they prescribed a medicine they know is not good for you.

  • HeidiSeptember 14, 2016 at 5:26 pm

    I have been on metformin for about a year now & I too have been in a fog, stomach pains, gas, gaining weight. After reading all of these comments I think I'm going to stop using metformin. Just wondering if there are any good medicines to use for type 2 diabetes. How do I trust my doctor if they prescribed a medicine they know is not good for you.

  • KarenAugust 22, 2016 at 2:27 am

    I'm reading all these comments, because wanted to see if it was just me, but I've been taking metfomin since last year, now about a year and I knew that I wasn't crazy. I began to feel dizzy all the time, brain fog, sometimes too tried to even get out of ed, too tied to comb my hair, stomach cramps. I've very active, but all of a sudden a few months ago, I'm too tied to walk as much as I use to, m[Show More]I'm reading all these comments, because wanted to see if it was just me, but I've been taking metfomin since last year, now about a year and I knew that I wasn't crazy. I began to feel dizzy all the time, brain fog, sometimes too tried to even get out of ed, too tied to comb my hair, stomach cramps. I've very active, but all of a sudden a few months ago, I'm too tied to walk as much as I use to, my legs feel week, as though they were gong to give out. So may times walking, I had to sit down for a while before I could carry on. My heart rate began to run rapidly and I would check it along with my BP, and the BP would be on, a lil elevated, but my pulse would be extremely high, even when I haven;t done anything. It has to be the Metformin and I've stated ti to my PCP, and had to began seeing a heart specialist. I'm now on medication to slow down my heart rate and was told to stay off the metformin to see if I began to feel better.

  • DeborahJuly 9, 2016 at 10:26 pm

    I have been on metformin for about 6 years. 3 weeks ago I was put in the hospital with acute kidney injury, my kidneys functioning only at 13%. I now have permanent kidney damage due to taking metformin & Lisinopril. I was immediately taken off the meds and my blood sugars are the best they've been since I was diagnosed. I test 3 times a day and know when my sugars are low and can have a sna[Show More]I have been on metformin for about 6 years. 3 weeks ago I was put in the hospital with acute kidney injury, my kidneys functioning only at 13%. I now have permanent kidney damage due to taking metformin & Lisinopril. I was immediately taken off the meds and my blood sugars are the best they've been since I was diagnosed. I test 3 times a day and know when my sugars are low and can have a snack to regulate them. But, I now have permanently damaged kidneys.

  • LucyJune 30, 2016 at 8:35 pm

    I've been on metformin 1000mg twice a day, Yes I forget things I can't even remember my dr. name some time. I don't know how long I've been on it. I know it too long now. Now my kidneys are hurting . I have M.S. too. But My MS is doing good since 1987 .

  • SherylJune 8, 2016 at 3:09 pm

    My endocrinologist is an absolute idiot. When I told him the side effects I was having from taking metformin, he had the nerve to tell me it was all "psychological"! Where do all these idiotic doctors come from? ? Do they even know the side effects of medication they prescribe? After I refused to take it, he then prescribed the Lantis pen. HORRIBLE! After the 3rd day, my head went absolutely bi[Show More]My endocrinologist is an absolute idiot. When I told him the side effects I was having from taking metformin, he had the nerve to tell me it was all "psychological"! Where do all these idiotic doctors come from? ? Do they even know the side effects of medication they prescribe? After I refused to take it, he then prescribed the Lantis pen. HORRIBLE! After the 3rd day, my head went absolutely bizerk! I had SEVERE PANIC ATTACKS and was so agitated that I thought I was losing my mind and wanted to jump out of my skin. After telling him what I'd read about both medications, and refusing to take either one, he dropped me as a patient. I truly believe it was because he was after I would sue him. I just got diagnosed with aortic valve regurgitation, which I believe has been caused from the metformin. I also have kidney and liver damage, and Metabolic syndrome, which he knew, but prescribed large doses anyway. Doctors just don't care about people, just kickbacks from drug companies. Do your own research and stand your ground!

