RoundUp Lawsuits

Exposure to the herbicide glyphosate, the main ingredient in Roundup and similar weedkillers, may be linked to an increased risk of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma or other cancers. 

STATUS OF ROUNDUP LAWSUITS: Product liability lawyers are reviewing potential class action lawsuits and individual Roundup cancer lawsuits for users diagnosed with non-Hodgkins Lyphoma or other cancers following heavy exposure to Roundup.

2024 Roundup Lawsuit Update: Despite having paid billions to reach Roundup settlement agreements, Bayer and Monsanto still face thousands of Roundup lawsuits. In February 2024, a U.S. Court of Appeals ruled that the manufacturers must continue to face Roundup lawsuits, despite Bayer and Monsanto claiming federal insecticide laws made them exempt from failure to warn claims.

2022 Roundup Lawsuit Update: Plaintiffs are now pushing for the pretrial proceedings in the consolidated multidistrict litigation for Roundup to wrap up as waves of unsettled cases are being sent back to their originating court districts. Two additional Roundup exposure trials are scheduled for November 2022. In addition, the EPA withdrew a controversial glyphosate review which determined the active ingredient of Roundup did not cause cancer, when it realized it would fail to meet an October 2022 court deadline to revise the review. The EPA now indicates it will do another review of glyphosate in 2026. Until then, the weed killer appears likely to remain approved for use on U.S. crops.



Were you or a loved one exposed to RoundUp?

Exposure to RoundUp has been linked to an increased risk of developing Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma and other cancers. RoundUp cancer lawsuits are being actively investigated.

See If You Qualify For Compensation


OVERVIEW: The herbicide glyphosate has been in use since the 1970s, when Monsanto first introduced it as Roundup. Since then it has become the most widely used herbicide in the world.

Monsanto has engineered crops that are glyphosate resistant, which encourages farmers to heavily spray with the herbicide to get rid of competing weeds. However, the weeds adapt to glyphosate exposure over time, requiring farmers, agricultural workers, turf managers, landscapers and migrant field workers to spray more and more heavily, thus increasing their exposure over time.

Monsanto’s patent protection for Roundup expired in 2000, giving rise to a number of glyphosate-using competitors.

ROUNDUP CANCER PROBLEMS: For years, researchers have linked herbicides to an increased risk of cancer, specifically Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma (NHL). However, recent studies have specifically looked at the side effects of Roundup, linking glyphosate exposure to ailments suffered by many agricultural workers.

Some researchers have found signs of non-Hodgkins Lymphoma with Roundup exposure, DNA and chromosomal damage, as well as an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease. Recent studies have found Roundup residue in U.S. honey, breakfast cereals and popular snacks.

In March 2015, the International Agency For Research on Cancer (IARC), a division of the World Health Organization, published a determination in medical journal The Lancet Oncology, declaring that glyphosate was a probably carcinogen.

The IARC looked at both previous studies as well as animal testing on mice and concluded the evidence appeared to link Roundup exposure to:

  • Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma
  • Renal Cell Carcinoma
  • Pancreatic Islet Cell Tumors
  • Skin Tumors
  • DNA Damage
  • Chromosomal Damage

The group, focused on cancer, did not look at Parkinson’s disease risks.

Monsanto has denied the IARC’s findings and regulators in the U.S. and Europe have said they do not believe Roundup is a likely human carcinogen. However, in a four-day hearing in December 2016, an advisory committee to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency questioned the agency’s methodologies in determining Roundup was safe.

In July 2017, following a number of legal battles, California added glyphosate to its list of cancer-causing chemicals, requiring Roundup and other glyphosate-based products to carry label warnings in that state. The EPA later blocked that action, saying Roundup was not allowed to add the label warnings.

If the IARC’s findings are confirmed, it could mean that millions of agricultural workers worldwide have been exposed and faced increased cancer risks from Roundup. There is no telling how many incidents of cancer could be traced back to Roundup exposure, as tests have found it in the air after spraying, but also in food and water.

