Vision Problems From Ozempic, Other GLP-1 Drugs May Result From Rapid Correction of Hyperglycemia: Study
Researchers say it may be impossible to establish a causal link between Mounjaro, Ozempic and vision loss problems.
Researchers say it may be impossible to establish a causal link between Mounjaro, Ozempic and vision loss problems.
MiniMed insulin pumps have a history of problems that have led to numerous recalls over the last decade, following reports of over or under delivery of insulin.
Report decribes a patient who suffered diabetic ketoacidosis that was likely caused by side effects of Tepezza, leading researchers to warn that the thyroid eye disease drug could pose serious risks for diabetes patients
Hyperglycemia caused by the side effects of Tepezza may persist after use of the medication has stopped, researchers warn
The insulin pumps have been subject to several recalls in recent years.