  • josephFebruary 1, 2016 at 10:56 pm

    I was prescribed metformin for diabetes over a year ago, it lowered my blood sugar to normal levels. But I was experiencing severe stomach cramps. I noticed blood in my stool & called my faimily doctor. I had Abdomen CT, Colonoscopy,Endoscopy,blood work done. While waiting for results I began to hemorrhage thru bowels. Was rushed to hospital where I spent 12 days being treated for ulcerative colit[Show More]I was prescribed metformin for diabetes over a year ago, it lowered my blood sugar to normal levels. But I was experiencing severe stomach cramps. I noticed blood in my stool & called my faimily doctor. I had Abdomen CT, Colonoscopy,Endoscopy,blood work done. While waiting for results I began to hemorrhage thru bowels. Was rushed to hospital where I spent 12 days being treated for ulcerative colitis & bacteria infection in my blood.

  • MaryNovember 13, 2015 at 7:52 pm

    I have been on Metformin for 6 years and I have never had any problems. I feel great!

  • JUDITHNovember 3, 2015 at 8:20 pm


  • leeroymcbrayerOctober 30, 2015 at 11:39 am

    im talking for my mom she dont know anything about computers i just feel that if it possable for her to get some servince pay for what the metforman has done to her before god takes her home ,

  • MatthewOctober 26, 2015 at 2:58 pm

    Was diagnosed with severe pancreatitis last year. Cant work because I have no control as to when it will act up and how long the attack will last.

  • RoseOctober 2, 2015 at 2:46 pm

    I was diagnoised with type 2 diabetes. I was put on metphomin, glucophage, I was having hard time remembering things and my stomach would hurt a lot. Finally, my doctor changed my meds. I didn't know it was the medicines. I am doing better but still have problems sometimes remembering and my stomach still bothers me, even after being off metformin for awhile. Plus my A1C was off the chain while t[Show More]I was diagnoised with type 2 diabetes. I was put on metphomin, glucophage, I was having hard time remembering things and my stomach would hurt a lot. Finally, my doctor changed my meds. I didn't know it was the medicines. I am doing better but still have problems sometimes remembering and my stomach still bothers me, even after being off metformin for awhile. Plus my A1C was off the chain while taking this medicine. My A1C is now lower and better.

  • ShirleySeptember 27, 2015 at 8:13 pm

    Since I have been taking metformin I do not remember things like it use to. I also have had problems with stomach pain a lots.

  • LucilleSeptember 19, 2015 at 11:02 pm

    I'm just turned 60 and I've been taking Metformin for about a year now. I've noticed that I can't remember what I was about to do? I live with my Son and I want to tell him, but I don't want to worry him with this. I never use to be like this until I started taking this medicine. Then to top it off I forget what I was going to say? I can't be losing my mind that fast.! I'm not going out like t[Show More]I'm just turned 60 and I've been taking Metformin for about a year now. I've noticed that I can't remember what I was about to do? I live with my Son and I want to tell him, but I don't want to worry him with this. I never use to be like this until I started taking this medicine. Then to top it off I forget what I was going to say? I can't be losing my mind that fast.! I'm not going out like that!

  • KatieAugust 14, 2015 at 6:32 pm

    My elderly sister was give Metformin and Crestor from two different Doctor and I ask her why she on? she couldn't tell. me ,since I've coming to see her she seen m to be disoriented and stomach too the point we had to take her to the doctor. I live out of town and she has older and married. What can I do?

  • RobertAugust 14, 2015 at 1:36 am

    off of Metformin feels better have some kidney problems still doing more testing.

  • ShavonJune 18, 2015 at 6:38 pm

    I too, have bad stomach pains and disoriented to the point that I do not feel safe to drive, at times.

  • JAMESMay 28, 2015 at 7:29 pm


  • TerryOctober 16, 2014 at 8:59 am

    my husband was put on metformin now he has had a stroke and has trouble remembering things. he started forgetting things then two months later had a stroke

  • ZinaJuly 16, 2014 at 2:41 pm

    I had a stroke last year and was put on Metformin, and in January/February was diagnosed a diabetic. I saw an advertisement about metformin causing diabetes and when I inquired was told the benefits outweigh the risk, not true because now I am a diabetic.

  • carolApril 8, 2014 at 11:21 pm

    I have never been so sick, as when I took Metformin and had total "brain fog". My doctor kept insisting that the drug was not the cause of my feeling so crappy, but since I have been off the drug for a year now, I have noticed a distinct improvement.

  • ShirleyFebruary 21, 2014 at 11:41 pm

    My mother's been a metformin for at least 5years now that she not taking the drug anymore she says she can think clearer and doesn't seem to be in a "fog" she has also starting to develop some kidney problems

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