In December 2017, the EPA rejected findings suggesting Roundup was linked to increased cancer risks, however the decision came amid mounting evidence that Monsanto had undue influence on some of the agency’s decisions.

The IARC has defended its findings, saying it used proven science to reach it’s conclusions.

In addition, a study published in March 2018 in Environmental Health warned that glyphosate exposure during pregnancy could increase the risk of premature birth. Preliminary reports from an ongoing study, released in May 2018, warned that Roundup formulations may be more toxic than glyphosate alone.

The first Roundup cancer trial was held in California, resulting in a $289 million verdict in August 2018. While the reward was later reduced to $78 million, the verdict holding Monsanto responsible for a case of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, including punitive damages, was affirmed.

The first federal Roundup bellwether trial, and second trial overall, also resulted in a plaintiff victory, with the court ordering Monsanto and it’s parent company, Bayer, to pay the plaintiff $80 million.

The third trial, which took place in California state court, resulted in a $2 billion verdict in May 2019, which was later reduced to $87 million.

Bayer has agreed to pay at least $12 billion to settle most Roundup cancer claims. However, the original settlement deal was rejected by a federal judge, and Bayer indicated it planned to add several billion more to the deal. The company has also announced plans to remove glyphosate from all Roundup sold on the U.S. residential retail market. However, the company halted settlement talks in December 2021 to await two decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court on whether to review the constitutionality of the lawsuits. In June 2022, the high court rejected both of Bayer’s petitions to review the cases.

FAILURE TO WARN ROUNDUP CLASS ACTION LAWSUITS: As a result of Monsanto’s failure to thoroughly research glyphosate or adequately warn users, the agricultural community, or the medical community, financial compensation may be available through a Roundup lawsuit.

If warnings and information about the risk of cancer from Roundup exposure were provided, many users would have chosen to use another herbicide, and some Roundup cancer diagnosis cases may have been avoided.


  • ChristopherDecember 14, 2022 at 1:54 pm

    Sprayed roundup at a little league baseball field from the age of 11 to now ..walked around with a broken back for almost 8 months..2016 age 39 diagnosed with MGUS and after chemo and radiation immediately diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma…found next lesion on my hip…stem cell transplant was next ..was told by doc I drew a bad hand but I never believed that …healthy all my life and then have my L3 v[Show More]Sprayed roundup at a little league baseball field from the age of 11 to now ..walked around with a broken back for almost 8 months..2016 age 39 diagnosed with MGUS and after chemo and radiation immediately diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma…found next lesion on my hip…stem cell transplant was next ..was told by doc I drew a bad hand but I never believed that …healthy all my life and then have my L3 vertebrae eatin away by a tumor..had spinal fusion done ..Revlimid for 2 yrs for maintenance but have been off all meds for 3 yrs .been in remission since 2017 …it’s the silent killer!

  • LawrenceAugust 1, 2022 at 8:50 am

    I'm waiting on a lawyer and been waiting for months and years thought I had a lawyer they said it was going through other ppl and they never got back to me so I hope there not jerking me around

  • LindaJune 13, 2022 at 3:11 pm

    I used round-up for about 8 years. I developed a squamous cell carcinoma tumor under my tongue a few years in. Had a radical neck dissection and part of tongue removed. I suspected the round up from the beginning and since I have had no recurrence for years, I am now convinced that was isolated incidence caused by round up that splashed up in my face hitting my lower lip. I see the list has exp[Show More]I used round-up for about 8 years. I developed a squamous cell carcinoma tumor under my tongue a few years in. Had a radical neck dissection and part of tongue removed. I suspected the round up from the beginning and since I have had no recurrence for years, I am now convinced that was isolated incidence caused by round up that splashed up in my face hitting my lower lip. I see the list has expanded as it should and I am in pursuit.

  • JamesNovember 22, 2021 at 5:32 pm

    In April of this year I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma.

  • JuanSeptember 16, 2021 at 10:57 am

    I lost my dad Juan Villanueva at age of 61 He was diagnosed with renal cell carsonoma at age of 40 some users or so, he was a farmer all his life farmed about 1000-2000 acres, used a lot of Round up all his life. Cancer spread started at the spleen and was detected all over his body through out his remaining life. I keep reading all this info about how round up was the cause of my Dads death. Can[Show More]I lost my dad Juan Villanueva at age of 61 He was diagnosed with renal cell carsonoma at age of 40 some users or so, he was a farmer all his life farmed about 1000-2000 acres, used a lot of Round up all his life. Cancer spread started at the spleen and was detected all over his body through out his remaining life. I keep reading all this info about how round up was the cause of my Dads death. Can someone reach and help us join or compensate me of my loss? Urgent We have all records to prove purchases through chemotherapy cal companies in the rio grande valley texas. Thanks God bless everyone

  • JohnJuly 11, 2021 at 6:34 pm

    Criminal enterprise Beckett Brown International (BBI) and BBI successor companies have committed countless racketeering and corporate espionage crimes on orders from Monsanto for years...

  • KellyJuly 2, 2021 at 3:45 pm

    My dad was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma and passed away from renal cell cancer

  • KellyApril 27, 2021 at 5:59 am

    My dad work at auntie house and did yard work and he had renal cir

  • DeniseJanuary 6, 2021 at 1:03 am

    Why are so many thousands of people crying because ALL is not covered in the RoundUp lawsuit when it clearly us the son died from ALL and he used RoundUp like crazy every chance he got 13 years as an adult and longer because I used it when he was a kid..when he got sick a year later I got Lymphoma cancer and we were sick together...and then he died at 37 and left 4 small kids behind..I[Show More]Why are so many thousands of people crying because ALL is not covered in the RoundUp lawsuit when it clearly us the son died from ALL and he used RoundUp like crazy every chance he got 13 years as an adult and longer because I used it when he was a kid..when he got sick a year later I got Lymphoma cancer and we were sick together...and then he died at 37 and left 4 small kids behind..I know Monsanto makes Round Up and I also know it made Agent Orange during the Vietnam War that killed and affected thousands of our troops because my 4 brothers were in that war!!!!i don't want to stop till my son's death has gotten answers that are legit

  • JohnJanuary 28, 2020 at 5:23 am

    I use to work for lowe's with the insecticides and roundup for 7 years, I also use to do lawn care using roundup,, I currently have a lot of health issues breathing issues, heart, neurological. I still have an older bottle sitting on my front porch that I used recently not knowing about this.....

  • JohnJanuary 28, 2020 at 3:40 am

    Google the now-defunct "Beckett Brown International" which some experts have stated is the biggest corporate espionage scandal in U.S. history. Monsanto has been a major client of this criminal enterprise which currently has four or more successor outfits in operation. These saboteurs and predators of the corporate underworld have committed bank break-ins, wiretapping, electronic eavesdropping, [Show More]Google the now-defunct "Beckett Brown International" which some experts have stated is the biggest corporate espionage scandal in U.S. history. Monsanto has been a major client of this criminal enterprise which currently has four or more successor outfits in operation. These saboteurs and predators of the corporate underworld have committed bank break-ins, wiretapping, electronic eavesdropping, computer hacking, blackmail, extortion and many other racketeering and corporate espionage crimes! A powerhouse Baltimore law firm has orchestrated a ginormous cover-up that makes Watergate look like a walk in the park ...

  • BrendaSeptember 13, 2019 at 5:04 pm

    I would like to know which attorney my husband, Richard Lee Murphy, used to file his Non Hodgkins Lymphoma lawsuit. We have been married 35 years and he will tell me nothing about the lawsuit. I am an interested party.

  • MelodyAugust 31, 2019 at 10:40 pm

    My neighbor applied Roundup on my private property for over 5 years. He did this for the purpose of eliminating me from my property. He needed my property to make his redevelopment legal to be recorded on the County plat map. There are no studies comparing the exposure I was subjected to. Here is what it caused to my health. I have not been diagnosed with cancer. This has been diagnosed as chronic[Show More]My neighbor applied Roundup on my private property for over 5 years. He did this for the purpose of eliminating me from my property. He needed my property to make his redevelopment legal to be recorded on the County plat map. There are no studies comparing the exposure I was subjected to. Here is what it caused to my health. I have not been diagnosed with cancer. This has been diagnosed as chronic and I continue to be treated at the University of Iowa Dermatology clinic. I want compensated for my damages.

  • NinaAugust 3, 2019 at 7:13 pm

    I'm worried because a new neighbor abutting my property plans to use this to control Japanese Knotweed in her yard. She's resistant to suggestions of danger, though she's a scientist herself. I've been in touch with another neighbor who abuts her property, and the city departments, but can't get any help. Apparently a person can do what they like on their property, however dangerous, etc. Any [Show More]I'm worried because a new neighbor abutting my property plans to use this to control Japanese Knotweed in her yard. She's resistant to suggestions of danger, though she's a scientist herself. I've been in touch with another neighbor who abuts her property, and the city departments, but can't get any help. Apparently a person can do what they like on their property, however dangerous, etc. Any suggestions??

  • JoanAugust 2, 2019 at 7:39 pm

    My husband worked at Walmart for several years in the Lawn & Garden department. On a regular basis, he picked up and dropped heavy bags of pesticides or Round-up onto large pallets, to move them from one place to another, and the dust from these bags would escape and fill the air. He tended and watered the pesticide-covered plants everyday. He was not required to wear any protective gear. Not eve[Show More]My husband worked at Walmart for several years in the Lawn & Garden department. On a regular basis, he picked up and dropped heavy bags of pesticides or Round-up onto large pallets, to move them from one place to another, and the dust from these bags would escape and fill the air. He tended and watered the pesticide-covered plants everyday. He was not required to wear any protective gear. Not even gloves. He was diagnosed with a deadly form of stage IV non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, called Mantle Cell Lymphoma, in early 2015. He went through unimaginable suffering from the chemo, and never complained - not once. He operated on a higher level of consciousness and it wasn't fake, just who he was. He was wicked smart, sweet & kind, a beautiful man, a precious husband and father, whom I never do justice to by trying to describe him to anyone. He died in the fall of 2017. He would still be here, if not for complete disregard for sacred human life by Monsanto. The most basic safety measures for employees were not taken by this Walmart store where he worked. I will never stop missing him. I believe Monsanto killed my husband, and killed & sickened so many others. There will be more deaths in the future. Why is this poison still allowed in our country?

  • kelliJuly 21, 2019 at 1:50 pm

    Our story is similar to all those who used Roundup to beat back the weeds . The product works well, but if we had known the danger, I would have insisted that gloves and respiratory masks be worn when my husband used it. He was diagnosed with NHL 20 years ago, and is now facing round 2 of NHL (aggressive this time around). Had we known better, I certainly wouldn't have asked him to spray the we[Show More]Our story is similar to all those who used Roundup to beat back the weeds . The product works well, but if we had known the danger, I would have insisted that gloves and respiratory masks be worn when my husband used it. He was diagnosed with NHL 20 years ago, and is now facing round 2 of NHL (aggressive this time around). Had we known better, I certainly wouldn't have asked him to spray the weeds down for me every summer since that first diagnosis!!!!

  • GailJune 16, 2019 at 1:28 pm

    Is there a statute of limitation on this lawsuit of Roundup? I contacted a local Arizona "lawyer" and wouldn't even consider looking into this. And yes I had acute lymphocitic leukemia

  • SteveJune 16, 2019 at 8:26 am

    Page 3 of this article list Renal cell carcinoma being linked to Roundup. I lost left kidney due to Renal cell carcinoma(clear cell carcinoma) and have end stage kidney disease in right kidney. Commercially applied roundup on residential and industrial lawns for 4 years. I am on disability because of the damage.

  • HughApril 14, 2019 at 12:51 am

    apparently , if you own a large company like bayer monsanto or Dow chem or colgate , It's perfectly legal to commit mass murder and its ok to know before you do it too We have this proved in a court of law as requested by Bayer lawyers who asked for scientific proof to show down and got it . The results were negative for Bayer as it actually proved that is does cause NHL PROOF ! We also have s[Show More]apparently , if you own a large company like bayer monsanto or Dow chem or colgate , It's perfectly legal to commit mass murder and its ok to know before you do it too We have this proved in a court of law as requested by Bayer lawyers who asked for scientific proof to show down and got it . The results were negative for Bayer as it actually proved that is does cause NHL PROOF ! We also have solid proof , that employees of Monsanto faked and re wrote EPA testing that also proved it caused NHL . They did it , they knew it and they got rich doing it . What more do we need to lock these guys up for MURDER, mass murder and all premeditated before during and to this day . His Name ? Hugh Grant Its no longer about the quality of life . It's about who can make the most money in the least amount of time for the least amount of cost for the most amount of profit and to hell with humanity . They think because they are a GERMAN company , they have some sort of free pass .? Perhaps they couldn't care less about americans ? This is a national emergency . People are dying and have died . People will continue to die for years and years after RU is removed from sales AND IT WILL ALL BE REMOVED FROM SALES I don't like the idea of HUGH GRANT and the current Bayer CEO getting off with a hand slap . WE NEED STRICT and swift action that will make an example to any one from any company who considers doing the same . SInce when does Money trump life and death ? never Why are we doing nothing about this except asking in on the profits of the company in the way of punitive damages ? Why be part of the monster .? It's what they want . What they dont want and will fight to the death is the survival of their companies . We can and we should simply shut them down today and deal with the aftermath tomorrow. THAT will slow the outbreak of new nhl cases and end it over a long period of time , long after RU is gone . In 1974 the US GOV stopped buying agent orange from Monsanto for its use in the vietnam war so monsanto made a different version that does the same thing and gave it a new name . They got more gov contracts for farming use in the USA and sold it publicly in 1975 and they never skipped a beat . 2.6 billion annual net profits and 1.6 billion more since the merger with bayer and that's just monsanto . Bayer is the same monster is a sheep's hide

  • ThomasMarch 30, 2019 at 7:02 pm

    Being diagnosed with small cell lymphoma and 2014, I found that this was only the beginning of a long, painful, downhill health trajectory. Beginning with 14 radiation treatments, several courses of chemotherapy, as well as blood transfusions at Cleveland Clinic I found that I no longer had the strength to operate my appraisal business nor to manage my real estate rental business, whi[Show More]Being diagnosed with small cell lymphoma and 2014, I found that this was only the beginning of a long, painful, downhill health trajectory. Beginning with 14 radiation treatments, several courses of chemotherapy, as well as blood transfusions at Cleveland Clinic I found that I no longer had the strength to operate my appraisal business nor to manage my real estate rental business, which were my major sources of income. In addition, it seemed like I was subject to every virus available due to a weakened immune system. Particularly infuriating, is EPA's alliance with Monsanto/Bayer and their being allowed to conduct business "as usual." The entire gang ought to be criminally prosecuted.

  • CheryleFebruary 12, 2019 at 6:27 pm

    What is ironic is that the "weeds" that RoundUp is supposed to destroy [i.e., dandelion weeds] are actually used in medicinal ways, the dandelion root and its green leaves are very anti-inflammatory/cellular detoxifying

  • brandonJanuary 28, 2019 at 4:53 pm

    My family and I have a Landscape business. We have been using Roundup product for 25+ years. We don't have any signs of cancer that we know of, but we are worried about future problems popping up.

  • BradNovember 29, 2018 at 9:28 pm

    I started using Roundup in the mid 70s and was told it was so safe you could drink it. Sprayed it for a couple of years and then they came back with the fact that we were applying it at a concentration 5 times higher than required and that the weed was not dying systemically but being burned above ground thus requiring a re-spray. I have not been diagnosed with an ailment but do have an offsprin[Show More]I started using Roundup in the mid 70s and was told it was so safe you could drink it. Sprayed it for a couple of years and then they came back with the fact that we were applying it at a concentration 5 times higher than required and that the weed was not dying systemically but being burned above ground thus requiring a re-spray. I have not been diagnosed with an ailment but do have an offspring that has a DNA mutation that has caused severe problems.

  • JaimeAugust 13, 2018 at 9:39 pm

    My son was diagnosed with a bone marrow failure disease, severe aplastic amemia last yeat after inhaling and having the product on his skin

  • todSeptember 14, 2017 at 11:27 pm

    My fiance was a body builder and an avid health involved person. She used round up wearing a mask and gloves as she loved to garden. In 2007 she was diagnosed with Monoclonal Gammopathy of Unknown Significance. Within a year of that she had Multiple Myeloma cancer. She died on April 23rd 2014. She donated her body to a study of Multiple Myeloma through National Institute of Health as she wanted to[Show More]My fiance was a body builder and an avid health involved person. She used round up wearing a mask and gloves as she loved to garden. In 2007 she was diagnosed with Monoclonal Gammopathy of Unknown Significance. Within a year of that she had Multiple Myeloma cancer. She died on April 23rd 2014. She donated her body to a study of Multiple Myeloma through National Institute of Health as she wanted to help to find the cause of this horrendous cancer. It cost me and her family $7000 to have her frozen body shipped to Oregon where the study was being done. I am infuriated that ROUND UP caused me to lose my BELOVED MONIQUE JEZIERSKI. P.S. She was on dialysis for 2 years 3 times a week and was a TROOPER ALL THE WAY THROUGH THAT, she also had pneumonia twice and was in the hospital over a month during the trwo episodes.

  • DavidAugust 30, 2017 at 2:34 pm

    It is for anyone who ever used the product no matter if you bought it or not.

  • CherieJune 25, 2017 at 7:49 pm

    My mother and grandmother both used round up for their lawns and both died of NHL and HL cancer within 5 years of each other.

  • SuzanneJune 20, 2017 at 3:33 am

    In 2013 I was diagnosed with a double hit of cancer Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and b-cell wrapped around my spine. It has been hell I was at stage 4 and I've gone through the strongest chemo full body radiation two transplants. I am still so sick from the treatment and cancer and fighting Social Security because I can't work. My husband and I used to do landscaping and I moved but I still use the prod[Show More]In 2013 I was diagnosed with a double hit of cancer Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and b-cell wrapped around my spine. It has been hell I was at stage 4 and I've gone through the strongest chemo full body radiation two transplants. I am still so sick from the treatment and cancer and fighting Social Security because I can't work. My husband and I used to do landscaping and I moved but I still use the product. I could never figure out what followed me that I was using that caused this cancer. This is pretty specific and I believe it is from the Roundup

  • SandyMay 20, 2017 at 11:39 pm

    My husband was diagnosed with CLL in 1992. It transformed into Large B cell diffuse lymphoma in 1999, and he died in 2000. From 1982-1990 he used Roundup almost every weekend on our home's landscaping.

  • DorothyApril 8, 2017 at 6:29 pm

    My husband was diagnosed with NHL B cell follicular in 2005. went thru steroids, 18 radiation treatments, 8 months of chemo, 1 year of IL2 ( 2 x a week), went into remission and it returned two more times, in remission and also treated with Revlimid. It has been very difficult for him. He now receives IVIG every six weeks to help his destroyed immune system. He used roundup to kill weeds sin[Show More]My husband was diagnosed with NHL B cell follicular in 2005. went thru steroids, 18 radiation treatments, 8 months of chemo, 1 year of IL2 ( 2 x a week), went into remission and it returned two more times, in remission and also treated with Revlimid. It has been very difficult for him. He now receives IVIG every six weeks to help his destroyed immune system. He used roundup to kill weeds since 1987 around our homes, and still is using it. Along with this product he uses Scot fertilizers and Seven. Could this chemical be in these other products under a generic name?

  • LouMarch 17, 2017 at 2:27 pm

    I was diagnosed with non Hodgkin lymphoma in 2015.. I have used round up around my home and property's I own.. I was just wondering about the class action if it for recidential users?

  • BarbFebruary 12, 2017 at 12:46 am

    My husband has had numerous forms of NHL since 2009. He was a property manager/maintenance man and was required to tend the weeds and maintain the property of a large RV storage area filled with woods/weeds. He has used Round Up regularly dressed only in shorts, socks, shoes, and tshirts; no mask or ventilator and no pants (legs and arms exposed daily). He has had large diffuse B cell lymphoma, L[Show More]My husband has had numerous forms of NHL since 2009. He was a property manager/maintenance man and was required to tend the weeds and maintain the property of a large RV storage area filled with woods/weeds. He has used Round Up regularly dressed only in shorts, socks, shoes, and tshirts; no mask or ventilator and no pants (legs and arms exposed daily). He has had large diffuse B cell lymphoma, Lymphomatoid Papulosis, follicular lymphoma, and a cutaneous lymphoma. Is there any where that this fact should be reported? My husband has undergone 3 full rounds of chemo (6 months or more each round) and one round of an experimental chemo which is not yet fda approved but necessary due to enlarged masses in his neck and chest. He has had tumors all throughout his body. The prognosis has been poor since day one. He has faced a subsequent shock episode and even a stroke post treatment. Its been one heck of a ride these past 8 years. He lost his ability to work, lost all energy, often sleeps all day long, vomits daily, struggles with interstitial lung disease, etc. Is this related to such exposure?

  • CatherineJanuary 15, 2017 at 7:19 pm

    I got breast cancer in 2009. My doctors told me that it was from industrial chemicals. I believe this cancer was from roundup, my gardener used it and I gardened in my large yard for many hours a day around this time. I also have very high levels of arsenic in my blood work to this day.

  • LindaJanuary 2, 2017 at 6:07 pm

    My husband passed away August 1997. He had used Monsanto Round Up on the crabgrass. He wore big boots long pants and thought he was protected. This may be too long ago, but I want to be added to the class action lawsuit for this product. It was awful.

  • Robin WardDecember 24, 2016 at 2:56 pm

    I used Round Up on my lawn and garden for weed control. I noticed that every time I sprayed, I started wheezing, my skin got irritated and I developed a skin rash even though I was using protective gear. I stopped using it due to the harmful side effects. That product should not be on the market!!!!

  • DavidNovember 23, 2016 at 2:23 am

    I used round-up around my house for years, in 08 i was diagnosed with non- hodgkins stage 4, been going too MD Anderson for 8 years.

  • HaroldNovember 15, 2016 at 8:27 pm

    My husband has terminal melanoma that has metastasized to his brain. He worked as a grounds keeper on US basis most of his life. Back then, they were told how safe it was. In fact, there were many times he spilt it all over himself, running home to take a shower. I still remember him telling me that they said that you could spray this stuff one day and plant the next day!!

  • CynthiaOctober 12, 2016 at 12:52 am

    My husband has been diagnosed about 4 years ago with large cell B lymphoma.. Stage 4 we thought he had beat it but recently just found out it's back ! We never stopped using roundup, this was the firs

  • ChristineSeptember 22, 2016 at 4:03 pm

    If this is true, won't the lawsuits bankrupt the company and leave the real criminals off the hook? Why do we allow mass murderers immunity under the guise of corporate irresponsibility? And allow them to keep the money they made.

  • JanAugust 28, 2016 at 9:49 am

    Roundup is also available in just about every garden centre and supermarket for the general public to use in their own gardens. They are unlikely to take protective measures and their children and pets are also exposed to it, how can this be allowed?

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